THE WEEKLY JOURNAL MiUliM 117. Seetlea Oae, Taeaa'aT, Ortli.lHST. WASTED--On M-foo Cabin Naolha Velh, about to make llie lny from New York to Florida, a man lo ai t as cook atxl lo attust in caring (or tin Yacht. Must be temperale anil familiar with lie inland artHae 10 an lo assist as I'ilol if nectnaary. Wages ami n-r monlli A.l ilrcaa with reference, staling imliiiti aire ami ci.rrience. 11 (, Rioine,(ir. en ...n. N. V. OF IJKWL INI'KUKSI'. See. I. .1. Baxter for men's til.. ehoes, W'aterhollsc ties, ami line nn ilerwear jut i:i. Beaut if ul lot of tl 1 1 and .-i I . i r lock bracelets at BavtcT's, the .lew eler. The l.innell Steam I.iiinilrv, lias a h unlsnine new delivery w.ienii. winch c.'iiiscl sonic alt en t ;o;. , s ter.lay Tin- 1 1 m ,ii mai kwt f..r coltoii. , s terdav. opened at siv cents. 1 . -I i n illjj t ." l.' at close. S il. Ml'1 hales. '.(. Matt Manly has so fa: , coM icd from his recent illness -,s !,, he unt again. Vesterdav m. m ii 1 1 1 he remained some tune at the post j Otlice. While in Norfolk, last week. Mayor Kllis purchased a hue horse for the Atlantic iMiiipunv. and there is a good deal of interest an n e. to see the horse, cspceialU I y the At lanue hnvs. The death of Sarah A. Morion, wife of the lat l. W. Morion, of North llarlowe, is reported as ha iug ncciirred on Sepl emlier oi'lh. She was Til years old. There must, he an active demand for horses, for M. Ilahn A Co., ic ceivt.l a carload of these animals hv the A. X N. ('. hist night. The A . X N. ('. mating, 'inert is continuing its work of improvements. It id is now putting in good shape Superintendent Mill's .piaileis in this city. A sure lit, moderate price and latest, style, is linker X I'niin's motto, and all w ho have called on them have heen perfectly satis: c i. The K.kitor of the .1"! Its v i nc k noivlclges I he receipt of a coinplt nientarv ticket to the AHicinar'n I'ai k Fair, which will he held in Kli.abcth City, Met. I'.i, -.'U. -.'I, '.".'. Among the sncc-ssfnl post cilice appointei-s. us announced having heen made at ashi ngl on , M. ' '. , on last Thursday, was Kettle A. Outlaw, to the post ollicc at Mover, in t Ins con lit v Thcre was a large crowd pi.-aut al Kinston vesterdav lo attend Har ris' Nickle I'lille show, all seemed well pleased with the performance. This show claims to have the largest elephant ill the world. They left last night for (ireeiiiille where tn. v will give a perforinanee toninnow. The K inston Free I 'ress n't he '.'ill nays that the Kev. M. II. I '.tree pastor of the Christian ( hiirch of that, has tendered his resigna tion, which has not as yet I.. en accepted. Kev. I'etree was pa-tor of the Church of Christ m this citv for several years, and has ni.inv f neinls here, w ho are interested n hit! future movements. Km I tiHinrl M-orl. The schooner S. Warren Hall. Capl. F. Y. Hill, from Halt .re. with corn for Meadows, arrived hi-t night. ( 'apt. 1 1 ill reiorta conn ng u the river through the new dredged inlet at Ocracoke, drawing eight and a half feet, and never touch ing. This1 a line showing for the chan nel, and very favorable for vessel. (Jrlllag mrmOj Tmr Hfill1l Friday, I 'ontractor Seal, Com minsioiior WilliamK and I. . Fubank, the owner of tin) property at George Htroet, recently purchiiHcd by the county for the approach to the Trent rier bridge, surveyed and staked out the lines from the street to the river. Kvorything on the line will lc cleared away, so that the bridge work can go on without