r Ifeeklii Seto wtttt 'MuxrmL VOLUME XX. NEW BIRNE, C Hi VII COl'STl, K. C. FRIDAY, SOVtMKER tl uMi MiClhiN. M Mb IK :u TBI MARKETS. Yesterday's maikelj.uotalions furnish. til by W. A. Porterfield Jt Co. Commission Urokers. Nkw York, November, 18. STOCKS. Oln. High. Low ("lore People- lias ... 'j;jf IC!" !..' C. B. l)HJ '. si.'. :m COTTON. Open. Hi,-:.. . CI. we January 5 "H 5." .Y.'.T 1'IUCAOO MAKKKTS YYllKAT 0CU. llie,h 1,.1'A. Clov Iee H'l ll.'i,' JP"i May SttiJ lit; !M.. '.mi' Corn - Dw 2j 2; lm'a Cotton Kales 109,000 llali-u. J. J. Wolfenden, KEAL ENTATK. New Berne, N. C. FARM LANDS, t TIM II Kit LANDS. CITY IMIOPKRTY, COIWTKY riiOPKRTY. 2;"ihive pomo Clioici! Lands for T nickin-r. AND New Arrow Ties ! 10,000 Yards Jute Having and f0() HniulU'3 Ties; Seed live, Wlioat and Oats. Crimson Clover, and Malt. JUST HKUKIVKD and for sale at Ghas. B. Hill's East Sidk Maukkt Dock, NKW HE INK, N. C. lnfl-9lnrh. IV at lire's Xcrvine and Hapid It'sloralive. An nnrailin? euro for Diseasesof the Digestive, NervoiH and (lenorative Sysienij. A Tonic of rare ellicucy for thn old uml young and of mark ed service for !Slndeiitn, Teaclu-rs, and all who are engaged in Hrain work or close occnpationR. Cure Dcprenion, '1'lred Feolin; , Nervomnoii, Hlutcular Weakneo Lou of Appetite, Palpiiationof Heart Reitloiineta, Hytteria, Nerve Weatneti, General Discomfort, Cxcch, Alchoholiam, it nd that iilmo.U iunuinerahle series of disrates ami complications result ing from any derungement of the .Nervous sysiein. lnvalualilo for weak women ami nervous children. Steady Nervee, Braced Syttam, Scnad neet, Ooo Work, INSIUKII II Y I SI Ml Dr. Cox'i Cecelia Nerve Ti.nl c. Kn Oplntre r - lAirrrtn4 llrnii In make i tinbll. 90 Ccntt rer Bottle It llini' I ii tt li s In- or.lrreil at imi- linn', a ropy 'f ii. li' ( link Monk will I r im ludeil frcr. At ftma-slsfn nnrtJIiAlror dlrrrl ot tie om rrrtlpt f prlrr no ri-nia. Wlnklemann ft Brown Druf Co., BAJLTIMORB. BID.. D S. A. Fresh Onion Sets JUST RECEIVLU. I'rlec lOo per quart. A Kull Supply of Ollirr fired at Ixurnl I'rirre 1'artiii ttlio dolre to liny I'ran rrt Ilrant will do ll 'to get oui prlrce t forj purtheelng. Mall Orders Solicited. ....HEADyl'AKTEKS FOR.... d nnnl 1) 9 Prwcriptlontearcfullr niled at Iwrt jwlce ooaeieUut with Part) Drug! di) tare In compounding. F. fi. DUFFY, Corner Middle od Booth Front BirrrU. T tw 11. liy eir). f I ill! eiit il it in k Coin B ! EOCELII Drugs and Patent Medicine REPORT 0F DOCKER! . Claims The CoDdition of The Pen itpntnry is Satisfactory. Nil ii Hi m. (.! a Contract. ( ase Mr. James. Cotton (ronim a ru sh ms runtin? r H h rat. Democrat ir Co in in i Itee MreMnir. of Jol BSAL Bt'KKAl , 1 : i . K i . . . i . N . C, November 1 ; (I, man lloekcry of tli penitential v 1-U lid ?tfi imj the financial renort of ylrl'il.); f.,t iTiat. the institution ril) tha' all iliis vear'a indebt- e.iiis will In- pniil; put a supply ot corn .isidi' for n.'t yeur, and ili posil a large .-inn of nio.K v in llu- Stale Treaaury. He s-ajs that this yeur will lie the tirat since the State linilerlook fiinniii); Hint the in stitution has hceii upon a paving Imsis. Mr. Thus: Kvans un expert atciiiintant from Wilmington, who has hcon goini; over the books of the last four years, shows that Ih.i State iliir.ni; that time lost ley the penitentiary I (i4, 14S..M , It was find that the institution was self sustaining in I MM hut Iaihi's report shows Unit Hie loss in 1 M!