a-wnrtMHwi"-" "'hirH MHimimvm mm ::Bricc: $1 00 Per Ye&r. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. SingU Oopiei. 5 Oenti. . VOL. XIX. NKW HEKXK, CRAVKN COUNTY, N. C. APRIL 23, 18. NO. 7 . . t t ; t j ( r. r " I .. : - I IV: 1 s .V )Tfte comino Artist 4 eviN-i triV nmiibricnhiorr LU.KillU Opwuiui oyvjv-w. . -n n 1 1 I nrrs The Targest piece of .good tobacco ever sold for 10 cents and Jhe 5 cent piece is nearly as large as you get of other high grades for 10 cents Tobacco 30,000 pound bent SHKET tH J. All id wmt of rlaen WO lau HCJ will ue nun- m Tia and Sheet Metal Work of every di.-K-ript on proniptiv No. 23 Craven Street, - lIoPaiiiel &j Grtsl5.ill, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Floats Pork, CWffe, Sagar, Liird. Hnttrr, Clio-so. Syrnp. MidasM. Vinegar, Snnff Toba4-c?o, Cigars, Caimcil finoils nl nil kinds. J, 8pie9, aod evrylhiuff else usuill v fi iit.,1 in it i FIIMT-ULASS OKOrK li Y STOKK. . EWe have bought in Urge quantities lor cash ami an- prep;tr.-d to aell as low a- anjoue. Country Men-liantM and the -renei-al p'l'ilic Will do well to get our prices before buying "Ise in m. 'o 4 rouble to . lllOV lOOdl, ' Ctables Free, 47:Broad i To Boat Builders and Marine Engineer! -IN PARTICULAR- 1 11.11 fln . . 1 TTTfrTT PPT??CTTRT! rnTUTPflTTlIll TRTPT.F, F.X PA NMQjN and PADDLE WHEEL OUTFITS. EITHER WOOD OR COAL BURNING MARINE BOILERS. (No Stmt Unary or -Trade" Machinery.) Clysourn and Southfobt Avis. VtJ-Tmr li Tear. The Southern Cultivator and Dixie Farmer, ...ATLANTA, G A TVt ao rlibl n.l onUr Journal ot it. kiml U um tevta I- rrnwiM 4 rrM c Irlioi tMQCIrmlaUoaOiTFr, th lira Country. Farmers, Lawyers and Business Menjicad "OCTHBRH CtT.TIV AToil ..tr.-i MTM Colln U't SclunN In tl South I" 3 UrlB)(VapmrUint lor li(o.in. .ii. HfTlW CCLTIVITUB and TlIK Tear for $.50. 'cx Is tlifi caly tostttve Rcmrfy known to the Medical Profession for AoteisJCoroaic Rhemnatism. Coot Lnmtigo, Sciatica. rienralia. OTirian Hcaraljla. Dismenorrnoea, Psoriasis, Scrofula, Liver and Ky Diseases. A Positive Care effected in from 6 to 18 days. E. W. SrjJALLWOOD, Upder Owton Iloawe, Sout b him.; 'jtrvi r. New Borne, N. C "UL.I JtrsM 1 Seneral Hardware. Otoref, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Plaster ami Cement. . DCVOE8 PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. " CyPersoaal attention to the prompt and correct filliDg of all Otfjerf mg.ltaw.dow ho knows enough. Flues ! IKON in sror.- :iml L'.mxm pounds will ilo well t pi i jjt-i nii-ni in hum-. .1. - NEW BERNE, li. C. St., Wow F3in hi r w tieine, n. . . 1- -1 .r... u a o 1 . ilui ihar to nt, net cvUMcn . Irani : MARINE IRON WORKS, kj IXnblMir.l ' In lslij T1, r.-e ,an ;..-. 1 Iriran ; --' .tt n i ii A iirieult nit iin.l in.- lu'ln.-rrtal i.roi: rt-ss of tie Sontli t o- S't's 2"Viftinfl $1 Wikiv ..vnp.4 it i it f arm. 1 n ' : t ' 1 1 ', -'.,'k .1 .in i.ai. '1'orJSaiii i!c Copy . T i r:h- 'it is'i'i a "nn ni-II.-. i. "u rite 1 1 If Wkkki.v .I'll KN A I. Sill t One RSiaiT)aii FH S OKI FT. 1 (he lly of Kim niiil lrlntfy. 4)1 lirrril In fnl Itrlefly NoIpiI. . i 1 1 ; : i K 1. I' .1 '.v i. - ! :v- Hi -i.i , . ! 1) r : in.' I'li'i: T c !i w- f. 111 H. ,u:..tr I 1. . r- '.r. ' I 1,.. XI . W . I Hi' " tt tl.l A .. t in o . Il . t I I '.V M. l'.i'V, I'' Ij I i u '-!'. ' I 1 - :i ii..irr. 'I 11, n 1 1 i 1 in.- , Irlii en. T !! I. 'I- ! !' ' 1 U '''.-- .1 I .-. II" I II .11 .M'f . ...I l.lllll'i. . S liN-ll 1 1 h : I li i- l.il-i I t"' I I li II' l.p-,.rH-ii,w'.t W.'iiK-.it tr ni M -r I I.I t'lll II .V W ! ! . - , ,. . I r-. I ' ' i k 11-111 ,11 , .n Nl' Mi I n-lr ii . I , I In I i , , . I' ll ;t .1 . It- ;i ' , : . tl ir . ii : In-r.i 1 1 .t i - ( '. lit . n- t . . 11 -'H,! 1 - t . 1 1 , t S. M I I ' l ' 1 1 1 I'; . M.iv il o i: A in mini r lle r ; n. Mr. . i: ...-I. , I. i.: 'I,, I H.iw "i I l ii- KK'llt i vr iiinniiti i r i f C r ! ven ctinriy. bi cnlU.I a inieui)' if ilic . iinnitt. t ..ii S.ilui'.'nv April -i I., ai li. "tti.e. A 1 1 n i . r :i ii t l.n-n,- nkilivrtii il'. n.i ,'l lli.- i in vr.u'u i- t , cm' , , ,r. il.it:- 1 1 . , ,1 1 1 1 , t i ei y ine.ii I r w , , I 1m- i , I t M 1. 1 . TI.e l r i l irjr t I l: r pli ..Y r.iricr l t iav i ii au'l l'oi.CH'k -tiefl". for !::ci. t ii , r-.- I, a.- Upi no ntfl -i in in.- reni 't i, "I i In- tel. i:ni pli i lli. i- I" it . res. i l .i .i-i i :.. Iiikfn ii p v, -'or i ,y in ,1 w.l uc i ri eilo i ibr iV'iiit iriu til iv ! K i n.-io.i I" r i;-c t t-i . la Ha- li.wr ..ml Ila.b. r n,l, , Ibe reu in. " Hi. li r ami Pnt. I. .ul. - S nat .r-. N-rtl, ( 'nnnina -e s tbi- time . uly U ."'. "in.,-.-, m.iler Knon ami ,.,.'.. N.,r.l. I'a'm.n, i"i about ooo. v,vvih,' U i.luiui.iii . .,rr -p.m.i, t,t oi ,1,,- N , s .V I H.-erw-r. ovi s r-.i-i i, in .l..u n i i lln- bio-por will i Ini. Mr. W. M. M. ore c -11, .lin o -'tile I,:- nu i, script ion t- the ,fcnu-i.. innl ..I.I ni th .1 tin- voice ..t the whip- p. r-u i , 1 1 d li-'i n be . r b w b'cb w-i mi oi.l Mivin,' ilnii it nm u Miru of col. I ..ftitl'i r 'v. - mer The .loi'KNAl. otlie.- -if wa .,! ..nee ri il .to. I to il.i-c.l '.ir Tin- .1 ck-onv i'e Time- teils . f tins lii e , 1 a . e run: ""Mr. K. .1 . I. mi. r of Fa 1 Iti- 1 . . .. . I ... , ..1 . . I.. . , .1.11,1,11'. ,1 II I 1 11, Mil l.,-l.,l,,.l-l ... ..' , ,, 1 1 ,,n on 1 ue ' 1 p r , ;i r nno i ii'iKui a 1 ley 1 llaiiro.d, to .1 11 k-o:: ill,- ore day Inst .' 1 w a ek on n h evele The . b-tan v is a fx m t sily ind.-. which l e mvi ied m live bonis mid forlv minute-." Ihirini; lb-.' rain ot 'ebn -d iy i.ft. rnoon l.aili. i.isr. there " .s a -null h ri lml 1 n lie in iul.ls.rho. il t I . I ri 1 li I -. 1 1 . 1 n 1 ' no -p ci'd ,l:itnai;e but w ,.s I . . 1 t 1 n.