Mttnt v - J1 . VOL. XIX. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, OCTOBER 1, 1896. NO. 29. f v 4 1 - . -.ft -' - . 1 ft X RiLHGfl LETTER UWE CAX DO EXOHIH IN SIX DATS T Bt ttt9 Decmrrali ud Kr( the X ul Irpvlal Pep. JOCnXAI. BuBtAT. Relation, N. C, September 2 B, F. Keith, Chairman ol the free salver party iu this Sla'c, issues n address to ibe "independent silver voters,-' in which be iaj the watchwords rfthe Demo eratic, lopu fiat and Free Silver parties re SilTr and freedom. ' fie fcts forth tb fosiOD on el ctors au! 8 its all obsta cles re rmovexLand Bryan can now I xoted for by ail who favor silver. He call npoo mil lrxlepeudeot tnen, iudepe ro dent of parties r party ties, who desire fixMDcUl reform to rsliv to the ?opport of Brjas aoU tl electoral ticktt. la cue claiko he y: "Beware of gold bug tern pier who Urd in oar midst, saying to th Democrats tbe Populisms will n : Stfpport th ticket and to tie PopuHsts the- Demccrats wilt not support it M. a of that kitd are eDofuiesot the silver ruu-. mr trying U defeat t lie lickv t by insinu it iajt distrusticn in our booest and h -Q ra bl parpose aod are '.h rasei vts tbe crea tam of pelf who wish to defeat the pe pl at the polls ia NoTiintr. I.e- us prTe lo tle world tlm American pe pit are not for le." SbertS Simon of Ho a today brought to the oitentidry Fraok ilomrd. the oesiohoee diih sentence (!ov. ( irr Commuted y.-t-nluy. :n:d s us ttolid a aa Indi in. His iut 1. is i t a very kw orx'er. SJiertf Simin ivke f 'be 1' ;a:'b' effort to d' ta'. lKm. orirs. IL :l Popoli'. He w:i x-ke-1 ;f the l'.ij di KiHn i: vrr : -u r-uo'. w i tepi.d "Xo, tc ran if1 i com ,h m x d iy t. It tbe I rri'-ic r ! ar J t t v-n !i day." There are .otr.e P i u s s w . . would rk the sveith ! n so f -r what t! T er"ni t.i C'r.-'d?r i iu lab a porjrf?. IXatooaU rt t'.it elect- rI f;i'-u wilb IVpn lists his t' r n away m icv oi tlie UtU-r fironi the r'.utchcs W" tbe oth i boIdiDg ao.l seekiog Popnlis; iVr.iM--. Soon. 1'op.ilist will j'in the H-pul'.ica-, ptrtj. These wrul 1 ia any eveat hjve proWbly t iken tint conrs.'. Democratic State Churmn Mmly has always beeu an ardent advocite oi eUc toral fasioo. Ho says he ha? one hundred letters and teler.tus from various p.irte, of the State, titymjr the fusion has hail n etionulatiog eiTcct and coonrutu'atioi; the tate committee on what it has doce. Agcoltenian wlio came in tins m. ruini: from a to or : licked that he luarl tln-re was considerable ioiiru:d:ition if -Cotton mill employes, partii u'. iriy ulim mills happen to te shut ilwa. He -ays tbe einpiojes aje lold the mil! ;! coi res a em work Qnless MeKmiry is ehc. .1 The Farmers" Alhinca tannery, at II:": boro, baa begun work on ;i ;r. i . seal- , aaJ with a tew caip!yt.. Nearly all the Ld! c-tton ;hi:nuT.'5 Trom here are cow maJe by th s ulIu :h . liailway, which has recently in !t a p' it fjrm. lie ret of re the S.-ab Hrd At L: has done uearly ill tha bu-iii's in th s lire. The clerk of Forsvth court baviu. lar tbe claim t:at ia some pacmcts th . -t "were no Populists, ;ppo:utd tuo Pepub lican risrars of elei tnn, h . been di reeled by a Superior con rt judge to appoint PopalUts. Tbe Populist Cta'.e Ch.r.r nm went there to look alter the matter. T.n Republican Stite Cl.a'rmin a'o n. Popy.ists made the c.'mpUlnt t, tbe judge. There appears t. bo a split o Popu'.ts ia this county. One ebmer.: rr the larger, foilo.vs Uiho Vi! iq. aad the other follows Spier Whitaker. I: i as serted that the tn-ut.'ie is dn per seated than the Wilson faction w;;i admit. The Wake coooty 1'op ilists have iru oattd for the Senate a youc .na i D:mei Uiley, who is a stnder.t at NS'ake ' College aod barely '21 years of age. In this sectioo there are fields of i ' t n with every boll fuUy open, this p: k::i: get practically ail the cr.'p. Mr. Geo. W., a '.-a dreg c.ti zen of Chatham county, du d Isst t veiling at PitUbOro. H'.s b-idy as hrougbt h-re today for burial. H;s age w is 72. The Hepub.icans are doing a great d. b of work among tbe negroes, by niht an ! day. They are orginiz ag SIoK:nVv cloba everywhere, Th-y iv they w .. get the fall negro vote, soiid au.i wuho :: a break. Iiepu' dfCftns Assert tha: tii I'j n vri -are nominating Popul ts for ofliee in aom tcouoties. .h nt w -h aarbody except to eh e :h Popaliets. Chairman Manly declares that the li vision in tbe Democrat.e party aivmnts to little and that the fusion elect. r.b. ticket will get the party vote. There is certainly no scramble to- otfbv on the pirt of the DerrnvT-.ts. Th s :s ooticable in conaty just as .t was Stata convention. N. A. Derning. formerly eib r Natiooal Ecoootuist an i N-it:.