- ' THE JOURNAL. f.T.sUTCCXs Local lafcrtcr. Erm4, H, OU ' must-'. BlTWXXK Corarflandar Winelow vaa XlxrvbaJ cwroll. the Kale-en dailf BlDitert hTe rler.fv of 'hot UiSAle the da WlXL Congres&rqart Settle's recent fpfch against th free coinage of lrtrY O claued among the North Croiill trociti?" Tai CrroU-Daniel control e.-v " htt tioallT rMcbcd the uie-wi caQ of rgnmcnt. - Tu bot' tt Lowtbrop HallJ ' !t thii eiiy, i now thonht to bo j the fptrit of an ancient inaomc ! fotv who h&a rttarnel to .h -en- f ku ry and kidthij) day. ! Ao4 tan the immediate .i iat : , t, woo Wl it n"t W a COci tbiii,: for,si,o;; Oooma to h'Ute Lhat future uooa Maura w-Mtwi uuntwari . j fv - - , . ThbJchIz W alter CJrk free ;Ttr and proariroa Jniv letter having Dad iu political rounds, - cat now ba ton.d a war. v TRTrank!ia'nmeTerjcorrcct rij Uieajlhe jKUn that Congreft mAtieUw a rnrale eortrT p- pointcant i fci tn bus:oM, an.i peraea aelactr i Vc hit or blaolt. . 0 important meaaorea, acb a- "tie Anti-IViw Fiffhtin Lill. the c a- : . . l. MUiicia ki wun uipit ,i maiei ail otr.cr nuw wung . rwoii for recognition, grow trrev. with aTj. chaa rw. there can b fo ind in them "ao intimation that the ncoes of tha laai foTrnment boo.i isue wj atirely dao to the New York WoriO- ' - The Kaw Woman movonunt saarpa to hava reached an adranced aiaga in Wjomiof, 31 im Reel, the hrasent State Superintendent f Edneatioa, being promia-utly men tiooed for tho Gorernorship, -. i - CUrC VGOia not sadi a desirable ritr to live in after al1. m io t an i deo he rat of reform, it ia recently ltatod, tll Aatborities piwel r: ortuaaticY hmiting the nambt-r of t ;ojr suae aaj one umu; aia kp, .to aix. ' v " .'THKWIuaion. N. C. Bepoblh-an disagree with Ssoator Butler aa to th Lack of a free coinage meaaure f "JfceiBf tb caaja of tbia coanin 's boaineea depreaaion. and taj it is tha inability of the Democratic oar - tr to adntnLater the goTernuiect' ' -oiUcee which ia the trae aaaao. " , T6 thoae peraonallr interested, it maj be a matter of linportanee to etaXe, that of the Kepoblican- Tre--ideatal nomination aeekera in the $oath, MeKinler ia aaid to be 1 eSt pro Tided a ita what in the Terns. ;'iar i known aa "fat. " J" aoggeated bf the I'nion lie t pablicao CToh cf VMhinetoo. D.C ' that tbxr be a celebration th -"' year of tha fortieth anniTeriurr oi tha birth of t?te repobJicnn party. :-On tha Jtd of t'ebruarr, tts;, iIkt -' tooa: plaok the fint nt.o:...l p.;. leg of Bepubiioana which eer met It waa bef i io I ItUburg- s TUB "aituatron"" in Cub atill re ' raainj aa the preaa oenaora wijh to ' '. taJrgraph it. Which eer aide may . . he ahead at the preeent time, of one " thing tha pablio cn feel are that ' tha IneargeaU are atill fighting, and ' Spain haa hard work to hold her V OWT. BxratsKXTAi vi l'vrOQ declarei tha other dv in the llcnae that the Mason and I ' x n lfne waa oblitera ted from tl.-. map. It soomj trnnge that auch dvctarationa are neoevjry , . ia theee daja. Perhap Mr. IVr eaa baa no objection to tberts U'iug . atill a boanirj line between hi State and Son th CWrol i na. - i v' TT? THE Ncrti Carolina member of the new tilw partj rvreotlj fortned, nanonneea that ailvcr literature can .- be procwred by applting to the iwrtj'a chairman, at Washington, K C- It might not now b out of place for Ui gold bng K.Jitrrs oi ' certain Jforth Carolina weeklies to m k - m l lnqnire wbo pajs for inu literaiurt1 TaeE if no aloon within one mile of the building in which tiie Democratic National Contention ia to be hM. This fact will doubt la indnce many statesmen to emn laia tiie example of Senator (?or ua, and atay at horue. Wa-.'hitig-too Poet. Ia thia another Chicago sebe no to sell 'prtTi leges V XoBTH Carolina ihoahl not f.rl to take a leading position with iu St .'e I exbibitj in the proposal tUicao and Southern State xhibicion. at Chicago, to be held next Kali. The failure cf this State at the World's Fair and at Atlanta, to nuke 3 ahewing of iu reeourcea, hoi Id not be forgotten, and ought to be cor rected. The aad fate of Kx Congressman Laie Pence, of Color-ado, once a ahining light and anti-monopolist, eoght to be a warning, to the pres ent ieadera in Congre--, who are howtera against monopolies . . i trtwta. Poor Lafe is now tho vi. breeident of aeyeral railrtmds. a id U tikei to torn ap in Wall .Street a a magnate, if not a Tarn ma- . repreaentatiTe ia Congress. It ia of interest 10 noio the vote for the tilrcr bill in the Senate, t set tle agaic any fatnre dispute aj to which pavrtT waa reepousibie. For ailTer. 'H f'pmoersn, IS Kepu ' .i cane, w 1'opnlia'a, total of 4. Agahut ailTer, .'0 Iiepubiicar--. 1, Jiemoorata. a total of tl. Th. ahowa that in the Senate a majoritt, of the Democrat are for free ciu ge, end a majority of tho R"pn 0 -cwna againat it. CBatavaX Harnty. of the Dam ocratic National Committoi, while jjot enthaaia!,t in orer the demoora: io Oat look -'""I expreaaea hope m that the r.'-'cad situations are ehanging and uection day w some timeotr. A to be AJministrafion. B isvya: "The Democratic National Adminisiration haa been in the po aition of the aaw'gnee of a bank nipt er the receiier of an iraolrnt eor- (vetMMi. Ihe receiTer u in no, war to btJH for th inaolteQCf. bat it bamatir" -n . -' '. CANWOT ALWAYS BORROW. I The splendid exhibition giv cr. lh;s week by the people i f States, of their t-o:i tM--:i n i too 1 f hi t'li iivi-r!,- in the soundness "t" tl: mi e n t . is one which ir . . -ouae L -ii jv.itrut w the hearts nf cmti ,::... j Rut the practical u" i j floating of this p.-p'i ';ir not fall istiouid not i ha pr jN'OpO l such dl.edv is or d t the minus of ti: t . i e i r : s-nes flit a re executive, that a v do io in '. a bo for J t'.rtancia! 1 1 ' of t Utraiion. , The fact of : tion amnin.tii'.i HI in n - i . . : ho--. ' k- tiiat t itself. . oinme -a: i..io amount o. l :.e proven conel ui el trj i rich within eiirs of iJopreaHe-l ..itions, wild I'olit t xi'l nat'omtl lei;. a : i - s,a. i j The home pop!e nnie to tin residue i. ent. Thev (iuive rtrm belief iu iu .-: 'u nation-" u;.- : i . rest-e i ' . a a i rer.