' ' 'J- . i x -f -r. VOL. XTX. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, DECEMBER 17, 1896. NO. 38. m . . m . in . , x " WiSM&TONHM t nrw n.mm.mWR MESSAGE iiV II W M V r -WiS kxckiVKl) BY SPAIN. fftsaatrroa, JX C, December 12, la U prtt - lody seaoa of U Cowr 1 -r1' Uomtoa referred di nckij to Um Uii fMcil jtertUy, for- U4 Um tail nugat ymiuy It nM ti xtodiB oatii Um end '. nut d aPa fxtoe fM i UkU Ituu la Uw lb KM UMi. tiiaif. peoaion AAa reitei UUi. Tb v tor nd; far by tu " ceuarraUT iAmmoI (oraiyr aue ' aurelr wSifrLrrl 'wiuk Uua feaiare oi . iho irwilMiit' miiMij wuicil rtsuueU . ' . Tfce ttm uaprMttoa crled by Uw , a(r rvparu cbd to 8pio wa 'nu tiitrtnrj and produced wmxm imi 4toa. ; Wbua Um fait Uxt of the Cuoa cbJipter apaartxl la Um IcaOinie pMiMrn " of Um kaa(Oom there waa. it u rvportcu, m ouanpMUTrvTUiUiiMk o Koumeak uu M lrMMUMik oouneoua aol ooukici ' a tnauuaok of Um auojC( ractveu jraneral appioral. Um Prcaident'a ouaraacea ara taken o Um w&ote to ladwate a better under , '.uoiio( betwveo UM two coontri. Ttttm aUnoaa contain Um farther roior anaUoa that aa it m Um iBteouoa of lb tpaaiah gorenuneot, when oertaiu ot Um provuicaaar pacirtel, tu giro boui nie to Cuoaoa um ham lxulicaieU in - 4ho Jhcwdeflt' ' mn igw, liuie fear o laJarraoUoa m bow teit. A imwWaf mwitire" u ;ne chara. rnriTnti vhtcli t"''"g ttepubUcaas o. Um Uuuaa fiva. to Um new uirill ui r wbick tt at proposed to tnuna Uua wiuit. aa , anUcipauua of aa extn aowioa u. COBfreiM. Itia eJtptaiiMti wot u demd a iu. wbicte wilt provide aoUicieul revenue u cover Um deficu bow exjauug, f uruiauui. proper protect ton to bouae indosuitia. i i t pointed Ova Uta coaditKMia have cot. aiiierahl etMaM Uuce woat ia kuowu .kJtcKuUej btU Iwtca bm a law, uU uu k atea of duy lat were jiuMoaed uiu . Tjimrrianrj preaant. - it la atated tor tupie that ute u . Biate tadeatry, etuua m euocuiouo.. aUmuiaMd oy toe duty oi two uuu. fiyin-f wtpoaed ta tae mcjmiusj i , . - Bow ao wml eauutUMieU UfaU reiuru v. the loriaT rate m BitaecvMexy. l u , euar acaedaJe' proiniaee tu caue iuw (aaa auy otaer iu uie uui. of Um Utfpaoiiuaaa of toe W j aad Jteeae tonlttiHee aaj (hat Um Uu Bfaiaa wtuca proiluo ager, ttouiaiaue TiM and jieoraafta, eve Uteir vote aibaihWW.'ttryaa, aad Uua, ia coauo. pea wita Um" pwalUon which um RueottMUc of COB(reaa frooi Looiatana and TexM . ji'are aiwayt taftea vita rwpect wiuia. , pL will be, U is a4eenca, a auxwg luht. fia4nl protecuaf una induatry u. farther than the necaeius ot the ca reqyir. ' ,Ta agrtcttlteraf schedule will proow. be fixed at Um former rate of duty, won the' woolen schedule, tt ia Mud, wui it . VttT attOctent protection lo nauaiji u.- Qaaatactaieta, lbeeouoaana ateel filf "AcheuhJea1 are' lnot ' Ukely u u SMT- t1 Pfwrhtad raiorem yiu. wttbenaA$d q "I Ta bill, tt Ij said, wUl ooaiala iiik--Ttakat that tooda in bood wui, wtxea u.k.c. - ent, pay the fate of duly in furee, ana uv. ' -fhejjinrer rt, at WbicQ ibe; wore urii kltj brv'ufht to this' country. An riajtaiehr-'wUi be made wiiertby Uaw.. wt2TM"haaigBed to certain Laieiesw u in heard to that mere my be aouie ysiu. rgeUf of (irpf ' bearingn wiuiou ' aatharaaaaaeat. "The dale upon wtuo lae hijaangi wlu pe jin will be made puu Uk WPi tt committee meeta. - 'A bW ofteye4 in the iieu-e by Mr. iu and referred torthe Judiciary comuiiiie. . ia a reOOgBitioa of the suicide mtni.. " thai iua pre railed through the couuU) foe a month paat and ahows at lea'i tu . 4(V fjajt w oprtQrctate, tt w not iuuo " tf&4 I reHttbat.