1 , , - - ..ig.y?r; ...... ,., i 1 ill,! 4 VOL. XX. NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. JUNE 25, 1897. NO. 12. iliousness SPOILS SYSTEM. THE SECRET OUT. GRANGERS FIRM. t o i i . o i : i 1 1 i r u i r j r 3 1 o Is Mil M 'I by turp!4 Hyrr, which prevents difvs Uwm4 yeralts food to frrmDt aud putrty la tbc stomach. Yben foUow Uitiloeis, beda:h, -.drs Adopted as Ik Policy of the Reason Why Secretary Sherman Slate Treasurer Worth Secures I Stoch, Willi a Few Ficepiin ftp: Slate Afimioiflraiioo. Now Fa vol s AnDBxalicn. Were Finn and Anmi v and. Hoods vmm Um Brr, ur headaeto, dlxitoett. eorv Opotloa. eta. erata. Sold by U tfni1sts. ?amtir tlUitvtak wKb Hwxfa Banauaril. Your Choice Your Price. AT "J05R SUM'S "ZU. Vuier IWtet Chattawka. New Bre. N. C. o Tlie Furniture you pat in it makes the (Terence o between a honae and" a homo. Yon want it Low o Priced, and jou want plenty to Mdect from, o Sitcr baa both. He is fepaml to farnih one o irfiall room or a large houao at prices equally o reasonable. J2fIt Coet Nothing to visit hu tor-, ami you will bo convinced of th abore. J. J. TOLSON, 69 Rrond St. It would be superfluous to tell a c.t- j izen anTtkin abont the the extent i or character of the business I . done Hy this j UI? TO DATE j Murine, aa all know the firing stand ing for rrorea in the mercantile method in New B me. Ilia stock ia moat varied and per fcoc in Staple and Fancy GIIOCJEKIES, ProTiaiona, Meata, Floor. At Rack BetUm Prieen. FRKK STAHLES and erery at tention given to oar country friend wheti tbrr call. John Is Attracting Large Crowds. For One Week ! ire will soli Granulated Sugar 5c. per pouud. Roasted Package Cof fee 12c per lb. Fox River Print But ter 25c lb. Best Elgin Butter, loose, 20c lb. Don't Cheat yourself by staying away but Lay in a Supply. Xotiee. Certificate of Stock of No. 285, for One Sbare of Stock of Atlantic and North ' farolioa Railroad kaviag been loet, notice I U hereby given that application for a I duplicate will tie made, t. f. mccakthy, i Admiatatrator 11. b. Black well. 1 Dunns Ererj Democrat Must (io. A ppoi n t uieut of Delegates to the Cotton tirowers X'onvont ion at (Jul-veston. Secial to Journal. RAJ.UUH, N C. June ID. ('. T. HnVv ; chairman of Uic bonrl of t riisfei--i uf the Blind Institution, attackoil J. 1". Mi-serve for resigning, and says tlio jolii-y uf tin present Board is tii turn out t-very llrm ocral in orticc, wlirre competent Kepuh licAnx or Fopolists can b foml to till.; and that this is the "spoils system and is the system to which we are going to ' adhere." ' (iovernor Russdl appoints Isaac A. ' Sugg, of G rt'CC'ille and J. M. Mcwl)orne of Kluston, tlelegates to the Cotton Grower Convention at Galveston, Texas, Anzust 2"2nd. COPPER MIHIHG AGAIN Immigration to North Carolina is lo Over tisrht Thousand Copies of Acts of Lfjrlslainre Sent Out. Appli cations to Morgrantou Asylum. Kailwuy Shops Enlarged. Veterans at Nalnille. JotKSAI. Hl'KKAl'. Haikigu. N. Co June Coppt r mining has for many cars he en at a Mandrill in North C arolina. this being due to the Lake Superior ores. But now it has started u:i at Iii.cktown in Cheri'kee louuty , and a thousand men are at wotk tl.eic. The daily otvtpul is aliout G0t tons. It is said that a moun tain of copper of marked purity bus leu discovered. Tlie inaugural addret-s of Gov. Uussell contained a hint that dm ing his adminis tration an illort would be made to move immigration to the Slate. The action of the new- board of agriculture is along the , tame lio. The- Secretary of State has sent the net of the late legislature to the justices of the peace, save for 4 counties from which no returns of magistrates were re ceived. .In all (.