THE WEEKLY JOURNAL ErtakUa4 1878. 5iW Bene. N". C, Jlj 8. 189". . . We note the arrival or the nrst water mlonst Ice Iiiads, They were raised by Mr. Geo. Hill at Trent bride. '', Mr. D. B. Wood aud Mrs. Mis- onri Hamilton, both of this city, were married Sunday night at 8 30 o'clock, at t he Baptist parsonage, Bat, Sam'l. J. Porter, offciating. ' W. C. Robinson and son are build-in-n corner ljueen and George treeU, for J. V. "Clark a line of neat and. durable cottages that when All ttVO Aimn ntn. or , 1 1 m nM TO the improvement of that part of the city. J. M. Andrews of this city died Thai l lay at Pollocksf ille. He was a contractor and builder by trade. Thefanerai will take place at Tren ton today, and will be under the care "of the white carpenter I nion No. 1454. Mr. Andrews lost his wife about two weeks ago and m greatly broken down by his trouble. Oak .Eidjte Institute will open its 4(Jth jear August 18th. The school baa Jfreen managed by 1'rofs. Holt .twenty-two year, and in the lan guage of Dr. Winston, recently President of the University, "has bad ft Terr laree share in the educa tional revival of the State." It enda oat the prettiest catalogue in the State. Write for one. AMIkr TkMk lelirit. Another forged check on the Blades Lumber Company, was re turned yesterday from Goldsboro. A few days ago. John Garrett had a check which was aDparently all righf, drawn in favor of Fred Ca roon, and signed by the Blades Lum ber Company, presented to him, which he cashed. The check for $101., was later found to be a for gery, drawn by Caroon. The check, yesterday which was for $94.00 came endorsed by P. M. Pearaal. this gentleman knowing Carooa and probably thinking him still an employe of the Blades Lum ber Company. Caroon is still at large. CM aalaachler. The case of L. M. Gilbert, of Ad ams Creek, in this county, was brought up before S. li. Street, J. P. Saturday. Gilbert waving exami ' nation giving bond for $500 for ap pearance wuri. - The cause of the arrest of Gilbert is as follows: Last March, at his place at Ad ams Creek, Gilbert had some words which became a hot dispute, with a colored man named Bright, which ended in Gilbert striking Bright with an door bar. Twenty six days after this dispute, Bright died and . was bnnea. "After Bright's burial there arose some talk among the colored people in. that section as to the cause of DIM unui uo rcautb uciug kuc c a. burning of Bright's body, and the finding that his death was in some way the result of the blow he re- "ceiTed, which was the "reason for Gilbert's arrest. S)4 Fr tvr. A large three story store is being built Djr Sir. t . r. Drown m .,Vanceboro. Tho building is now mma AAvav nrl if fl i m an airm a fl r '- r T"IT r i. 100 feet in depth by'40 in width. Mr. Brown is enlarging f c r the fall and winter trade. Sol Harris and Mr. XVnnd of New Berne are the builders. BW It Wm EaJ7d. Monday, the 5th of July, was en joyed in various ways, it being no general holiday, but still the day u observed enough in the way of shooting fireworks to give it a hoi i- dav character. Only one aceident of any conse quence was reported, a little boy named Nelson Angell, being hit in the face with a sky rocket, and severely cut. No disturbances of any kind oc curred. tth rr. C. C. Clark. , After a long lingering illness death came, Saturday morning to the relief of Mrs. Clark, wife ot Charles C. Clark, Esq., of this city. Mrs. Clark, before marriage was Fannie Howard, daughter of George Howard, Esq., and her mother was s daaghter of Richard Stanly, Mrs Clark being descended from a noted North Carolina family. She was born in New Berne, about 07 years ago, in the same house on Pollock street in which she died. In 1S54, she married Charles C. Clark, Esq. the well known lawyer. As a girl and during her life Mrs. Clark was popular, being of an amiable and kind disposition. She was educated in the North. Besides a husband she leaves a largo family of grown children who are living here and in Washing ton, N. C. Hl'MOHS IN THE Bi oop. boils, pimples, scrofula sores, are promptly eradicated by IJood'i Sarsaparilla, ihe One True Blood Purifier, nerve tonic and health builder. - i -v Hood's Pills are eay to takeJeay to ooerale. Cure iadigeiUoo, biUooacVa. 25c BASE BALI. MONDAY. Tb Kliilon Pl;rn Brnt the Home 5i Inr 6 lo 5. There never was a horse race when the unsuccessful jockey did not have a reason to give for losing. As soon as the race is over he knowing- lv examines each hoof in turn and is t lien readv for an explanation. It looked at first yesterday as if T.