HOW IT WAS REGARDED Tb h --( it -nil. u .iui 1 4 . Inr - mm Hn I n c Hrrne Dlwuuril . For t h- jm' w . iv ' '. i much exeiteine:: : a ; Convention. Evervotii Hnit 1 .1- li had le ei Sew. v I e iT;l .f tdlkinc: ahou t t he no Hated , a . i a- i-l when tiie rimn , .i . . Ctpvj li.ov .') pr ie. "W "Where i w e '. all abort !nv:i Jot nx a i. '. n'.iTt ; prominent nj-' t :. i they tn : ' i 1 J r v -n ai-..; w ',. tu of l he cur ; n ..:'.'''; Attorney' . W. ' , -The tvi'v -i '.-" I '. Sew a ! (:'. ' - v i 1 Conveution :i: ( h . .e ad strong a.- any nom.: it.on-i which could h.ive been ni:il .? upon the platform which. tin1 cmvonimn adopted. Tho jvi'Oiil will oaro inu little for the per-am nr! of the ticket bat will c.vst their vo'cs pno or con u thoy approve or i:n!cm:i the pi .t form. I iie si-: '.on : th, 1 ... ' i '.c! W 1 1 1 1 L.-t t '. fi e: :tn I !,. II - u .i o'l U'C' i " r v . -Jlt'lld It. a i win on M r. I .'to: -. I ! V.'k u:.! :'V da 'o. elll be". wi.ell i;e -'talk HI w o : 1 1 1 that lav i . . I ! i i i 1 1 1 ; i ; 1 1 ; , ; i the r : have reut'T : - i 'O'li nm i; : l v I i Mt !':ivc niiilit'V should he poor man s rial step, i- i-it the man v. : i : : i i if A in t-1 it-.-. I ii n.v stronger d.U i'.'.;- tr.amnli in .no in in . to Ni III ' '11 I! '.. '1 ihe 1 1, e i'('!iv.'i;'i n e ; : : . : s -' i et ' n i:;il feie::)e- eo in fel t w . :i i'i a: i x-.-.i: rou.i: i v . 1 1 1 l.l l. ! I- I V.i n 11. atld t o'li : , , .. p--cccui National ( i'onventio-i in nt i v uverrul lmmittce' :eo :ii " -a 'V eh r - r: jiu r : .- bee ar I: up for !wi" orta raising the dignity workmen. II.- lor a better system of iinaii''e one that will he better for the povern mt-nt ami better for the people. Our tiiat wi'l advance the price of pro iuou and property.'' At torney C lias. Iv a;'l : ' ' I rejiiril the noni: n.i li.mi .1. H -win a- a ery strong I am oci.':ite.l with it. IK nn i ne or ne1 ! e 8.VU. l n -it'C aim a.'. - ! if." ; injj the ooaniend;ition f,ir man. in v i !.i; in ereign State ! il : how her vo:. shall diatin? a Demo' tion for keeping of it par' y. in ! .' - rin for i.a' money iii'.'i hiri'. 'c its i:c' i.-pvi the Party's provio ; ilecl iralhvis in favor of S'.ate Hanks ami niai.r the test of party loyalty an a nce to the principle ,-, the fro, MQlimiteil coinage of si Vor I'd versa 1 I'eueo. A "h&ractTistie end of rlio century movement is the formation in Europe of the "Intcriiatinoiial I -aRiie of Women For General Disarmament." It Iv-an with some French laiiit m. at the liead of w hom v:n the wife of Cumillo Flam- marion, the astronomer, bnt it has spread into several of the countries of continental Humpe, untidily Austria. Tile president of the h arue is Princeas Wismewskii. The ladies are very much iu earnest. They have undertaken propaganda in ' all nations at once, so that all tho na- I I tions may be persuadl to disband their ' wmies at the same time. Certainly all i Dr nouo must dtsarm. The movement j propresses by means of lectures, fireside I ; talks and instruction to tho riint: geu ' oration. The women consider Eurox' to j bo povenied by a military barbarism, a ' barbarism which takes women's wins in tho flower of their youth, makes them ; give the best years of their life to use ' less drill, or, if they go to war, brings j them back dead or mutilate!. It is true that wherever military government pre vails there also woman is in u state of j painful subjection. Tho ladies may accomplish something Thomas, Dem. ! by their work. They have already in- ten-sted a mimlx'r of prominent states men iu it. But then' is just one way whereby war will be made to disappear from the earth. That will bo when it is HUMOR OF THE. BICYCLE. We nut U)on thu tmnli varj. Ruth rldjjj: whe.-lH, ym know. Il.-r Uuvhiiio' eyen limhrtJ 1ntu mino, H'-r ehii k.s ct: ;iH uyluw. I iMjulit t" rafMe nty- cp Uj her. U1k.'WKX', tii;i:k! A secuud kvr I wii.h in Tho liitcfa upon my bac. ClcvekHid LeatVTr. io applause nostrum to mt when lie leipient in '.'inereil the In in and he crowned with the it nmnient hi.t for n ion'er consider -prore.o in every -lie n; of learn i I: r of li;n and for ot the Ainerii-in on of Wil- utie. is a o i 1 1 ei . c in i n . a i leii'l ; a ci.'i i r.-'"!'l, and i.i'e ii ('..;:';. s, i: noil t t he Sherman law, ami for ", f.iv..ra:;. to silver roina ied the he mrii'il ' ' 1' e-isla- "A man w ho ets iiis li:.-t ( verv apt to he ;i!eased," :.iid W. I. Mclvcr when asked how lie liked Presidential nomination. . "liver since his clear speech on the tinan c;ai qne,tin in I lie special session of Congress, I have watched adtnir mcrlv the course of t he von n ? Sam n- . . I - . c ' ver at tne j.m ()f dpm.w'raev win d her e and o is to ratwj or in to l mi no other has. 1 j next President. When he was first belieTe served party ties and will !