. , - .Price: SI 00 Per Year. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS, Single Ooples, 5 Cento; -VOL. XIX. NEW 13ERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N, C. APRIL so",' 18);. Noli 1 z - i :r..1 . , vM; if j Big as a i p The largest Diece of ood itobacco ever sold for 10 cents A-I AnH lljhe 5 cent piece is nearly as1 large as you ,get of ofher .v. "I Tobacco Flues ! Ndr 30,000 pound best SIIKET IKON in tore aal 20,fX0 pounds oofawJ. All in want of Fines will io well to placo ihtir orders . earl., so th&t they will be aure to get them m time. h O TI ad Slteet Metal Work of every diserlpt on promptly done. - - No. 23 Craven Street, - i . 1 (BeXtntKl to J. : . " Wholesale & Retail Dealers In Ftour, Pork, Coffee, Bo jfr, Lard, Datter, Cliese, Svrup, Molassos j , s Vin2r, Sauff Tobivco, Ctars, Canned Hoods of all kinds, Te, Spice, and ererjlhing else usually found in a f vr - FIBST-CLASS OROCEKY STOKFJ. " ' CrW bT bought in large quantities for rash and are prepared , t i aell t Iir m anyoae. Country Merchauts and the geueral pu'jtic -' will d'ureli to gX oar price before baying -lsewbeie. No trouble to 1. skow gooda. Ctables Free, 474Broad St., IYc w Berne, N. C. VI 1 I " "7 n - ' P!Jg-.U 11 -L e To' Boat Builders and Marine Engineer! IN PARTIOUUAR klT iiilrij to l Fling mmd balliSac ad iwimi SIGH PBESSimEOMPOOTD-TIlIPLE EXPANSION and PADDLE WHEEL OUTFITS. c t . EJTnER WUUU UH COAL. . T . . 0 Umtiemmry or MARINE IRON WORKS, CirvouftN Amo ouTMtrT Avis. CHICAGO. Mr . v - - Is ths fsslj positive Remedy known to the Medical Profession for . UrAJiJrrcnlc Rheumatism jPrzrtia Ttepaitla, tHsmtsorrhott, Psoriasis, Scrofula, liver and I ilzt Disttses, A Positive Core effected in from 6 to 18 days. rtrrrss. Tr. The Southern t" ' ppLuir AiJrsAW 'itVaii Cuit.iv3t.or , ikM Susrta... . and. Dixie fpp&cmtaUtm Cir, torn - OUra Cuaatrf. ATLANTA. UA. JFirmtTij Lsiiryers'and HiiHiness Men i TVa SOtTTniKR CTLTIV ATv)K offi-i. Ir.- Tmrion. H.1,-,1 n-l In-l.lrnt-ilSin 'num STW CollMSf M-l -lyl la llm . i el i iojwwrtliy , .,m men ami women, jjw rite the tJraUsUosi imamiiwiii lor iooruati..n. , . . OfIlw Ooltitatob an.i Tiik Wkekly Jdvssai scut one E. W. SJV3ALLWOOD, -- Under Gaatoa Hoaae, Sou IL rroui Stint, Jiew Berne, N. C. .:V FULL iirsjh: of : &GTXGJstl Hardware. Otores. Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, - i' 4 ' ' Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMP 8, "'" Lim, Piaster and Cement. Vh DEVOE3 PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. - " : CrPeraonaJ at teat too to the prompt and correct filling ol al order. , . zng3ui w,dow Barn Door - NEV BERNE, N. C. C. WHITTY ) (to artier) cnaaptet Mtfita f gcaauM MA WIN1 sizes IMf to rwraty isca cyiudsrs). BUHmrVU lYIMHinci BUILCrta. -Tr" MUcUmr ) bukllttard.la 1S4S Tti' rt'r.ignUol Oriran of s.,4it.-in A n rlen !turv an-1 lh In,lntr41 prog ress of Hie sutli Farmer, fcglg 2:htsa $1 T' eirr.il Firm, In .1 a lr il li. 1 toek v u. ii 1 . I lv ad l. SendJforJ8ample Copy NEW! A I R I FT, 1 h ike III; r r.lm Knil Vicinity. Clallirrrd In and Hrtelly Voloil. A rnr-e tni- k ami base ball ground is proposed io Kinston. A refr. slung rain lei! Friday nl'.iriiixMi, It wttswo'th money to lie fiMiurs iiinl : truckers of the community. Hev. C. G Vur.hH has boi n chosen to . deliver the 1 i 1 una. and nie In s at 1. are Institute ciMiin eiR-tmeiit tins year. , I Messrs. .Limes B. Dawson un 1 J. Willie; Stalling.; came from H.ybiri to New 1 : Berne by 1 tr vc le. Distance 1 mile;'; lime 1 hnr an 1 40 m nuus. The ale iiiier Neiise brul tlnpo I r i r 1 a. 1 , ' couples nUiard when alio left Now Berne i 1 antl we cru told in lhe I : 1 1 that1 i another couple was to get on t Roanoke , Island. I About 750 boxes of pi as went otT on 1 the steumer Neu-se Fnoav, also radi-h's' j mid the first cubbig.-s of the seasou. The : laltt-r came from Messrs. K. H. and J. A. : j Meadows' Giaywood plantation. "Pop ' in anot her column asks if Ex- Mayor Dick Williams who was sh 't uul j West wns our Dick. We can suv it was J uot. lie is around and as readv as ever to take a hand in wtatever turns up. . Stra wlx rrie as lar arc raining in i.Ov. e ns one necd want Messrs. Il icki.ura A: Willed had tine dues of the Ludv Thompson variety from their farm at ; their store yesterday. Mr. J W. Sroallwood's store has been brigUteued considerably by the repainting of the Trout und of the counters. P-iiming costs so little and adds s i much to the Pyarance ot a place that it would sfem us if all would be liberal in its nse. Shad and herrings have ben selliug lately at un pretedentedly low price litirk shad only 10 cents ;cr pnir :.nd ue shad 1 cents per pair herring $t 00 p r hnnorcd wholesale No dangi r of anybody s arving wliire such prices as these pie yail. The rit'Sens of Dover are desirous of sxrnriug a pnsu nger wailing room. We underbill. d ihty will petition the railroad ior it. Dover is a thriving little village aud e ill I glad to see iis citizeu:. get what they are working lor. : J. hn E. Taylor, a negr, has I -eeii electel city deik ami tieuurer of Wil I mingtoc. Frel H. Hice, a white Kcpub j h.-an, held the offlce last yiar. The city lofljeeis are elecli d ttiere by a "Police Board'' fstabl;hel by the fiLsion legisla ture Amorg other nmhl improve men! 3 around the city are llter sidewalks. The grading and repented shelling of lhe road lols hs gieti un sph r.did lrive ways now if ihi is followed by coc4riicting sidewniks in keeping with Hie roui i-btJ-. and with substantial curbings to nake tiiem la t, our highwny will be a source of pleasure and piide to all. Mr. Win. Colligau sold out hi barroom j visteiday to M.ssis. M. A. Oiks, of New : Ileroe aud J. S. N. Km.