-'aO copies wcic sent! out, all having leeu shipped from Winston, at a cost of IW, which is less than usual. There are over 100 applications now , on file for admisaiou to the deaf mute school at Morsanton. Not til of these can lie granted. The number on the , i oA last terra aa present was twice as. great as that on the rede here, when the; deaf mutes aud blind were taught in the, same building. The ground on whifti the agricultural department bases its opposition to the present State priulers is that while the cost of binding the a.tHKJ copies of the ' Ue8ource9 of North Carohnti" was only j 750, yet the public piinteis charged no less tlnin l.CMXl merely for inserting in eac h volume C" pages of illustrations I which had been printed at Chicago. J The "cop" fur the life certificates for public M'liuiil leuchers w hich aic lo be i issued under the new law has been sent to the public pi inters. As soon as they ! are printed they will be sent to the county supervisors, who are to be elected July ' ". The date for the examination of teachers for the life certificates is July 8 Secretary Dcnsoti of the State hoard of public chariliis says the reports are I coming in iiuitc rapidly and show a fur ther gratifying improvement in the con dition of a number of jails and county houses and workhouses. ( In the course of conversations with 1 many pre niiceut persons the idea is . gathered that very few indeed fayor the annexation of Cuba or the Sandwich Islands, while all desire the independence of C uba. The Southern railways great shops at Spencer, two miles from Sa!i.-,bury .ire to Ik? increased in S'ze and to the "resent I -100 employes 2o0 are to be added. The eh .-trie -to, !::, of Thursday and yesterday afternoons wei e severe. Two deaths and some damage to bridges hv , lightning are reported. The w ind which , accompanied these stoims has clone much damage, and yet the returns are not all in. The fierce heats this wetk caused the storms. As a rule about 40 persons are killed by lightning annu.iilv in this State. Iu all cases where a registered distil lery is seized for irregularities the ,-toie-keeper and ganger is in future to be in dicted jointly with the distillery, for it is held, and it appeals right, that there can he.no fraud unit ss the store keeper ami ganger is a party to it. ' does not appeur that any Conf, d erate veterans from Lah-iilii save Col. Thomas S. Kenan will go to the reunion at Nashville. The hih railway rtttes have deterred the otheis fiom gohiL'. M iss Nannie Branch Jones gov from here as the Sponsor for N' rth Carolina. Tlie commissioners app inted by the Federal court to the Cumuock coal mine sav they propose to make tin- sale the first week in September. It appears from the great number of inhumes for pension application blanks that there is likely to be an increase in the number of jensio:is. Such is the opinion of the State Audib r. The resignation of Col. Charles I". Mes erve. republican, as a trustee of the blind institution hprc has made the Kussell re publican furiously angry. His onn cliame that politics and uot met it carried theChaURes in the f.e ullv and the em plavees, struck home. .J a pa it After the l-lauds. Mow Trade A i 1 1i ( ulta iias I r 1 1 m l . The Income Tax. A nt t-1 nisi r? i 1 N i n t lie Sen ate. N'ol Li k el) to sro T li rouirli. . I ! I : v a i IJ i " ! : K ! . 1 V , -li INC 1 on . 1 ). (' . June 1 . , Si-rr. t:iiy Slievnian. i:i order to jntif' Lis i.wn 1 1 : r 1 1 ; i .u 1 1 1 tiwards :ii::k x:s t i. I' . made a d i ! ni l! ;i hi'i ak a: .1 i . k iv a State Sioie'. IK1 said ti;a! ii:,.'h-I : ordinary circumstances lie was opponl to atitiexiitiou. hut that w lieu he learned t It lit a scheme was on foot to put Hawaii in possession of Japan, he favored an nexation. Tlu iehv haiiiTs the whole I storv of the hurrvint; up of tlie tiratv r(ir ;I( m nex alien of 1 law ail. which President last eek. wav, hut McK'mh'V s-nt to the Seiiati It would come in timeany the adiniaist ration receiith ; learned of a plot on the part of Japanese 1 on the island and the friend- of the ex Queen, w ho is in Washingb n. an i w!io : made an opera hot: (To protect ;ig liri-t :!e ratification of the treaty', to overthrow the present government of Hawaii and I set ii)) one of their own. with the nlti mate design of turning the island over to Japan, and that caused the treaty to 1 go to the Senate much earlier tlr.n it would otherwise have gone. The Jap- I anese government has all along denied that it had anv grabbing inter.tn.n