j Bjnnjatjerne Biornson; the great Norwtiaa poet :nd novelist, who fcM Jasibki tbo duet of his 11a- tire Ioj flt)m hi wnUU and with - dlrtt-to'eennaDJ, U ouw of the moatfatrtin figure of all the -iortbUoJTi tv A typical irodern J - V ' , .Norseman, he haa been not only Oie Iitrar? giant of Norway, but fnrmt olitical chaiUDion. . r- II iu he wljo, in 1873, began iLitl.-in' for the actual, and UliO not toerelt nominal, equality of the two ljngdomi ao diTorced in sympathy b th mistaken policy f the lier- " . . r - o i h4 Wp onlj recently experiencing draof kb last echoing effects of Bjornjon't earliest work for the lib ert J of hit fatherland. Ilia blazing elfequenca kiodled the Original pop ntarindignation which swept the old miniatry of Stang from power, a atic&.uscd the impeachment and condemnation of the Selmer Minia- trg. Although ateadily refnaing an election to the Storthing, the great poet continued to be almost nntil today the life and sonl of the liberal P"J. 'Thai he should now desert his country in its seenvntj hoar of ncod wilt sorpriao many of those who have followed the stormy coarse of LU career. And yet his retirement from Norway may be the very means of accomplishing tho repub lican aims which his residence in f hjktcoH ntry baiter lupa U o ne so m e " thTng to defeat. Bjornson is the ort of fearless, oatspoken, uncom promising spirit who makes plenty of enemies. A radical patriot both in literature and politics, he began by antagonizing the Danes in hia theatrical reforms, before ho attack ed ftb flwedish King. An evoki iirtiitand a realist, he made him-inetargVt-for all hia countrymen fVTKTOppoSiertlr tiews. Nevertheless t bay aa be has been against such disproportionate numbers, he has been alaoet a Shakespeare to his own As the late Professor Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen has eavi of him: 'Bjornson is the first Norwegian poet who can iu any sense be called natxoniL'- The national genius has fu6i.! It i embodiment in bim. "VThenerer he opens his month it is aa jf the nation itself were speaking. If bo writes a little song hardly a year elapses before its phrases have passed "into the common speech of people. Ilia tales, romances and dramas express collectively the an- pieina result of lb nation s expert elide, so that no one today can view Norwegian life or Norregian histo . ry escept through their medium." QueeHy enough the Emperor of Germany, to whoA realm Bjornson bu gono for a quiet shelter, is the power behind King Oicar's throne, tho llMitor at bis right elbow. In the crisis of two years ago Emperor WUliaia risited King Ocar to give lilsaseerei eoansel. Perhaps, after sdl, Bjojngoa has moved to Germany merely to beard the real lioa in his den for the sake of his country and ia the Common name of liberty. Philadelphia Record. : Fmrtl Savtaf Bukt. People who "hare but modest earn ings wage-workers, farm laborers And small farmers rarely have bank ocoants. The reason is not that tbef wooki' not like to deposit tifeir tittle savings ' in a bank, but that few banks cart) to open ac counts of that sort. No inducements ire held out o so eh persons by the banks, andt a til is the rural, no pn lation i concerned banking insti tution as a t ole are too remote from it to be made convenient for it. Tkfln again people of ttia class laok confidence in banks. They associate tbo latter with speculating cashiers s4fdefanldag and absconding pre mdentt arid consequent j prefer to pmt their little hoard in soma cup board .or; trunk, even taking the risk of tbett or fire. For all these pnsf iT aariags banks would be inval nbIs.ieUiations. and no doubt sroald do resorted to from the very beginning. . .In Great Britain sach banks hava boon in operation for nearly a centu ry; in Canada for thirty years. In the former country with a population of probably 35,000,000 the deposits in 190 amounted to $325,000,000, a per capita average of nearly $10, while Canada, with 5,000,000 of people could show in the same year $28,000,000 in her postal banks; per capital average of $5. When it is considered, however, that only per aoo4 with small earnings use these banks, the average per -capita, depos it Vecomes much larger. If sncb re sults have been attained where wages are much less than in this .country, it u altogether probable that a far more isaposiog sltowing would be juade here. The (abject has been before Con reat several times and favorable re- mm ports hare been made now and then bat for some reason or another it has never reached either branch of J that bod j for action. It should have renewed attention and some of our jinaoeiert and statesmen should de vise" sj system of postal savings banks anitoi ta the conditions of our coun try aod Jta wage-earners. Wash. Timet.1, tlf - au mwmm w4 vuv TTi 1 1 01 pa eaaar Imitations. To get the genuine ask for Grove's. I The People's Party ConveUtori of Craven count-, was called to order by W. II. Smith, chairman. . The following resolutions was pre- Rented by Hardy 11. Terry, and : unanimously adopted. ! Whkres, An inpotiam election is I upon ua involving viial in'eiests whiili ,limciDi tvcrj ,oter jQ he a(i. wtulhi r ! he I n Populist or Rtpulinean, it u ihc- I3?."