r - 4 - ;.. , . - - : VOL. XIX. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JULY 9, 1896. NO. 17. f&to Petto Br 3d -3 fit' NO COME DOWN. lira. JUDGE RUSSELL WILL TINUE ON TICKET. CON- rr-UfeWi-t CoaTMtUa aS SalUbary . WHI KftatHl Politician -Salt Qntbk Rrcr4lc Ka i" . . Tllt etara(UiN. JOURNAL BCRKAC, , RaLKiOfT, N. C, July 4. The observance of the 4th was cod fined bare to the closing of the Public Buildings, the display of National and State flags and fireworks in the evening at Pnllan Purk. Formerly thousands of country people aed to come m on the 4th, bat this is the no longer. One of the street sights; was the presence of score of wagons load. combastion. The loss is very heavy. ed with home grown watermelons, large ( - -- and cheap tench earlier than ever before. I jpe meamer Niak. . - Tl Goternot s Guard returned this Kobe, Japan The steamer Kswan moroing from Richmond, where they , ourA Maru collided with and sunk the madea rerj fine appearance. i . It was rumored yesterday that Coogress- man Sirnner of the Populist Stats Com mitteo would go to Chicago to are the Democratic National Convention, but to ' , oy Iwi poatively tlenies" this. He said that at the committee meeting yestenlay . ; It Was asked whether aay of those present V. contemplated going to' Chicago, and all . said ro.Iu.Maj Drllntt, chairman of - .the National Silver Party, fold me there would be a couple of hundred silver men and Populist there, looking out for what might fori op.' Cj. Wataoo, the Democratic leader, j tempt was made to compel them to pro say that this year's campaign will be a i cced, but the rebellious soldiers barricaded bitter one, bat doe full of armament against J themselves in the mosque and resisted all w uhi w puwnun. tjJV The Slalft Prohibitioo Codwntion will . . . be beh at Ssirisbory, August 19. TlnU party ba decried to ootnioale a fall State A I. t,. 1 , . tkkeC . It is said it wilt, ta some districts. at least, nominate Congressional caodi- - ' . ..... - -. -M . J. Z. Green iarne of tha delegates to - tM NatioaI Pbpuiist Convention at St. Loois." He publishes Ave Populist papers. ' . Ua sayt it seems to io tbera will be three State tickets in the Oeki in North Carolina, like all tltt other Populist oVIrnJea be is - for Teller. All of them oniU lo swearing - that tlie Democrats must nominate or en - dorse Trllcr lo get the so'k! silvtr Tote. Ex.Congre3maa -Dcck" Kitchen of the Popart State Committee, was very innk wbea be' declared that the Populists ami free silver meo generally could not in bis . - opinion coosisWntly decline to endorse " aay sosn nominated on a silver man plat fotm at Chicago wUo U satisfactory to tLe . wtcra 1olt,ers and la endorsed by Teller and his followers, , , K'Ucbea "wa eqaally frank when he . . dectired tli3 Xorlh Carulln. . populists would fuie "with"whL:'li ever side they ; ' could auke the best Urms with. ' Most of the - populists who were here ,v . " yesterday say they betiev thera will be ' J- S state, tickets in the field. Tour corre. poodeot asked feoator Butler this ques - tion: -Ia D. L. Rawtll to be taken down vt , or come down from the head of the Be. V' pabheaa :SUU ,1 ticket. He replied: ' "Without goiag Into this question at all .'. one thing far certain. '.That la the maj r ' - ity of the voters of this State will never - - ' endorse the ticket nominated June 25th by S the Democrats, The Ctct is the majority r of th) people are fbr: a, nou partisan judiciary a ad any party which endeavors v . to pack the Supreme court they will not - endjr?e. ,Tbey an aot going to give three meo of one party a chance to con rue the law. Sscoudly, nt only every - - aaas outakle the Democratic party but at f y - least bait those afilliatieg wivh it believe ; . io honest Elertion and will never sup- port aay ticket which will make it pos . Bible tot sceaes and coadittoas such as we . bavcTlaJ ba electioa day to return, provi- da taey are sore tiiey caaajt vote a ticket which, will make the conditions ; worsV? As' to the electoral tickets it makes Illtle d Cereoce, for if there were i - luar in the State, three for silver and" one ' fplA ae ltter eould not get a plura' V t' ity.