"rii n;,,,t.. 1, . ,al" Tf n i i ii i . '.s. n iti Price: 8100 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS Single Copies, 5 Cents. VOI3. XIX. new bi:rxe. c hay en county, n. c. march :h, imh;. no. a . 4m 0WiP ,4.U 'fly V u I a What is Ctti t PtN Bl Pitcher's prescription for Infants SflOMl CTfcfidrea It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ' Cair )?Aroti sabstajaee. It i.t a harmless 8u1titutn ' tT rmrtg-frig. Drop, Soothing Syrnpsand Castor Oil. .1 I Plttiut. Its tniAranteo U thirty years hso by Tff'lHI f 31 others. Costoria lest ro 4 Worms and iill.iy - ffcVtwialBJMM. CftStoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd, iBCNi 'iXManlMB and Wlixl Colic Castoria relieves fcilTltm trnnhlrt. cares constipation and llatnleiicy. Outorla KSsimllates the food, regulates the stomach ..Ml Wnlii firing healthy and natural Meep. C'as . taftlk ! tk CWllretts Panacea the Mother's Frieuil. - .' ' f i: for ch BW4Ma(IU Comwmj. Ark. . AMlMMfMMi 1 koya SM dj is co tw II J Tin 111 ll tl l I T 'T TJ- MrjMMw SMtt( f9 ta kartful The Southern Cultivator and Dixie Farmer, ...ATLANTA. OA. i MM ! . . Tarmer Lyer and Busiaeas Men mjmm I..- ! -.T-;'- ' lis On alaliif Crr t .' atlr C try. OCTHS' CCLT1VATOB offeta tr Tottl.m. K . , 1 ii I ta-el-.r.-i a WQa4Mniiiitai(Mii to worthy vuum no u ol w mii .i " . Hi nfclllf tmajtnl lor Information. " r.3fT,ik tTrLTrraToa 4od The Weekt.v Joi enai. si nr Yf$ lo 3 1.50. -SMALLWOOD, Uadtf Oftcton House, South FruLi r: t. New Kerne. X. C. - PULL Jir t CtoveSa Carpenters Tools, Table Ware. Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Piaatr and Cement. . i't I-- ;.." t.T "e.w. I: C-VOZ3 PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. '! Personal attention to the Ordan. S" ' . t 1 1 r - Vt oTW To Coat Builders and Marine Engineer . . IN PARTICULAR I kalWtof EHH I2aimE0m0tnTI-TEIPLE EXPANSION v-v - and PADDLE WHEEL OUTFITS. jtTTHER WOOD OR COAL BURNING MARINE BOILERS. 1 a t .: OkraovuM amd SouTMotrr Avts. . ' .f mi ii Por Consumption. Of all the Oxigh medicines I have for sale, Piso's Cure for Qxisumption takes the best. When a- once sold, it L, F. January 2Sth, 13Q6. . ( z istts car? WStttTt Remedy known to the Medical Profession for iott lQrrRfcamutl Pienralgia. Cnria HssrHls, Dlsmenorrboea, Psoriasis, Scrofula, Liver and tZzzt Disesses. A Positive Core effaled in from 6 to 18 days. Wholesale & Retail Dealers in JVForfriC0ffe,8agar, Lard, ButUr. Ch VJneir, Banff" Tobacco, Cigars, Canned (ioods of all kinds. Ica,8pic, Md eTerjJhmg else usually lound in a ' J ii FIBST-CLASS OROCEKY STOKE. '; jyW aar boafht in large qaantitrea for cash and are prepared to tU aafloT aa aajone. Country Merchants and the general puibic Vtll tftytr!! t0 jet our prices before buying -lsewhete. o trouble to . aaw a u"-" CtabteS Free. 47 BrOad I I mm Vr3, 3 Castoria. I rPComnvrvl U Mnpcr..r u r -.i-mcnptioa kaowa to u . ' IT A .Ileum, M. P., !:". S.V 'ixfor-1 t , Ur"n,rn. N. T. 'Our ptrrsirtna la th rh.: :t-. Vprt mt tun if" in Ii.kL; i,( ti.- r n In Uwir ouluUv) pra.-t.--r" -.i'... 'st. tIa, aod alth.m'i w onir h-a .-t t. our product.. 71 ro fr t. confess lUat ih mrla of Gviona han woo us to Loo wiLh fvor apoa t:."'' Vsifio IlMrTTil iso Ptrr"RiRT, Boatoa. Mass. iixu C. Sum, Pm , , TI Uimr StiMt, Nw York City. Flabllhr1 : In; I its onlit..t nrtnrt I of -onrhm A Kriruitiirt ' 'i i in- i'i i-i-i, mi i'i'K . ... , IrSfl I 1 ' Oil.' .1 .11 ?mi 5iV(M1lMI 4! ; fcm tpM.a i, Tito drtvt Kami. In ilu-cnil mi 1 M.K'k. J hi: ii. i! . Rf ad it. Send for Satnt.;.- C one Cutlery, prompt al correct fillinp ot al m.'liii w.iluw It order' coapleta ootflt ol rmnirx MARIN ta tvtatr lack cyitasWr-i . r "Traoa" MackiMry.) MARINE IRON WORKS. CHICAGO. Cure makes a permanent customer. MARTIN, Druggist, Eaglet own, Indiana. 5t., If tW Berne. N.C.ioot." khs iniun. In Ihr 1 1 y f Elm and V I -1 n 1 1 y . linthrrrd in K n Briefly Voted. A pr. !i :. .i "1' . :i - i ; ' - u 1 1 1 ( .-. . ,. ( ; il..- , .' v. .bo ,t t'.e .i Sunday 1:1 Apr.:. . ; n 01 1. -ii. .1 1 . - i i tl .... !..; !..-.- t. -i' 1 1 II. no : .. .!.!.- - . e v . it , . . i- :i . e i . a . U" years n :il" p ue I i.:V I'.'l i Used by Ncsi- -. .i I I tmir.e-. . i;ir- ,:: D. A. i! m .ur.h : 1 ' : Ii of a br ' r''. ' 1 ;.(- -. huh 1 , ,-' 1' .1 1 T.tnr- 1 a. v i'. 1: , I i n 1 iiilt p'.r -! f it. 'I h It . i - r. w- , I I. M r. v h" e:tl"- t- I : M'l: i ri-.t Ti..- . ( 1 : v : : ; mi'- a:-. 11... ,1) t ' !' ; - l ei'i . : , i : : 1 1 - e'. er f .1 k.-o:, : '.. . , ' M ore! ea i : .1 I . Ka t, I ,:.e . it.t- h r n-.trn '. 'I ,u-v : i U"o.. '-.: v.-r -iv- th t a : (.,;.' i:.."a-l. of . 'a !;o i-. a- k. , h .1 bv a ; Ni 1 e- n ; n M -i v. r:i .1 r ;- -r;r t ,. , :'. I :r -n. I 11- t I in vi.": - car.-. Ir i . K. 1! nhv ,t - h.i l..mi!y tha i i. ', ;n iy Ins tn1 i t i . I. n a d : uftir imei.i e- ii. -it ula. "nre : v l.a bin nd, ; wl. r- i.e we"t lo mm --e lor i heir man a- Ikcure. The fir-1 n.a.-liiae t" '. made i- J, 1 f ,. i tin r ('ti.er uo. ch;ms will; . .inn fa ooi 1).'. . Wi ' V..,. I"..r, I, . v, n Ijiil i.om this M-i.-i ii f e :.rv .nt'-raieii iniii ine Atian'ic tir. conpa-v i- i on ' in phi i inr u., nr ; , t,n n ;.. ,l an,,n , ,hls Ins m- We are ,n;."r,re.l that ,hc pu'l n' a .a " K I.n ii :: in 1 1 ,a n. n i inns i ei-o. Ihi.o.nipauv ..a m it- r-mk- a -x : p -. 