Jjl 111. wAVi'lIf 4 ' EjK 111! It v.. v VOL. XIX. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JUNE 11, 1896. - NO. 14. . , A ;: 0TTRLY - DIFINCILESS. OUtt GREAT PORTS UN'PRO- ' TECTED. TkRMl CtaMUlN riaa Twiljr. . Ma rrMl m Kaaaya JirT. Teai aUniaaa Fartvt4 Prp .. ..'- erur. New York. lhj S.eate Committee m Coast Defenses elig'g under resolu- ttoa f tlB Senate, tu Ixxo for tlie pit .thretgy insp xavng tha fortidcaUooa at : , this port, an I rctarnl to Washington. Senator Watson Ct Squire, of the State ot V" Washtogtt b, who i chairman of the e.m miltce, was the tas fc leava town. - The Senator f tmX tbe io.terir sot c object " ; keao that tbcj will never forget They - learned thai there were just two of the direct fire gad read for -actual nse at - Sandy Hook, arjd. that even these two " gun wens wit boat men l , handle tbem . ' . At -Fori W1wonb they found five eight-inch sum that have out bea etn- plactU, with a teo-irwh -no at Fort H-iot-'' ilton Dot mounted; the carriages fr this one Aot being in nitdinets, o that the gaa might as well not be there. i. Senator Squire said that the committer - woald make a report before the close ot ' the aeaeioi. He was sorry to find such poor state of affairs, but tbe truth must be lokL Teoty-even porta would be actually defcnseles io-caae of ao attack by an eoun j, he 'aaid, a od 10,000,000,000 worthofdeBtractible property would be at the merry of the attacking party, $4,000,000,000 worth of tbe property be ' lo represented in New York alone. ". Senator Squire said: '-The committee , was instructed and directed to visit and examine tbe harbor at-leuse-8 of the city of .' New- York, il Doing understood and knowo that the port ol New York wis better protected than any other of tbe 27 ports from Portland, Ma, down. We tailed to Sandy hook, where we , examined In deail tbe works ot defense lor this harbor. We just found two of . - tbe dlnet fire guns ready to be fire.); onljtwo, an-1 they wcic without tbe . k tula to complete them. We fouod 1C . mortars ready to be placed, .but witbeut coaoioat powers, rangers, oraoytbio else. Tben e Tifited Fort Wordsworth. Iere there are five ei&bt loch cuds not yet , completed. It will be sotne time before J they are ready. At Fort Ilamiltoo we Cnrod a 10-inch gun that might as well not hare been' there, for it is not yet mounted. fTbe torpedoes were all rigbt, but the ..Cvements oo shore would be uwtesi wben sot proiectett by gnos. ; Oa Soeday we rarteil our atU-ouon in j the Sound. Here there arts live points; - thai sltould be pro per It defended. These ! do not include Fisher's Inland and sur . looodlngs. At Willett's Point wc fr-und ..two 10 Inch gons not yet cm placed. Tbcrc were also three or four eight-iach direct fireguoa. Here is th; scat of the great torpedo school, but these torpedoes are reallj-of ao raloe unless protected by guos oo shore. Tby undoubtedly firm a most deadly defense if pnperly prot-cted wit gun., bot these are not protected. FrMlltlvevIa Ctrt. IXDIA.VArOLW. 100.-00 rent ions Domlnitd officers and select delegates to arc 8ixlV-aix ot clicac. including contest the BUte cooTeatioo were held in eleven j anU Tlm Dll9ioeiS Men's Lsagu :. de-eoonUea-hy tbe Democrats yesterday, and j tQ oi;t every pri,mi9(J mtida in ia every iaslance the free silver men were ; pg hv c',nv,uiion. lelt called upon ki eootrol and iostrocteel tbe delegsUs " j Ullt iKi.t to Mue n circular, from which tote for a tree iilver platform. In several j lbfi roUl)W.;i ls tl)kn. place-i tlie gold andarl men made a -we ask that all places of public eater Cght, but were outnumbered. ; uinment, hotels, boarding-bonscs, and barrooms, at least for convtntton week, Kama for KrKlaley. , ... . , i . ToPEKA, Kta. The Republican State i cooventino to select delegate to St. Louis j adopted ad resolution oo tbe mmey tpies- ' tiod. To show bow the Kansas .telega-! tioo stands oo the silver question, letters from, nineteen of tlie twenty delegates ! were published. i Seventeen of the delegates declare them selres empbaticalty against the free coip-j Age f rilrer nd in faror of the pres rva tioa of tbe present mmiry tandarl, while -ooe le in CTor ot a bicneUllic siandard jutd one expressed liimsell ia fkvor of the greatest poeeible use of silver, "witb every oar Unou wver, omeru.M.-u. The delegates were instructed for Mc- , Bjaiej dj unanimous voie m ttie ea,e , nd district conventions. All Sllvr la Wake. Raleigh, Jure 6 At the Democratic primaries in this city to-dxy. all went overwhelmingly tor silver Gold standard men offered no opposition. m The Lara-eat Yet. : WAtHlKQTox. Goozalo ele Queda, ! the Cabfto charge d'naires in this city. . f.aa fcMt nrriml word that Colonel Itafael PortaoDdo has landed mm . j-a l . v ( UlAlU LUU Jit. I 1 LC il C lit' LI 1 u I t'l l.l eafrly in Cuba. He waa accompanied by 1 , - t-j, w t- r i 1 object ot tbe couterence. 