.man ii wm1m&i0ifaJfcrt,tfFmkwWH3&!3q&&'i!!' - - . ft' Price: Si 00 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS, Single. Copies; 5-Oeats. VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. FEBRUARY i0 189(1. NO J 50 W -H! I S-' y A " f 1 BONA OacsQn. : 01esuxa2n.c : Sale I AT THE MAMMOTH STORE OF 61 POLLOCK 8T., .-" Of For I he benefit of oar Customers nd Ourscles we havo - elded, in view of the fact that since moving our stock from the biam-h d aioT-a to or place of business. No, 6i rolluck street, onr Mtot o is to. . .' much crowded, to bare s large Tnule. Sale and make r.K)ni fr i .' comiajrtocka. Onr patrons in the adjoining" Couuties cf Pamlico. . Jooea, Onslow, Onrioret, Lenoir. 8oufort, Ureone and Irt will 1 'rjrafited in lakioe adrant t" thsscs Fricea bare bees reduced .a erery deiinrtiucrir, - only be sold at pricWs quoted Dress Goods All wool nenrietta 4i l wide u black and Colors, v educed fron . -&5ot aftU 75o. to 62c . .All wool fine Serge 44 in. wide r black and colors, tne beat thing y"' thatkas been sold in the town Heretofore at 50c we are gotnjt . ' to let it go at 43c . ;Birk aad Ulne water-proof Serge " all wool.- 50 in. wide form r -;. C- miee tt-CO reduced to 83c . .'Silk and Wool mixture iridescent .-- drea goods, former price oOc. - WO-W 4JC .1 -Qranite Cloth in black aid Tan. - - - 43asrednceu Irom ovc. .vOn piece steel grey febastspol CiarA 2& ia wide, reduced from . 1.00to67e JTan Raekinr In blue, brown ana and Oreen, 53 in. wide, all wool. " V redaced from 60e t- 30c - ' terena Broai Cloth ia colors and ; - blackball wool, 50 in wide, Tal ' me COc bow 50c. ' - So. 6SO Broad cloih. 52 in. wide " . redaced from 89c Ut 60c . Jill wool rj blot Serge, 25c ' tAU wool Kavy bine Flannel, 25c. JL11 wool Blck !ierietta, 37 in r," - -' " wide 40c redaced from 50c. - . Drewa Flannels, in tripe and . plaid, 1 9c redaced from 25 and C5c - rreneh striped Flannels 16c re . ' - . dneed from 20 and 25c 10 piece Uaaffra cJoth.dsrk colon- be foiwrly 124c - Oar line 55c. Cahmeres reduced ," 18C - . Oar line of. -20c l ash meres re i ' ... doeed to 14c. -Pt Single width-Dress Goods Oae piece grrj and white plaid ;flaancl 4J in. wide at 45c worth 75c 3 piece all wool Craqnline Cloth ia brow and mode; in. wide, . Talae 75c now at 49c 3 piece . 1095Germa Suiting. all wool 33 ia. wide, ralne 50c B 39c. 1 piece. Brown llgared Horteose baiting 39 "Ja. wde, al- wool Talae 60c now going at 53c. .vv'fllHHnery. ; A: Jot of felt Hata worth 50c., . . .. now sold at 16c ". - . A few -white fell Sailors sold at . .. 75c, now 49c . t isaAie ieit aiding jiais soia ' at 75c and $1, are now sold at '..'.: '4DC : -.' v-a; A lot of Trimmed Hats can ' " C be bonght Tery cheap, come -;and Iok at them; I will ' mention a few: -'T: lUtta from $3 25 to 14 00 we will sell for $2 5 and ta 50. f . Hau that can b bought for sue . , up to f LOO tbat were sold for . , 1 00 and $3.00. " r . Jrenctt , felt Klats sold from -, ; ; $115 to IL50 can be bought at " j 1 63c, we hare Uays, Browns, - . Greys, and Beds iu these flats. , " s : Wool felt Hata, worth $1.00, are . - . :,i-' now sold at 35c a piece. " " .SVe hATe a few French felt Flat - thifh and low crown that are : ' wortb4L.50,' we will now sell ' - , "" Hot -73c, each., and a few . iV -ahaped Trench felt II ats $125 - ' " ' And w will now sell for v V ,f ' 73fc : L Ribbons. . .- A job lot of ribbons we wiil sell - for 3c, 4c, 6c iJc, and 10c -i; Domestic oods. - -' Tickioga for mattresses 4c, 6c, 8c . 1 .Tickinjfs for feathers 10 and 124c ; . Yard wide Utrbleached Domes -' tics- 4c, aane goods better ; - Krade 5c redaced from 6c ' . -. BUACBX9 DOKESTXCS. , " -t Barker Milla 6c : 4-4Frnit7ic - Oood Calicoes 4c '"This sale will begin I7th 1896, and wiil E"P An early call will convince yon that we will produce what ire adrertiso. Respectfully, I . ' H. B. Duffy. y . Wholesale & Retail Dealers in (Floor, Pork, Coffee, Sugar, Lard, Batter, Cheese, Syrup, Molasses Vinegar, Saaff Tobacco, Cigars, Canned Goods of all kinds. Tea, Spice, and everylhiog else usually found in a FLR-JT-CLASS QBOCEKY STORE. .Ef" aare bought in large quantities for cash and are prepared to tell aa low as anyone. Country Merchant aud the general public will do well to get oar price before baying elsewhere. No trouble to -show gooda. Ctables Free, 47 Droad 8t., New Berne, N. C - FIDE Lousy, NEW BERNE thn opportunity to make ttim iur lut will an ton Flannel 4jc. , better grad 7c. 4-4 Percales 1st quality ?;c elsewhere, 12ic. Ladies' Vests 12c " Wool V sts 4 " and ?."c Notions. O. N. T. Spool Cotton i King Silver Lake " 1c. (3ood Note papvr lc. quire. Good Eovelopes 3c. pack iood Crash iowelinu: Ic. yard. per Suopenders H'c pair. big reduction in v arpeis. tapestry Brussels 43c. Dfirraio Carptjts T'c. Warner's Health Corsots $1 : " I'oraliue Corsets i( Clothing ireat Rducti-n in Clothing We have "on haad a larg stock of Clothtnz that -miisl bo sold i VI en's suits that 6old for 00 i we now sell for and Suits that sold for $7.50 at Suits that sold for fUmOj we now nell for $S :F3; Suits Suits that sold for $r' 50 now 1 at $10.23. A few fiuel'rince' Albrrt Suits sold at $IS! now $14 75. ' Men's tirerco U that sold a-! $4 50 we now st-ll at $3 89 and those we sold for $7.5- we! now sen at . .'3, ana inos" we sold at $lo Of we now siell at SS 97. re-jBoy'e Knee Suim nee i to i tbat sold for t 50 to :.. we- now e from SI. '24 to 1 4 '; those that sold for $2 M now at $2. 