C7 JUU. 'A Jieto mtta VOLIMI XX. NEW BIKNE, t KAVE.N COLNTV, X. I. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER lt7.--riKM .tlllUN. N I SI b L I; J. J. Wolfenden. REAL ESTATE, j New Berne, N. C.i FARM LANDS, TIMBKR LANDS CITY PROPFUTY. COl'NTRV rilMl'Kli 1 V ; 2-SlIave some Choice L.-tuU for Trucking. AND New Arrow Ties ! 10,(100 Yards Jute Buggini! and 5()0 Bundles Tien; Seed live. iVir.t and Oats, Crimson C', ve:-, mo! out. JUST liFCFlVED nod l." -.v at Clias. B. Hill's Fast Sum Maiikkt Dock, N V. Y BFRNK, X. (' tkade-maiik. Hagical Pain Extractor. ci ;:ks RHEUMATISM. TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, BACKACHE. IMBAQO. CATARRH, Mi A 1.1. KIMW UK PAINS AND ACHES. For nearly three, score years a till ten this fane, us old household friend has been curing pniim and aches, tiiid has never disappointed ihe user I. is clean, pun1, i Minacious, agree ably smelling and ijinckly acting. IT IS A Ricb, Spicy Compound and In valuable Tor Cats, Scalds, Soics, Darns, Dicers, Wounds, Erysipelas, Skm Troubles. Etc., Etc. Trice 2' Cents. A I n: il.Kl.s AM' OKI'lMilM.s, oi s i.i mi m .ii'itj ol :i or mors packages to an) 1. 1 n mi .) r, cei j ! nl inom-v, by Winklemann & Brown Drug Co., sinle Proprietors, BALTIMORE. BID, D A. S. THE OLI REEIAREE J. D. DINKINS, HAS OPFNLD A FIRST Ca.ASS Wholesale Place, At 54 Middle StreM, Next to the Old Dlue Stor.- THE MOST COMPLETE STOI'K i;vkh iiiiDCiiiiT to Tin: city. Fur.' (I'd Hiker Uve. .. iio Sjn me i; c, S l T lllook live. Slur A l; .. . Pare (I'd It .. ..:i. v Hie. Pure O'd N C. (V.ru, N . C. A pplu B ll d v. Peach Brand , Orangn Blackberry, I-cnp c none ami l'i rt Winet. Civ. IV 4' HF in an ainus. viiuit ............. My Mo! to in Quick .Stic., Hmt.ll Proflti. NIIRK CROUP CURE. When your baby whoopa In mid- o of nightCroup U impen roiling J -lall P lawtll ti tl USUI 7 or wa w (Ira tlM ehikl t disks of AfcwsT't Canx r BTtt P and !! Utile fellow til a ad laughing It Bra mlnuiaa. Mtillisu and htrmlaaa, but trtit. 111 refund tlt money, IV. A I Drftdham' RtlUbU Drug 5tort. Cotton ihjpg !j LARBABEE'S LIlS' !Drdham'i S RtlUbU Drug 5tort. Z SOLDIERS HOME. No Room lo Accomoaate Those Kxtcnt of Swamp Land Inkiionn. Suiltli t I a i in s Penitentiary Is Kin.. Condition. The lintlt r Scandal. Suicide oT llortors. Jol USAl. Hi KKAI , I'm KKiH, .V. I '. Nov. '0. s Pace I'f Kit hinond, wlm desires Mr. Ilu' penitent mii y to furnish him wnh siig::i tieels, wished l.UOO acres U) he iut l:i l!1: t crop. Inn Ihe penitentiary olli-ci-iU I Link I hat loo ureal a ipinnlily. If he limls that .10.) acres will answer lliev w ill put in thai quantity. Sui e.iiileudiut r; r .i nch of the Sol dier's home saxs Hint over 100 applica I ions for admission are on lile. To each one the answer is given lhat liure is no renin and lhat the upproprialion i.f $.1.00(1 is so small lhat no more can possibly be admitted. While there are 100 on the n II yet only 70 are present at any one lune, the railways giving free Ininspor lation so that iihout lib arc always away on furlough, liiil fortius there would he gnat trouble, Mr. Stronacli says. Mis Mamie Kohhins of Ihiseitv has lphoid fever. H was at liit llioulii she had grippe. An etforl is heiii4 made to have the new daily paper make Us iniiital up j pearaace Thaukscji ini; day. The ;i mi in ii I ot hiviiinp lands held hv i ihe State is. aid of education does not' appear to hi' so pieeisely know n. Some say I. nan, tied neus; some only OOO.OUU. Accurate surveys are net did. Sali.