-ey, of J ick-on-' viKe. They are partners in a barroom bu Ire-s at S ickonvil!e anil will l part 1 ot rs here. Mr F Uurko lioughf out Mr A il. Edward's barm un. Tha puith iiii-. in ach rase lake charge Julv l.t. Mr. F. Uirick showed u a lem n at l L0 store which was plucked yesterday, along with several others from a tie whkh Mr. T. A. Green owns. The lctnnu i-t pertee in shape and of the larg ert size larger iljeu those t now see on sale in the stores. The tree with fruit giowing on it was shown at lhe last Fir. Property slang the lipe of the W. N. & X. ltdlway b tu! t the (jO "l ejects of 1 lie building of l he r, ad Ut it will fe- -1 it much more whenever the hue is tK'ei'ded to Norfolk, giving a through route Tlie nbibty to ship ilnn wi'hout ih-trjns-fe'neg which is n, w n cess ry will make the !rtle Unis along it 10 be Sought fte' much more lhau they are o iw. Cipt. W. B. Kendrirk, agent of the University Publis' ing Coniuny, has been spoken of a c iijdidate lor Sujser in ten Jen t of Public IcHlrucUoo. The Dame of M, E. G. Ilarrell, gentof Ginn & C., nd Mr. J. W. Tha kston, agent of the American Book Company have also been mentioned. A contest l-tween these three genilem-n would 111 ke iln ihool bock I asiness rather prominent f.-iiture of the campaign, and make the light n spirt ed three con er one News nnd Ob rver. Onr Ool Telephone Myaleni. New telepln nes arc constantly being put in. One ol the latest is at Hie ware house of lhe A. ii S. C. II l. Wc are glad to see the pairouage ol lhe telephone system xiendiug. It is public enterpiisi-, owned aD I opera'e ' by homo people and shou'd be encouraged, espec ially when the system is so g", d a one as we have in New Ueme. Tin more I lie' e are of ur citizens who have the 'plkoms he m ire satisfactorily will the scivice In to eaeb patron, be au-e he can reach s many more people. With tin-exception of a little crossing of the wire, winch is something liable to occur in uny city, they have lea running easily and give g 'od service. The com j njr deserves su. cess. arlter .Hornlas Nchednle. The A. Jt X. C. U li. will make a: i I change of scl.cd u le in ils iiuoniiii mail 1 arjd pas.s ngi r i lain, coiioik nc:ng Siiur- d..y. The Iron will l.aee Mori load or e !iour ami i-v ht in 1 1 u i s e i 1 1 r, an i win arrive a l a Del Ira e i in 1 1 la 1 1 on along lhe line wild ju I lhe s ine- ddl'i n-nce iu !! IP. 1'nderile ii w -eh i! u 'e 1 he Main win I leuvr Morehead i-fiy at ti . ."'- a. m; lUve lock, 7::;'J; arr-vr- at New ll,r..e at S:O0 anl h a vc at : - 2; I.e ve K nshm at 9: '24; ar d arrived at Guldsb TO, 10:17. There will be n change on ihe icturn : tnp, and no change whatever on the fri ight t ra n. 4. r A H il rlmplfr and llmnil 4'om I niAsdrry. ITbero is expected t bo the largasi assembly of Koyal Arch M isons and , Knighis TempUr at their meeting here in ' May t' at ever r ssenililpd n the State. ' The Griu I Chapter ol Royal Arch Masons I will convene Tuis. lay ev nirg Mav flith. I md lhe (iran l Coinmandcry Knights i Timplnr will hold lln ir annual conclave ! tlie next day. May 13th. The Grjnd Templar parade will take I place Thursday alierooou. May 1 I'h. I biw railroad tales will be in lorce for j tlie ocrasion. AHakbatbHrh.ol Prablrm. The superintendent of the Tabernacle Bap'ist Sondny School gave out the fol 'owing problem to the children Sunday to be answered next Sunday. Each schoUr giving the correct acswer is to be rewarded: Divide the number of foxes seut into ihe Philistines coru by the numlH-r of sons Abraham had by b's wife Ieturab, add to this his ( Abraham!-) age at his death, then sobtract Joshua's ge at his deith, add to this the number of Gideon's army who I lapped water like s do?, ilivide by the I numln r e f stones David took in a bag when he went lo fight Goliath, subtract from this the number of yiars Solomon was building bis house, n.ultiply by the oumbcr of d tys our Saviour was tempted on ie menial oei iiivioe oy ine numDer , of loaves Elisha feel 100 nifrD whh at Gil-! gal and sobtract from this the nuralier of' year David reigned and the answer will I be the yalue of a silver coin in cents. I . i If the Me Trustees are Nut Uesponsi Cur its Suct-ess or Failure Who Is r What 4 Wantert It Sat Mori Monof ln( !Horr PI SH-Too l.llllf Interest llaa been Taken A Principal Onre Elected They Seem lo Think Duly Ione Tor aWliole Yenr. Eihtok Jot'KNM.: The following art some of the ;-paons w l.y "your p -rsistent correspondent, X. V. Z , is disposed to blame the Trustees ol Xeiv lieiue Ara demy for what he i pleased to regard as a failure lo diseharge their duty." A careful review of the field fails to place t lie blame elsewhere a diagnosis by ex clusion. Nearly every writer in your jiaptT on the subject has seemed to f isteu the blame iinoii tuelll. JI l lie trusiees oi a bcnooi are not iesi)on-;ble lor t- succiss or failure! I would like lo knovy where tlie rcsoorvv bility rests. They have the selection of the Principal aud in every Other tnstltll ... tion thev are looked to for its wehare and 1 it '8 as ,t ia ,w immiii.di'p ns ihe I a w s of t he I Medes aud P. rsuins, that upon the -ucces8 i or failure t those institutions must rest . I .1.