News from row or roLLOKtriLLa. kmMMMlili BMr4 atar eler Al s KeJIclsaa alsellBa;. lelej en la PmnrtM srvtoes. Miu Erma Williams of Ki niton it viiiting Miss Kato Holland of thii place. Mies Anuie Shtpard returned home I us I week. Site had been visit ing friend and relatives in Onslow couutj. Drs. II. U. Parker and Hawes were visiting Dr. 0. J. Bender Sunday evening. The atove are all Dental students of the Southern Midicul and Dental college of At lanta, (ia. Dr. K. W. War'! and daughter Miss I j U were visiting friends at Swnncboro, Onslow county, last week. Mrs. .Sarah Lane of New Jierhe w as visiting Mrs. Lillie Bell lest week. She returned home last Monday. IHst Saturday night Mart Arthur and Alex Batiks had a bout at the foot of Main street iu this place, resulted in Banks being knocked out in the first round, from which ho did not recover for several hours. 8.1 in YolTne lias accepted a posi tion us ole.i k with Mr. Lipman of Trenton. Mr. YofTee was very popular lioro with the people Deputy Sheriff l'aul Koonce was in town last Tuesday on ollicial bus iness. W. N. Harriett will put in a now engine at his mill here. He is get ting ready for ginning cotton, he docs a big business every fall in this business. Uev. Mr. Benson began his pro tracted meeting at Lee's Chapel last Sunday morning, assisttd by Hev. .1. T. Kindell, Sanclilicationist, who did all thy preaching. Ouile sin interest was manifested at the morning service. The evening ser vice which began at It o'clock was very suddenly broken up by disor di.'ilv conduct of soiiio parties lit side the tout who were drink ing and iBim; obicure ami ugly lan-pia-e. There will be preaching for the in xt ID days lit eleven o'clock a. in. and N n'eluck p. in. The subject dicciirsed Sunday night was Bancti liciitiuii, IjmU nf passages of toi.' weic read from the Bible, jiro d ic iil.' the proof of this d cti inc. Mr K'tidell disclaims anv connect ion or Minpiithy with the ' Lviii ii i tes" of t lie coast . AT IIOOKERTON. I'ril (niniita; mill Mollis;. I.ratliin; l-'nr 'I hi' M-IiouIm. Joiirnnl Twice n Wrl'U In A r'flM I'll . I'raycr iiuetin!; at M. K. Church every Sunday night. .1. .1. Edwards jTesider. Tin' K. of Honor met in regular pi shi on lust Friday. W. D.iil was hero Monday. Mrs. Dr. Tho?. M. .lordun and two sons Willie and Italic returned I onic S itunlay from yibiting her jiarents Mr. andlm. A. L. SaBser rear ( iuldsboro. o . O. (lulhrie of U ileigh came Sunday to work insurance. A. C. ilkersou of LiCrango was here Sunday. J. Iv Olburlhore went to Snow Hill Suiid ly. (i. A. Jones. Iv.lilor of the (ireat Sunny South was here Monday in inter, st of his p-iper. I). B, Taylor went to Kinston Tuesday. Carl Mayts of KiliBton who had been vis iting fiiends near here, returned linino Tuenlay. Hookeilon ami Snow Hill base ball clubs, colored, played a mat'h gimo hero last Friday. Score stood 17 to '.) in favor of Snow Hill. The Joi kN W. i ' its two edition n week H a cheap newsy paper. It is n tine paper and wo wish it great ucceei, It is a fino paper for the biuineu people in and around New It rnn to advertise in. Messrs. J. .1. mid W. K. Kdwsrds went to Kinaton Monday. Mm Bettle Mow ley and ion Frank wcie in Iotnon tarainp section visiting Sunday. W. M. Edwards attended chnrcli at Ilountree, Pitt county Sunday. Minn Fannie Clark- left Monday for IlilUhoro, where the will spend several days visiting relatives. Misses Kll mid Hattie MiaU of near hsr retnrnod to Orirnsboro Normal SClkOlll. K. W. raot of Snow II ill. was here Monday in the Interest of the Homer "Ufe Inspntnoe Co. W. M. Wan) of jonr city w bore Yt'Atf. J Tws . O. Saik'n' taMlMMt, ) i ds soovs Associsuon nsvs tasuso r in neat pamphlet form, the plan of organ sat (on snd Its proceedings at " Mortbs-J CitJ, Julj 24th; also lis oontlllalion. Mr. T. W. Dewej, BeoreUr ted TremtorerMnds CirtaUf Uuer lo tbUnkraot ths) 8ut, showing the WnaflU of organisation d hrginjj Iks at to- joia lU Aswool-tbo. the Counties. TKWfTON AMD JOMSS COCKTT ! Lararelj. Sialic. I tear eiac . Baptist II. is. rn tract ImIUi. a lklrr rail Fairly Plratlfal. The merchants here have ordered and are receiving large amoui.u of goods. They are no doubt antici pating a much larger sale tins sea son than usual. A colored man by the name of Van dross, from the C'lnnipiapin section, was lodged in jail here in default of bail, for an attempt of burglary on a dwelling in that sec tion on Thursday last. Our good friend, J. A. Smith, is erecting some good tenant house on his lands near Trenton, Mr. Smith says he has some gooilun auU and is determined to build good houses and take cure of them the best he can. The L'evs. Jeukins and Alderman, Missionary Baptists, are holding a protracted meeting here, which com menced on Sunday evening last. Much interest is manifestul in thin meeting and we trust that much good will follow. They have very large and appreciative congrega tions in attendance. The Sanctilicationists passed through hero a few days ago on their way to Lee's church, where they are now engaged in hoi ling a protracted meeting. We learn that tho attendance is very large. We hear cf no cases of hog chol era and we hear that the crop of porkers in Jones will be very large. Chicken cholera i.s prevailing in some localities in our counlv. Some of the farmers l.avo FUsCiinc I heavy losses by this malady The stag gers is prevailing to some i x t en L in our county and v.- lea n tint is verv fatal. A, C. Burt, who Inn been sieli with chills at his home in ('hnopi i pin township has got well and ic turned to work at 'J re,. tun. Our good friend, Jack Dixon, Ins accepted the position of s ;'o'.-'ii in a! J. I'. Bro olen's slot-.-. The farmers are well into u,. fod der pulling, many have iieaiiv lii -ijhed. We have been l aiiu;; line showers of rain which have bun very beneficial to all crops. The health of Tivnton and ieiii ity is re m a i kably goid, ci v few cases of sickness of ilfit kiiol, eo p a few cases ,.f chills which rc'chlv yield wli'-n proper medicine is ad ministered. The crop of peaches around Li re havo been verv tine and plrijiiul Apples have been somewhat scarce and of a very inferior ipialit v, The watermelon season is waning, iiiucl to tho discomforture of the bins and loafing darkies. A lrnrllcnl Miik iMtlu lit till Itimt nom Iflcn ill Bit w IIitiii'. Ill these degenerate times when it requires all the vim and push to make a living, it becomes the busi ness men to look square in the face the isn'ic, and see what's going to be the result, or outcome by inac tion, or silting down and waiting patiently. We have a city you might he proud of; wo havo ail vantages not possessed by other towns ami citus of the Stale. A city well drained natuiallv, line residences, our pub lie buildings would be all honor to larger cities, a healthy place, liv ing cheap, line schools, and mild climate. Now if the laborer, I he producer anil tho mechanic, canno'. reiih.c by the sweat of their brow, to whom are you going to look for sustain ance. Here in Ncv Berne yon hae no Clu.mber of Commerce, or Boaid of Trade, to which matters concern ing the general public good ran be referred to and acted upon. "In unity there is strength," there never was a ving true- than that. Now my idea ia to let the business men get together and form a ''BusincM Men's League," em ploy a Secretary whoio du'y it would be W) loik after all matter affecting the bunincM interests, ptiM) as selling forth the advantagci Inataat Mitt M St la twliM tmll feM w ( tirt SMiairi la a ww taut ana f trrr Una. aa4 a atagla applMaU at rvtnu (iaHa). tk ml a la maty TIM tmtf saaaSf a sua iSImI U toifl MbMc, varatus;, WSIs, amlt, . . ftmrtj taan f IM Sla, ara, aS IM. itiqiira' Umt i i lies -M -mt ltM4a0aa A ar. i : BABY Baby Mine! Every mother feels an i n d e -scribable dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most critical pe riod of her life. Becoming a mother should be a suurce of joy to all, but the suffering and the oideal make danger of its anticipation one of misery MOTHER'S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is nut only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. !s a blessing to woman. 