Italic YOU Ml XX. NEW BERNE, (' K K N CUlM,. N . I , FRIDAY, NOV EM HER I'.', JHH7.- -MCIO.S (l H TjuN. M MBER ffeto mtiih Ladies ! We are daily receiving the N icest Line of China, Cut Unss, and Toilet 'U-is. Kver Slio.t n 10 Nv u. If Jon Heed a pair ! . 'sm,j i urn will make a mistake if d-,i,'i buy the ( lanes goods . , , v pair wairahlcd and mmii v i. I n mi. .1 if they arc not eiitirel v pji i- fa: lot v . Cold weather is purely ronim;; arid we have a Full Line of Ml; ATINU STOVES of Every I Irw -i i .i 10,1. Prices gimrantrt d on any tiling yon may uiv of Yours, ' L H. Cutler Hardware Co. I J. J. Wolfenden, HEAT, EfcTATK, New Berne, - N. C. K. I! M LANDS, TIM UK It lAN'DS. CI i V PHOPKIi TV. ( pkopkuty. I-t?"tIavc porno Choice: E.inds for Trucking. AM) New Arrow Ties ! I .( i Yards .lute liaggiiij mid .Kill Hoodies Ties; Seed live, Wheat and O tis, Crimson Clover, and Malt. I ('ST RECEIVED and for sale at Chas. B. Hill's Li Sim: M a it k k r Dock, new beune, n. c. k Your Doctor : () 1 Fights : ti , 1 'is,-ase wit h medicine. Iflhe ( ') lllt-tl It llie Is not ri-lo ,. ,ft, ftti li"l c pier disease If the (j drngisl tlu.-s his dulv the i; ineillrnie ill be i ight, and '; yotil thi. t 1 wiil slan, a I.,,,- rlianee of w i.ining he if- tZ ' toiv. li. n can ludp our doelor -I. v having voin prescription lilleil al '. IJradham's k'eliablc Drujf 5to e- PRUNELINE. 1 ME IDEAL LAXATIVE A Ct'lIK loll CONSTIPATION. As I'l.KASANT AS HnNFY A N li si It K (IKK I IIR Indigestion, DyspcpiU, Bilionsneu, Stomach Tronklti, Dowel Oieordnn, Lirer Dleeteei, Irreg alarity, Kidney Tronblea, Headache. Teven, lick Stemach, Skin and Blood Dieordora, Thick and fallow Complexion, 4ul very (unity mhrr DlMMri imH imfllrillnH Um-Iii hr limrurr Inlf. l IH luwrli. I'RUNELINE is the Bafe.t and mncat caibart c and Hpcrieiit one van un U thoroughly rleansee witboul griping', su r l h k ll.e blood ami 1 1-1 1 1 i ' i n all wnnlr (riin ihe ya ten. 1 1 does away wit h rn-dor col, ailtK. blue mam ami all olio r n n ne oi jilirntne". i t turn a and em r (itea all the (rr,Mt organs of the Mitt-m. It i frpd from all liaiahly ttrtinj; drnjr, and II nlvraTH lafe, l .n rciiilv, alaari reliable. Koep the head cool, tke (eat warn and the hweU open, aeiof PR N CLIMB for the Utter parpen I'HI'NELINr! I.lfc',rrrln ratMllj MrtHrlmr ) ali;ieo,lre, or ml on ire. Ip! nt ,.0 i( o ,nj , t ir(a) T Wlnkleminn ft Drown Druj Co ! rrpjrltr. BALTIH Oil . MO. D MA. 4 Vlilalrp-f Jlei oaied et ht.ow ,ue- cnilpeia. NWie r tf. 0r"ii, i rnri. iriioiYfr N IV UAaea, invT'eVa M M Pi pat at, Hotton Bapj ! mm mi all explaih. Free Passes. 11 li 1 1 i- ( Iniins IlecaiiM' He i u News I'a per l a n, Troup Ma) l.w to It .e k i a ii a in . T Ii a n k i v 1 n z Suite l.uard I nlforni V nl i (Jiial illcatlons. .inlKNAI. Rl lUUl , 1 N.n.i ion . N. t'., Nov. lo. i ' ( high . ,hr as t.i wliy certain oltii l....s I'aV. ;,, e p uses vcito to I order i,f Hi- day. Cuvernoi Russell " here Carr v. us alone, asked I lur made a nire little mess as to why he had I s '' ' heese, then fm sonir im . When tm si- passes and so lias Treasurer Worth1'"1"' looped to g, t the vv me. Wriaht