TEE NEW BERNE JODBHAL. CHIRLTS L STEVENS. EDITOR AND PEdPKltluH. Nkit BXBITE, N. C, Sept., 1 isK";. Ea tared at the Pout Offlo at Sew Heme, ft, C M maonA clam matter. one which ought to appeal to every one, and th projectors of the ware house should be offered evory induce ment iu their eflortg to establish oue. AT LEAST BE TRUTHFUL. The criticism of the Democratic State press upon the Sound Money Ir moorats, and their conference, is i not such as will bear pood results. The men who met last Wednes , djv. at (.ireensboro, and those whom j they represented are not of the poli tical class, ami tlio political line TM DAIlt Joc-"ai. (icp Monday) Is dUTrl by carrier la this city, at V)ccut. per xot . Tnil Momil, Invariably hi ailvauce. Sl.rm laa Tail ."" j tttll 1 U TO , vmir juvuil one year, in uivancr, i i id i ! . t'l 1 . . Idwtula, Kate. liven on appllcaUon at ! which thcV propose to follow id not l,CIlll' waltcd ulltl1 "ils ... , , . .,. ., : t uen tootc ior a who a princess months older than himself. 1 1 is two that was their purpose Royal Children Marry Young. The members of royal families usually mary at an early age. The emperor of Austria married when he was 2-i a bride of- 1(5 years and 4 months: one of his daughters married at the age of 1" years and y months, and his son's hrid was only 1 T. The kinj of Belgium was a youth of IS when he married a girl of IT, and his two daughters were married while mere teh.ool girls in age (IT years). King Christian of Denmark pru- 4, and six rtra MaU par Una will be cu:e-J IT ax4a Ot Tnaaka. Resolution ol Respect n.l Gbttamrf Poetry . alao tor Obituary Notu-.- alaar tttoaa wblet tM e11tor tilmnolf ahaUl gin aa a matter ot new a. IfOltoM affTnr ri aad Society and all otlier ell Hill anatl from which revenue Utntw In a4 w-Ulbe eaanced lor at the rate of live rati a tlae. TMiOWll will not umler any eirrtnn el sarea be responsible for the return or tin aX kaapln oi any rejected oianoacrlpt. No sesioai will be mad to thU role with re ard to attoar Vetters or Incloauree. Nor Till Editor enter Into eorreaponjence con earftja raiected aaaauaerU. If a few of these newspapers will recall the past, and the attempts which have been made to change the course of public sentiment, on , sons followed their father's example and did not mate until the age of 2 ami 27 respectively. I lis daughter, the Princess Thyra, was 2 when she married the duke of Cumber- ior ijuality. It is pot necessary to attempt to breed net troters, but it is essentia! that, oulv mei itorious sires be used. The demand will be largely in favor of family driving horses, and for horses of medium si.e. which are adapted for general work on the farm, with quirk action on the road, rather than for heavy horses, with slow movement, and horses can be raised cheaper in the t ransporlcd ship of the fleet, them, up." There is room VhctlHT the which might pick- East tlian they can from tlie far West. my number of people from a line of land, but the Princess Alexandria X2STOB1AX. 1"AKAQHAPHS. - The politician "claim" column is likelj to show tome changes before November. Th Caucasian'- "valedictory to Ui Democrat," baa the too familiar declaration aoarkL of "we are the pArtr," come acd join ui. You Democrat! are in the wrong. How ru it that Col. Tipton es caped Joe Caldwell, and got to the Greenaboro conference, without being found out? Now give him another lecture, Joe. Th failure of Hilton Hughes & Co the big New York drj goods hovae, is being used by both the il Teriteeand gold i tea awrn illustration of th pernicious finanoial jettm adrocated by the other side. Now that all the gold bugs of North Carolina have left the State to attand the Indianapolis Conven tion, why not declare a quarantine avgai&st their return? There aeema to be a good deal of aniMcrasary alarm that North Caro lina might be purchased for McKin- ler. In some Quarters an infla- a a tioa of the currency by tapping liaonas "bar I might not prove unobjectionable to those engaged in the "tapping." There is a rood deal ot sorrow otct the fact that the real Mark Hanos, of boodle fa ne, was not act ally in North Carolina last week as reported. Will Gathrie capture Watson, or Watsoa eaoture Guthrie, is the a juestion. It might be just as w-ell as not for Cy. Watsoa to occasionally cast a fiance to e what Jndire RusreU dstag. No ase of being "buncoed yen in politics. is i Considering. - according to the JTrv-Observer, the smallneas in nnmbers, insignificance in names, lightness