11 .1 VA- f . v '..V;,SV 1" - ; ., "), ' ,' ' 1 - " Price: SI 00 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS Single Copies, 5 Cents, VOL. XVIII. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. MARCH : 180(5. NO.52 - t f - , ilS' '-'. THE FAIR. LOOKER-ON 1 Wednesday, Feb., 26th, Tb Looker-no is Iho right man fir " th Fair wr-aiber, we the ruroroeat yes tcrda y. He eo predicting good Vwttier, reaarlk-a of cloud or tlx weather service, and the we-ther here . keep: lprotrtt ch dy. Yesterday was aearty rvrf-t-t rw a visit to ami ': njoyaient of the Fair. " . A oticeable feftiara of the parade vraa tW Unji l lat !! bora Ibey 1 ben. but all erm.I t o be ik kel ini- 1MUI lor a wnnuj omijiun. i There armetl to le ooe cootie al pro- -eioatot N Br rue tram all outside eoiaU from aoornio?. nntll ni-.'hr, yener- .-day.. The admiaeior-a to ibe Fair cr. und t indjeat iat hum dearee the isit-cs in tfle ty. It repotte't yetrrrlay"s crowd at the Fair, Mm or rv 1 eight UhmmaU. - S Aatoag the awicians of the New Berre ; "beod, mav be er a quiet aciMranos uen- tleoaaa, Arthor White iy. by naiie, who - -white We t eiittr ot Ut JacksoovUIr :4 --,( Time, a Rood weekly oewspait. U oe - -of tba bet utoaiViitm ia the Stte. Mr ' ' "Whitely wa tte Wader ol tte fiamoa E -Sfcoavrl Brriiant Baud, ot Wiluiinm, o. ; avbich for a tinaw waa rsrrdrd a ttie fia . " . st ia Monh Carolina. 4- Wilnainyioa pepe were coaling in jrUy, a ad rrceied tortai giWinsrs , root I hear liert here. Wiluiinntooiaa -eoaakirr tkiD-j lo t be New Berne Fair each year a the correct toioj to rlo. ' - la the Tbh department while watchinsc atoe fieopke, the Loka-oa -was atiraeteit to a prtj who asatwett to b taking" clone Wiaafeach Baa. liacbiig tbe atar Ban, -on o th part; ionoteotly Inquiretl. "ilow do yo aal tbo cook ibcov, -oc eat thm as lUey r -e?" n It aaaoM hard a poo tbe girts ia Hachio- ry OaJI to ha to 'ay at work whrn so , flMxh of laureat ia takiajr place oats'de. Thej look eagerly oat of the windows at f .Iharep walkio? erery day, wUicb is t ' . -hot tb only thios they can are. 1 - -. . :j'- 'Col. JoHaaSkCarr wa aa iatercted ' apecteior at ihe Fair, ytalerday. Col Carr -: - - (peaka ia hisb tenna of the tilubit and '.y-.. Trjthu2 aboat tbe Fair. V"."T- -i Speaking of Coloojcl Carr a little ii y --deoa tack, place yeaterJay Oo tne Fair . ' groaada, eharacfrnatic o tb'u jreotietnan'a pobtie apirit aad ioterewt io ererylbiDg -r,A-,'Tagrtaiawtijr loth State. lie was talking to " diM SteVtva, of the Suetbpurt La.ier, , Wtad the proemtrr or tbe Craiaar ttaU ' - ' eigh ToatrwtoalaJ Feed, ao-l wUile Meir- - abawt th aaortraaof the Fuod, ibe, . Cotoaal qoaeUT aud to Mr. gteTeaa, "Mr. twren, draw oa toe for fifty dollars lor jour Faai" ! . "" ",!" .. ' ' A omDr of dili of the North Car . . ria Ptwa wtt ia aitro-taore at the Tair. yealerday. The? alt acre enjoying .'aJkeaosrltncs, tt i Ddle to aay. . - - . - " X aer dkl see do aorh cbickeoi a tTi(in."eas a aaiTHilf ovtrbeir.t by the Iookar-, at the o-p coottoiii the ... , phawaaals, io tbe poultry deitmut. ."' " V '- . By the way who i tire-1 that InJcnp- , - . tkm oo taeWtll-ioo yesterday, aod what ' ' .afid it aaeaa io ( a dead ur wiouer, tset o Jioamie n It this a read the answer r liatheaky ad or what The Loukrr-oo acekj a reply. Thursday, Fb., 27th. From the bosioesa portion of the cin ' to th Fair sronoda, 'here was a strf am of 'Tefaictea going aad coming all day. It was great May tor the T. L a. - - V ' The railroads were ceotrrs of attraction 'yesterday, aod ltweo th-iae gtihrrioa at ' tb- Stadoea- to mact frienda and tbe cmrda arriviog to see the Fair, ibe streets i tairly blockaded. Tb A.AN.C. R. B. has handled its crowd I good shape, rbe cbeduls kept . -aJmoaA lo tbe aninoie. I - Tb T X. X. R. JU. .wliTVs not 'barf but aock crowd to itani lie, bas Ueo liary, aad its trains ruo on ti.uc. Both tle mtular and sprcaal trains hare bfeo ma 'With spies &Hi rrguUnty during tho "week. i -'Minister PVxla's i.t to the Fair 'frooada, was sot oaly one of murtu t , bra m the waf ofseeios; tbe raos aaJ ex bibita, bat' it was target t of a cial one. - th gvotiawaew b log eharrninzly enti-r- iaaiaca Dy tbe ladiej to i lie varioji drpart- - Coauiaisskwier Patter sua of the State JAgricahoral lpsrtmenr, bs U-tn o tu . tataaweii apecfator at Ihe FL- I. r two daya Wbe asked as to bow be com par jd tt with Other Tsars io ib . M, e. be said UaxcIrd la tb bigta cUs uf its eibib- . . Pof. CbasD. Uclver. of Grerti.horo . vast very snack lott-rwrrd visitor at tte Fair, yesterday. He wwr.l erertbiog ' froca aada shows to ballooo asceosiuo, acd oyed them a L ... .i '-." Th races yeaten'ay wrra foil of inter 'aC Tb rraod stand was over two thirds iB of wgrr people w no cloaely Trtched aad coi cheered tb winners. Tb sid shows at the Fair jwuerd.y were txaaaly oiar all day, a nd had no1 ieaa t Bad bait with tle atieodaoce. Th visit or wrre at tbe Fair to see every -thitar. aad took ia the shows, aloost io . icgatar order. I ', s " KntoC Booe, of the Wayoesvilie C ur- "iar, who ks taking ia tbe Fair, found the; Xiaerfruatt aad dork felly of as much in ' tercet as aaTthiatt at the Fair. -I cm m ; water when I come fi oin," he aa d, , -""ad SO I am foirt down to look at the : Ttsscb aad tsamhoata." - , Thnraday'a oallooi asceoaio wis a ' wctty ODC, tb cieTatioD reached bcln . -eoasiderably higher than that of the pre - , .aiowaday. VridMv Feb.. x8th ! . yterdy etoniiox h Looki-r-a was onataJ ahvot tb weather, bat he would ( r-r aay lortber promise fur good ' wlfer. iirhad promised good waatber throe; Tboxsday, it bad some, tb Fair I w-,18 n overwhelming ucoo'.. and any one ask mon? So I he I. loker iHMhing yesterday. While there was not a gieit cr.-..i in the grand sitnd yesierdsy. it mi a noj ,1 that was thoroughly c"i ',v;ns; ii.-e'!' There were a g rci t mi n - l a in i fu 1 ! o 1 i s. with cscor-s, an 1 they ivrn i do e w it. I i -' of lite h'-rs t s they ran. It w .i c r I f exCla.nmtiou-. mi-l I'll. ''.' and. "Juit look at tli.it bore,'' were but :t !. w H them, a tin- ftir occupants I toe land divided the r a' tent iou 'ttW'Oii tdc nccs ami their e-'orl. i The prize bicyHr, which tho ! ;.ky ' holdrr lit M-in-'ii t.okot niimlr V. e -I etl, went to a tnwo wliich i? the -j.-i'iiest ! be'itver iq our Fir, ail it u "i:- .-imw their faith by atti-nilin the F nron h v.nr witb Constantly itrrta.iti nu-nli. r Tl.o Looker oa ilail to s,-e .i Kui-lm n Ueman securo the bikr. althom:li h'- w. ni l rulher liave necn the f irtuiuti.- on :i I i K . I froru the same lace. .the utawteace U Fair, .p-toiy ton Iroa the north. They wi-re rtatly . totereftted i cvtrrth'na about ti e Kr.r. ,... 1 he loOKt-r on - If .ti u i. ; atlii liile MinpluneuMry j ccruiDg onr rvlii'-it-. I Tie bit; ear . f corn ia Col. J. eilii it bin provokeil coa'tiut ii ud con-nent from voiio r. i C..ii' iiiiii'rv -i -'t . lUl.i of rnioy at t..o it for a reo ear. Coarse wer j 1. ii m:o oae eire--surui-i. ot SF.WS ADRIFT. Ihe Cl7 r Klnia :ud loliiilj . Mhrrr4 In mmti BrlrBjr .lod. Ju tse Ewirf, Hepncblicai. hi .prec-h in Staa'y MtP Fruliy r.ii;h'. favmul fusi n with tliu Popuhats io t lie Sia'e. but Dot .o the nat ion. A xculiar leitui-e of t i,p imrry ' round at iho Fair i- th .1 the tin.' ,1. ol My,r Kits j.iHii- ..i'ui.l iat tki. fri-e ride without i-olicitHti mi fro a .my- . ioc eel seeming')' e, j ) it a. imicti us a per.n. In consequeoce 'f J a H. i. K ,rt' lute arrival tbe Sakin which aras t have t.k-u placn 1 -it n;:h' in Stioly Hall, wjs pitpon dtunext Fu hit aight at & p. m. In Sta nly II i!'. Mr. C. X. Misnn of H.irlowe. h-t i gold waich t the Fair -jrouriita yes't r lav, TaJuable lotli intrnicallr HQii on icxonnl of it atsnci .ii-i.is f'ha ( et ili-lie 1 t ha' Iter K5Cket wi- i-t. i - -he ki u iic watcb jwns sntcrly .i. :- i u.