-t.-.l to Conros.s it vv.isj over the i orator, j proved to the satisfaction of the busi ness world that nothing destroys trade, manufacture and commerce like war. If they find that war injures tho world periously in pocket, then war will stop and forever. Business men throughout civilization are making this discovery now ; therefore universal disarmament was never so near as it is now. The federated chambers of commerce of the British empire spoke the sentiment of all the industrial classes in their rtcent resolution recommending arbitration for settling international differences. on r ahenaco a. I who cm not eonscien tionsly endorse the rovolti ti-marv opposition of the Populists leaders iu a Kepiihl ean district, by the e pi it lorin of j grains ins clear exposition of the am: Democratie partv s tirianeia silve- nords made from their fol lowers. And I feel sure now he will Action and Popnl: the convention. 1 see no reason why the Populist? of the country cannot pi ve tn- ti-ket t he: - heart :e-t nd most c'diai t in wm ,n,.r the opposition of tho Pop aeciarauoa ot principle upon ; uilH le.iders hv takin- vote. the ticket stauds omit nothing for -which tho most extreme Populist contend. It to be rej-etted that the temper and sp.r:. i.f T.i.'m.m and Altgeid have apparently oecome the dominating spirit and temper of the Democratic Party. Oap:. Sirn II. Waters, said: "Von may notify the public that I will iirer place all gold bua freo of charge at my store from now nntil frer the third of November next, the election day." Air. L. J. Moore was standing- in hi office when een by the Jol un al. He tpoke m follow-" : "lirran for President and Watson from their ranks. Tho Popuiist and Kc publicau free silver profc.aors are now brought square to the line they have got to support our ticket or alniit tna; they do not want free coinage and financial reform, except through, by and for the benefit of themselves." 1 lill lV --! I'll f A. con r; An examination of this year's styles in ladies' bieycles shows that they are wearing puffed tires. Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. ' ' What a heap of style Jimmie Wat son's wife throws ou. " "Oh, yes. Jim mie started a bicycle repair shop last week. " Cleveland Plain Dealer. Burrows What is the best wheel on the market? Hills The best wheel is not on the market any more. I bought I it myself two weeks ago. Indianapolis ! Journal. The ftern Parent And what means of support have you, sir? The Prospective Son-in-law It is generally admitted, sir, that I have the finest pair of bicycle legs in the country. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Two anxious readers write to The Journal from the beautiful suburb of Philadelphia, Ind., asking if it would bo all right to ride a bicycle to tho fu neral of a "distant oonnection by mar riage providing you keep behind the 'hurse. ' " Indianapolis Journal. The still unsatisfied longing for bicy rle.s was strikingly illustrated in Presque Isle, Ale., the other day. A man adver tised in the local papers to exchange a bicycle for a buggy. When he arose the next morning, he found the whole door yard filled with vehicles of all kinds from doctors' gigs to farm wagons, brought there by the prospect of secur ing a bike. AQuotIou or' Ships. -atiuiial Kevicvv : Tim fumia-( mental principle of navigation, and,1 therefore, the controlling elementary : law of maritime strategy, is the ' physical law of displacement that! a floating vessel invariably weighs' neither more nor less than the: uuantitv of wafer which its inimers-: have carefully studied the iT the convention, 1 have j spent the greale; part since it has been : n so over the news as it came m time I have heard the of the time sion talking M : , In that on of all sorts of Democrats. I have hoard no silver man find fault with wlmt was io done: and the gold men sav it is tl Tor Uovernor. is the very best they j best that could be done if von must coald have done. I- they can't dec , have a f roe coinage man. I do not that ticket they couldn't ehvt any. ; know much c.f i he nominee for Vice President; but I cannot bel:vo that " If the delegates had stayed in t'hi- ' cago A month thay conMn't hive done bsttpr. I think that the plat form of the Chicago convention is in tune with the people. There ia no trad die -in any d:rec;ion. The JpUtforni adopted by the Democrats ' differs distinctly from that adopted by the Republicans. One is plainly for gold, the other a. pliin fr sil Ter. The elect ion. will settle the question, 'whether tho people want 'gold! or tilfer It is liko the darky ays, you 'pays jour money, and j taxes your c Wice.' " -iron. P. M. Simmona wa? seen nt the railroad station, he said that Bryan and Sewall would make a magnifioeut ticket. . . -x-Convcior of Customs Rout. Hancock. Rep., said: "Mr. Bryan is a yonng man o great flaency of speech amiine or aioncal powers. 