, ' , ' ' I1' .-V, iAaBawawA-aiit irA in'ri - - - ' '. Price: SI 00 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Gents. VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. JANUARY 1J, ISJH;. NO. 4G X r V toil i ' ' 1 v- . ill n 3 - "S Wbea lo-. k-aocks at a w o - to'i hrart he msuajly come la Anew- Doesn't . want it k a o w a what bc' op to. If aha- kaw ail .boot the little rascal, would she let hitn in ? That a question. Women are apt to look apoa love and muntft as parr It a matter of tentimeat and af frcuo.. That Is pretty Bear I a riht ; ret there t a practical , aide to it too ; and the best way to prtserre the ideal aspect of , aaarrtaa" and materaitT ta not ; to forget the practical part af j it. A woman cannot be a thor- I cwhay happr wife and another Knabm of her trx u ii I health t and Tiarnrous condi- Hon. 'The beat friend that wo. aoaa rer had is the " FaTorita i'c&Wr. taieian of th InTalids Hotel and SoTf-tcal lasbtatr. Mnsaio, N. Y. Tbe -ricnMio," u perfect and iufaHiMe retnedy (or rrerr form of "fttaale wrkne " It corr br mcorias; health and strencth to the inter arst crflsm, jwhc- cannot be reached by local an ptkratimta thaw the care w rd Cat. vmpete and coawtrtutioaaL Dr. Pierce'a ewiinettt repatatKei as a pay aaaaa of wide W.mfnr : and hts special knowteda-T of the delicate and intricate or nokn of women, acconnts oc the nn par alleled eonadence, which woeaen puce in hia -Fawn if Presemptioa." over eTcry wtbec reaaedy. lt aae obviate the wcrv . w , AmAA "aminilHin and the .7T Dr. B V rvercr- ivar .s.r I luffrred (brteea , nan with female weakaraa. nrnwaOT. nweral debility. Iryiac crerythin, I coaW I and to hetai ne .U to ao avail. I then heardof rw Mnlv,nM ami .ItBCmHB I WM IROT- ewchly tracounevd. I thoarht 1 wonld try one. wmrm Im ixl nhrf. I took roar " Gokk Wedtcl rveovery- al-Favorite 7fT;P'r 1 at araaat o&aaot be aiven for the rapo reitet .VrVilr I. nSw free from tbe former Very nocereiy (yt7 ' l '0. - J. A. JONES. Livery I A ROoJ SQltlv of fine hore? iletX Drirtr tin I Stroug work ers and Farm Mute on hand, ad big lot more uo on the way. ajfcjIT If o wr.nr w.m.l, triicijb' animals for any puri-e what ver. e M. I'tc eo' tbrni I'd wii at it tlietii h ibrcaah oio'-vtli le poper. KGoi' leutn ul a' oj 1 an-1 li r ac. J. A. JONE-S No 70 Is eta Fro n St. Webster's Dictionary. UNABRIDGED EDITION. unur to rn rnpv ! , IlUn IU ull a lUt I 1 i Thia is not the Obsolete Edition that wm printed from the original plates ot but the next Revised edition " compiltsl H years later, j Xeither s it bnnnd in pasteboard -aod cloth to imitate leather, bnt it is genuine lentiier and snhs'.antialiv bound. Now do you want this VALUA BLE HOOK FKEK that is almost A Library within itself. If so, send m Tis Xeiv Si us. uiiitus to the WeKLT JOI'KNAI. AT $1.00 CQCh, atl1 Jou can Set H eopy a' this offite FREE. 2EPxices I To the Trade. 600 Bags all size Shot. 200 Kegs Powder, all Sizes. 100 Boxes choice Pale Cream Cbeese. 100 Boxes Cakes and Crackers. Also fall line Xuts and Candies. F. Ulrich, Waolraala Orerr J. M. MIKUGH, CtT,ww',"1oti it Xialiials alr in Fresh and Salt Water 1)S Swakmaa Strut. Cyp. rultea kUrket, TLX 721Z. CaBsdVrnmeaU Solleit1. Prompt Rftnnn. Ueferaacv J. V. TATLOK. New lk-rne- Oyster Shell Lime FERTILIZER Lime is thf Cheapest Fertilizrr Kbowb. All new and low lands require LI HE. Most old land are Benetitted Tjt LIME. LIME PrDdiices Larger Crops ... , l. .u . .ak,. ai onr-iouriQ tnr iom ui iauu Fertilizers. Oar LIME is guaranteed as Pare as Possible to Make it and fresh-Burned from Live Shells. For Sale in Balk or Sacked at Low Prices. Address GEO. X. IVES i SDN, New Berne, N. C. dld3t w 2ro SAFE FOR SALE. Am Iron Pafr.'jTJeiliiirri Size, but little i r ON i; xOOti M Vr. Will bt-soki at alow -; Sgox Of exctufiVcW t r7 r" OD- '- wjlOiJt -- COXODON fc OC Will Dt-sokl at a low FAIR PROSPECTS. All Over the State the People are Delizhted and Say They are ("mini to Come. Lttr rr tu KT. F.dwnrO Bull. a II la iaiinl Trip In the Iu.rrrsl f the Fair Tfce W o( Tb.rb Ail T.rtl.tac Tmr It F.Tf r Madr. In Mar to Mr. Charles IIi;mi:mi, Secretary am) Treasurt r of tbe Eat I'aro- j Iidj Fair. Hit. Edward Bull, who i now on an odveitivng trip fir Ihf rn:r j J : -I buve done very thorough i-rk put U() nll,re bill w.lli mv i n " iinl- ih .u - " . , j .ills re nn-e ami in.n ... . ; ran in any past vmr. , The hi bill (no: mi-t i i. i.v inf lor tie hut. i- -.ii-l i:l 1 1 lt t'T Hi. Ut.v s.. I ien.1 t. (lie ineru s v. r v . ar -fally I put ii e.u m ugtit stHtlcs at Aslie vtitc aai tba nual os iu nine Uotels j I hae Ntiel much mort- fully than usual, Wilniini;.it), Charlotte, I'onc .ul, .i,s ury. Mat. fvi'lc. Ati- H'.i-, W.:.t..u. Uauvuif. l)uri.m :! K.i 'ir.c-.-- , im,ryl Qj M, A,r u: as u.-u.il .. . routi s tH?:e. u 1 1 efre '.iwiis in iImi;! tli- arae war as in former viarj. r It I.i 1 ml' ur . V r (;.. 1,1-1,. : .. tl, -. k.. .. a fj. r ,,, Smithtv M an.i Kae t ., ., v t . y . . , . ,u ,ien ullr, (. . r . !t 1 . to .rj,n u men U, p ,le m,lu I lie 10 Wilson, Kucky Mount, etc 1 (tPf .. II.-... tu uiilit a;-d ikeii him nh .t kiu-l ot , Iocs.. n w, re represented. , . Mr. Lime w.v.iis you to sen I Mill a I. a!! I dozen prt-if :! 111 !; 'k- col hum' 'jikki Use ft them. .) IIi.dK "1 ouniio nil I .1, in I Ul- liM'MVll. tlk ' ' ' IIC 1 1 '- r tk, F.tir .n-t.n-hr: the k.u.i ofweoher .. ... t.. . . .- IW.. .a il f:..n j vrry mild iu Berne when it n very I ri.u'gli in H.leigh. Winston, itc and saja "if jou will post huu m ihmmutier jI the proper time, he w.l! puhli-h it when u aill rlo llie mnt oo.l He .s J much iDttres1. d in the sbeceis ( : i he Ka.r. I .01 Will il l what lie ifl i. I Evjiybod? is di lihud -?ls lin y wa-U 1 It-, ciime, aad re co.niDi;. I f the w eat her ' i lavor.ble we will nave a b-- cn. d. TIME OTSTIK A.1D WILD (.Iltf. Ttarr ftpleaalai 'porlTbrrc Ula Hnnl- l.( tk Lllfr-Plfr.l KllleU at nia(le Hatsbm. Cipt. C. A. MtiU if be s. aj. oil. r tit 1 tic Loyid. w a up to the c ty the first if inn WtrW with some n I the best rilant. d oysters we otr ate Th- .(. rs utre etCTptlor.allT fit. tiie sltellsas i'uli s- tiiey cnul.i apparently hold, aial tie navor was oflhe finest. TLiesliel' were also a- irvt- from ir.ud s "he- bivalves ever tret to be. riiii aasoa in to the nature of the 1 1. t totn 00 a hr h th j nfi planttd a l.ht andar .h.i' and 1 lie y jartLik of 1 s clean whtl-re-x. t'wpr. vtai-oi i'.o brouirhr up some ph nilid wild o-;.'. II- informs i; th-.t Mi..fthi-c wtreki ielat I'.no M:n.i.o at ihe mouih (t Nu-e ri.ei, I v I uU in-". I-ai.di Hmrt' tl aeo K liner Vlasoo, in one bot en. b. They crept 1 lin usjri U e 11 1 sh o-i 1 he l' cm' a. I e ill ri:elcoct nd'tu were itlt de..d in tin araer. C.i pi. M.t-o 1 v- In- Las i en I iml rc I but Ivrxv tin- se . n arxl he k b d -t-veu- j'i-iDije. He k:l ed e. f 1 em a i ooe buut mul i.idy rim. I thri-v 11 1 e. ! Cup1. Mi.-ou -p.sk el He leiiiaikab;. j ibuD-lane- of -:.sx-, p.e says 11.. are j even more nfiui.iiaut Pa.n H e t'uiks a a! 1 t here i it-ut r- rt huniirjo t hi m. I Come to ihe Eaft Carolina Fair which - mH on ,he 241 ' f Feb:Uftr-v 80,1 u,t he ent ;re w i ek, n i d see w l at nir water? . ,'iiiiiin, ot tame rd l,;n r picKiuc.s. The oyster. op ned six cjuartg to t he i bu.