If AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "" CASTORIA,'' A N L " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," as ui k trademark. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and docs now tf yr ; on every bear the facsimile signature of (Jutityffl&cac u rapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA, ' which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought 0 on the and has the sijiiaiuie c f Cf-. f wrap per. No one has cuthcrii'j frc;n ..c to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company cf which (has. H. Fletcher is President. . March 8, 1897. (2 - ,p. Do 1U Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life cf your chi'-tj by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes r. few more pen.r.cs on it), the in gredients of v.-hich even i.o does i-.-t "know.' "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE fAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. a wise Poisen. ScioIiiIh, Hh nil truces of Illooil affections. TROAt ONH Ol SAVANNAH'S PROfllNENT MERCHANTS to Tnij ruBttc. I herewith recommend lo Ihe sulTerers cf Rheumatism and rheumatic oaln. I.lppman's P. P. P , ns I have carefully lesleil i. nod found permanent reTe?. Also my son who for year.,, ha, sofrereil f,, Rheumatism, has used it for the laL year wU? K co.?di T , n 1 nM ,"1T'" '1 ,nt'- ' uig it. -Vould not do w I. i II it eost double, or at any pine. Yours truly, CUAH. SEILKU Lippman Brothers, Proprietors, Wholesale Drugg isIs, Lippman Block. Savannah. Ga. For Nnlo by F. X. DUFFY. If You IRS Cotne in and 8. n Today. All hiz.h fmm l i ;,, l,,,,,,) l ihape. and colors - Price we make 111 nc .nrdauce uith ih nnl ti'ne.: JOU mn no rinks, every sale ih ynarunleeil and hum' be in re present, ,1 o, IIO ule. HfAn eliepltonallv line 11. id f ,,, f i .eies Road Cart., HaranM. Winter U .bop, W Iii,,h, ,t : , and Veterinary S .piinei. all gumg t HOOK IIOI TOM I'UKJKsl. ' We will allow you 1 -2 rent anove market price of ttou in trade to lav It will he 10 your uitereHl lo k u, and look Well Ihrmgh our e.lah isln merit before buying eUewheie. Hnrpectfiill v, n. 11 1 11 v co. TASTCLITCS. 3ii- .:x-r TMBI MMK ' " t GUARANTEED SPEEDY CURE FOn CHILLS, FEVER AND AGUE. ALSO POSITIVE SPECIFIC FOR MALARIAL, BILIOUS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT. Al-TA PHAAMACAL CO-, 8T. LOUIS, U. 8.A. For e by J. A. P All IN dc CO. A WOMAN'S STORY. This la to certify that I have been Rfflieted "with Scrofula or Blood Poison for a number ol years. The best physicians of Mobile and this city said nothing could be done for me. I took large quantities but found no relief. My limbs were n mass of ulcers, and when I was sent to a physician in Mobile my entire body was a mass of sores. I hntl given ur nil hope, and as a last resort tried Y. P. P., and after using four bottles (small sizel, the sores have entirely disappeared, and my general health was never better than at the present time, and people that know me think It a won. neriulcuro. l'.lvIZA TUD1), Miltou, Fla. What can be worse for woman than an other P. P. P. beautiful skin cov ered with sores and eruptions? Can you mame people .or avoid- iLlppman'a " , 7,Ti.n ' "3. ' Croat Remedy.) flicted ? They are to be pilled; but what woman wantsplty 7 