riu WEEKLY JOURNAL EatkUaa4 U79. Sectlea Oae,Taee4ar, Bee, tl. 1891 orucuDmun. ' The roller ikaiing'riok opeoed laat night, is Stanly HalL v Thera er ealea of 21 bakx of cotton ib the local market, yerterday. Taw price of cot tea waa ft3 18. A big line of drtea braidt and nice dreaa good la all eolora and grade at J. J. BaiWa. Tbe onntree Boiler Tray Trunk ia what everybody abould hare for ale by J. J. Baxter. Yon aboold see J. J. Baxter for a Bled suit and overcoat, he is celling tbera low down for the cash. J. J. Baxter is daily getting in new good for the holidays. You should see his stock More buying. Tbe maximum temperatore as ob served by the Government Weather and Crop bureau yesterday, was 45.0 minimum 40.0. My entire stock of Jewelry will b sold at cost this week. Call and see the wonderful bargains. Baxter tbe Jeweler. The drawing for the gold watch, proceeds of which will be given to the City Band, will be held tonight at S o'clock, at N. Kunn's candy store. The New York Life Insurance Co., through its agent, Mr M. L. Hollowell, has presented the Jour nal with a very handsome calendar for 1898. Mr. H. T. Richardson who will be remembered by many here, as court crier at one time of Craven court, died last Friday, at ti is home near Dover, in this county. Duffy, the candy man has just out some of his own fresh and very fine peanut and cocoanut brittle Cindy. This is put up in beautiful boxes and is offered for the holiday trade at ten cents a box. JKarmer Jor, AkhIii. The Editor of the Journal was the pleased recipient, yesterday, of two fine tomatoes from the garden of "Farmer"' Joseph W. Watsou, of this city. "Farmer" Joe, as a tomatogrower marmot be excelled, and as an all-the-year-round grower of tomatoes, he has no competitor. These tomatoes are not grown under glass, or even in an incubator, but were picked from out of door vines, which seem, under "Farmer" Joe's hands, to be perennial pro ducers of tomatoes. Only zero weather, or a four foot snow wi'l prevent "Farmer" Joe from gathering tomatoes from Ihr celebrated vines. W. N. Nrbrdnle Ikaain. Commencing Monday, iiOtli ingt., the following change will tike place in the schedule of the trains on the W. & N. branch of the Wil. A: We). It. R. Passenger trains will leave e' Berne at !) a. in. and returning will arrive at ." 40 p. ni. j The freight traina will leave Tups- ! day, Thursday and .Saturday morn-1 ings at G.tJO a. ni. anit will arrive ! Monday, Wednesday and Friday's at1 3 p. m. The Qraatcrt DUcovery- let. W. M. Hepiie. edi.or Te-kiWa. I I ,' "Chit," ) "We wnn'i kiep Imuw I without Dr. King" Ni Diarovery for Consumption, ('nuclei aDil ( u'tta. Kx perirocnled uiih many mlicr. but terr yot lite true n irmly unlit wr und lit. kiny'rt New Ibacovi y. Nn t.tli -r trni ily can Like .ta V.ce in u r liwm . a n it have a ler-am and finr cur'1 Im ('oiic.li, Cold. Whooping Omli, ric ' Ii ih idle to txpeiuiji nt Villi olLir u n f die, ev..u if Ibey are urad i n urn a jijvi n (jfHwl aa Dr. Kmg a Ni w Iicifry. They a i a Dot a yoo-1. b-i hiic i hi, ipn.r dy In- record oi curia ami nnnl. ii i I ptiaraDtrcd. Ii m-vir lml " aitbli . ! Trial ljlllea bee at K. S. PuflVa Dr..