-e-'. ' 'O j '. - i . a : n 'i C 'onhden.. i . i e r n thi- . dition of ei'.aum. i oationa 1 The f intt?,-itv a; d 1 1 1 v . tabi!;t mi our tin!: ' maintained, if !r - niiv '.e'J'.sia- tie action the TnHsur .s pruided with adeoiisie imtionai ri-venues to meet ull nee-vsarv cxiir.ditures. WlllCII letl h, I , '1 V T -en t Congress. It : not or.ouifii t a-it oo-i i I ' . V' lilt v I me 'T r an ' : ' . : :i. :a 1 1.M1K. s,i Hhrrwi ". : er.-i n tn thing to e ri i o v . lit an meet current obligations on basis, l far hotter. lnl the eoun'rv haw ' i c.Hh It 1 e 1 1 a 1 lanee-provi- !ogiiiitioi which iia:. maKe earv future Ixu I nut-s j (iin2 nAt,1Ma; reveuue to n.o, icnrielit national onlicatn. t.?. :: I The fact thnt tle ;eli..n ..f ver :s s i tmjic'eiv nif'iioifinz. the attention raded ga:ni!t "he and "capital. st" 'Ugren.-. "nrit.i-v e he ai' l , , n if deeming; v corree; in pl.ille, CoiigreifcS si ine that t'ue Ulysses are to te t'ontitiiotiiy ilve hiiiintrsg ite . itaiulani cuueomho. n aii- ' o- Mll.lg peopie "tied bv free -ll.gic" gold , he made to ng senators , : a '. an is th beliese th.at t he ot iiid e)iif;renien was to harangue u wliether s Tteeii t were t oil til eh-ote I for ; ; o 1 1 .r.'.p- u one w sts a er ratio of eom.age . r imt. Nat; .n a i m. m - The fact that tl;f tuiv expe nditure-" re constant ids. ausin; v in an exeecs oi ever increasing delh ;t. is a which liwmantls attenti-oi. not bo a iiieetion ;: ik..:i wti matter 1 : may i 1 the -pread u t hat uratora of CoPgrei" can theniaelTv. but it it a ouestjou demands leisiat ; ve ai'tioii. an once. Tariff rt forms, which at loe away w;;h the nci'e.sary revenues for the maintenance of the govern ment, is a failure and a tariff to i meet ad National evv merely a .p.ietio'.i for bill impvrutiTely demam ! jf 1. ,e. jil etiense is not I agreement , led. The pjt-tiple i'ip'1 t aiie legislation not oniv urK-iu currency, nut tney want some action whrnii ?haii jiro y do an adequate revenue to run tiie govern ment, and not have In xmhI issnea novoa.-ai y to meet governrntnt's requireo eu's for ryin on its atTai: s. Tho present C 'l gr, ,-5 !!: some legislating along pract.oyi ines lines, and not make the sc ture r :it car- sS l O J i h ' lit Tt one of u u proti tanie sinvchi spec lit. i:;e"? a earn Dai gu Sn m cuer .anti f- l ! terat'j r, WOtTLD DE3TBOT, NOT REMEDY. The fact that the Hen Tillman cIm of reformers fan ur.d nothing goxi ill present existing jniiticai m titntion. ai.d an tinivsi-ak m the atronjeot tlentinoiatorv trms of them, is no sagu that tiie old polit ical parties are wholly "rotten ". uor do diich tirades as 1' ; linni! um s tio a use of made pacific any appreciable gcwnl ;n th. reforms, where such could by a more ni 'i. rate a', course. The "reformet . espc i "political reformer of to 1 1 . V t l.e iav. is a fellow ;i ppl v .oaaet w.ti: an unlimited of tienur.cia'orv epithets. ich are hnrle i irainit all parties or existing institutions, at ail Mines and occasions. Simply bocause dif ferences of opinion or prn.-tioo exi.-t. is in itself reason for the reformer" of this da :o '.sse strong issue agai'iat them. He is practically "jgiii the goypi nir.er.t" ".o matter w'n: the 1 i o ern'iien - pes tion may be. hilt With an tuese c 11 . na '.:. o s. fiie 'reformer" i'd..n'. or :f ever, off err. a remetlv. It ; these te;ch 1114 of the Tillman cliiits w'ni. h are dangerous to the Kep", hi f. in t'uat the argument is that every man who differ with him on huv economic nr public policy 1 diohotiost or corrupt. This makes the Tillman class a dangerous oue. for while men must naturally always disagree mul have mauy opinion, they are not it. euiseUenoe neeessaril v criupt .r dishonest on tiiat Hccount. j The Tillman class would make rascals of ail political opponents. It has no toleration, tin dispassion ate argument 1:1 its .-.imposition. It would li.-fm, !." remedy, or re construct 1' has r.o t.ro.id Amer icanism, or libera! spirit which grants a free reaoiung and consid eration on all public 'jtiestions. Happilv the people of the country are too sturdy arid sensible to be carried awav bv such demoralizing influences as the Tillman class seeks to wield upiri them, ami tue Tin man epidemic like other ills winch come upon this country will run ,ts course and disappear, having be 111 ml iiue on 1 a at remeni- I h: I V til- '1,'i.i na. cap- H. ro ,d lr- it- n letter pi stag n.'ii ,a 1 ,er- jh . .1 means li.gnt h rs. The n;, ti. i 1 a li'V w.-u.i n, Pr:c" to t w o cei Tit'- N in :i rt- ': IK C. tiir o 1 1 e time treasnrv per capita arm i 1:1 A. a'c'e 'ell. 1 1 -s u ': 1 -i 'ars W ,0:1 rd t blanks. 1 :d ds hf; ll'iflOl'ed heme, a ibon if ; ' he d tl serti"ii . cunage float a".- .f these :de of siivcr 1 s.sta 'I T !l '.- make the free p.ank easier to e 1' ..;-' I'artv - Kidrou luulop' hi. 'nicaaja Dispat eff. : : n r: r.. make "warm pa- nor' ha succeeded givnig ti 1 rr. ;tbe hot end two ear and two thousand dolJara tine. Thia is a I cooler for ach kinda of journalistic j jentcrprlM. . THE OLD-nELD SCHOOL. Haw the Training of Children Wai Carried on iu North Carolina 125 Teiti Ago. M i-.r. a: o! : n i ar- -' ,r . nt u I V w , , r k . "'1 ti) H ( n lot. DM- ilr o v i r:io-1 I'l'lOW, 111 IO as ' her n it h .--ome uf t h - ! lien m Oglle : : f-Tim r tunes, the Mil-Field 1 uas an insti In ' inn of leiirn k:i ovn t ' and iiatronized bv the .ne . a v' and Mintr-. . we-! in every part of is llott It e-ut nanii -u to. f'r eon jeet lire. Some are : hat whs c;;ven in deri iw that there is no atlini- 1 'i t. bet Weell ademi.i ' inaUt . h plaees nail the great Into, r,...! .- which i'l'ove. ;;c i;-,- was m v. hi it . tM rr. iaim H I ' t::i- uwtitu )'a::. to tin perliaiis stil' l ;on II), nil i'.'S- '. nr.-Ui or K. eSeli .. all a a hon; a in it of t he i. wh:. ; w 1 1 i ,. era k n ra t. It was nev. ( I i ern me nr . : ta!e ii. for th" good of not ; urn! , no; hei ng w as appny treod he foerii l' "t an a - in.'ir,! , .v i i ; id ie. i , : - nri riHeinen t ,.n f i: , s iiuout :na,'ii;nerv of a when controlled . lie c,iu Hs Wi ll moderii ., ,-i .ducat - u o i ! 