4" THE JOURNAL. 1 X.E11T12, 5. 7. 42T'CX - : ?ivyt latir. Local Icperta?. vTm Solalioa 80 trer" party. . i the nam. gitaa. ta Um neweea political party. hoe tenets will be free tiler and prohibition. Now thw the U. 8: Treamry !d reserve it at a good iafa. amount, it notth time foraomoiioufressiou al action along hTenne legislative 11 ne&v which wUl keep tis reserve intact ' " Tns lieltioleyitea ha plenty of r rf fi. abfidy 'teTlicJ" now thr :. it will tjrtin next yar. uuder tli Af. ml nUtrafion tt William - Bx-CoDrrvtsmaa Joe Sibley, the probab'a laaidntia filver party candid at vt jd W define bime tallism, "f coinage f tifer at 16 :ta U vie. political Now that ii: ' -;Vnd B. i. student of -i.,bavd ";had - viowa i. wui U of interest to know how the frown op people of Spain feel a boat going to war with lJJ.aiied SUfcea.. .- f - - " " S.Me ona hat made the drealfal . di-oery that D. A. Tompkins, of Cuariotu. one of the proprietors of T-,uiv;Mt uwr'Tcr, is a -rim-st,M I t?t "ier is expret-vi " by t aji,lnrjtnnro-w Joe-. t'aJd.r.l ei bw fo 'sound money", ; when ieLat Tooipkina is a birne . talilw Vtj'ell, what is strange abcut ; it, any ay. SiSAToa-CoJlom, of Illinois, an T soancs in 1tter,sthat whlk he is a i Ye-CtTitial candidate, he is a " poor man -airil has no money to pad. It i to say tint in th prtlimirisry. left heats, before the ' real rriisntL' race at St. Louii takes r'c. Senator Callora will not be eagerly aooght after by the jt - ski e poll UCiao. ' - PJSSI.DXT Clereland, in sddi tioa to making a speech at the Pres bTUriaa Homo Mission rallr. also t joirl hraiac hymn, aad thoso w.k.o ac near atffi say mbmi trooO Toice. - Jt U strmied.that he,-sung i 'oC the goldea streets of .the New Jerusalem, and that the allusion to the money qavtkm oa the gold unaara siaw gave Bin vest to sing iU the spirit and the understand ig. Raleigh News & ObeerTer. Doee the JVstr.t ad Ohstrrtr in in? J'oee toe jvews e uoerrtr jn , sist upon a silver crowded hesKl and a til re c toned voice as the first and oalf recwiaitee which are entitled to aa angelic ncogtxitioaJ rttxn i roxAicux nrnxr "The Charlotte Observer has come ' into possession, through what it : c. r lerii perfectly reiiabie -cban-cel. cf the heals and scone" of the proposed f between the Um e rat and i'-rpu lists of this State. lfeaara. Ed. ChaOiben Smith and U C. feeble wea to Washington to . wee J t see -oeuator Is u tier, from a conference of aboot Gftr free niter Demo Tats held in Raleigh La tiS ooeiarerce tnere was reU a later by M r. Soai th Xrom Mr . U u t ! er, either Lnviting conference with Jjemocrauorexpressjirg ais assent to ooe-we are not clear as to wheth- er n o? ertore eame ongimuiT irora him, to them of from them to bim. !At all eTeatt toe two genUemen fira Barney TCQt.tO; Washington, con - lerreu wita Mr. liouer ano ascer- Caiaed irota bias tte terms npon which he would agree to Pemocratic- Pepulist fntioa. The agreement - tentaUre or permanent, as the case - are to hare the cowmenhip and and all the other State efScea they now) hold bat Treasurer Worth is to be re-elected. Ther are also to retain tho eon rreesional ." seata ther now "La. Tii.;thosac4Uittaecond, third and 'sixth districts, occupied b? .' UesaTTU W'oodard. Shaw and Lock ;. hart, respectiTety, bwt the Congress - men from the first, foorth and serenth districts Uessrc Skinner, Strowdaial Shniord. all PoDoliats are to be re-elected and the Democrat and the Popu lists are to unite fori the defeat ef the sitting members . irmm'tco fifth, eighth! and 'ninth " d litri. is. Messrs. Settle. Tinner and - i'earaoo, Reptfblicanr. ' In the coun-1 . ties "which now haTe Democratic! - officers the statBl im UK remain nn-1 .disturbed that latosay tho .Demo- craU are to- nominate Democrat for 1 ; tUcse araiw and the ronoData are toI0l4,.d and ail the corn crown n. sapport theox; and in the. counties where the fasioniats of '94 have the 1 ofScesL the sUtus is to be changed f tsabetitntinf Deeaocrts Jot lie-1 ' pubicaas. Thasv li -"a cooaty .new I -ha a Sepnblicaa sheriff and a Pop-1 Tt.m resrwer, toe resnsier is to oe - - u a . rtuained ) replaced bw some other f Prpolist, and the aheriuf is to be re YpUcedj by a Democrat. The matter ef division ef legislatfre tickets was entirtlr nd; . no fusion upon an electoral ticket was provid ed for, it being 'aardmed that thia "would animate J r take care of. itself I er Democrarlo matetzers, that thelour cotton we onght to become the North Carolina delegates to th.- Chicago convention shall bolt it inl the event of the nomination of apron ores and coal. In ten or tweutv roid-bur axid that the Staia.Dsrnoo- I racT shall foflow thia eiample arid I ropport a silTer candidate (or. Pre-1 Kieos. im uuaaa. werejeanyaasoa m - connection with the gubernatorial ," nomination or that for any other folate cfce. a&d, nocandidate for Senator was agreed npon, though it is a part of the. plan that Senator . trn;chard mnst not l re-elected ..' " If the above, proree to be a true kJni of the propoeeddcjU.it must . . disgust every self-respecting Dem 1 ccratia North Carolina.- If the Democracy Of the State has trdoWTtOther'rradic' t Jsisl and I Islands to lend ftseif, iwr a,prjcsj.4o every political adventurer who comes t " ?. ? , J ion z. the sooner it. is dead and I TiorW the better. f 1':.UX propes4 d'eal j shows the i'ct-.;.