- - . .... 11 ?ffce:$I 00 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 QentsJ, VOL. XVlTl. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. FEBRUARY 27 189(;. NOTFT ' Election Precinct's H and Polling Places IN GRAVEN COUNTY, ; EstibHshed- by the Clerk of the Superior - Court, Under the Laws of 1895. Cr fa Cwaty ak&U wttXia twclv masU altar tk ntilcatian of Uw WUH M - VtU M MW MmT mt Ut Mpaxmt fiaM f fttmg fa rra lkr fcax4 mA tftT latr, in ary inl AiiaU f ttate laaaaaU a c mtUm , wWtar NaMr4ifiUa ae m Town skiy, TSliOi CMy a War4. ronnaot to tl provuioos of raid notice U tereby given that the , XOltftaHag PtMCVsm nd boundaries and PotLXKO Places have been . eslablshd iaCaven Countr in the respcotiTe Townships thereof: " VITVint-R fiVR TT1WVRHIP UaFLB Ctfiess PkCCISCT booodea M lotloara: iiegmning at liie g Lftndiajr v Nea Rir thence with tiienc aJon tne and IliM ruai to ine I iney rnecs roaa. meuco up uie Pine j Keck ro.) to the Folly Bridg over Swiff creekt thence with -awl ewek to U Put anlj. line, thence along 1'iU county line to .euso rite and thence down Neiue river to the beginning. Polling place. GaaVDXZR'8 ItTOIB. " .YjUtTMORO f BtClSCT will include all that psrt of Number One Tow nship vbicb U nrt mcladrd in the Maple Cypress Precint as hereby established. Polling plocw at Vaxceboko. - NUMBER TWO TaCITT PreCISCT will include all toere. Pollinn lce, scoool House. - NUMBER THREE TOWNSHIP- FoKX Bad WELL fKEflSCT U bounded as follows: Beginning at the BOOta of Mdl Branch ti Cora oreek, thence np said branch to "Cow Scrape," tkeo reeiarardlT to Poley bridge branch (between H. T. Ifich ardaoo'a and William hite'i) thence to and with the road that leads to Carmack Frd o Moeley'i creek, thence down said oreek :- Neuse ' liter, theno d an aaid nfer to Cire creek, thence up saw! creek to the . togwaior. Polling place Fort Barnwell. vCDa Caaait PaaclWCT ia bounded a follows: Beginning at the mootlk ( Aliil Branch, thence npaaid branch to Cow Scrape," thence fc diraMii lina La the luncuon oi otddle ' Biddlo road to the bead of Core creek, - iaciodinf tb Dr. Hrjan farm, thence with the Jones county line to the diridlogiii! betwero the 3rd and 9th Townships, thence with said line and Core ereek to the beginning. Polling place Core Creek Station. t Doth PaaciircT will include all that Dart of No. 3 Township not m- elided ia Core ereek and Ft. Barnwell SXaTXOX. NUMBER FIVE TX3lmLX3 PaiCIirCT is bounded aa Haooock's ereek, thence op 1W t r.rf. ..nni, lina ikanm tho aead of Clubfoot's creek, thence lawaeaapNeo-wriTertothe mouth xrowng place ixxrLEs otobk. - STAJrroVS PaaciyCT will inciade all that portion of Number Five Townahip no included within the boandariea of Temples Precinct a.s herebj eetabliahed. Potling place Oak Grove School Hot se. NUMBER SIX ' Lli'sFlU PaECTircT will inciade J, keretoore. Pviling place Ualums's - - NUMBER SEVEN TOWNSHIP. " Jxa E3 ClTT PaxciXCT is hereby divided into two Election Precincts - K. Vijf i ! ai-riTnlT u Kait .IimM PitT and lYeat .I.tmea I'ltv . fUrt JAXBICITT PaKCUfCT wiU include all that territory bounded on I Bradham Pharmacy, has Rot every ' tia Weat 1T th AtlaBtic A North Carolina Railroad, on the North aaid ih.og m got shape Dd is quite comfort , Eo-t Ijjh. Trent and Neu Htt,, and on the South by the Stock Fence " Pl0f pJ Putic School House. cmr.ction.ries. .he can.iio ot his own WlST JaE ClTT PebcxsCT will includ the territory est of the A. I maDUi1,llre aod Ue is devoting sjxrcial 4 N. C. Railroad within the Stock Fence Line extend ed to and aorosa ) 3ltL.Dti,,n to wholesome driDks f the sea Bricea ereek' to Mill Branch, thence op Mill Branch to the Pocosin, and m, ixnh hot and end. His handsome iIimm h riiiMrt lina La the. Jane conntv line, thence to Reed? Branch da fountain is fl mkd on one side by a jdowa Reed J Braoob to Trent River and down Trent river to the Railroad Bridga. Pollio-r Placo Spitbt's Store. BlTajaL PBECIBCT will include all that part of No. 7 Township Bo included ia aet and W eat Jamee City Precinct hereby established. PoUing Plaoe Riverdalb Statio.-t. NUMBER EIGHT TOWNSHIP. Cm OT New BsajtS, The various precinct of the City of New B rne r known as the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Wards and the suti- diTJaiona of the F"fta Ward known aa St. Phillips Precinct and MCar : -' thy Precinct will remain as heretofore eaublishei except that St. Phil- lipaPrwcinct of the Fifth Ward is hereby divided into two Precincts to bo kaowa teapeetitrel", as St. Phillip Precinct and Pavie Town Precinct. 8t. PhixLCPS PaBCIwCT Boondariee are a follows: Beginning at the JJortaWeat corner of George and Queen streets, thence North along the Weet side of George street to Cedar street, thence West along the South . ada of Ceaar street and Cedar street extended to End street extended. - thmiea Sooth along End street extended to E id street, thence with End - 8reet toQneen street, thence Est along the North side of Queen street " io the beginning. PoUing place Pope's Store, corner of West and Eim Street- . - PATIlTow-sr PaiciKCT is bounded as follows: Beginning at the North - Weat coniarof George aDd Cedar streets and running West along Cedar street, and Cedar street extended to the Western boundary line of the city, thenoa with said City Line northwardly to the Northern boundary ofh city, thence East with said Northern boundary to George street, - thanoa Sooth with George street to the beginning. Polling place Hexry Jams 8kop. ROCKT RCK Prbcixct. This new Precinct will consist of that portion of CaaiD Palmer Precinct Weet of the Race Track Road and Wilsou's creed, excepting the farm of D. R. BMAX'S PLACE. . PLEAAAJtr HlLL Pbecisct. Beginning at the mouth of Taylor's creek, ranning op the Neaae river to Batchelor creek thence up said Creak to tha A. N. C. R. R., thence down said Railroad to the Race Track road ranning from the A. 4 N. C. R. R. to Neuse road, thence up auti ntois ruaw ui uvuuuarv ui luctuuru a. m ineii o vjub in thence along said boundary to Tailor's crvek, thence down said creek the Neaae nver. The farms of John Humphrey and D. IL Williams. sua nroN rasa io u dooouu-t oi -Iha Booth side of the A. 4 N. C. IL f tiii: r . . i r . . . r... JICSIi-THEST P&ECIjfCT, OtJTBIDE OF TnE ClTY OF New BeRNE, Is : bounded as follows: Beginning at the Northern boundary line of the City of New Berne, on the Neuse river, and running with said river . 