- - Ul.. t ,llrt Irn.lnA. v-,,,. lilt) ptuise Ol u.uiiie hi liic iiiiti;. vt, what I know about the tru-tees of our II gh School h is been furniehi d me by those in a position to know, either by private conversation or through Tuii Journal. From these sources it i learned that they meet sometimes as often as once a year and then a great dial of persuasion and msistance are necessary to insure a quorum. The meeting secured, a Principal -is elected, tinanc' s attended to ami theT adjournment. The Prucipal, whether he La a stranger or not, is then i left to miuipuiate things to st;jt himself ana as nest ne can. oru high school again Some of the trustee's. I am gl id to say,! 1110ml pendant, the gift ol the yrooru are zealous for our school and it has le'n j Afer the beautiful uqd solemn cere- suggested that the number ol trustees is tx large and uuw e'dy. Every one, who j ItU'y drpve to the I, inner residence ol the ha actel on committees, knows that a 1 bride, where the wedding breakfast was small nu ubcr do better than when so J served. The wedding presents were o I mauv are to I consulted. But the nuui- j unusaul numb' r an I beanty, receivc-d from Ur has Ixeu made large with an idea ihd all parts of Carolina, anil from many dis ihe in-titution would receive not only the l tuft Statu. support of tlu tru-leiS ljut their lnlinente The rooms were very tastily and charm- as well. lias Our sclioci nao euaei 01 these ns it should hive had Those who know complain loudly that it has not. Tue men who compose the board are among the best in New IJerne and Dot U u)g (3D be said against them, but it does look 8 il foo ljtf'e interest has been taken 111 our school alt'airs, and that institution, along s dc of which, factories and eyery oihi r conddctation pale into insigniii can'a, has ben a'lowed to wane, until now it stands thevv, a mockery to our tioa-ic.l claim the Alliens ol Xorth Carolina: an inheritance so distorted aud atnuili ed as to be disclaimed 1 y tno: who once gave New li- 1 tie her pro sail- tunc-- a- an intellectual centro. A man 1 the gronni is pastor ofoneot the piesby m iy be all right in everv other respi ct, terian chinches there A host of friends he "may be a Morgan or a Napoleon in were at the boat to see them off. all j oin tin.uues he may eveu have wiluin him ing iu the hope that Mrs. Knowies, who 1 t lenu n which would under prop- r cir- ciim-tanecs laud him into places ut trust and power; but a man w; wid act as trustee of a High Hi houl and sc)d h( chihlrui to some oth-rr school is a dead tail ure id that line and should either, at once, trv to b Iter understand his obiiga-1 tion u the public or resign. But 'rllstee, wants more money w run the school. They have about 1100 i..i ti u.,.. ..e...., loo income outside of tuition tecs and every scholar is charged tor at prices usual in su h ins' itutions. Really that ought to l-e enough to start with. Other schools in oijr tbw-n have no financir.l backing at al1, no liummodioijs buddings and yet us private Schixils they are quite suoceisllll. Juit frequently necomplishes more than ujQDey, and all the pushing should not be left for the Principal to do. If every trustee would use his influence for the school it would soon grow. I have never intended to reflect in any wav upn the High School buildings, grounds, Aic, for many substantial aud necessary i improvements have been made, and today, to the eye, thorp is no pi-etlier ro more commodious arrangements any where lor the purposes for w hich they are in b d led, an ! yet with all this pile ot brick, mortar, paiot, Ac our people seem will ing to let the school languish. "Trustee" says they are doing all they an, u ider the circumstance. It' that is so we should try to alter the circumstanci s. Wl-e-n the Legislature meets we should d, all wuhin Qur power to get a Graded h ol such as they haye in Golds! OlO, Wilminglon, lialeigh and eveiyvvhi re else except 1'ew Hi rce. Some of tle olo fossils of which 1 1'riblee'1 spc aks having died, maybe beHor success will attend our next effort. It is use'fts; fur me to say that anything ! I cau do lor the weliiare of our school I will be gladly ami willingly elone and I whilo my ideis und suggestions are only ; those of one person, yt t if anything can come out of 1 hem which will be of any hem fii to the trustees, when they meet they will be freely given. As for this writer he would rather ce a lir-t class High School in New Berne than any other enterprise that has ever been sug gested or pro), ctcd hpre. (4o then lets see j w u ii e a u w: uunv iu e-iie ie lup sj uii uuj anil In lp of our to wn for this institution. Winn our people get interested ill a w 11 it can De done 10 cause llifirc is no siicli thug as Ialiure. and what cm npped to then) Ion der than our K'hicational inicrsin. Your- "Peisiste ntlv, X. Y. etc. Khie Nlorr Etfl iihI e ly . Mr. T. .!. ! 'r.it r, lorm. I'iy of Wilming top, is prejiaring to opi n a shoe store in lhe ouilding "on Middle -tret betwien Messrs. S. K. Katon's and T. .1. I!ax:er's l'-welty stoies. lie proposes lo kci p eveiythii'g wauted iu the shoe line both j for ladies and giutlemin ahil to deal iu t then) exclusively The s'oii' ia r.uw lieing lilted up lor him. He evpect-to op -n ni ; probably about the mi-lel e of it. week Our Opera llouve. Bi rne s op- ra house ha-- N e w i i ry bully w hich handsome marred b li'ont. tint its bi au some u i -i g ! 