i ewi ,f a- .ey bwt VOL, JOX. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, NOVEMBER 19, 1896. NO. 35. i populists for pritchard. . WESTERN' SENATOR HAS FOL LOWING AMONG THEM. Bailee 6et Airf-f ripfw kaw CBlTtntlj. Nalhfrn Roll way's Baikal ar. Gctfraor'a Tasaakaarlfrlae- vatawtallaa. , . . Jocrxai. Bp beat, J j (Raleigh, N. C.; Xov. 1 1. I Tt4 BIOTrQMCt to nxlect Pritcliafd U. S. SrororToa good footing among tli Popaliata, If report be true. It sUtol today tfct CooDCil Wooteu, Topuli-t nwtsBT diibdUit legislature, is making & toor oCilt iaSteni couatkt intcrricwin PopoIiU meuilxis of the rgi'ture as to ftilcbard. lie saki jealflfdaT that Fr.uk Pop a lit?, of Joots couoly, was II rlgUOor Phlekid. The Sccutor was a Salifbory yesterday and whcn.toid ol . Senate Bailor a tkrclarutioo, that no goUi a eocli be elected Senator, aket if Callrr bi refer d to him by dh. Liter tier h jrnln? to be a woutioo reganiin - A - lOa ocm rrrocra oo tbe evening or Jtnuary t7,I89 when Batler and riitcluird made tbr n-hrs alter ihtir ooruumtiou by tb joint Popalikt-Rpobiicaa cnacu. Q. B. Alford, tl I'aJmtr tnd Buckiwr cmaJidatfl for CoogrM in this district, IT 4 tot. UDxmnia e.ecuuu 1 1- pcowa were ISO. There are now 155 convicU iu peoiten- 1 . Urj proper. Tlw cbief work d.ni- tlier - krkk Mking, aodtwoand a half mil - koaa kafeLern made this jr. . loerv n ow s.o etudtuts at naw UaiTeraii J, colored, in this citjr. Sevei 1 ' art from brcio couotrita. .. Tbe wbito Baptist i.i this State Eist of 't ta Blue Ridgr, have tins year bailt IS : , cbaebea aod are Uiildioy 23 otlr8. Aaarmiway commission ,ocy recr n ea ( , irjj rejliv rrc'ri,t-.l at ti e n 'rmou b qoartetlj reportnf the Southern rail- ; e5,ont;ou 0f" Monroeism im olv,. I iu the wayabowin-tb-t-rniox.'.ill U lineaj An!o-Amerii-n ontent-. a.l lint:: . la North Carolina. The incnaao 10 tara-j u COu, np,n A.1!erc, tliie i;-ht to lag M compared witb the mom qiurter , KUe any d,f,eriMu., ,dff,e an Am-r can ia 1893 b lft4.000. s,ale A Kjra)t ;.u;mn uith.-ut the Tbera bas bet-u for yenrs mucb doubt as au(honlv , tiie A met. can S-ate int. reted to tba powers of migietrate to imprison in j Th.4 ,4 , h , n n . v., . 10., ia ir,tf-rnat.otiai baaUrdf cmea for a ledger peri.id than 30 . 4 nil , ,.., , .4 ,. I :lIfp , s. ,..,.h Oaja. Tba Sopmne Court, ia a decision jaat rcadared, sajs that the imprwonuit nt comta tot a titua long motu to cover the a Ho wane, fine nd costa. In this county wbars tbe rate ia $i a month im prison -meal coaU kut a year. , 7m eolueU weather or t he scaou s t la hut aigbt, aod tbe cluDgc frui (he un - aaaaoaable warmth is rtry gr&tefu', J i: i.i i . . . . ' auiuuikciwu naa-oien organ-eoi War afld will oa December-1 present Oa Sort.' I Governor Car to. lay isuft hi Tliant gTTlax prociamittion. Hit retrreucv to (lie i il JOldiera s timely. AplicalioD for dmbaioa to ibe Soldurs' Home are mere ' aamarouAtbaa ever befure and there id oo roook Tbe foiiowiog is tlie priHrlnrntior I -Tbe) obHrtraace of an-' day in the year : ..M. aa occasion ef -ioU?mn and publ'.e .lbxaktglriDg to Alitoighty Go-1 for pu;i "UiMatajrt aod of mpplicition for II: con- ; tloacd kindoeat ani care o?r rs ? al btate and X&Jioo" is a brttotiful aud time honored coatoai of Chilean eople ' 'And abookl be perpetuated among us and I ObawTeiJ in a diotfleil and religious man-1 wmr' Tbe people of North Curolioa have j rnacb tor which to be ihckfal t tl .-i tiTr o erery good rd pertect titi."; Allboagb tbe past year hs not brought , ao great prosperity or the bnd yielded :o ; abaodaatly, tbl oar people have enjoyed proportionate measure of these bleio" j and have escaped tbe dire calamities ; which have Itfillm fane , a Qv,rel Commonwealths. Therefore, io accordunce with tbe laws i of (hit fclate, I, Elias L'arr, Governor ; .cf the State of North Carolina, do Iu reby demgnato and ippoiot Thursday, the -6U1 day of NoTctober, 1P9J. as a diy to N aet apart by oar people lor public Tliank fclviog to G for the many bic-sir Aoochaalev) to (if. To this iq.I ,et our ja-ipU asaemb'e io their usiiul places of worship or around their ti.tsides and give tbaobe in prayer and pai . Ob tbt dr let u-i remcirber in our jrayer and with autstantLa! ofier ri-, tbe poor ard needy, the wido.r and orphaa, tbe noble Chiritahie Institutions ', of tbe 8tste and the disabled soldier wh" ' more tbaa ever needs, in his declining jeara, tha strong arm of the State and t lie aaaietance of ber patriotic cuiztr.s t. p:... tCi bioa from want. fa wHaa Whereof, I have hereunto eet mi band and cauetd the Great Seal of tbe State of North Carolina to Ie affixed. Jooe at the City cf Rhigh, th; 12th ffaw tf Y.lffm Kr in tb var I Inr -J " JjOfd one thousand, eight bandred and Bioety aix, and of tne Indr peudenee ot tbe Vaiteil Statea ot Atmiric.