-nyh to tak rails , tl ollenes and s:.it r them in ihe road ut td nniv two . r ihuv !"'- 11-iin mil" wini',1 k li'l' . Tl e u in, 1 struck it I r ordors ' I' ' ,,s i Ilic lei cps , n .nr. a . 1 . n ,, 111 - 1 ue i u ei ill- iuouui.-ihim 1 me e-i 1 nine- 41 tt mi: ripe 1:1 n.e country as tne 10 110 w 1 up-i r liirni and at Hon. F. M Siniii.oi.s . or W. .-1 rn N. C, but simply pretty. ' r.fj; from tin- -I -.ck-oiivii i- T.nie of the t .rm it' .r ('aiii P..lni. r. Flr.l Money Co a .New Berne llor.e. Mr. K. li. Il.ckhuni if tie tinn of lliukDuui ,V W'iil. It .1 tin-c.tv. rot'iv. ,1 a tele -ram fi "in Vr Wil.n 'who is ;,t the (ire.-1'Moe r 1, es . . 1 1 , ',ur ot ib.ii- il,. h-t',l v- 1 , oi' n'. t.-jin-, I eJ Di: n 14 ' 1 '.in n-, w ii tii-t 11. orey 111 ilie ;i ii.;i me c:a-j mi l Tvrolt?, Ru ! ..tber ot the r Ivr-e-. b urlh lii uu y 2: t0da-s in tin I Nei Heine n , h-'ii she makt- netnr.liy l.eird Irom a 1 1 i .i I 1 -in v 1 1 1 u t: . A rrr.,r), , she Rea,.hel , hc ,,0,.k A te'e'r.1111 was received yesterday about nine -"i l-a k in the momin- to ar- -e-t a ne-ro woman Linden Cn.tencb f-r ,ilVt uv nt -a m k .., , ;1V, r . n v lie-m- Ma.-hal Ix-w ,,rd , tti er M miamie w en ei ti.e deck .1- thr U .,t appro n h-'l and oirn.ipio ..ion.-.- .10,0 tU..,.r.t, , ,lllt hi Int 'i-.i.Hi 1 m "I In- ..ire-i w w , red : Iki, k 10 K.i , beih city -mil .in , tti, i-r . - p- el. .1 by tin- 11 xi trip ol ib lo.it to lake the won an 1. for ;::n'. k to K!i.b!ei eitv , Khol While Attenlpline Burcl.ry. A sensttionai atfiir ociui red in Beau, b rt at a very lute hour on die n'-ht o I U s. ilf. A pr i 14lll. Win. I!i-r, a '.Ul wh, e barber ol tlo.t town, w is shut by Miss Beile Cevernlge, a middle ageil, 111.1 : lui la. 1 v of 1 1, o i,.ii as be w a- t . y -in- to 1 tTc: an 1 iinanee into in r najii". 11:.- purp..-e " ,s ivid -n-.v o'h 1 than r,,b')i ry a- her po-ses-;o' s .ie not eoi -id- i :ed sin h i's t" ten pt a lurg'ar. 1 lie wen on -n-i usci ii'ic 11. t. .. , 1 . . i:,.. as a isi.-i. iieoi.i em, leu 111 .11 us he rl. mid at ia-t account- had not I,, exnciL ,-! con btoi was m criticai ti.at it in ,, : in-1 ic. .luuunl Epincopnl I uiivenllon. We cdp tiie t'oi:owing lro:ii ti e Wil uiiiut. n .Ii sS( r gei : The .nn ual i-.nivi--.ln 11 of the Iboces,- o l-.i-t l aro ma. 1 'n ,t- s'.atr. I'.oiscni) 1 ol t. ot Carolina, l'r-.t- slant -.p:eop ! Cbaab, w .1. c.-nverie in .1 itne- 1 hurdi ! n iliis ciiy on Tlniisday. M ,y 2 1st and t w II sit till ti e following Monday. There I wrl be an at-endancc of f.xtj r tilty j eiergyuu n and about a hcidred iayu.en. I 1 on fed era t e It eillor i h I Kxert-I.en. .. , , ... . , (.As the Id b - t M..y conns th.s y.arou. , . , sumfiy the c onle.ii rue nnnu.-ia, e-r-' - , , , isesu-uilto thatea- wi ib- held the I uer d ,y Monday ti e lllh. Ili- ii"" pose I i" liol'i simp'e ere:i -a : I- on ' an . r , t on. 'I he pr.-c. nun w ii I be f T.i. 1-1 o'i the Ac:i.:e m lln en a! five "C oik mai'cllt" the celllct. t' ; he . ii 1 ... ai : u am 1 other eeici-es wn, ioli'.w. Ti.e inouuiii nt w.l! Ix- ,, eoi-jteo ri. st, an 1 and a: ;e: ir, ;.- the gr ie o! !- ' 1 ' ' ' " ' ' bie it-.i'ur,- o" the occasion will be elt-M-n j..u- g leles i .-pr, - n i ing tin-; eie en t "iif, d, r a,- s ates e,i,-li b. ariug a j bo pn t o 1 i 1 , 1 1 1 , -r r, ' I i o - e- i the i o , ) j.ft ie t'oi.leileriicy I whh thev Will de- p. 'Sit upon t lie m- u ml. K I V. JO KS. VI. I irnlilitel With ll.mi.rs from the I iiiierlly 1 1 nsi 1 1 nl . Knlllmore. (lur i.'ili I'.himiiiii. I !. 1 . V .Ion. s J -n el ( ,p". K If I i -e-. I , j .i-eeil i - mi' : i' . -ii-1 e - it i In I :i i e" si ly 1 1 , - ; ii 0. l'.a't: le I" .1 oi.t-s ci-s i die ' .-: ea'ii ii,at i on .it sm ery he a:l lined to '.'son it, and . - wo:k on p.-,c iie inns 'railed '.'.). lie N l - leul.il' i ill pr.wttce g C il llli-.liii . 1'r. .1 i). s a -o r, ee.e,l an app. 'in taunt -iis-.-i.nt :e-: lei I phy-;cian m the Ins pile. His a vi rv de--ir.ib'.e appoint ment f r a y oung mm. l'n curing it in-ikes it -o il ai r. Jones will locate in Baitimoie ibreetly aft. r st oiding bis .v imniiit.i'ii b tore the Norill Carolina Slate Me. Ileal Boar.'. He will s'.nnl h. evammation bci'ore i ho ama.ic.il beard ot Maryland the ia-t of :hi- m-Mitl . and I .ti".. re the medical iK-ard ot North Carolina in .Ma v. nt-.. ; 1 K.. tl- T i le m. .,.... u to. ..one- " ili me more iiiaiseu umu ii. is reuiem- red that ibe LTudualiiiL' class of which be gradual ing class of he was a numtier numfered ninety. 1 1 delights tl to see our Vding friend ,. . ' " , , iiidid .-hut u his hie ,,, ,,lir l', . l 11 . f I nnn , m .king such a sj work. llllkf Hub; l.;i alh.K Tfrlh Be sure and use that old anil well-tried rerueJy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Il soothee the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is t lie best remedy for diar.'boea. Twenty live cenla'ajbcttle. (I'll KIT. CNTKR WINONA KMinl . IMurn II.,,,., in jiii.c. Some nl I lie Sr i'iipi hikI fxirrlrnrps she 11 lnHinir ThroiiKli in llr Hnlrll lor I 1 1 lm I rr r. fir. We Hie .li. -iti.'ii- i m -na ' 1 .1 ... . ., , . i ... 1 1 1... ,'. t ; h ,t tli- Ui'v rum- 'ntt, r b ii ii - lui It r, cr in ;ii K ,-t ( ' , i , .' 1 1 1 i ,u-r n :th 1 i a'.i'iiiitt'i - i.i ei niDiiuiM-i an.i tue "Allwm-e c.i -I. .op ! N, u Iii in . 1 k.-' I . 1.' Ii.n k hfi. -...) i. wa: i iin.l u i- u I tfi-.l.iy 1 1 1 ; 1 1 t . I i inotv S!,P b Uh ii . I. .:n' -rr ,, . . If I be r. 11 . I :m- r in.'. W't'l if t l.cre s a w .ir I bii i's 1 ' I . - i I i vri.i-la-t -ii l.ini'i-. "Willi: to tl.i' "iillvv. i l:v. ly lier, in tlrs il;irl ciiy, (ub. n w il an I il- -p-( .a! ii'.jiin- I Ii , 1 .ii ; i: lb n-:Ht'.-t p"l nt t. ( 'n Ii i . ,1 I bi' in- I'ii:n. I : ,lr.. Tin- M. l.ii'. . uli.. Ii I- i'"w l'0 ii''iv I 1..