- . la niioutts tiefore s!i- in : I t Mr. O. J. r- a er. pr Oubcrt pobiic '.o.ii i. t) is n attend ince . t tioFur ia aoothor of our tii-l n scribiTS w;.o c i d a ii d .pal ot tie OA' L'l.llHV, Mr. lloudi'r a.lvaacc -'--lo r- -w h : - subscription i tlie .loL'UNA L. Stxretarv 'le't n-'e J.-.l ii a f 1 ho I" startUu; ! i-iili the in o rv at an-1 prompt i rj.- h;m olT i he -r.-u . Ttie Fair il. -ur) lij.i execo.-m a. fr its corsu ia D-l li'.lonn,- liiik-'. oa the ground.. The Fjir ..fricaiN 'v ' ;w -r t cane to tet-1 -r;ii fi ,1 a: i..' o-- . i !: prraeot axhti !' -n. A reu: ii -i t w.t made to bioe sut h -a . nf as Toul.t s.j.s tain our pre-.ul oi a.uiio. aD-l i-i Hi reepiect they havn most a im mtr'y -u -ceedtd. Yet with a I thi.s where wouiii we rand if it a o.,t for the nob e 1 niie who so graadly :nnd by the cause ' Tbe tanner who im-ie-l th't splendid leef, vral nd pork twtily eihibded by Mr. C. E. Nrlsoo. w ,s M-. W F Crock ett, Tho ex liii -it hiel thit Crockett kuows ho i- rais oisi me-it aril thut Mr. Nelson knows where to tin-1 them an I how to ilres-s them when he ha. .,1 th. ni. A Gml Day. YrterlaT w the grestest ilay in ti.e history of tte Xe Iterue Fnir A-M-'Cia-iioo. The weather was idea', the r icis first c '-ass and wre wa'clied with tlie chun-si attention by thoMa-inds of apccia tor, the side shows did a Land office bc -ne, the exhibits were all crowded by in terested visitors, and not an i.e. .dent ocrnre-l. Presick'ot Vi!'ii-n Dunn. f tlw A-sui atioo riewed eerj tbinj; ye-'er day wah a smile of toe -;rvalet complace-cy, and whea asked ds to ttie noarter of people on the gmunds faid theie were betweei. 8500 and 9000. Thero will be continued alt aitons to-lay. and no one should tail to attend the Fair. Let there be another urekt i.'ay. Owe Trod I a far Home l ino ni.plnj. The Isri?e and lautiful coiin , ion ol omameota.1 Japanese gold firh in tiie ti-h liuildins artj airniBh-d by the C;: v .-t Sew Berne through Mr. F, Ulrich, ch or snasi (4 cemetery committer'. oe Of tbe most strikingly b antilu! fea'Uieaof the fidi di-phiv is ttie ti-h n. in blocks of ice by the New Berne h e C". Tli is company ba. liberal iy dorjated this work Iot several years, aud tlie pu e crys tal ice furnisher! cannot be excelled by any in tbe count ry. Tlie clear sparkling wa:er u e-1 in the iiqiiarium an I hjii pond is larn;litd by the Sew Brrne W ater Company, a d no ottered watir eouM p.sMi.iy bo more brau'lful. I'ntd t bis w ati r w as used it was impossible to make ihe m)u.iruinis success. Ttie Fjir Associati 'o 'is uniier en at obllat ions to ihes-- no C.oiip mie- ' ,r t hi ir i iboi i i ty . The taxidermy ii.wn in Ine F..-!i and Game Building ms km.ilv 'urn shtsl by Messrs. fivo Mouili u an I tie.,. X Iv Biukrl Wllltwial abe fair. Amooeftlie ancu'.iu a; nove ties -ho-vn at (he Fair are Mr. disc II ili k's ' isk. t willows r.itse.l on (lie derm nt ic.iQta- t IHI. p. el. Tber ,1 an-t r r re i'ii t i .rre I n r. lain t'i II ..io t r a r uf . li i ' rieo ein i.i.en' ;ng n r : DO llSil SOIll ' t .If- ::.Ti'. it. n, the Mdl so- v. :tig we ad.-i 't. . I ti i heir cow'h He is j .,.,s-d w cess th in f.r The oidem ce betwi i these im i German wdiows and the common indi gent' os oit r Willow, as to s:z and qj iii- ' iy. is shown hy a compirative exhibit trom Pilt-boro, X. C, whi o ai ; them. Elaf-s mt abe Fair. Among tbe Ed. tors in the cty ye-t r day wrre-the f.lljwing- Josephus Dm el5, Xews and (Jb-wrvt'r; Rct. W. L. Ilrs.-om, Clinstaio Advocate; J. W. Bailey, B.bii cal ne-order; I). J. Whichsrd, (irecn ille Itetleiior; W. 3 ILrlxMt. K rtstun Free Frew; John Arthur, W-h;ngtoi Messcogeri J. D. Bo, ,, 'a;.Ue.v:!'e Coairirr; Krank A. r.ovl.K-k. t.f ihe Kr, r in World, Ii iini'kf, Y.i., and H. I? liardy, reprastntiog the X'ews and" iit--er-ver. Mr. Lovelock is the Secretary of the B-woake Valley Poultry A as. ciatt, a), and is aiao an exiert judge nt rati o, sheep, awine and po!lry, and i.s the aollior of ''Lovlrx k s American Star dard of Eicel ler ce. " He is P'e judge at ur Fair ol tbe cat tie, aluep, and swine. Johosoo' E oulsion of Cod Liver Oil eo riches the blood, builds sound fl sh. lestores atreegtb and vitality to the debili taled Oody, nut Dottle, f t.UO. j-vr sale ly T. 9. Daffy. WKOM'.S DAY'S KINK HACKS Tm Trnt(iiiur---iit' Kiinninii. HI.DDI) In rnriri on I hi- Til no -T on ly-Ono l-'.iilrle Tho Kmnlt. .lav i la v for r.u P':t .'.Pinhi'i'!', nc:: i he r uh) ,11 I Ulll.l. ill -; . i . I w i - ,ri i 1 1 r i or Tne r:'c o.gt -pert .tors very hor-P est. . follow- mo rn i do t; c;r t IV II Ti '. : $l't Mil -I ll; 1 'in -I V. lll'r! T I. : , I wi n. I. : A! ' h :"CO 111 irr ' in : . K. I. Sl-.ike, ; N !' . tii i k S!:lllioll, - . M.i' . .i. S. t '.; .-villi lie I, ,.',n '1'. ): il Murfr. o- h N. ( Siai in! Ur. . I ) N. '. . t-.l !i i t i . V 'l N . 1 1 ' 1 . N. ii: ,11 I : co v I . '. M. .ii 'o W . I 1 ik ni iff. (.'in . X. l: Kii.-j II. W'l, t... llort- M .n 'o W . b.i v in hp. aiiii , li 'v. M. II. M! an. X. w ; l',i-i. r pi, l.rn ii u'eMuiL'. 1 1 J, , ' l j . , ' 1 "i,'1','' . i ' 1'J!1",: - vwt" ' in.; -. I c: ln .ti -hn Wii i tt, N, v rernr. N. C (ico. D lienuett. ar-i ?nii M. V H.VI-t. 1 -l i I. M. II. White. II- it.oi.l. N. t K'.tt. M. r. or. 1". in t'i y. iir.a'. n in i re, i i y J, .- I iniue. . 1. I'.; Mi Ih-f, n.-, I arboro, X . ('.: Y.-uu Manont son, I htaliion, T A. l.udwick. S,ili.barv. X. I black - Mill. 11 " W. I.i S, n ilor Hi. .1 , k- n. X Jon- I'lll II. v. Mi -' -ii . l-inr a ' nr-al-. " P irel . X. I .i. k. -. Id i a-. o urn. N (. ,. 1) If a f rio'l.u i-c t4'". . I-. it. t ;..i i i i NI, a b.. .-. b,iv ) I k'-t llllC ' 111 bun', (jeo. '. ( ' ; 1 1, .llllia.ic, 'i, X. w L5 rue, , a, ,1 lantubile, Wi i el I, X w . b i mare. .VI . : Ln O ,1 in . nvii .-. X. C, Hi. K li-. Xi h liu-!i M.i' i . Stii.hl r'. r. i in '. o, X . UiV 1 l:n'. M. II mi I X." I.: I'a. k. In; r-i !'l tr b '' li i v. 1 1 i. -iii'ii vV Bonn'. X . t '. ; An'iii i 'ci i II. '. "i.e. -. lie i. N. i .'l.H'O. Mil t l I 1 ol. -. ' Lot!,- S;. . iciv !.i -'. Kor . . X. C. T'i ic-iil - . tl.rt r,ui ,Vi r loi In tir-t ; i : . , won ti . -' in-.a - i. Wiinie We i-, thinl. , i i li I : io k i.i! li e ii in e. The i rotlrr K i e liiv. .'. fj. 1. 1.1 2. -J: M ."mi- w el s. 11. mv. .-.el-. o...o. . 1. 1 'u-.r- . i m i i n 3. 4. 4 I h i tne i ' r i i- -.:7 i 5. ' M i-tnt i 111. c nd p. ' M -out ,. . o.o . 4 a. V-;.., H-ii. n '. I., i o Th.y 1. '. . 1. I., Iy i l-i won Thev 1. T In a rc .'. 1 1- Wi.i !l r Move, tl .elm- I n 1 A i ore i a. ill 1).. I. I ) i ;n:oii l.tH '. 4 ve. i.-.c 2. 4, 3; 4 4. r. i.. i !e w a- . - Mr l.n -e .1 1 ,-"c'.o k, r d one rira . o , I'jf a , 1 c one . f r .i . a i si- of J:ot", l-". i h-- e .re I 11 -s. - .O I.i'. 1 . 1 , I C W.I inn,' r.u o. Th I'll "f '' l.v-' I" I; s- . r.i '. lb 'I'lii.'i; ;. a s '). I tho x; r u i it iav i . u i i mi im; lirmlrr ls luiu Imt V''j if 1 1 Ii A iprrr Im I vo I n I v rml . Th Trinlw or -fil In loiilriil lor Iho ltriro i'a ri . Ye-terday was a deli-htful opring-liks-d iy and the grand etaud w as tilleel with de'ighted spectators of the racia and other attractions to which it cams a conspicu ous view. The rn.-es were as lnr)!y contested as on iinviou- .1 ivs so -lu-idv in fut that tlu tbt trot'iu- n; e I a' a purse off 300, I i ,fs t a heats in 5. took seven heats to de- i i le i I i The fobowin- a ere the entries: 1. Trottinrr to Ilarnes., i:"(l Class. Purse $ao0 Mile Ihats. liest three in ti . e. E ,..'.. r Lilly, chestnut in ire. T M Hewitt. WeMioke. ; Postscript, brown goblin.:, or lambcr dim. bay geld- ns. tl a KUiiin os milieu, aew irm-, i (', Twoles. b iv til! v. or Antiipie. black 1 -t.i ', M II Suihm. Xew IV rue, N C; Ssirenta, bav n.ate, T I) Saudi rs, Hert-I t-rd. X C: Luptoa. biv stallion, G M 1 Brown. I) 1) S. Wood! m l, X C; Mary T-eo, s-.irol n.are. of Iai.se, bron mate, Smith and Honker, idenvilie, X C. , 2 Pre- tor ad Tiottiiig to Harness. Pui'-eJU'O. . lie Hulls. Best three in live. Miss Thompson, brown mare, T M ' Hewitt, Weyaiiok- . V.; K-.