14 U to mttm NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JULY 23, 1896. VOL. XIX. NO. 19. WASHINGTON LETTER. WHAT WILL THEY LOUS. U 0 AT ST. Two Waal Vk liAirirM Mm. Brpnlx liaas aad Deatrrals Blh Con flaat. A4mlaUlritllin .o slp. ( lif Und'i Posiflou. JlU RN u Br it K V V. ( Washington, D. ., J i'.v 20. Wbtt will tlie Sf. I. . uis convent. ons doi Thst the question row . f-cr.c.-t asked by Demoorsi-e, Republicans an. I PopulUtS. Xhe majorily ut" bolh IVir.o rra.'s and Popnlit be'iev that th- P p ultst aul .:! ver co--. v.-a: .o-j, b-.'.h of Which are to be In id in St. I,u;;s 'Aw week, will either endorse or nominate o a neimra ! ticket, Bryan an.'. S.wi.l A majority of the R-pubiias also exont that outcome, UJ"U;'i .- of litem will sny as much pnb'ic'y. N ot withstand! ng these opioious, it i known th; f ;he Popalisx conveotioa, in part.cu'ar, can be controlled by money, it wi.l n t endorse Bryan and Seal.', but will put up so eutirtly separate lickeL A man who is :i oct of a cna between & pof. a lobby ist, and a profesics.l politician, u 11 i who ia now at St. Loui", said in Wasliiiigtoc, several day ago that any iMly who could guarantee the nomioaliou oi : separate ticket bj the Popu it convemion Ci uld pick op one million dollar. Jle w as-.-, talking for publication when he sa:d that. aod be isot a delegate to either of the St. L)oi convention; ne.ther is he tin re f r a health. Ia fact, lie .s know a as nun wbo never does anything uc.l-.ss th.re is aoaey ia it for him. People who kiu w little of uch thiog are apt to th nk thit " mcb mn can iodaeoce n- bo 'y, but those who are familiar with convert o - at; : Coagreaa kaow a heap siUt be' tt r. Th:v can aodl do Lcflasoce men, of.cn to the eitctil of succeeding inputting through ih scheme whicli ernpiov them lr the vote too, of hoocst mep who brieve thai ihey ara voting strictly ia accordance witli Ibeir coaacientioas opiai n5, ami it they ar not csjreAi'ly watched at St. Ix)u Iboir infloesce iiibeecD in liic action ttb Populist coarentioa they will bother aboot the silvir convent. on leiau-e t tut will not rcpnt!iQt an orsjiU'red ; frty, aod because it is already committed to Bryan and Sowall anyav. ombudy Ls evidcutly exprt.-l.g a coofdeoce that they ii not feel ia the outcome of the coroiog Prr-jicent.al cam. balgu. It is to be presumed that promin ewt Repablkftna and LVcnoerntss p-sses-i qaal fiicilUiea for ascerlainiog th diift ol pubhc lentitpent throughout the country. ( Yt, the former are exprrwmg a(wo'ntr confidence in the election ot McKmley aoJ Hobart ami the Htlet in the eUction of Bryao aod Sewill. Senator Stewart, of Narad, said j ust before leaving Wash-; InittOO lor the S. Loail Convention, that . oothlttg oa earth coohi prevent the intfmph of ailver this year. Senator Jooea, of Aknsaj, Cbairmaa ot the Democratic National Cxnmittec;, who, by the way, wfll aUo be ia St. Louis when the Pope lint and silver conventions" meet he aaji, he will merely stop there oa b way home for a short nt expresses ecftxieoce that both of ihoee conventfom will be lor Bryan and Scwall, and tint with tee silver force united they are bona! to win. Oa.l be other band. Chair man Babcnek, of the Re cblicaa Con ftressiooal Campaign Committee, who haa lust returned imm a visit to McK'm ley aod Uark Hanna, Chairman of the llepobticae Nation al Com re it tee. say that stive: has no chance to win. that tue Republicans will elect a majority of the aext Hwose aod VcKmiey and Ilo'iart to a dend certainty. It may be that each oi tbaeegeatleroerl retJly feel the conti lence utey cspvesa, out n tney oo son e oi tem are uoqneetiooably t lie victims of m;s.ri JbrrMtoo. Only ooV party cm elect a ma jority of the House tod only one Presi dential ticket can be elected. Sooie ,Try qicer St. ru- nr.- rl latir- aroand Waehiooo as to the :?.-. r.t: ot the administraliou. Dae of them c e-- &r as to say tht President Cik veim : has sent Uartc Dana word that McKin ley and Oobart have nothing to f, ar ::o:n the adminiat ration, and that he hopes '.h- will be elecUd. While t b:s sto-y Irsa cocoes very near to comct'.v r. presect iag the attitude of the drr.;r.-.s:ri: .. r. wards tlie Democratic and Republican .: k et, it is not protible ttiat any mes-ae I. tbat effect has been ent from Mr. (". ve laad or any member of : he i 1 -i, i ; - r iff. Cleveland ha.i beeti iautv : n.a.-.y lhinjj, cut noooeir. to my called biai a lo-l. T : the administration See:-- :.i . Uerbert who base puM:.' i that they would .-upport 1 suy tbat thy would mpp w .e 4 . :.a y a : . : - v i i It can be stated oo h jii au'.i Preaideot C'evjtr.d s pu'.l : g at his cocao;aii'. to br.