-If the Bepub icans want to run a gold ticket I doa t care. I pro peso that they should do so and that th? gold IXm- ocrats should fuse witb them, so we can . ' tea bow many of the latter there arc." , " Senator Butier never did rav, nor would be say. whether Ru'.l n 1 the Sepublkan electoral ticket would come dowa. In fact there is 'inking" aU aloox the line as to this matter. Your correspondent asked several of the delegates to Chicago whether they approved of the policy of making tha free and unlimited coinage of silver the su presoe issue ia the party this year ? E J Hale replies "yes."' R. B. Peebles said: I think it thj only sensible thing to do. I think the best way to do this is to norni Bate Teller tor President. This eliminates all party issues from toe contest and forces tbe fame between gold an I s Iver." Alternate B. R. Lacy s uJ I I'u.nu free coioage more important thaa protection,, but do not wiiU to see it the supreme issue.'1 The same question was asked other? not delegates. Editor Jueephus Din els of th Nrws Dd Observer replied: -It is trw su preme ifsue. Trie people have ru. U- :t . I approve of it." James C. M.icKae ?a d: ml certainly do, becau-e i: h is n-.ade it.e.f theissae. I would not ou any accou it . give Op a single principle of democracy I Threw Illniaeir From a Car. and I believe they are all as vital now i- ; New Vouk Richard Tiu'.er, of No. they erer were, but Ihii ono question ba I 1 13 South Br.ad street, Phi'.idelphta, at- -SO asertel itself as it put everything else tempted suicide by throviug himsel 1 behind it for the times. This in al from a Thir1 aVenue ca"-le car at H.-u.-lon ', kindness to the Eastern democracy, to itnct an . t;i, j ,TCrv ge received no wfakh we now owo everything in the past , injnr e, an,i w i.yi Up in the Eld- -and Irom which we hope much in the rljge slreet station house. i future." Ex -State chairman Richard U. . Battle replied. "I do not. Having carried ; The Irish American Military Union tha country four years ago against the went into a four das" camp at Avoos i HeKinUv tariff for hth protection it 'Avon Park, Bridgeport. Conn. This is I seestsowe a partial abandooraent of one of the distinctive principles ot" the party -1 ' J- t. siibonhn -de that i-JMie to any other when the ltepublican party lun nominated 1 McK'nley as the irubodiiuent of the high protective principle, and secondly 1-e-cnae the Democrats are honeetly divided ' on the question whether it is practicable i i for the United States alone to establish a double standard wUhout the assistance of - other nations. " GALVESTON FIRE. Wharf, Railway Cam mid Mallory Irki Fire. linmriM Imm. J a Special. Galveston, Texas, July 2 Tbi? afterooou a fir started here on the Gal vesteo wharf. A great number of Topeka anel Santa Fe railway care were burned. The lire spread to the Mallory dock?, half of them being burned. The tire was caused by spontaneous! Hozui Maru off Horoeioma during a storm. One bun dred and seventy eight lives were loet. Re rased to Ha Farther. Constantinople Advices received here from JitKlab, Arabia, say that a ser ious revolt of troops has occurred at tliat place. According to reports two battal ions of Turkish troops en route for fJousnn, Syria," refused to go any further than Jiddah unles-i they receive-1 their arrears of pay, the men declaring that they hnd not been paid since 184. An at- J attempts to ditlode them. Rebellion b4 FiinlBf. St. Petersburg Advices received from Shanghai ubow tl at disorders are rampant in different parts of China. The Mossulman rebellion, in tbe northwest district ot" Kn Su, has reachctl the great est prop nion-. The secret societies in the country c:e naia cxeitinj the natives agninft the Europeans. Fimiiie and plagco are a'9 repor:et.l to be raging in the Sou.liern rrovin LS of Chioa. Harriet O. Ntwe De4. Barttoud, Cos. lira. ildrriet Beccher Siowo, the famous authoress, passed away at her res;dence in this city. At her lefiide were three of the family, Mrs. Isabella Bs-cher-Hookir, her hus band. Dr. Hooker, and Harriet Stowe, a daughter of the authoress. Death caaio without a struggle, and the end nnrely appore 1 t be a final con. tinu-inca of the uaonscious state into which Mr. Siowe lapsnl on Mon- dav. The arrangements lor the funeral have been but partially completed. The services ia Hartford will be private, and Interment will take p.aco io Andover, Mass, Matber Coali Xo Nsre Tbem. Woodbury, X. C. Gus and Charles Ude, aged eighteen and thirteen years, re spectively, and William ShuMz, fourtet-n years ol'J. a.l ot ratlaaelpuia, were Irownod in Timber Creek, at Wcstville. They were bathing and Charles got be yond his depth. Tbe others went to his rescue, and the threa, clinging toge.her. went down. The mother ot the Ude boys witnessed the accident, and leaped to their rescue, but was cught in the mud, and could do nothing. Italia Immlxranti Crap!ln. Rome. The Chamber of Deputies dis- cu;ed the foreiu budget. Replying to represent tions tb.it tiie Italian emigrants to the United SX-iUs complaiued of purse cu'.ioo. the Duke of Sermouela, Minister of Foreign Afturs, promised to introduce a new emigration law, and to establith new bureaus for the surveillance of Ital ians abroad. ytaut t PrlHll. Philadet.phia, The rar.nJate of the l"n:;ed St.