-btl l i e oyten frmu the natural ri'a are ociv counteii Upo-i 10 open gallon to the bus e . Thi. ih .ws what cm be done b? cultivation. OIK Fl'R ASIWAI-H AND TRADE. Tb..ua.i r rr imm.ii Killed Every Hru..-PIllf.l.rwol Other &awe Ala. Kn.'Wing ti at t ire ar- a Lreat n arj :ur auim os ki it d aroun I New B me e triiuirid of Mr. . I. 1. I)ink:n.. t he irtrcipal buier nil expxnter ofli.ilesiu BRIGHT ibis (ity. us to tbe nr. e.t oi tin- irole , I iiaul wittu-. -.nl.y. Alier siipjx-r I rmli tie ir.t -ni ? n. that be, biu.s, H", u, w ha- Bill i an e H,d ivnrteu tu know it 1 bad on hand two ii ou-..ud iiiccoon .-kins, am- i i-ried. Aberawlulel a-r:ed lo c. tin-bet-ides, i h .t be Un s Uig-lvof the skdis i lo cmre ieta liie c'ub. Shernll Be'l i am. f olt. r. mmk, npos-um. Skunk, etc. I c I the pre toil!, day he purch -s.d ti ty-mn. dollars worth irom one m..n. VI i . .Jo'u : sjb.de. Dunng tin- itnyn ids pur. has, s . ..! lura ajuourt lo stverai tboi.saad dol- a!g Lie a!s is a pretty 'ar-ed. a'er ;n cattle ! hides He bnvs t.n lo bfteeu th. us , nd ' dollars' worth every vtnr ol them. We see iu the Uoidsb-.ro ArLus thai cortsiderabie is done ;n that town ais.. in i his line. There are fou' deal.rs. Cu irrn tbrre, Mosrs. A. I. hn.an i: Su, have bought etglneen bundr-ed fur skin-, mostly cooo. miDk and mur. this reust u. paying as h'ifli for fine o'.ter skins n lerm dol ars apiece. Eastern North Carolina is a h; e ' COUDtrv not only for i u r an trials but t T i every kind of amc, and uo t-etter oppor- tuniir of lenrnin.' a'miii ibcm could, be de-urea than is annua ly arJbd. d by the tihtbition "I tl.e ur, at Fast Carolina Fish. Oyr'er. Game an. I Industrial Asso-ii.-.tioo. Cue ni xt one ot which w;'l be l e d in llil-cnr, lomlay. T ii st! iy. Wed Ilrsd . v, Ti ursi.l'.. v " ;. . i:..i Sallildav. February 34. 25." 24. 27. 2S .ml 2 . Come awl see for v ursi-if what is to l-e' found in the tonst ai d slrrams jiomul us, and then s'av on) i -d iy the sport f bunt ing tliem, if you will. Parent kf weak tleiu ate c lor'.-s chil !rtD should not i ei iy ;n g v.n- Johnsons Kniulion ( I Cod Liv.r odh Will make 'h-oi id and rov. l'.ut boitle. 1. 00. For i -tiie bv F. S D-iff '. Reminder, af ItAflleM. War tn Kins has . - a n u . Mr i .: a i of tl ; u i, i a i at h;s pi. o ut i -1 1 tin wed .-nt . : i cypres.- 1 tie pu ce i ire mm . r lour pou mis, and it mii' rear ru.nu'- i aw. The log ir-ni winch it w.i.- taken carre from ab. ut KiQston. Mr. F'lis inform us that a short, tinu baeii he had a r-ifl ol l-g trorn Bachelor 1 r, 1 k d.I tn ' in sawin- them up he p.-: ev,ri'i hundred shmg es nrle bad I. rmtrnr pirto . i-.h pit ce- o1 the -bmjies. The.- balls being of b-ad tin- saws would cut r:-li'. Ibroug.i llit-m. A number o' tinrtliero iitor vv ho were :i the city at the time look some 1 tbe shingles home with I him as sauvenir. -u in' ic- P ml all Kbi lira at is ra. 1 1 m lap - o diseases caused by impure b Oixl ar. permanent ly curel by Johnson s Ssarjp;v r-d. sod Ce.i-ry. Tile greati-t oi all bioOil -untier-i. Large bottles, aOcrs. For tale bv F. S. DutfV. A NICE V eish or 1 u -g horse lor sa'e ihenp. for line with goo I -ei uruy. w2t. C. M. bii.Pi'. Rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and all diases cause.) by impure blood aro nuicklv and uermanentlv cured bv John- SB.rfaptirji, Rnij Celery. The j greatest of all blood ptirifiers. Laige hot- tlt, 50ct, For tale by F. S. Dnty. DWIl) CKKDLK'S CON FESSION. He THls Ml About Aurora J I'SSt JanieN ( Their Om.nlinilon tlembcnlilp n.lb-Mnrlrr or J. II. Iloniirr unci lnelTe-uil AllrmpK at Robbcrj ind .VI iirler. A S'n-!:i; 'N -p. c r.i'. t the News an. I I b-rer n.ilr !nti- of .t.ur.iary l)lii the ...nfeM Ii;.l C'rel'.' "tie of the nir.r.l. :t'; - ..I .T. 11. I! :u). r of Au rora :is t.i'.'ow: Tins iMThiiii: Hit' S;.r.. i mii iriie.l .. i Minpne.1 t he .nler I i i .1 1 . K. to 1 he ills-Mine . : -ivlniil would ev'ulrllt'i' 1 :i 1 in' I! T. li.'iiiier le-t :ie i us wh:i li n.'in.fi' :.ii.l tin- i!. !! I.i it". I I! cr v. It; pal on In fli. . w 1 ! mnei Wi re tin 11 ,1 l'n:ih P.. 1'- tipn stxni : - ii 1. 1 1 1 . -ill r. u i. r 'i ll.e s:i. t.tii.. , t' tin- iinir e a.- vest. i-.l:iy lilt. I H-I.IMIV I .S I I L-M i The Uv. ot tie ii nd una P.raiuley ami Crville were lut'O'iund an . it was ir"vet' that Hie tracks nu I saues T'-ts-;n!i !. Cied.e's w. re in'sn.ati Led tin. I !r.'..i v n i.. .11 k ... . .1 -'op .ih.ii.' 1 hi ' v, . 11 1. ' 1 : u 1- .1' . -!i.ui 11 lli.it 1',: 1 1 : . v ;'.n l l r a'i Itt-ll h id r .id the .Imiio." ! 1 k Ween t 1. inn- .i.t... a 1.) 1 1 o.l'i in t e 1" k. ad I. r-- ti.e de;en ..nt.- tit.ii in 11 u lu 1. as ti.ev I on ?veral other occasions duritii; t he day. At f f e n iirt.i I.iv d ( 'red e. 1 ' e to t w . ; t oV.nck 1 1 -1 . 1 1 . e ii as Cut) it e di o n ant n tbe stii' d. Tl. niiM S ill i- ill 1 1 lessa 1. w , s j , r ( n - u an . mi. . cuiit sj ai e in 1 1 1 room. 1 iu o; k rrsTint: Ihnid Ciedle -1.0: " I am -i years v)', I Wis liyr-i :n II ule 1 ounty. Cannot read or wr.te. I.iv.d 111 liiauloii c anity tour years. n Aurorl twelve months ami have' known Braid; and Bell since 1 have ; bi en m the 10 11 1. 1 , . Bran 1 1 v and I were a r- ; re.sted Monday a t.ruoon.- i e .vere taken! to Toon psons I . m 1 : . We "a re ui.der j i.'iiird. N". t inornini: I sei.t to John M. Flowers to come to sec me. He came ai d I to'd torn who "as iu it. IP- mmle no I promise or tin. at.-. I utierwards s.,iv Mr. W B. P'xl.n iti aed Mi. Kowlir. No1 prou. :se- r tli rt ais were made to me at any time. TIIK JKSSK J IMtS I I. IT.. '"1 rifuso. ti) testily He-lore tbe iriand jury Ua' dise- my brother to d n.e l ot to tell urn In- sea me a-a:n. I don't know wd.jt ti e etleet oi my les-ifvin.' w.li h-ive upon rllHI;.. 1111 o , u m i K. I I tab Bell 'ml n e ei e n:-!it ab -ut a i lub lb it had been fo.-me I to kill uti I roll, on the order . f.Ics-e .Punt s' !).,.. k-. ouly J.e their ciowilwas a , p. e -nial'er. He said, 'We h ue some erO'l men in the clu', but we want ope more, and he nrm-d lilt Ue to io-n. 1 a -ked who were m ;t wou.d no; 'ell. He -aid pjrt'es w.ih bini bekl them- ies up and would not be sus ptctcd. 'We nreto rdi and like anv llilD we Onll ICt. IP' asked if I l ad a p.sioi. I said no. He sud- 'Wo, i tl you mind kmii e; a in ,' '' 1 s ,a I J; i,t) want to k : 1 1 ..n w h;u;. IP- - tid urn need not sin .ot anybody. We want you to lk'wieu we kll ak down." He said he would come to Flowers' that niht. t lowers s-iit no- or Iron thai nihf to do some work. This was Tbu'sdnj. a we- k In fore the minder. I w cuta'ler Brantley that ui-bt. "I had neer la-.ii to Brmt'ey" belore. I put the l oi-t i.p and we to k supper. Br. id! y -en' h w:le up stairs to Mis. (irav s room. IU .-aid the partus w nuld j ah Bell came and a-ked be t here so n. I d we had miked vi i the niatler uud il I I iiad aureed. Bell s-od, 'flu re nrc thtee m it. 1 don't think we will pet Caught, tltey won't supn t ii-." Brauilt-y asked I i tab Bell w here i he oti.er p.i rjy w as mi. I ue went ot:t and H.ouelit in Mier-ad Bell. Sheii.ll Bed ndv sed me to come iuto the club. He s i a m k1 n d, 't'n h is plucky, Brantley ' u ami I am putty '"od, and I I know you'll pistols. Von down. You o your duty. We have t i an lake as we k nm k nne when Bnintiev comes ea, li nitht ' "Brantley' wife was up t iirs. I went to belaud -ot up i any ti xt momma;. Brautby and I t:i li-l lowoik. Brantley i-a.d ihe Iteds were thought wed of. Saul h,- and I'riah IU li I ad been in ihe business jome time an i they hal not l.eeu CJiuaht. Had ope. ed s. .im store.