-g i'r " '.': -natioa of S'd Den-.ocrJ"..c the silver Democrats are hop rg Mueceect. Such a ticlxt ou..i twlver men because it wo ;'. i a: eratic votes whiih would '.her MrKinley. and :t woc'.l : of a fcinc'.c silver IVn: - r I: abtc. however, '.hi: ' ' atrJstit oce bet cer. . , Ttiere may t other t.ck be merely t.ele jhows. i her WcKinVy will our nev Pre- The adm:ntat ration ii.v -poe:: rrt Mirmort Brvar: s:.d a :u . rr - what it will support u f a be solved, r.-e-aiet:'. Clex e a i t al membt n oM.i-i '. r.e : .: favor of putting "? a s' I V".i lickrt, aael, for once, th- ' I1-'" ar al! wishing thit M-. I'eve.af have his way. They bel.ev, V.,..: Dwrnociatic t.cket woi:M iuid '.'.r Cbtarcbaace ot w.ur.tn :z -;ri .1 W . N 1 1 1 I . ir t c 1 by I ! vote '; as:: x ':. WO':'.. I other x iv ! y au 1 tloba-t. Re pub are i: ! ffer. :.t a- to what . r.i' - n. .iv :. I ut it is i.n O," n .-evret ava..ab!e w . f ano' her ; that th ey re to TlVO t : L k r t. pulling every .e putting up Tli? I'o u'.-t- rt.cfi'.'.y resififd the plat forin a lopte 1 i-v the I.:n ic ratio o.'tiven-ti.-n ai'.d t'... 11 miuat: iti if Hryui as a irrei! trurnph for t'ieir pri i.o" pics, an I in order to impress th it i Ua upon meni'rs ..t hi p.irtv tary Turner, of the l'opti'.ist N iti'Hia! conniiitue, has islJtd . 1 e u-e IVm- t.r r M. K.' t they r I II no i scried statement, urging the Populists Republicans and Populists is in progress !o u:ine : i supporting the Democratic , 1L.re tnniht, to see what can be done tKktt, su 1 tie platform, which he sjis is towards arranging for State fusion, to :.V.ti:; and purposes a Populist j There is every reason to say that ar p: .i; r:r.. He u s) says that Mr. Bry .n is ranp?ments will be perfected, i popu'.tst. and calls .itteution to h:s hav- . Kepub'.icans s.iy all their people and a :ng acted with the Nebn-k.i Populists for ninjority of the rank and file ot the Popu the last two years. After colling that i;sts now urc in favor of fusion. P m a ",t principles have captured the Senator? But ler and Pritchard are pres- Ie:r.ocrat.c p .rtv, he ad is: "All Popu hats in these Fn.e.! States should n l uce i Ih-K the'r principles hive Uk"n such a hoi 1 upon the Atr.cricm people that one oi the great pwltt c.il ptrtu-s of the nation has been compel !el to adopt those priuci - pies an 1 nuninatc a tick crrv ttieni icto execution.' pie Iged to THE VENEZUELAN QUESTION. Fi( DUrliHirrn on ( ODlrovrnr Sho Ihli ( onnlrr lo be Fine ol Kelln. qnlntslnir nnj Flrl ( litlm. sp,--:i. W ash im i Toy, D. ('., July 17. The efforts of the United Slates Hud Great ' Bntdn to a;ree upon a general arbitra : : ntriaty, : t t i;e .v. tt len-.eut of all col-i tr vi r-:e- t'.r. :: Ji ai et.ibii.h:ui nt of a permuiect t::--'.:r.a., a- wi s.- the progress ..f.i:!,'.,):- n,,mii,i; inn-.r.ij .mv;, ii,,v,n,JM',!,nr'mi,i.m - frti, in in- thirteen communications majc 'lie ' v the Sate Department to- iiint, n i:, thev constitute the first aui lio'ita' ive disclosure upon these gr--at questions, s-icce President Cleveland's famous Chritmastidc .Message to Con- will be found that previous reports t-1 the negotiations have been fairly well u ' iiue.l h v previous dis- 'pitches, that litt'e sulistautial process ton irds s general arbitration treaty is dlscio e l '.y the d. cuments. ; An outl ne in part ot the propo-ed prrxe. d:r. is laid down and view of the tw0 governments is so explicitly sta-i Iei1- future dtscu-sion may be con- leii, '.hat future dtscu-sion riai-d to ards narrowing wit.j lew iliver gencies ol tru thod. The further fact is mi le apparent that the United States lus nt rel.-xetl its vig ilance in demanding ju-t settlement of the : enzaeian bxindary qiu-stion and has' rejected tlm British proposals lor arbi tra. iog that dispute, under terms involv I inu' a surrender ol auy part of N'ene lue a s c'.ain.s. i AN AMIABLE SETTLEMENT. "0 lord "ry ReKardi.c the Venemaelan Claims. London'. J.:ly 17. Lord Salisbury laid before the IIou- of irds, today, the papers on the subject of arbitration. He said the negoti il i us between the Umtid S'.ites and Great Britain were not compete but wi re amicably advancing. Regarding Venezuela, he said, the first thing was to get at the real facts, and ! when thi- was done bv the Commission, :q whom all concerned had tub contldence, he felt that the many diplomatic matters uhvh w-.-uld foil. i vv w.-uld not lie verv , j- I. . ; , ,ii d:rncult ot aiiiustment, luteen it there wns. ihoe d.ftiulliis w, tild be overcome . , , , ! bv arbitation. . . WHAT EDITORS SAY. P RES S ON THE CODING CAMPAIGN. Pnbllc Opinion I'nbllshrs a Symposi um Showing the t'.dllnrlsl Policy On Ihf Drmorrsllr Sllanllou. Hbnl They Sy. New Y.-kk. The We-k'y P-;' lie Up .-ion of New Vol k. put t thi uk ympo: : oi.r.mec'.i : all i :r : , i u '. . - r. 1 ' . . e. i v i :.' e.,1 s en are : T.-aM- f f caret'u iy . l,a din. selected press i e s p ,i p e r s in ir I K-:r..Crat:. ; o: tti i re ..c.u urn i' -. i' . i cau.p i:g'i Do: 'or its. thirty s pe.' I 1 1 irm.T, D, pap tc .l.y :e . te-i y i a. p' a I VujO ra' ti :nes an vote Hi ees- : t w-1 s r -. 