-i the one bttodretb and tneoty-Grst. Ei ts Carr. By tbe GoT. rtor: . F Telfair. Pnate Secret iry. Tbe value of propeitr owned by n -.-ro-ia thia State has increased to $, !S0.o?4, or Wl,fli8 gain over the previous year. Oor. Carr appoints A. G. Atl.in. ! Winaton; W. C. Coleman, of e'o irord aad Dr. L. A . crugir, of ILileigh. time repreaentative negro ., t be de'egati from thia State to tb negro depnrtnx r.t Of tte TenneM-e Centennial exp;t:on. It appears that a Iarg n amber of l-.i M Repobbcan sod Populist orficia'.s Will five bond in Jecnrity compear. Tb Secretary of the State has recei v 1 all the otflcial returns of the vote tor elector MVB t hone from Union county. Tbe vofM will be adJed Mond.y. L'ntii thee bo one can see any thin save gi:3 at the total. . Wlaiaalaa CI ret I n Law. EOOK7TH. NoTfrawer li. Mayor GIeaoa, of Log Ti'aa.) City, was irxlittd tot violation of tbe eleciioa Uw in pxopertj appoiuonirg inspectors. Highest of all in Leav j ' ( ! ABSOLUTE 1LV UEE NEW OROEK OF THINGS. , RMWialllm of IUe Jlonrop lliidrlrir HUH a Topic of llr uss 1 o a 1:1 I'aropr, Loxnox The Speak r j-iii;:-';.(! a article by "A landing Ibn 'ie-1-:." in whirh the urit-r, af':er re along L-..r,i Suli&barys reply to St( re'.uty ( ) my m regant to iliuruin, suy: "An entirely uew order of things hi tmen m?abIisbH by Hie Aour'"-A inori- in Ottiertnc'io. Mr. 0!r.es r'pi'Hi,n of ti e M- moo iocir:a: it It, ii 't !t 'nr n -know!elei by suv E"ur p ;,n povn;-. li-i o I niuv rvoivi-it 1 lie ;dci;h u t . real ISr:t:i;n But U wihj11 b' profitless . cl n- somi wliat paiofvi I to touch u;ion this ih h ute roati'l. Wha'. hul to i. doe l to .Iod?. and 'J at is tlir ! 1:'' hhI tie .-licit ; of it ve m;j not hUe ir, hat then- .lu j fo DO j.ffiwUi,v in c;,.u -in- l;u,.n , y , aUurclitV of rompiairui.i.' . th. eompiairui irevitab'e snd the liiijn'ty 1 f !-r.:ii.!i' ne q'lii i 1 toe. Tl.e Briti'i i;ia. rani nt l j p., fiC,;v ri,ht now w,t; Wuy j ron3 si.T or ten mODths aeo. It is ex t I !y a ea- ol our policy .d .lavrj o!f a ontz & posib'e the douii na; i. us ot Russia now so comp'e'e. To cei.tiene that policy wlu-n the jrne is up would ! merely to cIiiil: to anlupialid s'i p r.l i-, tiens and anthpiated diplomacy." j Paris The Temp ex or. s-e itseit" hs j ot-siil.ite upi"e;vacv hi their hemisphere. It ii.u-i'. b-: a b.iter bii! to llriti-h pri le to C- nfellt to ; I '.-." I i cor-c'uii. n, the Temps .xprev.-s a lib' as to w;nliier Europe :!! aeec :s "H'erm-T-.t as a prcce-c t. Hriillrrrl' Wfrkly Itrporl- " k w York, Xoven. t I". !ir.n 1 1 ; ,rec,s lt klv trade review say-: Thl, ,;..'.. 0f :,.,,i, ess immovc slow !v in ncriy all lines. 'I hi ibAMourlive 'Venvi-'H ia tii.t'st " ' Leu in lrv cods, 10: i-nt-rv, ciolhiu S-ll - e- . '( :i her, !. a I W ale 1 ;n It sir.n'. i ia T A o h .. iv . re t re: i '-, :ra hx::i ii ' - i. i e e; er.i d. and men ; v. n m p 'o v :Me. t. n tee h V: l vior.i s an i 1 1 ' v thon-ard ! lie eai t)'. re.. i d. C fon : d I. atid -ti 1 ha n"t in at prices Win ' 1 i - h 'h r. C dieeti":i- in the '5t rn and Sot.tb. e. j Stall s ;s i-is'e:". .b'hbt-rs ri port an mcrease 1 1 e: r ma ! or.ii r- fioai :h Wtst. liink e';.".r;r.'s h e ineiea-vl 2 p r cert. TAX ON 3EER. & ti Inrrrnvnl Tm lVonld IncrPftie Rf trnnr and Inkf (iooil lelirlf or Uottrnmrnl. Wasui.not, N. I. ' . Xovemb.r It. I There me -truiig ;u:i,enls I euij I re ent.d in t.ivor ot in reaslrg n l er from a q iirur t" halt a !, tiie lornn r I e eg a' -ut t ' tl X p. r I a i.-f. th now, ud y e' is ; 1 ne u :.l:on c . r-T..-? :ais e al 1 :ld.:.iena' ( : r..' :! inetit. ie gove: re e" e a Yi w . ' t , 1 he c. r.-'i ia ' o , r 1 same, .nil he g v.-rntn'-: is r." w ;!'-.:" v r. : i . n eh would be o . i .