( .1 $l;,.V(..Vi and in 1S1KJ il was .fl 1,',1',1'i lti. (ieneral K. II. ('ami roil is eonliiied in his lied from slipping on the post olliee steps and badly hurting him-etl. One nt the most eleganl "At, Homes" ever giwn here was given last, I'njningat the lovely home of Mrs. J. 11. Turner to Mrs. Woodruff of Atlanta anil Hie Misses Uavenel of Charleston. Nash Kids., printers of Ooldsb no. got the contract for printing the I'JIsi ,mi preme court reports. There were only four bidders. The Koote Davies Co.. of Atlanta: Win. .1. C. IKilaney Co, of llallimore: Kdwards iV: Hroiiiton. of Unleigh nnd Nash llios.. of (loldshoro. (ioveinor Itiisscll got "Ins Irish up" yrsterday bei usK of ihe slatenienl Ihat Judge Holiinsnii had "free passes." lie had best look lo his own alTairs and eive the Judge credit of bein able to light his own battle. There is a Ireniendoiis aereageof w in at, being put in tins fall all around this part of the country. The fourth annual convention of llio Sons of the Itevohili .n was held here this week. Dr. 1". Iv Jfinos was elected nresident. I.cc S. Overman. Ksq., of Salisbury is here to argue before the Supreme court today the case of Mrs. Janus vs . N. ('. K. K . for -..lli)0 for Hie killing ol her husband. The Jury gave In r l hoi amount, but Judge Starhaek ruled against it. There has been $2(10 npprnpi ialcd fur the removal of the remains of Ce lcntl ( liiigiiian from Concord to Asheille lie wiih only taken to Hie Asylum at Morganton for safetv for his mind w as sii impaired. Cotton lins put out fresh leaves on the top and the stalks look really strmge. Many young plants have put up from the fallen seed. Mr. Randall, the arliil, Inn se Wake Forest College, a llilllilsonu 11 lo por- trail of dm late Mr. W. W. ass, that was ordered for the college. The meeting of Ihe Stale Donioi-.iatir Committee on the :tilh. is being di,. eussed i agerly hv the populists. Tiny are anxious to know w hut is be tin- oiu eonie of it. The llrst number of tin Fellows" published lure appeuriiuee. It is a neat "N I . Odd has maiV lift lilugalM- le l O. v. in voted to the work of Ihe I. this Stale. It is Maled that boulders I i Ciiut I v been taken at Ihe teiiiti ntiarv I ' of the f.niiilie living I I HCC rasrnlii - in Hie ins o 1, 1 i isoii a per during this ar feet hot -bed for Hand. llovft nmrnl Armiir Plnnt. WamiimiTuN, D. ('., Nov. Hi. Srrre lary I.ong ill ask for bids fu Ho- run ttrucliou of an iiimor plant complete upon plans to he, furnished by ihe k h cUI board now ronmdrring the subject. Thin board Imi orders In report its llnd ing In the Navy IVpurtmcnl by Di-crm her I, and immediately on Hie rriri. Ia-lng received nilverHxements will L Isened railing for bids. Pinna like llu Carnegie and Ilel hlebe in CnfnpaiiieH nun put in bide for the diipositioiiN ot then etnblihments complete. The Department, liowevpr. im not. hound to ercrpt eny bid, nor lm il anv ullinrlty lo do eo, until granted by (n gir. I'nder the resolution by which the Board iu npM)lnlnl ihi Hrrretarr ! railed up n to furnUh ( ong-Mui thn coet of liulldlng an armor plant, togrlhv llll the prnpoaulu eubiniltrd by ouUub. pert id for carrying nut the work. The rccmnmrndallon of Ihr Ismrd. if aaked, will lie age I nut Hi" Oorrrnmeni. nnderlaaiiig the manufacture of lu armor. Pia, NoinUer IB.