4 " " VOL. XIX. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, NOVEMBER 6, 1896. NO. 33. ffeto -r '"V V t JJOJTI iTXXX, CLAIM IT. aU aUjr-M I.U Bark 8etoU. " - Rw-ia, N." C., November 4 la a bulletin, at bo-; Cha'rtLin Manly say, , ,fXCttrViil5p: DpniKric gains in :Trj wfuaiX? 30 a heard .fhaaObejUM, wklCh maintained are Gtiak h Mfe lq4jr c'.etted. ,r Brjao D!iJ'riy witl not be Its I ban 1 tbiok KUch-B and Dougbtoa are fcctcC j.1b BpaWican Clmirman is . buinbJ relsra en Ukj oe of 1892. Wbt W9 b4 frt ihoustod plararnj." CIikma3tblUiaan ScttUTa Wctioo , not crttalsl iTUiokaclAurjrj ia. elected. " T KarnoQ tokT .tukt be is Ue. I hr oo ftgpH Vxw VVaia al IUmfII. ycKiutey cuirie Ibe&aiei iatioiea faj reprU turn ?1 twwtw, KfP , ! p-tix v t f r " i " ' TAb, N. C, Nveifcbrr 4. -Geo. H.Wbit,Re'tKatMio-.', fiir Coo y,ntm io SCun DiMTrt, mjs he will . Un a avjortt j otftOOO. rkM. Nkw Toac. . KovemU r 4. Siock optoed boojaai al tlnl about one per raai UIov lb bvkt fiiutw ol lb dy " wlta a wrong fating, prices.- Look tor higher - spcta . Kl8TOir;N.O.NiTember4 W. T. McCarthy; Rfpubiie etect for State ; rVnate ba ataj'rity i Greene coaoty of 200; aanl ia Lenoir couo-y, of 800. Special. ' ' f sBbatjtJT. O, NoVcmber SD. L. ' WarJ and 11. tC Konce, Dem'ocraU car ldCirteret cmrotj-by t7 m.y, E. ; C Dm acait Jlr t -u Mkrun "Sute ljlalative . decte4 by .27 3ra Craaaa r WyrSaeat. ' Uavbk r& GaiCaCild. llundreda of ' abooiera snrtkipab.tl in tbe ooelaaghl oo " tbe rojal caaraa bjck and the too'bsoroe 'redhead Ou In ignoranca of wbat was Koia oo at drfj break wou'd hare thoaghl . it was tba aaaakt-try of a coafk'e of. rvjji- neotj of Ulantry. in action. All'porta ' mea kKw It ms tbe opening of tbe duck ' shooting aeaa 3D of 1896 oa tbe Sa-qoe- . Yarbtaof all slaea. with parties total ' New Tork, I'bHacMpbia, Long Bmncb. . XSaltUwiTf. ana otber chie, k op their berlba aloogsid tbe local craft nd ves 11 arU nt tb near by enlbasiasU m tbe -' abootin; grwooJ, nod tbe owners ani Koesis prepared to enjoy IhemseWea for I an IndefloH jwriod Tbe peo season ' ; IaaU anUl AiL Tba growih or wild celery U almadant as was erer knowr, aadlba bird as pleatifal, gitinjr. promise . ". c4 rxeelkni tport. . -J" : Crwla H lkt HMlr. - - BAYOsaaC Scbrader tba "Dirln,. f Fealer," was vbitert at Baiter' Hotel bv fall 1,500 peTauos..Soo were drawn by . v cariosity. Bat many aoosbt bia aid. Some ' declared after they bad undergooe tbe treatment that Ihry felt ' better. Three ladles atktd bin to treat them one for bbndMfts, aootber tor paralysis, and tbe ' third foe dealoeas. Schrader blessed them and tbe wnaaaa wbo bad stiftVred from JrIyi-4Jd i abo felt betbr. Tbe one . - ' tteabbMl wilb deafness leti Iter iroaipet v" behladj-uytaz sb coabt bear without it. ' .Caiauk'a Iwait S Aaaerlea. V . vWAiazaaTo. Mbaiatrr Dcnby h formed Um Drpartmeat or State that tbe "n Cbineea Foetbjo effice bad awarded to V tba Eaidwia Loco mot ire Works af Fbila I V delphla tba cootraet tor bailJin einbt . . loetmotires for tbe Imperial railways. ' v. r CoW18 Locoroatire Woiks were N. ibe o wes t bidders. IkalalcMI tla Sovenaber 4 States from 'tba general eltctkn, Tbe United Pres baa. josi issacd a bulletin in wbicb it in ves "HcKinley 263 (doctoral vot, Bryan 106 douUful id." Tbo docbtrul SUtes tietrijt ' Ckliorn, Washington and North Dakoo S IWlXrrtnrfollQwin States are coo. cadatl tu McK'mley witb piarality ranging trom.9,000 io the case of West "Virjiinia, . to' 0,000'in the State of New York. V ; Coaaectknt, Delaware, IllinoU, Indiana, laws, . Kiatocky. Kansas, Maine, ' UaryUod, Massacbtuctts, Michigan, ; , laUaoesotaew Barathire, Ntw Jersey, Kew Yark, North and Soofb D-kots, " Oblo, "- Oirgoa, Pvnnsylran'u, Rhode Isbiad, Yermoot, West Virgloi arid . Wisconsin, These States pive McSioley an electoral rote of 278 or 54 mure than Mceasary to elect bitn. Dry an carries tlie' rettalader of tbe States except California, , -, Idaho, North Carolina. Tennessee and t . Tex, which are stilt in doubt Tbia practically Is ao eod of tbe election and ' " McSaleT will las the next resident of tbe UaUed Sutrsl "-- d " The Pljaaary lint Bis Uie. ; Mr. C Qulkraette, Lhuggisr, fVatr?