1 - - Mitut l0tlfltEL tt if 11 VOL. XIX. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JUNE 25, 1896. NO. 16. "7 r;r " lc t ; .t. ,i v to THE STATE CONTENTION. - - ILL EYES TOWARD RALEIGH' THIS WEEK. 1M ! ! Hem. ld Hfi Xak rUchU I'altMl rrjr ' Kmwry. rnltaawlllta. FaJatatav. JoriLNAL BPRKAT, ; RALKiait. N. C. Jun-t 20, 1896 The 1 .HKi 4ePu.n.iu '.u ''SJtobcan.l realty wasa craz ; , TOIl IRC DOOKS, no UVI ui'nwi'iMH: , . - j Coomitioa la the next thies?. 11 wiil he '' ' ' 5 kcld la the Acvlemy rf SJuaic wbk-Ji has f. " , 'l ' ; erj double the eUng capacitf- of . V - ... Matropoliun I iXL -Jt b aal,! special ef- ," ..r 1 A - (' forta are tq lo made keep the p lare eooL Tbey" will air be neetted, uo donU. . - Od Conwtloo or, two Cmntions - Ctuunben Suaith; Jarris, James C. McRac aad other lerar ttgh9 amoog the rxtremc ailrer wins ol the IMnocrat have presel a v a . IT.. 1. 1 TKw or. Atttl J pressing it, altboeh it appeared that two weeks ago tbej saw tbey would be over ran in a roalest fur two coo rent iocs. The tctt latest rrason they eive is Cievemtxis letter wbkb they claim makes it even yet j doubtful whether the. National Cooven-1 tioo wilt declare fur gold. ' Bat enui the gokl man are frank to go fur tha white metal. Tbcy concede w . - I . .1 . mat. ininisxaie iuey iuhkb nui uic hallow of a fl.ibt against what they beliere t the iaeritable. IJjcre are some far two ex; retue Dcm ocrat who are making Tne silrer and not party loyalty the real tost of Democ racy. No matter how old and how loyal a Democrat may be they hint or perhaps openly say he is not a t rue Dem ocrat onltm be ia fur free silver. Now, i this ia all wrong. A gentlemen who is ranked as an extreme free silver Democrat. aays aocb kWs ate all wrong and : (hat auch rwolutioos as those adopte-1 by , th Wake county Democratic Convention j are wrong. To tell the truth there are not many ef-! fort being made to get all the Democrats i nikitcd. The prime consideration is to get them all in line, certainly on Stjte matters, to proscribe none and to have no . heart-turnings or enmities. There are two Tactions of the demo crat and there is where another big contest llea-haltcooctakd. One f for fusion with the popohets, and is ready to make inaay cooctasions. The other is lor a rtraigbt ticket, with no truckling and no combination. oe thin" ora kni that is that party tie rest very lightly on but a few dem ocrat. If such a thing happens ns the nomination of Teller for president by the party it U asserted that 20,000 ilemocratic Toters woo Id be lost in the State; that is Jiationallj. There are some who actually Tor Teller, bot the average silver dem ent perhaps favors Bland or Bryan. Democratic State chairman 1'ou is making earnest eiT rt to jet the cent a mite rate on the railways to the conven tion next Thuradty. It he succeeds there will be an immense attendance 1 oar correspondent wrote to Senator ; Marion Butler and lo Judge Ru-sel!. j regarding the rumorj that there was t ; . I be a wap of lie publicans for populists so ; Ikr a governor and electors are concerned. : Senator Butler replied: I-ha-e ba.1 do j conference with judge Russell and I am j not advised as to hi plana, Ac. Judge j Boasells reply was a follows: "Yours! redred. I am not talking. Besides I: am eettirg too much fun out of you ; newspaper fellows to think of aasauging ; yoor cariosity. to on with your picnic The odds are heavy that Julian S. Crr will be the democratic nominee for gov trnor. There is aaquestionabl v a move ment against him. IU strength one onnot esiiraate, but one of its arguments is that he did not aUend the conference of silver men here earlj this month. This is jmost assuredly j !.v indignant, because, they say. the Stcre nsthing to his discredit He is an avowed i ry tok o;casion in his letter of refusal 'friend of alrer. He will certainly get a ; to sUl" that as the ships draws 20.7 feet bis Tote. Some Republicans have said of water it would be very dangerous for they would cast their ballots for him. By the way Loge Harris was oue of those who so said. The Populists are just now divided into 1 three factions. Fust those who favor a . straight ticket Second those who favor I - -.i .u t it- . , , tuwon with the Kepubncana. Third those j who lavor lusion wim wuicn ever