1 1 i v - y i- ai s could be n me lied at As this js a fiiildin. i y slight expen.-. f sreh a public nature situated on one of our mo-t liromi- nod streets, these, little rc)airs should lie attiudul to so that it will present an appearance in aicord with its importance. 1 Plans for enlarging the opeia house have been made lor some time past and anel un enlargement and remodelling of our present one or the erection of a new one is n cded beyon 1 question. When a first class compiny comes the house will neither comfortably hold us many of our: citizens as would like to attend it nor as many as a good company has a right to expect lro:n a pUee ot New B.-rne's size. Allanlie Hotel Mnnager. Mr. W. P. Campbell, manager of thp famous tl:iutic hotel of Morehead City tb is year will pa-s through toiiijjlil en route to the hotel. Mr. Campbell his beenckief clerk at the hotel for several seasons under tli sue Crssive managements. We believe -Mr. the the Campbell to be a capital man for j place. He has made the patrons ol iiote l his triends bi his reuelv attention to their wishes in the past he knows what ' they wsnt from his past; experience and they will feel that they can rely upon; faring right when be is in full charge. I Jones Knowle. The First Presbyterian church, in the seventy-five yiirs which have e'npsed : since its erection, has probably never held a larger or more fashionable audience i than the one which galherid within its' j walls ut hih noon tlie 22il, to witness j the niaiiiaie ofMis Ennna Ivatherim ' Jones, ot this city, to ihe Ilev. H K. Jvnowles ol Ottawa, Canada. The church, which Was densely crowd j ed, was b 'autifully decorated with twin-1 brio, lialms, ferns, roaes and i xouisite hot Iijriai uLnl Lt-rttil llin u Mar a r-. I, r.. t V, v ' i , Mlnrl Ktme For The.,, lo Work np. ultar rail was a raaKUifi'.eut flora 1 bank. The ceremony wns performtd by the "II be-t in'erot of our oiith- llev. F , W. Fames, for many years a co-1 cm hardwood ni uniiacluris md hand pastor with the "room in Ottawa, Canada. e-s t cnltiv.i'e finliv reUiims with Pn-ciselv ut twelve o'clock, the Hev. Mr. i .. , , , Parries and the Hev. O. G. Vardc-ll. who Ch" s" lar l,0-: and to endeavor assisted in the ceremony, both in gowu ! 10 """t""' '' l'nus in the style oi mpcc and bands, entered from ditfertnt Utmrs ! tion and aradin-j thtnin, a- uio to en and took their stand at the altar. ' courage those iieiiiLT nistituted Irom time The ushe s, Slessrg. Howard, Xeal, ! to time even though they le crude and of Goodwill and Uollister, entered from the ! not much sin e, sr- in a busim - point of left of the pu'pit, followed, by the maid i view. The le iditi,' n as. n for this is a ol honor, Miss Lueretia Gorrtll !' Win- purely selfish one Our last southern Stun. N. C, anil the four bridesmaids, j dealers have or can h ie lull s'ocks of Mjsjt;s Jathleen Bryan, Mamie Giay, the best qualuie- of the lines', furniiure Matihla Heartt and .Carrie Claypoo'e. These latter imt&cucri tlifi rear of the ,' cuurcli, wbero they ni6t liu uud-'. witn - j "ei unee euariu,uB ume huwoi -ins, uiu i ..i : t:i.. I sisters, Mamie anu iiessic tjoiustcr, ; an , I Marie Louis ateiv lhe ondes- ' maids were beautifully attired in gowus of white organdie. Mine Antoinette fis chu, and white hats, with pink crushed roaet,, arjfj bi ariug bouquets of la France rose. The bride upproached the altar, leaning on the arm of her uncle, Mr. C. E. Slover, and was met by the groom and his best man, Mr. John Seymour. Thu bride was attired in a rich and elegant gown ol white duehesse satin, en train, trimmed exquisitely with pjint lace and pearls. Always beautiful, on this occasion she was doubly .-o. She wore the usu d veil. Ciiiight with orange blossoms, aud curried a bouquet of liiiies of the valley. II r pnncipj! qrinurifint was a l)aniteome tia- 1 mony nau i..een jx-riurnici, ifje Di'ioal muij utviuL'ii'j nun uivciv ii'incis, ujci arrangement aid ng their uatural beauty in producing a pleasing eftect ujion every ohservi r. Tlie dining room was a scene of beauty, but no colors were shown in this orna mentation except white and green, and tile same colojs prevailed, in every Course Served. .t was a wbilp and green wed ding. The central dpcoratiQu of the diniug r, on) was a pyramid four feet high, formed of bridal wivaih and lilies j the artssint I arlJ or the table waj of )ilios. Mrs. Ivnowlcs left bv the Steamer Xeuse at 5::l') for their in I ut e ! Home )u llituwn, I :pi id:i, 111 w hiuii city sunds among the nrst ol Carolina s j lavorite daughters, ai-d her husband, may 1 have a loug life of happiness, prosperity I aud use!it!iiesa. ! ; Bie-Kiis;oe, At 'alf past one o'clock Wednesday Apinl g'J J, one of iImi prcttitst marriage ceremonies ever he'd in the Bantist church ' of Bayboro occurred there, the ceremony being performed by Kev. W. F. Fry the pastor, the contracting parties being Miss Ilettie S. Baxter, of Bayboro, and Mr. Josejih M. Kilgore a young merchant of Norfolk. Mr. J. O. Jolfffe was best man and Miss Maud 8, Simmons Maid of Honor both ate of NoiToU. The other attendents weie: Miss Mamie A. Dawson and Mr. W. K. Baxter, l.oih of New Berne. Fruf W. W. Cole, of Bayboro, and Miss Eugenia Dixon, of Stonew all. The ushers were Messis. W. J. W!(p, and B.