? lt rniony ,huuM prcv .i Wfci:-3lralii in IS V.. ......... 1 o I :.l . i T- pjblican party to gtvure a fair ar.d honest .election law; and feel that lo pr seive its lilerty, assured by our victory iwo jt-n-s ago, it becomes ceieary for as (o co-op-eiaie in tkis eleciion. Knowing lhat it ihe Democrats wio the Dext legislalun-, fne of their Urst acta will be to iepeil ihe law that insures to evi njvoter the guaran tee ( f free ballot. Realizing tbe above fa.' tj, :t proposition was made by the Pop ulist Executive Coinmilti of Craven county to the Republican Executive Com mit tec in session at New Berne, August 20th, to cn-rperatc with them on the tcrtoa of 1804, nod aske1 that we have the Representative anil Commissioners. The proposition was fljtlv turned down, with .he information that they did not need the Populist votts in Craven c unry, (a t.Kt wliicli e ulreudy rraiizeil but in view oi" the Populist aid in 1 ir 94, to place the voters of every party in a position to govern themselves; we flcl it is the duty of the Republican party to recognize us when it con.es to the jovcrniDi; f oxr county oM)MM even though they have the m'jonty and do not need us. Having the alove situation confroni ing us, wt hel it i ur duty to do all in our power to help elect men to ortiee who are i oiupett-Dt ami are willing to recogniee and appieclate our services. Tbertfore it RJre,l, 1st, That we the replc'a Party, i f Craven comity, in Gn?entka a- mi led, this 2ino! day'f August, 1896. Resolve that we will eVp po't the Stale ticket on fusion lines ai pat out by ou: late Siate Convention and eo iloisid bi the Republican State Extcutive Commit te. Rttolted, 2 id, Thst in view of the fact that fusion was necessary in the Stute to sustain fair elections, we deem it just as necessary in Craven county to fuse to help man ge the county afttdrs, and have a u'ikmI, c'ciq couotv government tht we, a fu-iouits couM look upon with pfid Relrdi, 3rd, That considering the de cision ot the R- publican Executive Committee that we aie uot nteded, it be came the duty of thia convention to plce iu nomination u noo-partisian ticktt, a ticket tlMt can le acceptable to all par ties, men who if cUcted will appreciate t!ie ervices of the People's Party, as well a- tbe set vices of the Republicans or Dem ocrat. Remittd, 4th, That the voters, regard less of past party affiliation?, are request ed io consider the sincerity of our purpose and help us elect our ticket. The chairman declared nomina tion for Representative and county officers in order. II. II. Perry placed in nomination John Allen Jackson, of Vaoceboro for Representative, his nomination was unanimous. Jiimes W. Biddle, of New Berne, was nominated and endorsed by very delegate, for sheriff. James F. Clark was nominated for Treasurer by W. Z. Boyd and unanimously endorsed. II. II. Perry received the full en dorsement for Register of Deeds. Dr. Leinster Duffy was nominated for Coroner. Daniel l-:ino, was the unanimous choice of the Convention for Sur veyor. On motion of Mr. Perry the three Commissioners were nominated on one ballot. Air. Perry put in nomination for Commissioners: J. A. Meadow, J. S. Basxiuht, W. II. Smith. On motion Mr. Adams, The selection of Justice of the Peace for each Township, was left to the Executive committees of the different township. On motion of G. L. Hardison the Executive committee of Craven county, are empowered to fill any vacancies tTrat may occur as to the above nominees. On motion Mr. G. A. Conner, The Convention adjourned sub ject to the c JI of the chairman. CITY BLaJUTXT REPORT. Crreta Daily ky Bsberls Br., Wkl(Mt aa Betall flrrrhtali W kluH Pr I en. Rib Sides. 4Jc. Short Backs 4 Jc. Mesa Pork (new) 9.ro. Rump 9.o0. Short Clear $9.20. Hams, sugaTVutcd, 1 1 jc. N, C. Hams lOJc. Fresh Pork 4 to 4. Lard Compound in Tubs, 5 to o . Best Leaf Lard in Tubs. 6c. Fiour, best patent, ti 20 to f4.80. Flour, Fancy Straight, 3.90 to $3 95. 8rarght, f3 60 to $3 75. Eitta Flour f3.25. Granulated Sugar 3c. A Sugar 44;. C Sugat 4 3 5c Mnlaises 15 to 25c. 8yrup 15 to 25c Cbe! 9 io 10J-. Bntter, Doquet Creamy. 20 to 21c. Bntti-r, Da.rv, 17 to 18c. Rio Coff -e 14 to ISc. La Guara Coff, e 1 to OOc. Ground Alum Suit 5.5c. Pi a 50 to f-5. Cbtckcos, grown. 