Miittt ", .' 'Vs..'; " VOL. 3XIX. j a NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, AUGUST 27, 1896. NO. 24. i -:v- .H1HLY ON FUSION. THAT JOINT GUBERNATORIAL -DISCUSSION. tapltattsra Say Laad. Bank . at4s Wrfclai fwr. Kaatar - aaUa r.rvlOIalat.Lr liar - rim 0laa;ratla1. mat Faraas. " RjiwH. N. O, August 23. Chairman Ma sly, or th Democratic . Sutt ComaitlM vu uled to-day what mm th prusptcti of lretoal fusion with . ' ihm PopTt, toil said be bad ncvr bad ; tha least deoM that H would be arranged . ct-cosiamUi o flection day. He aajs thi ia do a yt-r far politician, bat oo lot , people. Senator Batler , J" ajK-nJoJbIlcTe there will I electoral . - fusion. . . Ttx-ra'w amisUk ia eW staterxeat - crwi by aOaHi. paper, 'thai Cbarraaa ' UtttlT i W tetter to rPonnTHt Cta Ir. ' araa. Ajtf proposed to limit the delate bttwaea Wataoa aid Oothrie to certain liar. Oa.lV cootrarj the klt-a wis that '. it s&nvld atlttetj eatrammeled. . Golfcfie will unite id an effort to force Rsa3 tn meet kins tad Watt on tie . ataapk Tae preasnre be can bring to lyL"'-1! a',rT coociUcrable. The - B publican eoaeider themselves, as to a Cvtli"trtiJre rt tlx Populists co tba fcijrt? fcaSrt and to when' a Populist ea"aTtUj7ri bey can't snub it with a coatropiootu air, as they woald s Dem- - yrtjAic proposition. . .The Populists of the 8tb d;tr.ct en dorsed Romulus Z. Liooey, Republican tmwiocc for Congress. Tbere ia con JdU interest as to whether Richmond raaraoo, RvpeUka ooniace ia tbe Stb viiatxict wii fWeV Popalist aid and coTaJbrtJJ 2;r ' . MraVc, J. Puklord, of Lynn, Mass.. . to-djyaeci to Joeeph G. Brown, tree ner, f3O01orlb PkforJ Sanitarian), for Colored caeaanptives at Southern Pioes. .Tbe 8njtafJom.wHIl be boil t under the ajaperrial m of Dr. Jvrusrgs, a colored Northern Capitalists hare this week parchaacd iQOO acrra of land in Warren ' coqoij for oee as a gme preserve. Tbe penooa interested. in maaj coun tiea In tfce suits again. the Bnk of New 'HaaoTcr aad U braoch at Wades bom, they eope aed expect to straighteo oat . wad eeU'e tk wbobs aoetter witboot far ? ther recoaaa to the evert. Tbey have kwd aaee tings here and at C&artotte. It tone oat thai tbe Qoe of Dr. J. J. Clou's thoasht aad work here daricg tbe Popaliat coerendoo was in the direction '.oftLe Soatorship ' It Senator Batleu tid made a debl with tbe Democrats all tba way through he woald hare claimed tbe Popalia'S. Tbe qaetico is, would be Jjare kt that plats. 1I1 to tbe Doctor, 'wftdajt ago cur State Prohibition Coseentioe waa-beld at Sel sbcry. Yes terday aaotber as held at Greensboro. ,Tke Uci wae of tbe National Prohibition Party aod Ja'mes II. Southjfate, iu oomi- for Vcw Prrsldeof, presided. It iieeied ibe followioj: Ikkett For Gov- eroor, Ber. J. W. Holt, of Alamaace; lieutcoaat Govern or.T. M. Sieppeoa;Sec letsry'e State, W. O. Alieo; Aoditor, Jobrf B. Miller; Treaionrr, Perry McLean; Sepwriatendeot of Pnblic Iostiuctioo, J, CL B, Attorney Gnerl, Yaocej II. Cox, Elector Urf F. &. Blair; J. W. Templetoo. The Prohibition strength in gaatrfctwUrexeevde 1,000. - This j.nr it his fwnfT5crtr- " " Ex-CepaWkaQ State Secretary, J C. L. Uarrtf, aaya be does not intend to go oeer Repnbttrso State headquarters; tl.at be refoaad to tootinue as SvcreUry it A. E Hoi ton u to be chairman, ttut the RepuUflcwee 60 not appear to have any a neeJtila. jrn 11 t their CODgressional committee in this district baa not sense eooegb to lead a horae to water, hence it refute! te fase witbea Popelisis and en dorse St road for Cocgraa,bat put out P. T. Masse as its cndidw4e, wbeo it knew - trieCHy weU-U couTd not carry a county tta district f are Vance without Popu- Oereraor OTerralL, of Yirginina today aeqeeated Gorernor Carr to io? tract the Seetif of Sampson couuty to bold for re ejaitUioa Walter Li verm an, who is want ed kx a fcieay. SeCCtsryoa'Sute Cooke has sent to tbe TaxJoua coaaties 19,000 copies of ihe n;w electioo law. At the State penitentiary form? ou the Qosxooke riser an oflcul exixioation is cvaw ia progress by Superintendent La r to acertain tbe loss by the flood.. This is the first year that any cotb n lias face toet by flood. On tbe Caledonia 1 I fnea croD. bus been I ost in Dve I years and on tbe NonbaronU n an. I Halt fax Sums two corn crops in seven year?. Tbo rebuildiac of the brckeo dykes is half cetnpleUi- These Jy Us are U feet big. wbicb was broken has beeo built 50 years w covered wilb firass and trees, a tbot or more of winter moss grown- ow iC The raging liver swtpt on tVi and at one place tore out a uole id , th- -00073 feet deep and 120 yards lou.6 Mr. Le-lr say that the new farm near Wadwboro haa shown up va.!y bet ter th expected, that 750 acres in colt u od corn are ia cultivation thereon. , BOWS THIS? Baltae raii4 to Eaar Bryan. .