.ipl IP fife ffalcfg 0tifi!al YOLUMI XX, NEW BERNE, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. TUESDAY, JANUARY 4. I Hf.lt.- - FIRST Mll TldN. M Mb Ell 44 V K11PBfillCiHS ON GUARD YOU CAN Stop That Hacking Congfa . . . . If you will only take (1, BradUam's Cough Balsam, and Bradham 's I Bronchial Lozenges tsi .Both are old, tried recipes and syjnrameeu in cure, or tnonc y SI refunded. Try tlieui. Sold only at 8 Bradham's Reliable Drug Store 'Xsxsil J. J. Wolfenden, RK II, ESTATE, New Berne, - - N. C. FARM LANDS, TIMBER LANDS. CITY PROPERTY, ' COUNTRY PROPERTY. , tSF'Havo some Choice Lauds for Trucking. Trade-Mark. ature'i Xervliaw and Rapid Restorative. An unfailing cure for Diseases of the Digestive, Nervous an fi Generative Hy8triB. A Tonic of rare ellieuev for the nlil ami young ami of mark ed service for StiidoittH. 'IVneliern, und nil who are engaged in lirain work or close occupation?. Cures Depression, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, Reatlessness, Nerro Weakness, Excels, Tired reeling, IHuscnlar Weakness Palphationof Heart Bystoria, General Discomfort. Alchoholism, (tnd that almost itmtimerablo series of diseases anil complications result ing from any derangement of the Nervous system. Invaluable for Weak women and nervous children. Steady Nervos, Draced System, Sound Best, Good Work, IXSl'KKI) It Y I SI N(i Dr. Cox's Cocelia Nerve MVnic. Coat atM No Oplatra r nnnicrroux rnj i mxlir a habit. 00 Coats For Bottle If three bottle lie ordered at one time, a copy of Orjla Cook Hook will In included free. At f,ras;s;iala anil laleror 1lrM-tor mm mn receipt tf prltiw ftO.ca.nia. wfnklemann & Brown Drug Co. Ma-le Proprletera, DAJL7I390BB. MD D A. 8. PROFESSIONAL. F. M. Simmons, A.P.Ward. J. H. Pou. K. W. I'on. SIMIONS, POU & WARD. ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS at LAW. IW MKMaiK. ft. r. -eaees aiM, at atiai mmm Hmiibarin. . Pwollee lotheeonnlirsof t.Trn. IHipiln, on, Oaatnw. Oarwrwi ami HariHIon, Wnk.-, JialaaMoaa, Harnett an1 Hllwn, in n Sn yivM anU kenerel Courta, and wherever etTVea arertMtr.il. r I II. IV lie tier, V ATTORNEY AT LAW. , TJimie Street, Lawyer. Brick ValUlar. Will MTK-tk-a. In UiO Cbantlae n Craven rVrtorev .Junes, onetow entl Famlloo. V. H UuaitMXew Berne and auprrute Uourt fee .- Attention Ladies IVa hare Joit reeeivud another Lrx and llaaotiiul: Line of Cut GUxm, HaTlland'M China, Jlanquet Iamm. TThav oo are looking fur Xmaa frvMnu) it will pa jou to call and tamiaa oar flock bafora baying. L H. Cuter Hardware Co. f I f "i n m wtiww it! rM M t-.m Ok- 1 . J " " 1 f I lir-., ami I aj l' ! Ii M H, GOuELI Will be Collttlor Ducat's Mivb la dies. Mew bn rue Takes Charge Penitent iary. No Removal Without. Cause. Next Teacher's As sembly Probably at Aslieville. Jol'il.NAL BlKKAr, I tioH, N. C, Jan. 1. Mr. K C. Duncan the new Collector for this Jim iel hopes to take charge of Hie ollici: ley i iiu loth. He is here today and goes to Washington tomorrow, lie says lie lias made no selection as regards his force, but will put in new men good Republicans suiiject to the ap proval of the Secretary of the Treas ury. There were 12 applicants who stood for