-sts to pe;piaying a.pouacai Jrams to win, no matter whether, the -lr aMIcan or Democrats: lose, one r both, i -" " - i" - It te pcjitical move whofly-with - oat prinaple, and Dnre'y demagogic and for spoils. Itia- made to ad vance the political for tunes of few, even if It. disgrace- aad.oatrage eTery sense of political deoencjof the many.- . . -. ' . . . . It is not necessary to say that a democratic victory; if sach thing wns pot rlblo by sach "trade," is Sir more to be arotded than a defeat with principles involved."'- -' . r ' ; ! ' NOW OR GRXATXR THINGS. The citiiena of New Beroo- Lave Down iowr enterprise ana. progres siveness ia a'tiumher- of. nutters nook has performed her flr.-c a. connected with their city,; an. i it service sine- her ke-l w:u development, and a continuation of twenty one yews' ago. The tnis Ipuil will goon place .Nmv is (M-JH far in advance of mar v citie.- in tin ) South, aud attract to it support upbuilding new psple. with motie v 1 iii i v. and energv, for a progressive pl.t. j.. is certaiu to brine in'. i: t hi m.'t ;l;i.i , .!e8irabIo of o;tizot;, arvl r.ipi r a! .i,-,r,.4 seeks investment in live i-iiio- i v Aow jerno to diiy : an attni'Tiv .city for the uorthcin to.:.-idi dmiti the winter 8-a.n. On: .'..inati- i ruost agreeable, onr c ty is li .m ami our suleudid roal-ways in atnl aronna the city, offtr opportunities for nnlirnfted ont iloir pleasure, in the way of ilrtvinc:, riding. w:i!kinjr and bicvclinj;. " ew lJerne's annual Fair is a feat ure each year, not only in its section j hae but throughout the State, and ad-: .iutie joining ones, and the thousands w rcomo to see, enjoy and view its at tractions and exhibit, go away with Hlowing words for this City's enter prise. But while New Berne is to be congratulated npon these and other things, which prove the faith and .ontidence of its citizens in the future if its city, it should seek out side capital to come in here and start new inuostries, by offering such in ducement as will bring ihein. New Iierne is well situated for manufacturing establishments of all kinds. It has fine water and rail road connections, which afford easy and cheap means of bringing in raw prodnct and carrying away the man ufactured article. It has good water, an equable climate, and . 1 xxi meats, seafood and vegetables, wun prices low ar;n aou uuiuii. !riet of products, which wonld make living ithin the means of all who migtt Luiue hete. Let the effort Ive made and one manufacturing plant be built, others will follow, an.t Uie city's growth and increase of business will astonish every one. The people of New Heme are capable of greater things in their citr's development. Now is the f.me to bei;in. tne oik. SU DRIFTING. Senator Hrice. of Ohio in a recent interview in the Chicago Times Herald, sizes tip the situation in this country when he says, regard ing the pending attempts at legisla tion. 'Nothing, nothing. We are 0 iug to drift along, that's all. '1 die senate is drifting, the administra tion is drifting, the house of repre sentatives is drifting, the Demoera- - tic partj is drifting, the Republican plrty " is drifting, the Populists are - driftinir. K very body and everything ng. f.vervtRxJ v aim everything is drifting. lhe situation is vividly portraye. in tins answer for there seems to ue nothing but a continual drifting polities and financial matters through Out the country. It speaks very little for American common sense and the general ere dir. which as a nation this country enjoys as being intense! practical On the eve of a rresidential Cam paiirn, tne welfare or tne countrv seems of do importance, and instead of efforts at remedial legislation hioh the business interest of the conn try imperative y demands at once, tne people s representatives sre simply trying to rind a policy which mar seem best for them in the election. . With government expenses great er than its rerenues, and financial htLtinr. nW thi tt of im - ' - 9 - piy driftinir is cowardice of the I WOrat kind, and the neirlie-ence for hhi. condition of affairs sbould be lgjtd riven those who are permit inir eTervthirur to drift regardless of the immense interests of the 'Re 0 j o r public which are jeopardized by snch non-action. I s"u t- It will surprise many people to know that the per capita value of the agricultural products of the I South is greater than that of any I Prt of the country. Tho federal I Bureau of Statistics has recently I com pie ted reports for the year 1894 which how that the twelve leadiug lorope of tne Soatu ror tnat rear were worth $737,403,143 while the I twelve most important crops in all I the reet of the country combined were worth only 1, 160.065. 