19s Boy'- siogle Knee Taots that sold for 50c. we now sen tor 3?c. Gent's White Laundried Shirts that sold for 5o and 00c. we now sell for 45c. those that' fold for ?5c. now at G5o. , t hose j that s. Id at $1 00. n-1 w at S3r. We hae alfO a large hne of Gent's Furnijhiog Goods, such ! as Collars, Cuffs, Supandt-rs. Half Hose, and in fact most j anytniog you can call for at t Greatly reduced Prices. Biff ran on Gent's Scarfs and Ties, we are selling n 50c 1 8carf for 24c. Big line of Un'aundried Shirts' for 20c. apiece. Boy b two buckje 1'low Sho that sold for 00 we now sell for 63c. Men's A Oalf Creedmore Buck le Shoes that Sold for ?1.50. we now sell for $1.13. Children's Copper Tip Shoes, 5 and 7, that sold for 5oc , we now sell for 25 and 35c. Ladies' Don gol a Polish Shoe 60c. Ladies' Dongola Button Tip .ra zor toe, 99c. Men's Single Coats that sold fori ii.i j, now ai ti-jo; ddv s om ele Coats that sold that 11.25 we now sell for 06r. ; Men's Single PanU that sold forj $1 00, now at 63c, those that sold for $125. now at 9So. ! those that sold at $1.75, now at $1.29; Men's Overshirts that sold for 25c. now 19c.. those j those that sold for 50c n-.w j 42c; those that sold for $1.00. now at 83c . those that sold for $1.25 now at $1.00. , Gent's Underwear we have an immense stock that must j go Men's Red Flannel Uuder-, shirts that sold tor 50c we now sell at 43c, 'hose that., sold for sl.00 now at Drawers in p oportton. Nice Percale Shirts 45c. Sewing Machines A. few Domesic SewiDgr Ma chines. $15 0 quality will be sold at $2'J.50 Monday Morning-, Feb. last two weeks only. , N. C M:i A OKI I T. la the ily or e-.lm anal Vlrlnilj. t.altierrtl In und Briefly -oterl. 1 1,.- r.u :n -. two . Tvis i.e m ! re e r the Fa r are ..n.l arriv. i viral e. v An f . v Inn- l'.." llipUI't :i(xi . rii ; W ot 1' S II l.olH i Hi.', T!,: of Mo ca - t: Atlantic News In 1 in Thoirj h il and in-i ki s a ii. M. llovd. I'r ' p-i-prn t"r and 1. 1 t he New-;. M- mi rl v edit, r. l N. W, 1 M Uii- ii.. . I h 11. ih. ll : r, ht i.H' on - ii it- In' .Li is ex Ali jitr-.es must .itur.';iy, Fib'y T e I. I: .e i:e i tioe a..rly at the n.-i -juce ut Mi J. ii I HolUiiidi louche At hnlf paM -ven ; o'i- irk. Th- pre t. go i'i is ten c.-Dts. .Hi v.i :: ; .i:- ipj'i i-'i'l to tat vv iT.:;, h u. ill I fe t L-t out re- :.o-'i;i, i ! li -o : . . ! !!. We Ii ivc riT.iu.l t,"iii Mr. W. J. Iouj:!ity i t N-Aiotta tH'tv il .iUr bill 1 a i.t .i v. n 1 1 rr "1 f t e It- vt'uioi , sry v -.t for ex i I'. : :r t .e 1" Tli y ar.- 11- yens o'..l. V.- I .vt- Ii .tjr'e i the-n hi to Mi-. K - i II .1 v. tt i In chairman of the Curio (, p.irtnn nt. Mr K J. U'ii !e l 'I Mr. '. '. Wl, te ..f Fort I'ai-iw.-:!. u erv in liir i i' v y s'er- i . v. Tli fo'im-i . - u- !..,! t ii.- i:u-ner :" . i e h'.i 'i n I nr. !-.- -' i'i'i'i i in j f r i . i iiex t . r ; u . i : I: i . ii.H'o .ijl; ! ,.14-it isiv ; r U.ui li"'t-- !.ne .ii" all j l.tiea, Ii li trii- ti' iot... l rti mi! o!he- field pro I .i U. A 1TI Iti f i l- l o!" Ni-;i-.: Fi. i.i-. i' i .! ot 1 I : . s'e imer li.ll n U of ic Hack. d..y they : ex p res. -pill.lc'l I 1 nn A v I "I'i pi vie ' en' . if i i in -p in :. u. .v. er : i A a:i ;l er - en n '. t'i' l-o ll IV. Iv N-. w Fi l ii". iii .: -j. ' l.e ull-fl li' I. lull i city, an I i pcc! '::' 1 Broad, t '.l1!'.' is too j by ii fe.v ri-lers. sc S pet? I W hi tl I.''" ;, r I The ir.v;'ei;. s n i trie i tty Hiith oiitirs ! so l h i a tin y -li n ' rider is n.T dotle 1: I vsrious v Sue o s. i. ii 'ii. -r us in uld the Iu li p union sh. n i-in.s pari ol i Mi d e Si. I. in IK h da-'.in' :i!..i'l cc'y i lipvk 1 1 g th, i r a r ii s'i"i i eon ers. ra '-p.! w e- i m. n by i e x !, u i no in. ri li. F'j'. the I. it-1 ch ili s ie.-kio-.ne-s The tin -1 r e i is nave an equ il -hare ! Mr, W T. Tally, of j who in c unpsnv wil l Mi I i as b t n in .k n.' :i an'. ; arn.e i s i f i h - s , : i -n i a i oi pn-sin thro j-.-h .-h-'wn 'on inipr .vemii t f rt bac. n lr lonnty .) II rsii..'.- n trui'i the Uacco raisin. us model f tl.i soni-i.t. in.' .1 el! s bv in. ..us . I w hit h the heat is uniionniy d siri .uted and the tobacco till cures H .Ke It fits t) n te.-tid tor tw-i ejr5 ! y n nuai'xr nl' ii.rni;rj of In u r i ouni jnd '.. uro v.-iv si.tisfa' torv j Mr. Ta !y i.nff pr-. poses, to p-iit-Dt it and put i; . n th m i? Uet. us that disp'av jj reach a Blrycle In Ihc Pamdr TUos. C. Danic.'s informs Mr. ife pr..s tcts i,re goo I to a tine ot b.cyi 1'j.is i i tue Fvr iur.ee, couli lent i hat i he n.iin'.. r will hurdrid Jiosiiolv more. ' n ne ,fe bicc:e cubs in the city tsi l( b'CVcllstS who do not belong to j either one ot tlnm. The members int do to i in i hep i ra 'c. possib ly the cluOs w id i hold to getter 113 bo.ly. As uar hs we can tcp there re about 250 t.icycles in the c:ty enooah to make the b.cylt-s festure itse f a strikiog one. Hr. N n. Brtnaon. Our young tow nsman, Mr. S M. Brin - in, whom we noticed recently ns having ting-hod his lt gai S' u. In s and snccest fully ii.iss-d h:s ei e. : u ' n, has rstiblished hnu -eli in his pr.'ies-i Kr-.nr street, which h pie. I for year.- atd w h at Xo 55 South lai hi r has occu i .li", will ton- fni.e I" u-e together. Mr. Bnn . a is .a of Xew Berne's tin--t young men, stud:, us, iutd lgent and , . of tint- ahi sty an I ihari.ot. r. We expect I t" se- bun (a-dv t.'ke leading place! a.noeg hi- i.ieti reu of the legal profes-l ;ioo. I lie rn ITen rlefl Knlly. It is sucges Minister pre-i ;esttd tint when the Srtissk i he Hag from llkj'D to : New Fern. , that ih- re In here . f ; 1 e ih s. end .nts of a grand rally de i j laffenried nod his col mists. Tlirse lohuuMs are represented in Xew Berne niltl Oavtn (ouniv b dnv by the il families ol the Mitchells (Michel). Roberts, j r oj s, i pot ks r.ioi.t ii. -j ones uue oesecu- ants ot h're-U rick J Joins). Tingles and I oi hers. There is also a l.my authoress io Wa-hmgiou Cilv, a l.m al descend int ot the I , .,1-1. t, 1 y.l. J 1 H-r n. If ih s n union is worked up i it Can bo maile a nt table one. S Memorial of Early MettlementH. Mr. Chas. Hall ot k, iu conversation upon the Iialeigh Memorial, informs us that there is a similar movement in Mas-achusetts to commemorate the land ing ot 'he Piigrim Fathers. Seveiul thousand dollars were ru-e.l or it largely by lea dollar uhscrlitions. It will be located on Town Hill. Proviucetowo. whith is at the evreme end of Cape Cod and near litre the I'll g I ims lan. It d The ork is being carried on oy ihc Cape Cod Memorial A-s i. iation. The landing i f Sir Walter K ih igh? C i colony on ltiianoke Island uear'y bull a cenlury bef.ue the event the Massnchu i setts ptople are ?e king to cotnmemorate is surely sti event that might to inspire to as much effort towards c uiimcmoration ss the Utter evint. 1 he o'ject for which the numori il a.