to ward Hawaii, and iN d'-ifcil io.iv l.ae been perfectly honest and it may have been entirely ignorant of ti plot tc overturn the Ha wai ian Government. As the information concerning that pint was secret and was not mentioned in the President's message accompanying the treaty, diplomats regard it as a bad break on the pat t of Secretary Shei man to have publicly mentioned it. and I lie Japanese minister regards his h iving done so a. almest an insult to his country and is v'onseo.uor.tly soinew hat d i -grn n ( led. There isn't opposition enough to the ireatv in the Senate to pp vent its rjt:!i cation. but there is enough t make the debate ouite Kngt.iy. s . is inten ied. to allow it to g) over to the regular ses sion. No stronger plea for some actem on the part of ibis government that will icstore peace to Cuba has been put forth than is contained in an orticial report prepared by the Agricultural department, show ing our trade with Cuba for a pen d of vcars. For the fiscal year IS'.' f our com merce with Cuba amounted to .iSJOg Sn-l.-go-4: for the ii -co. 1 year l'!Hn had drop ped to ?47. )4siJ'll. and estimates for the fiscal y ear 197 piaec it at Ies- than -JD.-iXHroo. Senator Morgan called attention to the failure of the tariff bill to provide for the repeal of the income tax, imposed by the Wilson tariff bill and declaml to be un constitutional bv the Supreme court, lb said he was glud that the bill did not pro ide for ils repeal, because if it were left upon the statue book. ;. change in the conrt might cause it to be sustained. Quite a number uf the Senators w ho helped to knock out the I'ettigrew anti trust amendment to the tai iff bill. have oft ered amendments to their ow n especially aimed at the sugar trust, with which they appear to have a dread of being considered friendly. One of these, olT ered by Senator Pettus, prohibits the im portation of raw sugar by t he sugar t rust , and another, offered by Senator Nelson, provides that any attempt to monopolize the trade in raw or refined sugar among the states or with other nations shall be punishable, upon conviction, by a line of not less than 50n, n. r m rc than 10,0'. 0. or by imprisonment at hard labor not less than six months nor more than two years. e.r by both said punishment m the sircdilion of the Court. Notwithstand ing all this activity on the part of indi vidual Senators, there is no probability that the tariff bill as it finally passes and goes to the President will cou.ain any ant i-t rust amendments. WEI ELY CROP BULLETIN. Con il I i I ons for I lie Wrek r. mlfft;: .Hiei itay. June 21. Is!):. The week ending Mom! was gent rally vt ry favi work, especially haying i and for the growth of en improved ir.atei iaily. T verv warm and drv up t .iv, June 2 1st, Table for farm nd harvesting:, ps. w hich ha i e ae wt ather was the 17th. with maximum temperatures above '.id every where, and abundant sunshine. (Jood show cis followed, w hich were extremely beneficial. Some severe local storms de clined. The wheat harvest is about over. Cotton is biginning to bloom in extreme sith portions A go.nl crop of hay has been saved in past two weeks. Ka-i k::n IhsTKn T A very warm W eek ending with line rains. Clops on high lands suffered lii'st part of the w eek from drought, but ail were improved by a favorable season after the 17th and crops are generally eh an. I. cal heavy rains or hail damaged crops over limited areas in Nash. Bladen. Chowan, Camden and Biunswiek countle. Cmp n is doing verv Weil, though 8! ill .