in avoirdupois and weak Decs in menUl caliber of the Greens boro conference of gold bugs, a good importance seems to be given to their movement. T2X3 HZX9 DVCaULASES. ach week just now shows the necessity, based upon good business inoandi, for a tobacco warehouse for New Berne. The Jocbxal, undoubtedly, has Ihia more forcibly presented to it than any one else, as the farmers naturally drift into this office, espec iaJJy those who are cultivating to bacco, and who are personally in terested in seeing a tobacco ware house established in New Berne. In another column of this issue, can be found an account of one of these tobacco raisers, which is only the experience of one out of many which arw told the Jockwal. The practicability of producing a fine marketable tobacco in this im mediate section has been demons trated. The soil and climate have been found congenial, and the quantity and quality produced have made oar local tobacco farmers feel that they have found a money crop of the right kind. And the best of this tobacco cul tivation is that the farmers are not attempting to raise tobacco to the exclusion of other crops. The need of a tobacco warehouse here is one which appeals to those who would build one for a profitable investment, to the local merchants of this city, and to the farmors of this section. It only takes a" little figuring to prove the profitableness of the es tablishment of a tobacco warehouse for a town. The results are appar ent at once. Where money has been scarce, it brings in plenty. Where trade has .been dull, it is at once enlivened. Where the farmer has been engaged in raising cotton, barely making a profit out of it, he finds in tobacco a crop that is a sure money one, a crop fairly oeftain, as any crop can be. The tobacco trade, which a ware house will bring to New Berne, is action which was believed in thor ouchly, by ridicule, abuse or false in sinuations a little reflection on this will convince these papers that such a course had always been a failure. Another thing which ought to be lorne in mind is'that false motives imputed to the "bolters" ought to be carefully weighed before publish ed. If these "bolters" must come under strict and unqualified censure, at leaBt let each censure be the truth. It may be the best political wis dom to caricature these Democratic "bolters," and then it may not, but at least let justice be done them, lest the Democratic party lose votes and ftn important part of its organi zation, for no one will deny that the Sound Honey pemocrata are wanted in th party, and their votes will prove a decided factor nest Novem ber. It may be a jest to write up the G reensboro conference, as small in numbers, etc., but why should it be said of them "that they are going about in Democratic disguise, and that they are oompansated for their time and labor from Hanna's cam paign." The above statement is qualified by the word "some" which is a concession, as tho representa tives from the city, in which the paper above quoted", is published, were a banker and two business men of the highest repute. The Democratic party is not so strong thai it can afford to offend any voter, unnecessarily, Jt wants every vote it can get in this campaign, and least of all can it spare votes from its own party. These "bolters" may he coaxed, but they can not be driven. Why not trv fusion with tbem instead of with the Populists ? was married to prince of Whales at the age of 1. The (ierman emperor was Hansen's Theory and the "Relics." The safe r eturn of Dr. Xansen has now been followed by the arrival of his ship at. a Norwegian port near the point from which is started i three years ago. and the history of the voyage suggests some remarks about what the explorer lias accom plished and the theory which lie set out to verify. It was his purpose to reach the pole: he did not reach it, ill. 