Jfeto Mttmt i 11 V VOL. XIX. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, AUGUST 20, 1896. NO. 23. 13 -HOW IT LOOKED. TJE STATE POPULIST COV VEXTIOX. Cvl. Boiler 41111 rf t Iirfr. liddrni. Tw IacaBelte Tickets. Pollt Ksrtily Ualtaart. 8pcetel. ' Ruiigh, N C, August II. The wind-ap of th PopalUt State Convention this morning, wa full of dramatic inci- dents, lo'Wtifcli Senator But'cr and Barry Skinner played leading parw. Aitrt last Bight's djourument, leaving tha ticket only paitially nominated, tbe ejavrntioa waot to work aaiu this morn ing but. resales were light, consisting only fW. A. Moafseorocry, for Associate Jus tice, and Zatb Garrett for Elector-at-large Csmwrtltre, th.- adtaber bcioz six. A. S. Peace, W. K- rior 1, Otho Wilsoo, J. li. Lljod. Cyrus! . Xhompaun. rial W. Ayer, ChaLrma n. TVte m a sharp battle of words La. twera ScS&tdr Butler and Colonel Ski ncer OTCt the election of the Central C. 'turpi t tc 8kTB0cr Bonlly giving in, but doing so iifwt bwf komor. The b-ight particular political star was Mail) Cju Tbooo. "Doctor Thorn p-' in," as be was frsqaentlv called. Tbe Eastern dcle-'atesjwere in no special good bflffrOT when they V dtcovred that ' lnioo .was ot down on the program, ioi when the straight out Populist ticket was pot up, aod the nomin.iliou of Oliver II. Dockcry was forced up'n the conveo ttoo by tlu: Botlenles, ia spite of tbe pro test, tit SUir.ner ot Thompson, there was seen a ul!en tt?spoftition among tbe East ern delegates, wbicii was not lessened as i ih? proceedings went on. i The poooiarity of Cyras Thompson was cooAicoca. lie wjs gnelei witti j pplaase cn every occasion, arid his peceUe9 were listened to with the greatest atienittto. WbetUer Mr. Thompson really wibcd tbe nomination he receivd. tliat of Secre tary ot S'ate. be alone probabJy knows. It Memext to settle his frie;fdv and tbe Eastern delegate hoked more cheerful 4oak greater in e rest in tie later pro ctedins. BockKitcuio was another prominent ' figure, more pronounced than ever in his own special Tiews, and anxious as ever to let them be hi ard. Lesser political lights were around, but ts they were merely satellitefs revolvins;,. , k J " - tAA.-t nt hi nt i inslp. around Senator Butler, ther cannot be considered, reflecting as they did the mastertnl power of the Chief ot all Pop I ultsU. Never, perhaps was Senitor Butler's j skill exhibited to gnater advantage He i saw 71Ur$. Nothing scaied him.' lie Irvyfced til a inl tind. His voice was busfy. bat he" kept everything iu siht. 2fo move was lost upa him. Tbe laces : ijfetbe aodicuce wee wa'c'ied, and trusty ! Ueo ten an t s were uirrciei to various Ueie gaiiooe, as their preseoce was cecess.irv. And withal nothing sceme-1 to be felt by the majority of the convention, only the few, Skinnex, Kilchio aod Thompson, realized the eee mart power, wln:h di reaead and cootrolled the convention. " tt wa do wonder that the Domination Oliver H. Dockery eaase1 discussion No-wTJodrr that Harry skinner was skep tical over this efevemh hour convert to Bryan and Watson, this new addition to rpoHm i ail that goes with it. TlJerMnie OocVery has been so long jaooymons with Kepublicaoism. that to hear Dockery and Populism cmpled t j getber is one of the really great surprises of this very trnga polyUcal year. "If a Dockerj can give op Repablican ism, then Indeed nothing is impossible in poMica' as id a man in ths convention. Ii was rumored that a Craven county delegate to the convention, Basnight by mme, hd oinetbing to do with Cy Thoir.psoD's bein Dominated. It was Basnight who last night reut up j a reso ratio o, whkh btcretary Ayer very aapaflioy read and which wasq.net y : killaJ. - ! Tbe reaoiutiou was in' ctiect, that the faaboa of 1S94 be continued in 10(5, an I tbe sentiment which the Eastcn delegites bad for fusion, cootrsry to the present de-ire of Senator Butler, and the d anger which seemed to lark, ui.ies-s tbe Eastern-j ira cduld be placated, so' reported, in giving Cy Thompsoa a j i .1 : e on a ticket which was never originttly for him. What strange rumors can arise, and be pajpd from mouth to mouth until thcy cem to actual be possibtli: :es. One o; tht se was that the vacancy with Walt, r A. Moatgoaiery oa the Supreme court b-nch wehl be K'?eu t0 u S- Bussvll, wh i would come down from the head ;,of the Republican Suto ticket, and join