- n'mu- lia. a I.i.' ti.i.e b re nmhi , ,:,,, ,i .M,,iu'i. i- ,'ii,im I, i u.-M.i I !": I i-t. jTli.y bn rut ( i- n . V,n ,r tin-K.- , -t t'.e lir t pan "t lime, ami tin -P ini-li i , nn i n m Irf m ( 'ii!i i in Hli :y. pr.'-i.t ,.r'U" are In n .-In ,1' i- L.'.t t In-1 1 Tbey ilimk wow lint Mine llm I'mtnl .)- iln' inona t.i urn In nm imle- 1 Slate.- b i- rennuniz-d tin.' Ivllisi'-r mcy oi ..nnoiliui- ,1. ve'-'p- t I in in-. 1 1, ei-,'. i 1 ;i ,-.iu rt lier fill1. or ;.,!,- u.l v (apt. Tuos. H. Abtwt. piLtoltb.-i Win.mM, ba written n b-tli-r honu- from . ... " . i i . , ii . 1 1 on n; IliixiiM'is nn of oi-rolli w ha h Mi. Ab'.o t knnl'v perinits u- t make . ti n is le'iill ive i.. -.mm of tin Win Hip Hand ol one o! o Horn.-a Winona s iin.v.-n en!.- nn,l cp. ri, nn , I'rel ly M al.l ens. ( l.v:,-- i. Ibr l.'iiu' i nt'-i" .i !- I .. i ween op- An i I ier one of New B, rne'. at I r ,c-t i ve i. on ii nil :e- lor muling, t'n- leln r i.- a ' , , . , , , 1 . ' , . Inn h' rrs fa- b, e"i . sp' un-il In- a unle- i il i nmt: -Tli-, (.) vei in:: s. rai ;i in li - 1 writ i n--. He 'l. -m1'. - IV .'onnirv lliey j "'ke youn.i: n an .-f m. In r ciiy. M s me in i. ml a'-o p(aks .!" tin- Cuban wo. Daisy Il-yan (iiilniie w as ir.airi.-.l We.l- l!e w-iti-: I . S. Ki. kn ri -' i-'i tkr Si i: k i ( STI AMKK "WlMlXA " At Aivliin ..il' Kn i'!u"-- Ki' . I'i i. K i -1 or Sum 1 i y, April n, l'.l'I. iiKWTtKfi. rm.l'iru, . i-mkv ,. ,.,. in elv v. -Ier-':i V t , pen 1 s :l ,t",t u'rli i,:ew , ,,ail)re. , v,,,u ;ll, ;l ml lv,,rK ol ir. puii 'i-l.ii.N eoM-r.- l will, a .l.-n-V ,,rwlU , omni(,n ,., ,, ,.:t . f tl..- ..rbl. In tile n sir. -t one. al.out :k far as one i o w n -. 1 1 , f, . 1 m by lookmi: ov.rinv slioulil. r, aie.utiful Irin-e . .)' c, 'coanut ticc- 11 mm ibe i',vi ry shore, uilh tli.- la:k i.tu loh-.tfe l-iick ol iliein-iti:ikim a v. ry pre ' t v ami p.e:l-in Jnci n n , and u- I 'look il.roiih mi op. nnm li.nu, -i if. iilil.- i-ami- I -ee a-inu "ii the oirs-.h of the r. el- a ar;.'e leam-liip w.i'u it- deti-e Mack -:ii"ke ' :ail itiLT ahfi I be in - ri . n, nil lending i:-.lf it. I d 1 s 1 wish you 1 ould lie l.eretiii- , , bri-ht niotnin. r and -ee tbi 11 -w a- I nn ea.in mi it. I know you nmiM b- de- j IIayne took their rb-pai I nrc by the lialoel. and exc'uiiu "wliat a beautiful, sten i,er New benie lor N..ilb!k, their bii-utiliil scene. " nnnre home where tin- sun is in partner- Then lookibo'ii into the tr lisp, m nl 1 ship uiib hi- lather a.s solicitors of pro A't' r "liti n 1 m: in t lie -unl'.ht with its , iluce sbi iiu.enis. The firm is H. K. -I.e. ny l.ol loin of w bite ( 0111I like an ini- 1 mens,- mirror, you wou'.l a-nin xcaim ; "i.. b-n 11 1 ful ." iTbe a at, r alonu; ino-t of il.e.-e re. t i so ilesir th .t V"Uiaiisiii a ni, ktl on the bottom ) Y. s.' it is truly a pie'. iy -inht, so dirt' -rent Innn uli-it y.m . .-ee w Ik re ou are. It is not s;rand !:ke . 1 In re is 110 1,--h no d in any p. ft o! Kii.ri.ta.- no where !- it n.u, I. biuber than Nt.w ., ,,K. Not far away and am bored 1 l.-e uin.br one f the Keys aie three S.oi rs ves- -eis t hit make ii living catcliin -pontes; ailaloii: here is where they are caught, I h.v." .-ili amly written you how they nrc catii:lit. i Ai rtit hli 111 st eh 1. ks. 'e are now on a cruise f ,r , tillibnstcrers. We left Kev WestThurs.lav will 4.. bark pro'-ably Wedne-day. I.iv- brtore-vesti-rdii v we inn across a -teamer 1 tin- " I hrce Fiiemls' l -aid to 1) eiiLM-ed in can vi.11: men and arms to Cub 1 but as In- papeis were ul! nuht we could uoi bnth, r lur There is no one Uvin- on the islan Is ne.r here. I believe th. re is one lamilv . t tm tniies above line. " Msit a.-hohk. .sterd-iy we were up to Iv v Largo. 40 miles to the eastward. Mr. Hay. Mr. 1 Il.ompson and uiyselt went ashore. Attc-r boanuug some vessels we stopped at me uouse or rather grouj) ot liou-es ul a Mr. 'Joim-on iinu ins sons; mere was uooui j do, 11 houses. U..1 y.v. J.'Iitison we loun.l to be a very pleasant, -o, :ao,e old gentle- man. 1 u lamr.ng lie in e l us at me wnaii Hid took u ov.r his lane, Mich -t farm you can not r.abze or c, ne- ive , t. notli- ,n: like anything ther..' is at ln-m . The groun I a mass ot' 1 ma! rock w itli a liti'.c i i'ia,k dirt spnnk'.ed here mil tin-rein iiitle crevices. No ph ii-ilis . ,r h. e- are , 1 i-i . I an I 1.0 spades, nor in bn t any kind of i. that we use in firming; in. sua.!. p.'-A s, 1 h si I.-, and m n lu tes the1 i .;!,r a l"iig knife about 'lire.- Ik ! '.0:1-. ' s. m. ti-ii ' like a s.vonl, are ued. (1 KlIlM NO fk 1 its and vi-;i: r.Mti.r.s beets, pepp. r-. eab- .... y - tonnuo-s. eu. eio.ving oip oiine crm r.ck, "illi s arely any s n'; a.so iiiiiis, such !$ cocmnnts dates, inuiutove. Uit.iv-.s, honey i;piles, etc. the tries rowing out of tl.eroik; where the sits. lcra .ee C' ones from l. u urish them i- b, von-1 my comprehen-i'-n. I'.c.e apples re n . yet in seas, 11, they will ripe:) next 11101 ih. AH the other veg.-tai'ie- named ..n..,a n.,,- 1,,, , n .1 , ' 1 . 1,.. , wlnU ,-. I bro-.ght seme nice beets an I peppeisufl. "" , jt is very hard wnlk'ng over these keys I a.i tiumiiih the cleiriii'' or farms, audit ! ls awtu'. 'rough on sines. e-peciaUy the li-'i. I ow ones that I had on. PICT CUE "TVKINIi. Mr. rho'iipso!) took Ins c.irutri a-lmre ,, , ,, ', . 1 lf. r witli bun. he :.-1 piite an ai and atier , 1 ,, , ., , , , , , .,' out on the shore side where theie was a te:uili:'ul urove ol' cm oiinut tre, s He took I ir-Q L o, ov.r I ho 'inn UM e - . Ml e a picture .; u- troupe. i ingei: i-r e g ! s ine gtae'i ri-coannts on tiie trees, ami von ju-t ought t have been there to helped us drink the milk sitting in the forest, vice-prese :ei.I. o! the .North Caro-sha-le of those beautiful trees with the de- lina Teachers A?s in'.ly, were in the eitv light ful ti ade wind leaning its cooling la--t night in t-oi.t iei.ee with S.