jiii,1'tW'a-S.tiilp " VOL. XIX. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, JANUARY 21, 1897. NO. 43 in it I Vs J .7- - i WASHIUQTON HEffS. SHERMAN AND TUC SECRETARYSHIP. Id CuMrt4 hM4 Jt ialMr hi. "rH irBi 0111. A l(tnhlrH. rllIUIIrM4 - Hale4 Bill. ' Jonu.ii. Brur, ; TTasrixstox, IVIX Jan. iJrth. : llier U a wide d Iff er?Qce of opinion In ConreM a to tb irisJorn of chooaiog Senator Shrma to Iw Secretary of Suto andtr U com in; administration. II r. SltrmaoB temperament la such thai h bat lerer been aot) could not be popalar &, la tbe coca mo a acceptance of ibe term "popular,' WLile everybody admits his vxteoaiT lutowJedge and ex perience, ' there are many men. even among hii party, associates who doubt hi aucce lii handling O uFToVOl gtr" U'.iooa, which of late years bare aeembd to grows Caere complicated and difficult all the time. Ilia eacmiea, and he bar many, sat that he has made a failure a Chairman, of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and point out that only the other dsj that Committee was criticised in an executive session of th Senate an almost unheard of thing for the manner it bad handled the Cuban question. The belief, which b general, thai Mr. Sherman was virtually forced into becoming Secretary of State by the exigencies of Ohio politics, will not add anything to his prestige- , Senator Chandler, acting for Senator "Woicott, Chairman of the Republican Caucus Commilte baa introduced the hiH prepared by that committee, author. Izing the President, after March 4, 1897, to appoint Reprcsetatives to any Inter nal local CtxTerence called by the foiled States or any other country, "with a view to securing by international agree ment. fixity of relative value between gold and silver as money, by means ol a common ratio between "those Vie tali, with free mintage" at such ratio. Ii will pass without opposition. Few harsher criticisms against an in dividual have appeared In a report from a Congressional Committee than that in a report made by the Senate Naval Com mittee several days ago. This repor. says: "The evQ consequences likely U result frota allowing Navy officers to b interested la patents, or employed by the owners thereof, are well illustrated i by the facts which appeared to the com mil tee concerning Commander TVm. IL Folger, late Chief of the" Bureau of Ordi nance, Navy Depar'vent, and his con section from stsv. i end with what Is xnoaTi a Mu iii-ircea for fact I hardening am for naval vessels, and and the various ptrnU issued there for.! . : . The report recites the assistance given tSe Harvey Company by Folger m hi official capacity, and says In plain word that U was given . to -get the lucrative employment from the company, which Folger Las had since he resigned from the Navy. It also gives other instance. of Folger's having, been in private em ploy while in the Navy. In lit ho weni to Europe as agent foe the Oatfia Guu Company, and drew a salary as sucL far two years. Later be was employed by the Simond Boiling Machine Com pany, receiving as pay both money an-1 Stock in the Company. Congressional Interest is greater in the settlement of the Pacidc Railroad question than it was before the Uouav defeated the funding bill, but it it doubtful whether the conflicting opin ions can be suSdently recoacilcd to g ny legislation. It all depeoas up n tb llouse. The, Senate Committeo ha. unaaimously agreed to Senator Gear bill, providing for a commission o. members of the Cabinet to settle the ui dsbtedness of the Paciuc Railroads, am. 'Vetermlne how It shall be paid, with at laendment, offered by Senator Xlor -Jin. reserving to Congress the riht u regulate and prescribe charges mude by those roads sod all other lights it hat pnder existing laws. This bill bsa been reported to th j Sen ate, but no effort will be matte to push it until the House acts upon a similar bit now in Committee. If the HouaciidH nothing, the matter will be left for U. Sxeculive branch of the Oovrrnnu-nt i deal with. The Attorney General U now working on the papers that will be need ed In the proceedings for forecloeure o the Government mortgage. t If the Free Homestead BUI, w uicn but week passed by the Senate, U kille. in the louse