;v - i i 1 V . - j ' i V, t- it', , "-- - "-if- aa . - : ...-: 4i. .-- - -may- jsjjsifoj & Price: $100 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS Single Copies, 5 Cents. VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN OOUNTV. N. ( . EEBR I'ARY (!, lsitC. NO. 48, VI r . WJ KTl H V II III 1 ' Election PreGincts - ; and Polling Places IN CRAVEN Established by the t: ' Court, Under the BWttfrm Ltr ri895. Scctia 5, ' Cmi f til Cwily mH withia twelve meit&t after the ratification of " tk Act edaVliak alter er create My crate place of Election in their retpec . ttw Ilea la aa te previle ae aear a may be at least one acparat ytaaa 'atimf Ikr every three hnnared and ally elector, in every ub- eliviaiaei aftaelr reeaective coaatiee, whether such inh-diviiion be a Town aklTillao, City er Ward. -j. lrDaJl to the provisions of ail la. noti-o i her.'hy ;;m'h ;': i" t- - . following FBtCISCT an. I Loiii.,i.'iri. s ni.'i i im; V: - v.- ! tw bt- r; ' . OatablithcI in C aven C"intv . m ! r i -i" . 'M' '!' n -' . : - :::: f NUilliEU UN K TOWNSHIP . r MaPLE CYPRES3 Pri:cisT is boundeti aa follows: leginninat Lirif ".- LeUkJiaroa Nenao River thence with a straight line to Lanes old Chapel. tboneo along tne tsann iitii rona to tno nnev At-cK roao. lueuce up mo - Hmj Keek road to the Kotlv ltridite over Swift crwk, thence wit n -mi ! "J ereek. to the Pitt oountj line, ibenee along Put nmty l.n" t. N ;:- . "; rirer and thence down Netuo rirer to the U'trini.inif. I'oIIk.s pia-v. . Gasjxeks Srotx '- VASCEBORO PREt'TN'tT will include all tl.jvt part of N'liinbcr ( 'rie Township '" wbieh ie not included iu the Maple Cypress IVtvint as hereby estahlijlsed. roUing place at Vaxcf.bouo. . 5 NUMBER TWO TOWNSIin . TRCrrr" PrECIXCT will include all of Number Two 1'. w :i -, : ; ,i- :.er -"toore. Polling place, School Hoi k. NUMBER THREE TOWNSHIP- PoBT Barswrll I'REriscT is boundetl follow?: H-'ei;,nin j at th--- mowtk of Mill Branch on Core creek, thence np said branch to 'C..w Scrmpe,'" then weatwardlr to PoJey bridge branch (between IT. T. ii eii- arJaon'f and William Wbite'a) thence to and with the road tha leads to Carnakl Ford on Moneley'i creek, thence down ?aid creek '.. N'ens" rirer, thence down aid river to Core creek, thence up saa! creek to the - beginning. Polling place Fokt Baeswei.l. OoRR CREEK Prkcixct ja bounded as follows: Beginning st the. ' month of Mill Brunch thence np gaid branch to '-Cow Scrape," thence i -1 j direct line to the janction of Biddle and Dover roads, thence with ai ! ' BiddJerOad to the head of Core creek, thence to the Jones cumty line, Deluding the Dr. Hryan farm, thence with the Jones county line to the ; 4iridiog line between the 3rd- and 9th Townships, thence with f:id lir e r4 Core creek to the beginning. Polling place Corf. Crekk Stvtpv. - PoTER PbeCITCT will inclade all that part of No. 3 Township imt m ' rloded in Core creek and Ft. Barnwell precincts. Polling place Iov:c -' &TATIOX. NUMBER FIVE ;- TraTLBS PssctVCT i boaaded 4 follower Beginning at the mouth of . Hancock' ereek, tbenoe np said creek to the Pocosin, and wa .ii t ile laearill to Garteret toeoDtT lu. thenoa with aaid Carteret countv hne to V , the head of Clubfoot' creek, thence down Clubfoot's creek to its niouth. thence Bp Neaie rirer to the mouth of Hanoock's creek the begiunm ; x polling place TEJtrLEs Store. -' TABToys Precinct will inclade all that portion of " urn her Fno - Toeiiahip not included within the houndan)i of Temples I'ieci:u: ; kerebj established. Polling place Oak Obovk Schooi Hot sk. " V : Ut NUMBER SIX TOWNSHIP. Lsb'sFaxM Pbecixct will include heretoore. rolling place AIallison's NUMBER SEVEN TOWNSHIP- .-'Jflftt ClTT Pbecixct i herebj dividetl into two Ejection Precincts to "7 C.'Im, knoww rsaoecliTelv as Eaat Jamet City and U'ejt Jam.vs t "it v . . -. : . Vitvliirti Prtr Ptprivcr will wwr - t frv - . ' - it. - II" W k . i,l..i; Wlk llamllna I'jilrnn I nn N'.Srili -i i , 1 - M n CB 4T IU 4 M W amf iviu C Eaet by the Trent and !"eoe rirera, v. 4 liaa, - ctMliog place iTBLii) school -. WBST JAXRS ClTT PREfIcr will A N. C Bailroad within the Stock once creel W JUUI lraucn, ineace up .Yiiii uraiica mj iue rucusm, umi T thence bv direct line to tho Jonea countv line, thence to Keedv Branch . . . . - .r'ti t, i . i . . , v. , m . . ti dowtt Reedf Branch to Trent River and down Trent river to tho IUilroa.l .." Rfiln. Pollin- Placfl SPIVKT S Stokb. : ,-5lTM0AtPRtCIItCT will include ; pei)sonded in Eiat and et Jamea ITQIIHZ rWCe M ERUAUB CTAI IO 51. w w NUMBER EIGHT - ffm nw Wvw Rtavi Tha rrioiis T:"kBOWtta4the Flret. Second. Third, F . . - lUTHHias OI lot r Ilu ara Known as ot. I ninipi i rticuiui ami ji c.n- ' lhT Precinct will remain aa heretofore established exeep: th it St. Paii- ' vV-Kp Precinct of the Fifth Ward ie hereby divided into two Precinct, to U -', i known reapectirel? a St. Phillip Precinct an-l Parte Town Precinct. diTtaion of the Ffth Ward known a a) Partt.ifB Paenwrrr HnondaritM North Wert corner of George and Qjeen street, thence North alon0' the Vt aidaof (lori?e street to CeJar aide oC Ceuar street and Cedar street O . . V . I T-i.J.. . aMtiUCV UVUtU UCIIIK l..l.- onw. cociiueu i - v. . .. ... . . . . ..... Sreei to Qaeen .treet. thenc3 Eit .Ion tho N'jrtii side of sir.'-t to the beginning. Polling place Pope's Stork, corner of est and h.m (UimL PATH Tows PbicISiT is bounded Week corner of Ueorge and Oedar street and running esc aiotij; i e iar eCjoei, and Cedar street extended to the Western boundary line of the " fjtj. fnenart wilh ft id pity Line northwardly to the Northern boundary t -, the eity, t hi ace Kt wiXo ali l)"or'hern bounuarv to (leorge street. -. tbtgnce Soath with George straet to the beginning. ?oliing place IlhSRi S-'J James Shop. - . ' "EOCEY Rex PRtCTXCT. Thi new Precinct will ooniit of tii.t portiot. of Camp Palmer Precinct Weet of the lioce Track Road and Wilson'. ' 'CTeed, excepting the farm of D. R. Williams. Polling place at Mhk ' -BRTaJT'R Place. v , ". PtEASAST 11 ILL PrecXXCT. Beginning at the mouth of Taylor's ereek, rwnning up the N'ense river to Hatchelor creek thence up sa. l Creek to the A. & N. C. R. R.. thence down said Il.ii.roai to the Ka -e ' Track road rnnninz from the xV. i 9id VfiW foad 16 th bOAAdarT Of Hack bum & Wlllelf Oak farm. iWaaawaW boundary to tatlor creek, thence down a. 1 creek to tbaXeo nrer. The farms of John Humphrey and 1. K. W-i'.pin. .a: thtt 8oth tide of the A. k N. C. R. R. will be in. ia ie i :a r- a:. :. - ' felling place PlEASAST UiLX PlBLIC ScUool Hot t. v KjISE-TrEXT PRECIXCT, OtTTSIPF. OF THE LlTY UF New UkRNI:. Is Jwaaded aa follow: Beginning at the Northern boundary line of tic flt Af Na Rm on th nin . - . t Va.41iv.x1U In T.ilnr'. .rut- ihnnKn AiiwffllAM a n .