-. C it t H'.y. s ix'iriATi "I went 1 1.' i, rora Sa'urday evening am di.il , .y .m. i i- . ,-a.,i tney nan '-een ml.. AU x. llud-.t- . s a d . A. lh-.m-, son's s-,n-. . Men n Lc.i saw Oi.... Sim . gt-t ?.i0. bnt said i hi y ..i, ry gut e2. Tli-y ! w'ei t in a side window at Hudnell s. t nan lien mm uie paper pini-e i was to lake. Ai! uf them ijnt on their knees and t la pledge was read to me. We shook iiiuids. 1 he obligations ware to secrecy and death if either diyu'ged anything tbev did. I ri-ih 111 said '1 have been cap taiu so far." and thay continued him as captain. We were all to obey the cap tain. Il was then late but we went out i to see what we could do. We went to Cherry's, he keeps open late and taktst ; Ins mom v home in a bag. We arranged I our position t Mi to be k'locki-d back door. Hu was own and robbicl. 1 he dp- back door and said, n, someone is out here.' witii a hglit mul we run. eu r. came in 'Tiie gate 1- . Cherry i .- l"n di' Be: time and me. I.ati gone tor h clr.b at the Chcirv went home. I'riah wanted lo ktio-.v why we ran. and they sud CIkiiv rp.,ke ol his rifle We th, n wenta- d Men- to try Billy Iludncll and to rob the Hudti. 11 store and make bim open his sale. Bell said Wc are too bold, we n ed m a-ks. siil. I I.e would have Ills ot black i '..th. Hud vv ite make then. I un s store was 1 I closed Sunday 1110111111-. i 1 00k a walk ovi r t i-e bin i nvi-r w b .t t hey had d re. ', 'We 111 ide a vv i-i r-h:u I ' will do Pet Ie-; v, 11 me.) Bran'lv and I ;e. e talked Brant! v said; in xt time we t get s ared,' aid tuis. went to I Un 'be 1 ;-ht b- t, re Priah Beii , 'p cmie bak. mid Prant.v ,'hiii't h -ad i. wi e. M - n ' lav 1 1 1 . r 1 1 ' I : ' vv. u.-t.t to to w .-rs. I nr. ug'.t IP n,t y 1, ... sl iv . lie -a 1 ' . "B- y s. we v : . e Be.l-'. c nu t i ere b .night . ' Flower-' nne Wid II m- et at Wc went t-- try t uet P. F. Mayo. Brantley's wife tve ,1-ma.ks of b'ack cloth. We took i-ur id ii'is. and Piiab was to irive the siir- n ,'. S, in.- one came with Mavo and we did net get linn. Bell SMid, 'We will po ... 1 1.1,-1 and .0 f t', t, r P.,lhr..ll u ,. ., n-..n .1 o.,l t in a ,.! I'r. di was to give the signals. We were ;n .1 I- nee t-.rntr and ,-aw some oue com. ing. and thought it soipe one else and a-.i ,,tt m 11, P ht.1,1 rio ,iUsto.i ,i ,1. ne im-?tru ami wc Wc were 10 go and net did n,.t get him B. H. Tbnmpsou. if lie was alone. We. went and Ins clerk was in. so we left. Sherrill vvas to stay arid g. t Will Bavnor. We made a viabr haul agnin. We .vent Li,,n-p and 10 U .I. THE Mt'IIUHIl. "Neit morninif-I went back to Flow ers. I can e back to Aurora Saturday niguian., 1,1 supper w tu Dcnuey. T n II, i.or,,f, an,i Mrs; Itronl rtnt-a 1 . 1 . . . I. :.L- T . . 1 . uc -.i-. - . j us our masks and again we went to the -tables, our meeting place. Bell said. , about the size of Uriah Bell becanned . ties, not less than one bushel, $25; 2d do registry in tbe stud books fur their respec We can get Bonner to-night." All was , Credle on the other side of the street. $13; 3d do 87.50. Best display of vige- tive bieeds. Size, style, form aud sonnd- lairargeil. Brantley, Sheriill Bell and 1 l weie to go in Iront of Bonner's house and get in tbe fence corner and Uriah Bell was to watch Bonner and L'ive the signal ., .- T-,ll I by a whistle if it was the right moD. Bell pare Brantley his pistol ss lie had loaned hia lo bis brother. Brantley had .braes L' i i' me I hi- pi-ti '!. .11 r pi .-it i' 'tis. So.i.r . in- w:is .. ' 1 1 1 : Uij. aiid I'ra'u Pol .n- tin whistle s:i.'iial. Braiitie.v si uied imit.n BoiiDt r. Mk-i nl ; tollouid and I h;-i.'. Brantley knocked him down with li s hrass kiuicks uud we ilirew him n.-i t. e fence. He struggled a little We ln-i.ke some rails. "Bonner i-nulit on his feet hat Sh rri'l ll'it over, threw liim down and salil. 'l'lease helj) uie to keep hi.:: from hol'ow in ; ' liouuer heue.l and sii.l. 'Fur Cfod's fake don'tkill me. I will ;;v.- von niiythini; I have. I put rnv haiM i.ti I is head. Brantley told me to shm.t him. I would not aiid lie took the pistol Irani ti 1 y hand and shot him in the lo:e head. I ran and .-o dal Brant'ey. W'le n we had ejoiteu a!. out t weiidy-live or Hi y VanU awav another pistol tire I. e eut tliroti'h the ti.-lil and air..-s wire ii 11 tl other lem 1 s to Bi .HilieN b.11-1. Vrmli Bell ran as soon as Bonier "as kniH ked down. IVuPt know u hera Sin r rill Bell wi nt. 'e ,'elt him at the I ody. I" 1 ih Bell 1 a ne to Brantie 's and wanted to know what we had d a:c. Bruntii) -aid, -1 shot him ' lie waul. 1 ; k,.ow if we rohled him and ue raid we left Sheirill at the b"dv arid ue supposed I e did it. He said, ''ou bo'h stay in and I .!! let ou know if .luythm urcnr-.' AFTKR TI1K M I HIH.II. Credle said: 'Those are the "hues I li'-d on. My hand was Idoody and .Mrs. llrant lev put water in a ve-.-el and I washed tliem P. tl,- -.,c llAt 1,1,,,, lv P.I-OltlrtV '1 - . ., ... . - ' , , -. iii'iN in e tan 11 1 1 si 11 1 1 1 1 on 1 in,- ,.,", nu , 1 threw it in tbe fife, lla ave the knocks and p'stol lo Mrs. Brantley. She put f.fii awav. She put tbe knncks under the wash stand. There was a hirj.t in the h. u-e when we came to Brantley. He t" d Mrs. Brantley what Le h id d. n,-. She said. "Weil, you shock inc." We theu went tj bed and next m.-rnin we went 10 s. e tbe body. 'T-ate in the afternoon I was under a shed with one Paul. Uri th Bell and some one w as on the opposite side of the si reef, lie motioned me to come aud I did, and he jfive me IJonner's storekey, aud -aid. 'Tliro.v it in fie creek.' I to. k it and went to Flowers' and hid it under tl.e fence. Brantley and Ins wife were there, Braut'ev said next morning that the Bells Inid kevs and painrs taken from i Bonner's piK'k-ts. On comin r b u k irom I I itiedeld that attemoon. before I told liim ! Bell give me one key. Brantley talked it over and lie a-k, d about hounds which had been sent !' n Brantley sai l. "It has hern raiun tr, can't steut. I r ule here and y ou by b :u.' We rie I'oin to Ai.ror ml I blo.Ml . a-nl they ( unit i. He said. 'Thi y may suspect us, but don't iiel si arid. "I i.sked U. L. Joues if the 'ti'iaul hoi) -vis had con e OU Saiai . "We went to Auroia an 1 wfi'e arre.-tn! on Monday afte rnoon. 'I he Bells u i re urristid next day.'" The Klnte fonllnnes Hn Kvidenee Provlnv Every I'olnl ol Itl.H.Htory to be True. . Tbe Siatc continued its evidence in the Bono, r murder trial Thursday n.on,:n-'. Mis. Alex Hudueil tcsldied lhat about I 8 o'clock on the niizht ol the murder sh heard a pistol tirul, and some one said 'OlC twice. In about a minute another pistol tired. It u;n toward Bon ui r'jj. C. F. Dixon said: "R T. Bonner : nd I i 'examined 1 he course o! tbe tracks irom the bony wiih a i- vv o making a map. I J. 1'. Jarvis and I i.o, i-i - co,ir-e of tin ! tracks from when- the l-odv w.