... PrlceV Si OO Per Tear. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Single Oopies, 5 Gents.. VOL. XIX. NEW BERNE. CRAVEN COUNTY, N. ('. MAY :M. 1S.)(.. NO. 11 -rS' SPECIFIC For Scrofula. "Sinew rhikilMosl, 1 h.iv been afflicted with scrofulous UnU and . aorra. which caused nw terrible Suffering, l'liyxiriuii.t tTi iin.ihlo to tap M. auul I only srrew worse under tlwir care. At length, 1 ln-.in to Like AYER'S Sarsap.ir-.Ia. artl WrT shi:i grew l-?- r - ter. After using lia'.r n ... b.,tt!.-- 1 .is e .'upVtfl V h.iv e lit ! v lul - T lUH'l on :si!V part of in ! "'y for th last ltlii xr-.rs. I can rordiJillT nromiiifuil Ayer". s.irt- , )Aril!asillieriery W-st Ud p-.r.t'tor l rxUleiMV." -C T. ID r!; .:: r. ' BfvTvnK.T'vv ' ' .y & 5$ tee oirtt wouTjrs r2 SarsapariMa : The following . ; Iiine of Bicycles, artMBjWntek JTa an avtcet. Iwt joa want, i W wUJ tjnftly aeop a Ht a bwh lt ' kktt nlfWiaKHll. anj . hek ii OlrnJ UI b itruvtx1 trom thit Iti S.. joa 1 naa )ut w(xt we have on haixl. M to tmm. M Victor. NK I Larftm W Victoria. N.I.CM Virtue, i IUcr Vk-wxs. larlafMMtiMk iraw. tianr, ta Inch Irani. Laurtva Klroorv. Lmdlmm btxo. GnMmm Oilole. Baaax ete. Boyn wnawh. Vlaxw Wbwa ,-r,jrltlT ow.ll KavMTnuuta iwroa.1 hAn.ll rlantrds, CnnMabt. 1 abertr. " Wtmui later. " Ave haveinStock rOaIln "-UiwrtVa- and !". el 'wwal't will tM In la a lew Uaya, ami ynm ar anaur aalty tatntasl to rail and aw tba. Tbo . ' wckmI Irain la a novelty an. I ronr attractive. ttwkMnkMii(lvl we carry a nto? , )lmt Atnaaanrtaay ai1 wilt b pla.el to , bay yoatr pntronanay WTwspta ranttxl. wheel -1 '"KwBbw tbnt w ar atrtrtly in the Rley. k ttwain aa.t kap your rye on tli ' . nr-" .-t . . j. r . ItepatMUy Tonra, J.C.: Whitty & Co. (Tl 0 n i Eeward. fli n n - Wa wDI ray to Vbe prraon , TIM will brtnatoaaatava Lttuu will tool para la qoaJIty, finish and " yotaa oil axeellenca with tbe Celebrated. Back's Stoves f-WE NOW HAVE ' OH OUR FLOOR. WavtUkavaM JmOgmm Jfaw stlsuterested V vtat yon to ms Uim atove r.n.l StaBf wltetnrr you wiah tu buy or not. Tbey ara tha haatlantnrat stoves var abawa la Kortb Carolina, an. 1 . "aarh U warrantesl by BCCl's '. TW KAXGB CO.. ami by Btom Hardware Company to give . aerfeot aatlataotton or we will rv - toaI your ntny . CVXal! aad let bs show you anvthlag In oar tine yon may aeetL We guarantee or K T aUC KS oa aa j tbla wo aril. ft- -I Tear Beapaetfally, SLOYER : HARDWARE CO Just in I - Kerw Bne of Neck wtr. made bythe KbAm yirtrnot Co. Every one who M aeen It Says it is tbe handsomest line vr brooghLto the city. '""Sc JJegfigee Shiru! See our left band , "window. An Oems id the lot lor 50 cents. &e15Vj 171. - - V .' " New Clothing now trrivins. Do not , bar alil yon ae na. Do yon want a Bicvela Sati t Give oa call. Full line , 4 aaiplae of Niti Bade to order. Fit ! raaraatead. rireaW Bne nf Unk Buttons . SultoM and Shirt Studs. ' Collar J. Me HOWARD. HUMPHREYS 1 ril Fever 3 Cures r . 2 " Worms. S " Infismts Dises3s. r No jlot -4 Diarrhea. Ho. 8 " Neuralgia. jJo 9 Cures Headache. Now IO " Dyspepsia. Ha 1 1 " Delayed Periods. Ha 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. - lo. 18 Cures Rheumatism. " Nol 16 . Malaria. Ncx SO Whooping Cough No. U7 " KJdney Diseases. No. SO Urinary Diseases No. 77 Colds and Grip. Boeb by nroggMta. or aent prepi.i on lnearD ( pnc Van-, or 5 tor tl. J)a, Hiwuiw' IloxxtiP ATaic M-urrai. i m Starakmpf Xi. to, Ut WUUa. ic, . T. : Brown Stout and Pale Ale, Half-and-half, Polonaris Water, Claret Wine, Pure Yanceboro Corn Whiskey - a Specialty. GH-T EDGE SALOON, I J, D.DinMns, Prop. Of the Sen Brrar (llrilKlr Im.tllnte -PrUra and BM-hnlarahip Ar i e. Neer ins ! here been a hool enter. ; t-iinmeut 1-1 New Berne t 1 1 t save gnater l pleasure in lire audicixv linn the one J tick' Krul.v night as the c'osing exercis j of .lie New Berne Gollegi.ite Institute. ! Ktrry fentun- of it fl .-e an. I taken a- ' whole, it wa remarkable, i The esoavs, negations Ac, were very .JO.nl. ' , Most c-iecahy ri the caninU pre- . ci it tl. 1 lie spetial io4imi s lequired for it lui l l-ecn prepared with the gnatcst car. . Th. y were l-oth jdnkios ami b-uu- ! ii nl, all the fclmHr Inini It'V Marshall. tlie matlest m the -chool, to the oLU-sr. ' neiUittol tlxmimlvtrs in tlx ir ainel : rt-i witb an eM- anil uli.lny r.iucli. taken in its entirety, farruioL;. KiUMciaUT tu tlie vocl ibumc nelivht- i ful on Hivonnt of the clew, ftistiix-l ad j vreet valee at tlchikiien. Tliii tin- eofcr : 1 Uiiiiucnt is i oouh to iniiire i.us ooc i tli.it tlie ( '.'I irs'H'B Imiuuto has bt-en in i-ii.ki ...4i a. iuc tmt a-.tr. Ownt neilit lanui! tKttli tn Prt. Men.ienhall. the urio - clfftl HtuHiis (ffieient mr if t.-fteliers frof. H. tluin, and Mrs. Kern bee, nml Misses t'olib :imt Murrhis. n. Special rreiM for th.- urrr- ot I it tiihl s exer i i-ises we iii.sult-r. lue to Mi-s .Murt lu- on the miiaic teHchcr, ana to Mi C'oLb. i r ujwu i hem fell mo-t lursjr ly the work of ira; mn-,' the pupils, es);ially for this ccca-i -o aD't the success is more re inarkablf on Ci:ount ol lh.' prctkiD; lor it h-Avinji tiei-Ti etone within a week. A The etit rtninment p.rtiou heini; over. ibe pitM -.id I sci.oiarships were present- eil, bv Mr M. IeW. Stevenson and Kev. C li. Yarded. U.ili oi whom mado maiie-goenlspcccbc s in preseuting wh eh pluce he moved oiri ctly after jair the n. t l chusipg-.'a week or two ni'o. the saw mill The w inner of t he scho'arship Jti 1 ie- i at Lennxvilk-, I liree milt s from Ueuufort, ptirlitent pnn- w Miss Bessie lrson. i formerly owned by Whitcomb Bros. sheaiUiii.M -. ..din-ol 04 7-1 .. ( Thc tJr.,ni, C,.mmnnderv of Knights miss Jiuu 1 rviney cook ine pr;zj ior tM llireg I'ri7 for rejjular attendance throuah- O.it the nitHj mouths of the school were prew-nted to Mtssss Bessie l'arsons, Maud Kurj, I.iie Hancock and Hild.-i Jieijbs. They linvc been perfect in this rtsptct. Miss Mollie IIolioweH received a pne forlOianimnr. J I he scholarship In Converse College, ' & C. worth 170, &s w on by and pn- seoted to Misi L'Tjju Hancock : the -me in I SaWm Acuhmy by Mis Xina Bascishl I m! tlie oie in GaiLford College by Mis Nua V 1 aley The one in the University of North. Carolina was not awarded bo-snse Master Ktcbard Duffy who receive"! the prade- of 94 aiid-woo it, was not far enough ad van.