-iMa aat-4 rrwe "llrer la Jaaa-aa 4 . . i , ; Caaaly- j Bauiob, N. C, August 22-A pe- I cfat toofght from SmiUifieid tells of a atraogft PTC"rrence st Johaaton county's, FOfMCet Cooi-eotioo. It tabled B reaolafioo eodorsiog Bryan and Watson and free coinage of silver. rrher ia great (CseaUsiactioa at this act-. ion. Yettt correspondent asked Kepuoii caacbairnaaiioltoalf be bad Johnston covstr PbpaliaU -hood cod." j BRYAN'S CAMPAIGN. ' Tblaki Omlook EiroarElB; to torry . York. Hmyn Drpnbll. rant Djidl Mlirtl. Tivolt, X. Y. August 22. ' .'.mdidaU' Drao opi ned th-j campaia liere today. He f poke ft'tlic ctirouiaa'Dif out look ; lor carrvin this State, and invited the faiiHcrs an.! otlurs Mu 1 the qilts iion. Iiryao said our opponents nr all at si-a ou this i-ftme c;oKI taodanl. Tbe Lenio rats warn a ti.kct th.it oth ers fiar, tlii wiil dtfcat McKinley. He referred to that part of fie platform where it scores national banks. lie auid that plank was not written to catch the vots of the bankers, but was for the len cflt of those suffering at the haDds of the money chargers. CBolltMllon Denied. New York, August 2.3 The officials of tbe Western Uuion Telegraph C"n- pany flafly deny Ul3 reported eonsoluU tioo of its company's interests with those of the Bell Telephone Company. DiMilrM Prulrle Flrea. Dknison", Tel.--Destructive prairie rirts are raging io the Chickasaw Nation. Dwellings, fences, and hay have been de stroyed, aggregating a loss of Jthouands of dollars. The creek bottoms are lined with hundreds of immigrant wagoos that tlarc not travel, owing to the scourge of fire. There is no water, and the fire Las full swsy in Rock creek. The fire got into tbe timber, burning a number cl houses, aod in some instances cattle were suffocated bv the smoke. BANS STATEMENT, FiasBeiAl Mbowlaa a Surprise Hub Better Than Expected. New York, August 22. Today's statement of the condition ot the New Y'ork b-inks caused a surprise to the fi nancial world, the bankers looking for a loss in tie surplus- The reserve was in exeeat of the amount required by law by about five million dollars, therefore it was a surprise when the statement showed only a losj of 123.000. The good showing attained in the last stock eichanges figures was ba.aed on yesterday's statement. Telearapale Item. Berlin. The Reiscbanzeiger, the of ficial eazette, announces that tbe Emper or has ordered the introduction in the Reichstag of a military reform bill, and the measure, will be presented immediate ly afier the opening of the parliamentary cession in November. Barcelona, SpVir. Tbe first butch ol tbe icitforcemcnts for the Spanish forces in Cuba, to be sent Irom Bircelona failed. London. The government will issue another tbe third Blue Book on tbe Venezuelan question, Friday riext, the book to deal especially with the Schom burgk line. Washington Superintendent Kimball is inlorm d that lightning struck the North Beach iVId.j lite saviug station, doing Considerable damage, and stunning three of tbe craw. London Uon. Thomas F. Bayard. United States Ambassador to the court of St. Jarae?. will return to London from bis yachting cruise io the North Sea on September 5th. Bnjisls Tbe Belgian Times says that King Leopold iutend to visit LonJou and Berlin in connection with tbe com pi dnts which hae Ivein made concern ing the administration of the Congo Fne State. Chattanooga, Teon. William While side, Jr., was killed by an electric car, having attempted to pas in front of the car, was knocked down, hb1 bad the csr run over him, nearly severely bis head from his body. While a number of men were blasting in rockcut uear Parry Souod, Out., a heavy charge of dynamite prematurely exploded. Two of the men, Smith acd Hillman, were instsntly killed. John Oslt-n was fatally injured, while other of tbe gaDg were seriously hurt. George W. Anderson, who cut hi wife's throat at their home near Atlanta, in Macon County, Mo, on the 27th ol My, 1895, and then attempted suicide by slashing his own neck, was hanged at Vfacon. Anderson courted death, and apparently fully realized that he was get ting his j at deserts in being bangt d. At a la-ge and enthusiastic metting of Ohio people in attendance upon the Winon As.