Besides the humiliation of disfigurement, the itching and burning of skin diseases are almost unen durable. All women ought toknowthnt all facial and bodily blemishes are caused by impure blood and are curable. P. P. p. will purify the blood, and when the blood becomes pure all sk in diseases vanish. P. P. P. is n harmless vegetable compound, and never fails to eradicate from the system umatism. Neuralgia, Dyspepsia unci Catarrhal E ACTELnSS. l KiaiirtNlO in; MMLb PCLLOKS TILLS A ShwhIrI EBIrrlnlBUirKI lebarru 'ar m Mmy (rp. 11, rl. iln HanflBf. A rlurul ArrlflMil Ti,, M,wu,.i,u . r . imr pi, r , ;, use nu oiiai. f .r tin church. H I. .. ,v lu: in gun and is , r I'M-' : n 1 add great I I ,, 1 iic , i. u i . i n, :.- . Tbf l'lic .f iii!- iiii entertainment 1 1 1 1 1 - I . fur the hviit.t ..f Oi- l. I'hu rrh, at win. , thv r ,, :. 1 1 1 :e till II . Sin. ..... 4 i ,r...v M isses Ida II ar t ,.! i i I'earce. assist, .' in !;..', II M t'.l. '""1 Prof. F I . 1 iv I.. (.Mi r I'm tun Iu.w-m I, ii ., h ;.i e . cry l-'i id ay i n Ti i ii i . .li .1 . K 11 t In- h ml ler t t'TV-iMi I ,i' : i- i .f H ;i ! A I'll., 'if I! llt'lgh III, els ! ill-Ill t:l anil ihen war tenons !.. mm- un i w U't tin- nilint l'. it I nil . Hill u,.mThIiV Wilis liV llll W li' nil t "f l"ililnllo (.'H to 1 1 t) , lit pi in, -s iBiitinj; ft. .in 1.;;. . t () (( , Must of nu i- tns; ,',,t t,,n n ,, I m Hllrh il .Inlin IVato... K T. Ilanuh- I J 1 , Harrniv,- , ,,.!,. ,. v toll, .loll n Si to ninns. , r , in li,,M ! Ii.-r.- Ho pi.-t ..r Mi. .1.... ph ii. P.n.uii till; Mli'Sl of their Cl,,p. Tn 0 mr- '" "''llrr "nnl-lers an a;, liH,.. ties are ImMini; f i inn i , , , ,, ;,n 1 ,l"ln""'''s hai ;ll'l inl hv l,i n 1, , , I r , i . . I t lie M.-th.Hllst I ' tl II 1 I'll South, ;ui. I Ii, tniles encli tor ii"liri 'iinis w hnlii,. r 1 Nulllli'I'll Mi 1 In ,,llM.- to in,.,-! in Wa-li .tliey are very li,i,erl of -ettmn nv I,,,,,,,, r ,Iliml!UV ,., ,,,,,!,, or April. I . ,,,,,,, . ,. , illirries, Th, Mr. W. ,1. Kilpatllfk of I'll! j Sout tlrni ( nininitt,-,. j, , nnsol i,t enmity wad visitmi; his ilanliti r here last week, lie said lie had ilnnr vci v well farmm this vear. lie raises I ... I I II 1 ... I T I I"" '''' eiOp. On last Monday a spneial ear aide traeked at this place eon ! ai n 1 n ' OllO 1 ,1 U V I II 11. 1 ,. !'' otlieers of the 1 'en nsv 1 van in Ml 1 1 1 oa, I vy ho will liu ut i n t his s",'t 1 1 1 : i I',, several (lays. There wore m ,, tliern al very laipe men. ',"'1 ! wonlil We oil over .'nil lbs, eael,, 'they left, for ( lat dsn lake a' once. M r. J()4"ph Si m mens of ( )l i m On, ,rt ,k',i, i , r ' ' ' j tnm Ins lingers bad, v nnnh.-d in I he noes of his Col loll pi e S4 1 i - I .Mond.n. 1 while press i no col I on . i ! .-in,., t.. I'ollok-ville and h id Dr. II 1 1 1 1 , - l , , , , , , , i ,1 ress t be won ndeil hand which we 1 j Ilolic Will sunn be Well a "all!. ' 'Idle followini; v. -II IIS p-...i.. w,-n- , visit i no friends and r vial i es in I h , place last week: ,lw.. N , n n ie a m! j A n n n. I ) 1 1 ,. i-4 r of i I,, .!,,,,- ' , ,,, , ! and I.nuise irine. New I'.-o . M i . , l '-' M''" 1 '''"'. I 1 emier, r al re r 1 1 par 1 ic k , p,n 1 ,, . . Novella Brooilon, ,1 s('n M esM- ! Jas. I). ; ask I lis, lien. N. Knii.