-.tes tktpreme Court in trie esse Of J. H. S. SVi-rg, tiio lute captain of the tfarof r Horsa, who was convicttd in the Ui.i:e 1 Stat s oi-li :t t court here io Starch on the charge c T enaing in a Cuban filibustering ixp.ilit on and wntcn wd to sixteen months in;ris i;:raent and $300 fine, was received by cknk Lincoln of the district court. The Suprtni? Court affirml the con viction and dpt. Wilmrg must surrender himself wiihin live days and bepin serving hi sentciK'e. A numerously sighed peti tion for a pardon lor t'uc defendant was recently pre.enti.d to President Cievelund. Ramefi of tbe Cbolera Nonrire. Catko. The official cholera returng show that there vvero reported throughout Eyijl 49 new chSls f the ilisease nnd j 383 deaths, in-.' udinj j deaths anions ti.e K new cases and 0 :v;m;.ii tronw at SVa K Ha hi, on tl -o - - - r.ler i f the Souihiu. Bike Reeord Broken. New York. Arthur E. Smith, the i weti rn d cvc.i-t, wbo left t h:cnco un- I ' dav lor U.: ctv, :u an rrdeavor to break the ! .. ;e!e rcv..r.l i f ll'J h. urs and 15 minute1 lv twe :i t'i it i v anil tlil, arrived here at i!:-l ..'. '.vx s i a-Lii: i,v tour hours and ti : . .;i,ur 4 the ri C' in i n u tes. TiJ the first encampmenj ot the organization ever held m this coutrv. WILMINGTON LETTER. SHIPPING BUSINESS DULL. VERY Olrs-allon to RlrhniADd. Nhrlter Nil r CrM. Brbill. MimIc Foarlh Jnly llbMTTrd. A. C. I.. Slet 9Ior Rmiii. JcrRNAi,, Bureau WiMcrxGTON, N. C, July 4, '96 The harbor of Wilmington has a de serted look these summer days, the ship ping being less than usual, and carried on principally by small tmding schooners. Tbe lumler mills are not shipping lum ber to any extent. The only exception in the river busi ness, is tbe large amount of Phosphate, that is brought here from Charleston. This is for tlie Navas Guano Co. For the rest tbe muddy waters of the Cape Fear flow on with scarce an interruption to the sea. The Naval It-serves have returned from their week ot hard work clown the river and seem to be contented. "Vc were sorry to have such a small representation from the Eastern part of the State, There was quite a delegation to Rich mond from this point, to take part in the ceremonies, of tbo first and second of July. Tbe Shelter of tbe Silver Cross has been opened fr the summer at Ocean View Beack. This is a home or at least a stop ping place for all those who cannot afford a summer's outing at the seashore. It is a great blessing lor Wilmington's poor, who are enabled to enjoy jhe cooling breezes of the ocean, through the large hearted oess of the Circle of King's Daugh ters. About thirty inmates were there this week. Baseball has an inning this week High Point being our boys, opponents. The. large crowds that attend, show this to be a much enjoyed pastime. We have a bai.d at lust that is a credit to the town. They arrived from Charles ton this week and will pl&y here all sum mer. As aa advertisement they have been playing on tha streets much to tlie delight of the ssaall boy. Fourth of July is very generally cele brated here this year. Most of the stores have closed. Large niimr-ra are over at Lake Waccaaiaw, a epiendid place to spend a day. Great crowds are at the Beaches, where yacht-racing is the order of the day. The fishermen are on the deep, deep sea Even those who are bo unfortunate as to spend the day at home, are resting and doubtless as h ippy as their more restless neighbor. Tbe Purcell house, which has been entertaining travellers for nearly thirty years, closed its doors this week, probably for the last time. The Orton has been leased by the old Purcell management nnd will be improved it there is any way it can be done. Since the change the Orton House has taken on a new and more lively appearance, the parches being filled with guests. The Atlantic Coast Line requires more room for its geucral offices anU will build a large annex to its present handsome building on Front St. It seems reasonably sure that a railroad will be built between our city and South port. Ooe of our civil engineers is now employed to push the work, and ere long we should have rail connection between that pleasing little town and Wilmirjgton. Judge Rusfcll ia seen occasionally upon the street. He is as large as ever, and has a look that says: "I will be located at Raleigh next year." Will he wear his duster in the executive mansion? TelewrMpblr Items. In the House of Commons, Mr. A. J. Balfour, First Lord of tbe Treasury an nounced the withdrawal from Parliament ol the Irish education bill. The cruiser Charleston has returned to San Francisco after hq Hlence of two years in Asinstic water. The Charleston will sn go to Mare Island