-di Miller, bav -i-abnir. Geo -I Stu d- it, (ireenville. Xr C j.lu iaii May. brown ge'i.tin-, M H White, i IL rtfor l. X ''; Pu. k, bay gelding, Hark ! barn A. Wii,iii. Xw Berne, X C; I) -nnui.iii. biv l'i idle-. M II Sultan, New Biine, X C; Itauueo. -riv mare. II A (.'rf.i-h, Wa-hiiigt.oi. X :C; hilly D . dun mare. Smith it Ho ,ki-r, tJieenville. X C. , ii. Hunnirg lace Pusse jlot. 3-3 1 mik'. Best two in tt.rie Low i-ton. s -ire! eol.i.u-. (Jeo D Ben ne't. G-l'isI)oro. X Ci Xhola. bay lilly. Beniiehati Cmiiron. S a-i h . X ( ; Lady lichen, brown in.-iro. II I., wi . Jack son. X I'; Amsti rdam, bav stallion. B laid wick, sd'sl ury. X C; C. A. W., I la-k mare. II M Sh ,w. ('i n-i rd. X ( '. The ie l t v :e t.diow-: In the w a. firs: i line nd, and Eiise, ii-iwsi rides L.lv, 2, 2". 3. 1. d.-s Tie uip-on, :n d.3. .Ullia 1, and Doiiiin- tirst I rot : I'. 2:13 1 .1; E , third. The 4. a. 1. i i. . -. i: - In I e r .co I y r :er L Iv. ec ami- in a. .l.liKi . 1. 1. a, md lie wa- : Ma t .- n. I In ev.rs Si C ' : 1 111 2 :.1 ' ITjs how . i t .u i-ipyi soron ', l.d " ,e. r' ii . the iu iieat : i h ad lb Hi .'a Was Am: fllT-t 1" ti rd i ni. 1:1!. .en thir I. i !,.!' a mse ot 300 n' .': l.ij -as n.ade. o a : f g a in 1 a', lug w is to w : i : . ih -pleniii .1 sh Till! It Kli OKI) llROIili. Tho laiI ra.iv or a Ii Rrp...-Th roo Flno Ont-H 1 Necil Hiiro. Tee 'is', ra. ; .; la-' P..r i as lu Id ycslnd.y and .t wa- ha -, ad previous iccor.ls id t.ie t:ack cie broken. The r.iing it ' hi- Fair :s a I mi: '.ed v the lest a inos intpi'e.-t.n : ever h-!-l the St ite. The entries :n tli tw . r.'gu.iir iaci- i 3 year olds. B-.-st" thr. e in were s- f. V. -w s: 1. Trotting to H. .me Purse $200. M.le Heats. live. A die Mirst'el I, chestnut gelding, H "M White, Hertford. X C; Ehrew, sorrel geld ing, or E ection Bell. M II Sudan, X'ew Berue. X (.'; Cant.-tbile, bay liily. Hack txirn -v Wiiic'.t, Xew B ail,-. N C; BirtI Eve. so-r- I .tidlion, 1 1 i. I) Bennett, ii-.; Nb r . X C; X,;'a T., bjav gilding. II M Shaw, Co:. co- I, X d J. Kunniug Pace Purse $110. 2-3 mile. Best tw o in three. fbrt. -orr, I mtue " P Mercer, Elm City. X C; St. Vine, t.t, by stu I, M II White, Hertford. X C; Young Magenta, sorrel stallion, T A I.udwick, SibsLurv, X C; Jeneohi, bay filly, Mrs. T P Tucker, lLaltigh, X C; Smator III , bay gelding, H W Lewis, Jackson, N C; Lewiston, siarrel eeb ling, Geo I Bennett, Goldsboro, N C; Hellen S.. sorrel lilly, or Little Tom, black geldinrr, E E Williams, New Berne, - l N C; Geo Washington, Jr., bay stud, C M UUpin. .New Zterne, N C -I The trottiDs tacea was won by Bird Kve; he vm titt in all thr- he-its. Tinn :44 1--4. fantaliile was-.- ..t..l '.n Im-ik. The running r ire w:f w n l-y S- '.n eent. time 1:11 Ih- w - li'-l. '.ir.'' Magenta seemi I. ui.il -Ii n, ni i t!ii:' 1 in ai! the heats. The speeiai nreiu i-roikthe t; .rk rpe-iird :n a uiilo ho it fur a .n.t "I' lnn-e 1 clothmir lm-l tivo-iitri-'. l'i;i-. Alh-it. uni.el hv .1. W. Stow ait -f . w Ilo-n.. in.l Juii'in own. .1 hy V. II. Wi.-:.- oi Hi iit'.inl. Tli.- i'n'ii.eru.. tin- . i Time 2-.:i. .lii.i.m ulo l.tok- '.' r -ti. time 2:3; l-i. tho i r. i-.u- r. r-l a 2:34 1 ). This eiuls lour .1 iy- of i U,i line r.u i i ) ' . which w.is hiohly erjovul by uieat liiim lKr of ii. t. ri -to-1 ;o.-t it r-. I: u i-ifin-1 ractiiir, !-th in tho oxci i!o:n-o of. the hor-cs, the niiiiilur iTuiir.i- a.. ! ti e -ajo:nes with which Pull .-'five.!. a mitabi.i: ni:i,t:n titi: fvhiiiit Ami alio KIliliilor lr. II. 'I. I Ikoii.is. no l Iho Ilonoor f'lin-j- I'liullrj njeu Iho Cauiitr). (moiii the n.o-t tn. tic, hi. ooii'ti'v e- hil.it. evir nia.lG in X-rtl, ( ' .roiin i i.s thai -'j' . .C i;;';'.1. olle ul this oxbibitiou nt me rwiu. v ufoiina , ',,ls: Co,!l,trymcV."a-ixir.u to .-miuritv!"" : Fa r, made by Mr. H. M. Tu.-ina-. ol proaii ioiii anion - these w ii . hri-io-Catlldei), Do'ewate. II.' bfO, ds li'v v i- j, -vl ',.;oi lletil' li. nii- d, i "liaise u'" i rietie-of i hem on i lriib n. Hi- hihit ' M!:o'. and I). ' ' ra!!'..-t::'ii-i ti.-n embiaot the folioMii ' .nvd-: a-r. e 1 '- ' a . . '. . v ; . ( 'a , lin A Datk Iintlim i-. J.i-bt 1! iiliiin-. Unit' , , , -, ) ; ,; "v 1 1 . . v .a'ch".s'l l'i.i.,i-i an'. -C -chins, r.irtii.i-" Ciieliin-, Hark iVnn ,: 1 :'. i propti. iiir Willi Hi CiK'Uius. While C'Oiliiii-, li aek I.aliu- proi.li-o '.hat tl.oy wu'-i !' -el ve 1 ii l,"i id slams, Whi'p I.a'iushan-. ('"1 re 1 ! ik- ,ei-iii-! for H,. m i w We vo-.ifs. F-.i in--, S.lv. r lirnv I ). rk inn-. Wni'.e this la-.d ihov pad ta.niv -!n!iii.-s per Dm!, itiyrs. iiia. k d ,va. Mot tied .1 ,vas. hundo 'd'aeio-. and b -iind them-iv, - Wh.ie JacasJ II! irk Spar.i-li. Pack Mi toaViar'.c 1 1 1. 1 d . I' e-n.e perhiiii-corca-. W hite Minori no, U'i.i!,' Fri'es. , c," lliack Frizl.s, 15 m k PuPai-l,.-. Hiack : (juin- o ihe Ir. sil.io in Ki.rope at thut d'OMcenrs, Iloiulnu . todd Spai-ijm,-( t;.v I mi little liHtt-u;tv in -ei it i'':i- 4aii,bu -s. Silver Sp;m-le 1 Ilaur i;i'-. . , 01 , . ; , .ts. " A-leel due r-- imt- li-af. liold P. nciiled Ilainb ir-s. Silver I'm- i.ik.o Cerman PdaUi.is fa,m ;. (iian-'l cdled Hainbur-s. Illack II -on bur--. While: pn hy ot i'. ..! i h .d taken rcf.l ia Kiu-Hainiiur-s, (iold Sj ,ai!o".ii p.iian i-. ::m, t , , , -, a i p il:,'i.u- pe: -i i ut; n Ir in . siil.ar So in-led Poland-. Whi'e Cre.- ed tlfi f'api-t-. Hlack Poland, White I'olaad. (plain) The H i- en ol Ivi-I : lout eiicoroae i ; V..ite Pbland, foardoil., Blttok Siunatrw, ihti- people to ,-r,.,.. th- t-lruitifl, never Indi ni I. allies, (ioal. 11 S.abn-lit ll..lit in.-. , ii.eii-- -he- wa- anviuu- to lid h is ,1 , 1 U'l.iie I'iymoutn K.-cksi Bariv.l Fly-' shetr .vjo im. b .e initiirdiaie'v appoitit-iii'-Utll Idek-. !; .- Coaib lb' o.va I.e-- , , e,iii!iins-ioi ; r.. t . . - l,.r ;in-:r liorns. It v C"ir.' i While I.e' hoi u-. , .p: t ;.-n;r ij'. I ). I , r . tten : . - i ai: I M.N ho Sia-jle Comb Black Peglio;'! opine! i.eL oiiau-.n- with l mu an . it Mr. 'I bom is lias lnea a br-o ! i ol j u:u co;Ue t Hi it tii. v -lo u' i M itiein lii-h-cla-.s pou' try t- r forty y. ar: tMiry-' fi)r.,j,ua. Thov b- ni - !'; Vvi;b tli-tn l'i5 two j ear- in Canada aw 1 eilit en in I ) - U- s a a : d I ,r,m) t i n-u.c w do. He lifOI) a tllelllb T of the ; I.i ,!- moiiM .1 1 lee-in'oe-r iil'Jllie-c AineMi'.'i pou'tiy A.-s i iiioii d nr. no t he Sw i. an. i i'.dai.;,.; -ulci; landed -ahdv ealire p.-riod , f lis i .ste:n 0 and w-i one . kt ( , (l;; j,.,., L. f p., ., u,.. and Ti'. nt . f the coiiltlliltce ot ihii e whi.hdie. "p ' i;m-i-s, wi:eraiiny bid t al.Hu. 1 lo V the mi- u.d Ameri. atl I'.-ullvv St m-iaid ;,, th t..vn fi p n ore .,1 ' New in t'.i- cty of nuti'alow, X'e' York, about i;, r,,"' ad.-r lh apa d itv f-iwitz riand. twi nty-rhe yiars no. i ol whaU !Mir..ir. i jvl-l. "Michel au-i ihe I 'll ino the lust e bteen month. Mr . n,ai -rilV of lie- c ilolii-i- More r. liiv. s. I !iou,a has maile cvlubi's Iroia I.i. yaid- ,,. .,-,! -etti -n ,-:.i . t' Xe-.v Hera, i i ;x otitis l'eii.-ylvaui i, Xew Jer.ey. ' .a:,i ,,, ..lVf ta'.-'e-i pl.,-e : : w-' u t he h I). 1 .ware. Maryland. Yir :'.n:a and N-ith ,., i;r.volJ r,., t. an'-1 th o.-.-r. rn t. nun u C..r..ii,a and dui in- tho i i-hlem f Ur-ad. where - ill'.-re st, ,.,! i h,. I . i ini idoiii u- his poultry has wi.i.i over 1. "'" wire of, .ml la.lid t n-.:i- 1 111;. if. b -pr.7 s. c iu-e h.re tiie In-i; r;- hc-hl tii.-.-e s- noti dp! e it- - w aid w :e si-i'ilieai t of life nr. Aia Altraclivo Seal Kisi.li,. ici.h to l:n- w!.:'c lo'Oiiy. On-ol the prettii t e.h:bit i-t fn-h i.i.tsn'l !.n t'ui: i.i. (.' A','H.:-.. in-a; w- evi r t-amo ai r . i- tint made I -. 1 Td ! the L'-i-la'i :' pa-- a-i a.- t in the li-iscnient of t'ae m. on bu'd i.u' in eavt a .eh ! h u-o n ,v JJ ni. At tin; 1 tho north wi Ht room 1,-. Mr. Cmirios V. tdllpthco Was no lU-'c clio hi tho yds .n, the Broad t liet hi:t.