1J I tmt VOI.UMI XX. NEW BIKNI, CRAYtN COUNTY, N. I'., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1897.--FIRST SECTION. NUMBKIt IU. Si Skins on fire with torturing, ditflpurluf;, Hciilng, burning, l,03ili:., scaiy, and pimply humors, instantly relieved by a warm baih with Cfficrrjv Soap, a s..iplo tp,).. ration of CiTict BA (oiutuic.it), tbo great ftk.li. cure, tUiti a full dOcVG Of "l TIL'L'RA ltUSOLVBNT. (pticura orithriirbeatthvorM.roTTBi D.ICCoir Hni , Hofttoa- " How n'iir Torturing Uanon," in. RftR ' Q O ( I J Scalp n1 Hair Tttrifl4 MJ Eea unu v vim 11 AND New Arrow Ties ! 10. (Mi! Y;,n!s .1 nt e liujji'i ml' am' r.ll.'l Fondles Ties; Seed 1,'vo. Whom ill"! Oi's Yimnon Clover. :inl Malt .11 'ST !.";: 'KIV KH ami for --iV a- Chas. B. Hill's K.vsr Si Mi .M a itK kt Dock, NK'.V IJEUNK, N. 0 Trail e-11 iirk. IVal ii r. 7V-r in v'; :i nil E.VNa.r;s.i v'. An n ii f,i 1 1 i iiC mire for Diseases of the Dim' no, Nervous and ( ioiierutive System. A 'I'onk: of jhiv illicitey for tin' "Id anil young anil of mark ed sen uv fur Students, Touchers, anil ail who are eiigiie," in liriiin WOI li or .-l-.to occupations. Depression, 1'ircd reeling-, Nervousness. Muscular Weakness Loss ofAjir-ctKc, Papnatlonof Heart Restlessness, Uystoria, Ncrvo Weakness, General Discomfort, Excess, Alchoholism, and that al most innumerable Heriee of liisea.-es ami complications reunit ing from anv ili'tanga-mi'iit of the Nervous system. Invaluable for weak women anil nervous children . Steady Nerves, Braced System, Sound nest, Good Work, INSt ICED It V IS1NI, Dr. Cox's Cocelin Nerve Tonic. i'oiilnlitft o Oplntm or - Dangerous llrua to make a habit. 50 Cent Per Bottlo If three lxitllcs he ordered at one tune, a copy of Oriole Cook Hook w ill U' included free. Al lrtiftf IsIm Audjllrnlera'.or tlrrrljof t.n rrreipl .if prlrr 50 rrnn. Winklernann & Brown Drug Co., Hnlr I'roprltom, BALTIMORE. MD 0 S. A. Cotton Ban ! At AIIpi;nal'!i Ororrtrj, KOl: Si'OT CASH I Wll.l.SKI.I, 10 Hw (ininuhiteil Su.ir. (Franklin liellmry) moil l inn lino fi-V 10 Hw l'iir! Ijird, (JV f l Arline.kle's KimhUiI CofTi-.', . . . fl,1c O.Mid linen (killer 10c Very inc.- ((riiMi cofTi-r I.m- Very Kent Creamery Hull r, . . 20 A 2'k Mesa pork, hy tlie roiiinl f Hlinrt Imcks rr pound Oo Yery liest rlli side (arr pound 6 A 8c (liol llimr imt pound 8t) ry best flour r pouml 8(c McmI cr peck 12! (tni;r snaps pvr p"iind ftc Very lnt rril c' c II per gallon ... .V f Kttllonn fyai "c" 5V 11 cans heal loniaU.en !0c S earn Itral corn UOc 8 cans hrat pork and liraos . . SOc II cans Imt plr praclir gOo II cans bast Utile prarhra. i5c Vwy beat light ayrup (-r quart. . . 7o A pple lne r 4 years old prr ql . . IV , ' iliallroail baaing powder.sinall slw. 4c jr . " larxr si so, He 1 "lb can bcrf jjc i . liaWt bakrd brans with tomato saucr, I lb can 8c I lb can 13c I lb ran 17c 2 Hiiart tin bucket ftc 4 quart tll.buckrts 10c 19 laixr const malcbra. 100s 10c lifrrulrr aoap, t bars for So Vrry bnt BngllMi CHrrd shmtldrtaj A 10c II ilns's Kcyatona Krtchup, Prppar Hauo and 8 rl J'kkia ebcaptT than lh obnaprat. 10U (nM Coast Matcbc T3e pat frnaa, Allrood Grocery Co H MII4U Hmt, 61Plli?.1 sn4 t!