1 I I:, st earn - in i , I , by a h.v.iv of iearuei'i mandarins. No s'.i- h iiu issiiice w.i I'ver known t t Lie 'id-K:eid Selnd. nor was it ever ai.je. to sectarian ml v the political nonces, isputes 'r et.oi of the fore, i ; n : rv : and from it. l In re -it'ie a it off. ii whs, flowed a stream whor pu ! and biess. : mnr;i:s and I Herat a re waters l,.nc rcfrerdiod the count i . At Aia'nai. the niiahticutions of the PM-tt:' id IV test'-d bv ail txaill- . nat '. i v tiie parson and others nes' ..aanlie, i e olvcrved . leiwiiiig if . ;: oniiiiissiou peace, no m. to judge; and It is to t hut the fact of being a iclal). to b, d' holding a (U.-tiee of t ho re made a mini a solio. ne poK-e-31, m of Ian render 1 ; m a gcntl. ar than .'.id anil nt'gr( nian On. ita.lt '.II to to th .llice lie : 1,1 i.-t' j no 1 m was sti I ctintrt')! of 1 nt ermed.l lers, and, monarch in his little 1 h'-nig kngd , e g,. vcrne, 1 01. -fiend t hon t, fm , 1 ; .e f .1 1; . to h ;s on I ti 0:1. and ; t v. The 1 ! to" eon j M .-iit ,r ;.;..! iiisere. or partiali ao'nooi w;b -Pit o! o ootnp anion. and pu pii- : and hence, ' lui them there was and i in pas-able gulf I txdween nrtt thai in lit 1 u hit h iio.v si tiideiit. and placable and purples professor and ' rentiers tm-ni t he im- hered itarv enem ies of ' ea.-h ot her. ; The i.ia.tter. to dirTuse tin- benefits; of his conversation, ami to prevent ! imputation.s 01 undue favour to any, was the gin-st of all his patrons, n-,ll il, ,,f ),nn. ho K.inlni n,l IO'it?'i bv turns, .n.i in ti f.-rrdi; 1114 til IIJV llllllllll-Q of ail mem I if whom he was an honoured t. It was considered iirnor- taut that he should have at least a moderate share of a common sense; he M;l- believed to be Sllbji'Ct tO human sympathies and mortal mgs, and hence, out of s -hor, reianletl a-. .1 man and a Chr fcel was :ian. mi i 'nail neig h bo, o 1 d all u: - mi "a v..;. c i.o- ;.; nil. " In those ;,.idi,i'i tinn.-s. tin' lv an i o's -'ij.po-c.j to belong to tt.e same ...man family and were so brought up an d educated togeth er as to he the friends of each other. Thus an honourable emulation was eaxitid, the con linemen t of study reuueieo nfiw.ii. ..no nit: o u .. - iMipio relieved troni tn.it fatal curi os, ty to penetrate the mystery thrown aiound. tie other se. which now ab-orijs l'e efitire attention yf students. ' Such was the geT-.f-ral chara, ter of the t lld-l'leid Seiio.d. "The pu mstiineii ts shaii consist of w'n.pping. flapping in the hand with the rule, ridjig the ajja, and expui-ion. according to the gravity Ueut. 11. w. Harper of the Kin of the otTensi. .ston Naval Reserves tendere.l his "Aii the boys ami girls mav laugh (resignation to the (iovemor. which withouf noi.st', when uny "one j be has accepted. Mr. llaimer's resig mounted. onthe a.-; but no' one shall I ":ltian i--1 nl to ) duo to sym)athv siH-ak t . him. or make aestnres or fr Commander Winshnv's case. uglv unfitha at him, in token derici-,:;. oft "Wuen the master tell an dot- tiie students are nut hound tola compromise which ;:i immoderately, Uiougn it considered rerneciful to will oe conseiered rerpectiui to gie sonic indication of their lieitig jileus- el or amust'd. ''Whenever one enters or Selves the house, if h boy he shall bow, an I if a girl courtesy, to the master, aud when ,1 shall rise and trangec dames in nil 1 the same towards him. "Whi it the boys meet a stranger oil the mud they inns- take olT their hat ho - s' and .11 a!! bow: they are enjoined to occasion.-, respectful ad to their seniors, and not to leir presence, except when altei.tn -alk in biihlen. IAery 1 tort ami before his my shall Consult the Cuill cou venietice of the girls own. and whoever is caught standing bet ween a female and tiie tire shall bo whipped. "If any !iy is caught laughing at the homeliness of a girl, 01 call ing h-T uglv names, he shall ride on the as. Higgles are detestable. and when a girl is amused she must smile gracefully, or laugh out : and u the master catches anv one snick ering b- will imitate ami reprimand her in presence of the whole school. "I'.vcrv offender, when called mi, must fully inform 011 himself, re memi?ring, thut by telling the truth ho palliates his offence. " W In ti t be master's rule falls at I the feet of any one, he and all his I g nitv as.-,x .ates in. is' come with It i ti..' tea-'he . j ' The m , 1 c '.f ...oil : in w i i 1 :l til, indict on ev. r;. ment due malici- P uni , to tif ij fieri ce A which I i-u-.v gives information. 1 "As it is tied who gives mind. and as he has b?stowed more 011 some than on others, it shall be considered a grae offence to laugh 1 at or ridicule any one who is by na- ture din! or stupid, such persons le- . ng en t it led to general commisera tion rather than contempt. "The girl must remember that tho exemption to which their sex entities, them are to he used as a shield, and not w a sword; and they are therefore enjoined to eschew the abominable and unlady-like habit of , indulging in sare-agms and attempt-1 cd wit at the expense of the bova. Whenever a girl loses the docility, : gentleness, and benignity of man-j new becoming her sex, forfeits her I tit to the ft I ooun'eev 'No one riiearanoc ami of the unties, shall, out o ,ool, dir. speak or id ".N disroi l fell. ' ollc IX", r t i ; t I 1 I V !..e toa -ft i.l.i Ii at. I'r-l Oi' to he s. t he their JoM- or make remarks about the d atiot ii it : : ;;e in v- are Kin.: a'i. I con rt eons i . i ell ! ". lie .an i dresst it er -' i r-, lit.-, f Tile reii o! t hi' ame p I. I :!. w. -r.l's a ei.l la . on-taut memhor n "v t h v l enii'in hra'i'.'i'. 'Iiemeniher nnr thv Creator in iho lays of thy youth.-' kV, eie. Saeh are a 'imv of tl e nmiiv rules wlneh tlie master deeh.red he would rertd puhliely once a month, and eaeii one of which lie said he would rigidlv enforce, remarking that it was better to have mo laws than good ones not strh'tlv obeyed. The puiu-hment of riding on the ass was generally inflicted for loiii; I'oiit imied am! cross neglect of st ud v. ot manner: trid was :is . ! 1 1 i : l'Lr'.' h.