J Mtftif NEW UKKNK. l'KAKS I'tHNTn V C . KIMUAV. SOYLM li Kit 11IM7.- - Ei UN!) Ki 1 l" M m b e it ;;h Cotton Bagging !i m m- AND New Arrow Ties ! lU.IHKI Yards Jute IS.iggi' mil fon liiuulios Ties; Seed 1,'ye, Wheat bihI O.its, Crinia.in Cluvei . ami .Mult.' Jl'ST lil'.CKIVHI) and for -ale aU Chas. B. Hill's' Kast Sihk Makmi ho. .,, NKW 11KKNK, N. (' '0 L1NIINT. TIlAllR-MAIiK. flagical Pain Extractor. .Cl liKS RHEUMATISM. TOOTHACHF, NEURALGIA, BACKACHE. LIWBAGO. CATARRH, AM) A I.I. KINIIS OK PAINS AND ACHES. For nearly three score eais iiiid ti ll tlii.-l ruinous ill.! household 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 has liet'ii curing; imins ami ndics, ;iuil has m v t i 1 1 1 .-t ; t i 1 1 1 1 1 1 iht! user 1 1 is I'lrilll, ll If, I Minacious. ngTeC :ihly sun-1 1 1 ii mill ipiicklv acting. IT IS A Ricb, Spicy Compound and In valuable for Cuts, Scalds, Sores, Burns, Olcorr, Wounds, Erysipelas, Skin Troubles. Etc., Etc. Trice -!." ('enls. ai iu:tt ki.-s am mil uui.vrs, i s lit 'II 1 1 ' l ill it v Hi r more l:li t.-lge-in utiy nl.ir. ssoti nriit nl money, by Winklemann & Urown Drug Co., N..I. lroirlf orw. BALTIMORE. KID . I) S. A . S Your Doctor () Fights I liseas" wit ll llieilicine. If Ihe iiu-ilh iiit' is nut right lii can ; not conipicr ilisca.se If the () druggist ducB Iiib duly the medicine v ill Ik- right, mill your doctor k ill aland a fair i) cliancc of winning t he vic- (i tiny. JSj You can In. your doctor (it by having your prescript ion ift llihd at (:. Brad ham's ; w Reliable Drug Stoe- (i i.i i (; vA''''X?xl;.Jl. T. J. T 1-It N K It. Hi ItMTUlE CO. liildle Hlrwl , is lite l.'lipanest Tlsce to liny Ymir furniture. W lis Just itccItkI ki our New .Hlorn the finest Htock of Furniture ever rrc(H In tills nsrt nf North Carolina Al flnr line of Cooking ami Heating; Htnrpt, Library Lamp and Tnllrl Hem. Wc hsvn morn goods than HUue room ami will HI VK AWAY this Kino ftorkcr to each Oaah Purchaser of 90 worth ol our floods. Wa will aril Ilium cheap for the ncit ft dars only, caah or on lime, ftrapiwlfillli, T. J. TURSttt rUUMTUUE (0. Nrit In ()o. M)or's Hardware Hlorr, IKW BfCHNB, N. 0. I V l n ti 131 mm Deserts Np Fail citt Giving Excuse Vanrr l mi iiineiit. Vance II niuc-t. a.l ilil. l'nrni II at lticlimoiiil mi Niacin 1m r Sth. New Handier raul t'asc. 1'ulillc l.ilira iic in the State. Ji ifRNAI. ItfHKAU, ' Uai.k.mh, N. I'., Nov. :i , At 'Li i:iL.n f.iir i tcrilav the l ci nor was lii;i,-,l f.,r a l,n: sinjcch. l.ui I,,- ! (.'.it on liic train ami went to Wilmington and Jul not cm n M ini an excuse. This j "ill iirolmlily In- in ii in .I liefon- tin- con i vi nliiin tonight. rmlay tin- ncjjro convention met. Ili.w... ofJWiliiiinnton and i:. A .lolin on ol li.il. were the applicants for the cliairinanliip. Johnson was t lie favorite. The convention was to demand ii cognition ol Hie nemo l,v Hie Ke pnlihcans, oij else In know the reason why. n tliejl lih there is to he a lare nalli cr'.n oflndirs here to attend a hn; niis sii.nary ineetiii;.'. Ii will lie one of the largest -atliei iifs of ladies ever held here. (Miarlotle has raised $4,'.'IHI for a nion uinent to (iovcrnor Vance. A she villi.