-ma!!. oi ll is gi ow i U g more igop ai-ly -. some farmers through hihing it; tobacco slender and inclined to button ton early; -ome leaves have been cured. Peanuts are growing fast. Oats being in'; crop not good gen erally. Cantaloupes and watermelons blooming. Peaches and pears ripening, but clops very short : June apples eiy iio'ei i. .r: berries abundant. The mills of the Salmon Palls Cotton Manufacturing Company, New Hamp shire, resumed a full time schedule after having been run on two-thirds time since last pei ember. The change in time is tlie p suit i if an increased the goods manufactured by l latiou. i mand for the corpo- Mot Vao MroKen. Capital Streets to he 1'awMl. I njiiiietioii Airainst Secretary Thompson. The Mica Industry. Some So cial It Pius. Jid liNAI. IilRKAf, K'.M.i'tiiit. N. C. June 2. Tin' hot wave is hroketi and living has lieeoine oearalih-. In spiti' of the intense (.! spell Kaleih is vi-ry healthy. There is remai kahiy little fever hire of any kind. Treasurer Worth has made arrange ments by which he is enabled to borrow .f."ii) in, u from tlie trustees of the educa tional fund with which to pay the town ship school boimtv. Of course the next Legislature will make this LTood. Thus the -c hool tux can be voted on and the State will put up a like sum to any raised by anv communitv lv taxation within in i i lie ' ,1 1 hi i . . i mil 1 - i n i ! ! i f u r n i s 1 last la the s capita of the ail Hi gislature passu! a bill re late to pave the streets 1 : ipiarc. Supei intendent pi nitentiary offers to :' shell rock necessary, and have the work done if the State will pay the freight en the shell rock from the State farm at Castle Hayne near il mingtoii. An injunction has been gotten out through Judge M Iver to prevent Secre tary of State Thompson and A. Williams iV ('.., fiom entering into a contract wheiebv the sale of Supreme court re- ports is iven to A. Williams & Co., ex Tl i is. has been the contract for hisivel years made by the forum- Secretaries of State. The im-.niago ,,f Mr. Will Linehan, (of the firm of Cross and Linehan. clothiers) and Miss Mamie Lesson will take place on Wednesday the 2:hd. The insane asvlum board meets again on the Till of July when several changes wiil be made in the employees out there. Labor commissioner llanirick is back from the west, rn part of the State wheie I he wi nt on an inspection tour. He is de lighted with tlie mica industry. It is sel ling at -4 a pound aud great quantities are being mined in those western coun ties. Cards ore out announceing lhe marrage on June lidth of Mr. John Haywood of this city and Miss Griggs of Columbus, (hi. Mr. Haywood is a son of the late Dr. K. Burke Haywood. (ieorgetown College, D. C. will confer the honorary drgree of LL. D. on Asso ciate Justice K. M. Louglass of North Carolina on Wednesday. He is a grad uate of that college. The evidence so far is that Carl Dun can of Beaufort is to be Revenue collect or for this district. (iovernor Kussell returned today from his summer home at Wnghtsyillc Beach, below Viliiiiiigton. Mrs, Kussell is there still. Jot 11NAI. Bt'IlEAf. K u v.iuu. N. C., June 22. It is expected that the council of State will meet on Wednesday, and the con tract for public printing be given out. Barnes Bros, will undoubtedly get the job work, but the heavy work such as printing and binding of books, will be given to another party, so as to keep the two grades of work separated. Tomorrow the Sunday school of the FirstThiptist Church will go to Chapel Hill for the r annual picnic. There is very general regret that North Carolina will be so poorly represented at the Confederate reunion at Nash ville. Yesterdry Raleigh was crowded with negroes the result of two excursion trains from the eastern part of the State. The excursionists were indignant that the keeper of the capital would not al low them to go nil top. The three following names have been sent to the Inspector General of the Uni ted States as the best all-round drilled men in the Agi lcultural College. Brad ley J. Wooten, Wilmington: J. L. Knight. Tarboro: C. D. Harris, Ral eigh. Mr. Charles D. lleartt ex-chief of po lice of this city is critically ill at his home here. Mr. A. P. C. Bryan. Southern Ex- piess agent here lias had a relapse and is very ill. Col. W. W. Haywood of the dead Tri bune will probably return to Ilenderson ville where he was doing newspaper work before he came here. The 4th Virginia regiment passed here yesterday in a special of '.) cars returning j from the Tennessee Centcnia. One of the drug stores here is putting, in the largest plate glass window ever brought here. It is oXlO feet, one half inch thick and weighs 600 pounds. It' cost