THE WEEKLY JOURNAL IrttUuM tt7. Published ia Two HectioB, (Wj Tuee day and Friday, at fl Middle Street, New berne, N. C. CHARLES L STEVENS, HMTOR AND PROPRIETOR. si iWKMTloS KATES: : TiMnti 2i Cvui .' I'hrii-. Mi.i.ihH as " i IV Mollllls 1 M ! in- ( iNh IS Al' AN' K. mi A i.-iii-i' . iai. - nn ih.-.l ti--i. up I li ill. .ll al ll.' ll !"'u"'1 1,,,,. a ii,.- r..M..iti... N. r, . . - N . -- i . la- ii. ait. r ; (IKHI1U. fVI'KK OK IliWrN N n - S.-.'ti.ui Two. I riila. Sept. :t. IViT. THE DOUBLE WEEKLY JOURNAL. 'I'll'.' .1"' UN M 1" it Tuesday- an, i-s:ies earh w , k . : - , ' I V i 1 1 1.' ' I - ei s iii t he . - i ; 1 1 ' r v a new - pa pel I'm' as val uaM.- ! 1 In in as a 1 . 1 1 1 paper. Hill -id.-.'i ibers intend of ' '"JT ; am ij-iuu III-; M.i'e !.! s ami ll ) t.i pav the priee of a dailv p iper, I ins; t save Hie Nai .!!, and lio.v have t pay only one .!..!!.,! a vtar, that the Ksti-emed -e.-s it error, ami I l, -sli,a tvyoeentsavv.ek. ; is fettin- bark to issues that are j , ... pertinent to evei v of Xnrlh : here ran tin- people of histein ,. Carolina, i; is -ti iv i:,o lo make poo North ('ai' -'et another oa; or . , . . . , , ,, 1 ' pie heliev e t !i it l! is some! Iiin n. vv , . like the .1,-1 i. vi . vvilh local. Slat.- this State issue ,-ampain, but ili um! out si'!.- news ma' I or. two pap. r- an ol.l storv in the .I'M i; s v 1 . ev.-iv we,' f'.r one .lollar a vear '1'his pa p,-r a ! v oea! , ,1 persi-t. MlK j re i- no oi le i newspaper i . k Ml.-!:,' i III I hi- -Joe! ion. ( ol ! ar a vear, ami t iial i n a, I - I"1 an, .-. ' MISTAKENLY CALLED GOVERNOR 1. I I.. I.' l-.-eli, of U l! ton. N. ('., was la.-! November , . i.ele.l to l!ie ehiel exe.iitive ,. i- lion in this Male, 'I'Iih posiliou is .'eiieraliv kmovn ' ,-',,, a- I be ( b.UTlinrship, Ihelefore I I.l', i , ,, , , , ,, i.-l I.. Iiiis.-ell must lie the l.ovein.'r of N : 1 1 li t a ro 1 1 1 : a . A Ulan after he reaches years of 1 lua! u l it v is .-'i pp,,-e.l to be able I iv ci n hi nisei f , to have eon! l ol no If ,., m,,,. , t,,, ,,,, Ins a, lions, ami not be svv av , i h mo! I n f.e ! oiifj'il to be :;ov el Hot of 1. 1 Ill-el f III ever V wa V Noi I ii ( 'arolma has io.iav a chief e .,ii I i v c who is mistaken ' y ealle.l ( oiycrnor. but only by the vole or lal Novlmber is he in any vvav en t.lie I to be so (lesi.'iia'e I. f,,r , i , , , t ii, -il Her m ,-r his peop.e, nor li i niself , i , .1,1 has he shown hat, he was a jm- ernor. N otaiily is I his seen ill the I; id wa v ( 'om m ission mailer w h ic ! comes up I , iinorro vv for a Ileal i !,'. . ase in vvlii.ii lo.ver.Tor I : sumes the rht to take awav the cmmissu.ns of Major dsc, and Mr. S. o,, W.Ik..... Ami wiiy should tii.-se I wo , , missions he removed . ..... , - i ,, , ,, , h v il is said I hat the I ,ov ernor . ,, ii,. i , i , i , w an I ei I his mother to l,e clerk to ,. I he lailroad commission. Ma.,, W ilson wauled I he o. clerk wl i , , ,, , r , r i i was honest, cllieieiit, fail aful, and , , Ire m i clci k wa- re-elected. I an i! be possible that the fiiel that .Mamr W i is. hi and Col. Andrews happen lo own the Hound Knob hotel, and that Mr. S. Otho Wilson's mother rents I he same ami that passenjjeis on the .Southern railroad stop there for meals, is to he made the evense ,lf,i , oi the l.overnor to remove a niaiori- ly of the board, in order to L'lve bis brother or some other personal bench man a job '" No, it can hardly he chari'",! thai this is really a i ase of ' ...bbfrv , " but it is a round about awav of striking at I bo Southern Kailwav, for the (piestioii of