: ' ,.1 r - - VOL. XIX. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, SEPTEMBER 3, 1896. NO. 26. S0ttttE peftrtr 1 2i TALK is dochby. CROP BULLETIN. REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS DISCUSS THE BOLTER. Vm Mr llwl Hlu4i4 fr Suie CTUa. mmj Hit Crltlca. Wrry Hj mm Tll What h ainowa lkory. lUtuos. N. C Augost 31 At the Republican State Iradqnarter', al the talk totlajr wa? rl OliTer Doekery s attack oa the Republicans. SecrtUry Ujras said, "Doekery is very IsCuoavUoL. lie rce was devoted to ' -Allison. ' A short lime before the lieput li can State cooteeiKH be wrote a letter adverting the gold itandard, which was intended to further hi candidacy for Gov ernor, tat with held it at a friend' solid t(iM. During in convention be express 1 ed himself a single standard man. I do ot kn.w wbat our committee wil' Jo, j but if I had my way, I would itxove him from our ticket by telegraph, not wait Ins for tbe mail. The Republican parly is too rich in material to hare a man a caedrdate for Lieuttnant-Governor who U denouncing the remainder of the tickft. Etn tbe opjxrtcrs of bis own wins oi tbe party are denouncing bis lao- ' SUte Report Tor Ihp Week Condition not ( ba(td. I ttloii Eiutfrn Car olina Pan Improvement. H.vi.KHiH, N. t '., Aiiqu't The Stute crop bulletin is-md til.iy says, tbat during the past seven ela e s, crop condi tions have not mated dly changed. Rain has fiilh n hi re and tin re, hut over Urge i re as t he el rough t m m.a ' rili. d. t euton in the ia-tis practically pat improvement, it N hull open and h being picked rapidly. Cotton is no longer growing in central districts, :ind looks dry. Picking is rapid. Reports from the Western district say picking has progressed un;nterruptedly. and that there is much shrinkage in the wze of the boll, ns well shedding, but of! late some cotton is bloomim. j Tob:iceo cjres tbiu and what is poor. WASHINGTON LETTER. SEWALL'S WITHDRAWAL RE PORTED QUITE PROBABLE. Tom Walaon II el pa Tb 1st. Arc Repub licans Alarmed ? Lack of Manage ment lu Brynn's Affair. Popu lists Xffd no Education. Jlll'K.N AT. Bl'RKAl', 1st. about Scwaii's retirement, it was not the in'ention of those engaged in working up t he Washington end that Tom Watson should get any benefit out of it. The alt.i n.w that after Sewall retired, the D( inoerats on the National committee wire to claim t li.it lie had done so in def erence to Populist opposition, and to ask that tile Populist National Committee hring about Tom Watson's retirement from their ticket in deh renee to Demo cratic opposition. Then with both Wat son and Sewall out of the way, tbe joint remans Washington, D. C ,Aug31 The struggle between the gold men and j Committees would iek ft a new candidate silver men to make capital out of each I fr Vice President. In order to get the 'others words and sets is .rmwimr morn I consent of the Populists I intense and more exciting. Aside from SJcKinley's letter ot acceptance, which ' must later ou be comoaned with that of j the South. According to trustworthy ! Bry.in, the wrestling ofthe present week j information, that was the way the pro- may he considered a stand off. The sil ver ite drdt't gel through shouting over Mr. Hanna's saying that the Republican of the Populists to Watson's withdrawal, the Democrats were prepared to ageee that the new candidate should he a Populist and that he should be from EMBARGO REMAINS. nilatr Alternative i,,;' ... la lanvln-;prt. ISiii.adez.phia PreparatioDe are be ing made lor the tarty departure of the steamship Bermnda, which bat been laid np at tils poll for over three months past. A colored crew lrotn Baltimore has teo unrated to man tbe res el, and part eft beta have btea on doty for a week. Tkas Ur her owners have been unable to rare the register which the English Consul at this port took from them, aod it U not prutuble that it will be restored, aa the Brilb Govt m merit looks upon the vBrl as a decidedly suspicions craft and od likely to get them ioto internatiocal troublrs. Permission baa been granted at Washington by the Bureau of Navigation to tbe Collector of Customs ot this port to dear the vessel for New York, where, it is claimed, She is to secure a new register. Tbos far, it baa not been dtcided whether the vtsscl shall proceed to New York or not, as bhe ia subject to light does, which foreign vessels must pay even when passing from one coastwise port to another. There is little doubt but that tbe Ler mada wITl.saiTawaj under a