--M Hchi-nrer-Krelner, one of the tloe pmidenla of th Hcnate. wno hae bmn agitating for a rr opemlog of tho cae of Al'reil Drryfui the former eplln of artillery, now ut dergoloc banaahmenl for Ufa for telling Important Freoch military plane to tJr many, hat wrilten h-tle to tha newt pepef la whit be aaarrti Ihat on Onto bff It hn prewaled to Uie French Mlnletta for War, Uvoaral U1M, dnoa menli pravlnf ihe pflavmr lnnornt and en.Hhr nffieer guilty. Tb Freoeh Ch4- Bet will lake Ihe matter up. THE CBEW RELEASED The Mtipriif ur'a Ifu Out el Prlaoa. Maw Mil. Hayaa, Cuba. N-v. 17. -Tito Coni titor rUoner8 lihe ht last l-n u reJeancd from C.,lntui. Kiirtrt-ss t.v ordri of I iii ienernl hlmn ii. acting in uccord hm t w ith order frutn Siain. Tliey will -ill fur New York tomorrow n the htt-anit r umuri. W MiM)!l.. Nuvt tnUt r 17 -Hv l tu-it'lt-H!-" of the I Mirnpclitur nnsoncrs Spain bus t-ti anot he-i wuliM initial pi twjf of li' r done to maintain friendly relation! with I he I'niti'd Slates. This, mi the eve of the asMMiib'inn of Cungri's-i, will re move from the I'uban situation a dan gerous phase winch otherwise would i '111Vt' 9fd hs a btion lever liy con ' gressinnal jingoes to secure interference b.v this Kovernmeot in Cub, . Moriran has it-turned to Witsli- inj'ton in verv ill health, and is conlinrd to bis residence, ou Koui -and a half street. In spite of his illness, however, the Senator is endeavoring to get in shape for presentation to the Senate the mass of information he collected in Hawaii, and which lie w ill use in suppoit of his arguments in advocacy of Ha waiian annexation. It is the expectation of the friends of the annexation treaty thai il will be tak"ii up by the Senate very early in the session and consideration pushed to a conclusion at as early a dale as possible. All the warm supporiers of Ihe adminis tration, it is expected, will aid in carry ing out this scheme, and some of ihe Ilemocrats who agree with Senator Mor gan are I (united among those w ho will siipp irt the measure. Il is thought probable thatthe Presi dent in his message will again ri-com-mend lavorable action upon (he treaty. The Pacilic coast people, w Im would naturally he most directly affected by Un changed lelalions of Ihe islands to this countiy, do not want annexation, and the two Senators from California, al ihough differing upon nearly every other public iiiestion, will act together in op posing ihe treaty. l.llli'Nt !i'M Ileum. YoliK. November III. N i-.w It is us verted thai Spanish spies are known to lie inspecting our foiliticalions. CuaMi I-'oiiks, N. 1)., November 111 "An innocent man was bunged by lynch ers l-isl Saturday night at Willianisport," was the startling statement made todav by Chief Justice Corliss, of the North Dakota Supreme court. 11k i:i i., November Hi. Dr. ( 'arl Peters, former Cermuu High Commissioner in Afiu a, the well known African explorer, charged with extreme cruelty to natives in Africa, has been dismissed from the (ieriiian service and been ordered to pay the entire costs of the prosecution . Pahis, November '-'ii. Countess lli, in de Castellaue, formeily Anna ( ioiild, lias paid tf2.1i 1. 00(1 for a large site in the Uue Pierre ( 'hiirron. which is to lie given hv Ihe Countess for the erection of a per manent building for the annual charily baz iar. w liose last bn.aar rost inn lives by lire. Mkmimiis, Trim., November Hi. -The memorial exercises w hich w ere originally to have been held in Me'iiplus ( leiobcr llh in eomlueiiK.rat ion of the life and services of the late Senator Isliaiu Har ris, but which were postponed on account of t he presrlire of yrllow feer. will In field in Ibis cily on Sunday lllgbl next. London, Nov. 1 destroy er t lane ha SI, ikes bay lodil) knoN H-r hour. Tl The her o lli'W torpedo lli ial 1 1 nil in inadi -ml :I7 i al llllll-h per hour W'.