.:-: ;, .a v.- : . V . - L'. ' ,-' : -; .' . nr iiijtfrjt,i-fimiiii-aiiiHMiii(V,j j -J ' : ' - v . - . '' . i THE JOURNAL; o. r. zizzzzx. local ?crtar, Tarn Waahitigtoa Port's cartoons r not poly to th point bat the; ' at without rulgurity. 1 TM Ja!$ EaMell gubernatorial ooocu'whil Dot shoving itself vtr fliLaly l&ttM da ft, U aiillin a healt Yy atat cl praavna'ioa. 1 t?HlCK rr wU be btd reepou ' nblafor the nifiant tote in th - Uoaje against tb Senate f.e oiu ag bill? ; . - Tu prat agents Are important rTraooAe these 4a j. No Presi dential nomination eeekar should Xailtobe vitbooi one fa each State tOM acowfaU of .vaaterdaj ia necessity of securing a certain and tbte ridaitj vaa a source of great abundant water mpply in the future fifcaanro t the majority of people, for their citv, which will be provid t came At the ngn.'. time and will ed, to prevent the recurrence of Acurw fine weather for. ueit week i such diwatron li res that of last "doriar lh Ffr. ' Sunday morning. ..I. t . . . ... - I It waa with ltd usual euterprifc ."".-. Jos CaMw 1 io the Charlotte that the He flee tor of Greenville is i OhaeTr 4s iut tho demovikis cf med early Monday raoruing an - 4 Xonh . CAflinA "are doin extra edition jjiviug full particulars esUJiliajc queer talking aboat o.v." of the tire, ft was a lever piece of ' It i4 about Ul for thera to do . journalistic work. The Jonrnal aoasetliingbeaileeUlking.no ma:-wa indebted to the HeflVtor ter.the kind, if thej erpect to b in for the account published in thnse the not Belt NoTwnober. column yesterday of the tire. i-.,.' . sii'l..i ,ii ! jLj-L-iu-.-i The Journal will be glad to note, ; tTn llorgnuton IlerJd cym'sj, it exjiecti to do, tho retnrn of - ont in A etrotig edition thia wte1? : confidence and lioje iu Uie hearts of . ebowinjf th many . And varied, ad- the neonle of Greenville which will TantAc of U CUT and the coaniy " .. . .- " Tub jary "not guilty" Tenl'ici in v the Koaeboro Erpreee roltey case, U in. other case hich tiroTigly i - prove the recesailj of a:i imn.a!i :' a'-e chAnge In onr preeent jury - . ajaten. - - -.'.. . , .- - 1 It ia row in order for PreaidcnUil rjiniota to expreta innocent ar ' ' prie ml the manifeaUtiona made in their faror i tatmhi part of the crmatrj.AP' r-edit the Kirac to over ? eatieajti j frtend. , Jiw Cook of the Coneord Stajj J ; Ard see ma to mAko oat a good cvsc o favor f tie dwpecrary ajatem. as -proven in. the' WajnesTille. K. C. trial, wkicb. atartea-withoat mouey. . yet in ooo year kae made n,00) .: " profit, beaidea paying aalariea, eic. .Ir th Socio dwolina democracy goee to the XatiocAl Convention --.' with th Tillman instravttotu. to boifc if the plAtform doe not suit -'v Attn, it migbt be good lUn to ai proxies And save money by atay . v iefat hoaae, . . :PBor. Jeroaie-Dowd, of Trinity Conego, fonner!yof the N. C Pre. ,"- , kae a very excellent article in the AdvccAtAOf lace, A monthly peri- odil, oa the Doctrine f Non-Jn- SerferBncA. : Mr. DowJ believe thai . ", the AlvABcement of eirillzation de- cuuida ioternAiionAl arbitration iriorg All drilixed nation. - . J - a-. - I AlX-the newapapor are dll.it with - vrernisjrt theae daye against the - felly of planting a biff cotton crop . ;f tiU year. But the sale of guano - would aeam, to prove that the farm- , ' " era are aelinjf in-vppoaition to this S altk- . "A ingl crop for the South . - meaaa narq tune lor every otte. v Oca friend, the Economic, of Xniaabetlt City vara that a Governor . : Carr and Cocamaader Wieslow are - loth hard hitters it cannot decide V irhat ooeition it will take in the 'controverrr.. Sit on the fence au J i. i : vatch the fiirat. brother. ' , tan little touch of YV'mter ylu-Sb arrived Laro -mterdav wa atrictiy "Unto dat n every way. Nor that 1 winter hae ah owa what it caa do. i . , will be perfectly atifactory to all . ratereated in the New Ceroe Pair, if the veatLar borea service will re- ana its iaua of weather like thut : fclaat week. - . . vxu sa am AxrrxxtTxsri). t One waek front to-day the Ninth - -": Anaoal Kxhibition of the ut i'r- ; . lia Fiaa. Oytr. Game and Indu- . - - trial AatoaatiOB. wiu oe tormaiiv '- - ' aoeaed ta tola eitr. , s ," The tijr kind nocke which the v. Pnws of sorth Carolina have so , freely Vven " thi Fair during the " vaaI month, have to- some extent - . be atified'ia thee oolumot, and : the Journal withe to thank the Ed- T ; iaors, both oa it osrn accoant, and iertehalf of "the Fair Aasociation anl thd MtUeo of Now Berne -'.'for ' ta-interest they hate ihovn . - al tha klp ther han giveu in V tku Buakrng pnWiio the varioos " " featare of their Fir. .. The Journal Uke great plnre ' in statiag tut notvUhtanding ait . that haa been aid in favor cf the " r Fairf and a good deal of the most ' - favorable comment has been pub . t ' . , liahed,' the actaal exhibition uext rk will f ally sabaUntiato all that ' ' haA been printed of it many exeal . lent festarea. - '''. -Ore thins epeoiallv note worthy l . of thi Xew 'Berne Yair-j.ij tlat v' whilo it ia each year WgeTy ader 1 ' J tiaed abroad in variona way, poet ', " era, prmphlet and in newspapers, " Y vhen ita exhibitiou takea p:ace it . tl always fonnd to be strictly jf to . -' repreaentatioo, iu the language of - -j, "'.the shop it, in always found to be -" " advertiaed." V. ' It is" thia honest carrying out of . " iU prograas which o commend the " . Sew Beroe Fair to the outside pnb , - :lio. And which each vea' brinra the cresrda f vultora to th a citj to -V and enjoy ita varied exhibit aud ' Y program t amasements. ; , ' They tare read what ia to be ex ' 3tlbitd At tlie Fair, and know from ;'- paat experience that tbey can conti- - deatly eoont npon seeing what tLe 1 ." .'I .'Aatociatioa baa prom wed to present "'. m the oexaaion of ita annual x- 'eiVitieau - "-' -Tte.Jcrsai take a justifiable -"r jride in asertrag- that the N'ew ' ' Dere Fr i the btt fair held ia i .V i'orth..CamUna. In all iu Je ; ' ' partaaenU i: rresenta most credi tabie ' evh'.biu. IU management nss ex .." ' teVusLt diicretion aiul tate , it 1 lina of entertainment, and :U d- ximta&ting jodgment can be noted ''- !nverything pertainiog to the Fair. a well as the Attention given to the, comfort and enjoyment of the pub- fi wh retara each, year in Urgvr ' aumbert to e the exhibit. . Th fact af the increased atUa- dirun And intarest shown on every aid ia the Fair each year indicate. Ite lXOt WltA waicn ii M. aea. not only at hoaiev bat aJ ih rough the SUte, and th'ia year promisee to ex ceed all previon ethibitiooa both in jh exaellency of ita variooa depart, lamtaaeweilaain. tha nnmber of iitvr who will eotne to U. It will be thU ytar, Af usnal, . ' . adrer- ' - crx manBOBi loss. The new which came from our , of YrtvuuriNur cuy, ureenvute, yesterday I . . 1 1 . j & dextrnctiTe lir, wu meived in New Berne with mnnv manifesta tion of regret, and with the iineei c hiVno that iiin Hrt npr ivoeived mi-ht prove the verv worst. anu'J tniliia di.li. that later report might m..ke the bwn r-lh b kwte lea. i Tiic icmiH-niinr. Urvcnviile, like too ma:i cities Citv. Mod. lav, plow and town of this State, wniii to ' i;'c cital-iisnmeii: have had no adequate water supply, ; i,urwiu in that citv. in fact, the people seem to have depended npon wells in ca.e of fire. ajctirceor supply not only aiway - lea uncertain one, but one which at j times the water is wanted the must for firn, iu dry weather, art usually ' nearly, if not altogether dry. While the good citizens of reen- fille feci their loss most severely. they will soon rally ami rebuild their burnt district, putting up bet ter -structures than those whirh were destroyed, and at the same 'time they will undoubted I r learn the ,I - - 4 4 .... ,Mpire them to rebnild their ty and make it even better than it vm Seforo the disastrous tire of last Sunday, and in this expectation the people of thin section and the entire State, will watch for the pheniiliko development of the Greater (Jretu ville of the fntnre. NO MOM BONDS WANTED. Whatever the success of the latest bond issue has ben in provng the stability of tliia country's tiuances. such a teat must never be brought to bear again opou the people, nor for that matter must it be necessary for the Government to issue bonds either aa a popular loan er to be sold to syndicates. This Government must go out of the bond issuing and banking busi ness, and get down to a practical way of conducting iw affairs by providing revenae-s which shall equal it expenditure. It ia well euoogh for the members of C'ongree! to rare and denouuee President Cleveland for saddling an sdditional debt npon the country, bnt the faulr ii not his. and the remedy lies in the hand of those wbo are free to denounce his method of securing funds to meet current gorenimental expenses. This country is ouying abroad at present more than it sells abroad, considerably more; added to this the fact that the country revenue do noi equal its expenditures, and the reason for bond issues Incomes plain. The remedy is very plain. Pro vide a sufficient revenue and bond iasnes will be matters of the past. The people demand some sensible and business like action on the part of their representatives in Congress in providing revenues for the gov ernment, ami a cessation oi the present daily arraignment and de nunciation of matters of triml im portance. with no legislation for the conntrr interest or wellfare. The people want no more bond issue, and they demand legislation which shall prevent them. ONI TBXJta PSJBTTT CURTAIN One thin? w hich every voter in l'orth Carolina, to whatever politi caJ party he may belong, can rest assured of is that the Ivenu Oilcans in this State will not be found de claring themselves positively en any National political issue, silver or the tariff, before the National Conven tion meet and Jeclaree its platform. It ia tho worst of idle twaddle for the new manors to declare that the Republican? will give up to-the Pop ulist demand for free coinage in order to secure their co-operation to carry this State again uext Novem ber, for the llenublicun partv has 7 ..,- too perfect an organization and confi dence in its National leaders to act without their knowledge or consent. It reads very prettily in the newspapers that certain Republicans iu such and such a Suite have per mitted the local members to set up lit-tle political shrines at which the ranting populist or the weary dem ocrat may worship and find every thing to suit t heir different taste, but the Republican party is au "art ful dodger, and iU tricks which are played, are usually not in vain. Of conree it may make interesting readiDg to one class to see in print that the Republicans of this State are in perfect agreement with the Populi.U ou silver and also prove equally pleasing to another elas to see it positively staled mat t De two are wide apart ou the silver issue. The wise course, whatever the local interest may be, is to watch and see what the National Republican party will Jo, for ninety nine chances out of one hundred, what it says, "wwl go", and Republicans throughout the country will endorse its action and follow its lead. Now that the steamer Commodore has actually left the port of Wil mington, N. C. it would apiear to an outsider that her cargo hud not beeu removed, a the r.ewepajvers have reported several times, and that she i reallv otl with arms for l u to, and every cue will wish her a safe trio. Amstralia's Deadly Heat. Sax Fhascis' o. Ca!., Feb. Steaniers brine further details of the extraordinary heat waves which paed over New South Wales. Aus tralia, during the firit two weeks of January, when the mercury cli in bed as high as lit! degrees in the shade. in v esiern acw.sihii aiea great mortality resulted. At Bourlce 2'i deaths from heat o -cur red in two Jv. Manx of the houses on sheep ranches are made of sralvanized irou. i and in these the heat is insufferable, Ianv settlers were driven from their have burned. Adjoining buildings homes by bush tires, which always i burnt made tuo total loss a-' 30, OCX), occur when the gras-s is dried up. j covered by insurance. In Sidney it was found necessary to j Secretry Carlisle has received a suspend omnibus and carriage j bid of 112. 