' , r - ' . 1 V I r ' - - felP SlJ IM J0BH1SEo- ''f; 5rl;er 3100 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Copies, 5 Gctv vou XIX. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. MARCH 12, 1896. NO. 1 1 1 V Vav'1 fcr. Infafats TT T "V aisai-ratii u Cea WKfc. U will sava wMeb. fa Wi1t Cwfo tla I VlWM, aOayTaraHsaanas, fnlwi if mm. m i " .vyW wU a a"rar hwa It fa Walm CUM Ufa H. It Pli iwm UiTTM 0B fT 1 HT fay . V CWfU fa WW t' H i WU ly. 14 t Wtk. X- ' I- H fa 1 4 'will tv iw r o-A Children . Cry for iIlilfflllBIl T TJlriigned U riwji prtpAred -. ' rdr-for , . - i nj ,tj anu nanusome : lurnouis r7T&embi Are Mriiallr invited ' taia t!io rerr liberal conditions oo , Zlalta, Carriage, Hsrness, &e. ETerj thing strictly Gaaranteed. -::;'.:.:J; W. STEWART. XQTZ C3 i-V7 72, 71 1-2, 74, .74 1-2 t 76, BROAD STREET v ' mew oerme, n. c. :To Boat Builders and Marine Englnoen - .-Ui , t, I L -. . ' . -In paiticuiaii ; J V. esd PADPLB WHEEL OTJTFITS, . ErrHcn woco on coal burninq marine boilers. U Its cy pcslvt RtK4y tBowa to t lie Medical Profession for ; zi Caxslc Rhecnatlsa. Cent Umlaro, Sditlca, Keoralfla. --3 rznlU. Dlsaajrrtoc, Psoriasis, Scrofula. Liver aad JJr riss. ..-A Positive Ore effaleJ la from 6 to 18 davs. . VJ. SrJJALLWOOD. Uader QMtoa OoaseSoulU irroui Stitvt, New Berne, N. C. " full lmm oir Soneral 5rdvare. -C!2TPft59rpnt?r?To!5f Cytlpry. Table VQre, Barbed Wire, l. , J CAtVANIZEO PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, PlAster nd Cement. : CZVOZ& PURE READY MIXED PAINT8. t7FeromAi attention to the ,. ,Y -. 'Wholesale & Retail Dealers In "nooT,Trk Coffee, Barar, Laird, Batter, Cheese, Sjmp, Molasses i : - i.Vioefr, SnafT Tobacco, Oirara, Canned Goods of all kinds, r IeA,Bpica, and eTsrylhiag else nsnall j found in a -" '"i -r.;FlB3T.CIAS8 OKOCEBY STORE. nrW bare boaght in large quantities for cash aad are prepared to ae3 M km as anyone. Country Merchants and tbe general public v'M do vreU to get oor prices before baying elsewhere. No trouble to l-jw good. . Ctables Free 47 Droad 8t.v New Derne, N. C. ...nj iid' Children. tWfa- Htw, la H HWa fcara ia 4 raa tUIly f as K-X-A. lltHHIf Pitcher's Castorla. to farnisb on short noticr, any -r to visit his sUbles ad acer- which he proposes to sell Horses, L ' . i III I MARINE IRON WORKS, I JUi OVTMOMT AVSS. CHICAGO. prompt and correct filling of all m3m w,dow RIWH ADRIFT, la tk City f EIbu VlelBlty. Omker4 la BrteRy Md. Mr. Hill Humphrey is repaintim; the front of hi utorw, also lettering it witli the Jgii '"Big Ike." Curtenst Superior Cotirt will convene in Beaufort Tuesday. March 17th. Judge H. It. Bryan of" New Bertie, will pre sitie. The committee on judging oyfters at the Fair judged ihem on three point 1st, 1 size; 2 .1, shape and growth of shell; 3d, ; quality and flavor of moat. Capt McNett an'i Dr. Earl Sloan, two northern viwtors, are back from a big huntiotr trip ot five days. They went down Neuae river and report good lu:k killing geew, ducks and Ecfuirxel. The gxxl order of Fair week waf a very noticeable and commendable feature. Mayor Ellis informs irs thnt there were 'only four arresta in the city the entire ! wet k they were for leing under tbe in- flueoce of bqoor. Two of them were I people of tbe city and two outsiders. A rvcord like this at a time of such great gaiharioga tbowi well. A goxl joke oo the commit tee of awards te'-tberJIne Arte Depaitment of tbn Fair laat week, is men Urn: ed on relia ble authority to wii : that it did not aitaupt to pas upon a certain oil painf irjit i f lotieiflit, because it was t iken t be a tampl of kalsomaDie, or transfer woak It was "joat too natural for any thing !" Viai'ora were under the same i mi romiinn as the committer. The paint ing was dooe by Mrs. Charles Ha Hock. Im Canlaf Hmbc. Captain Goodmg left Washington City, D. C, ThurailaT eo route to Mobile. Ho swime command ot tbe Winona and after taking her to Key West will bring ber U Xw Berne. Capt. Gooding x pct8 to reacb New Berne befjre June first. Alter the Winona baa hsd some changes made in her stern to inrure better steam ing quality site will oe permanently ox boite. Capt. Goodiog was stalioncd in New Berne some years tack. He wa third lie a tenant on the revtDUc utter Stevens. He is remembered by many in the city and will be gladly welccmed bick in his bhrher poeitioD. Tbe Winona will also bu well received. She, having been built for rvice in oor waters, l be feeling ia pretty general that she ought not to have been taken off even rempoiarily under some urgent occasion for it had arisn a letd greater than has as yet been made nanifcst. l,nk Lara aad ft. ft. Coafrreaee. The Epworih Leagues and Methodist Suady school of the North Carolina Conference will boll a conference at Qoldsbnro on Tneedav aad Wednesday April 28th, and 2tb. This is held rv the action ot the X. C. Conference at Elira beth city.. Tbe membership of the conference will conaUt of one delegate from ech Epworth Lrsiaan aod four delesates from each re sxiin2 Elder's destruct alto all pastors are members of the conference. Mr. H. M. Tboaiaa. Mr. H. M. Thomas of Camden, Del., wh made so large