-;,f r,,.t .1 .i, v!oahA 1 I u o l u 11 111 u 01 yiKj iiiv v . rin jol iu u act; however it was our time. But we have the very best reason, our regular catcher Ilowland was sick and took no part in the game, anil Ditcher Person could not show all that ho could do, and yet he did much, as a record of 15 struck out and two runs are proof. The Kinston team and adherents showed a bad spirit in the early- part of the game when it looked bad for their side. Of course they were all 6iniles later. It does Dot do to threaten to break up a game the moment there is some dissatisfaction felt. Nor will it do, not in New Berne, for a ball player to pick up bat and threaten a pitcher because 1 A 1 I I " . - . . I , L .. a man is acciuemanv nu at me uai. Better taste and better manners are recommended to our Kinston f riends. There were some good leatures m ; the game. Jordan's run back from ! second and catch in centro field was well done. In the thiid, llickson at third took in a hot liner for Kins ton. In the eighth, Bragg caught a man by a swift throw to third, which was immediately followed by fine running catch by Daniels in centre field. The game was lost m the sixth inning when a two bagger resulted in two runs for Kinston. OUT CLASSED. The Hame Trtm BrmlM I he 14 lost n Team by m Keore of lo 3. The base ball game at the Fair grounds Tuesday resulted in a vic tory for the New Berne nine. The game clearly demonstrated the su periority of the New Berne team. The feature of the game was the work of Person, in the pitcher's box in assisting and at the bat. Ilowland canght, and came np to all expect ations and did excellent work at the bat. The New Berne battery is up to grade. The record of base hits and men struck oat show that the Kinston men could not find the ball. There wtre some features in the game. A aouoie piay at me enu 01 the first inning by Rowland's throw to first base and a return throw catching a Kinston man at the plate. In the second inning Person reached oat his left hand and too in a hot liner off the bat. In the sixth, a clever nip was made by Kinston when Person played too far off the base. In the second half of this inning Jordan at second base made a running catch back in centre field. Wedling, the Kinston 2nd base-j man suffered a Btrained tendon of the ankle. Neal at short stop for New Berne had a finger nail knocked off the little finger of his right hand in the first inning but continued through the game. Person made a record of 15 men struck out. Simmons hit the ball for two two-base hits and managed to reach the ball often and hard. The game was a tie until the seventh inning when the game was won by the home team by heavy work at the bat. Two 2 baggers were made in this inning and 4 men crossed the plate. The score is as follows: NEW BERNE. AB R II E Jordan. 2 b 1 0 0 Person, p - 3 0 Slilh.l b 4 0 :? 1 UowUnd. e 4 0 4 1 Neul, 8 s .... 0 U 2 Robert., of " 0 0 Daniels, c f 4 2 0 0 Foy. :? b 4 2 1 2 Simmon, r f 1 11 Bragg, r f 1 o 0 0 "Totals 40 8 14 6 " KINSTON . AH R I i E Wen.llinR. 2 b ... 3 0 1 1 Hines, p 4 O 0 1 Hictson. 3 f 3 0 1 3 Coleman, c 3 0 0 0 Lewis, E 4 1 2 1 Morton. f 4 o 0 2 Woden, rt 3 0 0 0 HerUrt. lb 3 1 u 1 Lwis, F.. s s . . . 4 1 0 2 Totals 31 3 4 11 SCORE BY INNISUS. 1 2 3 4 5 ti 7 9 Tot:u New Berne. 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 t Kinston. ... 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 SUM MARY Earned runs. New Berne 4, Kinston 0: two base hits Stith, Sim mons (2, How hi ml; stolen bases. Herbert, Stith; double plays, Neal and Stitli. WendliDtf. Woolen and Herbert, F. Iwis, Wendlini; and Herbert: struck o'lt bv Person, lo; by Hines t-. left on bases, New Berne. 4: Kinston. 1: innings pitched by Hines by Person, 9: time of game 2.1". Condition of tield, good; Weather goed. Umpire. Mr. Stevens. XO 11 BE-SO PAY. This is the wav all druzgista GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC for Chills and or Linus ana .Malaria, u is simpiy Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bit - ter, nauseating Tonics. 1'rice, 50c. Lyman A. Cotton while at the llorner School, Oxford, N. C, won i . t i: . ry . 