-s. c ation was formed ought to awaken national interest, but of c urse ibis ;nii rest should he most iuteu-e in X'orth Cnobna, the State in wh'n li this fip't sttthintui in America was made. I.amI ali on Tntr. i The time is draw.ug nigh when the i list of ddioii'.u-nt tax-payers will be pub lished. IJ-. tli the city tax collecior and , the sher ff have given repeated Dotices ; calling upon the delinquents to come for ward and -ett'e aud ihcs saie tliemst lvef '; troni publicity and from the costs that 1 will have to lie a llied. ; This work oi c"lit cling by distress is i one r fibe un p'aisaitest nautures pertain ing to thi se offices Lot neither the sheriff Dor the ci i v tnx co.'ltctor are allowed any option in the matter. The law requires the ta.x.s to be collcttd by a certain ; time, prt ferities how thy are collected and i hey have to obey. Wb. ever is behind will do well to so I tie without any farther delay. Rnprpm('ORrl. Messrs M DeW. Stevenson, () I?.' (iun n, W. W. Clarke, W. E. Clarke, C. ', R. Thomas and W. D. M elver returned from the Supreme court. Tiie cases they 1 argued wire lh'se of ihe New B-roe W ater Works Co., Pine Lumber Co. vs. Sthttlky, and Rostnbaum vs. City of' New Berne. Xo case was reached from the two last terms of conn; all litanl were older and there was so much on the docket that those from the recent terms were all car ried over. tiik .avai. ui:m:ihi:, The N'avhI A H m i rn 4'oiiiin t Hi-rom-meoil That I lie A pproprlnl Ion lie Doablfil. Aithouuh N't-"' Heme .1 n ::u! ; a Naval llisi-rii' ("oniivmv, lh" ex. t ot'tbe one we i'il lime uml the 1 1 j o is entert.iini'il that we will not 1. ii r t'mue n :tl nut Mieli nn oram ,i'.-n, warrant tor the Ik lit f Hint the In'. --0-- i i,, e that '.V : favotalile action f ('nuie" rel t the naval militia will lc rea.l with nter et. Tlic N-ival Affairs Co urn it -co : t! Ilone o! li pr. rnt .tivi - l. .v. n-re. .1 i im reuse the appr .pr a'lon lor Ur- i: t m. nee t' ihct Niai lte-i rse mi X iv.il Atiiiroiiriai n n I :h Irom f .i.i.iiiii to $;)(). OOP pel annum It I a l. .-n tini:n thai the i imierKa' -in iirlh of the iria lllllllia li.l. ilH'I e:i-e. I t. . -;i i hat the foi uiOi' a p i r in i il n !i nn extent no 1 .nucr sirvi-il ti pn.vioi- ti e mo-t n.ves;iry uruis and equipmc u:.-. TheN:iy Depart ment, alter several jeurs of clo-e i l-nation, hits come to the corc'u.i.m tt.at th. Naval Km T iu.nt'.i, :f prop, r! y . quip ie I. e. u ii b n.a.ie . I the r. .it- -t -iaci.-cal i ' ue, ..ti.l tr..nu!y fiv..i- t!.. en id nient ot additional k-jjisiation whi. ii will make the relations of the r serve to the regular navy fx tier d' fined. A bill lia be. n iiitro-luce-l in ('o'n:re?s which aims nt e'early i leti nL n the ta'n ofthe X ival Reseive.s. and winch e n. powers the Frsidi (it, in the eve it . f war, to enlist in the reirulnr sirvice nnv p r- tion loft ai d ..tli , of the Naval Ke-i rve or ih entire . w 1 1 1 1 o u t to ColllMlls special ion the i t of O .nitres J, Xavi.l Kls-.ivc IRt.lMA OVUrliK PIRATES. The rrople yiy Take Itie I. un 111 Their Own Ila ills. ' I'he Virgiu'a oyster p'ri tes are makin; . d. ire.iaiioiis on the waters of Pamlito county in E ..st Caroliua. They dridrjej ! the wa'ersto obiain Q vounir o stets in. I haul them over on ngiint lenitoty to l.rttu. A irrea'. nam .ei ol tin- pirates are ercaeil in the bii-:ne- "I reinov m; the-e young oys-ers from j,'o:tli Carolina w.iteis. 'riie people of l'atiilico c'oin.ty i nn the pirates oil w hen pos-ib'e, I lit t'n- fu-ln ---1 is lT'-i t i rir go common thai it i- hard slop i heni. A ue it It-man from Pamlco county who : win in the city yesterday .id that un'e.- : the authorities i ii i erf r- d ajid -ut a st to lie ihp edatiorjs. of the 1 ULrima o.-:er-nien, i hey would take the -matter iu ttulr own iiau s "The Virginia oysbr j init'S several '1 ytars ayo caustd the am h ntii s nicch , tr.-ubl-, but lately th-y F.ve b en very, qijiet." j Thi' above article. inciuJini; the head-! 1 iti' ia taken from the jtaleiuh Fr.s. j ! V'ld'or. We doubt t.ot that deprcoat in s ' i ""-i evasions nf the law a je more or less I friquuni during the ojfter 'SeastJi), hut nc ' have not had any in lornialion of such wlmiesale, contiaunus violations, as this i mt'clc indicate, and, m .rc ivir e would , expect i he main seat ofsith diflicuitii s to be ntarer the lrginia hne than Pam lico county is. If such i a condition is developing, those Cc2Tni7a t of the facts ought to present them to the authorities in i haru'e of the shell fish interests, mak-! ioiz iiroper sffiduvit thereto, and thus, bv ' ; gett ns; them on the truck ol' th offenders, I sycuie a stoppage or at ha-t a F-s.-eniug ot j the violr.lions. , The Tencher's AwNembly. I T'ie Wilmington Star has a sta'enieni I I from its Kaleigh correspondent to the' . eftt that Prof". Cl.ai. D. Parker, .cored ..r nl ,. T,lcl,ers' A-s i.dilv im l Prot Joyner, the president, will go to Mount i Airy in a few days 10 visit that plai e upon 1 an invitation from m my cinz i.s The i citijeDg have held a public me. ting and j are very anxious to h .ve the Assembly, meet tLtre. Hetl Springs is also working for the mi etictr. The it. ni closes with the comment that j "it is not likely that either will be selected, lor thev do no', oiler tiie ad van- i tages that Wilmington does.'' Death or Sir. '. S. Klehardnon. Mr. Nathaniel S. Hichar lon died at his i residence in this city Thursday afternoon. ' February 13lh, of valvular (lis. a-e of th heart, with w hith he has been atll cted . for several years. His wi'e, three sons' and two daughters survive him. 1 Mr. Richardson was a iinml er of the' Church of (,'ntist and one of the elders He was a most exedie it num. faithful in every relation ol life. A inor-.