2forthwardiy to Taylor's creek, thence np Taylor's creek and along the " Northern and Western boundary line of Hacltburn it Willett's Oaks Farm to the Neaae road, thence along the Neuse road to the road running from the Neuse road throogh the Race Track to Trent road, thence with Trent road to the ran of Wilson's creek, thence with Wilsou's creek to Trent -riTer. thence down Trent river to Lawson's creek, thence up Lawson's - creek to the city line, tbeoce with the "A ester n ciiy hue to city line, thence East along said line to the beginning. I - the Cor5 ty Pooa HorsB. Ji UMBER NINE TOWNSHIP. JASPBB PrECIXCT will remain as heretofore and embrace all lory ia Nanvier Nine Township. Polling place at Jasper. Regutrars and Jodges of Election com poeing the Previ will note caref ally that electors must Register in the Irecinct theT reaide. according to the boundary lines hereby establishec ' tail a re to do so is good cause for challenge aud will forfeit their right to Tote on election day. Given noder my hand this 29th day of Janury. A. D., IS''".. r "7s7". 2C, Watson, Clerk Superior Court Craven Cotiutv. Wholesale & Retail Dealers in vFlatrr, Pork, Coffee, fngar, Lard, Batter, Cheese, Syrnp, Molasses - ' Ylngrt Soaff Tobacco, Cigars, Canned Hoods of all kinds. Tea, Spieea, aod everything else usually found in a FIB-IT-GLASS GROCERY STORE. ' ITyWe hare bought io large quantities for cash and are prepared to aell aa low aa anyone. Conn try Merchants aud the general public will do wall to get oar price before bqjing elsewhere. No trouble to . show goods. " Ctables Free, 47 Broad 8t., New Berne, N. C rtraight line to Lnea old Chape!. TOWNSHIP. of X umuer I wo Town? '"I as lierc and Uover roads, thence witli sau. thence to the Jones county lir, precincts. Polling plaoe Dovkr! TOWNSHIP. follows: Beginning at the mouth of ; said creek to the Pocoein, ami with tlie with id ( rf eret oa 1 1 n v 1 1 ii ii to down Clubfoot's creek to its month, I of Hancock's creek the bog.nn.ng. ' TOWNSHIP- all of Number Six Township ins Schil Hot to Williams. Polling place at Moses ntctoaru a it mens uiad iim, phrey and D. R. Williams, on R. will be included in this precinct. . r r the Northern oiling til ace at tr.c tvrn- ct Boards in wh:ch ; and that the City of lima Mil. Vlelntly. Uataered'ln nnd Briefly Xld. ("trd a re out renouncing the Iwtrothal of Miss Yetta Km-!PiD. ot Kinstoo, and Mr A e Srhult ot I hirt mtiton, S. C, f rmerly ol' New l?ernc. ClUe Mr. .Tunis V. l'ellethr. ofSteili up 1 1 business ..n I resist ri-l at t lie Oi iitaw k. -non ultir arm-ins lie called ar uj.I and n n w e 1 his JocRN" w. soription for the coming year. sub- A gnat many complnnios reach us about condition ot that portion Ot Awe rnad :v u.' tjetween the A rros9i n.r a ii I t ! i r t ,rk W .sbin-toti r. d- 1' :-- X. (.'. It It Xeiise and fit arc al- tuot imp.A-j.di tr- .!' i h m i ll ihot he a. 1 i we I. ( l. e i if ( lUr 1 l v sterdav :i-'.rad 1 . I miir. Th strett- o h a eon iifon OD iou d not ; 1 uaso.it: !' i n he--!.;Ki :.rtetir8tj..Whlt bnuv.lt :.,lU I V,c , ity were entire- ()kl jQ a ,L.W W()rd;1 Iv tO'' n.irrow lor is u liee inanMiup. ana i.e li;e) awav to the JJl IL.l.lL ILil. ..I IIMVU, i ' When Ut sk-t-n he as sal.ly supported l.y two other i-.mk ortieeis mid a colored n.an at ihe r, ,r. utilized as propelling power lor the lucyrlo. IU-v. i. W. Given of Jirown wcmxi, 1 prx uh i ha- h- n ivi rkiir; in this sec- i inwr.-t of i lie Smthern liou TV. -,i ,; s. n.i'-arv oi I.u-s- Kv . Mor, P ,-.-iJ ::.i In ,d l it v Fri m. v en routi Kms'tin He is lr.. w o r k i i h !ia of tue Llidowiii. ,-ni secure ndditional stu- Fund mi' l dso lo oenis. This - is i ' .e Tne io'jcic.il Svmi:i:tiy The K n-to'i Free 1 ' "Mr. I le. ma-. 1 K w r- una : eph..iv- an,'i-t l i'otesiant ui t e ill. i ei - : 1 1 1- Il.l. I- III i!ein: rr to eli nm w -IP . lie and V i . p. -ps i o m i i : :.' ! r ":i ft me-1 :.iW- p ! ts til 1 1 ' h'lio: d a- -u pply iho o;' our h i-, i s:ri" t 1 1 -erva'e liV i Hon H- : I f lown fo fruncni-e. tree .f io-mi la men, dt !e ' i nl'-" s. T ii- c it v 'a In in e ri c ierd-.y iVn f rward. " ii- i in j ilw ipie-i i-'ii es-1 com i n ue to i;o 1 The S;,.ver Hawl.vai-.- are d;-play- i t-r : 1 1 n. w- t u . u i i rv li iial- line . m'-jn ed. The special t a' e r , I hi i'lt i e! uv inakir.i; it impos-i-i io any liarm. 1 1 i nitalKHi of l.hn' and lllHUifl i fi't. inn- : of 't' vaieh I In- -hell" .s ol me b;e for I he tire I. , tim-bed m i iteci tti'.eoak. A'.ove the sue the nitulei is U.tK, o ru I UU'Ul al ' i;l.i.ltu uuu o'uiain irn; ih ree Ik. vdie l- d-e Fn-n.-r.irs. a lire onA m lie c. litre one o'i either si' it . Ue nnr a sin ill M-. .1. -s. IIan.n oi New Yoik,- Dr. I) Fie7er.ld of H.dtuiioi-e, and Mr. A. W. Iisici f B istor oi ikiston. vp irisnnn. w ho hav b en h n-dna a few we ks at the Chitawk i. iet' on Touuvl y m rn- me'-" train returning t their homes. Mr I Datui .1. n uos of Lhmbury Conn., "ho u.i b ca p.-i)dmy a u.d ior'io i i ihei nhner here, u . lei o.i the -teiiuerl e:urnino home, fie eM,rees , Jr.te ' a-!d "f.l'.MiVs i.'ime-.tmn 'of re in Toiiif h- enex is to ii ie r i i t t. I uek in let' be-. ln ll posted he meantime ne will ktep him-i as to what i- transpiring m .New I'dltie UV reatlmg I ll K JofUNAI. for w Inch he has subscribed a yenr in iHut.ee. K. 1.. BIFFV I a III .New (Innrlrn With II Is Cu feelloBery Hlore and lupdj Nana. raetarlaiK BntlofM. Mr. K. I.. Duffy. no r o-ntly moved into lue store on I ollock street ailioiuim- larijc and eh gaii t coffee urn and on the , other by the hot sodt urn. I A partition separates the sales room j fioui tue ice cream parlor aud ladies lunch I loom. This room is very nicely tilted up j loth in furnishiDiis ami decorations. Another panitiou divides this room f r. in the ifi i iy lactory deparneDt. Which is just bikk of it Ileie Mr. Daffy hckI his i a-sistant i minufacture the candies si temp inglv displayed in the front portion. 