Committee on Public Land were it now Is, . its friends will blm. Speaker Reed, and accuse hiui of bein, in sympathy with the Eastern oppositioi to the bill. When the bill was originally reported from the IIouso conmiiiiev o public lands. It only provided fur fix homesteads In Oklahoma, and it require bard work to get the favorable report which bad only a majority of one In tr committee. The Housed passed the bill a it was reported, but the Senate has ad Jo ameodxnexts extending the free bom. steads to all lands acquired from Indians When the bill went back to the Hou. Speaker Heed referred it to the comma tee on Public Lands for consideration the Senate amendments. Benjamin Candy and Seabright Berry both of Gloucester, N. 4 werc totntl killed by walking in front of an esprvs train on the Philadelphia and Heading Kallroad la Philadelphia. Michael Kieraan and Lawrence C Storr have been arrested on a charge o embezzling t3,S67 from the Plain an. ( Ornamental Plasterers' Society of Nev York. Kiernaa was a member of th. board of trustees. Story Is a keeper in th. Tombs. Timothy bub i van. another meui bar of the board, is accused of compiicitj in the embezzlement. I PERFECT wi irmiM a cure by Hood's Sarsariarilla, be cause it makes pure, rich, healthy, i Us and health-trivin? DLOOD. Hiyhtst of all in Leavening Strength. Latest I'. S. Gov't Report. 2 ABSOLUTELY PURE STATS CAPITAL. hbiIajt n Onjr ol ('nfereare. l:ci j IHmx in n MiidrileU ( owUillnn. JortsNAL Hi hkai . 1xxiki.;h, N C, January H, '!? . All vesterdiv b:ick and forth over tin hotel e xrri ler-i walked the nolith-iuns Republican and Populist. Sunday tnsd no difference to thenr. Restlessly Uiey sought conferences, nil looking to the meeting in brittle array tomorrow ai noon for the election of I. S. Senator. All U fnujaiol. If the Democrats at their eauein to- night nominate a candidate then there "niiy te no elcolion- tin- rn-e in K-Mitucky last year. If the i)eiioer;itt role, with the Populist.- there is til: Jouht nf Thompson's election, for sotm Popnlisis will vote jor Pritchur.l. It will re juiro u niAjority of the vote caH to elee:, and not the one who et the largest number f votes. If n repre sentative or Senator present he will l rerjnirel lo cast n vote, so if there he iwi who iiudcn: tle misvl stnte of affairs tic not wish to vote thoy coin he nhscnt. Congressman Pearson sats S.n;itoi .Quay und Uoar say it only requires u majairity of the votes cast, not a mnjori tjr of the lt that ore got to be eu..t. .Senator Pritchard's forces Utl iv sa they iro sure of a majority of '?: Met "'a sey ehairnitn of the bolters says M wil. vote for Pritchnnl. lie will ntefoi rhouisnn, for -h -pledi-il himself t( vote for a f'ofwilist if tne was pin up. In tub llnnils. Tampa, PlA-Passeogers hy the li vette briu; ners of tho war situation oi. the i.-laal of Cuba. 'I'ort an Prineipt lad Santinijo are practically in tin- hsmii f Uus (Juh-iii, the Spaniard not 'il.irint to leave their fortresses except under tin protection of a strong escort. In fact, the whole eastern portion oT the island is now under the goverment of tlr Cubans. Weyley permits nothing against his in terest to pnss his censorship, but it now jotnes out. that th j 200 woumled men ent into Havana hist week was the re sult of attack male on the trocha, twen ty in lies from Havana, by a Cuban col umn. Tho Spaniards ire driven from the country into the cities and fortifying them. They continue the work day and .light at Havana. On Saturday morning oefo.-i? Olivet l the left,tbe Spanish were out practicing with heavy artillery. ASTAKTUNG DECLARATION. f rM f.eaeiac Hrpublloo Bsarit l( rw A4ulali(rllao Prlj. Piiitbard teafldeat. Ipectal. RaKEioii, N. C. January Hi. II. L. .3 ran; makes tho startling declaration .oday, "whatever condition elects I'ritch ird will favor the administration party. Jovcrnor Riissell will be its head. Ot .ourse every body will un-tcrstnnd wha" -hat means, so far as offices are con cerned." Senator Pritchnnl says he is sure of najority. The North Carolina Kail way c'.ecl.ircs psr cent annual dividenil. Iiepublicans claim that Jones of Alh ;h!iy, a Democrat, will vote for Pritch ird. J jes says no o.ie ha a-.ith-i'yj ti