74 I The per capita raiue of these crops I was 33 Jor the South and only 29 I for thereat of the countrT. Cotton is considered the leading Southern proluct, but the corn crop of the Son th is more valuable. Our cotton crop of 1894 was worth r250,(X, 0O0 hnt onr crop was worth ?2!". all the rest of the con ntry it&s worth only 204.704,181. TheSoufh raised nearlr iO,00O.0( worth of tobac- co against 7,7'-6,30O worth in the rest of the country. Our sugar croj. was worth T15.000,(xdO and our nee lA.ts va m .. s fiw.'u The Hon s tou 1'ost commenting on tats report makes an excellent point rhen it says "A creat advance is possiule in the hay crop where we are wofully betiind. and yet the section is most admirably adapted to its cultivation. ith uy and corn we ought to liarnisn tne world witn meat pro ducts, with horses an i mules. itli greatest mannfacturinff eection of the .world, supplemented by our vears it is more than probable that these distinctions will ne realize- that we will not only produc more in gross than the balar e of the na tion,, but will work up our raw materials. The man who cadts his lines lu the south at this time can make no mistake he is choosing the richest natural, and in every way most promising section of the orld." In 1894 the South produced only 05,614,213 worth of uav against 40J,94.3iH) for the rest of the eoontry. ine hay crop of last greater year in the South was much and tnat or tins year win oe larger still, but wo do not yet raise enough L.. I It T 1 hay. Atlanta Journal. TTloe4 ia Switzerland. BkRSE, Switzerland, March 9. irelting snow and a heayy rainfall hare caused serious floods in the Bernese Oberland. The Rhine has overflowed at Locle and Mar team, innandating those places. Railroad commnoication with both towns has been stopped. While do physician or pharmacist can coctcif Dtioullv aarrant a cure, the J. C. Aver Ox guarantee ih. purity, strength, aaJ medlciol virtue? ol Avrr garsapa- rillalt was the oaly blood-pari tier ad-1 mHted at (he great World's Fair in Chi-1 Cgo, 1S93. ,w - 'nesa. LATEST IIAPPEWINQS. - : i ne rout Utiensc vessels .Mona ma !.ii.! l . i Mr an. ?e:init- UA v . it.' ; -. 1 1 down d and f mm ni ised Mare ibou t ami 1 Sa:j F .iV v i helm d e'oaie pr Mt ! i : ners k:!'.-d 1 lai 1 l: I We I . an .'.!: i''!i,r:-.llll . 1 : 1 r : :i l''i:;n!v. The lr S. TrertS'irv irob! is o el f rjo'.UUtvd. The Anti-Aiiierii an r i . . ! s t in ditierent jiarts of .Spain, men and nemliers of the im leen inuned in liiese liols. Th' arrest of eiviliar.s in I'oiilmae, and inauv iH'aeef reserve out intie l'oliee .lj have Cuba. ul ones been kii. ed under the order Wreck and ruin ho . art wide soiead npon the island. i The death warrant of II. Holmes, the multi-murderer, has been sigtie I by Gov. Hastings, of Pennsylvania, and Lie will be execu ted on -May ?th. The Hritish steamer Pollyphemus has arrivt-d in New York from China u:i 1 .Jap. iii. Two of her crew died at Shanghai of smallpox. It is reported that Italians are crossing tiie frontier of Italy into France, in order to escape service in the army. In a landslide in Portland, Ore gon, two person were killed, and a house wrecked. Near Admiral Walke, U. S. N. is dead, aged Ss years. Italy has formed a new Ministry. Marquis 1i Rudinr succeed s Signor Crispi. as premier. Tho first meeting of the Salvation Army in America, a rival of the English Salvation Army, was in augurated Suuday in New York, with a large crowd. Hallington Hooth and wtfe are the leader"1. It is said on good authority that me Administration will make no more seizure of oargoes of arms for Cuba. This applies only to vessels loaded witn arms and ammunition and not to arnu 1 expeditions, which Will 10 . 'i7-'d. 1 he sti ikiug guvuient makers, in Baltimore, nifadel the principal stre.j;sof the .it v carving banners and transparencies t-earing mottoes whicli told of the purpose of their stiike, h determination to win. T:!.re were about .'J, n.en in line an i much enthusiasm pre vailed. The Clyde W. Clvde has I j no been I. on run steamer George hauled off the g Island shore, into on February beach . h rhe T!;e "Ivde wiu liv the i Md Iom:riio:i Line steam er (iuayoiidotte during a dense fog, and beached on the Hong Island shore to save her from sinking. The Commercial and Savings Bank, of San Jose, Cal.. has closed its doors A notice on tho door Luted that they deemed it advis;ble to Uuuidate. The depositors, it is said, will be paid iu full. No de tails are vet Known. The capital stock of the bank is 1.00o,lo, with paid up capital of 30o (mmi, ami surplus 225,t ' (i. Undismayed by the failure of sev eral e.viHxiitious sent from this coun try to aid their friends, the resident Cubans of the United States are said to have fitted o it and dispatched anothei vessel to Cuba. It is report ed that this vessel leftPhiladelphia on I huraday last. She took no muni tions of war aboard at this port, but it is said that the arms and ammuni tion wefe transfered to hor after she got to sea and beyond the three-mile limit. Nothing dennito in relation to the vessel could be learned here. T he local Cuban leaders would not talk about the expedition. No Compromise Says Senator Harria Washington, ALaroh 7 Sena tor Harris, of Tennessee, who is the official head of the Democratic free- silver organization, says that, so far as he and those whom he represents are concerned, there is to be no com promise whatever with the single- gold-standard party. "We are going to make the issue at Chicago next July, he says. "We propose to force the fighting. We believe tluit the people have been duly edu cated. I am sure that we will have a majority of the delegates to tho national convention. I say this be cause of the correspondence my com mittee lias had with prominent Democra'8 in all the States of the tnion. we are busily engaged in circulating onr literature, and there is no doubt whatever in my mind that wo will control the declaration of the next Democratic convention upon the financial question." RIortoa's Big Boom. JNkw Vouk, March 8. The Re publican State Committee, Charles Hackett, chairman, to-night issued the following to the press. "Ihere have been more than forty Republican county and ussem bly district con ventions already held in this State, and 105 delegates to the Republican State Convention which as.