fill Birr- i VOL. XIX. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JUNE 18, 1896. NO. 15. ' jj '' 4 t WASHINGTON NEWS. NEGROES LYNCHED. Driif f nl Mob n t WILL MEAN COLD, IF DOES NOT SAY IT. Ta HUmI Mrabli(a PUiUrm. . rrM( C a fern RMiailaa Iaa lTflllM- Flrt KlaUr Dllr. JOCRSAL BCREAl', Washihotoj, D. C, June 15. $ II Mem tlifikult to nr-Ucrvtand why o . many rpl Uitn to be io doubt about tit fioHOcial phiok wbiib I he St. Louis CooYcotioa, witch iucU to-niorrow ami 1 -which will ptubabJj it tb greater part of Ike ireHt, will hpt. Some o( thse who hay expressed doatxi hare unques , .tiooabljlooe to for tftcL sjhcic ba tkew Lei tbe Eiybtv cIcKibu aboit the ncaaon; of tbe financial part of ihit plai ttno. TtM Republican party is tbe fmbtr or tlie present financial ystem of the country, which is without specific dccla ntioa to that eikct bused ou ti e jrold standard of Tame, and there ha. never been any &oo2 reason to j,pose, nt wrtbataading tbe extreme views of indi Tidual?, that the party would repudiate its oflpring. The wording ol tbe St .Loais financial plank will doubtless ditfri from that adopted at Minceapolis fourj jean ago. bol it meaning will (e the same the maintenance of the present sys tern, and especially the present standard ol aine. I'll 01 us vaj gurss it the word "gakT Is used in that phtfrai, but it will mean gold aft the s.. me. I'nbllc interest in tbe St. Lou s con- ioo . has prevented, -an slmidirary t'niiii Jnll by Brynn, Tf m. HoT'sTON, Tex., Lou Whitehead, George Johnsou nud Jim Re-ldiek, three negro; Sp were taken from the jail ;it Bryan, one hundred miles north ol here and banrgtd. Whitehead nud Johnson were charged witb attempting t criminally assault the twelve-year-old daughter ot Dr. H. 11 ; Wilson, SuDdny niyht. Keddii k had I been cor.vicletl of the crime ot rope on an I Italian uirl and sentenced to tiring, but ' tin decision w;s reversed by the higher court airl he ii? held aw.iiiiou; a new trial. Tle mol' was three huudre 1 trooir, and came from Kurtm, nine miles west ol Bryan, where Dr. Wils n live-., and , where the attempted a -vault occurred. , The coctor was absent at the time. The I aefToea I ?oie io bia mediojne chest and j SOI KDni mcy muujiii wms (.imuiuiwui, but which provtd to be creosote, anl failed to proeluce the desired effect wheu put on t lie yountj girl's r.illnw. j The slier tV ol the county was absent and .la L r (Iw, who was ;n charge of the jail, was'd to ruist the Httack. Hereiusttl to deliver the keys, but the doors were battered dosvu. The luab built a big tire to furnish ' light to work by, which i:ae the people' the idea that the neuies were beiDg: burned. The mob was composed of the most prominent citiz-ns ot Kurten, none of whom were masked. nnrdrrrd In Tbelr .ile"!9. Harlem, Oa A. T. Verdoy and George Edmonds ot Columbia county were biutally m unit. red at tbe home of Edmonds Tiiev were both attacked while aMe-e in bed, the murderer usiai; a j larjje stiek, which was fjund in the room. EARLY IN AUGUST THE PROBABLE DATE POPU LIST t'ONVENTION. Senntor Butler to Meet I'opiiU! 'eii. trnl On veiitlon fil Week. Re publican Commit teemau I'nviirv Free Silver Kloolom. Special. Kai.kioh, N. C , June, 12. Senator Marion Butler is expeettd here next Sun day, and he will probably meet the Pop ulist Slate Ceutral Committee nwxt week, and name the date t" r holding the State Convention. It is hinted that the date will b a o;iy in the tir-1 week in August. A member of the Republican State Ex ecutive Committee sar the majority of STILL FOR IWcKINLEY. I'outOMtetl t'HM-N Ie-ilel In Fnvor Me Kinley. 'o Silver Bolt Ferel. St. Lot is. Mo., Jim" 11. The Nation al Committee ilocidid Ibis i veiling in favor of the MeKinley contesting dele gates from Florid i. The ease will Ije car ried to the eounnitu c- on ( reduitials by the Morton delegates. Col. Ia..c Tnmibo, Xatinnal Commit ' in in and deli-gate at large, Iroin I'tah, -ays the silver nv u heie have decided not to bolt the Convention, but will not sup port a can lh la; e if suitable plauk h not adi pted. HOBART STILL LEADS. WE'VE -:- BEEN! i i SPECIAL ! CASES FREE SIL ver Baking Powder! lief ail . Ilitnua KiKlursi s Ilie New Jersey Nnn For Vice lrcwileiiey. St Lofis Mo June 11 (iarrett Ilobart ot New Jersey, seem still to lead as tir.