100 men, among whom were Dr. Carle s J r .v. , , ,i Among the arrivals this evening was I'oeT, iurgepo of tbe party, a resident of - " ... .. i r,n; ; Mr. W. B Cititree, of Columbus, Ohio, this city, and two yoon Baltimoreans Osoiud Latn.be, nephew of tx-Mavor who w:!1 '..rde the McKinley head Lat robe, and Mr. Jannev. ' ! quarters at the Southern Hotel, and su- Tbe vessels used were the Laur id and 1 Pnntend the d. -r.bution of badges, Three Friends, and the expedition is said Ao bavo starved from Jtcksonville on Monday, My 25th. The enrn earned is nid to have cmhnu-ed 1.0.H).0o(j rilie -eartridgt-s, si x 1 2 -pound tie M jtiects. with bsndaot ammunitioti fr tbem, auei a naatily ef dynamite Il ia the largest laodin made. Colonel Portuoado is the Cuban Secretary of State. lie came to this country on leave -of aheener, and attended Uie debates in CbugreM. He belongs to the b!ust bhK) of the island, ami is a Uwyer of tlistioc- Uai Waa Pint Maaara. . niLtioa, wooe o ix-vi noumi, oi JLIamiuace County, and Daniel AUeo, ol .llalelgh, wo first honor at the Agricul- tnrU and Mechanical College. - PROBABLE CANDIDATES Wb Will Nrrk Driuorritl Ir (Jnbrrn trlnl XomlDMllon. ' IIai.kigh, N. C, June 8 Upon dire ful inquiry it is learned that the miims ol Theodore Daviilsou, H. A. D.iubton, 'Julian S. Carr and probably ex Senator T. J. Jarvis will be pnentd to the; iX'OJoeiatic Stute Convention, on the 2oth j lor tbe i;ubeniatorial nomination. K u h ot ttice is an avotd free silver num. C'worNrbiird Alr.l.lnr. Waphi xhTo.v. Postmaster - leneral Wilson has turned over to the IV psirtnu-nt of Justice the rase of the Seaboard Air ; Lue railroad, recommeudin tlie proscci'-1 tin ! tlie officials ot tint road, i m the j opiniou of the Attorney-General, such ' actionjis adrisabU. Tin- papers in the case j submitted to lb Di-iartment of .1 notice allege that the Scal-O.inl Air Line is iruiltv of an ntu rupt to defraud tbe --m - trooiMil by padding tlo mails dui ins tbe month of March lasr, during wliicb month the lest-weipliiof; of mail matter over that line was made, in order to form aa estimate of tbe amount ot matter Cftrried by the road, which wi.ulil enable the lst Oflicc Department to make a four jenrs' contract for such service, and ti. the rate r of co mnen?alion. Arlianx For Frff llf r. Tt csos, Akiz , All the counties sere one have elected delegates to the Democratic Territorial v'onveution, wbich meets the Sth instanL All the dele gates are instructed to vote (only for dele - giites to Chicago piedped to free-silver cotnace. Call 4i Weyler. Havana Consul General Fitzhugh Lec visited Captain-Genera! Weyler. The iptf rview was cordial. In the course of tbe,con versation General Lec touched on the case of Dawley, the correspondent ot Harper's Weekly, who was arrested two days ai;o, and is now confined in Morro Cattle. General Weyler, it is said, promised tht a prompt investigation should be made into the matter. It is believed that Dawley will soon be released, on condition thit he leave island. tbe BOOMS HAD REST. QUIET DAY AMONG POLITICAL AGENTS. Srcro eti t-" Room. BniUtm l lrrnlitr Aaklnc Kelrli to Wnkr no 1 1 Dlnttortlan Dnrlit (onvrniloii Hrk. St. Loi'i3. Mo. --By common consent, the advance gu iris of the several Presi dential booms mad? this a day of rest from the arduous tasks impoacd by jJcli- ticsi. At the hot. is the gentlemen were "out" to all callers. Moo. Chaunt ey Ives Filley took a party through the show part ot the city and eventunUy brought tbem up at the "Mofque" as his Beaumont treet residence is known. ! The matter ol aec uumodatina; the j negro deU-gates at the hotels has besmn to ,roM11(, im,.ort..n-. THere to uCCOli I in 'lie icpiuaoic umnei niiu who will come Ik re representing, their section and their i e ple .n the Bepubii- 1 can ti.irtv such treatmfnt us any I reputable and respectable person would ' receive. It is not believed that a great runny would want to accept the privilege, but it will be very humiliatiug it on-: of t'tem j zealously tilled the position. The com with colleagues and tnends, or alone, mencement exercises were held last night should pnscnt himsi If in any pti'dic place at the instiiu'.i a. One of its features was and be ref.tsed adm.ttarjce or service It the muic bv an orchestra of 19 of the is hoped that nil will tnlcjvor to meet , i the situation as justice and prosperity re- j I ouire. A numler of enterprising local negroes haye (U o)() CaIuniL.t Club on l, . . . fit(w, it up to entertain the colored delegates. j Last evening tbe Hon. R. C. Kerens, i Missouri's national committeeman, and es-Congrrssmaii Nathan Frank left tbe city to get her I't Canton, O. A telegram from Msjor McKmley was the cause ot this trin. a teit-gram askiug Mr. Kerens to come lor a conference. Messrs. K-ren, an 1 Frank arrived in Canton at o'clock in the afternoon. They will remain until '. a. m.. returning to St. Louis via Chicago. The brief tele- 1 (..u-;i..,- v.;. .1,., litliogrHjihs ami literature. Tfiere will be tlist ributed in this city 10,000 lithogr tphs ol MeKinley ami a badge will be giva n out, oeina a red riU bon tering Mi Kinh "s putnre arti the words. "P itr;,.f,s n. Pro' tl PlO- gress; Our Nation's Cboic." Tt.e gave' wh eh wi'd be Used in catling .he convention lo order was made from a with tbe extreme silver men. Thay say ' counties whicj held conventions on bat piece of hmUr from the building iu he doesn't speak out. The populists say urday. however, changed the face of which Missouri's onitnatiep of .s.sion thv nill not tnnnnrl Viitii us ii nresiilen- thitK'S. A COtmt ot llOSCS today shows was passed. The gavel is now in the ; hands of Mr. Lee I). Bed, of Neosha, Mo. .i May -( be wrote to Chairman Car- t Ut, tendering him the use of the gavel on ' opeaiug tbe convention. Mr. Carter nn - , swereil promptly, accepting Uie otter. j The gavel is the handiwork of Jaiues i Monroe, an ex-Confcderatc soldier, and a I Republican. - - - THAT GOVERNORSHIP. COL. CAR R STILL PROMINENT LY MEN'TIOXEI). Th - Ki11 t li Kl Hurt 0111 1 11 1 1 iih tiieMllon of Two ton vonl (oiih. Tnkrn Forlhr Hrentdrnt. Witnt More Spferh. loiRSA L BrilK.V f. I PAKK HoTKI.. H M.Kit; ii . N. C , Jim iy.tti.