- extend, d ' ootice of his life will be prepared by bis I life-long friend, lieu. Chas C. C ark 1 The funeral wi'i be ii -ld tVo.n the Church of Christ, Hiincot k Street, ut four o'clock tli is afternoon. The Coming- ol the Sn iss Minister. The meeting of the City Council to decide upon the time tor tiie Swiss Minis- j ter to come to make the flag pivsciitatiou 1 was postponed until tonight. A meetii g of our citizens has a!s- been t ailed tn I give expression of the r views upon the j mutter. It has been suggested that some later than one in Fair week w ill he better than that time ami reasons have been advance ! j for it, but wc be'ieve, with the light now before us that it would not be wi-e to suggest any change of time. Mr. Pioda. himself, in bis letter says: -T intend to come to Xew Berne th- Lit ,r,t!c nj nunrA" and he asks nothing about the fixing o the time except to bg notified' which "day" of tbat week will l.c con-1 considertd here the most convenient tor ; the reception cf the flag. j The minister, of conrs-., know s we have j i a Fair in progress during -the w eek he has dt-Hinated, and for aught we know that ; i is the very reason he fixed that date, and I the selection of any other time a t ter be ' I has designated the time he ''intends to j come'' might not be considered by him to be the proper thing no matter what was I the cause of his selecting that date. ' Death ot.HJ If . II. Rogers. Xew Be-rrte and Morehead City people, many of them will well remem!er JJaj. H. II Rogers, of Richmond. Ya , w ho two or three years ago put in c ns dera- I. le time in this seel in ', tepi a -en i i;;g the l'nlte.1 Ranking and Building Association of Richmond. He died on Sunday the' 9th inst., ou the traiu betvvetu Anderson and Belton, S. C. The remains wt re sent to Middleburg, Va , for interment. His friends here knew him simply as the ; clever and geni d trcutlennm which he showed himse'f to beat all timts, and under all cin uinstunci s. The Charleston ; Courier's Anderson correspondent speaks of him, in additii d, as a gallant Contul era'e officer ant! says tin re are many there wImj know his record as a s.-ldii r. While the remains were in Andei'sim a guard of honor was placed over them by Camp Ber.on. Umted Conhd. rite Yeh rails, ai.tl 'every -maik of respect po--ib!e was 1 shown. Arrested for Perjury. A postal card from Beuifoit iuforms us that Dr. L. W. Perkins has be. n arrest ed there on the charge ot perjury, the prosecutors being the State and C. R. Hassell. Dr. Terkins, it will lie remembered, is the examiDg physician who turned Slates evidence iQ the Beaufort fraudulent insur ance cases and swore to his own whole sale lying in filling out the application blanks, and Mr. Hassellis the agent whom the companies sued along with the other defendants. TIIKi!!A!) HACK .Mil II.- K 1 1" The Ka .('arnlii air f.nriM'Ht .Viiiiitierorintrif-saitil (.iiiii. enl Number lfors Evot ill :in' I'nir In lli sr.u. -M ill Bp the II. -I licit!. I. -. - .! li .e I'O tiicr and nmniiv.' r.ie-, w-ii nl ,it tlio E .t t'afoliua Fnir this ycir i'ict;y uh.it tin y w.-n.t. There are 4'i h :s VI fiiu-ie-, inite-t uiimlier e.n h thai has evi r bet-ii .1 nnv N nth l ; ci Fair in the his'orv i f li c St ite. d'h i i i rce t lion satids ih il in i :-i ir e ha t'l-.-sulii out a iTrtod lis' t i-i tr; s ii.d i lie inc.- w i 1 lie coat i. st e I l-T ho - The !'c owin is tiie list of their owr.eis together with he placi s t he v com .l'l-se I ; i'l'oiil : -II. II. Curort Washington, X. c Ki-ter I.ili Va. Antii Ft id. X c. Tyi ice-, ar T. M Hewitt, W-iyanoKe, M. II. White, II. rt-Anii-stie- -M. II. Su!f n New Berne. Cantahile and lu k llx k ha m .V W'i let. New Borne. imp l (i. M. Brow n M ii'V Lee and S.nitli ct fl -oker. ( ir. en ii!.'. X. C. F.-nsciipt im.l I.i .nb.' r ,v Willet. Xew Feme. Sarenta T. D. Sau:..l C. Viiito K. L. Stakes, I Jiiu llackbu II is, IKnioid, X. lleioh. Nodel T. . StaekhoUsl. Marion, S. Samuel Dr llol'o. N. C. Lei, in I) C N C. K i ntr Ai'io .1. T. Eldn-lge. Murfr. cs I. Suiddi n, Creviiviil . M. I! . d:ite, Ilfet-ifov C. Mamie Wells Ilackbura A: Willett. j Xe. Berne. IMicl l:..v George Btuiret. ( ioid-l oro, 1 X. C. Kush Miil. i Ceo. J. Stn l.let". (.'rccn l'ern.i. envlllc. vu e. - J) 'ii, i X. C. L I v X C Liitl B, r:-". Miss ' ( ' M. II. Sul an 1 th A; II ok. Xi w ) -ii spl -Mi". Win. M. II Whit- i:. X. C. T lompsoa ' ... -T II. Co A .tl Wc V- an k''. Ju, nn May M. X. t . 1! iimec -II. A. Hertford. i.i Wa-hiimion. White. Iiert 1 M. II. Sub ciinelt. th-lds- x. c. A'lie MaosTie'd M. II t'or.i. X. C. lUbrt-w and Klecti. n li' tan. Xiov lJei'ile, X". C. I'ird i -c Ceoi-ei' 1'. 1 b-.ro. N. C. Nal'a. T II. AI. S aw. Concord, X St. Vincent !. II. White, II- it: X. C. Am-ter.lam F. Ludwick, Si'isbnry C. C. rd. X. Xeola Be-nntluu Cameron, Stagvil e, X. C. La.lv Hthn II. W. Lewis, Jackson. X. C. " Helen S. and Little Tom E, E. Wil liams, Xew Df.-rne, N. C. (ieorge W.'shinton, Jr C. M. Cl )iii. Xew Berne, N. C.- Flirt W. P. iiereVr, Elm City X. C. Miss Btss i'errv Jenkins, Tarboro, X. c Young Mageni- T. A. Ludwick. Salis- burv, X. C. stun-or III W??!. Lewis, .Ta ison. X. C. J. ncola Mrs. F. P. Tucker, Raleigh. X C. Lew iston 0. D. Beriiett, Gohkboro. X. C. C. A. W II. M. Shaw, Concord. X. C. The cullies are us lollWs: ENTRIES FED. 25TH. 2(jTH. 27711 & 2Sth 3 .Minute. Jesse U, Faster Lily, Antio B-lle Ty roles or Antique. Caiitaoile or Pu k. I.upton, Mary L-e or Eiise. 2:")0 Class Eister Lily, Postscript or Limber Jim, lyroles or Antique, Sarenta, Lupton. Mary Ixe or Elise. 2:40 Class. Yugo, Xodd, Samuel. Lillian I), Kiug Abio, Mamie Wells or 1'iroies. Postscript, Eihell Rav. "2::;5 Class Xodel, Lillian D , Post. Cliljt. Mamie Wells, King Allio, Kiiiel Riv. 2:30 CI iss. Rush Miller, Dominion. ! Puek . r CSntab-lle, Antio Belle. Lt'.ly I), j Little Steve. j Free for all. Mi-s Thompson, Ru-h : Miller, Juiian -Mav, Puck, Doiuiuiou, I Rannee. Lilly I). 3 yea is old trotting. All;-- Mansfi -Id. t Ebtew or I-dctiou CyP, Cantabile. Bin! Eye.'Xalia T. Running puis- -10U St. Vincent,, Amsterdam. Xeola. Lady Hcllen. Heileu s or Little Tom, Gto. Wash ngtoii. Jr. Running Pur-e $200. St. Vincent.! Flirt, Miss Bess, Young Magenta. Senator j III, Jeiieola, Lewist. n. 1 Running Puise 150. Lewiston.1 Xeola. Luly Hell.-n. Am-teul im, C A Runui.ig Purse $150 Flirt, St. v'lu- 1 cent, Yonrjg Magenta, J. neola, Senator : III, Iewiston, Ildk-n S or Little Tom. (ito. Washington, Jr. , THE LOW RAILROAD KATES. To The East Carolina Fair .Makes it PonMible For al! to Altliul Who De wire. With its animal genero-ity the W. X. & .X has reduced its rates to such a low figure on account of the Fish and Oy-ter Fair to be held at Xew Berne on Feb. 24 h to 29.li, inclusive, as to make it pos sible lor every citizen of this cou-.ty to pass oue or more days ui at'en-iaece. 1 he Fair this ear prom ses to t e one of the very best ever held in t -at enterpr sing city and 41ie exhibit. will embrace every bianch ol agriculture mechanics ard arts. The races will be of tbe highest order, aud lovers of fine stock will have an excep tioual opportunity ol witnessing trials nf speed that has uevi r be-, n surpassed in Eastern N011 h Carol. u.