-.s Mill I 10 I he ire It nee. ami Iu Br..ntlev's house. w.dkid from It took us ilien minutes." F. F. Cherry col rob 'rated Ciedle. tht defeDilaut who con le-st I. and tbe story ot : the "Jesse iPunes Club," as to what ; to'k place between bim and his clerk . n i the niabt Cred e sta e 1 they attempteoi In r..h Ion He was not siire as lo t,,e! niijht. B F. Mav o corroborate-.1 Cr e a, p- Fu k's roiui; home with him on Wenuis vlay ni-;ht when they ware to rob him. Said oil Tues lay iwyht he nut defendant Brantley on tbe tlie-1 between the post office and the Mayor's home, that lie saw two olhiT pa! ties szo oft ull'eklV. This 1 km,rk' hf went anil to. k was the Duht Creole stated be was to sjipr oiett. s. siieos, -jhik suabian. swal have met them, aud :ai el. lie also cor-, lows, ti uu.pet. rs, tunbieis. plain: tumb robo rated Creiile as to the h-c dam ..f Bon j iers, b,,o'e i; ultn-ui.l tumbli rs, i-ai t hea '. ner's stables, and Hudncirs old st.ii.ii -. j i umbb rs. tur'iju ens. luib-.'s.. Uuck sial.il that ae went hom vv: Hi ; I Mavo on that Wednesday night au ' iliev walked on the nist side of Un I -aid sire- I. as state I by Credle ami May, with B. F: Thompson to He wlin Brant lev '- bouse, searched the the place, louud tm 1 char. 1 1 1 b-av t-s of a book, and one e m p: y pistol shell. (I Ins is where Credle stale ur.,ntev threw the shell fom the pistol .-n the Dkj,t ol-tIu. murijr.) ..VC silted all : K. us,u.8 an(l0lv louud one shed." '-. Tlionipson said he 'examined the iharredi ,lQuk eilves anj ,lev wr,. f, om ,it Jesse Jjinis book. He went on the lei t ul the passage an into a room 1 s i vv a bei I in it. It IT Thot.-.ticon s.d.l- "I live .,t ItlnH-.i one and a half miles fr. in Auiora. I was ! ir. my store Wednesday ni-ht, heard a i noise behind my st' iv-." (Ci'tdlc staled be ran into a box or burel there au,l 1 msde a noise. ) W. T. Hooker and J. M. Griffin testi fied to tbe same fact. "I went to Flow ers' Monday after the muuk-r, saw Brantley and Credle. Brautley a-ked it ; any one vvas suspected. They went u- stairs aud talked about titun minutes. J beard them whispering. The night a ter i Credle was ancsted. bef u'e confession, he sti.1, '1 wonhl not have brothir know Bonner is killed for the world, or he would think I was in it." Creole said it ; was 'lie first scrape he vvas ever into, and that be was peisuaded into it. When ihe Befl's were arrested, P'riali had ab mt eight dollars. Sberrill bad about three .t.dPip nnil i-neti a small unck.-r knil'.! Wu Wl.nl to Brantlev 's to lo".k :or knm ks and louod them as Credle said, an 1 Mrs Brantlev left tbe room crving." j On cross-examination, witne. sai I the reputation ot Miernll Bell was good uo t-' this aff nr. Fnah's was not so good. That he had the reputation of attending negro ftstivals and ge'ting drunk. Soon after Wat-on was put on the stand and said- -'Dave told me 'ne he ro Priah tell Merrill ibis behind lb-.' s oi-'. B. I). 111 d Iiwrt ra e lowe loth -ta'exl ihey met Brantley on the 10 ,,i Ic.i ini- to Wvatt Best's . u Sunday r.ioruin- aboir ten o'clock. Brantley told linn i.e .'.a.- in Aurora all day. Mrs. Marv Best sai 1 tint B il b a-ded with them. Some nights he came in late. some early, and some not at all. Un Saturday night BratHlv came again. He ! I and Bell went into tbe -utinc room. I : started in aud beard Brantiy say, 'I ! thought wc woui. I give i.im a sucuaiie 't3nigbf They stopped talking when I , - i : enteral, and went in the passage and talked in a low tone. They ab It-it aud went down the r-'htl, and 1 bend pi ted shots. The Beds both went eff tb.lt night. This was the night nl the murder. I don't know what time L'nah called in. Mrs. Gray tesntied that she bad a mom North Caro.ma. diploma; best Irish pota at Brantley's, andiame from church the toes, ore bushel exhibited 81; best sweet night of the inur .-r lietwecn S aud ' potatoes, one bushel exhibited, $1; best ' o'clock, and Biauilv and Credle were . 1. lucre. Tlarf.-t I'on -liU Pil r, O C in urAM , .-o.s ..v ... '" nigf t alter the murder, aud that some one Credle went across and both went behind I a house. Credle came back, aud the man ... i.l. I .1- t-.l. ,,,..11 weni on liliougu i;ie ousnes. (C reuie said in lua conlession that I nab Bell lckoned to him aDd they went behind a house, and Bell gave him Bonner's store key.) PREMIUM l:s 1 OF THE EAST CAROLINA Fish, Ofslsr, Game & Inflostrial sociuiioD. NINTH ANNB4L FAIR TO WW A T C. NEW BERN E, N Monday, Tiu'sday, Thnrsd'.'v Friday, Wediiesd ay, Saturday. FEB. 'U, 'J.'i, ' I l.-pai tment I. 1 Note If there 'J!), lllelb. . o , II. Pelietier. I), lector, is no compelil ion t lie Indus w ii, 1 o tl.eie is ik cide i a a'd a piemiurn. un :e mi lit: and if llii-v lind nut an ii n 1 xhibil.oii not mentioned in premium list, di -er loir mention. - 1 . wi.l npoit -am" to the secretary and lie to tbe Board ol Directors. Explanation Wheie iwo liuris an u'veu jat'ti r mental) tl.e lirst i.- invar iably liie premuim for the tine-t and tbe seci nd tbe premium lot' the sl,-,,u i,e-t in fiat line. A'.st pair eacli iM.d-k l; secoii I tst $1. Hiii' :sh suipe second d 1; yrllow sliank f 2 oO. "iti cent-, urey. back, single r.i'l, double rail, wilb tt, cin'ew. In m Ii rohin. iiloer and ovster turd- 1st be.-t i2: secern! do oOc: nuriil, doves ai d meo'ow larks 1 50 and i0 cents. e-t collei ti n and display than si pair) of above variet i exhibitor 10; secoul best (Ilot by less one I i-s; collect. on of tpinil, not li s- than 12 nor more than lo. by one cxbibiior. td; Si. ci. vps 2. i e-! pair each, w leto brant and swm ! $. -2 I ne-t il; l-:Jtl-l'.ii-e. water-wit jh, j siimii.cr iuek. bilii-rn, sh, poke and wild turk--y ;l; 21 ' .-t $1: iireenwin.' te .l and i blue win-; teal $''. i 1 : bl .ck Inant. ba'd biant and red head i. 5o cent.-: sbutller duck-, niii'lnd, black t!m k and -priii-lai! jii."i0, -"iO ctli's: i i;-p i. a lily, coot, hairy h-ad, sou h utneiiy, blue pen r, shell liiak--, i orman. him- heron s.'. adds. - pi m n-bi 1 1, oee-c. cai.va- In k. bu': neck, wbliller. boobie and m d'sh hi n on cents . st collciHon (not le-s kt han 111; oi above variety by" m e exhibitor f 25; 2d tjest 5. l I VPS a ii VI ANIMALS. ? St exhibit eac'l. ol 1PV -,n I be IV l-r S 1 f; -PC. .ml do I?'.'; In ar. pai.iber and wd.l c.,i t. deer, (u t ie tl.au 2i $.. $1; fox and iihuk $4. i 1 . squirr, N. .j 1 in, 50 it-; and l!yiir' ") ( en Is, 2 a musk in', faceoi.n. oppo-i-um -qui I re I il, OH ca nb; rabb.H cents.- win-el 50 cents. i-st colli ci ion (U"t le-s than s, of above variety by one exhibitor S;i0; .-e. ai'id bist if 10. Premiums also be awarded in Class I and II in hall of tip.' a-noun's stated in ai l cla.sses for exhibits in above varieties wiun (bad, but no primming (.-ivt-n to any one exhibitor mi i-otli. Single bp-, s will receive partial piemui ns where tlieie .re m pan's - f same kind. Collection exhibits n;ii-t be so coti red, and lair to siiei ify. CLASS 4 IJIIIPS u'HIKl: THAN GAME. i'e-t live uiockino nird 5; l'e-t collec t. n iiim -nine and u ixed birds, (not le-s I th in 12v sllP i I'hAI.S a PIGKONS. Aist matclnd pairs each. African ow's. j A nt -v i rps. a rehan-els, i a i b-. bloia I untie.-, carrii rs. Chinese, driiooons. En-lisli ow , fan im is, booted ,-snun.t Ida ad, crested; Lel j un ts. ice, .iacobnis, niiiopies, tnooi'head-. nun-, pou eis. pri.sts, quikns, runte. r , , ... . 1 1 - , v j v epartiiient II bin. . . Ivas, Ihrect FISH AND OYSTKKS. rl.r l. Finh A.