TEE HSOEBHE JOHBHAL. CITABLE Editor aud Proprietor. Nrw Bkrnk, July 19. ISM. EatrOrt the Fot Office at Xew Berne, X. C M aoeond ciaa matter. Tn 0A1XT Jo CM A L (except Monday) U !I!Trd by cartior la Uils city, at V o-ents pr moot. TVXXS MOUTHS, Inrartably in aJ vucc. $1.00 01 TBAB " WUHT JOCUtAL one year. In advance. $1 CO ATrttainf Rates given on application at tlM office. ttrm Mats per Un will ta chanced tor Cfervla ot TUk. Resolution ot Respect and HrttTiTy Poetry; alau lor Obituary Notices HfriH aKa tho which the editor himself aaaTI (ttr aa natter ot new a. yptloaa of Church and Society and all other facta lnwiti troao which revenue U to be deal raj wUl Xf aharxed tor at the rate of Ave . ' Th JOCE AL wUl not under any clrcum ItlMM Tl Te-aponaibie tor the rvturn or the . ate kawploc ol ay rejected manuscript. No exception wUl be mad to thla rale with re ard to either letter or ineloaure. Nor will Editor enter Into correspondence con aiajnj relected manuscript. v vrsusza qtojts wzlcosks. - Tha entertainment of the North Carolina Preaa Association at "Wil- mington thia week, from it social : aide,' "will always be a pleasant mamorj to those who were so graci ously entertained To the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce la the credit due that the ' Press meeting was held in its city, And ' the " successful entertainment '": which was giren the members of the v. -Press. .The .Chamber of Commerce, of Wilmington, is doiog a great work - - for i tacit j, and tha manner in which ' it is presenting' its eitj'a various ad Tantageti to the entire public is bar ing a noticeable effect upon Wil . mington's deTelopment. ' 'While the-Press Association was . ; thw guest of a commercial and bo si ... ... . nesa organization, this xact was Eerer forced npon the members of . the Precs, for while the were pre aented with earda and tracts, cun ninglj-defUed in the shape of ad Tertiaementa, the Editors never felt thai the j were being taken ad vantage ; of, for while the Chamber of Com mere conveners were instructive advertisements of Wilmington, yet the j possessed s value, for each was an 'open-sesame" to something, a . pass npon the trolley car; npon the " Hrer steamboat, npon the Sea Coast ..railway or to somp yacht or social The Wilmington Chamber of Com merca is o be congratulated upon Jta success" 'in ever way. It has combined business with the pleasure ", it gave. t has advertised its city's advantages jn all particulars, and attractive! so, and it has given pleasure to a number of Editors - yho will never, forget Wilniington. Of the good things, in and around ""Wilmington, $he Press of .North Carolina has this week, partaken of Tery . fall with profit and enjoy meat. ;; 3 ; ' The efforts of the Star and Mes senger very ablr seconded the Chamber of Commerce, and added greatly-to the occasion. The zdost;instrnetive feature of the Press meeting is the fact that a commercial hod has given them l i - , , . campaign, it wil! be something has never before been seen. There is ppin to be nothing equivocal in thus campaign regarding bhe fiuancial question. Frew ami unlimited coinage of silver at 10 to 1, or the continuance of tlu present exisiling monetary standard. isgoingJ NOW THINK IT OVEK. The members of Uio Xorth Caro lina Tress Association, which hcld( ?) its annual session in Wilmington, last, week, have now returned to their homes and settled dowil to their regular routine work. that the members have Now to be determined next November. lou'fe'.el down, it may be well to con- The neonle of the country are i aider the practical and business side X I died on t h 13 issue and its 6ettlemeut will be the bert thing for every in terest in this count y. To try and hurrah for Knan ami Sewall, at the same time to endeavor to elect sound money congressmen, is going to be too much of a work for any newspaper to attempt. The political inconsistency of it is too apparent. Tho tight is in the open this year, and the people are in it on both sides, and the Press must at least prove logical in its position to have real and practical influence. such an enjoyable time, and other cities can profitably follow Wilming ton s . example, by establishing Chambers -of Commerce. Wilmington has very fully main talned x its-' reputation of knowing how to entertain its friends, and henceforth it ma certainly count among these the Editors of North .Carolina iirho-.. bear, away with them, the kindest appreciation of what has been done to give them pleasure. . tub icaio or IT. rfV mwAf t k '. Ana nu uu , utuucj xcluvci ai.it; 1 newspapers, which have not bolted :. the platform and candidates of the . Chicago convention, are endeavor- ' Ins? to satisfr themselves, bv takmff tf a the singular political position of supporting Bryan and Sew all, and . advising the nomination and elect ion of sound money democrats in the congressional districts. . xiouung wooia seem more illogi cal than to follow such a line of action, and no political course could be more difficult to pursue. ' Thw nominee on the National ' Democratic tickets, Brya"n and Sewall. were choeen bv the Chicago MfiMniiAn ilmnlr . r nrvlv lutAiiDa thr were retrarded as unouAlirledU beiievers in the free and unlimited coinage of silver at 1G to 1. Upon assurance of this they were nomi nated. .The National Democratic p!at- lorm is periecuv distinct in its ut-! terance on the same subject. The work to nominate Congress ional candidates of the sound money order, is a political action diametri cal! opposite to that of those who nominated the National Democratic ticket. Will those newspapers which favor the election of Bryan and Sewall, publish one column endorsing these candidates, and another column in the same issue of their papers, ad Tiaing that only soand money men be nominated and sent to congress? If the can pnrsud such a political line of conduct, and find favor with their readers, at the same time prove to have an political influence in the LET US ALL THAyjSI. The amount of traveling which is now being done by the people all oTer North Carolina shows that there is money in this State, and that ourjpeople are able to go around and take enjoymeut. The chief reason for this increase of travel is almost entirely due to the better facilities and cheaper rates which a number of the rail roads are now offering the public! The people in the interior of the State are especial iy happy at this season of the year on account of the cheap rates whiah are now prevailing at several points. From Raleish to Norfolk the Southern has given a very low rate, and the Seaboard Air Line makes a rate from Saturday to Monday, from Charlotte to Wilmington, at two dollars for tbe round trip. This not only makes business for the railroads, but also for the sum mer resorts, and givos every one a chance for a few days outing at reasonable expense. While the other sea-coast resorts are eniovioz this business of the summer travel, why cannot the A A N. C. railroad offer some such low rate from Raleigh, as the South ern does to Norfolk or the Seaboard Line does from Charlotte ? Make a two dollar special round trip rate every Saturday, good until Monday or Tuesday, from Raleigh, one dollar irom uoidsooro, nrty cents from New Berne to Morehead City, and see how peoplo will travel. This is the time of year when people have little to do, aud it is the time for them to travel, and tbe railroads ought to make special in ducements so as to get them going. Once get people educated up to the enjoyment of traveling and the railroad trains will be crowded, and the hotel people will have full houses. Everyone wauts to travel, aud it is tnese low rates whicu get the crowds. The railroads are gainers even at the low rates, 'or their addi tional expense in way of extra cars amounts to little, while the dollars from the excursionists count up very fast even in the small sums. Let us get people coming this way for the summer, and let our railroad which leads into the interior of the State bring us the crowds. We all want to trayel, so make it easier for us, by giving low rates. CANT STAND THE PLATFORM. The Sonthport Leader, which has been prominently against free coin age of silver at 16 to 1, and the stiffest kind of a gold bug paper, in its last issue, July 10th, comes out strong, editorially, on ths Stale and National Democratic tickets On the State ticket it says, that every one should support it, that it represents the best element of the State, and its defeat would prove of great injury to rnorth Carolina's interests. On the National ticket the Leader is equally pronounced, it says: "Any man who believes in and oves his conntry should not vote for the Democratic National tioket. Not on account of the candidates, hut on account of the platform on hich they must stand. It is a platform which is an evil mixture of eommnnism, fiatism, and j repudiation. It insults the only President the party has elected in thirty years. It advocates what is in effect and what would result in silver monometalism It would tie the hands of National Government and prevent the prompt action of the Federal authority in time of peril a in the great strike at Chicago. It expresslv fastens upon the Democratic party the advocacy of the Income tax, declared uncon stitutional by the highest authority, the Supreme court of the United States. It is Tiiimanism and Altgeldisui, anil these who iellowship with such, will support the Chicago ticket, others will not. The rt-vult against the Chicago platform is already of its late rheeting, and note What its benefits Were, if any. In the Constitution of the N C. tVess .Association, Article 1, Section '', it says, "The object of this Asso ciation shall be to promote the ma- TKUIAI. INT Kit ESTS of the pi'CSS of Xorth Carolina, and to elevate tho tone and character thereof." The Association has generally been regarded as a practical organization, and its object one to promote the business interests of the press. Its meetings are regularly appointed by its Executive Committee, and its sessiQn.a.glyen up to tjiseusaions ou matters pertaining to newspapers. It has