-; t fctOrc. A Ktv ( miff. Dr. E. F. Karly, of Ixiuiahtirf , i N. C arrived in the city laat night, i to take a looa at New Berne, which he eipeot to make hn home. Dr. Karly has been practicing hie profeaaion, dentitlry, in Iiitbur, , bat will move to this city neit month, and will practice Ucrr, har log bis room i in the Hughe, build lag. Tbe stockholder of. tbe New! IWne Tobacco IV arehooaa Com l paoy met at the City Hell laatj Bight, end adjourned to next Hon da night, Dei. 17th to neelatMme placa.. ''', " tTGt then at Davie' rbama cy Teller! New Royal Blue Cigar. Better than ever. ' . ', V , ooaoaa mm - talTIrilMfMlkM Mm WfcM WHi Ammm mm mmm- The Holiday aeaaoa will open Best Satarday, Cbristmae Day. Christ maa week is ooaeidered this year at begia ning on that day and eontinoine through the following week. The Jourjul preaenta today the atnnouncemeou of tbe events of the Holiday Week, as far as ar ranged. It will be seen that those having tbe fixing of the datee for the different affairs have apparently arranged so that tber will oot con flict. PHILEDONIAX CLCB. Tbe social whirl .of Christmas week will be started by the second of the series of winter Germans, given bv the Pbiledonian club. This German will be on Monday, the 27ib, from 9 p. m. to 1 a. ni. The club has also decided to give a dance o.i Wednesday, the 29th, compli mentary to the young ladies visiting tbe city during the holidays. The Germans will be chaperoned by Mr, and Mrs. John Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. O. II, Guion, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. B. Carraway, Dr. aDd Mrs. N. II. Street, Mr. nod Mrs. M. M. Marks. The excellent band of Prof. Le Roy will furnish music for il.e Ger man?. The ch.b anticipates, should op portunity open, during the series of festivities of the week to give an oyster roast to the young ladies. A visit to the rooms of the club shows ttie organization to be eco nomically arid pleasantly furnished, occupying live rotoms. The reading room is t quipped with all the lead ing papers and magazines. In all quite a pleisant place for the young meu to spend their leisuru hours. The dues and fees are light, the club being economically managed in every particular. (.'HAVEN cixu. The Craven Club will for the first time, give a reception at its rooms on Middle street, and a dance in liowthrop Hall, both on the night of Thursday, December yoth! The reception at the Club's rooms will be from 8 to 11 p. in. at which the members will greet their friepds, who will receive a special invitation for the occasion. At 10 p. m. the dance will open at Lowthrop Hall, at which all the dancing members and invited guests will pai ticipate. The Craven Club's reception and dance will be one of the social events of the holiday season. comini; UK l l IN (IS. Two events during the holidays which are looked forward to with u great deal of interest in social cir cles, will be marriages, At high noon, Wcdnesdav, lie- Cl'fn hpr "'(If fi in Si .I.imi.u f!hiirli ' i Wilmington, N. C, Dr. K. Dii Yal Jones, of this city will be married to Miss Katherine W. Walker of I that city. I On the night of the X'Ulh, Dr. 1 Jones and bride ill hold a reccp- tion in this city, at the residence of ' Capt. K. II. Jones, wherd the newly' married couple will be glad to see their friends. The reception hours will be from S to 1 1 p. rn. ' At 1:1)11 p. in. Wednesday, Decem ber "-".Hli at the residence of the bride's father Mr. Herman Dannen beron Broad strict. Sheriff Joseph 1 L. llahu will innrry Miss Jennie I annelibcrg. Rabbi J.I,. Meverberg, of (;,ilsboni, will pel form the cere- ' mi.inv, ami a reception will mimed i.itely l-e given afterwards. At INK nil VIII v. T'lieml a y night, December ''Nih, local ainaleiirs will preaenl ;il Ihe iln atle a p'av, eniit ed -'l'oor I'llli coddv The p oceeiU nip for churilithli-d ji'i in under the charge of " 1 1 r I H t KjiiHcnpnl t 'bnrcb. 