and floe a display of over forty leading varieties of poultry at the Fair, left Tuesday on tbe steamer Keoae, reloming home. Mr. Thomas is a breeder of aey. poultry from love of the bnsineas. tie kaa been In it over forty years. Some of tbe handsomest specimens of Asiatic breeds thai we have ever seen were in bis i hi bit. He is also a large fruit grower. He runs three fruit ftrma. One of them forty acres in sue is within tbe corporate limits of Camden. Since tbe Fair be baa been down to Uariiiea, Onslow county, where be has a son, Mr. 8. H. Thomas, living. Another ol his sons, Mr. T. H. Thomas of Wyoming, Del., a large shipper Ol fruits, is now at Marines with bis lamily visiting his brother. Hew Btunn tkadUt Cfcarea. The work of enlarging and remodelling the Methodist cbarcb of Beaufort, praicti cally making it a new church, will soon begin. The plans I'rawn by our towns- man, Mr. accepted. H. W. simpson, nave been Tbe new church will be according to modern plans with auditorium, Sunday school hall, ladies' parlor, etc., and will have a Mating capacity of shout eight Imndied, nearly double that of the present chnrch. The Watea Sot Loot. We are glad to state that Mrs. (J. N. Mason of Harlowe, who supposed she had lost ber watch at the Fair grounds and believed her pocket had hern picked was mistaken in both suppositions. The watch had simply slipped from its nsnal place into her drese, and she afterwards found it there. This was the only esse that occurred where there was any trouble on the grounds and it delights us to find that it has tuned out as it has. RkMlif Rink Htarted. A skating riok with Mr. Ed. Clark manager was started in Stan'y Hall last night. It is to be open six nights in the week. All are invited to come free as spectators who will do so. There is no charge to ladies yet awhile at all. and Tneedav and Friday nights will ba special nights for tbera. They are wel come every night. Drnlalai (be Froc Pond. The work of draining the frog pond will besin next week. The pipe is all here aod a portion of it hauled to tbe ground. Tbe water will be carntd to Trent river t-y a fifteen inch draiu which wiH ru-i directly down Bern sireet, a distance of two thousand feet. A reservoir will be constructed t the frog pood junction into which all the streets centering there will drain and flow from it into the diain and thence on to the river. The work is being performed by tbe city butibe W. X. A N. R. R . bears 750 of the expense,' Which is' one half of what it ia estimated that it will cost 4aekoarle Mneb Kxrfted qver a aipandal. G. W. Bnily, watchman at the mill at Jacksonville, wss arrested Thar lay and I Of! god in jil charged with alienating the affections of the wife of Joel Burton of that place. He wa$ charged with ber abduc tion. She lelt on Friday, tbe 28th ult. for New Berne, and was traced as fur as Norfolk. She is going under the name of Miss Laura Baily. Mr. Burton is a highly respected citizen of Jacksonville. He has been here about six or eight months. Baily has been here about tbe same length of time, bat bis mUivef-oonty isjun known. BaUy boarded at Burton's bouse. Died. P. J. Annas died at his home near Have lock Thursday, March tbe 5th, aged florty-flve years. He was a member of the Knights of Harmony. He leaves a wife to mourn bis loss, a good and useful citisea u gone Irom earth in tbe prime of manhood. p. L. T. FARTHER MENTION. i or i rare mmtt Rxeelleat Extatblta at Car Fair. Mr. Nace Brock, the Jones county ar tist, made a very noticeable display of his fine work in oil paintings, pastelle, crayon, water colors pea and ink and pencil. Art pupils ofKinsey school made a very commendable exhibit of their work in the same line. The Thompson School and Business Oolltge, J. A. Thompson, Supt., had a school exhibit that was exceptionally good. The pen drawings and flourish woik shown would be hard to equal. This school is located at Siler city. Mrs. F. C. Koberts showed a fine col lection of pressed flowers a dozen collec tions in fact, each one showing the flowers that grow in New Beroe. in separate months throughout the entire year. Mrs. Roberts, grew the flowers, grouped and pressed tbera herself. COMPROMISE EFFECTED. RrlwMa tkr W. W. ST, R. R. and tk Oal Caatjr ComtnlMtoner. The eatt r tlw W. N. & N. Railroad vs. Commissioners of Onslow county has been settled by a compromise which was effected at Jacksonville. The Company accepts $40,000 in bonds at 6 per cent interest instead of thef 00,000 with bick interest which was claimed. The bonds are of the class known as fen-foi ties -thai is, they are payable in forty years, and the option lies with the county to pay them at any time alter the expirution often yiars. T. E Gilluian and Frank Thompson, ol Onslow couuty, and M. DeW. Steven son, of New Berne, represented the com missioners in the action, and Col. A. M. Wuddell, ot Wilmington, and N. Rouse, of Kinstoo, the railroad. J. A SOT HER CHARGE OF PEBJtBT Aralul a Wltaeno la tna Bean Tort Praadaleat Iaaarance CaaM. A communication to The Journal from Beaufort, written March 3.1, says: 'Florence Chadwick, col., one of the witnesses in the trial at Trenton, was tried todny before Magistrate Carrnway for perjury. Win. Fisher, who was convicted at Trenton, being the plaintiff. "Fisher succeeded In proving that Flor ence 'Jhadwick, being a relative of his, had authorized him to sign her name to application for insurance and that she wore in Trenton that she did not author ize him to do so and did not know any thing of leing insured. The court bound the d-jfendant over and placed her under 350.00 justified bond. 