- nn . n t A bill to ; hi-- e u c '. w .1 n Con-in-s. It wii: rs, w ay. be : Thi" ly u i ill 1 1 e r Trial. Yiir.K, No - e 1 1 1 1 r It. -'. '.iig.,' I r.-h n os , n en t hi is ... " i r I i a;i Xi w a -yvp U.s C.f V :ere i of the itr: : :-h Go . i Mefm k .To: s, a: t the Ir .-h A me an mint -ps tm'. , :' I v r: ou.ti r. . Th -mas :. .1. I,..'.. :n I. tido: rhooner I u 1 1 1 s 1 u n . X v.w 1."m is, C "tm., X'o i uilx-r II. . net Pu-i Roy, ot Xew Yotk md t he s hootier .lull i and Martha, . !' afte rn, am , , ni on li-; XeW alter ridav 10!'k iV n a i r ed hi re this r I -ee'i m a col!:-;. n-.gl.r. ( h'.e ss arc r a:i- d: w;i. :'. .'..mag, d. Sot With t levrlnn.l Y"i:k. NoVe i her i 4 S. cretarv X K W Cur i- , to Was! ncnoni pan! d b '. .:', . r. in: ne. iington tli'.s .,1k : ;, . .n :,. n. (, - ti q. T': to i n Secri tary oenits tna r nf,i a U w i"i' t n ! purp. w i : h 1 i K nt r X pi r , ( :eve .an X w Y DON'T BELIEVE JONES. Tbe Irlsli Snilomtl Allli i.ii- ilnir llio Trnlli i f St s I - in ii I itniti1 Ily llic L'.M'OV. Nov, m.b h Tne n ,1 A . a :' .b.;i, : . -le. .all bn of :1.'" Iii-h N.e.e-ii don v ,1 sol : e v t '. I : : h . men! s at '.i.c I . . : y t : . '.. . w ha h ;. nd to .-now tn it :le i-1 o rnn' z? I to i :,ci u age measures .md to use dynan Horn-? Rale f,r 1 :fl in. I. t no-e ih -ai .r. e vi u tii mar v e :n curing lr,li-H r.iniliis Home. I.o.M)oN. XovtmU r 1 7. - I be Cii-ile not sail on beard the ste amcr I?a re tonior-row. M'-i"sr tronth. Latf-t I . . Ctov't Rco.ift. Til AT PROPOSED LEASE. Ill" t ilium M .1 11 .1 - 1 in r 11 f ol i . A . ' ltitl I niiul : litl(i'r tl IiiIce'4-I I.i All. 1 '. i 1 le 1 i: t ' , ' of 1 1 ie A ' ':m; ie N ro.i !, wl. t1.- r t'c i" he- to f iT'i ii. i i; ;i! eont'nu- i' a t !-, .1 r t , r. i ! o 1 1 e :a'e mi- I. in p u ty - or under a!i:tber pail ; u :l 1 1 t I doth -h, i '. i ' l !- .1 ,( tlit iiilon' the t - tiie i. e.i! :i th se ';:: ''. '. !- rM'i-Mn: 1 1 " i : I uiher s-te( kl.oider.s and iTn::- ..f l!. re-ad. en -''d ' e.ther .-aie. 1 1111 ne Wh ) :i i :i' V til"!' w ,n w i rii i-l p j H'i" ! v . of pie I e i e 1 1 1 -e .-t ri : " u' to nt t iim-.j t..c ra'i- e-'t i's Ie !i:UV def' at ic-u't either it- n--t- ' 1 s 1 t 'leii-. t Hi the 1 1 t ; r i . ; i 1 ( MK'i - 1 'i i -i u : i i i .r-, t: e ie tie. tin of a'.! ' ! : O the 1 trae-p rt .t: :i c'.iari;e-, the d.tl' i. nt tow n. a! Hi,' iher'.d wii e people are b Utld to 1m: eti i! hv i omp. tiiio.;. ..- w.-.l a- ; 1 " .im eh.pn.eu : ot th. - uue i.v. n-. 1 1 Is as i bu-, ',. s- ia- i-ilio i th 1 1 lll.s oiis o i of iia e, or no h-a-e, is le:nur in i.-e i bv l!ie 'idiiiii : how ied i iduai li -set's may be b ii- liMel, or p liticians pi i as,-. I is of n.i he p.'i'ia i a e to 1 lieu i . Time weitf two propositi. .nx w'.ii h woiiid liavel'Cen pre-eiiled to the st-a k- lio.deis imiiin ol ihe A. kV X. C II. II. at i's niictii ;.'. at .Voiehe-'d t'iiy. he! there !. hee l a ie- rainiie,' ordi r ir. m th.- c..ua whieii prevented a-y pro, o itioa f;on h iei; he ird or pre sented. I'll iieh is known. llOWi Vtl. to L'ivetiie pii'die, and those directly imercslid in the A. A; X. C II. II., an idea i f what was proposed by the wou'd-be less, ej. I'lOpos-tiOn tir.-t, on the p ,rt of what i wns t.nned t e G d ;s'i,.,, ,y .,.teh- ad i C ity ("omKiny, thus" p : ..e- nam d in the icjsg !-e 114 W'-il k iO.n in thi-sectiou, but it is jirelly ecr,aiii tha' th le.se dee-o cot name a!! those iirersie 1 m the trails aetii'ii. This le -e ar;rei -ti' iv the int. r. st and : ii xed Iia ri: s ot the ro.e 1, am ain ! iiil: ;o nbe.ut t.iirty th ai-a' d doll ir-. and a yia-l Hated i.;teist 01 th .-tuck of the road o! J to 3 ji. r ctiit, running I'l year-, as f .! to .v : p.r cent In y-..rs, p. r o nt lti ye lis. pel cjnt 10 eais. r c.-rt li) years 'I'll- -ecou i p: p s : ion, ni:p i ii:.' to he t'n.m the V., X. cv X. H .ilro.d V Mil pany. , tiereil to p iv th intere-t on ti e j b n . 1 da it ' f iee r .a 1. -a f 1 :.' oo. ' f l.'Joo r "r'a:i z'nj p".rpo-e-. w.th 'J :;5 I per c. t inter,-! oa la-- cip td s,v ot ! he rn ill. w:.-t ih se intei e t- 1 in 1 the e'en Uli-s. 11 be. against I'-.'.-inu Well h 1 C Ul'.e eiie- t love I'll i -r mihl . if r, .fur dnJ l ; ii -si 1 1, wi . ii i a hi y I e '. he p: ouii-e ot a ( : i In: m n i ue i en t , nt ; re i ai i r. ad jirop. i ' 1 tl.e tl i:;-s ,,: t lio XeXt W. ' .!er ie-: r . ie-.v:e. tin- the 'Mm t;,,. i Will I .t II tax. i he or l.lers from i. Mi i lln'.e I u e w h e '. L e r I : iiite-e-:,- I '. ... b.