-eretarv In milkp 11 t b. if, al'l, ie p' ioi )!.- From here we w, nt over to the hou-es in. i getting all ti.e people t,i th. r.ab-.ul Is or in. men, women, uud cliddreu, Mi", l'hou-pson t",,k another picture. Wlun we get tl) to K.-y West we will get them prtnic.l and I will send you one ..I e ,cl). II. ;s now devcl"ni,g them and has ju-t -new, d me one of the p'.ales." it is :ui i-x- eel 1, U . p .c l 111 e. !;'" ' - " -v' -" 1 -" I he cr a at",- .:: a-hore ;it t.ret pr.te- 1 e th - m- mi- g It i- -.pially and r.n.iy I il.in't know h"w long we w.l! s av here but I pr, -u -ne we w J! up anciier ami g,. io some "tin r pnwe t.i.- .d'ti'in-,"n: pi"l a- blv to Babia lion. a. Wcdm-d iy i? the tinie-cttogo luck to Key West. Tuis afternoon we came down to Bahl a Hon. la. will leave here to-morrow tor K"V 'e-t. 1'he crew went , tf ti-iung this aiteruOOll and c night a bu, k. t :ul. F.sii are ip.nte scarce ., round in i, . Key W'e.-t. Wedne-day, April s, 1 S'.Ki. Jn. i e go1, in re e-o-r. i i at one o ciocK. tional help he cmiid fu- the Disciple WHAT VC V- THK KltlliUSrhRKHS KATK? chm, h at ; ,-antsbolv,. We have lotsofeniising to.io now. The church is now completed except Three vessels have kit here loade 1 With u,e .) mll,g, ceiling and sealing, arms and ammunition Lie ast week-the i The congregation is using it lemporar oucs that we have been looking tor. To- i,t ,,f ,-, it is ,i..s7r,.,i i, fin.d, ();iv ue is a rumor that one was cha-ed l.e .,,nbl, .,,,, l,.lt nn.l ,,1,- . 1...1 - 1 .7. in c-.ap,u ii i ,m ,,,,,;, mi 11 uei e,oL;o overboard, the other two are supposed to . ... 11 have beeD captured bv the spams Wflr nreeunstant'ly cruising sti men oi sing between here and Cuba. 1 phy tiie pour devils if , n S...imi, u ...v. ou..ei ,o ue j ll'elr a,"' war's ka vaoe a no iidhkoks. ' Thj passengers on the 'Mascotte" briug . o er tearful tales ot barbarities in Cuba, j You can not conceive of it as fur away as ycu are, but here we are only 'JO miles ,v""1 'i"''""-'",y s,x Mr ' V e I 1 1 i l l e i l Mr e I 11c r,"i,' ir.ii.: t. r I w in icii week here TuZTt I'.wn- .11 tli, tn'er.or "t the ilaud are l'n : ill up. ;i . I 111,1 1 m y men but vvoinn in. I i lr. 1 In n are K 1 1 - ! Tne '' L'' :iin I" l iv an- v. rv war-like : . w 1 r 1 S. nil. ;il). I lb,' l'i.p,i Stilt. li'. Li.i.'.i - I1111 ub.it weniiv linvi' vf.ir -.''..I' . i 1 ! ) , . , , I 1 ... U" ..mi 1. . ... .( "I i.iii!n .lint 11 li i', ; th" 1 e a v now two men. .f unr hill', the 1 "A in iln I rite" (-n 1 .a t liat l- n.nv Tree W.lllui!! vntc niiin- in my i.et. ne.fiv ulternoon Aniii l."it'n at ..'i lo- k t" Mr. Ko'.iml K. Hvne-. oi Norfolk. Tl..- o- i-'-nionv va- lic.iutifidly pcform-i-. I in ( '. n! . narv M . K. i-li ii n Ii, tin- i,:l-l ,r l.'. v V ' It.-I.n,, ,,lH,'i.,tii,,r -O l'romi-e Me.- w-.s rcnderwl a a -o'o bv Mr .1 W ii lie Stal lir,"- witli tine , If . t. ' Tnen a- lb ue 'ifn- m-irch was ' ut"l bv Mrs. .1. A. .Meiiow.-, the tjrula! ,,.; v e.u.n-,l. 'Ibe l.ri.lal couple wire p-ec.lel bv Hie n-!ie:-, Mcssis. I.ntber T i lor. Joseph '. .nm!oii. .Ian.- Dilainar ami II. K. Kov il. Tim rtor.il ami evcrirreen decorations ; w fro in rub p i ofu-ion i lie pu'pit was 'e.v. red wit.- 1 1 mm, ami tiny were plentifn anniiid i.e altar ami windows. The .-i i cu'ar in-lo w in the rear of the pulpit w-i. coven -I with evi r-recn and upon tin- .-.nnrin win!, llowiis- weie the itiitia! I (-It- i - 1 llm . o:it-;n 1:114 partiis (J. II TI.e il-ers n-. d m f..nnini tluse letters were J)ilisi- s " The eeiein nv I ei 1 1 l' v r Mr. and Mrs. Ilavut S iV S -u Mr. and Mrs. H iym s will make their home with the gr win", p ireuls. sirn berries .,re Klpe. Strawberries Inve not made their ap- pennnce in New licmc vet, but t hey are ir,tb ;r.st show-: , We wire Un- recipient ol a b"X of ve!"V line s , ;lwlic-I lil s iiiSt MoudaV frOIll I J(r" Krunk (i. Wes brook. f liny View. ! ' ). berries wi re l tiire tlavor, rich color .XUi 0..d si,' a:d le ir evidence of the adaptability of this s-ectiun for the nw inr , f eat i v" fi uifs and veeetabUs. A lew voting nnn posscs-ed with the energy and , eut.-i prise th t chiuaclet i.es Mr. Wcst- 0100K, woinu soon wotk wunoers in 1111s Ci'tliitV. Result ol the 4reenville llaces. We have alnadv told ol the leading 1 wiun. 114 horses in the lirst days races at , (Jrnmilie. I he full ieeord is as follow-: i The lirst race was in the three-minute Ufs for a pur-e of 2'X, Antiqu;. oncd 1 Hackbuin cc V tU.-tt. New lierue. won ' ''"' l),irs"- "'? (;eo- D- b.v I?- Kd wards. Snow Hill, -icon 1; II irold. bv . -j- vi,,i... (uvenville. ibml; M.-irv Ie", ,,v ,,n ,r & Smith, (ireenville. fourth, . " The si coud race w .s iu the 2;39 class ', ,,,r 3,m. Antio B II. owned by M. II. ; m-L. Hertord. was lirst winner, time o.;i(l. Lilie 1)., by Smith Hooker, su (U. Hush Miller, by O .1. Stua.lert. (;1V(-nville .Jlbird; Tyroles. by Ilackburn wniett. New Berne, fourth. The 1 a.', s w erp py , I ,nt ami so close ' t,.'iv,fuiie the fu'.l heat t- .letermiiie (pL. n:1.j..,v Skeleli ..I itlst ltos'l. Iteaily. C-i pit. E. Iv. JJi'yan and Ml". E. II. Meadows ol New Bern-', who were the meiiilvrsol the :ilst regiment selected to wiite the sketch of its services in the war for the history ot the N"..rth Carolina Troops, have ti lisbed iheir work and sub mitted it to Ju l-,.' Waiter Clark, who is -i.perintending the work. Judg.'Ciaik compliments t lm sketch as oriug va'iwb 11 !m::a; ! " and savs; "It is a conti ibutioii to the history of those eventful tinn-s. the ine-iiory ot which ' should nevet" be torgotten. The sketch 'Ail; be pub'i-hed m Thk JoruN il as -non a- we receive a copy of it, ;u accor lance with the U-tom that has teen follow-.d with all the sketches pievi. u-ly written of ba ing them ptib- nl. , o. tl... ,!,;. t' r,,.,,,,,. 