-ishuiglon, November 17 Tin- sub jret of all inrlease of Hie navv will nol bv' ovrrlookisl by Secretarv Iuig il his annual icport. lie will reconiuii-nd a liberal im ream of tin- eslahl ish inent . not mi large, peihap-. as Has uig.-, nv Si-cre. laV Herbeit three vears ago. but which, apploVi d by ("ongress, will lend to the building of two mure bailie ship4 mid si tnrie.lo ls,al. II. III imi ask for tin buihlin;' of further cruise!- San FranciM-o. Noenibi 17 All-r ni vn lor 'i lieisloie Durraut have made n new ui'i'-. The I undeinned limn now iitan-ls coin Icted of the niur-ler of Itliim he hsimml. No disposition has Im-i-h iniiib of tlir iiijililiooal rlinrge of the iniinb T of Minnie WiHiariui, A document tiled Willi llu- diiiicl attorney give noiice Hint on Friday nexl, Ihi- nitorneya for the ncru rd will appear before Judge PaliAra and 'leuiund the lri.il of the Willianoi rae. Philadelphia. Novc-inlx i IH -The ail vjnee ante of aeata for I he I niverally of Peun) Ivauia lUrraid foot ball gamp, whlrli tukra place al Franklin Field on Saturday, ha tieen unprecedented. Tne Indlrathuia are that over 2-1,000 eraone will witiuu the fro.it aliugglo. Sh-cibI lo Journal. 1(i.ioii, N. C., Nnrrmlir IH John A. Itainaay of Salisbury la rh-cled age nl of the Hlate lloanl of rjlucallon; rice W. J. Irwlt. He will search for charts and maps (if HltU) swamp lands and will make surreys 8tat ( e" nt;i"t Holmes has made an riamlnallori of the HUle lands In Itladen counly to arerUIn tlirtr adtptabillly to farming. i - rr This Is' the way all draggisU sail OROVEtt TASTKJ-FAH CfllLL T05IC for Chill aad llalarkt. It la elmply Iron and Qiilnlae la a taetaless form. nilMfn lev It AdulU prefer it in hi'. t tor, ksutaallng ToaU-a. Price, (Or. AN OCBAN RTSCCE , A humtif r K wmm n r rife Hri Adrift l II M.mI fcninll M1. I'Hll .. DK 1 I'll 1 A, Nov IK. 1 fi v j of the 6teaner Btl gen land, w h ! I . ,i r; t . i here l',la from Kiverpiml. i...t knl ! hv two rescueK at sea To li,. ,t bful 1 ( veofi!ie loko4ll ( ;ui -e i- : 1 , saving "I a number of lives. The v aterlojfcd ainl saiUcr- Loom r Willie L. Maxwell wan sightt ', , ; Sun day, and sh Wii taken in iih im i crew oi ten men, the vessel Im !. ' come helpless. Monday morning a small Uoat wos sighted, drifting helplessly with live itn n aboard. When the men were laken on 4 the steamer it was found that thev v ere the crew of the abandoned --riioouer Theodore Deau. ('apt James F lloilgon. of Ihe Di-an, hjs been washed from the sn all boat and lost. The Dean left South Anibov ln-l Friday for Norfolk, w ith a eaigo of coal. When off Absccon light she lost her mainsail, and on Saturday at noon, when foitv live miles from Harnegat she sprang a leak, a plank having been lorn from her side. The vessel lilh d rapidly, and with four frrt of waler in hrr hold the captain or dered Ihe am. .11 boat lowcied, and the crew of six nu n left the x liooner. An hour later the schooner sank. The boat drifted until '.I o i lock Mon day morning, w hen it w as -ighied by Ihe lielgcnland and the men were rescued from their perilous situation :I7 miles from the Delawate capes. The shipwrecked men suliered greatly from cold and hunger. They had with them in