91.00 PER BOTTLE at all Dru Stoiea, or Bant by mail on receipt of price. BOOKS Containing Invalnnlilo information of rprr interest to all women, will le gent rntt to any address, upon application, by The BRillFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Oa. (Kissesseil by our section, its soil and clima'.e. 'I hen again, if you had them, or any other similar nruanization, your business ia such, you would be unable to attend the meeting unless you were directly interested. You know this to he fo. It is being demonstrated daily on our Toba c.i Win choose floor that there n no section in the State, or v. n in tin- United .Stales, that of feis iiivan'.ages which would be grasped, if they were only known o diitfjoriH, and would result in making New Berne tho first and foremost Cily in tho State. The trucking interest is second now to none, in its importance. As to tobacco. We can inise a line lemon colored v.i.ippeis. culteis and muckers, as are raised on the earl ii, and its the class of g Is that ire now most sought after by the corcmereiai world, lp in the old tobaei o belt their hinds are p'aved oil, soil washed away. Tloihc peo- lc ale on 1 lie lookout for new lichls, ami now is an opportune i 1 1 u e to strike, and lei then know but. w e have. I t's usee i s to s iv to sensible hu.-i-H'si .neii, the icsult, would he for on have it in vou r own bunds :o do, if you u ill lend your aid in building i; t he now waste places, then aijain this Secretary's duty Would tie to investigate and bring before the inemberfl inforinatioti beating on matters affecting your n el fa re in a business point of view, lie would conduct the business through orrespondcnce, you would not he nipiired to attend meetings, it would be his rtity to inform the members of the League or Club, of any matter ulTccting the club, ami enclose each a sheet of paper that i;c, ir they might express their views on the subject mailer and re turn to the Secretary, llo would go over all these, and glean the wish of the members, anil act accord ingly, when a member's mdiv id ual inteiest was-tilTccti d he would go in pel son and inform him In short the Secretary would be iu your em ploy, to do your business, advertise our sictioii, and do as I have im pel feet I y outlined above. Now what say vou, business men of New B'rnc. II it is vour purpose to tnke advantage of the present, come get in the band wagon, for we are going to get there. Yours Very Truly, K. M. I'm i: II nrk Ira-rrry llany. There are thing" to be learned even by a newspaper man. Yester day Mr. T. J. Baiter exhibited some frames filled with honey, which he had taken from his hives at hn home. Home of the honey w very cloar anl oino a very dark shiidi. almost black. Mr. Baxter said that the black honey was made when the huckleberries were ripe, and that it had a strong huckleberry taste. The huckleberries grew three or four miles from town. Tho bees wore Italians, and these bees travel forth than other mrietios, going to a distance of six mile' from the hivs. Old honsy generally has dark brown appearance, bat this kookleberry honey is not that shade, bnt the true black huckleberry color.- , The Atlsnllfi & North Caroline, railroad has paid Its" fixes to lh Suu Trcmnrer, which " amounted to l,37!.Wi. a n WHEN MARIA JANE IS MAYO. taw aim Jua eWcul to I anjnUj riuor. j rfaarv U m nuf vruaaa Dvw apparvat Urre vp tartoc a day. TW tm aa fraa-raat aa Scala d m 7 c.K n h5 tlal vitk lATtloa and fT'an aad ooc 'lull) a bail. ' rben- will Ua a traaafonuatto aroAd ta i ell; hall. And ' h ward In Iba cixy will ba rcrprvaaoamd lb-B Bj livt-l abWwotaen. and no4 burrvd aida ; Vbn Murla Jaoe la mayur, DOM bul w ill, oi eouraa. Be aupuiuled inenberaof tbe rtj police locea. Ami in their bluonMT nallum uwy'll ktofc ao vrj aw net Tlw gang to be arreatM will ouaalder It a