(W ITahlkl rrl SI ,U h Mia. as rf tr tw,UiM r a sl WJ"Sx''m.i.t Mia a tiata twt JL ttfai aa. mm SEES GAGE. Perhaps Be fill Sustain Dice HoldiM Repntatlon. His Question of (ion'rniiii iit Aid for Ir rigation. The Yellow Frier is Mild T) e. (Jtii'stion of I t v 1 1 ; Service. I'ueifle Railroad Case. .!.! ::nai. IU'i.'Kai , 1 WsllMl io. li. ( '. Sept. 10. I Senators Fcrakn-. Harris, of Kansas, and Stewart, cium isi n Lri,t lie sub-commit-tee of the SMiiiii- mi !ii 1 1 1 mi I'acilic railroads. Lave !. ' i in Washington this week for the puipo-c of earning out the Pettigrew resulii! adopted by Hie Senate, provi.i.ng t..: an investigation of the sinking fund .a ihn Cnion l'acitic itnilro.il In tl hv tin- ivi-asuiy Donait- nient, anil of ill.- land g: ails ol the same I load. Tin y i i ,i v e held .-.n rttl coufcrrn j res with ill,' A;;-: u.-v i I.-neraJ for the purpose of tr.u.tj: :.. nr. v i : sale of ! ihe road before I .-.., i m. . out they are douhtful of su cess. !n talking i f his iccctil tup t i i r ) n 1 1 ii;c West, Sicrelary Wilson said ho told i lie funnels of tin- arid sect ion that ho was opposed to tin' nppropi iat ion uf money hy Congress lohiidd --!nrai:e reser voirs for i'-i igation purposes, and thought 'ii' li w. ... ilioulil lie done I capilul. ile also said that i ; t .i.e to -.!.,. pose that the w ii the Unii.-I States was uni: i this yeai; I hat ll w ould o, si L'hily In-h.w our avria;;t , e si ipiraco he ' r. dit li d a ' fti: : i pi in'. 1 iv- I ' 1 1 1 i k .-. I In- rnliivai sujar h el i-. i.a i .-a -i.r so rap. I ' o 1 '. a i; :i uf t; country will i-c.m.' to U- a n v private u- a mis i rop of dy lar-e in realitv I in eon t r rise i i ' 'II of tin lly that it ' ," :i this arlvel fur forei.i siiar. Senator (oirinan had an cMi n.Ird con ference with S.-i-r, tan Cairo this week, and it was ma h- iln- f.uiiiila! ion fur a lot of polit'.-.il s;.issip, hut Mr. I i.iiuian says he ill.-n l, callod to pay his 1 1 pci ts to Secretary (iaire. .Mr. t ionoaa has lor years enj iyid Ihe reputation of being ahle to ki ei in 'H' of his i iiit,! i t ui 'i ts in nfliee uihIit an op)iosi(ion adiniiiistratinn than any other man has ever done, and it was probably in the inter.'sts of some of his cia,.stitllent-i no v huldiii'.' ulliri that he confi l led w ith S 'cii tary liane. Several unsucci ssful alirinpls were made to jret Senator I lornian to alliroi or denv tlial staleineni nf Ins i n li n! ion to retire at the close i.f his present term in the Senate. It is tin- -eneral belief in Wa-li-hi(jtoii that if Senator (hirnian retires it will be because his party fails to elect a majority of the legislature that will elect his Riict essnr. While there is nothic like a scare at the Washington headipiai tei s of the Marine Hospital service, over the yellow fever on the Mississippi coast, ihe situa tion is regarded as serious and the Sm eon (ieneral of the service returned from his vacation and took personal charge of the arrangements made to try tocontiue ihe disease to its present local ity, and be is confident that tin y ill succeed. The lale-t reports cla-s tin- vel lovv fever at ' lecan Sirings, Miss. , as a very mild type of the disease. The ( 'ivil Serv ice Commission, w hich has not been making itsilf eonspicuoui since the new administration came in. Some are cynical enough to say that the cuiiiinif sinners w ished to Had out how secure were their own ollicial heads he fore trying to get gay is said to Im mak ing an investigation of the numerous ehnngefl made in tin- I'easii.n llureall hv Commissioner Ilvans, nitb u view to preferring charges against that ollicial for violating tin- i ivil si rvi.