1 . au M .r-ei an -.1 ver. pap-rs, iv thai Me K STATE CROP REPORT. OrrirlI Hk-llrr lor Jul). All duel Shtiw fine ln-rftpi, 1'ro- -Ti. - ::ure ;: . v e-n ; t':'; cot t:.:oes !i'l. .MlU'.s '.'j. FUSION ALMOST CERTAIN. KEPT ULICAXS AND POPULISTS MEET IN RALEIGH. Hnrclly n Qnrallon tlint f union Pro vnil. Rnll. Prllfhnrd. Bailer. Prnnou. Ntnlr Trfmnrf r Worth, Oiho Wilton, Ilollon. Sporlal. H AI.KIOH, N. C , July 17. An ex tremely impoitant nieetintr of leading - , ent .tThe lomier is the Populist Slate H.iV,i.n j Julge Daniel L. Russell, Republican j state Chairman Ilolton, Congressman j Richmond Pe-irin, Speaker Zeb Vance j Walser and other prominent Republicans, a8 wei ns the State Trea.-urer Worth. S. tDtho Wilsin and other leading Populists are participating. (Jreat secrtcy is observed as all say they cannot ive details ol their plau9. There was nt one time much feeling against Senator BulU r, nnd criticism d him by Republicans becuise they thought he was ab uc to desert them, and luse with the Democrdls. But Congressman Pearson says il is discovered that theso criticisms were un warranted. :if the rejiorts reg irdin were uutrue. Butler Senator Butler declares positively that a Democrat will uot be elected Governor of North Carolina, this year. This of course means lusion. oerjaior i ,ucuaru says tuat uis canvass will Ixgin August '20:h, and he positively ileclines to Ik; interviewed. INCREASED VALUATIONS The Slate Railway Commission In crcane Valuation on X. A- C. R. R. and JT. A- H. R. R. IUleioh, N. C, July 10 Tlie S'ate Railway Commission increases the valui- uon per mile ol the Norfolk & Carolina railroad to $8,500. Also the valuation of the Norfolk & Southern railroad to $7,000 per mile. KILLED BT A BRIDGE A Snmkfr or Musicians of BntTalo Bill's Wild West Show killed golng I sdrr a Bridge. Spceial. Canton. U., July 16 Buffalo Bill's Wilel Vet band wngon was elr-awu under a bridge across M.iiu Street this mornin;.', the musicians leing all off. strap'jd Half a dozen are reported dead or dying. Took Platform from Pops. Kansas City. Mo., July 18. Senator Better, who is en route to St. Louis, de clares that Bryan is an ideal c-andida'e, and that the Chicago platform was stolen from the Populists. ' Secretary Herbert's Plana. ! Washi.noton. I). C Among the im-, tluse nu.Df klt town this wetk, their portant m liters that have necessitated a;uH;tuneJ8 on the Messenger being at an a week's postponement of Sevietary Her- j eu(j bens voyage of inspection on the Dol-, The Second R-iment went into camp phin nre the plans fo-the three new bat ' 1 t'eships and thirteen torpedo boats, the contracts for which, in accordance with iheactof Conires approved Juue 10, must be award within 120 days. : That limit will expire Octcler 8, and as some time had to be allowed lor can- vassiii-j and considering the proposals, the advertisenunts w hieh have already betn issued calieel tor opining the bids on the torpedo boats September lo, and on the battleships lour days later. Plans and specifications for the torpedo boats, which I i are to be of three classes, makioir, respec tively, thirty, twenty-two and one half 'and twenty k::ot-. have alieady been. prepared f riiirht bidders, who have ap plieil for theui, and Chief Constructor H.chborn is coutident that the drawings and details of I lie battleships will be in possession of tiie only four establishments in the e. oiu1 ry c ip able of sueh bi; work u t later th m Augu-t 1. The entire resources of the Navy De partment hive been straine I to t Lei r ut UK't to expedite- th xxotk. all 1 as soeHl a s it is out ol the way a gcm-ntl ff rt is to lie in.uk' to h isfeti tlie c.m pletion of i M-t:ni: C. tltr;u ts, mmiij i f which are be hind t.uie. t.old Flihl In Wisconsin. M 1 1 . xv u k kk. Wis. Gen. Kdward S. i!rao'. Senator Vi!.;, Janus J. Hogan. ;uh1 .Jani'-s ir. t .nuu-rs, tde .u-ieg-ito-ai lar, roiii this State to the I'h.c.io con ven::o::, held a c. nt'i rone e and i-r-ued a deel.irati. :i explain ng the at t ; 11 of the delejat:.-!. ;n n. t xot::.-; ;:: the v- invention As i ia t ol the meeting it is eertaiu that the -r--'.d Dt moi r 1 1 i f Wi.vons u w i ': P1 ii ti, k . reg-i e s. ( . f t'.e -t :n t! the elter ate in elre ither on! y th :t the .lit the b-.-iie vl-s ell lie 11 who - t! e f . w ; . , state .1 J be ab'e to eon vent ion Iloirin ex- e.e.tr. . t- I he! preyed when he I be portion is ;:i !av a' -le ei'.e In the and wi.. deli ijab "em e rat.e j te.idvr V s, n : in, en: . the s, n : imen'.s e I ill e ti,.. rit v -aid: le ve the ..T.'.i:iu nt id a large f the Democrats ol the Stale r of a r.e'A ticket, and it is prob w ill be j ut in the li-'.d." st.l'.eilll III W hie h ll.i- belli iwieel, h signed by 1 itlete etl e f the to the x'hi.aej,, convent! m. reder- ence is made to a mas- unetmo or a con vention of' '.he ii"ld men to take iu tioti to repi.di .te H o Chicago li.tfonn and nominees. COUNTERFEITERS ARRESTED. Secret Service Ajjeiili Discover nnd Arrcnt n Vnng: ol Silver t'onu. terfeiler; Nkw York, July 18. Ti.e Sec.