'I ne ; cant of chHraclera i. aa follnwa: Mr. t'lllioxWv .. Mr. 1". U MunUini ( Hl.iln (J'xillllr .. Mr. A. K. Mi-veti Mra. I " 1 1 1 1 1 I v . . VI i. . I m I liryno ; Mr 'H mill- Mi ni S Inift.r.l nrnh ilium Mux M.ilirl llolii-. The 1 1 1 x v la a farce and ill dnuhtleaa be highly eiitertaim ng and have a crowtleil ho-ip. I on r II k n MiA V II f mi i -. ( hnat ( hnnh will have t'l.riat niaa nrii:n for the children nej'. Sunday afternoon, a-i ia cuatomaiy. At All Sainta Chapel on ( hriat m err, ti' It Friday tn'ht. lliere will bn a ( briatrnna iree fur the children, and among ih rirrruea a Chriatmaa Carol will Ik- i t - At the Middle Mirtet lUptnl Church, there will be on mu Hun day at the rrgnlar hour, mnutiona end muno by the children. i The Method 1. 1 Sunday School will give their cultoma'y enurlainment, with singing and radiation. Tbe date for thia bas not jet bees dl ded epon. , . : At the Charch of Christ appro priata exeroiaee will be given Chriatmaa night. Ab 'Eochanted Castle" of the old Eoglieb ttyle will be ihewo, which with brigot Christ ma mnato and recitations, will en tertain and delight the Sunday echool children, as well as children of a larger growth. A. A S. C. ImprwvcwMBIa. The contract for the new combi nation building, at Dover, for the A. & N. C. R. 11. , warehouse, pas- seneer waitiug room and othce has I k . . . . , . , , . , breaker, for today we have had 087 beeu given to C. J. Scheelky. i , . " . . , . J ; gallons of oysters opeued, and have At Hiuston, ttie water tank hag' ,.. ,. , , , , i snipped S4J gallons. To give you been moved from the outside of the Lm . ,, . r n i some idea of this amount, I will eav passenger track, to a position be- ... , : . , . , ,i lhe quantity ws snipped represents This is done to make room for the extension of the platform at the! .r . i iiwhvi,vi DlH,luu, 111 LIIU UIU brick warehouse and railroad station the partitions making the office and waiting room, are taken awav, which gives ho much more loom for the freight department, which will occupy the entire building. PERSONAL. Dr. E. F. Early of Louisburg, in the city. Mr. Jim Simmons came down! from Chanel Hill last night to snend j the holidays in the citv. ' ! Usv. Ii. Is. John left yesterday morning for Goldsboro to spend a I few days. Mr. L. B. Ennett of Cedar Point, is in the city on a short vif ir, to his brother, Mr. Geo, N. Knnett. Uev. and Mrs. K. A. Willis and daughter. Miss Emma, left, on the steamer Neuso last night for F'liza-j beth City. j Mr. A. D. Ward returned last night from Kenansville, where he has been attending Duplin county court. i Mr. II. L. Vinson who has been attending coin id ' Atlantic, N. C, came homo yes'.erdin- to spend Christmas, Mrs. II A. London. Jr.. and daughter, of Pittsboro. who have ! been spending few weekK nr. Judge , ilenry K. I!ran's, left on yesti niay's morning train fo.