-'i, ,lm D'Uiini', bi'iirn' Sent, A,-,, i Her lie, I,' il pli I'im nw, ( bnlnw , I' hi I I 1.- . .... ,, ,,- ,,- I IVIOliee, 1 I e II t 1 HI , li. . l ' " o ' 1 . Infmeli I lend, M'-un. V. I'.. Si:i,:i, and lad) (.ill. -tt. Mavsullo li as. I'.en II. Melt. .11 and I ) I!. I'elt ee cbnetl their pro! rai'tcd me. I me here bnt In iday Thin had 1 very gon.l meet i rig and s. 1 f t hi best serumns bv I-v, IVtree we li:i. ever beard. 'l'he singing was i v, i ' lent, led bv I'rof In D.iiuni ,.: Kent nek v. I'riiinoK r ol l hr litlr Messrs William Kills and .1 . . 1 1 1 Dunn, d 1 lectors of the speed dep 1 1 1 uient of the Kat Carolina I ' 1 -1 , ( lyster, ( i nine and 1 1 1 I n -f 1 a 1 A -., elation, New I di ue, N . . ' , .11 . . . k 1111 wti ami su Inl a n t nil ci 1 1 1 - . that place. Mr. lulls in no oj the town and Mr. Dunn 1 - a at j . land owner and -a-,.,., f ,, I I ,u -1 n . -man . Thf el in u, : 1 1 in 1 n u 1 i f . : . .. the ii4,4, in a t Ion will l,n. p ' ,,, .- ., New lie, no and the , IL'- , Il a - I'.-hiuan '.'Mb, ,,,-b II. ; ! .A aril 1 1 h . I s'.i.s ,-1 , 1 ., - ., II , ,1 Creel, of tin' .,4.,.,',.,, no, w 1 , lie p 1 omic 1 1 ,1 a e I . ', hit II! I t.t a rd I In . I, lo 1 ' . turn lo I be i , 1 , I! , I I : kel V In , I I I ! . Vci 4, Th, ,144.,, l i 1 , m if in p ini'S for I r ,,:', -, I on - , , - , ! I oii'e i and i curl e an i n a ' h-.i. The i, hi m -ho on. r, k I., .i u a- I ir I ni c i el in , ii r r i v i 1 1 , . 1 1 1 1 la y f i . in I'.li ibr th City, where .1-.- Ii is 1 n I I, iinui b I y i. el h.n: 1, ,1 a n I i e p n n d . III, ' M'liiM.I.er will been,,, a low Hi. in.' , arid lake mil rni. n f r . .in tins port . ( 'apt II, ii, I u, i : in l.m I t,e il. holier . y; 1 It.t'ant rrlif for kk.ti innitnl '4hlr n-.. , (,.,r . a...r,.a... ,,.., .,,phe,, 1 ' TK riA rohilment), Ihn grrti tkln r, Ta.. .. .i .,-h..It n, mwmlMl imit. far Itehinc, l.timliig, hlMNliliR, seiili ' i.implf hu.tH.fl of ih, ,mn, '.!,,. .ii.ii.;.. . 1 iT)1llVVC J I I m 1 B tin HJkA JL X , I . MlkmrV-.il r-T.ninir.,i. I " "L,:-:j'J:t:'T.fmtil,t n BABY BLEMISHES u r vvr u v w w 11 ho? Mil LAST MEffl. ! state Eemocra tie Execoiivd urn miitee m Sesiio Mft-tiiis I" Promote I nn.n of al letli,..li.t-. ulualil.' tit-purl lii'i ii ir I'resen ted . I i i u ci r ( I ii ii (I i' lli'i lis; I'mlied . if rairc Cotton irlil. i if. i . : li N'M . i:,n 1 1,1 I Li MM, I ii li. uii.ii,..- nii-t t A -. I , v. ' .,!' 'I 1 ll'' H I.I riCllt HI tl.f Ili'M . l,l),:IJ i, I tin- ni.',.ih- i- .,:. li. il inn ,,iilv t v II, r 1 1. inn rial- I'i.. i n 1 1 , ii,:, i. i. n l'..ni. It 14 II, .t Ml 111 I t 1 . i h.. hihI li.- nihil, an s a w "Inn lli.it Ihr lAcrlltiv ''"M" n-fU?i m an off . : ... ili.it ,. i ! 1 1 f , , u 1 , 1 a T 1 1 ; i , t nt I. ii 1 1, n i In' .Mi llmilisl I i, ill,-1, n, , in, i ! t.n tin' U-r n t!nrl .In 'li tum..ri..u tin. i- Iiv!i,,p hiliop ( Irani, wry, elial man, l,lh, p lliililita,- amt li ln'' ! KrvV Tln.e itimi4,-rs and three la- il lie rrpoii ii Tin- l.al.or l , in m n, nei ! . , M. ,:m,N ,, 1,,. ,,,, will It InnnNoinrly instrati',l h 'iiIi j l'"'-""-.' 1,1 ""' i":ll, and Hie tish ainl il 1 1 , , 1 1 1 4 1 r u ' s . 