- ' tilfr, IlC. ssjk To Dr. King New Discorery I owe aiy lifc. Was taken with 1a Grippe aad tried all tbe physicians for ': aika aeont. bot ot no avail and was siren p aed told I could not live. Having Dr. -Kio'i JfeW DjCoTery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its oe ana irom , the first dose began to gtt better, and afr Buorr tores bottles was up and about .Ujala.' It la worth ita weight hi gold. Vf i don't kai D stora or booe without ibn . Oct a ftwinel at F. SL Daffr'a Drug j - - Sicca, - . ;- r . NORTH CAROLINA. VAKIOUS POLITICAL STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST. Nrw Okolmkle I'raiu Juiimi. UmI Irr i w Nlb)lK-. Set lie Dtrnl. riNai Girra. Batwll'i riarMlily. Prna Bf k Mlolra. Hai.jcigh, N. C. November . A tliiDg Itkli puzzles manv Democrat bere. K whf no news sl to National alu. (iou (to ' had. Not a tiord bis come from Chair ittan Jorxs Vxlu?, alihui(l) CliairmaD Manly bus n-p-aiedly wired h)co for news Senator Butler wired, today, I bat li .ii'l not know bow th.- vjte sto -l. TbKnas Settle is tle ooly Gurefiw,al caudidaie Wcatl by Democrat?, be j latateo by 8 10 rote?. lb-pabticuQ State Cbuirman IIoKod gives the nb re fiure.j. Thc Democrat ic noroiocea nir elected by mij-ritk-8 rangiDg from 1,400, ror Ricbmorjd, Pearson, to 4,200 for "Srod Cbairrnan Ilolton nonouncra that Jude Ru-eir plarulity is 12,000. LtetnocrtiU udoiit tb:it Ha-sell wins, but by n.ocl) smaller figures, soruetliin; like 5,000. Tom Mason, for Lieutenant Governor, run ahad of tbe Democratic ticket, and itera k aoiue talk t but lie nuiy get in, ihoo'h tliic eeerns unreasonable. j 8pecw. Mm Klt After All. Raleioh, N. C. November 5. Gov ernor Citrr was ootifijil ibis nflernoon 1 1 01 a not waa tbreattDcl at Oxford, and was asked to order troops on duty. lie put tbe local Company on duty, but A 8 p. in. ull was quiet there. rrtret Count jr. Special. Ukacfort, N. (J., N ivimber 4. lie tarns indicate that Carteret rruoty will go entirely Democratic ixcept Duncan, IJepuMusn, lor the ly-gislatuie, who will go ia by about 27 votes. Jerry Rctnraia. Special. Wichita, Kan., November 4 Returns indicate that Jerry S nipsoa i re-elected. Tke BrxISfBatf. Special.- - Washinoton. D. C. Novemlier 4 The next United States Senate will be 48 goldites, 4i silver: tee. Aw Offer I Mr Bryan. SoeclaJ Naw York, November 4. XT. J. Bryan baa been offered a position by a r.stye Department Store of this city, a alary of $25,000 a year to n.an tge its law department. Jufm Caiaily Hrnnlaral Vate, Spec Lai. Trentox, N. C, November 4. Tbe voti io Jon s county forthe State Ssnate was aa follow g, G. L. Llardison, Populist, 809, W. T. McCarthy, Republican, 761, D. L. Ward, Democra 609, E. M. Kooucs. 585. SULTAN MUST ACT. Stavteaeewt AaVeait Armtila Befer Prcateh) Denailiea. Oeaanaid Made Wmr Swrltjr. PAkis. Io the Chamber of Deputies the minister of foreign affairs. M, Uan ootftm made an important statement re garding Armenia, in the course of which he said: MTbe powers have done their duty and accord has been established between tbe powers wbo recogn'r. d t bat isolated ac tion mast be averted and that common action would not efl"'t the integrity ..of Turkey. During the Cz it's visit a pre cise ixcbange of views occ urred on the points before Parliament. United Europe will be able to show the Sultan that he must give his subjects security and peace. "United Europe will make the Sultun understand that not only the Armenians bat tbe Catholics and tbe Mussulman? are suflering from tbe same evils and Deed the same amliorations, and will show him that the source of those evils is' n bad in ternal administration. It will indicate tbe means to establish orJer everywhere, without h-;ch the country c moot con tinue to exist. It will demand the execu tion of bis promises uud the enforcement and extension of the reforms already granted, will put an end to violeat re pressions, will open the prlsoo?, and will also bric- home to him that tbe powers hold him responsible for the safety of Europeans." M. Jaurt a. tbe radical socia'L-t deputy for Curnaux, attacked the government for shirking its duly, nn I denounced the covetous polky if England and