1877 for all or auy por tranic. and to omit drill in soldiers ! tion of the bonds in default of the barrack. In the gold fields in the 1 recent issue. western part of the colony horses J. Pierpont Morgan, the New dropped dead while hauling" ore and j York banker, has made a special birue ell dead oat of the trees, oor-! demand of Secretary Carlisle for all come br the fierce heat. To add to tha snfferinar the bizh temDeratnre sra Accompanied pj ; hot 'wines'. LATEST HAPrENTNOS. Wil;ninj;tO!, N. t , reports live il'.ft.Ca rllOW-f.-l!! IU tha' yotei"diiy. over i it v. Tho 1 ' . S. Tre-iso ry is nearlv uiii"ty niili;un. 1 rescrvr Over ge -pi M h- "chapi. 1 M I purer ;:i Xcw I lowest York record l ho weather i 4 k-- , rees bi ; zero ; Tho o,irnjV(ii unp'n- iu .x nri..:,.w . rremendons I crowd of visitors. Kvery hotol and boArdir.-house in that city i taxed ir us ful'ctjt capacity. Tin' j-a-jgeants are prgerns u;i I the ro''U i ii i-l ih ted . The .!. .vl lock i'i the Kentiiiky 'asscmoly b.'.liotin for V. . Senator with no ludioatioiiH of a biak m :tho vote, has .adjourned. I John K G.Mitrv. tho i-eIob:-.iti.vi North 1'iruhria pacing stallion, with u reiord or 2.0,1. haa been sold in New York for T.tiOO. Tho idle Poles in HufTalo. N Y . . threaten to cause trouble on account of not being able to get work, and thev claim their families are starv - 1 lng. A Government Commissioner has been appointed to inrestig.-tie the cai -s of yellow fever in (Juba Smali po' is bau! to be spreading in ?evcr ' al districts of the Island. : The Arueiican Line steamer St. : Paul is now at the Newport Xcws shipyards beiug- overhauled, after being haul d vil Lh Iug Ulami beach by the wreckers who saved the steamer from becoming a wreck. The Committee of Safety iu Chi- cago. numbering 1X, has begun itsl0 auj tjic facini war again s't tho abuses in the city's , Charlton of Cove, administrators, and have issued an appeal to voters, regardless of party to clear tho blot which rests upon the city 6 name ty tin- action oi us present council, 'I'he etcamcr Commodore. has sailed from Wilmington, N. C., osteusiblv for Charleston, . 1 ., bnt it is surmised her destination is elsewhere. She carried a cargo of ( fine accomplishment and this to war munition!,. The Commodore I gether with her cheerful and win- for months pas' has a sonn f news- paper gossip und comment. Two thousand trousers makers have gone on a strke in New York. This closes up x'lo shops. The strikers want their wages raised. Reports say that it is estimated that about one hah" of the leaf crop of tobacco of is of the Piedmont section of North Carolina, has been marketed. The Pcttigrew bill for the amend ment of the la regulatiug seal fish eries, l.as been favorably reported upon by the Senate Committee on Foreign Ilelationb. -Its main feat nre gives the President permission to have all seals on the Pribylof Islands killed if other nations will not ag ret' to a modus vivepdi for their protection. The Senate committee on the Nicaragua Canal matter are unan imously iu favor of it, and they express themselves as in favor of its construction. The present cold wave was sud den, and extends from Minnesota to the North Atlantic coast, and down the roast. Higher temperature is reported in the northwest. The report that Senator Quay, of Pennsvl-ania. will let his name be given to the Republican National Convention, for nomination for the -'residency, is confirmed. Report from Wilmington, N. C. say that so far this season over one hundred thousnnd buahels of clams have been shipped from that vicin ity. The clam shippers have their headquarters at Southport and Wrightsville. The recent report 6ent out that whites atid blacbs mingled together in social eriuality at a banquet iu Islington, Ya. is without truth. The time of Ex-President Harri son's wedding is said to be about April 10 th. Owing to the rapidity of tho work of con'tructing naval vessels, it is expected that eight war ships will be ready for commission bv July 1st. Committees from the Live Stock Exchangcsof Kansas City. St. Inis Omaha and Chicago will send del egates to Washington, to secure a modification in a recent ruling of the Secretary of Agriculture, regard ing a change in the quarantine line. Cotton still has a downward ten dency. It shows a dcclino of about twenty points from last week's .dos ing quotations. The raw rubber markets are re ported fiat, with little prospect of improvement., o.wing to tho shut down two months earlier than usual caused by "open winter. None of the companies are doing anything worthy of int-uiion. The oyster pirates iu Chwpeake Bay are very determined tlws season, and so far the police boats have been. unable to rope w it h them .ue- cejfcfullv. In a lire in Troy, N. V., in a building used as collar factories, hundreds of iritis were driven from! their work by the flames, half .1 dozen jumping from windows, three beiuij killed. Scores o otliera wore burne I and bruised. property des troyed i allied at ?.'