-:a; man, two of the yrea'. Alliance now l.Tts in SalisUirv. in t':.;s S coone he ;s a I'opu ist. it th. of 'll Wa', ii orga-;, a : e o I Republicans are asking wneih, r W A. Guthrie, PojXjlit candidate ut Governor, really propose s to stay in tee field. Baadary Dtipnte Mettled. Washihgtox, D. C. A cablegram from Managua, Nicaragua, received by the Costa Rican minister Calvo, conveys the news of the rati dcation by tue con gran of Nicaragua oi the convention for the final eettlemeot of the lorig pending boundary question between those two coan tries. REVISED RITUALS. dd Frllom Adopt tianye Rrfturlecf by C mm ItCeev. Oaii.'s T.-xas The ss.ion of the Sovereign virmd Lo.U e i f Odd Fellnvts did no: adj. urn until l o'e'inrk p. m. Ttie rvport of tl'.e eomm-.tfee often fivoring a revised R-U'kih ritual was unanimouslv adopted, as was a's.- the ievied ritual tor the Patriarch' Militant. A universal rec guit.on iun for the li hekaii branch of the order that mem bers then of iusv ri c ive recogciiion from ' any ( dd Fellow u!uu in distre-s, was . a!o ndopteii. An important m itier was also tbe adop tion rt a resoio'.on nuthoi'iing tli L" paratK.n o: ui. rditnte htlge an I ' encarjipnn ot lit.ia'.s wlucU shall include ail legis'aWiou telutiv th.Teto to d tte. George A. II. II, represi nting the M. K. 'and T. and t'-.e Iuternitiocal and Gnat j Northern and Mexican National U K.'s ;s here enrolling names of excursion;?! to M.ntcr-y. He says 1 50 will depart ror ' .1. V . i r : . ti. i j ' lHe '"Pu .-uutiaj 1 m' rn;D.-- Strike nt LendTllle Still On S;-.,.,-l.A'.. LkaI'VIM.K. Cd . Sentcndr o, Mine owners i xpect to keep the .troops on duty two months !o"ger at tise mines so i.i res'ime op ratior. At pie-i r.t all of the m: p.-.s are sti;'. i losed on actount of . rr ,. i, .-,.,...! i , it . i . . rv " . 11 . c L it i ? lit ' t c. I it iai tha". ih -v wi.l b- able to re?ume operat ion w.l. an 1 i:t furth-.T di struetion of property . f l.f B'it i: :s hnjed that the st :rb;ng t.ement wn ei-?i tv." .re t..e tro. Stveril m Mor.d iv. i- are win lrsr, . s usli re-u-ue v Our Killed, Ten n urc 'ive;!. New Vor.K, September "20. i-g .!! .(:r-e ' con.-rruet: n . n v build E.gbty - t stro t. q e t! a' ernoi ii ten Thnr hrr Withdraw. Hunk Statement. ,i;" i". r.k , tp'eui t er '20. letter :o improved t n - m ad trett ..wing b .ak stau rat ut , A HI.. TOO Bobbery. CfMJstiLAND, Md Thieves entered the lepidei ce of Henry College, near li;iy's II ill. Beilf r.i county. Pa., twenty miles north of Hancock, Md., while Mr. Col lege .,n 1 family were attending a soldier?' reuni"ii und stole about tittetn hundred dod tis. One thousand of the amount was i in twenty dollar bills. Mr. College did I not the money until some time after the robbery, the trunk in wlrch it was ! seer, ted being kept in a room sel- t'oin used bv the family, and the win- low- through which tin thieves entered i 'ting by a grape- vine on ti.e outside. Mr. College, it ii suid, was opposed lo j 1 ai '. Antl Fenians Want Kewnriu. tt tw.t, Oct. A large dilegation of vt-'erans of l?0d. who served iu the Fenian r- .;, waitil i- q Pre:iui.r L inner and re- rue-tcd that a grant ot las d mi a men. i ; e bet-.ieJ TIk1 prtn.ler n taih ot the survivors, ml th.d it w.vs too la'e to con-lder the matter this session, 5 but he won'. I lav .: I i fore his tn.ii agues so that the n.alP r c vol ie pre-enttd next ses sion. Many Monks Earned Alive. M.MililP A dispatch 'from Hong ; Kong say- '.hat steamers which have ar- j rive-1 there from Manila, the capital of ti.e Philippine ls'...ud, brings the an iiioir., eroet.t that Cavite is occupied by 5 "i i'C'0 insurgents. M re than l'M.i monks have b,en mur dered in tle iilands since the breakirg out of toe insHrreetmn. Many of the vie ti.r.s h ,ve b an lastt-n.d to tn e-, their cloll.iig having been soaked with ar.ii then lighKti and ti.e monks burn ti lo dt dii. Ric'n naliv, s are l-ei: g arrtjted daily. Documents hive been se:zd by the : u- tbot ii ies i n w tr iven llv names oi at ions o: h, r o fti 'epublie. making prepar.i- the Pr. -. b-::t m l tip c: a's of tl e pr..pose The ( ton ernmeiit is it n- to -e: ,1 S.i "H.1 a .d'.tiona'. troops 1. t .