hindrance on this side of the river. Th ( IrtM la reialai. The sign boards for the display bill of Robinson and Franklin Brothers circa s, are being erected ftbont town, am) joang end old are looking forward to theoircos, which Il dated to abow IB Ihli oily, Fri day. October !lltb, afternoon and night, . & . aBw-aft-saaMaa Too tobooMr, Sarah UidjclU, from Ilylo ooanty, with oolton, Tbereoa, aama, and Ago, from ' Pamlico, with oora and cotton, ar la port. ' ,. mna tons or rtsB m Kwikrn iirkdi. Trie A A N. 0. Ira.u, . in. from MjrebeaJ, hi anions iu clpressaJe 14'. b-jves of fish, rn istiv ma, k-rc. West wardly and parallel with South Tli-v : ;'i vrrif ajjhl oil lit-a.ii - Front street to the center of lijti fort ...! ivv afternoon l-v the Katika t'otk street; th rice Soolliw.rdiy an I tis'u-t no and 11. -. 'I . a'. : ti-h n i tn . j .. ' if in iv Af:e; Jct;.:; M .i. ! n ! - ; m. I n ' t : i . i w I. I pi., i tie -e, M on heel : .it h -N e i in e n having eone l- 5.1. I !( ..i.'cl-. that th ; ,jlt. ,.,1, ,i. -.eel, do!;.,;t. whit it w:is I'TiiW h.el : e.'li in t. i"1 ' it !l , It VV.l- I i V c ! v w ::-ti : ea I v for sh , pun i- ioi.e , i tine- f .r n - i ..a... of nioi... I'nila krnaikrl-. ;Veit . at. hes Mil! tills lie VI V II, iu I' ! iiel . h is been a v' W IV " win-is or ..i.di ;it ""' -'"!''" 'I'"' 'I"' I'hn e lion-, have I', slollice. Fvery per- 'i 1'. 'slollice cm ri l 'i - i for dogs, mid a i . ! v t hat "no doL's w .ml I me i n that i' v i i v .1 the corridor should h i -lahlished ie should oiling inlo nen out. K was slow nit, when a So iar, al :h'. h w . 1 1 k ' ' 1 1 . " ' i u j d.- whip of ..t,e ,v:.. h vv.'il.l materially a -.-I -! t he .. . : ..; , - ' : u; cm: lies. As it vei l ol'lell little nil f ll"l 1 1 V, i niore.ailid 1 1c c h o It i j j i 1 1 .-, Willi :l III.'- I he 'ICSI'V fol .- I :' i u'.. he - I. I'o.i H I'l'i II : - of I he I' Klolb'c, n-.l -iM-li.-l unii I in- power to keep lii- out of I he I ' .-I ollicc ll.nld lllg. has taki n a sen 1 1 1 I s 1 1 i t i f C V C I ill ' lu ! he hii i id i n . , Hi I. - animal a .-en: ins whip. And t Ins reg.ii proic-l s,or howev ci I i n 1 1 1 1 lT log in ig h ' 1 i- esierd iv w.i- 1 1; a w. i I -k now n in'.: cty, entered t he p some letlel'S. lie v III- faithful an 1 f ... c doreil Cllstod l III . . oii. e. 'I he am in. 1 1 i . 1 1 : 1 1 1 met t he kc. n . in v of I l.,e. This las' was nioi a-ii re ill the Ml tin ; elite; h hap l.i-lnne wit h 1 1 i.i d and I h is , of Ihe Km i o 1 1 1 1 1 all I he voung lid. and luiniiu III n here. 1 1 in.-' ! n I'll i';i'' 'i in:; c is'o . I an w i i . -e in i 1 e i' I V I i m -"t I il e log's oil . i . K it a sU ,f biow knocked ,, o.i' l',e cis.o ii,,,,, and ..I. every ;.'lc".p! P, coine forward he w.i- in. 1 With light and left i hand."! hi' until In- wa j j m-cd a g i deal of ale . " I ellO'li 1. isnecla V 1 1 1 1 . . I 1 1 .i se w hose dug- ha I pre--llile:. . '1 I e I as will vu.usli -nil b be ll i l.. man g . i i g ale . Alo i I iv, I he voung .ii I for In- appear loped i'ii no doubt ! .', lie folurc some d,s- . ... lis, i: I he p isl ollicc ! in T. Id wav j Will I"'. I'll'1 1'.'l in I in.