'Mers. Felton and Abernathy very ahly l.andled tbe case for the State, and Mr. House of Kinston, for the defen dant."' COL. PAHOI DEAD. rlef Mention mf Hl Career aad Val- aable &ervioos. Col. Paul F. Faison, died at Shawnee, Oklahoma, Tuesday night, 3d inst. He will 1 buried in Raleigh the remains are axpected to reach there Sunday after noon. Mrs. Fuiaon and their son, John were en ronte to their sick husband and Cither when tbe death occurred. CoL. Faiaoa's connection with the peni tentiary as superintendent and able management of it, getting it upon a better basis which uirtnally made it pay its own expenses and cease to be a burden to the state is probably bis public service which be is best remembered. He served through the war on the Con federate nde with distinction. Having had a full military training at West Point be entered the war as Mjor of the 14th Regiment, aad. came out CoL of the Fifty sixth Regiment. He became a large farmer after the war and afterwards went into business in Ral aigh aod made as innch as $25,000 in a single year. President Cleveland made him an In spector of Indian Agencies, which offlce be was holding when he died. He is known to have had $23,000 insur ance on his life probably more. His death will cause deep regret to many in the State. Eiaibltors f B tbe Calinary Dept. One of tbe finest displays ever made by one exhibitor in the CuliDary Department of the Fair was that made this year by Mrs. U. S. Mace. She had an elegant line of preserves, and sweet and and sour pickles. Also a very handsome assort nat nt of ornament ed cakes. The most conspicious cake in the room was hers; i: was that beuuti'ul hand decorated one at the centre of tbe display, which formed a steeple. It was iced in rock cuDdy, and lettered with the same material: "E'ist Carolina Fish, Oyster and Game Fair, 1888-1896." One of the most ingeniously de : rated cakes especially considering the nge ct' the maker was ooe by little Sarah Mead, ows, aged ten years, the daughter of Mr and Vrs. J. A. Meadows. It was iced and the icing covered with very clever imitations of diminntive turtles. They were made of raisins, pressed into shape, wi'h spice stuck in to represent the heads, tails and leet. Mr. O. Marks showed a most excellent display of fancy dishes of all kinds, and also canned vegetables. Mrs. E. E. Harpei had a lovely display of a anety of lellies and preserves, as did also Mrs. Ralph Gray. DEATH OF MR. GASTON MAILT, Skot Hlmaelfln the Head with a Pis tol at Mt. Vernon Hotel, Baltimore Tbe sad i-jteligence of the death of Mr. Gaston Munly, of Baltimore, reached New flsrne Friday. He shot and killed himself in a toilet room of the Mt. Vernon Hotel of 23u,ltimore the previous day. He was found on the floor about hall past four o'clock wiih his feet under a marble waabstand, and blood H0W'Dg from the wound in his temple, while a pistol with one chsmber empty, was near by. He died soon afterwards. Tbe coroDer decided that it was, a ca$c of suicide and that an inquest was uqneo cessary. Despondency seems to have been tbe cause of bis rash ac. Mr. Manly was a native of New Berne and was ODe of our most prominent fami lies. His father was the esteemed Judge M. E. Manly. He moved away from New Beroe in 1806. He was forty saven years old and leaves a wife and two daughters. Mr. Manly will be buried in New Berne. Possibly the remains may arrive to-night. If not they will be here to-morrow morning. The afflicted relatives have the sym pathy of our citizens in their trouble. Died. Mr. James B. Roberts, died yesterday in this city aged sixty three years. Tbe funeral will be from his residence on South Front st this afternoon at four o'clock. Rev. A. D, Betts officiating. Tbe burial service will be conducted by the order of Faith Hope and Chanty, the members of whom are requested to meet at their ball at three o'clock. AWFUL EXPERIENCE AT SEA. The Loss of the Eunitv R. liver Drifting; Helplessly far a Week Dan arerons Uki-Pnnif Hani at Work Day and Night Hld on Fire From Cargo ol Lime-Rescae ol Crew and Arrival at Baltimore I Hunk One Hoar Afterward. The schooner Eunity R. Dyer was a boat well known in this city having made frequent tripj here and taken out many carpoes of New Berne lumber. We have previously mentioned her to'al loss, and the rescue of Captain Ireland of Beau fort, and the remainder of her crew. They having arrived in Baltimore advices from that city dated March 8d., give the fol- lowing particulars ot the wreck and rescue: "The British steamer Stag, Capt. Bruce, from Rio Mariana, arrived at her dock today, having onboard CapL Ire land and a crew of five ea, rescued from