to receive a general overhauling. William Warren, ot Winnipeg, Van , while intoxicated, cut his wife's throat aad gashed her face and head terribly with a razor. He then drew the weapon across Lis own throat, dying if '.most im- j mediately. The San Francisco Board of Health 1 refuses to acknowledge the jurisdiction of j tlie Federal government over quarantine; regulations in San Francisco Bay, the ! State having established the position ot I quarantine officer and prescribed his du ties. I Charles Williams, colored, of Atlantic City, attempted to murder his wife Louise and then committed sutcide by cutting ; his throat with a razor. The wife is in the hospital tn a precarious condition. Williams was demented. I John L. Spring, nent of the Adams i Express Company at Kaston, Pa., com mitted suicide in his ( llice by shooting himself in the mouth with a revolver. He j was lorty-nine yen is nf am- and uumai ried. Bad health is suppo-e I to le the cau-e, London. In the House of Common'-, Mr. George N. Curzon Parliamentary Secretary to the Foreign Office, in reply to an inquiry regarding the subject, said that the porte had agree! to apply im mediately the measures which the Lowers demanded for the purpose ot res to rim: ranqui Ity in the Island ot Crete. Fell From an Ficnniton Train. , Bradford, Pa. Bert Harrington, aged sixteen, of this city, accidentally fell from an excursion train on the Erie Railroad. Dear Poland Centre, and was instantly ; killed. Somo track laborers found the bexly lying aloDg the side of the rails. THE CRUISER RALEIGH. l Neorclftrj Herbert of tiny Hny be to Anxious For Cruiser to (o to "Sonlbporl. R a lek; ii, N. C. July i -Governor Carrhastt letter from Secretary of the Navy Herbert, who says he is anxious to have the U. S. Cruiser Raleigh cuter Southport harbor, and that he has given her commander authority to t ike his ves sel there, if" practicable, mid also that he has furnished the Raleigh's commander with the latest information as to the depth of water on the Cape Fiar bar. Terrific Explosion, Biiiminoiiam, Ala. A special to the State Herald from Hartzell, Ala., twenty 89veu miles north of this city, says: Engine No. 230 pulling southkound freight No. 15, of the Louisville and Nash ville exploded one and a half miles south of this place. The detonation was terrific, parts of the engine being blown a mile. Three mon were killed and eighteen cars wrecked. Following the explosion the cars piled upon each other, and the main track was badly torn up. Wrecking cars faom Decatur and Bir mingham reached the scene later in the morning and the work of clearing the track proceeded with dispatch. The explosion is thought to have been caused by low water Mr. Jonej, whi survived his injuries a short time, being the Only one ot the three not kill, d outright, was one of the most reliable engineers in the service of the road, and the engine was in first-class condition .when it started on the fata! run. All of the de-id men lived in Birmingham, aud their bodies have been sent thither. Maryland Delegate Resigns Baltimore, Md. Merion De Kalb Smith, one of the delegates-at-largc from this State to the Democratic National Convention, has lesigncd from the delega tion, and will not go to Chicago with the rest of the del gation. Mr. Smith, who was Comptroller of the State under. Gov. Brown, says he sees no use i;i going to Chicago, as, in his opinion, the silver men will have it all their own way. It is an nounced now that there will be four silver votes among the Maryland delegation. Expert 11 ion Leaves for Cnba. Key Wist, Fla. Deputy Collector Knight -received an order f;om Washing ton to release the arms and ammunition recently seized on the steamer City of Key West. Upon their release they were placed on board the steamer Three Friends. She left at midnight, ostensibly for Jack sonville. Shortly af'er her departure tbe schooDer Dollie, with sixty-two Cub ins, left the harbor, aud it is now conceded that an other expedition has been successful in getting off, as there is no doubt that the Dollie transferred her men to the steamer. Many prominent Cubans were among those who left. Weekly State Crop Report. Raleigh, N. C.,Ju'y 6. The weekly State crop report bulletin says that cotton is doing admirably, with good stand and fir advanced, fruiting and blooming well. Yellowing and shedding ;ire report ed in two or three counties. Corn is tine crop, but chinch bugs are doing damage. Swept Away by Flood. WHF.Et.iNo, W. Ya., July 6. Just be fore no'.n, today, a portion of the Balti more and Ohio passenger station, was swept away by a flood. A number of cars stan ling near the de pot were also carried away. Frazer River Floods. Vancouver, B. C. High