-mby, at Eagle Lake, Ind., strong resolutions were adopted pledging tbemselvts to assistjia raising $10 000 ot the i-40,000 additional necessary to suita- ly accommodate the General Assembly ot the Piesbyterian Church at that place qi xt May. A mob of twenty-five white men en tered tbe hut ol five negro cotton pickers at Hill Side. Waco County. Tex. They shot Anderson Vaughan because ho was slow in reapoodi'isi to their commands "hands up." He and iiis companions were taken out, and YuUhan, who fell on the grouGd was beaten ar.d kicked to death. T;ic other lo:ir negroes were also beaten frightfully. Odkers have gone to the stent- of the outrage. The rse of the German ritual io Knight, of Pythias lodges is again excit ing discussion. As a result of an investi gation recently conducted by Commis sioner Howard Douglass, Past Supreme Chancellor, a report will be submitted to tbe biennial convention of the Supreme Lodge at Cleveland next week, showing that the decision of the Supreme Lodge forbidding the nse of the German ritual has been systematically ignored and vio lated. The three men against who:n tfca charges were brought are German Past Chancellor Charles T. Loehr, ol Rich mood, Va.; Henry Vellenvoss, of Louis ville, and Fred Buchman, of Chicago. WILMINGTON LETTER. PRESSING NEED OF A QUAR ANTINE STATION. ('I Wmlb'ir Bat Exrnralon Con tinue. Went to MnlUbary AHgla 1 lor lluallnc. Financial Ilw cnnlou. Journal Burkac, Wilmington, N.CAojj. 22 The torrid weather that has rrcvnileii i f r so long, has ijiven place to a deci ! dediy pleasant coolness, and that east ; wind, which we enjoy so much here has 1 blown Very steadily the past three days. , Though bad for the resort people, they I can not complain, as they have done a big business owing to the awful heat. Tlie i excursions from the inner counties con- tiijuc, and new faces appear on the stieet every iiay. Where tne money requires & the taip conies from is a mystery to our 'silver agitators. The orphans from Goldsboro were here three days, the guests of Wilmington Lodges of Odd Fellows. Tbey were at the seashore, bathing in the turf aud stayed in the City two days. The excursion to Mt. Airy took a big DuiB-Wr to the mountains to enj y for a few days the delights of spring water and mountain air. Ihe f.ite was so low that it was hard to resist the thotigbt of going, and many went. In the Fire Department circles the h ur- i nanient at Salisbury ii creating quite an j interest. i The chief and a good delegation left I here to attend tbe celebratio i and hope to j Urio lack some of the prizes, in return lor their efforts. A hunter from Wilmington has been carrying on quite a war asrainst the alli gators, in a large lake, a few miles from the city. Fie has bagged about oce hundred alii gators, in two weeks, and secured tbe skins, which are w ortb from twenty cents to a dollar. It requires some skill as after killing a 'gator he immediately sinks, and quickness is necessary to secure the body. The financial troubles havec iused quite a lively discussion through one ot our dailies, between two of our prominent cit izens. Instead of sticking to the subject in dispute, they have loolishly deviated to personal alxise, therefore spoiling tbe whole matter. Base ball ha? started again, three game" weie plyed this week, and they are sup posed to be the last of the season. It has been a bad year lor this spoit with us, anil the regular bleacher patrons are dis consolate. The Eastern North Carolina Piscatorial Associat ion, held its annual ehction of officers Thursday. This company has an extensive oyster farm on New River, which they planted fire years ago, and will sell their first oysters this seasom The Revenue Cutter Collax usually stationed at Southport is at Charleston for the present keeping a watch on the Commodore the celebrated filibuster. Work on our qu-irantine station at Southport, has beeu resumed after a long delay, owing to dishonest contractors. It is over a year -since this station was com menced, and it is to be hoped that the woik will le pushed from now on. At present the commetce at this port is hurt, aa " n,, .i-.mllna, I -,.c.ul n 1 1 O T 1 1 1 lior 1 has to be sent to some other port to be fumigated, causing a daily of anywhere from a week" to a month, and damaging the icterests of our city. New cotton is coming in, in small niiantitips dplv. hut nocotlou a team el's Have arrived this far. The cotton season ! or sugar u hh h m ule I he hu-iness in Gcr is earlier than usual at this port. many niui h bs. prori.af'le. The price Thel ui'dmg epidemic still continues, i oljUi,ud had fall, a b low die cost of and tw of tbe government buildings, the post otfi re and tlie custom house are teceiv mg exuusivft and much needed repairs. WILL HE ? MANLY AND AVER WANT RUS. SELL TO DISCUSS. Demoeratie and Populist Chairmen Neeklug- Political Discussions. Hol ton Is Wary. Prltchard and Mott. Gossip as to Possibilities, Ralkiou. N. C. August 24. -This afternoon Democratic State Chairman Manly, aud Populist Stale Chairman Ayer, met at Manly 's he id ei'i tiers, and issued a challenge to P. L. Rw-el!. the Republican champion, f.n joint d;.