-lnii v is to have an electric rail way. which it is ai.l will also liocMcnd ed lo the new railway shops and town of Spencer, two miles awav. The positive assertion is made that the wife of a jude, who has recently had liuieh lo .say about passes, travels uu one. Sonatoi Pntchaul made a notable speech at .Marshall in defence of Janu s Payne, w ho early in the year shot, anil killed Sarah Anderson. Payne was ac quitted, ll Is ditliciilt iiulcudto: convict any one ot iiiunh r in tin; liit degree in Madison or Mitchell counties. ll is asserted by some people who oiilit to know, Kepiihlieans, lhat Super intendent Smith of the penitentiary will not he re-idecti tl next Match. Snuih sm s hi- will make a ri-al showing bv Tlmnksnivme; day, paying nil eveiy cent of tin' peni'enl larv's indebtedness. lie appeals to lie in ical spirits. The gener al pi. blii' leilainly lias very little (ailb in the present inan ji'uient ot the pi niten liary. The matter of lower railway freight rali s is heme; a good ileal talked about in parts of the Pieilmont seiaion, uml very long hauls of eotlon by wagon are being mu le, shippers clai in i ng h t ha t this is i lii api r. Ihe assertion is made that P. II. I.v hlook w ho was chief at the State l-'aii will In- postmaster at Winston. The t. h phoiii' ollieinls say lliev want I o make vci y extensive and eostlv nn proveuii nts all ovi r the State Judges an- allowed ifJ.'iO a year to eover i adw ay and ot hi'i i-.xpen .t-. I Ine .Indue says $700 ought lo hi' allow i ,. lie iiiiel i ro-lii i li' bo. nd and i vi m- iiossible expi nse to make Ihe llgitres so high. ( ol. John I). Shaw of Uoekiiigliam sas ihell- Is no doubt Whatever of the guilt if J i il I ll K ans, i onvii ti d ot rape. 'Ihe Maxton papi r assel ts Us belli f in -, alls' ilinocc ni.e, and sa) s m tiiV Kb lilnoiel county people o believe. This whole mailer w l l be regularly pUei d befole tin g-o.'lnor in a day or two, it neenn. Tile publication of lltll Jll VI t r one ' igner t'" i'K an 1,iIm:o.iiI i Ifrgymaii. that in n peech at Itii ky .Mount Senator Kutlei said the I -mocriitic part sought to pio. uiole outrages upon women, hi s arousid a frenh oulbur.'it of nugiT, piivately and III llm papers, winch may lake a very riioiu tin o The Senator makes di liial of the Rtnteiill'llt. Mi. I I'oiyc T. I'iii h, who is now in Itiih-igh, wan arranging luiMcupv tin Pnlk hotel at High I'oinl, but it wan burned nlKhl Is lore bist The , , oine $.i,,,oi w ilh t J. VHI inoiimi, r Mi Molmi b r, ihe Kiniiiuli Inly who i. to I, ai ll the blind pupils here "hIoviI" ot bsndi -i.ifi. In n arrneil The iiiiiiiImt of blind iii lh in.lilon hi Is now the larst I la its 40i r riintence. I A I f n'llica i otlb ial of prominence) admit that ' the Drin-iei.u in .Noilh ! 'CaroTini srr K''"'"!? Iok' ther " Itnphl ' pnKte liu rrrtaliily Isn insdo in thai ! dir. rliun during tin- psal IK) d,i n. I Ki Sute chrmUt II. II ll.illl.. will innkr Ins boui at Win. ion. He has sold hit hanlsome houir Item. Ilia new rnlrr-' priM In plinaphaln works st Winston will hs so output of SO, 000 Inns nnimlly. lniprt)TMnnls of llm si Id works fit Ihn I Oarlgli ptuaplmU works here hsvo jmi ' bwn compMrd a will prrmit douhla th quantity to bo msds Within savrn dsrs two doctors com-' mlttr.l silk Ills it thlsSlat; no st Hhrlhy ' tod on, l, John HUsckland, at IJrwn Tlllf, by taklnf landsnum. Aflrr the ' lalw bad takra Ihs poison b laufhad and bld up law txrttlp. CongoMamtn Khuford apjirars to hx quit mil In Iht