water in the Fraacr River undermined the track between Agassiz an 1 Hope Stations on the Canadian Pacific, find when the east bound freight, without warnin.r, struck the weak spot, the train, consisting of eight cars loaded with tea and one with coal, was thrown into the river. Brakcman Deering was killed and Fire men Gouhlin and Engineer Gray in juied. Imports from Frazer River points state that the river is steadily rising. At Cliilli wack considerable damage has has l,em done to ciops op low lying lands and the steamer Gladys has been busily engaged for the past few days in removing cattlo ! settlers' effects lo high ground. Word hasj'jst been received Irom West minister that the water at high tide Aas two feet eight inclie'S belo' the mark reached during the floods of 1891. The steamer Gladys brings word that Sumtis is flooded and the water is up to the banks at C'hilliwae-k. A large portion of Dewd nevs is also under water. At Lanse'.y the watt r is level with the lanilinj, and at sever ii other places it i over the wharves. Lite-t advices regard ing the str.ke of ti-hermeti at Rivers Inlet are to the etlee-t that the strike!- will prob a'olv soon .ive wav, as the ca, tiers have a sufficient number of men at woik to keep the canneries working. strikers have attempted to intimidate the Indians, but sever.:! special po' icemen have been seut up by the prov'iiclal gov ernment t i preserve ord r. Shot Ity Trumps. JamksTown, X. Y. Roy Widcrman of RiiiLth . niton, N. Y., v; s shot by tramps in an Kr.e freight car in this city. I He was stealing a tide and hail gone to j sleep. When he woke up he was being: robled by two men, nnd when he attempt-1 eel to rise, ono of them shot him, thei bullet taking effect in 1 u-east, over thej heart. A ;old Candidate. Rai.f.ioh, July 7 G. B. Alford, of Wake county, is an independent gold stau- 1 dard candidate for Congress i district. from this WASHINGTON LITTER. CLEVELAND MD TICKET. CHICAGO tJoMNlp Regarding: Administration. The New Flff Forty-Ave Mar First Appearanee. Corporal Tanner-, flcn. I.ec's Cnban Report. Journal Bureau Washington, D. C, July 6 "President Cleveland will go to Chica go," was the very positive assertion of a gentlemen who is a personal friend of Mr. Cleveland, but is not prominently identi fied with either of the political parties. Continuing he said: "Mind you I do not say that Mr. Cleveland will publicly con demn the Chicago ticket and platform, J should not bo surprised in the least if ho did; only that he will not support it." This assertion fits in with the stories which have been circulating in inside political cirjle3 in Washington for several days. According to these stories, Mr. Cleveland not only wants the gold Democrats to bolt the Chicago convention, but to nomi nate a gold ticket ot their own. A week ago it was announced that no member of the cabinet would go to the LconveDtion. Saturday came tue tctegrapti- Pt- . .i. . c . ir . ic announcement tuai oocreiacy oioiiou, the most rabid gold man of the lot, had turned up in Chicftgo, claiming that he did not go on account of the convention but merely to pay a visit to his son, who lives in that city. It is said that Secretary Morton is there as the personal represen tative of Mr. Cleveland and that he is there to try to bring about a bolt by the gold mi n. It is not believed In Washington that there will be any bolting of the conven tion, but it is believed aye known that the gold men will individually fight the ticket in every way possible, not only with ordinary political methods but also with business methods. Oae of the latter which has already leaked out will be to use the banks to embarass the silver men, by refusing to discount their notes or to allow them to renew any of their obliga tions now held by the banks when they become due. The forcing of Mi. St. John to resign the presidency of theMer chantile National Bank of New York city, because of his Views on the silver question, is said to have been a part of the scheme to have the banks all over the country put the sctcws on their silver customers, This is u new wrinkle in politics. How it will work remains to be seen. The newest' edition of "Old Glory'' with foity-five stars, made it? first public appearance Saturday, it -being an inva riable rule ol the government to add the 6tars for new states on Independence Day. Quite a number of the forty-five star flags have been made up by the gov ernment flag-makers, but Uncle Sam can be very economical sometimes, and these uew flags will not be issued to the army until the old ones are worn out. The Navy has its own flag makers, and all our ships will now fly the forty-five star flag, as the new star can