the North I 'ar.' lllia railroad lease has nasai.,1 into , ru i .... . i- . i personal grievance subject vulh , . , i, ,, , ... lonernor bussell. and woo be it tn ,. ,, ,,i , , , , ,, persoi. or t b ii'B who rIhioI for I bo Southern liailway, if the ( iovernor , can find an opportunity to Tent his spite upon them. The North Carolina lease has ceased to be n Stale issue. It is now a personal issue with (Joyernor Kus sell. And ao behold the sight, the chief exocatire of N.)rth Carolina, neither a (lorornor of hia people, nor a go. ernor of himself ! Truly a apeotaolo for the ci linens of this great Commonwealth, a hu miliating, sickening spectacle, no matter what their party affiliallona ma; be. It U to be hoped that lb 8nprem Court of Ibe BtU will not be made n Inetrameal to further the per eonal wlahes and ?eif eeoce of the Oorereor la this Matter. . ' - Imi I M tmt Mill lk a C I ., Uiii- tri 'l r I I M mm aar aw uitimwn taM i. rn. e. , MaMI MIMIU llnaUCtH. The cry that is sow being toended ail over North Carolina ay the State press, "for a State campaign on Stale issues,' may eeera to be some ttiing new, and it it for these papers which are making to much noiss about it. The J ou r.sal does not care to take any rank, "a 1 told you so newspaper," but referring to the files of lhe Jul KN AL of last August, and duriug the rest of the campaign of last vear. the JofRXAL can be found taking this very stand. In the issue of August 1!', ISO'i, ' the Jul' i.N ! said : "'' ire Democratic success at tnnne, n ! t-wry one desires this ulnive a!! e!-r, let the eaiupaii'ii be ""''"''I ' --trietly State issues, tiu v :lre kl.iwii to the Democratic in,-.--, t : lie party speakers, anil to I id,. i,t,Ts u 'lie party, an ! if they 1 are kept In f He the people, this State j an I..- cair.ed for Dcmocrat-v. . I,,p I inn. ..-r it n- su preiiiaev. . (K1( pirans to every household, ,.u.rv u p.m i and every home e.i-'. terpriso. oiii I hen ' y. persistently before on r i,. one jn-. pie, an. I there' no. , be no (. ,ir o t lie I esii 1 1 in xt November." An,l it a'-, oit I .at tune that tin' esteem. -'i ' '''-' ' ami u lie. 'a--i n .liiiiiiLT the enlin .-ai.ipaien lasi v.-ir, "tairy North; ( 'aroliua, li ! oi h"i' thins-! w i: 'I'll i .I.H i; v i .. s not vvi-1', I, it i,i( of tills, h: I Wo! -a V now, one. no re, tli.,1 if tl.i- p..lllie:l oli, b.,1 lio-ll St I l.'i oil! h, ' "' N"'tli ': a woiii.l m.t !"'I''V h eiij.o.i I l.'assell I - m I'-utlerism. AND THIS IS equalization: lo ie will llie (roubles o ll.e pie of ! his Male end. under 1 1 - 1 I il is no! is. il is another. ' " - " a,., .a ...pouia- ..i ;. ; . , i I- .. ... i . f : i: . . ! : Un 111, , ep, ; I of i ho I axes of I : a'. , 11 '"'.I IV. l'el:.!''l e. to 1 he Male by tin l,'"',-lcr of le,,h. 1 he S' e I . . a i ' ! of I-.. , iial i 'al 1011 , re- j I 'li.- -a ii ie, Willi collection tola' made oil sheep, e.'l! lie alld lines. A n ! I i..s e. i M el ion ; ( 'nly a mat- . , . .r i . i... , . 1 ' , ,.. '. , , on. i , , . , ease oil Lilt i 1 I v ,1 ,, i! mi,- al r, ad v L'l v en 1 11 on Kheep i 1 , d ca!!l". and 1.'". per cent im reuse A n v I ii ip more ' 1 1 1 . i v 1 hat I his 1! I , " , u lie lie inak i ii s over of the. i'.! v l.a i ks, at a . o-l of l."id. x ' '-"3 ":':'': "! "'"" ''""" ,:,x ""!" :" lf ! or This actio:: ofihe I'.oanl of Koiial-I i aliou doe- not apply to the ( ooiitv 1 1 1 - - of ( 'rav, n oi.l , for t here can hard I y 1 , he found a coiinlv which escapes, 1 1 an I t !, s n in total of the vv hole mat- I 'ei is t h i! t lo- . I I ll c Sla'e must Blif f,-r. I 1 ak.i.o l lie ( a.