-embles in this citv on the 4th of March have been elected Every one of. these conventions lias indorsed Gov. Morton as its candid ate for President, and every one of the PJ3 delegates thus far chosen is a Morton man. Eight delegates to the St. Louis convention have been elected, ana every one or them is heartily for Gov. Morton. "Gov. Morton's friends here haye advices that already twenty-eight Morton men have been chosen dele gates to St. Ijouh from Georgia Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and lexas. Ihere are theref.'ie. thirty-six Morton dele nates to tie national convention alreadv c!c d." Only Southern Senator. The selection of Senator Pritch ard as a member of the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee means a great deal for the cause of Repub'icanism and the fusion move- men', in the South, said a promin ent Republican to a reporter of The Post. "Pritchard, having been born and reared in the South, under stands the political complications and conditions in that section, and knows how to deal with them for the beet interests of his party, and being the only Republican Senator from the South, his opinions on political affairs become a matter of interest in every part south of Ma son and Dixon's line. Since the Presidential campaign booms were launched the number of letters ho receives daily keep several clerks busy. Wash. Post. Iack oi vitality anJ colornatter in the bulbs cauaes tne uair to fall out aod turn gray - We recommend Ilall's. Hair Heiiewer to prevent buldaesa apd gry- TAX SALE iiae this day levied upon the owing described Keal Kxt:it to .-fy the Taxes now due and mi 1 for the year l-'ao; and will fell 'iih'.! ' ..utcry. at the Court House " in the City of New Heme, sty of Cra er. and State of ort h loll sat i pai ( OU'!' 'a-.'l dav 1! k M. Apr: .11 M. 1 Ma;. day of To N.-silli- No. A.MKS iKSi'I;Il'TN co T Audi. !son ')! a.-res 1. I'AX i land. : l'mev Neck, K 11 Aicleiv,.n , eusc liver. W H Adams 40 a.re land Hay 13 2 acres, liu -.11 Mrs. Delia 1'uillips 500 of acres ( 'oward 's Island , C J Atkinson 1 13 acres l'mev Neck, Noah Anderson 32 acres, do, Jesse Harrington Gl acres, Willis' Neck, Jesse Heebe 1 10 acres, do, Thomas Bryan M acres, Bryan Place, Theo Bland jr. d acres, 'anceboro, Edward Blount 4." acres, Brown's Branch. J tt Harrow 20 acres, Clark Swam)), Sarah J Barrow, OS acres, do, Oliver Bryan -10 acres Palmetto Benj. Blount 43 acres, Folly Washington Brown 21 acres, l'mev Neck. II. b ; 4 r iv ; li 0;3 Macon Bryan 1 lot, anoe boro. M A Waters 1 uo acres, PaN nietto, 1 ii-5 13 S W Brooks 3 acres, Cre.k, Alex Buck 0 acres, Little Butlers 0 4b Ford, Henry Brown 8 acres, Nee k . Ishatn Hovd 25 acres Neck, V i n e y b 30 Pinev Wm. Coward "ei acres Swamp Clarks R J Cherry 1 lot. V Georgeanua Dixon ancehoro, 14 acres, Maul Swam, Luke Conway Jr. 14 acres Do Do, A A Caton 4'J acres. Willis Neck. Henrv C S acres. Butlers ford. II I C.irrawan acres, Cow pens. Wm. Cleve Jr airt I lot Vance i; 13 noro. ic. oi P C levei P, acres, Bt hoi. 14 oi Richard Chapman ."iO acres. Pmey Neck, Richard Dixon 130 acres Clay Hoot, 2 .Sd (.rant uarris o acres, rmey Neck, Lafayette Dudley Ko acres. Neuse River, E I. Williams 150 acres, Do Mary D 1 ewey 1 luo acres. Do paid 10 (Ml B F Dinkins 304 acres Vance horo, Oliver Dawson 2" acres. Bear Branch, C II Dixon 115 acres, Bay Bush. Ann Dudley 39 acres, Swift creek, Henry Edwards 14 acres, Vancehoro, Sam'l Ellison 200 acres, do, 12 Go 3 11 S 40 2 40 C, OS 7 73 8 25 4 33 paid 10 00 Joe Edwards 140 acres, Iul metto, Jno. F Fulcher 31 acres Bear Branch, Joseph us Forrest 57 acres, Vancehoro, Charles Fornes 50 acres, Bulls Pocosin, Sarah Fornes 200 acres Creep ing swamp, John Fornes 50 acres, Bulls Pooosin, Josephus Wetherington 49 acres, Neuse River W II Fillingame Jr 37. acres, do, Rebecca Godley 135 acres, Fishers Swamp, G 43 6 55 3 17 G I- 4 31 G 80 C 34 G 00 G 90 10 06 7 G3 0 55 G 49 Sam'l L Griffin 27 acres, Mt. Pleasant, John O Griffin 40 acres, Cow- pene, W H Griffin 119 acres, Mt. Pleasaut, Christiana Manning 250 acres do, H B Griffin 30 acres, do, Joe A Gaskins 52 acres, Bear Branch, Ida Gaskins 9 acres, Nemo Road Mathew Gaskins 45 acres, Bear Branch, Ed Laughinghouse 20 acres. Maul swamp, Alfred Gatlin 100 acres Street ferry Gardner Gatlin 05 acres, do, Washington Gardner 40 acres Beaver darn. Doc B Green 14 acres. Pal 2 33 5 90 7 07 0 SO (i 52 metto. Alphonso Hoell 3S1 acres, Maul swamp. Ira T W lloell KOI acres, Vancehoro, J I' Heath 1 !3 acres. Swift G 05 '0 3d 14 72 10 CS creek , C J Heath 01 acres. Little creek, Joe Herriugton 50 acres, Maul swamp, U A I pock 14! acres, do. do, C A lpock 51 acres, Beaver dam J M lpock 1 lot, Vancehoro Ilattie Jackson 5u acres, do, Mike Johnson Sr. 25 acres, Bear bran, h Frank .lohuon 3 acres, Pinev Neck Peter Johnson 11 acres, Mt. Pleasaut 0 2S 9 (Hi 7 05 S 4 7 2 01 3 03 5 71 5 S9 3 58 3 54 3 74 3 73 Sam'l Harris 45 acres, Pii.ev Neck Calvm Kukman .ir. 10 acies, Neuse road Wright Kuight Sr 195 acres, Hill ieck Rachel Ireland 100 acres, Willis bridge Stephen Kite C5 acres, Maul Swamp Samuel Kito 70 acres, do, do, Daniel King 135 acres, Hills 40 Neck II Kinnion 150 acres, Wat ery branch 8 41 3 73 G 39 A A Kirkman 30 acres, Pinev Neck M A Lancaster 134 acres. Pol lards Swamp 373 3 08 7 2o 3 61 7 79 7 87 8 57 Phillip Lancaster 57. acres, Palmetto Jno Laughinghouse 194 acres Maul swamp Geo. Lupton 140 acres, Pal metto Wm R Morris 101 acres, Piney Neck L M Morris 33 acres, Vance horo West W Morris 123 acres, Maul swamp 1 1 J Morris 12. acres, do F M M .rris 135 acres, Pleasant doe Morris 200 acres, 1 :,- branch W H Morris ."I u'Mvs i1 Neck I", ait. llil'V Stade Mourning Id Pi i icy Neck acres, H in ,1 .Moore U Neck das. I; Miihr In branch John l; M.iler a. acres. Hills iv-. (.real. n- i John I". , on l.".u acre.