1 TI , competoi -e examination. He stands among the first in a large claaa in which are many college grt duatea. THE SCHOOL BILL. K.i.icHiiouai klmiiou 1 i Th,i l.ttv.niu(n',.r I, ..j ,,r..c..i.f...l 'V lias prcseti ted to the Pple of the State th action : of our Board of Count v ( (iininis- ! sioiiei's upon the liht of Poking School 1 for an ill in the timling I "Mare s nests without foundation for their conduct, am their view of the bill asserting t ha ha 1 no basis whatever. Further the opinion of the Attor ney (ieneral has been published de claring the bill constitutional and instructing the Superintendent ofBubli: Instruction to institute a Mandamus or onkr an indict ment. These publications demand an ex planation on behalf of mir l' ard to whom we have applied and from whom we receive the following in formation. At the regular June meeting uf the Board their Attorney was re quested to investigate and report such action as was necessary for the Board to pursue under the Acts of ISO?, that they might regularly pro ceed with such duties as might be enjoined upon them by the last Leg islature, and the Attorney especially ' 1 u,Lluim,,l-v U1 " ,a" 1 thev were to act, it being within ttie knowledge of the J-'.o;ird tli:it the County had many times suffered from suits enjoining the collections of taxes levied and appropriations made under acts of the General Assembly s-.ibse jiien'.ly declared un constitutional, they therefore desir ing to be protected against an ex penditure of County funds m litiga tion of this nature; pending this advice, the Hoard pursuant to Chapter 1 .' I U-vs of 1.'. called an election for S 'hools as re quired, at this 1st meeting in June; subsequently to this call the Hoard was advised by their attorney that the School law under which the election was called was ir his opin ion unconstitutional, for the reasons that while the bill for this purpose originating in the Hons", and reg ularlv passing that body in the manner required by the Constitution with reference to the passage of laws pledging the credit of the State ami levying taxes, yet upon reaching the Senate that body amended the bill, substituting a section with reference to the appropriation by the State of the $50,000. 00 annually and amend ing with reference to the taxing districts under the original House bill; and while the bill as amended passed the Senate us required, by the Constitution, yet when it again reached the House for concurrence was there passed and concurred in without entry upon the Journal ot the Aye and Nay yote as required by the Constitution before any law can be passed for objects contained in the bill. The opinion of the County At torney was that the same restrictions and requirements should be observed with reference to amendments to a bill for objects within the constitu tional provision as upon the bill it self ; The language of the Constitu tion being that "No Law shall be passed," &C therefore the bill as originally offered is not the law, but Only becomes so, when properly passed upon as a whole, as amended by either body of the (ieneral As sembly:, that if this were not so, a bill offered in the House making an appropriation of $1000.00 regularly passed by that body as is required, with all the safe guards of the Con stitutional provisions thrown around it, might be increased in the Senate by an amendment making the ap propriation $100,(Oo.OO and the enormous expenditure become a law by the hasty concurrence of the body who had after mature deliberation and under the restrictions of the Constitution passed a bill for the lesser amount; and if this mode of legislation were allowed the wise provision of the Constitution could be made inoperative upon a mere subterfuge: The County Attorney discussed before the Hoard the opinion as above given, and read at length a full opinion of the Supreme Court of Kentucky from a decision directly in point with the facts above stated : Acting upon the opinion of their Attorney, and honestly believing the law to be unconstitutional, in order to save to the already over burdened tax payers of Craven county, the necessary heavy expense of an election, and incurring in ad dition the expense of, a threatened injunction suit on the part of the tax pavers, the Commissioners re voked t lie order of election. This revocation was made prior to thu time at which the opinion of the Attorney (ieneral had been asked by a Committee on behalf of the Teach ers and in conversation with the County Attorney, S. W. Hancock Esq. he states that he regrets that his opinion is necessarily drawn in conflict with that of the Attorney (ieneral, and he assumes that the , f Attorney (ieneral. ' . . ; was given upon the information that the bill passed loth houses on the three several days, and upon the ; ayes and nays as required, without1 reference to the amendments by the reieiuuue iu i Senate, which were concurred in by the House on a simple viva voc vote. That he himself had carefully iu- vestigated the subject soarcht s led him ootid ami bis re isivelv to the opi tiion as given his Board; lie tur-; . , . . - 1 , , , t u-r slates mat ins uoatu snouni oe absolved from any intention to refuse to dH -harge a duty, but should be commended for endeavoring after careful consideration and legal advice, for protecting the tax paers from what at least at this time ap pears to be an unconstitutional act. VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. 