party makes the best oiler. I The Repoblicans are pulling together. Ileie is an example. Thomas R. Purnell, a well known member of that party here tells me that he does not lwlieve the Re poblicans will lose 100 votes by auy "silver bolt io this State." Democrats need not lay any stress on talk ot a split in their party or of a bolt of any large part of the vote. Tbe Populists will be disappointed if the Democrats nominate a silver ticket squarely on silver platform at Chicago. The Fopulists regard ibis as an intrusiou and it is because they want to capture all tbe elements that they are raising a home that the Democratic fondness for silver is a delusion aud a mare. This cily needs a large auditorium, oce story in height, for the us? of State con Tentions, Ac. It is due the people of the State that one should be built It is very Ycry strange that business men here, not to speak ol politicians, never thought of such a structure. All ot them kcow it is needed. Raleigh will be quite largely represent 6t at Richmond, at tbe Davis mooament ceremonies. It is only a matter ot 5 boar journey. The fight between the Southern and the S&aboard Air Line railway was never better than it now' is. Tbe Seaboard s cut of the Saturday excursion rate to Nor- . folk i m I retum of 'Z from Raie'gU is a i record brvaker. But the Southern is sei ' ting in fur that Norfolk business with its new and fust line from Chattanooga. The incrensc in the acreage of eotron in ; this S:a!c i: now fixed by the agricultural department as being 15 per cent greater. : than last jear. It una eur'ier in tin.- sea son estimated at froiu 20 to 30 per tent. i The imrneuse increase in trie sales if cora- ! mercial lertilizer this season was the chief cause f the Urge est invite. But uow it is said a. 00.1 dei of the f. rtibz-r was uscit on tobacco ami truck in both of which there was a large increase in acre- ' ' agj. It was aio icaro I that what secmeo lor p:ant;ng . I iiima r-iltiin mi.vlit rpiltlce 11. hjTpiip in com. Happily tins il-es rot appear to i bo tni' f'r the com acreage is i9 per; cent of an average. Tbe fruit crtp U a failure. Apples are ', only -to jier cent f aa average crop ami i i t n .1 i. - I i . . I- i . . 1 : - t pcac.ici ou, au. lBO qua,u o. u.u.. ?jarlcrJ-0T5lc, J-ct is that rudj (JUi,; nCu UMj;,,. naj nave a crop nicy mini seTtrii nines in me year spray their trees with the "Bonle-iux mixture" of blucstone. It is re.i!!v the 1 on.v satt-miarrt It is cheap atbl i tl)c.i:iu. ; YIELD ED TO ENTREATY. a inr wmion Doiur Fromur i i llmm. St. Lours. June 22 It i.s s ated thai Mark Ilanrta could have hail a straddle in the financial plank Opou which ho insist-1 ed, but tina'ly yielded io the gold plank on a guaruntce of four million dollars for th-j campaign fund, to conic from the E istern StaUs. Jealona HnibitnU Nnoot Ilia Wire. Wichita. Kans.--Ih a tit of insane jralousy, (). K. Hart, a prominent youn man here, shot nud killetl his wife, then turned the weapon upon himself and sent a bullet through his brain. The tragedy was witnessed by two men across the treet, but so quickly was it accomplished that they were unable to interfere. S pa I n Will Oamrr ua. Madrid The LiLr.1- -v-., JacciJ in 'oate a mo ion censuring the United States for thtir attitude regarding cuba. Th rfr Were Drowned. Zanksvii.lk, (Jliio. A sad drowning accident occured at 3 o'clock on the Muskingum River four miles below this city. (irant Harvey, aged twenty-one.- A. O. Williams, aged iwenly-oue, an I Lulu Erans, aged sixteen, were out in a skiff in the middle of the river when the boat began to till wi-h water. Yonng Williams prang into the water, anil with his hands on the lxat, was swimming for shore, when within thirty feet of the !ure the three occupants of the Imat became panic atricken and jumped iuto the water. In their struggle, the two young ladies seized Ilavey and pulled him down with them, the three smking immediately . J . iif i 1 1 : . i. l . i i uuhx Mittimus was pic&eu up oy an- other skill in an exhausted condition. lla Again Rraanil Battel . City oi Mexico. There was 're.it demonstration here in hoinir a i of Prr9lJt lraz wh lS twn re nom;nat. ed for a tcnn ti,- , , .