1, ., ,-;., r ..ironln. lion a iumg members of the reginnnt it hells about. Tins is done to give com- ' rades of the :nuin.r an opportunTty to see j it before it g-ies "mt" p. rmanent book . lorni an 1 have any addition or alteration made it anv of t'nein liiid need lor ,1 sl.e.i. fnere 1-.me more .-ketch still to come , v- T, . ,, 1.1 .- lr..m New IJ' rn-'. 1 hat is the sk-.tch ol ., 0 , , ,, , ., the 2d iv g t. Cat.t. Matt Maniv is the One cin.si n to prepare it. Teacher- Assembly yjr j y j er. of ( ; re-nsboro, presi- am. uoi n . n. niit.i.ui 'i..i' t . i ii- r i) . -r n- I. . 1 rL-or iiii.i,. 1,1 ,11, rs f.-1 , 1 1 rt t t.i 1 1 in nnvl me -ling m A-h vilie, Juu.- l'bli. Tick. -Is wiii be pu" "ii sih- .Jua 13th, nnd will be good returning until ,u'y 2'J. h. Ne ws & Db-erver. - - for the Souitierii Settler's Cniiven- tion. If a siitlicent niim.M r of applications .ire second tli - N . . . OC A . li. li will make ex-.ur.-i -ii rat st.. S.-utlurn 1'ines . "n tl:'-' "C1 - "'- '" 1"' " e:t ler- C'oaveuti i. Ti e pal ly would leave New Heme it Ibe n, "filing an-1 get to their de- tniation that evening sjen.ing tevo:u! hours in Wilmi"gtou eu roote. i '1 he v. ry low rice of l 5J for tiie ' round tiip will be mad . To Finish (irHiilsburo Oisciple 4'hureh. Mr. Ceorge M. Lewis, of Grant-1 oro. c;iI1R. Up to the city Friday to get the as- istauce previously pledged and any addi .Hid til I 1 wll it i-ii'Ant,rlu us tiorl n n c; vn-k-:t.-i ."".." -""'' . F"i- ble. and this collection ol material and money is meant to complete the work. Kev. A. J. llolton will serve the cilUrcu 0lie Sunday in each month. His appointment is on the third Sab bath. Johnson's Kindey and Liver Regnlator ! invigorates the liver, regulates the bowels, cures dyspepsia, biliousness, indigestion, sour stonracli and nrakes your head as , clear as a bell. 25 aud 50 cts. For sale by I F. S. Dully. . mm iuum: horses wis a;ai In the Greenville It nees J. "ill I it mi. auliilille Flrvt J.IO Claw, l.lttle Steve FirNt. Mamie Wi-IN Seeiinil. 'hi Tbur-day, the !hth, tin- last d:y of I the ' Ire. nvill.; April Race-, there weie two more . xeiling riu es to tin- finish at the . Driv n g A --oeintion ira. k. The lir-l r n e wa- in I be y ."ill el,,-a for a pur-e of iSgltM). C.nable, owned by daekbiirn iVt W'dle'l, ol New Uerne, won tir-t mon. in three st r light In-ms, time, 2.W; Kli-e,' ov, ne l l, Smith .V Hooker. j i deetiv I e. sic .ml; A I be M.. n-field, owu d ny M. II White. Hertford, third, and ( inlet . I'ifiif. I l.y the Seotlaii.l N'i ck lined- I ing firm, I il rl h. The in t ni.-e w .- in th,- 2 pi c',a-s i".r ''i-b'i'.i. I.iille St. r. o.vi.ed by Mayor ! IMi-. New lii-rue, cam " in liisi. He won in tnr e sti aigii i hints, tune -y Mamie j Wells, o-, m il by Haekiurn iV Wdh tt. New Uerne, seceed; King Abi . owned by M. II. White, lb pfor I. linid: Lillian 1)., "Wie-I by (i. S. Stinhhr'. Cnenville. fourth. j A m iti h raie bitwe.n i'li. ce Atriin. owu.il by 1 1 ,ek -,urn iV Wife'!, and I n I i.i , May. ii-uiul by M. H. While, wa- then Stalled. ;.n I le-ube I ;n a t,. a: the close of th feuitii neat, ivh ndiiku -s pul mi e'ol t" tiie.-p'it tuthe d ,y. Fruliy m . rn i ; g the hl'l'i and d -i id'ng bea' wa won. it ie-u' ted in vii tor f .r .Mr. ' I . i i s. Jlulia M iy. THK rOH(() W IKIIIIM SI. Are we to Have One or are our Bni neii .Yfen 4'otitent to Let Traile That I'roperly Heloni;! in ew Berne Pann on to Wiile-Awake fiiniH That Are Makine: EirortH to Seenre il? We know of no tow n win re larn er- j surrounding il V ink bob I o ' lure that the bii-ine-- m t tob 11 10 cu -1 n of the pi.11 e 1 i hi re they traded 01 I ll"t vide iiu.ins f. ,r ham llm : ; Ne .1 Berne to be the one. pr unptly pro t he 1 rop. Is !..ue, -olitarv ; exception to the rule'.'1 I Tin.' bii-iii-'ss is developing in tins see I tion rapidly the farmers are going into I the culture and l he business men of other I p'ar'-s aie pulling up ware bou-es and i biivin i ti.eir t.ibae. o Tn.-ie wi.s -om,- to- b-.ec) raised around New lieine la-', and iiuu pis-e l right tnr.'iigh ih-eity en route io maiket their tobicco elsewhere. They .1 d tins not from elmue, but simply iiecause no maiket had been established here lor it. This year a c l n-iiT.-1 u. ' de increase in the acreage planted has been made, and next fall reasonably good siippbes will go f-om Craven, l'amhco. lie.iiilort. Caiteret, Jones and .i-lo.v farms to some market much ol it to Ni w B. i ne if the se ling til iblies are made lu re for it 1 some other market if thev at" nob and along with the tobacco a- we have said brfiie goes the trade Hint results from it. These are lacts o plain lint they ne. d no argu ment. The bulk of tiie people" little realize the propo Hons p.b.ceo i-nltim- is as-uui-mg around us. A -pieial from Kiuston in tiieNew-and Observer'.- special loiiacco i edition states tli it the farm is in llm j counties of Lenoir, .buns, Onslow, Dnp I I in, Craven, Calient aid lire n h ive in I creased their tobacco acn age this year at i least live fo d. Tiiere w ill be between I 4,o0d and 5,otio iu ii - p anied in tolncc-' I this year. I Kiustou's tir-t ware house which was ! open, d August Litli, 1 sUa will be inlar- g,-d by Messrs (aratnger ami lapp. ny an addiilon of 75 teet making about "25o feet, ami besides this, a new, large ware bouse is now bi ing ptr up 1" Mr. 15. W. Canaday. It t- HUx200 tcct. Moreover buyers Irotn Oxford, Wairen ton, Roxbom and other buyirs are mak ing arrangements for pr:z.' or storage house for their purchase. There are two prizv houses coinpletid, five more under way and it is said lice more still will be ready in time f.r the next crop" Kinstou expects to sell four million pounds of tob, i, co the coming season. This is what Kins'.on is doing. She is accomplishing to much because her peo ple saw tneir opportunity and worked hand in hand with the fanners in the ne.v movement. TobiCc") culture ileve'oped in good prop r ion at Greenville ami has a. c nn plisiied mucn for that place. Our fanners have now gone into the clo ture as tlu farmers did a little previously around (neenviile, Km.