-t. - The tinie be tween tin- rars will he iii It tl iu with va rious hums of amusement that will both phase and instruct. We pn .ii.t that tbe attendance wi 1 1 be very hirg -, and tirst that OllsloW and .lolle- lollutlts will be well represented. The aLove appreciated notife is from the Jacksonville Times. What is true of the W. X. & X'. R. I! is also true of the A. & X. C. R.' R. Each has given remarkably low rates both by regular trains, and there are low rates also over the other railroads in ti e State. Tiie low rates win be appreciated and will tfo much towaitls spelling the crowds that will be in attend ince. Street I infirovenieiits. The shell rock marl sidewalks in front of the stoits on Middle street from South Front street to the market nl'e all being worked over, practically-mule anew and receiving an additioua. coating of" the marl. The same material, excellent for the purpose, is being gathered ut places on the block above the one mentioned, tor similar w. rk. A good strevh of side . Rev. C. W. Howard from near Kinston walk on the same street, above Broad, j con. mete. . tiie funeral. A large number received tl-e marl tlressiug a few days ago. , of relatives aud friends attended the fu- The work ot shelling South Front i neral and followed the remains to tbe striet below Craven is now going on. ' grave. Such improvements as these are always i commendable. Good sidewalks anil i The president of the Bank of Laurin stl'eets are a great help to any town. They ! burg, N. C, Says there are eight cotton are not only convenient but they leave a j factories in bis county, and that they pay good impression upou all who have occa- j from 10 to 33 per cent, and arc the best sion to be in the city. j paying property in his county. WINS AMMIII !! IIII IIIIV.tKY 15. Smith. l l'.i!!uiksi i 1 1 4 --essliil 'an isiT, n Muo lie. has Mr. ,. ii. ,i,,tl-. t I'-ii ' l.'.t: i f U'ehstf r li we .'ii- , I nn- ' nif,.;-- ' .-libers l li: :i: : ( . to the M .-. id i. k 'v..ik lip.d : . ill'. - i.'N 1,1 V I orr. n a i.. K I itli ia . .. : i ndab'ie i i tic ii ions in this nan employed as 'k-keeper m the Foil, cksville. and e - i Ic-IS wii hout .lar w u k. lie -impiy ina!;iu sp ire moments ii oi v presented miu ,n I 1 ' . of re o: i. 'iii. del All..-. oi.nt; v lllo .S-V. '(' S -,.0.1 -IZC.I e. ii . sc. i.t nt work to -n ' i , b i s. w hen It is w . l Tnr dot.' its At- al re 4.1 y in. in led a -t oi t :n th- re His siK - ce.-- -ho-.'. - . ii t . i on the r h;'.i.,i-, . a i i ii t lib- r-. v. ii Ii u.ore ti me i-, . a i d . u llicy w i 1. What ; .it Foil-ck-', ifc, other men j illier. can do at Other post'; o t: 1 New Bum.;. The .look i M . . . i I. 1. . Il .... ..,,.1 I lie lias d'Hic or 'aiie- i tlices a'.i ar ob'al: el ' i , II.' is Win p.ca-c.l l. ni;i we (10 not w 'lit i.nv on .' who proposes to worl. for a c ! v . ! this di iio:;.ry to b". misled or! :o -t ik. iiio'-t l I'M etllbe r ' ina! i Q ll 1 -11L' boa id b n rd'.-i-. m e to It. It is not the ' tion oi We'ri-t -i .-, et let it be' :cl thai it 1- n .'. tee old. the ip. liitioii whidi Hooded the couirry uo. on poor ji ijvr -m-l iu pastc-j n-iitu. It i- t revision ol that! t-1 1 1 i o tao t -ul.s! U .llle " Ala a cop. .ii. : - I W -. I It i-.-11 V-f III f.illv e.n s later i han uootl paper, in :tl .1 ll'llle r UtUillllg ail-1 1 a V.ll- . of rd rence for any library. iny one who chooses can obtain I iitue ixtlloll Ull'lt-r lue o : : r W'. " TOBACCO 'I.A.rii. eiioir Tlio Five Week Tour ol Two 4'oiiiii.v Farmers Working Interest in it Where They Have Heen anil What Ihe.v I'onnil. Messrs. W. T. Tilly and J. II. Suggs, farmers of I. r:io:r county, whoso homes are near X : i, -i. a i. ai ri ved iu the city by the A. cv. X. C. 1.'. 1!. n ion train I'ri-iav and it ft that e Lilug lor NeApoit and Ocean. Ti.i -e mite i.'ti h ivc I .oi-ii m iking a live wetk- cic.v .s-iu' trip lor the pro ' prii tois of the Ki's'oi tohact-o liouse. : The o - j Oft of t he trip his bi en to develop an inbrcst in tob a co il!ture and to (lis seininate ir :b:';n t:o;i up.m the Siibjed tiL'ivc in-lrcdio a its t.. the chamfer of si -i 1 re. j u te I . th vru ties t lire, te w t . i ii. d prop', rl visit to lt .'. j.i.n't ci' .- ti then wii! re i urn hone. They h ive vlsi ed a- d placi s u: Lenoir c u at y. b plant, cub .', etc. Their e trip. They d h ctu re l at five . seven in Jones Connie and seven count v. live in Unsiow in Duplin county. Their til 7 appoint i liiciiis in Craven couaty wire at Fort I il iriiw. 11. I) .er Mid Cove. They were I at tho-e piai-is on February i 1th, 12 h anil l.iin respedi vcly. They rejiort con I sider .ble iuui.-t ai the two firmer places : but ll.ey did n- t li..'l much at ; Cove. I Their only Cart' ret county appoint ments were at Xewport on tue 13th, and ' at ( letan on t ie loth. j Mes-rs Grainger & , of the K.tiston Wareln ! full belief that the raisi I 'ar the best mom y cftq 1 Carolina. Tiny state I WiiSo::, Grefl-e. Pitt. Tapp. proprietors iise, declare their ig of tobac: o is by 1 for Eastern Xortli that the farmers of Lenoir and other ; eastern coiiaties have tried j it a succe-s. art- iucriasm it, have made g their acreage every yen' and they have every reason to believe tiiat Jones. Onslow, Craven. Dup lin and other east-i n couuiles can d-ij.isi as wed all that is m-cdcd is the proper information and this they aie supplying by- book, on tobacco tu ture, etc., and by I fu.uishing also to s-.itr-e exteti' sehct pa k I ages ot Sit-d, lastly their cil'oits took the .dirietion oi seiidiug i-ut these two p'ac ! tical farmers to talk to their brother farm el's fr m their expciiencc of veins. I'MXTERRI FTED A D VE RTISI XCJ I How Hie .Man Willi a Slnmllns Atlver tisement Iitiprense liimHell' 1'pon a Community. I Tin-re are some things as shows, auc ti v s, -..Je- etc . temporary in their char acter, an. i t..r whlL'ii ot course, temporary i advi r:l-e,g is Hi pr .per thing, but w here ; a 111 m is e irr. ipg --I) any regu ar business, : ..r i- :eg il:-iy i..iio,ii.g a profession he ! need - :.. tdk 10 the pu'-h- daily through ! ui-iv-papu- c-il'tniD, ti.-Hing the people 1 ivii it b h .