'Mr "Duffy hs surroU'i.Ud himelt with ; fa i alines h r makr-g ny kind of candy, ' and ail that he i. a: dies is tu itiiifactured by lunisr.f r ght 'h'-ie. He devotes himselt untiringly to business and the skill he i.shows at it. and the diligence he manifests in it, is ijuiie a sa'e guarantee ttwit he will j continue to rise in ;'. CrlmlnMl (onrt. WKrNF.SPAY PROCEEDING'S Courten ie l ius work Weilutsday and adjourned in itie af erroon for the term. Thr following ca-es were disposed of I Wednesday: ! J. E. Wsienx di-posing ( f mortgaged probity. Def'-udini siibnnts. Judgment i saisp. ndeti upon the payment of eost. Ciiarles !lirr;s, a ne gro boy. Larceny of a shall. Guiliy. .1 udgmentsuspended. State vs. Wiley Allen ami James Jones, I col. Larceny i .fa cow. The defendants i churned H ev bough' the c w from pai- lies unknown , Judgment was io tht-m. uspi-ndei erdict guilty. 11 IOU pit 1 U1CU L I ot LO-t- a Free crayon inrtrat. i yr j j Bater put on exhibition at ,)U .(ore vestt.r,, ,T a handsome three-nnar- ttr i:te size, hneiv e.xix-.iied. envonpor- tojtr.nt. It :s a simple of one which le , proposes ;e g'.w lr- to each cash hdn to the ni-"me' who tiade- w dh , amount of ten co lars. . The tut ire n mount does not have to be tradel at one bine. A record of pur i chases is kept bv givirg each customer a : curd b rdeied around wiih nuiu'trs trom ! which the aruouot of each purchase is ' punched until the tiad.- becomes enough ' to secure ilie pict ure without cost. Tlie eoUrged ponrmt i- made from any small picture furnished, eith-r that ol of the tus i tomer or some r. Inbte or friend of his. Polk Ililrrlomln(. At a mc tin: of the Executive Coin- ' mittee of the Vnn.-e Mocunu r.t Association armngciutnts were made with P,.k Miilct'oi lt chinond, 'a., to led tire at 22 point in th: Stale, under the auspices of1 he Association to raise finest' r the 1 memorial to the great North Carolinian, Z-'-uloii B. Vance. He is to appear at Ne Ben e, Tuesday Man h 2dth. , Mr. Midi r has co tapial in Ins spe laity. ' th.-delineation oi Southern life beiore the ! war. imro lining his famous darky I -ketches -nd bai j . music, ami he should ' be 2'et-ttd bv a lirge audu-nc- both on ! account ol the m- rit .! the entertainment and of account of wh:ch the money 1- ihe noble object to le applied. to Ntrnw llnlo In Snow Time. Mr. J. J. Bax.tr :u et'.iug in his supply of straw hats yesterday and ytt there was idow ou the ground ! This is ! not the first time ihis has happened with Mr. Baxter Last year and the year before it was thr serae thing. Considerini; the very limited amount of mow that talis in New Berne it is re markable that this should have been the cse three year's in succesiion, even if he does order early. Japanese Liver Pellets are small and mild, easy to take, uo griping, the roost pleasing effects attend tlieir use. Fifty doses, 25c ta. For eale by F. B. Duffy. RECONEfi AN INVENTOR. Superintendent Tbomns If. Coakley Invrnli a Device Ynlnnble to ( Messrs. John Wed h rl mtn A: Co.. patent attorneys of Washington, D. C, make a monthly award et a pi ze of $i jO ' jrtr , l. .lv; nn,l tiiin nil cl invi'lllmn brought to their notire during ihe pre- cetli - Thirty days. Tlie last, prize a ward ed was win by Sir. Thomas II. Conk ley of Baltimore, who is well and favorably l known to New Berne people, imni having mniHi ira seveiai nuri a.-.-oo,-, , ,.- I tendent and manager ut the canning e ' taiilishment of Me-srs. Moore .V Br.tdy lilted in tliN cite. 1 "e -ail"iiu neioiaei in u'hkuji; u.c mveiitiou and itisuccu pub'.i. iile an a short vps hi- skeic'n of Mr I ' ttle ': poi trait. Mr c.,k.os ,ivs !! the n.vintion in v invention may ev warns. la pacKiii'4 ON -- tei-f, lruua and vegetables, women anu .nris an-se'n. rc (1 to nl ire the imterial in , the canSi Rnil ln s .loi-L.'. 1 had olten , noticc))- tiev w,,uld cut tin-ir tin-ers, ' )nie,llf ve",v liaoly. It al-o happene . ' ttiat tue mateiial ihcy were picking, fucti I is eystors or unocr irimx. woum ieeoiue iximy torn by t lie sharp eo-- oi uv can : I therefore beunu 1 1 stu i v a pUn t ) uvoid Uicse )itncu;ti's. ami ui-er some evpei ment, it occurred to me that I c mid com bine such an improvement wwh u cap that ! would b". -elf-lockinir. Thin I would i remedy the cutting- of hands and material, and at the tii me tnn s.-cure a can that no c..t or acid could zel into while the same e.as b.-ing MSiiyj.1. he.-. ties saving to the Clime:- one half or inure "f the expense 01 se.ihi i; Such a can I finally devised and I am - d:-ficd that it me-ts ail the l'eipiitv ni, n!s ol the trade, and be-ales, it helps to in-i vent impurities in the can a difficulty whu h was cited by the Secr tary ol Agri- culiure in hi- annual rep ut tor is 9 "J. -I am satisfied that it is an excellent idea to secure a Canadian patent and I have f illy made up my mind to take out a p.veiu in tuat country and in several lore'iri c'liiutries. 