-t ui and (iolds b"l"o. Ne A" U t-ii'j's opportunity bis come. Will the bu-i'ic;- nun grasp it.' We shall sic. Bull Hailing on it Kike. Three of our young nn n bicyclists, rid in outside of tb.e city, came aero-s a bull quietly taking a rest. hie pas-ed him all righ': the second wheelman concluded he wou'd have some fun with the animal, s i he heade I li w II el at him. When he did the old fellow nl". se us he was i x pected to; hut instead ot carrying out the rest of tne anticipated pr g'amiiie an. ' making himself scarce, he to. k ii'li r the fun seeking whte.Jman like he meant busi ness "shore cnutf.'' The j .ker g"t away as lively es In- could, and succeeded, though for awhile it wa- ''irp and tuck,'" and with one lunge the bud mad" at the llteing wheelman he thought be would be "tuck" certain. This bicyclist being at last out of the way, the- bull turned and ina.'e for his friend wh- was coming on to join his two c-oinrad.es and eh i-ed him until he gave up tin race an I scr-iinblcil over a f.-nce the best he could and kept on the way to join his friends with its protecting shelter between lnm aid the angry aui mai. The boys concluded the l ull got mon fun nut of tiie little rat ket th m tlu y d d. ritllli KAMMK FIRST SKSSIOX Fpworlli Lfnuiif ami Similay School Conference to bo Hl-lil in iioltlsboro, A pril -SI h HlKl -29lh. TITbSDAY, APRIL 2STII, l'JIi: 2 3d P. M. I. Religious Services. '-!. Organizilion. 3 Uutii s and l'rerogati vi s of a .Sunday Sch .ol Superintendent. Rev. 15 R Hall 4. Duties of the Teacher and hi? re'a tioe to the Superintendent. R v. Mr. Brad-haw. 5 Rela'i"U of the l'a.-to-s. ho .i Rev. .1 R. Sawy, (j. IIo.v to S-X-lllL- Alien Snow. 7. Adjourn. TL'ESUAY, & 1. to Miii'ia y ce. -II. N. The Needs an I Aims League aud Sundav Sch"i if i he Epworth Conference: Rev. B. A. Yates, D I). AVEDNESDAY 20TII: 9 A Af. 1. Religious Services. 2. The object of Lpworth Leagues and how to create inteitst in the work: Prof. K. Minis. 3. Character and value of the Literary Work of the Epworih League: Rev. N. M. Watson. 4. Euwoith Leagues in their relation to Missions. Rev. . D. Swindell, D. D. 5. The btst method of conducting the Devotional and Charitable work of the League. Prof. R. L. P lowers. G. Adjourn. 2:30 p. m. 1. Religious Services. 2. How tiie Epw orth League may help in establishing; mission schools. Rev. J. O. Guthrie. 3. The value of religious literature. Rev. J. B. Hurley. 4. Miscellaneous busiuess. 5. Adjourn. WEDNESDAY 8 P. M. Sermon by Kev. T. N. Ivey. FACTOHIKS AND FA HM KISS Henclils of Such Manufacturing j Enterprises to the Neighbor ing Countn. A N'ear Market "reateil lor All Kinds ol I'roitnee They Make -And l.nn.1, i really Kn hiinceil in Value. U'c have l'n -ipjently shown that the beni-li's of niaiiuiaciui ing (Hiterprises in n community do not stop with those who ftsiabbsh il. em, nor wilh thos. whom tbey furnish wall enployment, nor even wilh i he mt reiiaii's wliosetrule is inert-isd by the L-reaier amiuint of iimtn-y th. Opt in livrs huve io -pt nd. The benefits ex ti nil to the com ii ii ni I y in generd they leich out even inio i In ru i al di-i i ic s. The truth of the bitter st ne m nt ii vpiy -IrikitigK shown in a com municai u n by a sx?cial ciri spomh nt of lie 15a ll nn..re i Man nf u l ui'er s ltei "rd, in a t-oiiimuiiii'a-li, hi from Blacksburg. S. ( '. Hp t, II- of i certain hutore- and tin- amount of I muni y ii Vesieil in th un g .e- u '. show i those factories have, In yoinl all tpiesiion, piovtn of imincns - b. m-lil to farmer-, .inn ! m whit w n v I he I i m lil- ha e in in 1 1 -tetl i In nisei e. bah by fu ie i-h i ng maiket l-r their edible products ( i o say nothing of ibe nnpnned home toilet) 111 . rl-.et i anil by tl.tr vn-liy increase. I v .lu.- .-I land wlrch ipiickly le-uheil .11 ace . 1 1 11 1 of the ..l'iiugC' i C'Ddiih u- ol alianv THI-: KACTdlills. Tin- col I'i -pom h nl tell- that Piedmont and Peiz r an-two C"tt,.n mniuf flining towns m Audeisin and ( i.e. n die coun ties, inking their names Irom cotton mills. Incorporated companies began o bull. I and op rale these mills sixne-i or -evi n t, en ycu is ago. one starting wpb 2G).UO0 i c 1 T I aud t ie othi r with f 400 IMMI. w Idle lb" pr -ent capit iliz it i m of Pu dmorit is ifsiMi.dOO ami oi Pelz r f 1.ii(KI.(hio. Pud mo'it bits about Oh. uoo and I'elzer 107. 000 spindh s and each a lull equipment of loom- of i 11 prove. I palli ru. " f be inerensed ciipdal has been made up of accumulated profit and new ly sub s rib"d slock, Pelz, r g.-t ting l''i a share f .r the last $41111.000 of sioek issue.1. FOKMKR A" VI CE OF LANDS, 'When these mills were pr,,j. eled the value otred . stale or farm lands in the I Mil rounding country was s nail, certainly not over i'i to ItO per ac e. The system j of cultivation then in vogue wast rude, and .;enerally the farms weie dilapidated and little cared for. 1 IMPROVED MARKET FOR PKODUC E. ' These I ictories, when ..nee in opt r,i ; lion, awakcue I a new spirit among the 'fanners, who soon reiiizcl the tact that potatoes, turnips and every food crop for j man and b. ast found a ready every -day ' cash maiket at tln u- ery door-, due to I the a-Si mbliige . 