- that th. v w u.t. Spasmodi; : eli'iri, no limit r on bow large a scale, can never -iicci -..f;i: ly . I i-p'at e tiie continuous 1 pre-ti.tiuion .1 one's busine-s, even th ugu ll t.ie on a nuicji sm-ilk-r sc.de. I.i an article upon this su'.j-jct the 1 So 1 rrvil'e 1 Mas- ) Citizen speaks tiuly as toll.) is: Tin- man ol 1 he standing ad. is the back bone cf the in w-paper, and the solid man ol th community. Iu siiiiimi r in ii Winter, in suusiiine or in rii. his nam- ; leets the public eye witii 1 very is-tie of the paper, and people eoa-e iu time to regard lion as well estab lished in a s'.i -ci ss ul business, whether thev t have b.'tn his patron nr 'n-.t. Nothing sli ce-ids like success," and the pop. he. , nee getting the ideithr.ta man is lining well, stands ever ready to patro'iiz him and tu ms to hiui naturally when ill.-v l.nppeu to want anything in his liu--. Some lew or other his n une has be- ! come laminar. It is associated with an idea of stabidty. It gives the impres-ion that white' er others may be, this man is to be tru-ted. and people feel that as a matter of course he w hose name th.v see so ci. en is tiiiii in r, and they picter to patronize the pro-perous man. I lie 111. ne a -iiocei. a ptiotograpeer, a, coai dealer, a red. state agent, a dry goods merch. nt. jeweler no matter what j ins line, this nun ot the "siamting ad' is 1 instinctive y iccoguized as the best repre- j seitabve of it, and patrcn-ige comes to bun naturally; not ail 111 a rush, but slow- ; It- a'tnoio- o.i.l sni'..o- 'J.'"1 - - His 1110 Ust announcement takes up , little space -a f.-w im lies at the most, but j 1 ne uauie aie 1 ine ousiiie-s ania.s suihe the ee. They impress themselves utic-on-s; i' u-ly upon the ie n't r tie mai grow n g. tipra! es' imation as the nioct a- r. .11 o . an- ile.Vltablv asS iclLitcd W 1 1 11 speak ol him to others as hi- im-iness is his La ne. We Blank, the real estate man. Ye have no Use for Blank now, but i when we want to bnv or hire a house ! Blank's name is the lir-t that 3omts to ' mind and we call at his office. In this simple fact lies the whole secret I of the success ol persistent advertising. DIED Near Trenton, Jones county X. C. Sunday morning, Tehruary 10th, 1SU6, at j four o'clock, a m. Mrs. Susan Ilargett, ! beloved wile f James R. Hargett. j The deceased was 07 years ot age. Her husband, two daughters and four sons sur- : yive tier. Mis Ilargett Christian and. .vas a good, consistent a member of the 1 Chinch of Christ. Truly has gone to lur reward. good woman tiik alki(;h mkm'Mmm.. An Appeal to I sers nt' Toliacfo. ; Ily tfnj. (irali.-u)i Oaia-i.. I'revifl.-iii i.l lhk Itomiolio olt:ii Momorkiil AH4. cialioii I'lirioises an. I i-ol. l ihr Asoelrtlioii IiiiIIii'h l Kfiri nnl .roiiiifln lo be Frrimiiillv larltecl at 4n'e Coufirress May Aei in Hie ntlter. Mr. II. A. Br.. wii. -of Xen Fere- . , ,wi tnginicr. will y to Icc-nokc 1 -' -i 1 n i week t" lay orl' the grounds wLich tin- itoauoke Colony Jlemona! A--ociat. on i purLtia-e.i not low quo aui to p . lrtha-e.l el'- mane-it markin-'S to the .r. hira's oi i ne oil' files of (hr. To. inarkincs IM'llllite . -tS. rue iv.-ulv h'V I. 'I here will grounds and al-o to the Sir Walter Jtalci-b fort, in inch Case will coiiM-t They are ii iv in Xew t ran.-nni tatiou to the isl.i tc tiventy-tour ot ttieiiiu-ul n inari.iuLr the toitar.d about tin in marking the grounds. This marking is only the be-inr (,g (.f what it is desired to accomplish. A- t a r. is not niimpy in hand to do whit .- .i -sil'cil il has tieen ilclprninn il t i:ii !ia.-t ;,...l ; ni-arlf thp hoilnihirh-4 in ttiis oi-ovioen" ina-ncr, so their will be no ihinaer ol their getting destroyed, so that any i inu tile woik can be taken up and c irrml on to completion in any -bape ihtermin.d upon, according to the means' s. eure j. As our readers well know, The Koanoke Colony Memorial Association :h lorne-i to get possession of the foit on It ano!,e Island erected bv Sir Walt, r Kiii.-'.-h's t ,ll.-.,teil colonists ami tlio Ian, I . , i -, i i n j with the intention of full v n -torm- ih j f0rt according to the original paU in. an. - profanrr a m.moreil tin o.,l I c i, m. moil once in lu n u- of Ha'pih an I f his I colonists who on this bi-tonc island n.a.le j p1(; first settlement in Ann rie.a. on w aich j island also Virginia Dan-, lb .' firs' white , c.jjj, ever born on American wii tii-t -aw . llv birlil niu win IP -ilsothp ehvi st la.ti j ot'dinaui e of a)tisii was first admini j tercd to an Indian to tiie Indian Chn AI .n eo. Tiie Association has pr.igiesse.l bit 1 in its objects as to have secured the !' It land ail the laud that 14 wanted, an I ii j also has some money now . a hand. though it lacks c msulcablL- of b,'mr:as much as is needed to erect a - ut.ble memorial. Miij. Davis has struck upon a iini pi' , .scheme for raising farther funds. He -ug- ', cres's that as S,r Walter Fahidi wj-iie ! first man to introduce tobacco into id' at Britain, and Anirlo American 'isi r- of it ' in any form, being so much iie h'1 . t d t.. mm lor the conil'.rt an I enj .ym ic tiny derive from ihe use of their iavoriie weed it would be a gracelul act on th. ir p.;rt to make acknowledgme at t.er.ot by j -mug in the movement and t out ribui i ng t re co-t ol a few cigars ace .rdiug to their means to the erection at this p'ai e iu the I' tided Si ate.-! where t .barcu was first dis- cvi red. of a memorial to Sir Walter Ral igh, win. made known its use, an I to hi,- 10 omsts who perished there. Will the n:yriads of smokes and chewers, and manufacturers -.: s-, ;ud ihe association in its undertaking? Communi cations and contributions may b sent to Maj. Graham Daves, Xew Ik-rue, X. C. or to Prof. John S. Basset t, S, c y and Treas., Durham, X. C. This eveut, the first settlene tit u ade in America is an event of National import ance and it would not be at all ami -s for the United States Govei a. meet to take hold of the work it would lie 1 w ise mid proper thing for it to do. We are there force glad to see the announce nent made that Representative Skinner of this State has introduced a joint resolution to pio vide for the cotnmenionit on of the land ing of the Sir Walter Raleigh mlorv at Roanoke Island Jon July 4th, lot I. The 1 resolution appropriates for the purpose j f30,000 and provides fir