1.. . o!aer- o- t he , Citv. IV. C. M i.l ii w . . i. a- ,o n ire , s KU- 'nt( u.ek- w... peon oil. !-; ut o : .e !!' ts ' . '. n. i'i" . : i P II w i ' '. . e I ', r :i; . e--: i:a. v , . a.- - n a Ie1 e' 1 l - -t et;-" !i. w it w , 1 1 , ,n A ' , , I w d -. The K .:-',") I.-- e I'.i-v- n e v . . ti t . .! i-.i a i , ' ;: : e . , I . 1 , r- in nn r. ii re i ! .:: . 1 1 o - I to .to .'- i .. i. up , . w - - a- r: l. ,!n ' ;o -.-,ni ;- ra;- d. - -urJi en! - he !) '! - 1'ihtA !', s 1'p owgl't to i i e V.iui a .en -ir i oun' v ,, ihe . -. at iea-t ihl Tn. a- r.,, ..; tin aero--. ,, il . I ,o .... r- . ,.1. o tl:p I. .11 LP'i rj-v whltli llinrill n w r J .1 : as oi e : -t ii-rfsti-i ; have vi l cninc 1 h .t sen toe w:il euabe a man. i to photograph tlnough opaiple sub-tatiCes, j see throu-th eight inches ot solid woou , ! ann ntmr sunsiaDces is irniy nwrveiious. I Tue repaintiDg ol the s-ore fronts of "Tw.'aIS an I Mm 1 Alexander A lo., makis con- : s,de,&V.e dtrer.nceiu ibeir appearance. I .tni!:n' cos's l-ut lmle and a would I a m ule ,ml ,, j na. . ii .ro. it m,', ,V ,,,v i,P nv ,1111, p The New H n.e Cyc'e C'nb. H. 1 Woo i, nr. sidout. had a h .mpict in their roo.ns aoi'iini! l; Thk Jni'HNAi. office last! n g . the pia. e wis prettv we'd filled 1 i Wi h Ihe iiienib is of the c'ii'i and a few : i'lVi'.C I mi c j toils"- i iilg-1'"' a :! of he , IP J . f l( in'e:.t: T t" N a .: I- d and . v.-:;. .Migh'f-..! cten Den en;- v a oi- and ie pp.. -. ,i"..:g z-l to the iwu- w t) c' . sii v- T;it, , ,;l',.,l' .- ,it,r u ; ha .p no m ,t'v div-. ".. ,,;'""he s'. I p.,,.,, i,.,?1. i : -ea-on i-e- til.- nn il- a a eu I. t:n e o w It to A'" - T el. -hi- .. ;;,"i , : li hni i .1 'to!. : N a U v M'-' h'h". "1'' 11 'Ur- ' - :"; "' t V Ve Frtl.iy ..;);:. ga--.1 m. r.s plcsirg i! a . i rh lu ShIiI i.i IIhi." llfi-ii Biirnod. T I- ih, i ,1 o ;,. i I;- oi i Mao h : u.w- u: "it -, . , i - 1 e -A 1 ,t:- rp n i l r V V . 1 ;- f u he Sit- . T . ( ; ill lie O.PI l',-.l : i'l in 1 a ol tie Mill 1 111 p r.. 1 1-111 .-11 1 - a: k I . ,tni" r V eio. .11 -1 1,1. a of it p ;a:r. g 11 - b - Lili to be their saw I 1 c". ill in", ion With - 1 . fa, in: 1 1 w ; 1 be 4x2o . ; i U m dp r i- pr,--v.th a Jl rt i ii I n i ii-l ll ltri;iiiMl S I iitt-mfli t . i: .. .no. If !iN 1. T it fie n 1" Mr. ... mi! th, - W . e . , ! ;-- ! w;:h my i ir 1 sigml -on- of I u a uV-av Ih -f it-v -'.". f ;. ,, .. j, t,.L : i w jj, (1,,. rp-CMl the s ime nn- :; i.;e I d: I. and n I in ate il .1 up. n Wootkn. !! up StnlrH." M i.iO Ih KoHKiiis. rori'tuin .lofiiNM, Mk - F cft.se accept this '-lay-out ' ns a very wi-ak, ! ut very stncFre exnres.ton of . ur k.U'iiy teehng tor Tin-; Jor knai.-- e-p-.UHlly for ihe ;!).. s np-st.i:r-.-' cry C "'rdi.ihy. Nkw IIkhsu Cvcik CYub. I', r Comn.atet n Uin.U?t. Aud the boys '"aceept. d" with great pleasure, doing fall ju-tx"e to the "lay- pleasure, doing fall iu-tx"e to the "lav- nn ii ok i.oi ij tn. A Kpike Whloli ytr. Km.". I I'urkill Stnrk lu II Ih Kol Ki-snlK.I In !nlli Poor WfekHAricrHRriN Mr. Krm -t Parklu. u f--r - m w.vk- . 1 1 ! r k i iW 'it Mrs M 1 In rp!i in ii '. -m.i Ii - 1 .: I D- i ..i hi-', dir. ,n:-.! :i , o : u: : r. M .1. II i-c-i . i 'inii mil". II' w ..- i eer 1 ' ill' ' i; ;C s nt l The dc. ia.le- I'.;. -. ;n tli. :r m ir. : 1 1 t hi- .Ic illi Mr. F.'Ur Wm k I'urkin -t . k i .r. p. .-pikr m ii s l"'t :it the mill tur n::n:i.l :.t w-Tk. After ih'' hi"e i't ;.b "iit u we -k ttill- e t Iii i i- iin-l ri'j'.cl'ly of I1.- niM-i h - ot hi- !ia,-'; h, .1 .'.ii n t h:i!.z n' hi- " r:i. he 1 .mt mi-i ! wo:k loth Satin ,1 i' eaiiH- Aiihi.t :r- .tii.i : I " w.lh..'i. t-i::-.s; ! tin- -y tnpt'ia.-; hy :h,- l.a.o ; le; i .-e-.M lull i i" 'ii . iha.'.y ia-'e-il up 11 1 1: 111 1I1. em -ttote-t ; tt et- : or.i 1 mvi- m,,-e ,:. a y hi..- ilmn th-ila iy p iper -. io- hie. I ,:!: -one r. a--:i or "th t the nveoi ; Y 0:1:- :. : .R" :. J5.-M t I' 1 nn r -a i 1 11, I I ry t . 1 olil I ,y u hat ho 1 . .. !.- 'I ! ; ! i a'e-;i .1 l.-'iir-f- . ..J.. L !p , ' 1 .- not sue i to umi! .!tu 1"' ol ' tto iiL'cijee. II"' apear- to Lt" till'- 11. -h li: Tl.ne of Mr. l'iirkin brothets Workd'1 ' tiiinrcs aral facts in n , h3 1 ort o! a :,y. :,t thp iiiolail oihef ciinber- of the a.i.l ilov piv- out of !.,- mi::, I. I'.n-'--l i I.", i . .1 eo:i:: '.i e i: i,.- p.:', ii:- an I .-:. ,iK ut'y he ;-n.itk : I "U 1 f very r.im I. a- ' r- . :i:;i in a:,.i . r v. .: on :nhi- ,,. ; , i;-ren y:u- iii: . l'.ihilji- ".c .!' li-:.'.!i : .- t'a:o. 1 h eo .- I'.. .,Us:hl ra'l.er to sr. t!":U li- n ii i. ctioo I'irK. 'iy ' i n- i-irnp-t-i.t t c;. I : tint in; - ' A oO'iu" an,: ! a i o iv : ,-p' - -i :. h;;t 'au k- ile,l,.T .- H. r..." .....I ll.O HIM :, j,'.,. I'l i ! 1 K 1 ) . i" t l .tll .f. 1! ' ' rHl t li . , 1 1 lat't- i i v J in vn;. i, - n.ee' ; e- ne The -te ':; : N" v 1 1, : n 11 .c i :-'.. i. (i, . , ;, j .., s ; ; , ,,. v ne t M , ami p io- l'l,."i N. xv IVr-H- -.ti"l Ki..ihctli t h k the -ihei-" l ovi i uitli h te i -v lui- t':t. !.i:t :.. !i in.i o:. ;n .mint cf l'u- ban.hn. u. Sp:'.n' ti-hi i'. ' oi'i:n' -i ai oy Ii tui.-n Itoa-ii'h, 1-1 n il :f .d F.i.z i;" Ih l":ly, erne it) IT O...V. in -'e nl of i '.e t-an.er Ne i-". i lie 1 u i i o,l - h i .n-; - a i j .j. d 1 a- J 1-t I,.: 'ha .'ii trip. W'e :.iv ! ,o t '. on ;li ,t ihe ti-h -. : nie: I- aie n'l i' ;nn I. iunirii' tr,,in .' "io ihr u linn red I -;x hnndr. d hoxc- pe The a a, i at it . :' ri-h b- i:s amrlit r m 1? rntti i iinL'i"l win n it i- rone inn tv.1 that heciiii- ia;;ei Imw - tu y ur. tlirei lui i"'r.. p-.tlt:.! iitn . A -. -Irpmet.t of.'Vi.'