-cu--i"n. A personal letter was writt.n io He publie.vi Ch.iiru.an Holton, -ind by Manly and Aver, in which tie y f .y that as chairmen of their respe. live parties, they desiie io iuiinedi ilcly an ange a joint canvass, and respectively tender an invita tion to Russell to uartieiDBte. The letter 1 also suggested a meeting of all the chair men to uight. ! Cliairman Holton replied he couldn't: act upon the matter tonight, or without a referring it to Judue Russell. Senator Pritchard and Marshall Mott will arrive here tomorrow, and it is con- lectured that Mott brings a message from Rossell. Holton evieJently desires no joint can vass for he insists that t'ip decision of the Republican State Committee against one, is final. Mott and perhaps other Rapublicans desire that Russell shall participat -. The matter will be disposed of tomorrow one wav or the other. To Succeed Smith, Washington, D. C, August 24 It is said tbt Ex-Governor I1 raticis, of Mis- oruiri ia ihit moat npAminpnllv mpntionpd ' a smith shnuM r President Cleveland go outside the Inter- ior Department for his new Secretary. GERMANY'S SUGAR TAX. I. aw In That Country Ilnve Fostered Ihe Indoatry nl Enormona WchIiIi II UN Aecrtied loltlie Manu fncturcrs. Washington, D. C. Auui-t 14. A very interoting report on the sugir trade has jut !een issued from the State D-j-lartiiiet't. It consists ol extiticts liom statements sent by two .American consuls inG.im.ny. The fact that the United Slates u-ics more su.ar per cipila and in re sugar actuslly than any other coun try iu the world gives the report special significance. Erery person iu this couutry, counting meD, women and children uses seventy- seven pounds of sutfar, making the enor mous total of 2,ot0. 000 tons per anuum. The ier capita in Germany, which is the largest sugar-producing country in the world, is only twenty nine pounds a year. The reason for this is explained by the report that suar costs Germany 7 1-2 cents pei pound while in this country the price ranges froin 4 to 5 cents. The rea son for this is found in the Geman laws intended to protect and loster the sugar business. It is recent legislation of this kind which has called out this report. The new laws, it is said, will still further lower tl'.e price of sugar here. Julius Muth, the couusul at Madge burg, says: "If we consider the enor mous wealth that lias accrued to Germa ny and all other countries which have inttoduced and fostered this industry, it is to be desired that the United States should be Dut on a footing to be able to produce its own sugar, He intimates, hnvorar tllit I h l 'O VIVO 111 ' T) t Will liO , , ' L . " ., , ,. obl'.ged to meet in some way the bounties naid bv Eumnean governments, if the sugar industry in America is to be made to produce even all the sugar needed for home consumption. Mr. Frank H. Mason, consul general at Frankfort, gives a brief review of the legislation by which Germany's samar in dustry was developed. He shows that from a time shortly after tbe civil war here to the present, a tax has been laid by the German government upon all sugar u?ed, in order to pay a bounty on all sugar produced in Germany. Under the stimu !us of this export bounty the sugar makers have so improved the quality of the heets that they used and have so im proved their processes of "trying out'' or reducing the best juice that the amount of sugar produced from a given amount of beets has nearly doubled. While the quantity of beets that was formerly neces sary to produce a ton of sugar was twen ty toDs, the amount now used is only twelve tons. A movement was begun in Germany a number of years ago t revise the law and cut down the heavy profits the sugar makers were realizing, but the sugar people united and defeated tbe movement for a number of years. Suger beet grow ing continued t be the most profitable for. n of culture for German farmers, the area in cultivation and the number of factories increased, w hile loud complaints at laws which favored one at the expense of the other were heard. In 1891 the lounty was reduced, and it was agreed that It should cease altogether on July 31, 1897, provided that other countries of Europe that produce sugar hrgely should take off the bounties. This sort of international agreement was never reached, and the law just passed restore the export duty and raises the tax on sugar used in Germany to a'.out 2.2 per pound. This will stiil further re tail the consu nption of sugar in that country. The law is ihe result of overproduction produc'.iO'i. Th cO'idition w is tempor- ardy r lieved t ook away i h I ut it i-- 1.0 .V iv the Ci.b n war, which i port fi o n the island, felt agaia Serious! v. The '.aw pioj-osv a rem.dy. The effect f this law t 'on the Unite. 