- . l tierc was a procession ot about ;v000 inc!uJins 4000 lHirc.bi(XMlod Iu Jaus ,rQm uels?Lbori , vi ca baQncrs anJ Tl,s Mlj werc riD,,iu? h jav and there was a ereu display of fireworks. J Forty volumes with more than half a tures, favoring the re-nom-1 lnatioo ot President Dial were presented. I it,, had nracticallv no omoit;on ! . Beaented by Xortli Carollnlnni. Norfolk, Va. North Carolinians arc feeling resentful toward the Scretaiy of the Navy because of his refusal to scud tlie cruiser Raleigh to Wilmington to re- ceive the magnifier ut silver service pur- Phased by popular subscription as a gift ; from the State to her naval namesake. T,,c Icop!e of Wilmington are jxirticular-1 her to cross the bar at Southport. The statement the Wiluiingtonians de clare to calculated to injure the commerce of the Trt. The Pilots' Association lias made soundings since Mr. Herbert's letter j showing the depy to be amply sufficient i for tbe. f'0 f',hc cnlise(r- " n0,w improbable that the com mi tee will go to sr0rt-oik tl) presei3t the service, and until ' the cruiser comes to North Carolina waters, it is prot-aii.e that the gin. ot the . hl capuu. Anolher Filibuster K pel II Ion . Nkw Yokk. The Recorder says that Dr. J. D. Castillo, a niemb-T of the Cu- ; ban -uuta, is in Baltimore tilting out an expedition which he will lead to Cuba , It is said that In- has bought a steamer : which will take one of the largest expe ditions ever ae.it to Cuba. The cargo! will consist of 2.oOO rill s, 1,000.000 rounds of ammunition, 2,000 machetes, three tons ot dynamite and seven Hotch kiss guus. Th.s exp.-dition is going to . Msec i's camp . An Art of Jol Bk ri.in. Tie St. IVter-inirg corres pondent of the Frank lort Z.-itung tele graphs that the czar has ordered that the inquiry into the causes that led to the terr.ble disaster on the Jlodnyski Plaiu during the coronation letei at Moscow, when upward of 2."0o people were crushed or trampled to death, being drop ped 'At the reason that a nuaiber of exalt ed personages have been shown to have been imp'icated. The disaster will there fore be asrrilicd to an act of God. tUlTo, Peru. June 22. The revolt ; continues to spread, and if it is not soon put down will 1 over the whole country. SEES NO CHANCE. ADMINISTRATION CANNOT CONTROL CONVENION. Nuuthern Ir morrnlN of -w York lo l'f Their Iiillarnrr. l'rooirtrnt lev-likul Wrilrn I'rninnal l.rllrrN. W.ijini.N:TiN, D. (', June 22. To lnn t h.' influence, i-f Soutliern Demo crats resi'lin in New Y.uk. in lear upon tlic d c legates to Chicago froni the South, is now s:id to t? ilie plmi of ,ik o the Aihninistratioii. lkl'ore Iciviii'' thi.- cit v V lcl"d;iv, l'resident Cleveland wrote persona! letters to a nuinl-er of prominent business men of New YorK. if Southern birth and antecedents, urging that their political influence wilh (Southern delegates should eiloc-Uvely employed iu thi pailj - crisis. T)0 Admini8tratjou n llope The Administration sees no hope of! coutrolling the Chicago (.'on vention . except ! y cor, verting a goo 1 block of Southern delegate to it side. Thirty Thounnnd Killed. Washington-, June 22 The otlicial reports to the State IVpartment say that : I tliirfr lti,,M.-m.l i,av.,'o ii-.,m Li'11.1 1.,- .l.l l'l in uiu ir-'.n; iviC n .ULU ! llie j earthquakes atnl tid d wave th it took i place in Japan. Mnrtlerrr KHcupes. St. Loins, Mo., June 22 Noble Shcp ard who was awaiting execution in prison, here, for the murder of his sweetheart, escaped from i ail by jraling twenty feet i tiirougti a sewer. Sliver W r II OrKanlxliiif. Chicao i, June 22. The Western sil ver men are organizing a movement for a work among the laboring people in the East. v They wwl agitate the silver cause through the labor union. A silver Emblem. . hides now in ue in our town. All ages, Washington, D. C, June 22 An i ex"s i,ml co,ors lilk' tllcm emblem for the jilvcrites has Uen copy- 1" our section, the tobacco crops are nMii,i Tt u "in tt.fl r.inn nfn ,l .iv oiv ! unusually fine. Many farmers have al- j toen silver leaves, marked. It',, with a gold center, marked 1- YonBK Woman llnnfr II o rue II. Atlanta, (ia..