.', 0. t Moutieello, Ky., an alleged barn burner was forcibly taken from jail aud hanged by a mob. Reports from Atlanta, say that the announcement of Senator Quay's candidacy f. r President has been re ceived wiin great delight by the rol ored leaders in several states. Q.tay it L bjid. will greatly disturb Me Ktii'ey's bo-mi. Tkver.tv-two locUms will be giwu by the humorist. Polk Miller in North Carolina to raise fniuU lor the Vai.cc Monument fund. Information obtained from the embassies regarding the Armenian inaasaeres, says that between Sept. 1895 aud Feb. I8l6, the total num ber of persons killed was. twenty-five thousand. Reports from Newport News, say that upon examination the steum ship St. Panl is found uninjured, practically no damage resulting to hull aud engines from ber running ahore. The soap and snice worts of P. if. Tomsou & Co., Philadelphia, (defaulted bonds of the recent issue, i made onaer lus oianKet oia oi nu. 6377. SCif Kfc CLOSING AT TUSCARORA. I A Qtatld Entertainment, And a Crowd ia Attendance. 1'tie public school ut Tuscarora, i nno.er the management of tho lovely iiTu! iiccomplHbrd Miri Pennie , Orttigherty, i losed Tuesday the 11th inet.. with exercises at night. The l entertainment wa6 ouo of the .we iiave ever seen, and the ! crowd in attendance seen.eii i lijoy it iininensely. l.,i.:k of ,j( space forbids our mg ili-' entire programme, but bott iarpc to giv and i nee it to sav. it wan a iar;:o ; varieds one, consisting of rccit i t iuii h. dialogue and songs. The following uiu S.une of the hading pie.:es. and they were de lightfully rendered : pcning -L.ong, "Prodigal i hild," (iood Morniiiir." recitation bv Mi-s Florence We.theriugton ; "A lilt!! bpeeclf' by Master doe f)cI5ni!il:j "I.ittle Alabaira Coou" cijuiie sung. I bv Miss Ada Daughertv and Bertha; Weatherington; "NVouiau"- Kights,'" le.mc; by class. "The ladt liyain, sang by Miss Ada Daugherty; "Tin. j lips t hat touch liquor shall nevei touch mine," recitation by Miss Bertha YVethcrinerton: ' A drunk 1 ani s prayer, recitation oy master ! Herman Stewart: Pol lie's invited ( vit to ten, by .Miss Annie .Moore: "Tom's Dilemma."' recitation by master Walter Moore. Bv request Miss Pennie Daugher ty, the teacher, sang. "If you know the girl you love, love's you," and "Last Night." It is useless for us to comiiien:.- for all who l-ivo heard !.. . im"'";.-::.' he. i: -ing'-r of exeepr i"ii;il anility. After the exercises were over, by requefct of those preeent, the charm- mg Mis8 I'ennie v muiy, ot iren- Itltlg 31183 Julia entertained the rrov, ,j for about thirty minutes, ; wit), several beautiful songs, with jit.ii- accompaniment bv Miss Wind eVi i Trenton, Cove, Perfection, 1 JoI - ; loksville and dasper were well re - ; presented, and they a pronounced 1 1 a graud success I Miss Daughertv is a teacher of some way, has won for her-the admiration and love of the patrons and pupils of the school, so that her nami has almost become a home hol.l word in the community. BATBORO CORRESPONDENCE. Neighborhood Happonnios's Told. Stillev. one BrieBy Mr. T. G. Stillev, one of our haetlincr drummers, returned home Saturday. Miss Florence Carr of Pamlico, is visiting Miss Rosa Miller. Mrs. D. B. Hooker lias beeu quite ill: now improving. Mr. W. K. Baxter of your city, is visiting at Stonewall. . Mrs. .Sallie Campen of Alliance, is very sick hope she will soon re cover. Rev. J. C. Snow filled his regular appointment Sunday at Stonewall. The services wcro very interesting. Misses Rceio Avery and L. Stubbs ure very sick. Dr. T. F. Jones says the former's hours arc limited. Mr. Thomas Campen went to col lect the taxes of one of our citizens a few days ago and the husband being absent ho came uoar being shot by the wife. Mr. Campen being a very active man took tho gun from her and removed the caps. Mir. George Dawson came near being kilied by his horse Thursday morning. He waa kicked ten feet or more and it was sometime before he came too. PEKFECTXON CORRESPONDENCE Parwnal Blontion and Other Nowa. Mrs. II. W. and Mrs. A. K. Wad aworth returned from Kinston where they have been visiting friends and relatives. Miss Nannie Ivey is at Clarks this week visiting her annt Mrs. uobu Humphrey Misa Bettie Porter win has beeu teaching the public school at Dover, returned home Saturday. Mise Ada Daugherty returned Wednesday from Tuscaiora. where she has been visiting her sisters, Miss Pennie ppugherty and Mrs. 0. H. Wetherington. Mr. G. M. Laueastcr has greatly improved his dwelling by the addi tion of four nice rooms. Mr. VT. W. : Fresco 1 1 has also added throe nice rooms to his dwell ing which will make it very conven ient when complete. Sheriff W. B. Lane and wife ar rived last I-'riday to visit their old home near this place- We are al ways glad to have them in our midst. Quite n number of our friends attended the closing exercises of Mis Ponniti Daugherty 's school; thev report a good time in general. Many of our friends expe t to I We attend the New Berne I nir. all wish for a bright fair week. Cove im-rrv Correspondence. t i me f li is wed A th snow. Mi3 Jennie Windley returned to her home at Trenton Sunday. Miss Hatiie Tuylor returned from New Berne Monday after an extend ed vist there. Mr. J. 11. Grillin's baby, that we previously report eel very sick, died last Thursday. It was buried near Dover. Rev. Dr. San ford conducted the funeral. Vanceboro Correapoadance. Mr. -L If. M.li-i of B e-o. made us a pleasant W-ii ht week. Mr and Mrs. Dowdee of Durham I creek, came up Wednesday on bind- I uess. Messrs O, D. Iewis, Jesde Stubbs and McKay Dinkins, made a short business trip to Washington Monday and returned Tuesday. Mr. D. C. McCottcr, one of Bav boro's mosLjicoomplished and hust ling drummers spent Sunday in our town. Capt. Fulcher and Mr. N. Buck of Washington, were in our village Srturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. La"ne of Stone wall, and Misa Lucy Dawson of Bay boro, were in town several days last week visiting frieuds. Dr. Dave Taylor of was in town Sunday. Washington, The