'ill' T ami one wun nis companion, ijieut. ies-s pii I'jne, the native ARB THEY NEEDED ? I he conference which met in Greensboro, vesterdav, made up of Democrats who sy that the Chicago platform and the nominees of the Chicago Convention arc not Demo cratic, and that the Democratic par ty as constituted at Chicago has de parted from its principles, therefore they do not fel boqnd to follow its decrees or vote for its nominees, m irks an important political epoch iu the historv of the Democratic party in this State. It is not the part of political wis dom to attempt to malign this movement, for it is one which very ereatlv concerns the Democratic party of North Carolina, both in this and future campaigns. The exodus, of those Democrats from the party in 1892 and 1S94, who so largely make up the Populist party of today, wga a movement "led largely by men who could not secure office in the Democratic partv, al though the masses had grievances whjch they honestly believed could not be righted within the Demo cratic ranks. What of the movement of the Sound Money Democrats, who met at Greensboro, is it led by ornce seeking men, who think to gain State offices by disagreeing with the Chicago platform and its nominees? Do these men Beek in any way to antagonize the Democratic inter ests on State matters ? Are they not most of tbem devoted to North Car olma s welfare, and has not every one of them, that is all who have been asked, declared for the State Democratic ticket ? If these Sound Money Democrats declare against the Chicago ticke, will it be a good policy to abuse them and make them stay away from the polls, or cause them to not vote the State Democratic ticket ? It must be remembered of these .1 af.l 1 men, tnat many or tnem nave oeen stalwarts in the party in the past. Thrv are sincere in their convictions today, and although they may be in a minority their votes are necessary to Democratic success in North Caro lina, and instead of abuse, they should receive a kindly reception, perchance by this means many of them can be reconciled, and will vote the entire Democratic ticket, State and National. These men may be led, but to at tempt to drive them will be fatal. Their votes are needed. Let them be kept for the Demo cratic cause. his bride only three months younger. When the king of Greece married he was only "2 and his K issian wife diad only just passed her sixteenth hi rthday. The king of Italy did not marry until he was '4, which is mature for the sunny south, and his wife was not quite Hi years and i month. The king of Portugal was 22 years and (J months and his wife almost 21. The king of Iionmania, at 20, married a young girl rising 16. The czar of Russia was 2' ar. his wife 22 when they wcie married. The king of Sweden and Xor vay was 28 and his wife : I . Everyone knows that Queen ic tor:a was a few months under 2 1 and the prince consort three months younger when tho rpval redding took place; the prince of Wales was 21 years and 4 months; the duke of Edinburgh n few months short of 3u; the duko pf Connaught very nearly 20; Prince Leopold just over 20; the duchess of Jnfe a little over 24; Prjnoess Alice, 10; Princess Hel ena, 22; Princess ljjuisp, 2 J, and Princess Beatrice, 28 years and G months, Phila. Press. TP Breed Better Horses. That prices of he rses went down is no idnication that there will not in future be a demand for horses at good prices. The supply of horses for use on the street railroads in cities was quite up to the demand, Johansen, on April T, 1S05, lie stood at a point from which the journey to the pole would have been equiva lent in miles to a journev" from New York to Boston. He had surpassed all other explorers in reaching lati tude c'l degrees 14 minutes north. But it was only, by leaving his ship and traveling northward for 4hree weeks and a half with sledges that he was able to approach so closely the spot which he had hoped to touch. It was Xansen's theory that if a vessel strong enough to withstand the pressure to which it would be subjected should become fixed in the ice near the Xew .Siberia Islands", an arctic current would slowly but Surely aarry it across "the top of the worh." so to fpeak, and that in the course of this journey it would iass so near the pole that odicers and crew could visit the spot as if it were a kind of way station. Leav ing a Norwegian pert on Aug. 4, 1602, he made his way in the Pram along the Siberian coas' uutil he arrived, on Sept. 22, in the neigh borhood of the Vew-Siberia Islands, which lie a little east of the mouth of the Lena Iiiver. Here the vessel was permitted to booonie fi.v.ed in the ice, aad Nansen waited patiently for the drift to carry him northward to the pole. Xdne months later the Fram was at latitude 61 degrees 52 minutes, but afterward the current carried her to the westward. When. Xansen and his companion set out for doubt as to rue history of the "relics ' became -known to Xansen before he sailed three years uzo. The information was forwarded to one of his friends a short time be fore his departure. X. V. Times. More Beer Less Pulque. IVlexieo is to have