- I '.o.i iii ' j , oi ,!-."! li-h i- a i'l' Uy l;,i.I O":o U ,; an v p'a. . Drnu licit Ht lrli--l iill. Ida I.ee. a eoiot rd w.itn , . .ixt n ye 1 1 - r oi n ip wa . orown". a leiit I.,in on ..... , ' 11 111 llllK".v ipr creek. She :i'l iNe IJ-.-rne inure 1 umiiin. Ma::! K illnk. who i- -henil 1. ine - l'oi"n. lei! who wa- i-itjn; at 1'erleetioti ""."" in , u k uai xpecte bv on a uet s ake. ua , , ,. , . r v o. prr n rn.-d nm w.isin l ,n m ; a e '-." , . ,',u- '""".- " X fl-.-e enm;h M sh. ne to ; , e, ,JI"l,lllr ."T , , i 0.1 i ,,r. . 1, x't a. r .-.in , vv.im rtn,l ii,.-,. u - no ..t.e el-ealvut. Tin: t iller . Ut. p,,, -.-.asi tin ! -t t- in a- sin- sank. ee .1 bv h r -li es in reicnine dm win il. I, iv. ihe s n-ii h-r u' .'. ' in it sunn: ritn.s Thr Full Mupply Should be Kept up but n VArioiio Should in I nod Ex. rep t Ihe BcaI . hi -at out shade trees the vary be.-t vine i- -hou',1 be ;ise-i -nid r.u other. Iu f ot th re ou'ht to be a city ordinance . i.n-. u : i i- .,.,...; i. ; lo I II . ' 1 1 1 u l"ii"; uu -cn.u; oui lui.iiu iii-.i. I " m snri ic- o in .un i n ,i - , u ii ' " , iii.i . . .. or oi In r a i -e u nde-i ral he va: act ie-. Mine -i ..ur wiue ,iahe cm, ir- .ne now planting treis in front of the. r own propeny it ig ooin -vise am. pu one siiinie i m mem. iu u.e bc ": large snare O! llie DcnelKOi iue,r enu r-; r sua n n t ut til., fil me f i tllft tlli'ir limilPr l0:,,f"t- d'Vab,r- , by ,h prenre ol tl,e beau- .,, ,, s,., :-,,,c tip,s. T. (.;. aho. , . ,i, . X.veidi less the citr should b pnme 'e-ler in the movement U cause ii ,8 nulilte work an. fit oujht to be kept tq) , 1 ... , , 1 II 1, lor 'here are few things pertaining to the h.i-ays that a.c a s, urcc ol gr. at. rj.le,. sure to those tiMUg t he:u than cool, ret r -hing sh ule in the siasons when it is neeihd. v- i r A (..r.ner New Berne youtig .ady, Mi.-s Sua A. I). Fames, daughter of Hev. I-. W. K.rtes. no.v p. st" rot the I'.esbyt. r- an e i,::r i ot (, -i isDoto wan iuair.tu Ti.ur-d.iV iiio:nin'. Mare i itrli. ia (iohl-- l,,ro. t Mr (.'to- ihndou MeKav ol .hrsey (.' 'y. N .1. 1 iie a a. ri ie eer n.ony w a.- ; npr. ive- i . . n :' ir i " I 1 'v : 1. b'.i e-'at her. a---t. d 1! v. L. K. W ch of .b-r-ev t 'i'y. The chinch .-ci o wd' d t standing r.-oni. Ati r the ei r, u,i ny ; he ornlai party ie- paire ! t i i he inan-o where tin- new'.y knar- r. , , ,. ,f,, iivid i In coao-ratuiati'tis ami .o.k1 wi -he- of n any friends. At noon thT departed I. r iii. ir honi- in .h-isey Co;. l'l e prev ou-ev. ti ne; an in'oruial tnd brilhant lecepl; .n was held at the mans- in hotior ot ihe ( om:ng n up' i '- ui' i the displ ,y ..f i.noai pre-t nt surH. mt'.y at- tr-ttd the wide )opu'.aritv ot the con- ;r.cting partus. toiler KiiiiUinif The large uU 1 IX. rlleat 111 u bin." -hops ol J. II Crabtree A: I'v hivcji-t turned out ihe fifty horse p over boil, r which thev Lai." l.tea bull li :g for .-nme time p -". It i .1 taw i ne Mr. II. L. Wornl- ai.1. of l'.,i..i-o :. putting m:o hi- saw , ' , .,, Me-s:- I rab"re,cV t'.... are -.-ob.io.l- ng ii -ixo n o-,' p ui ,,a," ',,, e. lie ii.te -aft l.i Nei i a i 1 ' : a i : on, i ae . . . " . i ..".'. ( ,. i- K ""Ail , ' . . e a i . e . ; . . 1 1 .'ii.ui oi i . i . K. T- ! !; .-O'i'lVtni It W i tin ir lug. the Nannie B. be u-e. 1 in Morohonil City I.iinlh"r .1. Mi-. I.eorge V.. Song'-r. formerlv J.cksoin il'e pa-sed through Friday with hi- I'onilv. i:i"ting to Moiaiie.i 1 Citv. Mr. S-iar is one ot tho-e coup siug ihe Mertli.ad Citv Lun.lier C o, who have re. entlv purchased ihe mill at More- heid, of which we have previ..ulv -P' ki-n. The o;lu r- in the comp-mv are Mes-r-. F. I), an 1 .1 T. llaneli. . t J ck- i.ii i". in" la; ii w.-i.t . ."An w;tu .mi'. Singer but m-i-har h i.-v Mr. !'.. 1) II irn-ll a ;c intending t . move. T n v u .'.I go backwnrd ayd lorwa d a- nece. arc. " The Miwioiiic lleoliii in Iny. The (Iran.! Chant, r and H'andCoai. man, ley . f M o : s of N u th Carol iua wall in.e- oi th'-cty M iv lJth. 1 111' 111 s ':. i. a ' ge : e ng in i -III ia ii'l the i;nu t":s 'li.l fv.'.l be pre- iit.tln nue'iig ;:! Ie he'd :n I.owthrop Mali, the l.i 'g. r room in the one building. whii h has r, c, i.l; v -b. en u-iOi-rg.iiig iai- pr.o ement- in ati!ic:p itinii of ilic event. Al.irg. V: pre-i nt.it loa is , peete !. - - Pimple, b'.ackhc id, i'n ck'.cs. tan and -uil'iurn lT!ilov--.. Tiiat oiy a ii 1 rough - tin cured ami ill" I ice .11 1 II .nds bpauti- rie.l by .hihii- 'n'- i h, ( ai .1 Si, p. Me la i- mil and in. el. tw,, large take-, -a t'.s For m'ib hy F. S. lbdl . . To .MHiclKlrateN. The -Magistrates of Craven County are . hereby notified that in all Criminal aitions ,,, hieh defpnd.,nis re Imiinil over to court that thev tnu-t bind over to the ut xt Term of "the SI" PEKK.IR COI'HT v,.,jtu convenes the tirt M.mdav in May. 'next. ' " All appeals in Criminal or Civil actions ' are returnable to the tame Term. W. M Watson. C. S. C. l ni3.dlw.wlm. I 111 (Ml IIIIS IV Till. M I II. The Ail it 1,-isp liir.l iiK-ii M llii TciKflhcr iiikI lU-us4nK I h- I liinu l" rl ii i n : ii In 'l'lii-ir fini iiihn. itnd 4.i'l Ahri-jisl ill fllf I'lirt'iiniHl T' .' ' :i 1 ,. n Mn. ,i'r,"" i. .r M.1I, ': ,' ,.: ,.. -I:.' 