-cd to tjke it. Mr. Vardell in his r k.sing remarks taicl thdt us the- chuol bad m quit ted itself so nobly that he lioeil n c year the col leges hearing of it tt.in d double- the num ber of schorurs-hlps 'given to it. rut; rniiir, nervice. fthaala be Mainly at Xtft-ht Instead of In tbe Ir. y Tlaie Anni Itenaona In r Tnfw. Xkw Bkk.ne, N'.C, May 11, 1896. Editor Journil IX-nr Sir: As t lie Ctty Council is refonnioi; a new citry gov ernment and reform Is the order ol tin- day would it not te well u.o to see what change could tie made in regard to our p. dice iuufi . I: 1 lmi'. .1 Mtont na.euc'.i when the hs k ws bored out at Mr. H. Gaj-kin's siort: almo-.i under the electric light. It ftrms to roc that the )Olice lorce she n'd be the guarduin of the iK-ople tiur- ing the night when tiny ar asleep. There is not tiie great nct-tl ot a large police force during the day when every good antl ' apt i;ht Citizen sh'on!d be consi.iered a j (Jet-dive, bur it is a-kiug too much lrom 1 I bo peoplte n ievv Bertie to ktep waicli tluring lhe o.ght to protect their proper ties. I admit the police couhl not lie every where bu'. at the -ame time when the nigtt prowlers are aware that the police is somewhere and may turn up any mo ment they will consider their cliancs more precarious and I am sure lexs steal iug and tires would lake plate. Timei are hard lor nenriy every one snd it is n t asking too much by the p o ple of New Ilerne when they ji-k thai H e po ice be en'pliiie-l during the niyht in stead ot th-.- d.iv time win 1 tin r is li-ss u e-l of their seivicetc Tin- change wmiltl have u grcut lendt-nt y .0 ke. p lho-e who are kei ping laic heiur on lhe streets lrom continuing those luoits a- every one not well known by t ie police wnuhl have to Hive saiibf.ictory e-xplauiit ions. A Citizkn. Ol ft .WjtRKF.T IMK'lt. When nod II Aw It Whs Fastblished. We nre told by Mr. James F. Taylor the history of the establishment of the present oia t kc 1 dock. The founder of it was Cspt. B. g Lewi-. w ho bnng's iho-e fine Ntlson Bay oysters to New Berne, lie was bringing oysters to New Berne in 1863. the city ih n King in the hands ol the Feeler. Is it fell Match 14th, 18G2 The market dock at that time wit at thc foret of Poiiock street. CapU Iw is finding it too rough there sousht and oLtainetl permission to sell at the leot of Middle street. Opposition was raised when he eoninieocei telling there, hut the provost marshal upheld him, others j.iin-sl in and the result is seen in the market d.xk ot the present day. Eire Sketch nf Mr. t'barles Halloclt. 1 accordingly Car ied into the State COn The St. Paul (Minn.; Dispatch has venti.-o with the nbove r-s.nt. Roach is oublish-d n two ceilunm skfteh olthe life I Dexkcry man. John Bid de who wast of Mr. CI- irVs II .'dork. well kn-'wn to our c 1 1 ti -. ac o 1 -a 11. ! literary nn.l -ci.ntitie circles ii.-li r. pi.te ;-. The Kittson , Countv r.ntirpn.-e is pubusiied nt list 1 lock. Minnesota. Th.s IS a lOwn ua.T.e.1 for Mr. Hallork. an.1 it is also one which ! l found el. The Ent.rpr.se in copying I the .ketch Ir.-m tiie St. l'aul Dispatch, 'coram, nts .-.b.ut it ihus: . n... ii. s .. .,k ;..i. . "e"1" "' '---" -e J.UO...SI. n bioiraprrra! sket.h .of the ILn. CHo Hillock foun.'er of ourcity and in honor .f whom the name as given. Judging , from the -k-ti h. Mr. H tllock is iiiuona Hie 1 greatest I tav.-h rs of i he pre s nt tlsV and mands anio.-g Ann-nci- liesi writers. R-d U; it will prove interesting to you. Mr. H.illet k has reri-'d'y accep.e.1 a p- ?i tion at St. P nil, editing the Forest Hr.tl Stream, i -porting paper. 1.a Hftlun llenaaey Coal Mine Cnae. An importaul case was argued ! elore Judge A s Seymour in this city Thu s .':' night. It wns m. r. Ilenszev et Lang-don-lit i r -v C- al Minimi Co I I I w , iiivin motions for ord-trs , in lh. ,.a w, Ail the .ei! holders and trustees w ere repiesentc I. The coun-els . re Hon. T. 1 U. W.-rtm. k. of Rule i. h, Hon. (,,o. H. 1 Rntc, ol Fayette vi lie. A. II. Taj lor, Esq. I of Baltimore, antl SunttoDs and Ward of Ne Berne. i Thc judge reserv ed his decision. ; npreme Cnnrt Color Line Decision. Tlie Slip re one Court of Illinois has just reaJered a decision susiaininir tlie action of a BSoomiugtoo druggist who relu.-ed to sell soda water to a negro on account of hia color. Editor Religious Opinion, Baltimore, Md., writes: We lake pleasure in raying ih.it your Japanese File Cure hss been used in our family witb good results, and we wilt uo an in our power io promote ... .!? . . . Ijoor interest by highly recommending vnur medicine to our tnends and leaders. the annual concert will be in the col For aala by P. S. Duffy. ( lege chapel at 8;80 p. m. M'.H S A OKI FT. In the rttr r nnd Vlclnllj, ClAiherl In and Hrtefly lntl. The St . t .Meiiienl ia.-t met in Winston : S.vietv which li is tin et ne ! ii in M.. reheat! vJity. Our lownsmau. Mr. Srvm. ur ll.inrock, wan nnminateil a- pr.siiKnt in I elector for tuis riiMrirl hy the Republic un rf W'ar-.-a'. No conrwsii.nti whs nominat&l. The first .lewberrif s r.f the seion were marketed lure on the l'h!i Thev lron u 1 1 1 10 cents ier ij.iait, ja-t .l.mh'e wliat rtrawlxrriis were sellint; lor. We give tikis morning in the poetry eolamo the beautitu I ode th;.! . in re id :i (lie exercitfn on Mem rul day. It was written by a New Ilerne la ly. On another s;e will foniul :,n artichkon the tewulU ot bad literature a i emplified in the recent murder .1' Mr .1 1$. B. inner of Aurora and by the crime of the bov train wrecktrs of! -nnsvl v.inin. Mr. K E. Perry, of tins city, lias just iven twentv acies of Florida land to Trinrtv Coll.-e. H. i. laced t'e oU.hol- l in ih hand nf Tlev. F. A. Bishon. nattor of Centenary M. K I'liurcn on the l.'ilh j for the rapcra t runslerrini; it to Ik- ma I out. Mr. W. K. U -uatr Conned No 11, It t re i surer of Treat v.