-4 W ularn hmi n,4 r, 1 1 p , y, ml IU Mil II Wl U MV" ' V. ' ..blt.V'1 . -1 ' - - - - . - ' .... M the Keoee road, thence along the Neuse road to the read, ra-.n.tig fra: i.c c.c.t. a. . 'i- . . j . '. -1 m . . fxp iense roau lorougti ine nace " road to the run of Wilson's creek, . - fiftr thetifi iiovn Trent river to Lawsoc's creek, tiiera-e an I.iws..n's Creek to tho wit y hue, thence with the Wes'srr. ay ;.'.. to t'..- N.Tt::er:-. t eity line, thence at along said line to the n. :.:.!..: g. p., ... ' i.-i- :1: . he Cocxtt I'oor Hoi -f." r- .,, NUMBER NINE TOWNSHIP. JASPER Precixct will remain a heretofore and unbrace a!', ti.e torj ia Namlier Nine Township. Polling place at Jasper. Jttgiirr and Jailgesof Election competing the Prccina 1 will note carefully that electors must Register in tne Precinct in they reaide, according to the boundary hnei hereby csta'nlishc 1 ;it: a fail a re to do so i good cause for challenge and wnl forfeit tueir r f cie on election day. Given ncder my hand this ".,-Jth day of Janury. A. I., In'-:. Clerk Supx-rior Court Craven County. Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Phxir, Pork, Coffee, Sugar, Lard. Butter, Cheese. Syrnp. Molasses. Vinegar, Snnff Tobacco, Cigars. Canned Goods of all kinds. Tea, Spicet and everything else usually found m a FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STORK. y We have bought in large quantities for casli and are prepared lo sell aa low a. anyone. Country Merchants and the general patdic ril! da well to get oor prices before minAm SaOW gOOua t3t0f FfQOf 47 PrOQd 8tf NCW Demef N. C COUNTY, Clerk of the Superior Laws of 181)5. provide that the Clerk of the Superior TOWNSHIP. all of Number ;x T.wr. S hoi. ITh k inMn,i that territory honiiili- on iviiua MJ"' ' l ' , v.. v..v - ." ...... and on the South by the Stock Fen liot -sE. includ the territory We,t of the Am Fence Une eu.nded to atjd uoros.s ii ,i ii. i - . . i ii ... .-.-ji i i 'T- - :.. all that part of o 7 Township City Precinct hereby established. TOWNSHIP.- nrsnincL-t of the Citv of New Heme - mrth and J-'ifth Wards and the sub- St. Philhpj Precuiot and IJcL.ir- I Uii- area follows: Heinnin!? at the s'.reast. tnenj' West alotis tho Sjuth eitended to Ka 1 street exten led. l..-lL'..l .1, ....... L'.-.l aa follows: Hegmning at the North N". C. IL li. to Neuse road . thence up river, and rn n n i n 'T with said r:er nn 'l'rlnr'j Ir ..,.,1 u'.i- t' n o r, f I ' ,i . ei . . r 1- ll . I.,ii - I , i- . I- i rn lracs. 10 irenr. reatu, ineiicc i.:i i thence with Wilson's i-nek to Trent oard s which I t'u.it ght : buying else wheie. No trouble to f S A II I K I . Iti fli1 Illy of Kim kihI 'taliilfj' 4; I ll rrtl Ifl itml Kricfly otil. Ki-i . i .!.. r ' Mr ( h- .k. ,m,:, : ,, V ;:r. h: ! ! ' , 1 nlf Y- :i II' v 1 .i1! f' i I .111 . ,. -. 1; i, T! A . A: N l; , I ' II !)' .11 ' 1 1 !" !.:,! . :l . VVl.t'll .t I- I'll . ' k." l 'Ti i iimril . . ulii.r i in :v ..i "-',!. .1:1')- I,.' A"-. I In' It. 1 K I: J i M -. ' I w M i U i i i Y; i Hut i i: :ev. aril til it Sir. I . 1. f "V el tli ,1 Mr. ('. I. F"V el Mve .., ..n. 1,1 a wl'o-o Un.W wTe :mn Hiiuei .. t- i t ! a- :lr y ur . , : : I - ;i . .: tt il' I llir i-1 op :i!.r :. -n. T. e-. i a l t' itu.e ii,,.i...' i. i kii.n a a.e u ii.:- re . I iuuu r P'. lam 1 i . i w -. ' h ' ! . !"re I w!i 'irai v X. . I.a- n.n a r " , ::,i'-s'-. - iiai'!. II .'ail . - r K- u' '' - Im Ii aime .1 ..... II. ..:..H ,, . i at i -! . . i l' 1 1 ..- i .t-; i ' i- . y i-ko I. 'r. A 1. i .: : I! t :: : a : ll l II .l.iW u . a i e u n Fi i ta . IL i i now. i 'i.i . , iv I u ir 1 1 -ru, :. aw.:p:,- . 1 : per. W h- '-'. an.. , i :a -a a -p..'. in.l one ' ' ' ' - "' ' ' ' ' kma ii .,.:!;- 1 he i ;:r. e:cr h Im en M . W -a;; " ... vi- 1'vrrv .. ,,r,.M- a-"n't. ' aa d t!ie front i::l,,:,.i.mlii ,,i had ln - '.:,- .itlv at) -' 1 p.J.'i I a. r - ; i the w u- . ' i ' : c. y - . a. , a "' 1 h r-e. Mi. T .1 r.: v a -. t over Fr. uv w-- ' h i.m r.n e M J. I. he pa iuie i'- Ili-IV- (I I " wan Ii ae anil ISiMel'. the ih i:od - ni- rcaair. ..r : 'o. - ipy 1 oe" her. l h.- : .1 . r .- .1 -o ..:: - -t . k I"'..) 1,1. p ri n nl' st. II- w a. a- hen t. 'fare uis- 1 onac . '. 1 .-In; air : us ;i,e u-. a ,t i- r -enl stun. I i,:. h -.iij ets it in d U: The shin Fra"-.'. c (.'iir.mii iv has uot - -.-r. tl , , - o. - . ,1- ' . . - I 1 1 A. I , 1 ' . ill I O ,' ,,.t. ;,, !l( c.,'i orm a an 1 as 1 r. et - . 1 a. t : a , ' i ' i a p 1 rl :o a I 1 1' t.. .sm K- -a latimii ,n 1 com- aa real cei S :i-c ill a . 1 h .nl r a t.ci : Tl ' P a' r , ataili?" -;xl I a .1 s till, a 1 1 rcph 1:011 '. ai as r: a ; u ik-cnp- 1 a Us: 11-. U 1 1 1 s o 1 11 1 o I! 11 s 1 11 o Vlirlh. 1 i!,-. W. M. U u 1 1 e- h ft. ni' yii. 1; to i,..--ae, X. J.. n ,'iohe iijto tlum 11 . in ' - 1 v ... 1 . : ai - ri, 1 . . .i ll -. 1. lie Will'' ti.stm,,'. Hn ky. u d the e J en il ' no i a- I. ea lii-i Prs une time a. a-i er re iitat-i .Mr. i. i ii 'ii.ii.il. the p .nr., r . f Ma Uoiia.r.e m the husi- 1 e-s i hev n 1 e V. a: - ll S t.ow 1. 1---. Mr. Ih.a live i i tea loDUUfii"'' HT'iin'i-ii i.inrk aa, vi-'Orou. m.-.n an- .mat the emirc l.usi- ro'i mm aiicemc i" l.u-;i e andoiir t-e iic uen c-r.i 1 1 V wiil; 1. . .- r- ' re t t he re 1 1-- a ' . bat thcv wish 1 1 im d pi ins new li -me l'.t-a.c to which Mr. li ainiree v; ics is i thriving and i;i.iw iii' ii.auuisct tiring , V"-'"7,"'. '. "I i h lh ,a,,u j.",. ;iid "mnv to number wa InD iaat-. 