- their home. j Mr. A. M. Ed Wiud j WilMeaVP this : morning for the West when- he goes to purchase a stock of hors. ; He will open a liverv biisincsH m j Washington, N, C, about January j 1 i-1 . J Mr. Chas. V. Huberts, formerlv a noiiular salesman of Pollock street, I now representing lirown, Durrei it Co., of Boston, in the states of Pennsylvania and .New York, ar- rived Sunday to spend the holidays 1 with his mother. f ltrlaluina ut hWHiiNhorci. cnteraicrnent i the Methodist liscopal Church, South, u. Swans-j hero on Fnd,iv evening Hl0 04th , j inst. Christmas Eve night, consist-1 it'R 111 part, ofnood mnsi.- by the 8waiisbi.ro choir and ..ihcs. vocal and inH.rn.nen.al. Also b-ctetl recitations, dialogue. charH.l.s, etc. by the Sunday School memlcrs. A hue ( hnstmas tree, vv,., - "Santa J Clans" coming mow., I he ijnmney and -list,, but, i,K tbe many ,.re8c.,ts, . etc. All for II,., benelit of lh ' riiurch and Sunday School Tl. . I . . in- i'. 1 in'. :ii Homager, Airs. llora I ni i.r 1 1 in 1 no; 1 on . whom teaching n In-ol i.i-ie, is well known as a r.-nt. Smnlav School Mork.-r Rtnl so 11. et hi 11 i' ran 1 1 w 1 1 1 I a en. The 111 1 in 1--.KMI 'ee liKcinl,, oi ly I .', f.n 'rown pi-rs'iii Hinli-, ;Tm-. for Inly .1 1 1 1 1 oileman loi'ltier. mid .'1 ctn. for chiblren tietwi-en .'1 .'ii.il I ' fears of age. Tl.en ..gain on l iiduy v enmi: the -IUt. New tea,', eve. HH.thrr man ( il)OV. j B,,riroved wUer for '.r,- will ! iho.,, .,, the IVpliat g(oe( T digging. In euch claim were church, t.y the Sup . and tea. hers to be folIlM guM IilJggttU THrvu.g in .,f tl.m clinch. 'Ih,, m !o for size and number. Tinsne paper was (.cm-lit, for H e Sund M hool' furnhed in which they could be children only. i , f r fr n I wripeili ll)fl nuKgeU to be evidence r"1"" ,r'" the mo.lsucces.ful miner with a aniiietliiiig no.el , .he w.v ..f ma. - ,,.... t,ckei .bowing that be or tre.-a. It will be lixe.1 i.T ..n.lcy, in , . fPI,,-(.l.u.;,J .0 ,, ol the vari . h a way to e,it. it to revolve1 on,. iriej to be awarded h writ a. a aniuti l all thM .,me. -h , le at the ',.,,, t , ,,jpc j , ,., -, top a h,rKe drum or o la tlached m. festival to Ih, held It. lb- .-li.nci. 0,1 a pivot wl,..-, ,a ti,,., -. rPvol.P Hl W,U (Vhri.tma. Ev.. ir, o,,.,ki,,. i, M,., g m , daim. v, ere t'(.r, th--,.d,.,n,e all tl... i,p j.tif.,1 pre-,,,,,, .h.imughly mm.! by the par ent, attac. d to 1 1, t r, r , pM,lflt o . cUjtn 'I he S.ipt. dpi K. Koatrr and p ir, , ,.,; cnt.,ne.l a blaok-one of wJ,.. ia n!.. w...i ,,w,, fr thmr ihe imiiur; found a small diamond unt, ,,n t.. M.ftii. Mh.,. ti. ,e...ltof whinh Qnd atimulaUd in On.low co'ini i, ,1,,, r.puin lrlp ,e of the claims to the extent never dor. thing, bv h,.lv . N )f , . , nne , hich the pr .jectors S.an.boro wdl k,vp t( n ' n-m ,,.( p , P lu,J a it wa. not aoU andv.mnitv.nn,. i.rw ,,.( ,rily r,p., tt tii, rnih tO the gold pleMoree .na. holiday.. I rat ordar flt.,, would bs ut conlioooea, Tbe "P"'1- w' ,pr,f... cni..ite4 f, a Klondike IhMaalilkiiri. Mr. Ja. H. 8 tan lay of 1 Tvnloo is recover. ng (mm ,ii bttaili ut wck aaa. tbst bae oonaned hie. le tatd for eis w.eke. We Huh m U aood be entirely hionelf oni bmti. TBSOTBTCB Ur0CSTT. mmr Btawwipta mm Bblav' " aaaaawia Than Mark. ' : A vieit to tbe Middle street dock, yeeterday, ihowed a forest of RtaaU belonging to the oyster echoooere, which crowded the doaks. There were oer thirty acbooners among the arrivals, and there waa business all day and part of last night for thoee in the trade. "There were more oysters afloat here today, than upou any previous day in the hiotury of this place," aid Mr. Geo. N. Ives, last night, "In our hnainpsR it. a it rnnnrd over four aud one quarter tons in wpicrhl ,Trr , , , , , "We have had 0 smickers busy today, besides to i other men en gaged in and about t!i building" "Now as to the money paid to the shuck -1-s. I n'd ;o tm . tii.75, each, to two other. -:.'