-t choice for the Vice Presidency, To say something about our stock OF.. BATH SUITS. 1 0 0 For Sale at ONE FREE SILVER SPOON GIVEN W ITH EACH CAN. FJLRICH, Grocer. 4G MIDDLE STREET. Another BIG DROP IN SHOES. s. Every Day Brings Bigger Barga ns tlian lnrielv.ii is ai-.i, becaic he i aipiu'- the Committee favor- taking Vlo .vt iw""-rtut;y inuoise.iljy .d. .1. llanua. electoral ticket iu North Carolina and utiing up free silver electors. MINNESOTA FOR GOLD. SIL7ER OVERSHADOWED. liolit-buK" taptnre Ieniorrntlr (on veution. Klerl Otticem. and Adopt Platform. St. Pali.. Minn., June 11 The Con vention here todav was in control of the : god men, who elected otli. ers and adopt-' Pitioriu ed their platform. SILVER MEN THREATEN WALK Ol'T. TO 'aemUofBcial statement issued by the De-' They were both horribly beateu in the partment of Stte from receiving the!luce- No cicw us yet has hcen obtained altentioD it deserves. Ths statetnout, j :onccmieg the id. may of the -uiity party wbich most hare excited tho wonder ot i nntl the tli,IK' is wnippe.l in mystery t!a world 9 diplomats, aaid iu effxt that ! P'rtie- are out looking for the murderer. IVfident QeTe'and hud no intention 0f'aDd iHounJ he will un loubte-ily be sum taking an j action concerning Cuba, ai.d j nari!o d alt with. to be Completed To-nlulit. Teller Only Silver Man on Sub. Com m 1 1 tee. Committee Permit, nen I Oriin i r.nt Ion. Sjiecial. St. LiU'is,.Iu!ie 1i After adjournment of Convention, the Commit'ee on iienna nent orittiniz ition niet at Southern Hotel. (!en. (it'i ',-vi nor Anotber Vanclerbllt F.ntf axemen t. New Vokk, Announcement of the I engagement ot Henry Payne Whitnev, ! eldest son of William C. Whitney, and Miss Gertrude Vanderbilt, daughter of; Cornelius Vanderbilt ha been made, i ,r. t , . i i Cen. (rfi ',-vi nor in maoe teninorarv Mr i tnev is twputv.two vp:iri n i unrl 1 Miss Vanderbilt eighteen. chainnan. Thai ston was e lected pel ma- uent chaii man. th..- temporary secretary antl staff were m nle t)ei-u,anent. Com But Declared Innocent or Filibuster- 'iUie adjou iik il. 1 ne coiutuituc (in Kesoliitious went in to immediate session electing J. ll.Foraker chairman. The silver men ou the Com mittee were c mpbtc!y overshadowed. We presume now is the chance, v. as the season is on. We are Showing 1 I A 11 CA 111 'II N Dil m& FRUIT JARS j Mason's Improved Fruit Jars, and Porcelain Lined Kettles. at $1.25 and $1.50, WENT TO JAIL. that be was altcijjhly glad that C'ongnss had not Ciiojpel'eil bim to do souutniog by adopting tbe jint resolutioa s ear nestly plcadetl lor by Sntor Morsau d o ring the lust hours of Congress. Ex LEE PLEASING THEM. American. reat ly Pleaded wltb the -w (ontnl (ifnertl. Vlctimit of Spain In Cnbn. traonlioary as this statement w.-s, the I New York Among the assc-ngers explanation attucbed then to w is even i on the teamer City c-f Washington. more. it said that Presiler.t Cleve- j wh'ch arrivid from Habana, were J. B. land was avers to signing the Morgan I Dclgad.i. nnd bis son, J. M. Delgat'o. rtsolotko becanse tbe Spanish minister liitii geiiil-men have m:iny indig had todl htm that to-do so wou'd make 1 nities at ihe nauds of Spanish officials in war with Spain inevitable, anil that he j Cuba, and are 1 n their way to Washing was averse to vitoing it lccaase th'il ton, where they will lay thtir grievances weak! xake htm uppcar to le slapping before the President and Secretary Oincy. toe overwhelming scuUmeut of the. coun- I Dr. IVIgado had an interview with In;;. Hurt or lleail-IIart Stenmslilp Line Ihe Nan. I'll n.AHKLriiiA June 15 John I. Llart, ot tin- Head-Hart Steamship l.ine who was held lorengiging in a filibuster ing expedition, and who was declare.! inr.ooe it, but weut to j dl iu order to briu suit for false imprionment, accep ted bail to-day Mr. Halt was on the steamer Bermuda. In striped and plain Jersey Cloth all sizes, that posi tively GANN0T be AT- ever in our House. SHOKH, our -loat 1 and never before liave ours. o -radci, ;i:e getting clieaper c: si en such stiinniii low with ns, prices us Sledgehammer Prices make peoples money r( a VnK ways PONDER OVHR THESH PRICES I. Iieiltlren'- slio.