the schooner Eunity RJ9;r, which went dowu an boar after tbe rescue last Sun day night. The Dyer sailed from this port February 16th, with lime for Ply mouth, N. C. She encountered tevere gales almost from the instant she passed the capes. She at first anchored off Halteras, but the flerceoess of the storm drove her far out to sea. rier centerboard was lost, her davits smashed, a deckl&4, l lumber washed away, and all the fresh water gave out. Then the vessel sprung a leak, and day and nijjht the men were at the pump?. Added to this the water got into the cargo, which caught fire. Though seventy-one years old, Capt David Ireland took turns with his crew at the pumps. Signals of distress were hoisted, but for more than a week not a vessel hove iu sight. When hope was well nigh gone, the Stag hove in sight. The captain and crew were taken on board and put to bed. They were not only exuausted, but were cut and bleeding and were in a sorry plight when brought to Baltimore this morning." IN THE CI RIO DEPARTMENT, A Varied, Intensely Interesting" and Hig-bly Instructive Collection Oath ered From all Paris of tbe World. We have made only, general reference no efpecial mention, so far, of the Curio Department of the Fuir, but the collection this year, owing to the untiring efforts of the Chairman, Mrs. Eva Hargett, was ol such varied character and interesting na ture, it l)ehoove8 us to say a few words of praise. It was a collection containing uot only exhibits interesting to lovers of tbe queer, uncommon and antique, but to everybody; and many of the exhibits were instructive in their character and well calculated to awaken desire for farther geographical and historical research. Great praise is due Mrs. Hargett, not only for her zeal in getting upltiuh a re markably fine collection, but also for the tiralea patiepce with which she met every visitor and pointed out over and over again the interesting features of the numerous articles io the collection. We saw in the department many arti clos from far off countries, and will note a few: A piece of rock from the top of Mt. Sinai; shells from the sea of Gallilee; a piece of oak from the petrified forest near Cairo, Egypt; a wooden spoon carved by a monk from drift-wood found on tbe shores of the Dead Sea; a silver cup from a church in Jerusalem), white pine cawing from Nova Scotia; delicate ivory carving from Switzerland fastened in a nut-shell, (and by the way that attracted the imme diate attention of the Swiss minister as he passed through the room.) We saw also many pieces ot rare pot tery from France, the Strait of Darda nelles, Mexico and other places; among the china was a plate that once belonged to the ill-fated Emperor Maximilian, bearing bis crest and monogram. It be longs to Mrs. J. A. Bryan and was ob tained by ber oo her wedding tour. Two large brass Samovars were cn the show case, one brought ovei from St. Petersbnry, Russia, in 1830, the other brought over quite recently. On the show case we noticed a hand some, brocade satin dress that formed part of tlie wedding trusseau of Mrs. Richard Stockton, the great-grand mother of tbe present Mrs. James A. Bryan, more than one hundred and fifty years. Mrs. Stockton's husband was one of tha signers of the Declaration of Inde pendence. An embroidered muslin, very quaint looking, with its narrow skirt and short waist was shown also. This was once worn by Miss Pollock, daughter of that well known pioneer settler of New Berne, Thos. Pollock, whose memory is perpetu ated in the name of one of the city's prin cipal streets and also iu the name of the thriving village Pollocksville, a few miles horn New Btrne. The colonial silverware was very hand some. There was a cream pitcher be longing to Mrs. Steele, aod ladle, sugar tongs and other articles beloaging to Gen. Frederic Hargett. We saw also a tea chest, taken from the New Beme privateer Snap Dragon io tbe war of 1812; docu ments relating to the ancient society of Cincinnati and phot-'graphs .of the origi nal signers of the same. The collection sent down from the Uni versity museum, by request of lhe Chair man, proved to be of great interest. There were letters from LaFayette, Baron Steubens, Gen. Green, Jethro Summers and others, and deeds written on sheep skin, in the time of King George, with tbe royal seal attached, and an old flint and steel pistol, with bayonetwttached, once the property of the band of pirates com manded by the notorius Teacti, etc. A box of feathej" flowers made in Bruzil from the feathers ot the poll-parrot, representing coffee blossoms and berries, was very beautiful. A floe sword in perfect order, was on exhibition, which gloriously commemo rates the valor of a relative of Mrs. H. J. Lovick, of New Cerne. It was presented to her uncle for bravery and valuable ser vices in the M iican war. The scabbard and blade each contain inscriptions which read as follows: "Presented to Lt. John D. Clark, by tbe citijeos of Beaufort county, X. C, as a testimonial of their appreciation of his gal'antry -in the war with Mexico and particularly for his bravery as one of the assaulting column at the attack on El Mqlina del Roy.''