--L cacb. shark, (not less ;b ill si ' feci i live alligator, (not k-s than five lei i) and live piupolse fflU; Otst Head poipol-e ..i; b-. st stui-eoti (not le-s than live hitisa. last display t Tabs a; tlo escallops ?5. Ae-t collection tish ?7-i. CLASS OYSTERS. ie! oysters .'10; 2 1 do 7 Ast bit i :5i d do ia; 4: h . 0 0: best bu-bel clam- 5: 2d do $2.50 i test display oysl i rs nu t less ; varieties ol on a bu-bel each) 23 tliau six Ipartment III W. F. Crockett. Din tor. FARM AND GAPDF.N" I'KOUl ITS. V.v 1FUU Ci-j,: For largest yield cotton grown in this Slate upon 1 11; acre of land, not less than "iHO pmiuds lint to t he acre w ith staieinen' and mode of cultivation, quality and quantity of lenilizer u-ed and variety of seed plamel The land to b- 1 11 e sip id and vouched 'or by alii lav it. bde to be ixldbited $2-i; largest yield coin upon one acre, ujilanrl, not less than 50 bushel-: one bushel to be ixhibitcd wiih statement and mode ol cultivation, etc, $10; laige-t yield oils per acre; not le-s than 40 bushel-: one bushel to ne 1 xbibited 85: largist yield rye per acre, not h Ss than ;$() bushels; one bushel to be exhibited So; largest v eld lice on any land; not le-s than od bushels; one busp I to be exhibited $a; la r g e-1 yield swaet potatoes per acn-, not less than 250 liu-llels. one bu-bel to be exhii'ited. mode ot lultivaii n. A3; lai-est yield of Iri.-h potatoes upon X acre, not less than P'H bushels, one bushel to be exhibited So: largest 1 rop of giound peas Oil one acie. not le-s than 00 hu-bes. one luis'iel io be exhibit! d s2; la.ie-t yield lield peas and beans on one acre, not lis than .'id bu-bel- ( I... hou- il. oni- lui-h.-: to be exhl'-ite l j !.- be-t y ; Id . f b, an- $2: bps- sample clnii'i-. bu-ii 1 t '.-e ex in'n.C . I.' d'plouia, ' .' .V;..v'7.,.(, ,., C,-i,-s For largest yi.-l.l of turnips on o; e bushel to be exhibited ya; for acre, large-t crop 01 crai. grass hay on one bale to be exhibited $5; lor b acie. one t variety bread crn. one bushel to be exhib ted, f 1; for be-' vaiiety of oats diploma: lor best i-u-hei field peas $1; best A bushel N'-rth Carolina raised cat tail millet seed f2; largest yield ol German n.i'let on t acre out- bale to be exhibited, 3; best variety of .grass serd grown in North Carolina, not less than five in number, one peck of each to be exhibitid. S3; bist bale cotton, crop of 1895, 400 pounds or over, exhibited by producer and grown in tl mr trom North Carolina wheat, one w,i ,i-,i,,..,i , ,n 1 1 II IT l-ar-'P-t Tlllm ,l- nf fl I b I em,.- nf loa barrel cxhibitedi s2.-0;to farmer exhibi- : - r s.. ro , own production, not less than five vane- i tables by one exhibitor, not less than six varieties, not less than one bushel, 5. -.t... ,1 ....,.; .1. .mhi vn cumjieuiois im inn uepuu- ment will oe required t certily that the hibits made are the production of their own field or garden. Best North Carolina grown J dozen .nek onu tis, 'nitat'Mfcas il 1 an 1 he-i !s. par-nips p-i k Hit 11 i 1 - diplon.a; : Li st sti!k t' liacco nd a-: e-t pumpkiiis s !: 1 e-I e.xliil. 1 hal cot best Mi e.diliaii. si. 11 ss o 11: n i s. t and la 1-. ( uy el V : Hides j-J: o'urei N. I . -.pp.f wi h liireetio'is L.'athei';. LT ni.il ke-jiln.'. be-l ;,t.,l lal'ui -1 ;t! iety diplomas tor eh ol peacli, I e-.r. jiaini and cm t ry 1 1 1 i-s, also ot grape va t's am stiawl eny p'anls. Dep utn.int IV II. A Wh tir-ir and J. W . Mc'A art. I ).:eco i 1. idler d 1 ule the . x'.iblts 1 A j torn, a 'a s- tic: an . in; V i: s- ami it! th 101 k . I ' en :i :s ,;,-p. i lis L'overn- tin- nl. oe awarded in dvnluady .11 not Ii enn d ! here be Ktl'V. l- 1 n lla no coinpe- nit - in i, l v. iX slock fit any 'f'JU.l'nl fut P:or A-soi iat ion ;lh autbi ulic itrd p l-scd 1111 , n hv kdld II i - il at tl pedi pa he Secl'i 1: t in.. ' : r . -. wh.. be 1 t m 1 . '1 it 1 d T.i 0 11 a, it h e- w up, 11 pi. ..' ,,: p 01-r e eei lily lhat the a ,im:e i-par, -hied; and sui h cirtiti ciiie mti.-t I e ii aid '.'1 ; o Hie jn, o .. award H'L' preiiiiu i ; will, 1 ut -lien cen iticde no aniin.d sb 1 i I b ex 1 1 i 1: r . ai m tber.ug in in., pi. red. e-1 c! i'.-p-. P.i.biliitor- w'ii I. ..rju'rel to dis pi ,y over 1 acb s .:' or ea ocmipii-.l by tlierr slot k a pi ,. ail i-.i.'uiniuir the name. ' am- oi l I r.v.l ofaiiiia' 'ceiipyinu sueh stall or pin. In t;,c oi.-r uf pure bred animu s the p'..,' ii'd -hull a!-o -ppe the 11 ime an 1 ri -i-try iiii-ii' er ot ilaj auiuial ixliihiiinl, to.cther widitlie name audi ivui-ti V number ot' Lo: b its-ireaial dam.1 Piacai'd- will tie f.irm-lir.l for tbi - pu rpose 011 ipjiinat. .n : t the st" letaiy's ofli :e on tin- la r 1:: on als where tiny shall l..e prom rlv li led oi'. -I. No tin liiia! shall be entli e-1 to sjiace c. u r 1 1 a !'. e r p'l-ii.tiy shad Ii iv.r Peen made; and alter such entry lor premium no animal uall i e removed Irani the lair L'l'OU'lds u 1! 1 1 the clo-e 1 .r' t he fair witn- I "ul nnl'e'! I'cri.ii-io-i f 0111 ih- Secnt.ry 'i' one oi th,- Dir.cii r iu charge of tl.e Departpieiit ,-ii oihenvi-e removed ih extiibttor sh dl lo- le' t a'l t .im to a prein Pirn c-y. n li ouuii -u- n may Have 1 v been a w an ' e, I. pliMoUS 5. The mmt animal mav co miiete lor .... .. , .1, ' . .. . . i nioie man i-ijtr pieniililll e.Mtpi Vllieie I ol In I' w ise. Stale.'; but 1!) order to do so i such animal mi,-; be entered under each premium number ur vyliii li it is to com pete. ! li. All enli-, s ',uil i,c c.ndei-stood to be lor the tir-t i ; t i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 oi the premium nnm'-er mah r -a.hi. li entry is made; fiibio to tak- ii--t Hi - . i'liu, -bill compete lor sicondpr m li ii i! siieh be t fferi d; no animal, lio wev , r. .-li i: 1 lie a wa pled more , than op.- ptein um uud r Up- ,-amc prem ium nu i.b r. 7, A 1 stock will be n quired lo take part in the (i iu ml Parade if at any time ordered, except wli.-n- stock is not able to come out or is too vicioii-; -ueli cases of i xempli- u, however, an- to be decided by ; the iJ.u ctoi in ch ir-e. j s proriv tea A. M. to three p. m. ot each day ail -lock mu-t be uucova nd and open lo inspei t. on, unless permission to : to the lontrary be -:-n by tm- D nctor , in chai-e.-an i -in atli n latit must be on 1 hand bctwun those hunt's to answer j pollli ly all qu sdmis. '.). No animal shal1 be allovve I to take mole than one iii-t premium at this fair ' i x, t-ptone plc:al. ai one of a pair and us ! one of a lit i i. 10 Proof as b bnei'ini; and i.ge f I any animal may be requited in every case I in which the judges or Directors in charge I are not -atished as to same. ! 1 1. - Comlor'ab e stalls Ibr horses and Cattle and pens Im' -beep. i;oats and hogs j shall be mniishcd free ot charge lor ani mals regu'a'ly intend in competition. Bidding will b- likewise luruislinl liee ol leliiiL'e. FiL-t will be i;siied to stock 'every niotuiuj at d evening during the fair ;ree of charge, and eveiy care and at tention vvili b.- shown them; it is ilesira nle, however, lhat parties exhibiting valuable annuals -!,.. u',, I have tin ir own i attendant .n special charge. ! 12. Thi.- Fair Association will have all pn per caie taken to prevent, but shall not I e le-ponsible for damage to or loss of : any thing ei.teiel hr ex hibp i- n. nor sl.ali : tiny iucur any ixpe:.