-viin Cfjmpcn. The entrance of t Lie bridal party was preceded by a solo "0 Promise Me,'' ren dered by Mr. J. Willie Stalling?, of New Berne. Miss Nettie Hugh Barnes, of Van le mere, presided at the organ, finely rcn dering Mindellsohn's Wedding March, as lhe ushers and waiters entered, chang ing llo Wnnciis functus wedding niarplj from "Ivibengnn, as the bride euiered. The church was beautifully find finely decorated for ilc occasion 'with mouses ami evergreens, and tiig contracting con pie slooel under a vyeddiug bell of while 10'es, Previous to the mn'rl-ige an elegant dinner was partaken ot at the home of Mr. J. . Cowell, brother-law-of the bride, by the bridal parly, lelatives ami intimate friends. A tcr the ceremony, Mr. anel Mis. Kdgoie came on to New Berne where they took the steimer Nciise at jalf past live o'clock lor their future home at Nmfolk. Many friends gathered at the boat to bid them good. bye and ex'end their con gratulations and warm wishes for a life career of happiness. They PitlnK ee the tnrrage, a i l 1 T i ycoioipii uuvriiage ucemicci nc(aicfe,i day pight which was a li'lld ot April fool to those who gatherid to witness it. It; was anr.ouu.ccd to lake place in St. Peters chinch and a big crowd assembled lo wit Ui ss it, but while lhe crowd was waiting the coup'e went to the nrsouage and got married. j Tlie raue of the change of programme i was that i he mother d the bride obj. cted to the mitriage and had gone to the j church with I he intuition of raising lu r objections when the ceremony com- i t. r-. i I t.i r il !.', '. utii- Iltrt ernti', were both sold. ' nOth WeddiufeT Anniversary. At Pamlico, io this county, on the 10 h , Captain and Mrs. W. II. Bucklin were very agreeably surprised at tl.tir home by a nu.nber of their fr ends nnd Lcigl bors, the occasion N ing the 50th. Anniversary ol the widded Ide of Capt. Bucklin and wife. Tr visitors brought pi esents w hich ware greatly appreciated by the old inut rieil coi;;le, and an enjoya ble tiutc was passed by all. Capt. Bucklin will be remembered as an olel New Befn ian. He is still well and hearty, although til years old, firth Ward Repnbliean Convention. The fifth ward Republican convention was hold Thuislay. James E Shepard, a colored drayman of the city, was de clared the nominee. There were three candidates, all colored. The vote as an nounced was, J. E. Shapard, 117; Isaac Wayne Eubank, 8!; Major W. Chap man, 07. There is d ssatisfaction, however, and li iends of M 'j. Chapman wish him to ruq I schools ofotljer cities m the State are i cherishes the affection of a true son. I as an independent, alleging tl.at no fair . being run eh uihl be rtuihed and a good ' Charlotte Observer. j nomination was n-adp because lighting , hdl embodiing their b. st features with I occurred as tlie bahor was being counted ' such moehri 'ation as will be deemed best I Whe n your stomach is out of order and and the tickets got thrown on the floor for us should be made up and presented j your skin is yellow, indicating a disor along with others. : to the next legislature for passnge. I di red liver, take Johnseu's Kidney and ! They claim also that up to that time Chapmau was iu the eael, and the choice of a friend of his for chiirman also indi cated he was the choice of the con vention. Johnson's Magnetic Oil is the greatest internal remedy for cramps, colic and all internal aches and pains for mau or beast. Large bottles, 25 and 50 cts. For sale by F. S. Duffy. CHICAGO AXI) Till- SOUTH. That Single t'ily lias ?, Fur niture Factories Fmploy it)1' 4.'), mm Hands, I It .Vol liotter For u lo Mminl'ne lure Hie Fiii-niiiire Ourselves Tliim lo Stpuil Tliciii Our FlneHoolH Inn woods in the market, t.'hicao is rapidly ; co'imm to the front a- a m .iiiul'ai.lurini; ecu ei ol nl si'aili s anil Kin is ol furniiure. Formerly the n pecially line g.ades of i luruiturv' wore maiie oi,iy u, ihe e.iteiu : fai toric--, now a la-gepoitiou of this iradej is coaiiiig to Chicago, (due .go is also drawing fiom Grand itapids and from j Rock ford in the higher lines 0f th furm- ture woikiug. "There are now in Chicago 22:1 con- j ec.i-118 engaou ec ijsiveiy ami entirety m the lumiture liuvmlactuiv. this is those who are solely in that business and not those h ho take it up as a side line, if which thofe ive a number, nor thus il in clude those in the upholstering busings. In gooel limes, w.iea lhe trade is brisk, there ul'e about 4o,00b hands employed all a rou id in the fuinitiue business in Chicago This comes i ry near to placing that city in the front rank in the furniture m iiiulaciuriug liuo 1 ' atil tue south iirns its alti-ulion toward the ui iking of hue furniiurs, which it does qot a' present, it would be well hu' uif dc.ilurs having fanny hard f ooU to cudiyaie lhe Chicago lu rn itnre maker-." Tr idesn.an. The above clipping I'mm ona of the leadiny; trade erioeicals i f the S.-mh contains ilalonients w hich it would he well for people of ihe South, lor people ot North Carolit'ti, f-r people of our own city to ponder. One northern city j employing 45,000 h aids in manufactur ing lurtiituro aud getting ni, lumber from the South! Ami the South advised t'J cultivate the trade: "T It may be well that there i; this market for our lu:n;'er and this lire and grow ing cerr, mil lor it. 15qt won d it not be intliiiteiiy bettei' if we manuj'.ct urc I the t'uinilui'e ourselves and sent them that in stead of sending mu' line hpnbeii Sup pose tljere w pre A3,00i) hand iu the whole State ol Xorth C-ii'i.tniii i-mpioyed cxclu aively in m inufaetiiuiig luini.er w hat a difference it would in ik'- in I'ue prospeiity of the capitalist, the woikinj .::eir the biisiiies. ii, en and die lumber men. ln''eed, wh it class is Ui re tb it would not toel tue gior.oiis i lle-.