- has alieady raiwil a shaft to'his meniorv. Inly a li w hundred dollars has heen secured lor a memorial heie, and hut little of that came from tin- cilizi-ns of ltalcih. The old Vance homestead at Charlotte was sold litis week lor -l,:int. (oivcrnor- Kussell is heinj; clllicii-d for yrantin so many pardons, and uKo for u'lanlin them secretly. Many times a convict h is heen pardoui-d ,nd no one out side ol the iM nilentiarv has heen (old. Today like Sunday is an ideal d.iv. While the ground is rather damp the -un will Hoonlhave'it :illjriht. .Indue l'llt-ncll is lioldlne; l .S. court in Wilmington lids week. He opens coin-there 1 e.-. filh. There are. about 10(1 cases docketed for the coin! here On the Hili nf November .liiik'f 1'iirnell w ill he in lln lunolid. a , to take up the I len.ey I.angilon case at Clminhcrs. Tin sale of the Cumnock mines will 1 ither confirmed or rejected. Jud-.je l'linu-ll will make his initiul appearance in the court of appeals in h'ichinonil . Chief Justice Fuller will preside. The hlintlii"; season is fully opened ami partridges are plentiful. In the Superior eunrt here thru- i. today argument heard in an nncic-ding case. When the Bank of New Hanover failed its brain li bank at Wadcshoro was solvent. The argument was one whether the assets of tins branch shall he paid lirst lo tlu- creditors of this bank or he ilisllihuled to the general crcdltols i, I the Hank of .New Hanover. A receiver was appointed w hen the bank failed, hut the Mate Ir.-nstiicr said he onlv had the light to mow to appoint a receiver. Ii was decided lie was right. The question lo lie decided is whether I lie Judge was right in upholding; tin- Slate Tn-asiirci's ideas. Tlieie are 4."i public libraries in the Slate according to u list prepared by the Slate l.ibraiian. In these 4"i libraries (here is a total nf JIKI.IiOtl volumes; Tin le is also a private library of ."iii.tiuil volumes III Mitchell c ty that is open ed to I he public. Cotton is being brought in in much larger ipiaut ities wiihlii the last few iluvs. Ilavnes who was convicted of murder in the liist degiee in Columbus county has had his death sentence commuted to life imprisonment, lie is scaieely in than a n Idiot Solicitor Seawell who prosecuted him forwards n strong peti tion for this coininntat ion. The crop of acorns, nuts nnd chestnuts is very large this full, Warren Coleman of the cotton null nt Concord, which is to be operated bv ncjrro 'alior, is her-and says the wink on c build ing in half done. from In I.AnlMlnim. Nkw Oiiikanh, Novcnibir '2 The w out her today wan still cold and clear, anil there are Iioh h that if it keeps up there will be inure frost. The situation is considerably blighter in tills city, everybody feeling that the present cold spell Is going to kill the fever. There was heivy frost all over the'Htale last night, and the effect of it I shown liy the receipt of a number of or ilern for kixmIi by local men limits from places which had ipianiutlneil against New Orlcauv no 1 1 m - fa r. This Is the wny nil druggists sell dKOYK'rt TAHTKI.KSH ( Mil. I. TilNK: for ( lulls snd Mulariu. It la simply Iron and fjulnlno in a tasteless form. Children love It Adults prefer