truab The alorua wlU be oovjpelled Wharea barfaia atik- C4i-h daj, A id fur chewing gum and aoda 70a will aot be a&ked to par. O i. great reform WlU be projected, all tbe w rung will be lorrected, Kan Maria Jane 'a e.ected to the majoraltj tbair 1 -William Went In Chicago Record. DOCTORS AND SUICIDE. Btatlitloa Hhow a Peon liar Boad ef gym path UetWMB the Two. During the 1 tat three years, aajs Tbe Medic al uud 'ngical Reporter of Pliil ailelphia, iiea'ly oue-flftietb of all deaths among physicians have been by suieide. This is a conservative estimate, as ninny instances of death are attribut ed to accidental overdosing, as tbe tend ency is alw ays to bush np a suicide whenever possible. But without iuelod iiir such coses, the fact remains that the medical profession is more prone to suicide than any other. These statistics may tie explained by tbe developnieut of morbid fancies in the mind of a doc tor ou account of his constant associa tion with (he sick and dying, or of an actual iudiffereuce to death, or because he has the requisite knowledge of bow to die con ven ion tly and painlessly. Poisoning is a favorite method, bat it does uot appear from statistics that tbe cyanides or morphine have the pref erence which would exist If epicurean philosophy were carried into the choice of drugs. At the same time, physicians usually put their knowledge of drugs to a practical execution iu selecting a poi son for suicide. But if the mere knowl edge of the painlessness of death by cer tain means is uot a duterminiug factor in lending so many physicians to sui cide, probably tho accessibility of pol hous is. Kuicide is largely a matter of insane, impulse, and such au impulse can often bo ascertained even in the case of those who have lung been indifferent to life and have contemplated suicide. If a man must put on his hat and overcoat, walk to a drug store and tax his Inge nuity for a lie with which to explain his desire for poison, he may postpone the fatal act from mere inertia, or he may meet a friend or have his interest in life aroused by one of a multitude of every day occurrences or physical exerciso may bring him to his senses. If, as is the ease with almost every doctor, he has simply to feel iu his pocket or walk across his office to set a deadly poison, the may be carried into execu tion before uuythiugcan happen to sup plant it iu tbe braiu. leflulug Appfodlcltla. A teachers' examination was held at genera, Kan., ut which one of tbe ques tions in physiology was as follows: "What is appendicitis, and what are its causes and cures?" Below are given a few of tho answers as reported in the Seneca Tribune: "It is a disease of tbe app)idix, which i.s located eomowhere between tin' liver and tho heart, the organ of the affections. " "Cosi Mention of tho marrow of the longitudinal shuft bone," "Appendicitis is sunstroke or over heating, caused by a great heat The cure is to get the patient Into a cool place, bathe tho face and hand with water. " "Is the disease of appendice, caused by want of eiereise, improper food, clothing and ventilation." "Appendioitis is a condition caused by food substances lodging and causing a blockade in tbe digestive apparatus. It is cured by surgical operation, in which the obstruction is cot sway. A theory is given that the appendix was at one time a tall ou man and is not yet evolved off. It is cut away by the sur B i" Plaota That Thrive Indoor. Plants suitable for indoor window gardens are: Geraniums; begonias. Dot including tbe Rex sections, as these are uot adapted to house culture; oleander, plumbago, oacti, flcua, palm, aspidis tra, hi n Una, fuchsia specicea, an thori um, amoryllis, sword fern, Chinese primrose, primula oboonica, calls, abu tilon, antherlcum, Bwalnsooia, helio trope, chrysanthemum and asalea. For viuna, English ivy, boya, passi flora, cobt-aaud Jasmine, tat hanging plants, othoima, saxlfraga. money moik and tradescantla. For braoket plants, foob sin apucioaa, sword fern, befools gut tali and geranium