- and insults t. fullows: Th. i.;'..,f :-;:Ti--i if i : l , I '. .IC, 1 1 ' ' : ' the g, i ! ai i pi , ' , i,, .el ' a---!, d up ' ;i f. ,i..s ;;ie laa-ter's swi:cii. whi :'' scniet .nes plaved, at intervals,' a e i e s.- his legs during the hour the; he in ! i his. seat. This punishment as only inflicted on the. males, and was c.i'isuiered as so disgraceful that it was rarely merited, and when im posed attached a stigma to th" 'ii'.pr.t. which affected his landing in and out of school, fur a long lime af terwai dj. LATEST HAPPENINGS. Tin- I'll are loov Kgvp; in i Mavor . era! c;ir d'-a 1. agei iladelphia sn; itr.porting ar retitieiics oigar from lei.init or the i iinan crop. A, lolm K. I.adlow, for spv Mavor of Norfolk. a., i 1 io years. He was one 'f i best known n.ei. in Norfolk. The Mississippi I.egishiture, by an oei wiielinglv large vote has pas.-ed the bill reducing the legal M.teof interest from lo to v per cent. t Iu Mm explosion .c a meteor ent ire city rid, Spain, th was shaken and people greatly frightened to walls mi Much damage was done windr w s all o er t he cit v. At asningion. 1 . ( '. ghue. the famous -katoi J. e )ono i;n bro lVd't'd . ken the indoor mile skating making the mile in ''.;w. lhv. Sanford ilunt, lb 1).. of Metlio- .eu loi'K. 1 reusurcr 01 tiie iin;dist Mi sioniiv Society. d ror.petl dead, in ( inr innati. of apoplt-xey. Ho was ":; years al l, ami leaves a wife and three daughters. The investigation by the coiiuuit tte of the charges agaiiiot tin' man agement of tiie Deaf. Ihimb and Blind Institution, liiclunoiid. a . still continues. '1'ales of drunken ness among teachers and pupils are 1 now hem" to d bv witnesses. " Through the Japanese Minister at N ushintoii the Mikado has presen- i r- " alter (. : "l . tlu' l,,!0 StV'.v I I'riiVll'S? t a I H'S t I' i CS widow d tate. with and beautiful ' viitcs t Tom ! 1 1 s lmpena ollcctioli , . These presents were iu token of t ho high regard in which Soeiviary (Ireshani was held by the Mikado. The insurrection against Japanese rule in tho School of Formosa is spoa Ihti! ro h.-en : ami :. T.. telegraph n I IK.WIS- or 11 Of -I: .,d i n 1S operating t"''',J''"' : - a. ,i;i -t Mil I ave! Hot the d t- 1 t' a if ;e v rush ! jest how t, Asjf ", nil.i springs, So;i thel n X. ('.. Ht. h liailwav to i's fa! -t capacit y. .e cruiser Halei T h had sailed from bLey West with strict orders to intpri'f.it the Att'jiraitr Wosr urto.-'n a f v or f a L- f 0 w 'lays ago. The Ue venue Cutter, Mclvanc, lias has alio been ordered to cruise iimojig the Fiorina Keys to look out for tho easev. Tlio New York Republican State ("oauuitteo has passed a resolution endorsing Levi 1'. Morton for the nomination of President, ami pledg ed him its support. The London Chronicle believes j t hat there is a pros port of a seifle-anee- 1 ment of the Venezuelan nuestion bv will prove ac l'owers ia,n of dignity to io"ptable to tbt threi erhed, with Mlt anv of them. On the new bond issue- there were T SO bids ranging in price above ihe Morgan syndicate's. These bids milDi, nt to ?'.('. TSS.b.'iO, loavinc the (amount for thi sn.icate "o,?ll,- I .'i."t). or about nOH-iliird of tho oil t ire issue. The special committee, appointed to inspect and report ou the route and cost of the Nicaragua Canal, has placed the cost of construction on the low-level line at 13o.0oo. 000. Disturbances, bordering r.pon se rious riots, are still prevalent in Madrid, resulting from the return of ( ieneral Campos. The police seem unable to subdue tho disturb ers. The Stag Lino steamship Lanrcs tina, which sailed from Baltimore jon December for Silgo, Ireland. 1 wit h a cargo of loQ,14." bushels of I corn has been given up as hist bv I the underwriters. She has not been seen or heard from since she passed I out Cape Henry. j A report dimes - from Spring 1 nope, franklin t. . a. C. that the j boiler of a saw mill near that place I has exploded, killing three men, ;and wounding one. The building ! was demolished. j The passage of the Anti-i'rize ; Fight bill through Congress has stopped the sale of tickets for the Fitzsimmoiis-Maher right, in Hi I'aso, Texas. Ii. V. liamme, of 'Wilmington, N. C. a merchant, was assaulted in his store by a negro policeman of that city. It is reported that the Cuban Junta 011 account of the secret com m 11 nicat ions from Fhirope that Great Britain would protect bondholders in the island of Cuba, has decided in consideration of the resolution pre sented in Congress regarding bel ligerent rights, that tho vessels in the United States and South Amer ican Republics that have been ready for sea with armaments will when the resolutions are handed to the inpamsh Oovernment proceed to sea with letters of -Marque for Deatruc tion 01 the enemies commerce ami that commissions as admirals in the Cuban navy have been presented to twenty American captains. TH FIRST ARMED RESISTANCE ! ; iii-ii . viitr.'M irv in .Vukiiw '. .i . c-a r Wilminkrt"!h It Took Place Ten Years Bcloye tho Declaration ot Independence. Nine Years. Before the B.ittlc of Lcxingrtoa and Eight Years Before the Boston Tea Tarty- 0V!ll'r colUllU'1,1 tiie a-!iin:rioii ( all . ( ,11 ptlhlislud 11 Star of .. an. 1 Sth. exji l'o the hditor .f the 1 The honninhle .1. I I e - m i n ister t n Spain ) ai lis rt .-. ! i-hi lit! . M." in his Mar: i rry. mo-t aO m tali, tier.! ( 'ai . irahle ;iItl i e.-.s n of ou Stat. on t:.i 'S vi t h i tdor.i :e par in 1 the -th mo .la ie ar refo" ana.-."' ence I e 1 1 v i'; i ii : -tai.l , lea . Uevoh o-her North a"!f-l (.,,.,. I 1 t ,,nin- Arn.'i i. an j ' i amor.L'i' ten t iiine ( '.ii,. akin: f T!t 1 In. led d i h. of 1 le i't'lOi (.,.' k7 l: - - j '.;. tl;..u-"'o. al t.l i.ich is being -ii,;, l !;; -aid. and rmat ion i "m tried mens search tor laf 'The time ! that perhaps, in th nterest l ising gei.er.itivii ano .In' the matioii of oi,if others;, it might be anns.s to rail attention to facts in this ffert iouWtr case, the tth of N'ovemh-o'. 1 :". r.ritiiii hic,p-.,f-.ir 1 )i' i igeiice, ' I'hipps, arr:vet ai the m"iith of not t he On the apt the .n t ape 1'oar riven- witn djh .-tamps Fear rivtiT wit ii the .- hoar.i intend'l f, r u.