more beer and winch is the curse of Mexican. The effect i i!1" ii the nerves is singular, and it almost forces men into physical stru s of which they are uncon scious at the time. The number of deaths from fighting in puhjueras is incredible. In every great festival, particularly when there ar? displays of fire works, the police Lave hun dreds of persons to look after from KiiuKing urug puique. j lie ven dors at times become so bold in the sale of this drink that they declare they must sell it to those wanting it or lose their trade, regardless of ihe struggles of the Government to re move the evil consequences resulting from it. In Mexico City at least 2o0,000 use it in preference to water or anv other drink. It is said by some who have given thought to the matter tbat T5,000 gallons of it are consumed in that city daily. But now, according to Mr. P. M. Burke, United States Consul at Chi huahua, a brewery has been estab lished with the capacity of 35,000 barrels per annum, equipped with the best modern American machin- ie company proposes Bto es- Iubllo HptBkniK. j Hon. Charles B. Aycock, will ad dress tho people at the following times and places. Tarboro, Tuesday, September 1; (ireenville, Wednesday, September 2; Grifton, Thursday, September ;j; Swift Creek, Craven county, Fridav, September 4; Li Grange, Saturday, September,"); Polloksville, Tuesday, September i; Jacksonville, Wednes day, September 0; Pichlands, Thurs day, September 10; Hallsville, Fri day, September 11, (Duplin county) ; Warsaw, Saturday, September 12. Come out and hear this eloquent and earnest advocate of the people's rights jdiscuss the great issues of the day. Ci. i:iET Manly, Chm'n.. State Dem. Ex. Com. Jno. W. Thompson, Sec y. erv. Xallae I want every mao and woman in the United States interested in the Opium and Whisky habits to have one of my books on these diseases. Address B. M. Wool ley, Atlanta, Ga., Box S82, and one will be ent you free. w ly and when the trolley lines displaced t0 r0acb the pole with sledges, eight uiu norse uie iimrKoi received a tsuu-i mourns more naviug eiapseu, iue den blow, results of which are wel known. Farmers who were breed i f horses disposed of their mares and gave up the business. When colt is foaled it does riot reach the market for from three to five years, hence It is slower to adjust the demand and supply again com pared with other stook. C&ttle are not subject to the same drawbacks as horses, as they enter into the food supply, and the market can recover owing to the ready means of dispos ing of the surplus, but horses can only be disposedof for certain pur poses, their number being reduced by natural causes, and gradually Every year the surplus will be less, and as fewer horses are now being raised, the normal condition of the horse market will soon be reached The horses of the future will be of better quality. Before the agi tation of the subject of good roads heavy horses were required, in order to move loads. Speed is now more desirable, and lighter horses will be preferred. The ox team is better adapted for rough roac's than a team of horses, and there was a time when a yoke of oxen could be found on every farm, but oxen are glow, hence farmers willingly sacrificeii them in order to use the speedier horse, and as the roads gradually improved the horse supplanted the ox. lhat is just the position in which the Percheron and Clydesdale horses stand today. Ten years ago they were in tho lead, but theFrecnh coach, Cleveland bay and hackney are taking their place, because the roads are becoming better, and more speed is required in moving loads. Farmers who could not before move their produce to the railroad stations during the winter, when the roads were bad, are now using the wide tire wagons and quick horses. The cost of transporting an article to market depends largely upon the length of time required, and the profit must be made by reducing both tho time and labor. Good roads will increase the de mand, because more vehicles can be used, where before they were impos sible. The bicycle may displace the horse to some extent, but there are uses for the horse in which he has no competitor, and it may be added that the large army of bicycle riders is not recruited from those who used horses entirely. The bicycle has been the cause of better roads and thus increased the uses for the horse, which will be apparent in a few years, as the driving horse will appear on the scene with more speed. Farmers who take a