. 'n euuh, and thirteen have received from fa. 00 to Isi oO each. Our force of shuckers have averaged today tl.40 each, ; which shows what the 6huckers have done. It is good money to them, but it will in isl of it bo soon ay, luu"8",-), Ml- es further said the large receipts of oysters kept them very busy, but that the probabilities were that within u week the ship pers would have exhausted all ar rivals and would be short in filling orders. The winds for the, past few diys have been very favoraule for the oyster schooners, and oyBtermeu have also been anxi-.us to get a little money for Christina?, hence have rushed to market all the oyster they nou Id ct. Eucklen s Arnica Salves. Tin: ISkst si.vio iiie w-il it'orCats Bruistf, Soris. L -..-i. Salt Itiicum. Fever b ins. Tetter, CIiUi;b-c! 1) tim-, I )iiiln-i.ns, t!-in, .-in t :i!l Saki :h;hi(, t -i -1 pf-sil ivfly :imm IMe.s'or no v ii i;.,i cl. It m uuai :oi:ee(' io iji -.- i .?; I' r :-.iii;"tcti"n or m0'"'-v n ,l -"'e'l- i e S3 cents er box. Fo1' ''V S" v" A CNIUa EKtIKTAIKKENT. The lilomllUn 1'arl.y hi WHdwoiid TOnw nrai aarn. W t i.kwood, Dec. :.'(). The complete success of the "Klondike Social" given lw that charming lady Mrs. L. S. Wash- -11 "The Kims" in aid of the U"10" Sunday School, is the talk of the town; very early in the evening the invited guests began arriving. The windows of the house were gleaming with lights and the spa clous lawns were illuminated. Chi ueM! hinienib threw a Hood of light i in all directions, open doors Hil l ' n cordial welcome were extended to M from Cnib 1oint( Morchead City. Kil.ston. Newport, lltll , ,ier ,,,,.,.. T(,v ,., Iinli l)lu HpacioilH ,,,, w,.ru tillt.d t0 overllcwing. The tnanagement had ia.erallv provided pleasant surprises for ,,,cjr pk,ltril aI)j 1ro(itaml ,V(.ly W;lH MH1U 11H,ie l() fee, ftt ,,.. Thejuons laue.h.er of the (.lu ,,. ad an:,n:ited talk of the Mvri (,(.kv ,, ,onst rated that all nVtl. u,v ,.,,,,, lba foMl Q. 1,',-ason and llw t Soul." i 1.1,, .1 I 11 t aps h brief statemen'. of some f ,,)( t ir-iy in. ills nn.vid. d for j, ' asseii, i.lcil ai d the pmleges of Sunday School mav liu of inter est to the renders of your highlv (Mt enie.l in lute uelcome pa per. A miniature Klondike Gold Field win arrange I in in,. Urge din:n( room. 1 pon ,1 tuble were placed rows of boxes tilled with earth, bv the aide 1 f each were a nick ami d.anond r:n; a Kloodike ablrt tnd; a KlonJ.ke toarf pio; .liver table folk, cut glaj, ink-well, Ac, other pti were leoerooslj award ed. " - , A .(cial priM lia I been prepartd la be jirtmt'vd to oor briovwa 104 indefatigable toperiotendent, Ut. Tbomei folaon, that waa dale" pre eeoted by one of the committee. Mr. ToleoQ waa aarprieed and visibly affected. , He made a beautiful and appropriate reeponee io a few words that convinced, tboea wbo beard him that words ara not all empty promi see Tbe woven ir was a large, beau tiful china cop and saucer of im ported wedge wood ware. The Art Gallery attracted a steady stream of visitors and tbe efforts at four lady attendants were taxed to the utmost in explaining tbe differ eat "works of art;'' many ejacpla tions were beard as well a. praise for the "True to Nature" of the ' exhibits." Over 50 specimens were on view of