-e Carolina, aid pronctttlch Wilmington, hut when .-!; Hnmswick pi-.w no longe tehee ) r-ig hi in i U-s up tiie was -t oppad am I the . .1 told by ( 'ol. Hugh W 1 hh im id of 'hf1 311:! it' 1. wi'h their u.'iim-. 1 hat if an ati 1 11 North ; owur'J reached in o.xis ier. -in-tau. was !1 at lile arm-; m 'hi pt xrs maiie. to laiiii I he .-tamps he yonld immediately order Ins men tir lire ujion the pnr'ies making the? at titude The captain, leaving; his e-el, weld to V i 1 in i n g 1 mi , nf.i'1 a'ler r.n audiei defiih'i io to wi' h .. i-r.v'"1' to l.tDtl ) lli.'leltak t he y aim wet!! ;.. s larded his ves 1 au.U i a wit I, our fun her ; This took Vear-' before t iiepondoiiee. ia'-e more tha.) I 'ecia rat ion . re than nine a ,,f L-Xihgttej hi veal's before . Tiie d t'l ir.' v ten ' In- ! f lll'S i'.ml. the ::lC'k. before t lie is I ! more i ha n igh i 1 o.st on tea i .art . of t ! : is t o 1 1 1 V -1 w t ook .laee in n i , i well-k no wi; c: : ic gun o op-ot Avar ,iy 'ny a paartvy ot s, i herefss- t'e al- tack on t he. iiii.innoi in I'.oston harbor was mci:'.;;iO -S.: nan ..Jwn.a rv dis- giiisi 1 men in t Im ni uh; . :: ml ft tea Piirf io I dan: sei t, hi. sehoo; tone- ami toci o at, 'i'l'irth ot . 1 1 " UlV gai- or I meetings, and thv utile! morn ! lam and daring act, is ignored I forgot ten. J. t. T. I A North 'a x-'nnv. friend of ours. I resitleut in Viatic gton. wh kindly j sent the (bwv3 vlipjung n-onurients las follow uiiroktitally touching luponothuv matters, sugjie-ted bv I its reu.Hng. an xvhetliei- we may not in t'tve opinion , I agree with him In: hoiils wo give, him tho fc.-rjetit, of rrj'n'.ssing them, in tuis i-ojinec iion . U - rav.- ; I recent! v 1;a'l 'lie g-i fort unit to comeaeros.s t iie ouclo-ed ciippirig in t ho Wa-rhivgtf.r Star. tvl while it mav if.; t.- nrws ti v.-.u it it trae 1 history of ,,c dear .4V State that 1 t...'.., ...Ill 1,.. cf iiit-eroct to jr,rtVlL nuuiv ..f your road-:s. 1 :uii iinde.'d proud to hnii from, such a ahtl c'-, u ::-- opinion . tha wr ef 11U 1 u n hi- 'er firseli a. name hi .toovc e States, brut upon which ' have permitted the dnstj.1 century to settles until it 1 uniiistingnishablfi taa the rest. s l " 11 . d .t almost ot the worhL Vet I t'e l suit tlmi the .storm between capital ami labor which is rapidly approaching will sweep .uwav the dust, and the name NOli'f !' CAROLINA will be n boa. con hjrht r her Msters. Henderson Cold Leaf. QUERY TOR PRITCHARD. Senator Butter's Caucasian Asks. II im x Pertinent Question. Kditc.r Aver takes Senator Triteh ard to task in the Caucasian, on his statement made in the Semufj; m the Hill, r.'.itler, J'ritchard collniniy. "that North Carolina is a. Republi can State and the Republicans would carry the Stale wihli an hon est election." 1 he. (. ail ril-lil II 1 brows out t his ho id Senalor 1'ritehai should he want eo-i coming campaign. 111 .jtJinmnfit ing ' s h 1 1 : "If this d'ls opinion why "piiTafion in the AVc have at. honest election law now and the next ejection will probably be Lair." It further says: "If the People's party shall co-operate with any other party during the coming campaign, it will be on the basis of the resolu tions passed at the silver convention held here September '.'Sth. The People's I'artv cannot co-operate with any party unless such party is willing to co-opcrato on ng to co-operate on principle ana to advance a grt-at cause. News and Observer. The Lighthouse at Cape Halteras. Work on the Diamond Shoal lighthouse, otl Cape Hatteras, is to begun next spring. The new plans contemplate an immense structure, built on the screw pile order, with the forindation of the light prueti oalh loOfoet beneath the wave sur face and protected on all sides by hnnilreds of tons of riprap, to pre vent damage from shifting sands. Iron -piles will be driven down bv hydraulic pressure until a sonrjvj footing is secured, and the autusl structure for the light keepers andij materials to maintain the light will!! bo built ern the interior of the fikole I fon to a heig'nt of 1 fto feet abow the Ii water. i . t .u -.1 1 i i.um ot ine t-iiueiuie h ut-ii complf ted is estimated at L,'iOO, 000, and of this sum there is now available 40o.00o. Diamond Shoal projects iurto the sjea seven miles off Hatteras, and is covered with from t to 2o feet of water. Jc is marked now only by Hatteras light, standing on shore even mdes from the outer edge, and. not discernible in hazy or foafev -weather. The proposed light will be on the extreme edge, s?ven miles from the nearest siiorc, and visible twenty-three nautical miles. 'The latest fog apparatus vill he pro vided, and there vill bei accommoda tion for three keepers. It will probably take two years to complete the project frewn the date the work begins. When completed. it will ba the most no table light house ia the world. -Army anil Navy Jonirtiai. WORK FOR THE SENATORS. They Will this Week Take priation Bills. up Appro- j I ithou: i ha:- i..eeli i ' '. ;vo nir.n : ; 1 iio: : hi v re !!;' Jirt'M.Tjt i. .lir'a-.-8 .sex.-i'jn for more than with' nit 1 1 io enaiomar)' ", !!.'. enate will onlv I w : w i i 1 , e actual j ,e'in 1 lie ' .pri.tti'.ia '-.hl'tiol) and he i it witli- I. 11;. I: - -i-Cil r !i -u:e.s, ite '.ip..-i 4 e VpcctS ! liavi a v i m a I.-v I Uavs aitiioLiga the lloler- I 1 ; 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 ur is tnat it is to he Ian ; temiiorariiy Iier.ever uiipropi aside 1 , a t ! o 1 1 ; 1)1, Is are reauv to he considered . Mr. Smith of New Jersey will ad j dress tho Senate on the Mo:. roe. re I s,,'m;iuiis i.eiuIiiiL'. It is heliev -. that nit; Ii: i.ikc .sTYat; LT'COU I 1 hut we. n f h i, . .-. 1. an ! th" i a .- of Mihiies.Mn. M; I ! i' 1 ad 'he IV hat hi i- beli Che Mr. s:r.it;i has r. .lift -i'ie'.t .,11 this II C.e at t I . Will tain ex- I t- Vl'-'.VS i ve i ; e t i V e ' iiiade week, 01 j.'C- t !,( out thOl'e ! ; more til''" ahollt tills. , j Meanwhile the, , I before tiie Senate abillehtlit v. the shap of propria! ;on oi 1 is. reputed to the those having been Senate being the , military academy. 