- ,"The bUTa true ia, "To prerent the uiu. tiplication of uicicUrs. it reads aa lui- It aq newspaper or so-calied po lice Ipaette shall be tranamiued throui. fb mail of Um Uoited States whicL ooatains any picture of a suicide, or Q) of the detail relating thereto beyonu Um simple tateoMht of death by sui cide, lvasg; suae, date and piaoe. Pro TidedV that . further particulars may bt ijen .by medical joamala in the inter t ft' fSftc or Ojr judW otiicer oi , Uie "town or county in which the mattei . Ia4betoi iayealiated may order such ; paxtiotilara rel stint thereto to be pub . Lined to shall terra the ends of justice. ' TPI i' to person "riolatifls; the pro IUiiss tit da act shall be deemed guilt ( k lmWemeahoralid be punlahed by a In of "not leea than or by im prlaonment no eleeedlng ninety days." I Xfbj If1"- Hydrograbic Office find, jiyns oi an BOualseaaba of icebergs on Ba' Korta' XuaaUo Ocean, according to rerta yhica' St naa receired from the LifihUt Ammm lannl rneevs ana iroiu psriners. jrronj Uie number of ic.- ' terW already reported it ia declared th. " $?f are 'not'onlr maiiag ibeif appear apse xrry early a the Mkioa, whicb : dJtt.lwH oxdanarlly.beiu until January Highest of all ia Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. l ry AZZSaWTEW PURE i or February, bot are dngerooary near the west-bound trana-Auaaun aseamer track. While most RepobUeana are pleased to know that the work apoa the tariff bill which it Is hoped to pass at the next session of Coocreee has actually been commenced by the majority of the pres ent Ways and Means Committee, they sre not all sanguine that the bill can be psased by the next Congress as easily as Mine imagine or as quickly. It took the dftleth Congress, which wee Democratic in both branches, from December 5, 1887 to January 1S88, to pass Um alius lantlbillaadUieailtwaa am ended te sacb aojerjrnl by he Tfenatev that it died tar Conference, in me miy-nrsi voagree. jrhich was Kepublican, work was begun jo the JicKinley bill ss toon as the douse Commillees were named, and by a application of the then new Keed rules the bill was passed on May 2 by the douse, but did not get through the Sen ile until September 11th, and, owing to jo of ere noes on tenale amendments and Abcr delays, did noi reach President darriaoa until October 1, the dale upon jrhicu it was signed. The present tarifl Uw did not get through Congress in even s short a period, and had mere not been more or leaa trickery about me way it was worked by some Senators, it might aot have gotten through at all. The dfty-third Congress, it will be remem bered, met in extra session August 7th, PV3. Although the extra session was oalled solely to pass the bill for the re peal of the Sherman silver law, the douse Committee on Ways and Means vrenl right to work on the Wilson tarifl villi, but mat measure did Dot become a uw until August 2bth, UM. It is be oeasti they remember the time required m pass tbeee recent tariff bills when the jerty in power had a good working ma ,oriiy that old-timers are saying nothing uea me legislative beginners are talk og about passing a tariff bill in sixtj :ays after the extra session meet. The majority of the Senate seems de termined to live up to me record ol jctng the nioet deliberate some peopu y Uay, body m the world. Altbougi. .ue Chruimaa holidays will take np ten Lays or more of me time of the short lesion, and me Senate calendar is wel uied wiin ilouse bills passed at Uie la, eaeion. some of ibem ineesures of im portance, me Senate only held four sho. i -essions during the hrst week of Cou reea. Tbe llouee did much better. 1 vas in stMaioo dve days and It did a to. t busiueos, including Uie paaaing of tn y-ausioa appropnatioa bill, some posia. ui and a bill probibiung me sale o. utoxicaUog liquor in me Capitoi bulla Ing. representative lkainer, of La., wu, id not be a member of me uexi Con gress, has lulroduced a bill to incream ae Speaker's aalary from $&,iMM to alo, jjO a year and of Senators and Keprc ntaavee from .5,000 to f 7,500. Wuii. majority in Congress would p robe hi j n.e to see this bill become a Uw, men . oo likelihood that a majority will vou (or it, because they know the prevailing Jea ia that the salaries paid are already jqual to, if not in excess of the value oi um services rendered. Senator feller braced up several of th dver Senators notablr Du Bois, o 4.aaho, and Squier, of Washington, win iave been getting