'lie exeolll I i oil 111 1 1 1 ce of the Stu tin i-i'4i niii 1 1 1 - ri e.irnlay I, Ihr :i,h !4al,ilil a-ing the Mason eft t" I he Inn er- f.i l ill I hr. I !!) In In". -I I'. M ismi and Ins uife a., j in-Ill , .1 I'll n, Ih, -li-lle, l,ft liu- nnill, n ami I'lof. Cor,. I lie eo ni- Irnl Abler- bliriueri I ' 1 1 1 1 1 o , i r . 1 : 1 1 I who wa4shnt h , iir , U111 ,,,,, h .,, Sln,iiy Thole IS Sir HI 111 I, w al (U oil err, 1 for the im.t of I In- nm nlen-r. nato, bullet ,n hn napor tomorrow lnaki-4 ih-null 4 a-aln as to his n,n ,-, al 1 l:.-k M', nut. ,- , , i 1 1. - a nl l 1 1. 1 n. r i i ma, I,- n on i n c a i n i-4t , ,,, Tonight !l, ,4 a he; mass .,.,. me, !, he ,, I ,, i he Academy of .M mie ' 11 1 l,r mhncai, -. Tie- le i'in-i ii 1,1 i ,f e,, I on in I h 14 lie i, llm m, '.I 11,4 lo Ihe 'l l , a I, - r 1 1 1 a 1 1 I u 1 , a 4 . Tin p,e,be,, ,,f 4, low las, ,,,,.1,1 lor , hn ,,,n w 1.4 w 1 our. the w-,-ai h, 1 n I lll4 -eel UUI 114 W I, ,11,'. I he Weal 11, r 14 I 1 1 . 1 1 : e ml. I hut heau! iful! v 'clear . 'li, .-Mipienie conn itus 11101111,1- t,,k in i. .-ih i. .mi i incs , h l)l-!ll,'l. All of II re , 11 111 1 ual on. .1 ml -e I'i 11 pi e 11 ie con ri I lench I- 1 1 u i 1 1 k , I he A;, h, ,1, 1 1 ., n einor Kin-, 11 has , e;,li- 1 1 1 1 h. -cot ton iw ci - ellll .t hiula as I0II0W4. J , I! Sicilian nf ! Mei'Mcnhiii::. N . lutel.rlor ol W ake and II. I.. Junes i.l W ake, The pt'lcenlai;,' of tillable I m l 111 the lale till- , 'ill' IS I',.'. The :l,lai;e acre :i,i;,' of I a I ins 14 I 1 r SUPREME COURT. Heelily illlii itl 1iliilons 1 1. rsime aw I- . Sp. t nil to .lournal. Haiku. ii. N. 1 .. N.neinhei 'Ihe Slipi. Ule C.lllt llle- the follow Mill. 4 bill-, f I .,1,1 'o, . 11 ! 1 .1 I W il i lain - v- ba.bnad. from - i n.i I M..yl.n . M.nhrny, Inm, l.lh I v- I hen b. In. in S ilk. Male V, ,1,,,;, 4, ,,,m P W ilk, nfi 'd, fi illume. I lie , n I in -, S, 1 . . lie. la I. fu-ed h- M. lul.l S M. Knieheld. I i. .11 a, I" I 1,11.. ,., lei used -' i ' . w ! t , , u , v I nun -i 1,,, ,1 M w Km In ., (ion, 1 i d I 1 p,' ys -in it lo !, .., Sint.il! v- b.eljeii, fn-,1, A( t, M , I N , tt t ,M,.,m,n. fi ( . I I w . II ' I ' NIlTED IN THE DUD H.I..U in II-..,,- tl.i si.im, ad''l Hit U! o - '.no a l.e.,1 wait Mil i 11 r .. il . I I I ' " I 1 '" 1 11 II n in I Mha, Nov. '.",1 ( a- n a. 11 1 " In e , y .,. who k'l'if. 11 n -, I 1 1 1 , n ' it-l.r I ill II,. nil II-Ih i Ih ihe till'! hn I III.- 1 1 r -1 nV. ;u t ,.f htmtlllt (litlllHl Ilic ' ! nl Im Inn i'ii t i if .-ti 1 1 1 1 mill Till- I m it I l 1 1 " nt mi I In- j.utt ..f ini'.niit iliil.lfi .. ,v , W 1 1 r j nt i ' i nun h II-" p " i mini, t I m fi .r ho tiu tin, 4 fn-t'll iW Hi f IliJll fl I IlIll'MlHt ft l HI W II H j nU'iiit (i 1m- mule II ilinrnvrrt-d sc trrdrt) Hint il wmiM i:ik Uic fdnri of a v rwt f iff uliir, ruling on mdlml Spun iftriN to rrnil tin phiim ul th prrficnl al miiilwtintif.n. Tin prli' taMim. Una nnxnlng; tlm pnnt.nK ofllr. nf M (oinmbo C.m.tliu- ll.mill anil selr.ml n ar(. niimU'r of prinl.il rirruUrs. Th.y wtrs h " I ,., ... . ''" and conumnl a glnrifl- ration of Wpyler anil virulent alm.e of tin' Fnite.l Statin and ((enrral Hlanro T'"" , i"'"ll,r w" l(n(al hjr many Hpntrrl. anil b.r the rtale "HauU I'l.ln Mnmlw OH '' Tl V . 1ltr1mu.., ihmuxh Ihr. malU in black tmrT"n"nu, M QQm ,r-; , tu:. . i ! 1 1 larr I'm." Pot Our txxks . THE A. &. N C R. K i "t lilHlr Allnrli iti lindw l.'k' All I mill 11 rl Ion" Ih Kr.