provisional register as an uodoenmented vessel own ed by a citizen of the United States. Id tbat event site would be required to file a bood not to cary cargoes, or even passen gera, except exclusivity lor pleasure. The sale of tbe Bermuda, nude some time ago, ia looked upon by (he British Board of Trade, which has control of owners aod crews' as not being a team mate deal. Captain James Brown, Dew managing owner, it is claimed, was interested in landing material for tbe in aorgents in tbe Cuban war ten years ago. This, it is claimed interferred with tbe transfer. Then ia coraiderable alarm for the tug Dauotlsee, which sailed from Satilla River two weeks ago for Cuba. Mr. Dent, of Brunswick, one of tbe owners, says she has been sold to tbe Cubans. The Daunt less was built by John Dialogue & Sun, at Kaighn'a Point, Caojden, in 1SSS. She ia a steel craft and very last. The schooner Unmarock, which ar rived at this port from Guaotaoamo, re ports the same paralysis of business there ma in the other parts of Cuba. Hundreds To Wmth n ban Filibuster. Washington, D. C, August 31 The cruiser Newark has been ordered to leave lor Kt-y West, todiy, to relieve the Moot somery ;-tation there to prevent violations of the neutrality laws by filibustering ex peditions. The Montgomery will join Admiral 'Buoce's squadron, taking the Newark' place. WILMINGTON LETTER. THE CAMPAIGN TO OPEN WITH JARVIS. . party was not opposed to silver, which they declared to be a virtual acknowledg ment of fear, before thegolditts were yelling themselves hoatse over Mr. Bry an's appeal for votes regaidless of the Chicago platlorm. Candidates and partus h ive often ig nored platforms alter election, but it was somewhat novel for u candidate to say before election that the ticki t could be voted without endorsing everything in the platform. It was a bit of .candor on the part of Mr. Brynn, if it wasn't good politics. Among the politicians in Wash ington, re-jirdless of party, it is believed gramme stood when the story of Sewall's withdrawal was prematurely made pub- lie by a Maine P ipulisf. As a matter of j course the Chairmen of both Populist j aud Democratic Notional Committees de ' cliue to admit any knowledge of this j scheme. j R-publicans are cither alarmed or skil fully pretending to be alarmed over the reported large defections from that party in the agricultural sections ol the middle West. According to a story given out by friends of Mckinley, a canvass just com pleted shows that sixty per cent, of the Republican tanners of Iovva have announ ced their intention to vote lor Bryan nud free silver. This statement would have excited much more interest if it had not been given out by Republicans and ac- Cotton Arriving. Floe Car Service TkoCrnlaer Ralelirti to Corae.l Wll naliflaalaa Honcnd cyeling; on ttiej Beaeb. Journal Burkat, Wilmington, Ja-C Aus?. '29. The campaign will be opened here on Thursday next, witb ex-Governor Tbos. J. Jarvis, as the speaker. After this meeting it is hoped to have many noted speakers, before the election tikes place. Wilmingtooiarja are anxious ly waiting enlighteoment on tbe sreat issues of the clay, and Jarvis will have a large audience. Cotton is coming in, in sufficient quan tities, to make some stir. The Champion Compress, was was at work one day this week, preparirg cotton for shipment by New Yoik steamer. For a place of this size, we have a street car system that is a ciedit to any city. The cars mn on s ten minute sched ule, and make the time. One day's travel j lately counted up fifiv five hundred pe I pie, and no accidents occurred. j Alter a gri at amount ot letter writing back and forth, in regard to the cruiser Raleigh coming ta Soulhport, to receive her testimonial, the matter is at last fet tled. Capt. Miller commanding the Ral eigh, in whose bands was left the decision of his ship crossing our bar, has written the Cham ber of Commerce, stating his tbe 8n'P w'" come to Southport sometime in October to receive the testimonial. Tbe puDch bowl, which is North Caro lioa'sgilc. to tbe Ruleigh is at last com pleted. It will be in Wilmington in a lew weeks, and will be displayed to the public. Mr. Thos D. Meares, of the Seaboard Air Line, and a prominent Koigbts of Pythias member, received quite an honor at tie meeting ot ttie supreme ixxlge ac Cleveland, Ohio. He wu3 elected supreme master ol the Exchequer. As we have no bicycle track, the. racars when desivous of holding cometition3 of speed, go down to Ocean