examination here for civil service a few weeks ago. hut only one A. ('. Leh man of this city has been notified of his acceptance. J. M. Mewborne took charge of the penitentiary today. He filed Ins :J;r,(00 bond yesterday. A soon as the auditor notified Ihe Governor that the bond was tiled Governor Uussell issued the com mission. The wind has been blowing a regular Kale for the last 'J4 hours. The weather is pretty crisp but not bitter cold. liiley I'ate the young boy u iio killed hU conipanioii in Vaucey couiil v, ami w hose death s -nteiiee was coinniuleil to life iniprisoninent was hmiighi io the penitemiary yesler.lay . The negroes today have a regular gold day emancipation ei-h-lo.ilio.i. Parades bands, addresses, etc. The revenue ollieers here have been notilied by the antboiities at Washing ton thai the janitor and fireman of the postollice building are under civil scrviee rule and cannot be, removed eee-,i. l.n jusl cause. I!. T. and K. 1,. Grey is the name of a new law lirui here. There was a but llvi! beiori: the lmrd of aldermen last iiigiit ever Ihe granting of liipior licence t. cerlain bar i ns, applied and one was turned down. ll is very probable thai lie m :J .ei.m oT the Teacher.-,' Assembly will be held at Asheville. The teachers of Gc.rgm, Tennessee aifd South Carolina, are In vited to meet wilii the North (' teachers and Asheville will the lie vcniclit place. II. 1.. Grant of ( m.I.NIi,.,-,, vn rolina -I i ini- s-is I hat out of 11 Governor only about one Kepubliean thousand in the Stale endorse UiiHHell'H administration position to know, as he i I traiit i- in a a Stati- eolil- lllitleeman. This State still leads a s I, i 1 he liumher of new nulls built in Is'.IT, ioid old mills addeil to. Senatoi Ibilh i savs no lusien of I'lipu lists and Keubbcaos is vet nree.l upon. This of course applies to Hie liullel l'..pu llsts. The anil -1 till lei lies have pi aetlcailv made a ileal with tin- lb pulilicans. It is believed that the Itnilmud com mission will oust tin- vely i llieii nt clel k II. C. I'.lowii and put lii Sharpe o( In ih ll wild was Usl week inadi- a-istant i h-ik. Mr. Hrown is a I i nu n a iteiiubhcan. ipe Knuwrmlrr .Hcm Ttrk. Nrw Yoiik, ..'anion y 1 Groati-i New York wns born at midnight. The o'd niv ceani-d at that bmir to ei--t a, n in i. mi- -pulily and a new one, tin- si i uad in the world began, TllC chief obHcrUltloe ef the event wan a cnrnivul parade tliHt i iidt-d at ihe cilv hall at luiduight As l he In ui s! i m k a bulM-l of ilium' from leone, Uil- and rallh'n, mingled with i htern fiom the cniwil, Imlh-d the new city. The City Hull will brilliantly ilhuni imted with string, of ,-lectrie IikIiI" Iickii tlfully l oloreil i ll i lie id xhiihU nml Aniericnn tbig-, i-oinpumil of revolving ligllU. On I lie dome of Ihe liiiilding were emhl W-alchllnhU lint llieihe.: m all ill rpciloim and cut nrrimn ilie light '.hut hinted their ruy from the roof of the poalottlce and newnpnjM-r Im ibl i ng in tin neighbor hood. fork llolrl l.ra-fl fiperlsl to Journal. Kai.KIOll, N. C , January :i. Tin- 1'nrk wa today lraed to It. II. ltjiney, the lraac of the Varburo llotii in thin city, TImi Iraae of Ibr