robl Inths Tih district i i I I is an-timer the hi r d . a (or much aimouncenieDl of tut speaking. lonMsted of only twelve peop.e. lie will g to ine 'scrap pile" in next years LampHign Any effort to get all the cmion gi ow . r III this Stale to reduce at leage w ill fnc, because they simply wiil not ail in . . r j -Cert. John M. Walk i l'i lie Slate 1 nivriM tv fool ball team has brokt 11 hi ' "l..il bone and gone hoiin to ncovt r. The (inventor has ordered a spui.,: term of court for civil and ciiuumil t asi s for Pastpiotank county to begin Janu o :trd and contiuiu' until tin- docket is cleared. A special tel in of t ivil com t for liedell will begin Januaiy luih. ls'ls. Counterfeit silver dollars are in i in u lation in Asht" ill". It is supposed ihc w ere made in Ihe city. They are vci good counterfeits antl hard lo spot. Sanfoid in Moore county has applied for incorporation papers foi water winks antl an electric light plant with a t apil.il stock of A"i,000. A tanners institute is being hel.l in Caithage this week. In Jll. It, id Parker, t he institute holder is assisted by Com missioner MewTiornc antl Prof .Massey. An anti-Saloon League is to be fount d here tomorrow. A light w ill be made against the saloons. It is a Herculean task for some w hen it is against the law tlrinks ca" always he gotten and now lhat the law is for license it will be up hill work. Tucker A' Co's. Trustees sold at auction stock in the Purina Poller Mills Co ; Ivaleigli Kicctric Co.: News anil Observer Co.: and North Carolina Car Co. Soon after Christmas the store w ill be opened under splendid lnanageiueni. Weekly Onion Lelfcr. NiiU Voi:k, Nov. 111. Por the past two weeks the cotton market has remained reiearUahly steady. Prices have ranged within 10 points ol 1.71 for January delivery. The stcadi ncss is l eiii.'irUable in view of the heavy movement. Past we, k the m siirhl movement as made by Mr. Hester was 1:17,00(1 hah and this week il is .11 1 .000 bales. The absoi btion of all this cmton rcipiircd a large dt inand. ami spinners and speculators together supplii d Ihis. There has been a huge amount of buying on the seiiliiuenl a: price as the only argument. We cannot however ps-s over the m i;r practical rea s why cotton should not now advant e. IM. The large crop wlii'-h ,t ople are talking more conliilenlly of each week. Dnil. The low pi ice of eotlon manufac tures and what is woise, a poor demand tor 1 hem. People now talk litely ol 1 0 to 101 and not a tew refer to even larger liguies. This means a large movement lor weeks to come. 'I heie is now a large and promiscuous long interest in the market ami we shall watt ll with intelest how- lliev hear the ever increasing burden of accuinulat i ng supplies. Some are sire to grow dis couraged Iroin time to time w hich w ill proiliiee periods of depiesMon as support is removed. KoiiKKi- Mooni-: I ,i, tirnllNl rrel'M K,-M,rl. NhW Yolik, Nov. P.l. P.rail-tleets tti- inon ou- will :-a v. There is a moderate iinproi enn nt in staple prices and m il ist 1 1 l,u ion of woollen goods, shoes, and hardware in lite legion IliblltalV to Chicago, SI Poiiis, Kansas City and I linaha. In South Carolina, Tennessee, and I.otus iaua. jobbers report a i h iate revival in demand from niteiior inn, hunts which leplisints some of Iht business ibTiveil by yellow f, vt r ipiara if uu s. Tiadeieporls fiom lieoigii and Texas ate ipnte in egular Some coilon planters an- t ouipelle I to sell cotton at a loss to meet advaints made eal'y in the season ami have little or no surplus lo buy merchandise, (libers nol.iblv in Tcxa-, contiiiue to hold cotton which tlelavs lilt) caul lie t ol I eel oih, and in some so, ihois ha. an u n f a v i abb- in llll, lie, TUE IWAItKETS 1 , -terd.iy s niatket ,pi itatuuis fninmli dli W A. I'm I, i lii Id A ( o. Couinus.ion lltoketS. N kw Vii!t. November. S TUCKS. (Ipen High. I.'OV ( lote I'.