1- mod now to nutnoer e utite. n or tw . n'y ' hnnnn a. it nas siik, w. lott n ami In i-en mills, and . .,, "I" niuvi to h- nunpr .1 tour thousand .uv paid off we kIv. D,nlh .r r. b.V liauioo. r ); T Ilaiiil ton (i;e , VtdDesday , , ,- , - fi. rnrrn-i i t int'iiiniv:: 1 he tunpia' ft. rnooa i f pneiimo:.; :. The funeia1 ":l- he! 1 T..ur-d.V af eraoOl at 4 o'clock . i j, i - iioai the rcf.d. uc corner nt Ln.ad and' lt.ru -tr.pu hv U v A. I) lt!t. Mr. i.ai:,n n .,- . c.rp-mt.rby trade. - .... d.-- l-ree .d r..;.ii-t th och. t ' :;MdCU-"""' j 1 ',Ie"w i(1 .; ' 0".ub r , , . 'd,,. ,,f tv1lhi : a --.i mjn u a mni.tn an i omcer ma";; T .:..... '".. '. ;, , it .m in ,. ... , i,.,.i, t..n .-iu',.e t lU- ' ii "a:. 'a-.d ftom 'which t'-e Pmi'. -! -'e .heea-d mil .., t n -a al. am. ai . i . -u aac. ea.hr r av,. . ' "'' -unesuay - n.-.'ht .l.iFy -". h. at the res. d. -me of his -on-m-'aw. Mr. J. Md;.in, of Bright 'i-i ,-e. I'm- f-i: rai wii! I t- from the iion-e tiis a tei a "ii at lohloik. ; lina will issue tickets at m - at y ledinml lh v. l'..lw..:'i l,.!.. tae e crr t o trei- Mr. t,'o k w ,t'.4 e as . t a ne. He wns i rntts. The Atlantic and North Ci'"1 na. ipa: n , t ..t '. a Ne-v ik-rt..- Fair. . i n p. ie . : S -uh C "r "l.na hut his hou-e he WilmiDsr'.o ). New llerne an-l Not'.-.k ' Tin;-. -ay a-'. Ml Hu a aus meder mm- -n New H n.e mr manv ve .rs. He I and th" Cape Fear ami Vadkin V dley , tf it - . h : a m ei ..n- hciaL: ma 'c I n: ah w - in 1 rmer veais a weli " known car- 1 r lilronds announce i:...t they i'. seli thi- y. a:'s Fa r a r:t: .1 -ucce-j. and u.-lh-pei teratid bii'.i-der. He wa a memb r tickets over their lim s at the i it- t ..re a a 1ml utifivo mice r previt.! l th" Mdic strut Hap-l-t cliiirch. , nt for eveiy mile iniv.-l, 1. Takai-on u.m ir in Umi t e ! ---t Uica: ai . 1 the Cape Fear and Yulk ti rai ley r i : :- I'..e Fa r w.i. eoaai' iae ". )!nii - ay. t ort ruurr. waV will lie sold February -". 1 t. . 2d t ii Fehriup y " 2 i ' ; i a I ( on;::.", . uuiu la T' : ie - a i r: or he d ite Ol c tlrst ; a:-:. . :' F.-ri F.-' er . - :t app. am in the pttl'p.iiet " 1 :.i .- utli s llati le Alilx V, atiivriit iron hc. w e pt: h i-ln d in ai ;--ue . : ,h. -Jir l. a si nt. It is primcl t'.c p, . p . t Nov tuber 2-i:h, 104. ;", ''' 1 .'7 '"'n l)tCailh r 2"nh -'p ':. ...... ,,.,, ,v ,.r. .,. ... , .., . , ' : :; e .. ,'mphlet. Our Publir SrhooU. 'I'm re aiv i-i the State 2 white and 7 ,.,c,r. .,,,,'..-.. o.- -, -,- n Pit.. 1 , ., . ., i , -- h o s taught. N i nt .-r pubi:c ..'no K. l ull I'mniiiri mill W Inter 4'nbbar. 'I'm- - i v ' lac lioin, a ,.:n. .mm a ...r f -dier -iu.e l.rou.dii ,. , , - '" . g t m r i.e. . age. Pp.- .."w - I: d, j i-.p e- o: Pe Wh te Uli.-s . . ... I' .. ..,.,,,,-. i a,- t , I i .. a ii..... i ,-'. .na- ,,i sii ,,i .in. -limn K i a 1-ol Ar.ipa':.. . ad I'eii-'gtlal lo Mr. n. 14. I 'ii ve; p. rt a .New lie: ne, Mr. K u . i.'...rw.- ...-. up to tne . l i ii . a1 ... :: -: ' v h ; - h. - - ot' i , r v tine V:t. Van, p 'laPe s mm an hy I, i msclf at W.ii'hr.p. . Tl,.- n, T.,.or-, A.b,v ee,. " A -1- .t n-ie-tai, Pom K.iegh to he W ..u-.': t i. ;ir.n J.r.uirv, 'Jluii. -;m a1 V .1, y r.er. pt' -:dp::t. and Chas. ,1.' Park.-r. -e"'arv f t e T. a hei-' A-s. m- l ly, ami II S. B a:d. Stahoanl A:r Line r.-pri s : :.,t:", i-ae f-r Wibmngtou tnght uiiou i v la'iiui i.; Mai or Harris- to . , o..k at v i niiiaii i hi at d vicinitv with a vifw '-f-eectiag a phi, - lor tlie annual m. tag .:':.,.- Tiac... -' A-semb'.v ne'. Ju.v.' ' ' " P tuple-. b':' klie.d-.. frtc k'es, tan and! sm. bum ren.ov. .1. That oi!v and rough ckin curi'.i and l he face ami hands heau- T m - I !:.-. I si if i . - " ' ooap. ji em- . cioal and toilet, two Lre cukes, 2 cts. iiVrailebj P.S- Duffy, htd by Jul ntioii s (Jnental boap. ileth- KM If (inv. Carr's Oriler Kt1 nkin x ( n in -mission SlitNt'il ! onicr Siit'rinr C ' i ii r I . Tlie 4'hhi' to 4 ni4 M2 hi HniiiHn Connty Superior I on r I in !' Ur 11 ii r - Threr li iion of lli-..'ri t:nlori ('Olll mull it f r inlo mill II im NtniKl. I : w i I ' in' n- ii in: ' r i ' '. .' 1 ' ' i 'an- ri . . ir iy i , ,m "; I e i : !.e coinnii ;!! .'. ri;i .' - W n- 1 'W. . .''ii in ii ,1,-r i ' ' N i'i 1 ,ir . i .iv H I'taii' i ). I ) ' . ' 1 n : n ; : ' i'T I r . :: I.. l,i-, ::, !i ' I .1 ' r' 'II . II I .1:.'. ' ' '!' ri 1 1 1 i -.-. i 1 . ' ' 1. ll, -: '. I u ntv m! .ii- w'ltii h - : t :. ':i ! . ,.t ii-i i!i in .;; : a : ' . ir i. 1 : :n.i:. fV W'livnv p- ii'H'l t e .l," !: i-o.irt of N' w II in vit lor um : : : -tav lli" 1'i.MiiU mil. nil t lh" I..U-T:, "1- - . : i. i . -,ii I .1. eni ' i: ::' v 1 1 -ii. I ii'nry I. t .:!::i-k. t'..' i u" IU. ' - - - . ': , :,. 1. . .il : a I ' a ai ' i . M - i "ii u'4 i prmiiu. -I "ii nf i ii.- (Juvi rnor'g order, mid sii in iin ni i'i; han t i r,,r i,;,., ... (Minimi K..lnt .rv ,o,i, ,n ,i, ,,,......,. n I, v i.B 'ia,,u!.l t.m U,.IU. , ..IC1.; mh;,.:, ,.' .ii ,',. ,'.- Ualinn iiiieilKr - i ai . iM.iCi "i n m i-ieis.n-' 1 In- t'limii n- nl leinn.anil r r,- ., i i. iu?ii' i i i ' 'inuuiui -ci i.i.i ' . Tin' fttt Tiii'. - !"r (Jo'iini unle: :!-' nr.- George ltoiiiitrn', F.-.p. nh-l Me-'-i - iaaiid n i. The c inplont in tie .- I O 1 has l en .-en i d i IK a- t'r P'.-oni- in liie ea-e. incluihu-th'.' ...r.e"i.fk'iK". -.i-.. vi 1 1 1 mi i ii. ,ii iv i' .' i tin i a -1 i i I l '. tlr Il'em.are m atsae. Pay . hotvi r, l-e pilbnjliod la la.. :;i Hi .Mi-- -1 I t'l l1 HIM l 1 1 ' ' . A - tin.- ma ler now .11.:-, Co an; ,:; -e: W ii'. 'W still n mains :i co niai ; I o 'he .. - , .., . ... ... ... ...a.i'ic 'in. u I . m i-i 1 M fi I ,11V. ll.e- ves an. I w i ; . , ,,mu, , i,; , v f i " " ' . , , , ,. , ,,. i 1 1 ' " v . - . lti. (WV U:tr UT1M 11 1 1 m 1 1 -' V i ).L r-C I Con.n.iiu.ier Win-low V a. I a. in -trat: ai ,anl ihmt.inl he ha- tak, n W:,,,',- i .. . I t. .n Ml i-eil"er. tiif I't Hi-if in ii.ni.; 1 1 1 J .... .1 .-.. .,-.-,..., ai, I It .. Witrk II11111I. - .-'-- ' eome Appennet l.ncK ol FroK't-- tlfurl lorriirr Ibr Tonrr mill Totiii lork Quick Arlloii .ef-snrv Or I'hnv VLT I I 1 K., I Akl . The wall: nt the leisime-.t -t..ry --f th-- puullc bilihlm aave 11 ti'.i-hel aha:t 1 one week ami the steel .'ir.ler- la i.l 1' r t.,e . fl . ..ir Tin, ll'tl'l ill'lIlP 11, Yf .-ii'r ll,' I nil' , g0iD p. , Tue wni'K liiis p I 'L' .'; -sei 1 la:' 1 ' 1 1 : 1 1; 1 : now, for so-i.e r!iht nam .. I 1 I of the lieantifniappeaaee. It is in North L'arohua hrins ti -a ne rnuah ashlar iim-h. Ih -t ifi wo: k ' U"W in prnnress isufri.l p:'.