I'aik i for txo yenri with tlm tight of sale rrwrvi-d Waalilngton, lcrmtwr, HI . Tie plan of lining reindeer an nirana of I un.. ,rla- lbm from tlin -nUoard In the Klomliki- diwa not pn.miae surreaa, owinj; to ihe Inability of tlin govrrnmi nt ai(rnl, Mr KjXImann, to gi t lh anirriala from Lapland In time to la- of m nice thin winter. Washington, lrrnitr, HI. In lb" COuras of Un removal ol the book, and papef of the C'ongrtalonl library to Ue nee bolldlnj, an uneipwled find aaa been aiade ta the shape A a tare boa of papera errittaa by Tbomae Jeffpr oa. Tay art altrely public paper. Ila vane, Cuba, Drormber, arral Paado'l oampalga baa bsa bronght loan abrupt belt, owing to Ihe Impnmlblllty of cotiUnaing aa aKgmai aioveirwai In default -of ilie 'r-p at auppllaaaad manilKint reuealrdly ilemaaxlnl from Iba (fovmaenL . h H ANNA'S GRHAT FtGBT. His Blllnlr l or Mpvakrr l Ikrlral rm. it ta Taken Aa An laillralloa ol Disaster. Special to Journal. Oon'MBCS, Ohio, January 3 -The S-nu-torial aspirations of Mark Hanna have received a seUback. His followei-s are pauic stricken as a result of the first lest of st rent!,. The candidate of the Hanna party for speaker, Mr. Hoxwell, wus defeated by a majority of three votes. (Jen. Grosvenor has felt ceilaiii that kHoxwi II wmiid be chosen. He claims that Hanna is stronger than the defeated candidate for Speaker, but his followers are in a state of disoi. der. Hanna may he withdrawn from the Ohio senatorial race and Win. li. Day, of (.'anion, assistant secretary of State and President McKinlcy's trusted friend may be substituted for him. This move would he taken only in order to prevent a hopeless split among Ohio Kepubli- TH PENSSOH LIST. Soirrrested PuicatiBii of Names in Conoty Newspapers. I ncerlaiiily Among Seiialers and Kepiesentatives. Secretary Slier man ti Keniain. Political (ipininn on .Man land Sen atnrsliip. JociiN.M. I!t i:r.,r. ) WasiiimitiiN, I . ('.. Jan :!. i ('oiigress will ruasseinhle on Wednes dn.y with as much uncertainly as to what will be accomplished this year as existeil on the lirst day of the session, nearly a month ago. Instead of biinL'im' the Senators and Keuesentalives ( loser to gether, the holiday recess has served to nccenlualo their ililfereiieea and to show bow very far apart they are upon almost eve'-y subject upon which legislation will be allenipti il. I he eMleini- gold stand ard 1 1 epilhhcai is an insisting that tin party must put legislation through the House, in w hich lliev have a majority, that will move the sincerity of the parly towards the gold standard; the Republi can silver Senators are talking of the cer tainty of a big pailv defection if this ad vice 1-' followed, and the conservative Republicans are trying to get Ihe con sent of their radical coin-agues to a pro gramme that will oilher lot linanii- alone entirely or only iui hide some nn-asuie that can I"- siippiulid by all mi'iulu-rs of tin- in i I v. 