-.l Arcinii'ii. paid Mrs L. S. Willis ?.s.D(iO Tuesday, bem the amount of insurance earned by her lute lamented husband in that older. The pajm.nt was made within thirty days fjoin the time the proof of death was lur nishcd the compnn v . Mr. If. W. Steinrelper spent Friday in the city nn business. fie returned at 1 t i -ht to lieaufort, his present horn to Templar in thei parade Thursday After noon passed the residence of our lamented townsman ami their deceased brother of the Royal Arch Chapter, Mr. W. I! Royd The entire procession ot Kuights went bv with mntM'-d drum and untuvcrui hea l bs a tiibutc of respect to his memory. The Sbriners parade Friday nlternoon was a notable proi e;sion. It is not olteu vouchsafed to the uoiniate l to get a look at the Masons goat but he lound part of tne proee-9loa and was as frisk v us a colt. As lor the uniforms, some of them were quite handsome, other were indescribable. Au old colored woman taking u view t t iheni ns they weut by was heard to re mark: 'Ain't dey sumtinf I wcu'dn't meet dem folks iu dc dark for nutli 1. ' The procession whs viewed with the greatest of interest throughout the entire line of miircb. Boiler Evploalon in Tyrrell. I A few day9 ng;n the boiler ol a new saw null at Gum Neck, Tyrt-ll county, exploded, wrecking the mill and killing three men. ooe white and two colored. The whit .... . . . man killed wa-, Mr. Ri. hard inlci irom rear ran net... . oe -o-oi. ly. The m.ll b.-onge.l .0 Mr f. N. Hnss.-y, a brother ot Mr. C harles H.iss.-y WHO is eilljtuecr tiu i.ic rietio.ei iicu.tj. , t u- ti ... 11 WHO IUD I'l 011. i . i. e 'UWtl no 1 . 1 1 .1 :." t.. 1 1 ... I ... i nil' 1 u-Hfltu iu 1 tie .oss is H.-iiaiin ao. 10 i.OCO. Th.) 1 xplo-inn was unusual in its har aeter. The -hel 1 ot 'he boiler tli.l not burst, the tulx-s simply b'ew out at the em', cuttiu g their way as they went through the timbers and masonry forming the foundation ot the null and cause 1 it i" couapse immeoiuu 1 y. me uine-t.i.i not keep together tint scanned like- shot, some of litem going sew ral liumlr. tl yams beyond the mill some .if them in 1 M.l.l. u... u... ,..l..,.,,n. ,.oa a.t 1 lieu iiijiii, ..e nie nil'' nic ', j,..- en . .. tirely through tw. Ive null cepre-s logs l.kn 1. bullet would through a thin plank. Ooe would naturally expert that iu u;h an explosion the boiier w. old have gone in a direction opposite to that f.illoAt.l bv the tubes, but it followed the same course ami went from its original position about thirty left. . . appearant eii their elegant uniforms and s tark A Onion. j long' white plumes. Messrs W. W. Clark antio If. Giiioti, i 'J'1" procession was led by a platoon of r.v. , 1 1 . .f New Berne police. Then came the attorneys of this en v, liave entered into a ' ,, .... ' , . , , , ,, J 1 New Berne Silver Cornet Land, and then co-partnership and pr..po-e to pract tee i , ,. ,. lU, , 0lic.-rs of the (.rand Com mi v where in the Stale their services uivi nun. dry of North Carolina. Ntxt tame desired Each ot the-e young 111.11 pos sesses excx ptionull v line talent in their profession. Tbev are well versed in the law, ci.i'ck in grusping situations, and in banging out d sired facts and placing lh. m tog. ther in argument, logically, i on incing an I with oratorical ability. Either one of these gentlemen is a power in any chsc taken hold of. and takingthem togeiner they will mike- a firm a client cn well be g'ad to have on his side. Rrpablltaafatc Convention. The lollowiug telegram lrom th.: iie publican State Convention to Mr. R. P Williams, was received Thursday night. Kaleieb, N. C. May 14, 1890, 8:20 p. m Contest finished. Hoaeti aud Law rence seated. Committee still in session. V m. E. Clahke. C. C. Roach allu led to above is a e ol ored delegate who according to the count Wis defeated but a contest was rais. d and a recount ajketl for in the County convention which was denied by the ctiairmao, and the cont.st was ' "aICU 111 eue eouuey eaineiuiuii 10 nave 1 11.. .: 1 tvvi elee ted as ;i t.e.egute: luit wa- throw out is 11 Russe' man. 1-lent. Wlnalow Nerenad ed . 1 tie presence ol tiie d r, gi men t band, of Wilmington in our city Thursday, was t raUch appreciated. About 1 hree'o'ch.ck ' the leand serenaded Lt. F. Winslow as a ... .. . , s . . m a r k t . I 1 1 ie es 1 1 e n i 1 1 1 e v l e 1 1 r r linn, A Winslow mvit.'d 1 h- baud to part .ke of his hospitality which invi tat ion was a.'.'eDteil uixl lhe Biinreciation therefor expressel in a neat lit Ie speech Mr. James W. band. Monroe, Picsldcut ol The Konthern Attrarlion Company. The- South, rn Attraction Company played last night to a larger hou-e than the night before. Their performance takes well. There are many entertaining ana amusing lea tu res. 1 he camp meet ing fcene is true to life and the cake walk pronounced simply "out ot sight..' The show l not a burlestpie but is as strictly a true representation . f the things it portrays as it is possible f r anWhing Li be. U F. C. Commencement, Gre nsboro Female College commence ment will be held Tuesday and Wtilne day. May Oth btid T 1 1 1 , i ti lhe college chapel. Itev. Thos. N. Ivey of the North Csro lina Conlerence, will prent h the annual sermon nt 1 1 a. m., Tuesday, antl the address to the Alumnae at 8:30 p. m., by Rev. S B. Turrentine Of the Western North Carolina Conference. The graduating exercises will be help ', in Ibe college chapel Wednesday at 10 a. rn. l be literarv address in connection ilh these exercises will be by liev. E. E. TT T T 1. ., s . , ioas, u. u., euuor oi me ixastiville ' Cbrisiian Advocate, Nashville, Tenn. DEATH OF MK. WM. It. HIIYI). One ol Berne's Hliclil.r F.jtleemeil and Rent Clllateiii Pauses A iy Alter n Brief - 1 1 1 n os -Slio r t Nkflrh ol Ills I.lfe Fanernl I'nder Mnsonie Ansplres Tomorrow. As our cit zens came out from their , h.'mes W'i dne?.hiy morning. l:!tli int.. ihev were startled and shocked by henr- injj U.e announceineiit of the death ot Wm. 11. I'.ovd. He lied at .":4n a. s t he disease I ic ini; inenitiL'eli.s of the l and the immediate iaue ot' death 1 the rupture of a blond essel. Mr. Kov I hail been ill only a tew o : The be'ori' we-k he attended the (i Council 1! oval Arcanum in ltalei-jh. came hone ill ami was seriously ill awhile lad the disease- stemmulr Mr. m. . iraln, 1 .einp days, i rand He 1 for had if his ehanneil tor the letter, and the leaf numerou- bier.. Is w, ie allaye 1. lie was so much Letter that it was net considered necessary to sit up with him any longer, and medlC De was aomtuistered through ' the ni'j;h t onl v as he would a ake and call for it. I'p to the hour of his death he sevnie. I to be eeU.114 ii'mi;' iiitt'iy every I WH Then a i-udden chant'e came aud ' hetoiv a pliysiciai could be called he had 1 ' l l ll V N t . Ill .13.. Mr. Bowl w as a in-; man, but be v worth and one w h ' i mode-'. una---urn-man ot stetiniL' ace it will 1-e I ) a nl se ii to till. He was b -rn 11: 1 ennsvlv ,11: 1. but while h- was still of an ear.y age. the : ve,v h-,rd for success, aud to his .11'. its family trove.1 to l'etcrsbiirg Va., where , an,j careful ktudy in d preparation ol the he grew up and married. He entetcd the casi. art. due in a gf at measure the result. Conf.