a lit tie shaky about .neir reelection, owing to combinations 4gauiat themby announcing as soon ae te arrived in Washington that the firl tuly of legislaturea controlled by silve uea was td reaieot Senators wbo han .uxxi by their cohvlclions'in favor of si- er to me extent of leaving their part .1 is thought in Wa4blmtan that thib vili have great weighty as Senator Teller is regarded aa oue of the most Laflueu- .a among the silver leaders, benatoi i elier declines to express any opinion fo. publication as to wbat the program oi. h the silver men in Congress will be tnd he eecaped a direct question as tc vbat attitude he would himself assumt toward the Republican tariff bill by sa -og: "I haven't been reelected to th senate, and my present term expiree narch Sd." This wasn't half bad, al though Mr. Teller knows, as 4oes every body else, that bis reelection to the Sen ile by practically the unanimous vote ol tue Colorado Legislature is as certain tu Uie meeting of that body a few weekk hence. iho caucus cominittee appointed by senator Sberman to devise a bill in the interest of international bimetallism, is oade up of silver men Wolcott, Hoar, Jbandler, Gear and Carter. MM HUT IxUlLTT. iUPKEME COURT REVERSES DECISION LOWER COURT. earlllair Clerk Brewa'a Caee Eaae Deelslojs T6at ETtteee ef rraaS EKMtetl. -1 Special. Ealeioh, N C, December 15. The Supreme Court files opinion in the case of the State agaioit BoroUiog Cerk Brown of ttie last iegiiiatare, wbo was charged with fraudulently permitting 'assignment act" to be enrolled, lie was convicted. The Supreme Court reverses the teci. ion of me lower court unanimously and finds there was no evidence at 'all of fraud on Brown's part. Thus ends a cele brated case. . ' .oui'.us are due tc I inipovei isned blood, Hoo4' S&r 4a pari! la U the One True Blood NERVE TOMIC. Purifier and s BANGED IN BFFiOT. Cakat tOrteaes Artucd, Hen in All ef ! Ceeatrv Anxious to EaltaS in the Insartrenla Army. W ! TelnnSe-er Their Sertlce na Minn. Cakan Latrne Formed. Dubois, Pa. The town is full of ex citement tonight over the hanging of Captain General Weyler in effigy. About 100 young men made a dummy representing me Spanish genera, put a rope around his neck, dragged him through me streets, hanged him to a tele graph pole, shot him down and burned aim at the suke. The final act was witnessed by 1,000 spectators who cheered the boys. Naw York The Cuban League of the United States was formally organized in- tbis city. The men beuind thin move ment are so well known and carry so much weight that it is beyond a doubt that this is the beginning of a movement that will take no small part iu the history of both countries, haviug, as it does. Un complete independence of Cuba from Spain for its principal object. A league under the same name existed daring the ten years' war and the nucleus in this country about which aid for Cuba centered. A monster mass -meeting will be held in Cooper Union next Monday night, when Senator Morgan, of the Foreign delations Committee, and Congressman Uitt, of the same committee in the House, Speaker Keed, of Maine, and Sen ator Cullom, of Illinois, will speak. The Cuban junta in New street has more callers man ever. btrong-iimDeu Americans, to the number of between ieven and eight hundred nearly enough to constitute a regiment tramped u lairs, threw out their chests, and iu res olute tones asked that they be enlisteo inv the army of Cuba Libre. Not one oi ihem was accepted, lhe laws ot tut tjnited States prohibit me enlistment oi men here for foreign armies, A petition urging Congress to take somt Jehnite action in the conflict now beiuj. vaged betweeu the Cubans and Spau ards, and expressing sympathy for th. lormer, is being circulated in this ciu wnong merchants and business men, am .a receiving many signatures. Dr. Machado, the brother of the las .'resident of the preceding Cuban rejiu. ic, and one of ibe most prouniueut ii. kuu in this city, declares it is his unal terable belief that Gen. Maceo was poi ned, togetuer vwtb his entire stall, . otne miscreant. He says the poison wa. robably administered in cotfee. This, ae said, was drunk by the Cuban soldiers ..