1 have studied vari'-us othei d. vices and afti r my siicce-s on this . ccasion I shall doubt lens lake out other p i'e Us in future. ' The Hecorder speaks in a h'Lthly favor at lo ii anner ol the invention as Iminw-: 'Mr. Coakley's invention is one which will uot only be a great bo-m to the lare canninpr establishments throughout ihe wurld, lint it will be greatly appreciated by the house-wife. It is difficult to secure the hermetical sealing of glass cans and theie are no appbano s in the ord nary household with which tiu car s can he wihltre-l. Mr. Cotikley's invention over t' liinn I hese difficulties, and beMdi ?. mater ially re luces ilia cost of this very neces sary article." WILCOX-KIIPATRICK. .nitrrlnie ofii PopnUr Young Man of Bellair to One of. Fort Hnrnwell's Fair Tonne I.ailie. Mr. George S. Wilcox, of Bellair r,nd Miss Ada Kiipatrick were married in Lanes ClriD-1 near Fori Barnwell on Wednes day Febi nary l'Jtli. Rev Mr Saunders offi- ciatiug. The attendants were: Mr. Samuel Kii patrick of Xt-w Berne and Miss Jaiiie Lane ot Bellair: Mr. Kausom L ine ol Fort Birnwell a'jd Miss Ella Lane o' BelUii; Mr. E. M. Street, of Bellair, and Miss Ida Lane of Fort Barnwell; Mr. Poru-r Arnold, of Lima, and Miss May I House, ot Lima; Mr. W. U. White, of Fort Barnwell and Mlss Lizzie Arnold oi Lima; Mr. Edgar House of Jasper, and Miss Annie Pearce ot Fort Barnwell. Immediately after the marrige the bride and groom, accompanied by a num ber of friends le.lt lor Bellair, where their future home will be. A highly enjoyable and largely att.ndcd receptioD, lasting about tbree hours, was held that night at the residence of Mr Daniel Lane, where Mr aud Mrs. Wilcox are for the present. They wid soon move imo their own residence which Mr. Wil cox bus just built near !iis store at Del lair. The bride was one of the leaiiiog voung Indies of the Fort Barnwell neighborhood the groom is a popular yoiiug man anu is quite well known all over the cou .'try, having in time past succesi school at several phiee-'-, and b.en county surveyor for years. He has lately devote merchandising and lar.ning. dully i align t having also i couple of I It i ms If to He runs his store and faims at Bellair, and also has an interest in a store on Hog Island. Many triends of both bride and groom join in wishmg them Inppiness und pros perity through li'e. K 1 ni ton Improvements. We are pleased to announce that the Baptists will build a large brick church ou their lot, on the coi tier beside 'he pres ent house of worship. The Methodist church is to be enlarged and improved. The Presbyterian chuich is to be com pleted. There is improvement in Kinston all along the liue. New stores, new resi dences. Dew and improved churches, large tobacco warehouse and a Dumber of prize j Sors from the A. and M. College and l.y j houses io be built. Kiuston i- humming ;a representative of the X. C. Experiment J reitli lifHnnrl im nrovempnt. There's no! station. : better town in the State. Kmston Free I j pj.. The W. A '. Railroail. A correspondent of the Raleigh News and Observer writes from Washington, N. C. as follows: 'It is thirty miles from here to Ply mouth, and the cit'zens here are hopeful that the rumored report of the W. N ei N. road extending its line from New Berne to Norfolk will prove true. Ii is believed here that il the W. N. ti N. Will build Iroin New Berne to Washingtou, (,e Norfolk aud Southern will build this rtoik from Plymouth to Washingtoo ; would givj a through line from N to Wilmington, a d stance of about 230 miles. " TheGrent Tobaeeo War. head of one of the largest St. i Th Louis miiniifu tones ofp'ug tobacco Said to-dav: About tw.yeais ago we put on the market a oraiid of plug toD.cc". and when we figured it out. we found we had lost just St veii cents a p-ain I. Battle Ax P'.ug Tobacco, I am told, selis 'or one cent per pound less than our brand, which would make the loss on it nine cents per poun I. "Battle Ax.'' however, is superior b the One we put out. and must cost mote to manufacture. Twenty million pounds of Bat be Ax plug tobacco were sold, on which I believe there must have b-.eu a los of at least ten cents a pound, so on this item alone there seems to have been a i loss ol loss ol 2.000,000. From the above statement of a large plug tobacco manufacturer, who evidently knows wiiut he is taikmg about, it would seem to us that the only one who is bene fiting by the Tobacco War is the man who chews "Battle Ax,"' for he is certain ly getting the full worth of his money i every time he Duvs it. .ew lorn I Herald. " dot w It Knocked Oat in the First Bonnd. The I'ilzsimmons-Maher fight to place yesterday in Texas, Maher being knocked out in the first round. Physicians all over the world recom mend Japanese Pile Cure. It has cured thousands, will cure you. Sojd under pos itive guarantee. Sample free. For sale by F. 8. Duffy. 'KXI' TEA HKK'f ASSKMItl.V An InipiirtHnl Heeling: of u iirvnt Rdnpntlonnl Hotly .Home Feature of the Work Every Teneher Shoulil lie IntereNted. It will probab'e soon be decided where the next session of the Tcai lu i 's Assem bly wid b- he'il an l of what the program will om it will i -a session b day. Tin t. The time Mi recently fixed; venc June ITih aid the wmkiiiL' l!iiinel to tine.; das. Weilnes - lav acd I'ridav Tlrey are in- tended to lie days of hard work with three sessions a d iv opportunit . - fir recrea tion Will follow. The Tcachi r - As-embly i- a meat b.iv. composed o! (he teachers of tlie uh State and its .t'scussions of pie-t:ons of gineral e.hie dional inlluence i annot fad to have l In ir itdliL-nce in li lping edw a tional po'.eii s aright. 10 eery ten-h'T throughout the bounds of the Slate should take pride in the Asso ciation and in its success-, no matter where its nice inus are held. (Jin- f-.-tiure of the Association's work to which attention has recently been calied is the influence it should tiring to bear upon legi-latioii. It expected that the next legislation will be called upon to enact laws affecting the educational k-ti-n sts of the Slate, pubi c and privati These que--tiiins will Se (iisctiss'-d and -.et'on taken upon Ihem in the next com ing se-sion of the A.sseiniily. Kvery t' ache r in the State should he vitUy hi terested in se uring proper leui-hlt on upon t!ie-e juhject.