- Palmetto M li Nobles CG acres. Butlers ford PobT Norlleet 3 acres, Swift creek -OnT do F M Pu rser 8'.i aires to Palmet-ance- J A Pur.ier 40 acre boro 10 ! A A 1 u rser i G W Pate SO 3 . acres, acres do. (!4 Pinev i Neck Sarah Nelson 3ii aores, do, Sam'l Powers do acres, Maul Swamp Geo D Pue;h 15 acres, Maple Cypress John A Pugh 50 acres, Vancehoro .Ionian Peterson 12 acres, Maul Xwamy i Julia Peterson 2 acres, 'an ce I boro j Henry Powell 30 acres, Pal metto ; Caroline Pice 114 acres, Maul swamp Ada Dinkins 50 acres, Maul swam i ! John Xlhi.-.vc, acres, Palmetto ; D P Street 152 acres, Streets ;; 01 41 is pj 4i ! 8 (ill 4 30 .i bs I ferry 10 i Eph Simpkins 25 acres. ! neck J E Simpkins (i acres, branch Deep Bear 22 4 (JO b iis( Elizabeth Simpkins o acres. Miinl swamp Joseph Simpkins 10 acres, Bear branch Lydia Pollard 88 acres, Pol lard section David Smith 20o acres, Willis Neck A A Smith 13o acre.-, Gard ner's Bii.ltre K W Smith '.m acres, Willis Neck J T Willis and Ella Asher 150 acres, do, 2 73 in) 83 20 4 ul James Tripp S3 acres. l)eep Ne.-k C C Tripp for wife 25 acres, Bay Brush ' 2 Amariah Toler 240 acres. Hills Neck 0 L L Toler 123 acres, do 7 W N Tingle 50 acres, Maul Swamp S Stephen Whitford 30o acres, Bear Branch 11 Nancy Whitford 377 acres. Masons Branch 13 Joseph Tripp (Heirs) 280 acres, Pocosin 3 A J Whitford S0o acres, Hills Neck 9 W D Whitford 50 acres, Fiat 00 ol 08 Swam p Frank Wilson 32 acres, Swift Creek James Wilson 40 acres. But lers Ford Thompson Wiggins 224 acres, Poplar Branch C H Wiggins 100 acres, Cow pens Jos Wiggins 73 acres, Pinev Neck ' A A Wiggins 59 acres, Nelson Road Jesse Lathinghouse .'19 acres, Willis Neck B I Willis GO acres, Wiliis Neck ulia S. Willis 158 acres, do A P Willis 100 acres, do 41 G 00 11 03 G 94 7 40 7 40 S 75 9 G3 F W Warren 1S5 acres, Swift Creek N P Williams 47 acres. Bay Bush A B Willis 57 acres, Bear Branch towx.sjiii', No. 2. Alonzo Everett 28 acres, Sand Hills JQA Bennett 48 acres, Shoo Fly Sain'l Boyd 37 acres, do G W Cnthrell 52 acres, Broad Creek Wm II Dunn 05 acres, do. S F Edwards 2 acres, Sand Hills W R Edwards 15 acres, Sand Hills S A Everington 2S acres, Mud dy Branch Mary J Raskins 44 acres, Lit tle Swift ck. G 94 G 08 0 o; 7 79 C 44 3 14 0 84 5 8G 5 99 3 39 2 89 7 70 Thos R. Godley 70 acre?, do Wm L Gaskins 9o acres, For rest Brice Gaskins 230 acres, Hulls Swam j) Aaron Hammonds 00 acres, do A C Hoi ton 150 acres, Broad Creek Right Hammons 2 acres, L harles Brunch Alice Guiou 25 acres, do Jas A Hartley 3(H) acres, North West ck. F F lpock 50 acres, Forrest 10 07 4 1G 3 00 2 01 9 00 3 00 John J lpock 35 acres, d.. 0 (l Zack Johnson 40 acres, Guina S E Morris 121 acres. Flat Swamp G G Morris 45 acres, Shoo Fly Israel Pettipher ooo acres, 3 P. Sand Hills 10 80 Willis Pettipher 3o0 acres, do do f 81 Heirs of Bryan Pettipher 1(100 acres. Sand Hills 10 OS William Howe 300 acre, P. road Creek E ,1 Rice 435 acres, do 01 Chas Sou ires 115 acres, Broad Creek 4 00 W M Ilollowav o5 acres Muddy Branch 3 10 P R Tnnstall 3(i(i acres, do 4 38 A I. Toler SO acres, Littl Swift ck. (i (( Joseph Wiley 25 acres, Broad Creek 259 V N Wayne 48 acres, Broad . creek 3 1', A F Wright G 1-2 acres, Guin- sv 5 86 RC Wayne 1 OS acres, Shoo Ely 0 7S Geo R. West 275 acres, Broad 2k. 5 90 Towxsnir xo. 3. A W Avery, 30 acres laud Core Creek 10 43 Lafayette Beasley 100 acres land Mulberry Island 8 75 Susan W Beasley 274 acres land Core creek 7 22 Arthur Becton 1 acre land Core creek depot G 52 M W Biddle 100 acres- land Rose Hill 7 63 John Biddle 2S0 acres land Fort Barnwell 29 61 Jesse Broadway 540 aGres land White place 27 31 James Brown 255 acres land Mosely creek 13 59 John J Bryan 345 acres land Green place 12 10 acrcs land I Half Moon 8 04 I C T Dougherty 220 acres land j Flat swamp 0 90 , Sarah II Daughert y s5 j creek 7 -s i A I bert Dm n ii 3 acres j Mosely creek .-, ;i; ; B N Ferrell 343 acres j Moseley creek 2 72 ! Needhaiu Harrison 25 land ( 'ore creek ; J II ! i a k i n - I '. n acre-- (!ore land laud acres land 1 !o I io er J Noah He.d h i I ii a.