At me. Ballerot will be found excellent, also the single petu nia of the flower garden. Sben K Itexford iu Ladies' Mom Journal. -lee Tart Beply. A sailor was recently brought before a magistrate for beating his wife, when the mngiitrate attempted to reach bis heart by asking him If be did not know that his wifo was the "weaker vessel " "If she la, she ought not to carry so much sail," replied Jack. Loodoa Tit lilte. Slot Sa la n a alias. "Do you accept the theory thai la a free moral agent?" VV. II, It may be all right In ihenrr, but I've been married 10 years." Chi cago Journal Potrelaio coins were for a current fa Slam. a't rek ! ) sissian tmmr LtSs A rif , If jro wsnt lo quit tobacco aslne; amsll j and fomvef, be aMde well, atrssar, nag bo. tic, full nf dsw lik aad vifor Uka Ho- ,To-Bec, the oailer-worlar that stakes weak atra vtroeg. Maaf gsja lea poasidi la tm dart.' Owr 4M.0M tartdL Bif No-To-IUe trot) joor ova drxiSB wlU araskat t sura. Dooklet kad aa- hls MUeJ fna, AA. MrtJaf ttjasadf Co., CaloagA or Kt Yotk. . KELLY THE KING. RECKLESSNESS OF THE BiG HE AH TED SASCBALt PUAYER k) Uetle Syateaa That W a hk. h.u Wr A Qaei mi - w xmj. Dt4 Wit la.e Un The tats Mike Klly probably mad -and speat aoi ksotwy donug his ratt-rr aa a ball player than anybody elar iu bis profession. Kelly was au luvrterau I am bier, and, like John L SuUivuo. be ba4 a heart which coosteutly led bias to do acu of ebariry Kelly was in his element when at the raoa truck. Ha got bold of mare "good things" that waul VTCtvg than tbe svrre bettor, bat be was always cheerful whether a winner or a loser. One day Mike went over to Qutleuberg, vaw the hlllunp track was flourishing, and after two races bad been run be bad just $20 and enough change with Which to get back to tbe eity. As Kel walked Into the betting ring preparatory to tbe third race be saw on Bookmaker Ike Thomp San's elate: Play or Per ao to I Meadows.... au t- 1 BUtses 0 i 6 Hoot 4 to e "I've got a system, me boy," said the "king" to a friend, "and it's a peach I'm going to pot a fiver on each o' them plugs, and then I can't lose, see? I got to get some dough back, no matter bow they inn. " "That's no system. Mike, " said Kel s friend. "It's as good as tbe average, sport," was the quick retort, and Mike pushed his way up to Thompson's book. "Say, there, Ike, old boy!" yelled Mike. "Here's four green fivers Put one on each of them ponies, keep tbe onange, ana gimme tne tickets quick. Tbe bookmaker laughed as be handed Kel four tickets, each calling for Play or Pay 800 to S, Meadows 160 to 6, Blltzen 6 to 6, Hoey 4 to 6 respective ir- "That's quite a chance you're taking, Mike," said Thompson, with a laugh. "It Is, if one o' them long guys comes welkin in with the yellow boys in bis stockin, " replied tbe ball player. Then tbe bell rang telling the crowd that the horses were at tbe post. "They're off!" yelled Kelly, as Start er Caldwell dropped his flag. "What's that guy away out in front, running us if he saw a square meal somewhere?" "It's Play or Pay I" screamed hun dreds And so it proved to be. The horse bad been tbe recipient of one of those celebrated Gutteuberg injections, and he won In a romp. Kelly never ran bases faster than he rau up to Ike Thompson's book, brand ishing his ticket colling for $806. "(Jive ns the green goods, Ike!" he roared, while the crowd gathered around breathlessly. "There's your money," said Thomp son pleasantly, as he took a big roll of bills from tho cashier Kelly didu'tstop to count it, but mado a rush fur the bur room, crying out: "If there's dust in any guy's throat around here, let him come iu with me and wash it out Everybody havo a drink!" Tho bar looked like a burgain counter as the sports lined up They called for everything from wiuo to cigarettes, and when all bad had enough Kel said to the driuk mixer: "How ruuoh, sport?" "Fifteen dollars, Kel!" "Thero's twenty. Have a bot your self I" "Say, Mr. Kelly," whispered a tout, "could you stake me to a few bucks? I've, got