- -Special from Logans port, G.1.. to h C ii -1 : : lit ion, says Miss Laura Iliggins, twenty-two years old. committed suicide by hanging there. No cause assigned for the deed. HORRIBLE DOUBLE MURDER. Two I.alls nwelllnir Alone KlIloU by Jleirro. New (Jki.kans. News wa received here in a special to the Diily SUtes. dat ed LUyou (f'Hiln, La., ot a horrib'e double murder at that tillage. Mrs. Melesphore Landry, a highly rspctel old lady, ami her adopted daughter. Miss Madeline Hu bert, were the victims. They lived ia a small house about a mile from tlie station - I tilfrn increasing in t.tfj pi. Cairo The oilioial cholera statist snow mat mete were repone i i"uji"-j ' 1 .1. I out hgypt 14'J new cases an t 114 ueatns The disease is decreasing in the provin CO. lobar! to Vlalt Mr k I n 1 r y . Cantos. Ohio, June 2'?. Garrett A. Hobirt, the Vic-President Republican nominee, has agreed to call upon Wil liam McKinley next Saturday. There will 1 civic demonstrations to his honor here. K.-Hrreiry Briatow ieii. ! ! New Youk -Benjamin II. Bristow, ; Svi'rnfnru iil lh. TnvKiirv (liiritu Pi-Aii- ! dent Grant's second term, died at his home, in this- city, of peritonitis. Mr. Bristow was taken ill only last Saturday. 4ioll Men In Control. Mii.wai'kke, Wis.. The go!d men aDd friends of the Clcvelan I Adtninislra- tiou ftpP8iU- toJiavc ca.)turcl the Wis- cousin Democracy, and at the convention of the party, which will assemble at the B jui Theatre the go!d men will liable to ruii'lhings their own way. The silver forces of the State are not organized, and the victories won by them in the prelimi nary skirmishes abut ten days ago aUr- med the gold men, and only tended to fpUr them on to more vigorous efforts. Every sound money man in the State was 1 , . , callc1 uPn to make a specia. ertjrt to se:ure the election ot gokl delegates, an the ! the result was that resu.t was that in some way counties which were thought to be bimet- , allie the gold men were successful. Tliere j will be GV.) delegates in the convention, or 1 oue for every 50O votes cast for Cleveland j in 192. A careful estimate prepare ! shows thnt there will be, so far as heard from, 104 gold men. 87 silver men and 02 doubtful. Collapae of n IIuIIIIiik. San Francisco.' While workmen were engaged in putting in a new founda tion at the Brayton lodging-house,a three storv frame structure on the corner o Mint avenue and Fifth trcet, at ;!.10 the building collapsed. It became a com plete wreck and took lire, driving would beTscwcrs from their work. The lower tlor of the structure was utilized as a restuarant, and about 2a or 30 persons are said to have been in it at the time. A number of people were up stairs when the disaster occurred. Aeroaa the Oeenn In ft Twenty-footer. Nkw York -Frank Chartsen, for- merly a sailor iu the employ of John; Jacob Astor, sailed from the Battery the chapel being crowded. The Jour- meniDers 01 wuicu weau cu iu u bain in a twenty-foot cedar boat for '. s a l representative was the recipient olvember, 1894, which would elect the I Llverpoel. His brother, also a seafaring man, accoinpauiod him. The men expect 1 to get to Liverpool in their little craft in I sixty days. ' NO CHANGE OF POLICY. Htnl I'itrlin'ii t Sooklnt K-l r-SN lor A moricaiis in 4'iilm. Kainy Season Set In. I''Cirtl. Was ii i NOTuN, I). C. June 22 -It is nipri'hdble thut tliere will lie any imme diate c hange in the policy of the State De ; pii'lment towards a general subject of relations with Spain, particularly as tlie prevalence of the rainy season in Cuba is restricting military operations. The S'ate Departnv.'tit is giving its uttcntion to the redre-s of American citi zens, and to this end is pu-hirg a vigorous correspondence. Minister Taylor is in Madrid. A day or two must elapse befon: the report of Consul General Lie which is ( said to have been rwarded last Saturday can ri'acrf Washington KINSTON NEWS THIS IS NOT A BOOM TOWN. I iiipri) vi'imai In iJoln on. Dlvlllrntt by Knlttlngr Mills o nlcjeli l for all. Tolmcro Crop l ine. In crciwed Af ronsf. Sji, eia; L'oi i eion.len'C. Kinston, N. C., June 19. Kmston hates the wot'.l boom We u't want uo boom here We go straight ng. improving, building, and increas- ing our facilities t a recent meeting ol the director of the Orion Kuitting Milis, it was shown that tlie plant was iu a healthy condition, A dividend was declared. The Secretury and manager, Mr. Fred. Taylor, has ex hibited peculiar qualitieations lor his po sition; and received the hearty commen dation of the directors. We