and others. Senator limit r in his ,..xpla-' 8,ri"'k "lul afterwards stm k a knife iia'ittn savs he does lis,, free pusses mil I '"s throat, killuiir Can as a pnhh . liieial, lull as a newspaper' j man. It matters little in w hat rapacity j I hr uses them, he B.,vcs his mileage over ihe country. If free passes are unlawful j and the grand jury is ordered to liud a i true hill against anv lailroad who is 1 found guilly of issuing ill i .should he no free passes thin then' newspaper men or anv one talks hraul ifullv ( Ise. Senator llutler l about refusing to accept passes pressed upon him us a puh lie olHcial. Yesterday llie governor railed the ! cotinril of Stair in srssion to discuss the a lvi,ahihly of ordering out. the troops! here logo with the negm Kvans, to ' I'.iMkingliaui where he is in be tried for; assault o.i a young lady near that place. I He was drought here lo prevent, lynch-1 in. It was deemed necessaiv to 1c inilitary cscoi I i;b the nrgr would .scarcely be safe in that for he part of the Slate. Il will he l i-inemberetl that tilt insiiiaoce rales in ( I reellsbol o have been speech, derlaring thai he had t ommitled very much lowered and now- Raleigh'""'1 der. ami was now w illing to die Chamber of ( 'ominercc want Ihese same J f"r 't- He spoke tpiirtlv, and i Ilv ami rates foi this city. j w ithout excitement. The trusti es of the Blind asylum here After his speech h.- made a slant have made a step forward in thai a leach- prayer ami sang a verse nl a song. ih. n er. .Miss Molamler, of Finland has hern said, -'All right, good bye my hieiids. rmployrd to teach Sloy.l. This rmhrari s "" 1,1 ' '" .hinlan. ' an stem in s.'veral brant lies of handi- The warrant for Ins execution was tien cralt. I rt ail. a colored minister olTercd praer. III. Ceolge W. Hlarkmll ilinl ties lllr ""our was adjusted, Ihe black cap iiioliiing aller an dim .s of Iwt. wt-t l.s. i 111 It tl on. anil w u h a sutldrn snap, Ihe tiovernor Russell todav issued his Thanksgiving I'roelamation. lie savs that our Stale has been very much blessed iu every way and calls upon the enple to give praise and thanksgiving to (hid. The Stale has indeed been blessed in evt ry w ay except polit ically. We could give thanks that even a shoit period ol Ibis political line llie bad passed, but surely there is nothing to be thankliil for, in Ihe fad mat the Stale I as audi a set of rulers. Judge Coble al Statesvllle has len dered a drcision iu fav oi of I,. ('. Cald well vs James W. Wilson as chairman ol lie k li. commission, The case goes lo Ihe Supreme court. W. II. Ili-aru of Asheville who was convicted nf elnbezleuienl as a lllagis llale last week gets a pi sition as a locil-i I iu the Revenue Department. There is to be (pule a change 111 Ihe uniform of the Stale Ciianl. The coal antl trousers both to be dalk blue he dress i oat is to hr done aw iv vv ilh ami a long blouse Used All metal buttons n, be done aw ay . The hellnel to be aholjsl,, , and the lorage cap with pompon to Le ilse.l The low dull regulations foi the manual of aims will be issued tin Slalt I lualil 1 tefflliher 1st. The iilhlit al R. eul tier sa vs thai It