-The i conference of lemoT:it- "ne'tl here -t niht wns only part ot the '-.i;ver wipu.'" Theodore 1". I)iivilon. who attended it, said this iLOinitii;. "1 thought it a semi- ! social anan. om y one jiropofniun out i ; hear il usatd. That was helher there omzht to lc two ltate convention. Th opinion ot those prtsent, us tar as I could discover, was that tberf ought to be only one convention, and that by the time the convention mit all the party would say that one convention was the proper thins. I never beard tlie electoral ticket mentioned and I heard no reference to any candidate. There was i:o vote, no "countini; ol noses," on the question of the convention, but it was the opiniou that since it seemed assured that the Chicago convention will declare for silver and in line with the sentiment in this ! state, no question ! meeting was that will le raised. Our af a few gentlemen devoted to the Democratic party and it ought not to have any other character attributed to it- There was some d'Scrs- sionof the estimated relative strength of the political parties, It was calculated that there were 100,000 colored voters ami about 20,000 or 25,000 whi'e Republi cans.'' It is now quite safe to say that there will be only one State convention. W. G. Randall, tbe' artist who recently painted a fine lull length portrait of Z: B. Vance, has nearly finished a bust of him. It is fife-size imd will be complete iu a fortnight. There was a good deal of political talk during the gathering of prominent men at Chapel Hill this week. The Julian S Carr gubernatorial movemeat is declared to jc growing. It is -said to be develop ing in the east. Col. Carr is not a candidate or an aspirant, but it may be said that if the nomination is tendered him he will not decline. He has many elements ot strength and marked popu larity. It can almost be said that he is popularly regarded as the man to w hom tlie nomination will po. There are sniiic who say hi? is not strong moiigh as a speaker to meet Russell on the stump, Rugel! the sarcastic, anil say that they t Ii ink MacKte or Cy. Watson are the men to be put up, as i hey are not only power ful speakers but masters of irony and sarcasm as weli. There is some talk about the gatheris of a small number of extreme silver men here. The latter cUim that there ought to Ije bo. comments. Other people s.iy that iucb Democrats .is State Chairman Pou and ex-Chairman Simmons are not invited. It all makes fresh complaint about what same term the ''Rdeigh ting,'' and there are plain declarations that any slates which may be made will be promptly broken by the convention of June 25. r.r,,ro l,om ,,.,lo.l ... . 1 , 1... I i atiie.3 itcic Kin u niiuus o-' v ia y iirau 1 - to plough, wet as the lnd is, as they say j tbe grass must !e removed. This is the i Anil ti'.'Milila ruii!i tl lf t Ka roin tl.ij t yj.j ."i-u. ..- .... ii." trouble caused bv the rain thisi week. It is lumored that thu board ot trustees of tbe institution for the blind h eie U . ay make a change in the supei intentlent next i c 1 . week Dv putiing in John t. liny, now 1. U. - T -1. T.s T I in an institution in the west an i for a year a tencher here. Mr. W. J. Young, the p resect superintentlent, is an excellent man, and for thirteen years has blind pupils. This was really e Xci ile lit. I It is a new departure. It is now known that hud there teen a large hotel ut Wrightsville the meeting of lhe N c Teachers' Assembly would ....rwinlv bav,- b.n bold there this year. Many times yesterday Mr. Warren Elliott, the stout and jolly president of the Wilmington and Weldon railway, while on his way here from Chapel ILli, and also while here was taken to be Pres ident Cleveland. Miss Hattie Dillou, who was hurt in a runaway accident oa the street some mouths ago, sues the city lor $6,000 dam ages. It is asserted that ner eTesigiu is permanently injured The editor of the Caucasian admits tba. tbe.restoration of silver while ratically-! doubiuig prices of products w ill not in- j crt a.sj any salaries. He admits that it is i a tight o! the producer against the man with an income or salary. And that what hurts the latter thus Ixneiits the pro ducer. Another leading silver man de clare that the rial tight is not for silver : alone, but is a piotet against tlie aggrc ; gation of wealth, lie makes the st-tte-meut that with i he doubling of prices for produo's salaries ul'l also be raised. This the Caucasian's editor positively denies. Vice president Stevenson is not in favor tial candidate. The po nulists all sav thev think a great ileal of