are not rushing thirjgs as to bicy cles, but we feel the influence which is now pervading the world in this matter There are about one huudred of these ve- rea1-v PPed manJT "f tile plants Many le curing in til teen davs. Tlu acre i age iu this product, this year, is lar : greater than ever before. Warehouses ; and prize houses have been built to han- i die aud sen :ne prospective crop. liusiness at our post onice ins lncreas i ed rapidly in the last few years. The ' money order clerk told mc.tliis morning, that his sale of mouey orders now aver aged $2000. a month, i Only two or three persons went to the Teachers Assembly at Asheville. One oi' J these came back, Thursday. lie said it I rained all the time he was there, and that i the hotels and boarding houses that had ! promised board at $1.00 per day bad j raise the price to if 1.50. Morcheid City is the natural home of j this body. Let us hope that it will not I wander any more. Ahachel,. Ilnrrily Foarn no Iloll. Piiii.AUEi.PHiA. National Chairman flarrity was asked if he anticipated any such bolt at the Democratic convention as took place iu St. L m s. In answer he said: i "None ofauy cons qaencj. Should the gold standard men be in the majority Till man, ol South Carolina, and the Colora do delegates might walk out. If the sil ver men should be in control, probably a few go'el men-would withdraw, but I do not anticipate a bolt like that at St. Louis ' The Chicago convention will !e attend- ! i 1 i. T) ,1..., e" ;' mwy -democrats nom ieuuyiVa- nia. Delegates and their friends will leave here in a special train made up of live Pullman sleeping coaches, and at va rious cities additional cars will be at tached. A special train will also depart from Pittsburg to the convention city. The headquarters of the Pennsylvania delegation will be at the Palmer House. American Wheelmen Win. Syacisk, N. Y. A cablegram from Paris gives the news that the iuternatioual team race at Bordeaux was won by the American team, composed of Kiser. Winder and Murphy. Trenton High School. The Commencement exercises of the Trenton High School were held Wednes day. Thursday aud Friday evenings of last week. A program consisting of t-hirty-seven selections was rendered Wed nesday evening before a large audience. Thursday evening an interesting farce, "Don't Marry a Drunkard to Reiorm him, was given in five scenes. This com edy was enjoyed, perhaps, more than any other part of the program for that even ing. Several other pieces were recited, and a number of songs sung by the pupils. Dr. Sinford, of Cove, opened the ex ercises Friday morning with prayer. A paper was read by Mr. Thos. Brogden, "That there should be more restrictive immigration laws." Messrs. Frank Hatn- fj mon and Jack Dixion read very interest ing papers on the subject, "Resolved, that crime increases with civilization. At U o'clock, Mr'. P. M. Pearsall in- troduced the speaker, Dr. John C. Kdgo, ot Trinity College, who immediately came forward. His speech was thorough : lv enjoyed, aud lie had the be.t attention : of the audience. Dr. Kilgo made a favor- able impression, delighting the people, who do not hesitate to say, that Dr. Jobn ! C. Kil-'O is the right man at the head ' of Trinity College. , All the exercises were well attended, 1 many kindnesses and trusts that the people j of Trenton will take new enthusiasm from all that has been said and done during the Commencement. WASHINGTON NEWS. GOLD RESERVE BELOW HUN DRED MILLION MARK. Itmcy KetiiK Wllhclrnwn om l'rlvntc Account. Forrlin J1I NhipiiK'iitN froUtnblo. Looking for An oilier IIoikI lsnr. Washington. D. (.'.. June 23 -The Treasury officials expect the gold reserve to go below the hundred million dollar mark, this week. tiohl is being withdrawn to satisfy : private account.-: it is beinir; shipped be ; fa use it is profitable. A Treasury olfuial says only Campaign or some foreign complication can deter mine how soon another bond issue will be ue;essary. 