-res Core creek am E B Heath, agt., 1 5 J acres hand 11 arrisou , L B Humphrey : ; Dover ; Nancy J.irman C land acres acres laud 5 40 W n Cobb 200 13 U laud1. Snake Hole : Frederick Jones 100 acres land Savannah 45 !)1 40 I McCoy 22 acres Core creek ; Rosanna Mills 20 ac.es Mosely creek John V Moody lo acres land land land Jiig Swamp T R Moore 15 acres land Flat Swamp 0 13 Jethrae Oats 10 Near Barnwell F P Outlaw 52 Griffin land C M Pittmann 12 Moon Primus Rhem 13 acres land land Half laii kunwl litntl land land acres 33 :jo acres 3b Jl 21 acres Moseley creek Haywood Riggs Gu acr Core creek Jas IJ iiouse 203 Mosely creek Henry Rouse 200 Stringer Pi Jennie Iiouse 14 acres. ar-res (53 ae-res Mosely creek Ada S Russell '.'wOO. acres Moseley creek Catherine Smith 125 laud Core creek W H Smith 100 acres Flat Swamp J E Waters 1-4 acres Dover depot larnl acres land land 00 Wateis iv Tavlor 1 lot Dover depot T E Wetherington 75 acres Core land land rand land Mosely creek S D White 5 acres land creek Ja.s II White 121 acres Core creek Willie White 9 acvts Moselv creek J A B Heath 300 acres Core creek R M Williams 250 acres S 9 5 10 7 8 0 3 5 4 6 3 : 8 90 0 s2 00 1 1 45 51 land Carmack land AR Wooten lift acres land Half Moon Touxsmi" xo. 5. Martin Carter, Sr, 47 acres land Neuse river W H Carter Sr 50 acres land Neuse river J C Carter 7 acres land Club foots creek Amos F Carter 140 acres land K ings creek Jos (hilly r$0 acres land Mitch ell's creek Boston Chapman 50 acres land Adams creek W E Clark (part owner) 25i acres near Adams creek Martin 1) Davis 1 acre land m ar Carrie Croom til 0 24 5 45 Phoebe J Dove 50 acres land Kings creek Wm Dove 130 acres land: Cahopue creek Spencer G Fisher 50 acres land Cahoque creek Charles H Fenner 25 acres land Mitchells creek A T George 94 acres land Neuse river James George 20 acres land Clubfoots creek Nathaniel George 25 acres land Clubfoots creek R B Godette 38 acres land Mitchells creek Andrew Godett 58 acres land! Cahoque creek Polly Godett 20 acres land! Clubfoots creek Emeline Hoover 50 acres land Blue Belly creek Hannah Heath 10 acres land Adams creek William Jackson 50 acres land Long creek 3 51 4 51 29 . 6 C 7 5 C 3 51 2 49 3 22 3 39 C 52 3 17 Willie Jones 60 acres lan til Adams creek Edward Jones f0 acres land Long creek Elijah Martin 34 acres land Mitchells creek 2 81 John Martin 34 acres laud Mitchells creek 81 Jacob Martin 34 acres land Mitchell's creek 0 20 Rigdon Martin 34 acres laid Clubfoots creek 0 16 Jas W Mitchell 0 acres land Kings creek Jesse Mitchell 10 acres land Clubfoots creek Ellen Morris (heirs) 50 acres land Clubfoots creek John Peed 50 acres land G8 21 3 1 Adams creek T A Richardson 1 1-2 acres Morton road Benj. Richards Jr. 12 acres land Mitchells creek Ahram Simmons 50 acres liiewl Mitchells creek Nathan Simmons 20 a-res, Isave Creek 3 7G 63 9 0.02 Towxsii ir N. i' Jas. Anderson lock, acstsr l"av?- 27 90 Henry Bettner 4(?cres, do John Bender 58 acres, Croa tan, G W Benjamin 8 acres, 11m e GO 01 00 32 02 Geo. Berry 37 1-2 acres, do Mrs. Ferine Bryan S acres, do Amos Batts 10 acres, do John Barnes 107 acres, Slo- enmbs Creek, 8 43 Turner McRav 40 acres. Han cock Creek. 3 59 Doc Cooiver 18 acres, Have- lock. 81 17 3G Mrs. (.' Chestnut 105 acres, do A J Chestnut 200 acres, do WTm. Cohen 50 acres, Tuckers- Creek, 3 73 Harry Colman 52 acres, Croa- tan, 3 40 S L Cavinough 55 acres, Have- lock, 27 A Dustan, by E Clarke. agt., 3000 acros, Croatan, 43 93 W ii' Dennis 50 acres, Have- lock, A Dennis 35 acres, do W R Eborn 50 acres, Tucker's Creek, 6 78 3 22 16 18 4 39 57 88 G 78 6 75 7 43 3 56 7 10 4 95 Mrs. M F Fisher 35 acres, Slo- cumb's Creek, M N Fisher 400 acres, Have- lock, George Squires 60 acres, do Jas. Gray, bv W E Clarke, agt., 2500 acres, Croatan, Stepney Hickman 25 acre. Havelock, N Hickman 25 acres, Havs1 lock, J R Holland 218 acres, do Katie Hill 58 acres, Croatan, Curtis Hill 58 acres, do W H Ives 125 acres, do John Johnson 50 acres, Have lock, 4 05 Noah Jackson 1750 acres, Cro atan, 1 1 75 Allen Kiiinediiv 124 acres, IS 00 11 03 Havelock. Morris Kenneday 38 acres, do Maria Kinneday 0 acres, do S B Nelson 15 acres, do Ann M Nelson 35 acres, do Susan Pittman 25 acres, do John DePorte 14 3-4 acres, Havelock, S W Peeing 25: io acres, do Mrs. A Rigdon 2 acres, do Noah Smith 70 acres, Croatan Isaac Shaw, by Geo. Simpson, agt., 30 acres, do Mrs. Mary Scott 95 acres, do E R Tolson 90 acres, do T J Tolson 113 acres, do Esther Whitehead 50 acres, do Hortense White 102 acres, do Emma J Watson 155 acres do H II Williams 100 acres, do B L Wynne 25 acres, Have lock, G A Webber 200 acres, do Mrs. Hannah Weeks 100 acre?, do Alex. Wallace 12 acres, do W Y Wynne 100 acres, do M M Williams 100 acres, Cro atan, No 7 Township. Sultan Bender 15 acres, adj. Brooks & Wooten, Albert Butler 1 acre, part II R Bryan land, Cornish & Co. 219 ac:es, River dale, John Daniels 1-4 acre, adj. Austin Brown, W F Foy 179 acres, Foscuo tract. " Primus Foy 05 acres, adj. Jesse Brooks A D Fisher 1-3 acre, River dale, J P Fisher 1-4 acre, do W J Hardison 20 1-2 acres, part Cohen tract, Julia F Hardison 275 acres, Mt. Pleasant Farm, S Haskitt 200 acres, Johnson's Point, Jas. M Hill 25 acres, adj. Wooten and others, 9 95 00 8 d!i 30 9 K 97 3 51 40 SO 2 80 90 8 11 3 40 5 s G 54 2 51 5 51 29 02 4 28 5 50 4 28 9 97 W A Harris 1 acre, Beaufort Road, 41 78 88 43 40 88 , .7 01 G3 51 25 17 Bryan W Ives 1-2 acre River dale, 10 35 John Jones 1-2 acre, part II R Bryan tract, 2 49 Haley Lee 12 3-4 acres, Coal Camp, 5 40 Dennis S Lee 1 acre, part Gray land, 0 23 Henry B Lar-e 1500 acres. Trent River, 4G 63 L P Martin 5 acres, adj. Jes sie Brooks, 4 62 Catherine Midyetto 1-8 adj. Austin Brown, 2 20 Mrs. S C Mattocks 25 acres,. part Cohen tract, 10 II E Pelham 300 acres, adj.. Ward & Guion, 17 30 Miles Slade 5 acres, Coal Camp, 5 74 Washington Spivev 65 aero part Young t.act, Township No. 8.. Jas. Murray 1 lot, Iteizen- steinsvllle, S It Richardson 1 lot, Johnson. H5 St., Isaac Aldridge 1 Lot, Green St Matrin Arthur 1 Lot, Scott's. Alley, Nettie Armany 1 Lot ForbeV- Alley, 4.28 W II Benton 1 Lot Coart St. 3 73 Hettie Bryan 1 Lot George and New Sts., -5 40 R C BaKer 1 lot, Gar.lner'a; Alley, -4 28 G I Broadstreet