4V. Spring Chickens 20 to 33c. Beeswax 20c. reaouta 60 to 7eV nile, dry, 2 to t3c. Hides, green, 2 Jo- Beef ou h-ot 4 to ' ; Corn 40c ileal :3e The Republicans of Craven Conu ty will meet in the Court House iu .his ctty. September 17th, for the purpose of nominating- candidates for a county Republican ticket. Iockhart. Texas, Oct., 15, 13S9. ileaer. Paris Medicine Co., Paris, Tenn. Dear Sirs: Ship us as soon as possible 2 gross GroTe's Tastelea Chill Tonic. My customers want Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic aod will rjot hare any other. In oar expert enc? of oyer 20 years in the drug business, we ha to Deter sold any OMTticine which cave men ueireraal u kfsttion. Yours Respectfully, J. 9. Browxx & Co. HOME AGAIN. KEEL TEAM HOYS GIVE X AN OVATION. ' tJrucrful Atlclrea From D- I.. WhtiI, SI reel iron d d. rtng-ft VVavlntr. Whlollea Blowing. Belli Kinarina:. An immense gathering of the citi zens of New Borne went to tho A. oV; N. C. R. R. sation yesterday af ternoon to meet the Atlantic Reel Team, which is still the champion team of North Carolina. Tho boys had covered themselves with glory in the Salisbury races and in win ning tho championship bolt they had reflected groat honor upon New Heme, and it was fitting that sever al hundred ladies, gentlemen and children, should welcome them back home. Amidst great cheering, waving of hankerchiefs, hats and canes, blow ing whistles and ringing bolls, the members of tho team alighted from the train and immediately a line of march was formed as follows: Miss Pearl Powell, the Mascot of the Atlantic Reel Team, wearing the championsnip belt; W. W. Clark, President of the Reel Team; and D. L. Ward, Esq., the orator of he occasion in the first carriage". In the next carriage were seated Miss Lena Dail, Mascot of the New Berne Steam Fire Engine Company, Mayor Primrose and Editor Stevens, of the JOL'KKAL. New Berue Company's Hose wag on. Tho Atlantic Reel Team, W. T. McCarthy, Captain, Champions of North Carolina, followed by long line of citizenp. Along the line of march great numbers of citizens had assembled to cheer the heroes. Flags were waved from windows as the proces sion passed, and during the whole parade the caliope whistle of the New Berne Ice company could be distinguished amongst the din and confusion of the other whistles and bells, and noise of the drums. Cheer after cheer rent the air during the march, but when the procession reached A. M. Baker's store, nothing could be heard but the popping of thousands of fire crackers, which that clever mer chant had touched off in honor of the Team. Three cheers for A. M. B;tkcr was proposed by dipt. McCarthy, ami the boys responded lustily. Upon arriving at the Chattawka Ilotc', the Champions lined up in the middle of the street, facing the balcony of the hotel, to which the beautiful youug ladies, who are the Mascots of the Fire Companies, Presi dent Clark, D. L. Ward, Esq., Edi tor Stevens aud Mayor Primrose had ascended. As soon as some of the bells and whistles had ceased ringing and blowing, Mr. D. I. Ward stepped forward and made an eloquent ad dress of welcome. The generous applause abating some, Capt. Mct Carthy and members of tho Team gave three rousing cheers for the speaker. President Clark then proposed three cheers for the Atlantic Reel Team. It is needless to say that the proposal met with the heartiest re sponse. The Reel Team and a few friends then proceeded to the City Had. where some light refreshments were partaken of. and a social time was passed. Mayor Pi im rose and the New Beruo Jorits'Ai. were each given three cheers by the crowd, aud a jolly half hour wa-J enjoyed. The city was in most exuberant spirits lust night, and the Reel Team boys had what they wanted, with out the asking. Chief Barrlnrloa Interviewed. Talking with the JoL'it.ww. about the Salisbury trip, Chief Barrington said, i st night : "I don't b iieve that the S.i! i.-'onry people keew, hardly, that there was another Fire Company in Salisbury cioept the New Berne Company. Neariy every young lady in the town was wearing the colors of Now Berne, pink and white, and seemed to take New Heine's defeat as much tn heart as the boys did thetiHelve--. They seemed to realize the fit lhat New Berne's Team was the Yarn of the State. "The Boys even in defeat retained their courage and were light hearted and merry. "They had elegant boarding places and they were very enthusias tic in their praise of the place and people with whom they stopped, and upon inquiry at their respec tive boarding places I found that they were looked upon as a very quiet and gentlemanly crowd, and that they regretted their leaving. In fact, taking everything into consid eration, it was the most gentleman ly crowd that ever attended a Tour nament, ind New Berne ehoul 1 be proud of them. "A goodly number, members oi the Company, attended the Tourna ment ball giren on the night of the 21st., talcing with, them their little Salisbury Mascott, Miss Virginia Mauney, and were delighted to find at least four-fifths of the ladies at- PiDk Uow did you lose the quick steam ing contest!'' "On account of our desire to low er our own recLHtd. As for winning (i reensboro, that would have been easy enough, but for our over anxio-t- to li'-a". our own record, and that seemed to be generally known by all present, even Greensboro. "I think that the city should never spare pains or expense in keep ing the engine in good condition al ways, which has not been done for the last two years, I am wry sorry to have to say. 1 think at the next Tournament the quick (-teaming prize will come to New Berne again to never leave it. " About the C learing House. The Ix'St illustration cf how millions of dollars' worth of commercial transac tions can be conducted with the actual trnnsfer of very little cash indeed is probably to be seen iu the operations of a clearing house in a great city. The greatest part of its work of course con sists in the balancing, exchanging and reconveying to their original senders bank checks and other certificates of in debtedness and readiness to pay. A. owes B. f 1,000. A. does not carry so muc h money around with, hiru as a general thing. So he gives B. a check on his bank for the money. It is not con venient forB. to go to A. 