-i t ules. ( 'otn mistloner'Kvans is said to have removed or reduced eighteen out of the nineteen chiefs of divisions he found m the 1'en mini oilier. It ia rumored that bu may shortly les'ign, but he denies it. 4 .i I un . The procure of Cotton I". v hange llrar anil foreign buyers to put the planlei intoapanictos.il ids i ottori continiiei. The gi iii rul outlook and the public in terest lion Ih'i ii neriouslv duumiHl by aiionyrnoui ndvertlaenients to "buy anil hold cotton, " which it has la-rn taken for granted a ere put out by sonn- n cu latire Interest. All such operations, arbethrr for or ngsimt Ihe pro;rily, make little difference in Ihe ultuutlon. Tim eolt in groa rr hai not more i otloii in 1807 than the world wniil and sooner or later thi will show. The law of sup ply and demand I at Inexorable an llir baors' appeiita for gain. From market Urtlrr of llacy and Pendleton. New Tork. IsmeUlar'e Kaesr. It may ft wnrtt 'Oini thlng to krjf w that lbs Teiy b- t n idh lna lor laboring I ha tirl mil nrrsons tTli-ni t a health) viitor is E'tr bit Iff'. This ImdiciM la piely wwablr, Mb by loo to lb Hra Miliars In lh l"insh. grully stimalsti-s ihe U.ar and Klne(s.snd i(k lhi tMgaos in (browioifolT supadihs Is lb bln.nl. Kl (ric D dttt Improtit ll saMlta, this dielifl, aod la prunonortxl by tboa who lat irit I ll as lb vn h. ilmwj ponH.r toil raraa tonic, Trj II. Md for Kin t $1.00 paf boUUtsr. S. DufTj't Drag RW. , iiiin m mm p w I J ((-- i.-X Basf I f 1 N. I ' 4. ... . t I r " r- -i i r rJ l-m hi"" " ""'"' ' 111 BAPTISTS UNITE. Twenty Churches of me Ami- MissionariES Come Over. Confess to Murder. Slate Fair Mar slials. Commissioner Talks A bout Cotton Crop. College Matters. Major Nielsou a t.ood Stayer. Joi i:x.m. Hi i:k i , Kai.liuii. N. ('.. Sept. II. i The Primitive Baptists term themsel ves the "regulars" and are as a general thing known as the "Hard Shell.," ami are quite strong in this Mai.-. It is learned today that ltl churchi - of this denomination in the Wilkes and Surrey section will at once become Mi-simaiv Itaptists. Kev, .lohu E. White will g. I therein a few days to receive ihei.i Four years ago Ihe late Uev. Dr. Cnlnm bus Durham received an entire nsiH-i:i. tion of them. 25 churches, as Missionary Itaptists. From time immeinoi ial they have been anti-inissionary. I'crsoDs w ho c-iiiii' in from the South ern part of this county say that a man ami his son have confessed the murder of a woman for which al the lost teini of court here, Berry Cook was sent to the penitentiary for 2U yejirs. t Hho Wilson reports that on his farm near here the oats have been thrashed and that Ihe yield was llll lh-. to Ihe bushel. The ciop of peas is so far alniest h fail uie. It is a very importaut crop in this Slate. I . S. Marshal O. J. Carroll relumed today from Chase Clly, Vs. lie ; .somewhat improved but is yet verv fee ble. Chief Marshal I'. II. I.yhrook of the State Fair will have a large stall' and his headquarters will be at Ihe 1'ark hole!, lie expects 7.) assistant. Marshals, beside those (nun Raleigh. Th'u ty -foin have al ready accepled. Tlie Ciiiumissionei- of Agriculture suvs he is getting lelb is daily regarding the crops. One today from MaMon says the cotton is so greatly damaged by the drought that if it continues a lew days longer there will he only .