thif. Harris of Hyde denies that he has lefi he hjlters an 1 say i Iu- will ceriainly ole for Pritchard. Republicans now count on 5 majoritj :or 8-aator Pritchard. TelrirrMpb lirni. The Iowa Iron Works has pni.l $l,fk'( io the estates of David F. Cody and Jos ;ph A. HamiUon, victims of an cxplo ;ion on ths torpedo boat Ericsson twi ears njo. (S'v. Adams, of Col r;i !, 'm m:,kin i personal investigation of the strike sit iation at Leitiville, Colo. It is N -lievei be nn-resident niilitiainen will Ik- with Irawn. Fire completely destroyed the lari lant of the Fox Paper Company, a Jresoeiitvilltj, Ohio. The loss is cstinnt ed at $;.V). , o.i hic'i there i onl ji j.OsK) insar.iiic '. Nearly a .vaola bhx-' of brick build ngs in the city square, Milan, Mo., wen I est my ed by fire. Iss, fTl,40), di rd)ut?il am mg fifteen lirms Insuranci 5lS,V. Employes of the iJol len K xl M Anufac n ring Company, of Patcrson, N. J uantifacturem of silk, to the number o 100 weut on strike against a reductio: f wages. A grvat demons! r itioa has brer irranged to take place at I 'hii-igo Feb aiary 21. in celfhrrition of the micci s-. ill negotiation of the treaty of arbitra ion, which, it is expected, the . nali A'ill ratify. Prof. I vis Swift, of Mo;in' Low. )bservatory. California. lias receive lotire that the Royal Astronomical Soci ty of F.mrlar.d. has awarded to him tin facksoti gold medal in recognition of hi str.ti' m ic.il discoveries. Fire Thursday night destroyed the fa nous old stone barn opposite tienera Vayne Hotel, at Narlierth. Pa , which ,aJ been a familiar land mark for imm ban a c 'nlury. Gen. Wa.-hitigtonS roops were quartered there n one oc -asion. Maj- O. M. Wing Price, Duban agent it Kansas City, Mo , was found tin 'on cious in his room ut the Victoria Hotel, rom the effects of an overdose of eh lor d. He was revived, and s.tys the over lose was accidental. The only Weekly Newspaper pub lished In New Berne. Powder BOLTERS FOR PRITCHARD. HOril SIDES CLAIMING TO HE AHEAD. Hrmt fr IliaM Iroui Melt Inlry . Ileui oc rl;rtirf meiicil Krpubllrnna Arriving- DrniwrraU In Vole lor Prllrlmnl. Ilritvy rniirnalug-. Sprt'i 1. PaikIiiii, N. C. .laniiury IS. The Pop uliai boUns held a see rot caucus tonight, anil they s iy that sixteen of tin-in have promised t i stand as a unit for Senator Pritchard. Me.'aske . , the eluiirman of the bolters says tins surely elects Pritchard. II M.r.tfiii. N. ( '., January is.- Itepri' 'nt itive Uimvv.t, Ii'ubliean, h:vs all the while Ix'en throw n inside of the llepul licnits. Tbi-y wauled his vole for Senator Prit ehaid mid be has Imm ii courted even more than the Populists, He today received a telegram from Mi Idiiley. with whom he served in Con ,'rr. to vote for Senator Pritchard. Joue:. Alleghany, Deinociat, savs the Rep'iblirasn should have the Senator. The lf publicans poured in here lodii noaily all being Pritchard moinl)ers. Kw ai t announce I that five Democrat .vill oti- for Senator Pritchard. Uej uiblicans had made. plans lo unseat two Democrats from Mecklenburg coun 'y, but the Populists think they have i'aile-1 them. The he.ninc; f this contest is now in proj; ress. Dc.iiim r it i are caucusing tonight on vhel her they shall support Cy Thoinp on or make a straight nomination. The Populists are also caueusini' . Republicans claim they can elect Pritchard by two votes the Populists say .hev can defeat him bv two votes. ASSEMBLY PROCEEDINGS. rclritr n Nhn HrnNlon. oin ii II ler A pol n Iril And Atlillon H.iilr. JofHS'AI. Bt'KFA (', RAi.tirtii, N. C.. Jan. 1R, IS',17. The house met at '.l.5() and Represen tative I.awhnrn prayed. Only '-' bill.' .vere introduced; those leing f no im portune?. The session lasted barely 10 uinutes nn 1 I here was a.i adjournment mtil 4 p. m. Monday, in order that tht ia'l might b- cleared of ndcrobi-s. Speaker Hi'.emnn announced the follow ing committees, Insurance: While ol Randolph, Pagan; Price, Pool, Allen, rlarris of Halifax, Cunningham, Law aorn. FMdin -. Fich inti rests: Hancock, Duncan, iiabbitt, Poil, Hodges, Alexander, Par tcer, id Perquimans, Harris of Hyde, Elliot, Cox, D-miels, Fagan, Rountree. Jhapuiin, Spruill. FUxon. Hare. Hnr jess, (Jallop and llowe. To investigate charges of fra:i.l