the PopaliaU. Jast why Judge ltussel! s'j. u d oo thif it is impossible to sty. Te lemo?ratic State Committee have brea rather quiet tod tv. The decided nab giveo it by tbe Populists hus cot been without iti good eff ct. many ) ::i ocrrri n-joicing that il was given. A Democrat today sa d. y,.a am abu-e Seti.. Id r Ransom , but Le knew In w t . go lot inch fight as th. and i n . ' The arr.vil of Senitor Pritehird and Judge Rusarll upon the scene, makes tLe jiolitical iituation more uuceitain thau The Republican State ticket U inc plate and ihe Populijt State ticket is un- t&y)L, How will bet Are the not ewy combirationi vet. h.ch shall1 brio partial fusioo? Au-i how easy .t wouIJ be for tbe Executive to get to gataacd foake a new ticket in the in Utmt of' -hir aiOtry", aod rncideatally also to thaw seeking the pie couaL r. The Suta CoaTeotioas haTe now ail passed, yet who cso deny tliat the polit ical situation is still full of uncertainties, ' sa HQca so as il ever has been, ind 00 min caa see U eod. WILL FUSE ! Rrpabllcnn State Committee's Decla ration. special. R a Leigh, N. C. August 15 The Re publican State Comn.iUee to-day issued ;io adduss to the voters of that party id this State, declaung that the new election ia-v must ! kept iu force which was en.u ted ' y the Populists and Republi can !i..-.or; lLat fusion should bj main tained an! Republican voters are urged t ) Ium with the Populists id all counties where it is practicable on county and Ugis'ative cffieers, with the understand- ing that the members of the Legislature ot oolti parties shall support the nominee of the Republican caucus lor United Slates Senator, -o :!, at euih p.rty shall have a Senator. It urges the i aimed Lite formation ol McKuiley n: 'I Ru-sell cubs, declare? that owing to ill feeling likely to be en-yftdasrdrtbfE-owgbt o be bo Jwt -ean-asa of the leading candilates, that Judge 1 y . j- j. M n-. 1 1 t i A en i r 9i, - r4 1 l ri i a An r,A i j. " aacv lor governor ov me pany ot iuei - Clair, luai jurvc nu!vu iu uuu ur ft wiuiurawn in me nueiesi. 01 any oilier eaudidati ; tl.at as a testiiu inial of gocxl : . 1 j c k fai'h with the Populists, their nominees! witli the exception of Governor and Andi-; tor are accepted, and an abiding and uu : l'r:u- tUl'Fu" 13 P'eueu 10 tnetn; u heart:'y endorses the National ph.tform aud action of ,hc 'aJ,'Dal Convention, in j !rCI ul.- cKiuley ard Elobiirt, and) pledgis tliem and the plutfoim an earnest support, ami declares a firm belief that! with a wis.- aud proper management, they will b vote. given North Carolina's electoral WANTS DISCUSSION. M A JOR GUTHRIE WANTS TO MEET CY. WATSOX, tinlhrlt BcqiHti Hiinlj and Ayer to Arrange Sleeting"- Also Wants Rassell. The Pop Nominee Is Fanny. Special. Raleigh. N. C, August IT W. A. 1 Guthrie arrived here todav. He requests chairman Hal Aver, of his State Cominittee. to confer with chairman ,y rciarding ft j-iut di80l1Stirt0 lwwn" V vat!j0(1 an V. i cnself, and also ' . . -. in requesting Republican chairman Hol- ton. to invite Judtre Russell to ioin in the Guihne wisues all candidate to have a heannf. IJe reouests Aver to arrange . . ' , , nnnftinlmftnti to hein the (3rst week in September and continue two or three wnks. or as long as arranged for with Maoiv. I Guthrie laujzbed as be said, "la case all three of us engage in joint discussion. I1 will try to kn peace as mubcas possible i I told Russell before my nominatiou that ' ia i three-cornered discussion I supposed i we would have to have an understanding I That one day he and I would jump on Cy Watson, the ntxt day Watson and , myself would jump on Russe'l aod the , third day he and Watson would jump on j me. Iu 'his rotation each one would j at some time get the last speech.'' CUBA'S HEALTH. Reports Shw Bad Conditions Exist lor. Sanitary State Poor. -o Pro tection Acalnst Disease. Special. New York, August 17 Dr. Alvan ii. Doty the health officer of tins city i . , c . J : u has returned from a ten days trip in Cuba j where he went to appoint a resident phys ician at Havana. He reports Cuba to be in a sad slate, from a reign of yellow fever. The 9-iniUry conditions are poor, there being no protection against disease. McKlnley Jlot to Speak. ;VNXO- O., August 17 Mark A. i iiulia eiiuiiiiuu ucuuuiie.iu .ihliuli.ii rr . i-i i lo; x-n.,t Ext,cu(ive Comnmtet announcfs that Mij ,r m.K. rv will not take the stump. tiail Hamilton Dead. IIvmii.ton Ma?s . August IT. ifS M irv Ab-g-vi: D dge . ir.iil Hamilton), the tain aut'i'-re-s. d-.