-: and by all meeting to gether, having a tree exchange of views. ' reaching au agreement as to what is best and expressing themselves as a body they . can bring a weighty influence to bear upon legislation. We believe the plan decided upon for ; the coining Session, of work first and rec reation altriwvar-ls, a no id one. i!vit-! j adoption the teacher who h is other cures. pressing upon him w hich preveuts a pro longed stay, can he present through all ; the work without very litt e l"?s of time aud then deparl, il need be, while those who have the tune an I opportunity tor a a longer stay can re. n.dn and enjoy ihem-: seh-e-. We believe no better place, or in fact, 1 no oile r place as suitable in all r spects as ' Morehea d Ciiy for the Assembly meeting i Can be found. Vet if a chaDgfir a season is deemed a(l;-i-able by the committee we hope to see a large aad iufj lentia: meet- j iUi held whatever place may be decided j upon. i K'-ep up the intertst in the Ass -mbly j and let it. go forward to even higher I ach; vi-men is than those of the na-t. ' Banker Bleyrllsls Mill on B-eek. O.ir "b inker bicyclist" with true Irish grit, (he who wear the 'jr.-, ,,) was out again yesterday taming the "-bike."' All was serene as he cflirc- sp acing dowu the macadamized road with a bdy guard e'ulj'jme official this time) liding in the rear to see thai all v is well as they gracefully glided by the l-'air ground. Never was th" air m ire bracing, l ever did rider look more m igiMinimous moun ted upon his steed ol sti-e! as it glist, ned under the effulgent rays of a h-e lining sun, bet ! alas I ! "The s ame. old j st rv. " It is now said that Charlie Iieizenslein i fully consult d or his Broad St. epi-sod-. Further reports state that still aimihcr of i ur bmhiis. Pollock St. this time made the venture la'.e i 1 t lie ufterno-in. His greatest. success was attained in eva diag the eyes of ye reporter. Why Feed Jail Birds in Idleness? J As our readers well know we do not i believe that convicts, whatever their of-1 ence, should be housed and fed at the ex- pense of tlie public, whether in the State i penetentiai y , in the coun'y jiils, or in the city station houses. Provision is made for the employment of the latter in some shape or other, but as a ru'e the other i two classes escape work, although there j is one source of employment always open j for them, und that isthevvoikon the j streets and roads. , The sentiment alreadyls in favor of j thus employing convicts and the scnti-1 ment is growing stronger. Numbers of j papers advocate the memire and we do not know ol auy i Rockingham Rocket that oppose. Tii declares ii is simp I outrageous that the prisoners in our jails are a'towed to lay i:p ih -re in luxurious- ness idleness when our roads are iu such j bad condition. To the majority of this-jail buds it i.-' no punishment to be confined iu a com-1 I f.rtable building like the county j iil and j 1 to eat such food as is given them there, j But establish a chain-tang and we will j : have better kept roads and le.-s crime,; and tiiis at no greater expense than at ; ' present. Farmer's Institute. ! Mr. S. L. Patterson, commissioner, ro j titles the firmers of Onslow county ihat ' j at institute will be held at Jacksonville j i on Friday andSdurday, March tj'h, and j ' 7th. The farmers are invited to be present . I aud to take part in the Institute. ' i The Commissioner of Agr culture will; : be assisted bv one or more of the proles- Theie are no politics whatever about ; use mee; iags. Such practical subj.-cts i t will be discussid as are of genial interest to farmers, truckers aud liuit giowers. 1 The Institute is designed to be highly! i beneficial to agricultansts by the dissemi j naiion while. in direct contact with tb"m ; of such ui-io-date information as will be j ; of use to tht m in iheir calling. An ad- ' vantage in this method over printed mat ter is that if there are certain things upon . j which the former wants farther knowledg I he can -eek it without an v farther tfou ; ble. " j The Institute shou'd le well atten ded. ! The Hospital. The Goldsboro Headlight notes the formal opening in that ti'y of ''Ihe ! Eaielgeney Hospital." Rabbi, J L. May- i erbeisg officiated as Chaplain. lien rv Lee, one of the prominent eiiins mile the ' presentation spe eh. J E. P d'eis n. , chtii'man of the Bond of county com missioners, an I Mayor 11:11 rescinded both pledging lively mt-ie-t and co-operation in the goud work. The hospital was four wards. We hope ere long to be able to make an item about an event in New Berne siiDilarJiu character. What other cities in the Slate about Ne x l!eine"s size are doing. New Berne can do also by simi-1 lar effort and cooperation. While the ! establishment of hospitals in the other cil- j les shouid be unincentive to our people to ? go forward heartily with what they have j begun, tlie grand rea-on for such action , should be that there is an deniable netd i ' for the proposed institution. C'ase3 can i be found right now where the hospital i would be a b essing to the patients if it ; were iu operation. t MethodlHt Missioiiarjr Conference. j There will be held at G-oldsboro, March 9th and 10th, beginuing at 2:30 o'clock k j on the 9th, a "'Missionary Conlerence " Dr. W. K.Eiimbeth, one ot the Mis sionary Secretaries, is to be present. Various topics of interest will be dis cussed by invited speakers. The preachers and laymen of the New Berne district are invited to attend. Homes will be provided. Write to Rev. R. C. Beaman if you will attend. F. D. Swindell, P. E. KAST CAROLINA FAIR. (ireater This Year liefore, Than Ever I'oinl ol lis Exeellenee and Super iority An Ohjeet I.eMwon of the In dustrial Strength of EftHlern Caro liiiH 'As usual the annual Fair held by the V. ist ( 'arolina Fish. Oyster, Game and Iinhistiial A-sociation at New- I3 rne will this ye ir he everything that one in search p!i---iire and enjoyment cou'd wish for. lb u tolore the ir.-in.