1 There is apparently no reason for the : disquieting reports of the last twenty , four hours, concerning foreign affairs than the news of dullness which follows the ! adjournment of Congress. Secretary Oln-y has gone to Boston on a visit, President Cleveland is away lish- Consul-Genera! Lee has sent the State Department a special messenger with im portant Cuban communication. Nothinj' new litis occurred on the Vene- ! zuelcan question. Senator Teller's boom for the Prcsi- ! cientiai nomination ol tlie silvei men is i the most talked of political topic just now. Before Senator Teller formally withdrew j from the Republican party, at the St. Louis convention, his boom was only a strong probability. To-day it is a for midable force, being pushed by men of political experience. While there has leen no formal endorsement of Teller's candidacy by the populists, influential members of that party have told silver democrats that Teller is the only man mentioned in connection with the Chi cago nomination whose nomination would certainly be endorsed by the pop ulists' National Convention, and the same assertions are being made by the managers of the silver party, which is to hold a National Convention at St. Louis upon the same date that the Populists' Convention meets July 22nd. It is too early in the game to say what the Teller boom will amount to, but it is ! not believed in Washington that he can get nominated by the Chicago couven- tion, even if that convention decides to nominate a silver man. In view of the latest figures, accepted by both gold and silver democrats, which give the silver men almost two thirds of that conven tion, it may fcoooi strange to speak of a doubt existing as to the nomination of a silver man, but you cannot spend an hour talking with unprejudiced men who are carefully noting every move made on the political board without becoming con vinced that there is a doubt. The reasons are numerous. The silver democrats, while practically unanimous on the question of a platform, are much divided on candidatesf That this state of affairs will be worked for all it is worth by such anti-silver democrats as Ex-Secretary Whitney aud Senators Gorman, Brice aad Hill, who are now busy making plans to head off the silver men of their party, is certain. There is little doubt that it all tlie silver men would support one ticket, McKinley and Hobart would be given a bad flight if they were Dot actually de featetl, but i is extremely doubtful some do not hesitate to say, impossible whether any single ticket will be put in the field which will "be supported by all the silver meu. At least, that is the way it looks now. In add Lion to the organized efforts now being made to influence the Chicago con vention, steps are also being taken by them to try to make the House anti-silver, however the Presidential election may go. It is said that a large fund will b; con tributed to be used in fighting silver candidates for Congress, no matter what j their party politics may be, in every dis- trict in which tliere is the slightest chance to elect a gold man. j The Republicans may get up lots of: enthusiism later on for McKinley and j Hobart, but there has been mighty little ! so far. They explained this by saying that it is bicaue the nomination of McKinley was known so far m a Ivauec of the convention. Whatever the cause, may be, it is certiin that the enthusiasm is lacking. Republicans from thu West and North-) west say that the silver bolt is a much more erious niatttr than the party at laige is disposed to regard it. They argue it will require the defection of only a small percentage of voters to make every st ite west of the Mississippi river anti-Republican, aud that it isn't only the electoral 1 vote of the silver States proper which are 1 ! in danger. i , . . . r ., , - ; The man who misinforms the people is ' ..,i,;. 0,ff- ,,! ... , . t . , . ... , . : newspapers. 111s miesi mtuuiuiui - uiean. 1 , . ., . . . c ! was the statement that in the event of; ,. . . ... 1 ncuiier rresiuentiai canuiuaus geiuug majority ot the electoral votes, next No vember, and the election of President being thrown into the House of Repre- sentatives, it would be tue memoers 01 tne House who are e'.ejted at the same time that Preoidential electors are voted for who would elect the President. The facts are so plain tnat 11 ts aimcuu 10 see Uow such an error could have been made. The men who will be elected to the House next November do not actually assume j lheir places as such until the 4th of next I March, the same day the new Resident ; is inaugurated. It is the present House, the , rresiucnt suouiu meie uu eiauuu uy the electoral college, la voting tor Presi dent the House votes by States, the ma jority of each delegation deciding how 'that State shall vo'.e - :t Stale only has , one vote, and not as individuals. Divided on patty lines, the Repuhiiean would : have a tlecidvd ui j ritv o( the Staler, but tlliviilcl on -iivAr mill ii(, 11 tli.. i...l.