1 factory opeiativtsas ! consumers at Pelz "i" and Piedmont The j result was that renewed attention was ' given to farm improvements aud the pro duction ol food crops wli-li hud hitherto been neglctbt d. alt interest having been given to the production of the only sala ble crop the a and piewously known cotlon. At the -iin.e time the local ,le ; mantl and market f.r copou lor the mills lias put on it and kept on il a premium of Irom one-eighth Io one-quarter cf a cent per pound, aud ofiea even more. On this . baS's, on t very bale raised will. iu the I wagon uiorket limit ol these two factories I the .iifleieiice at the minimum calculation would I Irom sixty tenls to 1.20 a bale, ; of on 30.0W bales" $1 ,000 to S:JK,()00 a I year, equal in fif'ieen years tt. $270,000 to , $540,000, all of which has gone into the j pockets of adjacent farnii rs; and while llie-e factories did not consume every bale produced within their territorial limits, I yet they fixed the price and put the pre mium on all of it that was shipped : away. ' THE KAP.MEK S PH0KITS. I ""Ii we had any data upon winch to sum up and lix the profits ma le in the last fifteen years by farmers living around 1 these towns made from the sale of vege tables and farm products and wood as fuel to the factory p ople the amount 1 would doubtless be very large, perhaps j million; and yet these profits weie scat : teted among jieople who never contrib- ined a cent towards the I uibling of eiltier . of these large and prosperous industi ies. i "While tin' building and operation ol 1 these mills have proven highly reniuner I ative to those who invested money in them, and while tiieii stock is in great de mand at more than double its original cost, it may seem si range, but it is a fact, th it the people of tne surrounding coun , try who o.vn the larm lands have in the . aggregate bjen benefited to an amount in eee.-s of the entire cost of both factories. ENH ANCKI) V U.I'K OP LAM). "From a point midway between Pied mont and Pelzer describe a circle or ini iginary Hue with a radius of ten miles. Such circumference will enclose 200,000 , acres of farm la-iW. Suppose the bmld : ing of these factories placet! upon these ; 21)0.000 acres of hmd an incieased and : enhanced value ot $ " per acre, anil the : -u a is $1,000,000; at $10ier acre $2 0)0. I 000, ml, I at 15' 3,000,000, aud at $20 I $4,000,000 of eiihmcid value. Taking ! ten as the true limit, it gives a profit to I hi..- ou ners of land within a rad iisol ten miles of $200,000 more of i-uhanced 'values than the entire capitaliz ition of both Piedmout and Pe'z r, all ol which ; litis accrued to tin 111 without iheir mak ing a c nt of in vest men' . 'The w riter has rcpeiredly talked to in telligent ami educated farmers who live within two io ten miles, of these factory towns, and most of tliem place the in creased value of iheir lands resultant on tin- building of these factories at from $15 to per acre. As a fact, no lanns within ten miles ofeitlnr lo.vn can u-iw be purchased at less than $2" or 30 per acre, and many wid now command a greater price than this even. AN INSTANCE. "Seventeen years ago, when Col. II. P. lldiiimett purchasecf the hinds: neir and on which P'edmout now stands at $"i per 1 acre, there was living nearby an old anil lespectable farmer 011 a woruout and di lapidated larm with a house to corres pond, the root even being w 'irn"Ut an I ieaky. lie had II" red his farm time au-l lime again at fi per ucrc, and li lally tried to g. t $4 50 per acre to enable him to move to Alabama or Texas ha oriLr to get better land. Failing to sell he re mained . and when the noise ol the loom and the hum of the spindle were heard near him, took heart, begun to farm better and to sell wood, turnips anil farm truck, put a ne" roof on his house, cut away the briars and thorns, fixed up the place generally aud has since sold 100 of his surplus acres at $10 to $7 per acre, and could now get 70 per acre far the 200 left ,- and this honest old farmer is but one of the many who have found themselves lettered by the successful enterprises ot others.'' Facts such as the correspondent gives above, prove logically, not only that the farmeis are benefitted by manufacturing enterprises, but that the merchants also are, in turn, farther benefitted by the prosperity ot the farmers, in that they also, as wed as those directly connected witli the factory, have their ppendiog money increased by the presence of the factories. These things being so, is it not the part of wisdom for all classes of citizens, both in town and country, to do everything possible for the promotion of all such enterprises": An exchange says there is is an epi demic of measles at the Oxford Orphan Asylum. ("UNDKNftED HTATE MEW. Senator Butler was culled to the chair on the I5th, and presided very credita bly. Rev. Dr. P, II. Hor, of Wilmingtoo, has b.