--.(l hra.s. The remainder of it will i-e '.'the .-ni.e . with bronn st r.e an 1 b .If hrvk :r. ta in :oi:, A'thonh 1 ur cttue . to a"' n.an u-p liahpve Htsire a Ilia li;ii a':an of ilia ..lo. ,,.,EloP,itl ., I.H...I",,,, lm-n - ' - .,, (k lera ,,ev r he,.,, c me. n.-d. de- cistve go ps taken. Huh a!! the m-1 iy tuid n-.l tape there i :n an .1 n:.,u r-. u,.Ct.9J ' caotu.-t 1-e lo-'ke l ir n ni ,,,toie,l. Shall a town tne tarn I e called i ami voi.-c eivm therein to th- se-tim. nts i nl nnr noon e oi, the SiP'lfcP' v.-,.n v..r ih,. ni-ln-- o! t! 1, n e ....... , ,.. - ,n i.rli t li e 1 1 rp 1 h v i iroi ii 1 1 pt)' i r t Iu: a . ...lr5... - - - . i -.. l,t,,. l01i, i useless. i 1 1 1 i i it o i i . . 1 1 . . .ii.i.Liiii.i- , - , : j Tne huildiii? wiil ! .' v ' ' 1 ., 1 tot it p .et'iv wh u it hi suare to iret it ex ictiv wh it it wi. a i the EAST caboi i run. WW " E '-t : Good and cheap Arrang-cmmi ir I t'ommn 10 ll. Fiom the . i in-u 'ton .Me-.-ncei we .u io a, .,..1 ....... ..i" i: P" .-t i ne iii.iui.iii': li"m iii'ini ui mi. in-1 1 r Luropna r.nr, u h.cli win t lie... :n tins : city from February ritth t O li in- , N. - re'. ,e.. Co.-. (,..:.,. 1" - ll--'..- C.-i. d In-liutrtal Ass. ci-itio -. -i .'--w Hivne. C . has the Meen :"'. ti a: k I-t ai invitation to the imith mir.'.i .1 fair to ' ! held InNew- Heme February -.Mi .. rr.ip. ' " -'T"' 'um v.- We a'.-o return thuuks f r a iiremium is'. I.il.eial premium-for p."m. -s ,n ail ir ne i.-s Ot I'll ll-t r V . I',' i 1- I'ei ae : -ruous uf .As wH, i, put i : t i! , : ,n .k ,.. ,., a;.cme Mie.-e-::; rai t beU1 bv ,lle ; s,ociati. n Kwm , si 'U trains w ije run er. rv - av cupi the ia;r, an-l all the ro ids :n N'-rtri i.aro- i inclusive, and nail he l' "o I : '.r the uturn : 1111 M-h JIEXU'AN 4 11 ICK win AKin be nt iht Fair ihis voa , with Double iho fompan.v II.- Had Berore" One ol the most p eas-ng .r. ever ,,,,r F,ir w:l t!-al M'X:..-.-. Chick at ,1 l.T- co-tip. ry . I . c i i ! m".'- . I o rmers. These .h -a v t: a-: a 'a-t ye , i ' will l.e gh.d ! know ihey w.r. i ere asl.un this ve .r and 1 1 a. t.,e i oia OOU t) I V 113 lill a.'!? a- ! -e' f . i ' ' i . i : . - II ' . m ' 1 ladies and g. ntiemtip. Thme are row ,,:tR. of ti e pel f. .nii' r-. N"t nuiv ,iil il r eompaiiv give go.. I pe:"oi'a,ance- leg ti.e pinnriitor aid imr:.pi::v -'mwad hi a; sehes whi e h- rv to Iv g, o a : v, r j. p m an. I '.ll de I ta . : i : - 1 1 : i - -i- t v li; t. We lire s- rrv t see ta t dm .o'npmv has 1-cei, a. i o.u-.! iii'c'.e I , a c-'ui! a- i : imitator-, t he P '..pre aa' - ' :; -. -.ov .. j (ie ( p ( k '(,,',,, e . i ." ..:.'.-, en, - tlie Imial is emled. 'l.m taana. :.;'. i,, p i .mi .. ..... cam lain ,Mipii i . , ' ai i . o . , - , . : , . a. e i staving there a wa i k t .king t eetPaieie- ceipts Willi li'iri, a i l : . v : ii ; t lam' 'inpany without tlu-.r p .y and v. limit : in I- to n.. iliov lit- i, i- li -mi -u".l. nl i - inchidiug a b 1! w.tli t'n. A'g ;-. TheArgusgivis the ah ve ;'ls almut thatcompiinv and concludes bv saving: j his k-the , u.PniaV-s' ou. , n,,t,,(-' confoande.1 w,th t .- w , ,. , a n and re-ponsibie ". . s :cat. t hak,' wlm-e n,,T,ni'ir,.,i!,i-itiiiii n e ie"!, r o nnanv .- ' .- ... . . . . " .. i;iiued our community a y- ar or so ago.'' " Xorihern Visitors. Mr. J. 1). Bu Id and waft; Mr. Henry Salmon and wife. .nil Mr. K. Canan , ,. , v r SliU S.MC1 111 -Ji 1.11 II, eiil.l, l , .' . ..loll , , m on the steanu r .Neuse to saen.l the winter. Th.-y are at Mr. N. S Biclcr i- son's: Mr. J. Baker and w ife o' the s .in place also tan e in on lie st. inner Nea-e and are visiiing Mr. B k t's sati r. Tinv appeciate our mild tiiu.a!,- as 1 compared with the Ingots of Nottlnrn winter. V- r... ... m : c ... ... I 1 . 1 . , .icw utiiuc .o gn'i.iu iu nn'i n i i i nc time as a winter resort and the visitors are ever welcome. WINS LOW HOLDS T ms mi:i:t!N(,. if Ttir Hospital 4iooll 4 olll III I I I A l il I II f I'll to I'm lllill'lic I 1 .1 1 .1 ll it r.l'filirl ill MOlhcr 'liiliii- tii.l;i l I I I' I W.il. T i . ..il it" I', : : ' . A ! i i - : , i .. i . 1 : ! . a ' ' ' ' , : . ''. -. .... H : .. - . :, .:. !i.-. til'-' li '. -i. 1 :: ': in i i " : i . vi-ti", li.Ji i -. w- : ' : ' .ilass: be J ii a i. X. (;...; . a iL'-olution w .- - 1 V " ' - - ' (J. 11 j. ii n 1 r. X II. -treet. ! ! al a I ii..i in ! e . ij'uiUiid ly 1 1 ; i i .- in i'i .i i ..ii- rV it e i M I. - I i . I y, thi- raii:i!ii :ii .' - .: 1 la','" I i "li'Vi-e w-il ' I iiii-i..nu a Ii 'ii.'li ill Ni'.v il i-.:iii!i.:i . ' ait at u a Ii". mi.'i ii:a' t..' ni'i .i;!ZL'!iS. A:'t '. ! n - :' i . :ii j. .: i;--v. i . m. llllll..: . . I I 1 1 :: l : '. ' . n fcai..-ii-I nr. ,i lill'I Tlie following .in :n i I'l'O- I'.,- c rh llrm, N ,.f. aa iai. rl mv!i; F.. H I ' :': (' !" all", .Mk! a. ; . t . .- . . m , , . l',,,' , y ) ) . 'M V t I ; 'i ir i-'t ' l'ir' 1' r'ail; ' ''I' .l' i' u.,.., j ( ..:. , v T, .'c' Ir,;,- I'i. "i',ii'; '(,,. -.'I j ',,,',. .r.in,' w. 1'. i '. - J. ' " -'. ' '. . . ' ( HT I ' TV In i;.-!r,ii r- I ! H .Ian " il. Th - I .:,.;.. j.. , .,n1 ,;, .. Hrv.-' i'j. illlt- v.,,. '1' ii . i Him a;. t : a- t. !' " .f .1. -iia-ia : j. .I' i an i.-l"' a. pom- i-t i:t'v.M"u' it-'" 1 Pin - !": lr'ii:.:zi ' . . ' V,.U. w-fK. e:c. wl.:.". uV 71 i- -me M,M:t"l m Iho ,1, xl ;i-, ni' , l;,i.. u.navi,.n in- n eeue- -urn-l I- , . . , . I . . , . I . , , i .,, ,, . , , , , . 1- i, .i - n i .. i i' : r li r 1 ' . - I li v'l I i I T I a1 It ,t''"'i' T i ) is.' K. Olll I - , '' ' ,, , i' . u "' ' X I h""v , ,.V" iia(l-.i' .ii)'a aii'r-i n'.iii. -aa-ii.i.- ii:te -a ai a b a:ianm,i hi air. -uh-i-nj- tiop-ai" - . :! 1 - ana 1 ne ui,'- tanm- ion,: in imh . ti for th - u 111c tma. l'ae p a a- -a' mall" m it can I e aC' i t- : ': - 1 I : . is 1 , , r i . . hi a 1 , 1. -..'i i- . u al aad nta -r bu-ae s- aheu.le.l t . ' i u ; i jail llie I la c.'r 11: . .. : inli sain taajlp -Imp ; "' 1 """'' ( m.ou.'i 11 a 1 a- nn '....- i .U'i v, I .nii '. 1 'te 'A la . 11 ' 1 a .. i, rat. 1 n the plun .Uii -u:i :i, .o.-i 1. ,- t ery- thia .,- an a-! . an. .1 : r :! c 11-iih rii- : am o : i 11 :i" ' 1 a n .'' -: ! a - p .-. 1 ,ml , m 111 -- ii I! I.- il '.hat n- t s.. rn el. ,i.