-d last night at her beautiful Lorn.', Irani the effects of a paralytic stroke. Miss Dixlge was strickf n while at breakfast and immediately be came unconscious. Medical ml was at once -amn.oned, and Mis- Dodge re moved to iier bed, but while every possi ble main; vi.re ad pted to restore Ler, she never reg lined C"nsci"i:sst ss. M;-s D ie had a similar sheck uhile in Wasiiinsiton al out a yer ago M -s Augu-tu- Dodge and otl.er relatives were at the t'Ctlside whin the cud came. Too much work in mailing her last book. "Tne ViLey of D.ath," during the ho, weall.er br 'ke h-r strength. Lb r funeral " take place Thur t'.ree ov!' k. and will h. a privat ay at one. Approved by the Sultan. I.oNPON. The Hiily News it is stated says'd...'. h r d-pe-m itic corrispon-den- e w..l W .--U--.I short! v. show ing that the Arrr.en-.tn oi:tr..i;e- had their origin iu the Yiid 7. Ki. sk. the re-ider.ee of the Sell: .n, and th.-.t tl.ey -ieie approved on : y I,.- M.- l -ty, for the put pose i t' ra ru ing the Turk.-h reform party what to expect unlvss its members desisted from their propagar.d.i. Thepaperdecl.iristh.it the corrcspon lence will also show that 100,010 Arme u.ans eere n.a--.icred. Royal Eac(rmrol. Spec nil. Cktii.m-i. Montenegro, August 18 Tne engagement of Yittorio Eruanullc, the rrince if Napless, heir-3ppareDt to the throne of Italy, to Princess Helene, ! I . I cf Moutenegro, is reported. WILMINGTON LETTER. WILMINGTOXIANS LIKE MORE HEAD CITY. A Cold Weather Sln I.unibfr Fall lire. Heoel vershlp Scramble. Let ter itrrlrra Happy. Distillery Industrie. Fun at II II ton. JOURNAL Bc'REAL, Wilmington, N. C Aug. 15 No chnnse or let up in the hot spell yet. Everyone complains, except the ice man, Down the street, one hardware hou-e bus ii ai-ii ou iuc ciucttjiiv nuiuociusiiiu;. l Ztt rMic ctm-od Q in I In in nrac mn'iirril e.ci juui "t"nn"iiHiNiin. U. l..rA 11,. rtl.l n-,.,ll,r " Tlta Tili.! T T T 1. 1 1 - .l ..l .. Hume mi- vu... "vui.ni. .iic i'uihi. stioui.l attend to tireir. The cheap rate between here and More National Committee, at Washington, head Irom Saturday to Monday, has in- Oilier appointments will be made as oc dueeil large numbers of Wilniingtonians 1 c ision requires. The Executive CoiU'nit- to make the trip. They all come back, praising the hotel, and feeling tint all we need to furpassMorehead as a resort is a hotel at Ueean View Beach. . , . , . lf . , , . : i. iai"u puiiv weui iu iiio i eneau j. 11111:5 , , 1 on the special excursion, returnm last' night. Before leaving for home this afternoon. The Peregoy Jenkins Lumber Co., who j Chairman Paulker said t t at the Congrts have been running a large mil! business, sional campaign book of the National made an assignment this week. It is a stock company and the northern members state of preparation and would be rea'ly are the cusc of tbe failure Immediately ; for the general public in a few clays after after the failure was made known, two of i Bryan's letter of acceptance had been iu our lawyers, anxious to have the receiver-; serted iu it. ship tor their elien's, set out, one to Gold-boro, to see Ju lgej Iteibiuson, the! GORMAN FROZEN OUT. the other to Cliotou t" Ltet Judge Bovkin's favor. They both letumed with the re ceivership power in their pockets. Judge Uobinson's roan got control of the prop erty firet and denVs Judge Boykin's ap poiutee. This will be the most interest ing part of the failure to the public. The lice mills which have been doing a good business tor u good many years, have closed this week, There is no money in the business, they say. Not enough rice growu in this vicinity to keep them run ning. Mr. Norwood Giles, a well kn wn citizen, aud principal owner, has gone to New York with his family, to engage iu business there. Valentine Howe, colored, oT this city, has been re-elected President of the North Carohra Volunteer Firemen's Association, the organization of the colored firemen in this State. This is his tlrrd term. Wilmington's letter carritis are very happy. They have had a claim before tbe Government for some time, lor pay for overwork. Their day's work "s eight hours and they have done enough over- i work in the past six years, to aggregate ' the ?um