-hi- p W.I'M', : c V l-pel it I ng . if Hot ill not In toll rated any Dr. King'. New Discovery for Convumptio a I ', - 'Ie- In -' III .!n me ill I .11- l.O il. I 'i.i , i 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . t ( . nl;h - unii ('.ci. I - anil lor ! rn i 1 1 1 . ' i ' 1 1 1 I '. i 1 I i 1 ' it t li' I- 'ju naniei i' j I ' u , oi an I ie I .i s . ,. mi ll hie j no... '..rWI pee; ( oil-.ll. A-l hum, i il.iv I i .. I'ii. ii i. on, a. Hi i:. lulls, I.n , " I i " ''-..".. r ; ,i.l . I si 'I' 1 I ' .1 O pi, ISHIlt lO I .ie, 1 i' a I , i - , i i nr. . It is al u a yi w. o lak. In K ii - n -ii hie pi' i in - . e la-el 1 1 , n 1 1, I r. K ni's ni u i'.s. ,iii.i ii.'i.ii r ho,, noil tiiMi- Ihe si, ,, a h .i.-l .'-. .e L-.i,,:iril,e pir-! I." I " ill I - ' a ' ii'" nn .n.i. I'rrs I ir: 1 1 is.nii h ,ii i-. i n i -iv s uiiiL' s,,ri-. I: Ljular -." . . nl- .ni.l ti n '- I'lrr niwlrlrt OrdlnMnro Al Ihe la-i in.eliiig of Ihe City ' '..iincil (he following ordinance in reference lo I're distie l was ofTercd and action pi.siponed mil ordered published lo l'oi' an opportunity for any f i 1 1 n to present bis objection if he hud any lie it Ordained, That no woo len build ing of any k ind shall be e roe ted within the following territory in tho City of New Kerne, to wit: Begin ning at a point Mm feet Fast of the eastern side of ('raven street at its terminus on Trent river and run ning thence parallel with (Jraycn street to the center of Pollock Itreet; and thence down and with the center of Pollock street lo a point KM) fort Fat from Middle street thenae Northwardly and par allel with Middle itreet to tbe center of Broad itreet; thence Westwardly along the center of Jlioed street to tha center of Hancock stroet; tbeooa 8oothwardly along th canter of Ilanoock itreet; theoos Bob th ward) along the oonlrr of Hancock street to Mr. Laars 8t,roo I'm; theoo Eastwardr and uAr.it4.Kl) l'ul- lock street u- the :?ortheatern corner or j. w . m e wart I lot ; t ticoce Southwardly .mi pa'alitl with Uanci k el reel to a poml 1"U feet '-u of Eolith Front sired; thecc I,:rliel with Hancock streel to the channel of Trent inn; thence Km'.- wardly Willi the . I.annel of Trent river to a 1 n, . f,.,.; Ftstwaidlv ' iiut Hasiterii line of Craven strict extended . thence N'..t t nwardly nd p irallel with t he . i.-' el II line of Craven street to the lieUiiiiiig. That any who -hili violate this or. I : nance shall he tin.d hftv dolla s and thai every , ,y an,' building erected in violation of t h is old uiance snail ne pe.lnitte.l to icmaill upon "V ground willnu sail territory shll constitute a separate olTeni'e. '-Jmhiiit Sliuiklnn." The h u in ' ) r.c i - comedy iliatnii, "Joshua Siinpk ns." will he seen at t.w j ,.,.,, r,. W,.,l.,til.iv evening o.-t p; , ls ., n,ri, ,,:lv in four acts, hound tog. ihe. I.y all' interesting plot and roduce.l with special scenery can icd hv the coin .any. In the thud acta realislicl saw mill scene is introd.'Ced, when a i,-;i! buz saw isseen cutting through :l ,,.;, ojr ut li ri illic speed, upon : ;l human being has been help j ,.s,v hound by his eneiuies ami left t to an evident dealh. There is ahull-; dance of comedy in the play, while! :ll0 1Miinv iiu si,,,,, and; .1 , dt, i ,.,, ... 1 1 ,. ,,, i to I need . Kami parade at :l :;n p A I, line Mlrlkr. List Saturday the sieve. lores al the I'.. C. M. I,ii)e dock, were not i j lied that all would in the future be' p.ini me same price, viz. lo cents nil hour, ' When Ihe steamer Neiisc arrived and time for loading had conic. Monday, the '.'