a cinoh. " "There's ten of them, me boy. Go and break up the betting ring," was Kelly's response as he forked out a ft 1 0 bill. Other impecunious persons suc cessfully "touched" Jiini for various amounts until Mike decided to plunge again. Qolng up to a bookmaker who had 100 to 1 against the borse Duke John, Mike cried out, "I'll put a hun dred on that ono I" aud quickly produced a century, for which he received a tick et calling for 1 0.000 to f 100. "If Duke John wins," said Mike, "I'll buy the track." Duke John was last in a field of 13, but Kelly only laughed. And so he continued to specu late uutil tbe races were over. Then he had a $10 bill and some change. He paid tbe car and ferry fares of at leust 60 unfortunates, loaned 60 cents here and a quarter there, and by the time he left the boat at the foot of Forty second street he had a few pennies over $5. As Kelly crossed Tenth avenoo bo caught sight of a little girl about 8 years old who was crying as if her heart would break. He picked her up in bis arms and said gently: "What's tbe matter, little one?" "Mamma's sick in bed and I'm hun gry," sobbed the little girL Kel gulped down a lump In his throat, put tbe child on the sidewalk, pressed $6 Into her hand and said soothingly: "There, give that to your mother, lit tle ooe, and may God bless you. "Come on, sport, " Kel said to his friend then. "We're broke, but let's bunt up some mare green goods. " He soon borrowed $60 from his namesake, Honest John Kelly. That was at 7 o'clock In tbe evening. At II o'olock that same nlgbt he had won $1,000 at faro. Tbe next day be caught the noon boat for Uottenberg, and be bad but $60 When Mike died, he didn't 1 serve a dollar Mew York Hun. The Raral VteAevtaa. How do tbe royal family manage to distinguish between their Victorias? There is a Victoria In every family of the second fraaral loo Victoria of Prus sia, Victoria cf Wales, Victoria of Edin burgh, Victoria of Hesse, Victoria of Bleswiek Hoist et n, Victoria of Coo as ught, TlotorU of Bat ten berg. Victo ria of Task and others somewhat leas early eoaoscted Tbe re Is no Victoria of Albany, tbe aoU exception. London Saa. OU leal. OU people who require aM-dMaa u rs gnlatalaa bowels tad kidney will Bod lbs iraa rasa! 1 Elretikt Bitten. Tsie atedldaa does not MlsaeUle sad eoaula aa Wbkkaj BotMiMr tatailcaat, tj ac( as t faais Md aJtaraUve, It acts mildly oa tba atoiaoh aad bowakt, adding rta aad giving toe la lb organ, laartbT aidltif Velar la It tprtonaeaoa of ika Wuoaa. Ikdra BUters la aa n wlaralappstlarf aadd dlgelo. Old rVepJ lad ata4 axaniv wrt tat? rat. rnrtMaaad$$OlMIIalr. 8. drag Mora. Tut w: IN T- J CMiMNtT. rr !hr ' U.ry v br u 1. '. .lul sV-Ja( 1, . Lui f. i ,. i .J. 1 u -. . i. : u w I. . Lr ' (. - ; -;vl ... ! . r iif. sta I aJW n: '.i - ' ..i n-.t I.j.'. ion iJ . .IH. I-r J t. : w . ml Ku.f clr-w. e L.i .3 . f m Ulg ill 1 .- - ii..: at ii hi Ucir? h !: ,11 .1-1 .k 1 'i :n,n- t n . r i In hii'.ist-j I lr ui'M inJ ?tAiig Ami i ruvjilt- I .i i:.. L-aJ n n k n w hut ilx- !-: IWJ- inxl BU'i illlltl. f.if fie ntij .ii..i:i mi i - hi li nil ihro. A till IJ tVll.l, Ii is'lo! KiiaR IlHrUK lilt , T .ia lml :hat fill's Hi :h- chimin t - Hid Hart AN ARTFUL DODGER. The Story of a Su.lra Watrti aud a Trnly Tf-ulti-ul Tliii-f. It- inn in Ii uod pi - lot. tin-old railroad in.iiiiile Nvould .'lf u retisi'imtilo fur I on-- if thi iiiri't- ut l:i his ettreer liad in wr beeouit- imtdie. llr hud lift Ins dtti' i' one ufti inii' n. mid in front, of the t uililitiK found it iriiwil, attracted l y :i IMHsiii jiriKtHHioii. Hi- wan pressing Inn wuy through when stopped by a ttrilliantly handsome youny vvounoi whose face wore h trontiled Uxik. She w. inted to ri .irh ft street in the north western part of the city and was at a loss what route to take. He pilliintly helped her out of the crush, put her on the riht car and told her hero fo ' t off. Wanting to know the time ft few minutes later, he dovo into his watch pocket, only to find it unooejpicd. A little