-ts ot .-cell busi ness activity as won id le-u:'.. We want to see 1 age- a'.lenlii.ti paid to manufacturing of everv kind No com munity can e vinct to a;tai;; t i i.ut eiii- I infiive iu ti.e itidu-lii il line w hich il miglit I occupy that negiec: so important branch of human effort, Il Hi fiiiniture factories can be made to pay in Chicago where the furniiure is made out of imported lumber, why cannot one be- made to pay in Xc.V Berne wheie we have the line woods in variety growing in abundance iu the vast forests all around 5He Slr Wurl ol Hint. "CbN'iBAi- Citv, Coio., April 23. Samuel Covington, an oic hauler, in a rage caused by au attachment on his wages shot City Mai-shal Michael Kel le her and ix-M iyor Dick Williams. Cov ington thcrt started . to eirive ofl' in his wagon and was pursued by 0( meu Henry Lehman shot Coy,ngion, killing him. freHcher is expcctoil to die. Wil liams will recover," We hope this is uot our Dick of the city of New I'err.o, N. C. We have a high regard for Dick, regardless of the many censuers that he has been the reci pient ot. May the shadow of ;i(-K, our Dick, continue to vibrate independent of the shots of Samuel Cov ington. A 'T'oVs" $tonettall. X. C, Cortenpomlpiice. B,i'0. Bishop "I New Berne, who has been assisting Bru. Hnow at Stonewall in a prottfictul meeting, left on the 2:'d., for his homo. The fruits ol his logical reason ing will be felt by this community foe a long time, lie hews to the line an I it matters not w here the chips lad New Berne is blessed with such a preacher as Bro. Bishop. Brother, follow his advice and you will get out ol the ruts some of us are daily stumbling over. Messis. Hart-field and Stagings of Ne w Berne, were with ns on the I. Mr. llarc-fi'.-ld kit lies. t morning lor Oriental and Mr. Stallings left for New Berne, his home. Tiny were both on their w heels. Dr. Attmore cxlraeted a pistol ball byom a colored Ixiy this week. The pistol accidentally fj:ed mid the '-all enured the lip ami ranged up towards his temple. The boy is jelling along very well. The' potato bug is again at his yeaily avoi aliou. Crops are sulleiing for rain. Corn begins to hnv over 'he liel Is and looks well, considering the dry wuttlnr. Hriny On .another tne l,e,ou llone. page is an item in which an msiauce is cite i where a SQutlicrn stee! mill failed to ay because it trade The biilets were of ! "nc 'lUah'y and the uorthern nulla i " t- - w hich ptiivhased them ami Worked them up into ctltlcy, springs ar.d genera! harei waie made the money. If you substitute wood for the steel sub- i stantially the same thing cm be seen going on iu New Berne today and it has i been going on for a number of years. j The woods ale of no Use to ;uy one j while stand-ng iu the loivsi aiii! we blame ; no owner or trader iii them lor reuliikg what he can out ot Ih in bill liow much ; better it we-uld be if we had factories of! : various kinds to utilize our native woods j anel give employment here at home. What About Our School Jiext Year? Oieofthe most promimut Academy trustees told us yi stcrday that he heartily agreed with the position we have taken that a high graded free school run by a special school tax is whit New Berne ceeds, and is the only thing that will per manently solve ihe s. hool problem. Because we tailed in seeming wlu.t we wanted once is ro reason that we should hold back and not try again. The plups ot the hills undi !' whi.h (lie i-.-ra. Ivl i ' But something will have to be done I about next year's school, and if we want I io make an advance at ence. as we should, i it is time to be considering how thisis to be elone. O ir people are justly dissatis fied with our school facilities ami the question lo bi considered now is what can we no to impiove them uu.'u we cm get such a plan in operation a9 we desire I The trustees and citizens should come together a'bd solve the problem. TIIF. IIKlIOIKtril' (OWI NTIOX I nllel lo Meet In I lie lly ol Knleijrh June 2 .'5. IH!IB. HALKKill, X. C, April, IsOii. A Convention of t he Democratic paity ol North Car..lii a is h. re by ea'led to as -end.le in the city f Kileih on the 25ih day of June, 1?!1C, f r the purpose of nominating cnlidites for (iovemor and - ! the other State officers ard Prcsidenlial ! electors for 1 he Slate ut large; for the pur- pose ol electing delegates to tbe National Democratic convention at Chicago, and lor the transaction of such other business as may properly come before it. The several counties oi the State will si lect delegates to the Slate Convention in accordance .villi the plan of organization this day promulgated. Done by order of the State Demrc ratic Execut i v- Cominitti e. Jamks 11. Pou, Chairman, Smiihlield, N. C. Wii.ky Ill's;'. Secretary, Ashehoro, N. (', t Democratic lajers are ropiestcd publish.) to Death of Mrn. W, A. Metis. Hev. A. I). Belts, pastor ot the Han cock stieet M. K. clui'ch, received a tele--gram bpngin the sad intelligence oi the death at her home in Richburg, S. C., on Thursday evoning, ol Mrs. W. A. Belts w ife cl his son who is a ministi r at tliat place. Mrs. Betts was formeily Miss Idy Wadsworth of White Plains, S. C, and was a lovab'e elnistuin woman. She leaves fjve children, the youngest a babe only Ave days old. The hu-iand and f itln-r is left with the little ones anil wilh- out any lady member oi his house. Mrs. A D. Betts left on Fnd".v morn- ing's train for ihe stricken household. , , , i, A World's Peaee ( onferenee, Representative Pearson, of North Caro lina, Thursday introduced a resolution author jing the President to invite the nations ol the world to appoint delegatis to ftn intennalional conference to lie held at such lime and place as may he agreed upon lor the purpose oi' establishing a permanent international court of aibitra tlon: 4'lmil jren In IVntlitallon Marks The following changes iu buoys and beacons in North Caroliua waters are an- nounceel by the U. 8. Coast and Geodet'c survey. Pamlico Kiver Buoys cva.