lias ealt fullv Hole, I thr fal l ami finds verv bill,- opposition in this State to an tdu i at lolial ipiall Ileal Ion f .r v oli l s. Ibll A i p is on a It t tut e loin in his slate. Mr. Xnrk on Ihr hinint. sp:eial to Journal. New 'S'iihk. Nov. in. Mrs. Nat k. who ye,terdayconffftHed to her lawy cr that ithe hud killed liuhh-n-tuppr, I i.ik the stand today an 1 related how aiu- and Mar. in Thorn at com phshe I t In dec, I. Thin n listened lo In r Hlatenients and even Hinlled ai she gave her Ir-tnnonv. rortcc or competition. w nml ObMrrrrr Will lunr I. u Eirnlat Ittlllon. .Sprcial lo Journal. RilkUII, November 1". JoBcphus l Minlr e n or ol l ie w t ami t JIim-i ver wiy t h H paper vv ill issue an cv i lung idi- thi. The 1 1 me sel fin I r-jlnll i n 4 the 1 V ei ing Itutue 11 I. re in I rr UI, Tim Nrw-i an I (lb rrvi i i-t thung wl nt it ran to t'-irnt di ( tie nppt iir ai.ri- of tin new Delnot rntie I)ad ,- wliu a IK to ap, it' ll about the 20th of lid i mnlilli. eajlhlns la llrxl II Col. i mbuh. O , Nov. n. C. V HarrU, eeiri taryof die I leaioci i it- Stnie ( , n. trul ( ; .iniinitlef and editor of the Athpim ") I Journal, unhl. an the r milt of a roi, felptirt. of thr lrintrrnlh: Irinlrr: " Wo have deoitlrd to (hrow llie Item oeratlo voli in tli nnt Ornrral Am'iti bli todovrrnor l)uhmll, on romhtion Hint hp en gvi enough from tho lii'puh llcan eldt' of Ihr llnoie ti rlrrt htm Henattir Ri many of Ihe Itrpiihliran nioniben wont to down lUiina that ar think thr re. will b no dillb ullv In lliit The deal la all arranif)." All wool rlmfl and orlrd at I V. 5r. l a op to :t ll per Turd on eaeJlkuweek II vnriKii HDNO AT GOLDSBORO flil tlbl llrriim lur Ibr lntd.r ffBrretbrr -iiiO. Special to Journal inUH' 'H", Nuvt-mUr l11 -I'n i ivli at 1.' h'cm Ii noon, the r h- u pulled mill Wiley Vut;liHii known a- Sam Wright, u. dropped im...i-riii!v A ! 1 1 r 7 miuiiti'8 the man's plll-e ha. I . . ape. I t.. bent ami iu la miiiulrp lie pi .ooun t ed dead ami his U,dv tak. n .1 v n His mi'k w a- iiil broken. Iir . 1 1 1. 1 f i . 1 1 1 Minn. , filiation. I In- tune f.n vvliu hSaln W r I r i . t . .n a In1 claimed his name to be. Wih-v auli- an, Milicred death a cuininil li d Uii.. . In r i, lfjT, al nut four mil. - tins city al a small counliv Moiekep hv a ' while man named t "an . , Wiilit, wlin i jv mulatto, :i mm employed by Carr, and nil the night of I the. murder, Wright tame to the More ''election and trial soon followed, ami ' l,r""Kh it all right has been t ool and olh'clcd. Today was War, I rijjht ami cool, 1:"n.v 111 the morning crowds of colored l"'"!'1" began to gat her around the jail, anil many colored people from llie roun Irvi-.iine in. 1 rees and window s around ""' J'"' "err s filled with those wh ' u "'"-'''I to are the hangi ng. ! 