it to bit ter, nsusealins; Tonus. Trier, Vie. BAILROAO AOOIDBNT. KrHTlal to Journal. Itl BMOHI), Vs., Not. 4 It is reported Ibal sa arcioVnl hss ncrurnxi to the "Ural Ksmillrs Virginia" fltrer. AeeorJ. Ins tn tho rrpnrt I lis train weal throiixh liriil( usl lint rtinny HMipp were killed. TO S0CCEED AfCOCK Hrtiflibll-B Miaj Ibnl T l 4rn Is Ibf SIhii 'ci i.c : J. ai ma! i; 1 1 . .n n i . n t i :;. ;. , ,,: . In r-- w 1. propose to h. i, 1 . .s 1, c. muii; tonight, that T M A';.. - ; tie hi M . hai.ee of he, ,.,., g I . - Vti.rni ..f 1!,.- K.isii in 1 ' - 1 1. N- it:. ..r..i.im.t.. sin .-.-.) i . It At. .. k n.. w :i . a.: 1 1 1 u -. 1 111 . . .,-.i,! , . ' -houM he a " ml. -I WILL CAUSE A TIGHT lu lr(rf Hit lll frMr l.itus. Armur I'litU" I'IhiiI Liiiii i I n n . Jul ItN M lil ;k i S a s 1 1 1 i i i . , I ) ( : , N , , , j , 'I lu- Miunii grow ihl' in W;i-i.iMM.iii lt.it tin- t i it M-rvicc law will lit w 1 1 1 lilr. fur itf I'xisU-iM'c thn iiiL' tiir . .tuiirj se.., o, , ongiess. neii. urusveiior. oi ",., a ,o,,g spec, t, ai iin i tiia si s- Mull, made (he ;nisilic -laI,'int n ili.u h had enhsted fertile war and that Ins lull ,o, ,, icpea, o, ,,-enure i.itv it, He pushed (his winter. S e of ihose w have made ,1a point lo a.CeiU;,, ho.t iiiriiiiM'i in uir iiuilM' v 1 1 u it I Si;uil mi a vote on the tirosveuor bill, expressed the opinion that il tvoiihl pass. Sp.-,iki r Keed has not inade known his attitude towards the hill, and upon t!i il depeinls tthelher it can he got lo a vole. So bis personal liic, Is Hunk that tt hither ' .,.., s,,. j,,,,,.,. .,. n,,, , ,,.., ,, he ravored or opposed the hid. il would j ,,,,,,,, 1 j t ,,:l,i y into the republican lanks. he good policy, if he has not abandoned j T, . :,., niglit adopt,-.) leso- his l'rcsidelilial aspiralions. f.,r him 1 o 11MS , ,,.,,.s wdio wanted all,,w 1,111 be voted upon It is ( ,,. , ,,,,, v,,,,. 11Mls, sign a pledge to hinted that although President McKinley ; ,jyr ,,,,,, ,,.,,f ps,l,ons at I heir fi,v"rs 1 ivl1 I'crsonallt, This has made the populists he will not feel called ii i to enter into , .,,, ,:,v m ,,, M,. (,, such alight with Congress lo prevent its re- j,.,,, lical, urn 1 that he would not veto a l.ill j An A r! League has been formed here, for its repeal. h;il this probably has no , ,,,.,. ,,. sl, ., vi ., , ,f artist W C , " -'"ni'-c. !'"( ; K.unl ill. Then- are i:t lucinbers This lllele is no sillinise about the inlt listing ss ill study -III ligii I on the law , I hat is;,,, ;ilw,l,i, ce,. ( haiininn Drcwry of the sired coin '"'"', I niillee has visited ipnle a number of cil- The icporl is eu-reiil in n ita :, s 1 jl s .,,, ,,,,,,, lully into their street that the Board of olliceis who have ,, ,,' !,,,.,,, .,h,K An order for inspecting numerous plaivs tt ill iep,,n j ;;,i.uiin 1,-cl of granite curbing has been in favor of locating lln- got , i nine H !,,,. ,,, Salishurv linn. The rock plant for the making "I ai plale bu ,,v M,,,. ,,llv ,.,,. .,M lighting vessels at Birmi nghain. Ala . d' I w,,,ke,l for Belgium block ' lor paving Congress decides that , should lie;.,,,,) f. granite will be Used to. established, w Inch is more thin dou'il fill silice Secrctai v 1. nig unnollliceil hi ipposition to the whole hllsinei Il is expel led thai a treaty o tin,, between the Tinted Stales. K.Isni.i ami Japan will be formally igne I and executed at the Stale 1 leparl meiil I'lliin;: the pii seni week, canting out the plop Ositioll before the BelillL' Sea colitelela i or a suspension of pelagic s.