- Piiibopp ne I-iands at once, and also : ,i in rt ase the 1": . I'o. ii": isoa on ttie l s.aip of Unreka tictn t'orbett and Sharkey. S vn Francisco So far as the Na j-.a". l la'i is i otiCcrne. 1 t he tight bttweeii fori et a' 1 Siiarkey in this city is oif. Tm-- piincip:i's telegraped that they had .o , p'idthe Eureka Club's offer. Toe E itek .. lorintd by Mes?r. Elingii u-e and St o, k secur, tl a ptr:utt and oty-r, ,1 $ 12. boo a4 -i purse. When tlie money is put up Corbttt and Sharkey wi!l start lor California, 'hi ltu:r arrival ea h of the pugilists wi 1 .'e p 'sit ij t, ii. Tic National dub de tn in, It. d f ,UoU :o secure appearance iu the i'-g. Buck fin I' n bel le re r. -pee ,.C IO i.Kioit. N. .'.. Septeud er 2o. Buck iv.tchen,s',,e ha? no faith in elector- Carlisle Returns. Special. Washington", ICC, September 25. Secretary Carlisle has returned from his vacation and is sgiin attending to his i tib ial butus. , , ...,.. tonsnl Lee i Ilcallb. Special. Richmond, Va., September 2-j. It is stated that American doctors have ud vised Consul Fitzhugh Lee to spend October in in this couDtry. At.nt.'.Y, N. i' . tq tembi r 2i. J"hu yd Th t. e IVmorr .t:c nee O Vi'tn r hi? tv i i hdra w" u . FUSION CONTRACT. STATE CHAIRMEN OF THKEE PARTIES AGREE How Nlnlp Klertornl Vole Will be IHvldfrt. linitei to be Nnbjoct to nietlon of Clint rmrii . I r Snrh Occur. Speeutl. Ualkhjii, N. C, September '2 The IDemocratiC, Populist aud National Silver Party and State C)iairmru signed an agreement, Uiat for the purjiose of uniting the volts of the said three parties for their G.udi.late for President, V. J. Bryan, im.l to adju?t the complications ari.-inur out of the romination of two i an tedates for the Vice PresideDt, it has bet n arrange! th it the t hree parties vote lor the electoral ticket recently iTini'ed, composed of five Democrats, live Popu lists and one S.lverite. And that all of the eleven tieitcrs. ti , eUc;e glja!1 CHgt (hd, VoUs j ,he eltc. : toral col.ege fir their mutual Candid ite for President W. J. Bryan, and f..r the candidate tor Vic President, of their rt- , spective iart:e?. If for. any reason it shall become neces sary to nuke any change, or changes, in aay of the elecors btfoe named, such changes shall be marie with the consent cf the Chairmen of the respective narties t this agreement Tcleyrnplilc llenii. There is a great demund at Sao Francis e.) gra n-ear: ving ve.-sels. Large ship mill's ..fgraia aie being mi le to (J-;eec?- t.'Wll. The rew ibib hi use of the Mtrion t.':i.ket blub, at Ilaverfortl, a suburb ot Phtlsdelphia. wis destroyed by lire. I. ?s. To,(m.hV The building wat n. s com p'.etei! aad iia 1 n t Iva tu ne 1 over io i.he 1 Travt lets ;,r dm ng tbe p is; i the I :: diati T'-rtltorv te v ouvs repor: a w o d ootid t on fx -".ng in that country. ', s ran pa- t. -.r.d t'ne !' p'c l:v ng tb.ere ar -:a a state of terror. Mativ .eople say that ti e coad on r.o'.v l- woi.-e than it ,as lam r manv v, ar.- Fred B .y.'.en a member t the com-j tn :s on linn of Darlington, OV nick ox Poy- ; deu, Chicago, committed suicide at Lin- j coin, I 1. He was worried and fretted ! over his wile's illness and financial nfi lirs. On his w ay to an early morning train in- j t i return to Chicago, he shot him se'f op the porch of his brother's re?i-,' detce G-orge S. Newman, a wealthy mine owner of I.eidville. Cob, has disappeared j und the'Chicago police have been asked to asi-t in flmliog Inm. Saturday moru , ,ng he b it the resilience of his sister. Mrs j ( ). i Hall, in Chicago, promising to re j turn for Inneh at 12 o'clock-. lie did not j come back, and since he left the house no I trace of him has been found. ! Surrounded by I nttu rgeu I . Havana-Col. Lara has enjountered the iusurgtnt band of Baudeia in t rent he-' i in n ancient fort at Yeguita, in the Trini-; tlad District. Bandera's forces were dis lodged, leaving four kilied. A detachment of forty tive voluatters Ml for ( ui vi ican in Havana province, to secure a supply of j t..ul!t, Thev had seized moie than they had been ordt red t , when thev were sur firised und surrounded by auunieiou? baud ot ii,"surgents. Ieut. ll 'inero antl twentv two of the volunteers were killed, and four f iheni were injured. The iu surgeu' s leader. I.uls Rodrigues has been found ban z as. d at Lignnillas, in Mantat S:eei.i Ilryan .Movement. Nkw Yokk, September 23. Candi ,1,'e l'.ryan arrived here this afternoon, after sptak'.ng at Lynn, Providence and New Luido". lie speaks tonight .at New ark, Patter-on and Jeney C.ty. ew Bicycle Kerords. -I1' ThkntoN, N. J -on made a n- w ptcn.ber 2S. John vele reCoid id" ore the five mile !ortv-?even for t he mile. Jimmy M chae! lewcre figures to 0.51 4-ii. r.xcliaiic Kntcs Aftviince. - pi e t at . Nkw Votik, S, iteii. I t r 2 Foreign evch'iug- r cesi advjpced again today, w hioh is tembng to the b.eilei that the gofl importation has te c :..