an orator, poet, historian and four asiayiets annually appointed, who are to prepare papers and road them at tho annual meeting of the Press, for the benefit of its members. Discussions are given to these sub jects by the Association, and upon theso, and tho thoughts they sug gest are developed many instructive aud profitable discussions. The Executive Committee this year, as usual, appointed the place for meeting. The several mpmbors, i3 noted above had been appointed. The Association on ita first morn ing found but one officer present. Its Secretary was confined to his home on account of illuess, but not another official was present, ex cept the one. Hardly had the meeting been opened, when a motion wa3 passed to accept an invitation, which meant cutting the regularly appointed ees 8i6n in two, and doing away with the second day's session. Owing to the absence of all those appointed, ora'or, poet, historian and essayists, nothing was presented to the Association for discussion, besides tbe President's address, and this with the exception of two out side addresses delivered before the meeting, constituted the business of the year's annual meeting of the Press Association. The annual election of officers was held at a place, which was never thought of, or designated by the Executives of the Association, and the change nude it impossible for several members to attend, who were on hand at Wilmington, and so they lost their votes. There is no argument in the fact that Wilmington and its people were so courteous that their many kind nesses could not be refused. The Press A?8)ciation has fallen very far short of its aims and pur- . 1 v j i poses tins year, ana it is going to require some effort to regain its prestige. If it is to be a pleasure organiza tion it should so be known; if the constitution and By Laws mean anything, they should be lived up to. There is a great opportunity for the members to do some serious thinkiug on this matter. ST. C. Press Association Meeting. Convention met ou Wednesday morning, and was called to order 10.:i0a. m. by President C. L. Ste vens. Prayer was offered by Rev. Robert Strange, of Sc. James Epis copal church of Wilmington. After the roll call, Iredell Meares, Esq. was presented to the convention, and offered an addre, welcoming the Press to the city of Wilmington, HOW'S THIS. Wt ofltr One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case ofCutanh that cannot be cuied by Hall's Catarrh Cure. I'. J. Chkkey & Co., Props.. Tuk-do. O. We the uudertigued, bave known F. J. Cheney (or tbe lst 15 vi-ars, aQct believe him peifectly LonoruWe in nil business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Tklax, Wholesale Dniggist?. Toledo, (). Waluino, Kinnan & Marvin-, Whole sale Druggist?, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tuken internally, acting directly upou the blood mnl mucous surluce of the system. Price 75c. per boltle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials iree. Hall's Family Pills are the Kst. Free Pills. Send your addies to H. E. Bneklen A Co., Ch'Cao, and ge t a free samble box of Dr. King's New Life Fills. A trial wi'l convince you of their mints. These pills areiasyiu action and :ire p irl icuiany effective in t he cure ot Cmsliptiiiuu mnl fciick Ileaila- he. For Malaria and Livir troubles ihty have leen proved in v.Ju il 'e They uce yuaranleed to be rfect I y n ee irom every deletrious ub?taucc and' to lx? purely vegetable. Tiny do uot weaken by their action, but iy giving ton v. to stomach and hotels griBl'.y invigora'e the system. Regular she '--V. Sold by K. S. Dufty, Druggi:. (4 Hopra Tor Rellrr IIiivh. Iu as much u.-i there is nothing better in the field, we place the Chicago nominees at our mast head ! in behalf of the Chamber of Com merce. In his address Mr. Meares very ably presented Wilmington's numerous advantages as great commercial water highway, its rail road facilities and manufactures, and large trucking interests of its immediate vicinity. W. II. Bernard, Editor Wil mington Star made an interest ing address of welcome in behalf of the Press of Wil mington. The address was full of witty points, and was greatly en joyed. Col. J. C. Tipton of the Ruther ford Democrat, in behalf of tho As sociation, made an able reply to the addresses is of welcome. President Stevens then delivered his annual address as follows: Gentlemen ol thj Noith Carolina Press Association: In the very beginning of my address, I mut ak yo((r pardon and indulgence, if a portion of my remarks may seem to be of too pu'-onal and huh vidual a character. It, would certainly be in-natural, if I did not letl a pleasurable glow of pride in standing before you today, as pu-sident ol your association, and iu a city which has ever exunded to me a c r -' i u 1 and sincere vveloome in whatever c-ipauty I have come lure. It was not nu re mouth wel come which I received neaily seven years ago, when alter starting iu my lir.