-.pl. ' '.as . . . tij, ti:i, li t; i C. It. A Q D.l ll.l ll'J; ll-'; I (ITT, IN. (lH'ii. High. l ow. Close January 5 70 1 71! n.7o .1.71 (TIICACO MAItKKTS. WllkAT (Ipin High Low. ( loP m- in iii mi in May lni liui Co; IIOJ CoIlN li- an Ml 41 j Collon Hales Rl.lslO llalisi. Wntu, Ttx.. NovcmlMr IH .1. W. Manl, editor of the Waco Turn s Helflbl n inoimnK pair, anil W. A. Hnrris, bis br'ilher on one sub', and Jiiflgn (I. It, (leruhl, s prominent rltlrj n, fought on Ihe street Ibis evening st .1 o'clock. W. A. Harris was shot dead, J W. Hanis wniindeil fatally, ami Herald shot in (he side. They may die. Columbus, H C, Novehilx-r IB-J. C Willsim, pmldenl of (ha rei.ent cotton growers' convention held Ui this rliy, has Issued a rfcll for a cnnrontlnn ol cultnn jrowrrs In Atlanta, (Is, DrcemlM-r 14, for Ilia purtmaa of securing unity of art Ion In the msrkstlng and the sale of tbrtr pMKlurt. tavaliy strvsa WwsHts. This wak U Inch 2(n?tjr drrss gnosis, ralut V, tt IHr si Rarfont't. TRY IT AGAIN. AnflUifr Arbitration Treaty Willi F.!aDWill bfiPreseiitfcd. V ( bailee fur Senator-, to Itedeeiu lb e iii se lies. Kinaiicial Kecoin inetiilatiuns W 111 Depend on l'aily Leaders. The t on cessious of Spai n. Jol" UN A I lit I.I A I . I W sniMI1llN, II. C, N, V .'J. i Those Senators who asserted while llie debate was under way which resulted in the rejection of the arbitraii. . treaty, negotiated by the Cleveland a.lm u;.-tia turn ami endorsed by the present admin i -t rat urn . with Great lliitani. lint tiny favored arbitration, hut opposed that' particular treatv la cause of objections! they specified, will sholtlybe given 1111, oppollllllily to show whelher lliev ineanl . w hat they said or were merely talking I foi its effect upon their influential con stituents who favored arbitration ami opposetl their votes against the ratifica tion of the treaty. Another arbitration treaty has been negotiated, ami especial pains have been taken in draw ing its pro. visions to meet the objections raised hy Senators, ill executive session, to the old one. It will be sent lo the Senate as e;ii ly in t be session as may be deemed advisable by President Mclxinley, proba bly as soon as the trealy for ihe aunt a tion of Hawaii is disposed ol There is much ilouhl about what linan cial recommendations will he made in the President's message to Congress. It will probably depend largely upon il.e advice given the President hy prominent members of bis parly la Congress This doubt tloes nol arise fiom any clashing of financial views between the President ami members of the Cabinet. They ate all practically of one mind as lo whal linaiicial legislation they would like to see pul through ( 'ongrt ss. hul there are grave differences of opinion among thelo as lo the advisability ,,f milking I'f mlilt'lldat ions which haveli'l even a remote ih-ince of being enacted. The weight of sentiment among republican Senators and liepresentalives will prob ably determine just how far Presidential recommendations will go. The new Spanish Ministry may not succeed in whipping tlie Cubans inlo submission any ht-ller