(I cents an hour sieve--s of owiicis 'lores refused to go to work, and ihe .cent the inn- 1 ''enlers were afraid of the ',, centers, si a new gang had to be el. m i, wln n employed. man of the On account of this, work of load l. llice In mail mg was gre. illy delayed, Ihe Neuse - followed by not leaving Monday inilil vi p M1. :c .,.g. The instead of at li o, m. ,e I he '',.; out farmer Jim Ti.mi.ini'n. The Jul i; a I. was t he happy recipient last nighl, of i hu e im mense tomatoes grown in the garden patch of Jos. W. Wats hi. hile "Joe'' is luisv in his dm n-s as Auditor iii the A. A N. '. ollicc, which occupy most ol his tune, vet In' en pys working i u l,n garden.,, l'i'n' moine n Is and t om itoes arc h is sl"'rii,ltus' The three lo naloes presented to the Jul i; l weighed. repec!,ivi"y -1' """' " "f '.' 1 . and I '.' on in- i'.'i on noes, or I '" ' ' 1 ' p"" no-, 001 ('II lice. Aiio'bcr feature in Farmer Joe's tomato laisi ng is I hat w In!, t he : weather is too dry for any ol her per son to raise lonuilo,-, his vines :ln' ro w 'M'll w it Ii line, large ones. ''' ls 1 h(' kl'' '"' ss I nslead of letting the vines fal1 "" tllr tl'"'""l. '""I'l" '( trellis for them to climb np.,;i, and I'ns at ten I Ion brings its icward, for a single vine, which was given '.his c ire, grew t o a In ight of eleven feet, and hire sixteen lunialiKH I hat weighed eight pounds. j, ' inn now in I a bottle o ' on m :i glas) with h:i I let 1 1 stand I wenty f. hi r lion r a se 1 1 in nt or sell 1 1 nir I lid I cites an imhe.ilt ;iv condition of the kidneys. Wii'ii in inn stains linen il is evidence n" kidney trouble. I'"" frcpi nil d -lire lo urinate or I n u n in t he back . is nlso convmc.i' i' ; p oof that th knli.r j ; and bladder are out of orde r. WHAT TO no There is comfort in the knowledge o often iv pressed, thill Mr. Kilmer's .Swamp Root, the .eut k in T rem ed fulli'.U .every in relieving piin in the hi:k, kidnnyi, liter, bladder and eery p vrl of the uri nary pa -u ige. 1 1 corrects inability to hold urine anil scalding pain in pawing it, or bad effecU following am of lupior, wino or beer, and overcomes ilia", unpleasant necesity of being eompelleil to get up many limes during tho nieht to urinate. The mild and the ei.rsordinnrr ef foct of He-anip-Itxrt is toon rs: ';od. It swmls the his;beii for its wonder ful cares of the rrojt disliesiing oasos. K, you need a medicine joj fhodhl hare the bee Sold by dr ) ((, price fifty eeoU and ont dol lar. You may bare Mm pie bot.le and pimpblel .loth sent free by mail. UeoUoo Ne Bern Weekly Jolt RIAL end mo4 your ilJreta lo Dr. Kilmer A Go-, Diagtimton, N. Y. The prop, retort ol'thu paper gnaraatee lh fenoiaencM of tbu offer. TBS YELLOW rETER -c ura t Dniki la Ihr Ml iHiniallm M. h Hit. Ala., ( K tobef " - Tin re wt-re mi new rase of elh Ion I -lay. hKswTo.Nj la ". tota-r - Atu r tbor oufh investigation . .( tbe eu-picloua ease ( f. v. r al Alco, n. a: here. Man Health ' irtuvr .nulers dim '..-.I lhai the meal had i.iiow fevr,-. ihouju .(1 a .n inilil fonr. Tin- house is tlh.i.tinhlv ... dated and K iin.l tbe In ilih, ils iay lliere i- hei'i islly fut intern. I .11 ol busi i" " between llri-l..n an I in.' outnide w .nil. Wk-T 1 NIIIN. 1 !k I (. All .pi.h-inic of fiver - miles s.ailb o here - i .oisini; consteni'C.i .n aiii 'iilhe in- ha' cauls Tin n, , , ,,if. i p. icons as p. il,.- k ":.l of f.- 1 1 1 n 1 1 n r it i- (v ph ...j w hi!, ti nio-l pioiniru-nl p . . -.. cms , iss.i I it is n null n pi of Ml i iioii -one ill mils 1, ,i,. mi hi i p i-i I'Uhleeii ila - l'he cili.ens of ll..- low ,i ale in.' that the ll...,i. . t 11. :c h 1'ie i.-'.iiusl it. , i. n will i... their some o of ll,e In- Stale u fever, d ill tbe demand- .piaran- taken at Nkw Obi.rans, i i n.iier, x. Toilavwas a loeol'il hreilker In I e. A- eal ly lis (i o'i loi k, as inaiii a- - had heen reported lis nil Wi-ilnesil il . u hell the lever had f.'i ill.