-t jour nalistic effort, s-.t S.utliport, I came up to this city; but I was given substantial en couragement, which everyone ol you know tel'S nvot, that of several columns of nds. ;-ud at my own figures. Tiie la vol .which a a stranger I re ceiytd'f'roiu Wjlmingion, have la en most gc uerou-J txteiuled to ine, by yourselves and mauy of the good people of this State, before whom I went en a matter of busi ness a lew months ago. The very gr at honor which I have enjoyed during the past year as your president, I have f.lt and appreciate most keenly, and I trust you w ill not mi-judge me il at any time 1 have seeme) to much purled up. GeDtlemen, 1 .-hall not blllehu you with a leing ad'iress, but a; becomes my official capicity, I will note a few matters which I consider of importance to this associa tion, and have them for voiir cemsideru tlon, C"lh c; ively as newspaper n.e-n, I be lie e w are all leo looose in our business me'.bod . In other words the Xorth Car olina rress is a free pie s too free to its own sorrow, for what sorrow is moiv searching than that of an empty poeket. To churches, eeicietie-s entertainments of all kinds and to politicians, we give our space, and pay for the composition, which never yieie's a cent's return. We have space to rent and papers to sell, yet we give both away every week, as if i-very editor of us had a "friend to whom we could go lor money in our time of need anel plnauthropy was our only object in life. This is not business, r.nel I believe we would b' more thought of if we solel our papers and collected the rents promptly for all our space u-fel lor matter which is not strictly news. Let us try to live up to the motto, "charity begins at hme," and not run newspapers for iun, but for bu?i mss eLds, remembering that as we 1 1 is credit our newspaper space and belittle it by making it fiee, so will the public ac 'cot it. Ou one matter which I believe this as sociation has been so loug negleeiful of, and which I believe its constitution ami by-laws do not mention, is that in legard ti deaths eif its membe.is. I believe that suitable and appropriate notice should be taken of every member of this association, which may deemed best by its members, and the lamily of the deceased should receive some memorial from this asser tion, iu regard to the departed memb. r. Action on this matter I leave to your judgment. While this association has agitated the question of the law in regard to legal aelvertisements, I have uot discovered that any real benefits have beeu secured. I am impressed with the fact that discus sion here on this matter accomplishes but little. Let each editor nuke the light in his own town and country, until we either have the present laws regarding legal ad vertisements strictly carried out, or ;et them repealed and better ones enacted. (Ft-rsonal experience). Iu additiou to this individual effort it isjmy opinion that this association should select a committee from its membership at this meeting, who shall have full power to act in iis behalf, ou any needed legislation which may efhet the laws govemkg legal news paper advertisements iu Xorth Carolina, ami that this committee should see to it that some real gooel is accomplished, which aha 1 result in giving us plain un mistakable laws .authorizing all legal advertisenu-Dts and at prices which shall give the newspaper a living pivlii. Also that this committee's expenses b. paid j out ol the funds of th - as.-ociat'on. In this connection I also oiler the suggestion ih:tt this committee be co:nnoed of mem bers whom tif know' will see to it tha necessary legislation for the good of ui.s aooauoa win ne ance'eu at im text geueial a-eiubly o: North Carolina. An. itlu r matter ot legi-!ati-ii w hich I ehem of gnat impoi t.mcc is that in regard to a national lib l law. Tuis movement h:-s been inaugurated, I lit to what e-xte.nl I ;.uthiiig ha- come ! ;t. I am no: familiar, i 1 do ne't re.i.emoe-r that any actual law I l- in f-'ivein re g a re I to newspaper libel, I u hie h g: ves u a uiui h nci-diel ami just j I r .t-.-c! ion. We are not intallib'e. and iu ur daily hurry d bu-ines- we are apt to pubiiidi ik-wm f a :i!e:..u. char ictr. at the same time be.i:g pe:u.e tiv iuu aa Lt o! ai y intent toe omiil.l a libel, or .o i: jury to pi r.oii or tilings. -V prompt retrai: tion in our cat 1 1 i i 1 1 . at'ur the en or ha.- to guard North Carolina's interests, but you are also the custodians of all that is witlnn the boundaries ol the state. To you belongs the c erection e f wrongs, the maintenance of right. To y u ' is the power to direct public sentiment alon lines of right ami patriotism. These are trying iim s iu N uah Caro lina, and to no one is the lest more severe tl-an upon (he pre-s. You must be every ; where, see everything, hear everything in older to sound the warning to your peo- ! pie. ou must be in the world, yet not! of it. You cinnot afford to lose the calls for justice. Never v as the time s oppi- I I uue lor you to piove yourselves faithful to the tiusts imposed upon ye.u. In all the pe)litieal heat and strile let us ever keep most prominently in mind that wc are North Cat oli niaiis, that