1 Slates i- not ea-v to loivs.-c. but it is g, o eial'y believed that it will mike ihe ' price of raw sugar cou-id. r.ibly lower, and this will me3t a reduction in the price of refined sugar calculated at from a tourth of a cent per pound. Of course the reduction in the United States will depend upon the action of the American Sugar Refining Company, which controls the market; but there is reason to believe that if the cost of taw sugar is d'.ministed, as propos(d, the price of refined sugar will soon follow-. The eff-ct of the law is just about beginning to be felt. CHICAGO EXPRESS WRECKED Coaches and Pullmans Overturned. titx. Reported Killed, Twenty or Thirty Injured. Butler, Ph., August 24 On the Bal timore & Ohio railroad, the Chicago Ex preiS, East boun.J, due at rtittsouig at one o'clock this afternoon, was wrecked uenr alencta btatior, on tne i uisourg and Western division of the road, At the switch several coaches and Pullman sleepers were overturned, six persons were reported as being killed out- j right, a cumber fatally hint, and twenty 1 or thirtv passengers badlv i. imed. All the passer-, were m -re or h ss injured. ,. llB,M,Wan l articulais are tlitncult to (olain. . ...:ri..i .i,,i p it ;IH1UHU llc leieiJiiiicei e.exio 13 a. Harris. It is stated the accident was due to collision between two freight trains. Bryan Talks. Bio. Indian. N. Y., August 24. Candidate Bryan reached here this after noon. He made a brief address, and said the i people who think we are trying to destroy ; the country have lent their cries of an- archy, which will not deter those who be- lieve in taking away the control ot the government from the financiers. THE MANSION ENTERED. ATTEMPT TO ROB STATE EX ECUTIVE MANSION FOILED. RepnblieinH at Henderson. K:t II rimd ttulldliiyr. Estimated Nniubor of Gold Men. Weather Favorable Cotton Dntnnsed. Raleigh, N. C, August 24 A stuak thief made a daring attempt last night to rob the Executive Mansion. Gov. Can was out o( town but his son discovered the thief iu a closet searching for cloth ing. The thief got out on the porch and escaped. Persons who returned today from Ilen dersonville, where the Republican cam paign was opened last Saturday, lnform edyllepublic.in State chairman Holton, that tbey saw .many Republicans there wearing free silver badges. Holton at once said, they weie not Republicans, they were Democrats. Eighteen miles of the 2G70 miles of the Aberdeen and West End railway, between Haw and Asheboro, are graded. Rails are laid on six miles aud trams are rnn- U'ng- I Elector at large, Douglas, says his care ful estimate of tbe number of gold Dem ocrats in the State is, six thousand, but a delegate to the state convention at GieeDS boro, to le held day after tomorrow, says, it is twenty thousand.- The state crop bulletin today, says that last week's weather was the most favora ble since the middle of Julv. Estimates ; of the damage to cotton, vary from 25 to 50 per cent j 1 Sew losnrgent Poliey. Philadelphia, It is said that with in the next month Gen. Estraila Palma, the minister plenipotentiary of the Cuban Republic to the United States, and Gon zales Quesada, tbe secretary of legation, with other prominent supporters of the revolutionary cause, will go to Cuba to consult with President Cisneros as to future conduct of the battle of freedom. Gens. Gomez and Iaceo are both said to have expressed the opinion that noth ing can be accomplished under the pres ent system of fighting. They do not want to go on struggling, as during the ten year's war, with no hope of gaining the freedom of the island, utiles tbey secure recognition as bclligore: ts from the United States. To do this, it is claimed by both the commanders, that they must inaugurate a campaign of the most rlestructive charac ter. Heretofore, when parts of their armies have invaded a town, they have simply driven the Spanish forces out and then have themselves retreated. The plan now is to make forced marches upon all the interior cities, and after af fecting their capture, destroy