-alnc- T. Shows Thai Goraia:i is Mealed iD Marvlaiifj. II : ii n ii II ;i a M ii j i ril of I i in Ohio Legislature. Sil llnni' ami Majority in Viiu'inin. K en 1 in k ) I a t urc I ) I 't hi o oirat ir. il Al.TIMoltK. M'l . NuM-IiiIhT 1 I h Sniati w ill ha vi- 1 I ' m I i h a h . ai n I Dciimm -nils. Tin- iluuc ..f I l. lt ali -. as Htc , (ill at M rnl Imiii, will li;ir la L'. jutli i ails ami H I li-him i at - aii'l f 1 1 -1 - i- i i;--Ii.- in Talliut. ii j.mil l.alloN tin- Id llTlllls Ii;it li tilis ail tl.r I it -i hi ic n' i ih.i Mm s, Hun. Nu.'iiii. i i r.M-i m-ll, lirjiiiblicaii. is n- r let it 1 i ' i i i i i 1 1 r I t atioiit 'J'I.ikiii jilutality. In thi- h wlalutf tin- inliln aii w liaYi- a Miiijuiily "f hvr on joint ltli I follows. Srnatr. 17 Id .ul.ii. an-. l'. 1 . in - i V ; I i)ii-r, a-S Iti'jailil n ans . M ii in i t! - ! TotillH, ?" Kriil,Ii. ans, M I. in -. 'I'lit-rr a innv cincul w hn It i . u'i-ih; mm h com in nl, nnt I tltat n ( i in i ; liniihi'l! In 1m Im-ulu uiil t.'i St nai"i I anitiHt Hantia hut (iocnnii lluslim II ilrhll'M HIIV kilo t'l (if it K ANnan ( II V. Mo . Xu 4 I In m il rahuiiH an' that lln- i j-uhhi ans L... cm rii tl a tunji ii ily of i ln 1 1 K nwas tu w n tli kiln I y iik icnwii inn j' ii 1 1 n n owr 1 aii'l tlml lli y Inihl Ihi-ir ovu a., thiu pan-'l with tin- vnlc nf lt',, u,' 1, wa a rfpuhlli an yi-rir. Un HMmNH, a , Nov. I I Hiin i. tiirm fruiii tin- i lc liuii iti 'iritn i fullv HHHtriin the THtiinuIr tliat 'I'l i hihI the otlir l) hum rain (n llnSlatr tit ki t an oc lid hy si ity tlinuHnn'1. Tin- K nih limn. ln'H'll hy Mc(.'aiill, pi'lli il -, very inNiiiiMi ant voir. Si fur hk rcpoi l-i tlmt tli ki't ilnl not rarry n c or.cn cutiiitn-H. Tin UriiiiK rals havp malr Imin-ihm-gatnn in the I a niuT.y. Tkim'.m. N, J., N.iv 4. Tin- N( Ji-r-nt y IiHUturr w ill hnvp n Ui pnhln- in miijurity nf 2 on Joint Imllul. Ikh MoisR. Invtft, Nov. 4, Chiilriiiiin MrMillcn. of tin' 1lp'iilnin riitniniiUM-, ronti nilti (hat Shaw' plurality for (ht crnnr will Ik inori llnxn ;ifl,(KM. j n;m v ii.i k Ky., Nov. H Kortky w)im1 Into lilt Drmocrntir rnUiinn nnin by a majority of ovrr H",i AI.K4KT, M. V , Novpmltrr 4 - Tin rompliUMl rrturna from tlm HUU' nrp coming in slowly. Tltia ahowa that Ihr IlrpohHtin UndaluJf of I hi- la-t two yra Un bwi ovcrrotnp. If not hj gi Inc aa largp a plurality for Hi1 tk'morrafa at Iraat bf rhaOK'"K "oif-lblng likr f40,000 votit. BUTLER ALSO lmi n Passes Sams as His Street 1 in prot eiiunls. (iinipl.ilnt Against Street KhIIiuI). Ter lilier.s in W estern Tali nf Slate. Baptist (o ii v c n tin ii. .li.itiNAl. HritKAi . ' I! M 1 ;.,u. N. C . November 4. i It w :e tiolt d a fi w days ago that w lule (i.v, rii..r I diss, II w:is raiMiig such a hue iiml i n ot, i iliefrce tiass matter, he a ,.k,., fll f all,l a us. .,.,. Senator Biillei caneht in i . ami it is nm mailt' public that In- ,,;u, ,.,. , , pans over the At I,.,,,, ic Coast l.in, for some time. Is hereaov. s.stencv to be I ,,l iHpv , ,, ,t ,.,,-. ',ll,.r ,,,.iV il,.f..iiiU Russell ill his attack ,.n lln- I i amoral ic inaiiagcincnt of the penitent larv. lie satslhat be believes Then, Ktans. lint. s Russell's expert, is l ight . 