. "There can be no higher exhibition of bravery, consancy and devotion to duty and courage.'' A curious old book in a good stste of preservation was shown. It contained among other things the acount of Geon e Washington with the United States from 1775 to 1783. This book was picked up in the streets of Fredericsburg, Va., by Sergt D. G. Taylor of North Carolina, after the battle of Fredericsbors?. A section ot a whale's back-bone was shown, also a tusk two feet lefhg taken in a net at Ocracoke what it belonged to was not known; one side of an oyster shell which weighed eighteen pounds this came out of a marl bed near New Berne; huge teeth ot a megatherium, a mammoth extinct swamp animal. These were excavated while diggiog a ditch in Jones county. Tbe whole room was replete with in terest. We have only mentioned a part To enjoy it as a whole one had only to stand in the room and lend an attentive ear to the very clear explanations given by Mrs. Hargett. PREMIUMS AWARDED. At the Ninth Annual Exhibition East Carolina Fair. DiPAiiuiENT 1: fiame. Civ A SS I. Best pair doves, J. M. Reel, Reelsboro, 81.50; do, quail, F T Paterson, $1.50; 2d lest do, Ed Hancock, 50c; best pair meadow larks dead, Ed Hancock, 75c; best collection quail, F T Patterson, $4.00; 2d do. Bryan Gardner. Grifton, 1.00; pair English $1.50; best collection David Hensley, $5 00. J D Hensley took snipe, game J B Duffy, birds dead, pre- tniums: Jtest pair wood cock, $2.00: Engl sh snipe, 25c; single rjil, $1.00; plover, $1.00 Best pan- black brnnt (dead) .1 13 Duffy, j $1.0q; 1 blue lieron, J C Davis, Beaufort, i 50c I CLASS II. 1 wild turkey, deul. J L Hahn, $2.00; pair greeu wing teal, $1.50, J L Hahn. Woi. Duun took the following pre miums: 1 white swan, $5 00; 1 I lack brant, 25c; 1 pair wild geese, 50r; trio wild geese, $4.00. 1 bittern, deal'. C C Cannon Haveloek, 25c: 1 blue heroo (dearr) J B Doffy, ' 12Jc; collection game water fowls, (dead) Blades & Clark hunting party, $13 50. J D Hensley took the following pre miums on dead game: Pair loons, $1.00; piir boobies. $3.00; pair clippers, $1.00; pair shufflgrs, $2 25; pair greeu winged teal, 50c; pair water witch, $2 00; pair hairy heads, $1.00; pair bittern. $2.00; blue peter, 50 ; pir whifflers, $3.00; best Daddv, 50c; best marsh-hen, $1.00; bald lace, '$1.00. CLASS III. Best otler, C C Cannon, Haveloek, $3; raccoon, Harold Whitehurst. $1.00; lab bit, J M Reel, Reelsboro, 75c; wild cat, G A Griswoid, Cove, $8.00; 21 best rac coon, Haywood Tooker, 0c; best exhibit squirrel, John Dunn, $1 50; best fox (dead) 50c; do, mink, 25c; musk rat, 25c, all taken by David Hensley. J D Hensley took premiums on the following: Best opossum, $1.00; squirrel, 50e; gray rabbit, 25c, musk rat, $1.00; fox, $4 00; and alligator, 10.00; 2nd beat opossum, 50c, J L. Huhn. DEPARTMENT 2. Best bushel oysters, G N Ives, $10 OOj 3d best, G N Ives, $7.30; 3d best, E S Smith, $5.00; 4'.h best, G tf Ives. $3.50. Best bushel ciams, G N Ives, $5.00; 3d do, J G Smith, $2.50. Best display scallops, G N Ives, $5.00; best collection oysters, G N Ives, $35.00. DEPARTMENT, 3 FIELD CROPS. W. II. Bray took the following1 pre-i miums. 1 Largest yield crab grass bay on ' one acre, $5.00; beat bushel tieldj peas, $1 00; best bushel Irish potatoes, $1.00; largest yield of turnips on bait acre, (white fl it Dutch, 176 bushels) $5 00; best 1-2 dosen cabbages, $1.00; 3d largest number field crops, $35.00. W. F. Crocket', took the following pre miums: Best stalk cotton, $1.00; best bale cot ton $25 00; best white turnips (Norfolk) diploma; best rutabagas, $1.00; best sugar beets, $i.00; best busuel shelled while bread-corn, $1.00; best bushel sweet po tatoes, (yams) $1.00; do turnips $1.00; do carrots $1.00; best North Carolina hams (9 exhibited) $2.00; best 25 pounds smo ked sausage, $2.00; 50 pound stand lard, $1 00; best display vegetables, $5.00; lar gest number field crops, $25.00. DEPARTMENT 4 SECTION, 1. Col. Bennehan Cameron took the fol lowing premiums: Best thoroughbred brood mare, $10 00; best standard bred brood mare, $10 00; do filly colt by her side, two years old and under four, 410 QO; best standard bred stallion, $10.00; best standard bred stallion one year old and under two, $5.00; best stallion, four years old and over 10.00; best standard bred brood mare $10.00; best thorough bred brood mare, colt by her side, $10.00: best stallion sixjyears old or over, $10.00; thor oughbred mare (Ella) W. H. Fraz'er, red ribbon; best stallion three years old and under four, (Buckston Wilkes) D. G. Taylor, Kin3t6n, 7.50; standard bred stBllion, lour years old, red ribbon, best pair farm gpldings, W. F. Orockett, $10; bestgaldmg two years old, Hackburn and Willett, $10.00. W. F. Crockett took the following premiums: Bast Berkshire sow (1 year old and under 2) anc. seven pigs, $3 00, do, .Boar under one year $2.00; best thoroughbred Jersey bull, $5 00; do, cow, $5 00; 2nd best do, red ribbon; best Jer sey heifer, 2years old ond under 3 $5.00; do, 1 years old and under 2, $3.00; 2nd best doz. red ribbon; lies therd, (1 bull, 3 cows, 1 calf and 3 heifers $5.00; best grade Jersey heilers; 1 year old, 93.00; best native cow $5 00; best native heifer 2 years old, 85.00. W. M. Anninger Walnutport, Pa., took the following premiums: i?.