-.. Mr. l;,,l,'t. Ilani'ork, pi,-Md,'i.t , the a. . r. K. i; . 14 I iv t iie New lint iir ,1 , , i K s j a- ,i inn : r I ' ' I pt'OpoM' to put the A . A . ( , rai 1 road l n t lioroo r h eoinl I! I,,. dnw 11 ph vsn'all v when t lie new man aoeinelit came 1". Its mater lal con- ditinn was s.i,.,n li,.,..l in ,,i-,l,,,- I,, ,,... ' two per cent, il iviiletnls. 1 propose that the rail road shall be put in or feet shape, even it it denial es i o ill! ideiid . " 'this is a mean little slur at the best, iiianiioetnrii r, the A. A . ('. li. li. ever had, and ce n l'icident Ilaticuck lias heretofore praised Mr Chailwiek's administration. The facts are that the mad was inn inn id more under' M r. ( 'bad ivn a 's ad mi n isliatlon than iIuiuil; any cpia lengt il of II me 111 Hi history . A lai or anion nt. of new lollino stuck was added to ' be road and it was placed in fa r hot tr r cnulilioi! t ban ver lie! ore, and .ml ol the ear 111 nrs ol the road, and hesidcs s luivtlif; small dividends to tic stockhold ers. The Kreo I 'ress is cry k 1 ml 1 v d ls posed t owards I he present ui'inat;e merit arm deso'es In see it succeed to the fullest evient possible, but we will nut rein, nu .pilot when the I 1 c . 11, II ,4 III Or-, I'M'I'lll'Ul !U I III! II I S I I it linn Is assailed 111 this unfair way. ',. hope Mi'. Hancock has been h(. ,,iy ,,,mt,,l. If , 1H ,. t'ectly piloted , ills slraime, if t In road was t u rued over to In m 1 11 such P'.or condil nm, t hat, he was so lone hndiiig it out. If lie is coneolU j ipcted we fear I bat I be i,Md is not doing so well under M i . 1 1 ancor k ', mtiiiaueiiieiit, seeing which, causes him lo t ry to ever up , he fad ( if it is a fact I by limes al 1 he previous ad in I u r 4 1 1 ai niii."" K , m,l on Free l'l'CSS, Dec. 1. I'r.'Sident llancii'k ns dnnni t he ii'ime last niglit. and being asked ifliiiuied fnun Wa-hurjiou hioiiMit into be bad anything to miiv in regard I, , 1 :"ll,u ' - "" " : - " -1 " 1 1 " 1 ear th t n ism . said , 1 tin "i w ,in l it, gei i in. . mi v coin ro vci sy . ...... . 1 , . I ., i . , ' ' i i ii is malic.', on i, i i n i il K t lie Free l'le-s should at least he jllst, ind rn e in. oi , ,1 il. l..r what 1 lime I . "id done for 1 lie A A N ( in rially f..r K in-tun. 'Ihe r.-p irted i r, i ,-, n-w in : lie inn, , ,i,l no, ..,nKl.t..rs nl... canu I UN M W lluh I he In ee I 'i es- Hi's j lull I in' w . .-k and le. ' u 1 e.l allhe ,,pen . - f,,,u , ' lean, n, a 4,,, ,11 audience. Iw I 'onfed ,. , ,- , a- i ,, i in-', ill , in, w inaliag, UP -li,,',- it callie llitu , ol. :,,!, MlS' d a ic I a s f., I ear r, 4 mill, ' "' ' x:,"'--'" I'''1' " " ' I ' 1 . a I -iiii4, and liu , i ! a n e A -- li;. 1 st. i. I lie I, .nines, men , e I ,,11 , V plea-ed Wi ll 1 ,i,,, s r., o ! ! ,,- :r . I I i, o , ,, in - t Ue lew I.- a' K Ust .11, w lie o - ;i-,,il . i p, u.s, I 1 i I e , - I , to'" . i . ' I . I, , I , -1 o , - , , I on i 4 l it ;,e o !- -1 111 i.l .,;.,.' ;.. ',,- M I :,at i of ' ni - ..lien 1 I . ,! i ,1; . r I ,iiiui ba- nol inn,.'.;, I l... ! .