'here w as a good deal of (lisatlsfaction I "hen it uh foiiml that the hanging was lo he in private, hut the utmost order prevailed. The (ioldshoro Fidles foi med a line "round the jail cnrlnxme. and the t rowil '''led the space hack of this line, At ll:"i(l Wright came from the jail, walking unassisied. and sleadily mounted I the steps of allol il. w hich w as I ""' yard, hut surrounded l'an evlia ' fence. Moonliog Ihe scalloid, w ith bare In ad. Wright stood six inliiliti s. making bis trap fell, and Sam Wright fell si fetl, Ivv llche 1 slightly then hung motionless Mieiiir Scott deserves h,. greatest rrcdil tor the admirable older main tained and for the getu-iol exct Hi nt al langenielils atlellding the execution. I.nleitt rwt Hrm. It is as sell 11 1 here thai the reply of the .nic:iean government In the last Span 1 s 1 1 coiiiniunication ileclans that the I nitetl States has made the enatt-si clTorts to stop lilihustt ring and has t in ployed many ollieials ami expemh-tl large siinii of money to that end. bile a British mail sh ainer was eioss ing froin Calais to I )ov cr the v essel mil row Iv escaped colliding Willi a whale w Inch suddenly appeared ahead of her, Ihe I'l illlelou collegians wire gieallv disappoinle I when it becalm- known that ex-I'lesiileut (IroVel Cle V el a In Is son Is to be mimed Richard i'ols, .in Cleveland Tliey had given Ihe voiing m ill Ihe name of brivi-i Cleveland, Jr., on the ,bu .,' bis birth, and hoped it would l i I c, Thiee Ihousand sh.-t p wlnili belonged to .! tl; 11 ll..nal.s,,n and aK., t vv , nn ht id of 1 atlle h'tve I.e. 11 binned lo death in I lo-bv coiiuiy by a plallle 111 .- whahl sweeping ovrl the slin k langi- of the i'aiibamlle coimtiv. The dam ige 1 1 , 1 1 to rant bt-s is i-noi uioiis 1'al! irops 101 dsn badly damaged. John ( I. K or 1 uer has been e in- ht al It 1 stealing Ins hoises and buggu s 1 1 . 1 1 1 Hi. si 1 eels of Indianapolis. 1 ml 1 llovv fev er I old nines on Ihe h ele a s. in New Oilcans, and Ihe Hoaid ol Health is elati tl over the prospeils ,,(an . ailv termination of th ' scare, who !i li ,s -,, b idly cri ppletl comme ce, Jiulgr (troa.riip of ('hi-ago. his m d (In- Wotltl's Ctduuiliian Kxsisi 1 ui 1 111 iany responsihlc for tin ?"i.H00 Ioh.i to the French Rt puhh an I Fn nc'i ex obi tors by 1e.11.on of lire during the l air There is no change in the condition of Hi njamin Ilutlerworth, rommiHHoncr of paleiils. Ilin chaiiceH 0 1 nt 1V1 rv are pool. Ml. ltulterwortli has pniumonla 11ml 11 at Ihe llollendeu ' I 111 Cleve land. Oalo. The m gro secliou of the ( .eorgui In aane As-, linn w hh burnt tl Tut-inl t . 'I hpre were Willi. n f?lie Wh Ii vvIi. ii 1 1 i - flip brokf out over T'SI penon", but the i ll! rirnry of the adui luiHtml ii in was mil h th It lio lives were loet 'llie group o' built lings 1 tnnit it nting the net 1 10 11 1 1 vpm tl about four acrei. In spite of iiu-n 'irlotla Jul ilit Hie Aou rit nn tourittt m-aion in f-iorope han Ihm.ii the wi,nt In inetiy ear Shipping return ilmw a det line of no lees than aO per rent 111 the flnl anil urtinil iltiM pawMuiger trefllc U-twrcn the tlgurr. ,,( ,e eeuon of In p pit of a thick driirJp anil a In nVy ftig. Ihp ancient r.uelom of prppnllii( the plprtpd rlnrf magiatralp of lintlon lo lint reprpenntalnree of the lOTarlrgn and lo the ieopp wn ohaarre'l Turdar with eiireraa Throngi of people lined the rute end the dpcnralione wore morp ainhilhitie than uaual. They ronllot mainly of triumphal archra, Venetian maite, floral fretooni