1 no a con ven t.on ot l atnots acting so wisely up to tiie last conld have made a mistake in that."' ECHOES. Well liro. Mevons, you have not boon guiding the thede9tinics of the Journal for a verv long time, but you have in this nhort interval intro dnced some new commendable ami mncn appreciated features. Asid from the prais-worthy manner of coudncting the paper, the innova tion in New Perne newspaper moth ods of not suspending ptiblio;ition for a dav on account of the 4th of July is noteworthy and is a step in progression that was appreciated. 1 on r excellent work o the oast 'week in giving us the latest news from the Convention at Chicago, I wherebv the more full and elaborate uoii e 1 1 . . u i , I . , . i " : Jfeemedto be carried away by tne i . v, r , . v, J ia ,n .... an l eenorou-lv commendeti; it is a . magnetic influenced of the man, and did not snow that WJ'wr reflection nsnally displayed by Domxratic leaders. As our chief eiec itirowe , want a man of broad sUtemanship. '. not a brilliant meteoric orator of no . experience in affairs of State. It makes little difference wh they nominate, however, the platforr" will arely defeat the party this year. .1 be honest dellar, am brand new thing in Xew Berne jour nalism to have the morning paper announce "Litest Edition a. m." and I happen to know that this re sult was accomplished only at the expense of unusal labor and monev. You have already demonstrated that yon know how to do, and have the intent and willingness "to do," that they know a good thing when 1 1 'HCU WOII IO ; ; . - , . the American v.age earner wnl be' ' i . i . . ... . i aement and s-tpnort and it remains , toe Josran of tne Republican partv, 1 , , . , - , 1 . - ; f'r the people of .New Heme to sav Kna l. i w iMd mi rM i ; iri? i.i- 1 1 j Of Sewall, I know nothing, but the convention seemed to have resolved Itself into a band to unlawfully de prive the Popt.lists of all their earn paign thander. For further infor- m ahn Hi tii i t-t -v the :on of the Anicago convention i quote from ithe Washington Times, a recent .Strong silver organ, the following:" "It is useless to arcne that the Chicago convention is not "Iooney. "' mob of delegates vvho allow them elves to run mad over a speech from a man wi'hout a reput.Vion. ability, standing or experience, is not possessed of reasoning faculties. Two days aero no one thought of Bryan ad a Presidential prssi :ili t v. Day before yesterday h-- pos-ed as a aaoonteban iv . and mar' led into Convention Hall surrounded by tne Nebraska delegation armed w;ft: wooIea spears. YesU-r iav iie a 1 dreesed the convention m rep v t" the dignified s pooch of Senator 11:11 and last nigiit ne became tl'.' on.. ice of the convention for tne Presiden tial nomination. Will auv one arirue that men can U' sane w!io so tas iv forgot their pledges to either can i. dates and act so mncii a pa- k old women ? Are such d-leja'.-s capable of selecting a u:tV'ilc statesman to ox'cupv ti:- : m p. r::i:: t position of chief exci: t:'. .-f great nation Postmaster .Matt'v exprc-sci his opinion as follows: mi nr c!' a. tr.e wi. it k:- 1 a man I w. i:e to see -. : ,. L r ' r of the i of t i en: i people 2 Such a man a. W . 1 1 i nr. . of Nebraska. I rn ;:: t:;e v.i: South Caioii'ia see,'.!, i. : :- the ago when Caesar. Bvron conqneretl tiie ing spirit and brilliant g'-r.i -. One that will free us fr"in p.r.i s and give a greater doman i for labor and consequently hotter pr: v for labor. Tiie preset'.: sv-tem condemne.! of every one. '.ir -eo-ple shall live better every y vir. Our coantry grows in w.mI'.u h-.t .t (ho rich who grow richer an 1 ti;C luxuries of living have boon multi plied for them ten fold. "Why' they see it. and are ready to give it that aid, without which it cannot retain its goodness. We are all apt ti take too much for granted, and we accept the good things of life with little thought as to how the good results are brought about; in this particular ease we should exhib it a proper appreciation of a good I newspaper and give it the aid ami 'encouragement it deserves. ' We