gloomy view of the outlook for horses should not overlook the fact that the colts have not had time to grow since the depression in prices, and that horses will for a time become scarcer, mere is a prone ior me farmer who will raise colts of super-1 vessel was at latitude 83 degrees M minutes, and her course, when laid down on a chart, indicates that the drift or current, instead of carrying her across the polar sea and releas ing hor qn Hip east coast of Green land, would have brought her back to the neighborhood of Franz Josef Land and eventually to the north coast cf Norway. Nansen'g theory was that she would go across '"the top" and come down on the other side, wdiere she could follow the ( Jreeuland coast to the Atlantic. This theory was based largely upon the supposed history ami course of what were called the Jeaunetce relics the articles of clothing, memoranda, &c. , which were found on an ice foe off the coast of South ern Greenland, near Julianehaab,on June 22, JS84, three years after the loss of the Jeanuette ear the New- Siberia Islands. The current, i.t was said, whitdi had brought these relicn across the polar sea to the extremity of Greenland would move a shin over the same course. The theory seem ed to be supported by some other ev idence: we think it was suggested, however, by the supposed journey of these articles. But the so-called relics did not oome Irom the Jeannette. hey were placed on the ice floe by per sons who regarded their action as a good practical joke. Inasmuch as many persons appear to believe even now that the "relics" really came from the Jeannette, we quote the following from a letter written by Dr. William II. Dall of the Smith sonian Institution: "The vessels of the Greely- relief expedition of 1SS4, namely, the Thetis, Bear, and Alert, reached Greenland waters in May and Cape York on June 22. On the 24th of of June (or the 18th, according to some accounts,) loose papers, biscuit boxes, and a pair of oilskin trousers were picked up on a bit of floe off Juliauehaab, Southwest Greenlanu, by some Eskimos, and afterward car ried to Denmark. 'When a notice from a Danish paper was sent to my friend Dr. E. Bessels in the Winter of 18S3-5, giving an account of these alleged DO relics, he began at once an investi gation, which was facilitated by the fact that a number of the men of the relief expedition were in Wash ington. A cross-examination of a number of these men, at part of which I was present, was conducted Dr. Bessels's rooms. Averse to tale bearing, no names were men tioned by the men, and I do not re member even that the name of the ship was mentioned on which the foolish hoax was planned. But the evidence of the men was to the effect that these things had been placed on the ice by some of the younger members of the expedition, thinking that they would create a sensation on one of the following tahiish branch suppy depots, and will erect cold storage houses for the better keeping of the beer in all the principal towns of Mexico. The stockholders of this company are among the most progressive and wealthy business men in the city. The present price of a glass of beer in Mexico being 25 cents, (Mex ican currency. j trie cut in the price to 10 cents '.vhieh is proposed will it is thought, gieatiy increase the consumption and proportionately decrease the demand for pulque This is one method by which the Mexican Government hopes indi rectly to put a stop to this obnox ious compound. Ex. SI 00 Reward SI 00. The readers of this nnuer will be nleasec to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science lias been able lo cure in nil its stage', nod that is Catarrh. Hall's j eaiairu Lure is the only positive cure known to the medical fmlernity. Catarrh being a constitutional oisase. requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catairh Cure is taken internally, ae'm dinctly upon ihe blood and macous t orfaees ot ti e system thereby destroying tht iotindatior. of the dissHse, un.l giving ths patient strength by building :.p tl o constitution and assisting nature iu doing its work. The proprietors have so much faiih in its curative powers, that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F J. CF7ENEY & CO , So'd bv Druggists-, 75c. Toledo, O. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 220. IIAKTSFIKLD, P0TTKK & CO. (Sirress-irs lo 11. II. II A UTS KIKI.lt.) WHOLESALE Piosu:. cwrj arms you y Ml, ' nothing BUT THE GENUINE You will And one nonpon lnnlilo n&rh two ourww audi wo coupon Irvaldx f-lK'h four ot nee tM.