VOLUME XX. XIW BE KM, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER FIRST SECTION. ii NUMBER 8. Hill SLUSH BUTLER. ! CIKIl SERVICE, i TIE STATE CAPITAL. fWHSSP-STiSZSTJ 5HS7iSHSSSi257SI15HS7S2S2 57iS257SH 5HSHS75HaOT Roj-sl tbc tood purt, w autosome anil dcltcimu. nl Ok-ki l - li .v .m- In . s si i :i ix HI Coin Ba! I AND New Arrow Ties ! 10,0;i0 Yards Jute Bagging and 5011 Bundles Tics; Seed l!ye, Wheat and Oats, Crimson Clover, and Malt. JTST IiKCKIVHU and for gale at Ciias. B. Hill's East Sink Maiskkt Dm k, XKW liEUNK, N. (' MIEI ' LINIMENT TliADK-MAKIC. Hagical Pain Extractor. CM IlliS RIJEOMATISM. TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, BACKACHE. LMI3AGO, CATARHH, AMI A I.I. KINDS OK PAINS AND ACHES. For nearly three score years and t i ll this famuli.-! old lioiidcliold friend bus been citirinjj paiiiB and nulies, and has never disappointed die user It, is clean, pure, ellicueioiis. uree ii'ily suu-lling and quickly acting. IT IS A Rich, Spicy Compound and In valuable for Cuts, Scalds, Sores, Earns, Ulceri, Wounds, Erysipelas, Skin Troubles. Etc., Etc. Trice .." Cents. AT ni:w.Ki;s ami DUi'eoi.vrs, or s nl 'ii i i ni-ilv nl :i or more p:u t ages to any ...u In ssou o ce'pl ol mode v. by Winkiemann & Brown Drug Co., Nole Proprietor.. BALTIMORE. MD E 8. A. IB grains I At 1 legend's Grocery. lO ! rou spot cash i will sell in lbs (iiiiiinliiti'il Sugar, (Franklin kehnci v . ini'iliuiii Hue ,r,.V in Ilia Piiiv l.:inl lulc .'i Ilia Arbuckle's It tasted CnlTce,. . . (Vic I loo, I ( irri n I i mi l- 0c Yciv inn' given coffee l.V V. i v lli 1 Creamery P.ulter 20 .fc L'.'ic Mess pork, by ttie round r,c Shoii 1 1 1 1 1 U k per poll mi Go Very lu st nli mile per pound fi fc8c iiHiit !lour per pound 3c Very best flour per jiouiid :!c Meal per perk 2r Gmgei snaps per pound ,V Very best i e.l (" i il per gallon . . 15c 5 Kalli'ii r.-d "c ' Vie 0 CUlls liest tomatoes jle if cans Ileal i urn gOc : eaiii l.el p.. 1 1, sud beans 20c i! cans hcsl pie peaelieH 20c It (utiiH best lalile p-uchcs 25c Very best hk'ht syrup per quart. . . 7c Apple vincgui 4 years old wr qt. . . Tic Kaili'iuil baking Kvvdi-r, small sine, 4c " " " large sir, He 1 lb can beef 12c HeiiiK's liaked U aim with tomato aatice, I tli t an Hr 2 Hi ean 12c ii II) i mi 17c 2 quart tin lncktii ftc 4 ipiart liu.buelo-U 10c 1.1 boxes coast matches, 100a 10c Defender snap. 2 bars for He Very liest F.ngllsh cured shoulders, H fe 10c llnlnr'n Keystone ketchup, Pepper Sauce and Hwrol Pickle chcupt-r than the chcaiicst. 100 gross ( oast Matches 75c per grow. Allcgoosl Urocery Co., 7H Middle tttrfet. ToToacco FOR VOUU Thermometers Tobacco Twine, CALL ON I., If . IJTI,i:il CO. Hirdwire md Ajrlciltinl Inpleneati, NRWT DEENE, - - N. 0. bZ hi tim Vr f f J Minority Pplists Saj He WilljHans to Attack Ike Law in Neit Lose Control. Important Case I'endins. Cheap Kxciirslon Kates to Fair. Tlie II u n i n f at Snow Hill Sets a Had Example. Liherality of Rouss. I Jol BSAI. HniKAf, ' Ui.kioii. N. C., Sep:. 4 Tlie deed nf atisiiinicnt if the least! of the N.-' V. R. U., by the Southern In N. Y. Central Trust roiupany was lo enve the first consolidated mnilitr!' inatle in 1114. The deed conveys the llil yeur lease of the N. ('. 1 Ii . with tlepot.s houses, shops, lixlures. tiuilding.s, enirines, cars. ii.ii I franchises. Tlie Southern will of course operate the road ns heretofore. Judge D. M. Finches of the Supreme court hencb has granted a rehearing in the Charlotte bond case. There is a case pending in the Supreme eouit that is of interest. The Slate under an net of the legislature tried to collect laxea on one half of one per cent of the Kriiss famines of the North Carolina U, H. The railroad i;ol out an injunction restraining the State from collei iing the amount. Mr. C. A. Cook of W anenton attorney for the road