-st Hol stein Friesian bull, 3 years old, $5.00; do, two years old $5.00; do, one year old, $3.00; do, cow 3 years old. $5.00; do, heifer, two years old, $5.00; do, one year old, $3.00;" test herd (1 bull, 3 cows, 1 calf), $5.00; best cow dairy breed, $5.00 do, beef breed, $5.00; Fattest animal either sex $5 00. Hackburn & Willett took sweeps takes prijefor best bull dairy breed, $5 00; do, beef bleed, $5 00; also red ribbons for 2d best Holstem Friesian bull, three yeira old and under four, and do, one year old and under two. W. M. jBc-nuinger, Walnutpoit, Pa., took the following premiums on South down sheep: Bst ram two years old, $1.00; do. one year old, $3.00; do ram lamb, $1 00; do pen Of two ewes two years old, $3.00; do pen of two ewes, (one year old and under two, $200; best two ewe lambs, $2.00; best ram and five of his set $5 00; best flock, ram, three ewes, 3 years old; three ewes, one year and under two; three ewe lambs) $5.00. JJest angora goat, buckten months old, JJrownrlga Dewey, $3 00. Hackburn and Willett took the follow ing premiums. .Best Poland China sow two years old, $3.0C; sow beeps takes, $2.00; best herd, (boar and two sows) $3.00. .B.st Duroc Jersey boar, two years old and over, $3.00. Best boar any age and breed (Ohio im proved chesters) J. H. "Vinson, $2.00. (Continued on page 3rd.) ae Road Repaired. We are informed that the overseer foj that portion of Xeuse road just beyond the pity lias been found and the had plapes which have been such an annoyance have been worked. This was not done however until at least three accidents oo, curred on the road after our first calling attention to tbe need for the work. One ol these accidents was the over turning of a transfer loaded with trunks; in the other two cases farmers bad their supplies thrown from their vehicles. All roads should be kept in good order at all times. Such holes as had formed on this ro id dioukl never be allowed on un frequented local highways, much less on the main public thoroughfare leading into a city. Steam Mail Facilities for Beaufort. The mail between Beaufort and More head is to be let out to parties who wil carry it in a steam boat. Mr. C. P. jiey, owner of the Dapba launch Sadie, will put in a bid, and we doubt t.ot will get it as a naptha boat is allowable. Tbe Herald has worked for this im proved mail facility and is justly entitled to a good share of credit for its establish ment A wide awake newspaper counts well lor a town. DAIRYI! BCNINEftN. Mr. John Humphrey to Put In aNep I arator aad Enlarge This Branch or Hia Operations Beneflts From the Fair. Mr. John Humphrey of Clarke's, one of Craven County's most intelligent far mers baa of late years been giving his at tention in a small way to the dairying business in connection with the other branches ot his business. He now nur.!'11. keis regularly in New Berne thirty pounds of but'er per week and sometimes more the amount spoken of is coast an tl yen gaged to regular customers at good prices, tle butter beini; of fine quality, and of good color as well as flavor. Mr. Humphrey uses only Jersey cattle. some full bloods, and some grades. Ue I averages five pounds of butter per week He U well pleased with the results he is attaining aud is abeut to make a further advince in the business. . One of the reeults of his attending tbe last East Carolina Fair whs h!s ordering. o' a separator. This machine takes the cream out of the milk direct lv after it is milked and tbe dairy operations are there oy earned on mis Detler results and con siderably more mtisfaction. He was led to this purchase by inter viewing Mr. W. M. Beaningcrof Walnut port Pa.; one of the large exhibitors at tbe Fair, and one too who is not ooly a large stock raiser and dairyman, but a dairy lecturer also. Hs gave Mr. Humphrey good information about the maohines and about using them. This is one way tbat these annual ex hibitions are ot great use. Not only do observant men and wc men learn from viewing the exhibits, but by tbe gat heri ig Of experienced people and exchange of views many ideas can be gained which probably could not be learned as easily and at as little :ost in any other way. This is only one case in many where such results have fol lowed. The rapid improvement in live stock, the large development of the fancy poul try business, tbe greater beauty "of the displays in tbe art and fancy work de partment all attest tbat the annual holding of the East Carolina Fairjjs an educational feature and an incentive to higher aims alona many a line, AH citizen of East Carolina should up bold the Fair to the utmost and all other citizens ot tbe State are cordially invited to unite in makiDg the Fair as truly rep resentatlve of tbe whole state as it now is of the coast region and a largo portion of the interior. SCHOONER MELTON SAFE. Off Harbor Island Friday Soon ATter OSTHatteras The schooner Milvin of New Berne which is overdue at Philadelphia, has been