than the old Mini-try did. ami it may not nally he any more friendly to the I! S., but it has become apparent in Wnshir.,':. .i that its repeated concessions to ;he t', S. are having a very decided effect in lessening the sentiment for interference hy this government. Men may ipieslion the sin c u'ity of the concessions as iiiut li as they please, hut so long as Spain concedes every thing, or even makes a pretense of conceding everything asked by this gov ern lit, it will be difficult lor this gov- einnunt lo justify itself, in the eves of other govertiiiienls, in any hostile action tow ards Spain. In diploma, , the new Spanish Ministry h.iS shown itself to he vastly superior to the .Ministry it sue ceetled, hut the trouble in Cuba is hardly likely to he si tiled hy tl i plomacv , unless preceded hv some decisive Spanish vie toiies in batlle. SUTE CAPITAL. The Approach of Tiiaehpi Day Creates Brisk ta. Penitential-) Dispute (.ol ng on Still. Teuckprs I'rireil In Organize. Puller Ought to Itcsign. Students Have a Special Train. Jot'HNAI MlKK I Hai bIoii. N. C , Nov. g III . A. ( True, the din t lor of ihe p pcrlllli'lit Station in a-.liingtoll has been here anil cxamiiiitl the Noith Carolina Station, lie w ill make an official n-potl to the Agi it ullnriil )i partuieut in Wash lllglon ami say that be found this Station all right III. II. II. Itallle, ex-State i heinist, will this wet k mole his household fuini tare to Winston where he Will tiotke bin home. Mr. Ilavid (J. Worth of Wilmington tlit'd liitt night. His two sistem (loll! here, Mrs. W. II llaghy and Mrs P, I , Mottltt were with blin. Chairman lLskery of the js'intenllHry laiard i otne back st Mr. LsllH-tter in regard to the tl(tirs4 gien a'sml the aniiteuiury finance.. Them nre so mail) charges and so many denials ami counter chslges that the people will probably never know the right of ih thing. Superintendent of public Initiuction baa Ksinsl a circular letter lo His public school loachers In the Stage urging Ihem lo coma together in eacli county and or ganise thi'niselves Into Taclier Associa tion. He uses strong arguments for the formation of lhn associations. (leorgn Johnson the New Hanover conn I y rapist wh'HMi death Nnunc was oommuled U ifo Imprisonment baa bten bmugbl lo the penitentiary. The promotes of lha big Charity Maskrd Rail In Im given hra on Ihs 90th will make avrry effort to hava It a per fect sucaa. Tba procsxxls will go to ths its ol two spartallj worthy objects ' tic I r. a elated d D.-t I.. 1. There it so 01 tin ( ; dial Barnes lln8 got -n, fai ol f printiug tin ie,rt of n,, Ka.. Id t -un&sloii a:Ml inai j,., 1( t-lsi lii a chain e at :t 1 l,t w i k - . ' o. undel ll,, bead ot paiopl,., t ,. j I, ,., ing. 1 lo w eatbi r tor the ia-t t, w ,ta l, becn molt like Ma ball I lie i,. ' Novemb, I Tint, all. ne .-1 t b, !, many old inn, Mgnsibat ,.uii ! a b.i.l winter There se, 111- to be but 111 I it 1 1 cholera in t .e Slate this tall. That t course nicans an Hu rt a-e in tlie ainoon: of pork that w ill tic put up. Till re is a large Clop of at urns lhat mean much to the raisers of polk. Many hunting patties have piainn.1 for spolt this fall but so far the weatllel lias been too warm for good hunting. A party from the Shocco (inn club ot New York have gone down to their game preserves near Warrenton. There is to tie a series of sermons preached at the church of theti I ShepJieril on "The Apostolic and ami- ; Nicene Fathers." These sermons w hich i began last night