is here collecting some information. Superintendent Ray of the institution for the blind has received applications for about 7") new pupils to enter the school here. It is said that worms have attacked tobacco badly in Wilson county. The railroads have all made splendid rates for the visitors to tlie State Fair. They jjive rates of 1 cent and a liaclion (less than 1J els.) and tlie longer tlie dis tance the better nil" is offered. Ttie K. ii. Commission will on Sept. 15th lake up the readjustment of freight rales on cotton so as to have a uniform rate. dipt. F.. I). Williams c.f New Hanover is appointed a commissioner of wrecks by the governor. Dr. It. A. Cobb, of the Populist State executive committee, says a break be tween Otho Wilson and Senator Butler will smash the latter so far us the com mittee is concerned; that is he will lose control of il. lie added "We would not have Mood back nt our last luteting but were a little afraid. Now we can take tt.e step.'- Cobb is a minority Populi-l and what he says is hence the expression of the Anti-Hntler sentiment. The bonded debt of Raleigh is only 10, 150 today. Yesterday $27,501) of cancelled bonds were burned. There is now the question ns to the Lyuchites or Sanriilied ltand. in the Southeastern part of the State will they pass on to South Carolina. This State longs to be rid of ihem. Salisbury wants to get in the Southern base ball league. This State is now in no league and interest is on the wane. One hundred convicts from the State farms are, under private contract, diking the Arlington farm near Uoldsboro. It is remarked that ihe penitentiary is apt to furnish the next State sensation. Two conviclH were brought to the penitentiary loday by the slientf of Johnston countv. It is said that over 251) enlisted men in the First Artillery, U. S, A., headquar ters at Ft. Monroe, are fioin eastern North Carolina. Col. Frank, the regi mental commander, nets gie.it Htore by bis North Carolinians. The War lXeparlment at Washington desires to correspond with iiiciiiImts of the various North ( aiolina regiments which participated in the battle of All tietam (Sharpsburg). Eight thousand people were at Snow Mill Tuesday to see Dock Hhtck publicly hanged. It was conclusively shown that It is a very bad plan to have a public hanging. Morbid curiosity drew most of the crowd, and pistols, knives and clubs were in view all dsy. It was hard to avert a riot and race war. The negroes were excited and the guards drove them back by putting guns and pistols in their fnce. Black, standing on the gallows, warned them to go back, raying he had committed the crime and deserved hli fate. After the drop fell the negroes tiled to make another rush and a lot of them had to Ue driven out of the town by Ihe white people, at they made the wnret threat. Charles I). Rous of New York baa ent to Mr. Arnnslend J., nr. of this city half the money needed to put up the Memorial Hhatt to the North Carolina dead In the 8tonew.il cemetery at Win oliealer, Va. Worm i, of a kind not In-fore teen here, hare attacked tobacco in this sec tion. In a fortnight young natrichea will be hatched at tlie poultry experiment farm kere, hy F. A. llego, In a new pattern Incubator. There i no doubt that the crop are badly cut off by the drought. Illtawerwd that there are 1,500 bi cyolf her. Oo. Kuawll doe not exhibit the ev. W)e on which he baaed hla demand oo tlte railway commlaalona. He tay lb let left are confidential, that he hat do power to (uramon wilneaaea. cttas-a Af. Till la the war all drttrtlata aetl OHOVK'8 TABTKLFJW CHILL TONIC for Chdla and Malaria. It U almpl Im rw.i.iM i - - . ..I ' ' ley, wawamUag Too lea. , l'rto. BOo. Eoise. Not Likely to Succeed. Library Po sitions are lteing Distributed. Sugar Trust Scheme. I'ublie Debt Shows Deficit for Augnst. Journal Hi hkac i