TEE NSW BHME JDDEKAL ' fBift W tm. STEVENS. EDltOa PBOPEIkTOR. Nrsr BKaxX. August 27 1890. t CWBet t New Brrnf, IT. CM kttr. ; trrr7rTtrU Uta city. at cent. ttSTinMTM. arlaty In adrimco, i (I..TU. ' " It? j.wllaliu Rti flTn oo application at JTr NtH pr DM wtu b c&axjted for . . mra ot TMaks. BaaototMna X E9pct OMtari rotn; Jao Co Obttaary Xoio ata,r Ihtt thorn Whksli lb, rtltor hUc.wif taJt itr M VkMtar ot mawa. , ITiUina if TTi- - mm& SodMy and all other lalltiww ti troaa wJo. raTaa 1 tn ix atlnl 111 Til ttTi - rata of II ve aiaaltM. TbaJocbxaL vUI 4.md auycireum giMMbt rwpoaaibla to tb retain or ti aJa kaaptac of may rvjactad naaaaacrtpt- o OMtdoavlUW aaado thU role with re- a4 1 ait tettan o UeKworcw. Nor will - Xdttor aartav fcata avraapoBdenoe eoa is otras. The access ot the Atlantic li .1 Tm, representing this eitf st the annul .meeting of the Firemen"? Ajsocistion. held t Salisbury, Uat week, wss most erediUble and wor thy of the demonstrations shown the victors, who returned last Saturday. Ia tfcv sereral contests, tbo young men from New Berne hare proven that thief n cope with the bt t44as;fae SUte, and carry off most cf th prises. I&. the Are contests, in which the New Berne team entered they took oar, first prise, the State Champion ship Belt, two, second prises, one, third place, and were rolled ont io the horsa hose reel rsoe. In two of the contests, with a lit tle more care exercised. New Berne might hare taken flrsi' instead of second prises. But there are no regrets over any thing the team did at Saliafcary. They were in the tournament throughout, and their fail are to se- $rejBore,prises haV nothing Io"VoJ sf u-ns'-Tai s, iacu mej oroujni bacsrtheDelt; and that is sufficient. The Jotjrxal wishes to congratu late members of the Reel Team, sad the splendid showing they made at Salisbery, both as contestants and jo their. social intercourse while in hat city. Coming from New Berne, nothing more or leas could be ex pected from them. And now let there be no further mistakes in the future. Let ss keep the Belt. WOtTXJ) Bfi A KZ9TAXZ. According to the press ?eVpatches from SaJeigb, rarious propositions bare and are being made, looking to a joint political canvass in North Carolina between the gubernatorial candidates of the three political par ties in this SUte. From. A Democratic point of riew, there seems nothing to be gained by each a eonrse, while much might be lost by it. It may be argued that a joint po litical can rats would gire Mr. C. B. IVattsWM mint fVu-mliaf nrl I7rn k. WW avvanfM mail tj vtm fcJ jb a u w lican hearers whom he could not se eure If ho wss making a canrsss bv jt to effsei this Inereaseof bear en, the Democratic speaker would bars an audience who would be in attendance to hear not a disco&sion on the indiridual merits of Democ racy, Republicanism snd Populism, bat who would be out to hear the war of words between the candi dates, and who instead of being able toL hear a .dispassionate, clear and calm plea for Democracy, which would set them to thinking, would hear arguments, brought up by the surroundings and aroused by the position; of toe speakers, which might drive them further away, and prejudice them still farther against voting for the nominees on the Democratic ticket. Aejfessrs. Watson, Guthrie snd Bossell all advocate the silver canse, there could be no discission on that issue, and as the parties all contend that the currency question ia the vital issue in this campaign, and all three of the political parties' candi dates in North Carolina hare de clared for the free snd unlimited coinage of silver at 16 to 1, why should they join in a joint canvas?, discussing the cameissue? And Is this issue is vital to etch party, how can the Democratic party be a gainer by a joint canvass ? Would it not bo wiser, as both of the other political parties are agreed on the silver issue, for Mr. Watson to go on his own canvass, alone, and being undutcrrbed by bis political opponents, his party's main issue practically settled, he eugbt to make a mosi sneeeasful canvass in behalf of his party's interests in North Carolina. Democracy's interests will be best served by not making a joint politi cal canvsss with its political oppon ents' in this campaign. There has been some disposition to laugh at New Berne for the no- tlcee in these columns of the appar- .7 . , ent futile attempts to establish a tobacco warehouse in this city. I . . mmxLa t.J But it should be remembered that It has nerrr been stated a tobacc ' w.irelmise would be built in Now Berne for the preseut crop year, nor his there been any give up on the part of the projectors