- abh- to i i the r,..i I 1- '." b- 1 a-eii or not. l Ileitis lilillll'l 1. (. I Y I I'l'N. T .s. Nov, r 11 nil nery . .e deal d. 1 lo-e field 0. ' n wh - ! M'irX V ile.l 11. s.ll, ha V i.i . t -s. ,p,; , mckitilsy s rscorcr. I'ronilVi' i ul.e ii 'I ii a n 1 lice n 1 Inry ?iiirl:iclc 11 1 Ills limit: 1 1 on . M 1 1 i lANl'iN, j 1 eei a t : 1 1 : 1 1 -j deti'-eleet v i to Wa-hi"g' I imnle i 1 e, ;! ! Ohio. ( ) i i I " I: tl tie hr ; i-io-i ( t the Ilia . 1 ' u-to:n ::' Mv K am .h i t Wash'll.'ton the miolalA a. e 'U j . il w .. : sii i p ,s: -1 v' si u. - f tie Ul A iikIo A me r I en ll I 11 Ion I.oMion, November 14 -No e e'e n e cud i i pos-dile ot tht i letter j strong under, urrent in Eegl; heiing in lavor ; American I' n ion : ot' the lo-est Aug rat ne r In in an V e ufnir.-t lietwe-en the in: nuis. T, ere Is a gemnne feeling here v -r the 'en ziiehui ii'.niv -o til in in any .-v. i.t :n l.ors. f satistactton arb.t rat ion, loreign af t Sai imI Irom liro ii I n: I'oi.t .1 ki-'fi:;:s"N. I.. 1.. X"vemler 11 Tlie si hooiK'.' Allen was blown a-hore, but I In- ere .v was saved by the I.oe '.aivii'g men. llonvySnon In lonimsoe. Xasiivii r.i:. Ti n:... Nov. 11 One oi the W"l'-t 1 .'. iid- ter known at Hps se.i -on i 1 Ienn s.-e -now :'.-'. ti e year p lhght ; 1 owr -ixt en north- as; inches ot Il.'pon ol a Kllif . ".vi - i : . I'la , X m phi i repot t b- re that the: e Id 1-0, n R:o. There i ;i-,hiun (gin. ; i three d iv- at lhnar l-flrkp 'ralu 1 iij or 1 1 y. I ! M.i-.i ( ; ii, X. ( '. . Nov, mb r Id. The i :::'. ss , ;' :b, V"te !'o,' L-vk.- Craig a d II. A. nn :ger f r lee t"i s, w incomplete. I tlo- altitnoor', Craig's majoi'v behlg PJ 'ghij. WILL THERE HE A SPANISH WAR r Si ! :nt I S -.lolts r.cl I icosc. t'olllinll Nr!i'iin'r jiikI TarWI'. 'oiirrsilon ill lr l M l ions. xl r: Session riin;rrrs, Sliver .lien. .lofilN' u. HriiKATr. 1 '. '-niN'.TOX. I. ('., Nov. 1G. bet ten the I'niUil Stales aDd Spiiti is no I in ere r merely a far awny oo.-.-'.hilitv.- it is n ctronn- nrnh il lilif v I . '.-5 1- J p. any tiunk a ceitainty of the near future S u li i the opinion oFthe mest conserva tive men who are posted on tbe situation in ah', for it is the situation in that eonuiry, and not in either the V. S. or ("eha. th:t will hiiiiL.- w:ir, if Nvar reallv comes. Official .f this govern mi nt who wii. talk at all on the subject say that they do ti.it t pect war, but they will an- ceowh .he that the administration is tak- I in- ev ! jm. -a tit ion to he prepared fori Consul General Lee's call at the State De wanl'it doi s come. Tliejsituation in Spain partment, today, where he spent a couple hit h may compel the Spanish Govern- 0f hours, and Cuban affairs were discussed n ein to 11','OVi'Ke war Wlttl this COUntrv well known to our officials, and may be suninairv.d in a few words. There arc! ti;r. e po'iitiea: p irties in Siain. the one to j v. hich tiie rodents of the Boy Kint; belong j 1-in- the w eakest in numbers, and the) two i ihcrs ate already discttssinjt the ad-j v.s-au i ty o, cemhir.inj and dome; a little bloo 1. letting at home, makinp; n few funerals in the family of the boy king and ; :n tl.o-e otdiis advisers, r.nd giviDg Spain a new deal. The loss of Cuba would ureal iv au'iMavate the Spanish rconle who are idlest unanimous in blamius the I ; C S. f,.r the Cuban levolution. That is1 v, hy (i.-n. ykr is making a strong! person d t ti' i t to crush the Cuban rebel-j don. It he tails, a- he is almost ctrlaiu to j do. iiienib-, is of the Spanish Government may r. uard a declaration of war against the l . S. as the only way to save Kfie'.i' in cks and e;e their subjects an excuse for 1 he !o-s ,,f Cuba. Sp imards as a rnle know little of the po we c of i hi s country and imagine not only that .he war could be conttned to American waters, but that they could br iii; us to terms by capturiuu: or destroy ing on r sea-coast cm u s; or at the worse, it' they tail, ihev would ouly lose Cuba, and that they would rather lose it to tl e I'niied States than to the insurgents. It ir .