View Beach, ar.d hold theTacei on the haM sand, pro vided the tide does not interlere. that Mr. Hanoa has b en working up a companied by another story cK tailing the litile scare in the east in order to loosen I trouble Chairman Hanna was having in some purse-sti ings.. 1 getting campaign contributions, because When the Indianapolis gold Democratic of the belief in the East that the defeat of The Wilmington base ball team is of joang men are ready to leave and join i awaiting patiectly the arrival ot the team thejomrgeot forces under General Garcia, frora Jour toWQ- and confidently expects whose army is constantly w ithin sight of to do"'Q them, or a: least make a hard the citj. They know, kowever, that their! BSut- tffbrU would be useless, owing to the' There seems to be a general setting arcity of both arm? and ammunition in ! doWD to business, as September the rebel army. Several Spanish gin- j approaches, and some good substantial boats were sighted by tbe II umarock on buildings, are being built to be occupied her wv north, but none molested her. as 1 as offices. The Fall is a! vjys the busy adispla? of the national colors was suf. i season with us, and the e.irly shipments , are ti y ing to ficient to satisfy tbe Cpaaiards that the ! of cotton, has hastened the improvement in commercial life. An Indian mound was discovered in Brunswick county this week, by the graders, on the Southport and Wilmington rii'.roa 1. Several ske'eton, and a numtier of arrow hea ls, and- other relics, unearthed. Ilomarock's voyage was a peaceful one. WANTS UffDEBlNTTT. Washington, D. C. August 29. In spitejol the denials of the Navy Depart ment, it ia firmly believed tbat the secret voyage) of the little cruiser Bancroft is for lbs Boaphorus. It is stated tbat the hastening of the cruiser Irotu this port was due to Secre tary Onley's impatience at tha delay in paying the small indemnity'due forAmeri can's mission property which was destroyed. convention war Erst proposer! it was sup possed by many that it would make no nominati"U, but would advise the sup port of McKinley. It is now considered certain that a nomination will be m;;de, and if President Cltveland does not object, that Henry W'atterson will head the tick et. At a meeting of the Executive Commit tee of the National Silver party, held in Washington this week, it was decided that headquarters be maintained in Chicago and Washington, the west being looked after from the former place and the east and south from the latter. Little else was made public concerning the committee rneetiog, but it is known that like its working jartners, the Democratic and Populist committeis, the committee is feeling the lack of campaign funds and that its members are more or less worried about where they are to get the uioecv to pay what they consider necessary cam paign expenses. President Cleveland played his first trump in the Presidential game when he selected ex-Governor Frances to succeed Mr. Hoke Smith as Secretary of the In ter'or, and it has made the silver men so mad that they are talking about the ad visabilitv of taking the very unusual course in the Senate of njecting the nomination of Mr. Frauds It is not pro bable, however, that such a course will be followed, as the election will be over be fore the Senate meets. It is admitted by all who know the situation in Mo., that Mr. Cleveland greatly strengthened the gold Democrats in that Stute by taking Gov. Francis into the Cabinet, aud conse quently increased McKicley's chances for carrying tbe State. Although Governor Francis denies that he was "on the fence,' it is stoutly asserted by Missouri Demo crats that he would have come oui for Bryau had he not been made Secretary of the Interior. It is the impreselou in Wash ington that be will only be nominally at tin head of the Interior department, as his time will be taken up between now and election working up the gold demce racy in Missouri, and after election there will scaice'y oe time enougu iett ior turn to learn the duties of tbe positiousferj F.verybody knows how diffitl, for three families to live together in peace in one house, thi r ioie it surprised I verv few people when it leaked out t'ua the relations between the Democratic. Populist and Silver committets, which do bush. ess in the same! i building, had already become consider- ' ably tr due I, although they have not all beeu under one roof a wiek yet. Although tlusc committees are all j working toward the same end it was not : a wise move to p n t ; In rn I "je' lit i'. S. n I wereiator Faulkner, ehaiMiiaM i ilie Democrat-i ic Congi csh ma I Com nittee, Mid Vice silver was already practically accomplisli e I. The policy of frightening one's side ioto harder lighting has more than once been successfully put through in politics, and Mr. Hanra may le trying it again. The silver people are not giving figures, but they say Republican defection wil give them most of the middle Western states, unless there is a change of senti ment between now and election day. On the other hand, Republicans just from those states say there is already a change ot sentiment and that the defection is not greater in one party than in the other, and that McKinley will carry them all. There are ominous mutteiings concern ing the management, or rather the alleg ed lack oi' management of the Bryan cam pain, which may break into an open storm in the mar future if there isn't a change. It is charged that the campaign manegeis have neglected opportunities which they should have taken advantage of, and some of those who make the l .1.T ,1. cuarges say mac oryan is largely to oiamc tor insising upon having his own way about many things which should have been left to the discretion of those wdio have had more experience in managing National campaigns, and that Bryau is too much inclined to b a rainbow chaser to be allowed to control things. They say that it was Bryan'3 disposition to chase rainbow instead of sawing wood that dis gusted Senator Gorman, w ho had partly promised to help manage the campa'gn, and they are now trying to persuade Gorman to hold, and Bryau is said to have promised him that he would not attempt to intetferc with him if he would. The Populists National Committee is confining its work to assisting in smooth ing eiut the obsttcles to harmony in the several States and iu making arrangments for Populist stump speakers. Ii is seud ing out very little literature. Senator Butler, Chairman of the Committee, savs the Popubst do not need education on the tin mt-ial qiution, because they have long ao po-u il i he lose h es and that the aver age rT'-ssio.id Populi-.r can' easily out ugue iion who have been in public life for years. hen it comes down to silver. COWAN, A SUICM CHIEF CLERK AT HEADQUAR- ! TERS SHOOTS HIMSELF. Want No Joint Canvass. Murderer j t RiiKht. Will Not Endorse Shnloril. State Fair. Political OoMNip. A. A n. t'olletre. Journal Bukic.ut, ( Raleigh, N. C, August 29. ! Henry M. Cowan, chief clerk in the1 Democratic State headquarters here, com mitted tuiciae at 9:30 this morning by shooting bimuif through the brain with a revolver, fie hael been drinking for a day or two and his mind was unsettled. A few minutes before the shooting he spoke to some gentlemen on the floor be h)w bis mom and his langu age was almost incoherent.. The ahot was hearel and persons ran to the room, Cowan was ly ing across the bed, with an open razor be side him and the fatal revolver at his feet. Both temples were pierced and much brain had extruded. He lived an hour. His sister Mrs. C. B. Dixson and his niece were with him in his last moments. He never spoke a woiel. His brother. R. II. Cowan of Durham, was telephoned for. The elead man was widely known as a mason. He was for twelve ye ars in the State treasury, part of the time as chief clerk. He was a zealous Democrat. His age was almost 40. The Republicans announce as their pol icy that their speakers shall not partici pate in any joint canvasses. Their offi cials say they believe thev can have better THE BOLTOCRATS. Cleveland Itoom On I Hum s. Walter son Ntill SlniliK. No SIKns ol Con li'sts. Harmon i it its Convention. l.Mi..N spoi ls. Iud., September 1. Presielent Ch v laiui'- bo.,m eimiinues 1 1 1 i -evening despite the e ffot ts of frientN to cry i it down. Henry Witttw-iM i- still a strong fiv onto. : Ah ,u :. one ha'f of the del ! here. Tin-re are no every i u 1 ica t ion it will be harmonious. MANLY SAYS, " Y ES," "DON'T KNOW." A EK, of (hs city. The Britinh embassy here wll oblig. all the English lamilns who hao taki-ii nliie upon i c bin tired -h oner II ;; ng u v to their honn h. I'd e c s are T ii in , io '. occurred line man of t h i n omaii of i I i -i hi" liiuiip i f t I'mgrd) In Inrltwro. N. ( -A ten ibl I I I a h'i n, plroe, :m, ijii,,. r pntp. w re hoiml he 1 dter. bull,. signs ot any contests, d' the convention is that -Cor Yanderbtlt is Better. Newport, R. L, September 1- nelius Vaneierbilt was icpoited as improv ing', todav. Visits til in a Town. Ni-:w York, September 1. The celes tial visitor, Li Hung Chang, visited China Town this afternoon. This evening he will be dined at Del monico s. riie tines I ion ol Il v Is ion ol Ml ale I In oral lull'. The II .ill nil Sinrc ItevlKMt. S)n-cia 1 . I! a i. i;iei it , X. ('., Sentemlter 1. 