anil a liheiel ill ola) tif hunting. T)BtKi T0D4T llnrrnnt l ail New Seel Ilia rule Allrr Ibr Lttne: Hrlepe f Ibr liw. TrrbDlrnl Poliili of Uei'ri Arr Urtiebrd Aeltl. . o KkiSi ism. November pi m. He in 1 i,e, ,,1.1 e I luri ant. the 1 on It mat it mui I- o 1 ' I Miss Blanche Lam at and presun.aUv '!,e slayer of Miss Wi::i,tii. aiso. is 1,, hang Nov. r.':l, ' He was taken before Judgn Hal, is 1,,. tl ,v to have the date for the duotion fixed I he Supreme Court of tin I inn, Slates refused on Monday to irrant a writ of habeas corpus ft r Durrani ami time to delay the hanging. I A Hired 111 Ins best slut of clot In s ,,Ver I w In, h he wore a faultlessly titling over it oat, llurrant made a cniupiciious lig ure on the Irani ami ferry boat, as he was 1 taken from San Ctientin prison to court. At the city hall, L'rcat crowds impeded the progress of the party, ami it was w ith tlilticulty that they were beaten hack by the otliccrs. When Judge Itahrs called upon Dur rani to stand al the bar, Ihe young mur derer sprang erect, ami then his marvel ous self control asserted itself. Ho was deadly pale, hut calm anil self possessed. As the date of his doom w as pronoun- ceil jusl the suspicion of a sneer appeared on the corners ot his mouth. Ami when all was over und Ihe ollieials began to clear the courtroom, he resumed his seat ami chattctl iinronrrriirtliy with his father and some sympathizing friends. IIISTllKY UK Ills ciiivm. The dead body of Minnie Williams was found in Ihe libraiy of Kmanucl Baptist Church, San Francisco, April 12, loll.. Miss Famont hail been missing lor some t,me ami the finding of the body of Miss Williams led to the belief thai that of Miss I.ainout might also be conct aled there. This proved lo hr thr fart. A huriird search revealed the body in thr belfry ot the church. Suspicion fell upon young Durrani, who was a medical student, ap proaching graduation antl conversant with the methods of handling-the human form in such nianm r as to avoid getting blood on Ins clothing. Il w a-also known that Diirrant had been a leading spii il in the Fniaiiiiel S1111 tiii) -st-lio il. w Inch was attended by Ihr Williams ami l.ainout girls. Further more, evidence was at hand showing thai Miss l.aoinnl was last seen alive iu Durrani's companv. Mrs. Voge) saw- Durrani join Blanche l.amonl as she lefi school on the afier noon of the murder. Mrs. Crossrti saw ihem logciher Iravelling south on a Va lencia sheet car. They got (1T at Twenty second street and walked in the direction of the chinch. Mas. Leake saw- tin in cuter the church. At a o'clock the same afternoon Dur rani vv as seen in I he church by Ceorge King. Ihe organist. He was dishevelled in appearance anil said he was not well. Durrani on the w itness stand admitted his presence in the ( hurch at a o'clock that afici noon. Tin- defense at I he trial insisted that no motive for the crone was prove. I. The court took the ground that proof of motive was not essential. 