-et Service agents, after two weeks hard work, have identified the woman arrested at tlobokeu, N. J., lor passing counter feit silver dollars, whoe name is Mra. Mary Knupp. Her husband did the busi ness for the woman in Boston. The accomplices are George Sand and William Sands, both well-known coun tei feiters. The two itarted out from Kansas City some weeks ago anil worked their way east to lloboken, before they were cap tured. Depew Loaves for Home. London, July 1?. C'huuncey M. De pew wmt by special train from here to Liverpool today, in order to catch the Cuunrd Liner Lucauia, on his return t ! Xt-'w Vork. where he goes on account of tlie serious n incss oi Cornelius vauaeroui. WILMINGTON LETTER. A WEEK OF GREAT CROWDS IN THIS CITY. The Jlfuwniter's ling: MacliineN. Wriifhtsville. tape .ew Type Set. Encampment nt The Mntlcly Fear. Wn.MtNOToy, X. C, July 18, '90. This has been a week of crowds. All kinds of humanity have drilted through ! our town, to the resorts, filling the streets I almost to their limit. Standing in an elevated place, and gazing down Front St an animated scene is presented to the j eye, very unusual lor Wilmington. The street cars are aomg a --rusning- ousiness. Extra cars have been put on and they are ! constantly tided. The jolting motion of I the cars has proved too much for some of the country people and some veritable cases of seasickness are reported. It was not necessary for thtm to take a tiip on the ocean. The Press Association meeting this week, has augmented the croTris. The men who are rilled with thought, seemed j anxious to lorget their cures, upon arrival ' here, and with the least attention to the business of the association possible, es ; caped to the Ocean side on the first day. I ter, and take a dip in the aea waves. I Next day, it was a trip down the river J and out to sea. and the election of officers, j was made at Carolina Beach, where the roaring surf, drowned the eloquence of aDy speeches that wre made. I The editors were delighted with the j outing, and would be easily persuaded to come our way every summer. The Wilmington ilessecger ever progressive, and adopting all the latest conveniences for rapid work, has put in three type-settiug machines, to take the place of hand setting. They do splendid work and the readers of the paper are much pleased with the improved printing of the paper. Not long ago the Messeu ger put in electric power in place of steam, for running I he presses. The type-setting machines are very discnura- . ,i r ling to the punters. A procession ot at Wricrhtsville. Fridav niorninir. The Uvihrnrton Li-ht Ir.fantrv is one of the companies composing tlfiis regiment. It was a sorrv d iy for uniforms, for a dis agreeable penetrating rain fell all eluriog the day, thoroughly saturating the tents, and making life miserable for the poor so'diers boys. It is to be hoped that be fore the cueumpment is over the xveather will have chinked. Girls, in light summer dresses, will not be frequent visitors to the camp unless the sun shines. Without them to view our uniform, tell me please xvhi re is the pleasure of being a s delier. With a weeks constant xv. rk. putting J iu ii tent ti ors. drieitiL; pumps, and other pre lunations, the ciinr presents a very good condition, and now i with animation. The wate i s of the river still hold an unusual quantity of up the country mud Tlr; uiiuj-uallv heavy rains hav river at flood Ir.i'ii 1 r a long now it has bemi-.i to .-ul-lde. Large iimn-: titles of drift I'll die rixer, ami it xvoii'.i seem tlie lowlands of the interior miht be fairly will ideated of the ir n fuse. The Oriental l'l.a-ure Club is the title, of an omatrz.tion of pii jile, bent on having what tiie::' names implies. Almost weekly, they a-!vert:-: a moonlight excur sion. Th-- excursion tak. s place, but the moon hill- to appear, the clouds are l.oavv with rain, but this eloe-s not elami e n the Club'.- ardor, though :t elous their eloti.es. The "Dispatch'' i ewsp.ipe r office is the local head qcilU, is of the sill T pe Oplc. The-ie almost iliily i:..;y be found a mem ber el ard nt i :vi rites, tr gaged in dii- ci:--;o: eif till- all i riU'OsMUg subject. Mr 15. F. . . rr .n, 1 1 Si. ve r C eei .tor i f a xveekly silver t . St. I. Uis to il.te-lld '.hi ll. L'O' liver. I isns! riMM Kori-Nf fires. Si-ok.vni:. Wa-h. l'ere-t ti:s are rag'isg thror.uh.