-e therelor. - 1:5. Application f r st.il s or pens j should be made as tarty as poss.bl,- to the ; S. cl'etary of ti.e As-n iat. on who will apportion the sum- to the I e-t advantage i m be ot'di r of ppl c itioti. 14. Ail eh b lors in the l'ing must i strictly observe th- coiiimands of the director in cli-d-e, and tuc attendants , -h . II b- neatly at; ir. d. 15. Exhibit is in ibis Department v ill lie rnj nnd to te-t their amniiils un- ; del' t he dp t cil-.u ot the judo,- or judnes who mav I ivechir'e nf tl.e Class under w h 1 1 h e ',' iild-es sh n y is in have d-: an 1 such judge or I nil powi 1 t,. in e out of ( Otinn.t Hon a i w ho tlo not comply with their itqu.rcini n1 s. SKCTION 1. JIOKSKS. Tiie ped: i ees id animals competing is pure-bii d unoer this section must be fully verified and filed with the Secretary ot tin Association at the time ot making itiecii'.ry. neienuce win oe maue to tiie hugiishStu l Book, Uruce s Amencan St uk Book. Wailace'- Stud Book, the j American Tiotting Po-gister, B.itti-U's M.-rgan Register and the National Saddle- 1 tl u'.-e Br, e-'el's Kegi-'.er. Th- age of hoi se; , iacks and mules .-bail in- cmiput.u iron, the l-t day 01 .1 mil nv 1 the; vear in which tln-y were loali.:; a.l to ils shall be held -o He ..ne year old 1 n llie 1st day ot Jaini ii'v su ; feeding b ft b. Mares of six yeais old pete for prem ipi s in th . must have pr "lu 1 d md over to com- breeding classes living offspring within the p 1st two ears; mares 1 1 train- ing. however, 1 xcepU-.l. All animals ex'nib ted iinder tins section mu-t be shown um-er halnr in the ring C-'.i 1 77,-.,-m.;,.en. cst stallion 4 iai- old or over, brood male 4 yiai- obi or oyer, tilly 2 yi ars o d and iinder 4. mine with colt by her side $10 each; stallnm 2 years old and under 4 7.5i-entire ( olt I year old and und' r 2 e icb: I, Ii' i v 1 1 nr old and under 2 5 in- colt under 1 ear old. till v under 1 year 1 :, 4 acb ,,.,,,,,,,,.,,. Must ! e regie . n 01 i-dgp Troit, ri Iiegistcf. le im- regis Ptcgistir or tin in tin. An- rc .11 i 1 Batteii's Morgan Register. Size, style, form, action and soundnc-s lo govein. j Noli Must b- registered or eligible for j registry m He Jviglisii Stud Book or! Bnice's American Stud Book. j Throughout tl-e live stock department III st : llMl besides a liberal H st prize cash premium, j premluiri8 idi nlical with the above nr. a secoud premium of Red Ribbon is offered J offered in Class 2, Cashmere, Cl.ss :;. Mai ler the sec. i: 1 ne-t in every instance. I tese ana Class 4, common goat. Best each stallion 4 ve.irs old nr over,' , . t. , geidmg. Hiuv agej urood maie 4 vcurs old i ' or over, til Tv 2 years old and iinder 4,1 Best team of goats, any age, either sex. mare with (oU'byber si le, $10; lst j to 08 driven 111 harness to wagon 1. stallion ;! years old and under 4 $7.50;: section 5 swine. best entire colt 1 year old and under 2, ! Entries in Classes 1 to 5, inclusive, n.u-l tilly 1 year old and tinder 2 $3; entire j be rejjlateied or eligible to regi.-trai n: 11. . ... 1 1 ,,,!..,. 1 ,., ... u mi. ,,.,.1,.,. 1 , ,. , 0 .. .. 0 .on. uma ..a." nm, ""j uuwei j. jca. old $4. d, 1 -Uni'iijlt Breeilx. lo ir elude IN. i mans, li rcherons, Jfc- gums, Clydesdales, Fnglish Shires and 1 ,. V I ' J'uo"3J ttuu S.1 1 It , , 1 k 1 1 1 P P 1 1 ... An'ma's to be registered or eligible to ness to govern. ! Tfest stalliou 4 years obi or over $10; O 1. 1 ...!.... I... i siauiuu -: ye ns uiu mm uunii t, maie oi gelding 4 yeais old or over, til'y or ield- ing 2 years old and under 4, mare with colt by her side 5 each; team any ag,e or 1 sex to be driven to wagon $3. f'l.ix 4 .., !,.,, 1 Ins class especially interal, d if)i uorsi s rei; .rdless ot hie. ii.n'. Form, size, sty le. d.icil.tv. -pt- d. -ne.-s anil no ,1 m oelnn rtiir ii. co'or) are reqcisdi s Tiamstolie sliown :n h uu. -best wheel vehicle-; and t bey 11.11-t have lor oiMied 111 the Mate and n-ed :.. ,li puip.ises lor at least tbirn i .- pi. to the opining of tbe fair. Iv-st team of 1 o a h or ra 1 nam. si d not under 16 hands bliislll; lea co ifli or carriage 111 , re or ue din:;.-, und- r 10 h anils hii:h vlii. Th. must Ipiye heen usi-u for air.rn ral purposes and nin-l h-- owa.-.l driven dy farmers. Matches and will not be allowed to be mad. in :.. 1 occasion, but niu-t belonir lo 1 he , -.1,. tor. and have bci n owm d and . 1 r. ei , lit least 1J,0 da s prior to ll,e ,,j Mie lair. Hz--, aelit.n. -!r. iilt'Ii and t he rerpii-ites. i.ot i r , ; bleeding Best pair of firm m id 1 j "ii'.'oii, pair af i.i 1 in sa.,:o -U) 1 acb. Chis 1: 1 1,,,, 1. Premiums will be awarded .0 1 A to 1. one lint jacks and i mnt- i.i im. -: p.. ipiality and most t-afe'u: bice :. l a::., A size, style and aeii,.n in -ovem. Best each. ; k k o year-ol. 1 o: '. ; . .i n- P nt t 11 years old or i ver. j j, ' v a'- and under :j, jeanet - year- o i ai d :ii.,.r . h 3 ) each : ii , i-,,,, :-- : : , A nimals to be o w ned and rai-ei I in Nort h ( 'a nil in 1. action, souudnt ss ami !: i t : i' n s in iovern . .'st mules .3 yen- .. ..r - years old and under .1. i:,iii, and under '2, pr of mul. s I.i. ken t 1 ot either sex and ot any ae f 1 1 11 colt, either sex. under 1 y -1 s. SFXTIOS 2. l VI I I.i All animals eompetiim und, ..v,.t : n... i ... "... I.., i o ' 1 . . . t u, ii i cs, inu-i oe u ii. i '. a to I ieir.istrv,' and the pr- ci cemtii : i f" m ust be filed w;th tun el:-.b f. lilt - i iii 1 iarv .H I .r-.vidrd time i f eotrv as bei'i ii ore rnlt. ! i'.'u. r 1 lu 'oe case i'i ru.les i ii ii. r ti e sin- or the dam iru-t be re-isiered a ot Iu 1 blood; and this f u t must b .- prey, n 'o 'la satisfaction of the Uirettoi- of ibis IK part incut. Cattle arriving :d tbe lin.it o1' age dur ing t he mont li of hoi iing the ta;r sb HI be held to be under that a-e. Cuttle entered for individu d jvremiiim- leay also compete in Ik id.-; a m r I -bail be ow nea ny one i x'liiipo.- aid ums st ..' one bull, three or imue iow - or beifei- '.' ye US old or over, and one ea I w hi. h -iia I have been dropped i. one . 1' t ie hp m bers of tbe herd and shall ba c l-ei n sir- d by tbe bull headiu- the herd. Cluin t: H.ilt,-in-F.-;. ;.i. B(st bull :! years old or over, do . 2 years old and under cow 3 vi a is oi l or over, heifer 2 vens old and under :!, ir, each; bull 1 year old and under 2, heilet 1 year old and under 2. $ - bis: en b; be-t herd Si. J, (ithir C,uki-i. Premiums idwntiial with the above are offered in c ass 2, Guernsey-: i la-s 3, Jer seys; class 4, Short-Horn or Durham, ; ml class 5, Red Polled Cdixx '': (ti fill , B st cow 3 yea is old or over viars ol-l end under :t. ?i ea h: hel'er 2 In ;ler 1 year old and unJer 2, 3. CIukh 7; ynti" : 7,-st cow 3 years old or mar, heilei two years old and under 3, $5 .ach; Leif. r 1 year old and under 2, $2. Chum firerjixtiil, x. Open to all classes undi r t:n- siclion. At pure bred Hull, any i-e dairy brei-ds, do., beef breeds, pure bred cow any use dairy breeds, cow any age be't breed. $5 each. Ciixk 9: Oj-fi, mul Hu t' I iiih. Jest yoke working oxen. o; F; and best beef animal, either sex. breed, f j. tt st any Sectiii -j sVi Exliibitors must have t In-i r stock ieady in tbe pens for the judges by 1 1 o eioi k a. iu. on tbe third day of the fair; and they must see that their entry tag-are propeily made out and securely posted in a con spicuous place on their pens. Evbibitors of pure breeds in this de partment will be required to Irnush sali factory evidence of such purity ol breeding to tbe Secretary, as is required under the other sections ol this Deii.irtm nt. Judges 011 sheep are licri-b, expic-s y instructed to require in eve y instance Irom each exhibitor of pure lue ds s.nis- tactory evidence ot purity ol i-rtedingas claimed; and when awarding a pu rn in suctl Class-s llie judges will p-e undi r stood to say by such award that in their opinun the auiuial or aniui iN :-. ceivmg tbe premiutii are beyond reasonab'e doubt purely bred as claimed All ewes three years old and over shall have suckled during the pa-t .