(. all hours of me day and night. The doctor denounced Zertucha as a turn-coat," posing at different times at i royalist, an autoaomist, and a constrvu .ive. tie declares that Zertucha woult. ive been shot by Gomez a year ago, a' hen detected in a treacherous missioi. .utrusted to him by the Spanish, but to) the intervention of me man he recentl. Mitrayed to his death. At the time Zei tucha was profuse in his expression o, gratitude to Maceo. "Maceo,"continued Dr. Machado, "feti ng that Zertucha possessed a sense o. gratitude, received him into his corps." Dr. Machado ridiculed the idea that daceo crossed the trocha by water, anu ieclared he could not reach Punta Brava ay water. Zertucha, he says, accompanies aim, administered the poison at an oj jortune moment, and then notified tin Spaniards. The doctor asserted thai .oaceo's death, instead of acting as a ielerrent, w.ould, be a stimulus to thi cause of Cuba. Dallas, Ten. The Cuban situation i: ihe main subject of consideration in thi. lection of Texas, and public sen' ieu; " ifl fror of the patriots. Two Becret meetings were held here, it is known that ealhrnentB are seereth being made. The first departure of uicl from North Texas under recent recruit tag has gone. Twenty-three recruits, di vided into three parties, took rail trans iiortation by different routes for the Guh Coast, eight for Galveston, nine for New Jrieans, and six for Florida, From thetx points they will be furnished means foi reaching the island and supplied with oest quality of equipment and abundarJt ammunition. The feeling here is intense against Spain, as the belief is general that .Ma ceo's death was the work of hired assas sins and treachery. Clsvujlko, O. A stream of men poured into the rooms of A. de Arango, me local Cuban leader, and volunteereu to join the Cuban army. It is ebtimateu that there were 150 of them. A large proportion were well dressed young men of good eduCatib.n hd apparently in good circumstanced, They were told mat no, ro.ore men were needed. Eleven women individually offered to go as nurses. They said they did not want pay, but thought it WW their duty to nqne th'e sick aha, wounded. The majority bore marks of refinement and some had evidences of wealth. The were advised to write to the Junta iu New York, Marvelous Results. c From a letter written by Key. J. Gun derman, of Dimondale, Mich., we art permitted tq makp this extraot. "I have no heaiUtion in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were al most marveloDS in the case of my lfe. While I was pastor of the Baptist Church at Rives Junotion she was brought dowD with Pneomonla succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing woulu last hours with little interruption and it stemed as if sjie could npt survive tUem A irieod recoiu mended Dr. Ring's New Dicoveiy; it us quick in its work tnu igbly satUlaoiory iu results. '' Tr'ni boi Uco fn at F. . Duffy 'o li S'ore. lit:- gu ar ;.ze ou . &jd $1.00. iii uj.a STATE MEWS. GOV. CARR FAVORS RECOGNI TlUxN OF CUBANS. Illicit Distillery Mix Miles From KaI-t-iKD. Menboard nod South Hal 1 ways Cltel . Before Kallwny Coin mission. Special. Hai eioh, N. C, December 14 Clement Manly called on Governor Carr today, regarding a pardon. James H. Young, colored is an avowed candidate for the Kaleigh post office. Kobert L. Patterson, a prominent mem ber of the Republican State Committee, died at Asheville Saturday night of Bright" disease. Sheriff Joseph L. Hahn, of New Berne ia at the Park Hotel. .Miss Mildred Cameron, youngest daughter of the late Paul Cameron, will be married at Hillsboro tomorrow, to W. B. Shepard of Edenton. Forty-five members-elect of the Legist lature write that they favor increasing the school term to four months in the year. Five murderers