Carolinians think' that the : Ch .e.igo Con ven t ion made the verv best possible selection lwthe nomi nation of Mr. l'.ryau of Nebraska, jand the boys who represented us in I the "windy city" did themselves and i t he i r S tat e proud in being of the van of t:i"Se who contributed ehief 'y to the selection of our candidate. I: the par'y w ih : n November and ,l',t ehau.'cs now seem go d. North Wooden Silk. Since the dawn of history people have fed worms ou mulberry leaf and fiber, and in return the worms have spun from tho material of the leaf the fine and shining silk thread. The wood fiber was thus first turned into worm and then into silk. It took a long time for the idea to penetrate the mind of man, but ut last pnme genius txxik it into Ids head that the wood might be turned directly into silk without paseing it through the worm. Ho experimented accordingly, and in ooursoof time actually succetxled in producing a very fair silk from wood pulp. This genius was a Frenchman, and, strange, to say, a nobleman besides the Count Ililaire do Chardonnet, chev alier of the Legion of Honor. He pat entod his discovery, -and a company of Englishmen at Manchester have now undertaken to make tho wood silk thread from the pulp and sell it, already gpun, to weavers everywhere. The doom of the silkworm industry ha probably boon struck. It is the sus tonanceof millions of persons in France, in Italy, in Spain, in China and Japan, but it will likely now have to go. Silk directly from wood can lie made so much morn cheaply and quickly than by the old proffsa. The wood is first subjiytod to maceration by a mixture of sulphuric and nitric acids. The u-w artificial silk thread is lustrous than tho worm' threal, but not quite so strong. Mary hud JKtk lamb. Its fli-oee wos wblto as enow, And everywhere tbat Mary went Tbe lamb was miro to bx It fullowixl hut down tt4 street one day. A scorcher carno along. Ho put nn cac to Mni'8 lamb And likewise to ray sonp. -Cleveland Leader A large part of the state of Maryland has become a market garden for tho great citioe of Baltimore, New -York and Philadelphia. According to the Bal timore American, ablebodied Individ ualfl who arc just pining for work, but cannot got it, can bo accommodated at present in their hearts' desire on the trucking farms of Maryland. The Aincr icAn remarks: "The pay is good, and tho work is not heavy. It is hard to under stand why more men do not sock this kind of employment. There is in it as suraneo of regular pay, with opportuni ties of branching out and becoming owners of farms. There is cppccial de maud in this community for a higher grade of vegetableeand small fruits, ' Emperor William's gay little racing yacht Meteor, which hrw played such havoo among the fast boats of British Sporting men, was built by Watson, tho English designer, it is true. But it is also true that Designer Watson followed in her model very closely tho lines ou which the America oup champion, De fender, was constructed. But, then, aain. Defender was built on the Eng lish deep keel model rather than on the Yankee centerboard idea, so that, after all, we cannot lay claim to very much on behalf of William's Meteor. prominent et. (no 1 manv of ('irobn.-i uni occupy i daces a' t he 1! ver bar.-: e.etrifer if V"'i :' h-as.. , . ;l then, w :. . : i: t ro. 1 u, e ; iie m se ves t tic people "f some foreign countries is tas. i n g a" i in :ortant par s Wei 1 ' he -v as Ml'c' met ; s t 1 a : : :u rs mas e l ' i r s . u - if the large ili- a. . is a' i I . : . o a- .-' " 'h el' m-h w a : 1 1 n . ver. s tiie have lie, i- Froin the demand for novels in dia lect English it looks- as if tho American who has made a failure nt novel writ ing along other lines might In' thor oughly successful if lie should master Scotch or Welsh and give the world a tale written tin rein. We commend this view (if the case to Americans who can not find sab' for their novels written in English. The Republican convention at St. Louis was the eleventh presidential nominating convention that lias ln-en held by that party. It was, however, the first tmi" a national Republican convention has met in St, Iyuis. THE WHEEL ABROAD. There are 188 cyclist.jseclionRattached to volunteer regiments iu England and Wales and 3 1 in Scotland. Ireland does not possossi volunteer regiments. Over 80 members of parliament now regularly pedal down to the house of commons daily. English swells are extracting, a great deal of fun out of gymkhana cycle con tests. British cycle makers must reduce the weight of their machines or suffer great ly by the competition