proper cere- monies in laying the corner stone ! a monument on the 4th of July, lxOQ. ; This movement is entirely aside from I the efforts tbe Associition is making, but the Association and the public g nerally will be delighted to see the resolution pass and to know that results on a grand scale are following from the work it has beeu the means of starting. COSDESED STATE EWS. The Charlotte Observer says that con sul, cable interest is iuunife-tcd in Con cord in regard to securing the contem plated female college to be e-tablisLed l.y Mecklenburg and Concord Piesbytt ries. The Washington Gazette s.,y-: '-But lew know the magnitude ol business done in the little town of Washington. We dropped in a day or so ago to see Mr. DeL. Evans, of the Carolina rice mills. On that day his orders amounted t 1 one hundred tons of stun from as far north as Xew Yoik and Boston, we t as lar a Cleveland, Ohio, and eveu from Ciiarks ton, S. C." The h.st legislature taxed everything iu ' sight. One result of this is that, when the larmer comes to buy bis s. ed for spring sowing he will have to pay a duty of 4 per cent. (2 levied by the legislature. 2 by the county) on the value thereol ;w 11 tribute to fusion. For instance, a t.usb. l of ch.ver seed will cost him 20 c. nts ruor--than it would had not the tax been levied: and other seeds in proportion The tax, it is trup, is laid on the .-'eab-r in st e h. 1 but. like any other tariff, falls on tiie i-.m- supers. Asheville Citizen. The Monroe correspondent Cli irlotte Observer tells the following: It is re markable how many suils are brought against the railroads. For instance, at every session of court here tl,:r.- aiv ,.vt.ra! Ca-es n'-ain-t the Line, or -sections of it. for S a1 ma ul A 1 r . aniagcs. . man waiked over ,,e trestle, admitting th.,t fce knew. the iuks of the ro ,d p. o hibited if, but nevertheh ss brought suit f,)V $5,000, for a slight injury, only 11 tl, sh wou,,.i. The jurv "gave'24... 'fin ie are othel. c .s,.s -;jm;iiar character. It has 0,.conl(. u fad to sue some kind of corpora . tion, ana strange to s.yi.irn- wi s .y pirn -dam ige- cn- coura"e it by allowim c&se very douoif.il.' II the ,,t Mr. The Morganton Herald t.-il- ll Joseph Whisenadt, a n spotted c.t z"-i ae. i astiaight Deniocia', has n re s , 'he oldest being 8' jears ot age undid youngest 14. They are a 1 large, ti e looking men and Weigh as fol o-is: l.th, ir7, 179, 190, 200, 219, 2 12, 137, 20o. Total, 1,800 pounds. The Clinton Democrat tells thi-: "Sampson county witnesses a. no '.scene this court. It is a negro on the jury for the first time in the history of the count v. The juror is old man Warren Holmes, of South Clinton township. He was sum moned as a talisman Tuesday, t.n I upon ! taking his seat in the box in the midst of a group of eleven while juiors he was gazed at with amazement by people who have been attending Sampson courts ever since they can remember.'' MARRIED. Wednesday, February, 5:li, at the resi- dence of .Mr. James Canady, father of the bride, in Pollocksville Township. Jones connty, Mr. Willie Foy and Miss Car rie Canaday, all of Jones county, J X. Foscue. J. P. officiated.- Wednesday evening, February 12th, at 7 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. F Wii- cox, father ot the bride. Miss AnnieWil- cox, his yonDgest daughter to Mr. George Stanly. Mr. J. N. Foscue. J. P. officia- ting. The homes of all mentioned are near j Pollocksville. no- mil i in; m:h nr.Rr fair. Mi f- 4l tli.- I- at or;illf Kolfl fb lair in K -! , iliK ' Kvrrj Hide. T- W huiti'on. Xew Be r tie and Nor : .ik ;,i.!-,vi .v iii run the usual extra train. F. I.i i ,ry ' '.ih. Ji.'h, iTih ami aSth, leav ing V i i : 1 1 nu t "i N o'i lock a. in. and ar l i in N'"w Iliineat 11:H0 o'clock a. ti. ' in,; the tr.in will leave New F ;i eat j Jii ii. in. and iirrive in Wii- no- ;!. 'I I; -N". 1 ii el l I '1 at it ' o clock p. tn v ill allow d-itors six hours in n, e. I :.s Fie round trip rate. I n : olno- ! e only if.! '. Xp.lti'd I i n t i the fair grouDtls, tic iwiial lui-ge rrowtls -i i . i-it North VV 1 1 m iimlon ( 'iirolina's Mi-wtcn- ,i, . l.cia c i- m.ikiiig unii-ua! prepar. - m.ikiiiLi i lh h-h. oyster and gnmc fair I 'll. ( )ae of the fentiiics will be -entaiioii of a rla'. sent bv the Cit . S vilz riar.d. The Swiss Minihtcr in,!: y u J make the presentation, v ii -ag i. Mayor Manly, of New w'i nt to Hern as the representative I. i'i. i city's thriviug namesake. : ai l o I .e lour balloon uscensionc h f .ir. New Kerno's line, new . .iF an I streets have cuusid a i-e-.'. increase in the number ol biry e ' -Twin City Daily Senti- ihi- lieri).-. ! ti-' I'llelC .Imiio -he!! :., mark ,1 nel. w.i- t to have n goo 1 t i me? lie o; ; n S-o ii i i J-.i h : '. ' '" i.-n th" great Kant C'r , ' b -lri, liiiini' and Industrial n winch i- to be held in New ru ,i'v -.'. 2T,, -.''.. 27, '2H and - ! licit it .Mil be the lar- F, ge-t e' .i l.eal in llisteTii North Cato 1 1 no. "'Fhi So, r t ry Mr. dun. Kei.nstein lias in ide all ai raiigemenis for your good comfort wh.lc.ii thai city. All arran ge nu ai- h i- bet n u.a-'e as Pi the grounds Sen g iii o ,od c .million. There w il! I..- m my other attractions at th ground- wlmh you w ill enjoy day ill. I' da tl 'I ll It is closed. Ilverv m .n. w oman and child of Car- ! re' F ir. oiiniy should witnes. the Eastern n I if you fail to do so, you will I .rge portion of your life. Oo l a led day. of tbat week the Swiw r ..( li, rue will present the fl ig ol ,- i -1 gii of" remembrance and friend i Me -.iy of New Hchne Morehead ew -. ' -o 1 1 , i;, ti ship c,i . ! HITTFKM AI'l'OIVrF.n llv Min or F.HIm lor the Reeeplloa an l.iitiTiainment or Ihe Ki ln Minister 'Iii d '.'lo i dig g. ntlemen are respect f;l r .p.i " ',-d to strve upon the follow ing . . mi mitt: 1 s ; W iii I am Ei. i. is. Mayor. . oMMlTTKK iF RKCEPTION. May 1 and 1! ard of Council, Mnj. tjii ihain Daves, ( apt. Mutt. Manly, L. H. ('ml. r. K-q . Hon. C. C. Clark, M. DeW. Steveii-on. E-q , O. H. Guion, E-q., C. R. Thou as, Il (j , W. S. Cliadwick, 1'hos. Daniels, W. W.'clark. toMMITTf'B OF AURANOKMENTS. P. B. N'eal. chairman; Dr. R 8. Prim rose. Ferdinand l lrich. John Dunn, E. 15. Hack luira, ('has. Reizenstein, E. K. ISish op, Tlios. W. Dewey. C iMMlTlflE OF ENTEKTAINMENT. J .