arc under the auspici ol t ie Brotherhood of St. Andrew. The j ministers to lake part are Bishop CI i s ; hue, Itev. Mr. Hunter, H. v. M, PI mer Itev Mr. Horner, Kcv. Mr. Weston, Dr. Murdock anil the ret tor Dr. Pittenger. The subjects, "Clement of Home." Igmo tious,'' "Just in Martyr." "Polycai p. "lienaeiis, ' "(Ingeii,'' ami "Cyprian." Messrs. (I. '.. and J. M. Leach will soon open a new business here known as the Acme Wine conuiany. They will have control for (his Icllllory of Ihe w ines of the famous Mciloc Viney'iinl of lildgewiiy, C. N. (iarrett tV Co. They will also control s"eral leading mineral waters. The (iovcrnor has been ajipea'e I to for respite for John l-'.vans who was to be hung at Rockingham nexl Friday. Gov. Kllerbee asks that a delegate fiom each district ami two at large be ap pointed to attend Ihe cotton growers con vention at Atlanta, Ga., Dec, II There will he many plans expressed for con trolling the crop and mice i f cotton. Sell's Bros, of Philadelphia, the big soap manufacturers are hereto see the talc from Ihis State. They go from here to (he mines to secure a shipment of il. They say it is second only to the Italian talc. I hey use I'i'l.ilOO pounds of it monthly. There are many who think Senator Butler ought to resign after his diabolical speech at Pocky Mount. Bui is it reas onable to expvet a man who is so low as to make such a speech to give up such a nice fat job as t . S. Senator. No there will he no resignation unless it can he forced from hiui. Yu tor Borden, Ksip, of this city has ipialiticd as administrator of the estate of Dr. (i. W. libit knall. C. S. Marshall Carroll has paid the judgment of '21 as obtained against him by John li. Hussey of Washington, A special train on Thanksgiving Day will bring the students here from Trinity and Wake Forest College lor the lug de bate. I.nl.nl Iki-wn lleiiiM. Wa shingli.n, Nov. L'I. A new counter feit ten dollar national hank nolo has been discovered on the I,, is Angeles .Nat lonal Bank, of I,s Angeles, Cal. It is a photographic production, punted on iwo pieces of pajMT pasted together, contain ing no silk or imitation of it. (in Ho wie, c the note has a good appearance. ( M llll. Neb., Nov. gl Piepuat are wi ll under way for the nexl great American fair. 'Ibis will I, lie- Tun, Mlssis-ippi and Intrrnalional Kxpi.nini which will open Its gale- h-'re June 1. I-His, and continue live inoni lis Mt I Hoi i:m:, Nov. '.'I gn at tire broke out here at 'J o'clock I b is morning and in a very short space of tune did enormous damage, Il is estimated lhat the loss will reach f 1,000 IHS I. 1 In nil e. Is of ' I II , .1 1 iy es of all sorts halebeeli Mil ,1,-iilv thrown out of eunlo Uielil . San Fran, isco, November P.l A car Del pigeon fancier of this I III has given the 1 lil't d Slates I o il el ll inei 1 1 eight palls of hi- be-' buds to folill Ihe nil, 11 II- of a pig, on sen ice in the leuiote pints of Alaska Tin- pigeons will be laki n noith on I be rei , line i uller Beai an, I sent to St Mil hai l. Point Hallow . Il.rshel 1-1 and ii ii I otb, r pla, -. New 'oik, .Novemb, i 111 A Washing ton ill-pad h to the Herald sas An A tiglo- A lllel lean genelnl a r b i 1 1 a 1 1 o 1 1 tlell IV Will be proclaimed by Ihe plceiit a, I ministration if it is within On power of President MoKinhy to bring it alsnlt. lie ha plomised the cxeciltlie lommit- tee of Ihe Mohonk conference (hat he will wotk unceasingly to accomplish till. New lork, N'ovcmlicr 21 In a dis patch to the Hi raid