1), m ocratic State Chairman Manly was nskeii the din ct (jinsi ion this alteinoon, -'Will there be elec toral fusion of Democrat- and Populists on a division of the. elei tor-' And he r, plied "yes. . ot eillu r. Populist Chairman Aver was a-ked the ; It is believed that (ho woman tnunler- O.. 1 i 1 1. . 1 . ..I I - .jjl I I.1UIU...1 in Ill : i - . , , .-.line ien. miuu auu oe a os w ei e i : l i ' u I ' ' " i in n htkj en lous know.'' m it, , i ne j democrats nave po that despite denials Haniei trag.-dy a livery Pope. n d. lid in bole was 11 Daw s,,n'.- temple, and the. fair ,, )0 ( woman underlie a,Jh the eye wa torn by the' p.issag.' eil a hulh t lioin the pistol , t hat u as funnel in her hand. ,'o oiher 1 signs r,f violence were found en the body live no v. it ees pour moni'y into North Carolina. I.V ai el killed her.lf. Dauson'w lody nr. taken to I , t(i range, w here' his pno. live-. f:irio' Pope's betely was sent (o M ittlehorn fbr internient. TO COME DOWN. Doekery to be Taken ff Republican Stale Ticket next Week. Rai.kkih, N. C, September 1. Mem bers of the Republican State Executive Committee inform me it is to meet ueit week, acd wid take down O.H. Doekery. Public Debt Statement. Washington, D. C, Sejitember 1. The Public Debt Statement v.is issueel this afternoon. It shows a net increase in the public debt, less cash in the Treas ury, amounting to $12, 843.000. The total cash in the Treasury amounts to $849,389,000. POPTJLISTS TO MEET. BASE BALL. OVATION TO BRTAN. results by speaking alone. Deaiocrats ridicule them rrreatlv about this, the Pnr. i He Receives Great Demonstrations lu c7 j , e State Central Committee Meet Kixl Friday. Matters of Importance. Rai.kiuh, N. C., September 1. The Populist State Central Committee is l ull ed to meet here next Friday morning. It is coi jectured this is to consider thiee thing-. - Fust, electoral fusion with Pem ociats, second , whether there shall be a State fusion with Republicans, third, h dispose of the matter of the nomination of a candidate for Attorney General, that is whether to erdose Walser, the Ri pub lican candidate, or to nominate a stiai-ht out Populist. iieiw ttik cirrns ktanm. rn us. w. i.. .p. c. :. Baltimore, ?.) R4 .osh Cincinnati, C,;i 4 c,27 Cleveland, c,i j 4: .OOU Chicago. (Ti I 49 .670 Boston, (i0 TiO .545 Pittsburg, r,o .r4l V l'hihidelphia, 54 07 .4HC, ' Brooklyn, .":, 57 .4M2 New York, bH 00 .460 WashiiiKtou, 41 (ifi .401 St. LeuiiH, :tr ' 7.") .ms Louisville, 28 , f0 .2V. CALLED HOME. ulists have very little to say. Governor Carr paid a reward of $200. today, to D. A. Granthans of Moore coun ty, for (he capture of Nat. Moore, a white man who cut his wife's throat in the pres ence of two other white men. It is said now that the Republicans will not endorse A C. Shuford, Populist nom inee for Congress in the 7th district, but will put up a man of their own. Shuford is alleged to have said he hopes a Demo crat would succeed him and this has a roused Renublican wrath. The feeling between the Russell and Doekery faction of the Republicans has by no means died out, despite allegations to tbe contrary by officials at that party's headquarters. It is srid that whenever Russell finds a Doekery man he gives the latter's name to his "Man Friday," unci says ''put tiim on the blacti list; we want to remember his nam?.' Democratic Slate Chairman Manly say he thinks electoral fusion with the Popu lists will be arranged in 10 days. Popu lists do n -t say so. The fact is there is a revolt against fusion and it is in the tanks of both parties. There is plenty of plain talking being done. On the 8th of June J. 11. Place of Illi nois was elected by a vole ot 3 to 2 of U.he directors, superintendent of the insti tutions for blind and deaf-mutes here. There are two institutions. In one are the white blind; in the other colored deaf mutes and blind. The acts of 1887 re quires that a superintendent shall have 2 years experience as a teacher of deaf-mutes and blind. He is a very able instructor ot blind, but has hud no experience with deaf mutes. There was a storm of ob jections at his election and the summary displacement of