-ut the country north if this c.ty In Wa.liing'o'ii, Idaho, and British Coium' la. Millions of feet of tlniN r 1. i ve already been e'.eslroyed, and throughout numer ous mining camp-situated in the path of the tires u're.it ii. image is being done in tiie ele-truetion oi property. The smoke hi re is so dense a- to almost shut out the suu, al.d at P.osihmel and othel towns further north the atmosphere is so laden with s-uoke and the heat ll'-un the trees is -ei intense tint bearable. ElJTLi R A GAINS BRYAN. RUSSELL SEEMS STILL SE CURE FOR GOVERNOR. The Meeting- Friday BMffht. Fusion Seems Salisfactory lo Republicans nnd I'opnlists. Oilils on He HI n ley Oarrylusr North Carolina. JouRXAii Bureau, Raleigh, July 18. Public iuterest was considerably excited by the conference ot Senators Butler and Pritchard, ex-Judge Russell, Chairman Ilolton, Congressman Pearson, Speaker Walser and others last night in this city It lasted until after 1 o'clock this morn ing. Then maoy at the conference left. All those present favored fusion on conditions and what was done last night leads towurds it. The Republican State Committee is called to meet here August 10, the Monday before the Populist State Convention. The latter will meet Thurs day, August 13. Its date is not changed. Butler is solid against Bryan, those Republicans who were with him last night tell me. Here is what tbey say further: "The whole thing is to check this Bryan movement among North Caro lina Populists. Butler is told that Bryan is strong here. He is mum, not saying a word. What we Republicans uced is a leader; that is one who will talk and act. It was distinctly understood and ordered Ust night that we were not to tell the inner secrets of our meeting. There was a wide difference of opinion. But we will say to you Russell will not come down. There are those ol us who will bet $1,000 to $1 he will uot come down. If he does comu down there are some of us who xvould bolt the State ticket. Rus sell told us last night that if the committee thought he was not the proper man to lead he would abandon his candidncy. All that xve did leads toward fusion. August 13 matters will be settled. Then the Slate ticket will be completed one way or the other. If Bryan is endorsed by the Norih Caro ljna Populists, fusion in the Stale ends. We Tiave let this be dis tinctly understood. Fusion or no fusion, McKinley will carry North Carolina. If the North Carolina Populist leaders do endorse Bryan many of the voters of that parly will cast their votes for Mc. Kinley. They say so openly, and add that they do not propose to vote for anybody the Democrats nominate. So far as we j now know only two Populists of promi nence oppose fusion Butler and Guth rie. But Butler's name today is taken out of this list, for he is red hot for fusion. He has I be appearance ofbeing mighty tame. It is the first time he has really been open lor business. No man can really yet say just what the result will be. But there is blood on the moon. Guthrie hopes to be Goxernor. Butler wants to take Russell down. To be frank, some Republicans want him taken down too. Mew borne and Hileman, two of the Pop ulist leaders, want Russell to head the lusion ticket, and favor filling up the planks cow left in the State ticket. In case this is done Mewborne will be Secre tary of State. There is no opposition to W. II. Worth for treasurer. Ho favors fusion with all his soul but does not say so. He is as gentle as a lamb. The result, is going to be that il Guthrie does not kick out of the traces he will be put on the Su preme court bench. A place is opeu for liim. Maybe he will not accept it. Pritch ard is anxious lor lusion to continue. But he stands squarely on the National platform. Senator Butler left for St. Louis this morning. The BepuWicans say he will head the anti-Bryan forces. He does not say so. He is reticent. At the depot he said: "I say every man ought to wait until the convention meets and considers. We must xvait development there. We must stand by the action of the convention." As he was leaving on the same train with Butler chairman Ilolton said: ''You know we did nothing definite last night We only considered. This is not the time to talk." J. C. L. Hairis. Populist-Republican fil'ed s:13s lie U1U' liepubliean State commitlee I mau James H. Young had a conference this week and as a result he sent Young i to Wilmington to see Russell. There xvas nve ke-pt the a proposition to have an immediate mcet-lou--' period, iu c' tne Republican State committee. and Harris says he advised against this C. M. Bernard went to see Russell also. Picsident Winston of the State Univer sity was here today. He has secured Mrs. Hunter, of Goldsboro, to take charge of the new "Commons hull" at the Univer sity, at which 200 students will be board ed at a month. July 27 the Seaboaid Air Line people will go to Concord to look into the mat ter of binldiur- a branch line there from Charlotte. G. B. All'ord xx ho is an independent eandielate for Congress in this district on a 'fsotind money " basis was here tuelax". He Siixs his whole mind is on this ques tion: that he is a lnmetalist. He says the extreme silver men are so bitter that if one does; not precisely agn e with them thcv term him a -gidelbug.' 