easily be added to the flags on hand . " Corporal James Tanner, who came near to being the most lionized man at the big Confederate Reunion at the Jeff Davis monument celebration in Richmond last week, has returned to his Washing ton home, and has been in his character istic way paying his respects to those ot his fellow members of the G. A. R who have indijtly ciiried him for going. Afier saying that he made no pretence of representing anybody but himself at the Richmond celebration and broadly inti mating that what he did was nobody else's business, the Corporal said: "Twenty years ago, when I was com mander ot the G. A. R., in New York, I broadly advocated and went on record as advocating the Hrewing of flowers upon the graves of the confederate dead, who had found a sepulchre in our north ern communities. Not, I said, in honor of their cause, which we had fought and conquered, but because we who hat! met them on the battEld knew that they were brave as tlie'wU'est; that they were among the best of the world's soldiers in other words, ticy were American soldiers. After ueuty years spent in thought an-1 speech along that line, 1 make no apology to anybody on God's green earth for upholding those senti ments. I fought for ifc reunited couutry; it has cost me ten ;bly. I have been three times uuder the surgeon's knife and saw. but I dou't regret all the sacrifice and j suffering ii our children can enjoy in j peace and prosper iy i glorious union of i all the states. If anybody fought for the union cause with tlie hope that we should ; be forever at iwur. I think he made a mis- i take in enlisting -mung us. c s, This is the way Mrs. General Pickett" also a resident of Washington, and who was one of the principal figures in the ! celebration, speaks o Corporal Tanner's visit to Kxhuionil: ".N.) incident since the war has elone so much to restore and ecu. cut the go id ! eling between tlie North and South as the acceptance by the crippled corporal ofthe invitation to the reunion. It was commented upon every where iu most cordiaf terms. His pros-j ence was uuivir-ally appicciated and he was fairly lionizjd. All honor to the brave, generous soleiier." It, is thought tha'. Sec. Oiney carried Gen. Fitz Lee's report on Cuba to Presi- elent Cleveland several days ago Mr. ! Olney slipped away from Washington i yery raySteriously Killed by Lightning-. G okdon sville, Va. Duriuga thun der storm between 3 and 4 o'clock light ning struck tlie house of Mr. J. M. Elli cott, on the suburbs of the town, killing his 11 -year-old son. TAPS VIRGINIA COAL ITELDS. Award ofContrnct lor a Railroad to Nontbport, '. C. Norfolk, Ya. The foreign and coast wise coal trade and the grain export trade of Baltimore and Norfolk are shortly to have a formidable competitor to the south ward. The contract has been awarded for the const 'lclioii of a railroad from Wilmington to Southpoit, N. C. Ai Wilmington the new road will connect with the great lines entering there, and will itself be extended westward. The latter, Southport, has one ol the finest harbors on the coast, being accessible to vessels of the deepest draught. There will be located large coal piers tapping the coal fields of Southwest Virginia and the grain regions of the West via Yadkin Yalley line. The new road will probably make Southport a formidable rival of Northern cities. J. E. Challenger, President of the Philadelphia Car Service Association, is one of the promoters. Miners May be Alive. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Theie is jnst a possibility that some of the men entombed in the Twin Shaft at Pittston may be taken out alive. The rescuing party, on coming to the surface reported to Mine Foreman O'Brien that they heard rappings on the rails of the gangway road which may have beei caused by some of the en tombed men. The rappings were clear and distinct as if someone had struck the rail with a hard substance. The supposed sigunl was answered by the rescue: s in the same manner. Af-er a short silence the answer came clear and distinct. The sound seemed to come a distance of some 300 feet from Jwhere the rescuers were at work. When this news reached tha surface- there were only a few persons at tho head ot the shaft, but in a short time it was spread thrmglio.it the city of Pittston and an immense crowd g itum-d, among them relatives and iricuds of the victims, in whose hearts hope h id awakened. The rt scuers roo-t; ibat i:i their opin ion they are wuhiu 400 feet ii" the en tombed mon. Tiio shifts have been increased from twenty men to thirty-five. wtio are relieved everv n-ttt lionr. 