-e of ( raven county ;H an i i 1 i.-l i al i,.n, il can iiisilv be -, n ihat of sev. ral kinds are cert un to arise, I 'i I he fust place a rev ise.n of the loui.'v tax books involw : a cost of. ?l '. and as an offset the increased In will probably yield (lie county - ' 1 1 . I'. .t there will be a more serioim mailer I ban this to the taxpayers. ' I 'in- f.u ni. r gives in his team "Veil al Tin, which is its full valuation. Another gives his in it S.'o, which n.ay be a I nw v almit ion. Hut uioier the mlmi' of the Hoard of K.piali.ation, bolh must pay an ' 1 3 increased tax of I a i rr cent on their property, wliether the incrense ho ' ' J J"Ht'''c' ' or With such a precedent as this hanging over the Hoard of County Commissioners, how shall they in the future be able to mske any tax valuation, when whatever they may do is liable t.) he eel aside by the State Board of Ivp.almition. And what will the farmer do in listing his property, when honest and liberal in bis listing, he finds hie property re-asesaet at any in creased per cent '.he Equalisation Board may think advisable to place upon it. Tbn action of the Board of Kqaali satioo ie ft blow to the whole Bute, end especially eoTo. e ppoo the fares lof oommanity, wboee taxee, lo Crarea Coooly at least, are already Mweeed fully and equitably. It plaoea io dan(r North Oaro llna'i efttir future 8UU Ui. end make uncertain tbo arooaot of Ui which may be collected, ae property listen, under tbo Action of the Eqaaliiatioa Board, are certain to place an excessive low valuation, oa their property in the future, in order to meet any increased assess menu that might be placed apoa tbem. It is to be hoped that the county commissioners may be able to meet this action and defeat it, for if the change must be made, involving making over the county tax books at extra cost, and delaying the col- lecuoD ol county taxes, as it certain- ; ly will do, better a fight now and a' A Atrr- OHnl settlement of the matter 8j to this i.cM , i i n i.l , .l l- i . u j oee now gnarled ami knotted that power of the equalization Board m i , " upsetting county matters, than tn!m,in8 fiDgcr8 lire exclaimed tbe tamely 6ubmit, and have continued joung woman. trouble in the future, for without1 "Yes. They got that wav in base loubt such must come through such ' arbitrary proceedings as this creased tax appears to be. Case oT Holes in Umbrellas. One o! the fruitful causes of holes in the folds of an umbrella is im orojier care when it is wet. To roll up a wet umbrella is to invito the dyes to rot it, and one of the banes of the umbrella manufacturer is loaded dye on silk. Out of 100 samples of silk submitted to the writer, not over ten were pure dye, and on per cent of the silk thread submitted was overloaded with dye and would not stand our chemical ic-t This is a fruitful cause of trouble in umbrellas, and our con cern insists on all the silk and silk t breads stamlinjj a chemical lest in this respect. When over dyed silks aie wet and the umbrellas rolled and set away, we li mi the owners complainine; that their umbrellas are cracking in the folds. Kino lodes appear and they are apt to re iiirn the ti nhrella to the merchant ami claim damage. From Hard ware. A Household Remedy. Aid it never hills to cine llheuin il i-in, i 'ao.i ah, l'iiiiil. s, Itlou lies, and all ilis is, s ai'i-m' fioni impure hi.,,,.1, is l!o t.niic 11:, ,,,1 I'.iilia (11, li. 1!.) 