the boat only a small quantity of biscuit and a gallon jug of water. This they louched sparingly, as they feared Hint even should their boat not be swamp ed, it might be many days before they would be saved. DEATH AVERTED. Governor Russell Has ComM lie Negro Johnson's Sentence. Now Kyidoncft Tfip KiMiioit. Pros-tn re Bronchi to Hear to Save Ihe N (rn Evans at Hockiiiliuin. Nnmher of IVni li'Miiu y Ksrupes This Year. Special to .Journal. lUi KHiii, N. November, IT. (ic crnor RdhscII commutes to life iiiijii ii nt ment tin d'ath sontenre of (leorire John son the negro condemned t In- hung at Wilmington on Tlmnksgi ving l.iv. Nov eml)ei 2"lli. The reason Malnl for conimuting the sentence nre that t-vnlcm e produced hiiic" the trial c It'iiih proves the negro woman's had -iiar:n ler. Strong evidence is being hrougiit lo hear on Ihe (.nvernnr to commute the dt-ath sentence of the nero .lohn Kvans, convicted of rape at Rockingham ami condcmqpd to he hung on Normher ,. at Uml place. lA'tlers urging (he ( ov ernor to pursue this course are hi ing reci-ivcd by him in large numbers. Among others Cyrus H. Walm will urge (ioveriior liussell to coinmuv tl(c srnteru'ir to impriHonment. Superintendent Smith of lie- I'einh n tiary reports that Ull ronvicts Ium- es raped this year, nuaiUHt ,r)J esr;iM-s hist year I ah I . id during the e.ti lcfre HANNA'S BIJ TALK llr Think TurlfT Nlllf-1 tor ihr HfMfnl. Ilia larA of fr m nrrnr y . Nkw VoHk. Nttv. 17. Senior Mark Mauua, of Ohio, ui lived In 1 1n i ily tin, moriiing. lie wan a prominent lijure in the corrnlors of the N aldorf A-(omh lo day. He gave notice noon afo i hi hi ri vul that he w on Id not d j-i hhM i he Hfii'itorial h i ( tint ion in Ohi. Several Western men, who ,oe h o iii ' Ihe festivities of the Week, - r . . I e I Ml ffanna at the h"ie, hut he del nut . I o.- n,-p-tlilM K with anv of them l.al r Mr lliihna. whi n ured t lnlk i f lh p !ili cul oulliHik win! "The free mlver UliU' l getlin u- n, otil, and the IViihh ruti; h-ndt f ie.ilii it Some of llu-m, like Hoi p, .f Ioh, do not hemlnte lo nay h' U him -m ch et wi re prineipully 'pernonal altiek- mi me, a the repreanttivf of New nrk mtereU. Fiat money utiui t- ! tnk lug (he place of mlver iw the iwui "The tariff has U-en eltlel fm u I, cudr. Tberp will t? no deficit It u hk lo hre ?Mn rxpoctd thnl It wunl 1 n-t til Unit supply enough revenne. bul the Treury D?pnrtiuent mh that it will le ufflrienl fir the needn of thr rounir " "The ngilJiLton Mgaiiiftl anti'iund money muat nol ntoi. We re irn dinir out literature from the Wnnhinton Im nd fpiatier, nnd I hoK that Hip tmind mony l rno rnii will routinur to flu thr Hmr, '"The Iinifrriiti c ptrty in n longnr lh old party that it Home lrMig mo la nrtUd to Uk it in hand and ld it bck tfi thr principle of Jvtfrrmm. Of count?, tbrr mu( h two great pnrttrln thr country." 1q ftnwria qurtion; HenkUr Hanna ftaid thai th Ohio lctlon bd no br ing on th rlrotlon of 1000, and that h dtd ot antlolpata any arioua troubU aiair out of lh Cuban Hutlon. Tba IVnatoc vitl, whilf h ia hrf, ac BMator Mali and othw trading JVpoWl oa Uuxigb bit flail ba fro pollUm) tlgnlflmim. lit it In good haJlb aikl aplrila, Uoufh lhalllaiof hia frWnd. ( ra. Bn)m(n B lUarwnilh, ha cauar-d hi oi aoll'fr. 1 DIFFERENT VIEW. Plan SiateU ihat Dicierf has JojEleil FfDiletliary Retains Shirt Kai-tnri lo he ah! i hei . V she i 1 1 e Sa M i t a I i il in I neei pn i ated. II a ineriek ( ul leet i iil' liurkinir Kiifiiies. I'en iun Stateii-enl. .it l'HN VI lil'UK l Ivai kiou. N. l'.. N.iv. l Still llie penitentiaiy talenn nl- a- t . 