our State's kiteiesls ate first, that only as her honor and integrity are inaintaiue-1 shall we, the pie--, lie gre at. J The burden is upen ns, L-t us accept it as a pleasant duty and go forwarel to the woik with hones-y of purpose", cicarnes. of mind and sincerity of heart. Thursday morning, the members of the Press went down the Capo Fear river to Carolina Bench, South port and outsido on the ocean, re turning to Wilmington at night. Mr. E. E. Harper, of New Berne was voted an honorary member of the association. The North Carolina Tress Asso ciation which has been in session at Wilmington has adjourned. While the members were in Wil mington thoy were treated royally, All the courtesies were extended them. Thursday Capt. J. W. Kar- I asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small Id size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man IKIoodn Pills said : " You never know you have taken a pill till it Is all over." 25c. C. I. Hood & Co.. I Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. ihe only pills to take with Hood's Sarsapariua. rrOTICE ! j'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will be absent from my office on the Hard Monday of August next. A competent Deputy will bave charge du ing my absence. W. M. WATSON. July 4, 1890. Clerk Superior Court. Sleeplessness, mental depression, loss of memory and all nervous diseases cured by Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment. $1.00 per box; six for $5.00. Cure guaranteed. For sale by F. S. Duffy. The only thing a man wants after he gets all the money he needs, is more. Ladies lue Dr. Le Brun's French S. & P. Pdls for health. One Dollar bv man or at store, v or sale Dy J? . s. i) )uy. refn- iticnos nave wings, ana gr nor r f tho ct,-n n r- V i I vi i tt rvf -v I r " ? vi. v li o oauioi 1 1 1 il Lit Li tuu y naner carried tivo Asofi;it ion iLmvi, thai f .. n ; i t i i. i - -H(,iy, tno gentleman s IriencL is Dr. Le Cape tear mer and for a short trip Bn,n'8 G & G. Cure, At store or sent OlltSHlOj til by ma.l. One Dollar. Duffv. For sale by F. S. Jngh sea made a good many of the members sea-sick, but the trip was much enjoyed. They andeel at Carolina Beach, where urf bathing, fishing and gathering shells wore participated in until 4:1 o clock in the afternoon, when the convention waa culled to order bv Vice President VV. W. McDiarmi d and the election of ofliccrs for the ensuing year was as follows: President l. l. Clark, States ville Landmark. First Vice President -J.B. Whita- ker, Jr.. Winston Sentinel. Second ice i resident J. T Britt, Oxford Ledger. lhird Nice President W. A Curtis, Franklin Press. Secretary and Treasurer J. B. Shorrill, Concord Times. Poet W. W. MeDiarmid. Tai m- store, $1.00, or will be berton l -jbesonian. tor saiejy a. b. unity. Orator J. C. Tipton. Luther- Some old-fasbioned folks, like hal- I W Lewis. I lot South Frout st.. let girls, keep their fortunes in "enry Jong, 1 lot ravie lown, their stockings. Take care of the pennies, and the dollars will be blown in by your neirs. Hysteria, convulsions, tits, nervous prostration, wakelulness, loss of memory. cured by Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. At store or by mail $1.00 per box or six for $5.00. Guaran teed. For sals by F. S. Duff?. It is no trouble to see that wealth is a ovrse, as long as the other fel low has it. Cure in three days, no worry, no diet. never fail. Dr. Le Brvo's G. & G. Cure. At store or by mail; no publicity. $1.00. For sale by F. S. Duffy. A great financier is a thief who is successful. A thief is a great finan cier who fails. Wanted Ladies to know that Dr. Le Brun's S. & P. Pills are for sale ut our sent by mail. TAX SAfciE. By virtue of the Tax List in my hands I have this day levied upon the following Real Estate to satisfy t'ue Taxes due and unpaid for the year 1895, nnl will fell at public outcry, 5t the Court House door in tke City of New Berne, County of Craven and Slate of North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M. on Monday the 3rd day of August 189G. 3 89 3 17 0 03 0 21 7 97 Name. Degrriution. Tax & Cott. TOWNSHIP NO. 1. M A Gwallney,145 acres land, Bay Bush, $ 4 70 Phillip Lancaster, 57 acies land, Palmetto, 3 08 W S Smith, 160 acres laud Piney Neck. 3 73 R A Walls, 11 acres, Swift Creek, 5 51 A P Willis, 100 acres Willis' Nock, 8 75 TOWNSHIP NO. 2. W R SaraniOD!, 35 acre?, Forrest, II C Whitchurat, 15 acres, Fishery, TOWNSHIP NO. 3. C T Dougherty, 220 acres. Flat Swamp, R. F. Dougherty, 100 acres, Core Creek, John A Ipock, 1 1 2 J acre?, Core Creek, ; . TOWNSHIP NO. 5. Elizabeth Austin, 25 acres, East Side Cahoagus, Nathaniel George, 25 acres, W S Clubfoot's, Ellen Morris (Heirs) 50 acres,Club- foot's, Dicy Willoughby, 23 acres, ES Cahoagus Creek, TOWNSHIP NO. 6. M A Hine9, 25 acres, Croatan, Larkiu Manning. 14 acres. Ilavc- lock, Mrs A Rigdon, 2 acres, Havelock, TOWNSHIP NO. 7. J J Hines. acre Riverdale. TOWNSHIP NO. 8. Netty Armony, 1 lot Forbes Alle;v, E K Brvan, 1 lot Graves & Unio'u streets, A L Bynum, 1 lot Cellar street, V A Crawford. 