'flu- I le rats ami I'opu lisls. having deelaled t lii-lnse ves in cau cus to he opposed to all I he financial ii-i oiiiinenilaliiiiis of l'n sidenl Mi-Kinh-y and Sein-taiy (iaui-, are now nu-relv wali lung their opponents and wailing for them o try to do someihmg. ll has been suggested by those who favor making public the pension rolls but an t eel lam as to whether thev w ill support tin- lull authorizing Ihe go -elnnienl lo piinl it. because of the money U will cm aluiut .'oo,0!l(l thai 11 Miuld he cheaper and would place the names Indole many more people if the ll-t of pi ',-ioneis ol each county wen- hi I l l.-i n 1 1 in the in Whp.tpcrs of that coiinli. Wlii-thir this plan would ho i hcapi r i- a inaller of doiibl, a, ( on :;i i-s- as a'bod y would haidly him- the hit vi' lo ask t hi' press id I he country In perform such service without i-ompi-nsa-lloti. however much Individual ( 'ongres--nil 11 uoiy impose upon lie- gem rosily i.f individual publishers, hut there can he no I. .11! I about Its being the best win lo get the list Indole the puhli . Kvetv intelligent man reads Ihe m w -papers, w lnle only those w ho have Home pal lieu -lar ri-asori therefor would h,ke the troul'ie to even glance at the c intentH of tw elve or fifleen poll del oils vol unit s, ev en were they placed where aycess to lliclll would hi ciihv. Sei n tiny Sliermau has ag on deuli d tile lltitll of tin- report revived lor about the looih time that In iiib-nded ri-hign-ui ; III" fi li lids mn Unit Ills hriilth IK aa good in it bus been ut any time ilurinu the last live year,, and that iinleis it gels WolM', he will remain at the In .id of ihe Ifc'piirtiiicnt of Stale lin ing this admin in: ration. The .pohtli anna In Wanhinglon think that Ihe withdliivvnl of Gov. biwnib-n, tut u ( anduUte for the Senate Irom Mary land. In favor J Judge MoCoiima, ha, mivb' the bitlei'a election aa Svnator (ioruian ucr oaaor very probable. Thur opinion la aiti-nrthi nixl by the under "landing that the I n fl no n re of the ad niimatl alien la alan tiring ru iteil in favor of Judge McGoma, TUB MABKBT4. Yolenlay a market ipiolalioni furniah cd by V A I'ort rfleld .1 Co. Omimiaalon llrnkera. Nr Y'nas, Juntiary 3. HTOCKH. Oram. Hlh. Uiw. CUmm People G ltfi 07 M Br) C. M, ft (. BU Vfl fjM MJ t'lHCAUO MAKKETH. WnaT- Open. Ill(b. I-ow. Woaa MT l M IU fit) Coa wr l m .' Jow try a I0e la 4I of faararHs, lh fla ts! liter ar 1 bowel rru later Tsf to4( BUT LIST YEAR. RaleifLh's Holiday Trade Shows ! Increase Over W. i New Year's Calling. Tax Collect ; ing. K liallrnad Coiiiin is-ion- ci". Papers Ready for 1. S. ' Supreme Court. Duncan I Much Sought After. .lOLTi.VM. Hi Itl'AI .. I I li.vi.mnii, N. C. Dec. :l, ,:i;. , The inerchants here are jubilant over the tine Christinas trade. At lirst they ! did not think that it would be so good as usual owing to the low price of cotton, but when ligures of last year's sales and this year's for the Christ mas trade were compared it, was liillllil unit tlierc was an increase in favor of this year. Last Saturday night there were oulv a few homes thrown open to receive New Veal's callers, but at each of these places the fortunate callers wen- received by a body of Kaleigh's fair daughters, and others from different places and Slates. This fashion of New Year's calls is a beautiful one, and it is to be regretted that it u so fast going out of stylg. It will be