-. A. Bryan, Esq., chairman; Judge A. S. Seymour, Judge Henry R. Brynn, Dr. ( has. Dully, Win. Dunn, E. H. Meadows. T. A. "Green, Dr. Frank Duffv, Win.' II. Oiiver, Dr, John S. Ix)ng, Geo. Henderson. Ti e chairmen of ihe several committees are ifouesled to call their committce-s to gether for organ in ition and get everything in tfl -ctive diape us early as possible. The lime is siiort. Next week ia Fair week. h -,o 00 kim: on imprikoxhkkt. The Powerw ol the hlel Engineer or the Fire Department. At the suggestion of Mr. W. D. Bar ringt hi, thief oi the New Berne Fire Department, we copy this morning for the b. nctit ol the public, the law relating to the powers of the chief engineer or the one acting in his stead when he is absent. It is f inn 1 in Chapter 30, P. 844 Private i Laws, X. C. 1S87, ratified FtVy. 23rd, : lo-7. It reads as follows: I "Any member or officer of the Fire j Company of the city of New Berne, or i Fire Department of said city, who shall 1 refuse to oliey any command of the Chiel Engineer, or other officers in his pluce and st. ad as aforesaid, or any citizen, or other p. 1 son. who shall refuse to render ; as-i-t n'l'P when so called upon, or i irfi'i koiH i.i mm manntr inUfere wiA the ji.it- tteiMirtiitrnt irht n in tlif discharge of 1 i!k tint it- il. ar during n Jirc, hml be ijiii-t i if 11 nii.fiKiii'r, and on conviction nfi'il! be lined titty dollars or imprisoned ,' thirty d lys. Cure for Headache. remedy for all forms ol Headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very j b--t. It efforts a permanent cure and tbe . mo.-l dreaded habitual sick headache yields J to Ms influence. Wc urge all who are iaDbcte l to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a lair trial. Incases of habitual coiistipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and f w cases long resist the use of this medi cine. Ti v it once. Fifty cents and Sl.OC at F. S.'Du fly's Drug Store. (2) A clpjir, soft, rosy complexion is the de sire of every lady. Why not givo John son's Oriental Soap a trial. There is noth ing to compare with it as a skin beautifier Two cakes in 11 package. 2.5 cts. For sale 1 y !'. S. Dcfl'v. Tho Discovery Saved Hia Life. Mr. (i Caillouette, Druggist Beavers viile. III., says: "To Dr. King's New I) scovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Crippi and tried all physicians for mi i. M ai.out, bat of no avail and was g c i up and told I could not live. Hav ing Dr. king's New Discovery in my -tote 1 sent for a bottle and began its use ii-.d from Ihe first tlose began to get bet ter, and uftcr iisiug three bottles was up id about again. It is worth its weight i i gold. We won't keep store or bouse Men nt it." (let a free trial at F. S. Duffy's Drng Stoie. (2) 1 :in lima-ism, neura'gin, pains in the back or side, st-tVneck, sore throat, tonsil itis, thptheria, cramps nud colic instantly leliivcd ty Johnson's Magnetic Od. Large bottles, 25 and 5l cts. For sale by F. S. Dull j- MOTHERS' RELIEF (Woman's Comfort) Used during Pregnancy and 'Confine ment, is guaranteed to produce a paiDlr and (pink iidair. I rite $1.00 per bottle, at F. S. Duhds. WOMAN" S OHHASIC RESTORER. Restores ill cases of Suppressed Men struation. Irregular, Painlul or Excessive Menstruation. 1.00 per bottle at F. S. Dufly's. UKOOK- IARI.Y Blltl) WORM BYlltJP. I!.!!! nn Honey. Never fails to get all the worms from children, both early ud bite. 25 cts. per large bottle nt F. S. Duffy's. The above three remedies manufactured only by cotton btatks mkdicink co., y- Atlanta, Ga. For Sale by F. S. Dufly, New Berne, N. C. augSl d&wly Spring Embroideries IB .X I'C TV'V X V - V -V V VT. IkkV ' 2-?" A'rir Vclrel Corded Jiiiuling (Sr., yd all mloril n s s , v. xvsvn.- w :x""tVV-;- y s s "y i ? ? it' t k ' , V V I Wc have now open, rCftilj for your inacctiorl, oar ', 'n tire utock of Spring EdingK, oonsistirjg oft; I . Ouipuire and Lefenllls ,' Points in Bwiss, Kaln nook and Cnmhric. KilKiiisrR for the Li tile Ones nut-row, neat,' and showy. j "H X V -V V VST Xeiv Veluci Corded Binding 8r., yda,U colors1. f 1 K ' V P m . All the new eflectf of Bands, Edging and In sertion, in Linen OoJor which will be the Tore most for the coming Sea son. 'I Fast Colored, ilted. Light Bine, favy and Pink Edgings, with feath er braid to match. I..' - - -fdV-' 1ST Xew Velvet Corded Binding 8c, yd. all colors. v e wonia meatton many more new flignroa,-"( bat it safflceth to ay we ' are showing the best stock we ever did which means a great line. j . H M Take a look at OLTC3 before jon pnrcnasei .Its an tt)-to-da(e lind '-. la J M M ?4 every restiect. ' v-v-sr.warar' ' Xew Velvet Corded J Binding 8c., yd. all colors. " Hackburn & Wilett, -Pollock Stv $1800.00 QIYEN AWAY TO INVENTORS.' plica tbrauf b us for tit. I in. mooui pncM.r. Wl onrt U b t pntsnf tar wrdlUt, t and Ih. obd ot thit offer u to ntnmt bn Mil M kcra tnck of their bncht iorM. Al tk. nal kM 4 with to unprvu upoa ikt public lh. fact tkml - IT 'S THE SIMPLE. TRIVIAL ITVErirT10N$ THAT YIELD FORTUNES, - nch u th "cw-wkKW wbick can W Mtiry M . ' nd do wd without braltnf th pawnrfi'l Wck. ' nn. n," "coHar-butum, "autJack "nlli -oppT, ' ud chouund otht hit lliinr Hwl bmi " Rnr on cu find wy ot impmvinf : Mid tlMM WMf il ... invntioni nr. th. one. thnt bnnr uujrrat ivligrn. n lit. author. Try to think ot aojr-cOung to anv-rac r , IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SUMS. Patent, uken out through u. rnoam.pKal Mtact in ' th." National Recorder, T" truUialwd M WaihiiyWn. D. C, which ia th. DMn.waunini publiahod in Amij.il , in the ntmata of inventtara. We furmah a am-i r-ia ' acrrptioai to thi. journal, fra. of com, to all our cliania. ' - W. atao arertiaa. tra. of coat, tho invwitkMi each ajia.rJa which win oar $150 priest, arid huiidnd. of thmnaaia. of copjejt of th. National Recorder,' coaKateene ' akerch of the winner, and a deacriptioa of hiaaaeiiiliaay . will b. aca tiered throo(hotat th United Staana aratoae; caprtaliata and manitfecturajra, thiai bfuupng ae Baeu. . ' alien uon th. erieriti of Ih. in rent ton All f-nenanimicatv-ai irratkd Unctrr nniifineealiL ' ' Addrea , JOHN WEDDERBURN A Ca. Bnnn 01 ajMncn mma wtui mm I'I ant. I 618 P Street. N.W.. ' ej. al . . - MI 309. Washlntto. D. C or -it.