1 loi Cueeo St. Mary J. Cummings, 1 lot Lrookeel street. Jonas Daniels, 1 lot George street, Richard Green, 1 lot Randolph st, John E Green, 1 lot lirie Town, Mrs Susan G G'Uhrie, 1 lot Craven street, Mrs. E J Henry, 1 lot Middle st.. Virginia Harrison, 1 lot New St, M F Holly, 1 lot George street, W C King, by H L Gibbs agt , 1 acres, Cuthbert Land, ford ton Democrat. Arc You Tired all the time? Then your blood needs t., i-e coached and pari- r p vv-c.vTv . lied l,y Hooa's Sirsaparilbi, the One w Nerve and True. Biood Purilier. I Live vhjor and T 'ut- nt,.e"f $7 vitality. llooel'i 1'ills are easy to take, easy to opeiate-. Cure ineliLrestion, biliousness. 2', cts. Bicycling: at Charlotte. Mr. Geo. Fitzsimmons, of Char- effect, no publicity at store or l.y mail lotto, notifies the J-L'itXAL that the biggest racing ever seen in the South mi liinvflfs will hp luild in tliotrotir July 31st, lSDO. Schade, the cham pion of the South, and Geo. Adams. the ex-champion, will be there. Cicero Macon, 1 lot Good street. Geu'l T Newbv. 1 lot Norwood st we nave me sole agency lor the sale or Linger L'ntsr, 1 lot Short street. Brain Treat- Anna L Pierce, 1 lot South Front given to cure or l and Eden streets'. the money will be refunded. $100 per Mrs F T Patterson, 1 lot Johnson oox or six ior o.UD. f or sale by h. S I street, Duffy. M A Patterson and Bessie Bell. 1 q -n r v, lot Hotel Albert, than brains, and are not considered Kitty c stamy j lot Bern street weanuy eimer. Mary J Smith, 1 lot Queen slice' Excel all others in quickness, no bad JohnAStanlv, 1 lot Broad aud .... i - George streets, One Dollar, Dr. Le Brun's G &. G. Cure For sale by F. S. Duffy The business in which you know you could make money, is always monopolized by others. If iiealth is desired, ladies try Dr Le Brun's S. & P. Pills, the only French. 2 49 6 10 3 17 2 57 2 89 2 52 2 33 4 84 4 28 25 50 15 73 15 73 G 13 V 51 8 30 7 08 10 71 36 89 57 88 0 82 5 40 9 09 ;! 73 4 84 6 19 8 75 43 84 58 44 3f 25 3 73 4 75 5 40 9 87 10 98 J B Stanly, 1 lot Broad street, Carolino Wollendea, 1 lot Craven street, 80 24 G L Wadsworth, I lot Hancock st. 12 10 W H Winrifield, 1 lot George St., 6 14 Geo II White, 1 lot Johnson street, 55 92 Mosrs T Bryan, 180 acres, Trent Roar), 5 51 Atlantic & 21, C. Railrcid TIME TABLE NO. 2, In, effect 7:50 M. "Wednesdar, N 27th 1895. Going East Sciikduli Oova Wut No. S Patsenger 'Ira int. No, 4. Lv. p. m. Stations. Ar. t m. 3 20 Goldiboro, 11 25 3 49 LsGrango, 10 69 4 12 Kitwtnn, 10 89 5 15 Ar. New Bern, Lr. 9 SO 5 25 Lv. " Ar. 8 17 C 37 Ar. Morehead Citj, Lt. 8 07 No. l.f Mixed Frt A Pan. Train. Lv. a. m 7 20 7 53 8 16 8 30 9 24 9 88 9 53 10 15 10 40 11 n 11 31 12 05 1 30 2 12 2 20 2 43 3 13 3 25 3 31 3 46 3 51 P M Stations. Goldsboro, Best's,' LaGftnge Fulling Creek, Kinston, Caswell." Ar Dover, Lv. Lv. " Ar. Coio Creek, Tuacnrora, Clark's, New Bern Ar Lv Riv.-rchiie Ct aian Hav lock, Newport, WiMwood, Allan tic. Ar Morehead City, Ar M City Depot, Lv No. S iLaedFHA Pan Train, Ar. p. tn. 6 00 7 SO 6 50 fl 20 600 S 18 800 4 20 406 8 38 8 20 2 SO 10 47 1310 1C 00 it 40 9 06 8 47 8 38 820 800 A M Lv At Lr Mor day, Wednesday and Friday. fTueaday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL. Supt. Melton, Newbera & NorioUt Railroal TIME TABLE NO. 1. To take effect Sunday, May 17th, If. 1)0, at 12:00 M. Superseding Timo Table No. 4, lMcd October 27th, 1895. Ooino South, hcukdui.c. QoinuNohtr No. 7. Paenger Train$. No. 8. AI. Stations. New Berne l'ol locks ville Maysville Jacksonville Ar. P. M.' 6 20 4 44 4 80 a 68 ar. Wilmington Lve. 2 00 r. m. One Dollar at store or by mail. Fori W B Boyd, adm. of Turner Daniels The race between these giants of the sale by F. S. Duffy. wheel will be for blood, as an in When a man disputes with a fool, tense rivalry exists between these the fo1 18 doing tbe same thing. two men. Xorth Carolina and South Caro lina will lock horns in a bitter strug gle. On the following dav -40 or 50 - t 1 I o nuers win struggle lor supremacy in a grert road race. First prize 75.00 bicvcle. I feel liKe a new man and life is worth living since I took a course of Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. For sale by F. S. Duffy. After a man's jaw begins to swell, he realizes that silence is golden. Delays are dangerous. Use of Dr. Le Brun's G. & G. Cure at once. One Dollar, at store or my mail, at F. S. Duffy's. Health and happiness for ladies. Dr. Le isriin's b !c f Fills. The only French. 1 lot near Dark House, W R Guion, lot Gov. Road. D S Jones, 5 acres Pembnke Road E S Street, 100 acres Tiect Road, U E White, 90 acres Trent Road, TOWNSHIP NO. 9. Wm. Godetr, 61 acres Tucarora, T J Ivey, 98 acres. Neusc Road, W. B. LANE, Sheriff, July 3rd, 1896. Craven Co., N. C, 3 45 17 24 8 47 9 42 8 80 2 83 0 81 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cnts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever One Dollar, at store or by mail Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, pale by c . S. Dutty Corns, and all Skiu Lreiptions, and posi tivcly cures Piles, eir no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or inoDc tiundeti. I THE A "Npw nnrl Pomnlptn Trpfitmpnt. rnnpisirikP SUPPOSITORIES, Capsulps of Ointment and -o Doxfl? ot Uintnient. A never tailing euro for Hijeso1 every nature ana aecree. It muKes an operation tvjv tne Kntte or injections ot cnrboJic acid, wine painful and seldom a uermanent cure, and oftfiD feuiting in death, ur.necssar-AVhy endure 1fi3 terrible diverse? Wo Rxantee 6 box to cure any case- iou Hrjtjay ior beotot ceiveu. 