-en called to the pastorate of Ihe Independent Presbyterian church, Ma vaundi, Ga. He ha not given hi an- sw. r The Hurlington News announces mem orial ?t rvices in honor of Ihe late Gov. Holt at the Methodist (Holt's memorial) church at Maw River next SuodBy at 3 p. in. The Haywood county Republican de clare' I lor Moody fur Governor, and against any fusion that will bind them to i ver r klentily the Republican with the Populist party. Senator Buth r in roduced a bill Io Carry into effect an act of the Continental Congress providing for statues to fren-i-r.d- Francis Naxh and William David son. The Fayetteville bscrver ny tiie co lumn ve cotton factory will l -landing complete.! on ils site, opposite the oil mill, inside ot ninety days. The contract Io li ,ish the builtlirjg complete, furnishing all muteria'c, hag been let to Mr. W. 0 liain. the builder ot the Holt cotton fac tory on Mussey's Hill. The curious fact is developed io the trial ot Mrs. Franklin, at Ienoir, who, with her huslwnd, is chargid with piinon ing Fog (ireen. her firnt husband, that her chin! has two leijal fathers. Tiie chili I wa- Ii .rn live monilis after Greek's death and 1 wi and a half months after she mar ried Franklin. lawyers say tbev Dcver heaid . f a similar case. The tle(enr1ot were found guilty ot murder in the second degree. Ex. Col. A. B. Andrews, vi e-Preidcnt of the Southern Railway, is net ing President while President Bpencer is 111 Kurope ttor Ins health. R chmond Pearson vvih re-nominated unanimously for congressman of the Ninth district by the Republic in convention. Piitchard was endorsed f r the Beoaie and McKinley far the Presidency. J. C. L Harris and J. G. Grant were chosen as delegates to St. Bouis, The Populist leaders held a caucus in lidcigh We Inesdsy night the 1 Mh; the agreed that if there was fusion it should In; with the Governor nominated by the Populists; they agreed that electoral fusion was i ai possible Mii j. II. L. Grant says the situ ition it chaotic; Keogh thinks there will be fusion; Ivogo Harris thinks an arrange ment will Ih: made; Kitchin says the Populists arc all to pieces, and that he is opposed to fusion in toto and against Russel1. The annual banks party will take place at Swansboro on the second Saturday in May. Tiie Iva'eigh Press Visitor says the Slate Museum received an alligator eight feet long. The animal was killed at South port aud sent there monnted. Taxidermist Brim ley is working on tbe specimen and will soon have his tough wrinkled skin on exhibition in the Museum. We learn tht a couple of gentlemen irom Ohio are putting in scveraltthouaand dollars with White Bros., at Meoane, for the ruanutacture of furniture. Mebane is growing. We learn lltat there is not an empty bouse in that town anil there is great de.nand for them s Burlington News. THE TOWS Or "t'SID TO-BE." Grandma lives in a funny place. The town of "Used-to-be," Where streets are "turnpikes' and people are "folks." Aud a nice hot supper a "tea." "Where is Ihe town of "Ued-tn-be?" In Grandma's memory bright. "Tne wnyf" Upstairs, to grandma's room ( The cozy one on the. right ) "When you can go there?" Twilight's best, For the dreimy glow in the grille Lights the way to the town of ''Used-to-1," Ami nobody need to wait. Then ho, for an hour in the dear old town. And hey, for the husking-bee, And oh, the dancing in stiff brocade, And ah; the trysting-tree. And ugh; the sermons, two hours long, And three 0 them. Sabbath day. In a "meeting-house," so cold and drear, Where the "foot stove" held its sway. But if giandma shows you a summer scene, In a farmhouse and orchard fair. With rows of cheeses on dairy shelves, And bees in the clover sweet air, And there, beyond, in the kitchen wide, Grandma, hersell, at the wheel. Spinning, singing, a fair young bride, You say, for you can but feci "What a dear, clear town of ' L'sed-to-be.' " But grandma's voice drops low, Ami she aays, with a half-sad, half sweet smile, " Twas all so long ago.'' Boston Transcript. THE PIRATE'S DREAM. "Ojiieu vaV" cries the captain, with face aghast, I As the palms sing low in the autumn j blast , The song of the dead and crime stained pat. 1 The Captain Nu.itz, hacgnrd and wild. Starts Irom his seat like a frightened child. 1 " Tis the ghost of the padre of Santa ; Fe ! You robbed aod killed on tbe fifth of I May!" 1 "Whose face is that in the wine bowl red ' That nods and beckons and shakes his head?'' ' 'Tis the merchant Gomez of Albuquer que, Whose heart was the sheath of the cap I tain's dirk.'' ! "What gleams so white in the canyon ' deep, i Where the stream flows black aud the walU are steep-"' Tis Sergiant Bias of the guardin civil, ' Who was shot in the back at Baraquil." i "Aud who are youf' cries the captain, pale, Aud the answer comes through the moan j ing gale, j lT come to claim my load of sin." ! And Diablo gathered the captaiu iu. Vanity. I Johnson's Kmulsion of Cod I.i ver Oil enriches the blood, builds sound flenb, re stores strength and vitality to tbe debili tated iKjdy. Pint bottle, $1.00. For sale by F. 8. Duffy. Loggers Wanted ! Good prices paid to experienced Log gers, -who can come well recommended. Apply at once, to GOLD8BOUO LUMBER CO., mr26dwU Dorer, N. C. A. A. LU Whrn you atrd anything in DRY and you'll not rrgrrt it. REST ASSURED THE. ossiTolo AWAIT YOU. Onr Goods ire just ir repre sented, which poeii 1 preit wijJ io buying any article. This Week we ofer aix -piece of SILK GINGHAMS (nn last season which told tt r refits, for 25c, yard. How about Whit Good and Embroideries t Our IL'ic, 15o., 18c, 20c, 25c, and 30c, Dimities am great values. Iet ng plaoe before you for jour inspection oar line of EDGINGS in all the newest points. One thing aare it's a complete line and tbe prices right. When yon consider the values we are offering daily, youll do well to XjooIsz Ion. Oxx TJc for what you need. HAGHBURN & WILLETT Just in ! LOOK IN ON US.. ? ife wis GOODS New line of Neckwear, mail bjrj tha Rufus Waterbouati Co. Every one wb has aeao it aays it is the baadaom t Itae ever brought to tbe city. New Negligee Shins ! 8re our left band window. Adv one in the lot lor 60 ocata. Size 18 V) 17). New Clothing now arriving. Do aot buy until you see ua. Do you waat a Bicycle Suit t Give as a call. Full lln -, ' of samples of suits made to order, fit guaranteed. . -- Fresh line of Link Buttons " Colsrf A BuUonand Bulrt Btnds. i C "'"i i J. M. HOWARDt ' ' c : : .11 -if

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