-den.ie nrrn. ate I s, rved his State and : jjis aiguiiie-nt of thc cae before the Cotn eouutry lailhfuliy in m :ny a hard lought ; miuee on E'ectioes composed of lawyers battle until tiie end of the gigantic slrugle ! ,,f ability and experience, added to" his i sme. Dir. ctly alterwards he moved to . reputation as a lawyer and speaker. this city with Ins wile and two ehi'dren. , The Italeiigh. News aud Observer and He came lure as agent of the Southern . Charlotte Observer of this fetftte have this Ei press Co. He uherwasds, i partner- 1 l( sav bout the argument at Washington: ship with Mr. John A. Hichifrdsoii, ran1 -ft was well plu't ned as to pie-eut.dion the Gaston House, then the leading hotel . cnipaetlv and clearly put bv Messrs. ot the city lor awhile, uud ot late years Thomas, llosc and Buxton iu the order has been engaged extensively 111 tho msur : namex auee business. j Thomas began at 11 :05. Sli-.uv was not I Mr. Uoyd was a Royal At eh Mason, a : 0Q Ul(J (u,flDsil.c Ue W.1S i,onestly i member of th - Canton (the highest rank ' t,;L,cle He tu ide .-. rapi.l and brilliant 01 Odd Fellowship), and was a member ol examiu.ltion 0f tilt. ,ive procincU selected the orders ot Knights ot Pvt.. ias, Royal ,v the opposition uud showed the iueon 1 Aicanum, Chosen Friends, W ooduicu of , sjstl ccy ol t jiejr Con-c-ntion. i tie World. American Legion of Honor,; In Swausboro he nroved'thut it was the Knights . f houor. Knights ot Harmony, : custl,m t() change the plate of votiii". and Faith, Hope and Charity. He Only Otic uiiui Stliil he was ni.t going To ; we believe, a nictutier of eery Ir.detual V0.J s,HjrS- It wa. his own f.ult. Xo ' crgan'zuion there was in lhe city, and he 1 pRrti,.uar house w..s obliged to be tL.sig- held offit e in most Ot the local lodges. uat, d by law. Among other thing- he was the collector The committee, all composed of voung for the insurance department ol nearly meUi i,sll.Iie(1 attentively to young : every order with which he was connected, thomas. He q.ioted McCrarv and other ! He had also been honored with Grand authorities to overthrow Sutton and Dud j Lo. lite offices. At the Grand Council of , jev as (() t(. Kiverd4le wri)11, box billots. ! 1 the Roy d Arcanum which. he attended 1 ne jj only one ,vUq(.ss supports the the w.ek before his death, he was fe- otilel. side, while several suppv.it his own. elect..! Grand Secretary, a position which J 8hau.( he g.,idi come8 t0 Cunibcrland wi'h lhe hid most worthly tilled tor several g03 maj0,i,y, allowing Thonipgon all he years. claims. Long and Prince usked ques- Mr. B .y,l was also a zealous christian U(,ns Suaw interjected a word now and j vvotker. He was a member ol Christ , ii,,.t, ' iiKpiscopal) church an.l was one of itsj Thomas showed contradiction of vestrymen lor eirs. lie was an net i e, energetic antt faithful man in what- 'v,r p-'sli.cns lie ntie.l. Mr. liOVtl S llfSt wile i , - r ,, , was Miss Sarah She died after , rL,m.,val , Xcu- Berua a(l Mr. Boyd ul uinl re mamei. n,s st.COn,l f Mrs. I!a,.,,ln, 0f ( iol, Isboro, nee ... ... c. el? 1 ; Miss Kile SUOw ol Kale! h. She survives j t . 1 nim Mr. Bovd leaves a son, Air. W. G. i Boyd, oi New York, and a daughter, Mrs. John W. Webb, of Washington city f by h's lirst wife, and a little daughte r, r.y his l;ist wife, also a bright little ste i-on. Muitloe k Barron, to whom he was as ele ven e 1 as to bis own children. Mr. Boyd was 05 ye, irs ol age. K V M.ll TS TK.tlPI.AK I'Alllllli, A M nfiiiflrenl Affair The First of the Kind Ever Held in the City. The grand parade of Knights Templar came oil Thursday the 14ili, through the principal streets of the city, taking in both r sidentUl and business p irtions. The parade lieuan and ended at the Masonic Temple. ffhe procession was near ly two blocks in length, and showo.l finely, tin-memliers piesen'.ed a very hands imo the Secotiel Regiment band of Wilming ton and then a long line of Knights Tem plar from all over the State, and lastly, came ettringes, the leading one containing the banner of the Comma. lelry. This is the titst Knights Templar pa rade, we are informed, ever on the streets of New Berne. It was wate-hed for eager ly ami gte.it.y admired by all. COMMANDERY OFFICERS. Fleeteel Antl I n t al led t; ra 11 tl Conn eil Meet. Right Eminent G.aud Commander, W. A. Withers, Raleigh. Very Eminent Deputy (.rami Com mander, J. II. Ilackburn. Nt-w Berne. Emin.nt Grand Generalissimo, M. Bailey, Winston. Eminent Grand Captain General, E. Sturm, Wilmington. Eminent Gran.l Prelate. Re v. C. D W. L. Hoffman, Cluirlott -. Ecr.inent Grand Treasurer, Wm. Simp son. Ralei-jh. Grand Recorder. II. II. Miin-oi, Wil mington. Grand Senior Warden, W. F. Ran dolph, Asheville. Grand Junior Warden. J. D. Bullock, Win-ton. Gran-l Standard Bearer, DeWUt Alltn. Charlotte Grind Sword Bearer. J. C. R.leigh. Grand AVarder. Edward P Wilmington. Grand Sentinel, Robert H. Drewrv, Pel i lov Bradley, Raleigh. The offleors wire electe 1 in the morn ing and installed the afternoon sess ion. The Grand Council of Royal Selee t Master s met at night ami elected their offi. ri s. tra ii fl Chapter Ofllcers Eleeteil. The 49th annual convention of the chapter of Royal Art h Masons of North Carolina was held in the Masonic Hall of this city, the first session beiug held ' Tuesday night May 12th. the seeoutl on the motning of Wedneselay tiie Llih and the fin til one in the afternoon of that day. At the looming ft s-iou officers were elected for the ensuing year as iollo.ws; Grau 1 High Priest, "Walter S. Lieldill, Charlotte. U 111 J)' Deputy Grand High Withers, Raleigh. Giand King. F. I' 1 1 ich Grand Sen Me. M. S. W ton. Grand Treasurer, W. Priest Ne w Borne. Haul, Wiluiin iiiipson, Ral- eigh. Grand Chaplain. Rev. Stewart McOucen, ( i o 1 1 1 s 1 io rn. Grand Chaplain of the Host, Wm. Rand dpi), Asheville. Horner M. S. Commencement. Homer Military School, Oxford, N. C , rill hold its annual commencement excr- j cises, 1 hursday. May 2xth, in the Opera House of that town The Marshals lor the occasion from the Franklin Literary Society re Messrs. Allen S. Holmes, Benj. B. Jackson and Harry B. Marks. The latter is the son ot our townsman, Mr. O. Marks. Till: rilMI'SO.SII AH (ASHc FIiimII.v Disposed of by Conprres Tlio Alle Arg-nment of Hon. Charles K. Thomivs "So Better Hjeech Hits Been Made in a North Carolina Case." Fihtok JiH'KN i I. We note that on Wedn.sday, May lith, the report of the Committee of Elections in favor of Hon. duo. (!. Sha'.v. (he Denmrratic mem tier ot' Coi-ere-s from this dist rict , was presented to the House of 1 tepresc n tatives and adopted, thus Glial ly disnOsin of this important case ill .