11 a box, u tor t. bent JAPANESE PILE OlrMT r.nNQTFP ATlHMCaiiid. Piles Preve.eieo Daily Journal Should be a welcome morning visi tor at the Fireside of every citizen. 25c. a Box bv JaDarrcso Liver Pelists the great I TVER nnd STOMACH KEGULAXOK BLOOD rnitni:K. fc ir.all. mild and rlcasan . t.' take, ercial!y ueiai ted ivt tiiUdreu's ue.e ovJ PoJ? 20 cents. F. S. DUFFY, Berne, N. C. DELIVERED DAILY, Drugeist, New EXCEPT MONDAY, IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY A 7 $4.00 per Year. For FOR HATCHING, FROM THOR OUGHBRED POULTRY. RIVERSIDE POULTRY FARM Ofiers to the Farmers of Craven and adjoining counties, Ea from their yards of Thoroughbred poultry at greatly reduced prices for the next 90 clays. Addnss. KIVEllSIDE POULTRY FARM, ap8 3m Box 26, New Berne, N. C 220. HAKTSFIELD, POTTER & CO. (Successors to It. II. HAUTSFIEI.K.) WH0LESA1.H commission ummn I67 Perry Street, New York. a-HEFERENCKS: (iansbonrt liank. New York City; Meeklaiii Bros , DankeTs. New York; Nationul Bank, Ne-w Berne. w:im Lve. A. 9 20 9 5 10 09 10 42 12 49 L M. Mo. 6 Passknokr and Fbeiout No. A Leave Wilmington Monday, W.Hlncdtr an t Friday. Ieuve Now Bern TucftkiT. Tm ruday and Saturday. Lv:. A. M. Ar.T.M. 7 00 Lv Wilmington Arr 8 2 7 10 W. Sea-Coast R. R. Crofc'tr 8 IS Bay mead, Kirk'ftnd sc-. s mil, .ampae.. nd, Cypreaa Lake, Annandale Woodflt.l, Edgecombe Hollyri Folkstone Dixon ' AUirooa Jacksonville Northeast Whitcoak Mwysville (RavenBwood Follockaville Debrob; Arr. Newltcrne 7 2'i 7 :;t 7 4i! 7 5S 8 Oj 8 11 8 18 8 33 8 52 9 06 9 19 9 34 9 50 11 10 11 19 11 ;J8 11 58 12 18 12 30 12 53 1 30 P. M. Arr. Lv. Lr. a:t. Ly. a cm 8 49 8 40 8 11 2 01 1 5 1 47 150 1 1 19 55 12 12 18 89 18 Cr. 1015 10(A) 080 9 18 8 58 8 CO 823 800 A 11 'Dally Exeept Sunday. H.A. WHITING, General Manager. J. W. MARTENIS, Gen'L Frt. and Faaa. 4gt A. & N. C. UAlMtOAI). THROUGH RATES OT I ARK KOU trip Tickets (season ol IW) iro Cmucmi Stations below to point nam od on th W. N. C. IL R. Tickets n snifl June 1st. UN inclusive, good for r.-uu ii p tngeon nrlio lore October 81st, 1KW. From TO 41 .a P c Hiekon-, Morganton Old Fort Black Mountain, Asheville, Hot Springs i:i..V) 1)U lfi-20 1.-.P j s, $11.50 11 loHll) 64) s 14 IS Hftl 14 Oft in so 1 .w )1 w IS 2i 14 80 14 4v U U6 II M 1 & IU v is m is s ( PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ) N. Henderson G. W. Hr I In m. Rates to all other ros tIs in eastern N. C or Virginia can be lurnUheil upon Kpplloa tlou. Children uueier five e5) years ol free. Children ol Ave (5) years and under twelve (12) years ot age one-hall ol the above named rates. S. L. DILL, Oenl Paaa. Afmi. SEASON i SATPRCAT SlEHi ...EETS THE A. & N. C. liiILKOAD orrzfls The folio xing Special E&teslof Fare, Sea son, 1896, round trip from rtatlou named below to Morehead Cur. IU AFF23T JUNE 1st, 1896. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. o tin office is Opposite U.S. Patent Offi'. f and we can secure patcni in Zcs3 time Liiaa those remote irom Washington. f Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-J t:. :i. We advise, if palcnLle or not, free ofj cii-irt(. Our fee n- t due till patent is secured. S A Pamph LET, il -w io ji ix:n l atcnrs, wun cot of same in the U. S. ax-J foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO.i HENDERSON & KELLOM, HI'BEKT, M. and will support them, ultln we spread from New York to TYxus it will continue to spreael until in the November elvs the cheap monev craze will be bu ru-d for jjood and all." As this seems to be the only Sound Money newspaper in Xorth Carolina, which had refused te swallow wluit H. C Beckwith wouhl term "elog, hair, hi le and all, and swear they like it." it is of interest to follow 1 T T ..1 :. 'II I now me i.eaaer oou win oe accepted. the ticket will be party must, or slum M . tact, t htrffeire we call true 1 'emoeT.it to ,-tand and make the best of stances. Wo hem,- te i fix some dav. Salisbury 'I' electee, but the . remain in- IS J i . ill e'ViTV to Ills j ) o - I t he ci i e-:i m t in a better rut Xodc. I want every man and woniau in tlie United Stairs inU'reted in the Opium ami Whisky habits to have nne of my rooks tj the-: diseases. Address B. M. Wool ley, Atlanta. Ga., Box SS2. and one will be iot you free. wly j Ik- il bought !e) the kr.ow k el'e el' liie I e eliteef e.U.ht tee be ;.L'i eit d ill liii'i ILtat .e m ! lit , II I i I 1 11 : 1 'I'S lo so with many misgivings and j M,-.-,t t Nat y..ur de:.-:;!- t; bi-- some inditTerence. AS'o have no idea ' Nuii.-nal .-Mitoriai A.-.i-i:it:on be ziwu i ue In -us to 'i'0;uv a .