U. S. Consul at Santiago, Cuba, reports planters in that part of the island grinding their unburn ed sugar cane. If not disturbed, the crop may be a half one. About 23,CcX) tons of sugar have been re ceived of this year's crop at Har vana, against 145,000 tons last year, jeame time. MATSVIUE OORftjBSrorVEENCE. Tho Newt of the Village and its ieiaiiy. Mr. V. 1'. Lane of Goldeborc was in our village on Saturday. Our postmaster, Mr. P. F. Woolen mad.' another Hying tiip to New Berne last Friday evening. Mr. C. C. Tucker, inspector for the Agricultural Department at Haleigh. lias been spending several days i;i our village, lie ieft Monday eVeim.j for New li'-i lie and (i-ld-boro. The w Berne Fa.r i- ail the gj now. The niajontv of our village people and of t!cse i:i the surround ing cuiiruuniu intend going and ve feel sure they will enic.. i:. S'.me of our you ig people attend ed the oyfeter suppr and festival ui Pollocks', i ile ec: niay night. Thev report 'jiuto a n ice time a- u.nal. thoy having met r.-everal o!u friends. B'.wiue-- u looiicr up Tiov, . 'i'he Maysville Supply Co. and Mr. A. J, Colmi ! il.niv I eple :. .-di : u g their stocks wnli (.'Very tiling in ne d. Tlrs is now a siiiendi : peopie 1 market for col! M I V II od tlcc. Mr. Fernie Jones of Onslow lives on Mr. M. II. Sa i..ion"s ta'ion about three miles from died ou Monday morning something like the colic. II who with was takon sick during Saturday night. Mr. Jones ws an hornet, and in last'"' - is n in n:'d ! widow and .sewn little '-hi!. upright e ives a re u to mourn t heir loss. Our Suadav School ha- mai vini'1 oroiT-i H i il 1 5 1 n fou nd a Jarger i.ii ch has for I ro under e of t hut i ome a Ou last l'ova aud nceesarv budding ij.'eii ki: move nilo tile B iptist . ten '.ei c 1 u- purpose, for which we many obligations to tho church. The attendants distance of several mile-. S.indav Misses Viola 1 i Janie Coston of Onslow we re pree'iit. some time jt bi,vu l un)oro, been rumored that 1 dnrins; the sn nunei we a;e V. X. to have & . U. ! an excursion on tl I K.- Now let idl the children come us if 'so that th"( niav go with we do. swansboro correspondence: A Variety of Items From tho Village : and Country Around. The genial face of t'n" SiiverJaLel post master, Mr. .Nash Mat,.cks and ! his estimable wife, gave us a short l .' . V visit laet Saturday. Mr. I,. B. IF.rg. it, the SihcidaU mei chant and farmer, sent us a sample of oysters that he caught, 'in White Oak river near hi landing a few day-; ago, that was ahead of an v- thino: m the owtrr line we have seen ' in a long time. Some d them measured S inches in length and 4 inches, wide and fat aa butter. Flqual if not better than the best of New river bivalves. This showa thai as fine oysters grow in White Oak river as grow anywhere. Messrs. Dan Ward, Willie Mat tocks and Wilbur Wiili.s caught, last Friday iu tho same river iu '-i l-i bours, lo bushels of tine one-. Oys ters were never falter or better relished with .us than uow. They only sell for 2d and 30c perv bushel. Clams oik:, trout lisn 1- l-'i per lb three rock fish brought 3.00.. Mr. Jobe .Meadows caught a rock tia li that weigJ-iiftj IS lbs hut week in his net thai blowcd down otl the slake in the water ot.d night. Mr. tTr K.O'.uce '4 ."Mclia, was iu our biJyast weeic noting as agent for Mr. . E. Fov of your eiiv, sell ing fertilizers from Jus. G. Tinslev & Co., to those who wished to make tobacco and cotton this year. Mr Koonce h agent for Oaslow comity Mr. U. V mi Hi made last year on 1-3 of an acre of ground two crops of Irish po.tat.oes from which he sold iho 45 besides what he ate and gave awav. Mr. Smith also made on one acre 5t0 ibs of lint cot ton, on i ho aero he put only the manure from two hors and six tur keys. Air. Kd. Smith, son of G. W Smith, met with a serious acoident a few days t.go while at work on the tram road near Jacksonville, his horse ran away and Kd juinued from tho truck and dislocated his shoul der. Dr. Cox reset the limb an Ld is ce-ttmar better but lie had a narrow escape. Mr. J. M. Jones, foreman of the saw mill company here, foil in the hold of a vessel last Thursday and oamo near breaking his neck a very narrow escape from death, Air, Warren Wallace of Pinny Grove, died last week, aged ?! yrs. Mr. Wallace was a chair maker and a eood ohl man; wa a mcniner o j the Primitive Bipti.-t church. I Mr. Isaac Hine-j. living for many I venrs on Mr. V. F. Parneli's idare. - - - 4 ... New river, died very suddenly we learn, lad week, lie cut his thumb with a knife but didn't seem to mind it at tirst. Soon after it be gan to linrL and threw him into spaams fro in which lie died next day. II' was a married man and leaves a wife and two children. Married last Thursday, the Llih oil White Oak, Mr. Maleoim Brad- shaw of South Carolina, to Miss Carrie Mallard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallard of While Oak, S. L. Gerock, J. P., officiating, also same time on Bogue Sound. Car teret county, Joe S. Rayuor Cold to Miss Sarah. Frais Humphrey, Esq. Furney Taylor ticing the hard knot, The ateainboal is progressing slowly. Some of the knees for the boat is wooil culled "liacmetac,''" were grown in the State of Maine; a very tough but soft pliant wood. Next week L 'lie New Berne Fair an. i i' all hope lor L'oou wcainer. We. L ei Co. want to bo I here ou time. Sharpie-schooner Bessie Ellis, just arrived from New Berne loaded with goods for this place aud Queens creek. The Commissary here is the principal receiver of goods for this place from the Bessie. Mind reading and mesmerism is ow being practiced here by tho boys and girls aud they make be iieve tiey do the thing "0. K. The other night they got hold of the Mayor and did him np brown. rOLX.OKSVIX.LE CORRESPOND'NCG Peraoaali and Other News Items of the Village. Snow storm Monday and Monday night. Rev. Mr. Bull was in town Satur day. Miss Katie Holland is spending the week at Silver Dale. Mr. J. D. Oaskins camo up Sun day. Mr. W. G. Womble spent Friday night iu the village. Miss Mariott Betta of Maysville, ' to visit i festival. I and Mary Saturday j t;:ig Miss j ! 