'I lioiis.inils . n.i n'se it us Ibe !.csl remedy over olt'ereil !o mankind. The thousands ol i ,m s er. :,, need by llus icniedy nre hIihosI mira culous Tiy il, only per In rye Untie. A I -1 1 V S I ' I V's K IIH.M I IN lloNKsT IXX'TOK. Al.hoiirji a practitioner cl mar twenty vrais-, my molher influenced me lo pro cur. Bolanic l'dood Ihiliu. I! I!. It , lor In r. Mie I, ad heen coi, lined to her Ui-d si vi nil monilis with KlieiiHUitisin, win :b had sinhhoruly nsi-ic.l all tin usual nieedies. illiin I vv em v lour hoiii. aller c .mm. la iiie It. I!. It , I oli-eiveil marked iclief. r-he has just i oiiiaicnei d her th.r 1 l.oitle, un, I is marly us activ as , v r, and lias I, ecu m the lionl yun! Willi " in hull' I," cieaiiiiiL' up. Iler im pr., v. n, m.I is li uU vvi.nd, ilul und im un n-elv :;iati! v uii.' C. II. Movro. .VICKY, M. I)., a-k-iiii.'dl.i, Ala. Km- -a by Drufjisls. 7 Pushing One Thing, "A shoemaker makes a good shoe because he makes nothing else." says Kmersoii, and the idea may be taken up with advantage in almost any line of business. A merchant tailor in a town of (in, (MM population made gome cassocks for a few local priests. Now he is advertising him self in the Catholic papers and by circulars to the clergy of that church as a "cassock maker," and sends hundreds of these garmonts all over the United States and is kept busy the year around. At homo he is simply a merchant lailor doing a good business. while his out-of-town customers know him only as a man whose particular business ia making cassocks, and who, makinga special ty of this feature, is enabled to snp ply a better cassock and at a lower price than they can got elsewhere. Printers' Ink. Dof Farms. Iii Manchuria and all that part of China adjoining Mongolia there are thousands of farms devoted exclu sive'y to dog raising. At each of these establishments several han dred dogs are kept, which are killed uy strangulation when they are eiht months old, usually toward the middle of winter. At this time their skin is covered with very fine hair, and from these skins are made winter clothee for the Inhabitant of the celestial empire. The doge fur nishing iheae eklot ere entirely different from the breed of dog knowo hereof ia Europe, and their fur ie aaid to bo to long haired and cloeo on aoooont of the extreme cold of that region. Theee fardogi ooq litute toe only wealth of thio deso late region, and toe only, down giren to the daughter of tbeee far mers oonsiste of a member of dove. Tho value of dog U about 80 oeota and, M Htekee eight fur dojilo make a eoat, each an article ia rath er eipeosite. T raffia la dog skint ie eenUred is. largo eitiea like Moqkden and Foo Chow, : where they ar tanned. Al the first named playe the amount of dogskin handled last year represented .VX),. 000. London Time. ' ' Mft'T LACS at. rmiHTmtti. I. Jones poisons bit wife's cat. II. II professes deep sorrow at its disappearance. HI. He offers a i lU reward for its reoorerj. IV. Numerous animals are brought for inspection. V. Mrs. Jones identiGes one. - l'ick-Me-Up ball." 'Was he a catcher ?" "No. lie was an umpire. You see he's a deaf-mute, and used to have arguments with deaf-mute players " Tavft Prvverbn ol Nlomon. Jr. Better a light purse with a certi fied chock for In, 000 in it, than a heavy one tilled with silver dollars. The heart of a fool is in his mouth ; wherefore waste not thy foot upon his coat tails, but whack him upon his cheek. Ijook not upon the newspaper when it is yellow. A lire insi ranee policy in hand is worth two assignments in the bush. -Life. Amply KlnrtilNtcfll. "Mammy," said Pickaninny Jim, ' what does white folks mean when dey talks oh language hahbin' lots o' shades o' ineanin' ?" 