- 1 an end. I'lmilrri Ttiil I'rolrrt Ikciusclv es. II w ,SA. S, ; tember ' - Tee Spanish Government i- wuh It iw:ng tletacnmetds of ! r - s'.at ., i the ditl-i-eut piau t a' i,.:,-, a". 1 i- acliio; ,' ng the planters to '.icr.da fories for their protect ion. Murdered by a Boy Playmate. Woostku, ( Miio Thomas Kithl. fourteen, the sou of W. K. Knl, age 1. ol'and, was muialere 1 at, near here, bv Ctrl Melilnney, ipedsenii. The Kidd I oy, who was u cripple i t-g at i he M i I : i i : 1 1 1 y home. wyre It f i together while the w t re at church, aud they wa- visi'. The In i? Mclihin! y ? qnalfe'ed. Young Knld struck Carl with In- ciu'ch. Ttie latter went into an adjoining r a ni, procuied his father's gun ami shot Knld. blowing ill' the top of his heal. The young murderer admitted the killing and he has been placed mdir arrest. Slabbed Ilis Wife During n ttimrrcl Piiii.ADKi.i'iiiA. Mary Griblcy, aged J J - twenty seven years, was stabbed to death by her husband, John, during a j alous . quarrel. He was arrested. The couple have had numerous quarrels for some t ime 'past. TOWN WASHED AWAY. Torrlblo IlrNtriirtiou Oone by i Clniut j burst in Tcxi. j San Antonio, JiTex. A taemendous: cloudburst ?tiu:k the city ol San Marcos, about six miles south of heiw ut 10 o'clock S.iturday morning, and washed awa3r a1 lare poition of the tow n. The Missouri, j iviin-:if ee Texas and International & j (irtat Northern Hailwav tracks were! ;.?l.e. av for toiee quarters, ol a mile, 1 and the j i;nt d. p. t b i to these two dlv wret ke I. roads will The rtacL i $200. CCO. The eh ud'oui-t suept veiythiug before it. Ail bridges over the San Marcos river, which runs through the town, were wash ed awav, and a large number of residences are in rum.-. 1 1 .: pe pie have bt en though at least five iro wnel AsNHsMimtcil While at Super. Huston, La. A dastardly atsasiiiua :ou to..k place n. ar here, the victim L-eing Iv'.wai.I Beattv, th" ton of his head beingare stro,ig enough to carry the Stale, if nteiauv I'lvwu oil by a ioail o! i.ucks;:ot . tittd from a shotgun while he was eating ; sir piii r at his home with his I amily. Every : effort i?- btirgjmade to capture the assas sin. Iron (.ate Removcil. P,t ii.r!;sT. The gn at engineering I woik oi reaioviuir the o!.?tru'-tion in the ; T ) , ri n 1 1, 1.' o . , v ti 1 )c T mil t 1 -, 1 e lift I itppn ' Ait-Orrov.i. in Ilungarv, untl Gludova, in Sei via. has b. ,n tinally accomplished, at. title river was opened to navigation with tl.b, ra'e ci rcmoui. s by I'br.perer Francis Jo-t ph. Ills ma iest v wr. acc'itn panicd by King fa d r . !, of Kouu.ania, and King Ah xan- i :a. A ar ge r ut 11 o i l diiilo- teats, minister ;att, a: .st 1 ugui?hed men were prt sent. j ;Iu. litdtd in 1 1 10 program was a proces ?ion '' steamer? throi;h the Iroti Gale, Wi.vil nttoioc l loo ccessludv e vt . r i! moving c obstacles ibbed. o it : u .at etowit - w t I I ptf i t: 'i 1 ,,e i! ,y w .s ;;, e- I 'a.-s d with ill : ii c Victory lor I usu rc 11 1 1 1 an N . - -Thioii :! tiie , ;!"r;s sill (it-:. et it bee. a:i oidii'iias b?v r;s of Con- ifetl r. c t: tig the j b Amcri- ! t i nby on SCtH ( ;i, at 1 bv Ciptnin Geut ra1. Wey If", i relea-e.'t S mitu 1 T. T-.:-.,;i. can , it:, n win ws aii'.-st,-,! board the Ward I-inc ?tcar.:cr this port. A condition attached to hi? release '.s lie s'ciil leave the island. Thirty. tive volun'oeis, com maiiibd by blent. Pomeio. were surround ed by a .-upeiior force of ia-urgents as they Wci'e leaving tlie town ol ( 'uivicau, pro ince ' I Ha van i. A tlespera'e light ensued, the Spaniards attiniiptu g to tut their way through the rebels. Tieir efforts were without avail, but t hoy il:d not cease to fight until twenty-three of tin ir number were killed and tour wa i u n le i. Among the killed was Lieut. Romero. The obmteei's w ho escaped report that severe lo--t- we te in dieted on the rebels. in ii 1 1 n; on the T roc ha. bel bands made attacks otr tlie ,;! -h troops along the whole hue of thewisUiu tro'.