- Inc. 1 1 i 1 1 -i - 1 1 r limit. - 4'i cases. At Ihr same hours tin ie ha.l U'en some fever ilealbs reported Willi a couple of patients in a v, i critical condition. The dealhs arc anions those who have had little or no attcui ion and at leinl three of the aiies are innoin; Ihe Italian population lyplioun tit lukln. VS Kli VM'tsI O, Octolicl' S. The fol ived Ion I in:: Japanese advices were lodav pel ste.nnoi China f mm Yokohama Ihll llie a ly pll.-on, w Ineli caused much damage !lii. the Norwegian bark Al. lie. In. in Vancouver to Vllko ham a wild a f-arso of hi in her, w as cauijhl at Ihe cnliancc lo '1'okio Harbor and wrei he. I on Ihe locks at Tatuza Hay ami went lo pieces. Ib r captain, second iicile. carpenter, steward and two sailors saved their lives by jumping on the rocks hul Ihe lirsl unite and nine of I he crew were drowned. Ni i. ty persons were killed outright, I hi ee injured ami many I nil hi leg- desl i oy ed in lie v ieiuily of Tiikio by Ibe ty phoon. l.lllril t'OMrlfcit Wlvrn. K'.TTrniivM. Iieioher N-A man i amid lliislav'e Mullei has sin lender.'. I I.. ti e cii v poll. . . cnle-sing the murder of Ins w ife and . hi'd. As prmif of Ihe truth of his ei. nl. -sum he produced from his poeUi I I. .:n human ears . The peon- mi searching his hou-e found l'he t iv. . bailies. I . . I ' ... . 1 , . , . , ..,,,. , -no-,, pu n, ,v comesseu ucn ne , had al-.. hill. .1 his pan nis. innlilaliiig tin ir i in i i 1 1- in l In- sami fashion, and. a-toiiishing statement thai disposed mat l ied olirli ai i pup ol :h. uld. l' "s. -u ill . -1 .l.-hn Neil .lelsev , is di a I. ll was le.arneil l.-l i a hull breed, and h-n mill named Tene.oi the piailie liies. n. o Specials I, i Ihe I ironi kiinsas. Mi--..: li M.l'heisi.ii f ' Ihat Mrs. Ilreenin, i cli i hh ni, and a h -I ll.eil' lives III -i Anne. Mauiloba. insiiM ( it y Turn s nil. N'chlaskni and lh. lueaUlliL' of the Arkansas aiinoun. loil .1 I Oil e li I . Two ( 'hiiianiei, ii he in the ( ois-iar li-:ri.-t .,!.- he, i: c. n milling have ai- nved ,il iclon ,. Hi' tI".I"X and h:n.- .h.ifi- Th.v n.ok out Hudson hi Hi, I'.ay Companv P- sh null h e.M item, 'nl in I IncllldlllL; stocks li i nlerior ton us (inn, ! numlM-r ol bale., hi... f u for the lieu el . p is'.ll. ie.-aii. : same js-riod 1 a-t 1 1 ,i The Stale nepailn le d that Ihe g..i . , has prohibited lie matches, pllospli,.: ,i iini. pasleboio.l l.i I t making the kiih. I I i i h rule w ill uoi U 1 ters is admitted, hni mi ..i il Thei 1 1 in ;il i oi n . fl .n. i al pons and he hi-l ciop and the ihl ml., sijil thus I he -upplv to date .' ""'- .'I I. for Ibe ii nl h is heen noti 1 1 n 1 1-1. 1 ..I ( elmutiiii - hi p. i i .i I. a, of all -del,- ,, wood or v. s and pnstrhoard 'l h, inplstlee lhal -I unadvised cxpor- nll r, preseutai i'.ns liuve provisl unai .,-iin. Anion the eah, i - at th. hile M.ui-e nflHiii-i). W 1 1 1 i.i u i iiiu r. of Missoini, who talked to tin President about rer-og-inlioil of the ii' L'to lb pui.'