for wife 1 I,. George 9 75 Hannah H Banks 1 1, Bern '6 63 V A Bryan 1 1, Eden 11 76 Geo. D Bowden 1 1, Broad J8 70 Harriet Bow 1 I, Queen and! Griffith 8 75 75 38 G3 99 10 45 Daniel Best 1 1. Jerkins alley -4 F Boesser 1 1, Craven "9 M J Banks 1 1, Bern HO Jane E Bryan 1 1, Oak 3 Charles Bow 1 1, Pavie town 2 Millie T Bryan 1 !. White 3 Luke Burny for wife 1 I,. Metcalf -5 Nancy Bragg 1 1, George 4 George Bragg 1 1, Queen 5 L A Bynum 1 1, Pollock 5 Chas Collins 1 1, Queen 5 Lawrence Cotton 1 1, Kill- monnock 4 Celia Carr 1 1, Jerkins land 3 C Carmon 1 1, Carmer M W Chapman 1 1, cor Be rn and Pine 14 4 39 7 Sam'l Chadwick 1 1, Primr ose W H Cohen for wife 1 1 ot, Pollock and Hancock A C Cragg 1 1, Pasture Sarah Copes 1 1, Crooked Amanda Davis 1 1, West Jonas Daniels 1 1, Queen, sad! Johnson Mary A Dudley 1 1, "Pturiw town Tiney A Davis 1 1, Ronmitrree John Dawson 1 I, Pa pie town. Tim Davis 1 I, Cedar Christopher Dixon 1 1 Jonbeff alley Clarissa Duncan 1. 1, Wosfc William" Downes 1 1, Ash. 7 6 14 5 4 3 -.3 T 44 .7 t2 o as :3 .73i: 6 52 45 84 SJ9 32 .5 83' E3 78 Garrison P FllJison. 1 L Jen kins alley Joseph Edwards 1 1, Pavio towu Shade A Edwards 1 I, Elm Luko Elliott 1 1. Bryan John II Fisher 1 1, Broad. Cicero C Foy 1 1, Braggs alley Celia Ful ford 1 1, Johnson Caroline Franks 1 I, Pavie town 4 G 6 7 8 3 5 7 5 -4 M E Frazier 1 I, George Mary Greeman 1 1, do, do, Theresa F'isher 1 I, Good Richard Green 1 1, Randolph Diuah Garner 1 I, Pavie towru Laura Grice 1 1, Crooked srael Godley 1 1, West Rebecca Garris 1 I, Broad John N Garreld 1 I, Carmer Caeser Gorham 1 1, George 4 84 Sophia Green 1 1, George and Oueen -S 40 Julia Green 1 1, Good -5 40 William Harris 1 1, Oak o 73 J B Hanks 1 1, Griffith 10 43 Beni Harris 1 1, Queen and rollock 5 40 George Hamm 1 1. Gaston 4 28 Elsia Hargett 1 1, Pavie town 3 84 Israel Hargett 11, do, do, -3 73 SamT Hill 1 1. Pavie town 4 28 Bachus Holly 1 1, Pavie town: 3 90 Daniel II Harris 1 1, Queen 7 79 Margaret J Harris 1 1, Pavie town 73 Wright Hines 1 1, Pavie town '7 25 W R Hollis 1 1, Pavie town 5 74 W h Hargett 1 1, Queen :2 89 Annie E Hamilton 11, Near- Long wharf 7 63 Patsy Hicks 1 1, Pavie town 4 28 Rosanna Harris 1 1, Crooked 45 17 Fanny House 1 1, Queen S 31 Violet Ann Holloway 1 . Crooked Z 63 George Ireland 1 1, pavie to rrn 6 52 Adams Johns 1 1, do, do, 4 56 John A Jones 1 1, Moonshinefc alley 8 91 Hayword Jones 1 I, Crooked 12 7 08 4 GO 2 lit 7 78 2 77 3 11 31 2S 33 ' 43 ' 18 14 24 17 4 03 5 07 I I 1 8 41 0 00 4 84 G 91 9 08 9 41 The Biggest 4 00 18 80 i 0 33 12 20 - tobacco ever ,5old for 10 cents and o lhe 5 cent piece is nearly as lar.$$e as vou .get of other G-j 8 59 high trades for 10 cejota, 34 74 10 51 3 28 5 7G Amos Jones 1 I, Henry Jones I 1, h S Johnson 1 I Edward p .lones alley Queen Pavie town Griffith 1 1, Braggs Susan .lone 1 1, do, do, J f Jackson 1 I, Cypress Annie .(ones and Lizzie Mlt- chell 1 1, Forbes alley Decator Jones 1 1, Pavie town Wm H Johnson 1 1, Stanly Jannett Lawrence 1 1, pavie town Thomas Kinsey 1 1, Ash Ruth Ijewis 1 1, p.istuer Simon Loftin 1 1, Oak and Ash Henry Long 1 I, Main John Lewis 1 1, werkins alley Sarah B Lewis 1 I, .rones Isaac Lewis 1 I, Scotts alley Caroline Mendenhall 1 1 Conrt Cathrene Mason I 1, Braggs allay j W Mes8ic agt 1 1, Queen W R Moore 1 I, New S Front B W Morris I I, junction New Queen and Bern lo 8 19 9 64 :2 61 20 43 Jiiuirva Mumford 1 1. Queen Barbara Moore 1 1, do do, Mary B Moulton 1 1, E Front and Change Brice Moore 1 I, West Redding Mcllwaine 1 1, Ash Edy Moore 1 I, Queen and Berne I) S Mitchell 1 I, Broad and Forbes allev W E McCay 1 1, pollock Benj Morton 1 1, Braggs alley Emma Murry 1 1, Carmer Albert Norris 1 1, New M f Ornm 1 1, Eden Annie Outlaw 1 1, pavie town j E O'iara 1 I, do. do, James parsons 1 1, Eubanks Edward parris 1 1, Spring S J Phillips 1 1, pollock Harriet pool 1 1, Queen Wright Royal 1 I, George Mary E Richardson 1 1, Nor wood E A Richardson 1 1, Johnson and Queen Mary Richardson 1 1, Miller Mary Ann Stark ey 1 1, New 11 73 3 73 84 87 7 79 19 86 43 73 89 17 97 84 11 14 40 96 40 48 73 12 W h Starkey 1 1, pavie town B Swert 1 I, Broad Isaac H Smith 1 1, Johnson Nelson Smith 1 1, Pavie town Mack Staten 1 1, do, do, H T Scott 1 1, c hapman Martha Speight 1 1, Eubanks Lawyer Slade 1 I, Jones Ger man S R Street for wife 1 1, pol lock 6 17 4 9 5 14 28 49 l"6 40 43 63 52 51 Miss Nannie p Street J 1, Mid dle Miss Laura J Street 1, do, do Parker W Smith 1 1, Miller Edward Small wood 1 ), Gas ton alloy Ma.thcw Simmons 1 1. cor Queen, Moonshine alley B t" Simmons 1 1, pavie town Benj Slierrod 1 lot do, ri Joshua Scott Kstarc by W K Clark, 1 lot. Near His-lici Uicliardeon 13 13 3 40 72 61 73 63 1 10 S H place Shade Stanly 1 lot, M.