ij 105. Treasurer Worth says over half the: sheriff in the State will attend the j she-rill's institute in August. Spain HiinI I'nj . Ia 'N iON. The W ashington correspon dent of the Daily Chronicle declares that President McKinley has instructed Gen ei al Stew nit L. Woodford, the minister ial ct to Spain to demand reparation and indemnity for the death of the late Dr. Ruiz, and to intimate to Spain that if she refuses to grant freedom to Cuba, she mu-t be prepared to viekl it to force which would mean men and money. large sac rificcs of Preside nt McKinley has determined to revive the abandoned treaty of general j irbil ration between the United States ,n,l Great Brit . in. He has already turn-1 d his attention to the sub ect. and under I matter has progressed to the extent that ; a new treaty has been dratteel to serve as ' the basis of negotiations, Cotton Opened I'neliaiiired. Itut ! i elined it to 11 Points on Ueal- izin?. Soutliorn Mouses Were t Buyers 'on tlie DetTinc. I W heat I ri ( uutar. i ; Special to II. Silshy A: Co. Com u sion Brokers. 1 CDTTi X. New Yokk. June 22 'flier,- wt,- mere activity anc a larger volume of business in the cotton market today than has been noticeiV for some time. The opening w as about on a parity with yesterday's close, and during the first hour pi ici s held up fairly well. After this there was some realizing, principally by the local trailers which was followed by a gross decline of from ! to 11 points to the lowest for the day. A slight rally near the closing hour reduced the net decline to about 7 points. Houses with Southern connec tions were moderate buyers on the de cline, in expectation of a higher Liver pool tomorrow-. Although we are consid erably over exported which favors a squeeze in t'11-' August option, yet we consider that contracts are too much di vided to cause even a temporary advance I and believw lower'priees will follow the evening up process which will start in a few days. STOCK S . New Yokk. June 22. Those who lookid for a reaction in the stock maiki t , today were- disappointed. Opening prices were about - above yesterday's close, and, with but a fi-w exceptions.: the close this afternoon shows an ad- 1 vance for the day The grangers, uiuh.-r the leadership cf 'Jurlingtori weie ex ceptionally firm, and gained nearly a dollar a share. Commission houses w ere moderate buyers for public aecoiinls. . Considerable business w as also done by the leading international houss, which would indicate a better feeling abroad. ; Nashville was also strong and favored our views as regards purchas-s on all weak spots, 'there was considerable realizing in the industrials ami coalers, but otferings were quickly absorbul. es pecially as regards the hitter stock. Chi cago Gas is the weakest stock on the board and should be sold on ail jbulges. ; as insiders are inclined to withdraw their : support for the present. CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. June 22. Trading in w heat was irngular today. Opening prices were unchanged to i lower. Considerable short wheat was covered during the fore- , noon, especially in the near options, v Inch resulted in an advauce of over a i cent for July deliveries. This movement : proved only temporary however, as the : good crop reports and the know ledge ! that wheat is coming iu fast led the j trading element to ignore the possibility j of a squeeze in the near month, and the i crowd was quick to take advantage of the ! small rise to increase their short lines, j We have, along with other prominent ; houses, believed in a possible squeeze and j were dubious of the short side of July. : but upon a careful investigation, we find j the majority of large houses have suc cessfully transferred their July holdings, i and the danger line seems to have been 1 obliterated. The close this afternoon . was near the opening figures and the j concensus of opinion is to sell all options on bulges. I Provisions were fractionally higher to day, but the buying w as scattered: the j larger houses being out of the market. Yesterday's market quotations: STOCKS. Open. High. Low. dope Am. Sugar 12:C 12 f 122; 12 ! Chicago Gas -NO IM) s';ij- v.pj C. V.. & Q ii Sgi si sg- Jersey Central -?; o2: M j SI ;- St. Paul 7; 7.1; . ; COTTON. Open. High. Low. Close August 7.42 T. l l ' :j'j 7.:!7 October 'i.9"" (.!.") 