-h?r. It Stale. Tiu-y appo't't.-i 'd'.i-ue-. a al a atlrai ts d-li-liteil atteti'ion Iran every ip-.v ypars 1 ,toi the 1, -JA iiiirt- 'Ml- hi' pass r. Xot only are the incut s in th- . in pie n-w schoo In u-- Th s s. i ... : same of tine iju dity, bat , th y aie .'c s; ; 1 i.-xi-ts. but the i : i e io- bin : !ui- hu nted very attractively. They ban- ; ,n- - nee Ltive.i p'ar- ; i t he '" Ac.de a.y ' -in.t ih- wi!!. and on a c a it. r :n ..' . u' dav. 'id - .-id :i. a lemy 1 niaif - "l trout of them are pn pared no ail-, ill-' this p i.-o wa- eo.-'a ;i. ' e I b.'e.Mtiib shown by Mr. Xe'son. years iTii-kai d ITLi'ian l ar I..:'.' - I.; the Th exh bit embraces ijit only tlie plain s one arch it 1 1 t li it bui! ; "' 1'rvtr.- Pal. a e. ' uii'.its but such thioaa as pj-s ;o d calves , lar-e numb -r of a-coni pli-hei 1 school eet J dly put up in fancy styh s. l"i present- mas'ers have iionc.,c.l as i. dl-j fl'id .-o-i.e ; i no a net rilled with r--'- aa I olh r : of t'ao nii.u'htict piri,s i.- t!i-. ti.diu.i h ivo unique and pretty shape-; pi, k ed tripe bi en o I ac .ted i ccuta it vo'iertble r-. and other dishes, suet, tall ,w, A-c . all p at ' D; V:;i oicm e x am imio-pkuitv. up tastily and attractively an-1 okayed break;.,.' out of ,n a wav llmt rnake tae.n snoiv beautifully. , R V(),ut,)aI.y uar , 1V lk.,r,, , " " . .... ' uativ inerpi-ed in ii ,pu -itioii. iii'e'.;i--2i.ce. Nonio of Ibe Bualnriw Eitiibilnrs. d , , and political import Hi . One of the most con-p:cil uis bii-:nes- 1 m ' ,f exhibits iu the buildings i- that i f ill-' ,. , ' , , i (-..-- TB. tir-t printiu.' iav.? ill Xor.h C iro- Slover Hardware Co. In-bad ot try.ni: ,. . 1 ?x i i . i . t d to show iiiiinv Him-, tln-v luivo con lined . . . , l . i e , . . , ,, t 1 1 a, v . . - to o,.p "p ariil lia.e si A 1 - . that well.' Their exhibit i- the very l.tge ...i l., . i'H... i ttU'l ILHIUSUUt ,'Ue WlU.il. ..... ..... ti k .. ,.ii . ranitpfl I lipc show wed Messrs. Ain. s, Burke cc Co.. of X,,r- f.all- ni.il ih.i slt.efl lh.no ,11.1 llr.Mll ('.. c i, ,. 1,1 ..fiia. ,,i of Baltimore, .make go id ixhib:;. ol , their instruments. The instruments give forth their s-.vp. t strains 'undtr the m ma-. ment ol tw voung ladv phivers. M;-s W ,',1 oi Nor- u..a.o.a -as,,., -i ... ....... folk is with the" former exhibit and Ml- -h''ed bnvna is and -rn , -,.:at.s. Murchbon, them,i-ictici,erof.h" N-w n,:u,ii..ic:.a.it:- mtfrcs i.l .N -it : r i,' i f , ,. ..i, ,i... Bern are Ililiiiei'.'ll- i"I.'a :ei I - th -tzo o Ben e Col egiate ln-titu e. l- uilli ttie , ., . ,. . n ine pace. Amotiii tho lar-e-1 n. anal io torie-ol ih S'ate is ih: t'ertil-zer fa.-t.-r. ' of Messrs. K. II. .V J. A. Meol-w- of thi. A Fine Vohlole Inhibit. , V.U.L. ,un up s Vv. , or ei-'ht l-a i.'s The display of vehicles of .ittlereat . 0! .litL-ri tit at-a'.-.-;. A knitiiug fa.-t iy kinds from the c irri ig factory of Me-sis. 1 r-as an ia.po:'i:nt rv. '. of the indu- ria! G- H. Waters & S m- of X. w Barn-, it tit.-rpr'.: s -f Xe-v lief:.. But the putd ... ,i .. , i i pal niati't! .et uii iiit&i' st is Hinder. one that de-u'vedlv attracts i a) i-iilerahe , 1 ,,;,. .,i,.. ,,. -, i , -, , , i , i Xew Peru contains dene siw ;,n i attention. Il would be a crelild-.e ex- Abotil fO p.-r cent of tin. hib.tat any Mr or ;x t.-. ... ;'-' . U:n..r s(.ipped io coriheni m ,rkes country. It mnSis ot tne tw; . , !e- m . ; - ar- t v earn me hose wagons recini v bual hv t e linn tor .... 1 . - ., , , , , v- o r, '.. . - , , lictuies ,u Xew H: : u, en h o whea tne Xew Berne rife Depattueu . and ol , . c ., . i , t urns out go 'd w -rs. two of those mat, prettv and strong mien . ,, ... . , , , r ',, , , .- , . Xew ili-iti .- ot'.e ofeMic t a. st ma: l;.-t- biiiigies and of a well enstructo-t slei-n ... . ,, , , . dnT i i i . '.i . - IU tne -MU il. It uiui!.. It it does 1,0; ex- T his exhibit is betwe-ai the inata bu.id-, , ., 1 ,. , - , ,, . ... , ce . m fiuan: tt v, intal:'.' and xal'lrtvlhe mg and the lare track. . 1 , ,. n , , 7, . ... , , ,, hit 1 ail d li-a niariii t 111 aaiiii. Other vehicles are ,.!so -h ova tli-ao. . , , . , , , ... o.i j 1- a' ' Veats it ha- b tl one ot the h t Mr J. iW . Stew .rt makes a wrv go) I ., - , . . , ,,,, ,, 7 " c , , , , ' i' ttna tll.rke'.? It, ill" Jliti-. Jin- c-.tlo'i d.-phiy of those he handles U'O.n va.i. u- e. u,,pv ,,.,.,.,) a ,,t as i, is lactones ol the coudry. b oughl, but'li-lle b iag kept in -t-.t'e Nnles ol lite Hal trosH Sluiror. Messrs. Patterson & 0 ask 1 11 d 1 ppid one of .their mattress -unling m .cd in- a fe.vdivs ago to Baltimore. aii..'.h.r to South Carolina, ami tii-y now- have another re..dy to slop to WVst Y.rgiuia. Btsi.hs ihey hive . die r ..r.l.-t-. We are glad to se a deannd l e:r- creat, .1 lor iliem. In con 1 '."' c '"" siderably greiter d.spatch ili which the work ul si n Ili n ea 'i bp mrtoriiiPi with' this ninc'due and th w a k ' '. ',"' , i .. ., '. lifting w ith in. 1 1 . tv. mgio. s mo.e r.-ceiiu, n.vcaie a tuftii.g machine it w I appe ,r that a revolution will be ifl-aded m inattrc-s making ni"ltr:i:s wnea tn- ue i ts ni ine-e machicis b.cnuie more fui!v known. Tho Fool Riua-s. The champi'in.-hiji foot i ic - :', ,r a .i!u I i!e gold medal w as w.o.i Ti. a r-da '.' 1 v l B. F,.y; (i. I). K ibett- won t.ie - c n priZ". ,1.11'. m gold . The- h nr-1 'e ra a- f o a -. i' 1 lie ! d w: won hv tl. A. :. aim-, o As.,,-. ; i ; I . T, ' ,i i I-. lev won the e.'i'.d pi .: o' ....'' :n , , - ' go d. on bv IL A. Wi.liam-. of A-!.ev ;',; P Dralh ol nn Aunt l lirMiuii. X'ear Maysviile. Jones o.-uaty, X". C. on the le'lh ol Fi b. ltn;. Mrs. Kliib.dh Waters, aged 77 Ve.US, da d of heart trouble, at the resideaco of her son. S. S. ,,- , c, , .- i ,, Waters. he haves live s :.s a-.d thlet daughters, bes.ihs a ho-t oi::i,ndsto mourn their lo-s. Alter being a m, mber of th- M. E. , , , ,. , ,,. , , j ; . , i i church loi twenty years, she diio -ti l trusting in J. su. Ile-t ou: dear si-'..:', .... . - 1 - tid we mett Vnii in heaven. X. The Bicycle oos lo Kiustou. The drawing tar the bicycle took place yesterday and No. 5b of the marshals' season tickets was Ihe number that came out of the box. I The holder of that ticket-Mr. G. P. LaK'ique, of Kinston, being present he gnve to it the t.an.e of "East-Caioiina ' received the fine Crawford bicycle at once Fish, Oysti r. Game and -Industiial As-o-from Mr. W.J. Pitts, the agent, and was caition. Tiie tirst Pair held by this As much delighted therewith. ' sociation was March. 14tb, ltt88. These I Japanese Liver Pellets are an infallible i specific lor constipation, biliousniss and! I sick beadhctie. Small pill. Fiflv doses, 2a : eta. For sale by F. S. Duffy, (K'l! CilAliJIINii CUV. is Si'iilriiimt and Pr ?it Char, iirfi'rislics. l'fr:iii ni ii Kkotfpli li 1 t-s l.iKip lliinrni I.. 4'nnlniiiitii; 1 1 isl 41 1-ion I K:ol- iiiiii- Kioililiilr .-mil lllhris it 4-IHTIt I l.v Itnoitii. SI I I I KM KM' f)!-' 'I'll I i ! l . N'i w !!- r: oit--ti c.illcil tin- ( .iy o. K'ti:-."' i- ! if::.. Hy i t a . I c 1 a : 1 ' . .i ., -turn ot'tl;.- Xi i:- i.a.l Tr-t:l ; . et '-. hot li '.vi 'e i h- aut'.lui t;-.. Ha! ;lii' o-. ( i i'o yiiu.i : .;n, ihc i vt-e tliat !UV :,lo ti;.- 1 la TI U - ..! I'.c-c r;v-r w i-re lie- . : a.- i an- .i. . ,f the 1 n-; ; , a h u liter-. Ahull' il.c Vint" ICO:! tii; t'ani .11,.1 Ih-rn Mill I..'ii!s Mitih-. 1, a . i s trlc- iiim-. o-. r io America tor the I'lt'l' i p'-' and fcieciiiirii siiital!i !(.- .1 "d"'ddd.u'' ' d,tr' "V" ' " , I I IM . 1 "I - I li IU. ll'l'l UH ,1- ll'IU ' iiiiiii .C n : .. 1 - i . , i.e...... i - ,.1 o - I 111 , 'l'u h- Si.ro was at Xd -v Pern in 17"t2 .1. n- IJ -lining Jl- .rnnin-: of tli- 19 li century , gam , . t ;, mo-t imp 'l't.uit e.cetit-o; the h.-toi - i of New Bern n r-e unn: rciiil pros- :eriiy and -rowth. Ad i now- as the 1 L 1 1 ceunirv isdi'awttl- to a e Use. e tl id i ; - - .M' ll 1JI M oil' Ol 111 lilO-L ,i'-JiC."ll- cities ol the Snath. Mu- h is n it o'dy turi'i-iied a alt'-.