ii lenatori 1 election: S. biieken. I.u .k nnu elson. Additions to commit tee-e Mi Pet"rs, t Agriculture; Ilartness to judiciary. DutTy to privileges and elections. Ilart less and Young to insane asylums. The te-niin mv in ihe two con:ested lecti'in cases from Mecklenburg county aas been filed . THE COTTON MARKETS. January P.). Ai.Titurnit Liverpool advices w.ie not quite so eiicon raging. Xew Yoiik OjH'ne.l at a decline of only points and I lien ml va need fi. and this ad vance has been well maintained all da and the close is 7. ful for March, a ne! gain of 7 bin compared with estei dav. iE r.i'l S coiitinno fairly fn e, but ther. is a ft eid v obsorption and tho South ern markets all report a good tlemant especially for the e;oo.l grades. THE trade reports are more cheelful h several line-'.: t Mir international trade balance for pa.l l i. months is .i'i mil lion dollars and this is considered very hopeful sign for the future. i'kw I'.ecnb marU'-tis very btead , and next to no offerings. Yours tr.ils', J. K. Latham. New Yu:k. January la, lflT. Deai; Sin - The market has decline. ,ome from last week's prices, but not 01 iccount oi any weak development in th. otuation. At the close of last week tin jrice had advance. I because the marke. in I taken on a hopeful aspect which en istef i be sympathy of the local trade nit when these holders tried to realiz u Mon.lav. the demand w is so bmite. hat L-reat weakness followed, risnhin; n a vi rv disappointing market. Smci hen the puces have not changed tualeri dly. S"e have heard ivm irt x I hat L.iHtel ii n i 1 1 s would lesoi l to short tune in or.le o curtail production as a method of re lucing present excessive slocks ot goods uch a condition would not materially iffect pric", while foreign trade cm inaes so good. Iteceipts are now con udered by far the most important element atfecting the futures of prices. Between Neiil's and two other weni rop estimates, there is such a wide nif 'erencp as to arouse unusual interest in ! he outcome of this crop. The movement this week is moderate. The large export-. 1 continue and their elfect is felt in highei ! prices ft! the South, and in the reduction jf stocks a! interior points. M irket closes at decline of l jtola Xiints fro.n last wuok's prices. March de livery closes at 7.04. Your truly, , ItoBKKT MooitK & Co. POPULIST NOMINATION OF CY THOMPSON jTEIiMEl) A HOMBSHELL. Will llrniiM-rnl Vote For a Fopnliol. ColrMl l.ectlal.ora Hui llreAsiii tlou. Tlie Grip Neare. MTnler Works Ownerltl. Joi'KNAL Il REAr, Uai.eic.ii, X. C. January 10, '1T. Matters were at fever heat hero bully so far us tiie Senatorial contest 18 con-j rei ned. The nomination of Cy Thoinpsnn for Senator by the Populist majority1 caucus last night was u lold stroke. Dr. Molt terms it a bomltshell. The remark was made to your corres pondent last week by Dr. Mott that in every calculation of the Senatorial mat ter the Democrats always entered as an important element. He spoke wisely. Tiday Populists and Republh'ans ai asking the question: "Will the Demo crats vote solidly for Thompson " The Deni(erats in tho caucus last"- week unanimously' voted to support any good silver man named by the Populists. Thai was a mast erf ul stroke. The Democrat hold the key to the situation. They are the balance of power. Pi-publicans were today declaring that some 1 lemoerats would not vote for Thompson. The Democrats when asked this, said no one had the right to make the assertion. The fight for supremacy between P.nl ler and Pritchard has almost renched its highest point. The Republicans were wrong to have Congressman Skinner as their Populist coadjutor and worker. They also erred in allowing the Popu dst bolteiB to holt too soon. The boll ught not, according to good jolilies, to cive . occurred until next Monday sveain j. Tho Populists have hud two lays to win!; on the 1(1 Populist bolters and of the in have already returned to he Populist caucus. Two more will do o. McCaskey and Fugan. 