Teller. One of their state leaders says he will vote for Teller if the populists endorse him. L Mr. Fred Bryan, son of Judge Ileury R.Bryan spent yesterday here. He is now occupyin" a responsible position at CWtm.m nn tim mnrftscnf a ti vp. of the Nor - oik and Western R. R. I YELLOW FEVER PI.AYIXG HAVOC. j Snmll Pox Also 4 liilillllitf Many Vic. ' I i nm I it I f rl nin Tom us. j IIaa'ana. via. Tami'a, Fi.a , The dry j season, can 1 e considered nu tiealiy ! closed. Kvt-r since the hist liiteen tlays it has bctt) raininjr furfully. In Havana the ra;n iiave lten )eriodical for the last : wtek.. beuiuniuir at ab' ut '2 oV.., k p. in. i and i . i -1 i n l; until f or 7 p. in. In the country, from reports received a!! around, the laiiif ili liti I eeii considerable. It is ! said that i lie M..jana sv imp. formina the : southt rn sectiiin of the trocli'i or military i liti'- lr.im )'ar:c'. Ii t. oc!ilo ed. and that the tienche- ;ii:il tlitchc- v!iich had been made have a!! disappeared. In con si i tience ot i h state of tilings, military operations at !f-at on the Spani-h side j have come to a standstill. All the troops j are cooped up in the tow n.- in the interior ' untouched by the- rebels, and tif fortified I citlCS on the Coa st. Net so .villi the in-! trerlts, however, lor Hot .. im appro priate s-ason for them, as it permits them to rove unmolested throughout the coun try, thus justifying their boast that they are the masters of the field. As a result ol tlie climate change, that trrrible scourge, yellow-lever, has made its appearance, and. it is -aid. is playing havoc to an alarming txtint, particularly with the troops. The government trits to bide the truth, but somehow it mana ges to leak out, and. although nn accurate date can lie obtained, lor no statistics are allowed to be published, still it is known that the malady had extended all over the island, and the death rate i- very great In some places, as for instance, on the niiliton- lini. it is Wniocit tli.at hnoilrprls have been attacked bv this terrible disease, and that it is increasing daily in alarming proportions Small-pox h .is made its appearance also in m-iiiy towns ;md cities, especially in Sancti Spirittis and Cienlugos, in which latter place ninety-six: deaths occurred last month, there being 130 cases now on record. Another Coronation Accident. London. The Berlin correspondent of the Daily News telegraphs that during the coronation festivites at Minsk, capital of the Russian government of that name, the railing of a bridge over the river ave way. precipitating a lartte number of per sons into the w ater. Minyof them were drowned. Xcw Ieliciency Bill Pnnwcfl. Washington, I). C, June 8. The Senate passed this afternoon the New De ficiency Bill, leaving out the French Spoliation claims. I'opnllM Don't Want Tel lor. l?Ai.ician, M. C , June S. The Pro gressive Farmer savs, editorially today, that the PopulistSvWill not vote for Sena-tor Teller, for President, even if the Democrat ic Party nominates him. Ile of Heat. Chicago, III. Two men have dieel from the effects of heat. One was Christ Anderson, a saloon keeper, and the other was a Polish dock laborer. The mercury did not go above 8S, but the humidity was very great and made the heat difficult, to I tea r. ( lark Sepfcs Presidency. Rai.i-.ioh, June 6. Judge Walter Clark says hi? name will not be before the Democratic State Convention for the gubernatorial nomination. It will be j presi-ute-1 at Chicago, however, at the Vlltiilll:ll Da T) i tefil til' Coll VPT1 1 1 OH for - . - Vice President bv the North Carolina delegation. I 1 Asked to Klon War Washington, D. C. Secretary Olney as written a letter calling the attention r .i Sl.Aonwti IJiu-crnmoiti fo llu Mtl.sjlt- . , . . .,- , , , ufn'tnrv eonn i r ion o h it i rs to ( t a nnil J 1 suggesting that it cannot be expe;ted, in view'of the interest aml pnblic sentiment j here, that this country will refrain from interference if the war is not brought to a c roo, v i ' o sr. ' The letter'is Iriendly and diplomatic in tone, refraining from 'anv expression ot -ympathv with the revolution, but calls attention to the evident sentiment of the neonle of this country, and is firm in the ! the intimation that a speedy termination i must be put to the struggle. The W. C. T. I'. Adjourns. Raleigh, N. C, June 8 The Wo man's Christian Temper.inre Union State Cnuvention, which has beeu hoMiug its annual session here, adjourned today. Mrs. M L. Cartland, of High Point, was re-elected President. The Convention endorsed the Reform School, compulsoiy education, and absolute prohibition. Shot II U Wife. Shelby vii.i.k. Ind , James Piuett mil another man wore obi vinT cards in a . Itox car at Amity, a heir w ives discov- the car. ered them ami locked them in Piuett fireel a revolver through the side of the car, thinking the locking was the work of men. The bullet took effect in his wife's abdomen. The wound will probably result fatally. May Ieelare lor M ilver St Paul, Minn. The ound money Democrats are iu a cave of gloom over the prospect that they will not have a majority in the State eonventioi Thurs day to name cigitteeu delegates tc the Chicago national convention. Tbe gold standard men seemed to have a clean majority assured. The thirteen : that of the delegates chosen 358 are for silver and 352 for gold. claim - Orthc yet to be cliosen it is claim- ed sixty-five will be for silver, this will 1 give the silverites the four delegates at j large. 