-ed. Tlie red buoy, No. 10, olf' Windmill l"oint shoal, aud t lie black; hunj No. , off Bl maq Point soal, have been discontinued, tilled are erased from the charts. Chart afleete. : 144 I, 23. s. Pamlioo Sound Pungo river T-Ba-uion changed to buoy. The day beacon No U off Smith creek has been removed and a blaek spar bu-y. No. U has been substituted for it, and the chart changed accordingly. Chart atf cted; 14:). !24 . Cape Peir liver Note. fhe word "National Quarantine" and ..r . ftn.,..n i i . I in, f-, ,t. ,ii ,i iiii; .-i.iie'ij uae ee;u the po-ition aiieiea to liie ctiarts, anu vyill be Mind ab ,iu 1 mile above Sonthpoit, an I on the opposite side o$' the river. t'l'.atU iittecled: 421, HO, aud 150; nited States Coast Pdut, Atlautic Coast, Part VII, p 01 A Lighthouse on Bnll Hcail The Washington correspondent of the Charlotte News says : 'Senator Prilchard has introduced a bill providing fur a lighthouse near VVil mington on the nic" ol ihe Cape Fear nyey, to, throw light for 18J miles. The i ji Invite of the engineer Dames $70,000 as ictjuisite for the work. The bill was re ferred to the Committee ou Commerce.'' DESTRUCTIVE FOREST FIREH. Vast Damage to Land, and Timber in Hyde anl Terrell l onntiea. A special from Columbia, N. C, under date of April 22d, News and Observer says: 'Very destructive forest fires are burn ing in Tyirell and Hyde Count its, the re sult of the work ot miscreants and the unusually dry and hot weather. In G.eun Neck township, Tyrrell county, today. Samuel Biickhorne only escaped cre mation by seeking refuge in the bottom of a deep caiiitl wheie there was some wr.tev, ami his head and back are so bad ly burned that the physicians pronounce his e'ase serious, "In both counties, the soil is of n peaty nature, and vast duumge is being done to the arable laud by the flres burning holes in it, while on the timbered land, owing to the; combustible na'ure oi the soil, thick undergrowth and f i lien tops of trees everything, is being burnt up, even the largest anil tallest trees. "The timber interests ol both counties are very extensive, anel tb.Q elauiage is great. clone CHI)K.Sl:D fSI'ATK NEWS. The Beaufort Herald tells of a sea turtlo being caught and sold at Morehead City which weighed 250 pounds. j The Concord Standard tells this: ' Mr. j W. A. Smith lias about 400 pennyweights of the precious yellow metal in hi-1 posses- ' si -n that was ground out within the past ' few elays at the Widenhouse mine, which : is run on a small scale at a Dig profit. We see it stated that Hatteras will not get a light house on the outer diamond .shoals. The appropriation bill gives 30,000 only and that is, to be used I r building and tit'.iiiij alight s'pp where the co.m eiviplated light house -lib to have been built. Roaring (iu) hotel has been leased by Dr. Ben how, of Greensboro, The Winstou Republican denounces Butler for refusing to fuses with Ihe Re I publicans Mecklenburg Camp Confederate Yet' I eians oi Charlotte. N. C, have decided lo i attend the laying ot the cornei-stoDe f j ihe Jefferson Davis monument ut Rich mond, Va. They will be ace-ompanied by camp, from Monroe und Lincolnion. Ailvices Irom Winston, N. ('.. report 'the ilestructiou by tiie of J. W, Do ul 1 Go's, tobacco factory, including 40,000 I pounds of leaf and a larue amount of nluer 'Ooacco, n.iUW, etc The insurance ouly Gavel's one-half of the loss, The May Forum will contain a valuable article by Mrs. Wm. Salomon, a leadiug internntional backer of Ne'w Y'ork City, entitled ''A Salutary Mandate to the National Conventions." The University is to be congratulated in that Vice President Stevenson, his wife anil daughter all charming people arc to attend the commencement this year. Their presence will attract a great num ber of visitors The Vice President is exceedingly popular in Noith Carol na. nv) will be cordially welcomed again to the. Stutfi of his toreththpi? for wlarli hu ! Liver Regulator, the greatest of all family' medicines, 25 and 00 cts. For sale by F S. Duffy If the Dxby i Cn I tlntc Teeth Be sure and use that old and welLtried remedy, Mrs. Winsjow's Soothing Syrup for children tepthing. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for tyuf.hoea. Twenty five cunts a bottle. 4 I IIA I.IRKK. Cuba! !he 'od of liattle hear The (l y for men y, si es thy tear Thy aony and dloody sweat. 