(Of HI ack well'fl iMirliHin. liny a liig of Oila ( lehratod toltocco and read the coupon which glvra a 11 hi of vii1uh1.Ii' proMCiiUi and bow lo get them. crr S:rtet. .New York. Tobacco Flues! .'50,000 pounds 1 Ht KIIKKT IRON in storo and L'n.OCO ponnda on the way. All in want d' Flues will do well to place thir orders early, so that they will be sure to go! them in tunc. Tin and Sheet Mefr.il Work of ever diseription promptly done. No. 23 Craven Street, - NEW BERNE, N. C. VLITES BEST LOWEST FEICE! -!ii:FK!;KV K: it ,u-l..or l:in,., Now Yoiv Mi'-kUin lln.x. .1 uk. v,. vHW VolU; Noll inn Oiink, N'w 1-, i . m.s -:lui A Remedy lorSunhe Bite After reading of the death of a lady caused by a snake bite, I will inform your readers of a remedy for snake bites. It is a very simple, though a good one. If a snake bites you sat urate cotton batts with kerosene, apply tlie saturated batts to the bite and let them stay for two or three minutes; take off and piit op, anotheV ones keep putting on now batts un til the poison does not change the color; also take a dose of kerosene or whisky. For a woman about one gill of whiskey, for a man about half pint if he is accustomed to drinking. I think you will find this remedy will prove to be a permanent cure. Respectfully, L. J. F. Believes In Tobacco. W. 13. Gwaltney was a caller at the Jourxak office, and brought in a very fine sample of tobacco, which was grown on his place near Vance boro, in Craven oouuty, Mr. Gwaltney came to Xew Berne a short time ago to engage in truck raising. He also raised a small patch of tobacco, and the results of this and what was raided on his place near Vanceboro rnakes him an en thusiast on tobacco culture. S f--i !ci.e-s. 'i.i i 'n ' mem r d .. H hp u - Dr. K. ('. p- Nei vi- n ineut. ifl no jwr s , . i e--0 u. . ! -s . t lv - . ill"- -1 i . i H m 'Yi,t o S Hi ' ,.1-p K. - 1 11,. The r.idv thing a in-m wants after he gets all the money more. he needs, is Ld:es u e & P. P. lis f mail or at jt .f, Dr. L- riu..'v F - eh S. h a ill On. I it,r bv . For sH't- b V S DutW and yreen printed or Riches have wings, backs might as well bo fly paper. Troly, the L'erjtteman's friend, is Dr. Le Brun's G & G. One, At store or sert by mad. One Dol'ar. For s lc I y F. S. Dufly. Take care of the pennies, am. jie dollars will be blown in by your heirs. Hysteria, eouvuVh-n-, nt-. ier..,ir prosriatioti, wkel nines-. l"-s t' e ; i. cured bv Dr. E. (J. We-i'- Nerv a d Brain Tr'R'inenl. i -ton- oi by tr.-i $1.00 per box 01 -ix ri $5.(.0 Gicn-n teed. ' For s.vl-r by F. . Duft;'. It is no trouble to see that u-otith is a curse, as Ip.ng as the other fel low has it, Cure in tlnee day?, no worry, no die' never fail. Dr. Le Brvn's G. & G. Cui At store or by mail; no publicity. $1.00. tor sale by F. a. Duttv. a. great nnancier is a tluef wba '.s successful. A thief is a great liuan cier who fails. WantedLadies to know that Dr. Le Brun's S. & P. Pills are for sale ut oui store, f 1.0Q, or will be sent by mail For sale by F. S. DDfty. Some old-fashioned folks, like bal let gins, Keep tneir iortunes in their stockings. We have the sole agency for the sale ol Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment. Written urantee given to cure 01 me money win De reiunoeo. if i.uo per box or six tor $5.00. or sale by h. b Duffy. While people all over the country are agitating the money ques tion some sound moip-y (meaning gold), others free coinage of silver not knowing which they want we arc now, as" always, pre pared and willing to sell the best car load of each, Horses & Mules Adapted to all Purposes, That have ever been put on th.i Xc IJi-ruc Market for cash, Vitlicr GOLD, SILVER, RFKX HACKS, Oil Nr hMO H A KLK I'APER. A full anil complete line of Huskies, Wagons and HarDesa- always on hand. Medicines and Liniments of all kinds and for ill ailments of the Horse. Some people have more monev idtBan brains, and are not considered uu nis v auuuwru piaue iip-weaiwiy eimer. eight acres in tobacco, A part has been cured, a little sold in Green ville, where he received $3.50 per 100 pounds for it. Mr. Gwaltney is very anxious to see a tobacco warehouse built in Xew Berne, and saya the farmers around New Berne are all desirous of seeing this citv have an established tobacco market. Protects Bicyclists" Mouths. A patent has been issued for a mouth shield for bicvele riders, the object of which is to protect tne throat from wind and dust. Ine invention is