1 hey win aiso na e ar iea-.i six oi ' the Congressional delegates, leaving the 1 sound moiiev men only eight delegates ' irom Minnesota. . WILMINGTON NEWS. THE CITV FOR PERSPIRING HUMANITY. I'lM' Cool WvHthPr Enjoy Ml. The Ex cursion SfnHoii Fairly Oprn. Free Nilvr Meeting. To AtlverllNe (lie city. Kerry Season. JofHNAl. lit'KKAt I Wilmington, N. C, June 0. Aber a week of rain and coo! weather the -ii a has come out again and now we may expect ,-ome hot days 1 he cool; week has been very much appreciated com ing after the hot spcU of May. Now that the excursion season has be gun, nearly every day brings a loni: train, ful! ot perspiring humanity eaj;er to irei : ..: from the hcah d interior and ; enjoy the ocean brei z-.-s which blow with ! such cblightlul regularity. Thursday i Messrs. B. II. Hatch and C. B. Hutch, of) VI t. Olive, brought down a large number of people from along the Wilmington and i Weldon road. The town was tilled with ! excursionists anil as most of them had I friends here it was a great day of rem in is-' i cences. ( j Almost all the cottages at Wr ghtsville i have been onened before this bv their owner who have settled down to a sum- mer of quiet enjoyment. Mr F. C. Olds has arrived fiom Raleigh to take hit summer position at Capt. Manning's hotel at Wrightsvi'de. This is his third year there, and he has made many friends in ! tljls sectlOD- I The Democrats of Wilmington held conventions in their several wards on I Thursday evening to nominate delegates to the county convention. The meetings were not largely attended. The purpose of the convention was to elect delegates in aver ol tree silver and it seems trom the small attendance that there are a great manv Democrats here not in favor of the tree silver platform. At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce held this week, Mr. Arendall, of the lialeigh News and Observer was present, to urge The Chamber to a,d vertise .the trucking interest in this sec tion, in the trucking edition of his paper which be is to get out early in July. Tbe idea seemed to be very popular, and a committee wao appointed, to try to raise the necessary money among Uie truckers. The strawberry has about disappeareel from our markets, although a few can still be had at greatly advanced prices. There place his been taken by the black and huckleberry. The people of the First Baptist ehurch got up a splendid special ctioii last sun day evening, with instrumental accom paniment. The especial effort was appre ciated by the large audience which filled every seat iu this spacious church. Telegraphic Items. Milwaukee striKCis have voted to con tinue their strike to the bitter end. They will solicit aid trom other cities for its continuance. Bill (ray was hanged at Helena, Mont., for tbe murder of Bill Mack, Jin 1893. Gay declared his innocence. A scheme was afoot to rescue him, but was frustrated by the vigilance of the authorities. Andrew Smith accidentally shot and killed Janus Hickey, who was a spectator of a ri'dit at St. Louis between Smith and j . .... i ram i r(-,, tc. ti 1 1 tar L-nnn-n ni ! 1 elcl 1 ''" " "J the "Terrible Swede.' Smitli has Deen Fire destroyed the Boyleston Brewery's mammoth ice house at Boston, and dam aged the main building on the establish ment. The total loss is $75,000, A'farmer named Wag'oer was killed b ! a trolley car on the Consolidated Traction ! Company's system near Orange, N. J. I Two other men received serious injuries. I The owners of the Cambria coal fields, j Wyoming, have just discovered that coal which they have been selling at j Per lo" L l" 5"'1' l'" The severe windstorm at St. Joseph, Mo., caused many people to seek their cellars. The wind blow a perfect gale for about half an hour, and many were almost terror-stricken. Robert Bonner, of New York, was elected President of tbe Scotch-Irish Conoress for the eighth time. An effort ; r- i will be made by the congress to preserve the house m wnich Robert i niton was born. Joseph Windrath was hanged in the Chicago jail for the murder of Carey E. Birch, money receiver at the Armitage Avenue station of the West Chicago Rail- way Company, for the purpose of robbery, Windrath had been shamming insanity, j au(j kCpt p the sham uutil the last, , ... i..o.:. . t.,,c. nf i rrin,,. lite n liuicsrtic eit'iiuu, iiuiuv t.i t. nitiii cc Co., St. Louis, Mo. , aid not open for business Friday, the establishment being in the custody of the Bank of Commerce a creditor to the amount of $40,000 Tbe total liablilifus are $112,000. Impair- ment of the firm's credit is the cause given! ! for the failure. Eugene Burnett and Joseph Wenar. railroad ticket speculators doing bu-intss at New Orleans, were convicted in General Sessions at New Y 'ikof forging tickets of tbe Southern Pacific Railway Com pany. They will be senteucid Friday. Dr. J. U. Dailey, of Bird's Station, 111., was murciercu Dy sampson i. jMicwy. me affair was the result of a eiuarrel over a girl. Dr. Dailey was one of the most i ii . m iff't mi. . ; prominent citizens in Southern Illinois. i Minl-nv is n npnniiiii.nl erl npll t or i .un,Lj .o . . 