-; el a einp. Tlie ( louuiiissioner then said: " Y'i'a eau say from me, a fti-iurr of :!') year.-. e;.per letice, that if the hcasous ale light in .liiiii-, July and Angus!, in spite of drought and everything else the nop uf cotton will hi' an average one. I don't care what happens. (M cour-e when peo ple pitched I heir hopes so high and cot ton was so luagiuiieent as it wan August, it appears to them now as if tlie crop is pretty nearly destroyed. The August return gave the condition as lcjj. That was so for the 1st to the puh of thut month. 'Ihe Norih Catoliint average i say half a hale to the anv. 'i hat in fact is a good u-hl loi this Stale. It is said that 1'J bolls to a stalk w ill produce a bale to the iiere. 1 want you to note the fact that cotton this year is heavily fr..ited." Hy this the coinuiissioui'i- means to say thai he insures the crop up to the avei a::e. There was of course an increase in the acreage of eottnii; a big inerea -. There was -lU'i.tli') Puis of i-omiiierci.il fertilizers Hold in this Slate last spung. Wake Forest College has hi gun its , s sion pretty well, but h ading It iptists s., Hot as well as if would Imve been Ihe i a-e had Ihe faculty gone into the helds .and canvassed the State, as for iiiM.mei- ihe Agricultural and .Mechanical college del. Ii requires w ork to mi arc stii'h iits. The I niversity seems lobe aure "t having a ureal attendance this term. The Uetaihllcins are ajsaiking ot es tahlldiiug a new pacr al tireen h 10. Money is raised to lay the ti.n k o ibe CharleHloll and No! t b - w estel u railway foiuierly the Cliestei and Is noir lioin Hickory to Newton. The "Widow lloldsli'in" cirpcn hirh apjienred here last uiglil, h is i ui clled all Its engagement and left i'.,i New York today. I'o ir hllsines- ;s Ibe causr. Dick MiKire, who for years ban l n a street preacher lu Charlotle ami vtliimiu iirn steil al I ireeaslMiro, arrives! hi rr li -day and put in the eutire day making tnurdc, hnvinu a queer organ nlntppisl onto hu wagon. Ile w.n in lua Inrl llerTca. Kev, H. It. Owens U made piamining chaplain uf this Kpiscopal diocs-ir J. M. Milam, the Seaboard An lane's awinlant ticket agrnl at Cliailoiti . cel 3 years in tho rcnilentiary for atiabng U.2.V) of Ike company's fund I'rof. I rhy formerly of Ihe faculty ol the A. Si II collrgo was, yesterday, ten dered the Kislllon of profrsaor of ngrl cultura at the Agricultural college al Lake City, Florida. The position was declined as I'rofeator lrby baa gone Into business here. Maj. Wilson, nf the IL K. commisaton sayt If It la necrtsary be will carry Ihe nutter between (ioeemor Huaaell and blnself before Ihe courts. That Kusaell will And there Is soma dtfTereno between ordering htm out and got tint; him out Yesterday Ilia therm otn star reache'l M degrees, but a cold war la ptedicted for Sunday night. The returaa lotcotloa to the IparV aatal of AgTlcultara todicala an average ooodition ol 7t.l a cVpUssbrt let, a romparrd with M l oa Aogwat 1st, a do cile of M paints. Tbo arersga oMidl iWt) Sepletnbef 1, 1MW arM oil tad Ike sear age BondUlntj oa m-fXe-mUrr Ial, tor thej Uat teat yeara. It 79 X THE STATE CAPITAL. Mm vmm Um jye lieptihlieaii