-lid that it is his knowledge of the sit ti i'ioi: ;n Spun that has caused President ( ie-w 1 o d to continue his polit y of absor lu e m utrality, against the sentimeDt of ( ', 'iigre-s, a m-'jority of our people and a majority ol his own Cabinet. lie is said : o be d 'reiuviK d that if tli ore is war. Spiin s!i dl I e responsible for it. It the -rhe.i.ers iu politics as well as Iu I'li-iin ss could be eliminateJ, there would ' e hit e do,:U of tit 1 1 it" legislation at the c.ni.:'-' . s-i. in of Congress which would famish tiu (iovcniment tiie needed i.i creise in x v. nue and would at the same tone m ike an txtia sc-sion of Congress iinnee, ,-s ,r : but as tlie afotesai I schemers haw :iv .. r lailed to play their p ft at any s-i -ti of Congress, in which tho tariff w as cdh.-r acted upon or talked about, nobO'ly expects them to fail to put in tiieii appearance at the coming session, and n b.i.ly e"cts, although many hope ..lt linst their judgment, that any thing suiiicieutly satisfactory iu the way . 4' '.ijei'.' ls'.ng lev.-nue to make the holding f an exli i sisioii of (.ugres unuec'. s- -iiv, will be acCOliiplished. Pot' reasons "f their own mo-iiy se'li-h, all the ehemeis want an extra session of Con- The more Congressional e.xperhcee a :nan has tl.e less hkely he is to go otl'half cock, .1 in making predictions about wdiat . Congress will ..r will not do. Senator MoitoI, i f 'ei'iii"nt, who h a, Is the Sen i'e in cmt in nous si twice, ha ai rived in '.'ih'. longton to .main dit ring the sessio., of C"iigres"i. lit has been besieged by ibe l.e.espap'-r men for his opinion of a n i r,,n.jrcs- wnl do. He received them i : '. i h ehai'rtctoi istic courtesy, but tirmly ; i l:n. I to be interviewed. Ui ; rj-s'tuntive IJingham, of 1 unsyl ania, uoesu i e.xpeci any uuiu icgiaiai ion at the coming session ot Congress, and he i say- he h is no d.-ubt that an extra session 1 wi.l meet within a month of McKinley'.- : in nigtir.iti.'ti. lie is one of the numerous Republicans wuo oppose passing the Dingley or any other tariff bill at thisses sion of Congress, because by waiting a ;'i w months tlie party can pass a general taritf b.ll with the cel'tiinty that it will become a law. question, will Put right he-re aiiss the it be certain to pass the Senate, even if an t xtra se'ssion be called:' Unless the Republican silver Sjuat rs vote i', r a pi'otej'i n taritf fni!, or the E.3 public oi get the; Senators from all the Suites now iu d-mbt, it is by no means certain that a protection tardi' bill can get a majority vote of the Senate after the 4th of March. A noticeable leal 'tie of tiu situation is a disinclination on tiie part of the sdvti" men. either in th-. lloii-e or in ihet Senate, to commit then. el ves in aelvance ol the assembling ol Congress. They want to get together and talk matters over before decid.ng upon any line ot action, and a movi nn nt is on foot among them to hold a silver c. ulcus and elecide upoi-. a policy to be siipportel by them If this in u il ': .-uccessiui. u woiiici nor anecr tiie 1 1 iii e. but the silver men hae a still m-'j'.rity in the S.nate and il they act as a unic will le masters of the situation.1 just as tie v were at the last session. ISrynii Srjs 'Wunt.'- h" n-vs, City. Mo. Novembe.t 10. W. .1. P.r an -ays the gold Democrais must return as s.lxer m n, or not at all. Tin re is not room enough for two Republican ( partus. lie says he will continue to work for ' silver, Ijee.ause silver means prosperity. 1 DICTATOR SUTLER. I.n.ys Io 11 llie Law For l"i p 11 J !il s mill Silvf-r IJr u 11 i"!i 11s. li.w.i'.ioit, Xov.-mlw It',. Senator Butler )iihliln i:: tii', s I'fot'GPsive F;iM!Wr :m open h-lb r tn Sviritnr lJritch av(l in wliieii iip hur.i! ie t !,e l.ii tf f wiihi'Ul iovi s, riinl iUc'1 .n.s that :.n I'.ipn'ii.-l nr siher hi:a. He I::; hlirfii win vo:e to leelicf; ih it S. raior ri t'el a'd was the time ol' his e'ectien uu oul spoken I free sllve nian, that tiow Senator llaiinn want him know he is a "old I Niermnn and Vaili they eleetet! Lacau-e Wrj lcr in Thrrntruril. W AsiirNi.Tox, D. C. Novemlxr l(i It is Icarund hcie on goo 1 authority that Cereal Wcyler rausl push Ins operations again-t the Insurgents, aggressively aod vigorously, or be suspended. I lioiijjht It Jlfsnl War. Waoiiixgtox, D;C, November lo- IS ; hnt nnle in n l-outiiu. mannpr Tbe length of tlie call, however. re- nowoil thp war rumors . Stocks AireetrU iy llniiir. Xf.w York. November 1'. Stocke were weaker, today, ami declined slightly . 