of this enter prise. The jama confidence is still felt by the originators of the tobacco warehouse, which waa proposed for N'ev Berne, and it will become & certainty. The stir and business which a to bacco market gives to a place, i seen by the reports which como from Kinston, Ia Orange, Wilson, Uocky Mount aud other tobucco towns. These towns are all at present en joying prosperous times, while other places are dull and their merchants are waiting for the trade to improve and the Fall trade to pick op. To folly realize how good business is in these tobacco towns just now, it is only necessarv to talk with a drummer from any one of them, or better still to visit them. Th greater part of each week, the streets will be seen to be filled with wagons, and tho stores crowded with people. Money appears in plenty, and political discussion gives way to talk on crops, prices on tobacco, and prospects for future crops. Tobacco buyers sre on hand, and the producer with his toboooo, goon makes an exchange of it for money, for the advantage tobacco possesses, xs a staple product, is that it is al ways a cash crop. There is no ques tion of the farmer not bring able to sell his tobacco, for as a product it never floods the market, and its abundance never causes it to be un salable. IfVirginia and South Carolina, rai fine crops of tobacco, North Carolina's tobacco is not borne down, snd forced to be sold at ruinous prices, but it all finds buyers. This section is found suitable for the cultivation of tobacco, snd our farmers are planting it. Next win ter the tobacoo movement, the study of its cultivation and the erection of a warehouse in .New Berne for its reception and sale will become renli ties, and there will, as a consequence be greatly improved conditions, in creased business and nroaperity for the people of this section. AT EDVOATXOIf AX. BOOTH. The efforts of the Trustees of the New Berne Academy, while meeting with fairly good success and encour amment from the citizens of this city, yet their efforts do not promise to be crowned with a success com mensnrats with the object which they are attempting io attain and which deserves success. There are booms of different kinds which benefit a city, but no boom is knore important in immediate and .future results, is such a producer of benefits to a community, as an ed ncationai boom. An effort to give New Berne i firjt-clajs Academy, a Bchool that will be not merelv a local one, but one which can draw from all of past ern North Carolina, is one which ought to commend itself to every citisen of this place, and receive the overwhelming endor sement on all sides. An educations! Doom possesses many elements which other booms lsck. It does not merely appeal to the financial side, but if does to the moral side of a community. It is an np- bnilder of the good, trne and beau tiful. It does not enrich one person or class, bnt enriches every person, directly or indirectly. I Dan gu rate an educational boom, and it does not interfere with exist ing industries, but gives an im petus to them. It is never a rival or competitor with any industry that has in it the welfare of a com munity. The" idea that New Berne can support, and handsomely support, a first class Academy, is not to be de nied. It is not, bnt will it? The city is offered the splendid opportunity of having a school for its children, and the children of this entire section, included. The creation of a great Academy of learning in this city means much more than a mere convenience for the parents of children, it permits them to have their children at home, and saves them money, which will give them the opportunity of sending their children to school lon ger than if they were sent to a dis tant school or college. The low tuition price offered by the Trustee of the Academy does not indicate a cJeap school, for the standard will be a high one, as any one can easily understand by referring to its faoulty. This is the time for every one to come to the front and give New Berne's educational boom, as represented by its Academy, a goxl s'art. Jiane n glorious buob from the very beginning, and the future will prove the correctness of a. r i . : a. t ; - thosa who believed and assisted in giving it snch a atart. Eltri Bitlars. Electric Bitters ia a medicine sotted for any seuoo, but per naps more general l more 1 n8ded. wbeo tlie laotraid exhausted fee! ins prevails when tbe liver is torpid and fatiTe l fait. A prompt nseof thia soedi- cin baa often averted long and perhaps bilious fever,. No mdicine will act more aurely In counteracting and freeing the vyatem from tbe malarial poiaon. Headache, Indigestion, OoosnmpUoa, Diieas yield to Electric Bitters. 