1 1 was staled to be al best 11 speculative ipnslion trenching on the realms of inctaphv -ical t riminologv, and the opinion added " Flu- ileeil may be due to a single mo tive s. , black , so horrible, so monstrous thai even when llie hooks of the learned 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1) o I og 1 st have been studied tin- inn on. I mind still shrinks from a belief In lln- po-Slbllllv of iis existent-. ,' Tin- ease was given to the jm v N- v 1 111 her Ml.r. about seven months afll-l Hie dis.-on-i v of lie- murder, and. alll ltIi the evidence was CI roll lust an I lal the pity was out but live mmiites. Ihinant w a- sellti III 1 d to ib-tttl. on Del rlllb. r s, 1 S1I.V Suite (bet time cverv possible t ITorl has been made by Ills friends to pieveol t vi i in f the sentence. Kverv lech totality known ., the sharpest pleaders lias been lesorled to SVr Hie )"llilg man'- lib-. TUG CABINET MEETINO 1inln' Rrplj TurlUr. MrKleOrj Anw loei r,ir Prnt-r. WasiiisiiioN, D C.. November W Tin- lull It vt of Spanm n ply lo the ,l ford no t was reatl nt the Cabinet un i t lug today Its li.uu 11 verv pat die, and. llntteH'l of being al all WHilike, was regarded by Hot ( abim I as very inlisfni tory and as 1 alt id it - I to alia) any ft .11 of a hostile oilthrcAk - Ah RlAtetl i!-H'nti-dlv with rmphit.u. I'reitidenl Mi Kinb v is doing evtrylhlng within reaioin to avoid n rnpltiie wuh Spain. Hi i follow ing very 1 loerly Mr Cleveland" m nee hi!iiv. But nolwilh HlAmling the ndunniilrnl loli'e well known altitude, tertein upi-M print m melione! articlee i-yerv day to idm tfnt wiir with Spam 1. nire lo coin. , iniioi o r y the wey nil driij(ieta eell Tin. (IRUVF. H TAHTK1.F.SS CHILI. TONIC foi ( lull" and Malaria. Il ! limply Iron antl (Quinine in a taeteleea form. Children lovp il. A'lulti prrfrr It to bit ter, neuipoting I on in I'rlr. Va A crank apprared al tha While llmier on Turaday and drmandrd to ere Tree itleut McKlnp. Ilr aalrf the I'reeldrnl had not treated lorn right. He triad In go up lal re by tho elevator, but eraa taken In rharge by the nnVare. lln broke away fr.m them and trlerl in hide behind (ha rnneer vetTi end vu taken lo thr police etetinn STOCKHOLDERS MEET. Seaboard Air Lire Have Their Annual Session i? Raltifl. 1 Art League Meeting. I'iitiin of 1 Macon, (iiiards Went to Km k i n; j ham. Russell at Wilmington. ; Cotton .Milling Active, j Turkeys Plentiful. ' Jm unaI. Hi -heat . j RaI Kit. II. N. C, Nov. Ill be r 1 ! , loday the stt klmhlers of tie- dill. -n ' branches of the Seaboald All 1. meet here in annual session I'resHlent HofTinan and some Ballunore stockln-l I ers reached here early this inoining. The funeral of Dr. OrorgoW. Black nail occurred llns afternoon at 4 o'elo. k from Christ Chinch. At the Chrysanthemum show here vi s terday, tiniall, llie florist of Washington City sent a very handsome box of llovv , 1 s but they did not equal the ones exhibited by Mrs. Meares ami Mrs. IVgrani of tin city. The Art League formed here a short time ago held its first regular meeting yestertlay. The League will devote its meeting to work in sketching, drawing and painting. For some time a picture of Macon has been drsurd. He ob jected al ways to having his picture taken, but Mr. W. J. I'eele of this city has been successful in securing one. President