's bank and col lect the money. He simply deposits the check for $1,000 in his own bank, which may be 100 miles distant from A. 's baDk. B. 's bank lets him have the ac tual money if he wants it, either all in a lump or in installments. But B. 's bank sends A. 's f 1,000 check to the clearing house. There, where all the accounts of all the banks belonging to the clearing house are . squared up, A. 's check is re ceived and 6ent back to A. 's bank whence it started. The check may not be cashed so soon, however. It may be handed by B. over to somebody to whom he in turn owes money and put by that person into his particular bank. Sooner or later, how ever, it returns to the clearing house. A few of the largest cities of the Union have clearing houses of their own. Such houses in the west send checks, certifi cates, etc. ,. to the clearing houses of the eastern cities and those of the east re turn, western accounts in like manner. Before the clearing house methods were adopted banks used to settle their accounts with one another by sending from one to another messengers loaded with bags of money and commercial pa per. It was a clumsy and risky way of doing business, and now they simply send their commercial paper either on tbe debit cr credit side to the clearing house, where the accounts arc rapidly balanced between banks and each re ceives back its own paper. The largest clearing house in this country is in New York, where paper representing $120,000,000 sometimes changes hands in a single day, that, too, with tho exchange of verv little cash money. Sixty-six banks belong to the New York Clearing House association, and during the panic of 1893 they made a compact that they would support one another when an inconveniently large demand was made on ihe deposits of any one of them. They did this by means of the issue of clearing house cer tificates. In the Fall. We observe that some hypercritical individual is again objecting to the word "fall" to designate the time of year which our British brethren usually name "autumn." The hypercritical in dividual is simply Billy. If there is one word which ii rightly u?ed in the Eng Jish language it is the term "fall" tc denote the mcuths cf September, Octo ber and November. It is a whole poem in itself, thut word "fall," thus used. It means the time of the fall of the leaf. In September the green of summer fades a little, the more fragile and tender ol the leaves begin to fall like flakes of an advancing snowstoiru. In October the tree8 turn golden and red and glorious, the leaf storm is full on, the dying foli age ce see i.i.s the cariii will in bit i in. ' ii i s, i.i:, i ; Boakii.g i :iii.s. from the In ; antl thiii.i r : finally p:.t k i. thiik ar.d fast and covers ; igl.ii.css as cf flowers ::r fiiis, November ar :h .:a the winds and the 1 Li ;: t it liagc is torn --, tl h;.fs swirl hither n " i v. ::.d ;.::d rain and v. ; v in hi lii.vii i.nd hanks to turn le i;i.h lr,.vn nu.iil :.i;d fertilize the earth. Tl.i hi.' t h af h...--disappeared ; the in t s I ( Id up tin ir ariLs, brow n and withered; ti.e '"frill" si as n is over. Jf it is im ( rrret h; spe;,k vf the "fall' firas u cf ihcyiar, then it is jusl as in correct to t-i cak t f the spring of the year. Waste material frequently proves to be worth mere than the thing it is the waste of. This is true of the by products of petroleum. At first refiners of the oil were put to their wits' end to know what to do with the dreadful refuse cast off in making the kerosene for illumi nating oil. It seemed to spoil everything it touched and filled the air with nau seous oelors besides. By and by they be came wise r. They learned to utilize one afteT another these waste products of kercscne. Now naphtha, benzine, gaso line, vaseline and a dozen or more much valued medicines are distilled from the once useless and unsightly rub bish. Everything is of use when its use is found. Even some useless people could probably be made of service if their right place could be ascertained. Don't lose your bankbook. A judge of the supreme court of Ne-w York has decided that when a bankbook is pre sented at the bank which issued it tbe mone y it calls for shall lawfully be paid to the brare-r unless there are circum itances accompanying the presentation if the book that lceik suspicious. This decision will no doubt be followed else where. Therefore if you lose your bank lxek, the cue who finds it may collect four money and the bank not be held responsible. The growth of electric street railways is shown in the fact that in the state of New Yoik alone 94 per cent of all such roads are operated by electricity, against 20 per cent six years ago. Malarial produces Weakness, General Debility. Billiousness, Loss of Appetite. Indigestion anel Constipation. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, removes the cause which produces these troubles. Try it and you will be delighted. 50 cents. To get th genuine ask for Grove's. tjnding the ball wearing the and white. I SKETCHES BY M.QUA1) Nobody Was a Gentleman. On1) day a stranger came into our camp end looked around for awhile and finally asked if we had a man of sand among us. Judge Watkius promptly an swered that we had a mau who wasn't afraid of anything above or on or below the earth, and sent a man down to the "TOU Ali' WAX TIX A FUSS.'' creek after Bill Hopkins. When Bill came up, the stranger looked him over and queried : "Ar' you a fighter?" "I ar'," modestly replieel Bill. "Hcv you got a record?" "I hcv. I've lickeel every critter who has dared stand before mo from Grassy Valley to Ace High." "But ar' you a gentleman as well as a fighter?" persisted tho stranger. "Of course I ar'!" said Bill, "and I'd like to see the blamed galoot who says I hain't! But what's that got to do with it, and what's all this riot about?" "I'm wantin to come across a critter with sand," replied the stranger, in soft and oily tones. "You ar' wantin a fuss?" "I ar'. but the feller must bo a gen tleman, same as I ar'. No gentleman ever fights with a loafer. " "Waal, I don't see why we can't git together, " said Bill, "but I don't see the objick exactly." "The objick is to lick you!" "Oh, shear'! Well, fix things your own way, and I'll be on hand!" After consulting with Judge Watkins and others, the stranger arranged mat ters. He w anted to fight Bill rough and tumble and ho wanted the two of them to go up on the hill after dark and have it out alone. The boys demurred to this, aa they wanted to see the fun, but Bill Hopkins said it should be that way. As he understood matters, gentlemen al ways went off by themselves to settle disputes. If the stranger was a gentle man, he couldn't afford to do anything else. He'd lick him out of his boots in five minutes, but he'd lick him as one gentleman should lick another. Thus it came about that the pair went off together up the hill after dark, each one bowing and scraping and trying to outdS-he other in gentility. They were to take position ten rods apart, and at a signal from camp were to rush together. When Jhe battle was over, the victor was to hoot and we would go up and bring down the mangled remains of the van quished. The signal was given as agreed, but at tho end of an hour no one had hooted. We had just starteel to go up when Bill came, down to us. There were fears in his eyes, his back was humped up, anel he dragged his legs as he walked. "Waal, is tho corpse upthar?" asked Judge Watkins. "Nary a corpse. " "Didn't nobody get licked?" "No. The feller slid out unbeknown to me before you gin the signal, and thar was nuthin fur me to fight!" "The durned skunk! Why, he said he was a gentleman!" "Yes, he said that. " &xia we guaranteed him tnat you was a gentleman. " "Yes. I hain't had nuthin hurt my feelm s like this fur 20 years! "I should say not. Gentleman, the meeting will now come to order. Now then 'Wh'aras one feller who said he was a gentleman has sneaked out of a fight with another feller whom we all know to bo a gentleman ; be it "'Kesolved, That Bill Hopkins ar' no longer a gentleman and hain't got no cause fur feelin bad about it!' " Tho preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted and Bill wiped his tears away, braced np his feelings and was soon himself again. Things Were Going: to Tarn. Iii front of a Dakota sod cabin sat a man about 50 years old, who was ragged and forlorn and hungry looking. A few rods away lay the dead body of a mule, and beyond that was a wagon with a broken wheel. There was no smoke coming out of the cabin chimney, no fowls or live stock about and no other human being to be seen. "Well," queried the man as I looked about, "things look sorter lonesome, eh?" "Indeed they do, sir. What's been the matter with your" "Billyus fever. " "Where is the wife?" "Inside the house with the same thing." "And the children?" ' 'Out thar behind that haystack shakin with the ager. ' ' "I see you've lost your mule. " ' 'Died two clays ago, sir. Can't rightly say what ailed him, but he's gone. " "I suppose you are dead broke on top of all?' ' I queried. "Haven't got a red cent, sir, and nuthin but cornmeal in tho house," he replied. "Well, I don't blame you for feeling blue over the situation. " "Who's a-felm blue?" "Why, I expect you are." "Then you make a big mistake, stranger. Things did look a leetle blue Made and Merit Maintains the confidence of the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. I f a medicine cures you when sick; if it makes wonderful cures every where, then beyond all question that medicine possesses merit. That is just the truth about Hood's Sar saparilla. We know it possesses merit because lt cures, not once or twice or a hundred times, but in thousands and thousands of cases. We know it cures, absolutely, permanently, when all others fail to do any good whatever. We repeat Kd: Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. j, rMi cure nausea, indigestion, rlOOQ S PlIIS biliousness. 