1 Sheriff HargetL and Mr. .umm-Tsil! of Onslow. !t,!irough Saturday with a fine R. X. ; passed . drove ! ' ol horses. 1 Mrs. Agnes Shoot who lives near here, had her barn and years supply ! o' corn p.nrl fodder destroyed bv tire : on Saturday. Ill- I ; 1.' tli,.-i.,..- .. i.- no mm., ....oo ..... t'l his former bono'. So. account cf t.he s.-i ioio; ii ' sister last FYidav. niuueu Hi ess . on f his I lie lollowiii, gcrjijeiueii Wei'. i Messrs. U". J'. L J. H. Ilc'cins.vor , , i r 'iiiMo, lie re i ne of :b of JLa in hist Go! Ween : i.Uboro; h; S. II. 1J. 11. ; nouutr-a i ind Sr. ' Banks of Kuiaton. I La,; I Wed i eoriro Stan i ta M. ;' An" Wcdnejh la pr .;sda evening Mr. wa.-: -hapi.ilv iic'i'i led ic '.ViJ-o'x. On the :vi-.-.. Mr. 'A'i.;.. t was married to Mi.-s (.'arric Cutadx. Lev. J. N. F-.M-m oili-. at iog on both occasions. Mr. Sam Wilkinson has moved oat of town. Mr. P. II. Jovuer. aeut for W. N. it ,N., ha-i mo jd into the D S. Barms residence. ; The festival last Friday night, for the benefit of the Baptist church organ, w..w quite a success and was very enjovable. 'J he managers tell me that the amount taken iu ex-: cecded their expectations. i lf.v. S. 1L Isler preached two ex-' i'-llent H'-rmons here Sunday. At the morning trice- Ms t.hunio w "Th'j Judgineni." at tiic. evening ! 'rv ice he diecusscd Just ifica' ion .'" , "Nt r. C. 1). Meadowe, vhias been i at Crystal river, Florida, for the: pa.-t year engaged in the timber ( bu&infsH, lias riiiirnci to his old; I home iii .Tones Co. 1! repori-a very '; jdull tim.js in J'tori ia. ociMhiorn-il by ! ; the rfreeae in .Januaiy, wiiich des-: ! troved almost entirely the orange and lemon trees. He will not re- j i turn, and ad visits all young men to. I stay at home and not Eeek fortunes ! in other States. Says there are more I idlers and loafers iu F'loridn than in any place he has ever seen. MILLIONS SmnOGPES. Uncle Sam Cheated Oat oi an out Revenue. Enortn- Pun. a ni-r.pin . result of the arrest .Feb. L. As a of ( 'apt ni n I ,oe- sewitz, of tho steamer Rhynland, early this week for the alleged smug gling of a package, containing about 10.000 worth of diamouds, and his subsequent detention under 3,000 'bail for court, what is thought to be one of the moM. gigantic diamond smuggling schemes ever in existence s about to be unearthed. Herman Keck, of Cincinnati, the head of the largest diamond cutting and dealing establishment iu this conn has been arrested and held iu 3,000 bail by United States Commissioner Bell, charged with beiug concerned in tho smuggling. The warrant was sworn out by instructions from United States District Attorney Ingham, by Special Treasury Agent J. C. Cummiugs, of New York city. Keck had arrived on the Aller in New York ou Friday,and voluntarily came to this city, accompanied by Treasury officers, who had identified him from a description furnished bv Captain Loesewitz, of the Rhyn- LineL CAPTAIN I.OESEWJTZ CONFESSES. When arrested Captain Loesewitz stated that the package containing the diamond had been handed to him by Keck at Antwerp; that he had repeatedly brought packages over for Keck, but had no know ledge of the great value of them. He said he thought they were trifl ing presents. Carles Hess, of New York, coun sel for the Diamond Importers' Protective Association, had a con ference with District Attorney Ing ham prior to the issuing of the war rant for Keek's arrest. Ha said that his clients paid 90 per cent, of the diamond duties of tho country Keek's firm only paid, a small por tion of the re naiuing 10 per cent,, and yet the lattei's firm absolutely controlled the market of the United States, so that legitimate importers were frozen out of tho business. Mr. Hess said that Keek's firm was rated at idO,-000 two years ago, when the duty on diamouds was 10 per cent. Since it was raised to per cent, the firm's rating had increased to 3o0,00o. DEFENSE OP THE DOMINION The Canadian Parliament Will be Asked to Grant $3,000,000. Ottawa, Oxtaimo, Feb. It. The sum which the Dominion gov ernment will ask Parliament to grant for purposes of national def ense will be , 0001000. The new rifle with which the militia will he provided is the J,ee-Enftcld, com binins; the Enfield barrel and the Lee magazine. Announcements to this ofToet were made in the House of Commons this afternoon. I he total number of the new rifle to be purchase J i3 40,000. r or garrison defense the imperia authorities will supply twenty-eight ri tied guns, charging Canada the bare costs of manufacturing. These guns will he allotted as follows: St. John and Three Rivers, each; Quebec. 3; Toronto, Hi Montreal, 8; llamiltou, 5. These guns will be of heavy caliber, and will be worked by garr-isiun batteries of militia. Instructors from the British Royal Artillery will bo seut out to drill the meu, who will be recruited from the various city field batteries. The tield artillery will be supplied with new breach-loading guns of the same type as those used by the British artillery. Mississippi's Profitable Convicts. Last year the State of Mississippi bought three large tracts of land upon which to set its 250 convicts to work under the direct supervision of the State authorities. The result was that the State received 3,200 bales of cotton of 500 pounds each, 50,000 bushels of corn, 1,100 tons of hay, 45,000 pounds of pork, 55 barrels of molasses and 2,200 bushels of peas, all of which sold for 155,- 000. The cost ol' tire land and the ex penses of the year for farming uten