0 .') CHICAGO MARKETS. Wheat Open. High- Low. Close July G7i 00 (17; ns;a Sept C;Ji (Hi ;:'.; ''4;b Dec Cf O'.i; G" oVr Corn July 24; 25 24 i 21 Sept 25i-i 2" i 25; 25; Meat Pork. July 7.10 7.45 7.:'.5 7.4 Ribs " 4 :!5 1.:17 4 :.12 4.:j5 GOOD PROGRESS. " Republicans Hope lo I'ass the Tarill' Kill Sfxl Week. W APltlNCiTON. June 21. The rapid pro gress made with the tarill' bill totlay has given rise to hopes upon the Republican side of the chamber that the hill may pass by the end of next week-. There ire, however, a number of weighty questions to be determined by the Republican cau cus, including the woolen duties and tin duty on hides, which may cause delay, while the Democrats will have some amendments to oifer that may lead to prolonged discussion. Still the Repub licans express themselves as perfectly satisfied with the progress that has been made. Something-to Know. It may be wortt something: to kn .w that the very best medicine lor resi lin g the tired out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to lne nerve centers in the stomach ent i v stimulates the Livor and Kidnes, and aids these organs in throwing off impurities in 0,IUo,wl Via.-.! ,-ir. RiltorQ i ill I inivr s 1 ! ip "lc . o-.r-- - aoetite, aids dige stion, and is pronounced ', by those who have trie I it, as the -r t,at ,00( purifier and nerve tonic. Try lt) ,,0id or 50.: or 1. 00 per bottle at I" . S. Duffy's Drug St o' e. Absolutely Pur Celebrated for its great leavening -t length and heall hfulness. Assures the i' o I againsl alum and all forms of adul t' ration common to the cheap brands. KoYAL BAKING POWDEK CO., New Yokk. DIAMOND JUBILEE. Ciftlt Million People Gainer In I. on loti in llmivr ol the qnrrn. London June 21, If the streets can be taken as a forecast, Queen's Day will be signalized by the assembling in Lon don of not less than eight millions of neople. At al! the London termini since early morning people have been pouring into t he Met ropolis in thousands. And for thousands there is no other shelter than the streets. Bright sunshine and warm tempera ture blessed the first day of the open-air programme of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. Sunday was devoted to relig ious services in the historic cathedrals of old England and in churches throughout the British empire. Today the venerable Queen emerged from Windsor Palace, hei country residence in England, and. embarking on a magnificent railroad train of coaches built upon the Ameri can palace car pattern, rode twenty miles to London. Every station was crowded with loyal subjects, who cheered their sovereign on her way, and all along the route gro i ps of people assembled to do her honor. The recept ion in London was an ova lion, and the ride through the streets from Paddington Station to Buckingham was a foretaste of the great jubilee pro cession of tomorrow. In the afternoon the Queen received the special envoys sent by the Cuited States and nearly every nation upon earth. The eventful daA closed with a grand dinner party at w hich the Queen entertained her most distinguished guests in Buckingham Palace and a reception to the diplomatic corps. It was a subject of special gratifi cation that the Queen bore the fatigues of the day without apparent distress be youud what might be expected of a lady of her age. She is seventy-eight years ol . Latest ows Hem. The revenue cutter MeLano arrived at Key West, Ela., with the tug Dauntless in tow. having found her off India Key. The Dauntless was disabled, having blown out the tubes ot'herboiler. The great tailors strike, w hich at one time involved about 20,000 hands isended. The last of the contractors surrendered to the men. It is expec ted that the attendance at the Tennessee Exposition this week will break the record, for the week will be crowded with interesting events. cenerai Weyler was so indisposed