1 '; It is positively declared that both Bui ;-cadalni.ili put posi s. The hanging of Sam Wright in Colds- ,1 l II, e 4 01 1 1 will be private Mi K. II. Lewis. Jr., of this city has ,, .,. ,.,,.,..,, 1.1,l.,K(.r ,,, ,.u s, :,s,, .s ! , . , lliv,.,sil ... ,.,.k Winston is captain. Mi. A. IV ( '. liiyan, who f t years ha In i-ii the aicut in the Smithfin Kpii's l'ii , In n, ami w ho lias nvctitly hi i n si j i iv ill. i n 1 1 1 1 -1 1 ini pro til. C n. Tim-. I.. Clinihia'i li.-t at M-i j iiituii rsli i ilav ;it 1 o'cluck. lh- w a--closcly iilnitilicil wilh Nmlli Canhiia a a puliliciaii, a snMi.i ainl a srn-nt i t Il is sanl llial ihcn- is plenty -t l.n.n tool mwin in l lie wcslriii pail nl lln Slate, and as the manufacturers nl t' r hilar root pipe have In en buying ahio ni. I 'nlllllll-i"ii t MeW !io Hi- hopes . . .p n up a new iml:i .t i v fni North ( 'at uliua. tninplaml has heen lileil l-il-i, li;. K.Hlluail - if ii in i-i in h the Aii u!i;i:al ! ami Mei hanir il (.!. tliat the II ih ili Si i hi t Railway 'u , refuses lu i-- -m- . .an inullalion tickets In (he SlU.leh'-. hn! lot - islli- 1 lie M I to the City Si h'-nl . lli 11 ami (he female full, cs Il H s tiI thai ! he sales of cnmniei - li! I 1 1 1 1 i 1 i s in l in- w ('-( ern part of I in tf . in lln I.ii-esf in lo .iiM, It is f..t s: I a 1 1 1 an 1 1 ids1-. '1 I m la I ml' ci mi in is-n i n ( l is ti , i k , 'i I' oi I pi i i s , ( ,n his an ini i I re p"i : lln t th i ml u-! i v is s,t t-iall noted. I .i t :,i:. ts nii!nl in lai -j-ipiaut iliev neai ' Mil 1 i: M. hoWell coillllN . Se. I, li,i , of Sill chail. Is tin M. I halt t - and larnieiM Shauihoat l- .Ni w I laiiov i i , to navigate Ihe ( ' tpe 1 . u foi :to cais Tli- capilal -to ;. i- - J "( I H JO The N.I' Haptl. t I olivel i I,.. , ' in Ivfoid I l.'t . '.I'll It ih hiild that 'In liiian' ' s w ill he (i.titnl in s(.h di. ip mil a l.n (.'.nil in in in t it i-dnp u n I Het , line olli, , ; . n, ll, m ,i-l tin- t . .11 i apt 111 . d ! . I s'lHI illu i '"" " : '"" I tt o m, a .. i apt no d 1 I'Mi'ikbuliai '1 Inn ale . '.I.IHKI . opies of Noitl mill I M hi, liull' llll "I ll,, , I ' 1 1 a I la pal I llient sent ollf I.ptlsl fir vik Iritis). ( i m i d tide llampluii. )'' tn I iM r Ion nlln . I le -niT.il I.nn-lrrrt, w id leave f. it I I hi- w i-ek I Aeronaut Stewart w aw dr w n in Lak. j .Muhitinnl the fi.nt , f M.,ir..e Mrrel i III' ao. TliOllUIIIldM f p ra.dlH W Hill HPH d ihe hi e ii len t . i W to the fill I that Ihe I iitiltla l i - know u to (m- fur w a nli n; nr mi into Spai" . tho I'miiirr , S-iinr S. j-iti a an I (mo eral ("orren, Minlitet of ,t hnw rem d vim) mi adojiij ( mi i .r'KH i i- ineu-uri-H The Mninetfry iiiiiiiiiinin ri ttumrd it iii"iiH nt lli Arlington Hulel Waahinj; tort aftr a rei nf umr day, l'n iclnni (irge K. Kdinom'a presiding. The rdi lderflion of lltr pn litninary n putt