-s a t.i .'. i1 pair Indies' rlni- shoes a: .fa..".i tlit- pair. Sl'KI I A 1,-l.alios' ! 011 r spn-ia I lirie. Then we have Men' I .! ir . ill 1 !n-f v ( 1 1 ami 11 1 ail between ami up t. '1 c.,-nts IU'' line Ui ss shoes as low as k.-v-.. all lie Sample Shoes at absolute uliolesale cost. hijxlier later, buy while they are lower than Shoes may ever before. bo L. H. Cutler & Co's. Mattings before the Convill again threaten to 1 IJr. J)dg3cio had I Consul-fieoeral to leiving I revious Habana. The C ty ot Washington's passengers in conversation at cpjarantine, staled tha the newly-appointed Consul-General, Fitz' ugh L- e, is rapidly familiarizing hiir.siif noli the roetine duties of his other. The American residents in Habana are niueh pleased with the aggressive spirit shown by the Consul-General. There was a!o on board ihe City of Washington. Felix Ca hello, an officer in the Spanish service, said to tie ou un im port. itit crraul to tins country. Drnihii From KoDRtroke. L'snoN The Westminister Ca publishes a d:spntc'i from B0mb.1v, sjying it i.- rep irte-1 there th it the British warship Bona vi nture. while making a passage from (' doml-a, Ceylon, to Condicherry, the capital of the Freuch settlements in In lia. lost . eventy men by sunst- ke L. Koarulhnl, Drml. Halekih, June 15 L. ltosenthal, for 11 any yi srs a promiueut busioesis man of tin ; city, died here last night. try ia fkror of Cub t in the face It has been expected ever since this statement was made public that it would be repud iated by Ibe President and saddled upon some minor official who hel spuken withoat authority, bat as no repu lution baa brea made it is now accepted as cth ciaL although it Ls'humilatlog in the ex terne to do so. The St-oale tnb-committee bt gin its in vestigation, of tbe bond issues today. The first who as beard was Secretary Carlisle, who was rigidly cross questioned con cemiog some of tbe statements contained in his w;it'.eo answer to the ceinmutee, as ' well as alout things omitte.1 from that t Statement J. P. Morgan, the N. Y. baahtr who is credited with hiving pro- : filed Urgaly by all oJ the bond issus, wili also testify. j Il seems tbat Hon. Wo. P. Pierce, has j a valid right to claim to hive been the I tint MeKinley delegate to the lit-pubiicao Natiooal Convention, as he was on the I 10th of Ftb, 1S9$, elected a delegate from ' the third Georgia distiict as a MeKinley man, and it was also upon his motion j that tbe delegates from thai district ! wets instructed for MeKinley. Ex-Representative Byoum, of Ind., who ; has been making ndtninistration, gold 1 standard speeches in bis own and other state 8, dropped into Wasbirgion several days ao and remained long fnough to say that he bad found the strength of the silver rzovemcnt in Ind. to I e revolutiou ary, being indorses I by all classes and con ditions of men. He aoded that if th. Chicago convention adoptetl 11 16 to 1 silver platform, he diil nt believe any thing could prevent the State goiDg dem ocratic in Novemler. His talk received mote attention that it otherwise wou d beeanse it involved an acknowledgment of 1 so he mu-t ban personal deft at for bimselt. Mr. Bynum j ion, N. C. was once a silver man. and is known as a Cleveland convert to gold. Had either Senator Allisou or Speaker Reed considered that tbey had even a re mote chance to win in the St. Ixuis con vection, tbey would not have been iu such a big hurry to get away from Wash ington alter Congress adjourned. Speak er R ed will fcet the news of the Couviu- tion somewhere between Washington and hi-a home tuaards whirh lie is trulf'.inc i by easy stages, and Senator Allison uilljsiew York Bunker wjrin Amsi- get it af bis Iowa home, whither be has1, ted rr KrlnUir to C.lve Money, unit rlim-t. Ahhotirrh the Shaker's i New You k . J not 1 5. Banker Wyck- r - 1 MUSICAL FESTIVAL. Prospective Advance In Coal. New York. The aggressive