- ( 1 e til. .1 be pi in, hut w in-11 1 r c no s I ' win he p.,i' , I , all 1 ti. K i nst in. I li t he il, s 1 al , r, I I I of Ihr A . A N . ( '. r i-i , ,n, n j 1; lee ,n to in he d of repai 1 - h n h are i,eces,u , rut h -1 t ban I li.it the road be I. fi t,, f 11 it III' r de t c 1 Mate I di m ally in or ile 1 that the nt 1 , k 11 , ,1 d n 4 nny draw d 1 v ule 11, 'a . ' ' TREATMENT FOR WEAK MEN. TRIAL WITHOUT IXPINSK. TH farronM A ppttennr. nrl Rrnirrlln of tl KrV Mmh k, ( Ni ni,wrirthBrtt.nMi ! on Ua. I llhout ..iwrm. bi anr Komi man. Nol llar la k MI4 la 4.u. (u Kfrrta of rrwra "T RoMalnOMnr tmint. Mankooj full Hwfirwl. How lo lalart .rul IHninriM Yltrnk. tTmlntorwl PerMon of Ihr. Ahamutnlip anfalllnf Mom TrM4fMWlt &!. fl.mlmUM, A ptaaa ff hf Irm nf a tab fUMtat . CDIC lirntri 1 rn maoa- t LniL WlLUILUltU.IUJII'AUO.H.. 0URNIMT.W r ' i -1 11 n I i ii I ,,i I- tu : iii ri I Ii i "vtut Kain l.r.int for Spriri'ant at t ii. . I'l i t ha r (1 on ( i i I i' I lev. M on li ll i II e r ri' Kan1 pa n I . I !., II, l,.-l , , , ', !,,:!. -I ,r I!,,- ,-.yi!i 4, - '111,1 1. 111 r h.-.l , - nun m , ., - 1 1 II a- , a, ',,,--1 1, 1, I . ii.m a.'i',',4 n i- ,,4-eii,,l 1!' ml'li, aii4 iiii, ,,:,,i i Ink, 1,14 , hai li Hir di- Mil -, Iriloll.,, palloliar., , It i4 , . 1 1 pulp .4, I , , , lei 1 a 11 anil I., ji-l.iliil.- in North ( an. ! in a ii. I in .a. I, i !,, :,, , ,,inpli4 Hun, luio: l,..w,., i, !;,-pu!-h,-aii4 an,i;bes(. At dru'oists fifty cents ami I'npulM- i- ,,, , , ..mi . I he tii'Mt 4,.i n, ol(, .luliai'. Ynu may have a sample I he III, 'VI -II,, -!, I 14 I In- election of Ma lor i I,.,, , 1 ...... 1,1 , 1 ... I I llllalll loan! the It. pllliheiin ran, II ' I.' nil e. 4i'l't;raiit-at-arilis of Ihe Srnalr. I ' ' !,, - ., , , , ., - oi.llll II V I and send vonr a, I ,1 rau to 4, ll,',' law in I ili;ri'.. run lie lntlureil to slop their nrptutniii for Ihe repeal of I he out lie law. anil to unite with those w In, believe thai the law 14 all rielit. if it he re-irictcl to coverine only tiu,4r' po?n I i, an wti idi are airi ly clerical, there is vriv lillie ilouht ihat they could win their 1'ii.hl, not w il Inland mj; tlie nppnsi t h.n ot l'lesulent IcK in ley In an y ehan jr. 't iii'V will he e;l'en the upput't II I) it V when the r, milliliter now ii ivet ural 1 ti the suhjert, -hall tresent lis report to tile Senate, whirh Senator I'i itrhanl, (. 'hai r Illan of the ( ' 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 , (' , s;ns will he done 111 Janiiai v Ii isalnnM cerlain. Senator I'rilchal'd Hunks il ceil ai 11 .1 hat Ihe report of I he commi! tee will be in favor of ex- emplllle; ;il exeellfne po4ltums from tin operation of the ci rvice law and nl. 4. Mam' votes can he obtained for a ill pmviillne for tins rhaiiae that could ,,l he had for lepealine tin- whole law Internal Revenue A rent It It, Bouhlin ...... 1,, iv... 1 1., ,. 11 1 ;i44i4tanis Inula iiniinw escape in Kaiidi,lph ruuulv. X, (',, last l'ndav. " M i Minsh i nc is'' tiretl into his squad and si vi ral i die halls jnsl -rami him. Not h 1 1 1 o; hul Ins double hariel shot enn ill, ne Ihe lllotmsh'uiers hack. lie tired hoi b hai l els iintl ihat made the outlaws relreal. .vlr. Ilouldui saws the nioou shiners of North ( a rob i in and Sout h w i st Vueinia are inore . I .- ; i ;i t . - n,n than be Inn in it known I lieu , . 