26 cents. I ! last week, tsot three days asro 1 had this , 'ere farm c,i up into:.', 000 town lots . and arranged with a critter to boom it, ; and I'm ft clin like a st er m a corn field. Two thoiu;and lot -' at $J 1)0 apiece, ' six railroads tu rm-.-i yere, three big i ar , works a eniinii, srh ol.s, churches, fac tories, paii.s, nouis wny, (turn my hide, but I jist sot yere calkerlatin on startin five banks and fouudin two or three orphans asylums with my money !" "Then I can't aid you?" "Jist a pipe of terbaeker and a nip of whisky, stranger, and you tell every- body down the road that ole Bill John- son has founded the town of Golden City and is goin to plant gold watches fur mileposts ail over the stait. Feel in blue? Waal, I should rather gurgle to obsarve that ho has to keep hold of tho grass to prevent his flyin away fur joy and exultashun!" How Sam Met the Elephant. "No; my son Sam didn't dio of no sickness, " replied tho mountaineer to my question, which was brought eiut by his observing that ho had lost a son tho year before. "What ailed Sam was sot ness. " "Yon moan he was obstinate?" "That's it; only niobbo a lettlo wuss. He'd do what ho sot out to do if it killed him, and it finally did kill him. "Yes, sah. One day a cirkis was passin up this yore road to go over into North Kerrleeny. Sam he was up at tho Co ners and had bin drinkin too much. Bimeby ho made ready to start fur homo on his mewl. Tho men at the Co'nors knowed he'd meet the cirkis and tried to hold him baek, but tho mo' they talked tho sotter he got. It had got around that thar was an elephant, and Sam said he'd drive the critter outer the road or bust hissclf. " "And he mct the circus on the road?" "He did, sah. That elephant was marcbin in front, and from all accounta he wasn't feelin very peart that day. When them cirkis fellers saw Sam, they hollered fur him to go back, but Sam throweel off his hat and veiled beck to 'em to stanel clear anel see fair play. Thar's whar his sotness cum in. Drat him, but he ortor knowed that he'd be licked. Ho hollered and cavorted till ho got that elephant downright mad, and then ho put spurs to his mewl and "TIIEOWED 'KM TEN THOUSAXrj FEET HIGH." charged him. He meant to sweep that elephant right off the face of the airth, but suthin happened to astonish him," "What happened?" "Waal, as nigh as I could ever make out that elephant picked up both Sam and his mewl and throwed 'em 10,000 feet high, and when they cum down ho walked on 'em fur about ten minits. The cirkis fellers got about a bushel of mewl arter the fuss was over, but they couldn't scrape up more'n a neck of Sam, and that was most boots. What we got we buried, and that's how Sam cum to git underground. No, he didn't die of any sickness not any reg'lar sickness with a name to it. He jest tried to run down an elephant, and if he ever knowed anything arter he went sky high he must hev bin painfully hurt in his ieelm's to nnd out that he'd bumped agin the hull Cumberland mountings. Pore Sam!" M. Qcad. How He Caught Her. He had begged her to be his, and she had treated the request in a manner that suggested frivolity. "Why do you use rattrap pedals?" he reproachfully asked her as she pre' pared to mouMt her wheel. "Why shouldn't I?" she exclaimed, "I should think," he softly murmur ed as he gazed at her dainty feet, "that mousetraps would be amply iarge, " She was his from that moment. Cleveland Post. The Modern Notion. New Yorker ("gladly) My dear, my salary has been raised to $20,000. His Wife (ecstatically) Isn't that grand? Now we can afford to give up this unstylish house and old fashioned garden and live in a flat. New York Weekly. Came Back For Comfort. "Hello, old man, what are doing?" you "Taking a rest." "But I thought you just returned from the seashore?" "So I did. "Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Lamentation. ghe is engaged. All, woe is mel Her love touched heart no more is free. Her toul i.i wooed, her beauty won. This charming maid of twenty-one. Te gods, what mortal agony Assails my breast and makes me fiee From Eight of in an? What lunacy! Alas, 1 am indeed undone! the is engaged. No longer can her graces be A heaven on earth, an ecstasy. No longer, when the shining sun Each day his fiery course hath run. Can I be glad, for it's to me She is engaged. Lotns. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Ths fae- simile S7f r-v, Is oa Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. 