-ftivor of Mr., Shaw. Thi contest be&an immediatelv alter the Novetnbc.- elections 1 HU4. ami ' evidence Was taken in the counties of Cumberland, ( 'raven. Onslow and Joms, and the ease w is coi eluded bv ui'o-ument on the law and evidence at Washington City, on Ainl 14th, lb96. 'l he case was stfoegly contest! d by both sides, who were represented by able leit talent. Ml'. Thompson's counsel throiiu'h the entiie contest, including the final aryu nient were Hon. Thomas fl Sutton and i Ceil. W. W. Dudley, "lihcks of Five Dudley.'' Mr. Shaw was rei in si n! eil from the i fr(, t tK. dose of the case by Ex-.Jud-e i Buxton. Hon. (Jeo. M. Rose, :,d our lel- low citizen, Mr. C-has. li. Thomas. In the preparation and aruu-neiit of this case much credit and honor are due our towns man, Mr. Thomas. From the beginning of the case to its final decision lie has worked Thompson's witnesses and upset Sutton at tuwliitlh com nl e tel v Time was 1 in. am.ii.li extent eel tor lnterrnn 10ns ami he-snias 1- ed the opposition bv showing the law lUMvieling for cl.-rks" which thev s ,hl did exist. It was an express provision and tiie custom Lcsides. tie used lorlv min-i utes of his own and ten minutes of Rose's time. It was a most interesting argu ment and deeply impressed the commit tee. Nobetierspee. il has bo. n made iu a Nort h Carolina c .so. The decision of this case leaves Mr. Wooelard ami Mr. Shaw as the only Democratic Congressmen who escap -tl lhe fusion avalanche of 18!l4. In this connec tion we remark that the efforts of Mr. Thomas in this contest, while professional an I non political, should be appreciated by the Democratic party. Never waver ing in his devotion to that party, ttue lo its interests and principles, antl to his friends, he deserves antl should receive higher and greater professional awards and political honors. Dkmociiat. DOWNED TIIF. OTHER MACHINE. The UnNklll Mail res Slntler Ilitl tluleker Work than lt Rest Rival. With I.eMN Power and F'ewer Opera, lives. Mr. Thos. Gaskill informs us that while North in the interest of the mattress stuffing machine of w hich he was the in ventor, a test was made ltweenhis machine and one in use in a la.ge matt tess factory of Washirgton city, the other being the one that up to the time of M r. Gaskill's invention, was co tsie lered the best. The test was a ye r.y thornugSSj one anil under ciictimstances quite f ivorable to the opposing machine, it being where it was up for regular use anil in daily use anil being operated by men trained in hand ling it. That stutter was mn by steam and by thiee men. The Gaskill machine had no power whatever about it except Mr. Gaskill himself am! one assis tant. Yet the Gaskill machine run by those tirn men beat the other in ich ne which was run by three nun and steam in addition, by nearly two minutes to the mattress. The result was a sale witlirut any soli citation. The working of the Gaskill stuf ler was enough. Application has also been made to the company for the territory o! Baltimore. The compxnv considers thev have now matle a good start and that their work of introeliiction hereafter will be easier than in the past. rri ' HIXO'S OA I't. HTERS. In Convention at Chapel Hill-Firsl . ..ay s rroeee...... Chapel Hill, N. C. May 12, 1890. Editok Journal: The King's Daughters met m Convention here to- n i o lit. The attendance, is hirer- and the ' ! meetings will be held in the Methodist cliurc, Prof Hume intro luc-ed the officers nr.d Mrs. Hernngton read the address of wel come. This was responded to by Miss Kingsbury, of Wilmington. An interesting ael.lr. ss ot some letig'h wis made by Mrs. Label Charles D .ns. if New " ork. She explaineti the object of the organization anil its work. Miss Eulaha. Willis is tbe delegate from New Berne. Alter the ext-rcistS to-night a large number nf King s Soils, who are students of the University, met the young ladies. A reception will be given the ) Convention Wednesday night in the gym nasium. , niort Academy Commencement. j The Newport Academy, Newport, N. C. will hoi el its commencement exercises i Friday, June 12th, lS'.)i. I At 10 o'clock, a. in., the annual address ; will be delivered by Rev. J. T. Abernathv of Beaulort, and there will be school oration, essays, debates and music. At three o'clock p. m.,;there will be declamation, recitations and music, anil at eight o'e lock, p. m., the annual con coi t. Funeral of Mr. W. H. Royd. The funeral of Mr. W. L. Boyd was held from the Episcopal church Friday morning at ten o'clock under Masonk' auspices. Rev. T. M. N. George, the rector, conducted the church burial scrv- j ice and Hon. C. C. Clark impressively read the beautiful Masonic burial service at tlie grave. Thc high regard in which the deceased was helel was evidenced by the very large c oncourse of citizens present both at the church and at the grave. I. lSti IIISTAM't: it;i,FI'llll K, The On' in Portions t Beaufort anil lamlie Comity Its Present Con neetions. Planneil F.xf elisions, anil Kelation In ow Berne. A telephone system l-elwien Wash lr,i.'ton and Stoneuad is now ton and Stonewall is now complete, as w e recently announc .1, except the jiut t i ni; in of the phones, ail in'ermi dade otfiees a"e tin brace I and the iin- is also to be extended irom St' iieuail to Oiii-nial, and from liiyboro io ' Cinel e. I s O'l We il re is io Lp numerous informed -dsn that an ext e made from Wasliint;ton points in H vile i i hi n i . to w e tee! s , i i-h.