a suiiject of thankfulness lo many that the affairs of the Park Hotel here will be under the control directly of the Page Lumber Company which com pany owns the hotel. The nianagenienl or rather mismanagement ot the past f:f months have been very serious, but now the friends of the hotel look lor much better limes. Sherill' Jones of this county was given the tax books September Tth, and up to January 1st had collected $75,:i25.41. On the books were f 1 1 l.tlhl.l'.l. That leaves I $:i."i, TJl.'i.TS taxes still due. Of this the j country people owe $s (Kin. The amount collected is apportioned as follows: State Fund, itilS.N01.lt-': School fund J(I.(WI.:S county fund if til, Mit.l'h: Graded school fund, ,17.K; hoard fund 4.'.'!7.I5. In the returns from schedule '. tax for Wakecounly the purchases by nii-i-chaiils for various articles amounts to S1 7. oil per capita to the population of the county. Tills shows that 'his couniy makes larger purchases to the population than any couniy in the Stale. 'I he couniy population is about li.UIMI. Governor Pussell and chairman Dock cry of the penitentiary boanl accompa nied,). M. Mewboiiie the new superm lelidenl to the peiillentiary Sat unlay. Pushup Cheshire hist night preached (In- thud sermon in the course, on the apostolic l-'alh.Ts at the G. u id Shephei d church his siihjeiT being Ignatius.'" The papers ill the appeal to the l'niteil States Supreme ( 'curl from the old rail road commissioners. Messis .1. . d son and S. 1 1 Wilson, are all piepaied and will be ready to be seiil on thi w eek. I'he Ministering ( irele ol K mg -DaughlerH are to give a "bal poiiilre" on the nighl of January I lib lo rai-e i icy for lie ir ( bariiy work. 'I he Alb. nice slioi-bn tin v al 1 1 ill-bur n is al la-t at wink, ami puis out .Vi pan women's shoes daily. The ina- luiii-l for uien's shoi-H w ill he in . - i k l ng oi del in a short lime. Nalive labor i- hem.' employed. Ilavi lm,' iil'itiI - uiil In -i-nf out on the road soon. 'I'he Hoard ol II. allb has ord.-ied threi new l-aiinalin (h-infectors. Thl -i- an to In- used w here Iheie liav e l,i i i eon laeaoii- dlseasi-s Mayor Ituss has ri-ceivi d ---.i-rul li t ti-i-. one from ( 'abfornia, asking if c I lieu i Ity bond- are gold ln-ann Telephonic I'oliimunii ations w ol hi established between here and G,,j,Jal.i,i w it ion the next two w ceks I he hellllh II I old of Kah l.li f-T I I. i ell I In I Is H sp'i uiilv line olli . Ill h-.l, lllg hack ov 1 that I hero w 1 111 MI7, -Ms. All tin- s. the rer-orils ll I'. sU" III s;il :t07 deiilhs, . 1. here I T III! spring term l.-.U The w etithei h eobl, hut il is 1 . No fiirllii r sli the Im-i 11 ning of M-nltentlaiy f w a-i to have b, ... ai . s have In 1 n lain o a- I . I he shirl fa. l.n al I h. . man t lahoi . .1.1 . - tar ted 1 1 1 1 h unit Many (ami n r i . 1 U-foie the Siipirm,. I'ouil lant U-rin li ivi' to go over to ih- mc which In-kiii- 1 ebruary -Ird, foi there W an mi much al unn-nt by allot n. v s t hat Ihe judge had no tunc to write ipiniona While K. C Dine mi wm In re on Sat unlay anil Hund.iv. he hail tnany apjili canta for KHiitloiiB na al alii p ( h-rk a and drputlea, but but clrrkahlpa. Knbrtiary 7th will Siipri'ine ( ourt to nppbi anta to priw lb fi w nppbi aula fo ... devoted by Ihe he r 1 am mat Inn of ln. 