.lennH of Ibst Stale. He said I line Here tn.lMKI negro ltepiihlicau inns .nl in the .Stiite nnd llmt In- Iboiibl lliev merited iccogmlion 1.) the ud nut: i-l i nlion. The Iti'uisli Hlennii i llouilon. Captain Hudson, hound for Hoi-Ion, nnd whicli Iiiih HUsuciouM fever on Isinrd, came to oik hor i IT NolwRn, Miisn. The lllnAa on Isiaid has been morn seriouii than pr" viou-li ri-jsirted, three of the crew bur ingdud. Advices Jut received here from Ma nila, ,i 1 1 1 1 a I f the Philippine Inland, ay enrtlupiake Kborka were frit at Min.lnnio during the last days of Heplrro brr, (In at damae wmdone to property nnd tbi rp das rnnslderable Iihm of life. The woiKt effects were experience.! it Zanioanga and Itasilan, where noxious vaMiri, IuiiIdk from flsstim In the eart! t Mphy xlalc.1 many people. rule for Every . The V. 8. Doffy Mtdioino Com pany furnish u with tbe following facte and flgnre about th aal of their Mr. tlufj'e Anli-Uilions Till dnring th month of September, 1807. Hold from th laboratory, 1,728 boier t Bold from th lore, 048 botes. Bold from th atore, nearly 1000 So packtf. a i .. .I . a.. . . if Ana aiioiDerti meirrtreoaraiioQi ha bad good tale. ; Too pill ar told In N rrn only at P. P. Daff;' Drag 8Urv, HER SOUL UNBURDENED. A T has Charley Wheeler aad Laoilkt oes eti had been married aearlj thraa ewAs. aud they had jun retwasd from their wedding trip. They were aoaresnaly happy in each other's lore, aad the huuermoon ao tar had been to then as out ioug, blissful dream. Wlthia the uext day or two, kowerw, tM bride frrew slightly depressed In spirits, and an tuieuy fettling seemed to take pae 8iou of her The yoong haab&ud no tuied the ciiange, bat at tri bated it to fatigue from the recent traTels. But hie bride grew more nervous and took on such a troubled expression that he said to her: "Yon have somethina on tout mind. darling, that in troubling you. Tell me what it ia " At first she tried to perDuade him that he was niietaken, that nothing worrn-d her. "Yon axe wrong, Charley, dear," she would say. "Really, I am not wor rying over anvthiug. I am just as ' , o I 'y dav following, howeTer, the youuK wife wore such a troubled look ! that her husband said to her : "Lucille, you must tell me what is troubling you. I will not be put off any longer. As your husUaad I have a right to know. ' ' Seeing that further concealment was possible, she broke down and sobbvd bitterly : "(Hi, Charley, I am so unhappy!" she wailed. "I have deceived you. " A sickening sensation swept over the young husband. Surely there must be some mistaka She, whom he had looked nism us the personification of innocent woinniiliood deceive him I It must not lie. It would destroy his happiness and blight his life. And then, when he caught u sudden vision of the horrible possibilities of the situation, he became sick ut heart and almost fell to the floor. Then, with a great effort, he his findings. "Tell me," he said- "I am prepared for Ihe worst. " "I Hi, Charley, 1 inn so sorry!" " You should have thought of this be f i .re. ' ' "I know, I know. 1 see my mistake, now it'B too late." she ciiinl. "Oh, why didn't I tell you before we were mar ried?" "Tell me now, and be quick about it. 1 cannot iM'iir this suspense. " "Tell me first that you will forgive me," she said in pleading tones "I w ill devote my whole life ill atonement for this one mistake. " "1 cannot promise until I know what it is," he said. Then she came over and knelt at his feet. "(Hi. ('barley, you know the wheel I got just ii few weeks before we were marrii'.l" "Yes; but what has that" "Why, I Ixuight it on the install ment plan $4 a month and have only paid one installment Audi jnstknow the collector will lie here tomorrow. ( nmr)cV," Khe sobbed, "can you ever forgive me "r' Ohio Ktato Journal, liruti Instinct. Natural laws jiertaiu to all things, and eertnin