1 M'iktiKi,teni'-. The County Hoard of Education is made up of two white men (Dem ocrats) and a member of the popular ra-v, ( Republican. ) In this county tin re are six dark or colored persons to every one of the popular race. A member of the colored race pay -ix dollars in taxes to every dollar paid bv a member of the popular race, which the tnird member of the boaid represents. Thus vou see the negro race of the !i school district have no rep resentation on the board, except such as the two white members may give. The T.egro race a.-ked the two white members tv ivtmsont his in terest in all educational matters during the next two years. We ask. that the preseii: teachers be retained. We ask that Hon. E. II. Dudley be retained as one of the school (ommittee. We ask that the voice of the people be heard as rep resented by the strongest petitions ever otTet'ed for consideration in Ciaveti county now on file before the county board of education. We say that blood fixes the basis of interest and representation. Since about live thousand nog. res have no representation on the board, we de sire to state emphatically that we desire our interest managed, con troled and conducted by the white members of the board. Mem hers of the popular race in this country are drawing nine y live per cent of all money paid for sala ries for services classified or other wise, saving and excepting the time Ex-President Cleveland was 1'resi dent . lie appointed colored men to otlice and gave the six million people representation . A man from the colored race proper should and ought to have been appointed on the board of edu cation. Trace up Ex-President C rover Cleveland's appointments and you will tind he is the only President in thirtv-two who appointed colored men to otlice. His appointments were always with white or black and carried a moral with them, This is why God caused him to have this honor: Nominated in three national con ventions and elected twice President of the United States. Now if you know of another man who ever lived can boast of such honor, name him and you can have our heads early in the morning. We mean to say in plainer words that the third member of the county board of educational board has no race behind. We ask tho white members on the board to keep the schools and poli tics as far apart as the sun's orb is from the axis of the earth. We inform you that there is a move on foot to throw the schools right in politics with the single stroke of the pen. How can the third member of the board be in favor of throwing Mr Dudley off the board ami at the same time be in favor of the present school ad ministration. The Colored PaeeProper. QUINERLY ITEMS Mrs. Mary Harding, widow of the late End Harding, died on last Tuesday morning, and was buried Wednesday morning, at St. John's church. The r mains of her hus band were disenterrcd and phiccd in a grave beside her. He had been dead neailv five years, but was re markably well preserved, his features being easily recognized. While it was raining Saturday a week ago, J. E. Chasman'a store was struck by lightning at the rear end: the door was split and some of the plastering torn oil'. Miss Hirdie Koonce, of Trenton, Joins county, is visiting Miss Nettie Killpatrick. We heard Jim Wooten say last week, that he had cotton nearly met in f'Uir feet rows, and didn't think he would bo able to plow it any more. This beats any we have h'-ard of. Mrs. W. II, Cox, of Trenton, was visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. E. M iv rt week. 1 i o oilier j-- pel f' 'Mil make it watch of Je weiie r have an old watch that 'e! s have failed to make nil g it to rue ami I will el, 1 1 me or gi v.? oil a new o m e makt Haxter The Kcsl m in i nu Oriler ( cinliiiiicil. A despatch received here yester day said that Judge Timbeilake jia,j continued the restraining order ;u t10 . & . C. railroad case. CASTOITIA. Tae fae stalia signature it ll OS News from SWAIVSBORO NOTES, Pev. A. McDonald from More head has been with us pleaching for a week. He is a gifted young preacher of the Haptist denomina