- I highly a-1 vantageoiis t to be extended to No- advallt i-;i:oii to a li at v o I i . i 1), line tor Ite 1b- and also is it now for the c-v- vo-ip ex- touches and to , w Bi 1 n tension to be made It' ll lue teutle-l to Nc-w Berne in the city iciepnone. e. right at bis r. sidence or have instant communtca places t he s stem i'eae eompan coutf-d.i ' 1 1 hue make a propo-- .1 in ing to the l ii-iher e-t. ns si; ')- nuer 1 aiM. lie- il aa-of bu ion w i t h nil th. 1 s. Cannot the long eiistanee New Berne look m' Local stock ' was taken in tic; line at tl which it now r aide s. sibly something similar can lie up here it' thei'" i s n hing e pi i. e- ' 01 ked ih iintte known upon whi b u work. Tho Jilaces l'e oe'ii 1 i byth'-i-ti" a- lil n tidy bu i 1 1 or p'anr.ed to he- built, are StoneA'aii. 1! ivboro. (Irentd. rande mere, Alliance, Aurora, Elw-inL Mill, Clioeow'itiity. Bloutits er ek. V isiiin-ton, and the plnce.s in II , de e loiii y. ''he ail antag.s these jdaees woi'd nave in being in connection with New Berne and that New Berne would have in l-einir connec ted with them by telephone can readily be seen by aii posted uiion the situa tion. SOI I11I KN A'l"l'IU('TIO. CO. The Shetn Oeparts to .Make 'I'lie Sea son at Coney Island For Which i Plaee it Was F. y pensely t.otten up. New Beine's' colored population was reduced by about ti'iy Friday afternoon, that being the n u in1 .er cai rn-. ! oil' by the Southern Attr act ion t o v, hicii is to show i at Conev Island tiiis s. a-m, ; i Mr. E. F. Small. Pre e eut and G.-n- I eral Matiag. r'.ui the eoiiipuny, his sons, i Messrs. R T. and A. T. Suiall, led in I ehai'ge of the show. Mis. A. T. Small 1 was aloug also with her husband. 1 Although .Mr. Small is lrom Atlanta, ami some ot his leading peilorintrs came from that ciiy, it is nevertheless, to a con 1 sidtrable ex'en'. a North Carolina show, j Mr. -Small, liim-cd, is a native of Wash ington, N. C. Some Xoith Carolinians are iuiere-ted in it, and nearly half the company is fnun our own city. Moreover the at ti net ion.- gathered for it in the way of old machinery, moss cVc, j are almost entirely from tins city. Two thousand pound ot moss were take u along ' to 1 tress tne snow I'Uiining. vyuien is yivx - tC7 fc-t, and it is expect e I in take as much more. M r. S111.il it it will 1 1 rilys n ii iii rlv nssisieil be,s citizens i lllm 1,1 e-'etlin- "1 ry el mater al for his is warm anni'e- show and he t pre--es eiatiou of their iutt l'ei .t. They iu i urn hope he will m ike pi it s "The Old Soui h Tvpt soil," REPntl.lfAtV SI'AI'l Ii out ol Northern on CO l.M'U) Slow Work Russell i li the I, rati. Imf Losing roil lid . The Ilepiibln :in Side Convention which assembled in ltalcigh Thursday con tinued its workjye-lerday. The News and Observer in its account of the lirst days proceedings starts off as follows: Not a thing done et. At eleven o'clock last night, the Slate Re publican convention adjourned because the comiuittt e on credentials, which had been wrestling with the cntittstetl seats sinee two o'clock in the day, was not ready to repot t. 'There are thirty six con tested seats lrom eleven counties, llolton appointed T Poekery men, and 2 anti Daekcry men on tiie commit ee. It the Docker y men who are contesting are scate-l, Do. kery will be nominated. H not, Boyd will be the winner, ku-seil seems to be out of it , and w it 1 thtow bis vote to Boyd. From the account of the .lays proceed - . ing sent lo the Wilmington Mts-eng'-r we lake the following: The hour s. t for the op. ning of the Stale convention was noon. Admission was by ticket, and a few minutes it fit r : noon tne ii tl iw o! delegates la gan. The galleries had been 111 led some time. W. II. Chadbouin - v as doorkeeper. G. Z French, always an early bird, was the first delegate to tike his s.-a'. Delegates w,-i-i.seded bv iilslriets. Sofetatois sail! it was the b. -t eonvent.. u the Rspubli Having passed our owu life's wiutor, cans bad ever held here. May we traces leave behind Ac 12:30 o'c'ock Senator Pritcliard That, will lrom our hindretl people walked oil the stage and was loudly up- I Carve a better, broader mind plan. led. He told the rep,.-;, ers that at a I Bright hopes with the: we are plant con fcreuee today ol the Popuiist bolters -n,, and Keiiblic.n coideiet.ee committee, I And link around a lasting chain, the Populists agreed that t ie Republicans ; Memories of our happiest school .lays c.iuld go ahead an.) make t he nom ma-j To draw us often bick a-ain. tions, taking the Governor, and the ropu-j lists to Inter till in the gaps them, in accoulance- with t li as-tgne prop. I to -ill. -n made hist month. Winn Settle entered the hall there was a ripple of app'aiise. The Republicans were very proud of the of the gather ing. One of the proti le st was tile new convert, He-zekiah Gudger. The races were about so divided in that three titihs i were wlnte and nvo-iitihs weie eoion-i i. ! , There was hciuty ehe-r.ng for Holt -n i It was 12:4.j o clo. k win n he stepped out I vvith hia addreSs in hand. lie spoke a few words to Loge Hauls, designated -lake ! Ualiyburton as s. rge mt-a'-arms, t ailed the body to order, and read ll.se touress. Secretary Hat l is 1', ad the call 111 r winch i tl,e convention assembled. John C Dancy was jappointed to call tin- roll o ! cuntits. He read the names of the Com mittee on Credentials' At 5 o'clock it wassta'ed that it would be two and a half hours before the com mittee on cretlentia's wouhl be ready to .repot t and Chairman Hoiton g ve notice nil the eon vent ion wou tl ex ten. I its recess tint il 8 o'clock. The linsscll men say the member- of the cmiuiittee on credent!. ds are anti MeKinley and am i-Pri tel. aril s.ve .Man in an i.l Sinai hers, and that Martin is the only Russell man on it. H. L. Grant said tonight; ' When that committee reports there will be a how'. The riot act will be read as it was never read before. ' I'p to 8 o'clock only four counties had been disposed of by the committee, these being Chowan, Cumberland, craven aud Wilkes Delegates have been on the streets near the hall all the afternoon and evening. H:d Ay er says the 'action of the bolters here to-.lay was an absolute lailure; that they represent nothing and that when they backed down and gave way to the Republic, .ns, ajl save five left antl those were lrom Vance county. He declares it is folly to think (or an instant that t'.iey