-'gen-.ent have slrenu-on-'y r. fus- , adm l'anci' to the army of I ikirs an I -callnwags ih it generally are !' und on inir grounds s arching for the u uw try an I ii'dniii de I. It is gratifying to know tint this year the same caution wili be i Xtl'o.s, d and lliieves, pickpockets, fikir-and o'ler -aviadh rs will, so far as it is pmssjl..i. be kept ofi the Fair grounds. I a p.ery epartm-nl unusual and except ionable Inn! work ha? been done by S-t-ict TV Ke:z -iistcin t h it t he exhibits or this year -Iial. l..- go a!a nvie varied and interesting than ever belore. We are as sured thai the Fair of this vear will eclin e all nth rs On Tues Inl and F.-id iv haiio ia point of greatness. Wednesday, Thursday n ascensi. ns anil para be made by a lady i slid by the press to be ; woman ever to drop e I: U I e leap-, will aei-ni) -iiit wh ' i the ino-t daring bom th- skii s. An innumerable cu nber ol free at tractions w:l! be given both by day and by night. Along th s line the visitor is si i ro to ho entertained, instructed and amused. 'Tue r ich g at this Fair will bs the most varied and comprehensive ever held in iiu- ."-.we. in.- i- a iHuii'i suiiemeiii. but it is a'-soiuielv true, rorty-six en tries aie made already, and among the lacers enteie I are some of national fame. Severn v-one mos w!I be given. The situation of tlie race track enables cveiy i ope on tlw ground to wi'nes.s each raw plt-asauti omlort an il wi tuout tne uisC1 Usually ixpetieneed by tair visitors, 'There will be numerous tent shows on the ground, and they" are of the very best class rehned. de'eut. aud respectable shows to which one w ill not hesitate to take, their sister, their mother or their sweetheart. Cheap rates will he made by the At lantic and North Carolina liaiiroid from Morebead City and other points along the road, a.d we urge all who are able to attend the Fair. It is an object lesson of the woiiderlul industrial strength of Eas tern Carolina - i. ot especially of New Berne, btitoliue entire middle eastern part of our blessed old commonwealth. Indeed, one of the greatest features of tue Fair the one that appea's most to the stranger Irotn the interior is the Oyster exhibit; and what county in X. C. is more productive cfthe oyster than Cartel et ? t'iie oyster exhibit iiuti- truthfully be said represents t uterot county. lies. tie tne U ster exhibits, are not the fish exhibits representative more of Cartiret than ol any other count '. We should take pride in the East Carolina Fairs. There is no county which sends more to them than ours. In a great measure thesi fairs are ours, and our representative people should be on the grouLds to tell the way faring man fiom whence come the lucious oystera ami the linnyUsh. Secretary lieizoustein, thai indtfatig unble steam ongi-ao ot brains, push and enterprise, writes us that this year will be the greatest ot all, and assures us that those who will uot be able to atteud will miss a rare treat of sight-seeiug."' Morelieail City plays no mean part at the New Berne Fa r, nor does the county of Carteret. Those fish and oysters are ours. They come from our waters. Our sun first shines upon them, our labor first takes them from the pia. e which nature designed as tbeir home. This part ol the great Fair breaths the very atmosphere of Carteret. When we see the piles; of bivalves and aquiria ot fishes, we can smoll the s i It y winds of the A1--10-'0 -can taste the sweets of this Qod-blesed old county. Therefore, we should look ou the Fair with a sort of affection a sort of ownership. Much of it is ours, and all of us who can should not fail to visit it at least tor one day. With good weather the Fair w ill be a tremendous success this year." Morebead Ct.y At lanue News. The ab ve excellent article upon the Fair is from the columns of the Atlantic News, Morebead City. It has the right ring about it The East Carolina Fair was designed aud is representative, as its name iud c ites, not a one oi New Berne and Craven county, but of Ea-t Carolina, ui;d every Eastern county sh-mlil be kept represented at it exhibitions in every way pos-ible, both by well selected exhibits and by as large att -n dante Of its people as possite. But it can be said further that while the Fair is representative of the eastern part of our State it does not stop with that. As the thoughtful visitor makes his rounds and observes the tine display, he will sic that almost the entire State is represented. It is well. Let the Fair continue to grow in scope, merit and powers for good. Fire at Beanlort. Special to JoCRSAI,. Beaufirt, N. C, Feb is. At 2 o'clock today the residence of Henry Xareoai was discovered to be on fire. The wind has been blowing a gale all day and at one time the town was iu great danger, but heroic e fforts of our fire de partment and citizens got the fire under control and the damage was confined to Narcom's residence. D. COX DEWS ED STATE .HEWS. The Salisbury Herald notes the killing there of the biggest log of the season by P. W. Brown. It weighed 637 pounds. The Wilkesboro Chronicle says: '"Mrs. Reuben Nichols, of Miller's Creek on last Sunday morning presented her husband with twins This recalls a little biography of the family Just nine months and twenty days prior to the biith of the twins Mrs. Nichols presented her husband with a line boy. and his father was so well pl.'ased with him that he gave him about a dozen names of the most scriptural kind he could get ih'ce children .u less than ten months. Bu' this is not all. These p"i'-ents have been married about twenty one years and now have a family of six teen children. Siate Auditor Furman is preparing his annual report tor issue in a few days. The printing is c impletcd. The Greenville Reflector notes that Ex Gov. Jai'vis is still confined to bis room from the effect of the runaway at the depot about two weeks ago. His injuries proved to be more serious than were at first supposed. One of the most significant features in railroail travel from and through Wash ington, says a dispatch from Washington, at the piesent time is the remarkable rush of passer.ger traffic to Asheville