1 John W. Hay, assistant editor of the Joan . iiay, assistant eaitoi or me , Journal of Commerce, of San Francisco, ' was shot and killed by Mrs. Nina Mac - uougati, wuo is said ro oe uie wue oi a , drummer for a Chicago bai bed wire com- i nauv. The women then shot herself I through the heart. COLORED DELEGATES. Far linpoHNil.lt' lo FiiKl Null atl lnarlcr For I liclll. ; St. Lor is. Mo. June s But tl.r. members ot the National R-puhlican Committee have arrived for the meeting which takes place here I unorrow night. There appear- to be considerable trouble in securing qu irti is for t he colored delegate-. Committeeman Hid, of Tennessee, says, ur less he Minis suitable places for them soon, lie will wire them to stay at home He sas thee must b uell eared for. Judge Long, the committeeman from Flotida sis the same, and that ctlornl eie'ega'es a-e being sadly neglec:e 1. Wants ( Fijrlii. Nkw York. J. II. Hildebrant, ot .Johannesburg, South Africa, according to a cable to a local sporting p ipt"'. offen d to match Peter Jackson against Corlvil lor 10,U0c), loser to r. ceive tlu.UbU. light to take place at the National Sporting Club, Loraloii, America, or South Alriea. Billy Brady, it appear-, accepted the ofl'sr on C irbett's behalf, but Jackson re fused, giving no ie-ison for doing mi. Ilihiebrant then offered to match Denver L I. Smith against Jackson for il(),ue0. This. Jackson also refused. The South African sport then matched Joe Goddard against Steve O'Donnell for 5,000 a side ; 11 fi-ht in J"h "'-Jiirg in October. Aiili-KtiSMcll t all. Kai.kigh, June tl A number ol anti Russell tailored Pi-publicans have called a State mass meeting here for July 2ud, ani tiic-y say that they fivui' Mayor W. A. Guthrie, as their giibeinational nomi nee. Mcliinley Wan In Proctor. Washington-, D. 'J , June ;. Major McKinley has abandoned all idea of try-1 deficiency bill with those and some other ing to persuade Speaker Tom Heetl to be j objectionable items left out. These ap the nominee for the Vine Presidency, and j propriations were put iu tbe bill by the is now trying to get Redfield Proctor, ot Vermont, to take the second place on the Jiepublican National ticket. One convention. Sure. Raleic.h, N. C, June G It can now be positively stated that only one Demo cratic State Convention will be belt I. All opposition to lhe one convention plan, has been practically withdrawn. Frank Mayo Deatl. Omaha, Neh.. June 8. Frank Mayo, the well from this board a today. known actor, while en route city to Denver. Colo., died on Union Pacific railroad train. The Moscow Bisasler. Pahis. The Eclair learns that in the disaster on lhe Hodyns.ky Plain at Mos cow last Saturday, on the occasion of tbe distribution of free foo 1 and drink to the populace, 3.873 peis ons were killed and 4,000 injured. Heavy Storm in Ohio. Canton, O. A heavy storm passed over Canton and vicinity. Tlie Canton & Massillon Electric Iliiiroad is blocked with a huge landslide. The Catholic Church at West Brooktield was destroyed by lighting. Two hundred feet of side track and main track of the Cleveland, Lorain Railway was washed away. A number of houses in Canton were struck bv lightning and two children of Samuel Sell were badly .shocked. Trees I innumerable wty uprooted. cellars flooded and lawns, gardens and street damaged. TO BE SOUND MONEY. THE REPUBLICAN MONEY PLANK AT ST. LOIS. Important Personages Arrivinif. Bal ance ol' Week on Contestants. Fair banks lor Chairman ol Conven tion. MeKinley on First Ballot special. St. Lolts, Mo., June !). The National delegation has been floating in during the past two days, but the first important ones came thi evening, amoug them Iteing Chairman Carter, Secretary Manly, and ! Mark Ilanna. : The meeting of the Natioi a' Committee I to pass upon prima facie election delegates will be tomorrow noon, and will extend throughout the week, but no anxiety is felt however as to what the temporary i roll will consist ol as homstv of purpose I will govern the National Committee i beyond all jiielion. Charles W. Fairbanks, ol Indiana, will 1 be chairman of the Convent i.-n, and some Eastern man temporary chairman, proba ! bly Cornelius N. Bliss, of New York. jJ, SinceWni McKinley will be nominated i upon first ballot, without needing the I untested delegates, the (outett.- will not e naio tu.ig.tu Thc ,oney I,1k wlU i. . i. .i .. i. . lavor Sound it will treat .Money, meaning gob!, but silver with great respect. Texas Primaries For Siilver Houston. Tka'as. The State pri maries went almost solidly for free silver, and the piesent State government was indorseel for re-election with only one exception isaKer, lanti commissioner , Sound money, running far behind. Gold j standard men participated quite generally ! anJ tlie threatened split amouuts to DOthing. . i i .... ( -ranii;iu is nominated lor t ongress in i Culberson's district against Dudley i uulberson s e'lstnct against Dudley i chairman ot the State Democratic execu- : tive committee. l ooper is rc-uominaled in the second 1 and Winchester Kelsoe in the eleventh, represented by Noonan, the only Repub lican from Texas. S- WASHINGTON NEWS. CONGRESS ABOUT ENDED ITS FIRST SESSION. Ail ) on rniiK-n I lay- Iliiliai' ( In cIiiikI. Proltahlc ly YmImch. HiiNtalii Prciflciit Jliirjfnu's Warlike Washington; June sth, l'.'i. omg, gohiLl -aim .