tion. P-jv. Mr. Stevenson lilh-d his appointment hero last Sunday the 4th inst., to a large oongregation. Pro. Stevenson is one of our best preachers. Misses Daisy Sanders and Annie last Thursday. P.rvan of Ocean, Carteret county,! Hon. D. 1 1 . Abbott and wife left were in town last Saturday and Sun-, for Paleigh last Thursday morning, day wsiting aud attending our Sun-!C. A. Flowers left for New Heme day schools and churelns! lait T,,cs,la-V 011 the schooner Essex. Mr. Pob:. Hell of Miles creek, ; Miss Maggie Turner of Hayboro i .i i f t r . . . r r. , : i . ,1. .,...,... o..,.,,tt- ..,i .ut i "ount v. u rd and Siind Mis-es Carrie - iv. Ward and Marv Moore of our town ' day left yesterday for More-head City on I has been very warm here for ii .1 ... i tlin l ir fi-iv il:iv rriu thermometer a visit. .Mrs. t.eorgie nartiey ami child have gone to Charlotte, N. C, to visit her husband's brother and family: they will be gone about a month. The Haptist Sunday School in the new church is in successful opera tion now, with Capt. P. Foster as superintendent. Pev. Mr. Stevenson made an address to that school last Sunday, 1th inst., which was very good. The hottes; weather in 20 years was here last week thermometer was In:; in shade, and it is very hot yet. A. F. Farnell, Sr., was ?0 years old the .,th of June and he is lively for his age. Mrs. Phoda Moore of Wilmington X. C. is visiting Sol (iornto and sis ter at Waid's Mi!'., who are relatives, Mr- Cornto is trying an experiment in raising sunllowers. Miss Nannie Hewitt of Ward's mill is in town visiting friends, her visitlirstin four years. Sol Cornto was in town last week his first visit here in 7 vears, ami Master Sam'l I Farnell is in town last week, his second visit in the place, he hails from Ward's mill also. Dr. Motitfoid is the champion whi'e perch hook and line lislier. he made a hurdle one day and caught v5 perch two days after making it. . Mrs. Julia Stephens of Pichlands has been visiting Mrs. H. P.Ward here for several days. Mr. E. 15, Llargett and wife of Silvc-rdale was in our berg last Sunday visiting. The Sundav school covention at Queens creek last Sunday was a suc cess, several good speeches were 'made, among them Fred Hender son of Palo Alto was one of the best. Died at her home on Hear creek last Monday, the Sth. Mrs. Annie Eliza lieed, wife of James Keed, aged lo vears, of heart trouble: she leaves a husband and seven children to mourn her untimely death: she was a good woman and we deeply sympathize with her bereaved family and friends. NEWS FROM TRENTOH. Crops have improved wonderfully for the hist 15 days, but rain is needed now. Trenton and vicinity is remarka bly healthy, not a case of sickness of any kind in town. Our merchants had a lively trade on Saturday evening last and were busy taking in the dimes and nickles and bartering goods for the farmers productions. We learn that sev eral new dwellings will be erected here during the present year. Mr. H. H, Duffs', one of New Heme's prominent merchants was here during the past week looking around for a place to start a branch dry goods store. Mr. W. C. Kinsey has built a new dining room, and has had a new well bored which affords him a plentiful supply of most excellent water. .las. Harbor, a prisoner of the county jail, was released from con- unement on Sat urdav t having served out his sentence of thirty da S. Mis. Caroline Hrock is visiting her brother here, Job Leary. The Pev. I . Hciison, D. W. Whit aker and Professor Piiodes left on Thursday last to attend conference at (infton and returned on Satur day t veiling. S. Parker will commence work on his saw and grist mill on Tuesday next. The a pie and peach crop is very short, but the grape crop is very good.. Miss Leta Mc( i or van. w ho has been visiting i datives here, left for lu-r home in dieenvilie on Thursday last accompanied by Miss Essie Murray who will spend several days visiting relatives in (ireenville. Commissioners court in session todiiv. Considerable crowd in atten dance, and many report crops in good order with good seasons in future, a for yieh! may beexpeeud. The s.eamer Howard left here this morning with but a small crowd of excursionists to attend the 4th of July ceremonies at New Heme. Capt. N. P. Jones is repairing the warehouses at Trenton preparatory to accommodating the farmers who may have products to ship. Mrs. P. L. May has a remarkable : (lowering tree or uusii oi large size 'of the cane jessamine variety iu her yard which is the most prolific flowering bush that I have ever seen. Mrs. May supplies