cm commit the party to fusion. Marshall Mott said the temper of the Republican patty iu North Carolina is a little over confident. APJwUItNS TILL NK.XT PAY. At 11 o'clock tiie convention adjourned until next morning. The committee on credentials will be in session all night. Dockery men are now saying they will sweep the deck. (Continued to page ilrd.j M KJIOKI VI. HAY ODD. A-jain the unwe;uied hand nl tune Has turned the swif', tevolvino ear. And brought before our watching eyes The liny io Southern hearts most deir- - I The sad, yet lad Memorial Day, "MerecJ to those who wore the iay. Our Soldier Boys. Their heads are white That marched anil fought in that sad time, When men went down like ripened pram In the full strength of '.nanhoon's pmne, When birifdhss bo s and graiid.iifes giay, Fell in the thickest of the tray. Calm, queenly New Berne, seated wh t i 1 wo broadly, llowing niver- meet , And j iin their wavesTii h anuonv I o pay their ti Unite at thy fe- t ; I hen sweep in full unbroken tide, "ut towaid the : enn deep and v : 1 1. lloin-r thy brave nn no bit r deeds Stand on the cat alog tie ol lame, I'littii those which g .e the Boys in Gray, An honored, prouo, undying name In Stmt hem hearts one loyal d-.y fo keep, till tune sha'l pass away. Scatter the roses red as blood Above each wairim's marble tomb; Pih- high the flowers upon each grave, Carl dids and sprays of forest oloom ; Calla and jasmine, violet, l'ule lilbes sweet and mignonette. Mourn for thy .had the brave and true Yet think not th .t in wiin they died, The triumph of their sacrifice Kings th:'- 11 gh the South On every side Where willing I d) u's laisy hand, Has shown the wealth ot our f.ir land. Our Soil, baptized with heroes' blood And .It. nehed with widowed mother's tt ars. Lay dormant for awhile, afraid Te ventuie into untr.e l spheres, fill L'l-1 K li'ie, She rose at. length. On pinions poised with new lound strength. The Cause is lost for which these die !. But lrom the ashes of tht past, The South has risen to higlier life, Aud Siat.ds f day, secute and fast I 'uited, Proud of her own might, Tiu-.ting in Gad to aid the Right. ' e. 11 n. New Berne, X. C, Apr.l 39th, '06. (illD'N MIRACLE OF MAY. There came a message to the vine, A whisper to the tree, The blue-bird saw the secret sign And merrdy sang he ! Aud like a silver string the brook Trembled with music sweet Enchanting D-ites in every QOok For echo to repeat. A magic touch transformed thc fields. Greener each hour they grew, I'ntil they shone like burnished shields All jewelled o'er with tlew, Scattered upon tht; lorest floor A million bits of bloom. Breathed fragrance forth thro' morning's door Into the day's bright room. Then bud by bud the vice confessed Tne seret it had heard, Ami in the leaves the nzure-breast Sang the delightful word: Glad riowers upsprang amid the grass And rlung their banners gay, And suddenly it came to pass (Joel's miracle of May ! Fiank Dempster Sherman. ODE TO THE EI.M. Stately, graceful Elm so modest. Cherished more than other trees That are native of Carolina, Fed and finned by he soil and breeze. Balheel in May's weet, mellow sun- shine, Y u siantl a stately queen Wearing not a robe of flowers But a simple garb ot green. If on earth, our path be darkened. We hold your lesson not in vain, But from the shadow something gather, That like you we turn to gain. Let us from you harn a lesson, As you dip your rootlets down Gathering from the earth's cold ness Food to make your leafy crown. damp- Our training here is like your tie ts 'Crumpled in a tiny bud. Mhv it like them btean the bindinj And fill the world with all that's good. Though the hoary frost of winter Chills their life, they do not die, But come back te gladden spriugtime, As smiling fruit or waving rve. Wc tave tl i ee now our class-tluy em blem. To keep out memories ever green. Throughout a hundred lirst May days, May ye-ur bursting buds be seen, THE STRANGER WE TOOK MIT IX, J j She dwelt among us for a year; .scarce though; we gave her, tear Dropped down from many a but i wistfu eye The day that she lay down to die. Aiene, neglected, tr.endless, drear, t-tie ir.rneet lo ijroti tor Help ami ciieer, She rcrned to God for Then sank amid the city's din The stranger whom we took not in. Until she died we never knew How grand the work she lived to do, And died in doing,- nor how faint She Was who uttered no complaint. She did her eiuty, sought no praise, Through weary nights and painful days, Each day she grew more pale, and thin The stranger whom we took not in. But when she died we never knew her - w rth. Aud how her life had sweentenetl earth; We learned how she for Live had lon ged, We gue-sseel how greatly wc had wron ged The heart that hungered for our care. Ami sighed our weary load to share; But hardly kindness couhl she win The stranger whom we look not iu. So wrapt were we in our own ways, Our busy round of pleasant days, We let her struggle all alone, Uucheercd by tender look or lone. We did not mean thus cold to be. But, ah, wc "never thought '' you see May God forgive our cruel sin The stranger whom we took not in. Chicago Inter Ocean. At the Soldiers' Home, Weeks B. Parker died at 2 o'clock on the 12th inst. He had been an inmate of the home for two years. He entered the war iu 18(51, as a member of Lloyd's Battery, from Edgecombe county; after Capt. Lloyd's death in 1862, his battery was ilivieieil between Manly an.l Riley, Mr. PatKcr going to Manly's. Ooe of his noinrades said: "As a man and a soldier, we. had no better." News and Observer. I NOT I. OKI! II1RII'H. ; M iss M 1 1 lord 'i ves theveis.s on the j waltz attributed to Lord llvron. Sin !iy i hat they mv by a Sir Henry Knple- tieid: What ! the girl I adore by another em brace I! What! the balm of her breath shnll anoth er man taste 1 What! ptes-ed in tm- whirl by another's bold knee! What! panting, reclined on atiotlnr than me! Sir, -lie's your-: vou have brushed Ironi the grape its so( I ,! ue; From the rosebud you've shaken the tremulous dew. What Mm bine tonciie.l mui may take, I 'ret t y wa It .. r. ad ieu' -li Condensed Testimony. (.'has B He,,, 1. and Manulin Hire 1 Aeent, Columbus. (he, eerlilies that Dr. Kmg's New Discovery las no 1 ipial as a Cough remedy. .1 . 1) Broun, I'iop. St. Jam s Hoi, -i." Ft. uy.i.