50c. L0 at F a Duffj,f Drug Store, --w jll (i. EDITORIAL PARAGRAPHS . Joe Caldwell's efforts in trying- to enrb Col. Tipton's editorial utter ances, prove "Joe" to be built of heroic stuff. If the Charlotte Oliserrer. :ind the Raleigh Xetrs-Oliterver art not cpreful, they may get to saying per sonal tilings about each other. In its rush after political news, the lialeigli Xewx-Obserwr, seems to have overlooked the circumstance that the Firemen of North Carolina held their annual Convention at Salisbury, last week. That much hunted follow, the gold bug, while he has been kept bosy dodging the missiles fired at him, does not seem as yet to have taken to timber, but remains in the open.- Colouel .Tipton, of the Ruther ford ton Democrat, is a haid fellow to muzzle and is very apt to speak out and publish his "thinks," which are not positively over assuring, and of the sixteen to one order, but verge on dangerous ground. But then the Colonel knows no fear, least of all political fear. Tbe Pamlico Co'a Bual Capt, Dowdy, of the steamer Vanceboro, says that his project of running a fast sieamcr between this port aud Bayboro has never waned. For some unavoidable causes for delay the side-wheeler spoken of sometime ago has not yet rmohed here, but Capt. Dowdy states that the boat will be forthcoming, and that he will establish a reliable and quick line of transit between this port and Pamlico county. There is great need for such a line and it is to be hoped that Capt. Dowdy will receive the hearty support tjjat such a noteworthy undertaking deserves. $100 Reward $100. Tbe renders of this paper will bp pleased to learn tht there is at least ope dreaded discaso that scitnee U;is been utile to cure in ull its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's CgUrrh Cure is the ooly positive cure known to the medical fraternity, Catarrh being a constitutional uisac, requires g constitutional treatment. Hall's Cataifh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tbe blood aud mncous ruifaces ol tbe system thereby destroying the foundation of'tbc dissase, an.l '.-iving tli 3 patient fclrengtb by build'mg v.p tl 0 constitution and assisting nature iu doing its work. Tbe proprietors have so much faiiji in its curative powers, that they offer One Hun ilred Dollars for uny case that it fails to care. Send for list of testimonials. Address. F J. CHENEY & CO , , Sold bv Druggists, Toe. Toledo, 0. Hall's Family pills are dip I'est, The L. A.W., la Politic. When the oriyiuul Webster's die tionsry was complied, "Politics" probably was the "science of gov ernment;" at least, out of reepect to ilr. Webster, we wiH assume that he ooproctly reported the accepted definition of his time. The chango which time has wrought, however, is more than pre emptible. Politics, as understood today, means the science of "getting there," "the science of government" be ing considered subsequently, in some cases, and not At ail in others. If a few drops of ink are placed in a spring of crystal water the whole is tinged and made to look unfit to drink. So a few unworthy men, in our State and national pol itics, cast a sickly hue over the ninetv and nine who are, perhaps, magnificent specimens of unselfish manhood. A prominent State governor re cently said, during a conversation on this subject: "However high minded and worthy a man may be, and however anxious to serve his country for his country's good, lie cannot do so unless he can first ob tain the opportunity, through an election to the proper oftice, and it is in elections where the question able practices aie most liable to oc cur. The office seldom seeks the man. only because the man does't hold still long enough to be sought. One of the first things learned by the young politician is, that to be elected he must have votes, and to obtain votes it is necessary to cause a desire, in the mind of the voter, for the election of the votee. If the voter wants the town to ap- propiate some money to improve the road in front of his farm, he is not likely to vote for the election of au oftioialwho is known to oppose such an appropiation. And by the same token the aspir ing politician is naturally anxious to please as many voters as possible- so as to get in a position to serve tbe country which he loves so well. Whatever may be said on the right or wrong ot these things, we 'all mus; have observed that the j earth is inhabited by human ani- . .. . mala, each of whoni has an ever present appetite actively engaged in craving something. The League of American Wheel men, firmly