'h;l- 1 . f . l ',. - ! "!i '. -.':.!. 1 ut 1 'i .ii,. : .. - ..n ! ( ':,." I ' . t , . ! , - i'l t: c l.v Mr. 1 . : i -. II i 1 . ii w Nr A" H- i ii" . i,n , hi. i" ' : ' ., .i.i i i n ii w .inn i, ,r- i'l t ):o ( 'a: i State ..ir tin n - --o- "i :'ui: . I in N. r !' I y-"i 1 1 .'.',1. 'e ; lie i i i ; i, n. IJer.n- iit r -uljta e .Ii.i knai. - v,ini moalli, a-.. i the anip :niili"r. I'lnn- thonl"l i.-mI lnt- o- f : - . r: 1 , '. . i on III -e ul,iivs witli u , I, : t . : . :. ir n op'- Inn i-vt ry rt-o-ii-iti- ;i U ,n-a-;e. The Sl.te i- .! no no;, h h ;!,-'-.;- in he: i-"ii ol hir I ' in- 1 t U ,t. ,' . an 1 ; i,.- j.r. -- in- li- 1 ;i z No . !a--of i.ap-1- toil ; - i inj l In. i h., ; rea-oti why ?i.eli iii:ir:;in:y -iUi-l.u lory !,-:!:.- h-.ve al'i -li-lt-l t'ne , if irts . f airvm n .n -!i -c S" oe- vvh- re i '. '-opoiali'vo l"r. iae:. - havr b. ell tir.-nh . -t r-i.-li tie- fa. : h at ilu.i :n n i: t t' 'io t in-;- : i i mill in t" s at)' I ili-i ti-- liirir liu-h e.-- ni ne f, .'ic!itiy, lil.lv an i intei'.i-ei.li;" t.-.iti in n 1 1 lj a i r- 1 : n . -; I i r .ne-. They -tu.lv hip di:i'. lit l;ii j, .'r.ininj t.e;-. i I'.ani l; it h.-riiii.'. or. aai npenniL'. tiuticr inak -iu o, l 1 nit' r s.! i;i' Tlnn 111 v ; nip ,; .- lie :r ob-. i'v at'.i ill-, eoaciu-a- I l -: i : i -; oai . f wl.ic i they eh " -' j ;. b -:. Th'l' tienn each cnvin li.e: in en ;-n ! , a k to tin ir u.'ik Math : i'iv id a- all 1 i.mv anriit'. 'ii l' . i : 1 f f betler v .o k. It I- -o irc y live Vol" -in. e iluo-e fot fie- uet'i- Intro, n ed ml (' iiirln." ,-;i- Mr. Ilalh ek, l:: his S nithern Stutt paper, "and already ( 'aa.i.lian ei.n.-e h .. ii wo; id wide n putiiinn. and butter m ik- ' irL' ha- liei our- a oju'ar and uai vers il iii'iu-tiy throuli'iut the Poniii ion. A mi!" inn tnetliodot in i n n tact u i e ha- i- .... . :. a ..;,.... ,m-.i;,v ,.f :o- , , ... .. ..,...,; ihr t. ; n I with the : i. nm. in, rjt in- i- . . . ... 1 1 have advatl -ed. L0-opeia!le ( r. ana r:e- , , ,en(.r;1i!v Uil. pled r.ovin.-t.- , vLi(;h Wl.rcml-0v.uy lb ,u ai,. llow marly ahrea-t . f 'he I re 1 " a , an 1 tho-e wl li b w.-ie ahi al have all bee-: sinners bv the l,' ii ra! impro em- iit,' Why r ,n not the i 'hi N 'i : li M i'v hi me: - u"o and do like" i-e .' CO i 'I'liKA II V I I'ltEIM! Kit'.- At a ri cent I'nrvu.ei's C". . v . n I : n held atCela: It pi. I.-. lo Aii. an ; istru. t- ive paper Wis reel by Mr. A. S. IJ-di "t Will worth, of winch an extinct h- ";iven liei e - it li uhili relate-to the ma: ;i.'enn nt of Co-op": al:ve C r. a a..-: ie-: I he in ttiauer ir.iith:.--.- a'.! -oi pi.. -, , ,.-n pints the buttvr niikt r r.d a'lnecs- -tint-, make- ail .-a e- oi th" . Cicatnel v. eels all tue ti:.!-. tnrn:r,o ai: - the pri ce- Is into the haJMs ol "lie trca - iner. setta- all d n -r, n.'i - Ij -twe.n patrons and the company, ami, iu the!, i- m ... . of th . situation snl'ip.t onlv to masi er te lnan.ic,,r emplo s a coiupettnt butter makt r and ''ives linn proper mam lenance. . , f ,, . , : ., : "Amou.the .pialitL-atinas of the butter , . . .. - , mikt ''.'' ''V ' '. 7 11 !"':"a h,l".;ul-e "UUll,.,n. nuiek iv.-n eplio1) ol us niriecoOiis anil ,. U.1(V r-an, ling of th, id- li 11 ui, ..,w.wu,,. 'tf i m i . ' 1 1 i n . ... .,.;, ' i ',,,,, :,i . nMi,.'. ; of ;he heiniaals u-3d m its ' erat;i,u -,ie nl;iker mu-t be pr-iperly -upporte.l bv ihe man i-.-r. The -uiip'ic"- fiirni-he, 1 -iiouhi be of tie tervlte-t ' (Jualitv .-h..u!d be the Tu st r.qui-.t.-: price :l"S; c, ,n.p,rv ,on.ider:,.i..n. 'i he siu)ui,i Sl e 'that the milk furnished is pro perly Ci.r.'d for from lie- tune it i- diawn tiom the cow nit'.l it :s pl.ic.u iu toe wil-jh ca-i at 1 1 e . re , nn iy. An iiii pot ta-.t b.-lav u-u.hy out). I in "he c .-.'per dive -y-teni r- ipi re- ill m tu. r in iit all b .n s oti.t-o;i- f rile pu-po-e ( f iu-p.ct.ng tin- uu tli- . ..t :..-- ing li-r n.i.k a- d t.. see that o - hav. ..cc-s- to r.ollri'.g b'.t pure witei. and ;l !- opti. n d u l'u b in io acci pt or ia j. ct iu..k which h- de m- i ill i r. .perly c ;e I f -r or 0- mi eow- wleeli have acta ss 1,, impure v ,tpr. tine ar.at fe-iiurc uhic'i t" n ;s to give the pan- ui a -ui-eofc 'Uli leuce aim snt:.-- f u l;na, i- tin- ii.onl'u'.y .-tilem- :it. i-Mie-l by the -e ret iry, uhah i.- n-u.n'.y ab-u' I'm- In' li ol . ach month, giving an item iz d .-coaut . ! the hu-in ..;' t:ie crenii- crv and ot hi- i"iinu-;..;i witli it lor the p;a i e I in g nv m t h . an. I i accompanied hy a ch'-ck h-r his du iden 1." . Tho 1)is,)OIls.,rv syMom Has Worked Well, Mr. J. I. B n .- of the W iyuesviile I 'on: H Y on hi- sec-lit V-it to th.s . ItV. txen ' Irmn the- "' 1 v i oiat v iu the .-lite w h the d'.n-;tn-" -t. m est.d. i;-he.l. gae u-t e f.. lowing .s'.atean nt ...n,,,.,,-;, ,,- w, rki,w-. ,( .;,n;;:11 , Ult? ,v, ;,m i vogue in mtii Carohna but it 'is m.it so r gid in its . . ; . . . . , a- n , , , l, , i . , ,-, ,,i,, .., ni i e( j.l , to 1 1 1 1 1 . -. i neie .- oil oi,v.- y i .i. e e, , seat Ol II it Wu 'd. The d:.peii-. .ry hi.-'aen e-t;i'.;:hed C nearly a e..r. The :ej.ort of '.he year".- ooerati 'tl- 11 a- u o ! e.i ma .", 011. i - u i 'er-too 1 tn e. it w, sh.nv irofit o ut i'g.n"" T; e di-pens ,ry wa-. -tab i-ln. 1 .