ol fur thousand dotla s. j This they nceived at last and are accor- diogly happy. This sum is divided be tween elev n men. There is n quite a boom)in distilleries in 'his section, Deputy Col'e tor Cnho of New Berne arrived Thursday tosuivey.lor aud ar range to start two government stills, and two private distilleiies are ready to be started ns soon as the official papers ar rive. Two years ago there was not a stid in this section now there are ten. Tlie Wilmiugton Street lid. way peo ple, will start a Yuudeville show, in an open hall, at the Hilton Park terminus of the railway, and prolnbly continue il during the hot weather. It will prove quite an attraction, as there is no other amusement now to compete for an au dience. Rev. Will B. .Oliver, pastor of the Fir-t Baptist church returned Wednes day Irom his summer vacation, and that evening the meiulers of his clihrch gave nun ti i-i'ls i l ec U liuu , uu 3 lun ill tiuun- . . ciauou 01 uis sci vice-, auu 10 welcome him home Judge D I. Russdl hfc for Italeigh Thtirsd iv evening to attend the meetinL' of the Ri publican State txicutive com mittee, and incnientully to repair his feii- ccs, aud this work sterns to successfully accorr plished. have been Flrhtlna Indians Captured. Nooai.ks, Ariz. Captain Dodge, of the infantry company elispatched north ward, ariived in Nogaks, having iu charge three Ynqui Indians captured a few miles e..s'. of Tubac. The Indians were tiavelliug toward Tuc on, and were all heavily aime). They c'aim they were in a ! un'iiiL' d comp'ii t , . 1 h IV 'a ia I o.i gales. C.i p' it'ti Bo'iiiis is r p rt d .1.- b ; the way to t'lis lily fr -01 )r li anco thirty in- r" v m niiau.l ng Vaq i1- n,i in that ie imty. A ia nip my ot M x a 1 e 1 v arri v-il 1 ,te S .t.ii' 1 iy night tV i": Ay res. Ai'z n.i. lifiy ini'es we' t ga'es. Tin 1 Hi er- p ;nrt thii a ; .1 . 'eny Xo g on a ith ured ' 1 " ojS v; 1 eat nunibe : of I . ' i , n SttSabe, M Sa,,, -e Buenos Ajre-. Some toward 1 11 is West ol ' liuin are armed. and it is supprse I that t lie 3 tire up mischief of some kind. t0 I To the Convention. Special. Bkliows Falls. A't., Au-just H The National Democratic Convention of this State has selected delegates to attend the Iudiarapoiis Convention. Will Send Full .iimln-r. Special. iNPiANAroi.is, August 18 Chairman W. D. By nu m says New York will send a fu 1 delegation to the go! 1 Convention, w hich meets here, next month. Restrained from Collecting. Spools!. Cleveland, O.. August 13 The Na tional Base Ball league lias be?erA re strained by Judge Noble from collecting the fine imposed upon Capt. Tebcuu, of the Cleveland Team, Two men were killed and four in jured by nn explosion of dynamite at New : Holland, Pa. THE DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN; : Hendqoarlrn at ChlCBg-o. Branch at Washington. aines of Committee Carman will ! K on 1'ommlttec. special. ! Washington, I). ('., August, 15. , Chairman Jones this a fie moon issued a statement, locating the Democratic luad- quaiters at Chicago, -with a branch at Washington. ; Part of the campaign committee, enough to coudu it the campaign for the present, has been selected as follows: John It. Mc- Lan, of Ohio, D. T. Campan, Michigan, : J. D. Johnson. Kansas, Clark Howell, 1 ei eoi gi a, i. u. ma 1 le , erni on 1, errau am, i Tl!....i.. o. ij. jioius. mis Lu-u oecu seieciou asistant tnafun r of the L-enioeratie tee will be appointed later. Senator Gorman was asked to accept a ' place on the committee, but refused, but as a member of the National Committee, ! he will engage largely in the campaign work. ' Democratic Committee was in a forward Practical Proclamation That Votes and Money .Must Come From tbe West and Sou th Jones Disappoint ed. Washington, D. C. Candidate Bryan has broken away from the rule of Senatot Jones, Senator Gorman and the other conservative Democratic managers and has dictated the selection of Chicago instead of Washington as the main heael quarlets of the Democratic National Committee, and Chairman Jones, very mnch against Ids will, announced the se lection ot Chicago, together with tht names of as many of the Executive Com mittee selected as had responded favorably to the telegrams asking them to serve, up to the time that he left for bis summer home at Frostburg, Md. Chairman Jones is so disappointed and displeased that if it were not