Organ at (i t ceii-honi. Marshall Corrall Vcrj leehle. A. i M. College Full. Sana ii t a rin in Curlier Stone Laying ill So. Fines. JoCKXAl. Ilt'ltKM. I Raleigh, N. I'., Sepl. I I. , The Charleston and Northwestern, tor lilrrly the Chester and l.eni'ir it. II. ha scciik d money sulliciciil to build line be tween Hickory and Niwiou. Fin a I nig while it has leased Ihe track of tie Southern between these I v places. Rapid work is being done on the Mi cksville and Moorcsville :ailroad. The Republicans in the Slate ale mat ing plans In establish anoth"! org in of their parly al (irci nshoro. I'. S. Mai hid i 'arroil who has been :; diircrciit resorts all during thesuuunir has leturucd home. Ills bialth is vi i v feeble. 'Ibe in ill l isei 1 cool wave fn last night. and today has failed to ivim to n There is some pleasure in anticipator,' i's aiiival lalcr. 'I iie tiiainl ..liny of Durham county has found a hue hill against Mr. Fair brother, former editor of the Durham tilobe, but now editor ol I-'.i iiluo! h.'i '-. I'.niar,.. at Danville, Va.. lor criminal libel. Tins will once re bring Mr. I'an In. .'. In r before the public in tin.-. Slate. 'i he dm inilories at tin- A. ,V M. college an- about lull. To acconnnoilate nunc and even to accommodate those coin li.r.ably another dormitory is iiecesar', Then- w id be lully HUD students before this week ends. I'i oh ssor Eldci idge ol Itlnca, N. V.. who a- elected pioicss.-r "f mal heinalical eng.ucermg is hereto look over the situation bctor he accepts. i'rob sor (ietahl Mi -Hardiy. ther.x -Stale botanist and elonioloii goes to t loi uel 1 tor a yeai'.s study. He was employed In Ihe Slate under a w i n!cn contr.a I hu l'Jri per month until .luiy 1st. mis, i study the diseases of collnu and IoIkh'i ... I le will bring sail tor Ihe rest of bis salary, 1 .'Job. He w as ou-.li A tlu spl nig b the Ril.-.- i 1 1 ad mill ii 1 1 at Ion. The cornel stone to hi- I'lokslor.l Sanatorium was laal at Snulhi I ll Fines with iippioprtaie eereinon;-s. eieii though tie exclusion tailed to leave hen and cai a y t he crowd. Mrs. I'niti-, the w ife otthe mini . ler sent hi re liointlie North to take chaige of ihe ml l'n , I I 1 1 Tin 1 1 ch in eh, will endow m ot in l h i -."iiaatiiriuin in memory of her -"ii w !e. ilied some cais ago, ii'vernur Russell refusisto pardon a young until named Moore, w ho la t --pi 'ti-j killed a neg uni ;ij l'rankliut..ii. I he young man is -oi . ing a la years sentence mt he penitential . I. alrst News llrniM. Aigcntinahas taken steps ton lil.ale upon the I nited States for supp .-. d do i riuilnaliou in t be neiv liirtlf .'lillll to this elfeet was reel A i ibh d Mate Dcpnl Inn I t. The Mlni-ler of War has cal.l. .1 tain ieneral Weyler iisking l.'l c planatlon regaldlllg Hie captur. I insurgents ol Victoria De l.a- 1 I'lovince of s-antiogo de Cuba w le defended by seven forts, ha o. hrupp guns among their arm am i t Oen. Filliugh ai I'lllte.l s SI l l's U ash 1 1 lu 0 n I'lol. w. II - .il I , 1 1. ei iimiI gem ial at Havana, is i ingioii. It is his intention t bi le for seveial days, and he w ably ooub r with the I'rendent a with A--lstnnt Secrilary Di t.ulmn affairs liefore he goes to la Vug. ma. I he Tiuii'M iii an article from a pn i il coriespolldi lit. Ilillki S the iuis a tari: nil lloilin emenl thai Ibe Hunk of I.ngi