were brought to the penitentiary today, from Richmond county, one colored and four white. The Seaboard Air Line will establish model farms every ten miles along its entire system, as object lessons to intend ing settlers. Kaleigh, N. C, December 15. Gov ernor Carr warmly favors recognition of the Cubans as belligerents. Revenue officers last night captured an illicit distillery only six miles from Ral eigh. The Seaboard and Southern Railways are cited before Railway "Commission, Tuesday, to sbow cause why they should aot make reasonable connections here. This is very desirable action by commis sion. Jin H. B. Duffy of New Berne is at the Park hotel. THE COTTON MARKETS. December 15. The cotton markets have shown more steadiness today, and the net advance, compared with yesterday, is 13 points January 692. li Liverpool holds her own tomorrow, iud there are no further lailures or other listurbing influences, New York will probably improve further. New Bekne market is firm at 6 to 6f . Yours truly, J. . Latham. New York, December 10, 1896. Jr. J. E. Latham. New Berne. Dkap. Sik Cotton: A series of demor nizing markets culminated today in a j.ioitive stampede on the part of holders i cotton, aud though during the week ve have seen some irregularity and tem porary recoveries, prices are actually iiity Doiuts below when we last wrote. He total absence of all encouraging feat ires, with the persistent selling here foi Liverpool and Southern account, ha. ned both the patience and the pockets i the trade, which has been unable it L-sit the pressure, aud been obliged u make a heavy liquidation. The bureau Report is somewhat iu .euuite ui its calculations, but read as i ,euerally is here; seems to point to : jrop of S million bales; at New Orleaus, i iwever, the conclusions are different,. i. id the inference accepted is one of i. leoidedly larger crop. In this conflict oi pinion, of course, only time can provt .ie correctness of either, and in tht dean while, we shall be governed b .actors that arise from time to time, for, u on previous occasions, the Govern nent Report will be a thing of the pasi iu a day or so, while the movement, ts it transpires, either full or otherwise. . ill have its bearing upon the market, riiich, though having found a decidedly ,jer level ihan was anticipated, is just iow in such a sensitive condition thai my tendency of a bearish nature win probably have undue weight, 60 that eavy receipts will act adversely if the ;oine to light. On the other hand, a mod erate movement, or anything in conso iance with moderate crop ideas, say Hi Millions or less, will nQt unlikely give us t fair imprgvement again. The absten .ion of ttie American spinner is still mosi loticeable, and has proven disappointin1' o the trade at large. Notw'standing uis, the utatUtloal position, as evidenceu tne world's visible supply, is by no ueans an unreasonable one, ' aud niigui ,eave room for the hope of better things ,i the actual supply does. n,qt exceed tht onsei vative expectations. Beyond tins i.nler the existing disappointment ana ae positive uncertainty, it would bt i.izardous to offer any opinion. Yours truly, Lehman Bros. TUE MARKETS. Cuicaqo, December 15. OPENING. CLOSE. Iav Wheat Bl 82f .day Ribs 4.02 4.05 List oi Letters. .iemaining in the Post Office at New Berne, Craven county, N. C. Dec. 12th, 1896. A Mrs. Dellah Andrews. G Mr. John Gearuts, Mr. Sanal Jreen. I Mr. Sam Ivens. M Mr. Craib, antenlaw, Rev. .vlartin, N Mr. Davil Nanroff , P Mr. Porter. S Mrs. Nettie Scoot, T Mr, C, F. Tripp, care of H, Richardson . W Mr. David Winfield, Mr. E. R. P. G. White, Miss Ider L. F, Williams, Mr. V. D. Whitfield, Mr. Johnny Woods. Persons calling for above ' letters will please say advertised and give date of of list. The regulations now require that one (1) cent shall be collected ' on the delivery of each advertised leeter. M. MANLY, P. M. Electric Bittra. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed, when the languid exhausted feel inu prevails when the liver is torpid and sluggish aud the nee4 uf a tonic and alter ative is Ifjlt. A prquipl uae of this medi cine lias rifieh ' averted long aud perhaps Eitttl bilious levers. No mdicme will act tuoiv surely in counteracting and freeing system uouj the malarial poison. . deadactie, Indigestion, CousUuiplloU, 1 . . irii .o r;n.. uizziuess y lei' i to iiiauu- xjiucio. vv,. iua. $100 per boule at F. S. DutivN Diiy Store. W IttACEO'S DEATH. How It Is Regarded In Washington by Prominent Men. Washington, D. C, Dec. 14. The re. port published in the Times yesterday that the manner in which Maceo is re ported to have been killed would very likely be the inspiration of a request, for official inquiry by the House or Senate today was a fruitful cause of comment of an approving nature. Quite a number of Senators Repre sentatives were seen, and while none of them knew what particular member of either branch of Congress would intro duce such a resolution, they all discussed the matter interestedly. Three of them said that while they did not know of any specific inquiry, it was very probable that the reported military murder of Maceo would be discussed in cidentally in the various resolutions of JUills, Cullom, Call and others now before the Senate. Among those interviewed was Senator Thurston. "I would vote," lie said em-1 i phatically, "to enter the protest of this government against the manner iu which this Cuban war is carried on, and espec ially as to the death of Maceo, assuming:, of course, that the report is true and that the killing was done as given in the dis patches. "The feeling in Congress on tiiis nfat ter is very strong and it is to be pre sumed that the Maceo incident will in tensify it. But apart from this I would support almost any resolution th it might be introduced. I would vote f'.r a reso lution recognizing the Cubans as belli gerents. You may say that I will be in line with any policy on this question which may be formulated by such Sen ators as Sherman, Frye, Hale, Lodge or Allison." Congressman Berry, of Kentucky, who served in the civil war, does not believe the reported death to be a fact, "but," said he, "I am for Cuba all the time. I think the war has gone on long enough and it is to be regretted that Mr. Cleve land did not indicate in his message a definite line on which Congress could act." Referring to the circumstances of the death of Maceo, Mr. Berry said that it was very unlikely that it should have been compassed under the cover of a flag of truce. The Spaniards do not rec ognize the insurgents as belligerents, and j it is open to grave doubt that any such rlag entered into the question. "As to the proposed resolution, I have not heard who will introduce it, but it is not improbable that an expression has been made out of which your report has grown." Mr. McMillin, of Tennessee, said that ne had not seen any of the members luring the day. He had, however, seen :he statement in the Times that such a resolution would be introdnced, but did not care to say what shape the legisla tion referred to would take. The Klrmess a Success. Special Correspondence of the Jol-rxai.. Wilmington, Dec. 14. The curtain at our opera house has just rung down on die first performance of the Wilmington .Cirmess, chronicling the most notable spectacular success ever seen in North Carolina. The brilliantly lighted theatre, beauti fully decorated with flags of many na tions, among which were intertwined festoons of the graceful bamboo and other evergreens, formed a charming set ting to this notable scenic and social event, at which were gathered in full array the beauty and fashion of Wil mington. The sinuous movements of the several national dances, the ch,a,rming grace and abandon of the dancers, the beauty and variety of costume and the gorgeousness and brilliancy of the mise en scene com posed an effect altogether fairy-like and bewitching. The cultivated and enthusiastic audi