1 nev are still cutting through the rock aud progressing uure rapidly than at auy time herctolore since the work com menced. Alter prolonged efforts and; the use of every method of sinl ling possible, they came hack with a report of failure not the least bit of noise indicating that their labor in this direction had been successful. Twin Shal'i Mine Catastrophe. WrLKESBARRE, Pa. The excitement attending the Twin Shaft catastrophe has by no means abated since the report was circulated that rappings fiom the men had been heard. Another thorough in vestigation was made and it was finally learned that John Owen did the tipping, fie made explanation that he did it to encourage the miners who were at work. Owen belonged to one of the Twin Shaft gang3 of workmen, and was promptly discharged, At 1 o'clock the rcscuers encountered a mass of large rock, and form that time up to 8 o'clock very little progress was made. It will take at least a week before they can reach the spot where the victims are. All hope of finding any a'ive has been abandoned. Clondbnrst in Ohio- Bellaire, O. A cloudburst occurred in this section ol Ohio, doing very great elarnage t propeity. Sheep, horses, aud cattle were drowntd, ;.n 1 trestle-work anel bridges, seven bouses, with contents and the Iii'iie cannirg and preserving works of McMillan Broth-rs were swept away by the heavy water in Weego creek. The telegraph-win s on the Bell aire, Z tnevill'. and Cincinnati j loid are also down. Trains are del ij ed id ng the Baltimore and Ohio on account of the tracks being damaged. No lives -re re potted ios;. Severe KArtliqnke In Cyprus. Constantinople. Advices received beie tic m the island of Cyprus say that severe "hocks of earthquake hae occurred throughout the island, and that the inhabi tants of the to ns of L m )S.il and La. ana have deserted their houses and t .ken i refuge in the ope i Hold-, where they aie j ! livii.g in tents. i t Wreck ou the southern. Manassas, Ya. At noon an accident occuuvd on the Southern railway in deep cut neir Ravens;voi th. Fairfax Coiinty.Ya Tvv.i freight trains rm into each olh. r. One engtn?. was b:id'y wreck,; 1 and two cars broken up. Th-- e-ng-u-i-rs and fire iiien jump3 1 i Ii" jast ath'iir engines came to;:e'.her, aud escaped unhurt. i "Ttirof Friends" Ki:y Wi st, Fia. Tbi it became known, an-1 it i li e, that a ste inter ir::- i tile gull. I'lOI'.s-,; is e.l I'nrsned. s lo-i: nim. when sproa 1 lii;e wild c'mg cb;i-d up e j". ith iZ.'i'S I' lsh- C' I down i t.i ? -of hou -es to u't-l a ' 111! up to tt.e l.-ps h w of the brave little; n Ih'rt sighted the VCS- j lilibusterer. W .sols, were a ntlic I'u.s .-.dc of Saud Key . light, and judgiug by the voaitne ol j smoke coming Irom their smokestack, j were driving them to their utmost capaci- j ty. The Three Friends, lor it is now j positively known to be she, was skimming j the reef, while her puisuer, which turned j ' out'to be the L'nited States steamer Ral-1 eigh, was some distance in the Gulf. When oil' the shore the Maine was signal ed, aud the Raleigh kept on, and finally, when the Three Friends came inside the capes, the Raleigh altered her course and gave up the chase. THE CONTENriON. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CON VENTION IN SESSION. Opens With' Fine Weather . and Im mense Attendance. Fight Between Sllveriles and Gold on Tempo rary Chm'n. Daniel, Elected. Special. Chicago, July 7. Arrangements lor getting into Coliseum were so bad that half an hour before the hourdbr meeting 10,000 people were outside, aud less than 500 men inside. Newspaper men were as badly off as auy. Senator Jones, of Arkansas, leader o i he silver forces, was the only prominent member on the floor. Early a hundred ushers marched into hall rmd the band Ixgan playing "Down on the Sewanoe River." The hall was in confusion, delegates and newspaper men arriving. The New York delegation did not get in early. Delegate Thomas, of Colo., who was to move to substitute Senator Dam-! for Senator Hill, as Democratie chairman, took a seat on the plutlonn A Boies banner appeared in front of delegates, but no notice was taken of it. Evidently another entrance had ben opened, as bands were marching in the hall, aid 5,000 people wcrs now inside. "Dixie'' by the last band caused first demonstra tion of the morning and ' Maryland" f.d lo ving evoked scarcely less applause. "Star Spangled Banner" received a few cheers. Senator Stewart, of Nevada, ac companied by Sec'y Towie of Bimctall ic League, was escortetl oa plttorm iu 6ilence. The weather was clear and fine. The immense crowd made the admission slow. It is now said the gold men's programme is to vote solid for Pattison or Bland and keep silent on platlorm. There arc now 13 candidates in the field, six of whom will be formally rre sented. Senator Hill