superintendent W. J. Young. Last evening the directors met Columbus, Ohio. Makes Speeches. Corujinrs, Ohio, September 1 Never was there such a general demonstratiem as when Candidate Bryan reached this city, this evening. Farmers from; miles around came te town early, and temained to participate in the demonstrations which are anticipated will excel last night's, at Cleveland. Mr. Bryan maele several speeches to dif ferent parties. Spanish Claim a Victory. Maohid. Official advices from Ma nila say that the insurgents, 2,000 strong, made an attae k upon the outposts of that city in an endeavor to surprise and break the line of delense. The icbels were re pulsed with a loss of sixty killeel and a large number wonuded. The Spaniards had six killeel anel several wounded. Rev. James B. Bobhitt'Died Yesterday at Ralelffh. A Prominent Mcitio dist and Editor. Raleigh, N. C , September 1 The Re,v. James B. Bobbitt dieel here this morning, age 61. Dr. Bobbitt was for twelve years Editor of the Raleigh Christian Advocate, the organ of the North Carolina Methodist Episcopal Conference, anl for forty one ye us a member of th it Conlerenee. His health broke down six years ago. Cotton. THE MARKETS. New Vurr, September 1. OPKNINO. cuiflK. January, 7.82 N 20 October W Pork, Ribs, Chicaoo, September 1. opknino. ci.osr.. beat, 67 ,r7 V05 .'.75 3.22$ fi.25 WILL OUST DOCKERY. Mr. Wm. Calder is Wilmington's dele gate to the sound money convention at Indianapolis to be hsld next W'eeloesday. tic left todav for the convention. AOAU7ST REPUBLICAJVISBI. Wadubobo, N. C, August 29--W. A. Goth rie and O. II. Doekery spoke to i a lafxe crowd here, today. O. H. Doekery felt unwell at tbe be ginning of bis speech but wanned up and made a powerful and significant address. Hs declared against Wra. McKinley, and declared for Bryan and Watson, aud said though the Republicans might keep him 00 the Republican Stale ticker, it would be a late day before ho accepted their ' nomination. L.I at West Point. Xtw York, August 31. Li Hung Chang's visit to West Poir.t was a good deal ot a failure, becaue of the heavy rain, and he would not endanger his heilth by leaving the Dolphin. Bryan' Movements. Ripley, N. Y, August 31. Candi date Bryan arrived this afternoon. Alter rather an uninteresting drive, he aeldresseel a !argenumber of farmers Irom the balconv of his hotel. At three o'clock he took the train for Cleveland, Ohio. Chairman Stevens, ot the Silver commit-! tee, have gone- to C'lreago to talk with J Chaiiman J.iiies, and it 1- scrmi-ed that 1 their trip has something to elo with the failure of the committees to lvi a ong har monioii ly toge ther. Ttie Civil Servie'e Commission, doubt less under orders, has issued a circular letter to all gove nunc nt e mployes, citing the law against political assessments upou 1 office holders and the penalties for its vio lation. It is said that the circular letter was issueel because of the reported asses ing of Feeleral officials in some of the' States. That there is much more in the story of 1 the probable retirement of Sewall trom; the Democratic ticket, after the Maine', election, than those conne:ted with either tbe Democratic or Po;,u'ist National The l.x Itc itnliliciin', Mpeech at Wadesboro Disgusts His Old Con federates. Rai.kic.-u. N. C. 29. Republicans he-re cieeUre, to-niht. that they will drop ( ). II. Doekery from their State ticket and nominate a straight-out Repub lican iu his steuel. old (liming Over- Lonoon, August 29. Today's export of gold was nearly one million dollars. This was withdrawn because it was feared that the rate would rise. It is estimated that ten million dollars will be exported to America next week. Calmly Awaited Death. Pittsburg, Pa. -An unknown man with remarkable nerve, cneled Lis life at Jack's Run, Allegheny, by placing he' neck on the rails of the Pittstmrg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rail way and calmly awaiting the approaching engine of death 'T do this to save others," was written on a slip of paper, found in a pocket, but nothing was discovered indicating who the self-murderer might be. A card in another pocket bore the name of John G. Haller, No. 192 Second avenue. Holler is not known at the address given. The uti identified body lies on a, cold slab in the morgue. Thieves Following; Brynn. Erie, Pa. The gang of sneak thieve and pickpockets who have been folhiwing W. J. Bryan in his campaign tour and working the crowds that go to hear him speak, maele