W AS1I1NOTON, D (J , (Sept. S Strange as it mnvseeni.lt is a fact Jh it iip one in Wasliiuglou knuwswlieth i r Speaker Heed opposes or favors Ihe movement that has been started for the purpose of repealing the civil service law at the coining session of Congress, and that knowledge iH necessary to estimate the strength of the movement. If Mr. Heed opposes it, nothing is likely to he done, but if he favors it. or will even re main neutral, there seems to be a fair chance for it to succeed, According to present plans, Representative Grosvenor, of Ohio, whose speech printed in the Congressional Record nun one of the bit terest ever made against the civil service law, will h ad this movement J,in the House, and Senator (Jallinger, of New Hampshire will probably till the same role in Ihe Senate. Il is claimed that at least three fourths of the Democrats in both House and Senate, and all the Pop ulists, will vote to repeal the law. If this claim be correctly made, it would not require many Republican votes to make the movement a success, anil those who are engineei ing it say that most of Ihe new Republican Senators and Repre sentatives who have failed in getting their supporters provided with ollices will gladly vote for the repeal of the civ il service law, in order to get sonic of their constituents provided for and to help them to build up support al home to aid them when they come out for re election. So far as this movement has more activity then strength. U is an easy matter to make claims. Congressional Librarian Young dis tributed a number of Hie choicest plums at his disposal this week. It is claimed Ihut cveiy one of these appointments was made solely upon merit. Thev were widely dislidnMl M.iginphn allv. Vn. ginia got tvt places, and Wisconsin. Alabama, the District of Columbia, Oregon. Illinois, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island one each These appointments are the principal ones to be made. There are about Ii ft v iniuor places to be lilled and more than seven thousand applications for them are on tile. It is now staled in Washington that ihe sugar trust is scheming to have Dutch sugar shut out of the United States by the Secretary of Agriculture, who has authority to do so it ihe sugar in question be proven to be adulterated and injurious when used for food pur poses. There are some ugly rumors about the manner in which the suirar trust is working in this matter and the charge d' affaires of the Netherlands in the I'nited States has appealed to the Stale Department to interpose und obtain an analysis of the sugar in question tluil will be above suspicion. The oflicial public debt statement for August shows the deficit for the month lo have been fifteen million dollars, about four millions more than it was in July. Members of the administration say that tariff receipts have so tar been fully as lurge as they were expected to be, mid that the debt statement does not differ from estimates made several ir.outliB ago of what it would be. Since the beginning of the new fiscal year ex penditures have been very heavy. Secretary (iage displayed wisdom when he declined having anything to do with the factional light among the .Mary land Republicans over the appointment of a collector of customs for Baltimore, and said that President Mckinley would have to settle il. Track R.t.rd ReduCfd. Special to Journal. Worcester, Maaa. , Heplenilier 4 John R. Ocntry reduced Ihe track record here from two mliutei ten seconds to two minutes all and one half seconds at the Fair grounds this afternoon. H.lek Delr. .07. Special to Journal, Ban FlUKciaco, Cal September 4 The (lugging match which has been ar ranged between Bully Smith, while, and George Dixon, colored to take place in thi city has been declared off. QtXERAL UBS BSTOKHINO. Ilaa l.r.rm.il.a aa.rwlBa ... tl.a