1. R. Tille n. ' f Weldon wiites ShUe I'lia-ut'er Wor.h as follo-x-: "I have joi n.) ae rcs of j Ivor lanel adjourning tin Ca'eeioui.e' fioin on the Roanoke river, but nol subject to . veitl nv, though lying on the bank. S I wiL give you the entire farm, with the farming utensils and 30 mules, for the amount of money you (the State) lost during the hue freshet. Some of the silver Democrats today ex pressed great delight at Whitney's bolt. The ex-Confederate veterans in Western North Carolina are to have a graud re union at Sylor, August 19-21. Night before lust and last night tine rains fell here. i- made almost tin-; James A. Cheek, a prominent Kopub- some military prisaue-r-' lican, of Hillsboro, offers to bet $l.n00 offences. to $100 that M K-nti y will miry North Carolina. lie al.-o oilers big odds on Congressman Sett'e's re-elect ;ou. It is a fact that not one of the three State chairmen, in North Carolina is will ing to bet that he can, within lo,00J esti mate correctly the vote of his party. The Populists declare tlrey have no lead er; that the man culled a leader si m ply walks ahead, but that they drive him. This they may believe, but Butler is both leader and boss. Jealousy') Axvinl Crime. Rock F RD, III. James French, a tailor, met his wife on the street in a fashionable part of the city nnd fired eight shots into her body, killing her. Albert Barker, a prominent citizen was shot in the wrist while grappling with French, w ho ran through the streets eight blocks, pursue'1, by an angry mob of 300 people. He held the mob at bay on the river front, where he was captured, but after firiug the contents of two revolvers without serious results, he shot himself through the head anel jumpetl into the river. French xvas dragged out, resuscitated, and taken to the count' j iil through the mob, which made strong threats of lynch ing. His wound is not fatal. Jealousy was the cause of the murder. Killed His Friend. Jacksonville, Fla. F. M. Ector was struck with a chair by his liiend, W. W. Haralson, m a quarrel over a game of cribbage, and died of blood ch,t on the brain. The quarrel was in relation to the deal. The men w ere friends, and the sequel o the uninentional fatal blow has cause! Haralson great mental suffeiiog. Ector was (ormerly of Atlanta, but has recently been employed in the auditor's office of the Jacksonville, Tampa cxb Key West Railro.ul. Haralson was traveling auditor of the same road, and is known in Tennessee and Alabama. He is related to Chief Justice Haralson, of Alabama. His Head Cut oil. Frederiicksburg, Va. Jas Coates, a citizen of this- place, was crushed under a train of the Richmond Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad, near this city anel instantly killed. Coates was attempting to jump off of the train. His head xvas ssvered fiom his body. What Thurston Nays. Special. Chicago, July 20. The Republican Executive Committee selecteel its head quarters, to day. Senator John M. Thurston, of Nebraska, said that Bryan couiel not carry his own State. Bankers Come to Rescue. Special. Nexv York, July 20 The engage ment of two millions of gold for export, caused a meeting of bankers, this alter noon, at which they pledged to exchange millions of gold for greenbacks. The banks here hold twenty millions of gold. Itradsl reels Report. Special. Nexv York, July 17. Braelstrcet re ports the merchandise markets dull. Little disposition to engage in new enter prises. Merchants in city and country are purchasing with great care. Bank clearings are three per cent lower than last week. Failures show an increase of forty one in past week. Stock speculation is dull, prices slightly better after slight liquidation. Among the favorable features are the relatively encouraging reports concerning trade at nine business centers, together with improvements in quotations of wheat, corn, oats and pork. Firm price for print cloths, leather, lumber, sugar and xvool. JULY THIRTIETH. DATE OF STATE DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE MEETING. Clement Manly, ol' Winston, to Chairman. HcimU-uarters Con tinuc at Kaleih. chairman Pou "ol : Candidate. Be 1 Democratic Special. R.xlkioii, N. C, July 21, State Chairman J. U. Pou. was lere toelav 1 and conferred with the Slate nominees regarding the date of the- State committee j July 30th was the date fixed. Mr. Pou will not allow his name to be i USCelJas a candidate fT re-eliebon. Mr. Clement Manly, of Winston, xvill be the new chairman. The headquarteis xvill continue at Raleigh. Loaded with Allium n i I ion. Special. Havana, July 21 The examination of a house at San Raafel, in which arms and amaiurdlion xveie founel last week, a trunk, with a double bottom was found, with forty eight dynamite cartridges, with an addition-d b ' of a thou.