Alderman of the I'liiveisity passed through here vestcrdav on his way to Lam inbiii g where he lectured I last night. The (ioverntir's I liiard had no op;, u tunily yestertlay on their way to R,,t k iughalil to show their prowess. Kvans lln prisoner they went to guard was 110 molested. There may be I rouble after 1 In trial. (iovcrnor Russell scons to fuel n,w I to carry him lo Wilmington these He left yestertlay lo be gone until day. Much new niaehinerv is order. Mnll ! r. i the cotton mills here. There is no stop in the milling in the State. The Western N. C. M. I-:. 1 , .nl. rem c will he heltl at Asheville November Kill. Bishop Key will preside. Wiltl turkeys ait- said lo be 1 1 11 11 -.11 :i 1 1 v plentiful this year. BLANCO'S HUMANE rOLICY. t ubMll KeeiilleriilrHflim Tu lie Clyi ii Rnllttntt by llie aiilnrli ami Allowetl To KnlHe t'n. ASIIIMITtlN, Nov. 10. St-llol Dupuv tie Lome, the Spanish minister has 1. c.eivetl the following cable message Irmn (Vnernl Blanco, gov enioi -general el Cuba. Ill regard to the "leroiirelitrados ''Kxtensivc Zones of cultivation bav. been organized, daily ration arc pmvi tied by the state ami wink is f 11 1 lushed. They will he will treated and tan L. employed by the planters; lin y have Im transportation and are pi otet It d m cv 1 1 v wav l'rov incial protective coin mil t e.-s have been formed and have abeailv en tern! upon their flint lions; thev w ill t ,,11 I111111 to be oiganied m the remaining provinces Wit h t he objet t of nioililinj the uce.-ssatv relief tumis Snb-i rip- tlUllS- IlllVC Im'CM Ht't foot (m I IHr'nHl ICS, nil'l tVi'l I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! III 111 -1 Imi mum l n.-Mjt- i-t liciii (fi-M . "Ail . -dirt IN tu!.ll-li.'.l Ini:l 1, Hi roiitinn u-iiiis,.m tu 1 1 v 1 1 hiitr, l.i :hvih1iio- that lln-s 1- an I . l! - Ma the iipi r .sal V 111 1 li tai iinl 1 1 i j -i i-i tiuii. Nut a ni'ijiiriiL is IdI in ;i!t n l 1 1 r 1 t( llll llllllici'latf IM'Ctls U Ilh 1 1 fl Ml 111 utijct t of my tiTaiiiiul nttfnt u. Il 1 111 ! rf 1 1 ! t" ll'i tuoi'f thiwi I 1, ii- .If I 1(1 til'' tlltw tllilt llilh cUl'sr-l ' TUE MARKETS eslerdiiv h II I al ket ipiot at 1 on b linn: ed by VS A. Fort. 1I1. I.I A ( ., Commissi Brokers N k w V1K1. N 'V , ml. .1 : s'lni ks ' ip. 11 High l,o 1 . t Im ag-. on. '..( , 1 'a . : 'a 1 ' It. A l . !H HI li '.1 t 1 1 IT ' IN 1 rp.-n. High Low 1 I- Jnnunr v . 5 "III '. M I .'1 '. .". CHK'A'.n M MIKFI'S WiiiaT 1 ip" n High hut. 1 1, I lis 'M '.LI; U'; 11 M) -'", I'll "'." li I oHN 1ik . . ?"',) a,. ( 'olloil ShIi-i H OOO Hull. A Clever Trick It re I 0"!) lo k- likr it. la.t 1 1,, re rrnlly no lii k Unu m Atib(. ran try lb Anyb.dv ten 1 r r 1 ' ho hen heme Week K tlneye, MnUrie or nervou" ir utib e We m. n he run 1 ure himee f rt(tit ewnjr by lakinn V.' . trir Ilctre. Tht mttjKiie tnnti up the whole ej elem, end et ti hi n limuinnt 10 tho end Knllmje. U n hlon t piirifli r end lonn It tu'et (sinitip.iioo Fetnling Hp ll.. Km nlcMnrei wl Melerrho'r Ii i purely vrg.