strength ot the Anthracite Coal stocks recently is only attributed to sympathy with the rise iQ the general marked, and is explained as due more particularly to the extrn-rdi-nary change that has taken place in the conduct of the industry within the past few months Strange as it may seem to old tinier in Wuif street jved 1 be anthracite coal trade, restriction of the output lias bj n maintained and cutting of pricis averted all through the ordinary dull season ot the year, and as result the mining and carrying companies expect to enjoy decided prosperity the balance of the year. It is now believed that prices will be advanced 25 cents per ton all around, nt tidewater, before July 1 , and ruiiior. are current that tbe New York companies wiil initiate the advance. The cew July gros prices will be: (irate, $3. "5; stove, f-4.25, fn 1 egg and chestnut, $4 per ton. I It is now considered unlikely prices 1 for the West wil1 tie advanced in the im tte I mediate future. At th:s time a ear ago cuts w ere being made tiOiu the nominal circular prices on contracts, ranging from 50 cents to f 1.50 per ton, but now the deviation does uot exceed 10 cnts per ton. Some weak retail spots still exist, however. Opinions ditt'sr a- to the amount of increase iu production, the market will bear in July, but the- best authorities figure ou' about 3.5',1'J, jOl) as a minimum, which would b.- 500,000 tons over the curn nt out pui- Collections in the wholes ile coal tnde are repoited verv slow. To be Ulven at Morebcad City In July. Beat Talent For The Occasion. Hai.EIoh June 15 Professor Meares. of this city, is arranging for a three night State musical festival to fe held at More, lira I City iu July. The best talent in the State will participate in it. Their candidate Dubois, ou'y nceiving four votes. They will content tiou. however, am walk tuit. General Lew Wallace was mutle Secre tary of the committee, and seven w ere ap pointed to draw up platform. Teller, of Colorado, was the only sil ver man on sub committee. The Committee will work to a late hour to night in order to complete plat form. St. Loris, June 10. Convention Hall was not nearly lull today, and tbe usual enthusiasm had somewhat abated. Act journed to nnet at ten o'clock' tomorrow niorniiji; Tl. .idjournmunt tl Uses' mid Ladies' A XKW SHTLY OF Just Arrived. ALL FIRST GRADE GOODS. At 10 to 25 cts. per yard. Also another small lot of the i5c, India Linon, which will probably be the LAST. GJ Pollock :ir. Received k 0 The Big Dry Goods BAEPOOT'S, Bargain House. SECOND D00K FROM POST OFFICE. y y. y y 'y y ' fl y y y y y y X N N S V N X X A 'V A 'S Tr-Zu-CT-ES BEST LOWEST PKICE I We Have Too. Direct 'roni tlur weli known, .Mills a (Jar-Jot Hie DECLINES TO REPRIEVE nOelll .Iliac Hang- .Next l.umberlou. Frldaj at j Lai Kiou. N. C, June 15. Governor Carr declines to rerieve Frank McNeill, next Friday, at Lumber- Truck HitrkrlH )uotatioiiN Special. Philadelphia, June 1G The follow ing are the latest prices on truck, quoted by J. V. Hobsou V" Co.: Prime rose potatoes $2.50 to $2. To; viiedium and reds $2.00 to j?2.25; Beans bet U-r,T 5c. to 81.00 for half barrels. Where it Will ne Held .Special. j Kai.eiuh. N. C, June 10. The ! Academy of Music has been secured for 1 the Democratic State Convention, It has a seating capacity ot 1400. afternoon was made 0 that the Commit tees could complete their work which it is expee'ed tbey will do before Convention opens tomorrow. The Associated Press says tonight the platform contains nine planks for the financial plank, twelye di lie rent drafts being presented. Senator Lodge will lead the gold men and undoubtedly put out a straightout gold plank to be agreed upon by himself, Foraker. Hauna, Plait and (uay. It will be aecephd. It is not believed that Senator Quay's name will le placed in nomination, the only names to be presented being, Morton, Reed and P,att. An effort will bj made to nominate MeKinley before taking up the report of the Committee on Hi solutions, in order to force the silver men to support the candi elate the party nominates, without regard to platform. Quay, Piatt, Foraker