them. They cannot do this, however, without the sanction of the Cuban juDta in the United Statas aud it is for the purpose of settling the issue thus raised that Palma, Quesada and others have been summoned to the island. How these leadeis will get to Cuba is, of course, a mystery to all save them selves. It is stated on good authority that three large expeditions are to be sent out from different places in this country and that they will unite aud land at a designated point. The vessels will be armed and prepared to fight if they should bo overtaken by Spanish cruisers. At the same time that the three large expeditions go out there will be other ships sent to the coast as decoys. The leaders in the movement have no apprehension of their ability to effect an ending. It is expected that tbe conference be tween Cisneros, Palma, Quesada, and others will result in a decision to start both of the armies ot Gomez and Macco on ihe ngressive about the first of October, and that when a town is captured it will be destroyed. Mace it is said, would like to inaugu rated line of action something akin to Sherman's march to the sea, and it is be lli; ved he will have his way. A FOOL VOYAGE. The Row Boat Fox Crosses tbe Atlan tic Ocean. 3000 Mies iu 59 Days. Washington, D. C. August 25 Dr. Chancellor, tbe American cousul at Havre, has sent the State Department an elaborate report upon the successful voy age of the rowboat Fox across the Atlan tic, illustrated by photographs of the two seamen, Harbo and Samuelson, as they arrived and several days later the charac teristic scenes of their greeting in Havre. The consul says they accomplished the voyage from New York to Scilly, nearly 8.000 miles, in fifty five days, "thus es tablishing a record in daring seamanship aud human endurance hitherto unknown to the world. The succtss of the enter-1 prise will at least serve-to inspire confi dence and hope iu those who, from one cause or another, may hereafter be forced to resort to open boats on the open sea.'' The consul describes the approach oi the Fox, which was signalled some bonis j 1. . i " 1 . . - - -I 1 . CT r. ,1 o a c li. ' ; oe,u,e 1,11 - - , ! enU'red tllL' dock "PPOSite ihe consulate, j "the Stais and Stripes defaced aud tatter-: ! . 1 . . , led, but glouous even in r ,gs, floated - . . I pr.'U iiy at tne stern as n rejoicing in una f ..... 1 l. ..1 .... m . lrt . im, . ,,1 tin. CO O ' LIC ill.U tlilJU !OU HHUIJ '.' utt luey weric ucseuuec me luuou. cjt,Y-' : them food and clothes out of tbe fund lor 4 . 4 1.. .. A. ni:,n... O-... nrtuciil not'a destitute American seamen in foreign ports. Fusion In Michigan. Bay City, Mich., August 25. The Democratic silver .and Popu.ist conven tions in sessian here, will all join issues and support Bryan. The Republicans have been trying to break up tbe proposed fusion but their efforts were unsuccessful. WILL SUP PLY GCID. Feeling ol t.realer Conlidencp. I creased Government Revenues ! peeled. in Washington, D recent arrangement: C The success of in maintaining the ; gold ic.M-ive of tlie TuaMirv, mid the knowledge that the banks of the country j j will advance more gold if it is needid. i is caudng a f'eeiing ol confidence at the Department. The gold leserve is getting down again close to $100,0 0,010 but thei losses have then comparatively small of J late, and it is believed that they will be still smaller, now that gold imports have set in. The action of tlie hanks and the for eign exchange houses in protecting tbe gold reserve is regarded by some of tbe officials as much more efficient than the mere placement of a popular loan. Tli is view i- based uoon th? fact that the losses ol gold to the Treasury haye reached a n;t amount ol $n5,o94,460, since the advertisement for bids for the last loan. The gold reserve at that time stood at $61, 331, G26, and the proceeds of the bond sale were $111,166,232, making a total of si 72,697,858. The contribution of $27,000,000 by the banks raised the gold holdings, and receipts of the Treas ury since the advertisement for the last bond bid to $199,000,000. The piesent reserve being about 103, 000,000, the losses during the last eight months have reached about $96,000,000. The Treasury has substantially no gold receipts of any u-e for strengthening the reserve during this entire period, except the proceeds of the bond sale and the con tributions of the banks. Gold is received for public dues on the Pacific coast, but has to be paid out again so that there is no substantial net gain to the Treasury. The loss of $96,000,000 in gold, therefore, indicates that