-and cartrhige-. PRISONERS LIBERATED. The ()uecii Regent's Birthday Cele lii'Hli il in Cuba. Special. Havana. Juiv 121. In compliance with a degree of lieucral Weyler, the occasion being the birthday ol the t icon R. gent of Spain, who wa- born in 158. tie-neral Lauo, t'-e Military Governor ol Cuba, xvill today vi.-it piisomrs. for the purpose ot liberating one- hundred and twelve of those imnrisonee' for political i-il'en-t-s, besides conlintil for trivial AT ST. LOUIS. BRYAN'S MANAGERS ACTIVE LY AT WORK. Conference anil Comnroinlsos. a Oouhirnl Situation. Those Promin. cut lor Nominations. Kaperted Hitterness In Convention. Special. St. Louis, July 21 Conferences and compromises, take up all the time of the Popu'ists. The nctive propaganda started Sunday, by the partisai s of Bryan, was continued yesterday and last night, with more or less grati'ying results. The. siluation is still in doubt, Loth factions claiming to be victors. Jerry Simpson says he expects to see convention endorse Brysn nnd Sewall and a bolt will follow. Outside sentiment seems to le for Bryan Paul ,-indervoort, of Omaha, Neb., ex-Commander Chief of the Grand Army, is more frequently mentioned for Domina tion than others, today. Other names mentioned aro Congress man C. A. Towne, ot Minnesota, Eugene V. Debs, and Senator Pettigrew, of South Dakota. Today has been dark anel rainy, like yesterday. The Populists were early to bed last night, and early to rise this morning. Notwithstanding the confidence in their success of the Bryan managers, they are not relaxing any efforts. Tney are not adverse to any split which shall take the radicals out of the convention. The battle will be upon the floor of the convention and no one doubts that there will be a display of bitterness and bad blood. Tiie National Committee was wrestling today, with the question of organization. Tie Bryp.n men put forward J. B. Weaver for chairman, and do not believe that he will be strongly opposed. Railway Facts and Flgnre. Washington, D. C The leport of the Interstate Commerce Commission for the year ending June 30, 1895, shows the total railroad mileage on that date to have been 180, C57, an increase of 1.948. Du ring the year fourteen roads were abandoneel, nine merged, thirty-two reor ganized, aod tweoty-eight consolidated. There appears from the report to have been a decreased efficiency in passenger service and an increased efficiency in freight service during the year, and an increase in the number of men employed by railways of 5,420, as compared with the previous year. There was an increase in the amouot of railway capital during the year, aggregating $IS2,S29.312. The gross earning of the railwavs for the year ending June 30, 1895, were $1, 075,371,302, an inciease of $20,009,605. The passenger revenue was $252 246,180, showing a decrease of $33,103,378. The freight revenue increased $30,502,549. The number ot railroad employees killed during the year was 1,181, and the number injured was 21,696, a decrease of 12 killed, and an increase of 2,274 injured, as compared with the previous year. TI12 number of passengers killed was 170, injured 2,375. showing a decrease of 154 in tne number killed, anel 659 in he in juied. The Statistician re-commends that Con gress be requested to proviele for a Bureau of Statistics anel Accounts, which shall have the right of inspection anel control over the accounting departments of com mon carriers. Christians Massacred. Spe-Cial- Atiikns, July 21. Ten christians have been massacred at Hereklion, on the Is land of Crete. French and English men of war have arrived there. Vanderbllt's Condition. Special. Ne.v Yohk, July 21. There was a tumors of a relapse in Cornelius Vaneler bill's conilition, which is empliafically denied. The eloctors etid not remain with him last nlidit. He is doing well. Murdered His Children. Special. Attica, Mich., July 21. Gorman Svxaiu killed uis tnree youngest cuuuren ut his home, one mile Soutn of here, a three o'clock this morning. "He set tire to his house and shot himself The children were, Frank, 11 years, Lucy years James, 7 years. The murderer drove his other e hihlren lrom the house, and they fled to the nciih oors. McKINLEY WILL NOT ATTEND. Remains Quietly at Home. Mark llaunn Mill at Cleveland. Special. Cleveland, July 21 Major McKin ley decided he would not attend ihe exercises of the Centennial celebration this morning, but remained at his subur ban home. Mr. Hanna will remain here- until Fri dav or Saturday, cxci pting a few hours at Alliance, Ohio, Thursday morning, whe re he will attend the commencement exercises of Mount Union College. JHo intends to return to Cleveland for a New England dinner next Thursday, ire wjn s-)uak on'y once tomorrow, Founders Day. For Bryan. Against sillver. Special. Atlanta. Ga., July 21 Hoke Smith's newspaper, the Atlanta