- ;ii.. : ., it i... i- s . S( IIII. S 'AUIi:" HAI.I, 0111 111 Jin (1 itl by 1 V . II i J I . is I Uv first t om. t i ii; S linoiicr I Stiil Through (lie I.v I)rrl t Iiil-I at Pnrhiiioii t li . T hf .-ii- r S. V;i-rcL i!;r '. ' .pt. K. .... , V. II: , in ,.... m-1. iinv,,: :a p- 1 1 1 "i- i no i .- io . . .. . , ... I.. ,. . i .. ... , 7 .' ;'-''' '"' .1 le:!:.:. r- i on-i:i I la .a a r. au. ivii: t - ! . 1 1 i witli lumber at ti: fin-j-i ;i M: for s .me . i:v. TIIK P0KTM0rTII-O tl A l 1 ' iv K IM.KT. The Iliil i- tli" Ii -t la ri i coistin: iim ; ' ' " ' .". .. ... inenia ,- u,- n-i .aim iinsuuu s'ho..i:.r to s.il throu-h t h- i ewly 'h' '-'' 1 I'-" tsaa .u; h- Jcrac ke Inh t 'I In ar.ujel i oi Isn;. -ip Il- li'l'.i:.' ke lllat IIP Cip'.ain ml. aa:- ir- ;a i h e ai.e Pm, 11 1 1 ..-.i- ,- . n . ...... .. 1 " na rna irnvm: e 1 r tat d: lii' uii ! - any w hate . w am aim tin I'i:. tea in: atl'.rd- 12 fait nl u' ,',,r mi rl ...id tide, at d tlnrc ;s not !.-s than bk a.mi.m-e 1 ,nii ,.rn .V 1 1 in 1 1-1 i- I ,i , I'aail " Cpt. IFh ai wlu-u the dred-.' w.ek i- e. mpletpd lh- clai.nel v,:i l-efa eat a. nam me to 1.1s ra.e: . mid ;,: Le a; .-e. ;ue.l l.y every ".-kippn- inatpaies a T . ., na -,U , k . and -rales .u !ieml:, '(, 'V' '. ,:f.., ,rp ;,;(.n . .,,., ,, . ;i, . n :ii ,.vr t ,e ,-w ,-i, m o.-mck. hut t ii ..- Ua p he CXPC'.s la -u; i, roi'.o 1 . . ' me w Ul wnu u.- . , i un .- .i-i.. .i ini. ii. , i.i ,i .. i . - 5 , , . , , wa'tr d.ud h-aded. , i.vrntKi.voi ror kkatia paths -Somelliinir Kntirely DiH'erent Irom A iij- tuln-r liiir Ilt'ltl 4'm it t r v , in litiM ' d ar , X-':-!:. Do- i-e w ii. tl o' '. i u'" i e er atte ham: ( , a A Mai-ivii p r Fa t h cite i'-- p Via Iv ami i , t ', ' i a e Til '-e who have atlcal- 1 - an 1 ii. pl'ai-e- Ion i v. Th" f I"''- P.' i- '. -ph ii.i.d : 'lie w ii'. h p-e Fa. r i. .- j'l-t le. iiv.ii I'r.i.a t . li aKy M.up'.t Armi- laui. i'i '.a i .- i. ti : -u iia.t . i.e p ca-u c i nai a in i'o'.i wam .itu-tliv. T' e M . a.n ,r la : ! dm i: :-l Ca:m i F,-h. IK--, r. ' ana :i"d In-in -pi.". -ocat : :i -ii in ti'tng e: in aiv other ' ar heid tact t is . ii' ir. !v u; n iy o;li .: la:- c.ei'.t!-; f t ie !. ale path- ami ! .en-:' : washi't--. -.a-. ;!".'"; .v:.;VV"r ..V-.'evl. ,.a1( ,;ii-fa The. I an ' , .' . . 1 m g..o !. Th with l'ti.t' 'a -l those ' g ' IP . I.' I i." ' Hill -.im l m- .ii' .r:no;i- ! of lie It'll 1-. '. aP !,a--. : . Ca h - a. ai aa. - b". a e: ;. :ni' i d i i:l"f e-! . a coiil am d ai tin ar K .- era - mi n .: o' ta.- ia -i). tree imiii h i-e.h" ..!..: -, m hu, - .m u m: o: F. !-:eru C.t to h oigamt 'o tied m ..! ivotid. rl'.il fia'at'd .u'.-l . i th I I'i go'" r ' . -: t : a. ,.,.u pry Ta" M'da int r I' : : I, v, i ;; 1. isg .;;-'t.... . t.. .-c ve aaiy.. umip.tr.. v. .' in.iSlroiiL- . i.:.i;-tii!ii!iK. A -,e.i.i I-la' n :'m ('.aim:,. , i : M .,. . I,, I ,.. II . . . -i i . ei i , , i .,. . ". .. . .,,!., ii. U Bryan of New lhnm mi.vhohiag cotirr na- iii.- si; n. . " i nmn n .- a ,a p , i. .- a at-' e i a i a-a -n " ., P a ; i - ,-e, . ; '; v - -am t-1 si Ihi' -he prefer- . I'mnmnie V. T,a .1 naia , v tma, if c, ur: immv, m ,1 t.Vay. wai, .1 ... 'g, I lenry R. Hry im -f the s-c--d ,1: trie- pri.aa.g charge to the mn , ,. t.u , v i i ,.-u c. a I i. ,iie ,, ,1 ,'Xi.mh.i" hu-atsi :- all t up run . he dmi'.ed. 1 aicuiacv. tip't-r. .... m :-,-., i ;,.'.. ,,: .i phiin'y and - Own at this le"iu are m si r, king con t ra -t t 't eh"..,e ai d di-.rdi ily 1 1 . t-1 1 1 1 1 s p;e- v ni ng ai lii" last Ja'.a.ny" ten.:. " The Ch ri tfe .".'eus in n .tieing tlie one u-:on oi c. urt there, p. ys ih,; ful- i cotrph n e: t lo .1 uiige Liyaa : , , , . ". Judge Brvaii h i- n.a c u erv liv.-r- ,!,),. jj, pre -.on ujmn our peophe. Ile is otu.' oi the aba .-t j tdg- s who has pre-:.'ed :,t a . . c.rt .u luis . .au.ly and his p, ci-imis have heea uniiurtnly IV. ; r and just."' tad for i he II,.r-e Urand. .I.hnson'.s M:igne:ie ( ):'. it ha-no cipi il lor ail exier- n-.l purp m-s lor ai in or beast. Cure? - - - - I...,, a .. -.. --,-..1 - .l....,n,n.i. sjj i nm,, ui u . c.uin.yii, ni.uuiaiioiii , and t euralgia. Large bottles, 23 and 00 i cts. lr sale by F. H, Durty, mnstmn im i;d! tiiiai, H T!if Di'tVn.lciiU Anjiiil tn Ihi'.lnili' lli i hui's llnil Tour l.nilly Mi ii n i i . i in n. . i !,..i,. riii i i .! I. I -I. I. .1 the -I" ei h , J ,ii : :' : -"in,-- . : ..' in-v 1 1 ' i ; '. ' , . I t- IL' :. - i i'Ii. ." l;i.ln. 'i'i - i . . , U . lir-j a ! . Mr. I'. ,r. Wii.acii. the - a: .. . w Mi. : i.a- 1 1 tl'ia'i: Ihr :n li-iiin ol t " ! t rjii'iaiit h.-i'ati ii,ie Monday ' ' ' :,,'-,', ! I ii' - W. hie I" li..M the ,-pe dies I .' r m 1 1 e ni. ii. cuts u e rn v. e i.' li I il ubt ! In y : he-, i ai : ' t h .-ah s, ever I.i isi hi- i lainiy court, ai i'ii"." .-ii i ch. A li i.a . i r . : i . , w c e I ! i c- . i a-. . re -a i- i ii' ' :' th- m ivri' Avr, ,- 'In '"ml. 'I', e - eecii i f Mr. . i i ' ' w . . vt ry po.vi 1-- ij : nl an I ta. tic ami iy a. h e - mpathies. "(' .1 :i "in-t -le-jli . . . .t w;i- .1 p..-.',l '1 a ill Jof 1 ! St .li ; - la -:A : l ' ll V - 1 1 - : liOV v Ii. . in.' ai. oilier :ne. S iltn- t,.r U , r,l. . t ... . " . . i iv i ' . . ' . - ii i ii i n '. . . - . u - ui7i ii ill nil :i ,. ,, tv .., onc, that .-! . avi il up well . , , t; he-ri ii,e ha-c Hot t- a, , ,-, ,l.:,i. '-;,.. , .,,!..i. lea.hta' l,U , ' . . rr . , . , , ' ' ' , ' . - ' , U.-l.l j. JHI. ill) lUMVdT.l Ills ClllUe .1 n - . . . !" .:; " 1 .i.n:e jars t'eitm - 2' The juds i...... ,. ... ..i 1.. i' .1. , 1 '"' -" I a n -e 1 l. 1.1 :b 11 ,n; lll'l . t iaea lOU'Ut , , een cr..w, let miilileilt ntl l T e c . - " i 1 11 art : ii iy, ana , . ; . 1 i : 1 'Z : h a ..: " lain -t .1!: Ma h ae b . n pr - - kh ' a ', i' -Ai'iil'lTTM. "I.e. v r .ni .ii :i a r- 1 a iltlc iifluie 1 ,.', . ,i of the Me u a a-, "''he i "la- -a ' You have ti c .-al is 11 1 ij. '- I- ur Via y I : -ijeni a i'.r l-'iw-t' In m ma : i f U1- I.n i . ,:i 1 ; im , n 'u;i'y an a: po- r .O'lhllu' pe 'J i" t" 1 c. .ominr.nity - r I e 1 an. j pi: v. -T e 1, ; T I 'l - -!".!. 1). i Ui u'.v ). -hi-. d the am: ' a1. (,'. i; ilt'ii'on. 'm. i. K eU .1 .M. Mcwhonie, , duo. F. I'. iivvu k. A. J. -I tS f 1 mil' , , ; ,:,;. 