- d'iie p q.u'i.ilioti id X-w Uh:! li: S- pteai r ts'.ct w ,s s .i'1,; . , Insive i f iho in- ,...i,:,..nU ,,f J;l i.o- Cit- bit: 'now il is over i.i.iiiai i a: ansi'iihtatii)"" kacii rrn:s Ti,c.It. i. steaa.e- line giv.i g ,'ai! . u. -it i,- for -hip- A ili;e i f ft'' ight a- 1 pas-en.cr -tcain- or. conn et w ; l! i t h In en t K i n - t ai, an i ;l , t,,.. in!( ri,e i. :te l.v.:m-s. ' Th- ... i - ...i i. At.-iiiliC an.i -i.-ntl caroi.iii ii I . . , o i - - throU-h X-w 1J..-H. connects wi h I In lmibl(r o; , , . tt ,lt an i the t wuof Go!.!- .),. ,,,;:ro r abmad sv-h m m i,,. i",, ,te. i s;;l'u , d'h(d'idningt'.n. X-w B.rn and Xi-r-l.-lk l.'ailroad to th ; la--., co:r'!ete l ia A a-ii-t, d'. l. a'.Vord- tr n -;i : tat! -n to W: miugto;.. idirii'diKs. P llgioa- o.ii;. io!,- w,.r tin- vav .' I' ll -t i.o ot ." s'd ! . t XV,v !!- ra. X--w lb I'n ' le i' !' re . i ll ,1 ,.- naa , 1 .pa i- t. u. c .Uica s, on.- l-i1:. .pi: ones aia liie ,, . ,, ... 1 , Mi tli.aii-i. P.. .-'- a r ..a. Lptscopi!, Bap . , Tl , . ' , i- !..-!. Dim pie a ol li ) nil t dliiiuc. 1 A MOST UKsiilAIH.t: HiiMK. Tbe'e is peril ips either i ity in the I'nited State- where -.ich conditions ex- st for apiiasui: horde as in New Be I). ft is bli.ssed w,!h a ,:..,st delight'ui and Lc i thy climate, wuh -cunol.-, b- u public at..! private, with wen dni'ti.'.l stiae:-. . , . - . ; ,, iual with e.egaiit priv-,e r, s.aeu.ts. But ; l"','e m lh" n. t-'eration "l a h ..;c. is the c.iarvoter ot the peop.c, who are kind, ndii'leou-, I1.111nr4l.1e ton ' r-" !!.."'u"' , , . , , . ... Ihe new water suin ad bv the a er- , ,- . - " - - ! 1 w oiks C imp ia v Iro.i. ur e-iaii w eds, add- greatly to tbe In a'.th and comfort of the citizens, whi' ll was a. ready good. Tin: fair. In ld7 a large number ot our citizena came together tor the purpose of organiz ing a f'lir A ..i'-dd-. It was pirma- . noiitlv organic d ia April 1"S8. Thev Fairs occur eveiy I-cbruary, and are coa . sidered thi best in the State. The Fair of February, 1896, is expected to excel all previous Fairs. The pnuci- ' pal feature of this one 13 the presentation nul c.tv, i ilv take Xe-v licni." '-M IV UC iccil "I :h ln uri'ii a r j . o- .1 v. I i: n 1. 1: m i i.i.s. I'll ' Suit l lii-i-n lili;ui.. i ii I li is l.ino l lnllllsl: I so Brot-rily lllo3' Ill-ill: tn :i I 'i in m ii ii i t . . Si itf !i, in I in with -mil niaiHir.ic- ' i.i .ii ; a. I', -i- t v - -ca m il i)C-,-r bo wi,.,- -j i o i I e lo-.(. Sl-.-i n .in U iihoiit e have loind i i ,' ! and r w mid be w po dii' t i . a 1 ' h- Sulttli : ai P lai'Jin ad , t ll- l's ill d 'a I we are ii!, th pto o 1 1 i ' - o I d e n a -' u-. t "itti-i" W lb. a: ''!' i- bi unit t ': P i -1 ' v i !. l.i'.ili 'Jd wa- 1 ace stated, ih" 1, ad .-.! th. i th b i id ll-t llil- pi.l'd Am Ti .t d (. 'on U i- r i.i in t - e r. died d r. n ', i t di -so. wh.e'a i.- a very j ii-i.j -t ,r:e 1 n; i all oil-- p- il ti -11 . n 1 11 ' it o .!) i. 1 i 11 - with i r, i o v oi.- , -ovo-, a Cdlll- in t a. e ti !e-- th ni mu' i.i'ip-t on t ho list Xew Yak ".'.'. and St to. I ho ' t we e n iiihern sta r Ma-aei u olt -. : I. T'i : 'i 0 S ,;' ,., ; n S" d . .- il p j ' ( f IKtoll bd i. ai1 ii ( .' i olina wil l .'; '. ieor-i i will N an I A -ibinu wita : Phode I-i:,li 1 ll .'i lht K,-t.6 t.l.tlib r ii- Alahliina, and ll.e'e w I'P '.M -cilltei'ed tlil'dlljli the : v i r. A d !'' :t: a t to t h ;s - ' it. it fill oe ail this -r. .wtli i- the itte ft, st h- h,-: ,r .' i f ili iiidusi ry aad ie-nai'iM ,i known in tt ,s . s , an unco. I In las vi ar tup i asi rdi .i rn d -oiilhera thin i tii'iti iWll w i i : . 1 1 I . I lhi CC'ii- ' ii liidi'a s w . !- p lid - :a v a..,'., i.. 1 wa.r'.l. A ir .1 ti p. tan. I iu 1 oi ks tlcbie or it no I' ll :ad.'. ip' t in !. aap u ,U -a ill -ro is On p;'. -p.n :'y. dp .doidd not be i , ''. r n. ii n w . ii hi a ;'e re. ' f v.-a ea ;,,. C ip supli i ; -vc ' Iwiu -10 ii a one as i. i-!l and : ru-t I o its orowinji t .io c .. e'si wl;i re, a All.ll IlOl lil. Slll.l). , tieauty, her attainmpn's, her piom 1 1 1 1 1 t ol, Juiiiin S. ( urr Sellx His Norolie.'Mt j al,0Vp, all, iu the potent fact, th it s n i- an ty l'roX'i-i j to SynclioiHo. ieSeuti ii. integral part of ihi- -nid -o - Ti.e Wa-hinioi.n c.ir.e.spou.!ent of theil"rD",enV W'U fr,'e!" ,,i-,l,e,,se s ' di ai li : I -.- Ob-er er -:i : , , .... ., i When thev were here a dav or two sinco. -lulian S. ; iU)J the Gulf f M, xic- on toe S uth, il.. Catf ail-1 I-' im n !. W. Car u s, w ho a-e two Athntic ou the F.n-r and. the Paciti. of sevi n oa a-i's oi' tt.o le-M'lieln a I Cilv f oce in on the WeslV iheL'dins ot nlm;li Iloiei, eld'ted an cx-'i m-e i f that pro- , pony, v do i o . '.iu ioi lau.ion s;lV,.s 81.tt;er p anted Irs l. el on lit- .-h . , -r i. M-t . ihe home of j ,,f tl,,. "Old N'mtii State. Tne latter was consult-j Your Kscelle-cy. w - ( ui." ai u'ate that L il : : i X 1 - a : i ea he' rn a pi i's .; li uani.ioou tlie u ' ""' rc-v owners. i ,-r dy '.' s-ee- I liavi: not j is vi.-dm- in i his city. I in tP. Wi i bethel' i iea: ned.'' (.1. c w ;i- -e n a:l ! a-k . .rr w a ' iouiiNAL npres illative, r in - '.ha above report. i c nc i , ,. "Ye.. 1 !'".'' 11 t-ao-fc'.' hi m v Moivh.aJ Citv cio i a .M.- ma c ine o n Bil i.il iea in- the - do wii i a.e been cons u ai mated . , themselves oo having you. 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 dy clad, While I cannot soiak 'iptiniii ly as to pie j s v0Ut are in the robe and honors of p'aii-i i-.f the f'W ov-.-aei--, i be ievo that v0r igS diplomatic station, iisthei'. p ihe AiiaiHic Hotel will be opened thi.- resentativc o! the fond reniciiibr mi o and sea-oti ur.d mu iu lht class st-yie '" t kind wishes of 0W Born, the timim r. : J Seir Bern, tbe sttll growintjand ali'.-ction- Fair Xolos. .1. L. Ilahii's a iiuirad! exhibit b tntams iu uriet i ttacted coasideia- ble attention. Mr. W. P. Ctoi kctt's 1, scv c itt'e sc-' .p-d in dl : !i 1 : i . d. Mr. W. W. Br iy :, t 1 ex at the Fair in -ever,.l I. to. dll' ks ami geese Mr. y, l'". Ci'ori.eil's lo i rd of line -Tert a p . :- to til l e. 1 'out poultry -.is of chicki;is, aal of Jirsevs were Le.u'ics and prize winners; likewise his Berkshire li--. Ms is. II.iokb.run A: Widen sliowui bu-'' Polatii Chini'. s.vit e ai.il .1. Jj. II ,ha Hue Duro:; Jerseys. .1. II. ' .n-. ni took the -weepslakes prize on Ohio linprov d ( ' h'-S ers. "tiKTS HEI'TKIt EVERY YEAR." -.lust all Hull Cmilil be Expoolol"" ! Ihi-loiiimriil ol din Exchange on ur Fair. ! racirjg been j Xi vcr 1-ei'o'e Ins as go i -cca itdi'.ie S ate a-i that heM at the East , Cal'iiiil' i Fi.ia , i nr: a- the 1' ,!g r das tn iili Pr. av. a- 'i next ve .r will no I lou' it h-e -01). 1 of thing de co'iia'ch-d nill-el's and .In, et,)'- ot ev r. upv.-.-rd and acteristic is r.C". W. ekiv. of i. .- .vi I tier a: '.Villi tlu '.et , p ' i i lid, U,"l. ,', of wi.. ceiy F or, for the i' ill- UK, Uii T ehar- Ttie King's Fi'niiv, cui- eludes n - i ic of tt.e Fair w.lii these w on!-: 'Tne C'di'dls. -Vel'P jus! ;d 111 ll tend ince was vc b.-tter eeerv v- .r i u.-c- and nt u - ments, 1 1- ex peed"! and the at-.- !.,).,-. Thi- Pair gets IJV.IOIII . W. M ( l.l'IWY KII.I.I'.I) Hy h Riiiior liiliisioii on 1 1 is P I mil ii, tiosi riir Scull's Hill The o!irol Fi i-omoii ti il loil. M i. C. W. Mdla-nir. v. ,. x Con 2 1 ess man, o! lac P. i u'th Pis'iiet. was instantly killi d about b i f )a-t ti.e o'cl-i k Wed ncs iav iii'ternooa ; h n;-t., by a boiler ex;!.'i'.ni at hi- gii-i mil! at Scott's Hill n-ir Widiiiiig'.ou. Pr in the W lliniii-ton M s-p agpr are -dan 'I tin following par- ti i l'a'.'s 0! Ill- -h.n M d. McCltiai coii-rd man b ;ing acciiiect: y and li'.s liri-man. a 'th.- iittne ni Allied i i ' ' i a e a ' i . ' Lt ' e, i e rt 1 1 -.ort ',.t.,,.L. n in., bv ihe exolo-ton of tlie boi'er of: Aiai, Mcdaii.u.y - gri-t mi'il and pemut pd-kor A pi c ol i' o : -' rui k M..j. M i VmiiiiV hi- b i- Wii'st. iiiino-t sevc-rii'g Ml i 1-. i. Tb ; gd-t a dl'ii I :e i :.'