that of Mr. Oscar Mc- Cullen of this city. Ihe majority , . rpfllizi.s lh..t fi.iHnnft V, .nH-n . . : j c... ,1 i- Ol i luers unu it eAiienieiy uimtuii Excel all others io quickoess, no bad ettect, no publicity at store or ly mail. One Dollar, Dr. Le Brun's G. &. G. Cure. For sale by F. S. Duffy. The business in which you know you oould make money, is always monopolized by others. If iiealdi is deiie ladhs try Di Lc Biun'sS & 1'. Pills, ihe only French. One Dollar at store or by n ail. For sale by F. S. Duffy. When a man disputes with a fool, the fool is doing the same thing. I foel liK'' a new man aod Y.ft is worth living sirce I took a course of Dr E. C. West's X'-rvc and Biaiu rrnitmiut. For sale b F. S. Duffy. After a man's jaw begins to swell, to keep the mouth closed while rid inec, owing to the exertion in pedall ins-, conseouentlv in cool weather suffer from sore throats, coughs and eventually more serious results fol low. The mouth-shield, which is made of German silver spring wire, formed midway into a coil spring, oldnig in position the embossed eather mouth-flap, which covers the spring and prevents it from touch ing the face, presenting a neat ap' pearance and fatting comfortably to the face, effectually prevents the wind and dust from entering the throat while riding with the mouth open.'"' The above extract taken from the Richmond Dispatch, will be of inter est to the friends of Mr. McCullen, who will remember that he was an operator in the Western Union Tel egraph office in this city, several Republican Convention. The Republicans of Craven Coun ty will meet in the Court House in this ctty, September 17th, for the purpose of nominating candidates for a county Republican ticket. Delays are dangeious. Use of Dr. Le Brim's G. & G. Cure at once. One Dollar, at store or mj'mail. at F. S. Duffy's. A CjJoocI Place to Slop. R. J. LUPTON, has just opened a neat and comfortable Boarding House in Bay boro, where lie will be glad to see his friends and all travelers who may be pass ing through that section, anc see to it that they will !e comfortably entertained and their wi-nts attended to. Mr. Lupton's house will be lound a good place for all travelers to stoo at while in Bavboro. New Berne Mails. Notice ii given that on aDd after this date mails leave For all points in Pamlico Couuty and South Creek section of Beaufort County close at 5 a. m. For Vanceboro and Post Offices in Northern part of Craven County close at 12 noon. For Bellair and Lima, 9 a. m. For Whitford, ll a. m. All irail for DeBruhl goes to Pol'o'.,s ville, the former offic s discontinued. Vanceboro mail arrives m. Vanceboro mail leaves 1 p. m. M. MANLY, Postmaster M. Hahn & Co., j No's 118, 120 & 122 Middle Street. . W. 'SMALLWOPD, Under Gaston Lloase, South roi.l Stn-ct, New Berne, N. C. fuil. i , i r hz of General Hardware. Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Barbed Wire, GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, Lime, Plaster and Cement. PURE READY MIXED PAINT8. DEVOES EPer8onal attention to the prompt and correct Ailing ol all orders. m3ra w,dow Attention mm Now is the time to buy :Cotton (dins anl I r We are agents for the bi-st on the market. We have in sto.'k tho largest line of lit HR MIC nd LEATHER BELTS in Eastern North Carolina. Anything vmi may need in onr line we can furnish you at Hock Bottom Prices. MILL AM) M AC II I N K It V SI TIM. IKS. CALL AND SEE I'S. II V 31 AX sitpply ro., Successors to .!..). IMSOSYYAY A: CO. NEW - BERNE ACADEMY, new bkrxi:, X. V. Session of 1896 and 1897, Under the plan of reorganization, oilers thorough i nstrnot ion Jin tho Classical and English Courses by a corps of eminent Eduontorn from the University of N. C, Hornei's School, and other noted Educational Institutions. Tuition Fees monthly in advance, and shall not exceed, I'M I'.NT f !.;: IVr Month. PRIM AP Y I) El A I INT KKMEIHATK CLASSICAL .(io Warranted no cure no pay. There are many imitations. To get the genuine ask for Grove's. 1 To Boat Builders ahd Marine Engineers. - IN PARTICULAR- Our exclusive specialty Is designing and building (to order) complete outfits ol genulw MAHINf machinery in small and medium sizes (four to twenty loch cylinders). HIGH PRESSURE-COMPOUUD-TRIPLE EXPANSION" and PADDLE WHEEL OUTFITS, EITHER WOOD OR COAL BURNING MARINE BOILERS. (No Stationary or "Trade" Machinery.) Catalogue, free. MARINE IRON WORKS, Clybourn and Southport Avis. CHIOAQO. if

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