1 1 is said Representative Rrower. Re publican, will not vote for Pritchard foi senator, but will vole for some pronounc- si gold man. Rnnvr has all along hoped che Senatorial ) iirlit n iiiir would strike The legislative joint committee to in vestigate the charges of bribing and fraud in connection with the Senatorial onlest is appointed. S hulken, Lusk ind Nelson, (one of each parly; from the House committee. The fact leaks out today that the col jred meniliers of the legislature, ten in lumber, had n meeting and agreed not to go for Pritchard unless soniethingub Uantial was done for them. They declar ed that they saw white Republicant pouring in here, to get the patronage and that it was their duty to lookout for themselves. John C. Daney, an influential negro Republican, got wired of their movement md hurried here. It is r.aid bv the per on who cjves this bit ol news that ui Dancv's Mi-s:esfioii Senator Pritchard .milled up the i.."j;ro members and thai hey signed an agi ecnient to nipport him J pon his promise thai some North Caro lina negro should cl the big paying position of recorder of deeds of Ibe Dis ricr of ( oluinliij. The House and the Senate were in ses lion only ten minutes todnv, giving way O an army of carpet cleaners and reno vators. The idea got a fooling in tht nindsoflhc members , or some of them chat the eai M'ls w ere lull of gripp mi rolx-s. So the carpW-i a.v being treated villi a solution of bichloride of mercury .vhich the legislature experts declare will cill the importunate germs. Ex-member 'ampliell of Cherokee electrified a lot ot he members by declaring last night thai ie would take a lot of able-bodied ne ;ries aud stamp the germs to death in a ew minuter-;. When asked to tell how arge tho microbes were, h said they vere about the size of rats. The Speaker of Houso has appointed he quarter number of ine committers, nit active legislative Work will not be ;in until nsxt Tuesday, when the Sena orial vote will Ik' taken. Republicans are asserting today thai t is Senator Puller's . earnest desire U iave a deadlock in this Senatorial mat er and prevent an election. They say ie and Cy. Thompson are both front the ast and that Thompson will in 19i)c ivertdiow Buth:r. They also say that il hitler's plain succeed there w ill be per nanent end of all fusion of Republicans .nd Populists, and that the DemocraU vill save about one-third of the offices ut ot the geural wreck. The Republicans say they wish l. enow whether all thu majority of the 'opulists will abide firmly by the caucus iQd vote for Thompson. Several iei-soria from this city were a! 'ayetteville today today t attend the uncial of the venerable Rev. Dr. Joseph '. Huske. lhshop Watson of iln- Dio esi: of East Carolina official.' !. Mmv if the clergy were present. The municipal ownership of water, cwerages. aud lighting franchises which UI irreat cities enjoy, i- beginning to b. iet'ii iu this State. The city f ('hurlotli las purchased and now owns anil eon rols its water supply. Wilmington is igitaling the putting in of a sexveragc I yslein to be oxx ned by the city, and also j alking more and better xvater. This niinicipal ownership while il is" often ouirht against by the ieople. yet where ! I is tried is found very beneli. ial to both : becLlv, saving it in exjiense in many ( vays, and the people generally get more j lenetiis than thev wouhl where these 1 I nioorimil factors to the health of a cilv : ---r tre controled by private iuil i x id Hals. Ducklen'a ArnicaJSalvtf. The Rasi Salve iu the world lor Cnts, dmim-s. Sores, 1' leers, Salt Rheum, Fever toras, Tetter, Chappeil Hands, Chilblains, Jorns, and nil Skin Eruptions, anil posi--lvelj cureB Piles, or no puy retpiiitjd. It s guaranteed to ive perfect satist'netion 01 uoney refumled. Prit e 25cents per box. 'l-'orsalo bj F. S. Duttv. BOLTERS HELD TITlVfl. lull Klcriinu FeoliHK Itan llisli Urmsrraii lliil IIii.iX t Ciinloi wf Inlrnul, .in !l :.::; t t.i ,:i:ai', Jau.nrv l:t. N. C. Th ' Republicans ma I every ellort last night to stampede the Populists. Rum r f .ill kinds were Hying here and there ind oveVy where. In Skinner's loo a th boiling Popu lis's h -hi a secret c.im-us with door keep er stationed outside a. a watch dog to .varn the n of tii n; j i -!i of a ;y one A'ho cjuld n it give tli 1 c iiialer sign. It ras t dd Ihe h liters, by Skinner, that fh unpso.i had said for them to voir for f'ritchard iflhey wished, and that be Thompson) would make il all right with he people. A rnaior that Rutlcr and fhonipioii hid ha I "harsh words. and hat the ( au.