'p: ., . . r: -p W I J . . T u m, . . .. . t' ouu. o fj i . : i -e a nu i . 1 1 i aniiifi!i an. -1- 1 .........I I .' I ' v ' T ,.,,..,.."; IS-.O. Th : rand jury ithi. tmad a tute arc- I, ( . I.e. Boh W Pimm- m : I a " dn-t .1 aial It a -I on. r I'.r -e'l n,' tae (.'um )in t-.. T.,-. ..... u... ii ,. -1, a ,1. .(.-. I . 7" . ,' ' a-,,,.... ,.. ; -, .a ; p ,.U! j v u ,ini;'I';i.'s ,.',,r,.'' p,; , . . , , , , . ,.. .,.,, Hock if sait' ice The pirtiesj were pia. i.l id a-r sj ,.ns u,,t) i each Tins ta-c wi'i ti a be i cri at this term Ci-Ul t. .' - ,, - . i i . i i ' lee J. IC-- lis fCUU.ar C Oliri procemiiu"- has ti,:- news which oears 1 ,..,-,,. St.Ue vj.,, cottde'l; peiiurv. The' m.a v..t, ,,:.v nn.l was 1 tr,t, . e , t., ll v.-a.t :n rl.o "ik murjtia - n .. , . II N. l-'ie'ii- n-.t him t . s-.vi ar to lies alj m triiiP-'o i if lei-.- Moi t.ai, ;.u-l la-t waek "ar lam iin ami a tier ol tecom - uaaakitmn PeMr. J -. ih Lassiter, at Kah a ti. 1. V.. a a i t ld i,: ai to have. 'Tn la.- cv: a n, e ni the I limit):: case H. V I'a --won la nnm fooilpii onlv as. a cane C'omlell only :-J, a.d li af I " , a : a i iuis ; hiin to leave, a: d 1 - i - ti J win ;,j .,.1 ; i rn h ick. Stat- v.- It Fiehli on ti:e eharac oi nei jurv. i--e: lor trial at 9 cimh :im ;; i.:mi:"'. r..urs h.v Jan. 3UJ. . " ii:ivk from -rn k state. The Kinsion l ire isims aim Field. Sri !r ii f r oJ In r i n r v. Son teno 1 .oil,..ri .iiio,iii.r, Kii.iiivei.wp ....t...,it- ..i niv ,h. " vi seiiit'iit-e ;ph into i:ii"e't. Ta t .v u. ii. James CoMe and Hah in-, au 1 :!" neui'" lied Jovncr, who 1 -hn n. '-o I!,l -Tomi.r who . v, . !i , ;: t' e hi i K'iiiston life ia lieei'.y pa'.'tol !a-t ear spoken! . fa- the C.iinmiii'j- life, all e-utered a pica .-: ii.)'. coat, mire fTidav. i Thcv v. n i a h -ot.te'iO'U to f.irtv vt-ars ! iu tli petal-a !;i v. - h" -enaaic'. - to gM into i i if i t tiie lo; , . r' j". hi-.i ,. v. The di lay is I in . a- w;iii i he i: P ii t.oa ,.i giving tlie men j opp-aia: iiy i - ua aw-ty. On the lUth i a i ap:a- w .;. i. -i.iif to ,- ch c- utily in the , -'at. aa a .!' I- mid an w amc. into the pen-' i'.. 1 1; o'v they wan go. ; And ad he can spare, lor the Hospiuie. , -miiar :.cii at wa tak-n in n ferenie to . The carnival being over, the hall fi ,;- N- ''. ' He e,,;- ilpiigp . witu lur- ; low,.(1 ilmediati'l v and was greellveu ill- a wan.,- to aa if to las. if: ; j,jVed by the ilancurs. ;.-:c i :ae , ,a,e pe: and w .s na need to ' --rllc ,)r0:;r:llllle 0u this was a- hhiow t :: ;p- ;.. 1 1 .. ptll.te.it:. .IV, Ills sea- - nvNCP.s. una ', a- in ::-,mi:h, r ca-m. to rn; delayed i j f,,.;,, " '' c.rui ,1 i ti mv-. a. tail nave ..r oilier M) ! I'4 II K III i. .1. 11. lluiisit'r M it riliTi'rs all "on viotetl Iiul 4nly Send nei il to the IN iiiieti, ,i;irv. hi : ta 1 1 iv- l.air.d the' -' gaigni Hi,' c;ie to L ip er murder trial a;,.l,m i .- n ' ' ' '.'.'''.' 1 ' - i r life-- W' efs .."! h .s i xci- -tide, if . ; i f , , , .- 1 j . . r P egf an ' t . TlIP .'Ot-HXAI. from y j .'dpim e r "f the Wash , ,,-..,,(,-p. -a-' ' .,.',' .... v: ':';..'. ...m uT, -u" in the ; : .V,.,-, v 7,7 f f;. v'l'v na Bed .Y . 1,1 auJ J-,e"' w'.- f.p',.. uu.-et-nipd h-w. if convicted ..m-ouai all gi t elf as tin v have with M!, a , , , :dVr committing , t- :"'!- a : ; ,''11, sn ekitig turn-; agaii.st lei io'.i niaa and lieigllOOr, in f.pn-t li u man;! v li -e:' .. ... ' ' . Itpv. V . II. nnrlirk s I ttneral. Tip- funei.il of the Be v. V. It. Warlick, l'Oi riicoke. w:i heal Wulnesday after- tio.,11 ll.'llill no-n. -a.. up 2'.'lli, i'i- in Tabeniiicle Mi'thmlist i Imrch. 1 '.do Alto the old h"mc ol Ids u ite. Kev. I). Kiel, the pas - lor and H-v. F. A. Bi-liop, pastor of Ceuteiauy M. J". cainih, New Berno, eiliciating. A huge r.utiiber f Iritn-'U f the de - ceased aid lis I'amilv te-tilied their re - siii-ct to hi inemoi v bv their attendance. ii ... i - ti : . e M .. . i o - t- , . ' 1 1 lie v. at i , rjisiio aj is. o4 j. j iitjuie anu Mis. W. B. Swindell Weut, duwu from I New Berue, returuiug at night. -the m asteka dk ( i;i i. Stanly Hall Fillei With Mrrr IMfasiire Sim-Kits. t.ooil 4'osl iiiii' lili-iillly Hill 4iin- 'i'.l4'l -'I'll' liiii' J.'sii'i- I hi 11 a run;; lie 'I'll' I n musk j - Iln Itall Si.iiiiy Ha'l mi- li.i-d lu.-t mjlit '' ' til' try. uierry. tlirmu ailni'lai.' t .. mi -i. ii. r m1" a i:v il. Tui-i . w. , i !.. i- ! Ii! 1 all' 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ol I hi- li'in ! ; a i. : an I :n rn-lunii . Ni ii" ' .'I, ii iij. ; :; o!lit'r I'M I aai Ions Ii t a!l v.r 1 i, , ,- :i"-'lv. 1 ii" ii'i irin ni' . a- .na i a; i , i i ; 'I" L'", Hlh ( , I 1 t . I '- I "ll! U . 1 ' I i . I!-- i. K '".r M . .in a- wa- t". -1 - - " a I . uh'l. lie v:l -i I :'; "' l . ! eoiist aial In- -lei u i- v . i Carlav. Al':. r the 'jT'.ual .r : 1 .'.-li "f I lie Kmu i he j.'-ti r !.m-h r. illii liaranune: I . M - Till I4IOI.VS IIAItAM.I I. I am Mr Je-tei'. Whim I . .. i . i , i . : I )! ira !' tool t.ilk i. l tl,, a v a .!.. I m n'.lier word; Dry up. , 1 iim ikvused here to chin. ,i-ti n to my tnuniiii i aia'. Hear me iiiurmur. )i ciHU'.-e what 1 fay i- all in ji -Altlmuilli 1 am not mm al n, h AU'I hi t'iH'e I am thf.nili. I ii n- :ir u What in th" wui'M ilni'S ail that "! Why tloesn't he take a nt : I can plead small ( ciise fur he.n !.. Kset'pt beinj; a o., 'i .- iny na! sphere A.tI ht-inir chosen In li 1 :!n bah I wil 1 ei'j' iy my f'nol-ril in la' i.i ma-! Some jirt-at man. will) a vcy hiu h a I. (An. I peihaps he hail Iiii: I'. at) . , i ......... .. . i VV. f 7 ' " ' , I hatextrem, in ie do n.,-t. , lias very ua-ely ami Flint extrcnii t in life To-nii;ht this tiutli w Iu sentiment at hn-t, . ,J-Ui-"L iul 1 1 u" ue I" "4 e m:""- n Sen illlPIl 9 i:K For to a:l in o 'i Lnij : liie I e I 1 m , , I I C iliC ill tl V.t.llllri; It tlM. We are at a. CailliVa! least. , i In truth this doth kn w k ihe-mh- .r .. ...t.n.. .1.1 i... oil ilia iillltl UIU p.n ai a x 1 The preseDt atl'air w a.-a "Ilapi v Thought" , Au,, lQ tl0sL. H)at com eivul lt.'l think a. ou"iht (.h.e .a- Ul(. -sL, htil v iu . ,, , ... ... ...... ' IIJUCCU t VI'l. 17UU 1 li'U . It was the doctors don't van know Who first conceived this n. .! -h.av In ad ot the sack, th poor ih-' 1 e--'-' I. And we arc lure at their bcle -t. A short time :io ll.ev met for a ''p..! 1 he sul.jeet this time w.i- n t a " 1 . 