f PrlMa.n la Baa Special to Journal IIaVaKa. September 4 Consul On eral Lee tailed this afternoon for New York by the Ward Una of steamer. He will report Immed lately to the State Department at Washington upon bis ar rival. He bat sooolh'i leare of abatno frvta Cub aad ti anoosapaaM by his son. Oeneral Lea baa been athcrla mock, additional information regarding the eaaat and condlttoaa of Ihe Insurgrait ia Iba Interior of the Wand aod also regan' Ing the conditio) of bt prisoners ro. fined la Bpnlh dungeons. Russell Not Prepared for Stand Taken liy Commissioners. AH Masons Invited to Masonic Da) at Nashville. Pnriiell Buys Him a Homo. Peace Institute. Republican Leairue Clubs. State Museum. Jol KNAI. lll'liEAl'. Rai kioii. N. C, Sept. li. 1 (lovernor Kussell and w ife left yester day for the cusp i n pa-l of the :tate. No decision has been i enili red as to tin- re ply of the two railroad commissioners. The Governor evidently gave the lii-l stroke before lie prepared himself for Ha second one. Grand Master Moore of the Grand I,odgcof North Carolina has lei eived an invitation from Crand Master Sloan of Tennessee inviting the Grand and PnM Grand otiicrrs and all Masons in this State to take part in all ceremonies and entertainments on (Masonic and Kniehi Templars Day at the Tenncssc- Cenlei. nial October 14. issir. Today being Labor Day Ihercfoica legal holiday the post ollire and some other offices will he closed. Judge T. K. Piirncll has punii;,seil Un lovely home of .Mr. E. H I'aihienn F.iy etteville street lu re and will soon mow into it. Capt. Delison hud inleiided 'o leave Raleigh this fall, and teach else when-, but he has accepted the Stale agency f .r the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Insuiaiici Company, of N. Y. and will icniaii! here. Commissioner llamtii k of the llureaii of Labor Slut istics lias received reporls from seven lumber mills in six coiinlies iu the eastern part of the Slate show ini: thai the total amount of lumber cut by them last year was 7.IIU0,0U0 feet. Peace Institute opens September Cith. The whole place has bt en renovated and put in thorough order. The school will open with a thoroughly eonippeil foice. It is earneutlv Imped that North i.aro. linn will lie well represented at the bit. ing of the corner stone of Ihe Ninth Carolina shaft at St. .new all ei nielcu, Winchester Va.. September 17lh. Tin head Hlom-H for thetls North Carolina dead will be dedicated. Rev. Mr. Avi um will deliver the address. Mrs. ArinMia i Jones the president of the N. C. Mono mental Association lias received a check for $250 fioni Mr. C'has. liroadwny House towards the .North Carolina shaft. The shaft is to cost only $500. A meeting of the North Carolina Hoard of Pharmacy will lie held here on tin 14th, for tlie examination of candidates tor licenae to pi autiee pharmacy. The Republicans are organizing clubs and calling these clubs, "leagues ol the young Republicans of tlie State." These Leagues will lie organized in any county of the Stale. This will put the youm: men forward, lint whilo it is putting Ihe young white men to the front, when- an they going to place the colon-d man. Rev. Mr. Davis, at Fraiiklinlon a yesterday, Htricken with paralysis before leaving the pulpit. He cannot speak. The work of changing the artu le in the State museum goes on smoothly. Mr. Itrlmley has been very successful Lin his paper casts of sea animals. Watauga is the only county a w-t making no report to the . 