'Doun' voit know wiiat dem is?" "No, mammy." "Well, I II illustrify. Dab's yoh uncle, he a black man: yoh fathah, he's a dark skin man. Yoh oldest brother's a brown skin man, nn' yoh next brother's a bright skin man. An' dar von is." A Unlet Clnme. Father "Say, mother, our Mary must want to marry that feller she has in the parlor." Mother "What makes you think so?" Father "Why, she never sings or plays the piano when he calls!" I'uck. Ilnril.hl In Alnohn. Hungry Digging "I wouldn't mind goin' to Klondike if il wasn't fer baying to dig out the gold." Weary H atkins "That, ain't the worst of it. ll has to be washed after it is dug." -Indianapolis Jour nal. Zoothcrapy. Zootherapy is a new system of curing ills devised by a Florentine named Terapi. ll consists in train -ferring any disease a man may have to some animal, and is the convulse of the medical theory that animals convey disease to man. Among the cures he advertises is that of a rheu matic who made his dog lie across his bed, tho man being cored and the dog dying. Coldsmith has written a poem on an analogous case, where a man was bitten by a mad dog. Other cases are thoso of a priest who took his cat to Wed with him ami was cured of a fover; of a Lausanne, lady who transfered her aetere headache to her toy ter rier by pressing it against her head, and of a doctor who gets rid of paint in his arm by getting crows to porch on his shoulder. Ixndon Timee. ONE OF TWO WAYS. Tbc ols.lilcr wit created for one pnr pose, Bnrnely, a ricrpiacle for the urine. and as such It 1' not '.lable to any form el' ditiaericpt by one ol two ways. The 11 rat way is from imoerlect action of thr kidnejt The second war Iram cars lea lorul treatment ol other discuses. Miar can a a. UnheUby urine from unhealthy kid neys li ilia chklraukeoritiadiU'r troubles. So Ibe worol, hke Ibe bladder, wa crest ed for one purpnae, and If not doctored toe nock is Mil liable U weakness or die esse, eiospt Is rare cares. It Is sit ualed back of and vij doss to lbs blaikkr, tbefalore asr'fala, diaeaie ft uxosrrs, issares manifested In Ike kldayye, back, kktoder of srisary taMrse Is ofles, br Salslkkr, SlUlbhWd 10 brosls week a HOC woaab trs able nf socne sun. TWrrrot is taeily meat and easy be se easily are AeA. To 0shI oat comedy, set foar arise Salde tot tiny tmr boots; a sediaisot or art tllai Indiesiss kUtsey or bladder trouble. The mild sed extraordinary effect of Dr. tOlaarr't Bwemp-Boot, tbe great kid or; sed Madder rwawdy ksnoa rssllttd. ' If yoa atd a asediesao yea eboald hat lbs brat. At drsgtraws fifty eeota and see dollar. Yoa awy has a atapla bottle tod pempklel, both smt fne lr anal'. Meatiai X 0rre JovasAi. sad trad foer a-ldraaa to Dr. K!er A 0o lltng aseipina, H. Y, Tbe proprHnr of ibis asiier tnaisehe the eniiieos ul this offer. - ' ' -.- . sUtoCKO wnjcnraTox. avn rtsgrera. n They say, in Wilmington, that prosperity has struck the town. The local reporter of the Messen ger were tent out among the mer chants to investigate and returned with glowiog acoonoU. One repor-J ted seeing fifty er more loaded drayi pass a giren point in a short period of time. All the facts were duly set forth in the paper, but it was pretty hard on Editor Kingsbury who reg ularly issue his Jeremiads on the editorial page, while the local page is booming things generally. Kinpe bnry and his song of woo is making progressive Wilmingtonians tired. Alex Sprunt & Sons expect to do a big cotton business this year. They have already chartered twenty "tramj)'' cotton steamers, and may