-ha. They were! diiveu , tf in some places, while. in others! they retired of theirown accord. The attacks were renewed with the s,me ft suit. It is believed that the rebels had no intention of crossing the trocha, but simply make the attacks to harass the ti'ool s. A train that was carrying troops was Las and tired upon by insurgents between Can as ;o d Aiotiizear. A sergeant ten i mate? were wounded. ! A le'c-i bind has burced the Buenaver 1 : ura s.tgar estate iu the province of Ma tat ..-. I'lati, i co To'ou, a brother of Samuel Toh : Jo-c S;p s, a lawyer of Cardenas; Jose R-. pc s,i. ;i M hootn, aster of Agucate: M imp 1 P. L ai liruggist of Bavamo, and i. ut' others will be deported to tlie Ciitili'.irine I-'ands. c York Mmldlc. ?in-,-ia:. Mi:v Yokk. September 2S. Chair man Jones. Senator Faulkner, and other leader- have a meeting here with S' nator Gorman to endeavor to straighten out the I local iii '.d.iie. ! Wnnniiiakcr Buys Stcwurt" Store. special. Nkw York. September 2S. It is ad- j ot" faith and hope on both sides. It is mitted here that John Wanamaker ha : comparatively ea-y to take- a statement bought tbe oM St.-wart store of Hilton, ; tiat tpj,er candidate has made a certa;n Hugh, - ec C '.. an 1 will begin bu?mess ! peicentage of gain in some locality and here in ibe near future. by tiyttring on the same ptrcentage ol ! gain throughout die State to show on Advance the Nile , the SuVe W!ll sive a certain Doni.oi. v. The stcoud brigade of tlie m.yori. ; but those with retentive roemor Egypttan expedition is now proceeding; ks know ltl !t s..i(jh iioUriiig is seldom, it south at il up ti.e Nile to gturison Merowi. El-Bebbeb and Ei- Khamlak. Mir.'wi i- betwetu 17") ami '2 i) miles up the liver troin Dongola. and is nearly one hail' the lii-taiice to Berber bv the river. Ei-Debbeh and at almost t oil i between MiTow; d-Khandak are situated iutetvals on the liver atid Dongola. Abiiklea ha- latuinid Tiie gliiibo :t Pom f pu I' -in t he oervi-he. The otlic- rs . n t be lis i vlsh- ? ate : ibe p Hoc pre, ate moving in Mal'V cf th. git: boat l'epo; t the ti full ret re it. that a vt rita ai !-, and that t he Slu ik tlie liu'i ctiou ol Omdurman lop,! Sheiks have been br.uiabt iiit the camp. According to re ports receivnl here about 2o0 ol the der vishes were kilied. The Hamilton Woolen Mills, Ames bury, Mass.. employing 800 operatives, started up permanently after an alternate shut down aggregating five weeks. OOD'S Sarsapnnlla has over and over again proved bv its cures, when all other preparations failed, that it is the One True BLOOD Purifier. WASHINGTON LETTER. STATEMENTS ON PRESIDENT IAL RESULTS. Republicans mid (iold Democrats. Fun in I'resltlput inl Campaign!!. Ui-ynn Ituiiiiin His Campaign. ( uunlfr Aocnsnlions on In t iinidalion. Jours at. Bureau, UEAU, ) Washington, D. C, Sept. 28. Politicians consider the announcement that the republicans and the gold Demo- crabs are to work together in several the Southern States an important one, although few of them go so lar as to be lieve that it will result in giving the elec toral vote oi any ate to the gold Dem ocrats, but it may help the Republicans. It is claimed by some of those who have been instrumental iu arranging this fus ion, that the gold Democrats of Alabama tflfSV the ;ntir Ilftunbliran vote and if tl-ey caa get the votes counted, and if the silver Democrats and Populists fail to fuse. It will bo noted that there are several important "ifs" in that claim, not to mention that it is ridiculed by the silver Dtinotrats who say that the number of gold Democrats in that and ia all the other Southern States, has been greatly exag gerated. A gentiemen with snorting t uj .,i ,,n ,- ,.:-; ,,,, j ,enel.:t) rpin:,)n :,f ti,e" actual ' situation j ;vben he sajd. . wou;d look upon it as , h f , , , h p , would bet that Palmer and Backner wouid get a single electoral vote in the South or anywhere ei?e." In polities everything depends upon which side doesja thing. When Mr. Bryan came to Washington to make a speech, the Republicans made fun of him. saying that it was a waste of lime for him to -peak in the District of Columbia where there WaS no voting. Now ihtse same Republicans are preparing to do the very -anie thing, and ipe shaking hands with '-at h ot her and juhil.,'ii.g generally be c ii.-e S.,t: -k'.-r R'td und Representative Lot an. ot At try .ami, iteeiiver ot the ti. ci. (.). raiiioad, have promised to address a b:g R, piib'i:e m meeting to be held in Washington early next month. Is it anv wonder polidtn that the lew men who have no j) ejiulit e your correspondent elaiur.: tract to be one of lots of id 1 iiem oir i -manage to ex i a Piesidential b.ts have been i. q iarttrs in be in ti id lation .