grounded aa it is in the heart of an appreciative people, will undoubtedly live to she the per fection of all things, including, of course, roads, but we, its present members, in order to have results during our lives must make good use of such materials aa we have at hand, not forgetting that the mil lennium, ehould it ever arrive, will be just as welcome us though wc had sat and waited for it. The L. A. W. Bulletin believes in political "dwds. " but only the kind which may be made publicly. If the League wanted something which could benefit only wheelmen. it would be perfectly justitied in j man of his nation. But just, at the using its power in every honorable close of the war an incident oecurr way to obtain it. How much better led which, in the estimation of most it is, then, that the League's influ-j foreigners, has remained as a blight euce be used to obtain that which j upon 'his fair fame. In the final benefits others even more than it-j great battle, which resulted in the se'f- j capture of the most prominent of League members everywhere arc i the leaders of tiie rebellion, (iordon, justified in asking the candidate j who was instrumental in their how he stands on the road question 'actual eaotnre. 'nromised to snarp Don t be satisfied to know that ho "is'nt opposed'' to road legi-latson- Neither is ahorse opposed to it. ' The world has too many men who a:c "not opposed" to anything. A man who is earnestly opposed, and can tell why, is to be desired aboyo the inert automaton whose blood circulates only by gravity. The one will act, the other is dead wood, occupying room that might better be vacant. Political parties mean nothing ex cept as they do something. If you vote for any man because he is a Republican or a Democrat, and for no other-reason., yon are not availing yourself of the highest privilege of Amerioan oitiaenship. Silver, Protection, Free- Trade, Prohibition, or whatever, oannct affect the other question. The more a man wants to protect American industries, the more he wants good roads. If he wants free trade, good roads will make it still freor. If he wants prohibition, he must remove the thing which is most likely to drive men to drink, viz: bad roads. When properly organized, the strongest party in existance is the fjood Roads party, because in such a party therj; Ja no ge$d voajon for differences of opinion. Men are bound to differ and dis pute op all questions p here there is the slightest chance fqr argument, but in the matter of improved high ways it ig only a question of Iiqw to do it. And that will soon bs reduc ed to an exact science. Join tho L. A. W., and you will feel that you belong to a party with an aim, than which the world never saw a worthier. Unless some unforseen and re markable blunder is made, the League of American Wheelmen will stand firmly on its own legs long after there isn't a Republican or Democrat on the face of the earth. Elite of Ottoman Army. The history of the janisaries, from their origin, training, and character, is full of exciting adventures. Like the famous band of soldiers formed about the same time of the free mountaineers of Switzerland, this infantry of the East composed of Christian slaves proved invincible wherever their arms were directed iliey ooastea, ana not without a very large measure of truth, that they never turned their backs upon the foe; and they passed from victory to victory with a firey valor which never seemed to be extinguished. They were called "the nerve and sin ew" of the Ottoman Army, and they had more to do than all the other forces put together in the extention of the Turkish sway, and in times of peril in the salvation of the em pire. In their engagements they oppos ed a formidable phalnax of men severely disciplined, expert in all all the artifices of war blindly de voted to their relibion and to the person of their master and comrades, often to the undiciplined troops of Christian Princes, under the com mand of feudal chiefs, and a crowd of knights who had no religious in spiration and no union among them selves; and it need not be wondered at that the victory should have re mained in almost every case with the Moslem soldiers. The janizaries wero reserved for the most desperate actions, for the last attack iu the field, after the ordinary cavalry and infantry had done their utmost, and for the charge of the forlorn hope when the intenchments were carried and the walls of the besieged were scaled. There was one corps among them retained for any work that was more perilous than usual. They were known by the name of Dal Kilitz or "warriors of the naked sword" because