220. HARTSFIELD, POTTER & CO. (Successors to K. Ii. HARTSP'IELD.) WHOLESALE I67 Perry Street, New York. iTS-REFEKEN'CES: Gansboort Bank, New York City; Mecklain Bros, Bankers, New York; National Bank, New Berne. m28 w3iu 4-. mmy YOUNG -. WIVES ' j j j ( We elder You a Rrmetlv Which Insures SAFKTY to 1,1 KK ot rjolli Muilu-r and CIjiM. MOTHERS FRIEND KOBS CONFIXEMKIVT OF ITS PAIN, 110 lilt OH AM) DAMJElt, Makes CHILD-BIRTH Easy. Knilorsfil and reooin mrmlcil y physi cians, mill vvi vcn ami tho who liuv iiseil it. Ilewiire of ulwtil,uli's and i mil utioiig. Sent by express or mnil, on receipt or price ffl.OO er iM.llle. Hook "To M I 'fl I KHS " uiailnU fiee. containing voluntary lealluionlalB. BEAD FIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Oa. sold nv .am. i- ;i.ists. mum MANHOOD General and Nervous Debility. Weakness of Body m l Mind, Effects of Krrort or Excesses in Old o: YouriK. Kobiiflt., Nobi Manhood fully Reftoivd. Hcv lo Enlnrire am Strengthen Weak. I'p developed Portions :: Body. AliHolntely in f allinR Home Treatmcri t Benefits in a da ' testify from 50 States and Ford Countries. Send for Descriptive, Book. :. planation and proofs, mailed (sealed! frc-o. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N, V esiored, DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMEN! THE ORIGINAL, ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS. !s sold under positivo Written inrnitos oyantlionzod amenta only, to eur Weak Mem..r Dizziness. Wakefulneas, Fits, Hvstoria, Quick less, Nielit Loases, Evil Druains, Lack ofConfi lence. Nervousness. Lnssilutht, i.ll J trains, yt.nt i.! Errors, or Excessivo Ie of Toliaccn. Ipium r I.oii,.r. which lends to Misery. Consumption nsanity and Death. A store, or hy mail, $1 i mix: s.x for f",; wnh written i;lin r;nitco t -ure or refund money. Nam pie pack Ige. containing ijve dnygr treatment, witl.ftili instructions, 25 cents. One rumple only aofu to ach person. At store or by mail. t-Red Label Special txlra Strength. For Itnpotency, Lors ol Power. Lost Manhood. Sterility 'T Rarroniiess , Il a box; six for $5, with; written guarantee: Inrnrnlnlfluia At ..... SCruncor by mail. ;f. s. di ffv, Solo AFTER Ageut, Ne Berne. N. 0. A Hroolfl's Brow-Celery. Splendid curativn atrent tor Kervoot or 8lcfc Head ache. Brain Klhanotinn KlomtilMunMia .special or general NeurHlnia; alo for Rheu matism, Goat, Kidnoy TMsowierK, Acid Iy pepsia. Antenna. Antidote for Alcnhofi. and other excesKea. lrioe, 10, 25 and &U cent. i,nervoacent, T!4E ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 151 S. Western Avenue, CHICAGO. c F. S. Duffy, Sole Agent, New Berne, N. (J. L A O i E S do YOU Km D!?. FELIX LE ERUN'S teeli Pennyroyal Pills ST. r. e orlinal and only illENCH, safe ami reliable cure orpine murnet, I'noe, $1.(; Heni by mini, (icnuino B.)ld only by F. S. Dufky, Berne. N. C. Sole Agent, JNew BRUM'S FOR EITIir.R SEX This remedy lieinsr in jectetl directly to tli seat of those difeas- of the Qoatt-Urinar urnuii, requires nv chance of diet. ' Carr snaranteed In 1 to t days. Small plain paeh U XlBold only by F. S. Duffy,; Sole Agent, New Berne, N. C. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pot- ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. 4 Our office is Opposite u. s. p-tENTOFFir and we can secure patent in less time tluui thus, remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, frie Oi J charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, " How to Obtain Patents" with cost of same in' the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, .A.SNOW&CO.: Opp. Patent Office, Washington. D. C BOTANIC. LOOD BALM, i 9 A household remedy for all Blood and f Skin diseases Cures without fail, Scror- ubi.l ircrs, Jilir unintlhm.l alarrh. Suit Illirum St j and every form or Blood Disease from ihe 56 c .simplest pimple to the foulest Ulcer. Fifty fk years' use with unvarying success, dem- onsuates its paramount healinir, purify- jr Sf ing and building up virtues. One bottle m & lias, more cnrtiv,. virtm, ih,m fi il(i7cn of im Hi any other land. It builds up the health and strength from the first dose. m Z ' ti III TK for Hook of II on g tlfff ul Cures, ?tit free on i pili m cation. Ht . . . . : : . 11 not Kept ny your loca, druppist, send u J J1.00 for a large bottle, or 5.00 for six hot- J ties, and medicine will be sent, freight m sjc paid, by m. I BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga.g h'or Sale by F. S. DUFFY. AND Cl ZD. ZLiZTI. FREIGHT & PASS ENG EH. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The Steamer NEUSE Is scheduled to sail from New born as follows: MONDAYS, - WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Sailing hour 5:30 p. m. Sharp. Freight received up to 5 o'clock For further information apjily to, GEO. HENDERSON, Ageut. June 23. 1890. You run no risk. All drusista guar antee Grove's Tasteless Chill Touic to do all that the manufacluiers claim lor it. 5Ien Manhood R VI, . 