only about $13,G00,0C0 of the big proceeds of the popular loan still remain in the Treasury in gold. Gold was tteadily drawn during the term allowed for payment for the bonds, so that die reserve never rose much above $123,000,000. The importation of gold at New York may prove only an isolated event, but the state of the foreign trade ot the country during the past year justifies the hope that gold will come to this ceuntry in considerable amounts uuless there is a strong disposition lo withdraw foreign capital. The excess of exports of American merchandise for the seven months ending with July was 90, 743, 609; he excesss of gold exports for the same period was $20,866,642, and the excess ot silver exports was $18,625,192. This balance in favor of the United States, amounting to $130,000 000 in seven months, is more tlinn enough to settle our usual interest payments abroad and leave a margin in our favor. The his tory of the past three years has been very similar, and it i3 believed that in the absences of political disasters the serious process of liquidation which the country has been going through will soon be at an end. The readiness of the tanks to furnish gold, if needed to maintain the Treasury reserve, is counted upon to pre vent r.ny m-w break of confidence anel to keep the foreign exchanges in a normal condition. Even the opponents of the legal tender 3ystem are hopeful that renewed activity in business will make a place for the mass of paper money now in circulation and remove the greenbacks as a disturbing factor from the market, Tbe problem of Government revenue depends to some extent upon the state of business and it is still hopeel that revenue will materially increase when business confidence returns. The receipts of the G ivernment during July werebitter than for many months, and those tor August have been better than the receipts during the spring, but will yet equtl tbe receipts for August 1S93. There will be a considerable deficit for August, but it will be due to special cans es rather than the excess of ordinary ex penditures. The increase in the receipts for July and August over the spring months has been mainly in internal revenue. The cus t nrs receipts have shown a tendency to fall oh, owing t. diminished importations The internal revenue receipts are not likely again to fall backward, while there is no prospect of change in the law, and the customs receipts are expected to feel the tcuch ol improving business as soon as the exisiting political uncertainty is at an end. It is still expected that Congress will be summoned in etra session, either to pro vide revenue or to consieler a general revision of the tariff. Tne necessity for revenue may be felt, without regard to the party whie Ii triumphs at the polls in November. The prospect of g( tier il tariff revision, even with an extra session, is less bright than it appeared in ihg spring, when the Re1' blie-aus believeel that they iaii every thi ., their own way. They are likely to find it d.rh ul: to pass a general revenue bill, even il they elect the Presi dent and a majority ol the House of Re presentatives, in view of the States in which the Legislatives aie lut-ly to slip fronl their hands into those of the Silver ,- t . ius.oh.m.. The severa source8 of rcvcnne which iiave been suggested, without raising the s n pr ject of the general tarirl revision, are sugar, tea, conee, wool anel beer, the proposition in regard to sugar would probably be tu change the present ad valorem duty to a specific one, based upon two ccDts per pound for reficed sugar, wl kh would afford an increase of about $30,000,000. A Burning: Town. Milwaukee, Wis., August 25; Re ports are received here that the town of Ontonagon, in Upper Michigan, is burn jag and the inhabitants are fleeing for their lives. GUTHRIE INSISTS. WANTS JUDGE RUSSELL GO IN JOINT DEIIATE. TO Skinner Endorsed In Flrat District. Manly on Richmond nispaleh Story. No Fusion Now. Iem oeratie Ticket )to Remain. Raleigh, N. C. Ausuft 21. W. A. lul" "'"f,e "ussen must participate in the joint discuss;on. The Republicau8 of the first district, endorse Harry Skinner for Congress. Chairman Manly says the story in the Richmond Dispatch to elay, that, ih, National Democratic Chairman, and ihe National Populist ChairmaD, have arran ged a deal by Jwhich Tom Watson of Georgia is to come down in interest o' Arthur Sewall and Cy Watson, of North Carolina, is to come down in the inter si of Guthrie is mere fabrication. Manly says the Democratic State Committee made a candid and fair proposition for electoral