of American makers. The average American roadster of the best build is from five to seven pounds lighter than the English one. Tho bicycle boom which is on in Eng land is a stock market movement ns well as an athletic fad. It is cleverly man- nged. "Bike'" shares are up to many times their par value. This Is the eeo oud Bicycle boom in England. The first was in 1693 and ended -in a collapse, Bicy-clo snatching is a new form of crime in Paris. A lady was riding aooao distance ahead of her husbanl recently when two men. palled hey off lior bicycle, and were making off wkh the machine, when her husband caught them. Bicycle bombs are now manufactured in the fatherland' small, but eitremely noisy explosives, which exorcise a mag ed part displaces. It is a conse-1 quence of this law that the weight j of a ship of given size is constant, p Within certain limits a builder may 'r distribute the weight as he pleases. : lie may assign so much to hull, so 5 rnucii to engines ol propulsion, and ; the remainder to cargo. For a j given speed the weight of engines' for ships of the same size will bur ! much the same. The builder, there- ' fore, must choose between assigning:, weight to hull or giving it to cargo. ; A very strong hull means reduced j: carrying capacity, a great carrying! capacity means a hull of the lighest I possible construction. To these elementary conditions is duo the difference between a ship of war and j a merchant ship; the mei chant ship J must necessarily be constructed to' carry tho greatest weight of cargo! possible, consistent with a hull strong enough for navigation and 1 ' with - propulsion sufficient for the speed required in its business. The moment the hull is unneces sarily strengthened the shin will cease to be able to compete as a car rier with other ships of the same size and speed, which, having ligh ter hulls, can carry more cargo. A ship built with a hull specially, strenethened in order to withstand the various shocks of battle cannot ! in peaceful trade pay as a commer cial enterprise, and the merchant ship, with its hull lightened down to the margin of safety, can never be exposed to the same rough treat ment for which the man-of-war, with its specially strengthened framework, is prepared. BS25SBEE 3 m ' i A nil 1 -3 for infants and Children. '- years cVbser-frfttion of Castoria with the patronage of II million of person b. permit us to speak of It.wlthont gnetng. It is unquestionably the best remedy for Infanta and Children the world 3in -ver known. It is harmless. Children like it. It (rivn them honlth. It will av their lives. In It Mothers have something which' ! ahsolntoly nafo and practloolly perfect as a ehild'a medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. ( Castorir. allays Fevorishness. Cast oria prevents vomiting 'Soar Card. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Collo. Castoria ralievoa Teething Tronhlcs. Castoria enros Constipation and Flatnlenny. Catftoria nontraHzoK the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonons air. Castoria does not contai" morjphjn.oplwm. or other narcoticjroperty. Castoria assimilates the food, rcgnlates th stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria Is pnt pp in one-size hottIesonly. 7 10 IU H 50 IU 9 63 ia 12 aipm 5 48 p iu 7 66im iv uni) niglit on tin? rovi. f in possibly make tbi It is not sold in bnlk. Don't allow any one to soil yonanything else on theplea or promise that it is " jnst as good " and " will answer every pnrposo." .i See that yon pet C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. Tho fac-simile signature of is on Tery wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. SBaSSSBBBSBSSSSBSBB TRAVELERS ,GUn. TIIK DIRECT ROITa"E TO .National IVojiIc'r Party Coitvtntlon AND i AMKKM AN SILVER COXTENTIOK UT. LOI IS, Mi).. JL'LV 22, 18&G.' . i no nouuirrn itniwny vi CharloUft. Milt nnl i ulmolutfly tUe ! n.l n.,.l I......I . . . .,,, mi-. -i iiiiim nimu i ram xvnrui t.'uioliiia to St. LomIm. Sole this match Ii h Kcliodulc: : Ieave ( tl(ln1(ir' leave ItalcgU I I.uve Durlmm ! liCnve (ir enshorit . Jt-d c Cliui'lulionville Arrive Cine uii 'li ! Am ve M. L -um . Onlv 3.1 hours mwl .r0 minute ltalwchl i". .