Russia. Hi then submitted a motioa blamiug the government, which was rejected by a vote of 451 nays to 54 yea.". Then the order of the day was udotU .ed by a vote of 402 to 90, thus approv ing the government' statement. Afterward the Chamber of Oeputies voted a million franco lor the relief of the sufferers by floods. Braaalrefl'a Trade Rfrtf w. Nkw York, October 00. Brudsti eel's in its weekly irade review &ays lusiness in staple Hues is contiued to immediate wants. Tbe inter-st in the election is ab sorbing all attention. The volume ol trade i smaller thaa a week ago and contiuues restrieted and will lie so until the n suits of the election are known. Advices fiom important and distribut ing centers report that the leading c m mercial industrial houses take a hopeful riew of boeiness, and expect au tarly re vival in iL Leather, wool, wheat, corn, iron and and hud all show an increase in value. toMlav-u Ilia I.il-. Nkw Ikinsvick, N. J. John' Krau-ie ;md Jo-rph Ouuiel werv lolled in j lil char-rl with ulrneloiis n's.iult i.nd j lu tery willi inten' t Mil upi Ju'm T r- i liune, ciblii.-r f ide Fiit Nylion.-d 15anl ; of r.'irii; IJruncn. The riuluer, wus sin t I ly one of iho two men whom he caught I powbiag. His thick overrent saved him! t'rooi seTi.im i i j iry. Tiie c:i-her has beu I ionoyed a ynat dial by ilejiredntions i't , !iunaer, who slumt rulibits in u de- liartce.ot the law which (-aya that the ani nirtls niu-it not be killed until Novenihir j tOth. Mr. Terlmne has done ruu.di towards skx-urio" the enforcement ( game laws in tola section. He went lor u for u stroll with James Heed, a farmer. Hearing shots they concluded thut poachers were at work uud trespass ug on Ike i'd prop erty. Soon they came upon two men with ;uuj. Terhune reminded them that tin y were shooting on Sunday and out ol A-is .n, and be considered it h".8 duty to ' urn them over to the hi w. ' , One of llic gunners snore, tm l the oilier said. '-IF you dont min.l your own business we will find a way t mike you," aa I he po:nt.d his uo at Reed and took aim. ueing uannei, iteeii iook id uis mei The gunner pulhd tbe triggrr, but the cap did not explode.. Then the other poacher lire 1 at Tt'ihune; the latter felt S 'ltthinji strike him and thought tiint he ws badly injured, hut was uble to run. Afterward he found that none f the shot had peoetrated his overcoat. Reed and Terhune then returned to the village and alarmed the farmers. Tbe poachers were found at Browntown four miles away. Constable Connors ar rested them. They did not have their guns with them, but Reed tqd Teihunc were positive that they were the right men. They refused to talk. Mark Ifnnna'a Ntatrinrul- Speclal. New York, November 5. Mark lanna istuid a statement this nfternoon claiming California, Connecticut t, Dela ware, Illinois. Iadian:i, Iowa, Mniuc, Maryland, Mussachuett, Minnesota, Michigan, North anl South Dikotn, New IIambire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio. Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, Vis cons n, Wyoming, 237 electoral votes, thus infurmg McKin'ey'a elecliou. He says the incendiary utii ranees and pretended claims which question the accuracy of the aUtve claim should not disturb the public. Trleg-raphie Items. Bryan. Ohio. The home of Edward Wille'.t, niar Pioner, was deotroied ly lire and his two fcirls, live and twolve years, cr burned to deub. Fall River, Mass. George Fish, bged ix y, a firmer oa the Fish R.ad, North Tivertun, WaS gored und trumpleil on l.y ayi uug bull, and dieil two Lou.s later. Sau Francisco. Thcwhulinir tchooi.er Palseua urrived fiom the Arctic With the rirst mate, II. P. Bowen, in irons. He is charged with the murder of Frank Jones, the vessel's Fecond mate. Dowen was delivered into the custody of the United Slates Marshal. Nashville, Tenn. Dr. Bradford, who shat and killed Deputy Sheriff Haley in Henry County on Friday last, committed su'eide by shooting himself. He weut to '.us futher-iujlaws residence, ate a hearty meal, and walked out into the yard and took his own hie. Shell') ville, Iud: Constable Campbell arrived with a warrant f r the arrest ol Willis' Smith, charge! with i tiering