which wo recall a few: View of Greece, Early Days, Weary Travellers, Lesson in Tem perance, The Horse Fair (after Bou Herr) by Fritz. Imaginations lent charm and interest to the whole col lection and as one visitor remarked, "it was an objoct lessou not to be forgotten.'" The bean contest attracted many a? the most valuable prize. A genuine gold watch chain and pendant was to be awarded to the successful giiesser of the number of beans contained in the glass jar ex hibited at the Secretary's desk and a prize of a doublet diamond for the J next nearest, Mr. II. Asa jNithoD lbtely from New York City but i.ow a resident here with his family and right hero let us remark-, wish we had more of "em". A whole souk d generous giver whose aid coupled with that of his estimable wife has cnd.ared him to all and our Sun day School especially, won the liist priz. , and Mr. Hugh Muidoch, Sen tnti s end. Mr. .Nichols generously donated ll.e chain and requested Unit, 11 oe sold at unction and pro cteds given to the Sunday School. Afler a lively and spirited compo lion, Mr. Uoone of Newport became the owner. Games and other amusements were featii'es of the evening and at u late hour the friends departed for th.nr homes. List but uot least wa weie houoied with the pn spiicc of j some gentlemen from Norfolk and 1 N. Y. Citv who materially assisted bv their liberality in miking the "Klondyko" a success, and we as sure all t hut. the well ditected ef ! forts in behalf of the Sunday School will remain a btight spot mi their memory arrd on their behalf we tender thanks, and wish all a Merry, Merry Christmas. Vi rj. Wry III-link. A colored man named Win. York, made himtelf quite prominent yes terday afternoon in the "frog pond" neighborhood . William bail progressed Jfiom a nice quiet drunk until he reached the degree ol fih,ing dllink. II.; got into several scrim mages and a war rent was taken out by a constable to arrest him. T' li in proved too much for one (rtan to do, and the consta ble appealed for help from the city police. The patrol wagon with a number of titlicers were tent for William. He whs secured and taken to the city prison wtic e he now languishes. Pm nifiV aataal Flrr la.. Aaaorlatlon Membeis and supervisors of the Farmers Mutual F,ro Ins. Ass'n. of Craven and Pamlico counties are r. quested to meet on Monday, Jan'v 17th. IS!JH, ,.t o'clock M. at Court House in JWw Heme, to elect o Mice ts and transact other business of iin 'ortance. 1W order of lbs President .John HfiiriutKV. .1 D. IHi)vt K, Local Agent. I.lsl wl l.ellrra Iti nmining In the l'o.t Ofllce nt New IWiir, l'r..vrn county, N. C, iKr. 20. W. MKS'. I.IRTH. A I'flnre Auiboiv. It-J II Haxloo, Henry IU-aii.aii, Jo, lloan (J Tom Camlay I B F Dall, Jerry Davl.. E-MatHifw Fdward. 0- K Oailher, Han i (Ja.kii... W L Oriftln. M John Money , I'ri.t- M'Hirr, A Moore, II K Myrra. K-C K Itli.Klca. 8-Petpr Pn.ltli. W-T F. WetliMirgtrn. AitI Wlillo. l.lmu. Willicl.n, John W.l.cf, L II Wll liama. l.abiM l iar. Il-Olia (Ml. Huaan HoWfi... D-Carolit.e Davit, (, A di n- Oia'iam. Il-Mary FJIaa Barria, DtVhl llodftr, R I liui ana. 1 ' i 1 1 r.ne '. J-K K Joara. ((.Idle lost, MDnr. McCain. K-Uttt. Newtany. O-KlWtiCala. R-flaraH ttloaed. , ft David 1 8 pat row, K.acf Stepbene, i Bella. PefMae taning fnf above lettert wfll ptaase ay adverilse ead glvej di 1 1 of lie'.; - '.'