they threw away their scab bards in token of their resolution to conquer or die. Good Words. Marvelous Results. From a letter written by Key. J. Gun derniitn, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to imke this extract. "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were al most marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist Church at Rives Junction she was brought down with I'neumon"a succeeding La Grippe. Terrible pir.ixvsms of coughing would last liouis with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it ivas quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bot tles free at F. S. Duffy's Dru Store. Re gular size 50o. and $1.00. ill (1). Notice I want every man and woman in the T'nitod States interested in the Ooium and Whisky habits to have oue of my l ooks on thP disfiflsea. Address B. M. Wool- ley, Atlanta, Ga., Box 382, and one will be sent you free. wly ! Li EInnr Chang- and Cordon. Li Hung Chang came out of Taepiug campaigns with a high putation for military skill, great the ministrativo capacity, and devoted loyalty to the reigning dynasty, and was thenceforward the most famous .their lives, but immediately after but immediately ; being sent to headquarters thev were leheaded. (Jordan, who was of an impetuous temperament, de nounced this act as a breach of faith and, it is said threatened to take the life of Li and to throw up his command. But he did neither. Li claimed that the refractory conduct of the rebel Princes after their surrender made the punish nient a necessity ; and such a cool headed and experienced man as Sir Robert Hart, with a full knowledge of the facts, held that Col. Gordon was not justified in his conduct, ami induced him to reconsider his action and judgment. Gordon continued in command for some time, and up to the day of his death at Khartoum maintained most friendly relations with the Viceroy. Notwithstanding these facts, Eng lish writers gennerally insist that Li was guilty of bad faith and of bloody and inhuman conduct. But it should be borne in mind that the Taeping rebellion was a most desolating and relentless war; that it had destroyed many populous cities; had laid waste nearly one half of the empire; had sacrificed the enormous number of lives, estimated as high as 20, 008,000, and that the leaders who were bjhoaded had been guilty of ! horned cruelties. Under such cir cumstances it would nqfc h,arc heen strange if even the most civilized and Christian commander, in the flush of victory, iihould have ordered the execution of the authors of such untold horrors and bloodshed. The sepoy mutiny of India synchronizes with the Taeping rebellion. If the "heathen Chinese" should wish to retort u-pon his foreign critics, he might not find it difficult to parallel his own conduct with that of his civilised neighbors, the rulers of In dia. The Century. No Cripe When yeu take Hood's Pills. Thebig, old-fasb Joned, sugar-coated pills, wnlcti tear you ftlJ to pieces, are not m it wita Hood's. Easy to take rui and easy to operate, is true of Hood's Pills, which are up to date in every respect. Safe, certain and sure. All Pills druggists. 25c. C. I. Hood & Co,., Lowell, Mass, Tlie only Pills g take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sleeplessness, mental depression, loss ot memory and all nervous diseases cured by Dr. E. C. West's Xei ve and Brain Treat ment. $1 00 per box; sis for $5.00. Cure guaranteed. For sale by F. S. Duffy. The only thing a man wants after he gets all the money he needs, is more. Ladies u:e Dr. Le Brun's French S, & T. P;lls for health. One Dollar by mail or at store. For sale by F. S. Duft-X iticnes nave wings, ana green backs might as well bo printed or fly paper. Troly, the centleman's friend, is Dr. Le Brun's G & G. Cure, At store or sent bv mail. One Dollar. For sjle by F. S. Dufty. Take care of the pennies, anu .he dollars will be blown in bv vour heirs. Hysteria, convulsions rit, nervom prostration, wakefulness, loss of memory. cuied bv Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Triatment. At store or bv mn:. 