John Reed $2 to vote for M Kmley. He went to Smith's house, and found him locked in an up stairs room. Upon being re fused admittance the officer broke down tbe door. Smith hit the officer on the head with a club, fatally injuring him. Sinilh is under arrest. Canto, Cul. Tbo half cremated body ol John Mudgelt, a wealtqy ranchman of Ural, was found in the embers of his half burned home by W. H. Davis, a neighbor Mudgctt lived alone on an immense tinct ot land. He was a reputed boarder of wealth, and it wa3 rumored that he bad money stored ntoul the house. His body bore unmistakable evidence of death by violenc before the fl imes reached him. i Both lower limbs ate missing. Annie Vanderwall, ngrd seven years, had her head cut off by the cars at Chi c igo, 111. John Jewel, colored, was shot ncd killed while shouting for McKinley, at Brownsville, Ky. H. O. Stuhb-, aged 22, an actor now playing at Tacoma, Wash., has fallen heir to $216,000 by the death of a London cncle. Tbe vault iu t tie oflice of Toronto Uni versity, Toronto, Ont., was entered Sat urduy night and $3000 iu cash and checks stolen, A ri.H crowing out of politics occurred on u ferry boat which plies between Par kcrsbnrg, W. Va., and B-lpre, Ohio. Sohn Me--terton and Eli Bonlis were Irightfully cut. Dan'ul McCarthy, Jr., w;is shot and faUlly wounde I by Janus Ad tins at In- dianapolis, Ind.. as ttie result of a poliii- cal quarrel. j This uens is all fiom Democratic head- Mark Ethir, a prominent Inwter ol i l"arb i s. Republican chairman lias many .Montreal, Q ie , died from ti.etffets ol j teK-tarns, but these i.r.; altered, lie ca.b..lic acied ti.Uen with suicidal lu ent. I says Lincoln is Ib'puMicau by fcur bun Family differences were the cause. I dred. Hal Aver l.:.s as yet no county The President has pardoned Emil C. ! ''c! un,s' , . . XT . . , ,. . ,. c , Democrahe township chairmau J.N. Knappc, convicted of embezzling thefuods ,, .... . . r r.u r xr l it- Holding tc Is me Otho U ils.. n voted for of the Cbicopee National Bank, ol SininiT I , c , . , , McKinley and Russell and mtire Repub years imprisonment. An uuknown man was run over nud killed by cars -'ax Wind, a twelve-year-old boy, fell under the cars and bled to death; Gerald Bethune was fatally stab bed, and Clarence WUitlock s lot at Dtn Ter, Col. NATIONAL ELECTION. liEPORTS FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. Kemrns 1'olnt m .M Iln)y nixl llo barl's Klocl ion. . Will Tiike n Iiy lo;ive li linllc Voir FitcnrrD. ( 5 A. M. ) l'Vom all returns the election in lie various States eeems to have ) passed off quietly. An immese vote nrdlnd p vorvwhere. shnwincr the Interest taken in the election by the people. The " Australian ballot system .-ecras to have caused some delay in III returns, and the delay j vVa3 farther helped by the number I , . . , r 11 i .) lckets in the field, and the J 'scratcliinor' of candidates. I The returns up to this time indi- j l5ite the election, of -MjKinley and llobart, the Republican Presidential nominee?, but no definite vote can be given them at this writing. In North Carolina both Demo crats nnd Republicans claim the State for their respective candidates, it will take a day, probably, to de cide the question by a count of votes. Ralkigh. X.C.. November 4, (1 :1 G a. m.) To show the slowness in count ing the votp, the result in Raleigh was LiOt known at midnight. The Democratic State Caairman still contends that returns from the Slate are better than his tstimat s, and thut his estimates elect Watson (io?ernor. The Fopubst Statu Chairman says Bry an is safe so f-iras North Carolina is coa cerned. National Committeeman Jostphus Daniels saya Bryan has carried tha S-ate, but that everything else is ia doubt. though it seems Republican an i Populist fusion has svvejjt everything anl that reports in dicate that perhaps two Democratic Congressmen may be e'eeted, though this is doubtful. Rai.eigu, N. C, November 4; 1.18 a in. At Democratic headquarters m:d night, it was said Bryan had c irried Ire dell, ly one thousand, Oatson by 4i0, that Mecklenberjr had g me 800 Bryan,1 Person bOO for Kitchen und that in latter county whoie Democratic ticket is