1.111'ky ItulilHlll KelrealH. Sn I'n won, ,,, November li" The black and Maltese Cit.4s of the Santa Alill.i Stable Inn hern seen fur the last Inn, ,,n the liaslein track-. K,,r lil'teeu yeai- M r h .1. l'.aldwm has sent a strini; of llol4i-4 arrt.44 Hie runtlnelit, hut till- ear he bin nol made the usual 4l ake entile- lol fill II II , Mil I 4, It n I In- 1 lltell I ioii ,,f Mr ll.il.lit in 1 , i 1 1 1 a l n t a 1 1 , a small -I i iir;. "ii tin- t Alii ii in t circuit, hut be Will hrl'ral lei ..ell hi- e.U liu-;. :,( ,,hllC a 1 1 , ' I 1 o n ,-viiv rill-. Sp.u alihlll , S I Nov. Jli. '1 he Sou i In-ru Ptilwav (ompanvS vestihuh' I " ' , , apoainn ainl , olloli mill m.inulat Hirers , o 1 1 a I , , I I i uiiuuitn.il ,,; ti ,ut hern , ,-, , I , . u I.exin Oolr K . Nov, .".I lleile t,.yJ liu tulUoll. W, Mlian spy of the 'Milled,'! a, n mi, l,u ai not Iii ,e fo, alleged at tempi ,. jump a hoard lull. Will. Ii. r! e a lalled I .. , . ., ,. ., ... If nor s.n j., ,.. P.. , hue, I .ti: ! I-.li ..- .' " nM ,I.A ml urn. I ti:,i U I I. r ina n r . u i -, i , in,- n : ,,,, I w .mts moll 1 " I'M ill"" In. iii Havti l"l t '"" n ' I,, ml. i - !n 11,, ll.n I I I , a I II tt o I I . , I 1 , i o . k , liibiinals. h I nl, r fere, i, . in ot Ihe rioted W ,-U 'loll. N u Co Is lo he pre d In 1 h, Miiiea hounl t ,11 nmd.-r it pi.,. !;. a It . . 01.1111 , Ihe i., , tern,, lent . 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 . I I a k .' Il,,- munutui t lire of Mn ni ii .!..l. - I, . iii ,1 t a w h it I . Ill ,H w h ', h now 4 , , ran I, , , , iiun.ii "Up; a I u in, mn t mi, v decide t. .charm- in lie- lulu,, I h, I, ,p,,rl n .. , ,,m pi,. I' d Oel - lo he submitted lo .s, , , a r I ."i'i' i, I I'- mil h.r ' III a. i ot. Inm-. will, 1 ' I" "' ' I ' ira-i 1 In lep.,1 I is '" ' Ihal lo build ,,,t eapahle of I "" I e "M II"' hie. .est It , of , ,,,r I".,'" mainitii, I ur. ,1 in the w ,,n, I would I In- K" i 1 llllli'lit In in 1 t i.aOO, I olidon, Nov. W I he Inlet r. K,rli nu isiintu h1ok ihr. eoii.ti e.A thai tin k,. Khieh ipl l.mrli.l t.n Muli.f liny .nil lal rnnlil. ami win. Ii 1 1 : I n. ,l -.hated it. fury uplonix.n t.-dnv n one of Ihr. ..rl nlolirin uf rr c nl yc.ir In rrxiny pliriMi It nm almoat lyclino. in lu vioU-n. .. anil llm long liat ..I iliaaatera Inrlude a laigw loai of life, many wie. k of large vmhm-I and Ihn loan nf eon.., if not hundrnla, of amallrt rraft Ht. Paul, Mlno., .Not. . - laUmaol cold pai l.r ronllnned today llirtnighoiil the Ni-rthwpat. Eight digri twin arm wu rr-cordn In thia cily at 7 o'clock thia morning. At tlx aamn boar Bia tnarck, N. I) , report! 10 blow, WIdbI. rf . ManltoU. 14 br-kiw, and Mil City, Mnnt,, 18 blnw. i.i.;-!)Ki: ii:ii'!;iis. f .r one .'.-.. Ic fur . f liable H one i I nun k id tie s. i rah .pa I l.r ,n f , 14,- ,.' !,: nier , n , f i ' i , i; t , , k i , ,, w V "!ii. K .t f ,,i - K 1 1 i i.. K.y ' i, 1 1 n t; : : 'iir a r : i 4 h J,,., 1 .:,,. . : , a ! . 1 1 ; t to ' ' '! Sr,,;,ii:it; ,,r IstlllglllU pn--, 1;.' I ! . o! bad 1 tTel 16 ; .,-,' of 1 1, 1 li , n , 1 ne 01 beer . fo , ' 11,1 ' ' "' ! 1 ' "" r 'hat 11 ti pleasan t lie- ''eS4l ! I I f 1,1 I II e. , nil I pel led to (Jt't II p many tiiiu-4 durit j; the niglit to tirt- natr. Tin- tiill.l ami exlraordliiai V ..IT ,.' In- U',1 r' s; ,, ,. s, mil real i,'d . 1 1 stands t lie h ighest for its wonder f u 1 cures. If ou take a medicine you shell hi take the iii'iu. ami ,a in p ii I e 1 , mull Belli 1 re he in,,,' M,,n,i Yum Rr,, Dr. Kilmer A Co.. Hirighamton, N. V. 