1 f it- w s mmm J s : e TR A V F I.FR'S ; FIDE. SEASON SATURDAY NIGHT .iJKft THE A. & N. C. KaILKOAD OFFERS The following Spocial aUs of Far. 6m- son, 1896, round trip from rUtloni namd blowto Uorhad Cuv. ItT AFFECT JUKE lz, 1856. Station. (1 ol f Ik n'o. Tu.Hciirorti, . . . . llOHtS Now Born. I ii (J ritnn'-, . Klvenlali',. . . Kiilliili; Cluck, I Ionian, K itiKt ( n Iliiveli.ck, . . . . I'HNWI'I I Newport, Dover Wild woo.1, Core Creek, . . Peaxcis 1 im .( ;.") 2 IKI :i :iii i - .i -ir, I 7.'. .'( no I no 9AT. JVfnRT. f tf (K 1 Ml '.' '5 I Ul X' .'.0 l i tt 1 n .', mi i 4(1 '.II L. DILL. .W SO 1 - O. P. S. A. & N. (J. piltOlMJIl KATE RAM U0AI). Of ARK HoCN trip Tickets (season ol Ivc-i iro (fi'ijinn 'I on Ilin W. I one 1st. IMWI i-ukc n or lio- Stations lii'low to I l"l 0,101 ,11 villi N. V. It. K. Tlcket.i Inclusive, (food lor r lore Ictolier :tlst, IK'.K V. otn M tc a, y. s 2 o i M'-kory, .l..rui$U.rKM IKIHOfiO Mn?Hiitii, It :M : II il v "U r oi l :. i.-, I J4 iw j.j 2.',1 Ii tfe I'.lHck Mountain,- Hi 'a' l.'i 'V 1:1 mo! 1.1 'IS Aslieville., ii. s.-,. r. i'.. It 4v VI K Hot Hprliixs, ' .: . ; x, IS 0A 15 9) Hates lo all other re-i l is In eastern S. C! or Virginia can be twrnl -bed upon ppllc tion. Children nndoi live i'j) years til Bjre rroe. t hildren ot five (Si riiv funi under twelve (12) years ol ae one hull ol the alov named rales. . . S. X.. SILL, Geo 1 Pa. Afent. Atlantic fe N. C. Railroad TIME TAl'.TiE NO. 2, In, i-ITfct 7:r.U M. We.lao.idaj, N iirth ISiij. Goinc East Schkhulu JS o. 3 t tiwmjer JrtunH, Slut ions. No. 4. Ar. n. m. 11 10 02 1 32 ft 30 I fl 17 Lv. p. in. .; 20 o 49 4 12 5 15 o ;i; fioldsl oro, L:i;r;ilii;e Kinflnu, Ar. New Hern, Lv. I.v, " Ar. Ar. Moreliead City, Lv . 8 07 No. 1. t Mircl Frt A: I'tixx. Train. Lv. ii. in. 7 2 7 .VI 8 If! No 2. St n iii y f'rr. Train. Ar. p. m. 8 00 7 20 6 no 0 20 0 00 r, is 5 (XI 4 20 4 00 :i8 n 20 (ioldsb HO, Tier's, TMOpfingr-, Falling Cu k, Kiuston, ( ' if well. Ar. 1 ovcr, Lv. Lv. " Ar. Core Crei k, Tn( anna, t.'lnrk 'p, Ar. New lkiu, Lv. 21 !) V, 10 15 10 40 11 15 ii :n la 0.. 1 30 2 50 10 17 10 12 10 00 .Lv, Ar, 2 12 2 20 2 43 a 12 3 2,-i 3 :!1 :i 40 :i 51 r. M Riverdale (J rental, Havcrlock, Newport, W ililwood. All itllie. 9 40 Lv. 9 00 8 47 8 8 Ar. Mon Imm.1 City. Lv. 8 20 Ar. M. City I)c)Ol Lv HO 00 A. M. Monday, Wednendny and Friday. J Tiiesday, Thursday and Saturday. S. L. DILL, Sup't. ffilmiton, Newton & Melt Railroafl. TJMB TABLK NO. 1. To take effect Sunday, May 17lh, 1U), at 12:00 M. Superseding Time TabltNo. 4, Dated October 27th, l$r. Qoino Sooth, schrddlh. Goini North No. 7. Pautertffer Train. 4No. tJ. Lve. A. M. Stations. Ar. P. 1C 9 20 New Berne 5 20 itii l'ollockxville 4 44 10 09 M&yHville 4 80 10 42 Jn kfHirvttlo 8 58 12 40 ar. Wilminsrn Lve. 2 00 L M. P. M. No. 6 Passknoek and Fkkioqt No. 6 Ijeave Wilmington Monday, Wednesday an t Friday. Leave New Bern Tuesday, Llitindny and Saturday. Lve A.M. Ar. V. VL 7 00 Lt Wilmington Arr 8 25 7 JO W Sea-Coast F, IL Croe'g 8 1 7 Raymend, 2 5 7:: I Kirk'nnd 2 49 7 4i! Sc-n Hill, 9 49 ' 7 58 .lmpSiOiid, 2 11 8 0" Cypreaa Iake, 2 05 8 11 Annnii'lule 151 8 18 Woo.lfln.le, 1 4T 8 Si Kdgeromhe 1 8 8 5' Hollyri l.r 1 J7 il (Hi Folkstoae 13 55 9 l!) Dixon 12 12 !) :!4 Verona Li SM i r0 Arr. Jat ksonvillc Lv. :2Cr. 11 10 Lv. " A-.r. 10i8 11 19 Northeant 10 00 11 .ty Whileoak 9 8 11 .18 M&ysvilie 9 18 12 18 Rnvenpwmd 8 58 12 30 l'ollockavillo 8. 12T.3 Del.rul.H 8 28 1 .".0 Arr. NewWme Lv. 8 00 P. M. A. M. Dkilj Except Sunday. H.A. WHITINa, Utneral ManAger. J. W. MARTEN IS, Gen'L Frt. aDd Pasa. A.et $25 BICYCLES ! Can bo bonjrht in '!). but at present we desire tocall yonr attention to the following IMoyele Novelties just ree'il. I. mile' Cotton Sweater, I.ni1!tH" Wooln sweaters. Gents (iolf llosr, woolen, latest pattern; (ients (loll Hose, cotton (pet for mi miner wear: (JentH (olt Hose, all cotton. Bicycle Scat in the lollowliiK Htamlaril Htylew: Malestlc. NoRer, rncmnul Ic. (Jarfonl, Megsetifrer, Automai le, (two vartftleo. Bicycle titntnlH, three viirietle; lllcycln frame io Is hern, three 11 rietiep , Ihe new uml nopulnr wooden hamlle Iihim, two Hlvleit; llleyele lac In cord, two colon . Cyclotnflteru, liellu, wrenchef. oIIcih, InnteriiH- all ntylna bicycle lockd, coniiinton key and obaln Iiichh iH alliiiiiinuin, 1 1 1 - W I and brann, hand It ripH, In all 8tyle. W alHO have constantly on hand a lull line of Hl'-ycle flttlnK, tlrei, rims, valves, chains, spoken, etc., and w ant well eipiiped to do any kind ol Bicycle re iiairinn. Also full line ot "porting goofln, luise hall bats, etc. -At considerable expense ve ha pur chased a famouR F.ureka BroKer A Berber' 1 elebi iitod KnauielllnK Oven, and we ifnar antee to do work with UMwe niai hlneii equal to any that can be done elsewhere. To not send your work North hut call on uu and Rave time and money. Hosnectfiilly, I S. Iufl , Iroj. A. Tl. Pit tin mi, ITIngr. Backlen'i)Arnie SaIt. The Beet Slve in the world for Cnts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Ilnnda, ChilblaJne, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, r no pay required. It is guaranteed to rive perfect satisfaction or mooe- refunded.

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