every one who desires ilowers free of cost. On Monday Capt. C. D. Foy, A. the Counties. P. Harrow and Pobert Dunn were elected mem.iers of the Hoard of Education. W. H. Hammond, Esq. was elected superintendent of schools for Jones "ount v. VANDEMERE ITEMS. Mrs. Martha Fowler of New Heme and Mrs, Cora Ilaugh of l'avboro was the guest of Mrs. N. C. Holton an I lie 1U'. .Mr. nanus oi r-ui.aoein City were in Vandemere last Mon- '"-- j-- registered iro.n :h to a ion degree here last week in the shade. We had a very heavy thunder storm here last Thursday. The protracted meeting will begin at tho M. E. Church next Tuesday night. Mr. Eeary the eye doctor of Haltimore was in Vandemere last week. Miss Treneda Calhoun aud daugh ter Lillian left for Poanoke Island last Monday on the Lion White. BACHELOR ITEMS. Weather fair and hot. Charlie Paul and wife left on a visit to Davis, Carteret county, last week. .Miss Emily Whitehead went with them on a visit to friends. They all will return soon. J. L. Taylor our Oak drove Sun day School Superintendant left for (infton last Tuesday. Peetuming home Saturday by the way of "anoe boro brought his wife with him, she has been visiting mother and friends at Vanceboro. Capt. J. J. Day, Schr. Ella K. Hill, was towed into Isaac Taylor's mill Friday to load with lumber. The 8'diooner was soon loaded and sailed for Laurel, Del. Tho tug boat's name was Francis and be longs to Samuel Hacon & Son of Winth rope. Mr. Hannibal Mathews has re turned from school at liocky Mount. He brought with him a niej bicycle and is a very good rider. Kev. Abe-nethy filled his regular appointment at Oak (.J rove Sunday. J. 15. Pectou,one of Haohelor's finest young sports, returned from New Heme last Friday bringing with him a very nice bicycle. Earlie M. Whitehead made a Hying business trip to New Heme this week. The schooner Centennial will on the 11th of July take all persons wanting to go from Hachelor to New Heme to go on the Wilmington ex cursion. Hermon Hick of Oriental and D. M. Salter of Menimon were among the welcome visitors of Oak drove Suuday School Sunday. Come again when you will. William Hall passed through Hachelor this week en route to the City of New Heme. Some of our young men went to the ice cream party at Merrimon Academy Satur day night, returning saying they had a good time. X. Cures Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Thousiinds of such cases have been cured by the u-e otTlotanic Blood Balm (B B B) If you doubt it, call or send to the com puny whos' advertisement appears in this paper, aud they will, for a one ceut stamp send vou a hook of w onderfii 1 cures, nat only cf Hie above disease.", but oi all man ner of ailments ar'.-ing from impure blood It is the standard reme ly of the age f -r the cure of all blood aud skin dise i-cs. fl.OJ per large b ltle. CU'KKP Willi TWO ROTTI.l-.S. J. A. Maddox, Atlantic, Ga , writes. "I had great troii'ie in passing ur ne, which w;is til It J with sediments. My I o k and loins gave mc much pain, fui 1 I lost my appetite, strength nud I became nervo.'is and uaable to sleep. Two hot th-s of Botanic Blood Balm (15 B B) gave me eutire relief.'' S, M Ellis, Atlanta, Co, writes: 'Bo tanic Blood Balm (15 B Bi tined me of most stubborn ttzeiin. -' h.-.d doelornl it without success lor twelve ears. For sale bv driigeivs. ZORAII. The Z ra!i and Maple drove base hall teams mets at Maple ( ! rove Sat urdav July Jrd and played it match cranio The Z rah bos were victori ous, thirty-five to hfteen. It was quite an interesting game. Miss Maud Tuten of Edward is in our midst visiting friends and relatives. Pev. Jesse Bennett filled his ap pointment Sunday. Pev. II. S. Davenport will begin a protracted meeting the third Sunday in July. J. D. O'Neill and C. J. Whitford made a Hying trip on their wheels to Edward on Sunday to attend the Sanctification meeting. We are having it very warm now and the yellow llies make it warmer for us than it naturally is. J. A. Whitford made a living trip to Durham Creek Monday. POLLOKsVILLE ITEMS With the temperature ranging from '.'