and Hot Springs, N. C. It is so great that even the excellent resources of the Southern railway are taxed to their full extent, and, considering the mild winter hitherto pre vailing, the prilgrimage to the "Land of the Sky,'' seems extraordinary. The way to reach catarrh is through the blood. That ringing sound iu the ears aud loss of smell is caused by ca tarrh. Johnson's Sarsaparilla and Celery treats this disease successfully. Try it and you will not be disappointed. Price, large bottles, 50 cts. For sale by F. S, Duffy. LIMBER DEALERS ORUAMKE. They W-tnl to Keen I n I-rieex I North Carolina Ilne. The dealeis in North Caroliui i ne j lumber in Virginia, Nonh Carolina and j Baltimore heid a mteting at the Atlantic j Hotel yesterday for the purpose of pi fectini; an organization whereby i r a -would he kept up and a uniform sy-ten. Of grading be adopted. All the deaei .in this class ol lumber were pres. el oi reprc-sinted. ('apt. John L Roper, ot this ciiy, presided, and among the first business transacted was the appointmei I of a committee to report a plan o'' org .tii zation. This committee was composed of Messrs. Teriy. of Stella. N. ('.; V. T. Jackson, of Wha'ey, Va ; T. Tunis, of Baltimore; Mr. Wimsett, of Washington, and Mr. Fosburgh, of Not folk. At the afternoon session the committee reported, outlining a plan of organisation somewhat similar to that of the optimiza tion in existence some three years ago. and which went to the wall through lac k of unanimity in action. The directors recoinmendet first yetir, under the charter to I for, are W. T. Jackson, S'. A. Thomas W. Smith, Thoophilus for the i applied W lmsett. Tuuis, R. J Camp. J. W. Branning. John L. Roper, E. C Fosburgh, W. E. Perrigorv, E. A. I'e imclee an 1 Irving Truitt. The i ame of the new concern will he the North Carolina Dressed Lumber Company. The first meeting looking to the present or ganization was he'd in Baltimore on the 4th instant. It is said that such an organization is necessary for the preservation of prices at which a profit can be made on lumber, inasmuch as there is alleged to have been wome. lively cutting in price- of late ou ih part of individual dealers. The sole ob ject ol the- present organization, it is -aid, is to get a fair return for the amount oi ' capital invested in the busine-s, which nas not ueen none recently, as one ot ibcs? present said. The present nrganizttion -tarts with bright prospects of sucee-es in the din c tion aimed at, accord iiK' to those in the I cornbine. who were not over-anxious to I give out any information. Virginian. We understand that a committee will confer with New Beine nnnulactuiei- in secure their co operation. MRS. LOFTY ASil) I, Mvs Lolty keeps a carriage. So do I She has dapple grays to draw it. No ae have I. She's no prouder with her coachman. Than am I With my blue eyed, laughing baby Trundling by. 1 hide his face, lest she should see The cherub boy aod envy me. , Her fine husband hus while finger-. Mine has uot. Ilfi could give his bride a palace: Mine, a not. Hers comes homo beneath th .-.t irdght. purple twi- turns life's Ne'er caresses she. Mine crimes home iu the light. Kisses me And prays that he who sands Will hold his loved ones in his ban She has those w ho love her. Station None have 1. But I' ye one true heart beside me Glad am I. I'd not change it for a kingdom,- No. not I. God will weigh it in his ba'ance By and by, And then the difference he'll define Twixt Mrs. Lofty's wealth and mine. Mrs. C. Gildersleeve. WAR. I hear the war drum's rattle. The sound of hurrying fee;. The r)ojs8 and crash of battle, Where eword and sabre meet. I see the war horse rushing, With heated, fiery breath. Where armed hosts are crushing The foe to instant death. Like loud incessant thunder The murderous cannon peals.- The shuddering nations wonder. And earth in terror reels. I see the death flame flashing I Amid the fearful strife. While shot and shell are crashing Through ranks of human life. I hear the cry of anguish From soldiers overthrown, Who, maimed and wounde I, languish In agonies unknown. I see fair fields down-trodden, And rivers tinged with red. While, o'er the ground, blood-sodden. Are strewn the ghastly dead. In city, town and village, The ripened growth of time. I see most cruel pillage, 1 trace unbounded crime. I mark the mother's sorrow, I sea the father's grief, Iu homes where no to-morrow Can br ng their hearts relief. I see the widow, smitten With life-iong want and woe. And children, buuger-bitten, Who bitterest angu'sh know . Oh why, in hate and malice. Should man his fellow slay. And temple, cottage, palace, In smouldering rums la' Oh war! accursed! abhorrent! What wees attend on thee! Ills lollow, like a torrent, Where'er thy path may be. Star.d, statesmen, in your place ! Rise, nations, in your might! And a t upon the basis Of fairness, truth and riyht. In horror glancing war-waul, We sigh, we pray for peace, And cry, "O God, henceforward. Let sounds of conflict cease! Where'er Christ's name is spoken, By every war flag lurkd, And harmony, unbroKeu, Prevail throughout the world!" (Rev.) J. Clark, in our Dumb Ani mals. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. ! The Best Salve in the world lor Cuts, ; Bruises, Sores, L leers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skiu Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or i o pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. S. Duffy. Able to Eat Anything. Washington, N. C, Nov. 26 '95. Mess. Clark Bios. & Co New Berne; N C. Gentlemen: For a period of eight years I have suffered with indigestion and had to be very particular in what I ate, olten depriving myself of the very things I liked best. But after taking a rrt of my first bottle of yourS. I. C. am able to eat auything without tho least trouble or pain. Yours Respectfully, Tnos. P. Howard. 