elected; Rowan county 1,200 'for Bryan, 1000 tor Watson and that nsarly all these show net gains That Robeson and Columbus tre Democratic and that th re is not the sl'shtest fear that Bryan has lost the State That reports so far in bund are bttbr than cstima'es and that estimates tk-ct Watson. At Republican headquarters they claim Mecklenbersi and say Democrats concede, it, and say they have carried Guillord by 230 Durham by 450 and claim Wake l.y 1500. At Populist headquarters Cabarrus is claimed for Bryan by 400 and for fusion ticket by 330 and Wilson also. Chairman Aver says the Democrats concede Chatham to fiuionists by 500. Jrine precincts in Raleigh and Wake give McKinley 314 majority. Special. Raleigh, N. C, November C At the vaiiotis headquarteis at ten thirty o'clock this news was gathered. Democratic Chairman said, 'T have heard nothing from State save from lew scattering coun ti?s. It takes a long time to count new ballots, indications are favorable to us and that Br) an will carry the State. We may ekct part of our ticket iu Bladen, Rus sell's majority there if udv will i-e very small, and this a gain of 500; our majori ty in Johnston exceeds 800. Populists there voted the Republican ticket largely. Republican State Chairman said, '-We crry Meeklenburg and Madison, by 8j0, Rockingham by 00, Runcombe by 400 Bertie 500, Halifax, Edgecombe, Lincoln and Davidson by 200. I get not a word yet as to Congressmen. My ea'culations ate holding well, based en my roll of date on registration returns and I stick to my figures, 15,000 major ity for McKinley aud over 40,000 for Russell.1' Populist Chairman said: "T have no ret ura yet a to Congre-".:)! jn or o u itie-, Otbo Wilson says any in ir, who siys he vote! for Russell and McKinley is an infamous liar. Rai.eigu, N. C, November 3 The election was perfectly quiet here. KeUirns came in very -dowiv. News at Demo ! cratic hsadqu irter up to i ,ht Hi ity is very nir nger as to State lickt-t no esti mate i poiile. So ittering r-tums from some thirty couiiie.s m.v. Chairman Manly says, Jec.'oi-ai vote ul St ile is safe for LI' van. Dapliu, Johnson and Mc Dowell are Democratic by increased ma- tr-.ties, David-on, Forsytbe und Bertie i are Republican. Large Demcciatic ains are repoiUd iu Columbus aud Warren, j ican outtt. News comes in that seuud money Democrats voted almost solidly or McKinley. Chaimiin Ilolton says they worked at polls for McKinley. M. L. Wood telegraphs Ilolton, Beitia goes Republican by five hundred and Ilolton has news that iu Johnsonmany Populists voted straight Republican ticket. Thomas Settle is iu close place in 5lh Distr ct. Chairman A ver astcttained this 'omc days ago and Pence sent Cy Thomp son tilt re to socak and work for Settle. MasHnclinsetts. New York, November 3. New York Journal bulletin says McK:nley has car rid Massachusetts by oyer 100,000. Boston. Republican candidat s for President and governor (airy every city anil town lor first time in history of state, twelve Republicans and one Democrat elected to Congress. Legislaluie strongly Republican nmj rity :u state will reach 123,000. Illinois. The total billot in Cook county with a pneinct missing, McKinley, 199,445 Liryan, 150,000. Chicago, HI., November 4, (3 a. m ) Streets in business centre of city literally jammed street cars blocked and side walks impassable at p jims where bulle tins ate displayed. Chicago. The Recoid has just s'g nalled by search light the election of Mc Kinlev. Chicago. Associate! pres s ys at present ratio of Rrpu ilican gains in Illin ois will nive McKinley plurality of 100. 