-imply upon : h- civ.l.t oi t li tow -, n . money bei i.g ;u veste-', i-it me pr.m - 11 o e pat in u-p" n-iii'y on a -otiii i i;a.-:s ioi' ieiure op- i atioi s. T o re u' is hav.- be. u 8" ili- aet" 'i y th .: ill eo z n- ... Wh.yues l'i. -ti'.rg iiii"i:!i't ,n i-i- auoiigihi mini ei. are lieu: i y m lav. ir ot its c -nlai nance, and i-v. n -hmihl theie hi a suvecss- ltd m- veinci.t in the county to change back lo the old p an. Wayne.- i le we ul I continue to p.e- )U'" rhp t'ihei ofllio -onso Hlvrr Basin. Wc have received I mm the '. S. Cov- ernnKtii a Neuse 1 liver ipy of - The 1'.-!.. - of the B.sin." by li.rtoii W. F.veruia-i nnd I'ly-se-O. C..x. Tue gathering ot'tlie inform ition f.r the bi..k w..s begun in lv:i:l, when Messrs. M . II . :id C. S 111 in, ley. t.i x: ii niii.-t and naiiil'i! l,i-tory d. ilei's of Il.Oeigii, made a co'op. ti'tl iot'ihp wiitirs. pikiig speci- niecs fr.'lil Ni n.se ri er and t ri I mt i rie-, an 1 araiu- pun,,-, etc.. tllt at tinies are coll- necte'd with ih- rier or triln.t.iry creeks. Tl e lot ol the li-iies found e iilains the n nie- ol liity-tive -peties known to occur in the Ni u-e river ba-m IXMolplen I'nlon Mretlnif. The Disciple Union Meeting of t lie I'amlico L'nion will meet at Broad creek church on the Ninth side of N use river near New Iierne on the 5th Saturday and Su-day of this month, March 2t!i and -J'Jth. The Union embrace- portions of Ciaven ' and Carteret counties as wtll as Pamlico. 'Considerable of gathering is. anticipated. H'KI'ilAlX Ni'cil t" i' Tin' in aii'l lii'iii'hi n I:i I I' ri'nl Tlti' Oiii- in l ii r li ;i iii .'mil lint l.ril in lis Ksl ii Ii 1 i s Ii in i ii I Kciis.iiis 1 1 1 I i i--till' In l VI lf ! li c. . 1.1" e lie- i o-oo;:: . a :i ' Jrei n i- o . ; t in .n nevl i: e- t.n' ji. a: leliin ! i ne-- w ! i - li "-'"hil-hnl" III of 1 Th- v. - ::- !:. T. A w il .. Ti lUi'. i .:e: :, - in "1 ' 1 . i." - 1 o 1,1 Itlll ii ! ':;( Ill ha- M : .lit:;"'' - I l:: I" a - . of v, 1 V." 1 ; i. tin ; ' i . . W; I ".V : t t . i , n i i vie - ot w; a 1. I,-,-: l v (. e - i- n lo l -t :l" ;l'". Soe 'l",Vi 1 mae nl' o'!y r iiim . .. : 1 1 1 '. H'hi ' ie; in i e.ti encour ie- h.iii: ,, r ii. ,i him. an i I er : r..:n;iu e a t'aiiy o .;- y (,',: the p'.v I: t -. M. ! a i nl! i ' I ;.,a! her - : i- e- a:-- :: ..!' pl,v-:c. T.o- . i.i",. : e t an 1 1'etl .. : i i I ' h -.-:' a -tu I.. ,i !ii, . n; : du: hour-, a a i e X : a . ; ": i d i, .-j p,,-.-il.!e. Mi ..-it- ."III '.a. ilili iii- of pa .p' in on; e vinced n o i : th.- i .ri (.-..' fi oia an ;ti-l 'n'oon "i -t ; no ah - ;.. : oth i -. -: i iii . e i t.'hi !, e th in ! ,:.v a:"."i ti. ii .. 1 hav, a ' :-,y 1". i si 1 1 e . - oh never r ii.:!' rent on ui'io irly C" ii - t i b ,'h rived Pi:- chatietei liete. The aha.,' r a n - wI.a" ;"-l ;. the es tablishinei.t lie- hn-p ta! ; " D.ahain would aonlv a'-t N -a ih r..e. ' ' ( osf Nii mMi !..mi..:. Mr. Wait- h - L' i a $6 '."i"! to tlie tlo-p:io. in., o'a. i oi i :.: ".iijitii'i, build its fir e in I , n wa- TJ'h'A-i-i w --r'ohii ui u- :-. I:t .d ft ' ii oi paying !,. Nl . V.. :- ha - v n (X. N 1 1 i. i n I'aow iv s'a n hi b.i; d- 1 111 . C : M s:t;! M ,- I", o- ', in K .I ' - -' -1 i "'',"'. ''ri t,.l-e-t iioai tie -" -' an lr.c-i :'. of ib ui t? 1 city i ' Durli on appr ;,i ".r, at ,i the oti er i x tltU ;.'"i'U p '.' y a p .tleat- ah - br. luhi :i te i iiioiiU.-; . Iii-- ... I a-ilunall'Jo:- an i ;!:!.-. The liospit ,! : :. a nf T;u-:e. -. : H"'ky 'j e:' i . ti , ,ri, i s'ionn 'i ii -' ck. The in- ,,n 1 bna,i "jvc- v. : p r nr; the ,te- !s".ioo pi r - ij.p'osiin-i- r." nut 1-y pay . - ol 111" 111- ih.er II.. 1 111: ia:-s , 111 lUlillll-U'll l"C .'II'.. 1 " ,01, Lie , 1 ,, , ., 1 draws a lesson well itioc-d to tho-e who have an abundant suppiv oi th:- woi'hi'.- i nr. i 11 ,i oods. hue we have no one in in al he " u , ,r , - ., has, we have some wh- i an in ik? h'neral contributions whiih tauii' 'ir.el wi ! do much towards securing tin -,-,m -hit wrl be needed t : a !:n-pi'al lie:, . He say s : 'T hop.- :h it !l e ,uip , ,,( h-. Wa'ts e,e ui i ,. mm ii . - ;.,, -,, ii i '.lised the funds necessary to make the Ul" ' J"'-!! ., w.h" 'V1' ''1 house a ti-e proof Museuu,; where Con money to lound ihe I, x l-pit ,1 in K ,1 t tie ri,llcg Som, ero ,ial and eigh)w,il in iuee weaitny men in oile r the ,u.cllives of the Southern Historical towns ami c.ti.s to i.u..ver a-- ci at- t heir tv cole(1, , ;m(, c;u.,funv pre- names with a l oh :c 1 1 -p;'a . . r ! liei r ( (- - ' tow,iS( Ti.. re ate t o eat y t o a ,,-i u , he '-'...v o.u. beflring the distinctive name, Mate that tael -u.h a II -o-...,.. .he ma-. AMd (0lorj 0flhe State it represents, who louu -. ec u if he ( o not tn 'ow. a . , , ' , ' ,, , . , i is assigned to each Mate of the Conled- llospittl ,a i,i- c iinu.uti:'. i- .the Umnl , ; . ft it for memorials " m;'nt'!: Ih'"e " "w" ;l "l!;1IV . fro,,," that State. A ll-gent and a Vice 1 ll' ' i nt; v am r hum iiliM'. An (IM s, .!.!,. fi-..;..ip- That They Till,!' I !w lo'.ul iii K.-iisinir . Ihe Fund- A c : i.ie W i niiiiglon I'ti.e pom- prog- :.-. g ih ;u,t- M, Th I ; . . . w , . . r ' , :,, ,: -. ; ;', pv ( '"in e "er-re l e i , nibe,' what , .:,,; ,.: wh: e in ;,: nil. .- it h .an , : o, o. h i; it h : -d-i" .. tell ...ii. w 'it, B. o,i!i- K ,7.Vi! oi , o . (!,,. Cill. . b V .1" " ' hi "!' .1' the ti- '. . ati i i : mi iar :- h p -ib.y . Would be p:e-ttnij!t o; i the p opi." o: No- ' h t'r Vance wa-. : o. '. o .'