-l. j, Uifl. lll i No o'hci line time. (n ikcoiiiii of iho alove convoDtloa' tin- h'.iiitliciii KhiIwuv will round trip -tiik.iH io si. I...uii on July 10, 20, tl, thifcl limit Jin jTiIi, at rale of one f.rc, v : Kiom (;..';l-t)i o 122 75, HeDtlenon t-- -'J. -imri'ine in won lialeih $24.40, Oxford $23 55, Ciol.l. u.m i: KO, nlifhuty f22 73, KUtetrill 'i 22 75. Durlmm ,2.1.5fl. hoi ma 1 25.20. uorrespouoiniy rules I rota all other iK.iion-. y i ii mi in i m m 1 1 1 ii i no pivo cooice ne routes unit k. II m kcts nl nhove ' rates . rin Asliev illc. iiml Cineinuati. Iouiiiyillc. It is driirnl to nrranB a special through cr for llic' iiocornmodntloD of I iie'ciitc? iiii.i llipir IrieiKln Io IcftTe IiaU oii,'ii or (rn'isoiro on above pcbedal i S" li, io Kotluoimh to St. Louia without - i'ii hi -c; arriving there J 40 m., July 20; unl to iicjomjianv the pnr(jr threO(ch I" St. Louis looking alter their cotnlort uiu I pkitKure. All who will us - this route ploae al vie me nt once; also for any further Id formation, add res v CHAS. L. DUrKINS, Trav. I'as. At. o. Ry, n -Cliartotte, N. a mwmi FAILING MANHOOD Force Big Crowds of People OUR STORE EVERY DAY. to General and Nervous Debility. Weakness of Body and Mind, Kfltocts of Errors or Excesses in Old or yonnjf. Robust, Noblo Manhood fully Restored. How to Enlargo and Strengthen Weak, Un developed Portions of Body. Absolutely nn fallinpr Homo Treatment. Benefits in a dnv. Men testify from 50 States and Foretell Countries. Send for Deserlptivo Book, ex planation and proofs, mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL GO., Buffalo, N.Y. We mean to lurn ttingf up-side down the remainder of the season and torn prieoa op every article in our house into very Bin; pieees. VVe.don't mean to be extravagant in our talk, hur vre do say ye are vthe leaders of low prices in iNcsv lrne. Thousands bless the day they heard o Dr. E. C West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment. It has brought happiness and health to renlare misery and discourasro- ioal cfTWt upon tho our of aprofiaive ment- Thj'tv days treatment for $1.00. propensities. A dot in Girmimy thinks 1,1 n,v -1 - ul1- Big SSIcMlliamiiser Prices that Icmo1isIi nil Extra Jjom l9ris on Summer Iross SI nil. Very extra Low IViee on Summer Cloth lug Atlantic & N. C. Railroii twieo now before attempting to molcet people on wheels. Why the Jury Agreed. They wero trviuc the case for tho fourth tim' Three times had the jury disagrt-eA, and neither judge nor coud eel believed that the present oceupants of the box would come to any orKlcr standing. The jury mod out, and the parties interested In the case prepared themselves for a long wait. What was their surprise when, ten minutes after retiring, tho jury signified thi ir readi nogs to announce a verdict. When the verdict had been given and tho excite ment somewhatquieted dcAvn, the udgo turned to the jury. "Gentlemen," be remarked, "this may be an unprecedented act on my part, but I want to eprets to you my appreciation of tho willingness with which you came to an agreement. When I remember that three previous juries spent at least six days flotormining that they conldn t harmonize, the prompt ness with which you agreed stands out m most agreeable contrast. ' ' "We didn't h;wc any trouble about agreeing, said the smiling foreman, and his 11 confreres smiled with him, "as soon as we established just one point, your honor. " "And what point was that?" inquired the judge. "A very simple fine, your honor. It didn't tako us live minutes to rind that every man of tho 12 rode the same wheel I' Cleveland Plain Dealer. 'I'n'itiivi and lalwir do not go togeth says Kugi'iif I ) lis. CITY MARKET REPORT. ( nrrcrlfil Onily l.v KohrrN t- Kro.. HlKilcunle nnl KoChII tlrrrlinula. ll4llH lkri4'4-. i; b .i. -. hort 1 ! n In - i M s 1 'i ir In at w I!;i:np i'. "ii'. St:o:-f ( War .: I i:r: -, -njar ,-ui N. t . II .:n- 1 i The Picnlo Bicycle Hamper. There are picnic bikes now, "built for two. " A couple can suirt out and wheel and wheel nr.d got hungry and carry between them a J ig enough or an army commissariar. The picnic bike has an attachment fer emnocting two wheels, 6o that the hamper may be suspended between tJieni without botli- ring anyi iliriy. liicyele pituiic parti-s go out of New York every day with the ' 'basket' liung tntween two wht-els, which are merely connected by an Improved eonpltif of light iron mik Wii- r- the party is large servunLs can ride tiu wheels that irry tho hampers. But in the real, genuine bicycle picnic til'' wJiolo com piuiy is paired olf. iukI e.u-)i ctrij,le has lmmK'r. Niav York Journal. TLo Tallin; of Hlcrtr-, The owner .f a k.irse onti tvtrriag' is aot sutiject til a -i.t !al tax, ami tin- cy ;list can't se where he ec i:. s in for liseriminatioii. N- w Y ri: Time & If some people were half as hio- ns they think they are, the world would have to be enlarged. Successful for years, Dr. Le Brtin's G. & G. Cure three days. No bad effects. One Dollar: at store or by mail. For sale by F. c Duffy. What Borne people, know would fill a book and what they don't know would fill a library. Gel genuine Dr. Lo Rrun's S. tfc P. Pills ' lor ladies. Sold only by authorized iigents. One Dollar, nt store or my mail. For sale by t H. Duffy. Half the people in the world are working; tne other half for chumps. and making it pay. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment is guaranteed to cure any case ot nervous debility ot whatever cause,. Six months course with guarantee. $5. At store or by m-ul. For "sale bv F S. Duffy. Egotism makes a man believe the world thinks as much of him ae he thinks of himself. I J 1a I X ERY DEPA RTJfEXT. AjuI tliee YiIies are Stunning: Speeia! Sale ot fjatfie Sailor Hats. no Ladies Straw Sailors Vorth 15c, our price IL'c. each 500 Straw Sailors worth 25c , at 18c. :i00 Ladies trimmed Sailors marked lo 25c , 200 Ladies trimmed Lillian Russell Sailors worth 75c and l.oo our price 48c. each. BARFOOTS, The' I5ig lr.v Cioods ISargain House. Wanted that Dr. cure in thn v mail. F6 oll - lolia'o ltaitcr4. pet -'. : )' r. -ied in tie u' Hire of .n :" ' an ir.-trutor ire. by enil ea ; -.: ,,yp. H n ki : w.irl ' w . N . 1 1 Ne 1- ::tr.t I ' N. ( ( ' a ( '" e';iri formation lia.i by a I i geiitleniei;. Ko-niitoii Antiil a .:' o t . ( .1 : tl' N . ( ' "ete. ' I ' '. -5 ni'.'i of : i A u g'.ist ii - r ,ei, 1' ;!' I ' ' I.e. I a : I ''' T:r. ! .,1 . Y. 1- y.z a cran A ra.. v and a A i:ir e crowd is eX- j r:...r.i: I.. I'-.tter. Co. j ''!' i::-:. i - 'i'.iiirman i i.n..::ee: V. Hi:;, ! II.. I-: N. C. Vetoram:. ; of '. 'e ( Yor.Tir.ttteo. In- . f 'i.e Kei; r. :o;i -jiav be aoovnaiiu d ro-ieii.,: t .-.ate papers pwase copy lis :-a V.. ( t an: a .ale. A ir 1 ; . ( ' Ml.'iir M ea-.-i 1 t . 2 V. S;.rep 1'. te -J-..-. l iiivv 'a io a I ! a !' t. H i : net i ' n am v Da.rv. 17 in Is V- e 1 to I-, . 1. 1 ( - aar i Cell' e i Gr aa 1 Aaim S-;it 55 -. 1'. a- "o In ' ("lie ki r . i wn . 'C. Sr:ni' 'lack. a;- 20 to": li.'J- v. lit. i e-'. ,lX .'"e. LO In lillt JOe. HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS Per S:rses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, i 500 Page Book on Trrntmrnt of Ad. und C hart Pem l-'i cc. ; crm:? t Frvrr,Conaestloii.TnfltiimTintt.. A. A. t eNplnn.1 lllcn ini; i t is, .M i I k hofV. J 11. 1). Mrnliin, LamriipsH. K lie linii, tl&n. '.'. .-Dlstemprr. Nasal l)i-u liarse. I. I). Itnln or drubs, Vnri. . K. r- nsU. llrnve., I'nruniAuSNt F.F.-I ollc or (Iripps, Hcllyache. u.u.-.'imuiri I .! K I t ll!-lllurrnHfCH. H.H.--1 rOiHrynndKitlury Disease. i.l.Krnpilv- UiHOHira, iMantfe. . lv.llicut's of Dlfic.iiou, l'aral- ' -Slnal'' bottle (over 50 tl'ec), ttBb! ('use, vtth Spoclflrfl. MnniiaL rti'rln..ry f ure (Ml mul MtxUca'nr, $7 O. Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, . l.(JU SjnI .i try I'mriH-l , i or prrpalil ny,bf n and ( uy qautllty on Ipt ol prlc. UraPHBETS'SED. CO. ,111 118 William St., $m.f- HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No, In use 3D vears. Th ocrr nrnrvisfnl rrtr.t Nervous Debility, Vital Weakne, nd FrolrlKn, from oTOr-work orotber caiMeSi 1 pr vml, or 6 vi&la &nd l&re vial powder, for n.IJ l.y Llrutf Jii.15, or u- HI j.ii.ui.1 en i . . . jj t o( prh Simimuiis' fti. to., ill Aiu nuiiuM., The Junfortunaie fo know run's G. &. G. Cure will ays. Une Dollar at store or t sale by F. S. Dairy. The man who never forgets any thing, nover forgets to boast of it to every onei meets. Ladie, dlsfiair not. Dr. Le B run's S. Tl 1 III. - s x tv r. j-iiis mire eure. une in nr: nt tore or by mail. For -ale at F. S. Duf fy's. The reason most people give ad ico eo freely is because they are anxious to get rid of it. For seventeen vears Dr. E. C. West's Nerve iiml Brain Treatment has worked wonders fur the pick. nale. nervous, de- ilitated tutu and women of this country. $1 per fos; .-ix for 5. For sale !y F. 8. DnflV. Tobacco Flues ! ZW o0,0()() poonds best SHKKT IKON in store and 20,000 pounds on the way. All in want of Finest will do well to place their orders early, so that they will bo sure to get them in time. Tin .and Sheet Met, il Work of every description promptly done. No. 23 Craven Street, - - NEkV BERNE. N. C. fnrrod -o 0 . C WHITTY.) LLWOOD, do as wants The man who is willing to he would bo done by, always to bo done hv hrst. You will not. txj disappointed in Dr. Le Jinin's (i. A: (i. Cure. No bel effects, no diet; tiif-o ilays. On- Dollar, ut store or )y maJ. Km stie nt F. S. Duf fy's. Xothing hurts a man like pinning faith to a wrong idea and being set ateh by t iie pin. D.ilie-ite 1-e es take ereat 1 1 stor.