1 he frozen body'n cold and wet Willi blood ami iinie; hands high rmseu on I Kntreatiu that if ye nm-t die. l our country shall fx- free from pain. Fr mi tyranny, from want nnd tiain. Not crushed to earth and entrails torn From mom to eve and eve till morn, And nothing but the carcass left Which they have stolen, burned : reft. j The pity of ill oh! to sip 1 Thy people happy, rich and fn r; j Vet, Cuba, see! the dawn is near , When e shal1 neither light nor fear The ii dions will at last nns--And laud thee lo the very skies Will heal thy wounds and aid give thee Be Ixd.l and fearless, not aliaid. Thy mother, pauper though she lie Shall loose thy bunds and s. t thee free Free as lhe birds that roam at will She shall no longer maim and kill. Couragel press forwaul lo the gonl; Shoulder lo shoulder, every soul, I'p with your banners, trust in (Jod! Should ye be forced to bite the sod Know that no gold, but blood must buy That is w hy ye are doomed to die Die lor love, l .r the good of all. To arm-! to arms! 'tis your country's call! Caroline Hook Hans. IT'S VKKt WKi:i. i It's vera wne.l. IbroiiLdioot the da 1 o v hen taH)n up wi' wmk or play: ro think a man can live alw Wi'oot a wiley. It's vera weel when cla'si-s are new. To think they'll always Insl juist so. And look as well as the do noo, Wi'oeit a wifey. But when the holes begin to show, The slichrs rip, the buttons go. What in the wurl's a man lo do Wi'oot a wifey:' It's vera wc 1 when skies are clear. When Irien's are true and lassie dear. lo tnink ye ll gang ihrougn lile, nae fear, Wi'oot a wifey. But clou is will come the skies nthwmt, lassies will marry, friends mnun pari ; What then can cheer your saddened heart? A dear, wee wifey. It's vera weel when voting and I. rile, But when you're an 1(1, and crazed and frail, Aud your blithe spirits 'gin go fail, You'll want a wifey. But mayhap then the lassie dear. Will treat your offer wT a sneer; Bacuive you're cranky, gray and Here, Ye'll get nae wifey. Then haste ye, haste, ye silly loon: Rise up anil seek about the toon, Aud get heaven's greatest earthly boon, A wee bit wifey. From Great Thoughts. AFTER THE MAIJSItll AT. J, Mary, unto whom the angel bore, That wonelrous moonlit nigh', On wings of light. Message no mortal ever heard before, Waking me Irom tlie sleep Of maielen dreams to weep And smile in startled wonder jould I know It meant such woe? Blesseel the angel called me. I am blest ! Let no man dare to say I am not, who can lay My Holy Child's fair head upon my breast. He is mine own, mine own ! Let my lips make no moan While it is theirs, his brow, his lips, to kiss. Like this like this ! And yet and yet at lirst I did not know ! I was as others are. A child with life a jar, A maieleo ureuming in the dawn's young glow. And when the angel came, Calling me by my ntiiir, And told me what should be, I lilted np My hands and look lhe cup I Then came the slow, strange Ik tirs when in me grew Si use of diviner things, My Soul found wiugs Aud fiom its nest on migthy pinions fleiv; 'Sang the exulting song That ages shall prolong Sang the Magnificat, anel did not shrink From lhe flooel's Liink ! But now I O mothers, I have grown toei w ise What say tlie prophets old In scriptures mnndoldf A dove that hatti no ne--t buneaih the skies A lamb to slaughter led, A king with uncrowned head. A man acquaint with grid who knows All human woes ! Despised rejected -and that bharper word, Forsaken Iet nir be, Y'e who would comfort me ! That word strikes deeper than a two edged sword, My little one, my child, Forgive me that I smiled When the proud Magi brought their gifts to thee Ou bendjd knee ! Dost thou know what is comiug? In thine eyes. That seem to look af.ir, Where God's own secrets are'. There grows a kindling wonder and sur prise. Thou art my Holy )ne Yet though high heaven be won, I am thy mother '. Smile upou me, sweet, Here at thy feet '. Julia C. R. Dorr. MOTHERS' RELIEF- (Woman's Comfort) wU8elJ during Pregnancy and Conflnc ment, is guaranteed to produce a painless and quick lalair. Price $1.00 per bottle, at F. S. Duffy's. WOMAN 3 OKUANIC KESTOKER. Restores all cases of SuppressndJMen 8truation, Irregular, l'ainlul or Excessive Menstruutioii. 1.00 per bottle at F. S. Duffy's. whin rtahy was si.-.;, er in- 1it "a'-t.iria When she was a C'lnM, she ea-i.-.l fur ( '.-usloria. When she iMi-ame Mis, she e!img to I '.astorla When she hail C'lulilren, she aeethem eja-storia, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaJ Children Cry for Pitchers jCastorku I OnODODODOOOCQ PARAxnLx: AND 'i ' MS! ! ' , j , , . ,h s' I Without a doubt wo arc Liw,'; ing the most complete line Of tboao goodH displayed in tbo Hty - I When you think of A Plain White China Silk Paraaol with a neat Dreadon haadl Like WK nhow, yon wou d. r what the 2.00 to f."ty0 e onea are like. -. Thei2.()0 Dresden Silks with natural handle ar perfectly exquiaite, but we can hardly describe tl 12.25 to .'U0 one. Tli?n there is the Blact Faucicg with Black II and lea from L50 to 4.00. Yo' would 1m Rurpriaed in tbo inalit.v of them. ', , o cooogc o AN INVOICE OF PANS! will be shown you upon request. ; ranpinp; in price from .41) iEITO 3.S5f WhiGh Can't n o be Beat. o Every thiti; that's new will shown at our utorfs. HAGrtBdRN & WILLETT onononononono Jsasaia ro you want to Im in HT The blercla bnalMaa Is rrowlnar hvw t J .... M J 1.1 1 M eaa bay ou wheel, or as many sa ' yea ilka, and aell yoor Msnda , BICYCLES AT COST. An order asnt now on tl lias yos) to a bl discount. Apply quick tor tha a-ency for yonr plaea. Onr Trhula ara tb bhrbeat frmela, moat rr"rlrU bicycles mad to-day. ... Partienlara aod baodaomaly Ulta. trauxi pnotM mauer by ma.ll. CAELU a rtTLTOX, BaJUatsn, M. ' r v i '4 4 .t

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