ence wag lavish in its applause, and on ,.x siues vvcic iicuxu lAJltaaiuiia ui eic- light that bore abundant testimony lo the unprecedented success of this long anticipated and magnificently prepared festival, having for its praiseworthy ob ject to provide a merited monument to North Carolina's distinguished Revolu tionary patriot, Cornelius Harnett, pre eminent among the brave and noble sons of our Cape Fear section. This "first night" performance reflects highest' credit upon the stage participants, aud upon all connected with the manage ment of this most unique and brilliant en tertainment, whose financial success be comes thus assured, notwithstanding the great cost of production. A change of programme has been an nounced for each, succeeding night, and many people from the several larger cities of the State have already secured seats for the three remaining evenings of this brilliant and never-ta-he-forgottcn pa geant. From Faj'etteville a large con tingent of society people is booked for Tuesday evening's performance, uud the social world of Wilmington is looking forward with pleaaed anticipation to giving a welcome greeting at the Wed nesday evening Kirmess to its many friends and acquaintances of the "City oi Elms." Did Not T ake Advics. Not long since a Lancashire la borer, not feeling quite "well, was pursuade by hia wife to consult a doctor. Tae doctor, after making a thorough examination of him, said there was nothing serious the mat ter with hia health,, but advised him to be more careful with his diet., not to smoke as much as usual, and, above all, to abstajn, from whisky for a little time. The laborer thanked the doctor and was prepar ing to leave when the latter called him back.andsaid: "I beg your par don, but I charge half a crown for my advice." "Mebbe you do," re plied the laborer, '"but I'm no' taking ;t." And he went out without 'paying. Maid and Matron CHAPPIE AND BENEDICT, will lisit! a wonderful variety of SPECIAL o Q IX OI K STOCKS. (J No one can fail to K find an Elegant and Useful for thcs? We have the choicest Varieties of Fruits and Nuts and every Xmas Delicacy. Our Assortment of Fire Works : : IS : ; U N X L D Satisfaction Guaranteed is the argument at A A C C KBURN'S-KBURN'S- hum selections iff imm ) 1 IU! W. L. prices. We make also $250 and $2 shoes for men and $20. Cj $2.00 and $J.75 for bovs. The full line for sale by J. j. BAXTER, anta Clans In ft 'tms?w& v At New Berne's Busiest Store. BIG OPENING ALL THIS WEEK OF THE LATEST NOVELTIES. Everything you can wish for In dolls, toys of all kinds, game, books, Japanese goods, celuloid and white metal goods, albums, toilet cases, eollar and enff boxes, etc. Over 1,000 pieces of ornamental and usiful glassware will bo on sale this week. Come and make yoar selection and we will keep the package un til you wish it seat. Lots of thing being sold but wo will have new arrivals on every steamer. These are the Prices that make our Stores popular: Useful and Ornamental Gift. Hand and stationary mirror at 9, 12," 23 and 50 c eaeh. Photo frames at 8, 15 and up. Ink stands at 25 and 50c each. Japanese screens, our price 38 cents each. After dinner Jap sets at 98c set up. Beau tiful cups and saucers at 23 o. Vases, chocolate pots and tea seta. Toilet cases, complete, at 48o, worth tl. Manicure sets, in haudaome box, at 75c. Hand some toilet cases, plush and celluloid, our price $ 1.05 and $2.20. Neck tie and glove boxes, celluloid, price 98, f 1.25 and up. Collar and cuff boxes, made of lea ther and celluloid, at $1, 1.88 and up to r loor eaaeis at 48, 73, $1, i.4o each Glassware Special. Wq will have on sale this week about 1,000 pieces ornamental and useful glass ware at unheard of low prices. We will keep any goods that may be selected and Bond thern any where in the city at any time. Extra fcrce of help will be employed to accommodate our friends and patrons duiing the Holiday rush. The Big Dry Goods Bargain House Ci. A. IlarFoot, Manager. CHRISTMAS