.' a 1 me .. M purp . Ill 11 IO C illO'l 1- '.'I O: .ng " by t' ai t'.in-l tu y r.-.l 'It u : - v 11 1st .. ' 1 1 Norih C .I ".i'i i -ho i d to the pi i v ,:e S" . ; iet'-. : ting tii.it ', he old o! ie: had ,ti ihe . I'e. tioii of t: ; .in ueie- ! 'e vv a.ell I a in - a nenf i' w..l b., :ic- ,,,p 1 ;;11. i. r .p..-,. 1 m ,ua- meld to Mv .nice, ui :- t1 cvci'V ei::io,:;y, th it -is in tin1 a : ". io ta:- - s.'l. I beheve thi- p' .n. ;f pi-.o.-r: v man ,ge,l. .:! . oiisii-iiovii" bo , d ,: .-.i,d "ind while tue wiini i. a- a t c a. - i . tc 1 a -;n- gh- member : 'h - .1 -1 .,,.p,:... f el- ia-titi,- ! ti i - h v iiv t o :a the S'.-i on- l'u io iav 1 . 4, h . o; a , (.-,r ..ma troops. I.- t ,:- he .; Jr.. wi I.a u II. Ljioai, Compitiy A. .ai llo- iiiatiei'.'' L. The plan p,rop .-e"l by the olo Con'o-b crate soldier ni ght pr..v to oae ,,; tin be-tthat euii',.; bpad.pt d. N'of'h Cim- b-.laas ar- go - iia 1 : in litll v il- ir and l . .- v ; ; u Their h ! - h -l iy thdigs j-. !,; ii ua B..t w e in ii v : overdo.., : a du : p;' p tioi! ol Ol.e's C'.'O.tl' Co 11.111 1 in i .1:1 ate 1 -h' 1 Tne .le- 1- ' !' the men iliC'i' I',. ...fu a- ;.:i--and a'hy -:-S.; at : ' iu mt ni I y I, : ev r. Tin m t'i oar pe p : 111" lUllill tit- W, !l:l Vo .. tlu-y wi.l bah ! thl- .. rim'-'. v w : i n ; 1 v . i Ii' the o I - 1 lie:- and -J.n Ugh thei; i il' Waited Up. el i.p 'II, I'i. ' h i' .. ,.,.e ''.a t l: i :i (.an be .ii ..;' g'orilia- lj i:.,iul't"l iii. " have .-"ived I"!."'! dically - 'ii d nve :ti erecting p,o epp, Ui it i 1 build ;t glo- . . e ik - i,,e prop. aia 1..." 1' Ve th: I'e art tew iti-i "'' " i""1' Mtli something tow .r l- rai-ing the m mil n. nt Hand. e hop,- taal ui - m e ay -ueh a canv..-will be ma -e i;i -veiy cliy and town in flip tslc :ir'.il ;i;-it :i! :l ! - n : I (!i!- r.idiiirv place.. " " Supreme Court Derision. The Supreme coiiithas granted a new trial to U. M. Collins, who waslriida shoit while back at Jackson ii le on the charge of larceny. It has also cm-li n ed the .1. ci-ion of the lower court in t'ivt r ft'ilk- j.laiiitilV in the j jmrtition suit .t'8untu'us ei ills. vs. Jones ' tt a. of Jo tics county. I A IE T K K I'.'l' ror.N'TY COI'HT. I hi "" Diij-H SPMxion VT l.rxrl A K'ikU iI The ss Trloil. Ti.' ! t -: : i i . f (.'art. i. t ii.iintv Si.i-iiiir . '.nit tr;,"l - erk. uii-oii'- t!n -t '..'"! v nil . .id. .1 , i r hp'. I. A 'i u i-:i ii!-. ! : i : ' i- e niliiih. r ra inc int. 1J. :iiit'ill lni:n !!!' rent p ti on- of the c nm t in if i j ".-- - i urn i) i re--, i. iv .-ii.. i I'tiiti'.i r :J V. in vi ki k ( vm:. 'I ii i c-i-e '.lncn la-.ed II e Iniiu. -I a-nl vi- in ,-t -; n I id. iin I v ("lit .,tp. wn- the t nie hi ve a- po-1- ...i -n pp"i he- h'l" ' .1". lie cur !' A!e Le'i-v-. I.i-.v:-. wire. Ik l- vety lira n ph-.i-cl w.ili tin 1 -M'.:-, hea'l city, on the yronn I- of iulnnery i-e-ull- lie hit- obtained ami i likely In i on ' I'V III..' vif-. thill" Ih" Jilan periiiiin. ntly. lie n-e- oak- Tn-- o i-e o."i'ii,;eil tun day - of the 1 .r Ins o..-t-. He tue.l elm- at In -I. bir ''rl- I. in-, ne i the piry :i- o.i all Cnd- ,, ,k nimh re -1 i . t ri ' i . - T!..- ImII. - n i,: In 1, ,r- ic..,lerinL' their v.-, , li. t. Itw.- , 1 the North Car. hna I -pari n ifn I : :i l.v rot the plaintiff. M,.--r-. --iiniii"ii- A irn. n 1 1 n re now make- :i rr nm in inla nd War ! and I. .1. Mnoi-o ivpre-Pi)i i d i ion ah-ni: Hie laiewha b Mr. -lan'iha- ti) p' .iir.rf, M:. V. V. C ark. the d.- ... rn piiiela ant:, but it. n imen 1 eedai l' 'in. tree- tor t he p .si-. It put Ih.in Hi , Nl M II IIIK (' SK. !' I I (" apart, k' ep t he uto 1 1 U 1 -' I fli- li.e .a-, ui.ieh ha- a! t noted the wi.l- t'i 111 . tva: . tli . n'h ,,n ) , it in n Tin- Siate fiii'e 1 lo -. evn-e -ntUiaei t oidenee, to convict on tha' liiii'Je i ' "a .he i!i Tiny pr"vel that the child was alive when !.: n, I nt could not e-tablifli by compi" , .. . ' ... ' i - a li-i'iionv thai the del'cndaiil. Sam v i:!,am-. ree-ived it 'alive and pt o u tc i it- halh. I Ie -ilbmitl. d loi verdict ol i-.iiiiviilinL' tie.- birth of the cbild and va.--i-illencid to ix years in the penitent istry. 1 1 - w'f.-. th nii'th'-r of the chihl was not a r,i'"j ed. The i a-e of the State v-. Hill ihiihrie. Il i: alh-o-.- 1 f itber of Hie child, on the c!i ii-''.- ol reduction under promise of in -t r ;'i on . was continued. M.NOR CASK-. I.l th" vim." of the S:ate vs. David K. M inn f u-a-s nilt on J.iine- Harrison of Nevpoit judgment was suspended on p .vim nt of cost. la the ia-u oh tile State s Wigojijc, iu u Inch a b. y was charged with the lar - i . uy oi ati a. the th:ir-?e was found so !::vo, .'as tha: the case wa-thrown on'. 1 taken tip l.y a rail fence, .n.l ia -iod,'i' ' i,i I'.i'.i. suit. ' there will be nn leuce ccniei- ( I'miiin- A-:cti.ei noteworthy ca.-e that came up 1 nally need i-I aniet; out. Cihliv .-itiui em w.