for personal pride he would be very likely to retire from the active mar agement of the cam paign, but as it is, he will stick it out and stay in Chicago most of the time, al though lie will have branch headquai tt rs here next to the rooms of toe Congress onal Campaign Committee, unci he has a long distauce telephone put in order that he might communicate with ids advisers here and especially with Senator Gorman, who positively refused to go to Chicago or to take a place on the Campaign Com mitter alter it was determined by Candi date Bryan, against his advice and against that of Senator Jones and the other cou servatives ot the National Committee, mat the headqimrtcis would not be in Washington. Governer Altgehl, who had personal rca- ! sons for wanting the headquarters in Chi j cago, w he re he thinks it will help his campaign for te-electiou, and who is also opposeel to having Senator Gorman on the Campaign Committee, as was Senator Tillman, killed two birds with one stone when ne influenced Candidate Bryan to declare f r Chicago. The iadicals have wTm. Senator Guruum has evidently re I used as the 1' .rmal typewritten statement given out by Sena' or .7 n-s i: d cates, to take my ae-tive put ::i the- e-.imp lign manage ment now tl a- hi- -f'i e h;t. been disre ganled as to ti e 1 ; i 1 1 of tin- hcadqu-ir tens; but he wd! l-cp ill- promise to his Iriend, Senator J m. .-, to iie him the benefit of iiis (xpiiieme and advice from W..hl ngi on , ami will talk with Senator J -mes over ilie long distance t le phone from time to 1 1 me. Tlu- -el cti 11 if CMe:!-!' is accept id here a- a Lo rn ,! c ti. s-'.-m 01 tin- b isteru States 1 v Candidate Brv in to Mi Kinle - .....1 11 -1..,,., .1 1...;. u,. u:. HUil Li UU.ll 1. il 1 U clll a'olll,. lOLl U UlLU U J peiMiuai ensap pom imeui ai 111s ueaiiiieni by prominent Lvlern Democrats, acel particularly those ol New 1 ork City, it j - 1 is also an aclnow net -rment ot tne tact ' ihat no money contributions can be ol----ia'.ne--l in tl'.e ll 1st for the Bryan and 1 Scw-il! campaign. i The batlle-tii Id mil the bank of the i lampaign an- both in th - West, and this is Ca m 1 1 ill .1 te Bryan's great ixa-on lor de ciding in liivor of Chicago, Tip; practical i politician- am-, eg the rt-gu'.ir Democrats who have bun pinning their faith in Bryan's elect ion largely to tbe hope that Si nator Gorman would take a place on the re, , : ri..... : , .,a i., ....i. eeeP"'1' e,uiiiiiu eee iiuu ci iciioij pai l iu ! the management of the campaign are al- most panic -striken iy the announcemeut that the Senator is not going on the com mittee and is going to confine his public efforts lor the ticket to Maryland and "the aeij icent States," which uieaus Main land alone, they think. They now doubt the probability of sui-ciss for the Chicago ticket. RUSSELL BEGINS. Opens Campaign Next Saturday. Does .Vol Doubt his Flection Crop Report. Special. Raleigh, N. C, August 17 Judge Russell said todn i "I ieave tomorrow for the West and will begin my campaign j next Saturtlay.ut Henderson vibe, N. C I shall dwell on State issues. There is no doubt of my election. It L merely a epue-s-tion of the size of my plurality." The State crop bulletin says, local rains have benefited crops. Cotton is badly damaged, shedding contiuues. At many points it is opening very rapidly. Some top crop is forming Late corn will te very short. BOSS AND LEADER. BUTLER THE FIRST, PR1TCH ARD THE SECOND. State Crop Report. Chm'ii Manly Feels iiood. Sfjfroes to Fight Skinner. Darker; I'scd to Split Republi can Knilarsriiipn t. Jourval BtREu; Kaleigii, August 15. rr.-. . . r ii j ' "e " 1 " j was ma(,e public to-day. It is based on j returns Irom 9G counties by 9-30 corres- ponueuis. ia.-i moiun s report suuwen . 1... n.. l"i liniuclge uv cackbsi ve il in i eeiiu .uue.ua TU ..4 t -...1 usjiiiius. ene auiusi icjjoil show s j uol iuc ' opposite. emuaiic conuiuous, te. ccssive dryness and intense heat have rnuspil ii iiipat ileal of a nil rpliensinn I . . .rL..... . among the farmers, together with lessen- .MgoCthe prospects generally, while in some localities the drought was extreme. The general average given below shows a considerable decrea?e in the conditions as compared with July. While the dam age has been considerable, yet with favor able weather, such as that of this week the real conditions may improve from now on. Rice is S6J against 91 in July, I 8U a year ago; upland rice suffered more tliun 1 wland. Corn is 89S, a falling off of ten points since July; in 189-3 it was 93. Cotton is 90 4-5 against 99 in July, 7-1. in 1895. As many reports came in before the full effects of the drought and heat became known, it is believed the present condition is really several points! lower than 9C 4-o. Tobacco is also short, i .