heard from. Mr. John Ellis received a telegram Saturday from Mr. Albert I. Lewis, of Beaufort, bringing the in formation that she passed Harbor Island, about thirty miles from Beaufort, Fri day. The Melvin left Lennoxville, just five weeks ago yesterday loaded with lumber, and nothing has been beard from her since then until this news came. Later, she was observed passing Cape Hatterss by Capt John Simpson of the schooner GertruJe Browning which was on ber way to New Berne, and has now arrived here. The Melvin bad lost her fore topmost. No other injury is known, Until Information is received directly from the Melvin there is no telling bow rough an experience she has had nor bow far out of tbe way she was blown but it is a relief to have heard Irom tbe vessel at all, and to know that there is nothing serious amiss. CONDENSED NEWS A Spanish bar keeper at Tamps, Fla., shot and killed a Cuban in a quarrel. Serious troubjs. is feared as a result be tween the Spanish and Cuban residents. Got. Greenhagle,ot Massachusetts, died on the 4tu inst He bad been Governor three successive times and has also been a member of Congress and filled other im portant positions. It is not believed io Madrid tbat Cleve land will approve the Cuban resolutions adopted by tbe U. S. Congress. Ovi-r seven million pounds of leaf to bacco have been sold in Winston up to date this season, H. 11. Holmes the murderer of Pietzel is to be hung. The Supreme court of Pennsylvania has affirmed the decisaioo of tbe lower court. A special from Washington City to the News and Observer says that a man named White is making a canvass in North Carolina in the interests of Piatt and the Morton bnotn. It is said also tbat he lays out Pritchard and whoops up Settle and tbat prominent Republicans met him at Winston and a decision was reached ainpng thera looking to tbe de feat of Pritobard at tbe State Convention. Students of the Madrid University and other inhabitants of that city publicly burned an American fl g on tbe 4th inst in front of tbe University. Police dis persed the gathering and made as vera 1 arrests. Tbe Cabinet Council have, as a result, de tided to temporarily close tbe U diversities. The Goverment bad already made special provisions against such demonstrations. HONOR ROLL, or Misses Chad wick's, Fere bee's aad Hendren's Roonas la she New Rorao (jraded School. Eleanor Marshall, 97 1-10; Nannie Col lins, 97; Minnie Hill, 96 4-5; Maud Healj, 96 3 5; Pearl Parsons, 96: Hattie Hanks, 95 7 10; Bell Cook, 95 -5; Sadie Dnnen berg, 95; Whit Hurtt 95; Julia McSorley, 95; Annie Hardison, 97; EuU Jacobs, 97; Mabel Thompson, 97 Myrtle Disosway, 97; Louis Scale", 9T; Ethel Wood, 86; George Wood, 96; Donnie Hanks, 96; Patrick Vinson, 96; Sadie Berry, 95; Ridie Hurtt, 95; Walter Chadwick, 95; Virginia, Baxter, 96. Johnson's Magnetic Oil is tbe greatest internal remedy for cramps, colic and all internal aches and pains tor man or baast Large bottles, 35 and 50 ots. For sale by F. S, Duffy, They Say! I ! "77" breaks up a cold. '77"' knocks out the Grip. "77" stops the Snuffles. "77" cures the Cough. "77" soothes the Throat. "77" works wonders in Catarrh. "77" is peerless for Influenza. "77" prevents Pneumonia. "77" clears Clergyman's Throat. "77" restores Lost Voice. "77" annihilates Hoarseness. ' 77" is a sheet anchor for Singers. "77" aids Respiration. "7?" is Dr. Humphreys' LvtesJ, and Greatest Discovery. "77" tho' priceless, gctys for a quar ter. "T-Ty' is aoW by druggists Everywhere, or sent upon receipt of price, Humphreys r .i: r - i , , c , , r ,,. . -vt jncuiuiuo York. I -AAA ajw A a v TV liUtALU XVW d&w lt Ill Sr 1 1 Q Ufa Him tk 1T Itching, burning, scaly and crusty skin and scalps of infants cleansed and healed, quiet sleep restored by Johnson's Oriental Soap, medicinal and toilet, two large cakes, 25 cents. For sale ai; F. S, uf MIKNIONARY CONFERENCE. At Ooldsboro or the Soatasora aT. K. Church New Berae WMklsfisa aad Wlltnlng-toN Districts Proa-raamse. The Southern Methodist church Is hold ing missionary conferences at several paints in one following the other. One is now in progress in Raleigh, another will l held in Goldsboro next week aod one will be held in Fayetfeville, April, Thern nrp no rMvnliirlv nrmninf-eri riL. I r j t i gates to these conferences. Every mem ber of the churches has a right to attend and pirticipa'e and is inv t:d to r!o so. The conference at Goldaboro mhrsoss the New Berne, Wilmington and Wash ington conlerences. There will be ber- ! ved nt this conference Lite followlnc. PROORAMMK. March 9-10 Monday, 2:30 p. m De- , tionn' Exercises Organized effort, or forward movement in Missions, W, R. Lambreth, 23 minutes, Missionary Mass Meetings, and How Laymen can Help J. O. Guthrie, 20 mu utns. Enlistment of pastors 11, A. Willis, 15 minutes. unday school Missionary Societies E C. Glenn, 20 minutes. General Discussion of 10 minutes after eacb address. Monday Evening 6:30 o'clock, Mass Meeting. Add teas by W. R. Lambreth. tuksday 9:15 to 12:30. Religious .Services Missionary Litera ture and its Dissemination It R, Ball, 35 minutes. Kiriy Collections F. A. Bishop, 25 