'ate hoaol -f lav equalization. The register of deeds has turned ovi i the tux Ixioks to the county co.nuiis sinners. The weather report for August at Ral eigh shows that the temperature at lis highest was i)5 and lowest (II, tin no an temperature, being 77. The August lain fall a-eragiJ is 0.21 Inches. Kx-Judge Womack one of (be i -ononis sinners for the sale nf tlie Cumnock nones says it w ill be sold October Nth. Kn.i.ru l-.Ndlilo.... New Yoiik. September 3 R G Dun Co.'s weekly review of trade, sny: Failures in August were in number 1" per cent, lesa than in IHOfi, hut In lis hilitics 70.H per cent .mailer July and August show a 'ower average of llnlu!; lie. per failure than lis. ever been know n In any year, or even in a quaibr of the twenty-three years U (1. Dun A Co. hnve kept quarterly records liradatreel says: Previous activity in all llnri of nil trade la maintained. There I. s better tone to demand from Jobber., and the oime of buaineM In wool, leather cloth ing, bats, groceries sad light hardware has Inoreaard. There Is s belli r request for woolen and cotton good., jewelry aod rubber goods and for trots snd hoes. Home wholeul merrbsnts st Western centre are reporting Ihe largnt volumo of Augunt trsd on record. Titer baa been to Increased consump tion of Cotton by Southern mills. West ern iron and steel mills bars order In keep them busy until Janaary. Taafc asrkU As. Special lo Journal Cttiosao, September 1 A Iu tenant la the Chicago fir 6ViMtait, Williaa K Wright, wat found dead loday oa lb sidewalk it lb Corner of Heath rrt avenue aad Twenty teeood ttreet, Ilvhsd taken earbolla arid to pwt oa sad to kit financial iroablea. POWDER Absolutely Pur orwAi FUKiMn pownrs rv, rw vobk. RECIPROCITY ASKED. France Wants to Secure Benefits Under tie New Tariff. Architect Looking for (Illiee. The I se of ( ai rier Pigeons for the Nay has Keen Successful. An up lo-dnte Direc tory. .I'll 1!N u. Ill IIKAC, I W.sll IMi'loN. D. C . Sept. 0. , France is tin li-.sl eotnitiy to nolily this "ovorilllli -nt of Us ih -ire to si cure both lorins of recipn ci'y provided for by the new talill' law . and Ihel'iLiich An;, bassador has formally applied for the ii ii m l :i in tin- d-it v on articles of I I C!K !l production 1 Ihe I'reMilelll is .till 1 1 i'i d to make hy pi ochi mat ion. v hene ei . in hi disci el ion, he considers the c-int , .-i on s olTeieil to warrant such action on hi-part Tin so articles are limile 1 to bi.itulv, cliampinne, still wine ami vei .-in ail ii. ami paintings, ilrawings and -latuary, and Ihe reiliii lion of tluiv io about 2o per cent. Tin- French Am !as;i:n- has al-i ;-,vrn noli,-,- lhai his eoiu.ti.v i"l,rs lo n, -oli:,!,- a general r-'cpioi ny trealv w , 1 1 1 ihe I'liiied Stales, III aeeoitl:,!.. e Willi tile ,1 o isi. ms of I hi nt w 1ar.ll. This law piovidcs thit llu-sc lleal i--s shall, le addition lo being l al llicil iiv the S.-n.ite. "I.e ' :ipUtle,l l,- ( on -It s. " Thi I: the h: -t lime Hint the c.ill-e;.; jof toe lloll-e has been made necessary to put a llcaly into elf. -ct. hut 10 re. i ,ou w hy it may not be a good idea. Fuller -on,, ho, ihout tie- .-I'aiy r -oint lio.l- lias lie, n ini-takcn i 1 1 'jr insutlieient t,, al en. or a 1 t of wooitd tr ;n-' for the po ilioii Iract a lirsl i la-, rale archill els ar of Supei vising An Inlet i of ihe Treasury A spi cial c imtnatiou to til! the i tlit'e is being held, ami so far, nearly eighty irchiteet- lll-vc pits, nled 1 1 icnisel ves for evaniinai 1011. 'i h.s otl'e ial has cluirge of Ihe erection of all j uhlic buildings throughout I,, , ....nil v The civil service cninns-ion wishes eVTvbocU lo know thai l! is simply ihrowitiL away inoiiev to p.iv lor any information i oiinisct, ,1 w ilh the i xalilin ati'iiiH.eilhi r in W ashington or elsew here, when sin h information mat. In-had with out pavin:; a cent, by addri ssmg tin I. S. ( nil i i vii-i- commission, Washington II. C. The ispiliunnt of using t.uriei pig eons to t al i i ii forniatioii 1 1 tun on i war ships to I.uiiL which was tintl ibning the cvoluljB ol Ihe Nolln All:,, Mplailron In Ihe Allanlic "If Cape Charles, was sm b a complete slit cess that the Navy 1 1, pal linelit w ill. In leaf 11 1, reglllally Inake n-e of those birds or news t .,ri iei s. Tin in w s w a- in I !i,s ease laken from Ih, 11 igslnp New i,,k. in Noifoll. Navy Yard, and fi there telegraphed lo Wlisllhlgloll. thus keep. iiiglhe department infotinci! of in iv inoveini n t of 1 lie sipiinlron. 