1 he ti naiiM tl niiiiiin: nl the burdi n ;ii conlln Iinir It uill be r.-ui. i.-.hcred that thi ear the first sincr I In larin- v i r st arl l that t lie int it ul h n ;i nil a pa v ing bard-, and that Ihis ;ul mm i-i i a 1 1. m took ln'hl w iih only iwn weeks supjiht to uo t.n, K deputy-vv anhn I,( dbeitei is iint in a very plain -t at emeu I nnd -av Deckerv i- talking through his hat and has hern jiigglnii: nh tiuniie-j. Mr. I.ed-hettersay- that Un- hoard found on the Austin farm ".'no h;.h s of cotbm which Supeiinlendcnt Smilli sold for 5,.!Ht. anil that n Ihe iioanoke farm lln-r.' was about 7(H) bales; thiTe was also .."i,(Mtll worth of brick icadv f'" s:i'' and which has been sold. Kesiiles this t hainnan Hoi Im i v admits S,-Jfi;.n;, rolleelahle bills, lines all Ihat si,wonlv supplies for two weeks. Mi .JLediietlei ays ihe peni tetitiary was setf--npport ing in 1 Mill, ami that Superintendent bea.ar's it poit on January Ul, lsi'T. showed ca-h and pro duets ready to be con vei ted into cash fi:i,H47.(i,' and tins did not im hide grain and forage necr-siry ,, eonsumpl ion. ( oiue again chaiiinan l'oek rv ami -ee il you t ipial I his. 'I'hr hoard of dip'clors yesterday deci ded lo establish a :-hm ladorv at the penitentiary. A New u U man named llildebramll w ill have dial ge of it. il puts in his ow n iinn hiiiei v and pays ' 1 els. for each shirt made. The women and feeble men will do the work. The Secretary of Slate esteida incor porated the Ashtvillc Sauilai ium Willi Capital sltK k ol :i:i.tinn. Il will be sit uated on ( hiklaml Height. The t ioycrnoi's ( iiiards w ho, 'J 1 st rong. now on duly at Ivorkingham davs re ceived $'-'".. and the Max ton Company, II men on duly 4 days got vJOU. Labor ( oumm-sion,-! 1 la in rick has L'one to.lhe Kaalern part of the State to collei t statistics in t'gaid - ihe lishmg and lim kmg inlere-ts ul thai mm -lion. Supeiinleinli nt Smilli savs that theie has bet n no more cm iju s under hi- rule than before and ilia! the luilli i- th r have been Jevvi i . Thi inoiuiiig tin re was the heav iest front of the M-aon, and the weather i (pute cohl. Tin- legislature appiopriated I'dto !,. ihe negro Normal M-lmol nt Khabwih ay f,,r ls!i;. Coiuhn raising .b"iint. This Ii;,s -lie $.V) has been sen! I rom the Audiioi. oil, is made that then- an 1 ipt t (he slat' lie tlisl ( hiss J,, si'iiiei v. a decrease ot as wiih I a -l ear Jl.: .'nd las,. ::(d ,t. p ..' bmitl, ci.is,, ;';.;'.) wi,i. .us, tni.ti :,::. Th. amount -i ea h t las- h,,i , h,,w ls M tax V allies :i,- nol rl Hi It is said Ihat li .ht. M, Km man i- I. br Ihe i dilnl uf tl.f new 11, -riling papfl he.-. The .M, .t. ! i :i,r d.ulv l ii'. u hi trig put lii ( el I. ill, Miles ,. I,. . -,, r. -aid h. John Kvans. ihe i, appbt it h n f'.i .ii h iti e.in I ihe gi i v i r n o i . ;m act f , -i , and 1 1 pi u v i ..ul i ilil. Then- ati 4 J'i fit Im al tin v and InduHiiial I I. I ud i 7 is iM- d i t nciv al f 1 ti net il ( tiro- uuili -( '..lici-i I', .nhev lilt in d ii N-. I fo, II b..dv fiom tart niniM 1 1 ! o .. Nov. I- e nil f 4 li i n ft -,,.,i .ll-..it, I, in. I. I illlll;il Kir... II.Ih-I l.'l fo iii .'i-ngh H of tie i r lll.l'i un I'm l.-il, h 1 lot M -icI The (hi. folU iii e and tin ii .il,o: .. , -I IIM-. I I I , - sail. - N-.i , I,, . Id l.v I .". .o I 1,1 - ' ::..:.oi.. .1 11... II. el 1 ..' li ( .in. . -I Ins f , i i 1 .,.. .