-. Ind.. t.stdi'-s that he vwis 1 uru-1 ol a '. aigh ol two ye-i 1 s slanding, ca.is tl bv Jjltinppe, by Dr. King's New I li-cmrn . B. F. M.n.d, Bald w insv i I Ie, Miss, siys that he bus use.l and ri eon 1 nielli ha I it and never knew it to ful and would lather have it luati any d 11 ti.i, !K-aiisp, it always cures Mn. He. ling', 212 E. 2olh St , ( Ima go always keeps it at hand and has no Ie r ol ( l'.ui p. b -cans.- it 1 ns I a n 1 1 v 1 el ie ves. Free Trials Bniiles at F. S. Dully.- Drug Stole. I 3) F-r travelers I ip .nese Liver 1 convenient,- tln-v a nil t . , 11 rists a 1 .1 o I u t s will be foil 111 1 vi 1 pin kly relieve indiges- tion, constiptdioii Fitly .loses, 25 t ts Dully, an. 1 sUk bead 11 bv F. For de S If the'Baby Is I iiIIIiik Teeth Be sure and use that old ami well-tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow 's Soothing Syiup for children teething. It soothes the child, j softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is tlie U-st remedy lor diarrhoea. Twenty live c-nts n bottle. j Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Fleers, Salt Rheum, Fever Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and nil Skin Eruptions, Hud posi tively cures Piles, or no pay rt.purod. It is guaranteed to give perl.-ct satiKiactioii or money refunded. Wlien Hahy was Bielc, wo pare her Castria. W "hen she was a Child, slit ericel fe.r I '.-mloria. When she Ieeame Miss, tttte citing to Castor-la When she lia.1 Cliil.lr.-n, she jr-ae e tlee-m C.a-torta Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Did Ton Ever. Try F.leelric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If n it, get a botlle now ami get relie f. This me heme has been found tti be peculiarly adapted to the relief anil cure of all Fe-m de Complaints, exerting a wondi-rlul direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have Loss of'App tile. Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancho ly or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Elec tric Bitters is thc muhcine you need. Health and Strength are trmiranteod hj its use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at K. S. Duffy's drug store. (;!) Thousands bless the day tin y heard of Dr. E. C. West's Neive and Brain Treat ment. It has brought happiness and health to replace misery and discourage ment. Thirty days treatment lor 1.00. For sale by F. S. Duffy. Doctors n sod M lance to bleed their patients in olden times. Now a lance is necessary. Successful for years, Dr. Le Brim's G. & G. Cure,- three days. No bad effects. One Dollar; at store or by mail. For sale by F. S. Dully. Ilomeopathists tell ns that like cures like but they fail to suggest u cure for dislike. Get genuine Dr. Le Brim'.- S. .V P. Pills lor ladies. Sold only by authorized agents. One Dollar, at store or tr.y mail. For sale by F. S. Dully. The physician is tlie man who re commends a change and then takes all you have. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment is guarant.-td to cure any case of nervous debility of whatever cause. Six months course with guarantee, $". At store or bv m til. For sale by F. S. Duffy. When doctors disagree, thev can always unite in attributing it to heart failure. Wanted The unfortunate to know that Dr. Le Brim's G. . G. Cure will cure in th t ee days. One Dollar at store or bv mail. For sale bv F. S. DutlV. Life is full of trials ycrs are glad of it. Ladies, despair not. Dr and tl ie law- Brim's S. i P. Pills sure store or by mail. e u re. ( ne Dollar, at For sale at F. S. Di 1- ly 's. The girl who poses for artist ul- ways leads a model life. For seventeen vears Dr. E. C. West'-. Nerve and Brain 'I reatinent has worked wonders for the sick, pale, nervous, de bilitated mm aud women of this country. 1 per box; six for For sale by F. S. 1 Hilly. An artist is not a success until lie can draw a check on a bank. Yoo will not be dis ipp ..inted in Dr. Le Brim's G. eV. G. Cure. No Ind rffetts, no diet; three days. Due Dollar, id store or bv mat1. I'm sale at F. S. Dill fy's. A theatrical manager is always known by the company he keeps. D.ilicate bulies take great restorative. Dr. Le Brim's S. X Pt Pili-. One Dollar, at store or bv mail. For sale by F. S. Duffy. It is not the address that makes the chorus-girl it's the tights. Be a man. 'l ake Dr. K. C. Wtst's Nerve and Brain T: eatineiit. It r stores manly vigor. G.iarani.-e.d to euu-. 1 per box, six lor '.".. For sde at F. S Duf. fy's. No matter how cruel fate may be, the washei woman always manages to hang out. No publicity. Send your dollar bv mail and get a box of Dr. Le Bum's G. A G. Cure. Cures in thiee days. Never finis. For srle by F. S. Dully. Dr. Le Bran's S. & p. p,s, u,,, ony French; tor ladies. One Dollar, nt store or by mail. For sule by F. S. Duffy. CRITICAL Examination ! IS ALL That we ask ! That will convince you that this is the best place to buy. (Quality ior quality, onr prioon ciinnot 1 f'iuallfi, and qual ity is what counts. Don't judge by prtct'H :ilont i'Xfttn-. ' itio the poods examine tliPin (.lowly. If cv (iiytlilng int just .is wc represent it, bo very Htire we don't know it, and would consider it a favoi: if you will tell us. V lo tlife v ery hoed we can. We have ut our stores, which will stand hoih a critical examina tion and a pronounced com parison with anyone goods. We cite our $2. Low Shoes as an illustration. Tliey ar made by Thos. O. Plant and out, of Vici Kid just neatest you ever saw at that price. Four styles in till Black and Tan. Our Men's Tail and Patent Leather's iiiv up to-tl.itc in last and quality. Be sun; you sen t hem. When you need a pair of shoes it mat tors not in what sty le and price, be sure yon sec out's. We are quite apt to have what you want. Wc inv ite a critical examination of our stock s. HAGKBURN & WILLETT lo yon want to 1... In IIT Tbe lilryelo liiiHlnean 1? growing enormously why nut try UT Yon can buy one wheel, or hi many aa yon like, and sell your friend BICYCLES AT COST. An order Rent now entitle you to ' a bl(t discount. Apply (julck tor tha agency for your pin. Our vhiwli are Uie liluhHt grade, most reliable bicycles made to-day. Parti cnln in and liandnomely lllaa-' tratetl printed maUr by mail. C-1K1.1S A 1 1 LTOX, KalUam, Ut. -v , V . !

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