0n contir.iied Cuban war task. The Elevator Dropped. X'kw York, November 10 Twelve people we:e dropped 140 feet in an eleva tor, in the American Tract Society Duild- rr. this af ernoon. Three were badlv ii j'jred. The safely catch refused to work. o Wrecked on t iil. Nkw York, Novemfier lti. The thirteen ship wrccled sailors of the steamer Cuba, from Hondura to Charles Ion, S'. C. wire landed today. jWhen the ve-.el went down, the sailors sought u refuge in Cuba. The Spanifuds nrreste 1 them, and treated them harshly, thinking them Amt ricau iilii u-tei . They were tiu illy turned over o the I oruisn consul, an -..! 1 i-erd heie on a steamer I being British subject 4'Iny For Hie .imitc Atlanta, Ga. November P'- Alex ander Stephens Clay, of Cook county was nominate 1 Senator this afternoon, by the Democratic Legislature caucus, to tuccced the ht(e Stna.oi Charles V. Cii-p. Voce ol !ip Wtaie. llAI.Et'iH, X. ( vote of N'an'.i Car .w. . .ion.! : i is, Ifiy-m K4,4S8 V I ...r . I II.- 1G-The McKinley, loo. 'ill. tota: hihf. u', wli.cllj is 4H.0OO greater than the v,,te of ltn2. This ei.ormcu increase is a suror'ne, j IM. C. ELECTORAL VOTE. OmiHss t'onuil-t'l Lust Xiallt. Ite. (urns nl Filll VtM. lieeia! , Rai.kioii, X. C, November 17 The canvass ol Xouh Carolina's eke'-oral vote was eotnple eel tonight. Bryan electors average 174,4 s.-s. McKiuhy ele to:s loo, 212. Palmer and Duckner eleetois o7S. Nuional Prohibition electors 24 "5. Straight Prohihitiou electors (iTti. The dinerences between the votes for the various electors, were very small. FVirrly Sensational. Special. Washington, D. C, November 17 The Spanish Minister Delome, thinks Geneial Weyler must corner Macco in order to have a battle. He declared tbe subject ol" hostilities between the I'nited States and Spain was only sensational talk. Musi Han;. Sleeial. En a kk fort, Ky.. November 17. The j Court ot Appeals has atHrmcd the- deidh i ..ni,..,.! imno.'d noon Scott Jack'on 1 upe and Altmzo Walling, the muni, rcrs oi Pearl Uryan. f. a:il X I'aeilJe .Sold. special. C iiicaoo, November 174 lie Chicago an( Northern Pact Ik Railway was solei today, for eight million dollars to the reorganization committee ers. d bulldliold- THE COTTON MARKETS. November I The changes in codon today iave b en ! slight January elo-ing at 7 0- a giiu of 4 points a mnare-1 h v, st i r, closing. Tiik transactions in both Igverjiool and New York were small in vo'u ne and the fluctuations were narrow. It is quite generally concacded that the frost and cold weather has almost en tirely destroyed the "top crop" in Texas and Arkansas. OCEAN freight rjti s owing to tlie im mense movement of cotton and grain are very high so high in souie in stances as to hinder business. Thf. Xew Berne market is steady at GJ to i Most of ihe cotton sold at 7c. Yours Tiuly, J. E. Lath m. THE MARKETS. Ciiicaoo, November 17. OPENTNO. closi:. DecemVer Wheat, 77. J ir.uary Pork, 7.75 January Ribs, 11. SO .Hi 7.0-2 3.75 Wane lte Fight. special. New York, November 17. The Bohemian Athletic club, of Xew York, lias ottered a purse ol $2-),C0O for a tight between Corl?ett and Fitzsimmons. - '-a... f -r - FIGHT ON COUNTING. POPUf 1ST WHAT IS THE STRENGTH IX STATE r Wilson Snjs Sixty Tlioim.-wul. II0II011 laiiiiH n'Millinns 4niu Sixty I lionsaiKt in Four Yars. .Slalo Mevts llfuis. rc. i i. at Kai.kioit. N. C, Nov(inlr 17. The j addition of the eleelor il vote wr.s Ikj j at noon today, the ligures being now nil ' J yesterday as to 0112 fusion and one lie publican elector. Tlie Denioor.its h id ; asserted Bryan would have 20,000 major- it y; the Republicans conceded liim lfi,000; j j the I'opulists declined loniake es-timatis. The actual majority is 19 2G6. ' Reiub!'ein State Chairman Iloltou jis that graul ng McKinley nius w ish llus sell as to the vote (he is probably ahead) and that Resell carries the State by 11, 000, how many Populists in the Stall ! He makts their number 30,000. Oiho Wilson, who was, preset. t, said Kus.sell's vote is not neatly as large as McKinley 'e. and he (stimaies the number of Popu lists at OO.hOU. lloltoil laughed and Said. 