-t .--in-i.rT.-! jor- . . ! soj against i ior juiy auu 00 iu August j 1893. There cannot possibly be any fu i ture figures which will show a better conelition of this crop, as the season and maturing was several weeks earlier than usual and curing is row in progress. Field peas 92-J, lor July 9GJ; last year 89, 1 crop about normal. feweet potatoes i 93, against 101 in July, 81 J last August. Pe-mu.s 89, against 95 in July, 85 last year. A lair crop is promised. Fruits Apples, 35J; peaches, 32; grapes, 54J. Iri-h potatoes; 84; meadows, 92. The Republican State committee was in conference last night. It met again this morning. Resolutions endorsing Mc Kinley were offered aud adopted aud signed unanitcously. This brought into line James H. Y'oung, who had bolted for Bryan and Watson. The Republicans say Senator Trite-hard is leader without being boss, and that Senator Butler is now boss without being leader. Chairman Manly says the Democratic party in the Stale is in fine fettle. He seems to he in high spirits: The Republicans think they have split the Populist party. They think this is the l ist 3ear ol its existince. Senator Butler is smiling and serine. He has been up nearly all night every night this week. Yesterday he and W. A. Guthrie took a nap lying on the same bed. Butler left for the east this morniug. He will be at Washington Monday, and regular open headquarters. Loge Harris confessed thi3 morning that veteran politician as he is, he does no know "where he is at.'' Butler and Pritchard have nothing to do with each other. Butler snid he did not known Pritchard was he-re. Butler and Harry Skinner were at the table together yesterday. People looked at them and asked: "Do they speak to each other ?" They did speak, but quite formally. Skinner was this morning asked his view of the situation: With a chilling smile he said: "No amount ol legerdemain or jug gling will prevent the State of North Carolina from going for Bryan.'' This was a hit at Butler and the Populist Re publican deal. The Republicans who oppose the work of their State committee say it puts the burden of .the campaign on Russell and Rough IleBderson. There was really a desire to have Russell come down, but he was too proud to do that. The negroes will fight Harrv Skinner because of what they construe to be an I attack on them. This was Skinner's ele- n.irflti0n as chairman of the Ponulist r . , , . . , t- convention that the Popu t party wa for white supremacy. ! The negroes meet here September 17th i in State convention. They do this annual- j ly. mostly for political purposes. j The Populists wanted to use Oliver II. j Dockery's name for Lieutecant governor j either to split the Republican vote or j force the Republicans to fuse on the State : v j ticket. Dockery wants to go to the L. S. 1 . . Slpiinln Tl l cniit Ttntler u-nnti to sp 1 him there. Butler would go to great length to defeat Pritchard. The Popu- lists want to build up a strong Republican ; I followiu and out of this get the baiance ! of power iu the Legislature. The Repub I a light, wis stabbed to death by .Michael beans are tiying the double game of , Kelley, of Brookdale. Kelley has been ar-checkma-ing the Populists and fotcing : rested. their vote. Joseph Trea-ter, of Pofer's Mills, Pa., The R-publican committee adjourned at 11 o'clock this morning after endorsing, , all the Populist ticket, save Guthrie and i Ayer. It established heaelqnarters Jhere i car cast if Geneva Station, where three of ami goes to work at once, with chairman j ,is companions were riding and fell be R. O. Patterson of the Central Committie, I neath the whee's. .. j. uoiton oi tne executive committee and W. D. Hyauis Sec-etary yet know n whether Dockeiy It is not will accept the nomination for lieutenant governor as itnderitl by the Republicans or the Pop lists. Claude Dockery, his son was tkfofe the committee, but said he was not au thorized to speak for him. Secretary Hymanssays: "Russell is on tl)e ,rack tn gt .;, 0ther committeemen said: "Really there was never any pur pose to take Russell down." But as be fore stated, many of the rank and file, particularly tbose who oppose Russell, believe the contrary. Chairman Ed JohnsOD of the Repub lican Congressional district committee said tod8y that the situation had chnnged and that he does not now lelieve the committee will endorse W. F. Strowd, the Populist nominee, but that it will nuri uext wet k and malic a nomination. Kx-St nator Jai vis. who had bi on i ei'c all the we' k watching the big olitieal "plays," left for Mi i head City today. Congressman S.