000. Chairman of Democratic State commit tee concedes Cook coumy to McKin ley and Tunner- Chicago While Tanner has run be hind McKinley something like 25,000, in Chicr.go and very heavily throughout state, he is e'eeted over Altgcl dby a very large majority. New YorkNew York Herald says later returns from Illinois, gives McKinley 150,000"pdundity. Tanner's plurality over Altgeld will bj 125,000. Wisconsin. The Times says Wigconsiq is claimed for McKinley by 80,000. Wisconsin. E. C. Wall member of National Democratic committee has gone home his last estimate 12.45 a. m. is hun dred thcu-and Republican plurality. Mietiisran. Chairman Fry claims State for McKin ley by 50,000. Oregon. The New York Times claims McKin ley has carried Oregon by a small ma jority. Iowa. The Desmoines lo-va Leader sound money paper gives state to McKinley by over 50,000. Desmoines Iowa Democratic b'tate committee concedes Iowa to McK'uley. Indianapolis, Fiftccu precincts in Indianapolis, Indi ana give McKin'ey L749 plurality. Virg-tuia. Richmond, Va. Returns indie ite Detu ocratic loss of all sections of the State. Atlanta, Oa. Heavy rains kept Democratic white voters from the polls. Negio vote heavy for McKinley. Populists voting almost solidly for McKinley. Georgia. New York, November 3. New York Journal bulletin says Georgia has gene for Brjan by 43,000 plurality. Indianapolis. Chairman Repub' icau State Committee wires Mark Hanna that McKinley plurali ty in Iudiana will be thirty thousand. Xoxt Congress. Washington, D. C. November 4. Chair man Babcock of the Republican 'Congres sional committee says Republicans will have as many members in next Congress as in this, while the Senate will have a good working mnjo. ity. Texas. The Galveston News concedes Texas to Bryan says Hawley Republican of third district reasonbly sure elected and also Noonau Republican in 12th. The St. Louis Post Dispatch says indi cations point to Texas having gone for McKinley, by a safe majority, Populists voted for hi-n. Tennessee. Nashville, Tenn. Vote of Nashville cannoi be had tonight. Korlh DaKo'a- Grand Forki, N. D. Thirty precincts of Grand Forks and Larrinoiegivc Mc Kinley 2;So0, Bryan 1.8s!). M iKsouri. Despatches to the Associated Press from St. Louis sa ?: G' veruor St- nj member of Democratic National Comm tlec con cedes" election of McKmli y, Mailnii(l. Chairmau of Democratic State Com mittee fjlued tonight to make statement regarding Maryland except he concedes State to Republicans, except the first Con gressional District. Kansas. Indication of heavy vote, both parties claim State, meager returns show in Bryan's favor. Pounsyl villi New York, November 3. Herald says Pennsylvania will give McKinley 200,000 plurality Rhode Island. New York, November 3. Journal special says Rhode Island has gone for McKinley by over 15,000. New Jersey. New York, November 3. Tribune in dications show that New Jersey has gone for McKinley by 50,000. Mississippi. Jackscu, Miss., November 3. Missis sippi gives Bryan a majority ol 50,000. The vote for Watson will not exceed 10, 000. Seven Democratic candidates for Congress elected. Delaware. A fieree riot prevented election in Southern pait of Delawaie. 2. McKinley ge'.s the fctate by 15,000. KentncUy. New York Herald says McKinley cur ries Kentucky by 15,000 with Republic. m majority in Hons". Bicckinridge elected. MinuNot. New Yoik Times fays Minnesota Re publicans claim the State for McKinley by 50,000. rtah. ; Indications now are that Biyan has; carried the State by at least 13,000. Leg- j islature which chooses U. S. Senator, j claimed by both parties. Nebraska. by Nebraska is conceded to McKinley 2,500 Lincoln, It is taid State is in doabt with chances in favor ol Bryau. Demo ratic Chairman Mcnah ui claims State by 2,000. Republican Chairman also claims State for McKinley. Arkansas. State has gone for Bryan by 30,000. Lonialann. New Orleans. Indications poiut to Bryan currying State by 20,000 to 40,C00. Oblo. Cleveland, Chairman Hanna says Mc Kinley will have over one million plural, ity on popular vote. Columbus, O. Chairman of the Repub licau Committee says ret u ins are meager, but show ratio ol gains that if maintained will give McKinley 73,000 plurality in Ohio. DISMISSES FOR CAUSE. Campaign Workers Flint no IM:icf Aficr Absenting; Themselves in liiical Work. Special. Washington, D. C. November 5.