co operation with the Popu lists, that it has gone so far, and no fur ther. That there is no purpose on tin part of the Democrals lor any further fusion, with tha Populists, or any party, that the Sti'te ticket is nominateel and i up to win r.n November 3d. HE WILL NOT. Judge Russell Will Join the Canvass Onlya pon Order of Ilia Commit tee. Raleigh, N. C, August 25 Just as was expected, Chairman Ilolton declines to allow Judge Russell to engage in a joint canvass. He today writes a letter to Chairman Manly and Ayer saying: ."I desire to call i your attentione to the resolution unan i imously adopted by my committee, a copy of which I enclose. I shall adhcar te this policy uutil otherwise ordered by ray committee." Both of the chairmen donbiless expect ed exactly just such an answer. Bryan's Movements, Albany, N. Y., August 2.r).Ca:di dnte Bryan arrived here at four o'clock this aftt rnoon, he was met by a commit tee which escorted him to tbe Hill lte treat. Hill was present at tonight's ratification A salu'e af 21 guns was tired in honor of the reception party. Bryan left for Syracuse at 8 p. m. Corn Breaks Its Record. St. Lorjia, Mo.. Angnst 25 -r Cash corn made a oew.srctford, today,' I9J cents, against 30 cents ago. $2,000,000 GOLD FOR IMPORT. New York Bankers May Import Is Due to Natural Causes. New York, August 25 Two millions of gold were engageel for import, today. Bankers here, today, deny tbe report that the syndicate has engaged to import twenty millions of gold. They suy tbe import is due from Nat ural causes, and is not artificial. No demand has been mada by the New York Clearing House for certificates. AGREES ON ELECTION LAW. Chairmen or Political Parties Asrree on Construction of New Election Law. Registration ol Voters. Raleigh, N. C, August 25, The three State chairmen have a ret d in the construction of the new election law, that the registration of voters shall begin Sat urday, September 26, and continue three more Saturdays, Oct. 3, 10, and 17. That Oct. 24th., shall be the challenge diy; that Oct 31 is the day when the registration books are to close, at 4 p. ru., save in the cities and in the towns, where they are to remain open until 9 p. m. Uxorelde and Nnielde. Lowell, Mich., August 25. Charles Church, Jr., member of the private bank ing house of C. J. Church & Co shot and fatally wounded his wife, then committed suicide, this morning. His bank was closed yesterday. Rioting: Employes, Willi amston, Ky, August 25., The Louisville and Nashville railroad cm ployes are rioting at Eagle Tunnel, near Elliston. One was killed and several wounded. Assistance has been asked for. Registrars and Judges. RAi.Eioit, N. C, August 25. Chair man Manly says he has sent out lo all counties, a complete list both ef regis trars of election and judges. The Pbilllpplne Conspiracy. Madrid. A special commission has been appointed by the government to inquire into the matter of the conspiracy aiming at the separatie.n of the Phillip pine Islands from the kingdom of Spain, which was recently discovered in Manila, and is believed to have been organized by a body of Phillippine refugees in Hong kong, having relations with the Cuban ivbels. Soon to Be Free. London. It is learned by the South era Associated Prese npon official author ity that Dr.Gallagher, the Irish-American, who, with Daly, Whitehead and others, convicted as dynamiters, has been confin ed in Portland prison, will be released in the course of the next ten days, and will sail tor the United States withoui delay. The United States Governtrent, through Mr. J. R. Roosevelt, secretary of tbe United Slates embassy, will pay the passage of Dr. Gallagher and the phy9 ieian attending him to New Yoik. Stock Taking Time And the Knife Is Again Applied to Values! All Approaches propping loLC ' V ' nts, four years 13epartllieni5 Share in the Sincerely hoping to receive the same liber al patronage extended my predecessors, and promising to use every effort to make it ad vantageous to all who buy of me. J Successor to New Berne Mails. Notice is given that on and after this date mails leave For nil points in Pamlico County and South Creek sectiou of Beaufort County close at 5 a. m. For Vancetmro and Post Offices In Northern part of Craven County cloas at 12 noon. For Bellair and Lima, U a. m. For Whit ford, 11 a. m. All mail for DoBruhl goea to Polloks ville, th,r former office is discontinued. Vancjboro mail arrives 12 m. Vanejboro mail leaves 1 p. ra. M. MANLY, PostmasUsr CUT v ill H. HACKBUKN UnAilrhiiTjn (t i t - !

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