miuntes. Systematic effort W. S. Rone, 20 min utes. How to Secure a Contribution from each Member. N. II. D. Wilson, 20 min utes. Question Box and General Discuss ion. afternoon, 2:30. Pulpit and Mission R. C. Beaman, 25 minuus. Prayer and Missions J. S. Sanford 25 minutes. The call from Foreign Fields F. D. Swindell, 35 minutes. The church and ber response to the call R. B. John 25 minutes. Objections to Missions Answered. evknino, 7:30. Mass Meeting. Addressed by W R Lam breth, and T N Ivey. on a Missionary con science. MARTHA WASHINGTON WAFFLES. A corner cupboard quaint and old, and on each dusty shelf, Queer relics of the olden times, frail glass and bits of delf. A baby's toys, a silken purse, a fan all lace and pearls, And shut within a dainty box, two faded yellow curls. A girlish, dimpled, laughing face, ah! me, this laded hair And pictured semblance, now, are all that's left of one so fair. Great grandmamma, for fifty years, above her quiet grave. Rave blown the drifting winter snows, while summer grasses wave. Hare is the sampler where she make the alphabet. And here the satin shoes, in i learned to rhich she danced the minuet. Bight well, I ween, she liked to go to party and to rout. And yet she was a famous cook, 'tis said beyond a doubt Here is her olden cook'ry book, I look, and still can see All faintly traced in faded inks, each old time recipe, 1 hey 're signed by many stately dames that hist'ry knows full well; O, could tbey speak, what wondrous tales thase recipes might tell! "Writ by oar hand," the legend saitb; let's see, now here is ooe, W hy, bless me, do I read arightf Tu Martha Washington! And "Ye did she write it? Ah, who knows? These are tbe words I see: Lady Martha Washington, her Waffle Recipe." "Beat now," is written upon this page, "six eggs till tbey are light, Then, into these you lightly sifl one pound of flour, white. "Next, milk your cow; just three half pints take from the genu's beast. Put in a teaspoonful of salt, three table spoons of yeast "Now call the maids, and bid tbera beat tha whole with all their might. Then put it by the kitchen fire and let it rise o'er night "When morning comes, this mixture stir," says Lady Washington, "And then in well-greased irons, bake until the whole is done.'' . T -a A simple recipe, you see, 'tis made with- oat much fuss, But what tbe country's "Father" ate will surely do for us. Lizzie M. Hadley, in Good Houses eep ing. Parents of weak delicate colorless child ren should not delay in giving Johnson's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. Will make them fat and rosy. Pint bottle, $1,00. Bale by F. a Duffy. THINdS TIT TO. BK, Some say this world is an old, old world, But it's always been new to me; With its boundless range of ceaseless change. And hope of things to be. A new friend takes my hand When the old ones pass away; The old days die, but tbe light at tbe tky Is the dawn of another day. Some saj this world is a cold, cold world. But it's alwsfys been bright to me; With its hearthstone fires and warm de sires For the things that are yet to be.. And if I must labor, I wait, ' And trust to the fields I have sown; For I know there is truth in tbe promise ofyouth . I will some time come tomy own. Some say this world isa sad, sad, world Bnt it's always been glad to me; For the brook never laughs like my son) when it quaffs And feasts on the things to be. Tbe night comes on with its Mat; The morning comes on with its sang Tbe hours of griet are few and brief, But joy is a whole lite loag. Some sav this world is a bad, bad world' But, it a always been good to me; Wit its errors there live dear hearts that forgive, And hops for tbe things to be. This world is not old or cold, This world is not sad or bad; If you look to tbe right, forgatting tbe night, And say to your soul "Be glad,,' Alfred JOlison. Rheumatism. Ittmkacoy sciatica and all diseases caused by. Impure blood are Suickly and. permanently cured bj Jobn ko's Sanaparilla and Celery. The greatest of all blood purifiers. Lares bottle 50 cts. S&e by F. 8. Dot. : .i t 1, - - t ) ti- ft ' sVaaiim i.i aja : V : With You want a Garment which hangs correctly, as well as one that fife well CORDEREINE" Is the goods for Bicyc lists Skirts. TVe are showing it in two colors TAN and NAVY 75 cts. Per It has an adTantag . orer other goods, & ibvkl s . it has a hard sirXacs ' in fact it meets vntrf r quirement in tb use tot f which it was mad W ' are confident if you see it you'll make a pur chase. In connection trillS &b above wo arc showing the 1 (VPCT With Short Hip, Medium Waist, Opea at Sides with sUel extending to bottom. Price: $1.25 Pair. Buy a 'Oordareine" tSitt and one of these CJortot then the riding of tha "lA" will be made eomfortabl to you Hackburn & Willettt 47 & 4p .Pollod; Sis The Balance of Our Stocttf LADIES' cJSi WE WILL SELL KOW AT , 50a ON THE DOiSt' We also have abo4t 100 pairs of ZieglerJs Shoes, sixes ?, 3, w tot, O D & E Wat, which ws wilrSL& VERY LOW. A Shoe for t2.0O. A S3. 00 Shoe for $2.00. A $2.60 Shoe for 11.50. tSrWe could interest ym if tsb wouiu csu ana i . - Years Xhtty, , - , i V .".VA