- Thoma3 E. Adams, a nephew of Seuat r Blackburn, an agent at Seal IdanK was ilismisafi I I iv Sifrpt:irv fl'ii'liap 'or mil i t io. 1 work done in the campaign. William Ryan, of New Yoik, returning here after campaigning iu New York found his place none. Secretary Harmon has removed Jamas II. Crouch, Assistant United States Dis trict Attorney, for West Virginia, for being a candidate for an elective office. Bryan's Vote iq North. Carollimr Special. RALKTQfj, N. C, November 5 Chair man Manly tai l at 8 p. m, tonight, 'Bryan's majority in the Stite is 15,600.:' Chairman Ilolton, sajs, '-Bryan carries the State by 6,000.'' Committeeman II. L. Graut makes the rem nkibie state nen', that there is so much scratching, tint the Reptr j. ans may get some elei-bvr-1. The Democrats Lng'i at !:.t term this, an absurd statemect. NEXT STATE ASSEMBLY. hey Esttiuatea on Bo III lionsen. H.jnibli catts Likely to Hare JlJ .t isy on Joint Ballot. Raleigh; November 5. Chairman Holton's estimate is that the Republicans will have 58 up inbers m the llou.-c, the Populists 20, and Deunocat.-, IS. and taut the Democrats wt'l uot hive ovei 0 m the Senate. The Republicans are calculating c n having a majority on a joint b illot over both Democrats and Populists. State Pension Board, Raleigh, N. C, November 5. The State Pension Bord reports that there are 5333 pensioners oa their lists, an in crease of 278 over last year. Of these 2758 ere widows. t"onr Years More. Special. Lincoln, Neb., Noveni'-cr 5. Bryau says he does not concede McKtnley's elec tion, until the figures sent I y the National committee warrant it. He says the fight must go on fbu.' years more. Bnrncd to Dealb. Special. New York, November 5 Mary Deocher was barued to death, and eleven other inmates of the Harlem House, were injured by an explosion aud tire this after noon. Somel hills' lur Ben. Special, Indian atoi.is, Ind., Noveur et 5. It is stated that McKinley will c ll'jr Kx President Benjamin Harrison, the poit folio of Secretary of State, in his cabinet. TbeNtoek Market. Special, Nkw York, November 5. The stock market went up this morning, but lost all the advance and closed slightly lower tonight. The chief breaks were in Tobacco and Sugar Trusts. A quarter of a million dollars iu gold wus deposited in the United States Trca -ury, today. On a 1 reiaht Train . Middletown, N. Y. A freight train on the Erie Road, in charge ol Conductor Gilsou, was boar-led by thirty tiamps near Callicoon. Brakeman Frank Teller ordeied them to leave the train, when one of them, Henry Mead, drew a revolver and ordered Teller to throw up his hands. Teller turned and'started to run toward I the caboose, when the tramp fcfired one i shot, whicn fortunately did no harm. The whole crew then gathered aud at- '. tempted to eject the unwelcome passen- , gers, but were beaten off. j When the train reached Port Jervi3, i Detective Feltman joined Jthe gang and i coaxed them "to a place where he told tnem they could all sleep. On arriving j mere a squaci oi pence swoopea uown upon them and arrested the entire, party. Mead who. was the leader of the gang, and wbo shot at Brakeman Teller, had leit the train at Hancock, where he was tubsequently captured. ZZ Highest of all in Leavening S Tnr I If I be Inert nsetl . Special . Nkw Yokk. Novi n.ber 5 llainn ! die taiitf will be increase I. IL- pr.oe Democrats for their aid, and thin' I si! vi r isu 3 dead. I u iird St. -ties Si nulc Special. Washington, I). C, Novembi r 5 -The latest returns make the United 'Sia'r Senate, Hppahlicaus, 4 1; Democrat " '; Independents and Popul:st., 12; eu': -fill, 2. Mny Eftect I lie Ketnrns. specia: . IxDiAN.vpoi.rs, Ind., November 5. Chairmm Martin says th it t!v: fulure t count the Populist vote fr Bryan will efhee McKiuley's ninjoiity, if n t wipe d out. Coming In Mn l v. nicial. Nkw Yo k', Xovomlwr 5. R i from Kentucky, North Dikoiaaud Wo uiiiig arc coming iu sl.wi-. T'ne Democrats elaun Kentucky by t n ! thoiis md. It will require an o!i;. i ,1 count to dec hie Wyoming and North Di kota. Bryan cinie 1 North Carolina bv S o and Tcnnaseu by 10,00.1. Oregon goes Ibi McKinley, and ( . j foruia is close with indications lor Mc ! Kiui6. A Di y tirin. Sped il. R.ukih, N. C, November 5. J-a'.c Populist Candldaie, W. A. Guthrie, Wh here, today, and he said, "I am, tl.o l.ap p'ust deituU-d man you ever siw i.i ktdl you-r hf.j." Spoiled n IIolil-n;.. T "V - I t . ... I jjKia.K Vllji.r., i. J. Jonn Klein. irn crul agent of the Hartford Life-and Acnu ity Iusuranee Corapmy, in this State.,., has an office at No. 