-i- David Me Kane vs. ihe X itional Life ! ' d me cb'feupto the leij. on I u h A-- ci iti'-n and Col. .1. W. Hinsdale sides, ami a n-at, pictur. -.iie appear nie I h s was a fii't for $1,050 damages for given the farm. hi) I. ihe aheite I lib--1 ennsistiu s, of the . Ii y this plan firm- can b.: -uh.'ivilcl allege I pubhcat'Oii by the insurance C-i. j into fields ol such size as will beoipei . f a contidentiiil lei tec which Col. Hin-- j manent convenience .lale write as attornev, and which he j Any kind of tree brarinn I ran-pl in: uil; s'ute "as published without ilia consent ; would do for posts but the Iiullefn - ,v la hi- answer lie justifies the charge he . the cellar is preferab'e mi aec nm'. el ii, in ule and c'ainis it was in confidence. i clow lowth and li )al -upiimity m The portion of i be letter which is the i lasting. ba-i-of tiie suit is the expression of npin-j - - ion ih it ihe al.)isaid David McK-iDe, i iiek ph ti Rii. u no Was a 111 liiist I ate before uh'im the! irauaaieui insuiance cases which atirnc - fraudaieut insuiance cases which atlftc te 1 so wi le a'teution ca.ne up for a pre- liiuinary liearina, was a partisan of those ociui; sueu nun was supne-.-iu ev iiieuce a.oimsl ;h"'ii as last as the State would prod u. e it. The case wis r.-inoved to Oaslow cnun- ty tor t;i il an I will come up at the- Fall u I'm. , Mes.-fs. L. .1. Moore and D L. Ward n-resent me plaintiff. Both the defend- ents aio represented by Mi-ssrs. Simmons an 1 Ward, and 0. H. Allen. Thi insur- : ant e company is represented in addition oy (.ot. Minsiuie. . THE CO Si FEDERATE n IS El W. R'll- ol Various Kinds Molicilril Willi Whlrh to Stock II. ol the Confederate1 in char; museum in ITchmond have sent cut the! vii,g notice ol being ready to receive ,, ,n. M,;,nl,ln f,. 1: 1 1 1 ( 111. 100c- -uiiciu,g lui 1 1 1 c-vi v a 1 1 o 11 iiitac- . 1 ' , , ,, . . T . ' The Confederate Memorial Literary w. ... , T i.. .i" Societv received in June, 1H94, rom the iitv ot lliclunond, the mansion which was i.ei.iipied by th; IIou Jefferson Davis as Irs residence while h"1 was President of the Confederacy one of Ihe handsomest hou-e- iu Kichmond. and standing in -paciou- grounds. ."Will, i,i,l,.l',iti,iaril,. onr,.i- I'i'ic CA,.iQlr R gcnta-e appointed to represent cm h Mate and to assume the euro and expense ot their respective rooms collecting by b an, donation, or otherwi?e,eonlributions ! of what they think will make their rooms I alfracl.ve. l "lap Norln ( :irn no room isn mRi.ni I'.i-Piit room bill it is cinntv and is entire- ilV ,'epindint on the State for furnishin- relics of the te.rible snjggle, and .ome litre tiioiiey is an au-oiute necpsuy now ir we wnuiu su-'a'u our reputation among i . ; , i,, ,,. ih" other States. e t; .-, ; ; . a' ve The' old Xo rl h State give n ore sol : . ,'.' ., i -ieis thin almost any other State, aud the he rts and homes must be lull ol sweet ur inoiies and sacre 1 relics The women her.; have started this work of love; will "ot the men and women of the Slate take up the work now and make North Caro - liua room one to be proud of? Oiiginal documents, pictuies, music. 'o.ks wiitb n during the war or ab ut tie war. arm-, articles of any kind that will 'end to show the habits and manner f livng o' the people and soldiers at the . nth' in States, from ml to lHIJ.j. arc ,j 1 Milu 'ble and interesting. The Socie'y -ugg'Sts that these contributions oe given ", ,i . .. m -n-i il . if .v-i.. Cilitii' coilrvr rtr . ... "-...v. .0.,.-.,,,, p-atriol; some f'Utt'e, siege, or march -the mam -ry ? which the donor desires to piiseive. lo tach article should ne fit-, t ached the name "t the person who gives it, nn I a record of the person, c.i-toin, or event it commemorates I "Sh .uld such memoranda excee I a con vr'.fent l.-ngth, they may be recorded in the books ..I the Society. r.o turttier ini..rn.aion, apply io .mis. I fi hos. D Neal. 4tn E. Main street, Rich - on I, a . Vice-llegont of North " I, C 'l'Ohn i Call for the Hi ii -c- Brand, .lohnsou' Magll"tie dill, ii has no equal f..r all ex- ter; a purposes for man or lie-ist. Cure-.-.ri-n-. bruise-, swellings, i In unuiiis n and in iiraigl, 1. irg - bottles, 'j-j aii' I so cts. For sale by F. S. Dully. 0. 1 A.B Mil. 3 AT THE l.il VDRV iihk. ,yuj No. 1 when the "lire bell" rung. sl.it ofi' like a gun foi her reel,- But bcb.re she "had staite-J No. 2 had de- parted And '.eft No. 1 in the field. No. 1 got up steam and with her full . tea,,b Stifled out with Xo. 2 for a race: -vnd "hen -he got there No. 1 did de clare. She had been beaten by a 2:40 pace. Alter the tire. No. 1. did retire. An, n ot K.r men looked sad; A as v,r. Xo. 2 in clover, Fc r she had Ixaten Xo. 1 very ba 1. N"6U dd in tllJ P!'Per No- 1 was a L ii n c I And b(f..re they read all that was there, M()St of t,K.u were c,.., (e uf I lay, So they had to reply in despair, The Volunteer Fireman, Japanese Liver Pullets are an io'aUihle peciric for constipation. lilinusncss and t-ick he.ulache. Small pill. Fifty dost8. 23 ' cts. For sale by F. S. Duffy. MllMi IIX I PMi. Tr"" "' ii m i I lr Win Al ruling ol III' s.tin I 4el ty Hariiinn lt'-i- inmlrl Uy Ihc ItoHrd of triitil I ro. A ! w vritr air M . II 1 - ' -u'l c' Ni-w IJi-un-, win kil li i;i : .ii' 'tn il li' . acle on hi- lip- i :lv hnni-. lie- p. an "I ' i.-i-. lie "I oLit Yuen- ': i r. l' I'm -i"t ,bi i. . -1 1 , , i ' i t.iLtet h. i anil ii i : ti lt :h. t re ,:"""v MI"":"' i"e ':..- :u-ne Iii I ' 1 1 i 1; I I i Vv 1 I I , illlH I r ir ;' t i n .1 i it ' 1 1 1 1 i milled mho ilb and c hi the hoili . ' lirn the t ri f - yet in t 1 i hat ioj h. in, b id k - ouirht to he m h et i leai ol I un I i and si roii'-; enminh tn -eive a- ! i if po-i-lor wiie. N w sin leh the wire end yoi.r l' nee i- tn n Ie. Three -t tand-aie .