-!: 1 o'iier large n t 1 ie o her side tn;' hr ion story. ;h to McKinlev Campaign .' For pouring Washlt- ' ol ci."; etliicoN , . : Win - o Cotioo' - : hea. iqu a. Il is i i.itt iiiio..U:i ipeaket'S are being mls'reated and otherwise inti midated in various poi ti, iis of Virginia, and the Po-t Master at Joucsville, in that State, is i lunged with having suppressed eampaigu literature mailed from Wash ington, and with having assaulted the man who found it out and confronted him with the accusation. Charges have been filed with the Postmaster General against this Post Master, and there is mueh interest in the disposition of those charges by the Post Office Department. If there were any doubt that Mr. Bryan was personally boss'mg his campaign the withdrawal of Senator Hill's candidate for the Governship of New York ought to remove it. As soon as Mr. Thacher's letter repudiating the Chicago platform was made public, Mr. Bryan positively stated that he should come off the Demo cratic ticket. Those who believed that Senator Dill was all powerful with the Democratic machine in New York said that Mr, Bryan had made a break; that Thacher was Hill's man and that Hill would not allow him to be taken off the ticket. Mr. Bryan went to New York, and Thacher has takau himself off the ticket. Some people think that Hill will resent this inteift-rencc by coming out for Palmer and Buckner. The Bryan people iu Washington say it deesn't matter what Hill does; that the result in New York is already practically settled and that Hill has lost w imtever influence he way have had outside ol that state. The Bryan and the McKinley managers continue to do some still' claiming lor their respi ctive candidatis, but il thc-y have no better loundation lor the claims they make than the letters from individu als in the several States which the' make i public, it is a little better than a question ever, anywhere in the neighborhood of what the actual vote of that State turns out to i e. It is altogether probable that both sides havejmade pobs of every doubtful State, and have found so many voters uncommitted that they do not dare to make public the rtsult' of those polls. It is known that there are a large number of voters - sceirbngly grow ing larger at each election who do not connect them selves with any party autl who elo not tell anybody m-v." tiny are going to vote. Tins is the element which has brought about the politic d turpri-es and landslides of the Presidential and Congressional elections eif the past twelve years. They can't be located in advance by the politi cians. Bucklen'e Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cnts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, aud all Skin Eruptions, aud posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or moDe" 'efunded. FOR SAFE KEEPING Men Chnrted With ;Murler Brought to Statfe Capital. Special. Raleioh, N. C. September 29 Tony Baptist and Lorenzo Faulkner, two negroes, who are charged with murder ing a white girl, named Faulkner, near Henderson, and who were guarded by the' military in Henderson jail last nit;ht, were brought here today, for sale keeping. Burned to Death In Bed. London. Fred Barnard, the artist of Black aud White, has been burned to of j ueaia IQ 1X0 .1 1 !.. 1 1 It is supposed that the bed clothiDg caught fire while he was smok ing. Minister McDonald III. Southampton, Mr. Alexander Mc Donald, of Lynchburg. Va., the United S'ates minister to Persia, who arrived here on September 26 from the United States on the American Line steamship New York, was dangerously ill with bron chiti9 during the voyage and is now lyHg' at the Southwestern Hotel under the caie of a physician. Charged with 1'orglnjr. San Fhanctsco. W. O. Wallace, a young man of many aliases and a gradu ate ot Yale, is in the city prison await ng extradition to Fort Worth, Texas, where he is charged with forging a draft for $20,000 ou the First National Bank of that place. Wallace is also wanted on various charges at Colorado SpriDgs, Denver and Kansas City. Convention oTIMnmbers. Milwaukee, Wis. The seventh con vention of the United Association ol Plumbers and Gas and Steam Fitters of the United States Began at tho Builders and Traders' Exchange. It was called