1-9 Maiket si red. Mi waik, was the in'endtd vie bn oi robbery here, He weat to the Soho sretiou t township to transact some business ... . i hich he engaged Daniel Campbe,'. ... liVe him to BloomPeld. The vehicle i two seate I one, and the insurance a.. ui i ccupied the rear seat. When the car riage was near the Morris Canal bri.i. v twtjj men jumped from the side of tin road, und, while one of them grapct lh.. horses by the Li i, U.e odi r approac ii the wagon, armed with a stoat e'ub. Addressing bis leo.ruks to Mr. K . , the highwayman sai ': "Cnoe, .Mi i . fork over the va-!!.'' I'he age-jt did not move, but cooh y looked ft the fellow. "If you don't hurry up,'1 continued tbo man, ''I'll knock your bra n t u ." At the last word hi struck at Mr. Klein, l n dodged, the club striking tho back ol ihe scat. The man then tried to get into the vehi cle, but Campbell ri ached quickly ar- uu i and grabbed him by tie throat, an I i'.!. the aid of Mr. Kleiu the L llo.v was fore . backward into the load where he fell. Campbell then stinck his horse a sine iug cut with the whip, ;u I tin hi!,, that In Id ti e horse was compelled to I . go the aniu al '.. U' cl d forward, Mr. K! iu I a I in hi posscr.-i-m a eoi - sidei'illile i'Jin ol iiione bclonguig 10 h,s COll p Which I e h t! col c ' i in tie a!te:noo., ;;p. I it is lit it the wo.iid-be t,,1 -I e r.r l.u. v this. V t rl uk m lre lie;' rs. A.NNAi'in. Md. ( u, t. John (ilicbhn of the police schooner May Bi'oaii, h d an exett iug cltasc after 'tidgci-. I'l i police b at 1- ft Ann.ipohs at a late I, i.e. and Uj.ion getting out of tfi.j bartor ... vessels were sicli dre-iging ell Tno.n- ' 1 Oilll. ..loit,y lll'.tl' llJK. lliglit tin .ere tui!li-(d l.y Capta'n 'iiadi.'en, w! li.ed a shot acrcis- t lie bow of one of the vc--cis as a sign d t o ? urt eiuh r. In.-W a 1 of (' ,i,g so the 0 : i iol .tor-; tt sail ami t..i led down the Ii ,y. C'apt.iin Gladden ope" e.l lire with Wh ehisier l tl;s in order to cut the rigging an I lower sail. He then brought the r.ipid-tkir-g cannon to plai, and after tir ng about i.ii rounds gave iq, the chaS3 on account of toe txtnme dark ness. Take Notice ! TO OUR COUNTRY FRILMiS A M PATRONS, TAKi: NOTK'K: YE HAVE OPENED oriU'hAi .. ol busi ra ss n t O. r t o pot ' . And will be gl 'id to h 'Ve you com - .1 ec We carry a lu.l line of t ot.f-i t,' i t ies, consisting of I'laii! and Fancy Candies. Nuts, Raisins, Apples. Oranges, Bananas, Lcntons, etc. Tobaccos, Cigars, Pipes, etc. I'lease call and see ukat iv e have. Respectful! v, N. NUNN & CO. NOTICE ! I will, for the next :i0 days, ! 11 out my stock of goods, consisting of lianlwaie, Tinwaie. Ciockeiy, (Jlassware, Dry Goods Notions an l Medicines, at cost (or Cash. Come and secure a bargain. it you are owing mi? please settle up. L. F. TAYLOR. You run no risk. All druggists guar antee Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic to do all that tbejnmuufacturers claim for it. eiigth. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 1 Powder :; Merit and LoW Prices!' MADE THE POPULARITY OF OUR STORES Atflff JS ARE DETERMINED TITAT MERIT AND W lPJUCKS. SHALL MAINTAIN AND INCREASE THAT POPU LARITY. ' V Our Immense Un.ot o SHOES o Is Complete. . Our.75c.t 97cM $1.50 and $2.00 line Of Ladies Shoes- 2 au not be equaled In the city. c E x m a c o OS We have a beautiful line of LADIES (APEfl Froni;;Sc, a p. LADIES (OATH From $9.00. up. Special orders takes whea yf can't Hiilt yon In onr stock. Perfect (It nnd watlsfactleii ffaArmateet . v . t- . GauiuUet Kid OloVN in Tan and Illnrk $1.00 per pair. . Childrens' Union Suits, Ladies' Union Suits, . 50c, $1.00. R 4ItOEKY IKlAItTJIEXTn are still leading in the High Quality of onr Goods, and the ex tremely Ixw Prioee. "Small Profits and is still our motto. Quick ales' Thanking the public for tboir very generous support and asking .oiiti nuance of the name, we remain Yours Yery Truly, J. H. Hackburn, Suete.sor to I lack burn A Wiileff. 47 & 49 Pollock Street. ALSO liUOAD & QUIN STB it IB mCX2 - ':' t . . - j . . ,r , ... . - 4 . , i v- u J nr Sr hti hK r li I i 1 i L Ml L 1 ' i J it--' . .

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