1.00 per box or six for $5.00. Guaran teed. For sal-j bv F. S. Duflv. It is no trouble to see that wealth is a crrse, as long as the other fel low has it. Cure in three days, no worry, no diet, never fail. Dr. Le Brvn's G. & G. Cure. At store or by mail; no publicity. $1.00. For sale by F. S. Duffy. A great financier is a thief who is successful. A thief is a great finan cier who fails. Wanted Ladies to know that Dr. Le Bruns S. fc P. Pills are for sa'e f.t our store, $1.00, or will be sent by mail. For sale by F. t. Dofly. Some old-fashioned folks, like bal let girls, keep their fortunes in their stockings. We have the sole agency for the sale oi Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brai.i Treat ment. Written fiurantee giveo to cure oi the money will be refunded. $1.00 per box or six for $-5.00. For sale by F. S, Duffy. Some people have more money than brains, and are not considered wealthy either. Excel all others io quickness, no bad effect, no publicity at score or by mail. One Dollar, Dr. Le Brun's G, &. G. Cure. For sale by F. S. Duffy. The business in which you know 1 T 1 - you could maKe money, is always monopolized by others. If health is desired, ladies try Di Le Bum's S. k P. Pills, the only French Ono Dollar nt store or by mail. For sale by F. S. Duffy. When a man disputes with a fool, the fool is doing the same thing. I feel liKe a new man and life is worth living since I took a course of Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. For sale by F. S. Duffy. After a man's jaw begins to swell, he realizes that silence is golden. Delays are dangerous. L'se of Dr. Le Brun's G. & G. Cure at once. One Dollar, at store or mymail, at F. g, Duffy's. k .. - "I ain very much ia doubt," said Senator Sorghum, "as to what course I had better pursue iu this campaign." "Why don't you simply do nothing?" "That's what I'm going to do. Bnt tho question ia, How 'm I going to get paid for it?" Washington Star. Bobby' Orlef. "Bobby, what are you so unhappy about?" "I'm mad 'cause we ain't got no big fam'ly. Over at Billy Hopkins' house he's got two gran'mas an three aunts ter help him git his own way. " Chi cago Record. Not a Trilby. 'Take ye photograph altogether?" 'S-i-r!'- Truth. After the Wedding. She There were no less than 19 nap kin rings among the wedding presents. He That argues either we will have a very large family or, if your father doesn't come down liberally, you will have to open a boarding house, Texas Sifter. Ho Doubt About It, Disheartened Tradesman I've about made up my mind that life is a conun drum. I can 't make anything out of it. Undertaker Well, if yon give it op, I can. Boston Courier. A Good 11 ace to Stop. R. .1. LUPTOV, h is jut opened a neat find C'lriit'ntal'ie li'iar iinf House in Bay bore u here lie will be trl id to cee his frieDils ;unl all travelers who mav le pass ing tin-, ugh that section. nic fee to it that they will i cnmloriii'-ly entertained imd their wi.nts intended to. Mr. Luiiton'e- house "ill le Ipuil iv good pW-c kir rill taveleis '0 stoo at while in Bahoro. NOTICE. Jo the Honorable, the B arcl of Comuiis- siouers of Craven tount ; Your Petition! ! would ibow, . Tii t Uiev are bee holders and resi dents of the E'ghth Township of the County of Cra6'i. 2. That lh v.i.d. r-L' h1 rrspre fully pJWiGn you i I!, ar.l m iikn'e ibe Kigliih Town-hip 't i'r veil intitity ii lo Five To, uiihij s. to be kiou i(l "ii8L'n:ited us the Te"ti Eleven h, T-wlttli, Thirteenth RLd Foii'terrrh Town.-tups. 3 That ihe. Tdiith Toviu.-U.iji shall Comprise all Unit part of Ihd E i;htb Towi.sliii as id pre put continued lyin outride of 'he lnuits of the city 'f Nrw Beuie. 4. Thai the E f-M-ulh TW n!i:p sh ill be idem oil in bonndaii-f i h he First War I of the 'ii Ne-v ll i iu-, o. 1 1. at ihe Twe f'U 1'ownahin shall be identical in b'UUUiwit with the Sec ond Ward of the- City o Nev Be'ne. 0. That the Thirteenth Township shad be Lonslitnh d to comprise ths territory of ihe Third Vt aid ot th- City of New Perne. and also that p i! of the Fifii Waul rom nosing 'i C-Nit :v p 'X'lDvi in H'city i. riiat I hr 1' . ui le; utn l'ovy!-hi -u:ll le co'i'posed ol 'he lein-iiuder f :h 'er ritory of ihe Ci-y ol Ne.v ''enit iv l iu eluded in the b hhj l.nie- e. np .it Elt-venth. Twel t'i aid Ihiiteaiih I" ships as ; b( ve set out. Fu'Sv i tfull v uon.ji ti l h u signed, reuiduHs an i fre l.oioei (t IU Eighth Townhip Cnvcu count, August 4 h, 180 U. E. Fot, Wi; LI AM V. 1,1 l: a 11. La n k. C. T. A atsox, By W. D McIver, Attorney. The above petition waa received an ordered advertised according to law. mid laid over to be acted upon at mxt mei t mg oi me board oi county Comnv-sion ers, on Monday 8eptemlr 7th. 1?9G. JAS. w. BlDDLE, Clerk of Board Normal JMoale ScIiol. The North Carolina Norma Music School will be held in Kin ston, N. C, beginning September 8th' and lasting three weeks. ihisisa rare opportunity for al who wish to acquire a knowledge of vocal music. Price for the full course only $j.UL. leacners OI music as well as beginners should take advantage of this offer. ior further particulars address, D. 11. Fetree, Kinston, N. C. The CoDDecticut Mutual Is now otierirjg to insurers tue very best forms of insurance that can be writ ten, providing as they do both protection and invest meat upon the best and lowest possible term-!. Attention is resptcllully called to iis "LOW RATE ENDOWMENTS " at 60, 65. 