lo order by President Moran, and was ad dressed by Mayor Rauschenberger. The sessions will continue daily until the last of the week. The Texas Flood. Sant Antonio, Texas A portion of the city of San Marcos, just north of here, is still covered with from five to twenty feet of water. All business is suspended. but the work of relief progresses slowly, because the town is divided by a raging torrent; acd traffic, except by boats, is impossible in the flaoded districts. Many people were rescued from tiee tops by men in boats. Four people are missing, and all hope of their being found alive has been abandoned, as the house in which they were living was washed away and completely wrecked. Storm at Ualetifli. Special. Raleigh. N. C. September 29. The storm is severe here, tonight. Many trees are blown down. The telegraph and tele phone wires are damaged, considera bly. The storm has injured cotton, left in fields. To Tube Charge. Special. Raleigh, N. C September 29 John E. Ray arrived, today, to take charge of jhe Institution for the deaf mutes and blind. Destructive Storm In Mexico. City of Mexico. The west coast of Mexico has been visited by a tremendous storm, which has caused great damage and consternation. The town nf, Altata, State Of Sinaloa. is inundated and the capi tal city, Culiacan, has suffered severely. Many small towus have been flooded. The little railway from Aitata 'to Cufncan has been badly washed out and is in a ruined condition. Three Seamen Suffocated. Chester, Pa. Three of the ciew atd a stowaway of the iron steamship Cyrus (Br.) Capt. Simmons, from Philadelphia for Norfolk, met a horrible death tonight while the steamer was lyintr off the quar antine station at Marcus Hook, in the Delaware River. The men, in lowering a barrel of oi into the hold of the ve-sel, accidentally burst it, and to save the oil procured an other barrel. One of the men stiuck a match ami ignited the fluid. The hold of the vessel was soon filled with flames and smoke. The four men were suffocated before they could be res cued by the captain and the remainder of the crew. The fire was extinguished before much damage was done to the vessel. The bodies of the men were removed by Depu ty Coroner Fry. Porter Succeeds Thacher. New Y'ork. The "regular?" Demo cratic ticket of the State of New York, revised by the State Committee. Governor Wilbur F. Porter, of Water town. Lieutenant-Governor Fred U. Schrnub, of Lowville. It was to bs settled that Elliott Dan forth, chairmau of the State Committee, would be placed ot the head of the ticket to fill the vaeancy caused by the declina tion of John Boyd Thacher. At the eleventh hour. Mr. Danforth, who had been in telephonic communica tion with Senator Hill decided that he would not permit his name to be used. He told the c immittee so. and the mana agers of the Democratic campaiga got to gether, and decided to push Judge Potter up from second place to first, and to make Frederick C. Scbraub Lieutenant-Governor. No change was made in the third place on the ticket, Mr. Danforth stated that Mr. Porter would stand squarely upon the platform of the convention, and would fully en dorse the Chicago platform. The vote was unanimous, and Mr. Porter was de clared the nominnee for Governor, NO FURTHER CHANGES. SO SAY MANLY AND KIR MAN. Cy Watson to ilny up. Humors ol Change Suid lo t ome I ruin Itc publican Source Special., N. C. September '-? - l' cartful inquiry votir oi reepon lent i- , ' sured that the rumors which be, nine rnr rent yesterday, that W. A. Outl.iu 1 wou'd become fhe joint catidi l.-,ie ol the i Democrats and Populist .-'or Governor.' land that C. 15. Watson would he , m p. ! the Senate, are ail siait.,1 bv It, on!,:.. cans. . Democratic State Chairman Man.t says: "There is not a word of tr ,ih tn th. rumor. I r.evt r he.ird that such thing Was in contemplation as the lakh g down of Watson " State Auditor Robert M. Fur a an smd: "It is an utterly uafouii led rumor Trerc ' will lie no luither change of ticke's so Jar as Democrats are concerned." Telcgfraptiic Item. Reports from, a 1 .cttoi. . 1 'j". . - ,no:- el : 1)1-1 ton wii-'i- -'--it o' .( i -v ,b- , I caie mat tin- cotton crop Pas i n damaged bv t full blown he !.ea y i n. 'lid he no: t-,i- washed cleRti. One man v ; - h id ... ,i injured by the cut , g m 0i ii an excavation d P r.v f fp. Fifth avenue, N, w Y -ii.. f is Patrii k ( -.i i n. I Ie r , Reilly and .b,hn N. v. a,.. p. About 2U 'Yh ipocs w, ; the first m ssien ol the tw t m . tion of the 1 1 ternatii nai Union, in Pttiiot. Th"i:,; President of the 1 t;..i; Pi., delivered an nddje - of woiei : .