-a id i.. lie sulheient l.n -. : . I : i . r p ap.i-. -. I nl i ore -ir in, I - would h , v t . ' nl 1. ' e , - elude .-liccpaii'l h 1; - u.his-,! I . use plain wire win r h.: -e- i n - 'mi! " I ' 1 fe eall I ie i-il lei) 11 -I" 1 e! - " A In Pa" Top 1 he tn ts at t he I.e." hi oi p :. and il neie--aiv int link ih' br an he-, keepini: ihe h..dy ti inn, si "o 1 U" ' ICO ti el eh 111'. In li it ei n or : wen' v a' - t Se I ices m, :in, ... ;, ., ., m.p, ,,r i hp miiih- ; ..in U'n-,. indelinitel s . A farm, in n -i tr I under Ih.-pl.n.oi be kept.at htile ta-t .n.l imu ie pei pe:- UttUV hUpplied with t he-e , h -. r a I !e . -I -. ' . au,,t is said 'hat the "lowili oid.-h.d" ; ,,C(lu. frees will not allcct ha't ihe -r, mid : r ,, ,,. ,.,;,,. i., . Tikpapd.h o -kies 1 iVjul (.n 8ri'adows in 'em i'OU ll . hi'r eve-' Shadows where the sunshine taimle.-. but the blue Beautd'ul an' tieainin" trleaniin". -tie iin.ti' through! Let us paint her pictur. Take a ni.d- i nrjlit drear Deep, an' black, an' sl-trlcsf - and vmi i li.ive her haiil j yd, there's light about it -someihnig j you can mark Like au April shower twinklin" throu.'h thedirk! I When V-u slip Ihe ribbons from the curls an all. Daw" ll,7 come a-lu;,ibliu' like a water- Ti,r- ih,i, ihev ,a --,!,. ;iu v ihrp.-i,)- o' night Fall in' nil around liabi! er shakin' out the Lips! They're like a sun ri-;e to the niuht o curls. Kosy red, that mingles with a gleam o' pearls; An' two shiny dimples pl iyui' bi le and set k In among the Mowers bin.uii;n' mi In a cheek! Want to paint her picturi'.- ' ' Think o' all that's swett All that hcaits beat for when love rnake- 'eni beat! Then give love the pencil, dipped in ch ors fair With your heart, an' let him paint he; picture there. Atlanta ( 'onsin u; urn. OCR NHIPN. M US. N. ( '. A 1.(1 I- K. Wh n the Master wa- seiking I .r jeui To add to His kingdom in gl"l'. ' He remembered this beautifu' c Hiiitry And revealed to Columbus its story. j ;Vn,, ,,e w ,,im a m a(, , ,-,,;. , V,,b t be Pmta and Santa Marie That ut last there should come to Mi kingdom Many gems from this hind .! the Ire -. NTow our ships tluy are -ilver or g.-i ! den, Though sometimes they're of copper :n i stead ! When they might be ofg-.'el. Bat Ve 1 pennies Will help build our fleet, it is said. . And they 're sailing, and sai 1 ing, and sol i ing. j t ar away o r the b -autil'i. - ; And l no captain is rami -a- e -uia j geou- I ash nopeiui coiumo.is iihii.i op. I ; ... ,1. ,1. Aim .ne oectv ioi ine Ulll- ot lie iii ioi en, Fa- more precious than -ilvcr .0 1: h Than the diamonds hid m iarlh'- i ei ters, 'r the gems which have .i!ii" ui told. , w,,,, you b). a t'-ilu-iibiis. a-. 1 i .nni. Far awy. to had weanh lot your . Kin..'' ; St.t v,,ur pr Vcr p.j,.,, ' j,,,,. " shi is (pin k iy -ai 1- I Joys eternal to you they wol I rmg. Given Away ! DAILY JOURNAL--" - AT Davis' Pharmacy. Anyone sendini lo cent-, nr more, at ties Pharmacy bitwera the houre ol 7 and si a. in. may receive FliFK a coiy 1 ihe D.mi.v .Ini'KNAi. of the same d ite ' J-?"Henicmber the place, I)ai- Pharin i ; cy, at Col. Jordan's old stand, cor. I'.road nnd f iddlp sl repts All prescriptions rei eve t he topi'a t i's Z prompt and careful attention. LADIES' CARD CASES The Latest Styles in NOTE PAPEU, VISITING CARDS, AND SHEET MI SIC. SCHOOL BOOKS AN I) Sl PPL1 ES, Any Kind Wanted. J. D. GASKINS, Book Seller and IS tat toner. A Hint TO WIS. It has liei', f.if in. : I). r ririkc I la-1 1 is 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 a- a cuslnm I.' I ui V a nd ' 1 1 M In iQt'8' f(.ii- tlic sea- m rushi--- in u p. in t h(irn. Now in.it hers, w lial we want 1" prove lo yon in that TP have the largest, neatest. J and nicc"-t assortment o' i:iM,Ii,-- UK ll-. I I Ol ( 1 i ,v I.l. n I M I'. I,'( 1 1 KIM KS, i-ri; i io. ,. ., ! 1 " I. In I ho ( 'l V. A W'e tsuerpst t),a( vou look at them befort; t he y have been pickod over, ttirre's ntitliino; like- having first ' choiVr especially in a line of HIM i I NliS, cYc. aT" Ask tn see the new thing in Combination Laco and liatnbui'o; in h.ith KdgfngH at:d Insertions. -- ' Also the four colors in 31 inch Dimity --linen, light Mill-, pink iitul n ilo. at I5 cents. Kiigins and Fell her Htitchod Braids ti 1 iiiiitt h. HemeniliiT, we said wo could show you tho largest. ncaUst and inceist Inn-. We prove it Collie. can liackburn tS: Willett,: 47 tS: 4q -Pollock St. I Blood and Skin Diseases t A i Always B. B. B. iCured. MMC llfc.OOlk ll l.n nevf-r falls n, e, in 1 1 1 1 1 i i i 1 II i uthI Kb. in dm- 'i , ! ,1 , t ii. i ii iiuiiiiiiir up - ! . i . i - ii ! I nninnor I . ..... ... tl lull I.l l.0 T j i ( i T ! Ii . r .. ; ;i I.. ! :i I1! it lltly f loVi.Ti"! rn.i' I V .th I. : v fllK-r ftlmtlaF f r. . I .,. 11, ,.',,. It la. J i;i: .i.' :i : i tt fr--ni Imtmrf ti-1. I i r n im.' v. ii.i 1 1 .n 1 1 1 ion or in hum. m -vsii-ii. a i- i ud ill tlctnon- RI nit i 1 - pd r.i n r - jyScnd lor Jrrt- book f W onde rfut Curaa, Price, $i.oo per lurr lutlU'; $5.00 tor bottles. For 8iil' tlmrr ts if not him J to ua. , ami nx'tlu in' " .ll ' t-rt !r l ivrpald oil 1 receipt of pr AUtlr M BLOOD BAi M CO.. AUanU Ga. . aci.. 1 1- c 1 V 1 I hV . -1 1 ... rwiiomc uv r.o ujrrx . f- . , 1. ' .

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