-ttlc, J. M. Smith. D. M. Morrison and Z. F. Long arrive i today to atteinl i lie 1! puhlii an ( oinmitb e meet ing. Ovir thiity prominent Republicans u ere on hand. Senator 15 ;i t ler dee! iue l to be in ter vie v- : td this 111 rning. The iollou in" is 1 he Ri-ti-Pdd. ticket j a3 adopted !,v State Itepublican Commit For Governor Dmicl L Russe'l- for ; Lieutenant Governor (J II D .Hker " for i Jyjcrctarv of S:a''- ( ' V 1 U s Til o II, 1 l-OU- lOT " " ' , jf-sup- " j; Worlr for 'V'tornev 1; j General, Z;b Var.ee Wa'zer; for Audi) or. John R. Iler.d.-f-so;-; f. u- Supt. Public Instruction. C. II. Mebane; for Associate, Justice lto. M. Douglas.-: for Associate Justice W. A. ion'gonie' v. BUTLER SAYS WATSON. Tom Watson Will Carry .Vnrlh i'ara. Una. Populist Headquarters at Wasliinatoii. Sjieeial. Washington. D C Augu-st IM,--Chair-inan Marion Butler ( f the Populist Exe cutive committee, said, today, that North Carolina would go for Tom Watson. The headquarters of the Populist party will be located at Washington. Senator Butler says the Pupulis's will not support Arthur Sevvall. .special. Hun mi's .Movdiienti. i A. New- York, August 18. Mat Hanne has wirel that he will be tomorrow, and will remain until here ne xt week. lie will arrange for heavy campaign work, then leaving Jas Manlcy aud Sena tor Quay iu chaige, here. REPUBLICANS THE FOE. 1 So Snjs Chairman Manly. Joint Dis cussion to be Settled Siext Week. Special. Ralekui, N. C, August 18 In speak ing tonight, iibi-ut a joint canvass pro posed ler W. A. Guthrie and C. B. Wat son, chairman Manly said nothing should side track the .Democratic parly and di vert its attention from the fact, that its worst enemy this year is the Republican party. Watson who speaks at Abeideen, tonight will be here Thursday, and then the mat tt-r of a joint d. b ite with Guthrie will be discusseel and -eU'ntl. Sent Back by Weyler. Quap.antink, S. I. Among the cabin pas.-engers arriving on the steamer Qriza ba fiom Ilabana wee three deserters from the Cuban army, who were given pass ports bv General cvler. llieir names are Samuel MeNally, James T. Quiim. and Maximiliano Jorntsca. They went to Cuba with the Laurada expedition. Death. ol an Keillor. Winston, N. C. Captain J. W. Gos len, editor of the Union Republican, the organ of the Republican party in this State, met with a fatal accident when at tempting tii step Irom the car before it stopped. His head struck a stone, which produced concussion of the brain aud caused his death. Gov. Matthews, Better. special. Indianapolis, August 18. Governor Matthews condition is improved. He was at the oflice, today. BRYAN'S OUTING. Plenty of Letters and Invitations. Goes Fishing;. Special. Uppkr Red Hook, N. Y. August 18. Candidate Bryan's mail is already begin ning to arrive with many letters contain ing invitations to speak. He said he would stop at as many places as he could, but could uot s'op at all. This afternoon Bryan went fishing. His voice L- fully recovered, while Mrs. Bryan is improve ! by the rest. Veterans Kiicaiiipment. Special. BiNGHAMreiN, N. Y., August 18. The first day ol the National Encamp ment of the Union Veterans the weathe r was favorable. Prpsidftnt Ellis in his annual address , , ,, rl. , v encouragingly reviewed the work of the year. ! Telegraphic Hems. t Brachney ville. Pa , Siturday night Leon I). G.aige while endeavoring to stop WU )u.i over bv a Lvlrgh Valley freight I train, ace was trin cut Completely in twain. lie to catch onto a moving freight a ,.,, ,uQ n.