nf I hp com mi Hi1 n Imnk lti((, nl m hull ( Imili-aH Knirrhlld I rhairntan, whlih w a under riiiiili.Talion wltrn lln coinntiaton I n ot rul j"tirnl, ai rniirriHl and probably ill br eon tin mil rl 'I a ) Tb "HfTt-nly Hi Hbmp ItnHa at Tappan, N. V. In which Major John AnJr waa lntpr(ond bfor wa bangwl on Andr Hill, fV uAmr 8, 7W, ia a contplrto wrtrk. A atorrn -vrom plibrtl tho work nf ruin on Tura lay ami many Krlatt'n havt aurvi yn Ibr arnr inrr. CaDlSE Or TOBPEDO BOATS Moll I Is I l t or H i I in I ii a. I o ii I Hfccrf II I t-im-ls Hill ictKr t otrl Ktuluituii W asH l.s if I" v N - :n: ' H:,:;,:; t i ft no- in w her. 'I.. 1 1 " 1 1 will, -1 . ; I.V l..e,ll,;,.: 1 he. wi.i , .. C. - 1 ellctl n 1 t It hill ,i g. V . . .; p .se of the III l!l i s. K of this , ll Jl V 111 Ot del he I-' : hunting oui an t ;. i a tie, t oMhe pp part h..uis hi i,.i ,d in. .i I M. i).. , , , n,,i,i(m s, ,1,. . ,.,n, i South, ,,. hex! Mf't r'-jicln-.l It. ,n M j ( "liiil i Ml . fluin whlrii i!;n i- it 'i.t l I Savnini:ili un.l 1 1., n. .n n.l 1 1.. i-'i. .. .i , ,,,M ,,,.' S,v,,;,! e.Uiill.', spent ley the hnats u;i the Atla-itic M.. . and until the ellou fevi l h is , nil!' I dl.sappearcd il is n--t pin.s., tn allow tin- tlulilla to Lin near Ihe int. r'ed cities. ; Olln r torjiedu hoals will prhahv join , Ihe flotilla later in the w inlet , THOS. L. CUNGMAN. 44-l. INhir iiml litliriu orl Ii t'a r ti ll mt K hi'l I rrn HOn Ml II In Ilealh. l;..;niH, N. ('. Nuv. inlier :;. lii lielal 'I'l,,.,,.. I i i a s..., . I sehalor, died in tin- Moiaiitun insane asylum at 1 o'clock p. m. tmlav ; aed, poor and iiilirin. the Stale Li.ue him a hoiue then-. (o-ncral ( 'lineman was huin in Yadkin nr'thi'MI-Bi a Slate senator iii l:!ii from .s,etil,e. became a leader ol the tt big pa ily ai.l tt as a ineinbei of congress tioui 11:; i , t N.",s, excepting the J'ltciitt iiintli con gress. In K.V he was appointed to the l intel Stales senalc to till Ihe tar a caused by the iisignalion ol A-a T.lgg- I was re el. cti-.l. 1 1 is .-peech on ll.t il. lea! led to a duel wilh William an, t . ol Alabama At Ihe outbreak ol the , It il tt-,; !,, en ti led the coldeih late ai mt a . ,l,.n, i ,. Ihe Tw eiily liflh North Cal-lina 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 and soon hieauie I aiga, ii .r ; i ner , i . and w as tt inn eh d a I Cold I I il h,, old at Telersbllig. lie s, , n-, a, ,, ,;,n, I 1 1 , , national I leinoi ral ic i on t an I i .,, in Isi.s hill avoided p. .lit li s since lie explored the mountains , . his M il, discovered that llli-t coiilailnd lb. lol'i est peaks of ihe A ppa I ar h a I II i.mje, II,, chief one of w Inch tt as I ilea -III. .1 lo Inn, III IS.VY and liott hi ;u his Ii; , i.i ,1 the mica inines o M il dull and .uic.t collnl il s. made I , ot 11 tile I , -t, le , , the Stat'- ol i , nnd ,1111 . II !,. Illhle--.11. d ol her g. in-, hi hi- oh. it ale,;,- the lll.-t.-ol ol An o,- J . I -sl.,1. Iium-Ii, , the he-l evnl-iic- 1,1 gr., a ,. lie i M ot I he at in ,-phei. , ; n l alhl in.- i t ;, it in ' someway s,,llM, tiughl ! II, ti u, ill,, I with the sp, , , ,,f , I, i ll li !t . THE MARKETS. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children 1 Til fit I ft Win-. ' , I, i,g ' t "I About Eurnitu re I In hliar s -1 p , i r 1 1 it , 1 argue in I I,.- fa, I Mail ',' I "Ml KI I t I' 1 Ml .l."iw,,, , and lie I .1. ..' inn . f s , i.ti, d I'nir ... t. , ;.,. ,. made i. ll, . I .. .1 I. i ., I" II, e Vl .Vt -f ' .1 good, and C IlllMtll 61 AI.L KIMs i Desirable fonnd hrrt F7urniture If Jon Air i oiilriniil.it inif I Itn pun linn ' -f Kormtiirn a rll kt in T "t "Tt ill prnp pndilatdt John Si;tkr, Tsilsr llslel ( hsttswss, w Brrae. N. I . e-t.-ld.iy malkel II o' , I I 1 1 - I , ; I I , U ed bt W .. Poll, ill. !, A I -, Colo I, il- . ; Bloke. Nl tt -I ,.,,. ..y, !,!'.. ! l''K-s, II, II f I 1 -1 1, t i !.,. t in, a.- . i ... 'a , a . '.. ; , i B. , ii . nf- vi . ; I i ' ' I I i i. Hp. II. II. I'll. I ' A I .huin iii . . 5 ;:i .' ; '. , i .' , , till' Me i M A Klx I I - tN 111; t I i 'p. i. High I. i . ... He, ... '.'... '.'' '.'' '.'I I 'o(X Jlec . . . .V.J I 'otlon Sah s I I ; ".on p, SI:MIVEEKLY SECTIONS Ivm-Ii TiMtliiy and Kritlaj. S P cj . L5HSBS clS?-5HSHS? 5 aSESH5HSS5 5 aSHSHSBS SB pr mnr nnr yttttt Trrrnr mmrr " 1 r AND BIG HOMINY ! i i -e Mus. -itcl l,'aisitisi iiucsi iiialitv, only ;ti cent per ! ' '. s ' -! llaisms, )."i cents per pomiil package. ( ':, n aots and Citron . ll.ie I Apple-; and I', a- !,. l-!t.ip da!ci Apples and Aprii-i(s. luijioiled M m 1 1 a i n i and I'leam ('hecse. i 'ape ( '.! ( 'raiibcrnes. 'I'lie l-'mest Slock of ( 'an m-,1 duds in the pitv. All l'n si, and St.-iml ni-.l (Quality. 'I he I- inesl Triines you ever saw. At re'.-' ( 'did, ruled Mince Meal hilh ti (Ullll VV U( l.'l V I I 71 Broad SI., NEW RKKNK, X. V. We are offering the LARGEST and HAND SOMEST Line of AIM, i iaA WOOL In Latest Novelties, and Plain Goods at 25c. D. F. JARVIS, READY-TO-WEAR SKIRTS! LADIES READY-TO-WEAR SKIRTS, not the trashy kind, not the expen sive kind, simply medium grades, well put together and of stylish ma terials. Haven't a great many, but what this store shows in skirts, you may depend upon getting lull value lor your money. HERE'S SCHEDULE ot how they range I'oim I'oack Itrilliatitinn, I an, -v Sold, Suiting, $2Ji5 and 2,50. ;.f, T:-u- S'orm Ncre, Hit.SiiK ' " k '"''I I'.uc, also HUck Bnd lirown, undipped pile, I'. - s a,. 1 Line Crnnped H'oul. $.'t.OO. I'd' 1. and (ircen Honey Cninb, $3.25. M.ilcrinls for Stparalc W'alsls, in I'il tier Silks or Wool. H. B. A Grand Excursion Is: lo tha frwt bargain that o rs offnlng t.,r tho NKXT 80 DA Y.I in Mens, llors and Youth ftolla and i itircosts, HIkksk list sml In fa. t trrrything that i wsdIm In lha dry good Una nn l found In our store. Now. a word In the wla il auffloieot, o doa't U snia. 1.1 hut cmr on tho fres( e.curslim with your frlaod ami ancurt aoota ol 0m groat ( llnriralns wp art offering st Tlie Ieopln Nurprle Ntore, VZm - No. ?H MihtiiB Hraft-r uvnt titsnarts is , I NrsH tiik Mahrrt. Wholesale aV lietail tf WroeodTM, DRESS GOODS ! Krcsh Additions Cnnstiinllv lit -iiitf made lo Slock of Ladies (OATS and CAFES. oIIimU HI. Du: ion 0 frv.i bring run from VSOo'rlock until 9 o'clock p. m. najr cirpt BuadaT 11 part of lha eosjntrr nns vattna, ' N, C - 7

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