a h-jiil in Ripley, where Mr. Bryan made a speech belore leaving lor Clevelanel. While the Bryan procession was passing F. A. Stringer's Ripley brauch of the First National Bank of Westiield, the cleiks ment out to look at the candi dute. When they returned all the ready cash amounting to $963 was missing. W H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO Raleigh, N. C. To Prevent Suicides. Clevf.lasd, O. At the morning sess ion of the supreme lodge, Koigbts of Pythias, a resolution was introduced pro hibiting the payments of eleith benefits aud received from Governor Carr, a letter j to suicides, whether the victim be sane or insane, or whether the sell destruction be brought about by delirium tremens, de spondency, narcotics or opiates. If the dee el is done within a period of five years after his reception into the order, the suicides' heirs will not to get a cent. A move is ou foot to cut the timeelown to one year. The lesolutiou will elicit red hot eliscussiou, but will probably pass AGAINST DOCKERY. Si I veri tes to No ti ly Bryan. C'lkv ei. and, O. Auiist 31 Candi date Bryan will be notified by the Silver party in Lincoln, Neb., ou September 8th. Chairman Groot made a demand that Senator Teller make a speech, but Teller has other engagements. Chairman Jones will be re cjuested have Teller postpone his engagements. for the attorney general giving as his official opinion that Place was ineligible. Place accordingly tendered his resignation which was at once accepted. It wasthouht he would make a fight, as he had commit tee cornered. He says he believes he is eligible anel that 110 cou-t would accept the evidence on which the attorn y gener al bases his opinion. The tiustee:! say that during his brief term bis manage ment was excellent. Students arc arriving to attend the Stale ! Agricultural and Mechanical College It! is said some work has been done to in-1 crease the attendance, which last term was J cjuite small. j It is expected that T. W. Airasmith. j of Kentucky, will establish extensive j horse training s'ables here at the State Fair grounds. The purses offered at the approaching State Fair for raciug, amounting to S2, 500, are expected to attract seime speedy horses. Col. Benehau Cameron says that as the fair here is just one week later than the one at Richmond it will prove Driven Ont by Turks. Constantinople, At Kisskein the houses of a number of Americans, living in that place, were attacked by the Turks, the male heads of these domestic es'ab lishments being absent. All eifthe Arme nian servants in the dwellings were killed and the bouses sacked. The ladies escaped to Yenikol for pro iection, having lost their personal fTeeis. The estimates of the number of persons killed in the recent disturbances heie are increasing. The police discovereel an Armenian bomb factory iu full operation. The work of making 1 ombs was carried on in an underground vault near the northern walls Dress - Making DEIMRTMEIVT. Orders for Fall and Winter CooturaeA will be nrrreptcrl ly our Drens Making Department on onel after September 15th. Tlrs date is late enough to enable us to make up with certainty the accepted for eign styles that w ill be in vogue during l lie season. We have just perfected arrungements by which we will be put in touch with Paris anel Berlin within two weeks of the date of the appearance of any special style1 or mode. This is ejuite enterprising for a North Carolina house, and no Dress Mak ing Department in America will turn out more creditable or stylish work thttn ours. We bespeak your patronage. Correapondence Soliriirxi, M 1 IIS. Ser & Co. 11 wir Ur VA11 W I'LL. REPUBLICANS INSIST TAKING HIM DOWN. ON Populists Say Will be Kept on their Ticket. Henderson County Repub licans Denounce Doekery. Special. Rale 1 on, N. C, September 1. The Republicau clamor against Oliver H. Dockerv, and the demand that he betaken lio, I m j 1 - w 11 11 m ""-- im w - - n w Tit 1 wff y You wU1 flnd on ooupon L. ''ifiuffijffi'l 1 I 1 Inside eaeh two ounce bag- 'lff"'' I IcfiSrwM and two coupons lnBldecuaoh kl ftl 1 1 Ml ilJ fvwwi! Ill fourounoe banrofBlackweirs mOTiM' Awtll rWSfflai 11 111 1urham- Hoy 'a ba Of ibU.a Mr SlnhSfMmi I I celebrated tobacoo and rend )UTTHE riV 11! f""""l'f " the coupon which itfves -S Oanmi, fillfflifiPa ,iKt ol valuable present and GENUINE MSIBJI howtog-etthen, particularly convenient for exhibitors to down as their nominee for Lieutenant to MUST RUN AGAIN. come to this city. There are many