-j to 10 and an occasional shower the cotton crops of this sec tion are growing faster than you would think possible. Where one week ago it was only G inches high, it i3 now IS to 20 inches. Corn needs more rain a? it is now silking and tastling. Mrs. F. M. Bowdeu and daughter of your city are visiting the family of Mr. Abuer Harget of this place. J. E. Mattocks left heru last Mon day for Waynesville, NC., to en gage in the insurance business. Mr. Mattocks will manage the oflice business of that section. We wish him much success in this new en terprise and believe he will make a success as he is thoroughly quali fied . J. 15. Bender left here last Tuee dav to visit friends in Jacksonville ami perhaps other j daces further South . Mrs. Minnie drimsley and Mrs. I?. Pi. Pierrv of Jacksonville are visiting the families of E. 1'. San derson and Dr. C J. Mattocks near here. Alonza Bryan of New Berne was visiting friends and relatives here hist week, but left for his hon e on Mondays freight. Dr. E. W. Ward and family are spending some time in Onshrv on his farm at Cedar Point where they enjoy all the advantages of the coast. A. S. Lee left to visit friends and relativef in (loldsboro last Saturday. .) II. Barrus' little hoy, Norwood, who has been very sick for one month is just able to be wheeled around in a carnage. We hope lie will soon be fully well again. COVE ITEMS. Mrs S E Charlton keeps very sick. Mrs Samuel Pobinson and Miss Pake Avery went to Dover Monday to visit Mrs Tine Avery. Mr and Mrs. Jnrrette White went to More head Sunday aud returned Mon day. Capt S E Ewell and wife came up from Beaufort Monday morning to visit at Mrs. S E Charlton's. Mr. Willie Arnold and Miss Ida Dangh erty of Perfection spent Monday evening in Cove. Mr L V Taylor left Thursday morning to attend the District Con ference at ( J rif ton and returned Saturday. Mr Joe Ellis Jr., of Ashville was in Cove Monday morn ing. Mr and Mrs W W Porter of Perfection attended church in Cove Sunday. The pastor of the M. E. Church of this place being absent last Sun day. Mr Edward Ipook of Perfec tion conducted the service which we all enjoyed very much. We hear it is ids intention to go to Trinity to study for the Ministry and we think it the best thing he can do. There will be service in tho M. E. church Wednesday night conducted by the pastor. Pev. D C deddie. There is to be a picnic at the Free Will Baptist church Saturday July H. All who wish to come are cordially invited, provided they bring wll filled baskets. Messrs. Willie Lane, and Fred Hancock, of New lie nut were in Cove Sunday morning. Mr. Rob ert Brock of Dover spent Saturday evening with his sister Mrs. S J Sears. H eel I lit "I I lie Roiiril of Elneal Ion. The boaid, pursuant to Ihe latter part of section X'.M") of t'.ie amended school laws of 1S'.7, met Monday, July 1st and proceeded to transact the following business: Present were, E II. Meadows, S W. Latham, C. E. Palmer. Under section 'JolS, the County Bjard of Education, together with the Clerk of the Superior Court and the register of deeds, elected J. S. Long, LL. D., county supervisor of schools, he having received four of the five votes cist, and A. W. Wei Ir on ngton received one. The county treasurer, C. B. Hill presented his I otlicial bond for inspection which wuui found to be in due form and was deemed to be ample and suffi cient for the present board of educa tion. Mr. Hill also presented his monthly and annual reports, and after a thorough and careful exami nation the same were found Ci be correct and were therefore approved by the board. Messrs. J. ii. Hunter of N'o. G, and James Prescott of No. town ship were allowed nix dollars each for taking school census in their respect i ye townsln ps. The board took reoesj until Tues day morning at -In o'clock. On motion of C. E. Palmer, Mr. S. W. Latham was elected pro tern on ac count of Chairman E. II. Meadows being absent. It was ordered by the board of education, that when the clerk of the board notifies the sehoo committeemen of their election that he also notify them to give am pie notice through some newspaper or otherwise? for all applicants for schools to meet them in person at some, convenient time and place for ( ... ia personal inspection aud interview. Several petitions from the first 'Township were befole the board. ; Isaac II. Smith had a h rig petition 'also before the board, asking the board through his attorney J. j E. O'Hara to be- appointed on the ! School Committee of the 8th Town jship, besides several verbal represen tations made in interest of all the other townships in the county. The board having heard all petitions pro and con proceeded to the election of the following five school committee men for each township in the county: On motion of S. W. Latham -and seconded by C. E. Halmer, Dr. E. II. Madow8 was elected chairman of ee county board of education, Much in Little Is espi rlally true of IPkmI'S I'iIIv Inr no nifrtl-clm-i'M-i c nta i ii I ho fjo at ciant'M- jxiwrr In 8o small H'.ue 1 hey aie a whole