law s govern the conduct of I. rule society. Hut that the. actions of the lower animals are ever prompted by a sense of duty is not only extreme ly byiaitheticul, hut altogether doubt ful. The ben has strong maternal affec tion, but that she lias the least idea of the virtue of that affection any more than of tho virtue of doing good for evil is in tho extreme conjectural. It is often hard and even impossible to ac count for the likes and dislikes of ani mals The hen will sometimes destroy certain of her brood and the Bow de vour her owu offspring. Much of the cruelty is practiced upon the brutes for tbe luck of thought that they are not morally responsible. Thev are treated us jj ,)lt,y ar(i am8ciOUB 0( wickedly , Bf-lrlsli ai ts I once saw some men look- ing ut a drowning mouse in a pail of water. Irebuke.1 them, and one of them a man erhuis 40 years old turned to me and said, "The mouse deserves it," Why deserved it? Pray tell us. .Shall we say it was conscious of the sin of thieving? Others may try to view it in that way. I do not I knew another man who would hold rats with a tongs luid roast them ulivu in tho lire. If he could not prove that they deserved tieir torture, he certainly wished to be lieve they did. If we recognize a Crea tor, is it not most rational to suppose that he has created the brutes morally irresponsible and would have us thus regard them, that our inclination to tor ture them would lie held in reetraint? Forest and Stream. Whan a Man Mast atwak Up. "I had occasion the other day, for the first time," said a sober minded citlxon, "to go yp high in one of the modern tall building. I called on a man in the seventeenth story. It certainly wss tre mendous the way they hoisted us op that shaft, with a smooth start and easy stops and lightning between. But tbe mmtt Impressive thing about the trip was this: A man who got on where I did, at tbe ground floor, and who wanted to got off at tbe tenth floor. said 'Tenth,' as it seemed to me, the instant we started up, but the elevator man said: 'This is the twelfth. We'll stop going down. ' "If there is a place on earth where a man noods to spesk up, it appears to be In the modern elevator , car. " New York Hun. ArahMaatara. Not hxig ago an English architect was beard to make a cartooaly aggnat lve remark. Converaatioa had tamed upon the manifold dangers to which we expose ourselves by traveling In rail way carriage. ''The great rale," said this architect, "la mt to look bat of the window antll row are a good 10 SiUes trota London. Otherwise yoa risk joetnj the Crystal paiaoa. " A TaUasU iteeilfUe. Editor Morruoe nf Worth lu gt on, lad., Sea," wriht: "To have a ralaaU preaorlpttoe la Electric Biitara, tod I caa dtrorlally noetaM4 M tot CunMlpaUoa and Sick llradaoa, aad as a general rja lava toavi It has to i qeaL" Mrs, Aaile bMehle, tots CMlsga 6 rove Ate, Chioa ga. wee all re a dowa, eoald not tat m rf'rS I fayal tlal a kifkaFk Wt.Uk aSai . . I - . . . a m M hj Ml him sal vary, bat ' ltaUW BWer Meter. Iar "111.00. a bottle" at f, J J OelyM drag ator,' - ' UWiVrYi GORDON DYE HOSIERY. I Cannot be and Style THE SAME CAN BE SAID of our Underwear ! (Ladie3, Gents, Mis333 Children) We ask your Examination If Don't Suit, then Don't Buy. : l.lkrly In sn.rl I ;.. There fleeins to he 11 irei i y ilelinile iimlersliiinling that the l.irc miils of the I'.irniele llcchsloii Co. at Jacksonville. N. . will se n II n v,! started m' after .Ian nary 1 t and will he run on full time. Astute