8. I. C is one of the best remedies on earth for Indigestion. If you area suffer er be sure and give it a trial. THE VII.LIIH'N THAT rRIMil: THE HKOOH. I"i! ti ll )u a orn of the vale we cr us ed. When hound were running; a c-nt breast high; I When the hunt was weeded, the skirtersj lost, An I lurf, like water, was flucling- by. ; l i eie were h .rdly ten ol our hsrdeat I men j Cou'd hope to live on the line they I tcok; And out. of the ten there were the loll when W. il -w through the willows that fringe j toe brook. There was Hall, and the Master, and iiarhc K' rr. 1 diners, and Hookc on the steel-blue roan; Waber, and l'eall, and the huntsman, 15 irr, ' hi a lug brow n youngster, all breed and b. ne; And Tom S:. hair on Sweet Kildare. Who ihe best of our flyer brnl brought to hook : A" I I on in, stoutest, the cllftsuut mare. For I knew of the willows, and eke the brook . We had met tha morning at Norton Dene With a sou.hwest wind and a soft gray sk ; Theie was a little of wind, but the air w i keer. And we were keener, to do or lie. We foui) I in Ihe cmt, lielow the larm , "J'vvas ;i -tout dog f", and, by hook or ( l ook, I meant t" lie then , though the pace as a rin. Nor (nought i ) the willows, nor vet Ihe brook . Tiei- ii piini.-huig pace for the bravest their. Though never a one but was bred to For the greit grass meadows, all brown :i id bare. Weie toddeu and solt w ith the last I week's snow, 1 The fines were few, but tha few were It was leaping then, with no time to 1 And joti had to (barge it. and chance it. d' Vmi wanted to-slav to the swirling brook. Each exipiioitc moment 'twas ours to feu ' A iitt.-time's sense of a strength sub lime; While the shuddering thud of the thund ering stetl To the flying music in front kept time. For tho fever of galloping thrilled my veins, And each thought of boitow my soul forsook. As I tightened my grasp of the lathering rciDS, And headed away for the willowy brook. Our pinks were spattered and splashed w tth clay, Our bo its and leathers a sight to be seen, ( And the song we might have been siDging that day. i To judge by appearance, was 'Wearing ' the Green.'.' I To the deep-mouthed melody on we sped. ; Small wonder if some of our steeds mis took, Till we saw before us, three fields , ahead, The tops of the willows that fringe the brook. i ' A crash of timliers, a rattle of rails, Aiida splintered wreck where a gate had swunc; 1 For three of us roJe for it, heads and j tails, And two of us tumbled the sods j among Six that were left struggled over the plough, But the blackthorn settled the fate of ! Rooke And we five set sail, with an inward "Now, Lord, help us over the big brown brook ! The Master got over and Charlie Kerr, For the banks were sound at the place they jumped; But Travers got in it and so did Barr, For both of their cattle were fairly pumped. Where willows were widest I steered with cure; S it bac k, though the snaffle I lightly shook. And the good old mare, with a yard to ! spare, J Leapt clean and clever across the brook. j Not a minute too soon, for the lox bi done. And the hounds ran into him then and there; So the race of Reynard was lost and won, T:iough a stouter never stole game, 1 bwearl ' Full forty minutes with never a check (I looked at the time, when I'd time to look) I could almost wish he had saved his neck. For the sport he showed us up lo the j brook. 'Tis past! out such, memories stir a- paee Till our lile-aprings fail aud we go to ground; While our British race keeps its pride of placo With our noblest heritage, horse and hound. To sport and good good fellows of all de grees A liottle we'll drain from the choicest nook; : With u three times three to my lavorite trees. The good green willows that fringe the brook. Geoffrey de Holden-Stone. MOTHERS' RELIEF ( Woman ' Com ro rt ) - CsedJ during Pregnancy and JConfine ment, is guaranteed to produce a paiDleHS and quick lalior. Price $1.00 per bottle, at F. S. Duffy's. WOMAN'S ORGANIC RESTORKR. Restores all cases of Suppressed Men struation, Irregular, Painful or Excessive Menstruation, fl.00 per bottle at F. 8. Duffy's. BROOKS' KARI.Y BlllI) WORM BYIIUP. IMeanant aa Honey. Never tails to get all tlie worms from children, both early tnd late. 25 eta. per large bottle at F. S. Duffy's. The above three remedies manufactured only by COTTON 6TTES MEDICINR CO., Atlanta, Oa. Fori Sale by F. S. Duffy, New Berne, N. C. aug31 d&wly All diseases of the skin cured and the best complexion restored by Johnson's Oriental Soap, perfumed and highly med icated. Two cakes in each package, 29 eta. For sale by F. 8. Duffy. LOOK ! Look!! LOOK!! 1 : -A ' ' NW -- "a'.-'' N ' r.TW i EXAMINE ! EXAMINES Our Shoes ! Our Shoes!! ' OUR SHOES!!! v. v-v.-w-v -X V "V. V ' Our Gloves ! OUR GLOVES !! jb 0 "i-t3fFrS " r. . -J-:''--v.v v v x',' v vvwT-WjJC 01 T. DliKSS COOhS ! ; OUR DRESS GOODS!! OUR DRESS GOODS!!' i 0 I Si i CD as co a CO a BBBI CO "25 CO "2 'i "c3 cd S' V a a 53 O 53 i O o c3 a e3 -a a c3 ft T3 a ca, o o Ph -a o c3 o o e o -- rjQ e o o. Hackburn & WHIett, 4y & 49 Pollock St. Blood and Skin Diseases Always R ' Cured. DDD- HOTAIVIO BUMII) BALM m fella to cure all manner nf Blotxl and Bkla dla eanea. It In the irremt Southern bulldlnf up and purif ylns Remedy, and ourea all manner of akin and blood dlanaa. An a bulldlnf up tonic It In without a rival, and absolutely beyond eompartaon with any other aimllav remedy erer offered to the public. It le a panacea for all Ilia reaultttur rrna Itnwure blood, or aa lmpoverlahed condition of tha human ayetmn. A elnirie botUe will deaooa trace Ita paramount vlrtuna trmd for free book of Wonder! al Caraa. Price, Si. 00 per targe bottle: tg.ee tor ail For sale by drtunrleta; If not aet4 ta aa, aad medloiae will be aent frelcbt prepalS aa receipt of price. Addreaa BLOOD BAU1 CO.. Atlanta 0. EXAMINE !! For Bale by F. 8. DTJTFYi .... ? r, ) i T.: Mav'Pj"'Mi ' y "rf,.!-S"?i mw ".a fU W, JL., .4.-1.!1,., T'LIV ... i- - .. .... " - v. ' "

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