-.isia i wo.rl 1 in msoli.la. ing wilh the N'vs Observer, com iletely swallo w the latter paper was all leutd. Wo shall see later. It is trim . thongli that Uutler and SUinuer Inulsome pretty slid words UToro Ihe evening wa uit.- The Deinoernts in their caucus discuss d the advis ibility of endorsing the Pop- . llist noniiH. e Cy. Thompson, but there i wa a general mcliu.U ion io nain- a can- ; lida'e of ih -ir own. It was siiggrsted that Ilv-L'e it. ( .' ive: nor D iiighloa 1 - 'he oae n ini 'd. This action, however. Aas ii i! taken. Tie' serious and perlmps crilicnl illness if Dr. Mar-hdl is causing his friends a! ;reat deal of anxiety. This mourning Congressman Stroud of his district, a Duller man, says that hey fear the hod. !. II has Im-cii im-io-sio!e to i-'.iaiig. them. This promises o eci ed all past records for political ows in l'ie S:lrtV history. The outside vol hi i . looking on (his coolest with in-ere-,!. ; PRIOAR3 THE MAN. H ATOIt lU'TLEK'S I'KIIIT TO HOLD I'OPS. 111 I'xclliiiu Ciinlfl. I'rileilaril si;. Thoni jts.xt. 1 i. II. ti j Ii ( on :l I leiu urrnK -tin X u bl Kollln; rotllifl tal Firm. ; pec al. Ril.Kaill, N. C. Jiiiu iry 111. Th.) iv- , Jii'iioa was in cle that Pritchird Would -vin by not ve,- two inaj irity. lie received SO our of 170 voles. The D inn rats m-h: two weeks a"o i co-nmu-iic ili ui to rh Popalisf ciih i :':s, offt ri lg lorv. ! loranv gool silver: nan tin' Pipiif'sls might name. They: lever reci-ived a reply, a i i i caucus the Dan.eral A . Don j hi on as cm Ii 1 ' The balloting be -an ;;l tins morning chose Riifus 11 1 HI. Ii 't h issembly halls were packed. Every PopulitC and lh'piil.li. :.:! of i pi" iini.ii lie was heiv. Two Senators. I i I a l ' ngri s men were on tin' sceiie. Sim . o" B tl -r was open in his efforts i ,o eepth- P 'pil'ist f ire:1 i ! o." lei" and J U -j eatlvan.ered ihe I.epublicaii-: 'I h v Ue iii the S. 11 it was, Iiu-h ml i il. Cy rus Thompson, IS. R" A. D.mh- ioa. 7. Toe vote in the I Ions vi, I'liic'i u I ii.', Dnig iton ".T. T.ecop.o.i JI. Duller loll t'ae truth when he de .Uied th il t ae.v w ould he no elect ion ro lay. 1 There will be a joi.it mvling t.o.n r- : :0 v, in an vhile the Repuhlic.ins are .voiking like heavers t g t in ue votes ' or Pr.ichar 1. i (' uigressnian S'.ii iner de "l.u"e 1 tonight 1 he knew of 4 mo e Pop ilists who would : von for Pritchard. Taeie was lo 1 iy an exciting scene in ; the h itel wliec I'ritch ii". I and Shu ford j are -.loppi g. Pritchard sii I I i Shafor l yon are j trying to play a a am." here. Shuloul j said '"I do i'i thin ; I am." Pritchard ' cursed hint a i I t il I hi i he wojld a' tend lo Ii ii ii wh.'n ti'u in liter is over. Shuford made no reply. All Llie boiling Pop alls o.i . for n il. bard. .fe.l Ib.l,:.' ,v uidile I ox 1 1 i ' I w i ' Oil i lice yoi. ol I hell lli! fit -. T II. si- pi! s oe easy ui adion ami ate pailicuktrlx tieCtiveill the cure ol ( oust ijiai ion am -iick Hiada he. For Mahnia ;.nd l.ivei reU'tles i Ie y hive I s-fli ploVeil iuv.i'ua'' i The' nr.- enninwed b he p. rle. ii iir. 'Polll fr!V ill let ! (HIS sub la: I e a lid lo In plliely Vegetable. Tin y do n- l we iK'i y -th-ir aciion, but bv giv ing Ion. t" otll tc an I b i. s gir l y i vig he teJii Regulai s"n-e 'J.k-. Sold by F. Dutiy, Dniggii-t. I) i.ii . ;i.n in the I1.. veil Co 1 1 ii 1 i I - r , t ItHci at N. ('.. Jan. Ueina' n' n j" llvr.ir. ( 1 NrW lSth R - lis. Mell.li. ( ' .1 i s. I '. .rue i D- Ir . Marx I- P.rady. 1 'o . M I S I III nca ii. ( 'ol lilld .U. 11 i ,. M: ry Ha Mi A H r I n I .!. I i . 1 1 1 L. . Hall. Mr. .1. I , ), L R. Henry. L Miss A li ve 1 II ie. .1. Mo .1. M Miss Mary Moore. N - M ss ha i Mi ( ii ice i a I. P Mr. i ai ..i,te P. . ket R -Mr. Warren V. Ranc-cv. ; S Mr. John Slai 1 ., M s. Ann NWill 'dell. T Mis. Maiiha Jan Taylor, i D. L. ) W Mrs. Polly Walker. Mi-s. Mary ! Willis. 'Person i calling for above letters will ! plea e -iv advel'tis.-d and give dale of list. ' The re .ulati ns now require that one i 1 cent .hall be i ollccted on the delivery ot ca h ai'.vertisfd 1. tie.