inrdlrlne Hood's chi'st. :hva)S rca'lv :.l whys i-nVirnt. alu.n sat IP ill l.sfartnry, ir-vcnl III or f-v-r. c-nri- all loi r ills. sirk i-cailacln'. jaiiinln'i-. roll""! iiat mil etc v.v Thecnly 1'ilN to Lake with 1Imm- Sar avnrill. Dr. J. S. Long is Kcerctary by irtue of hiK otlice. The board ad jou rned . I I - I ul i i p i i i I N P. So 1. Bryan C. Wlntf-ud, Win. A. M( -Law-horn. E. P. AdamH.IL K. Dawson, (eoljjno. A. Dioti,(el). No. '-t. F, S. Ernul, Silas I-'ul cher, Thos A. Stapleford, Thou. L. Moore, (col.) W. D. Pettipher, (col . No. J - V P. Outlaw. P. A. leu Hell, W. B. Pearce, .1 no Piddle. Jonas I Iarg'-tt (col ) N'o ."i - J. S. Morton, Inane Tay lor, Jus L. Tayloi, W. F. Morgan, (col.) Nero Croom, (col ) No. C. I. II. Hunter, B Williams, A. F. Armstrong, P. Holland (col ) P v. A. M itchell (col. ) I . MO. I . N" o. II. B. I .ane, .1 chhc (col.) Koht P. Davit, (col.) Wood, (ieo. D. Connor. No. S T. A. (ireen. Bold cock. Dr. (ieo. Slover, P VY '. roci k h lleury II in W.I- liamson (col ) W. W. Lawrence (col.) No!? Drew Dixon, A. F. Wada worth, E. Z. K. Pavin, Lucius Hub hard (col.) F. D. Dosier, (col.) ( oiiiily t'nmnilMlonrrt P.oard nut Tuesday pursuant to adjournment Present Chairman Milt, Jas. A. Bryan. F. W. Small wood, P. P. William-', Bold. i. Moseley. On motion, ;?.() per month, for three months was allowed Mrn. Maria Styron. On motion Jas. A. Bnnn Ihe fol lowing resolution was adopted. lil.SOl.l THIN. 'Whereas the Board of Ciiiiunii sioners of Craven county denning in the discharge of iin diitieR to be governed by the law: - and at iho same time to preserve the righlH ai d protect the interests of Ihe tux payers of ('raen Connlv; And WhereaB It has submitted lo the opinion of ils Attorney the ipieslion as to the Consi il utional ity or un constitutionality of Ihe Aelsof IS'.iT with reference to holding an cita tion for Schools or against School as provided for in Chapter 1 .' I i f said Acts; And Whereas after mat ure delib eration arxl invest ig:il ion said At torney advises this P.oard I lint nnid Act is unconstitutional in that it has failed to pass the (ieneral A -g.mihlv in accordance w.lh the re ipiirements f Ihe Constitution in such cases pro ided ; And W hereas an election if In Id would entail great tpense upon the Countv, and asmlvistd by said At torney, any fax levied Iheie under would be void; -And Win reus it h:u come to the knowledge of Ihin Board that in the event su. h elec tion shall be heldhal an injunction will he applied for by certain I payers upon behalf of IhemHehcH and olhoiK in the Cunnt lo restrain the levy ami collection of Find la; ami I hat in toe opinion of I In l r Attoinej suc h action for injunction would be well foiMiiled, and thn costs thereof would have to be borne by the County in the event Much Injunction should he sustained; And w hile it IH Ihe detdrc of I In Boaid to obey the law, and in nil respects to dischaige its dutien in respect thereto; it is also the eai I. est dtsircof tin; P.oard to save lo the County and its pi ople the bur den of expenses to be incurred f r objects from which they can derive no benefit, but must mifTer loss: and honestly feelins that, upon the opinion of its counsel the election if held must be held under ihe general election law, the machinery of which is expensive, and that upon suffering such expinselbe iijunc- live relief could be ootained by th tax payer, thereby m-u i r ing addi tional costs and t peiiH' ; Be ll lie solved , that I In- motion to rerun sider the motion upon which the Order for such election w.n reoked, be and heicby - l.iid upon the table," W. P. M. tls. S. P B ill and F. F. Harper Weir appointed assc s.-ioih for the property ol J dm O. (Iiirdiier, deceased. On motion of F. C . 1 1 ill, A P. Dennison was appointed assessor to succeed S. li. Bail. (In motion the County Atlorinv was instruct! d to investigate law pert ai ni ng to hi vv ei s. i n.-u i am e n on - I pnnys, doctors. New Peine P-e Co., ; and Telephone Co. i On motion Metts, Ball and Harper were made a committer to lint liM) acres land listed bv J. J. Wolfenden. The cases of ViI1ih 1 1 men, D,' Hardison, L. Hum. paupers, weie given to Commissioner Smallwnnd with power to art . The listing of taxeH of Maiy P. Meadows, was declared to be beyond the jurisdiction of the Boaid. The report of County I'lcasnier V,. li. Hill was received, real ami ordered spread upon the minutes. A number of bills were received and voucher ordered for tame. Board took reoeefljintil a. m. Wednesday. v-v

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