Chnlalongkorn. The I'm is com spoiuleiit of Lon don Truth says that the brother f the King of ISiiin nest in rank lo hie Majesty is his Forcigh Minister. There is nobody to re,lii"e him at Bangkok; nl any rate, for the trans action of great nlf.iirs When, thorefore, the King was pre s, il by tA. ll ui"liin. to in ike sonic conces sion lo France he nskcl hmv couhl ho, he ami hii Foreign M mister were too long ahscnl lo he well no in cur rent affair. ''But why, then, ,1,1 you bring your brother lo Ki'.a i' as keil the Fu ndi Minister. "For a very goo, I reason. I left linn behind I shouhl on my return have found him on inv ihrjne." 'Whv not have left, then, as Foreign Min uter, your other biothcr who is with you?" " 'or aatrongir ic n. He is both ambitious and fen c mis The eldest would not have hcheiuleil me if I went back, but I ho h con.l might." Paalllon WrrOS. Wanted, I'iMition us Teacher. W. A. Ei'dank, Maysvillc, N. 0. Tsctk rUl.d With Glass. Tho latest use for gUt is initea-l of gold as a material for stopping decayed teeth. It answers splendid ly, and is fur loss conspicuous than the yellow metal. Of course it is not ordinary glass, bttt is prepared by some now palontel process which renders it soft and malleable. Glass, too, is being extensively need for ohorch bolls. It can be toughened ao thU thore is no risk of iU cracking, and tha tone is said to be beyond anything yet invented perfect, soft and eonoroas. Th color of this new bell g! itadeepiloh green Philadelphia Record. Steel Das Beats. Dsok-boaU made of tloel are coming in favor among sporlsmfo bjcaoea' of Uitr itrenth knd lack of lgbi. Tbe ar mad lo eo Uon, Mb place being gUmpfi lo di similar U Uioe ased for corn lc and gai rani aad Iron work, and tho r then aeaembUd and oldfd to- gather. Tb jtuttlt U a boat which fa ,ltbl trn M l "imu (for all k I ol of rrk ar regularly equaled in 2: n a 3t and I urn, .1 on ' , lull t In- family i-w I. alnl I lie , ncli '.i, i.i! ale ! 1c- I, I'ojiuiar -- '.. WlyticCat Mid -a ifew. lr. I. ' 1 1 i, I- . - in, ik at ! 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 s . h.ul 1 1 .iii lenci iv ! i o Mr. II nlcis n. n in- s: i c, iv .s si n u a lie I llH C l' Ihe l. di by I he i .! in'' I ms of wlllch AM i llllnlli.; a: . ci ,c 1 in ,n a frighten- .1 In uin.-i . K i o n i n 1 1 wrong, Mr. s on--! ii , ;i in ii he I : s i i.;,. !,;,' see no c i i e :-. i m- i ,i .-, a V Ilell ll .IS ;,'. .t I 1 " tics. I'll 'k illt , li al I' o.' ll',',- I i h ai look ll'l'l -r t :e l.-l, a i I ii !, , ll ! SI Ills hi ll I U"l!iV f . . I. In i VellH. There, I II a 1 II - t I ' 1 1 I . I . a '"I i' .iii'nl, w.u a i 1 1 1 1 ii ii-.- i i'i Rii'ike si an n i lasts in I ic f ,. I leiiilers'in U-t no - in out of the lea h of linally killc-l I, mi. of having i. i I'ooiriinale si ill Ii n . F.v. Hi 1 . tic I I I I -STf:AMI:K'S- i:NTi:it CAROLINA LISPATCH LINK, FREIGHT & PASSKNOEIl. For All SoIiiIm NoiIIi. The Steamer NEUSE will leave on Mnmlnys, Wi (fnenhns, and Fridays at (I p. in., shnrp. Mak ing no stops between Nuw Hume !o F.lixitlHrth City. The Rieamer NKW 11 ERNE will sail on and I'lidays at H o'clock, noon, inakinu Ixnuings at Oriental, Ooracokr and ltoanoke Island. . UT" Freight r coiled nnfc later than one hour previons to lulling. For farther information apply In OKO. UEKDKkSON, AgU M, K. Klo, den. Mgr., II. 0. Ill PfilWH.Oen.Frl.A IWAgt. Norfolk, Va. New nrn. N. 15., Sept. 18, Ihu?. J 1 !!" ..t4 ll r ' V-"i rw - I r . wm ' Km -.- '-- ,a. 4 AM)