-. M. MANLY, P. M. The only Weekly Newspaper pub lished iu New Uerne. (. I., liar bso i v .t 1 f ir I'I ox ..' Pitt, d . !g .1. Tre Pill. S - ei fill a d es- lo ii. E. o.( Cliicig , and el a lor f Dr. Kind's evv I i r I'll -. . WASHINGTON NaWS. ruKuimuNs ox the akbi- T RATION TKKATV. I'priimui'iil lrnn ftre. F.x-Pr'!-lidii llari'laoii lor Aniliantlr o i.liulaml I'iiIUIihI Aiiililll iMenlM. ishim;thN. D. C.. Januaiv 10. The arbiliation treaty will not be reported' to the Senate by the Foieiu'ii Relation--t 'oln mil tee of the Senate at its next meet ing. This prediction can he coulideut . Iy made. Secretary lney will app -ar before thw committee at that meeting in order lo explain the fuli m ojh' and mean ing, of the ducn men; . .".el his renriik' will tie carefully weighed ami discussed. , As one of tne roeinb.-rs ..f the committee savs, the oi:e.s",i ;i i. trcHtell-inus in its results that il will have t . ha considered ; with much care. If t Ik? treaty should be ' reported at th" meeting a week from : Wednesday, their will then be only' about month remaining of this session of Congress, mi l in thai length of time, xvtth tie-appropri:ir1o:i bills pressing for consideration.!; wji be obficu'.t t sec n-c a vole. In tbr meantime an active lobby in behalf of lite la! iii. a! ion of the treaty is l-itg formed. Senator t'luindirr introduced a bid proxiding for a permanent census olln e. This shall have charge of Ihv twi-lfth and succeeding censuses and the collection , of oilier ir.forniation. It is identical with that introduced in the House the ther day. The director of the o r.-us 1 a, - to submit to ihe Secretary by October t. next tin.-estimates of tire fotce lie may need. One of tiro wcil-kno.vw Republicans lately home from Canton .stated that Presidcnt-clnct McKinley has bad under consideration t he nominal ion f lU nja inin Harrison as ambassador to England. The iden is said not tn lie oiiginal with Major M"Kin!ey . but wholly agreeable lo him. He lias not yet decided to make tho ofl'ej- or a-cirtained wlirth,r the tender of this post would be pleasing lo the e.v Presidenr. He believes, however, that the nist rs one which (ieu-ejal Harrison could accept wiih dignity and liil wi;h distinguisbe.1 ability. Senator Morrill has tiresented in th- Senate a slatf-nictit from Librarian Spol- t i!il. reh tive to the ileitis (,t tlie new"; Library f Congress. It was ordeicd' I inleil as a uocnmrni. Iir says the new building must accom- t niodale at once 7-tn.lHHJ volumes, L'oO.iKto ps;:n phlef.s, about oiio.'jou uiibound perio dicals, the Smithsonian sc'icnliiic binary of lOilpiuu voluintvs, the Town.' libiiir.' of '!!l.Hl vobmies and many ttiiiphh ts , ali i (.eriodicHis. "')n.0O0 c ipy: i .rht -.1 mi dieal comtKisilions. an extensixe .! leclio'i of works of graphic art. nuuiin ; Lug riot less than 1 .OUO.i.iUO d isl incl works ii asf collection of map of vei v de scription, another of c'rirts. i : ! u ?tr it in all ih - j m i i uu nts of scientific i ns! ; net ';. u and i '(p.iiring much sp.iee. a. id a .-..1!-liou:.)1 niaaiiscrij.'l s a-.-ij-iir.-d with ih. hisloiical library oi I'. tei' 1' uce and fri r.i o! ht-i" Miurci s. The position of recorder of deeds for the District, an ..lliee held at present and for I he ; list foiiiycais bx ibe' Kaiisaii. '. II. .1. l ay lor. and regarded by many ;s uni- nf tin- most desirable local ap pointments in point of emoluments, may In; filled upod Mr. Taylor's retirement by a white Republican. 1 1 is alleged by u number of Distrii t politicians that a contest between the white and c doiv.I partisans -over this plum is incx Ifuble, ;.ud. as though to verify Ihe prediction, a xvhiie cad lidale. Mr. C. '. i tales, is announced for the plact?, xvith Ihii iis-urancc. il is under stood, of the linit-cd .vij.poi'l of the Sound Money League, an organization ovt-r xx hicb he piv.-ided daHag the late cam paign, mid many i : .d i x" id nal xviil-.e Rt-iub!;can-s of iiRire or less p; :,,n ne.-e. The President has M-nl 1.. lie- Senate thr fidloxving nomination. Tlioiinrs 1 . I,y l'lllii. . !' Nol 1 h l 'ai obna. 1" !;t coll,,. t"i ..! customs for tie.