md dlrei tol s have consented to ho! ' one-li fth of ihe bank's ri-M-rve in silver. The strainer Cleveland lie ainv.il fiom SI. Mu hurls bringing w lib bei fi an the Viildin gold lh Mi a "tor. of dintc ss and disiuiter. The mim ni she has on board and olflri r in charge "f Ihe nlop tell tin- ntury of tin aiilTerieg a: Daw ton. The winter hna sei in at tl ing i' . of the froren north and two ..leal sl"i -"f Ihe place have i h.el their in f a they liavr nothing to aril I biaae w ie. hnw been si-i king gold now unut a.-, s foisl or atarre. I.ngland ha i n bsnd s alublmrn strike fo." rnglnwra ngati.at employers for an eight-hour day al nine. hour wages, iloth aides are stronglr flra(el. The effect on llritlah inuli' may be considerable. Tl" design of a monument to Uie Istv Senator Z. H. Vsnei- at Aalirellla haa been derided upon. Il will he a shaft about 75 feet high, the core of which will be of brick and the surface of granite. It will stand In Ihe public square in front of Ihe court bnuae. The President hat relumed to Waab. Ingtoo from Homeraet, Pa., tod a awu lag of tba oaUoet baa been caDad for today to dlacvat several topical wblcb sre regarded at roqolriag kit atleal'ioa ami, pe fcapn, aciion a (kit lira. Oa tba list to lb oaoatructioa to be given ilm dis criminating dnty errtloo of tbo laniT act, lit adjoatmenl of Variowt quewtkma of (hat I bat bav aruca enneenilng Abvakt and the gold miners, and, prrtis the dlartaMwa of lltwtliaa and Cahaa oosv ditspnav Rersl aaku tba laud para, wholeaoaaa aaa lUlkaswa. POWDER Absolutely Puro BWAl BAKIN0 POWOf R HS., NCW VOHK. THE MARKETS. Mtiieka I'.Milliiiir Kironif and Advanr liilf. 4rnln l-i Weiilter. 4 niton He lua Ooiilrolleil In t'aforiil HuerN M ill Nell lllalier. Special to .lournal. Nkw Yoi:k. September 11. The Stock market continues strong with railway earnings increasing and extra dividend Ihe feat me. Cereals were weak on realizing on the nop report. The tiovermnent nop report on cotton yesterday was interpreted in bullish and the market, advanced ten points. Liver pool cables this morning were disappoint ing ami their failure to respond to yes terday's advance, caused disgust and buyers sc Id out. Ni il cabled bis F.liro pean cm respondent hist night that the i i vein men t had ligurcd wrong and a leu million bale cotton crop was assured. I bis w as infective Conservative people behove that Liverpool is manipulated to to inllncnee this market. Tins would not la- siirpri -ing as consumers arc desirous of selling i-oLlon as cheap a ; possible. Foreigners fought the advance in stock and grain same way but dually lead to -uihmit. This will be tllle of cotton. The demand is incl easing, and statisti cally the position is strong and will cause h gitiniiite having sooner or later. Note. We learn that a linn styled Sil by A Co., ini-oi poi iited, temporarily -a-pended iii Washington, D. t '. this w eek. We have no connect ion with this lino w hatever noi ever have hail. The siruiluiitv io names mav become con founded is why we call attention to il. II W. Sll.sm. A Co. Yesterday's mal lo t quota: ions fiii'iii-li-el by I!. W. silsby A. Co. Conimis-ioii I'.roke s. Nr.w Yoi; it, Sept. I II. STOCKS, Op ii. High. I.ow. Close Am. sugar l.V. 1 .',. 1 .VI i l.Vi Cloca:.". I ia in.". 