-uhl, mild Lletirv o l ine Ih i)itin 10 In nur.l i,jor. Try KbnrU- lltien end o conlnoel I hi y ere mirx-'e work -. ()ry IsulU (nMetel, Only Vi, li((l el K, S. leutty'i .iiu Store. OAHTOHIA. issi i:i IX if siaiivi:ekly SECTIONS S In In Kuril Tnestla.v anl Frida.y. Or It STOCK IS ( OJIPLETE WITH TIIK VERY BEST GROCERIES, Ibitti Staple utid l aiicy, that nionev can Iniy. On Si, ii-, li i,, A,, Irs at Cents, are nice, try tlietn. : 1 ('ent loiastcd (MTcc is ahead of any sold in this City. dir New Crop Prunes are best e ever saw. u 'i' " 1 v I'i'iit I'innr is the very best. Our Iird is absolutely pure. Mir slock of H.iking Powder consists of Royal, Cream, l.'u in ford.;, I lot sfi i ds iiiul ( i oo, Luck. Mir Cuincd (ion, Is Slock con ti n 11 en anything you may 111,1,1 hut line. Call anil Kvamitm for yourself. HA, "IS TO Cl'T, J(1ST RECEIVED. Jlolliiiiicl i fcis 71 ICroiul Hi., KW IIKRNE, i. V. Here is a List! OF SPECIAL VALUES That in' nave put on sale for our friends and patrons who will vis!, our store this week. LOW PRICES for HIGH QUALITY lias made our Immense Hiisintw, lienoe, wn are better pre I'1'1'"1 lhi"' ever In offer thus,- SI -KIN! K-II AMMKU HK Dl'CTIONS. '.'.."1M11 yards I hiniestics tins week, .'! .to yard. ' Cases Men's Soad Leather Shoes, worth ..,o at K!c pair. lhen II n.:ik. ,,-liicfs, this week at ljeemdi. .Novell v lli-, ..: 1; . s, rcoiihir pricii .'.V, our price lSc yard. Mr" H A'' v' " ' 'li"'viot Suits, worth ri.50, our special pi n-e, '.'ii. r '' l'""' 1111 ''! Walking Hats, worth, and ate sold by other -Mi. In:- :s at I.imi ca.-h, on, price this week, -ISe. fXONOMY Opp IV o. UUUIIS Ill1 IllC Ro i.nin in IIaiiiia n p , Hi IN I I 1 I ii-k,l. M'tl k 1 I I Will i' (i. A. ItARFOOT. Manager. Good Shoes! Al REASONABLE PRICES. I line heed he no disappointment when you buy this ""' "f l!"'s nt our Store The "(KIDMAN CO 'S" Sli'M.s ,,. made lo wear guaranteed atock and work m:ii. 1. I . M.,. in p.. polar antl up to dale Btjles, i:b a biiisl, closely reicinlilitig higher priced gooil.a A Liberal Line to Choose From. I. 'lib- hildrcti's Kid Button, iiii'ln-n's Kid Mutton, h:l Ireii s Kid Hutton. sizes !l to ,!, price tl IK). "'In!. lien's Nubian Calf liution, n very Xronjr ahoe for winter, si.ei 'J to I'1., nncc H il.'i. M s-ts .Nubian Calf, coin hoi toe, also MieseiNubian Ciif. Mpnng heel, mzeH 1.1 to price IT ,W. M,He Kid Hutton, pati'nt tip. upring heel, nze l.'l t pi ire I . J,"). I.a Niilnaii Calf, coin leather cp. a itylith win tei wa.king ttlitiee, soft and vory durable, price $1.7.. Ask to he Shown the "(iODflAN" 5HO0S H. B. Duffy. A Grand Excursion ggj iu en nm graeii MrfllH that we are .dieting f..r the NKXT 80 I)AVH in Menu. Boye end Yoalht RulU Md ( )rrc.M.te, Hhtwe. IM. end In frt eterythinj that la anted In the dry good Ulet rn I found in out itof.-. Now, a word u tho win ie in (Detent, o don't bt tlav irn nut romr on me greet "irnr.lon with The People Nurprle N(orr, No. 2H Miiini.R Htrrkt, NEW BEBNK, N K a ii t ii k M a k n . N C iJ Wholesale A Itetall CjJroeers, ii IS WEALTH. Opp. P. o. sizes : to S, pri :c .Kit:. sizes b lo H price 7 !'.. from 6: 80 o'clock t o'clock p. m. fMPi n lle LM.K(vM lo eee th gret bargain thai yoor frWnd and eecur, (h

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