11 rgent d'dieienev. ieiis;on, and ti diplomatic hiih. .. consular and 1 n nor," of these have ativ auditions heen made stivi , 1, 111 tiie urgent, deficiency hill to which, at the verpie.st of the. Treas ury department, a large amount for unpiioided ovpensea for the Depart- . 111111 r id .1 unice has ;cen inserted 1 i HARRISON COMMENDS LAND. CLEVE- Ar.d Speaks Some Plain Words Anent Our Diplomatic and Consular Ser vice. Coneral lliirrison writes of "The 1'residental Otlioo" in the March I ..flies Home Journal, and his eom- 1 jirelu n-ie iirticle is outspoken and l,.loiti lln t'd. .i nfp'isiii.m In com mend 1 'resilient. Cleveland's move ment toward establishing a more permanent consular Service. The ex- I'residcnt a: "The need of a better consular service has been getting a strong hold upon the public mind. The j practice has been to make ire- o iion t e,i an ges in the-e ouiccs 111 ueed an almost coin plot o change upon tjhc coming in of an admin idtration of a tiilTorent party. The diitie-? of a consul relate almost 'ho!Iv to c-.- tin try w ift.cnt 1110 our commerce with the viiLiV he selves. The ivement by Mr. Cleveland ingress for a better quali pei inaheiit coiieiilar force I UVrl in and 1 miineiided. "J t is remarked that ;es m either and fj;e home countries. administration in luich as Kngland .WaiK'o, do not involve changes iu Uto tiuinistei's or ambassadors or con sihs an tiie-v do with up. The Eng lish Ambassador at Washington holds right on whether the Liberals or the Tories are in power. Jle i-oprt'soiMs his country, not a party, and carries out tiie instructions from t he homo Government loyalty. II is never heard to make speeches! at tacking the poli.-v of the opposing party or criticising his own peopie Perhaps one of the chief ditliculties in our getting a jxirmaiient dinlo malic ami consular service grows out of the fact tbat t::e tanit ques- uon is tine that JS always acute in our polities, and mo o-u rr-. ot our consuls naturally i.ik ou the views held by them iiiKip tnis question Wo e'aiiHot have a permanent diplo niatic and consular service until we can rind diplomats and consuls who 1 will leave their politics at home. If thev are to be aired or exercised abroad then it follows that they , uust be in harmony with the party in jiower at home. No Clew to the Crime. "New Yohk, Feb. 10. What an ix: ars to have been a cold-blooded mn'.rder was committed to-day in the Institution for the Improved In stiTH'tion of Deaf -Mutes. The victim was; Prof. Max Eglau, sixty-eight year '"ml. an instructor in drawing. ;f'b brvdv was J'ouml in the Rtmlio of thrt n rofesaor on the fourth floor of the" Institution. There were number af Jiorrible ganhes on the bark of the Toad. and near the body wa.s fotimf ;i- bloo.lv iron shovel, with -which lho murderer evidently k .lowii Jiis victim. No apparent motive for the crime wa.s discover!. When the pro fessor's clothiiur Avass searched, In gold watch and chain were found intact: CD cents Ln change,, a bunch nf k-ovs. a nine, itntl a match box were also found in his" pockets. It was said by Supt- Green, of the institution, that he did not know that the professor had an .-nrmv He said that ne was a man who kept well to himself, and 'i 1(frcr his business had been tranaact- leii ;it the institute he left. He said I that the wofessor had been with thr. insrii ut.ion for a number of veara sad that his methods and work I iwere everything that was satisfac I If the murder was not committed r lav ;l lir-rsor yv ho had free access to 1 . 1 . . , -the institution the attaches are puz- -zled to know how how any person could gain aa entrance to the place without being seen, -i "ere are uul two entrances to the place, and j-these were in tha front of the build- ting. The npstmrs doors are always kept locked, and at the basement door, which is tbo usual way the ibiiilding is enrjered, f.hore is always :aii attendant, and it would lun-e ,'ipmi imnossi hie for a person to have gained an entrance in that way without having been seen, No one in tiie building w.s found who had seen :aiv strange person enter during the afternoon . 1 . ' . .1. .. :-:...: All of the windows, io tke institution were examined and! none was found which would indieata that the murderer had gained ooi entrance ir that manner. The entire absence of motive is lvnzzlinor the. rx dice, and so far as I ' . , known they hav e not a single on which to begi'n work. clew Electric Bitters. Klertvir. liitters is ia medicine suited for .-.ny season, but perhi 03 more generally needed, when the laD'uid exlioiisted feel imr prevails when the liver is torpiel ami .sluggisli aad the need of a tonic and alter ative is felt. A prompt use of this medi cine inis e.l'ien avenei 1 long aud perhaps fiitnl bilious fevers. Xo mdicine will act more, surely to counters -ting and freeing the svsteui from the malaruU poison Hca(laclie. Indigc-sl ion. Consumption, Hitters. 50c. F. S. Duffy'9 .ill (1). Dizziness yield to KJeetric ;md iM per bottla -at Drug .Stoi'e, PERFECTION CORRESPONDENCE. School Entertainment and Other News Items c:ile 1 .e;i.-ed I.. farmer- are moving energy pr-prine: fur t I W 1 ' tl,. f. i r, lai n i veac. I' e imi:i: .-sr.-. ,1 A. uili e i . .. Mi,s Ada Ihiu-hei ; I-ft !' mornin s f';i' Tii.-.:ai"o.'.i to ,-i; .-ister. Miss I'ennii; IlaujheitV to he wil h her at her t-eho' diool exhil o . 1 ue-d: ni-h her I1..I1, IV, night, K pieasan ' Mrs. woi t h a: ocn in, 1,. 11th. v i - i ' . W. an ; -: ; i ;, a. i: w ' s an.i ; tiM s , The 1 I ! 1 1 .- t ' 1' ,cho, l aa g Id osed o it Arnoid 'is -T;i.,Ol j ; , 1 1 1 'rt Scot I . l-'eh .VI,. ny Miss Oli, a i ed tie.si lav . an exhibition lite a biic'-es. pin ils. m.e-tlv with practical tlev did ie- c h. ' ;-,a. h; nt ii ii-; . was iJ.uiit :.'u ehildieli, but roiior training nt nit Tie -nr am. ue im. i Kahly. 1 he proceedings were as f o 1 lows : "Robin Redbreast, Mi.