-t gone. That rcpriNcnis the prcst nt con htiou of the first session of ti e liftv fourth Congiess. Adjourn ment may come tomorrow, but it will ; certainly not le later than Wednesday. BoNoml the legular appropri.it ion h.U this ses-io a of congress line put very few laws up ai the statute books, and to Kay 'whither those few were good or bail :d pendi. so Iji'gtiy upon the point of view that yoar correspondent will not vtnture to record ins opinion of them. L ke most other Congresses upon the eve of a Presidential election, this one ha left undisposed of some of tbe most impor tant bills which were lnjforc it. To ; deplore this would be simply a waste of : time. It has always been so ami will ; continue to be w , until the average Con- gressmau ceaes to be like tlie average man more intent upon looking out for his ow n interests than those of other peo ple. For once at least the House has shown itself to be in accoid with Pre-ident Cleveland. By a vote of 14!) to 4( the House sustained the President' veto of the general deficiency bill. This bill was vetoed because it contained an appropria tion of more than a million dollars to pay century-old French spoliation claims ami another ot nearly 8175.000 for a doubtful private claim. The House passed a new Senate and kept in b tbe Senate con ferees, and there are few members of the House - who are not glad the bill was vetoed. It is doubtlul whether one twentieth of these spoliaticn claims tire now in the hands of descendonts of the original claimants. They have leeu most ly bought up by speculators lor riducul ously small amounts. An appropriation to pay them was vetoed by President Fierce. Whether so intended o' not. Senator Morgan's warlike Cuban speech, which was so rabid that the Senate galleries were cleared and the speech finished in secret session, is lbeved by lots of peo pie to have been rather p'easing than otherwise to President CTcvelan I. Those Wh'. iUi l.-li UlKjro tt.nt President Cleveland intends doing some thing startling in connection with the relation of this government to the Cuban revolutionists between uow auel the meet ing of the Chicago convention. It appears that the Republican Senators took some such view of the Morgan spee.di, as Senators Sherman ami Lodge took a leading part in the shut-ting ot the Senate doors while the speech was being made. Notice that the fight for the distribution of the regular appropriation bills among tbe Senate committees, instead of having them all acted upon by the committee on appropriations, as at present, is to be renewed at the next session of Congress w as served by the introduction of a reso lution by Senator Proctor, of Vermont, providing for the change A New- York business man who has just returned from a trip through the great agricultural States, says the gran aries are literally bursting with farm products for which there is no local demand, and which transportation charges make it unprofitable to ship to distant markets. "It is not to be wondered at,'' he says, Wn the face of such conditions that the agricultural peo ple are in favor ol free silver. Tliey are disgusted viih tbe pre-eut status, and are willing to risk the silver cure." Eastern people who never get away from home seem surprised at the strength of tlie sil ver caus1, but if they would take a trip as far West as Omaha they would understand the reasons that are bdiind the movement.' Senator Warren, of Wyoming, is one of those who doesn't fancy the idea of trying to tell his constituents why Congress adjourned without acting upon numerous bills in which they are interested, and he stiteel on '.he floor ot the S u ate, wben the resolution for adjournment ws offered, that he would rather sit for weeks longer, u I even to lose, his vote in November, than undertake to explain to the people ol his state why tlie Senate could not remain iu sessiou'and di-noscof j ,il!s. in which they ami other Western ! people are interested. Mr. Warren wa- iu a minority a very small minority and he must make those explanations as iM -t. he may. Notwithstanding the constant watching of the Father Marquette slat tie by the Capitol police, somebody has succeed' d , j slightly disfiguring it, by breaking the feathers from the head dress of one of the j in. bans on a bronze relief tablet oji oue of ! t tie s-ides of the pedestal. The senate- ( resolution accepting the statue, and tbank- ing tbe state of Wisconsin lor it was among the long list of bills mid resolutions ; which were pushed over to lac in x i sj i sion after having been acted upon by one or tbe other branches ut Congress. It is I said there was politics in the post pone I ment of this particular resolutiou, and here p robably was. Local insc Hnarters at f hlcagfo. Chicaoo, June 9. The delegations to the Democratic National Convention are ! etiga"inT quarters j The New York delegation will be at ti10 Palmer House, also the National f Committee, will