1 till The scheme iliscus-a-i 1 w:.- t . 'v-rr sick A -.nl get them tnuelher and tend ti.'-m ipliek. The s id. jet.-1 was hmcal by Dm I "i Mn i. 1 u I the ideas Willi aipr-i .1 dai m-.- '. ,,nil, ind l.j e..t. s, i!el)t.,, ,),,. ,;e : Tiiey declared it uiave them ei iiiani pleasure. One, very Priin-r.ise up and said. 1 As he siiai ious'y liob-ul his h -a 1. ; That the plan proposed was bound stood ; W'hen Dusuid said it is nt ban ad t . . , e 1 ., - . . . .. 1 WO. I I cc Ulieiosiu uu. .10 .-, 1 . ,, r hen up jumped ihn e 1 Pici oi - I in :)'. lol -.,irl III. ...rl l'r..n .I.,,,-. ... 1. tl' l Vhin was h.ard aloud' Ah.-,, "" i . ,,ali,. Ba ni... ni Alter the others had aired tie ir iea -. They met the approval ol Doctor Hip;' Thu-? was lanced this merry flair i v , i n sort nt mn it losniltioi.il' Which is a sort of night Iloipitahi ; Ana it is uopeu tiiai every m o j Will have lota and cords of liniocei'". lun. I'hoso Here to-mgiu are a motiiy cr. w. . .,. j y , (t(i ever oni'Ur to Veil : Th:,t every dav ulJn lhe;tr,ct , A still m. re varied crowd you nuei . We Imve those hearing titles r.-at With names 1 hat li"ur.' in allurs of state : We have Kings au d Sultans, and ah-. ; I)ukes W ho do not haughtily give rebuki -, ' We Imve Popes, aud Hisliop-, A'',,,!ta :md i Priests I And evi-q Xunns one often nect We have Bella to rina and H-ny- to e.d. . And iialls lo play with on tne -tr. I Vie have Carrawav seed for home ruatk ! We nave Carraway seed (or ; cikb, And Bakers at hand the same to bak. . i I We have Bulls, of gentlest Fair-cst kind j And Cullers to sharp-n Blades to our j mind; ; We have Harpers u-ctimdica! who .loi'it- , ,N;V'a ket'p' , , j And Parsons who do no! put one to i sleep. . vu have Millers and Wateis to tuta iheir i mm. e liav'e 1 asteurs ami Lanes iriu i'ai. - 1 and 11 ill. w e have rielu-s aud street s ami i.uiu also, we may i And even foreign places wheta a'' W'i-'vp Paris Ifolland. frplanil S oil-. . ., ;r i.nn(Trv ,l-s p, i.,i ,,r pats Now esn t this list cast in the -ha h . The average costumes of a Masipicmite: Now wishing you all a merrv t ime. Be not too critical of my poor Ilhyn.e But with as big a f .ol as I, 'TJieace pass my imperfections by."' Let lhe good work to-night begun Continue until every one Contributes soinethmg, much or lath'. ., ii-.j,, ..li , i , , 2 Wall., 8. Land, rs, Wivum. 4. Waltz, New H. rue i'a r HERMAN COTILLION, ; CI irence Liisoswav. Lea h i Home, Sw'Pet Iloni". Tin l; the remain, Ipr of lie- projr an'ii i was carried out which ended, a.- far i he carnival part was (-..uceri.e h w t unmasking before the kaig. TIk' utiina-king gave tai i iioi:- -" prises. The '.lenity of th" pa t mp. ; was well concealed. The Sew KW'fiiiMi lrtM'ineis .out the The arrangement of ehil.ui ; : e. m. 1 -i ctmsid-, and polling places makes it so thai an entinelv new registration will he required u: : v,, l "a S nn.l ? Tr..-i-liit.- ..Is., a. . S Township, except the city ol N w Berne, and a portion ot the city -,v; 1 a1,-" ' !'.DeW .'": VT" w'll er anew .s . ; Phi. lips precinct ot the F ittu ward ana ' S;1 i The obieet ot this new arr up emeu- - ; to c n v w, c w,, - h, o comply wuu 111c law pass u ay mi i.l i : Wislature rcnuirinz "as near as hut I. ; ntat Oile seonrate nlare of yntin ' fo every three hu ml red and tifty elect 'is." : both in town and countrv. i died Mrs. G. McKay, wife of Win. Mi Kay. at the tesideoce of her brother Mr. Kh-h i . Odnm, Frday Jan. 31st. of con-.inipt uu. j The funeral service, will he held I'-o.u i the residence of her hr ither, No. 2. j. ring j St this morning at 10 o'clock. Mis, McKay was 27 year? old, and i leaves one small child and a large cir 1 cle of friends. Diatest sister, 1 Ik u hast left us. Thy loss we deeply feel But it is God who bath taught us He can. our sorrow heal. iiii: m.in ti ft i m; mm iii.nk :i' 1 1 Will A 4 i-uni plih . Oiii' 'Inn Hill Hi. III.' Work ol M Siill 4.realr l'ni.i.rl lollitl HHlntr WlH'll I H II WorUllM'll H M" I Hffl Ht I :i i Ii Miti'liini. 1 . . . j -i' iii-il u.: 1 'li" ihtliculties ' aj .ii. t i 1 1 1 1 u' in a to Hip pnl. lie am; h . 1:' -. 11 rep at.- I'v statements ol 1 in. 1 1 1' ... te I : 11 veil1 a 111- r 1 nit" to ' 1 .!,'. . r 1 1 1 i ..' eiil.iii- a-111 ol t he in - 1 v 1 -. n a n a 1 : . ie 1 1 an v means ( i' - : ; an 1. -.I i. 1 11 Midi cast . ' ; . I ' 1 : h 1 .a - 1 ' I -1 1 il. k 11 pun a 1 :: ,- t ll'liu Ilia' a 1 HI', 1 illt' an ' 1 im n I ' .11 I lie la - , . ... ; . u im 1 a - mi ait- an : l ' ' a 1 1 1 1 1 -' a ken. I 1: ,1. m e . 1 - -I 11: a lull : 1 m - 1 i : 111 . . 1 1 en h place on ' . a i 1 .1 1 , t ; 1- to lie placed '.. !- 'I'I 'I' ma 1 1 l(M- 1 ai ' 11 ' ', ' ; "II a '' . m Hi. Ill.lle. 1 . - 1 . '. 111 1 1 1 1 ' a 1 1 ' 1 1 1 k 11 pi y I 1.1 pen irate- the 1 I . m 1 1 . - h '. ' -'"I opell- i .. ' ii- p -: - wiiich are pi 1 : a -a I p. . .pp. ..! 1 e easily slip-a : ; 1 ih: I in'., can li ime of these ! - .p.; .in 11 I'V ireii-e nioveineul ol 1 ;. . . : a,- ni 1- 1 . . 1 1 It tlironi'h 1 a i.i 1. a,. ; . 1 1 1 t inn throw 11 ; , In ml i a . - I" I r. iai lie 111 a him: f"f the - : . : ! 1 I. ha ., k at the machine II i ' . i :. : " 'I aer look at tin " mil,, mm j, ... pi if . nue. I h v han. I . -ni .11' : . an ., a 11 mini t hat I In 11 i' Ii ate ! - :. a . ! - 1 . , in :!.' ivi.h 1 ii'ul I 1 1 ... . . . 1 11 - a 1 I - that ll llli illeri 1 e e -a '. 1 1 . If. . (1 il by the nia - e .. I. 111. limp w 1U1 01. ; i 1 :,. in" 'iirU of mx men j ..r ' 1 u 1 '. ; tlii- sa ine 1 -1 1 e - in e han I 1 linn t he a " . 1 a - the I villi: of t lit' .1- w II ' 1 1' ' III 1 1 ' 1 1 - l Ill-OMI off. lie 1 nii' h 1 ne two men l'; Dm a a k a 1,. I . Z rmiter al- 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 0! h 1 n 1' liiit 11111 ih. r uiil do The tvm- p,i-uay t he d. .ctor in- . n ea wilh one machine o hi.n.iiei 1, tw hun- ,t tie I '-'. 1 - 1 a a.:. .,!,!. i.w inatir.m,,- M r iiiv. l'he :i in- n-f 11- -tvtntr .an rilie.l uf'ii it I- 11 1 ne 1 1 1 1 i r- 1 i thai hv old .I,.-.: a. to ,:t.iui.t or ten mattr.-sxes ii. .- 1 ..1. -al, ;- 1 a l' ...I dav' work. 