that he could take no part in the Corpus Ohristi ceremonies. The report of bis resignation is said to be confirmed. As vet he has received no reply from Madrid. Queen Victoria began the celebration of her jubilee today as was befitting her e ntire care er before the altar of her faith. Throughout London, the United King dom and the Empire, in every cathedral, chinch or chapel of the established Church of England were held services simiiiar to those at St. George's Chapel. Windsor, where her Masjesty paid her devotions and offered solemn thanksgiv- WONOERFUL arc the cures by Hood's Sarsaparillu, and yet they are simple and natural. Hood's Sarsa parillu makes PURE BLOOD. The Great Day Has Come. TO THE PUBLIC ! Come (fiick! Come at once, and see what we are iloing. We keep Dry Stove, Range and Fireplace YV0Ol, ready cut, under large sheds and never gets wet ia rt'.iny weather. A full line of .Soft ami Hard BRICKS, nice 1'ost for fences, Marl . Also Milk Cows. SHIXCLK.S of all kinds both hand made tiiid sawed. Real eitate for stile in most any part of the city. Houses to Rent al! the time. We have nice team and polite dravmen standing ready to serve the go,,,! people of New Heme any time free of charge. VAU III LL, Tn K Siiini.u: Man. r. Malt ! Tlie - BEST" Tonic! FOR SALK AT Davis' Pharmacy Fa 1.0 iv-.p', e ' 'V we ai e naming oi d ,-ir.ihle their appreciation ' ak ng a The good v. : ! i ' i-1 your selection. Nearlv ever, i w rotnetli tig new is added to these Iotfr C08t i.oods- -Here are a f . . goo 1 examples: Verv Sheer While Law 11. WoMh sc now Regular 25e Quality White Oi candy is here for 15c. , All of our 15c ( 'doled hg.mdies ap now 12-: the 12c fine in 9r.. k Good I 'at t ems a iv here y el . m Good. Heavy, .loini,-- Matting, Pretty Patterns, l.ro. Sieill ill. in I lai k only . mm We are giving 1 1 fore and you will lie sure or being suited here. o P a .1 tine 'I'I. I' it ivo Our IatroiiH at' I'iVrrv Price the B Si To he Obtained. OOOOOOOO WE ARE OFFERING Goods at REMARKABLY LOW fig- . S ures and QUALITY HAS 5 NOT beeiOowered. Best Elgin Butter - 20c. lb. Best Rio Coffee, K:i;r 12c. lb. No Store m this city makes 5 the preparation, takes the 5 pains, gives the VALUE, and Sfc guarantees the satistaction jfe; as we do. 2 An inspection and Facilities that kkIt pays I Ii n e .1 nst d 1 t "S no) her i1 :-, I'iax New r&v ftS&5 ',c m rn I luive just received I'.ed-rixun and Parlor Suits and ae ! wi.! s, ;! Cheap for (,'aali or on time: or w ill exchange for you r old suits, and ac cept your old .-nits for litst payment on a new one, if u-:i wii! s. n 1 tie io to Tiios. Stanly s am t nm house at tri y i-.v piine. (hi all ' '' ' . ' -i 1 - u 1 1 - w e will give i' months tin;.-, or u n ! 1 1 .January 1st, lM' This r.ppa rt u i, : :y 1 .'. : i f.-r this mont h. My ohjd-t !oi to make room for niv stock a- 1 h i. more gooils ( ban l ooiu. YoMH? R'eSpi c f; 1 y. T. J. Turner, NFW RKKNK, N. ( . BKKKSUIHI ' . orr J.-l r. 1 K.-.l -11.. I I ,1 I I I'W-L J. r. i l..i,r n II st.-m i It!. I r tM.t., . SI,...-,.. I ,,i,., !' , II. .1,1:,. Mil I l- ii l...-s i -,e,l .. .i. H. W. BHITU, luuhrno.liU, c telcr v., I'miia. ft Rcglwr.il. 3L - -:c o.h-d With (ho LOW PRICES sC.MMKR GOODS They show I nt age of t heso pricea. '..tig. so Letter come at once for.') h wide 20e. i'i' 11 ! ; VALl'KSthan e?er be-' v5 o nooorV 1 ot our Stock will convince to trade at The Largest Surprise. '-' lh. can Sugar Corn, at 5c per can. Kvaporatod Applai 6c lb. A rhuekle'H Ariosa Coflfeo 15c per pound. I 'r ii ties ,5c per pound, ('team Lunch Iviaciiit, 1 lb packages at 10c, V. ULRICH'S " (. K0CFKY. I'hune fl. 40 Middle St. Wanted to Sell ! lel, ;se ol a valuable Hotel, thor oughly liiinished iii modern ntylo, doing .' 1 business. Is centrr.lly located. Itca- - i. I. r -i Ming, ow ner has other busi ! h manding bis attention. Ix-nne and fur ' tine, will, business of hotel will b "Id in light oaiiv on easy termi. Jl'oi 'Mi t n iil.irs write JOURNAL, New Brrne, N. U. Asm! !. -Wie - Mil m m ..u-jnut' il'WW.WWM.l1!WWIWPP"" - V"- -C, I,: - .o

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