-il i ve. Dr. La Liaie'-S. ,; l': l',n-.. o,,t, j , ia r, at s u: or b, I'or sa'e lv l- b Duffy. We never know what we can do till we try. and then we freouontlv Under Gaston i!ouo. Hotif Ii Jroiii Street, New Berne, C IITSy. l.IE OF $ynL4&wLl Hardware. Stoves. Carpenters Tools. Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, ;qalvanized pipe, pumps, Lime. J'ustcr and Cement. DEVOES PURE KKADY MIXED PAINT8. EIVrsona'! ro'r-oFi fo ' Ik1 jrompt aud corn'ct filling ol all orders, m.'Jrn w,dow lind that we can t. Oft Be a man. Take Dr. K. C. West's .Verve and Treatment. It restores manly viiior. ( inai an;rel V t lire. 1 ! t hex. mx f.,r .". For sale at P. S Duf. Nine out. of ten men who broom' s thoroughly contented, have outiiyed t heir nsi'f nlness. Xo pn'.lieiiy. ,n I your dollar by bred 1 ( ano eet a oo "1 In'. J.e iSrun s (,. (1. Cure. Cures in three dnys. Meer fails, l-'or si iv by F. S. Duffy. When a man knows his duty, lie avoids doing it by asking advice. Dr. Le Brim's S. ec 1'. Fills, the only Kreneh; lor ladies. One Dollar, at store or by mail. For sale by F. 8. Duffv. tu. I want every man and woman in fhe United States interested in the Opium and Whisky habits to have one of my books on these disen-es. Address B. M. Wool ley, Atlanta, (ia., Box 3-S2, and one will bu ,-ent you free. wly TIME TABLE K0. 2, In, effect 7:50 M. Wetlnewlar If " 27th 1895. Got no East Pukdui.k Uowd Wut No, 3 r'nriitjcr 'Jrtiintt. No. 4. rv. p. m. Staiioni". Ar. a. in. 3 20 Ooldsboro, 11 25 8 49 LnOrange, 10 69 4 12 Kiunton, 10 83 5 15 Ar. New Bern, Lv. 0 80 0 i5 Lv. " Ar. 9 17 (S 7 Ar. Moreheod City, I.T 8 07 . No. 1. t I Mirctl Frt & Statiohb. Piimh. J'rain. Lv. a. m. 7 20 klG 8 at; 24 H 'AH 9 r,:i 10 i.-, 10 -10 11!'. 11 :u 12 or, 1 30 2 1'2 2 90 2 43 8 1'nI .' 25 3 HI 8 4fl 8 51 P M CJoldsboro, rVBlX' InGranKa Falling Cret'k, Kiunton, Caswell. A r. Dover, Lt. Lv " Ar. Core Creek, Tuncarora, Clark 'a. Ar New Bern Lv Kiv.-rdale Ci 'Rian IIuv. lock, N jKrt, ViMwood, Atlantic, Ar Morpliead City, Ar Al City-Depot, Lv I No. 2 i- r ' t Ar. p. m, 4 00 7 20 ' flftC V e so 00- IS 5 00 4 20 4 00 l 8 38 3 20 Lv 2 A( Ar 20 47. iO 10 1C o0 - 40 Lv 06 H47 6 8 Lv 8 20 8 00 AM Moi day, Wcdnenday and FriJay. tTiu-nday, Tln4rwlav and Saturday. ' 8. L. DILL. Bupl ffiliDltoD, Newto & Horfolt Eailroal TIME TABLE NO. 1. Li take effect Stmday, May 17(li, lLOfl, at 12:00 M. SuierHedio Tune Table No. 4, J)nled Oeiol'cr 27th, IS!.'!. Ooino South. KnirDrix GoinoNobth 'No. 7. l'liKurri'rr Train. No. 8. Lve. A. M 9 20 it ;.- 10 1)9 10 42 12 40 L M. ar. Htationh. New llorne 1'olloekHvillo Mh.vsvi I lo JnekHonvilU WihuiuH'il Lve Ar. P. M. 5 20 4 44 4 1!0 " U 6H 2 00 r. m. No. 6 Pasbrnokii and' FKRianT No. 6 lieave Vilinington Mondy,WodiM)aiay mi t Friday. Lenvo New Bern Tucwhiy, IberWI.iy und Saturday. Lve. A.M. Ar. P. il. 7 00 Lv Wilmington Arr l) 2ft 7 lo W. Seu-Coast It. 1C Crob'g It 16 7 i! Ha v nu-ad, 2 ftO 7 ::i KirkiHiid 2 4 7 J- - Mill, 2 40 7 5s oiiiki. i.if, 2 11 H01 Ciif-rw Ijikc, 2 & Mil Annan'lulo J f" w li, I 47 H 32 Kiii oiiiho J 30 H .'.2 Ibelyri l..e 1 )7 li or, I ' ksbeie 12 .'5 li fa D,oii 12 12 ! .'U t roua 12.23 !i .'ill Arr. .la. kswiivillc Lv. '.St- 1 lo L. ' Air. 10 1 fa N rlbeasl 10 (KI 1 ::s vj b.iro .k 9 ffO 1 :.s Mi.v-vil c o if : 1 J'. IL.ei,sw.; ,d s 'K 2 eO 1 ' ' : aickus dlo J .1 I ..nil s h 2H f o Air. NewVrne Lv. h HO '. M . AM. 'Dully Except Nnnday. While pe-plo tion some sound .silver nor k"t:oeii larf d am; w,i:;::g no ! in' con!! try :i"o agitating the moaning gold!, others "free ie- wan fe m cai -we lire now loa oi ea n. as miie qlics- eoinago of iihviivn, pre & Mules i Aclapte-rl to'all Purposes, That have even ie'.-n :, mi f ho GOLD, SIl.VKir, (JIII.KM! S'evv I'.criie .Market for cash, oithcr ks. oii nkuoti aulio I'.vim:i:. A full ami always on hand r-'ini;iief c liii" of Hiiifs, Wagons and Harness jLVL. Halm & Co., No's ; 18, 120 & 122 Middle Street. LL A. WHITING, lb no rid Manager. J. W. MA II I FN is, (ii n l. Frtaud 1'aea. Ktii Webster's Dictionary. CNAlllMliCKl) EDITION. E B- Thin h not tiie (Misoleto EiTitio that wa- printed from the oripinaJ plates of Iht-'t, but the next Kcvimxi ndition compiled 24 yearn later. N'either i it bound in pantebourd and ebilh t imitate leather, but it iri genuine leather and HiibHtniitially bound. Now do vou want thiB VALUA HLK liOUK FHKK that ih almoBt a Library within itself. If ho, nond us Ten i:w Sn iiihkhh to thk Wl FKIV ,l(il UN I A I $1.00 eOCh, ,ll"l you can get a copy at this on k k I'i; KK.

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