and Manley strongly advise against this. St. Louis, June 10 Thomas C. Piatt said to-night that he had some favorable words from Governor Morton, relative to the Vice Presidency. The financial phmk in the platform will over shadow all others, and the protection plank will be the longest. The committee on credentials elected deh gate Fort, of New Jersey, chairman. The McKinhy men control the com mittee. A motion was made to send for papers of all contests. This was lost by a vote of Seventeen to twenty nine. The Deli ware and Texas contestants will be taken np tonight. rtlAN AND GIRL KILLED. ear Halkiuii. N. passenger train KalelKU Sunday, by Train on Southern Rallronit. C, June 15. The tirst u the new run between Norfolk ai J Chattanooga, over the South era Railway, yesterday afternoon, near this city, killed a man and litt e g'rl. SHOT BY A CRANK. friends knew that be was lieaten more than a month ago, they speak very bit terly of what they call "Mauley's treach ery" to bun at SL LouLs. Numerous attempts were made to utt Mr. Reed lo e.i press bis opinion of Mr. Man ey's ac 1 100, but all of tbcm tiltd. Thi re is little doubt, however, ch to what h tbiuks of Manley. In lac, u is sai 1, thai he changed Ianly with tr.-aclnry some weks ago. was-shot t Iks afternoon by a crank to whom he refused to give money. !r. Wyiks 1- resting easy with but little li pes ol Iks recovery. $2 0,0 0 0 DAMAGES. Cra pa la Wake Caaaly Rained by hall alarm aa Maartay. Raleigh, June 1 The greatest hail storm ever e.n in this section, has utter ly mined all the crops near Wake Forest College. ' Its area was two by six miles, the dam age done being estimated at twenty thous aaJ dollars. The Madagascar Annexation . London The parliamentary Secreta ry for the Foreigu Office, Mr. George N. Curzon, replying in the House of Com mons to the inquiry of Sir Charles Dilke, Bart, member lor the Forest of D.-an division of Gloucestershire, re'ative t the views entertained by Great Britain and; the- United States concerning the annexa- : tion of the Is'and ot Madagascar to ' France, said that the question was still : under consideration, adding that it was 1 oue of the greatest importance, and (ould j not 1-e hurriedly decided. " i Louisiana Democrats .Nilverites. Baton Rouok. La.--The Deraoeiatic j Stato Convention was called by Chairman ! Kruttschnitt, of the Stat- Central Com mittee. Judge S. T. Baird, of Moro house. a strong f'ee silver man, was calied to the chair as temporary chairman. , Ue made a vigorous speech of acceptance, ' favor ible to free silver. The indications now point to almost a solid silver delegation to Chicago. Justice McEnergy, Senator Blauchard, Representative RobertsoD. and ex-Mayor Fitpalrick. all tree silver men, will be delegates-nt-large. FOR HATCHING, FROM THOR OUGHBRED POULTRY. RIVERSIDE POULTRY FARM Driers to the Farmers of Craven and adjoining counties Eggs from their yards of Thoroughbred poultry at greatly n-duc -d prices for the next 00 ilavs. Addrss. 1UVEKSIDE POULTRY FARM, ap8 3m Box 20, New Berne, N. C. Heavy Failure at Koanoke. Uo.inoKK, -. The Roanoke Trust, Iian. and ite Dep sit Com auy 1ms as signed to L. II. Cocke, tru-t.e, assets, '54';..'.'.i4 45; liabilities. $42.09 5. T5. The company is oneot the oldest bank ing institution of this city, and its officers tand high as l)ii-;uc?vs meu and citiz-jns. Extensive loans ou real estate, and mabil it to realiz on these investments is the tause of the suspension. Ulher financial institutions here have not been i ffected, the officers of the var-1 . - ions banks announcing at the close of; Iieturus to the Fisheries Department of business this afternoon that the deposits the spring catch of seals by Canadian in each were in excess of withdrawals, 1 vessels taken oil tbe British Columbia and it is believed tint depositors wiil te and Washington coasts show a decrease of paid in full. r-early 1,000 skins. SALE OF P. G. Distributors. There w ill be sold at Public Auction, to the highest bidder on Sat., July 11th, 1896, at the wbart if the E. C. D. & O. 1. Line. 33 mi :::::.:''.'::':, which were shipped