-tcnlf 1" H II Tooker 1 lot, East Front St. SamT Tavlor 1 lot. West St. L A Tucker 1 lot, Be.ne St.. A 1) Thomas 1 lot Scott's Alley, S A Vail 1 lot, New So. F. St. Mary Willis, 1 lot, Coart St.. Nathan Whitney 1 lot, Carmer and Elm Sts., John Warren 1 lot Pollock 4 :i i; 4 4 a 9 6 4 2S 28 52 52 63 30 73 40 63 40 8 and Oueen Sts , 15 45 Edward Wilson 1 lot, Pavie Town, Isaac Webb 1 lot, do Phillip Wiggins, Eubank St., Caroline Whitfield 1 lot, Cedar St., 5 96 7 48 5 9G 4 28 4 84 Gatsv Williams 1 lot, Broad St A B Williams 1 lot, Pavie Town. 4() Sarah Wayne 1 lot, Brown's Allev, Isaac 0 Wooten 1 lot, Atmore St., Virgil C Windley 1 lot, (iard- ner's Alley, Mrs. S E Wood 1 lot, Eden St.. 4 2S 4 33 G 13 17 46 Dennis Wadswortli 1 lot yueen and Pol lock t. Mary A Wilson 1 lot Pavie Town Alonzo Williams 1 lot Brapgs Alley Rosanna Ward 1 lot Forbes Alley Moset Willis 1 lot Good Street Ezekiel Williams 1 lot KeizeiiHtctnviic D Warren 1 1 Oueen St. 11 HK 1 111 f 75 f ll 4 M .1 7.'l H 7.H 7 (W 11 05 M 4 H4 4 2H 7 M t :o 2 45 4 1 Adam -I C Walter 1 lot Carmine St. II C Whttehurst 1 lot Queen St. Geo B Willis, 1 lot F.ast Front St. Wm H Wliririns 1 lot Pollock t- Clarisa Aycock 1 lot Town I'i Caesar Boyd wi acres, ;acwen uranuii Eliza Becton 1 lot, Duffy Lind W E Clarke 12 acres. Wood Land Milliard Dlllahunt 85 acres, Trent Road Gambo Dardun 0 acres. Near Kel House 2 Gl 11 W 6 18 t tu n ns 35 73 6 81 V S3 71 24 as 5 68 H 6 51 646 Edward Dickersoo 100 acres Neuse Hl.lLll G T Eubanks 1.1 acres, Clarks A B Konvllle io acres, Bachelois Creek I.azarus Gallowav 48 acres. Neuso oad J T Hill 18 acres Bachelors CreeK .Inhn M Hanrntt IriO acres. Trent Road Qnlnny HerrlnK 825 acres. Near Clarks Brick Yard Lamb HUI 1 acre. Bachelors Creek Eoxey Jones 64 acres. Bachelors Creek Arthur Jones 196 acres, Nause Road A W Mo Ray 25 acree. Brick Yard Fannia 8 Moore &0 acres. Bachelors Creek Anna L Pearce S00 acres. Marsh rfohn N Biggs 47 acres, Neuse Boad You Ever "Saw. ii M.-th Ktninml ara, Thiflf Hltl f a it M'tinriiHon hi mivm, i rMl r . 1 1 v Uijuf 29 um. do, do M I KotM'rlitfl lota. Dairy Lad .1 II Hml'li .1 lot. II nwfi-t W irr.. Nrar City KIIxk J Sa.idflft noraa. Unm 9 1 28 Mth A Hate liwell tore Trent Hom4 M M i-hut 1W otrm, du.au . PWHontlw acr. Raeitra Gtmtm 28 84 N TlxUle and wile X2 acrea. Km VUf Timmii". w nite to am-ra, TraniM Mu( H Wlloox 70 aoraa, Mm 5 91 8 P. Hnnrv Krirmitl Iota, I hilly w a v ilcix i. ttoraa. M llolllatr Wpt llOaorwa, avxikjr 1 91 liny w.nwI Wnllaea I lot, ItoSj 1m4I inrina n diidpi.i i int, C K WhltHlM art-pa. TraBt aUtaWl ' oad' 4 7 M G 24 Tr.wa-.mr m o ' . C V Arnold 7 una, anin OarJU 7T f ' .1 s a i mil. I 217 ncraa, IkifWHoal 'MM Mix ' A HuriKPrt 71 nraa, HaipHI . place l aj .loli ii Hra.lnlmwi Hulm 50 acr, Taaoav n.i a tai. Amlrew Bnun tS acres, Onta Tla llranrli ' , t M I. A Hi av l.'id ncroa. Tar any Quartar ' , (Jreii dark 6 acra, Hprla WarOata - , KhU' orixu 1 aoraa, Taorat)a,. I"' W K C'lHrkuSM) MtM, Wild Ct V ' M John f'lumoni Half U aoraa, T uata M Mark Dnvla H8 aciaa, 46. - ' IN .laa E Dobruhl 70 acraa, Uaakwlora Craw $ 13 II Davl (Holra) K aor, h'UMtl - Branch ' Major Irflon tnaTilVif t4'l ) K K Ial SUO aura, do rio 'INN W c Laria 2MI ant-. Miry raholi f Dantil Itorla HMra 10 font, t)9W ' J Ko4 ' - 1 M ack Davl (0 aorna, Ctiaa torUa plaos M H K Krtrncb 4U momm, Tnrkay Qaanaar U 1 . L J Kranch (0 aorsa, do, do , , . 1 4 5 58 4 84 3 73 4 28 5 96 7 08 3 73 4 28 31 08 7 G6 23 27 13 22 r J French V7 aoraa, do, do '. I ,CT.. Jo. Urn Ann Foy i nr . TIMeiawa tM 5 9 Jaibui Ann Foy 1 C Oreen 10 acres. Clear Bpnatl Wm Uodett l-l aerea Taanarora J B Harding !V acrea, Jamptna Horn 17 80 4 84 7 3G K HUI lu acrea, Turkey Oa liPV. mini unrvj wmi wm ... ..lit .. 1 . M , 111 fill!, iw kvi wrm, nu WJ. , . Nam Harrla ion soma, Dover Boa4 ' Jim l Hsath 110 aoraa, Ka.ll Hna4 K W Ilanoock 4.KI aorea, TriaearuW ) G 24 Koirt Hanoocc xwaoroa.ao r t Mary llar.lv h acraa, Hacbalora Cra tk M Wm M lpock 'MM acraa, Uora Creek '.MM T B, I pork Aft. M aarea, CWnV W U lpock M1 acres, BaU koa4 . ., . M M' K L Ireland IKiO acrea. IKVr Road f M Ben Joyner tS acrea, Graeti Ttwe aranoa M Owen Kornefray ion aa es, Oovr Hoa4 IN Martin Law sin lot aoraa, Jaaapinf Kun ' 9 4 8 75 4 84 4 84 3 73 Jaa A Lawaon 100 ram, Qraaa Trs' Branch ' I f 4 1 1 Ben LofrJn ffi n-rea. Ttarav RoaV M w t 4 84 7 08 Nancy Moore IO acres, do I ( Alli.n Patrlcs acres. JumDlDa Una I i Fred Pale 7 acres. WU4 at . .' 4 7i Noab Palmer its acraa, da (41 li C Pone &4 1-11 acrea. Taeoana-e 4 84 Jnsppb Ktatlon 30 aoraa, Mlrey Braaafc et Honry Hpeneer H8 aerea, Iorar tjomt '41 J C Stewa t 27 acrea Torcarora . . . a S 19 By 1 Tester tKiott X a Bias, Main ay aa 4 28 Stephen Kcott Ml acres, do, do lUnra " ' - - " -- - Klver - l James Whltna, Heirs M aoraa, Jaanee t W W lUUmii and Smith Uft acraa, 1 2 CI creek E 7. W illiams 19 1 1 acre, Toaearara M C Wllllmii. tu acrea, ua. 6 80 52 35 W. B. LANK, Sh'lf. Craven ConDtJ.N Q. Burne N. C. March J8D II 4 K4 8 19 New 14 12 00 85 4r SCHOONER FOR SALE.', The Kiiooner "KVELTKI? of Ne-1 IJeme, is uffmd for kale, Fof aarurnlaai JONATnAaT HATBKa, ' ICIlln lm) Waiiiof toa, J. C. , Furniture ' S4 03 l!l III H ard WACP' 28 it 2 4 84 2S 3fi 42 i 40 I This arrest. 61 it lUiUlTtlo in.? sl a aa I aa E 1 I I BB i """""" . 1 Chair for Only IL.&0. Smaller Size $1.26. J have jut rorivd ADOtbV JpTW . We stork of Furuiiure aod llarnwira, poa. smtinu; ol nice Bed Room Suits, 8W Uoar.lK, Writine Dcukf, Book CaaM aad China Closets. Cultcry, Cook Stoves, Olaamrne, Tla- warc. Will fell at Hock Bottom Flgnrei for . Cash or on Time. All orders by noaU chall Imve prompt atleotion. I-t- o rtice and bale lvootaa, Na1 t and 72 Middle Street, Naw Bsroa, Jt C ' Yours Hespectfully, , ." TURNER Furniture 4 Hardware CciiLi T. J. & J W. Tcnu, fVoptra, -' v : G. L. VINSON, : No. m MidJla Htrst. Opposite afota AJbfarU UaJUsUalii AT UWEHT iCTaa-. Vary Beat Butter 15 oeota -er Wff'-f J9t goota In proportion. ' KX AMINE OUB STOCK A rUCBS.' i i 1Z 4 M im ni t MM 15 i IS - UN ts .MM M -..US. 4 M ' '. M I at 1 H ' 11

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