have twice that number before long. The first of the cotton fleet, the Hawkhur8t l.olfS tone, came up tho river yesterday. This steamer had been in Quarantine some ten days at the new quarantine station at Southport. She was washed and scrubbed and pumped full of sul phur gas until there was no fear that any guilty yellow fever or other microbe could escape, and then allowed to proceed up the river. The station ia in charge of Dr. F.ager of the V. S. Quarantine Service and he stands among the first in his profession. North Carolina's chief port will soon ho in safety by the completion of the gun batteries at the inoulli of the Cape Fear at Fort Caswell. Tho great gnus are already there, being brought dovv ii by schooner and un loaded o' tho dock, but it will be January at least before they will be in position (o throw their seven mile range projectiles across the bay. Tim guns arc twenty two feet long and there will be two mortars also to drop hhclls on l he decks of a hostile lleet. Hundreds of men are working day and night, (ireat lUt loads of Ml. Airy granite are towed down the river from the Yadkin Valley rail road terminus, and the quarry ha scarcely been able to keep ibe si... ne coming fast i Hough. l liforliniately the Naval Iveserves will not have their annual cruise after all. They complain that New Itorne and Kinston did not conic to the front with men to help them out, and now the Monitor Nan tucket will have to remain tied up to her dock, and there will be no man ning of boats and signalling and playing Jack Tar th.s year. Instead the Wilmington Division inland to go down to tho beach and do some drilling in camp. J Tho new hotel at Oc-an View, which is Wilmington's chief resort and reached by the Sea Coast Line, besides tho "sheil road", closed on Monday for the season. It has been a very prosperous oqo. Carolina Beach has not yet closed but will soon, 1 Im resort is hitC'.-n miles below tho city and has had 'ug season. Our boys, the ball players, pleased Wilmington last week by their gen tlemanly behavior. Tlio papors stated that al Friday's game the at tendance was the largest in years. At the 'Orton' tho club was well treated and tho boyt looked com fortable occupying three of the large tables in tbe dining room, with the new electric fans whirling above ihoir heads and the while aproned waiters attentive to '.heir wants. They didu't fail to dries up for topper and looked like a delega tion of Northern Capitalists down to inspect tho resources- of Dixie land. Two SanctiOcationist schooners loaded with saints came into tho month of river and lied np to Son lb port uockt on ftionuay. xuey are from the tonndt and loft their srkt behind them. ' Whether they traded off their arkt for schooners at being wore taitabls for ocean navigation it unknown. They tactics ar drawn on ' good military line for they are making a sort of flank morement and are attacking ot In front and rear. ' ' ' 014 )vh was taught lo read by the minister's wife and prorcd Every apt scholar. Iletaruiag boms after a proloned absence, ths lady mst her olJ papll.'sod uksd blm how bs Wss get'tn on. "I tarrposo yoa can TCad your Bible nor comfortt-Wy.Jobr- , .p "Ixr' Uoee yoa, ms'sm !" ensd Job, 'l's been ost' o( the Uible and Into the newspaper this long bil-lloasebold Words. 