-.iM I wouid ie a littie ilou'ithd. , , . .... SHEEPSHEAD SUBURBAN. i i The it ( Snbiirktiii Iliindlcap Rnrr : l Won by Henry il Vnmrrc ty 1 special. j NiiW I oh k . June 2:i--At Sheopsliead ! Bay, the great Su'iurhan llantlicap race was run to-day. The wca'her w;L )er. feet. At the first start. Helm ir was irst, Clifford, second. Sir Walter, third, Ilorn- : pipe, fourth. At the mile, Cominorier wa tir-t, lead ing lleniy of Navarre, by u i eck, Clif- ! ford and Qornpipc, together. : Un the last stri-ch. Navarre was lirst. j ClitTord, second. Hornpipe, third, l.nii- ! moner, fourth. Navarre winning by a j length over Clitfbid, third. j Time 2.(i.j. Ail liuished driving I hard. Tclcgrraphir I loins. : ! Sir Augustus Harris, the well known! theatrical ami operatic manager is dead. j The Seashols Dry (Joods Company ' made an assignment to the Louisville j Trust Company. Assets, 8115.0011; lia - bilities, 178,000 The stockholders of the American leiepiione ana telegraph Company have ! olou lo "e capua. siock oi me company to ?-u,wu, uuu. O. E. Hart, a prominent farmer of Wichita, Kan., shot and killed his wile, Ida, then ended his own life iu the same way. Jealousy prompted the act. "Denver Ed." Smith looms up as the unknown whom C. II. Hildebrandt of Johinnesberg, South Africa, will back against Fitzsimmons for the championship of the world. City Marshal Scott Reese, of North Baltimore, Ohio, was killed instantly while attempting to arrest three robbers whom he caught in the act ot endeavor ing to effect an entrance into the village postoliice. J. Seskiuil, of Chigago, and Edward Brown, of Jonesville, Wis , both cattle men, were killed .and and three men in jured in a 'ear end collision ou the CYn tral Vermont R ulroad near Montpelieo j Vermont. ilie Jtiig samiy tow boat, LMekeye Boy, was totally destroyed by tire at South Point, Ohio. The tire was caused j by the explosion of a lantern. The Loat was worth 812,000, and was insured lor halt that sum. A duel was fought at.Ivummersdof, near Berlin, between Lieutenant Buch of the Ninth Regiment, and Lieutenant Lueh ring, of the Sixth regiment, Jthe weapons used being pistols, and Lieutenant Euch ring was shot and almost instantly killed. Hannibal Vernon wa shot aud killed by William Vernon, his cousin, at Cramer's Chapel, twelve miles from Bow ling Green, Ky., while waiting fur ser vices to begin The tragedy was the result of a feud of several years standing. "Dynamite Dick,'' alias Dm Wiley, the last member of the notorious Doolin and Dalton gangs lo bo captured, was lodged iu the Federal jail tit Guthrie, O T. He has been constantly chased by officers for several years, a reward ot $3,000 banging over his head. Henry II. Rittcnhouse, aged fi'ty eight years, of Reading, Pa., blew the top of his head oil with a shot gun. He had leceutly applied for an increase in his pension. This was refused by the department at Washington, and llittc-uhouse became very despondent. Compressed air motors wiil be tested on street cars in Chicago for the lirst time on July 1. The new motive power for street passenger transportation may tind a per manent abode in this city if the lest is successful. The test will be made on the lines of the General Railway Company. City Councilman Alfred T. Harden' who has been on trial in Court at Memplrs, Tenn the Criminal for the past week on the charge of bribery in couuee- tion with the plans for a new market! house, was found guilty and sentenced to eleven months and twenty -nine days in the work- house and to pay a tine of 10. Eighty l-ailroad workmen of Chicago ! have made affidavits aud turned evidence 1 in their possession into the hands of , attorneys, and in xt Monday suits! aggregating hundreds of thousands of: dollars from damages will be tiled in the j Circuit and Superior Courts of Chicago ngu'mst almost every railroad corporation hash g terminals or otli -cs in Chicago. """" Belmont Will Attend. Paris. A representative of the . 