Democrats who say they want the "Gold Democrats" to vote out-'right tor McKinley and align them selves em that siele. The Republicans are thought to have advices tending to make them feel certain CRUISER BANCROFT. lieveel in Washington. A promineut Democrat said: ''I do not wish my name In bis sieei h be rpfrnd to th fact that botbofthepol.licalpart.es 'or the first Committees will admit, is generally be- time had taken a ulain stand on the money o uestion . Hp ..aid the hP,t crnvernment was formal : mentioned as saying so, but my own be- WABaiJfTON, D. C, August 31. The ; bv tlje people who took an actiye part, Cruiser Banc rot t has bt. en ordered to and dul not display too much confidence in same. of get ting out of the hands ot the Republicans." There is a current rumor that tiie Re publicans will reluse to endorse the Poj ul st Oorgressional nominee in the Sixth didrict. tare Annapolis, tomorrow, for New York, where she will be docked and changes rrade, preparatory to starting to the Dar danelles. Tha Bancroft carries more sail than any other cruir. lief is that the only fault in the story of Sewall's retirement from the ticket was that it was prematurely made public. It was, of course, the intention of those who were engineering the scheme that the retirement should appear to fe entirely- voluntary on Sewall's part. Thepubhca- Son of Ills Father. WiKtLiNo, West Ya., August 31 William H. Wilson, sou of Postmaster 1-- l,T-:c 1-1-J 1-1 . ..renerai v nfon. was eiecieua ueiegaie 10 tlon 0r-the matter has made that impossi ble Indianapolis Convention. , ioe aDj mav re9Uit in defeating the Too run norlak. All druggists guar. ' IIe fays that his lather believc8 tbat the 1 scheme altogether." Although the cocky antee Groye's Tasteless Chill Tonic to do j success of Bryan will be a tremendous 1 position taken by Tom Watson undoubt ail that tbe manufscturers claim for it. 'misfortune. I edly helped along the scheme to bring I that the Populist-Republicans will return , Official Declaration of Primary Vole ! to their old party that is the Republi- in South Carolina. j cans who in 1894 voted the Ropulist tick- Coi.Umuia, S, C. The official returns ; et will return to the mother party, from the recent primat v election, held in 1 It is stated that some Populists have this State, show a total vote of 78,331, of: expressed themselves as "desirous w hich the candielates (or United States Senator received as follows: Evans, 38, S02; Earle, 31,092; Dune an. 8,337. Evans receiving 627 less than a majority, the State executive committee has ordered a second primary, limited to Evans and Earle, for September 8. All of the present Congressional dele gation were rcnominatcel except Strait of the iifth district. He will also ruu ou a second primary. Ellio'. of the disti ict is the only gold standard nom inee. It is believed that Earle will be nomi nated. Tillman will not interfere in the contest. ... LARGE GOLD MOVEMENT. Very Heavy Imports From Europe Millions Now on the Way. New Yotck, August 29 There is now Firet ' cn route ?com Europe $13,850,000 in gold j The imports ot gold lor the 1 $2,352,000; of silver $22,000. Governor continues. The Populist State Chairman Ayer was asked today, what his party weuld do if the Republicans revoked their endorse ment or nomination of Doekery, and he replied, ''We will elo nothing. He is our man now. lie was put on our ticket without reference to what the Republicans might do. "' The Hendersonville Republicau club hi't night unanimously aeloptcd resolutions denouncing Dock'.-ry for his attack on the Republicans. i The two hundred members of the clubj declare that as Hendeison county Rejiub j licans were the first to elecbire feir Dock j cry, so they are now the first to repudiate j him as a traitor to his party, and pledge j themselves that he shall not receive a! single Republican vote in that county. j GRAND OPENING ! . . . New Goods Constantly Arriving from the Northern Markets. Come a,r2.3. o.:el3. G-et Prices. eek are Warranted no cure no pay. There are many imitations. To get the'gen'iine ask for Grove's. Struck Diamond Shoal. Cape Henry, Va., September 1 An unknown brig rigged steamer, with a black funnel, from the South, bound North, struck the Outer Diamond Shoal, this afternoon, oft Cape Hatteras. The Life savers have gone to her assist ancc. Xew Berne's Big Iry CnOoclM Bargain IIon.se . A. Barfoot, Manager. 2nd door from Post Office.

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