profanity wus followed by a chuckle, for the watch taken was a cheap affair ho was carrying while his timepit'ce was being repaired. He hud never suspected the lieautlful young lady, t ut the next day she ap peared in tours and restored the stolen wutch. She was sorely pressed for money, had no ono to w hom she could go for help and hud yielded to it nio meutary impulse. But her conscience pave her no rest uutil she repeuted and made restitution. She bad thrown her self on his mercy, nud the old gentle man wus deeply moved. He insisted on her taking $"(). to bo returned if she was ever in a position to repay, other wise to be regarded as a gift. Over come by it joyful reaction, she almost faiuted and would have fallen but for the support of her benefactor. When she was gone, he felt us a mau who had done a good deed and was ou the best of terms with himself. He even looked 111 tho glass to smilu congratulations at himself. There lie discovered that his big diamond pin was gone. The long poeketbook was missing f-om the inside pocket of his coat. With a weak hand be reached for his own $.".):) chronom eter, and that, too, hud vanished. He told no onn but his wife, whom ho swore to secrecy. That is how tbe affair got out. Detroit Free Press. Trouble Caused by an "I." Kriitor Clngston of the Spikctowu iilizzurd looked out of the front window of his office, hurriedly grabbed his hat and darted i ut through the hack door, says the Chicago Journal. The lust issue of Tho Blizzard bad contained a personal item to this effect: "Our yonug fi lend, George Corbiu sou of Thatehersville, wus iu town aguin lint Hunduy. Humor bus it that he will hoou lead to tho altar a beauti ful belle of tipiketown. George is oue of the sold young men of our neighbor ing city. " Editor Clugston had written it "solid young men," but he knew it would be of no use to try to explain tho mistuko to the large, athletio young woman who wus approaching the offloo, Aud so wheu Miss Euphorbia Lick ladder, the acknowledged belle of Spikctowu, walked in ut tbe frout door a few moments later aud inquired in a deep, tragic voice for tho editor, Mr. Clugston was emerging from a back alley SI v Mocks away and making for tho open country. Itewartl-! the Rofue, Von Moltkn was an early riser and loved curly risers. Once, while roamiug around bis SSllesian estate at duybreuk, he found a peasant woman bearing on her buck a suck of potatoes which she had just dug, making a load heavy enough for a mule. "Hero's a thaler for you," said the greut field marshal. "You see, the early bird catches tho worui. " Afterward he found out thut she wus a night thief who had ravaged his fields persistently, but whom bis steward bud never got up early enough to catch. Dull. A person suffering with boils should eschew pastry, gravies and every kind of meat excepting lean mutton. Tho bolls may tie brought to a bead by using a wuini poultice of camomile flowers or boiled while Illy root, by fermenta tion with hot water, or by stimulating planters Good lionwlieepiiig A Hleep Indnner. Hlcks Did you hear about Macklln? They railed the Rev. Mr. Dulley to his bedside last evening. Wicka You don't mean to say he is In a dying condition? Hicks Oh, no; only a bad case of insomnia. lloaton TrannrripL Old gins bottles, which are more or less useless, are now ground up and employed as a substitute for sand in the preparation of mortar. Hums' poems have been translated Into Prnrxih, German, Italian, Dutch, Flemish, Bohemian, Danish, Hungari an, Huaaian and Hwrdiah. The frar that oor kind arts maybe rsoniTod with Ingratltnd should rx'ti-r drtar ns from perfnrinins; rarh arts Nw dlanoTcrtr of raluoMe itcpoaiU nt prarla in lakes and rivsrs In Arkansas hTS d(M (really to the csclteiiient slrosdjr eilstlnf ott similar rfiecoYsrW, sxl lodajr thousands of psxtpla" srs wadlns; through ths water In dlnernl rM of Um BUtS, searching to U pradons jeros. Ths Wis sjmi most at MtioasJ dtoromy was Mads la U Ar ksaeas rtr, t4 Um rrwks, Uks m4 wsyww