sils, live stock, etc., amounted to $05,000, leaving a profit of 160,00' to the State. fcx. Much of life's misery is due to indiges. lion; for who can be happy with a pain j , ia his stomach? As a corrective and It streugtheiier of the alimentary organs, i Aj'er's Pills are invaluable, "tbeir use- f being always attended with marked bene- f fit. 1 :anif in l'riday evening ' friends and to attend the ; Misses Kula MeDaniel i Koonee of Trenton, spent i and Sun. ;ny in town vUi ; F'annie Befl. TICIO0SLT SECTI0NA1." An Impartial Criticism of (Jinn 6V Oo.'a Books. OiK! thing we do know, and that! is that teachers who use Ginn & Co. hoaks are doing a gross injustice to ; their pupils. These books are vie- I ! ionslv sectional and .Northern i n their ' Take teachings for instance and prejudices. "The Beginners' " by D. H. Mont no mention in it 'ou i t i I iiim', t h" ara.iuii (A lade 's Mountain: yet : Am 1 1 an History . TlliTc ! 'jock ry. of eitln r Meckle'i nerelenc. li. full ,. . r m i ford urg Dec! or King' is "i en 'iti-m Pro- to illustrate til - I Ml i t Jol I of Ml". eiiauci; I ,i!l c n . -in i. hist' jew, ,1 ; io North Carolina par '.'.'.id their children brought u: o'.u: - ' t the State's riche-t ic i, icuioric; the l.'i'i,. hte I ; in her crown of iionor? 'iVe can t beiocc r, alio it j)irents knew that their children Wt-re bein r to in strne'e 1 ihev would piomp Iv put a s: to it. Whai ever mav be tnc -r . ' o -. ! i h'-r re . if iiey io .i gi .-o 1 1 1 j . i lice io No; t-: I .'-.i-oii a and die other Stilus, of tae - ..( ii in u.tedv lij .oriniT tlieirgi. -i.s .'i)-ii--t n ei r h it: lieSt aud bllgu tile p won ic from make ica.e .- -i -u W o.LeVe of ' ne 1 1 a li ; re t ': -.' jnui to such treatment r pai.lic tcacnei'H, wcuid ii ii c of books that iguor-der.de-1 :hie things in t ! , a au history neaiestaiid deaitMt to ilicui. We of the South respect, rhe great Liuooln. th.- mighty Grant and Mt'rse and F'ultoii and other sons of; this Noi-r'. who have won i in p- rish - :.o.'.- . ...!-. but onr !ir,.r; -riou-i tu .n.- .i .1 :i a d.-cper ii i:. i t, ;iJ. : about those of our .Southland who because of their achievements in war, insolence, in hi.-lory; in literature and art. are entitled to a wreath of, immortelles. Morganton Ileral I. RAISING MEAT AT A PROFIT. A Farmer Who Raised 3.00O Pound at a Not Cost of Two Cents Per Ponnd, Tells How it Can be Done The past year has been a profita ble one to most farmers, and it is gratifying to note the decadence ot the popular "calamity howler.'' That the agricultural classes are in better spirits is due to the fact (14 that more supplies than usual have, been raised at home the past, year and the necessity of sending to the est tor piovisions lias been iv moved; (2) that the cotton acreage the supply and increasing the d mand. So long as these conditions obtain thero will be but little cause for complaint aud still less for de-pen- denco upon the merchant for broad and meat. Like the five cent cot ton, the five cent pork lias raised a hue of complaint and many claim that it cannot be raised for that. But it can, and still leave a neat cash balance iu favor of the pro ducer. This I've verified the pst year, having produced 3.000 pounds of pork that cost me only two cents per pound. The tiret requisite for cheap meat is well-bred, thrifty hogs, not more than twelve months old when butch eredeight months being prefera ble. By all means fight shy of the razor-back pine-rooter. The Berkshire stands in the front as a producer of lean meat, and besides being vigorous and healthy. can be fattened at any age. A close rival is tho Essex, equally thrifty, though not so prolific in producing lean meat, and consequently not so desirable for home use. If you want a larger, though less profitable hog, get the Poland China. Don't try to make your hogs weigh 4()0 pounds because you see nl.Ufri.tru.r rArmrlu n f rt 1 1 r u Hninir it. This is a mistake and generally 1 an expensive one. ine nrsc iv o pounds your hog takes on is t tie cheapest; tho next 100 a little m ore expensive, and if you feed on to the 400 mark there is danger of. the balance being on the wrong. nAio of your ledger. For this reason, eight to ten months old hog3 w.eighTmg; from 150 to 200 pounds -jlf give the most satisfactory resul If possible have your pigs- faar rowed in early spring arid see bo. i that the dam is in gooa ooudifcim and well cared for during: the noa two months, aa much depends ufl the beginning of a $5g'a careen J 1 t a y je Id ne es be ng ley on. all get nal weaning time yoaor clover wjIU I ready for pasturiog and they slum have free access; to a lot of it. U refuse of yo&r apple andlpeach Ui will also bo-relish edj by tbefl.a.QdJ used ta a good advanta. 1 as. tho grasses and fruit la1 4 will need but a small grain ruts Early in the fall begin to fecii the shelled corn or meal you ca them ta eat, giviug an occjii feed of turnips or pumpkinst for pcns close kept ,d for Id, as teet h bite it a clap shelter makes n the helter variety, oce to it that your r ' aro floored, well covered an'-fl on tho side, and that they n re clean. Ear-corn is not roc hogs six to eight mouth 4 thev are sheddincr their fi .nt . - .i at this age and don't like to off the cob. A rail pen - rtt board across the corner 4 nr a. and mother earth for a floor, it hard on the hog as w M( man wbo owns him. Ged s savea feed. Follow the above ? XireotjiOTit, keep au itemized account aff ;iikl oeu i and seo if there is not five cent pork. J Statesville Land in Mumc moi y B. .jjo'hmstaiii uvk. ASuff crer Cured 'Everv SOn, froni' ahe time I isrsold, I sutrwwl dread- was two y fully fnoi growing -almost r so that A 'ft-ysipelas, Avlvrfi: kejit Hirse until my hands w ere jgeless. The bones softened Ateyxvoiild bend, and se eral Angers are now crooked