- , i 1 I ' . 1 1 gal HI ' kl Is' Do :.'. . ' Co e, ... C M. Ion e. a p t" ,.,,..( . , t t . j in o. of St. Louis , Mo., shot mid kilicl him Self while in lad. As 1 heie was no one present the Coroner n turned a v, tide: ol i.ceidenta) deaili He w hs t went v-elgbt years old, and leaves a wif,- and one child. W. C. Wallace, a young man ot inane aliases and a gradu de ol Yale, is in tl, city gprison, 'at San Francisco, awaiting extradition to Port Worth, Tex , where he is charged with forging a tbalt I'oi $20. dim on the First National Bank, of thnl cpy. The prisoner was captured two week ago. Two lives were lost as the result of n political dispute in Mingo Caunty, W. Va. John Roberts struck "Doc'' Esttp with a cane. Esb-p shot and killed Rob erts. King Roberts, a brother, then pro cured a Winchester, and followed E-tep, killing him within a hundred yards of his home. The men were tanners. In Part I, General Ses-ion-', Judge Filzgerald, of New York, sit the date for hearing the argument on a deniurr. r against tiie indictment of the American Tobacco Company's officers for November 4 next. The indictment, which was found last May, charged the company with un lawfully forming a combination to fix and control the price of cigarettes. THE COTTON MARKETS. . September Lbhh. j Liverpool held the advance established yesterday aud advanced to 1 point fur-1 titer, for futures. Spots w. n- unehangi d j at 4 23-32 but the spot sale- r- st il i j disappointingly small oniy fc.OOO bales 6,300 of w hich were American c ttou. New York opened at 8 39 for .human and has been quiet and stiadv during tue nay, nniiny cio-ing a; s.,;,i t no loa- ; est of the day. This is ;t p, t du line of li j points tor t he day. There are no new , features to the market except it is now ! reported that ttie le.eent iaiim will 1m nt-! fit the top crop in Ti New Berne market has been qui, I at 7.40toT.G0. Most of the cotton sold1 7.52A to 7.05. Kiceipts very light on ! account of bad weather. Yours truly. .1. i.. KATTT THE MARKETS. Chicago, Septemb r 120. nl'EXl No. ( I osi.. December Wheat, 0C tiio January Pork, 7.10 7.0 i December Ribs, :bo0 3.4 7 4 W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. .Raleigh, N. C. Dress - DEPARTIEAT. Orders for Pall and Winter Co-turne?, will be accepted by our Dress Making' Department on and after September 1,1th, This date is late enough to enable us to ' makeup with certainty tha accept;-,! for- eign styles that will be in vogue dining I the season. We have just pe rfected arrangements by which we will h- put in touch with Pan? anel Berlin within two weeks of the date oi lue appearance oi say spicial style or mode. This is quite enterprising for a North Carolina house, and no Dress Mak ing Department in America will turn out more creditable or stylish work than ours. We bespeak your patronage. Correspondence Solicited WI fi US. Merfi Co, Making! A J" m We place on our coun ter To-morrow 17 Clement fc Ball's and Monroe Bros. & Co'e. HAND-MADE Ladies SHOES, ranging 1 n sizes from -2 to 5 1-2, C and D widths, at the remarkable price OF 1.1 Pair. There goods are absolutely Hand - Made. Their former prices were r.'.OO, b,.b'd. .50, 12.75 and 3.00 pair. They "are a few sizes left from maDy lots styles correct quali ty way up. Everybody knows what kind of a Shoo Clement it Rail make. The name is a guarantee by its Hclf. They were accumu lating anil we make this sacrifice to move them. They must go that's why we make the price u third almost of their original value. Remember if you are for tunate ho as to wear a sizo from li to M you can buy a pair for 1. l'dc j New Goods nil Iii-hc i inir to show them to von. a re w a 1 1 - I Lots of New Thinjrs in I The new Harness leather I oenls each. Notions, belt for The new failles standing Collar, l." cents each, two for cents. "Witch kloth." il is bew ItrhtMJ, II works wonders. A moist portion will clean your Bicycle, a dry por tion will polish il. fan be used un til it is tli read bare. Price. I."e., a si) ua re. OI R MOTTO: Tin' Nimble Sixpence against The Slow Shilling." J Sim'cc "ssor lo Hack burn V Willetl. 17 & -Pi I ' I. h( ' K Stkket. Also, I unction Jtrond and Iuihii. i'oiiienaous Sacrifice s T t' II - , .i.V: .,?..

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