-fn o,i h',.tBrn bile passing Peak's Brook Crossing, , N. Y , struck a ; Le-roy Reynolds j jt,, )rom pen wagon containing .Mr: anil her young daughter. The woman was Killed, aud the child so badly injured that its recovery is uncertain. Guy Borson, an aeronaut, was killed while descending in a parachute at O ek Cliff, a suburb of Dallas, Tex., when within forty eet of the eaith and falling gracefully, his big umbrella struck r.n t eiectric wire pole, almost, capsizing the ! machine an l throwing the man into a 3mall elm trie near by. RICH RED BLOOD is the foun dation of good health. That is why Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One Trae Blood Purifier, gives HEALTH. A JOINT CANVASS. WATSON AND (il'TIIKIE MAKE IT. TO The T .Nominee Start Onl Sept. lilh. ICepilbllenn llrHiliinrK'ri. Opened. Interior Stale Hhx I.iiiiiI Kain. SiK'Clal R.M.KKiii, N. C. August IK. Cy Wat son ac( epts Y. A. Guthrie's challenge for a joint political canvass. Ii will probaldy begin about t'eptendu i twelfdi Republican St ale headquarters will In opened hir.) tomorrow, with a State and central ch-iirman, aue) three central eon mitteemen, in charge. There w ill be s eral clerks and stenographers. Fine rains have fallen h,st night and W-iUy rs the iotkr of -Sta'-k 1 1 j Wins Championship. Special. Xkwi'OKT, It. I., August IS Carr It. I Neal, with brother, Sam R. Neat, bent j Robert D. Wrenu aiTft Malcolm G. Chase. who have held the doubles in the champ 1 innship. Speaks From a Fence- Spoehil. Poucukfpsik, N. Y. August IT -W. J. Bryan, was obliged by the ranul today, to make u short speech from a rail fence. lie saiel he was bound out lor a test lie advised the men to study the sdvii I question and vote for it. i ' Special. U illed In a Fire. Lkxinoton, Ky. August 17. In a fire in a church of the Baptist Associa tion, in Klliolt county, ye-terday, nine j men were killed and four injureel, while rescuing women acd children from the burning church. The Best SmokingTobacco Made fl ILL amte tIJII BAEFOOT'S - CLEARING oALh ... Commencing August 15th, and lasting Fifteen days, to Tuesday September 1st. Everything in our immense establishment will bo ham tiicred down at cost and less than cost, during these la days to make room for our big full stock. This ia no ordinary mark down sale, but an out ;unl out money losing- naif the equal of which will not be seen aguin this season. No Less-H Days SiiJrNo More No room to give prices lots of things to be sold loss than New York e:ost Come early to avoid rush. Extra salesman to accommodate as fur as possible. t'v JaVrno's llig lr,v (woods Itarain House in. A. Karfoot, TIaiiii'r. A uu C1ott4ll iiillS BDUQD armers We are agents for tl ic best on the marked. We have in stock the largest line of IfUBI'.Ki: and U'.ATHKK BELTS in Eastern North Carolina. we can iurnisn you at hock noitom i rices. MILL AM) MACHINFKY SI PPLIKS. Successors to .1. .1. 1U SOS WAY K CO. f i .it lit.. ik- W. SRALLWOOD, Under Gaston House, South f ton; Stree t, New Berne, N. C. FULL LllNE 1JK General Hardware. Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Plaster and Cement. DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. fdEPPersonal attention to the prompt and correct filling of all orders. iii'Uu w,low Reward. Reward. Reward. - H i- mil . Vln will i i m in i p. unl i.l i i In 1 1n- i. i .-win I , ve 1 1ml M I n iiuih nikd ii ii i in, . 1 VI: NOW IIAVI: ON OCR 1 LOOK. We wi hn e us .1 m , L 1 1 1 mi utei iml ml I' Is ,11,- We 'want you to hi-i- thMf Htivi.n nn.l lianges w liet hei von wish In Imv or not TlifV are f lie tea 11 ,lsiiiin-t ul..iw Vll Hl. H 11 III N.I I I I H I ol OlH Hll.l ea. li K v 1 1 1 a 11 f - I 1, 1:1 1 i, ' -. HTi i K i II Ni . K 1 , ninl liv Slo 1 r 1 1 a i' t a 1 on 1 i.-i n j In Kiln Oerli-et sa I 1 -Iim ton , ,1 . Mm 1 , llllll j a mi II 1 11111 , 11 cull ami j i 11.1 ,sljoe j in ij-jinf Ui our ,ino you V-.iev tio-.o. a.-irantw" OUIC I'llii I'.M 011 anyllon.; w Yours Res) 1 LOVER W1W CI) Merchants save money by placing orders for Bread Preparation. Sole Agents, F. ULEJCH, Grocer. 45 MIDDLE STREET. To Be Given Away this yenr in valuable articles to smokers ef Blackwell's Genuine Durham Tobacco Von will find one coupon in side cacb 2-outicc ling, and two coupons inside cm h .j-inuii c bag. liuyaliag, read the ci uipou and sec how to e,et our (.bare. S 1 ;-),(')(')() Now is the time to buy aiil Ir'ss's. Anything vou may need 111 our lino ( V I I. si rr N l M K I S. $25. $26. riY r r aTr'ire'r

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