.,"'; Tbe rf akUoai aow teialre that one (1) . eent Mull be eallecU I mi the 4llrety o( each advertlaed Mr. M. MiMI.V. 1'. M mm WQMEH M li, Mrs. Kester H al nesi Prominent New York Hostess, Relieved of Insomnia' by- Paine's Celery Compound. . There exists amo ig w omen who are much in society a f rin ot weariness le sulting fro n ovirtaxel nerves, more intense awl depressing than any known to tired muscles. The overcrowded lives of such women make them p'avrs of Anxiety mil annoy ances which lliey cann .( i;nore. Tlic following letter from one of New York's busiest hostesses shows how im plicitly Paine's celery compound is re lied on among the most intelligent, well to do families a- vii-ll s in many more humble households nil over the country-. New York City, October Oth, 1897. C entlenien 1 tl.mk it hut tairlo you that 1 bear testimony to ilie beneliiial results of my use of I'.iine's celery com pound. Two years apo I w.w iilinost a wreck from nervous prostration, resulting from overwork, mental ami pbya'cnl. I hail lost my memory completely, and IrieniJs feared I would never recover. After trying several remedies to no avail, my physician prescribed ''nine's celery com pound, and within a few days there whs a decided improvement in my condition. After the usb of three boitles I was bo much better t tint it was unni CPssary fnr nie Io continue in use. Sim e then T have recommended it widely, and Imve yK to henr that it has failed to do all that 1 Santa Glaus Is Already Making Tracks For Our Stores, WHERE HE KNOWS He will find a stock of Shonn fnv i Ladies wear, that'are Things of Beauty ior Amas presents. And kUo tlm I-iiliis' Favorite (lift to lir male friends of 1IANDSO d Y. HOLIDAY tSLU'I'ERS that make acceptable gifts, for Little Moimy. THE CHRISTMAS RUSH ! OF HOLIDAY! BUYERS Ii o poo ut aow and we oao't weigh out VrUi FrolU, Note, Caodiee, 4a., fat ' ooogh. We ara 1 orklng lor all we ar worth to ' promptly 011 order. , ' . , ' Prom our 8tool( of FAKCY 0B0CEBIE3 y'oo can ' prepare a dinner or a Gourmet- , ' ' , 5: liiiilfliliifllliiiiMiiiifiiuiiitinitf (nr i'Mmil iMlllllllMillilMlinlil 1,1 1 , 1 , , , ', ,i claim for it. To any one suffering f m any of the ills attendant upon continued loss of sleep I can and do heartily recommend it. Very trulv yours. MAYmE I.. HAINES. In all c-ises of nervous prostration, nervous indigestion, neuralgia, sleepless ness, hysteria or incessant headache, the i.lij.ctive point of a true remedy like Ptiite's celery compound is to make nrn.e blood, gather flesh and increase the number of red, health-giving corpuscles 1, 1 the blood. Paine's celery compound fills the ves sels witli red blood, drives out the dan gerous humors and thus Rives relief to a 1,.. si of aches, niuns and weaknesses. ' Wi.im 11 and men who have lost flesh and crown colorless and are subject to 4 lies mm pauis, pain quickly in health Jrniii Paine's celery compound There is Inn illy a family of iitiv cizc wheie there Is 1. nl some member v ho is feeble, for evcr 1 in d and la-low the standard of health to whom I'aine'n celery compound vviiuld prove of invalnal le help. Not only does this great inviyorator drive out, the aches and distresses that have accumulated because of nefflected rheumatism or neuralgia, but the liberal gain in flesh ..ml blood thai is idwavs a noticeable and encouraging result of its use. bring about, better health io Ihe" iliifentive, ssi mi lal ing and secretive, organs; in other nurds, aboverllio body. i. Ptov 1 I