at Norfolk over the Norfolk and Southern R. R. by the N. Y. P. cc N. R R. on May 2, lsfj-4, consigned to "C. G. F.' care Capt. W. C. Parker. Nc-wliern, N. C. The machines were manufactured by the "Keystone Earm and Machine Works ' ot York Pa., and arc known in the cata logue as the Dixie Paris Green Fertilizer Distributor. GEO. HENDERSON, Agt. New Berne, N. C, June 9, 189G. While wc are talking ocason able sooils we want to mention our HAMMOCKS. Select line of them with and without Valance, Prices: 85c. to $3.00. Water Coolers and Ice Cream Freezers at close figures. There's no Freezer afloat that can eclipse the White Hountain ! WE HAVE IT. acta & ffi BEST ON EARTH, & COLD MEDAL FLOUR I also have the lar:resl;l aiidUest tulecteii stock of Plug TDtiaccD In town ; bought elieaj) and will be sold at fit Rock Bottom l'ric"-;. stock is complete; my prices as tile, lowest. are sis low TO MY COUNTRY FRIENDS My StaDles are tree, iiiid your harness anil team taken care ot while you fire in the city. Von will do well to see me before buying elsewhere. Thanking my many friends for their past favors and trnstini,' to receive your future patronage 1 am Very Respectfully, J. R. Parker, 7T BROAD STREET. While people all over the country are agitating the money ques tion some sound money (meaning gold), others free coinap of silver not knowing which they waut we are now, as always, pro pard and willing to sell the best car load of each, Horses & Mules Adapted to all Purposes, That have ever been put on the New Heine Market lor cash, either GOLD, SILVKU, QRKKNBACKS, OR N I0(i( TI AP.LK PAPER. Magistrates, TAKENOTICE I The uext Term of the Circuit Criminal Court for Craven Couuty will be held on the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER NEXT. A full anil. C!)niilt'!e always on hand. line Hussies Wagons and Harness M. Hahn & Co., No's 118, 120 & 122 Middle Street. ALWAYS o IN o THE o LEAD ! Persous bound over must that Term ottlrs Court. be sent to ett i Crvii. Actions, upon appeal, must be sent to-the next Term of the SUPERIOR Court, wbich will be held ou the First Monday in December Next. j.5dwTmJ W. M. WATSON, Clerk. REMOVAL 47 & 49 ZEPollocik: St. Dk. Lkixstkh Duffy has removed his office from ibo ol street to the Brick Buil ' ' i ng epp'i-: ' r Mrs Kali r"s bakery on Middle S'ro t. Tin- building will be used b-uh an a residence. dw Tobacco Flues ! Car Load of Extra Nice and 2v"CTX JUST ARRIVED hi' sold low cither lor cash or on time with opportunity now to supply mi rself wit h h 30,000 pounds best SHEET IRON in !n- mi d on the wav. All in want of Flues wi i b wo'l to pi n-o early, so that they will be sure to get them in time. Tin ami Sheet Metal Work of every description proinptly ii. 000 pounds 'In i orders done. No. 23 Craven Street, - - NEV BERNE, N. C. (Eeferred to or. O. -WHITTY. ) X"Hought low and will negotiable paper. A tine good reliable horse at small cost. It is also generally known that I keep the best and largest stock of Carriages, Surreys, Buggies, Road Carts, Farm Wagons, Farm Carts, Harness, Robes, Whips, &c, of any deal er in Eastern North Carolina, all of which aro ! bought right and will be sold on a very closo ! margin. Last bul not BICYCLES tst, I Keep a general line of 0 F 1)1 F E R F N T M A K ES & (. R A I) ES, Under Gaston House, sou lb. bionl Street, Nw Kerne, N. C. K'UL.L. J . j t iN 111 ! General Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, IGALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Plaster and. Cement. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. EpPersonal attention to the prompt and correct filling ol all and can easily sud you in price as well as si le. In my Show Room you will find: The Steam's, : Swell Newport, : Eagle, Halliday, : Diana, : Vistula, others, for both Gentlemen and Ladies. portion of these wheels was job lot, new, but it low of them a little shop worn, bought, way down low, and will be o lie ml to you at prices that will astonish you. orders. mg'ni w,dow Call and see me on Broad St., New Berne, N. C. J. W. Stewart.

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