from of mv this cause. On my hand I carry large scars, which, but for AYER'S Sarsapari'da, would lje soivs, provided I nfjvp and able i- anything. tottles of tAyer's Sarsapar.. . cured inc. .o r'T-Hatt I liave had no return of tlie 'disease for more than twenty years. f'Phe first bottle seemed to reach the .spot and a persistent use ol' it lias i perfected the cure." O. C ruvis, Wautoma, Wis. rmii Ini THE OHIY OELirS TMXE Saisaprilla ATXS'S PILLS Pj omote Good Digestisa. siyiis'siafMsTTsi i gcl .Itl.S-T BEEfNl TO SFF WHAT I COT FOR IO CENTS T5IUU1S The largest piece of .goad tobacco ever sold for 10 cents and The 5 cent piece is nearly as large as you vget of other high grades for 10 cents SOI VIE SPECIAL DRIVES IN WE CAf.. Til USE BARGAINS. nice pair of Infant Shoes for p, Y, icst kid Infant Shoes made, for '.'Sc. Chi ldren's D' ngola Spring II "tl at n.'ic. A y, ry Fine Misses Shoe at H.25 pair. EXTRA SPfi CIAL3: A nic ' pair Ladies Button Shoo for !'Ke. worth tl 50. Better quality. Ladies Oongola liuttou Sho-s for II 18 a Jwif, ' ; Our Ladies 2.00 Button and Lace Shoes are beauties and Oant be naa ttnehed. j - ...... .... . . . , . I'll ... 71 POM . . ' niE PBST MAKE OF SHUl'S Zeigler's Kid Button Shoes, make at l. 65 pair. 2iegler's Kid Button Shoes, make at t2. 85 pair. DNLV ONE PLACE TO GET BABFOOT'S, ! :t T he Big Wry Goods Bargain Housa Second Door from Post Office. THE COMMODORE. She Ha Inte Charleston Twelve BUaia After liasr Wilmlarten, She Will Stay Tbare Awhile. Charleston, S C, Feb. 15. The little steamer Commodore, Capt. Hughes, from Wilmington, N C, suspect, d of intending to engage in a filibustering expeditiou in hhulf of the Cuban insurgents. arrived here this afterioon at 3 odock. Sho ran into the Consum- r' OorI Oomoanv whart ana pro- mnt.lv lump out a 8120 announcing ,,xS . i...:.. " Ti,o iTintnd States AUW . . . ...... .. custom officers boarded her ami ; found her papers all right. 1 1 or manifest stated that she wad loaded , with arms and ammunition consign-; ed to her master. The Fnitod States officials have taken no action j t and they say that the boat lias a . yet been guilty of no unlawful act. j Capt. Samuel Hughes was seen by a reporter of the Southern Associat ed Press aud sta ed that, his boat was twelve hours from Wilmington, and that she was loaded with arms and ammunition. He said h would I leave her at this port for some time i ur.rl tliat ll WOlllll mil UP tO 1101- i adelphiao" Monday. He declined: to say anything further. A significant point about, the ar rival of the Commodore is tl'at a few hours after she came, to her dock,' the revenuo cutter Colfax, from Wilmington, appeared otl the bar aud then came into tho harbor ifnd anchored. The Commodore is a little steamer , of 178 tons, scarcely larger than it tug. Her home port is New York. , Capt. Hughes and Chief Engineer Thurston were both on hoard me Laurada. If your Kyftem is clogg- d an l yur i-ir-culatiou sluggish, it illcnioe o:it.-. Donotilelay nut tk J..hiion's Sms' narillaaod Crlvrv. It will Cleans.- I"' hlnnrl find lllirfi blood IS l-al'llURI against disease. Lrue bolt lee, 60 cm. F..r sale by F. S. Di ffy. Wholesale Price Puia Tor "? Produce. Bee!,--on hoof, 4a5c; dressed 4i4; hind quarter 5 ; Chicken? gronn iui; .muu, o... lucks, Eng. Uftti4K.., Mi'covj Jtcee. HOc. a 00c. per jAir. Bggs. 10c. Cotton, tijuT c; seed cotton, Corti,37a38c. (rem. I 45c.) Hides (J eco c. Hides, dry fiin 2a7c ..deer bide? 20e. ()Hlsf..d. 30- It. l Seel ')I8, .h;i.i- (ltail 35a37c.) t'eauuio 03 a .uc. Sheep, 1.00af'2 00. Sweet Potaloes Unmans, -UK-; i ". 50a5-1c. Turkeys $1.25 a ll.nO pr. Fresh l'ork, 5a 5 Arc. Field Pets, 40i ; Blwrkrycl: 0c. Only the A. B. C. Age of Progrress. "We are wont to think," says a thinker, "that we are at the meri- A loi. rf civ ilization. whereas we aro( I,, oi iUa rrvnlr rrowillff and the! morning star," This remark is cer tainly applicable in science, and in discovery - and invention. Behold tho scientific novelties of which ac count has been given in the Sun Within a few weeks, and also within veceaX years! Happy the boys and trfrls who toddle to school, and hap pier yet the infants who smilo in iheir cradles. Things that would make us.wonder will be common to them. New Fork Sun. THE 5TOKL pai r. p lir. u.n y. kiii i- McniiDu , .. opera toe, standard price 13,00 we. I ' needle toe, standard price 3.50 W 1 ' ' L THhfh rmuo , . . We bavi. r-crived aootbfr lot O Carlabad Diuoer Bcis, ' Salad and Fruit Dishes, Cracker Jul-, Choeolaie Pitebers, ; Cnuris and otber a: Fanc Goods, Jjy0tdl tmd ibem. L. M. CUTLnR A 00.' Communion k Wholsials DwJar la.-' Freth and -Salt Water 135 Beikmaa Itmt Oyp. rtHtoa XarkaV viw roai ,i .. - , ConMlsnrnenU Solicited, rronil" Vcm, liufurcncv : J. V. Ta TLOtt, It Iters. , . . -t ... -'-'. MZB : USs U. M. JtninMf JfU QUEEnSWilR FITS rrot W.U.P-kt.ro vn&m wfdiitjct Jfc0prf, , tin whlKmt dooU trted aodcoraS avxeoMaetMa . myliTing rtykln hl ttmmile ahlnt. We - htrr Iwrl ot c rvot M yeewtwam eteS y has . KoblihpTlnehlwwietlilsllSllaM'- t mMU lih larg bottle W ! skililt,HvfH Sf ( . ny iitmr bo jnr Jt their P.O. im CrpaMA- . dtm V sdrliw nron wlhln ear f tilrad , Prut. VV. U- rKKi, V P., i(4MmHH?mllm ( " . i a inr Livery! A good supply of fina borset Fleet I) rivets and Strong WOrfcai cr and Farm Mnlea on hind, and a big lor more now on the way. ' - , -VI- (a?" II vnu .uit eoiin", ttv roes pie r HIiIUIhI- ii. e. 1" for n tl i W lure. for . n y MirOMi wnatrvw, see , got 1 1. . in hi4 will scU them WW oi in ..ml.le psnev. ' ' '.' . io.nl toiimK always on hand lot - j. a. 'hones,'' No. 70 ftoutk Front St ' ' Built Like a Watch ! The Solid Sterling To rl'lo STEttLINO readers ton Slljlble 0 the AnU BUck Club. Vy.' ,. ' j. j. Disosm & co. it- V J r lS'

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