Mr IJUls Hock, wr u passi) kits bosaj ptoksd op, nngtag Is trtM from 9 to to "(). The RightRemedy 1 The ii:as,tro is eflert - of potash anil mercury, which the doctors alwavs pre tnle lor L"(tntjinus Biixxl Toimid, shooM convince anyone that these are . not the proper remt'lir f t this homhle disease Instead of forcing the jsoixm ' from the system, Kiid kettm rid of it . forever, otdh aud mercury only txttle jit u,j, and !y driving in the outward appearance or int disease, inmce me patient to thiuk he heiu ur d. hut he sees his mistake lie, ore h'titf. when bis joints become sst rf ,iu 1 his hones ache often his hair will (.ill out hv th. handful anil i( he follows the din-tor's advice and continues lo take his medi cine, his finder nails will drop off. There is a cure f r this destructive disease, though no doctor has ever ct cured it. Of course they tnav pronounce a patient cured, hut the disease has never failed to return, with increased severity. S.S.S. (Swilt's Specific) is a permanent cure, and is the only remedy free from harmful ingredients. It is the only blood remedy which is nanni- teed purely ve-taMe, and for twenty years its proprietors have offered one thousand dollars reward for proof that it contains a particle of potash, mercury or other min eral ingredient. . M r K" R Kp wtn n n y r- - ' a well-known young man residing at MAV Staunton, Va.. tried various other treat-ments but found no relief until he took S.S.S. He writes: "I was afflicted with blood poison and the best doctors did me no good, though I took their treatment faithfully. In fact I seemed to get worse all the while. I took almost every so-called blood remedy, but they did not seem to reach the disease and had no effect whatever. I was disheartened for it seemed that I would never be cured. At the advice of a friend I then took S.S.S. aud began to improve, i continued the medicine and it cured me completely, building up my health and increasing my appetite. Although this was ten years ago, I have never yet had sign of the disease to return. Mr. E. h. Hite, also of Staunton, had the same disease.and his experience was similar to the above. He says : "S. S. S. is cer- & tainly far ahead of JjJt' -all other blood rem-7 edies, for it cures' V cases they cannot touch. T waqtreatpd by several good doc- tors and took various blood remedies, but they did me no good. I then took S. S. S. and was cured c mpietely and permanently, for I have never been troubled with the disease since. I have recommended S. S. S. to others simi larly afflicted, and have never known it to fail." S. S. S. is the ri;;ht remedy for Conta gious Jllooa J'oison, because U goes di rect to the seat of the disease ami forces it from the systtui. It will cure any case of Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Eczema, Catarrh or other blood disease of the most obstinate nature. Remem ber it is guaranteed Purely Vegetable and is the only Mood reme ly containing no mercury, potash or othi'r mineral. Valuable books on the disease and i;.s treatment will be mailed free to all who address the Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Prepare in lime. WINDOW SCIiKKNS, IJOOIt SCREENS, Pill I.TRV NETTING, GALVANIZED WIRE KEN( IN(i. Glazier's Refrigerators the It EST ami CHEAPEST ever seen in the Cily. Garland's Stov2s & Ranges they lake the LEAD and are equalled liy none. E, D, Undpr Hotel ChstUwk. Houth Front Street, Now Nernc, N. PROFESSIONAL. P. U. Xlnnoas. A. D. Wsrd Nlmmonn V Wnnl, ATT0RNF.TS al4 COUNSELORS si LAW. NKW BERKS, c. rraPilm In tht nniielu nt ni,iin Jones, Onalow t;anr and Paiiiiloo; In me Sanrema anil KaOetal Onurte. mmmt Ms. sa mmmttt rrssit Slreel wrswKs Mstsl kiua. P. ir. Pellet ler. ATTORN ET AT LAW, MI44U Rtrsst, Uwjsn 9rlek -B.lUlit. mf tmrlk ta ths Oonntlas nf Cratent 0arwrv "sa, Onalow aixl PsaiUan. II, H, Omrt s Raw S-arns aa4 tsipreis Uaejrt of cwiricxuMprirrnmonruTT, e. tliHS BVSetllB, rears W. K. NF SMALLWOO

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