'Eighty th u am'." Tlmi Wilson .aid. mini, r linn- nnir llwn am wo In .1. , the balam e of pmar :.nd can kill aim makealivi." Holton answered: 'The Republicans have gaiaed C0.0C0 in four yeits.'' Wilson said: 'Tt is not that the Republicans have gnined. It is that the Dernocmtic party (has nit sup- piess the vole any more.'' Then the inattir of the Senatorshio . . .... - : i i.t- ... "V uu " .: r.ve.y man 1 liave teen is PIe(i"J 10 mo"" IIol!on siid drily, '-Put you have seen on.y one." Holton said to me about the Seualor ship that he had no doubt of Pritchard'. -re-election, and added, think the P. p ulists are honorable gentlemen. We ha.e elected " of their Congressm .u for them. If they feel any gratitude, they rcu-t show it. Then Holton was asked if he did not think there wr.s a big ant:-Pri:chard Popul st movement." lie veplic1: '-The Populists won't do anything which wiii read them out of tiie patty." As he said this he laughed heartily, mi l remarked 'of course this in jest. ' Did Holton hail Butler's open letter to Piitehanl, and had n ad it very Carefully. The Secretary of the Republican committee said of tin- let ter: 'Tt elects Pritchard, " A Republican who has been travelling in tbe Eastern part of the Stat", among Populi Is iu Piiteha'c's in'tie-t, mine i today and declined there was no i.iii-.i m of his re-election. S.in, mi'vii- sax ;h.t .. .i attempts nave ne.'t! m.uie . ,,-.. i(,,v,i!,-is voles. r wo meal Th re ate ne.u 1 It) w Lite h.ind in tin institution I'.r thtm i-eiv. Ia :iu-t kivii institution lor e heed deaf mutes an t tjiind ttieie arc t to. i-.TtiiQ i .titr ihoim room is made. Prts den! Chaduh k and :1 L 1)41.4 the Atlantic and X'o.th Caiohui railway were beloreli'e rail , ay re.m ni-.-inn t o ' asking that llis renu.t oii of ihe x. r s- rate on foot be not so great as was mdeo c oj tne comuilsin IU par cent. l in e J 1 c aiiii inis icouciiou is ioe gteat auei in o the express company with which ihev have a contract objects. Two convcts from Wilson county ar rived at the penitentiary today. A large aity of prominent peisons went to Southern Pines today, in charge of general passenger' ag'nt Anelerson of the S. A. L. to atiend the oiiening of the Piney woods Inn. The injunction case of Robert Hancock against the Atlantic and North Carolina railway directors to ristiai i them li in from leasing the road f.r 40 years to tne Goldsboro sj ud cafes will be heard before judge RobimoJ at Hdif:' x November, j -J4tlj. Tlie T!i'tiiililii:i:i stale fnmmit tpn has t oilicial reports of the vote lor governor f'T 75 counties. He e xpects all the other returns in a day or so. The fu-h.n until. inees must have at least :'o,('(ji) m j oriiy, maybe us much as l0,0iX). Tha Railway Coininissioii have dicided to make a reduction of l' per cent in the rate on the A. & N. C. R. R, ' : w iiai m Miiiiii.' : Special. A i i; an v, N. Y Novcmles 17 Bishop Doane comes out in a card favcring dancing, theatre going, card playing aud the use of wine iu moderation. lie says the universal denunciation of stimulants reflects on one's ditt. It is idle io prohibit dancing, and theatres are not at all sinful. A Lively IReictistatf. special. Bi.klin, November 17 Today's pro-; ceedings in the Reichstag were quite as! interesting as yesterday's. j A member dec'.ared Bi-mark tobeerazv ! which caused much confusion. j Snpreme Court Decision. Special. Raleigh, N. C. November 17. The Supreme Court files the following op: n- ions. I Breeze vs .Stanley, from Lenoir. Af- tinned. Taylor vs. Ki kin, from Onslow, rever . seel. Nash vs. Sutton from Lenoir, affirmed, Wliere ts Weyler? !S1Havana, November U. -Fears are I entertained for the safety of Generai Wey- ler, his position being uuknown. Ten thousand insurgents aie marching on Puerto Principe, the town, provided j j with carts for the purpose of looting it. Warranted no cure no pay. There are many iuiitalicn3. To get the genuiuelosk forGrove'.s a H in mi 1 M Vip i I - J m 1 P ' - ..V.'' X jA'"f i if - I'. S. ( 11II1111 'n Ix'm; -l7. Willi the viciv nl' .