fiom Yaington Senator Morgan, of Alabama, says of the attitude of Cottgre on the Cuban ipies tion: "Ihe duty of Congress in plain enough and I hope the House will unite with the Senate In enacting the joint resolution paajw-d by (be Senate at the nlaa session of IWI7 declaring that a slate of public wsr exists in Cuba. Thst declsration Is all that is needed to socure to llie people of (he United States and to tba King of Spain and Ihe republic of ( una the rights of wsr as they are de fined by Ihe laws of nations." no iiiuia rr This la the way all druggists (II OKOVE 8 TA8TELESH C HILL TONIC for Chills and Malaria. It Is simply Iron and Qulnlna In a tasteless form. Olilldrra Itrra II AdulU prrfar It to bit. Ur, Muaastttng Tnnlra. Priot, fine. 5SS1ZSSHSSS7Sc5HSHSi5S1 EJTZSSSZ1 57575cTE ES771 el ISSI HI 1 In S SEMI-WEEKLY SECTIONS I Eat'li TiieMda.v 'yyYTTYYTinrTrr.r GOOD THINGS THANKSGIVING DINNER are now in onl,-i-, and we invi'e your attention to the foi low it:;; Hill of Fare: Needed Ilaisins, London Layer Kaisins, Muscatel linisins, Currants, Citron, California I'ninos, Drift Teaches, I tried anil Fvaporated Apples, Dried Ftps, Datis. I'liazil NutB, i'l't-an---. V,,lnuts, Almonds. At tinoi e's M nice Meat. Ilein.'s Sweet I'lfkles, Sour Mixed I'icklcs, celery relish. Fresh Lemons, Cranberries. Fresh Oii-its and Big Hominy. Nice Fresh Fggs. Imported Macaroni, liocst iptality, Spaghottis, and the eiv Finest Cream Cheese and Flijiii Butter, tlool Conking Butter. Full Fine Catsups, Sauces ai d Cnnmd Coods. Pulverize I Sugar. 'I li. Best of Fvei yt hing in the ( , nicer v Line. Ifclliiiiicl k (Jus 71 Rroad Hi., XEW RERE, iT. i Another Cai- End of ARRIVED 0 AOVEJIRER I!TH, S'lables full of GOOD 1I0KSFS, and the Large4 Stock of Bug gie. Harness, Holies, :ln,l Whips in Fasten) Carolina. I Can S.ll I.. Small .lubbers, Buggies, Harness, Holies and Whips at Flint's lhat Save Them Money. All Ihe above will be sold on a small margin For Cash or Ne,'otiahle I'aper payable m one or two years time ;sj, ;o. 7;!, T-M : i. ?ia ash ;i llltOAIt STKKK'l'. i v duress FXCLUSIVF STYLES. s This store is showing some exceed- ingly creditable dress goods pattern 5 lengths, one of a kind. This feature enables the buyer to own a dress, ot which there will be no duplicate. The S prices are very reasonable, quality and style considered. a. :is inch Silk Mixed Persian designs at Hoc per yard. o , inch Silk ami Wool Seeded FITects, aa golden brown on green at 11. (ill per ynrd. )." n h ('It neleon Granite Cloths at !)0c per yar 1. 1.1 inch Iridescent Kjiinglinet in beautiful combina tion of colorings at !Wlo per yard. I', inch Silk and Wool Fancies, as black cimbed wool over violet, at II per yard. Sixiiiis piuivii'i i.x Mmi.k.ii Opt of Tows, H. B. Dudtfy. s A Grand Excursion ; - w sea ma gTat Dargalnt thai w tra offering for the NKXT DAYS la Mm, Doyt tod Totjlbt Bulta tod Overeoata, Hhoea, lists and In fart tsayything that tt waotod la III dry food tin ran ha found In our slore. Now, a word to Iht whs It turnc'tat, to dot' t bt Bilt led but oom on Ihe great eteurslon with iwrgaint wa tra onenng st The People Nnrprlite Hlore, 'Vt' No. 88 MtDfi 8tiit, , .1 cebNE, Nkar Tun Marret. ' If.' C."' and Fridaj, i SE" FOR Wholesale A Retail , sHros'tTs, i Hew Berne, N. C. s-t -i t N Urooas! balng run from (No clock m. until 9 o'clock n. m ever day cinrnt SiibiIbv frmn til prU ot lit country your frUnd and tttwrw oat of tbt grsat

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