1 ted press questioned the Hon. Perry I'ni-Bel- mont regarding a statema he in- tended to bring Ins European ti ur to u " , close aud return to the f ni.ed Stabs Mr. Belmont confirmed the report, and added that he intended to sail for New Y'oik in a short time in order to attend the Democratic national convention at Chicago as a delegate from Suffolk county, New York. BASS BALL. HOW THE CLUHS .uns STAND, w. 1.. . v 34 18 054 31 IS .03:5 33 22 .000 20 21 .580 20 23 .r,31 27 24 .529 20 20 .527 27 25 .510 20 27 .518 22 31 .415 14 38 .201) 11 39 .220 CLCliS. Baltimore, Cleveland, muau, -Washington, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Chicago, New York, St. Louis, Louisville, (fSSt To Bo I I 'iUSlHBiSfiO 1 fl 11 thisyrar in valuable i. lj I J artiede to smokers of ( 83 The Best SmoklngTobacco Made Tobacco Flues ! r ' :0,00O jiounds best SIIIOET i on the way. All in want ; early, so t liar they will 1 f I-'lties sure to Tin and Sheet Metal Work of No. 23 Craven Street, (Relei-rod try E. SMALLWOOD, Under Gaston House. South Froiil "Street, New Berne, N. O. uil, iiri: of Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, iCALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Piaster and Cement. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. Personal attention to the prompt and correct flllinir ol all orders N N V'. '' N V "V Another BIG DROP Every Day Brings Bigger Bargains than f ever in our House. SHOES, our great leader, aud never before have seen ours. Sledgehammer Prices make PONDER OVER st Clioililri'ti's Shoes us low to $:.0U pair. Lailies' rlne shoos as low .'!.."u t lie ai r. SI'KI I A . Iiaclios" ami (, tits out special price Is !s -. Then we have Men s Hue dre-ns tuccii iiinl up to J.l.tXl a pair Sample Shoes at absolute wholesale cost, higher later, buy while they are lower than BAEPOOT'S, The Big f Dry Goods SECOND DOOlt FROM V N -N X X. TO "TtJFt LADIES, o o MY E. P. HKKD'S OXFIIItltS, IIAVK arrived - the finest Hue In the ell y- o In all styles ami colors. FII.I. LINK (K Cllll.llltKN'S o o o Duck Mats ami ToM o'SIIANI KIC Caps. (Q.LSO A 1 I'M. LINK o O (Iriules of Oxfonl's. o 1 HF.AI'r.U X- T. Baxter A NKW SUPPLY OF Mattings Just Arrived. ALL FIRST (ilt.M)E GOODS. At 10 to 25 cts. per yard. Also another 'small lot of the i5c, India Linon, which will probably be the LAST. ID. UT1. Ta-rTrls. Go" Pollock St. Blackwell's Genuine urham Tobacco You will find one corcpon in sile each 2 ounce bag, and two f I miinnc inciflr rn-Vi i.i er ba. Buy n bag, read the coupon X uiid sec how to eot your share. 9 IKON in store and 2(i,X jioiiikIh will do well to place their ordern eet t hem in time. every discrijitJon promptly done. - - NEiV BERNE, N. C. cr. O. "WHTTTY.) nift'Iiu w,dow V i IN SHOES. '4 s, are getting- cheaper vith ns, .such stunning low prices as 'A peoples money go a long ways THESE PRICES . pale, nil between ami up ., all between am up tu Dress shuns, worth t A,; hoi' . a - low as s-v ;Sc . all he Shoes ever be may ore. be ' Bargain House. ()ST OF KICK. S N.1V S. . x ..x EGG-S I FOR MATCHING, FROM TII0R . UUdHBKKD POULTRY. RIVERSIDE POULTRY FARM Oilers to the Farmers of Graven and adjoining counties, Esjkh from their yanih of Thoroughbred poultry ut creally red uc d prices for the next 00 dajs. Addrrss. RIVERSIDE POULTRY FARM, apx 3m Box 2(5, New Berne, N. C SALE OF P. G. Distributors. There will ! sold to 1 In- highest bidder ut on Public Auction, Sat., July 11th, 1806, at the wharf of the Ii. C. I). Ai (). I), 1 .1 nc. 30 PARIS GREEN DISTRIBUTORS, which were shipped at Norfolk over llio Noil'-.lTc and Southern R. R. by the N. Y P. A N. R R. on My 2, 1S04. consigned to "C. G. F.' care Capt. W. C. Parker. Newliern, N. C. The machines were manufactured by the '"Key stone Farm and Machine Workn" ot York. Pa., and hit known in the cata logue as the Dixie Pans (r recti Fertilizer Distributor. GEO. HENDERSON, Afct. New Berne, N. C, June It, 1H!6. NOTICE. I want every man And woman In the TTnltmt State interested in the Oplnm and Wbukr habit to hnvc one of my book on tbM lia ease. Addrets II. M. Woolley, Atlanta, Ua., liox (J82, aud one WiU ha cut you free. - If -1 .1 V TT

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