.! I' i. cue . on 111 aa i Xoddd l'a mile uoriheisi i ., i i ,,. i. I 1- ini ll'i'.l aoi'll' IWo :' y y .r is ft.;n h s rosl Wdiailiig' n. Xe v Berne i- ,,.'s: . iini a ,-e.t A f. ruo r n -ighbei- of Maj. MeC aaimy j le i- us tn ! it has lipon his custom upon , c-iug now u ini 1 ie oa in 1111 me; u inei , ,,, ,. , ,. ... , . ,.. , 1 . . 1 , ......i.i.i.. 1. .1.. 1 d ,-re-M,, o.d t 5 . .. 1 this tins l.;n.T rlonp 1111 llll.U I'.'l l it UC.ll ILH ' ll Ul t. ll'IU when tho fitai exp'.osi' n occurred. The boiler explo hd with terrific force, ami thellii'o was ! . . 1 i . v wiickld. a.roat frize Wimiors. Amor-g the slock i.xbibits at the Fair are two Hoist,'!', s which took the first pr-tudiii- ;.t the Atlanta Exposition. They , i . 1 : 1! i n hall miii 1 hp t w.a vnir ,,'-,! h-if-r shown bv Mr. W. A iWnin- an-' so l,ua l"u opportunity ot a. .i-ii-mg a g, r of Walnut P.'.tt. Pa. Tne South-1 more intitoate knowledge ot tne Ci-y. d.-wn -heep which Mr. B-nain r shows, its people and their history, and to ..1 took tirst p.ize at the Penn-Vivauia State S('l ve the "i' and loyalty with which Fair and at oilier State Fairs" also. Bei'n surrounds the Supreme Powers o! 1 the Confederation, anil ho w deserva if y Oeslrneliae Fire at Floroaice. Mr. E. A. Iliiggiti-, the cotton buyer at Pollocksvide, for Mr. Sprunt of Wilming ton, gives us information of a viry de structive flic in Florence, S. C, which 1 destroyed the main business block of the ( town. Florence is Mr. Hnggins home. A : friend of his who is here attending the : Fair was one of the large losers, his loss j amounted to iji-tO 000 and he had but 1 $5,000 insurance. I- SPKKCIIKS 1 ! : I I KiM.h A I ih'' I'lau' I'rcsi'iilaiioii. I'lio W'olcomo lo II,1. I'illll.'l- II is Iti - noiivp anil I lio lossii It i: i-oii 1. 1 Tho Accol:llieo ol Iho l"In. 'im: w ; ia oM i-: x'otir li.celii a.c : l'ii-s a-o, within ; HV M i l: X.ady I S'.olil '- (hi- I hercuft' I' lilenioi'tlbl-.. bad. y our iitn-ti couiitrv.'iiiin, I! it , .n de , i mi : who. a we hold iii !! ilehil 1 io m' hill'-od on these -hi.i'O-. lie wa- ua-t - po .no. win), wnen th. .r 'i-i-ii ni iv.il lueiii, wer- weo v i r - I ;, . ,- I in- a iy warm tP'Opioii. Ainu I, i ii.irin i n- sii : i , l-i .s of i i :p w . : - -. ii . i . 'hp f i s inut ii. a t wati : of ihe '. -. . ili in .-n-tic Ibaht of the bar ed a: .... f -l-:ii;e.' and iitii-1. in- -',..!.,-. ' i e ;,,-;,. h tw k. and, s, metinn s. "lo : i h e liidit laiibist a to-', ili- ., . no tin ' i:iie-ts to a least, .-..iiio.l;at u t ia numbVr ot t,cltot'it, veheiiiuit, i.oUt.-r u bo.n.n.'. ai-irraim, 'puci, slat, tho;;j,!i , liool;, tennii'.atiiitl. Ctviliaitioa, your F.xe- ;.,.. , -.v. ! , IlltS bill bliei.Ce-, eill.'.'aai u j ., . - p has. inoe that time, w'o'-ht la.i,, ., ; veious ehiinops. Von, r. , th, .1 - iineinshed representative i f the-e ,n'.,: ,m ai.liievemeti's. on the din r -id,: th-w-iti-r, whence I), (trail ne.d lame, nil we, a iiiore hiiui' le , n-, mi b .- - 0 -. w hi re I), tti'allliiiolil lan-hah Ohi li-rn was then l-e'r y... i, ;, it.,. rrpt lie cj Hjuuhlic.'l! iil-t itntn -lis, v, !, t ,Vi if H rn. when i ). t 1 r ,11' nr id i ..aa d lior, hail a local habitation o-' i i.t I tie UUt'-iH bed fouat lip-s ..f li.p -e it ,od a i I painted red man. Oil Hern, ihpe.pia of tho sw eete-t, most eel i-bt fu i. i: o-t r -inaiuic, ino-d toiiihia-v ie iiii i-epi.ti I snot mi the map of all the 11: ropean domain, has kept elsu-tto st-'ii to the mi il ine ceiuiai'- aim, lua; i. erect with j-iui ant and .pukbu.: e os, nnnii Ine ( latiii'-o :m 1 li aiiii,-. t1 1 1 it 1 1 i fieence and sle-a h.r ul ihe-jroii cities i f the world. y ir Pern, the little daii-hii r. In do... het'li -st, Your Hxiviloni V. to uicca;. the example of her de if old "nil In-1 -, and lielO, now, tit the placid coidllHi.ce ol the same old riverp, the XeCsc and li'i.t. over whose bosoms tlie i arlv Swi's -it.hi-wiiied infiuy a I ime, an. I dreamily Hie .s tilled on ihe pregnant future, slip n--;. s lo rself, n j cinir iu her siieii-th. her insrs auu privm-ees on everv loot oi iat..: pnvi that lies l.i.-twifen Canada, on tbe Xorih t.rc go beni-tl. emly watton-.l, when tho govcrn-nont, "III- Unt. d S at- Atutrica,'' on havin!? you as me lllu-i- tnous diplomatic representative f the- un- changed and unchangeable rip .bii ' o Sw'Hzeilaud, whete the lioert v. w hi h t h. Swiss ever udnr-'d. never ire a.b'.o- in t i midst ol the nnre-t of surro in din- European dynasties. p,ut above all, Mr. the hoi le- li-rlueil cilta-ns ot .-" tii r. '. CH: lul d ai e uu iiic-j . r, Standiiio here, as I do, Sir, the Mayor ot the (Jity, the at credited ivpre-eni a' ive of yetr Bern , her old men and her y.iU'i nien, her old women and her you no w. mei . her bbvs and her "iris I eUend to you a welcome very unlike the welcome ol the olden time Irom h.-r heart o! 1 hearts. Vour distinguished anil i'tnig nant presence hrs captured the city. It is yours, Sir, take it. It belongs y ymi. ! of right. This day, the daughter is lock- j ed in the fond embrace ot the mother I Sew Bern is the willing aptivc ol Oi Bern, and with glad acchd.n, she- shouts i Welcome I Welcmie! thrice Wolc me ! to 1 vou, Your Excellency, and the unique ! occasion that brings the tw o Bern, to 1 gelher, alter such a l"iig and auxn u-1 scpar itiou. Mil. I'lODAS HKI't.Y. Mr. Mayor, Lubes and G nrle nei : I mu charged by ihe Conned i l Bur t glies-es of the City of Bern with thr; Imnor ofdeliveiiug to y. u, Mr. Mann', the Banner of Bern. 1 he'above mention, I Council joins Wltli libs syiubol of tin itv the t dlowing address w lnoh 1 pleased !o read to you: TIIK COUNCIL OF BURGH KsSKS "I CITY OK IILHN TO THE MAY Oil. CITY COIMII. AM' ll ZEX5 OF NKW liKRN. Noillll CAROLINA, P. S. A. Sir-: Wdien, in thevear lsP,!, the t . of Bern Celebra'ed the seven I. mi ir dth anniversary of her foundation, it w is wi'h gratitication that we were enahled to wel come amongst our gins'.-, th- Maun ot i lie City of Xew Bern, I -un l d ' :: Bernese in the XVIII icntu'V, a i which, micdlul of it- old Borne e oi:. '. ideiiiited i s Idg'nist n. Igi-tl'.te I t K : pari Ml the fe-tiv t p- id it- liiotli. :- (,i' y. We have fait i I'-a'ly h -u- r- .1 1 v ! in'. ml of true atiacini.i lit and ha. this !h . i ieelin-on tli. part of the distant daugii , ter c.t v in th' Pmte. I Mates T:.e Citv Council : X. w lien . h.v I in-, in I S'.U, d. cide I to a opt in- ar u. : i Ull hearings and c.nl,.uis nf our t.-w n, in I histiug memory of tlie oiigin d kinship, Ihe Council of Burghess s,,t ! niat deji -, quest i, fan eminent Baigln r, Mr. Ce ago von Bem.it, resoPad to pm... nt oa ! with a banner display ing the at in- nfot.r : Citv and the date, H'li.in it meiiibian -i of the celebration of that niemor i' .! m,- . .. . u',vl L:'Ll , au" "'-. b, 1 1 a ,,' fi ii nd i v relations between the two i ides on th - occasion. We transmit hciew ilh tii -ytiil, c. now con mou to Swa-s a ..I A.:i ':. a Bern, and nccompanv it wi'h ou . , , . , , w isbes lor tl r .w lb a i l p vour city. Tin' Council of IP he-s. s -I iconviiiced that the Bernese ba win as great respect and as high lie m ttie other side oi in-; Atiania 1 niii'ii .Tiaies. us 11 0 111 111 us inn in mo d li ing , -,, , . , am. will prove the means ol keeping nun . , ,. .. , . -ue ice.iii- 01 lemuoiisiiii ot the tw cities for generations to come. We remain sirs, with -sincere g-c tin: in the name: of the Council of Burgbcs-cs Du. B. Stettlkk, Sec'y. A. vox MuKAi r, Cumn. Bern. 28th January. 