'I he ( t.iiiinei, nil I'lie.'torv, issued bv the Pun nil 1 Au.er ea,, H piihlies, ha. annexttl Hawaii without waiting for the Seuate to at I upon ti e tii u'v . In a hand hook just is.uitl hv ill, it l.urenu, Us proHpi t tus of ihe Coinni'-i, ,:vl Directory, and ft list of Ihe co, mines Ihftlwill Ih-icpreiM-nled tle-iel,,. itnd in the list in. "The I inti d Stales in, lutiing Ala.ka and I law an " . '1 In a is ki i ping up to dale and a lillh ahead. Stands at the ileal. Au'. J. Itogil, ilio lestitii-.; druggist nl shn v eport, i.s, ss v -. ''Dr. King'. New Dorovery I. the only thing llist cure" mj ei ugh, sud il is ihe bed .llrr I have.'' J. F Cstnpbill, niirch.nl nl SuffnrJ, Arlx.. wrilns. "Mr. King'. New Divovery is all list ixlsune-l fr il: ,1 never fails, .ml is a sure iu'u I'-r Cou-tiu,p,ion, Cousin and Cold. I cannot ue u.li l-n its merit.,'' Mr. King's Nw li -i,rv for Con.uinp tloo, Cough, ami CmI. ! not an exrl- ntent. It hs been winl lor s quarter of a century. and ioil,.y tmch nl ih hiail. Jl tH-iar disapp-iitu Krv niar tiottla. si F. t. Dtitfj . I)i ua H ,.r- An oflW-lsl contradiction is IssumI of the report that Germany will demand an etplanalloa from France of th dispatch nt to th French premier, M. Mellne, lo reply to IU measag of ih Lorraln Sortety conrrsrul.tlng th government pot lb Franco-Russia alliance. ta. diapatrw M. Mctlno presaed th Hop that Lorraln. would b rewiilted lo Franca. SEM1WEEKLY SECTIONS uj Kat h TcimIhv uikI Fritln.v. u LiSn 7S7STS7i5ESSS7iS7i57i5 2S757S7S7S 5S7S7S7iSHS7iirHS2SaS52' Portsmouth A MCK LOT J I Have you tried our now .'(He li'oast ei! ColTee;-1 It is Old (loveniiuet .lavu and .Mocha, of the Very Best Quality, ami we Guarantee that its equal cannot 'a; found elsewhere in the city. TRY IT once mi l you'll want it again. RAHAM VicDanioI t distill, 4 1 ISrontl Si.. TOTZ BOTH SEIZES. '-uuMw.'-.se' The C.ieapest Boardinjc School in Eastern North Carolina. This school Is located 10 miles east of Morehead City. Students can get board, tuition, lights, fuel, etc., nt from 8. 75 to $8.0J per month, according to grade. e have recently buill new dormitories of 15 room.-; each room huving nn open lire-place affording students comfort and quietude, Courses of Rtinly are as full as anv school of academic grade in the State, and our teachers are qualilicd, thorough anil painstaking. The community is noted for the absence of vices. Not a saloon within 25 miles. Plenty of ( diurclies. ;2f"Fall Term opens September (lib ami continues Hi weeks. , Kev. W. l. A. .ralmm, A. B., I. !.. President. v7 4 m We have now on hand 2 head linnet and Mule wbioh noit be diinoted 0f within the coming 1ft day to make room for two car loads of Kentucky Weat Virginia aad Tenoeaee Uorset and Mule; thit itook mo it be olregrd. lot of prioo, aod whoeer oome the earliett are the one to denrt tha greatest adraoUge of the aacnflce, We also hare on band the finest aeeortroeot of llarnrei, ' Hiies-lea-(all maket and deecriptiom) and tragont tret hon lo Kastern Cerolin. wu,s, we fiii wc,i vn au exweuiUKiy tow marglO lor vMH Or food nevo. liable paper. r Sloao'i Medicine for all diaettet and allnenU t( contUntlj on hand. We retpectfqllf with inipeciion feelio aetared eta tare D monej end gite MtiifactioB. . n. UAJIN & CO. Mullets ST UECEIVED. A full line Fresh Canned Goods. Choice Tens and Pure Spire,. The Very Best Butter fresh from the dairy. (ilVK PS A CALL and we will I'LKASK YOU both in Quality and Price. Wholesale & Itetuil tJroeers, new i;i:icm:, nr. v. ACADEMY ?Cli COYftlBHT. , ii I