-s Atla Ditiigherty. " Lutertai n i ng her beau," recitation by a song big sister's 1 M iss Marv Riggs. "A boy's belief," a recitation by I Master Willie Wadswori h. i "What Cod giveth." recitation fv A titiie Avi-rv. "Try me. " n-ci t at i n b v C, a Kilpatriek. "(Innc with a handsomer man," aj dialogue by Milton I'rescott and! i Ada Daugh'ertv. 1 n , : "O write them a letter tonight,"! j recitation by Mr. Dully Lancaster.! , ''Johnnie's opinion aboutj grand- ! mother," recitation bv Master Ilar-j I ve-y Wadsworth. 1 "The train to Manro." dialogue bv Miss Ada Daughortv. Mr. DnlTv Lancaster and Master Willie l. Wadsworih. "Keep on the right side of the dollar," recitation by Mr. Milton I'rescott. "From down Last," dialogue by Miss Mary Riggs, Maude Ipock, W. D. Lancaster, W. W. I'rescott and Ada Daughortv. "When you know the girl vou love loves you,'' a song by Miss l'en uie Daugherty, one of Tuscarora's most charming young ladies. " The last hymn," recitation by Miss Ada Daugherty was most gracefully spoken, Several others were recited. Miss Olnia is an excellent teacher. We are glad to say she is the teacher we need and we have also given her a four months private school and feel unite sure that we will be bene fitted by so doing. SWANSBORO CORRESPONDENCE. The Happenings of the Village and Vicinity. Mrs. Nancy Ilatst il has garden peas uj) and growing. Mr. 'i. R. Young is our hotel keeper yet: says come and try him when you come to town. Teet I'ros. show gave two rig it good exhibitions in town last week to large audiences. The people civ hard times but go to the circus' and -V w - all t he same. Mi. . K. Mattocks is now at work on the steam boat here helping Capt. Foster & Sons. Mr. Dan Ward is temporarily working with the Swansboro Lum ber Co. at the saw mill. It is very dull in the mercantile business here, but the drummers come just the same. Messrs. F. Huss of X." V.: Schnlan, French. Funches and Andrew Sheppard of Wilmington, N. C, ami Wyatt Ward of New Berne, and II. Arch bell of Kinston, all were in town last week trying to sell their wares, and they sold some too. Farmers commence to farm soon, hut the raiiiyjweather prevents much progress as yet. There were two heavy rains last week one ai most a storm. Several boats loaded with clams sank in the river. Tim tides were very high for one day oaly, no serious damage done. Clams are still the leading indus try; 40c per bushel is the price now. Mr. (labe Meadows A Co. caught some 400 lbs trout, and Mr. Dan Ward about Co lbs, and Ceorge Kirk man caught about CO Iis rock lish all up White river iu two days of last week. This scribe having tried clamming and hunting ass stated, and still wishing for gold, went fishing for trout as they were then selling for $?.CJ per hundred lbs. We fished all day away up the river until night and caught 2 trout, 2 little mullets, 3 littleler flounders. 2 crabs and 1 old bull gar, beside about 30 bushels oyster shells, out of which we got about a peck of oysters, tore our sein, fell overboard, skinned our shin and got wet of course, but got back home agaiu with no broken bones. Guess we will have to try something else to make monev enough to go to the New Berne Fair. Oysters were never better with us than right now, very fat and well relished. 1 hey sell for 4"c pcr bnshel for the best. Messrs. Frank Sindyson ami Roland Venters of Richlands, are in town visiting Mr. W. K. Mattocks and family. Mrs. Emma Cox, wife if James Ilarvy Cox, Fsq., of (i um. branch, is in town visiting .Mrs. .Maggie r raz- zelle and husband, who is Mrs. Cox's brother. Mr. Wilbur Willis of Marshal berg. Carteret Co., is still with us fishing and clamming. He caught in '! hours last Friday C bushels clams by himself with tongs in 8 feetof water. Mrs. Bettie 1 ittman, wife of Mayor Pittman, has gone lo Rocky Mount to visit her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Williams, cf that nines. Rev. Benj. Ward and wife were with us last Sunday and Monday. Bro. Ward gave us two good ser mons, it was 111s regular appoint ment here: he preaches here every 2nd Sunday and at night. The schooner Cherubim, Congdon master, is in port loading from the lumber company here. Lots of our people are going to the Fair. Hope it will J.e good weather th"n. Look out Bro. Ilan- :ock, if you sec us; we will probably be there. Any tendency to premature lraldness may be promptly cheekerl by the uso of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Don't delay lill tiie scalp is bare and the the hair-re ots de- oii-.vul If von wnuhl nHli70 Ilin best results, be"in at once with this invaluable preparation. You are discharged. I have no use for any one that has not sense enough to chew rpiyy The largest piece of .good tobacco ever sold for 10 cents and The 5 cent piece is nearly as large as you get of other high grades for 10 cents STONEWALL CORRESPONDENCE. Prosperous Condition of County Tarm-cri-Ncwi Items. I We have a lni.-tiiiig She ill, a man no good citizen can say nauejit agai nst. He came to time with the public school fund ami has up In now, half enough to settle our Last installment due on Rnl Road d, ht we trust that our tax payers will' soon be able to e.fcl.um "Out of debt and free again" The next asses ment need not be anv larger than the previous one to pay uli our in debtedness and their burdensome tax will cease to be. The farmers have heroin f arm 1 11 r.'. oporetions. Planting Irish potatoc thoy seem to be all the talk. Guano buyers seem to be .m ihe lookout. I heard today that Mr. L. Pickle ot tirieinai losi ms nine o,. 1,1-1 night bv con.jeKtion of the brain, the little darling's ss 1 1 f T -1 1 1 1 w.i. short and severe. Mav theCood Lord comfort the bereaved parents VANCEBORO CORRESPONDENCE Personals and News Items of the Neighborhood. Mr W. A. Potts of Washington was m town la-.t week . Rev. .1. d. Porter Idled his regular appointment here Sunday afternoon. Messrs. O. D. Lewis and P. F. Dinkins returned Thursday from a business trip to Grifton. hi r illage was visited 011 Tues day by Mr. .Joseph Kd wards and his daughter, Miss Fannie, of K-lward. en route to Kinstou. Miss Lizzie Kwoll has gori Grifton to see her brother wh very ill. Miss Cora Dinkins, one of f 1 most accomplished young has returned to ('hocowinit v I ail ies, here she is attending school. Mr. Alfred Willis and Miss Deb hie Gaskins were united .n the bol bonds of matrimony, Wednesday Feb. .", by Mr. R. W.' Smith, .1. 