1SH5. The rememberance of this mi-sion will be one of the most agreeable of my life. Although not a Bernese myself. I spent a good part ot toy early youth .m li. ra this noble City has been honored by thi whole country thereby indicating its t:u-; in her. In the twelfth, cent ury after feudalism had reached the summit of its power mid its decline was beginning, emperoi's and kings relied upon a new awaking", force, the people, in order to restrain the no bility. Thus the Duke ot Ricbringrii founded in 1191 the City of Bern in order to hold in 3heck the Burguodiuu nobility and the City become a mighty stronghold Manv s' i'ii--'es tor life, iind lo maintain aguiiiM. nobility . :o -n p.. war-, and theioloro ami .o m ,1 the- loiniier was chuii-;-oo t-rod. Hut every buttle found nir.rtli,ii belorp. Love of libel - d i' In av i i'i.. us, wi. e. mid '..t. Miian-hip di reeled its (m- : A- hui- :i - these virtues were . ko i a t h. it '. Bern's power :e tl a: ' i -ll-d. H i r llorpsMon in r. i o C 1 t. i, to. irr ii y of the ri'I'ly Can ii uli: 1 1 p, oli' rind i fl'ectoi I I I her members to t ho v.l : mil dining I he Ku ro. ' t.io'o th ei nt arv, idlain- 1-1, 'I'I ut iiiihtary powrr, ' nill v J o:it ribiilnd tin- position wh i I , : n . -1 1 a .: ' . j - a i i ar ti... id a et im i 111 i n or to t he r. die Loth, the latter t in. i . in h iptod alioiln-r i ii ol lev of tioiit iiilit v m 'Ida a- i he b a e' . lie : . ' 1 . ' 1 1 ' -1 'Hi. a - da! not con -' a ii I ib t a i t ! v, S wit . i land t a i , - ,o a, v, an I alter Hem . s.:-. t '.;. ed. ration having I 1 ' h,- :. iniit , .'it ic d storm at t he j -1 -1 nl ,t I ho Im ginnihg of ' : . i, ' ., ; . I In- old City now ' i, r led and tbHlddiing, crow u- dp til ol a free nation. The t hi i gloi iou- hi-tory surrounds j I t I nl her ei oi" look - . i i ' ii -1 1 a!! v townrd the ; - g ;'i laurels. The lie ,r ' -I i : 1 - upwaids ' Excelsior ! j b - Berua educates her rhihln n T I" ' v.; ie d a th-it vi mra ge may bo as j 'a a a t 'a: A p- an I t In i r patriot im as i i , t'.us. -inaiy pinks. Willi vig- ' -i - .; . a. ti. w aad t tip .word. Put on i ':t sw ad .. wr'ulen: "Liberty and I :-. .." i 'iily ai , f nee ol the sacred I .1 S a n 1 1 1 1 ai and for a just chump : If i v, . d ildo w 1 a: - . -I'. I to bp draw II. i I h , o: I ! i na on, I, ivei's tn instil ' in "i-t hoi ih.dren tie- love of Justice. I .' : I . '. ,o -ruo iu-1 n o i uw iirds all and I o.a i"! t nioi at in ,u -i nt; fr.nn anyone.' Id. v a'o taight t i do a h- quistions liv : .wi , an I poanlii! u. ems and not vio- 1 - net., far liei'nti has the conviction that in '.t'liiuti'i'iiMil'T himself as civilian! I -o I ,ng i- he poi mii- violence of nrmc j 1 h ti f ee Bern gives in the councils ol ' ' i i . ii r it a ,n her mtbiential vote lor a ih , e i-.ii; .lives which contribute to : - ' ic ! ling ot' peaceful relations bo 1 1 i-i i at i nis and which make ofSwil.er I n l something more than a great millU. iy pow.r. tiiat i. to -ay, as il has already i o. n i.i'hd. a moral great powrr. I..'1'v mo nb, r .-f human society, and peoj !o amnng the nations of the a, r.i mu-! hive ainbition for a noble .iii ;o-:' In the Middle-Ages Bjrn an I :i f i I a- inenibi is ol' the Confederation ea', rod to so ure liberty by develo it rv -tren.gth. Now their com ,th Liing fiae, strong and highly --t.r 1 1 1 1 by all nations, they endeavor to li.ak"' its power felt in furthering the p:ogip--' of the general civilization of ma ..km I and try not to bo behind those in t :oa- w n i h ate farthest in advance in ih:. nl cilou V I. .1 w ore the words of the great be ii'.e I fr. her of this great country lo his f .low- iti.-ns in Ins laiewell address ( )b.e:vp good Mill and justice to aai l- a'l nation-; cultivate peace and haimonv with all. Heligion and morality . I'd i u thi- o indii-'t; and can it be, thai -ii p.iiicy tl -I s not ipially ontoin il 'i U d!! ! worthy ol a free en'ightened, iti'l. at i.o distant peri oil, a great nation, (ho in- b-on a good prophet,) to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel p iuip!o of a people always guided by an ev ill'- l justice and benevolence. Who -a i doubt, that, in the course of time and thi"--. the liuit.s of such a plan would in biv rep ,y any temporary advantages, uli i h might be lost by a steady ad her i no to it : Can it lie, that Providence ha- not connected tho permanent felicity n! a X at inn wih its v i rt no ? The ex pert -a in, at least, is recommended by every seniii.int which ennobles human nat nr. . Xolde old City beyond theseas, rur-rou'-dl !, ihc Jura and the Alps ! Thou rotnrnesl iii handing over thy glorious bani'Pi' the, greetings which thy daughter brought t i t lice on thy seven hundredth birthday and the homage she rendered to 'Ine in a-siiming thy colors and Symbol. Xoliio Cty, thou inayst 'ie trust I ul: Ti.y banner is well kept nnd well preserved in tin-country where Washington's noble won!, are .till living -words which are in harmony with thy cndiavors. Citiz of Xew Bern: When tho B am -e. bristophor HcGrafleniied, found ei . i.r i Ity. it was standing here at a oauge'oiis out-p.i-t ol civiliz-ition at a due w hen saviii.es still held possession of the ' "iiti'i v. Vour ancestors contributed In n ake tins beautiful and great country hah lah'e. a' d I hen Irec. You will be hi ai in di- di ner if you. mindful of its ,il .'Idiiiii' "rig ii. shall keep awake the i.e. id d ,t ity and ju-liee winch is com moil to tin Cdy ol Erlach and Haller, to 1 1,,. i mi iti v i f 'Id 11 and Pestulozzi. as well as to the coiin'rv which Washington founded and w hich Lincoln ennobled and pr.-. rn I. M . Mayor. i-:i i.ons of Xew Berne: Iet tin. banner ilyiin.lrr the shadow of the -tar -pnighd I. inner; twill lead to Jlic pe icel'ui struggle for the welfare of man kind. 1' I! 1'Kl.l I 1 I . li s I II K HUM. Y, KI AI,. ACI'ErTINO 1 . ii.,. i i:'vilan of the lHih century, ac l a 11 thou, gh tho nnnals of hi-tory. Ida' id ie odv 1 s',,1 along the banks of tin- X, n - mi I Tnnt. livers, the primeval t . 1 -t ilihadlted I vthp SaVllgp Indians. It w .- d tins time, about tho year 1707 that .an 1 'ant- w i ro p j during through this n and a - 11 ih c . my w as located on the s,iii'li Lank of the Trent river about -w .111! - li nn 1:- 11.011th. These ware 1 1 u in lint -, ii'i'l tiny spiead out iuto wil d 1- now Onslow, Jones and Carteret e'liant a. Ill faraway Switzerland, there were at ih.- ban' serious problems for its men of .ate to soc. Many were the refusjeos ul. 1 h ad sought her friendly and kind 0, .01 ir .1 Irom the hided tyranny that goa I i them on lo desperation, anil made tb in I-ive their native land aud country . -, d ih- hmd 0 1 love and freedom 1 !;..: ' ' limit b id oeen reached. The !. , - .; Swii .orbital were full In over '' w ,.. ; ..n l 11. iw f .r relief. The fame of . , Ni w World had n ached the ears of 1 ho pi pie 1 1 the old woild and many 1, d ion he I ill safety this haven of retreat, uh !' t h. v n ni h I di aw in t he full inspira tion n hive and bh'i'ty. To the rebel of Siv.t.'ilmi'l then came America, and oue 01' her nob o-t son-, Chri-toher Emanuel I )ei Ir df nr o la aino to Ihe le-cuc. Leaving h.s natiM' 1 aid he s-t out for Englaid anil pu'th is-d a large tract of land from the I. "in s Proprietors of Carolina. in t K tuber Kid Di (ini lien tied entered into a p. 1. 'met with the Lord's Pro- I t.otei's .01. 1 s. nt out .-i hundred and tnty j iiji.i pa atme- lor Aineiicu. These were all wed pr.viled for. both for their voyage and lb. ii stay in their new homes. Bill m the storms of the sea and the rob b' : . . c 111111 Hi d again-t them, those who In i not di,-d on Iho voyage were almost in d. s'i utioii and w ait w hen tiny reached lilt i r . !p - ti, lata hi. I )e( iratf hi khI could ti -t sccomjiany this coionv. so hp appointed (hiee (liree tor., tiotali es 1 1-1 am North Carolina, one of whom it -epnis was Lawsnn. Surveyor C neiai 'I hov lauded in Virgiida nnd Ciin le.' by land to Col. Pollock's in Al b' rn arle mi t ie Chowan, thence across the .sound to Bath, and thence on to the X'euse. where Liwson locate. thein on his own lands urross the Trent, and sold them a tongue of land between the Neuse and Trent rivers, which was called "Chat taw ka," wliich was then held and occu j pied by the ludians. ' ln 1710 DeGruffeoried joined the Swiss . 