'aa)iini2loll. IKT. .1! I be director I f the mint, from Information now nt hand, aaya inure la xiilnUnnii . . v nb-nc that the wurld'a prodiirl of g -ld for llm calendar year 1HB7 will apprmiiiiatr, if not im, 24ii,000,(J(JO, en incn of nearly 30 prr ra-nt or 1WM. Tba gold product of the I nltod Htalea tor lava waa f.MI, 100, Win, (or 1MW7 It trill apiM-oilmate (ll,Vl,iaih en InnreaM of 1,400 il Baeklea'e Arnica aalr.s. Tna Baar HtLvatn lbs world for (t, BrutsM, Horra, Ulcrr, Hall lUienan. rer Hnrm, Tniar, Cliappwl Hands Cbiirfa:r., C"fTr, tl all Asia KrurHbma, aorl prtalt Welt cum Piles or do pay ravtelfed. It U lOaraattstf lo )iie ikI. a.tiictton or axMr rvfifaOed. Price t) cants par Hot. ftvfemkby r,JL Dotj. JAPAN BECOMING AROUSED 1 f brlhllnu Ahiiou. l l.iinipf trill rlHect by a t HlltMl Prni I'owrr. Aillvll) in Nh.j tnrilo. l" WasIII.Soion I , riiita-i :t A high p sUlf of liUblli loi.l.j Ui ,i:il..,:i mo il... N 'ompiiiat -1,, d, t... i;,., ,, umi.j V lies I'ccclVi d h. i . : a .1 n . 'I'he Jiji Slump . , in .-t : i (I .. ti-i.i , paper in Japan, i "i.t,,,. - a siathing ai ralglllllelit of ( h Tin am - a ll 1 si- dec la I I ll J tnat Ihe i iccupati-.il .-I lian I a-ui sb. that tin law :. and I, a,. ' - . I 0.1,1 "'.mi lllol all! v l.av 1 t i- 1 mull' I hall sj on- pliI powers, and thai the I ua li hi. I condiii t i- ically li-giil.itc.l i- "111- tit It of tin- weak 1- lie- I oi a) ,. ihe -tiling. The Nippon -ay- the i n-is call- t.. a resolule fori Ign pop, y by Japan, and avers that nothing t, nils to impair amity more than laue- -iihiui.ssiou to insuil and wrong. The course ol Germany is ai raigncd as a flagrant violation ol interna tlolial law. Tin- Tokio Shinipo lake-; ilu riilieal position that it i- Japan - duty lo -iieeor China at this mm t ui ,., ,,n tb,. ..rouiul that the boasted civilization nml ( 'In is tianity of tin' Western world i- -lowiy trampling downright and justice in its descent upon t he ( h n ui . London, January, 1. A di-patoh to the Tillies from Hong Kong says there is the greatest activity in tin- naval varus there, while profound secrecy is mam tained. The niovenienls of the liiili-h fleet and its whereabouts an- not known al Hong Kong, 'flu-cnn-i-i (iration hav ing taken on supplies ol coal and ammu nition leaves today. Tampa, l-'la.. Dec. :',l. A. II. Geer. ol Ihis county, u.l 1 1 ( il i ii-it from Clove laud. I'la.. savs I till olli,, largi-t Cuban expeditions which evi I li ft palli da shores slipped out from the Koy.nl Cleveland last. Thin -day. Six wagon, loads ol munition- of war and ulionl twenty men cmpo-ed ihe i'pi iii:i Return ot Purchases : 'Oil' K ' ' l Iti-a.l- l , i: oi I i i : . . . .t t i aii-u i . .ii ii t , Ne A Pe l in . V I - . .1 ihilal V I I . -.1-. Sill ..II a.e I. -ollll. .1 lo i.,a ,, ,e 1 1 1 el . .1 I -! 1 1 1 1 1 I in. . i I'he. 1 in da -aflel- the 111 -t d.u ot .1 Oill ll , s-.is , ,,,,, and ex. -ir i .bit -in i. : he auionnl ..I pill i ha-i -- made lo . n, a- pi on i; al . .1 .C'.n! . i T through oi ag. nt a .'on,. -l.Ti lloTi lialit. I-.! I le : -. . li ! 