-, asim. Flocks and pens of sheep mm-t be ow ip .1 bv ()Ue irltj 1 vul u .1 1 or cvioumv existing (-rm .7,v 1 M, T inf.i.-,. Atwoo.l- I'-nih.rs. Da k, n ons. Black Tiqis and Delaines. 7i;st ram 2 veal's old or over .s i; do 1 , r .ul(1 lHij0. a , . . ,. p, , ,, n , , ,. linn lamb $ I ; old or o 11 pen of 2 ewes 1 year old and cm a 1 2 : pen of 2 ewe lambs $2. I 3 n,' ' '""''. ' Premiums identical with th-- ab.ne v ; often. d in Class 2, Horind Dmset, Class ; bouthduwu and Class 4, cotswul 1. ( 'Iiikk ' (j nub k. Iu this class either the sire or the dam of the animal exhibited mu-t !e pure bred, aud satisfactory evidei.c- d no luct must be givetl to the Seen la-y ol lie AssOi iatiou at the time of 1 nt.'y . a heie inbefoie prov ided. est pen of 2 eWis 2 yens nl I or over, pen of 2 ewes 1 year old and im ci 2. peu ol 2ewebiiil'.s, m Im r ;f .a.m. Clusxti Sireej'xtnhx Ai.; '-. .. ist ram of any age vvilli .5 o: Ins g. I. (lock, to consist ot 1 ram, .' e-vi- ..,-r 2 years old, 3 ewas over 1 and u.al.-r 2 y. a:s old, and 3 ewe lamb-, to bp died and ow ned exclusively by the ex Inn: .uj $"1. SECTION 4 - COATS. CIK l Amj-ir-i. est buck uf any age $3; dm age $2; kid of auy age 1. an v 77i v? Other ( "ixx, x. auu saUstactory lirowt ot siicli t.cl mu-t 1 be furnished to the Secretary of the A-so cialism at the lime of entry. 1 Chin i , 7?cSt boar 2 years old or over $: . . . J boar y car.-. un del I 1 vfcur old and under 2 82: sow 2 I old or over $3; sow 1 year old and 2 $2; sow with litter ot not ibau ti pigs $3. Clu-ts -2 Poland VI,,, 1. 1, est boar 2 years old or over $3; boar X year old and UDder 2 $2; sow 2 years obi or over 3; sow 1 vear old and under 2 $2; sow with litter ol not less than six sulking pigs $3. dent aai w:ih Hie iibovp are -s .'I, I lot v ,-.erseV, iass M. .-I 11 , 'id, .'e.t l.o ili' - d (' ll-s : I'C till I ri d, so W e- d 1 J l .11 h. Ill id lon- 1 1. 1 o o s, all to bi id a in ,1 and bred by th" o ! a 11 bl, 1 d Willi 0 ol ...rod. mi in -,l and ! - In e.r in lane, a sivinl prem- a -,'i'oiid prem 1 I l"i" si.'ond -t u k depart- P.- 1 P. n. 1 1.1 Pi;. . I'll and C IP 11 atn N . ( to CI, ' (I A 1 I ( I N s American Miiilurd the nui.l. 0 1 tin - t .r wh,. li prem- I 01 mi 1 a -e will I l iei in lf s,(V'l lollowinu .ti -. p 1 1 in iipis( 'core at j !"'"' "!, i :t s'"' on ! rd at I, it - L ho 1- r onipel ng for prem I ;. lite pmp. ity nl th.- i Ii in pt I . . t v ade this 1 u ; , r will ( m lude n 1 1 ' the ' II- ndin- irl y , a-, o ensl in t imp; i! I waid. d m.li evlobi- I mi b e h 1 1 ii aii v one I mini I dt barrti, I 1 rou . dull m . I II, - in i Ibe entire mini- t ca. h . imp no xnon I . li sic It, , 1 "p II- III IWI-d to .op- Ol detail tin- a h i nt ry bir.ls pa w t I. P. ! in , i e,i p ir:, p. Th. icnii pair -a male and mi . . ., k a ma -pe imen lirdch- , r 1 - ;e 1 1' I Itl c. .(k PI ( 1 - in d dun ng 1 s'.i'i. man" i-pe( i men hat 1 idi no ben - fern dp -pei imen hatchptl ..- p. l-:c. Ih- t.iin pu'l.tt -female specimen 1 In d dinirg IMP,. P.ide ii Iviors in making cntriis will r n.e specimens from i om pel ill-, iinli w i, , ,,; I Hu p-r i by i In; Seeietury before the i pl.ic-d in position. All exhibi i " i ; i i 1 1 ly i e ; uested to l-e Cm re fill i iiiaaiiu in iginal entries coriect, nnd theie iy' - .,- the A -s. n'ta lion lime and ' i'o . : i . , t - ; ;i t han i n-. K;. 7 -Mxhibpors need not iiccnm poiv l he; r bids. They en He sent direct to lie- ivlil'llloll hall. All specimeaH will in; promptly returned to their nwnns at lb,- clo-e ol ti,,- exhibition, or otherwise i H.-po f I i a' :i- 1 hey m iy direct. Pu AH specimens iiiuot be in ihe h d: at 1 I o. io, k A. M. Febnmry 2lth. P.n'i. ui'e-s una.oalably delayed, in w ha i ca-e llu-y may be admitted at the . i i-i : e' nu nt t he Advisory Board. Hall a I I b op, a for the riception of birds on the milium- i f February 22nd, 1HW6. Puic '.'. --Premium on exhibition pens wid be iiwarde I in the following manner: 1 b. i.i.P.s w ; 1 s- 1, 1 1 th- lour (1) hlffbeat .- or:: g li-.iial. 111 each vurioly, owned by one 1 . db, n 1. add lliem ttigether, and divide lip amount by tour, which will give the aver -ip-nf tbe tenia lee; to the ipn In nt thu- ablainid a id the score ol 1 1 1 e 1 1 g b . -1 scoi mg 111. tie ow iitd by nine ex ii ii. ! . 'f, and 1 tna fame shall be the score o! the 1 all ill ion pen. Kuic 1 n. - A : 1 eggs laid while tbe birds are in the pos-esion of tbe Association wid lie gal heic I by tin m ami their viluhlj 1 les' roy eil. Adams and Suitlipi n F v prcKs Company will 1 c: u ' ti Iree of 1 harge all exhibits on w lii li lull rah, - have liecn paid to New iii rue. piowd. d tin y are accompanied by a caui from tbe Si 1 ictary to tbe effect that ihe own. r-lnp has not ( hanged. No e 1 1'4 1 bar;;,- a, a Ie tor t r msportatiou from -xpre- i-lh ' in New Berne to the Fair Gtonip!-. Dir.. t io..p- lo D, rector of l'oullry Depaitnu pt. Fair Grounds, Ni w Berne, N . ( . 1 ,,... .i 1 l: re i Plv moiirli (H-k cock, hen, cock- , an . pu aen White Plymoulh Hoik k, hen. 1 ockei'i 1 nnd pullel; Silver or Coiden U ;u;d, tie (oik.lun, cockerel I; v lute Wyandotte cock, hen. ,nd panel; 1-t, premium in each :,: ; 2 I. pieailii-n "nl cent-; 3d mi: preiioiiiii. vi cite It. boon. P. bo . .'- Coeh ; :i ,,r w 1 n ( in k, ben C(K k - ere, in ,1 p . bet ; 1 'art ridge Cochin cock, ben, ' cocker. -1 ..nd pullet; Light or Dark Jruh i 11111 cot k, ben, ch kerel and pulk-l; 7lark or .,;(,. I,,ng-iian inck, lieu, cockerel and pllllei; l-t. pri'iiii 11 11, 111 caeli Case 75 i em s; -J I. p: i m 1 u in 'ai i ; -; 3d, premium, Whin- K.bbnn. ' .j..t ' ' M"l iii i nn, 1, 11,. White 1" ne 1 in k Spanish cock, bin, cciaifi ami pallet; Rnsi-Hi'S C. frown Legh un lock. hen. cockerel and pullet; P -e 01 S. C. W hite or .-".ack tax k. hen, c-.ck r. i ami p 11 1 let, Dt pipmium 111 each 1 a-.' To 11 11 1 -: 2 I p 1 cm: u m 50 1 en P; ltd piemiiun. W bin- Hilibor. ' 'o.-.v 1 1 M,rr. W 1 le 1 1 black Minorca cm k, hen cock erel and pula-i, l.-t. preninini in "Bi ll euse 7iii tit-: 2 b premium -nd ( -u ; s-- :(,p pre muim. White Kib'.on. ' o,., -.' - '..,. h t-- en stt .1 lu.ck or while cock, hen, e. k- rel and pui el; 1-1, prem 1 mum 111 each .a-, Ti 1 nt- 2 1, pi'pmnim 5o cents; 3rd, pi enn. in, bite Ribbon. ' ',.,. F Ana,' a r,x. ;-, ,r or gold, n spangled cock, ben, t o. ken i and p 11 Ih-i ; 1st, premium in eat h c.i.-- Ti ci nt-. 2d. premium 50 cents; 3rd, p 1 a 111; 11 m, W hile Ribbon. r r. F ,,.!, IP md ill 1 . 1 -. . 