is Almost Her QAND GOOD THINGS TO EAT AND WHERE TO GET THEP1 AT IS NOW IN ORDER. ZSr" We invite your attention to the following Bill of Fare: -STuts of all kinds This year's crop. Iiaisins London Layer and loose muscatels. Currants Thoroughly cleaned, ready for use Citron finest quality. French Prunes, California Prunes. Silver-Prunes, Evaporated Apples. Peaches, Pears, Apricots. Atmore's celebrated Miace Meat. Oranges, Apples, Cocoanuts. Xice cooking Butter, 10c. pound. Nice Mixed Candy 10c. pound. Flavoring Extracts and Spices. Very best Butter fresh from Dairy. Small Hams and Breakfast Bacon. Sweet Mixed Pickles Zeinz's. Malaga Grapes. Canned Goods of all kinds. The very best Flour 3 cents per pound till after thj Holidays. Give us a call before buying and we will save yeu money. Our prices are low, and our goods of the high est quality. O Tt Broad I St, , NEWIBEBNE, N.C.; McDaniel & Will Doug! as i .00 SHOE BEST DT THE WORLD. A $3.00 SHOE FOR $1.00. It b stylkli, durable and prrfect-fittine;, qualities absolutely necessary to make a finished shoe. Th cost of manufacturing allows a mllfr profit to dealers than any shoe sold at $3.00. "W. L. Douglas S3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes are the proaucuons ci smiled workmen, from the best material pcrsiblc to put into shoes sold at these The "Bolmont" and "Pointed Toe" (shown In cuts) will be the leaders this season, but any otner sryie desired may be obtained from our agents. We ne only the Txt Calf, Rnl Osjf (nil colon) French J"lnl Oalf, ranch KiiMrnel, Vlcl Kid, etc., grades to aorra aufind with prlciin of the ihoaa. if dealer uanuot upiilr ynu, writ W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Catalooub Krbsv Jfew 15 e rne. C. All His Glory! Doll, To j. Etc. Dolls, TurkisU lanterns, nlz. 7c. each; Jap dolls, berses, wagons, Xmas cards, and tree ornameDts He. each. Dolls, horns, games, pin trays and bix assortment ot tin toys, at 5c. each. Draw slates, biff dolls games, Jap trays, roaring parrots, etc, at 9c. each. Children juvenile book nt S. 5, 9, 12, 18, 25 nd 50 cents each. Woden soys, worth 25c, our price 18c. DolU at 1, 8, 5, 8, 10, 15, 18. 25, 48 and up to $2.00 each. Beautifully dressed dolls at 63c, and 91.18 each. Musical tops at 9, 18 and 25c. each. Games B, , 15 find up to $1.00 each. White Metal Goods. Jewel cases, our price as low As 47, 75, 95c and up. Hankerchief, glore and tie oiiseg at stirring low figures. Silk and fine linen handkerchiefs, suspend ers, canes, gloves, all makes, very nice Xmas gifts. Take Notice! To our Country Friends and Pa trons: We have opened our place of bus iness next door to I'ost Office. We guarantee to sell yon first-claas goods as cheap as any house in the city. We are receiving an extra quality for our Christmas Trade. Plain and Fancy Candle", Nuts, Raisins. Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, etr. Tobaccos, Cigars, Tipes, ete. Flcase call and see what we hare. Respectfully, N. NUNN & CO. Graham Academy marshali.bf.ru, n. c. Ret. W. Q. A. Graham, IB., D.D., I'H F.SIDLNT. Located ten miles Enst of Reaufort, N. C. Aided by the Methodist Church, we are ruDiiiug a school to lienefit the many who are unable lo pay exorbitant prices lor board and tuition. SPRING TERM OPENS JAN., 4, '7. Orii Tkrms: Primary) Grade, Board and Tuition, $7.00 per month; Inter mediate Gradu, Board and Tuition, $7 60 per mouth; Academic Grade, Bourci and TuitioD, $8.00 per mouth. We furnisb as good board as can be ob nined In any country place, besides tli 'y?ti:rs. li)), etc, etc., with which th eii abounds. Write the President for all information desired. , Holiday Goods ! If you want a useful present, call and examine our lino of Cut Glass, Fancy Queensware, Carlsbad and Ha v Hands DiqrGL Ses. Ii. II. Culler fc Co. The Mnle Tmlrrdsj. Did you attend our big print Hale yes tcrday ? Only think of getting good Cal ico at 3.0. - Hint's whiit the people bought it at yesterduv. BARrovr'-. If :