1'. We attend to the happy pan' 001 best wishes for their future welfare through life. Miss Lvdia Tingle of Grifton. i visiting Mrs. Win, Tingle. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Rice of Wash ington, was in our village a few days atrn. Polloksville Correspondence. Mr. K. B. Kiliott has moed to his new home outside the village. Several of our young people -.-pent quite a pleasant evening 'at Mr. A. W. White last Tuesday. Mr. J. II. Bell came in Friday with a small, but very select lot of horses. Mr. S. S. Harriott and Miss Nel lie Pearce spent Sunday 111 New Seme. Misses Hudson Suoelay. Mr. J. Katie Holland and Ada went up to Trenton last II. Be Mi-- S.ilma Foy epent Monday 111 New Borne. Mr. T. S. Bender left Sunday for a visit to Pitt county. Little Miss Clara Bel b-, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. A Chad wick can talk at t he tt n.lei age of three nioiit hs. 'I'b Hchooner. Oradene. ('aptian B. P. Salter, from Core Sound. Carteret county is in port laden wilb the finest oysters we hac fcten this 80HSOI1. I Mr. A. 'J'. Banks is nco :ng 1: t..i the villaga. He will occuio n,. htmso foiinel'l occupied lo Mi. I .1. Watson. Rev. Mr. Parker preached an ex cellent sermon Snntlav night. His theme was "l.e a good soldier." and he treated it in a masterly maimer. Mr. Howart T. Wright, who ha beeui spending some time with friends at this place, left last M .n dav returning to his home 111 'if folk, Va. Mis Nettie Kilpatriek. who has been visiting here since Christmas. left-lHst, Thursday returning to her home near G rifton. She was accom panied by her sister. Mrs. T. S. Bender, who will spend a few davs at her old home. j There will be 11 festival at the Academv next Friday night. The! proceed will be used in thepui chase of an organ for the Baptist ;t - hurch. Those iu hai -go t-ay they only lack twenty-six dollars of hav ing'enough to pay for a lirst class ii -strutnent, and this they propose to raise within the next, thirty days. It ti e liair is lulling out. or tin ning grll', re.p.UI 111-; sttlllliiiaiii wn'i uunnn- rug ami coloring mou, ji.us v uiu e Sicilian Hair lienewer is just the specilic. J 7 COVE CORRESrONDENCB. Personals Sickness and RUgissi Services. Mr. I. I Tavl ,1 returned from New I '.erne S itntd.iv where lie had been attending con 1 I . Mr-, pi-1 o i 11 .. Ii '.iitrlt. ek- W It ft Friday to her ion, Mr. in in New j friends and feW W 'HI! IP Ml He, II- re-1 it t 1 1 Mi - Hat I 1 t his I' 'llb ,n,t t fl ! her M I'll W, line; e W inglon of Nt-w aunt, Mrs. T. Pcrne. is ve .1. I law k 1 11 H M : -s J, in ie 1 : 1 1 . e v of I re n ton. (',e th.s Heck Wild HOCOm- ei our p. M. to TuMcarora to ,, the 1 losing exercises of Miat , ;e I l.iii g liert v 'h nc Ii "ol . ,. la-t vacant hmiHe in our town pal .0 t is no I p. . k taken of 11 p longer vacant. Mr. J. r. a thrifty young farmer, haa 10 ni- t. ide a noii us; ha ,:, t he K'l t'iiuk house. 1 W II Slaughter, a former -it ,,f ( u' mill for a loujr tinte r of interi'ieen church, S -t . beie vi-ilmg his daughter, Mn. L. While. lb- preached at. Winter gret 11 Sin, day and Sunday night, ,,i Cue liiptist church Monday night and at Ihe I' ice Villi Iapil e Will chinch T gl.td to ha I I is jireseu lliemoi ies . e-... III ,' P..O S. e brings ;bt. Wei r lighter with US. back pleasant 100I days. Ha 11 as piuitor for s of 011 r wl teacher as w w h lie. was mi r tpl it e a n. BARNWELL CORRBSPOWDTf OS Rolig-ions Notes Accidents sUcloMM and Deaths. W e had right much rain Saturday evening and night. R 'V. Dr Sanfoid of Cove, pasaod through Stturdav on bis way to Lanes ('Impel wheie he ). reached Sunday. Rev. .'. W h'ose of Grange, idled h is appoint meld s here Sunday and Siiirlie 1 1 1 g n 1 . We hear that the Presbyterian have been "holding very sucrtoeaful meetings al Dover for the lost ten lav. Thev were conducted by ao evangelist. Rev. Mr. Miller of Al)- 1 1 i 1 , . ('. lie has hud a number of conversions and several addition to the church. Dr. M. II. ( an while driving, an o curl la-t Friday, had the milfort me io get Ins thigh caught between the 1 art and a tree and badly bruiaed out no bones were broken. He ha not been able t get out ainoe, bul am glad to say is 1 mproving. The neighbors exp,es Uiuch iym pathv for Mr. II. T. Croom, wlioae family han been right sick for th hist month, which reunited in tb death of one of Ins children. The friends and relatives of Mr. Wealthy F Arnold, were hocked by her sud leii ileal Ii at her home in l 1 nst . .11 hist Sunday night Sh vi. is l.ioiighi to her ohl home in tbia to ighhorhood and buried Tuesday. DIED. At his home nt Kershaw, N. C., February the S!b. at " :.r)0 o'clock of Pneumonia, after a lingering illneaa of .).- davH. Mr. Charles H. Hooker, age J .' veiirs. 1 moiitliH and 2 day. He uii- 11 1 1 ue and ecu siHt ent membir of the Methodisl church. In hi death we have IohI one of our Gam es! an i,,s' 1 rn 1 ttuoHt workers. He leave of friend and relative to I, - hi- W'r heartily extend mi st Hvmpathy te the bereaT- mo our a' e,i f.llll -in . Th v 111 l.i I f i lends, and can only I give! Ii ami the Irl i', be the name of the 'iKel Hi. I, !.ld. B. other. Dream o Sleep t 1. 1 1 1 g , Till we . Mi.r.ii war fur behllC ia er, in. inor. ott k no no bi eak- n t hat bright shore. .1 II. C. alstend lit for d k- d vita h iH t be ( 11 ban war th. w York i-p.ttcbfH are pub g type, dooble- ion ma, in li-hed in 1 leaded, ad thinks t h it t O ll ceee, I . , ,SM t ll I Ctt 111. It Vol II I columi. He ion bids fair MANLY VIGOR ONcn MORB In sisssss with I lie wurld,SKlOO rorrtil.tlr rnretl ms are v l ni u hsppr pealsss for I lift frtsual, (rmaa evt snt Diml sno-cx-ssfal oira fassM Udl wakness and liMtTts-or know ts ntMMnal SPteixt. Asi aoroantof Utlssscw drrfui dtmmmm, la, bnuk form, irssriLa rt crnonxa and ptaut will ha Mitt la maf. fering men (ssaladl free. Foil maalf risnc permanently rasttirotl. FaUnr lilijiiissllils, ERIE MEDICAL C0.,BUFFU0,M1 TIM r-sl 1 Jm. jtsl sw i '' 4 V . 1