entered amid great cheer ing. There is no indication of the convention coming to order for some time. New York delegation still absent. Pennsylvania delegation, with brilliant scarlet Pattison badges, er.Ur. Chairman Hariity makes his way to platlorm anel engn ges in consultation with delegates and committeeman Thomas Senator Hill jast entered, unel great cheer ing at 12.87 p. tn. Iudiana voted this a.tu 26 lo 4 in favor of Senator Daniel for . temporary chair man. Sound money sen support 1 him, but as a lule will be solid for Daniel. Convention called to order at 12 50 p. m. Chairman Hariicy reported Hiil for temporary chairman with great cheering ad over hall. Clavton. ol Alabama, arose to move that Senator Daniel's name be substituted for Hill's. Immense demonstration. Clayton motion discusseel pro and con. Each mention of Hill or Daniel's name elicited .cheers. Ro l of States demanded on Clayton's motion to substitute Daniel lor Hill. New Jersey advocated choice of Hill. Waller, of Conn., advoe-ated choice ot Hill. Waller suggests Hill for temporary and Daniel for pcitnanenl chairman. Waller says he could stand any candi date tho convention might nominate. Gold men were hero to stay but appealed for courtesy and fair treatment and up holding of Democratic precedents. Waller 8as if Hill is tutn'.'d down the Eastern Democrats will tight you and elsevshen; cheering and hissing over ball. Whitney walked quietly from rear entrance past platform and down the aisle to the New York seats aud not a voice was raised. The eutiance of Hill with New Yoik dclcgab s created first excite merit of div. He was reco"'iriz3 I as he cuiiO into the dtlcga-.es apartmei t. The whole m.ias rose to their fct with chejrs. He took his seal with the dehga l ion. The '-Star Sp-mitlcd B innei" on its second rouud gut nioie upi u-o 1 1 y tlie baly of v.hitors. 'Yankee Do civeu a round of cheeis bv the idle' w.is Vermont delegation. Chairman Harrity has been on lloor fu quarter of an hour talking w ith deh at. s. W. C. Whitney had qtiile a lucpou iron, Alabama eleleuation m each member. 1 na pit -eme-d to Thomas, of Colorad vo( at vl choice d convention me large uoi sclect 11... lie!. f 'Daniel. Tliotn.i: sa shoulel Carry out wis i otitv of convention lies o! a:.d lie bad no desire to pio di-cus-iou. Waller cf AlAbama lolvoeaied c'io.i i of Daniel. Taipay ol Coito-ina aovo. caled choice t D.u.ie . F-- --ws oi New York took si and, allvm j.tes i ho.' e oi Hid. great cheering. Fellows made appeal not to v.ola e'lhe jin-cedeuts i.nd tr.iiupie on rights of niiiioi-.tv was e.l re-teved. Fellows innk-: poiet its why the ioo. u vention sin-uid ;c wi in g to ac- -pi a.' ! the r-it of iccoiiiiiip j-.i.i of Nation. d C .iiiiu.itev' ; Demoi-rat I ke Dav.el 15. Fe! io s i t-ii t e ce to oils I III 111 Hi I. : in i ii it i do,n :it ( v, v .oiee i ad eicatc . l'l.si ai. 1 Vi lO.l'.el Texas, iun cla-eiei a MalMou, of im i .a., ; Daniel, Duncan, ot th0jce of Daniel. Convention was iu confusion with cries ot Hill and Daniel, drowning speakeiV voice who was greatly excited. Marston has had to sit down account confusion. Chairman warns convention to keep quiet, Marston still much confused. Marston resumes, still much confusion. Conlusion continue. Marston ictiies amid cheers. Ladd, of 111., advocated choico of Dan iel. Ladd says if Hill made speech it i would keep the party explaining until elect ion. Call or Stntes ordered to Tote On mot ion that name of Dapicl be substituted' for Hill. Senator Daniel was escorted to the chair amid chc is Hnd some confusion. Sertrtor Dimb-l received a great ovation. The delegates cheered narrity (or his fair iness in the way he presided as chairman of the National Committee. Official votes in favor ol the motion were 550, against 349, not voting 1. The announcement of tbs vote caused great cheering throughout tbe hall. In his speech Senator Daniel's reference Jo Senator Hill as a great Senator' 'was loudly cheered. He said the country would uot misconstrue the action of tbe comcniion. Hi flowery speech was lis tened to with gnat attention. . . Convention adjourned nt 4:45 p. m. to iTe t tomorrow at 10 a. m. ' 1 ....... o. SHARP. -REDUCTIONS - Entire Throughout, Stock; o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o a o o oo o o o o o . O O O () O O O Or o o o o - o a o o o o o o op o or Tins LATK FIRM OF O I o n o u o o Uliiilvl AND If IiBH. o o o a a a o o o u o o o a o o o a o o o a o o o GO O mm o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q . o o o Q o o o o o o o o DO O O o o o o J. II. Successor to ett IIJH'MIIIIIKV II - . . . - I, . '. , . i it .. --l. . , . t ; 1 - . - Jit

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