1 t V . was the aiaci- t nt here con- j. il m nrit by. the oil to naab a bit- - houMer up-hill ' forever, lost it abaiild , i,,ll down and crush him. Wbrn Ihe myth-Bias , rr jot up thai alory they . ' tnnal have horn think Inrnf . - djrapepaia ; for thrro ia ccitninly wo other ,4" trouble on earth that korpit yotl ao rw ' laslinpljr striiKRlinK afrainnt boinir rrvabr .- into utter f1cai. Anythitia: that furra - ! drapepnla lifts about half the weight of, ' niinery that crushes mankind, aud w- ' mankind. y The trouble with most of the so-Called - ' dypopia - euro, is i hut tber don't cure.,''. They give only t nitoiary u liof. tndias 1 txii utually etrnil all through lilt dicC, -live trad, hum the atomadb-clear aowata., thr larjje intratiair ; the liver too i fceHurnu . ly invtilvrd in thr trouble being torpid and , inactive )-Dr a thorouli, radical, pe f manriit curr you must have tha whole dU Rrslive ornaiusiu mi titflit Not violetilly Hrrod up. bm trgul,irH I km tor fierce' ) Pleasant Prllrt wall tlo It. Tliry Miaau. '' 1 late thr digestive initvx ,( the tomi'h- ' invigorate the Iivet and help it (oacHvrljr' se-crele the bile ; and art rcnVy on the , how-els tn promote a rrputar nealthy move, ment Thi mean a complete and last. ' inR cute of fli(resii e troublr. The " Prllrt ate not a eVere ralhartte. They art on the bowels naturally and ecmv . fortably though 'iiiely The dose ran N " regulated tr, yr.ur nml i, siirl whea tb ,.: " ' Pellets '' have done their work (bey can . be discontinued You don't heronif ,t slave to their ue, a with other )illa. If . tbe drugRist nger-it some prilling tiill that " given him mote piolit, iLlnk what mviii ' ' profit you moil. colony nt Xew Castle, Kiilnnd, sodafler . a happy voyage, thev wore snaely lnntleil " -in Yirginin, nml came us 1hl the Fala-.d tines, final y reaching tho Netise, when; sad state of things, tuokne, waot an. I desperation grecteil him. Hit life was la danger, but with the (jrcate-'t Jioiiiibl , iudgemcnt nnd with hishoirtlii thejrorjs lie liogan with all his might nod main to set things right. In which, aoordlnjf to his own words, he mt Admirably r-ur.-ceeded, for he ti lls us "in eijjhircn month , thev managed to build homes find make. -thoinaelves so comfortable that they mid more progress in that lonuth of Una than , v Ihc Eng'isb iiihabilauls in several yoaia." DeGmffenried Ixitiuhl this tongue of laud from the Indian Hint?, Taylor," and tboa . it was thai this City was founded and named New Bern, in lianor of tbe birth-" plai ol its founder, BvOrafTcnried. . i With irofoful hearts and VliankMrlnja to God, these true and honest people went about their work with diligence and pcf- .. servance an1 enjoyed pence and plenty a their reward. But who Can divine ilia . . future? InScttemlxr 1711, taking fifteen days provision, two negroes to rowndl , tor safety, two well known Indians, I)e Grafienried started with Lawson Up Ntoaa ' Kiver for general exploration. No danger ' was apprehended, for no savages livid oa the banks of the Xeu-e. Th Indlno,h " had ridden the Baron's horse was cart lured and when questioned by the Indians,-- they became afraid. Tking the horse from -hi 111 nnd bade him warn DeGrsAeuried " not to proceed further. It was latrwhria , this bad news was received, anl'lbcy - stopped over night near a Bprmrj where the party was captured and hastened through the woods notil the)r reuclieiJ , -Kong Hencock'a village where forty cldiia , and tlie King around a big (Ire aad all silting on the ground, entered lulo solcino council. Here they c imp lain ed of , abases by tlie whites and especially of the sor- . veyor General. However, ntlcr a vote, D Graffenried and party were to be liberat ed on the morrow. In the menu time '. -other of the Indians arrived, sad Lawoi became involved in a quarrel with One of these and the whole party wns coadeannv ' ed to death, but Infore tbis publishment . was inflicted, another council was held " and De Graffenried had implored ."in. Io- dian who was d esn'l like a Christian . and coo Id aprai Kngllsh to interceile for -i him, which he did with'sucll BllCC thai , De GrafL-'iiried was releaaid alter , alyiut. -six weeks impuaonment. Lswaon ,a executed. Durmg this time the Indian , had pillaged all and killed many of lb' .. -people who hved in New Bern, but st k last a treaty was enlered in to ret Inte, and -De GrntT.nrieil was furnished a hnrso aad ' instructed to ride at lull speed fbr tw -hours, which he did and kept on. wtlh all ' ' the sievd his horse could maka Tor two--days, and w hen he arrived at bis strong ' house, tho people did cot recognise Ma. Ho it whs that the once bright and hip py sky was darkened bybe wsr cloud of f, the Indians, and the 001 happy and prosperous people were en gulled hy tholr " snvage eDemiea ami hut a b0drll Wat ' left. d .. , .. But peace and prosperity one tnnr ; ' pt relied her banner upon ihia people anil ; ', New Bern grew. In 1713 Du Grafleoried "' having IohI his fortune, left lbs lattd '" which once piomisisl to lie such a haven . to him and 01100 more made his way o ' the land ol his bitth. AikI k) it is tint tonight, wo hsvecom ". togethw to oplt briilo iiiii.lher era fn the '; history of this our unlive City, and wba we look back thiounh the long J'Wtii that ' arc ass3il, nn I ure reminded ol the IUauf . important events that li.iv taken (ilac in our midst, we ran nssute you, Sir, that your capital Cily tioeul never lov bet, ' lioad in ahaine that we claim her name at our name. The same love for lilietty that dwelt in the hearta of your countrymen while in the bind of tin 11 birth, did lot;, lessen on Amerirnn sil. But with the land, the waters, the flowers, the fiarswtt 1 .' and all nature proclaiming the (re birth- " right of man, that love for liberty grew and expanded until nt lust with mighty ' power it burst forth and tore asunder th ' yoke of oppression and pioclaimcd then) selves free men. .'.".' ' i Such arc the facts I, nelly told, and now Sir, as we have gat here. I t-.night to ac knowledge with grateful lioirtu one more act ol friendship ant love upon tho part . ' of your people, we bog to assure you" that . there will b no brighter page in our history " or sweeter thought in our memory, than.' the remembrance of this night. To your ' t country we are ludebled lor that gem of lilierty loving pnuriple that has been,'' brought to its full fruition here. To you -and your people we pledge our sincerest friendship. ... And now, Mr. Minister having boon r ques.ed to receive from you this "Flag",;, made by your people, givrn l,y ymir o-. pic and delivered in our keeping by yOU, ' Ihe Ilonoiable Itapn seniali vu nl your people; 1 Lwg in tlie name ol lay pe 'plo to accept it with a grateful h iirt, lull of love and friendship fur jou and ymita. l. , Your colors are our colors. Muylhey.. ever wave over a God fearing and liberty - loving people. I beg Sir, to Hssure yoai -that Pie safe keeping f ibis emblem of a mother'a love will ever be a sacraJ duly .. of our people, no danger, or peril shad .' Ie so great but that they shall be Ora-. to keep tbe spoilers hands nnd the dust H7 M H 1 1 s sums irom tins omiDer, that ahull proud . -- ly float Irom the mat head of our honor 4 nnd our h -arts. I i our success it shall I always be in the lore f rout. In our leat It shall not allowed U trail In tho ' dest ao long as manhood cvj prevent It. Tell your people for us, that tle jtairlo tism, the chivalry, and the manhood of New Bern is pledged that jour Flair and our Flug shall side by tide with oi l Glory, "waya over tho land of Hit I' sod tbbomoof(hebrtve.H d ..'... .. V.i. '..'"

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