70 and 75 with Casli Surrender Values in IP, 15. etc., jears, the best and most duri'i'U; Endowment Insurance -ver issuid. Life nnd Limited Life Policies also font on l:ire Cash Su frond-r V.dues, supu'al. a in tiie policies ana lormiiur a part of i Ii contract. It m.iii ta n? a higher standard of sol vency tloiu is eirm'oM ti bv a v other Company or nny Stale Hi puriuieut ic this country, having in 1 voluntarily adopted a 3 Per Cent Reserve thus making its contracts the safest and most valuable ever offered. All policies are by their terms nonfor feitable after two or three payments, not even requiring surrender in case of lapse, and such policies participate in annual dividends. The Cash Surrender and Paid L'p Values are plainly stated in each pol icy, thus avoiding alt misunderstanding or disappointment. The agents of the Company respectfully solicit correspon dence with anyone desiring further infor mation. S. D. WAIT, Gen. Agt., RALEIGH, N. C P. S. COX, Agent, NEW BERNE, N. C. Rheumatism Cared. After eminent physicians and all other kuown remedies tail, Botanic Blood Balm, (B. B. B.) will quickly cure. Thousands of testimonials attest this fact. No case of Rheumatism can stand before its manic healing power. Send stamp for book of particulars. It contains evidence that will convince vou that B. B. B. is the best cum for all Blood and Skin Diseases ever discovered. Beware of sub ltitutes said lobe "just asgood." $1.00 per sarge bottle. For sale by Druggists. emsnm. Afcge ablcPreparation for As -similatlng ihe Food and Regula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion.Cheerful ncssandRest.Contains neither Opiurri.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Kccyx a-Old OSAMCELPITCIIER Pumpkin SetZ Mx. Senna JiocheUr Sails -Anise. Seed Jppemant -Si CaHtonait'Soda, ff arm Seed -CtariA&d Sugar . ninioryrecn Ftavar. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions , r everish ness andLoss OF SLEEP. . Tac Simile Signature of NEW VORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Tobacco Flues! .30,000 pounds best SIIKET IRON in utore and 20,000 ponnd on the way. All in want of Finos will do well to place their orders early, so that thy will be .sure to get them in time. Tin and Sheet Metal Work of every discript on promptly done. No. 23 Craven Street, (EeferretX lio GRAHAM ACADEMY, M A Rev. W, t- A. raliam, A. K., I. !., Ircltlent. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1K96. Idg" Located Ten Miles East of Beaufort, N. C. Aided by the Methodist Church, we are running a Bchool te benefit the many who are unable to pay exorbitant prices for board and tuition. OlTK TERMS Primary (irade, Board and Tuition, 7.00 Per month. Intermediate Grade, Board and Tuition,' 7.50 " Academic Grade, Board and Tuition, 8.00 " We furnish as good board as can be obtained in any country place, besides the oysters, fish, etc., with which the sea abounds. Write the President for all information desired. POE LOWEST PBICE I Whilefpople'all over tho country are agitatingthe money ques tion some souud money !(meaninir silver notSknowing which they want we are now, Jas always, pre pared and willing to sell the best car load of each, Horses & Mules Adapted to al That havejevergbeen put on the Nw GOLD, SILVEli, QUE ION BACKS, A full and complete line of always on hand. Medicines and ailments of the Horse. M. Halm & No's 118, 120 & 122 Middle Street. To Boat Builders and Marine Engineers -IN PARTICULAR Our exclusive specialty is designing and building macmnery in imaii anu mcuwm iixci iiuur io twenty men cyuiravra;. HIGH PRESSUEE-C0MP0U1TD-TRIPLE EXPANSION and PADDLE WHEEL OUTFITS. EITHER WOOD OR COAL BURNING MARINE BOILERS. (No Stationary or "Trade" Macfalaery.) Causes free. MARINE IRON WORKS, Clybourn and Southpout Avbs. SEE THAT THE SIGNATURE OF- IS ON THE WRAPPED OF EVERY BOTTLE OF tiph CartoTia is pnt rp in on-ili bottlsi only. It 13 na Bold ia bulk. Don't allow anron ta m11 3 yon anything clso on the plea or prondn that it is jest m good" and will aniwer orory pur pose" i- Bee that yon get 0-A-S-T-OJUI-A. liM tnrr el vnayer. - - NEW BERNE, N. C J. O. "WHXTTY.) KSII A I.I.ItKIMJ, X. CV gold), others free coinage of Purposes, Berne Market for canh, "either Oil NEGOTIABLE PAPER. Buggies, Wagons and Harne Liniments of all kinds and for all Co., (to order) complete outfit ( gMMila MAHIN CHICAGO. ILL.