1 1 1 ii.iir p n 111 1 1 m , "1 ' k. hen. ( an k.p-el and pullet; ,nt nil as- Ti c-nt; 2d, mil-; .1 I, pre. nuim, While ,- li.imrx. ii 1 . w n- lu ens le I rwl cock, ben. pu at; Si Iver or golden duck- in - ;r-.i k, li cockerpi an 1 ptinei; u.-n co, kerel and pallet; j'lack h ". 1 nckeiei anoi pubet. to, k , ben. cm kt rel and i n k. In n. 1 ix kt-rel mul 11 1 11 11 ni each c 1 st 71 cents; in' c :,!-; :i I, premium. piacvk. Inn. -1 1 vv 1 , d e , . .1 k , 1 1 1 1 1 ill g one pill I 1. P t g CI p. 1, let. l-t. pn 2d, premium White IMid m: ao I iii i'i lit,. ea-ted 1 .- cot k, hen. .'.in k or 1 t ockt rel a .d .111, k dig ! P. d p'.'e ce 1 -t. pr maun p-e-iiiiim i" P.' b . -. , w 1 1 pu nil. I; Suvcr or golden c p. co, ki r, . ami pullel; 11 keif! an I pilllp'; ( a-e 75 ri nts. 2 I. prcm.uiu, Wlnle ,.. . ; , 1 iiMabriglit cock, hen, r :n eta U 1 ase I pud, I ; 1 .-t idi minin in inch t-: 2 1, pr. ininn 50 cents; 3d, prem .i i.. W h te 1! ibbun. ,' ..., a, ,,-,. Any i . lor io. k. h.n. e eki r.-l and pu'.it 1 . 1-1 pr. in, inn :n each use 75 rents; ' 2d. pre i,iu ii 5" d ; premium. White Ribbon-. ',.... '1-irUy. 'e-t p-ir bronznl, brown, white; 1st premium in e ub cine 75 cents; 2d, premium in i cut-; 3d, premium, White . Ribbons. Continued on Pava;e trd. THE TRIALS OF ' "SPEED 1 At I lie Carolina -Fair. Four !; f llrnit .aea-RleyBI l"fw Anuin.llDf UM'Tha Kale. ,; r '. Hin ru - Itirfciitr, I I nb am Pee. 10 per emit, nf PJrae. - -l II e liorneji to cnlef and I lira bi marl. 5' Mom y dividnd 0 per cent, to Ant hoiwi, 25 per eetil. to mv-oikI. 15 per OfBt. to third, and 10 per int. t.i fourtll. 4 Entrie. for nil raci-. cl.iaa at'll o'clock p. iii , Kpbrunry K. One-half of eiitrnnrc moiiry puynblo on February ,oV arid one-liHll by or bt lore 11 o'clock)). HI. February IKih No Htiernion paid to eo tiipa uniw h conipiiuie l bjr ibe. r In nilciang iiorw-n, the tutma, 'i nut color of l im animal dimI tw given, with name nf hire and dani. if known; l nauie and renldeDCr nfOvW, , in , ompaiin tl by I In- laxt nayoiant, lv j or h-iore 1 1 ., , ,m k p.m. KriroarT I9r lHllti. ' 0. ilocordH made rIkt Nor. 1 Alb, USWL hit no br to tbt-ap raera. . The HiMiei lesrrvea the riflllt l cbiiiigo the programme to mrl tliv ca. i Hallux of lb,, wemliir. Should ilie weailier i. s i mi H-iiinm on nn nay ol tM 4"air wek :i to pirvent ihe Uirertor Jrotn Hturiing Ihe nit-H, aiieli racei at th Op to n ol lb- Kxnruhve CommitteX-, may Ut . dt dared "off,' inui ih,. mtraoos money lor them refunded !(at in ench da) nuts may ( oim oft ulU-rnalcly, acCOrJlB" p. iP ,.r,. , ,,, ,i.(, .,,-,,. v The National Trollintf AaaoClatl!!. KiiIps will govern nil trolling trials, ' ci ptihtino Iiotk. fIi.II tie entitled U in. ire nl tin- pur) iban ia oflVrea ly , the .Society lor the place lie obUint. ! (i. No pnniiuum p.o.l lo d itancd tit ruli-d-out hor(a. I'rrmiiiaif will be paid j on N iturday ot Fair week, by Boc-retary, on ci rtificate ol the .ludc. nnd COtlDU r- siifiied by the Director of Depurtuietlt IB' Trials of Speed. I ii vh. Bki.knbtkik, Kec'y. 'v, New Heme. N. tt IP. '. Ihirrui Ihrtvtor, -'. ' Tl KHUA Y. - I'.l.rtt .rv T.ll, IHOrt l ..'..ln..r n rtl 1 Ironing I.. Ilaruo--3r00 ClarT Purse f.'UKI. Mile Heat. Beat .xmJ five. -aC 2. Itunning cr lbirne 100. 8-8 Mile, Bent two in ilint) :t. Trunin" lo IIariK-8. 2:83 Cltaa, L'urse f400. Mile Bonis, iat threw in ; tive. . .. . . j w ruMKmuT. '. . ' ' Febniary 2Hth, 1890 -1 o'clock p. m. 4. Trolling to MarnflM 2:0 . ClaaH. Purse I no. Mile II can. Bent tlirca in five. ' i, " 5. UunninKl Knee Turaa 300. 2-9 Mile. Beat two in three. ',' i 0. Trotting lo nrnoaa-8 80 Claa. Purse flop. Mile Heat. Ilea tbrea in Mv.-. ,; TIII'HWliT. 5 February 27th, 1 H'.tfi l o'clock p. ' 7. Trolling 1 l'urse $300. MiU 1 1 u rneas 2JM Claaa. llc-uia. Best tLrtw In live. . ; Free for all Trottiuir to Haraeaa. Purse $4(K). Mile HcaU. BcstthrtO-!! rive. - V- i. Huoninjf Hue Piira,- 150. 1-8 Mile. Best iwo tn tlner. '.' ruiimy. )'." February 2Htli, 1HW.-1 o'clock p. IB - 10. Tr..tting lo IlariieM 3 year Ida" ' Purws $200. Mile llr-aia. Beat three in Ova 11. ".iinning H ice -Purae 150. 8-8 Mi'e. Bout Iwo iu three. "" . I HAH El I By J. 11. Istzier, ML Vernon, Iowa, late Chaplmn ol 37ih lad.; Cbaplala , First National KncampmcDt, Q. A. 1C ltecited by the author at Lonifrille 2aU j lonal KnoHmpmmt. . -, ' il 'es. Pin a '-Vnnkcr" veteran as aore you're uhvel Went in jurt nth r Snmiet. &ud Out in sivty-tivt; ' - Got caught in Heveral hatllea, and w nu re liht than fuo; Wss nwful 'iraid ol bullets, but mora uliaitl lo run: Was down here in the sixties, when man Northern braves A welcome met "with bloody bandt to hoKp.Uible grave.' . ' But while these conflict K(,ry sad memo-.. riis iiwake, ' . , Iei'8 rally 'lonnd "Old 'ory" and hart, a Irkndly Shakd ; , Yes, some of uh art crippled, bnt L, tot one, can say I wasn't wounded hauling "llie thickest of the Iray," -For when we lought you "Jobnnjl,, X tell you candidly The thinnest spot I ever alruck was thick enough for me! - j ; Twixt here and Appomattox lie many Waterloo, ' And mriny a Thermopylae I luiw Southern lands b Mtrpw. For 'lw;i no cru.eii aben band whofe Urw w e fought to break, ' . . y And neiihei g.nHps H cow rd iiand when' "Yank' mid ".lolinny" Khaki c We Shook h i' k in the wxtics, for Imj the ( truth coiitcssed, Our finger pressed Ihe trigger aud our knees did all tbo resll V But hi rc our honor, bnhu-o, each facedl a lioro Iiand; ' Where T un (might with Titan, Tltana alone could RtHinl! Within the rank of valor what Chicflalo lod the van' Grunt, Lie, and Bragg, an. I Sherman,' Jackson, and Sheridan! ' While ench receives our homage fojf dauntless trIoi'h aake, . , ' The "rnnk and fib " ifaiher the whllo 'i.eath the "old flag" and Huokst But while your zeal and valor command- the North's iipplnusc, Let's turn ils geoy current toward a better au--; liCtussiistii.il Atiicilcu ng.iinst all riral powers, 1 And stand loiir-nqu ire against the world f .r that old flag of our! , Pet (lbow tmii b t" elbow, nuil rnnk keep pace w ith rank. And lei III. ie l- no "boycott" in DilW ' "guinsi 1 he " ' nnk," And thus as pia is iidown the years we'll iniiri Ii w i t In hi t a break, And greet " ld ulnry" w iih Nr ch. ers. and shake, and hhake, and shak 1 ' 1 v , - .1 , BtKiiHirn aio.ooo i i.Ktaisw MA LB r Ir j (Jo(Ml. loihlua. Dreu sjaaala, Nhora and M llll nr y Naw fjwaal me.irefl ami lo l.aal in laa WltSj Nvteeplna Rednellwm. Owinu to over stock in all our depart ments wp are fon a d In mnkr room lof ut Spring ih)iIs, which will I c artitrlUtf 1 111 11 , W ''" V- Pndoubtly the la rfoal eat in pii r- .11 my y.inus, win.. 11. m IIBB avvr taken place m New Beinc, and we Want ' every man, woman and ;hi'd In Craven Craven and adj lining c unit ins lo lie Ivcnrfiled by this tacrine sab-. Till.. Uulf. Will bml 15 .lues rttrnrrlai,ftMm ' " , , ' - "Y"V' Thursdiiy, .Jany 24ih, . udinir Krtdar. Feb Kih Fverytbmg nt cost and let ih an cost. j Clome early to avoid the ruiih. Extra I salesman employed to Hocdinndate ai f it j as possible. No good will be Bold kt i cut prices after sale ia over. u. A. Babkoot, MansprT. New Berne Big Dry (rood Bargain, House, 2nd door from P. O. - ih.i aiajisiaaawj .-5, t

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