'hi '.lank aiooiinl- t-n o m. .:,'!, . . -. iot .lone ,:oh 1 -:i- I hi; ,. ii. . , !,, i h I -i - I.. .1 Ii in ami .1 lo. --1,1.- , .'op' paloha-o- .. I ilin pi .,,. I- ,. a, 'he I Ill, e, l, , a i i . . I . ! . ,,..... nih-l b, III. III.'. .1 ... ...... ,, I ,1 l . . p . h. sum . ii. I I t I : ji. i -. i j o . . ! . , . .. -s ' lga" '' - ' ig:l.-i:, p ,; mil ,, 1 l III" W III ' lie! -II.. .1 . I , . j . , ; ', fl'.lll He il ,1 p i,.; I i ' i. - and ue i 1 1 or 1 1 . I.i I v , I,, i. iii , l,....v ' I,. h oi'.. i I polilel- ol . lieu Mo; o d ..,,.,', i. I..' ,, and the iii, ii. I., i ..I lo, It. I . i .., and- . ! . . a ' . . I, ei.. : , 1 ig !' j ' - . . i-lo, III nit to f : . : , I, . ,,; , . . ., I'l .inpl . io o.. a I. ... i . i ai lie -1 l I , .,. -O I ah I ! a b, In1,::, lo ,.. 1 v :ll h. o, ,.,io I ' , Ol-e 111,. I',e O. I, oil ,., ,i i.. I lip . I-''" Hi lie II ' It ;,i A Good Bargain. No rraaon for t In, i u 1 , n i e t rept 1 1 i, on r pol ii y io,l I , , thia aeaJtoii'a nmlii im r uolii t, soMon. In I Iim lot of si, .. j .'inaro too., ,,1 l..y,tet od doiigola ti pa. Ida, k ami tan aid the rognlsr pricei , ie (I.' in,, t ' M.tm. Jiliiry 4. POWDER 3 Absolutely Pure V 1 u lli.tt i - il Hi":; 1 1 If ' i J .t ! i H i i H I I a .: ' , v y I ;..' JM.JB S.'i'.v A I . . i . ! . v. . . oa: ti-ed at .o.i'. ' SI:V1IVVEEKLY SECTIONS I'lu-li Tueoi'lay ... . ... . orTTTTTTnATrjo b u r e a nams. (Uncovered) JUST RECEIVED. A!s" :1 ""' '' "I' I'.reakf.ts. M,,j,s and l-iiglish Cured S!i mil I, is. !',,g il.,,,;. p. cut cypei te I t.nlav. A fr'' !l 1 f IttM'.H'le.l an I ll.ono-lio Ma-nroni, lim-st ' 1 1 1 a 1 1 ! v . I'Vcsli ( 'aimed (;,,:! nf Kli Saner Kraut. Codli.-h and l'T-!i I'olalo,--. Ihe best I,'. last,-,) Coll.-!- ...Id io II VI 111 llg nil 1 I ill I , , . veiie liiiiifl di (las 71 SSs-aad Hi.. XKW E51SiJ' k. IV. V. J i:MBR()81)ERiES. SPECIAL CLEARING SALE s Beginning MONDAY, JANUARY 3, and until the lot is exhausted, we will otter from the "job table" accumu- v lations Irom the stock of '97 ot embroi- deries. These odds and ends will be marked in plain figures, so customers can wait k upon themselves. We are determined not to carry !SC embroideries over a.jrnin. sn nrirps $ tltOQO fillllirnirlni'ine have been cut to quickly clear the lot H. B. ALL STYLES TIimt Car i ORSES AID IDLES ! Pair. ' .ii-;arrivi.iHoia:i.ii . , ,y ,,,,, , I a ! I. I t.. ' and mules ever ln,rn or, the and abed ia fie,. Ai at, lea aad a good horse or mole m,. will sell ever Ikx.ii retailed at on thl market ten vesra limn. I )' not forgpt that I alio carry the largrat atock of Huggl, Ilar niwa and li'llwa, of any dealer in Kaalern Carolina which will be sold at pnorss to anil the amrrhawr. J. W. STEWART, 70. 7J. 714 74. 74 awn Tfi II ROAD HTEEK T. and I'ridaj". lie I T ! V V'.T c.i'i li ud at A' lt"t:ii 1 nimn -r-,JA e, ,,n; - - a noint. that, will N s,1 Duffy Ai! KINDS ! lai:uls ol" I alrialr I, ml on hanl. In- largi-at atock of hnrsaa no maiki-t. Kterv sta . ran kin's an anil anyone who wants ibeni for !. inoliev; than tbej hae la fore, eithi r for rajih or on on ami New Berne, N. G. " - 1 ' laai aai JjII ' " V