-( 1 11 r in'' reliable in- I'lnrintion upon wlieh to h;i' 1111 nppiox- '"1;1,e f'Mim;'"' 'i"' tf'11 cti.'p of tin Niu-ii ,'ine.s 11 1 mi- conoii var, on Xoveiubcr "tli we ntuiltd :j..'ti letters to ( leete.1 roiropondeii I s - hanks, h.inUp;. otlon eoiiiiiii-:on mi n 1 projuiflor- o! piihiii- L'in-'. i.iN aud pl.iiiii is. c..ci"i'''j urow Ii'l: I'oitnt y iu the ;iskini their 1 pinion us , 11;-, hi.'kei-. till"- ad filiie i . 1 V ( olton 'ii.-UI Stat.-. .' e pioliltlee ' 'a s. 1 ill' letters , of aveniL'f i w I ieh we of the t'ot- yield in tbeii n sj.ective At tliH date in re-pon ( we have recti veil 1240 ret ite Kovenibc-r lOlli, ho ; make t he follow mg estimate - ton ,-r0n. for th,- u'r tsttw, : - Alabaili'i, 04 VMM Arkansas. (."i7.()()0 hah Florala, ( ieoria. 55.0I.O 1,22(1,00(1 404,000 904,000 Jjnut.siana. -Mississippi, North f-'areiina South Ca'.-l 11a l' III e Sep. & . Texas, -i ;4. 0 I 7 1 r u io 'S i.i I 10 2.2")1.00'i Tola! Crop, S D'.'i OKI " ; ' The great mass of tin -e letters indicate- ' j that the crop ihisyt-iir is Iron) three to ! live weeks carlitr than u-u d, that it has: been inarkeied with ureati r rapidilv, on jaccount of stringent money and urgent j demand- of m r. hauls to n ake i olleciions j P''cvi' "' ;i " I this hV e I- I:tJ I r ind i bat pi ki g at ; "in i i I ion din e ei before I. via u. j Whcie any top crop is n pone', il ha-; been seriously il j I ri d, if n-4 dcsti oyed, ! 1. r . I r i I oy nosr, ana irom a lart?e urea ot country no top crop is reported at all. The foregoing information conliJentlv submitted to our trends and the cotton iraele us being the most reliable that can be obtained at tbi dale, by ealnist t tlort. from responsible correspondents living in , . . i the couon growing section. ' Verv trclv. i Latham, Ai.kxanhkii & ('. Star Pointer iim. Special. Pnn.AOKi.i'iii v, Xovemlier 17. In the match today between Joe Palehen find St r Pointer for one thousand dol lars a side, was won by the latter in three straight heats. War SUM it I'ni-lor. Special, New York, November 17. Sicxk? were quiet and lower today. The uncer tainty regarding Cuba s emed to be a fac tor governing prices. uch in Little I.s especially true of Hood's rills, for no medi cine ever ceiitaineil so great curative jiower In to small snace. They are a wlinle medicine e'.i.'st. ;,-.vay-wajs eriiereiit isfae'tmy; pr or f'-vr. cure fi'-k liea'lactie. jaiuuie The only Pills to take ,n a i'.-it!,ni. ete. 'j.sc. . Hood's Sai-sapa! ilia. For ret in ii of large liiack Ilooud named,! , , i ' Duke,' very long ears, large feet long p !i( . few while '2,'nd. li i.il S on bic.st. lost Octo 11. 15. MOOKK, Jasoer, N. C. I will, for flic next .n0 days, sellout my Stock of goods, consisting of hardware, Tinware. Crocket y. Glassware, Dry Goods, Notions and Mc'iicines, at cost tor Cash. Coin.; and secure a bargain. If you are owing me p'ei.sj s. Hie up. 1 . P. TAYLOR. Take Notice! TO Ol'K COl'X TRY ITUKXOS AND PATRONS. TAKE XOTM'E: "WE HAVE OPENED OCR PLA( L oi business next Oo, r io pot office uiel will hcghlil to h Ve you come anil ee. We earrv a lull line "f ( onli i tion eries, consisting of Plain and I ancv ( anilies. Nuts, Unisiiis. Apples, Oranges. Ita nanus. Lemons, et Tobaccos, Cigars, I' i pes. etc. Please call and see what we Im e. Respeelfallv, j NUNN & COJ N. FOLK'S ' CASH STORE!: Stove?, Crockery, 'I' in ware, Glassware. Notions. Headquarters for LA. MPS. 7!) Middle St.. under Holel Albert. W. H. FOLK. A Gol U SUH R. J. LUP TON, bus just opened a neat and comfortabic Boarding House in Bay- boro, where he will be glau to see his friends and all travelers who may be pass- ing through that section, anr. see to it that they will be comfortably entertained nnd their wi.nts attended to. Mr. Lupton'f bouse w ill be lound a good place for all travelers to stop at while in Bayboro. v: in t rfady. pjw BBS ;;'iaT.:,;. "iHS ill 1 1 '. e r i a -. CASTORIA For Infanta n Ckilirtm. Tut tie- CloKlren Cry for Pitcher1. CtttofUJ ChiKlren Cry for Pitcher's Cttjorla: Children Cry for Pitcher1! Cattorlal Children Cry for Pitcher's CtttarU. Of ZeiglErJs tLand made SIidss just in, in four styles Richmond Needle and LrDn don Heel and Spring Heel at 2.DD pair. T "I . very "b a d y knows ZeiglerJs shoes are up-to-date, so why mention their qualities. The emoadti :nent of comfort and durahility is to he had in Zeiglers . J. H. Hackburu, KucceHHor to l.aokbuni & Wllleft. 4 7 ci 49 Pollock Strekt. l.so lilJOAD L QUEEN STS. STYLE Dtp