10:, lu:i, ' '. D. ii un i mi i ; ti i j ion Jersey i eiitrai, . . ll ; 'Jsi ;t; ; Si, I'., ul lot i 1 1 1 1 i hid; CiHTdV. open. High. Low. Close Sept II. ill T.oo C.'.il l'i.!)a i trt.dn r II. ?s i; si; i;.7s ti.su ( Hb'AOO M ARK 1. IS. lli:I iipen. Ili;;h Low. Close 1 1, c tr,. to ;i::. . I '..!.'. D c :;i ; :i: lib MK.CI I'.-lk. -si pi N.O.. s S.lC, s go Rib- Sept ... -1 To t s; t.s:, I ' ''loll Sail s ir,,K0O Hales. JOM tti:-!ill I" V 'I his is the w ;i v nil drugeists -ell t.HOVI I AS'l l.I.KSs (II 1 1.1, InNIt f"l I ill-- and Malaria. It is simply lr-n and Oiunine in a tasteless form. Children love it Adults prefer It t'blt t i , loui-eating Toini s. I'rice. olle. Artnl s of i acorpoi at ion have been tiled wiih tl e Si oretary of Slate 'or ibe , o km i R ii 1 1 1 tad l o m puny , which is cap -iiali"'l :i! i '.i H I, ink i , f..i- the purpose of building i tailioad ill Alaska from Ska guav .mi tie- bu. Lien in the I hilk.. a mountains 1 . the head of Lake Hi llll. C Underwear Sale Continued. The Trade Salo of I'ndcr wear utill c iiitinuea and it ha, already proved a great anoccat. Over e)"i partnnnts, all the latest style and at prioot tbal have provoti a veritable e.enaation. (.owns aa low aa. Drawrra at (1 Nam lac al . Hklrlaat Co -set ('overs al 9r tir S Be .ltd Tbeae aro all eihibiud on tnnin floor. Efplen.cr 11. McDiiEL & GASK1LL, havk ji sT i;k: i:ivi-;D a fi;lsii ljt OF TIlosK NIC K LITTLE PIG A Fresh Lot of ihe V ery Heat r.u'tei. A Full I. ibe of tlie llc-t ;-';,i:i iy ( i rol'eril's, i'rcoh ilo.ist -i Cell-'c ami Finest Quality Tea. Give us a Call when in need of anything in the Grocery Line. Satislaction Guaran teed or Money Relunded. McDaniel i -(lusl a Mm 71 l.ro.ul Si. RAH A M laTOZB BOTH Si ::;''Vt:v!i: rhe Cheapest litmrdint; S.;ho:l in l;isiem North Carolina. This school Is located 10 miles oa,: of M uehe ol City. Students can get board, tuition, lights, fuel, cte .al from 'i.7-i to sis.ot p. j- month, according to grade. e have recently built new dormitories of lo room-.; each room having un open tirc-pliice alfording stuih nis comloit iiud quictii'ic. Courses of study are as full as any .school of nrad 'tnic grade in the State, and our teachers are qualified, thorough a id paoist iking. The community is noted for the abseiieo of vices. Not a saloon within 25 miles. Rlcnlv of Churches. JJT'Fall Term opens S 'pteinh t lllh and coot i iocs Hi weeks. Ilev. W. it. A. A. 15., 1. I'rcHiUpnt. jr IT L lHrV I.J I II 11 1 M 1,,. m .i iii n a" We have Just Received A CAI. LOAD of Kxtra Fine 1I0USK3 AND MI LKS ami wn will W AUUANT every horse or mule mt tell to ba. just ns represented, or you cnljon' ritx anything wlion hu makes a purchaso htre and nat-01-tOWO bnytri can feel safe in leaving tho ohoioii to ni. - Wn invito iiisperttion of an unusually fine lint of Haggle and WnffOOl at particularly fair prices, and wo ai in the way of well-mudo harnou, Have your. gsj ti-'i, Prescriptions Fillprl At Davis' isrTi.K rnoruiETou mix tvznr rm-acmrTioK. . Pboot) tV Wholesale A SCt-fai! jJpMersi, XE.V KERIVE, X. ACADEMY m- ... -1'.;----- '-:?;:;v;-r 7cacl?ny. "'"flit 'tiss.a -" ) ' '.'flHi' wM.'J5-- ' Im... f'IUl'lltlleJ money back. Th bnjer doet not ofTming- onint donidodlj good TalnM latUulo for nil lortt Oi work. ' n. 1IA1IN A CO. ti aM8t- Corner Droad and MlddU Strtctt.

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