-i.i' :!j;e- re.-o!u- t'.'-l . U ill'..- -U' I C. elliielll .-hal; b.- pi'- -.- i! If.! t i that !.-dv, ::!l.i e otl i 1 1. -1 art:. 11 lie made t-' pel.Cel 1 i II' i .ejlrla'.e i:.t.) lerce a :,.it:iir.l l;b ' ! .w. ;.'. ti. uu ii, 1 I elit. vc ii:c iieu j 1 1 e. r-i tli Stale are m.u-u e.'v lue Irom m .eeur ate '. id ti.e:i:.- :u ii.i- i' -cnniiinii i" .L'l'eut i i : . J ' 1 C i . . : i -. I ee : i late nil u; -tin it :i:.ei lr:i-i that it may tuiriaLe. Vet this -1 1 e e I el lie it make 11- iC- aleell towaiils ereatini: a liatintiai liel law. It Lot my ) 1 1 !).-. to eiaiaii :.ite t ! i miay matte is wh:e'i pertabi lo and e fleet tics aMei .tii'ii. You h ive he and tin in eli.-en -. 1 cry often in ci.r inettiiif:.-. and many e-fyea: have ae led upon them, t i yi'tir ;iii!ivii!iial it 1 1 1 . The -uue.-tiin-1 have- made are not e.!aimed a- new, but they have appeared to me t ' be in t p i liuer.t to oil' r at thi time. I hie note el w ith i'.t' le.-t ;ind .-af .-iaet : za a Lte-ieral itr.pi'' 'Veni-'tit in ; he ur -papei - ' I X.-nh Cai'i'lina elarini,' the p ?l year. I eongr.it u'ate Vnii ii l i ve-ui' ell''i!.-. 1 tru-l they have rewaiakel iu a nn-ie substantial . matuter than by nui'e '.y words of praise, i Ge.ntlemeu, you are not only the sentinels Opp. Patent Office, Washington. D. i Your Boy Won't Live a IVIonth. S) Mr. (Jilnian IJrown. of d4 M:il St.. South (iardiier, M:i., uas told l.y the electors. HisS)ll hail l.UUu' tluu'if , te)i- wing Typooid Malaria, au.l lie -p.nt eellar- I three hundred anil .-evcntv-tive with dwte-irs, who liually Ltave him up. j saying: "Your Ixiy wont live a month. j He tnel Dr. King's New Discovery and a few bottles rest. Ted him to health atiJ enblid him to g- t- work a Hikvtiy well man. He says he mves his pte.-e nt present gex d health to u.-e e-f Dr. K'ng's New Discovery, and knows it to l e the tst in the woiM for Lung trouble. Trial Bottles Free tit F. S. Dutfv's Drug Store. 14.) NO SLEEPLESS N ESS CUKZ. VIGOR OF IViEN Earily, Quickly, Permanently Rett-"-" fvlAGNETIC NERVINE i:t euro wokiiiw. Nervous 17. Ijihly aril all ti. r its fit.!;. I'urly ur later i-xie .-t-'S, Thn re.-'air ; (vi W..I !:, '.v.irr-, r-i.-k ae-s. eie. Full -ticri:'-ti'i .- :-. ii : l e!' e't..ii'.u;.; e;iv.-!i 'o f-v- ry orttar jt .i-r;ii.i. ..ft!-- ImmIv. Jni r-.vi ai-Lt lneta-.hatfij - a fn .hi e ii- tir-t Imx. riio-.:-.-.ialH i f k-to -I'rai.-- on rile in our .lilie-i-. ( an ho -''e'f-C r ve.-t jKieki t. iSiu I Lin.-iil t" ;my aear,s ri eeij.t df i .ri. i'. Oiii- mem t h V ' n -ai merit in oar I. Lux. l'rii-i' slJ"1, ii I.. x.-. ' "I. with Written ( -uar;ii; I t e 1. 1 r. f mal ruein.-y if :-nt rureeL iiij'lo to Uti fi.r th- lleiiaiae. Cii cuiixvn Jr'reo. F. S. JJUFFY, Drnggist, Xew Berne, N. C. THE GRE4TLS1 DISCOV.-l OF THE A';iC ("nr-s in 1 te 4 .'.ays, fill ineehate in I't'le -t ; -eaick te curee. Crin he e-ar i iee in ver.f Ii.ie-kt, all eeinipl-te' in onf e-nr hy mail, rr-naid. nini receipt c prico. $1 uei tiny Advertising Rates 11E !W Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions and Hardware .The highest market jiriee pual fi r .Country J'roiluce- 1 uriieiitliii' anil . Fur. iun l.i w 6m Webster's Dictionary. UNABRIDGED EDITION. In both the DAILAND YEEK LY edition.. f GEO MILK small luiokatjo. package, on F. S. DUFFY. Driiffdst, Xew Berne X. C, If yoii have anything you wish to sell let thejpeople know it by placing a "catching" ad in the columns of The Journal. The Daily & Weekly Jour nal circulates largely in all the adjoining counties and are read on an average of fivejpersons to every subscriber. This is not the Obsolete Edition that was printed from the original plates of 1843, but the next Kevised edition compiled 2i years later. Neither is it bound in pasteboard and cloth to imitate leather, but it is genuine leather and substantially bound. Now do you want this VALUA BLE BOOK FREE that is almost a Library within itself. If so, send us Ten" New Scbschiukks to the Weekly Joukxal at $1.00 each, ana yu can &et a cpy & THIS OFFICE FKEE. STA TlilNS. Q ililwboro, Tuscurora Boats Ndw Bern L& G ranxe, . . Klv-relalp, KalliriK Cri'-k, Croatan K i n Ht.on Havelock, Caswell Newport, Dover W'llllWODll, . . . . Core Creek, . . . . SKAHON. t 4 (HI 1 M :i T.i 2 imi .1 .VI 1 7!i 2Ti 1 75 3 on 1 iki .1 IHI IKI 2 7 .' 411 2 10 8aT. Nii;ht. y mi 2 75 J M X IM as J! 1 : . so 1 86 S. L. DIU. a. P. A. HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Disentias. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 Cures Headache. No. lO " Dysjiejisin. No. 1 1 " Delayed Periods. No. 1 2 ' Leuchorrea. No. 1 " Skin Diseases. No. 13 Cures Rheumatism. No. 1(3 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. OO " Urinary Disease: No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Solel by DniggiHtB, or sent prepiel on receijit of jirice, 25c, or C for $1. Dr. Humphreys' Homeopathic Maitcai. of Diseases M axled Free. Humphrey' Med. to., Ill Wllliwa Bt., H.T, TT 4- TTV r A- TVO TVO Ov T

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