-II- . I. oh to o i ii I i o ii .nl. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'I1- ivilloil llil.e Ad-oila! I ruitai " on lO''. ;f)d Kl V II Hill M III.. I. li,,:. ! Ir Si, l.ilh.li. I f, I I1M wef. I I.. inn. i li for .i hi . I - 1 1 1 . o 1 1 1 1 ". iiiel M I ni-lr l and l.i ;h'i I" lie 1 1 1 1 1 l.eail Hied ! for a fe w in- in. HI i ii i nl 1 to 11 tli. w holi llfloiu liundi-d l-oll.d In Iter akelt.r aer.iHSllie lolU l.el.llnl till f-illa lite tiermalia iu-liv inlere.l tli- fortlllea tioiia. lis 1 1 1. .1 ...nn tin- I In tie. e ft if and lioiateil tlir l .. i noiii k ii ndar.l , w li it h tho wnFalilia Mihll. 'l i in oo dinli l i Til.' Inlli 1,1, .o held l.v till- Iter- iiiana, who, it i. i.ln.vol nl Shanjr'iai. Inlentl lo renoioi .ertii!inrrilh In riffle. al ( h iiu-hi- ir. lei .irriunnv ! cnnaidrnwl lo hat. oomniiiliMl an art .f war, hut il la regarded aa imfirohahle Ihat Chins, i n aerount of lier wraknrai, will laae aetion uion it at aurli Il Is now saae.ird thai Ihv murder ilf the IwolWraan iniaaionaripa wsa nol Ilia work of hsndlia, aa ntlglnally unilrr Im1. Uut ss ile-litx-raUir p'anneil l.jr tJ Punf lllng. (nrernnr nf tin? proline. tssfss- Malls issi i:i i K Sh:V!WEEKLV SECTIONS l Kiu-li Tiiitla.v and Friday. ffi TTTTTTTTOiTTTTTTTTTTT" MED el VST KKCEITED. A' uioi e', Mm. ,- M ,-.if . ( ',iu- Co. I ( 'i .iiitien iff. IfliMlllS, ( 'lirr.llllr., Clll'o'l il'l-l l.l'l-H. l-'rei-li liiiiik wlieal , in-i;u e.i mid lUilt. l-'ii!.-Kt Importeil .M;i.,iroiii uml Faui-v Creatn Cheese. llciiiz's Hukcl I'o-iins wil h 'I'ornato S uii-c. 1 lei u.'.s 'I'miial ii ( 'ultUi p. I'resh i; ,;ute,l ColT.-- and l-'itic Tea. I . i vi- us a i-ill liel'-u-' tiiakiiit; vour pu i eliasi-s. I'l iccs us low iis aiivwli.-rr. xMcDan c S Gas 71 It road Nl., 7VE1V KKRNE, N. f hoIImt wmm Aitiifvnn o ovi:Tiiti:it rrn, Sla'ilei full of himll IIOHSKS, ami ihe L.roit Slock of Hug. en-.-. Harness, K ihes, uml Whips in Ivislein Carolina. I Can Sell to Saiiili Jobbers, Btifoirs. Ilaniess, liobcs ami Whips at Piuvs llial will Save Thi-ni Mmu-v. A!l tin- hIkivc will la- so Iii on iihinall margin l-'or ChhIi or Negotiable Taper puvMilo m otic or two yt-ara time T. "W. STEWART, "-si. :ii, ; M M. 7U Mi '.' HltOA II "sntKKi. 'See That Knee. $ CHILDREN'S HOSIERY! f "See that knee" knee of the stocking without a hole. That's the kind of stocking this store is now telling you of. The knee is double, sure enough ot double thickness. The other features are alright too; fine rib, full length, seamless, and the black absolutely fast. It's a splen did stocking at a moderate price. s nizkn to 7 aV NI7.i;S H to 1-2. Can Show You V" S "Sec That Unee" Im I H. B. A Grand Excursion ! to aea list freat barjalna thai re are offvrlag for Ihe NKXT DO DAYH la Mens, tiort and Yoatb Bulla m4 Urerroala, Hhnea. Hals and In fact everything that la wanted a Um dry foods fimt can be found In oaf etnrr. Now, a word to tha wtea it aunVHeat, todrsa'l b snka led hot come on fliareat escorsion with jroor frtanil and secure aonae ot th ftM Itargalnt we art offering at - . The reoplc NurprlM) Ntore, Vtr 1 No. J8 Minnn Smurr, " NSW CERNF, Nrar tiii Mmrr. K. C. WETS Wholesale & lletail a dJroeers, Cnr l.;ad of :-: IDLES I New Berne, N. G. o rim i: 12 1-2 cu. PIIICK 15 tVnln. am .')() (irailei Too. the Kind. Dufiy. helot ran from & SO o'clock m. until o'clock b. aa. verr rtar aioetM RamA. from all part of it eoaalrv