be there. Tamroatiy, Mississippi, South Carolina, West Virginia and Washington delega tions will be at the Auditorium. killed by a bomb. THE POPULACE THREATENS B KCEL0N A ANARCHISTS. IIhvc llirii Arnnti'il o KrMau I IVi"n For The ftntllrn Ont ' liri'iik ol Another RcIkii ol Terror. Il. iti'Ki on As (he res-ull of lhe ex. j plo-i hi ol (la- bomb tlirown into (Ik; ! si net ulnle a nligioiiH procession wan pass ng, eleven persons were killed and foi ( y woui, It (I- 1 he man wlio committed the outrage has not y ot Iteen t lent i lie-1, but (be police authorities ... conlident that (he mm . ere ant is among the number ol men who are under aii't st as suspects. The excite ment caused by the cxphmion shows no sign of diminution and the people vigorously demand that no effort be spared by the authorities to puomb the authors of the outrage and to guard against a 1 pdition of the dasturdly ct. Wben it be mi mo generally known that the ktlleil nu ii'.crd eleven, instead of six; as u;i si d.-.l in tlie first report, the intlignalii.il ol tbe p ipulacc wast verj' violent. In lat t, so ; hren letting was (be outlook th .t the authorities its n measure of precaution prochiimed martial law, and the city is now under military govern ment. Two more arrests ol suspects wore made today, making a total of thirty-two men who have been taken into cuslody on suspicion of having lieen concerned in thc perpetration of the outrage. The prisoner are confined in the prefecture. To lay an angry mob gathered around that building an I demanded the sum mary punishment ol ever) One of the pri.oi,ei8, whether his guilt bo proven or not. Occasion illy il looked as (hough the mob would attempt to storm the prefec ture iu order to wreak vengeance on the suspected men. The civil guards on duty at tlie pluCe were speedily reinforced ami were fre quently compelled to charge upon tbe crowd to make tbem keep their distance. The mob would scatter temporarily, IhH wonld soon gather again, threatening to lynch the prisoners. Barcelona is not alone in its attempt to repress with a stern band tho recrudes cence ol anarchy. Thu royal government and tlie municipal authorities of Madrid are taking me tsures to prevent lra com mission of outrages "C capital. Ot.e of the !edmg anarchists of tbe city was arrestod today. It is thought that he was in some way c.our.ernod with the outrage here. The cortt z and the government have protiiisedlo assist tbe relatives of those who were killed or wounded hero, and Ibis action met with hearty approval. Speculation is rife as to thc anarchists. Some attribute it to the animosity of the anarchists towards everything pertaining to re igion ami believe that they took ad vantage of the Corpus Ciirimi processions to give vent to their hatred. But there hlive been many religions processions since anarchy was rampant in Spain, which were in no wisq inlerferred with and it is generally believed that some motive deeper than hatred of religion Irow at the bottom of the last outrages com mitted here at Orcndain. All the people killed belonged to tlie working classes. A majority ot tbem were women anil children anil Ibis fuel has mi ch lo do with the bitlernesH dis played toward the anarchists. Big Fire In Toronto. Toronto, Ont. -A conflagration which at one time threatened to ocliwe any for mer experience of Toronto in that line broke out in McKemlry & Co's big de partment store, on Younge street, at 7 o'clock. The whole place was quickly ablaze, and the entire block, including the large departmi nl stores of Ealon .V Co., adjoin ing, were in imminent danger. By prompt work on the part of the firemen the fire was confined to McKcndry'f & CVs store. The whole interior of the building was badly gutted and thoir stock, valued at $70,000 is nearly total loss. The stock of Eaton A. Co. am) Guiruuie Bros shoe stoie stilfercd considerable damage I mm water and smoke. Tho. total loss on the building and stock i es timated at $200,000; insurance, f 150,000. Typos Uo Ont on a Strike. St Pai i, Minn. Thc daily papers of St. P.. ul and Minneapolis are involved in the biggest strike of their lives. Every linotype operator ol (hp Glolx, Pioneer Press, Dispatch, Tribune, Jotininl and Times has lelt his place. Willi tbem went tin advertising compositor, thc pi oof readers and their helers 140 men in all. The newspapers have manned their type-setting .machines with tyewrilers, stenographers ami reporters and have ar rangitl a temporary exchange of their news and matrixes. At 11 o'clock it was evident that tin papers would all print although tliey will set only about half as much mailer as tt-iinl. The trouble luis boon brewing tor several weeks. The proprietors asked that (he piece scale, Pi 1-2 cents for nonpareil and H cents for minion, be alxdishcd and that all men work lor $2J per week of filly hours. The printi-rs asked for $24 ami u week of forty nine hours. No agreement was readied and the -printers ot the two cities resolved .to quit work. Three Si I ale Tlrket. Rai.eioii, June U Prominent Popu lists here to-night s.iy, it seems reasonably certain that there will be three Stale tickets in tbe lielel this year. t

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