'J'- ppiimili' tl.is savme; rightly it a; -i ' ,- 1 . am inlienv 1 also I hat the ttiltiii-.; ,:i 'i: i iii in mains.- miking it H - !i t-i ii.-Ti 1 1 ai 11 1 1 i-i I lie work. ll :- 1 ..st leni , 1 k il -le that two New IS ; . ' a f 1 im aidepi ndeiilly of eiif h m . . 1 h n 1 11 i.a e 11, i entions Imili I it 11- p 11 nialii' inakino; one heiny ihi- 1 'e: am 11 n lime an-l the oilier the rapid i .'. i.r.N .11 ; ma m e--st n tl 1114 machine 111 . - "Pd 10 Mr. Tlinii.is Waskdl, which is : o '. I ,n.' j lit on tin- market hy the 111 . :aa ami M 1. F. T. l'atlerson. lltlF.NSK I'ltllKITS In Ilit4 (.rowintf i.l Tolmfro A Few Ki it rrs li I fit it run lenipnrnry IIrm t.al li. r. .1 . I ' .mi I dmi'it there will he the lament .a :i o i i 1 1 1 c . o iii K.i-lern Carolina this y- nr ' wa- ever np-i i"; in this section. In -mie w;i . t i" nii a liecntuo pretty U' : iai ;'.,.',. i in lipids were not adapteil : . tae Li'i-.n; of the 'lie (lades, Imt i -e :- I an 1'opiated trials have fully i uv.: e I p. the c nirarv, and thoge who ,iae pi.au '! "ti e will plant again, and m i v a . ' i.ave never planted belore, -iv n a the a;, a i -s of Iheir neighbors will a.. - . tla- eii-. Th s is not to be won .a a a at when the hip' profits arc consul- I . i-i v. a I h j Atlanta Conslilution gave ii Ii hiiii'iii.l ihi'Iar pi.e for the best ;ic: " ot t am am r as. il i n t ho South, and the pi int.. i'.- o North Carolina never made an ilioit to ol, lain il. The ltacky Mount Amou.iUi noth ing this declares that one oe i ! ii nu r-eai'd have won that prize ami jiiiji tli li'ines to prove it. It -pt- ik - a- fohow - 'lie. pi'' ol 'th. a hundred dollars oil' : , .1 i i ' y i ar I a tie- A t lun Pi Const itu P"!l ..r lh" 1. acre ot tol.ai'.'o grown -on h of the Olnn river and east of the Ih. ky Mount ni.-, was wa.ii l.y an Ark. iii .-a- platile: wh . i:ii-e,l l,u:i'2 jxiuoils, of a v pn. t.!'v:!71.KU. on less thin ime acre ol a "iia. I. The ro-t was 13 25, which -it a prolii i I ifcpjs aa. flu- a oo..ii yield, although this acre a, i- of con so especially prepared lo c 'u p- t- for iii" priiae, tmt we are surpiised lh.it some u! the lohicco liirmers ol tins caon ai Ci make a try at it. We are -iii'" t i,t s .me . f mil f.u nit rs would have ; lm.( , ., ,,., n.-arly douhltng the im u.:' ti u:,! I bv the Arkansiia larmer l ihi vlia l set Cieir heads to it. We i eo ; i 1 -; i-"e hr.iidri ds of cases where our lolvi,-.-., n nnii r. le.v-p inadi. innrrt miinttv t'oin nn icr Ih in this prize winner did h u wdl i o ,. a.t ourselves with a lew as. - whi ie t n. plainer did not Hive Lis ot give iut from iviiu-ii- fiom ..i,e coddled acre I the i vi a age "I his c p. . . In 1 sou Mr. u. II. Bit ks, who does not I pend upon h.. han!;, cotton mill, rail i' .i I aud other storks for ready ziouey a : hanks oil li s toh ice.) crop wheu he g e- into investments which call for mon , v ui tlie fii'uie, realized 12.450 Irnm 2-5 a re- o! t-i'.aeco. or an avetagu of $498 I a a( 1 a . P. Ka k- - .1 I the product of two am.- former li'l. uti.i. Lawson Knott, I II. h, an!-;. in. avenged over T40H per i. :e I.a a .'.il in re i run (u Vance county - v- n i n in. ". - ipp. i vol a camhiuetl average ,u s i i ts per pound on an uverngc of ; : p a id-tn la.- iii'if. or fltHd.ri nn rn,-. Vi i nii'il m mi nidi finitely hut t '..UK u e have gi vi a enough t i prove that i : ,. . ;,,iai-ii Leal Tobacco Belt could have w -i.k" I aw.-iv wath the -iotHI prize w ilhout -aimgle d they had iliiiMin to compete : a :t. I..-' lie At. , ii' a ( '. institution ollVr the - cm' p: ..e lor Pus ve ir and we will guar m.:... aial ii doc- not go to AikauMis. MOTHERS' RELIEF .WiMiian-n t'omfiirl) l"-el during I'legnaiay and Confine it. i- gu.irati t. ed I" produce a jiaiDless i .p. i k .':....!. I'" a e l.00 j.er bottle, F. .-. Dm!.'-. '.,t; imp, A NP' P. KSTO R ER. j em - of Suppressed Men-, ; -t, r, - -ipiipan. Iiieg'ii:!, I '.ti n 1 1 1 1 .,r Fxeesgive I Meii-I : a ite'ii. Jm.on lur bol tie at F. S. I in.;!,-. I p. I i;- i a in v nnai ivonn svHttr. Ili'nmtil iim llont'y. Never I c - t" mt ail the worms from tan the worms from and hue.. 2a. Ls. per h el m h P, e,;i ,me ! Clie .,1 F. .-. K.itlv Tie a-., ve t hr. e i. tin dn s in mi u lac lured , 1 I li- Ml 1 1 1 I' I N p. to. , AtUnta, (ia. i y I'. S. Jhirty, Now Berne, Rug31 iKV w ly N". C. II Hi. Il il.v Is 4 iiltlnir Toolh. lie ur- a'l i ii-et'iat old and well-tried I i.m -..i. Mi- W ui'-ioii's Sooihin.' Sviud 1 , , . . o 7 , . i hu m lnhT a ee lung. It s.Vithes the Child, - fie, is th, -minis, ..Ways all pain, cures! wind i ol:c and is tho Ust reinfvly lor iliarihoe i. I'aenty live ci uts bottle. liluc laws that are heaven's blue are all right. Foist: For Tour Horatioa! i in; ! tH'l I ! M ii ;fi ai 1 1 'li'l' It is a well known, as well, as an indisputable fact, that . ' WE keep :p our stock , Any cirBtomer koowi its ? quite a factor with them to " ho able to enter a store and ' ,;' there find everything they " . need. That's just what we claim for our stores You can generally find here ; . what von wunt. Quoss you are willing to con- cede the one point. Again we have tho right kind of j . (od8, n each and every Department. Ha it over occurred t0 yoll ti,at we ,, .. , . . . , , ) 8el1. three of the best known line of , Sold in the United Statej? W'ell, we do, and wo also carry two of the beat known If you noed a pair, bo you a man, woman or child, come ask to have them shown you. It is a pleasure for ue to submit our goods to you for your inspection, and we certainly believe it will be to your interest to let ua do BO. After careful investigation of our stock we confldentlj ' assert "you'll bo our custo' mer." WHILE AT THE FAIR GIVE I'S A CALL. Hackburn & Willett, 4-j cSc 4q Pollock St. We have Received A I.AKtin I OT 4)1 . Av,0, MklV LAPRS , flN S, Ziegler ... Shoes 1'hoaix-r limn i vit Mforo We will (.nt our IiKKHH (i.Mins flown on nBarl7 l'"Kt- a"1 w ',BV'' ,"",' n" anil IIIuh SiTifi-B mnl H.'in l. tt tlutt vou shouM m bofoi-f iiurehaitliic. w i,Pft,.irU nnr f i4MMm Ktil Ulovt In all tl.t- jiiilaril ulimliw Come to ww u. win rto jtm goofJ.' W. B. Swindell & Co. t atai iirHt. t -1 ...Tl I

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