1 AN OPEN ' To' MOTHERS. WB ARE ASSERTING IN TWS COURTS O'JR RIGHT TO THE - EXCLUSIVE USB OP THR WORD -JCA.8TORlA," -AND "PITCHEK'S C ASTORIA," AS OCR TRApti sURK. J, DR. SAMUEL PlTCHULjJLEyvwisJlassachusetis. was the originator ,'ITpHErTS CASTORIA,- the same that has borne and doca wW y sAfTZZZ on evrV bear thefac-simUe signature qf (&myfi-&&Ut wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CAST0R1A," which has been used in the homes of the If other of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought 1 " on and has the signature of OCzjfzd&U wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept Trie Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. March 8, 1S97. Q& Wr, ,p. Do M Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. 'Un IOMFANV, If zsS- COPYRIGHT- SSS g9r We have now on hand 2.'i head Horses and Mules which must be disposed of within the coniine 15 days to make room for two car loads of Kentucky. West Virginia mid Tennessee Horses and Mules; this stock must be old regard less nf price, and whoever comes the cnrlie. t arc the ono to dome the greateet advantage of the sicrifico. Ve also huvo on hand the Guest assortment of Harness, Huggie", (all m:il-:iM and descriptions) r.n 1 wagons evei rIiowh in Kastcrii (Vrolina which we ill 8cll on an exceedingly low margin for cash or go, d nego tiable piper. Si.m-i's Mi-iiieines for all diseases and ailments of horso or nu n constanlly on hand. We rofp.'clfnlly wish inspection fooling assured wr can pave you money and give natiKfaeiion. ji uijv av ro. Schodulo Kffectivo May 2, 1K!I7. This oondonscd Schedulo is published aa information only and is . subject to change without notice to the pnblic. . ' (iUEENSnOItO, ItALEIUII. Ho. li. Ml..-, I Dally . Nr.. tS. llnlly. No M. Dallr. Kaatarn INia imam llltm S 10 a id S Warn inn s Mi am 4 Main warn r a m Mam o Wa m wan " Ulan S Mam li 9: a in e 17 m ssatn 1 10 a in - io sai lv M a ra lo am 10 Ms in In W am 11 Warn UUini U to p m Lt 12 40 p 111 " l 4Spu. " S t p Ml " 1 OOpr " 1 t! io " 1 4S p jii S SO p in I M p m " t p ni " I I' ID Al tirannaboro Ulliaoiivllto Un iMtUcgs Bnrltactea UraiiarS Haw lUvar Mehaaa llillaliom UniTrtr Durham Morrtmrlrte IMT Ratriiiti No. tl. K( Bub. '(0 4 m S4Ssm Mtlaa ll stem IS SSpn 11 IS p m II 4i m IstSpm ilepat ruixisit Aotitim ' ' tlajloe, iMliaa t tl pm lev" 4 llpai TrHrtoiJ"1 "B iapm 1 pm Is,: ' . i - prinK5" Ar .oidabiMo ' ! II I I I ewl N earn- rnllntaa Staaplax Dais -... 'n V- '- I :t --I "f-','V,4 V'r.'-- ' -..1 tl ll'- --.., '. . -S ..- . . rt v' S LUtieton iemie lioiiege ! n . ' ' ..' :-i '" ' 11 1 " ', 1 i' . " r , .This Iflstimiio. 114 1 splendid and prominent IuciIIoq In i rrmirk- illy fcf ilihfu! itcilnn of conntty, Ii the midst if; icloo ef nutrd Mlnenl Spring. " It hn Urre nd keistifully 'ihided Tttnpnp, tommoJIom tad well equipped Dulldlnpi, i iiron? Ficylty and t full ind thorongi College Coune at rery JIODKII.ITIJ tO.ST. Tie Fall Tern will tfRla ta WdDfadayr Brpiemlcr UC, tot Catalogue addrtig, - si. Ji. Il!XOi:.S, LETTER MunS,V SI AClTT. SaCW TOUR ClYT. (JOtDSBOUO AND NORFOLK Time. Ar Art lieaie j II I , , f , .I,, m i , I,,,, , p , Hasarata UitMSwnore sn kaMi(a .:r v.v y ; No. hi. I so, iv I No. ii. r. uaiiy. i imujr. is. s , I 7 If 11 S3 in il 31 nm I (U im-,. t . U 11 a in. Butuiii l am. i. ' , " ,.' ff 1 1 M a m mi i in in a IO ' -', ' 11 II an Baopnil IK im -' . I .. inssta lpm no em ' I . " K M a m I M i ui itlim I ' foilaui litpm IMim TV" '"'" Hlrtaai I S7 p in 111 t ui "",-.' f. ISMau (Spm IM a in ',: t.:V, I ts a m I 4 07 u m I INiih ' '. - i Doaatn I. Mpm IM k.tu ' : 1 Itsara SMptal lis a nr . , 1 -,r Sua. " ' I . "- L ' '' I s so p m i I -': lUam iiiohm t I pra : V Jj Pi is ii in fi "is p m ' I ; jAUUrlori, If. . 1. .. . - mm . t

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