-' .iLsiii- ; ol Aibe uiai Ie. N. C. Tiir. xv.i :d liiiUll set VUits on most ,,f ;he cnited lighting .i.ips now sta- W..ia'o a? tin- :uivy yal.i a-'e .l.lKlnri-. and a v li'ek. bright I j. i k i ii ; l o! im :i thev el'". " W'r have found.' s.i: a 1 iei I " ena n t . commander several days ago. "that the Jap- 'ire g-ood servant-, hut that as s -n as i hey ie-arn the LnH!i;h l-angiiagt,- lb.y arc anxious io leave. Ihe serviec and get better wages. The latest and Ih st rouiplete Cabinet -.I.e.-. Nceordiucj io the gosips at the I apit- l. is i.s follu.xvs; St ca etarv of SI ale, .foha Siiet tiutli. f Unto. Secretary of ih Treasury, Stieihv M. Cull an. of 1 din .is. Sec I ft in y ..f War. R 11 'sell A. Alger, of Michigan. Secretary of the N:u'v. John D. Long, of Mass;icbnetl.s. Attorney (ieuera!. Nathan t-loil of , t irgii ia. Pos inaster ( leiiirai, Henry l '. Payne. . if W is on si a . Secrrfai v of I he Interior. Joseph H. MeKenna of California. Secretary of Ajrrh-iillure. .lames, W il son uf L i w:l . This -hoe ha geogi ;i phic d symmetiy. xn. 1 in Ibis re.speci is superior i o a ny previously piiblW.ii-. "I . A Valuable Prescription. , Iahr. r Moriison of Wol tii inlon In I. Sun - xxriTe-: "'.mi haw a vixliiablt p;a rciipiioii in ICiectric Cttters-. and I cau lieeilu'iiy reennnnend It lor on-tipati' u ni Sa.k Head n he. and us a tttirmi ?ys. eai touie it bus ti') equal." Mrs. Aum;c St..-Me. ''Oit;"i (..'oltage (irove Axr, ('hi ilg'1. xx as a 1 i tin .town could not cut cot" digist loo-i, hil I H Ul. k icbe xx hich lievei. bit her ami l Il tiled and xvtai V, but i.X tjolih s oi llctue Hitlers resturc In r deiilth aii.i r. nexxed l.tr strvulh. P' iie iO ceuts and $1 Gtt a bat Ie ut F. s i IXifl''s Drus Store. II II II II II II fl(tD (0) Cents Pound i oooo ! The greatest Mon ument a Store can rear lor itsell is q record tor honest and when this is companied by Low Prices how it makes us Tow- er Above ALL Com petitors, i We have dared to discard the worthless, dared to cling- solely! and only to those vai- ues we knew would1 give satisfaction, do us credit and seal your patronage With the inseparable bonds of Fullest Confidence never betrayed. The Sincerity of the Past is reaping- a deserved Success i ii ii n ii n Ii DALIT! HACKBURK'S. Holiday Goods ! If o;i witnt a useful present, call ' and examine our line ol ' Cut Class, Fancy Queenswarf, ( uilsliail and Havllands -' i . i ioif Sets. : 1,. If. C uller t Co. If you want Guano loiv Cash we can supply", you with At ICoek ISolloiu ; J' J. C. Whitty &Co E. W. Smallwood Under Hotel Cliattawka, South. Front Street, New Berne, N. 0. VVIjL link of Cut pet. for Tool -' ('nilury, ' . 'vv'n. Tnblo Ware- H.irhed Wiro, v -Cifil van tzod I'ipe, , I'timpa, Lime, ., Plaster ; ' and'CerAcnfx, l'. rsotitil attention. to. tlie prompt a;, l oorrect fillitlff of All or "i Vd Sin i I'll: ( ),l II Slice I ': l , L i V b Pa, I ' Soap J I -'i. - ' S.)'. p I . !!. -. ! tp P .11-, i Pie PI . e , i I. Hie C .: I':.:s, ! (J. il' .. P..;-. ('C .' 15ev . J la uivl 2(V lie 40; 45, 50c " I V ib Tci Ki ll lev Cheap, i. l Iliigiy Kim? Henters, nt Special Offering; i 1 vim li"'s liinviii-tl A n i rii sa COFFEE 2 Jc. per Pound F. ULRICH, Grocer, I I Mitt, lie Slreel. '" m;v iii.nxr; acadkmv. New Heine. N. ('. I'll bribe p a i ol reoriiHrii.iitif n, o!llT thorough uis.'i .a (.on in ihe C'lni-sieul onrt liis:ii ." m n.y coips ... eminent Ivbicato' - vni the I 'ni versit y or .Not th ('.rob..... I'.hmi's School h ix I other noted Kdncatl. ' L's, ntioiis. Tuil e 1 . ,s Mtnthly in AdvHUce. Pr: i:it; 1 ).; Mf .ent, .f 1 .2") per mouth, I ii. . run .1 ie " 'J.t.'.'i " ' H-M. al l'.e Iuil'.. be s. 3.IIJ " m!'oi m it ion, wpji'y or) '. Ions s. Lt, ,L., 1). K. II. M y.. hows, r. . i ; in., k.n. I'.ur I ,. I U Lenta W i Tie lift Do y. u v mi io KKNT a lion-' '! II ie X...I I llllll -c to IUCNT '. I) . y. :. xxi.lil lo Y or SELL Hh1 Lslnte in N x lb rue " Do you xx mil I" buy Ol M'!l a In rm in ( 'i .i vcn'C' unt x ! Do nu xv ml to hu v chcip lots ncitr the cilv on . ,isx piiy.iieiils. or V. IV low lor c:isli .' II s.c.ill nt Ibe Ni:V UEUNi: REAL ESTATE A ( J I -N C V , i.ctoss ihe KlKPl horn the Post Ollice. li rye Wurelnnise lor fltonpe "'. near stenmer docks for rent cheap. SSrColkction of Itents Specialty. ' e. KjiiAiu'Ea : AH! Illli! Ili'liiililc- fails