'l'he jiroprietoi'8 of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this olTer. Fields and Hanilui'i tninalrels. "The 9? Accepted High (irade Wheel of Merriment," is the term applied in describing the program presented by Fields ana Hanson's Minstrel Stars, who will appear here al tin' Mew Heme Theatre next Saturday night. Though t e organ -i.alion is on its initial tour, they aie bv no means unknown to amusement , I'1'1 , ollrt. "ley have already won golden opinions from all sorts of people where they have thus far ap peared since their opening early lasc Angu.-t, and naturally, such strong indorsement travels fast Fields and Hanson do not fear even a dis pute to t heir claim of presenting a program embracing the newest things in minstrelsy, arid one that outclasses ail similar organizations, for m short, they have revolution ized this form of entertainment, and promise a succession of absolute novelties. Bocklen'i Arnica Salves. Tin; I Just Salvk n Ilia world fur Cuts linns, s. Sons, Fleers, Salt Itheiim. Fever Sun n Teller, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coins, an i all Sum Kruptions, nod posit ivt ly tuns Piles or no pay required. It is una ran teei1 lo yive ierlt. t sail -I action or money reb.t'.'ed. I'rie.e 'J" cents per box. For -ale by 1". S. Dully. Well Alleniled nnil Fnlhunlniillr. Mr. W. D. Alclver, member of the State Democratic KxecutiTO Committee, returned from Raleigh last night. In speaking of the meeting which he had just allended, Mr, Mclver sa d tnere was little to add to the reports already made concerning it. In talking to one of the members of the committee, who had bout) a mem bar for twenty live years, this mem her .niiil to Mr. Mclver that the meeting ibis year was the largest in attendance, and the most enthusias tic one he had ever at tended . it he ... h 1 1 nni Cured In n liny, "Mystic Cure" for Uheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to iidas. liu action upon the system is i emai kahle and niystertous. Il re moves at ..nee the cause, and the Incase immediately disappears. The Ins! do-egrea'lv beiietits, cents. I -old by Henry's Pharmacy, New ' I Heme. In this city, Tuesday night at Pi o clock, Natalie 1m, infant child of F W. and the bit,. Natalie K. Wnl s . ii, aged il tnoiii bs and F! days. 1'iiheial was held from residence at 1 p. ni Wednesday, conducted by lie V . Mr. ieorge. Wallace F . soli of dames F. Scott, at Im home on Itiversidn Farm, near this city, Nov. !,'lh, age " years, 1 moot h. 1 riMilou Ni'wi please copy. t Thtmai tlaai'a Yafbil. 1'iM OM'iva City, Md., Not, .) Tlia pb-aaiirr y ht which la bping built at K. J Tull'a ahliyard, PiMimokr Vily, for Hie Rev, Thnmaa IMxon, Jr., of New York, will anon U completed, and will Ix. one r.r the Hnnt Traaula of It kind t built at I'oromoka Chy. It U aighty rest long, twenty fewt wale and flrt fart eight Inche depth of hold. U Is built of whit oak and U beat of tViatbara, pto. The vaaael will tw rlf g4 with twamaaU, harp, or "mnttoti lg" Milt, aundlnf Jib ami flying jib. Rha M Ru4 wttk galranlaail pip mil, aboo4 algbtaaa Inrk. a high, aroand tba (tack, biaa lahlch I tvad th log U a watting lo girt h gp. I paaraaoa af ataam yacht.

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