Journal, comes out for Brvan, but is aguiut free coinage of silver at 10 to 1. GOLD GOING OUT. Reserve Is Now Below the NlBAty MU Hon Mark. M neb Is for Hoarding. Washington, DC The gold reserve yesterduy declined to $89,701,336, with withdrawals of $3,706,800, ol which !, 030,000 was tor export The Jsrge amouut, nearly $075,000, tukeu presum ably fur hoarding purpose was regarded by Treasury oflicifdn iu (he unfavorable feature of the ilny's traun tioni. For the past two weeks small amounts of gold for the purpose have been with drawn, but yesterday's withdrawals for that purpose are larger thon for any one day this year. A reassuring rumor which reached here to the effect that the New York national hanks have formed a pool nnd xvill turn into the Treasury $20,000, 000 in gold for legal tenders was well received by Treasury officials. It was pointed out that they were amply able to do so. Mint Director Preston on July 1 estimate-el that thrre was iu the United States $598,00 ',000 in old, and by the last re port the nitional banks, of the United States hud 8178,000,000, and the national banks of New York slone bad of this sum $46,000,000 This total ha been in creased since then, and it is doubtless Dow nearly $50,000,000. The administration's policy lo keep the gold reserve up to a poinl of confidence has never wavered. This policy, it slated, will be maintained even if a new bond issue is necessary. On March 4,1893, there was in the Treasury 103,000,000 iu gold. This amount, added to the sum realized from j the bend sales since, make 9390,000,000. By subtracting from this amount the gold ou hand elay, $89,000,000, shows I thatsince March 4, 1898, $307,000,000 in .t ,.1,1 f.na : , 1. i rr. B""-- "-' iwu Hiuiumwii. iroiBsxry officials attribute the heavy withdrawals to foreign holders of American aecurltie throwing them upon the market. In view of the fact that the Treasury has lost since July 1 $13,000,000 ia gold and present indications point to further withdrawals this week. Treasury officials who have had confidential relations with all former bond issue's, say that it will Im much easier and more advantageous lo the government, if a bond issue has to be made, to do it before the gold reserve reaches the limit of $60,000,000. If tlie national banks, however, it is said, come to the relief of Ihe Treasury, a lKnd issue may be n verted altogether, certainly for the next lew months. WILL BE ASSESSED. North Carolina Railroad to Aa. eaaed. On Seaboard Air Ll fl lwm Ralelch and Son t la Carallwa. Special. Kalkhih, N. C, July 21. The Hail way Commissiou ussesses the North Caro lina Railway at $10,( 00 per mile. Heretofore it has not been asw-sscd but taxes liave been paid on its capital stock. The assessment of that psrt of the Sea board Air Line between Raleigh and the South Carolina line is increased from $8,500 to $10,000 per mile. Revere Storms In Kentaeky. Special. Frankfokt, Ky., July 21. One of the worst storms in years, carried away two hundred feel of the bridg of the Louisville & Nashville railway. Conway's mills, houses and other es tablishments on Benson Creek were swept away. People coining into town lrom every direction, today, report damage. Cotton la Higher. Special. New York, July 21. On the Cotton Exchange, today, cotton was several points higher. IN DISTRESS, AT XIALirAX. American Barkentlne I'd ta Into Port- Mntlny on Board. Threw Killed. special. Halifax, N. S. July 21 The Amer ican barkentine, IIerlort Fuller, Captain Nash, from Boston, July 8th, for Rosano. with lumber, put into this port, this had been mutiny on board. The Captain, his wile and second mate were killed in their berths during the night. Campaign Opens In Tennmsre- Speclal. Knox x'ii.i.k, Tenn., July) 21. Ei Governor Taylor opened the campaign here toeluy, by endorsing Bryan. 1. 1st ol l.ejlcrs. Remaiiiine in the Post Mtiee nt New i Berne, Craven county, N. ('., July 11th, I lS'.Ui. j A Mr. .T no. A. Alexander. i B Mr. duo. Bauly, Miss (irace Benge, Mi. J. Burton, Misx Surah H,r- bunks. (' Miss Iiviiiia Credle, Miss Eva 1 Chimons. I D Mr. Jno. Dob-ton. F--Mr. Albert Foreman. ! G --Miss Harriett G reou, care of Thus, l Carter, Miss Lucy S. lireeti. j U Mr. Jas, llardison, Mr. Wm. j Harding, Mr. J. W. Humming. ' .1 - Mr. I umes J ouch. I. Mi.-s.Iiiipv Eumrd. M -Miss Kath'erine Martin, Mr. .1. T. Melziil, Mists Mary Mickimr, Mr. Jas E. Morris, Miss M nth t I'. Most ly, care ..I I Ellis Hall, Mr. Calvm McCUmO. ( -Mr. Jno. ( Ilivi r. P Miss Francis Paw, Mrs. .1. H. Pur ser. If Mr. ('has Hum', S Mr. Jeramiah Shepard, Mr. II. A. Shepard, Miss Mary Simmons. I .xi isr itenex-cit i Henry Thomas. Persons calling lot Ihonia-. ami Mr. id.., letters will give date ph ase s iy a'. ert d of li-t. The i egul.it Luis now cent shall be- collected re.piirs that one on t lie . lei i very oi each ad ci tised letter. i M. Manly P. M.