ffoto Settle I VOLUME XX. NEW BIKNE, IKWEN lOl.NTV. N. ( . FKIUAV, FKBKl AK II. 1H98 - -riKST SEITIO.N M MBEK 54 Baby Mine! Every mother feels an i n d e -scnbable dread of the pain and danger attend ant i'n on the most critical pe riod 01 her life. B e r o in i n o a mot her should be a source of joy to all, but the sulferint? and danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER'S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. ;'.( ,? blessing to woman. $1.00 PER BOTTLE at all Era Stores or sent by mail on receipt of price. BOOKS Conta'n'nc invaluable information of rnrr interest to all nomen, will bo aent rnlt to any address, upon implication, by Tka BRADF1ELD REGUL1T0B CO.. Atlanta. 6a. Agricultural -Lime ! Hioli Cr.i.l.'. Freihly burned from Oyster Shells, Hulk or in .Sacks. New land :n well us old greatly benefitted I y liberal nsi- nt lime. CheHpest itinl Best Fertilizer for Peanuts. Oooil for all Crops. MAXI T A! TIKI- l AND Ml.l in Geo. N. Ives & Son, NKW BKUNK, N. (!. J. J. Wolfenden, III; A I, EKTATK, New Berne, N. C. I'AI!1 LA NIS, TIMKKIi LANDS. CITY PKOPKIM'V. COI N TKY I'UOI'KKTY. I-'IIave some Ciio.oe I, mis for Trucking. ...HARDWARE... Masury's Paints. Ariel Bicyles. 73 Mk fVpw RnriP esmm n c. Court Notice ! Witt tMN, itiitort ni l nil Milicra InUreaifd aJ whII h j ion a rrh rnitry I. no i f I bo Sn .. i t I ..un of )r.tfii eountv urn iioIi.m! ii.ui i h v lieH i nt hIIoIoI Suprri r Court llll'il Mon lY of 'll i'H'l oitk Winir ih Mill of I'.liro ,rV io . lj order r.f .1 u l - Urm-n, W. M. W'atv.n. '. S. ( ' kCDS TfeSTED AND Tnup s 1 nut.. I NAMES KIE illKL So a Lai CaiUate Fell TIpoeI m Examination. Mistake nu be Recti tied. Hutler's Plan Not Endorsed. The KUli Report For State. I . S. Court Suits. Pension Warrants I'nrlaimcd. jol'KNAL HlKKAl'. I RaI KKIII. N. I'., Feb. II Stall Snicii itcnilcnt of 1'uullc Kiluca lion is iisui -rry effort to have the next annual Hireling of the departments of Superintendents of the Nutiomil Klu ivitiontd nsnciHtions meet in North t'aro Una, Anbeville is the place selected, and the nsMichilion will lie invited to hold its next inciting there. This year it I incciw in v. inn mining -i, icon., r en. mid 241 h. There is (tiitc ;, stir lien over I he fuel Hint Mr. Mr Mill lei ol l'er(Uiiiians county, wIki wax a eiinli!:ile fur license iM'tore i lie Supreme t.ourt was lurtied down. Il now -ociU's to liht that he was aske:l only two questions, mid those he iinswered without any hesitation. It seetiiH that the court made an error in that it jot (lie nun. hers of the youni; men mixed, and granted li'-i nse to one who failed to answer the riulil per cent of qiit'stinns. Judges I'uiehes and j Douglas acknowledge tha! the court made the mistake. It ih tu lit hoped llial J the court does not consider itself so in j lallahle that the mistake will no! he n in e I it'll at oik c. Stii to relate ( inventor Ku-srll x- reuses h imsel' as set -i 1,1; no improve merit in the Capitol Mpnire, since the re. nmv.il of the fence, il i uriftn tuna'e that he did not wail until some improve ments had Iteen mad'- and aniioum ed radin and ti-rraeinjj- cannot he done in a tew w ecks. "The Progressive l-'aniu'r.'1 the orun of the Farmers Alliance, attacks Senator I tu tier as National Populi-t t 'hairman. )( say that liullei :s lunldim; un the H.-mocratie party at the expense t,t populism hy advoealin fii-mm that diminished populism i-i the result of fric tion troai Ins pohe. This paper com mends hint as a HMialor hut not as leader fur his pari v. The work (tf ettin-; out tin Melium Block 1 1 t si reel pa v i'iL' is proj;resMiiu r;tpidl . The u-u il report of the laSor eoiinnis sioner will ive ihe lirt statistics ;i to the fishing industry in the Slate. There were caught in Ihe eastern wateis during 1MUT, 14',',:.Ji;,i)0(i tish. value. I at l.rs;!.. IMKI; 7S,IK)0 hie hels of clams, worth fJ?, (UMi; .is.iioii teirajiitis and lurlles, worth .P.t,(HH; Khrimp- ami crahs, S.UO(): ters, vuli.fd ul fHi.iHKt; caviare : .V (HHt. Then were einploid l'J.ooo and :i.siM( vessels ami hoals. I'.M.iH.o j;dl nt weie usetl. There has het n found one man i:i the State that endorse 1 . I.. IJusell as governor. He i from Moore couiitv and eoniilerH Uti-.sell one of the safest mid ImsI h itder the ri-pllMieans evel had. No position in the f of the governor can he found ood enough ilh which to reward Ihu fanatical friend of his Six pension warrant wiiltea i tht Cdlllll HT'- lIMClnllliril -.Hi , ;oi !! -l dier. W, J Mlanu. aurl the other fniir are widow Par ten, V iNmi Phillips. Wecndn anr Cloidncr. If tlu hae inovi-d to another county their uurianiH can Ik trimsferred and Ihe nionv. liii, he wnt them, otherwiwe (he ll-l w ill I e marked "uik homed" and returned tu the TreaHii rer Before the I" S cuiut wUeiduy. ex p .nt noistT. MoifTcr w as ut t un hi utliMal hum f-.r the mud d tVCsJ, for he m u shurt in los account-. 11m- court H ivf judgment ii;ain hi 111 ami his h mUmi 11, tiovernur Knsell 1- mif1 ut the hondHmen K Marshal Cnioll wan also iufd for two ImireU of whisUev I plc? I in h'd care, hioI which cannot J n w ! found. They w er vahn I u 1 1 1 . JudK'in-n' vagrnntel a'nifnt him. I '. 8. Limit ami .1 A. Smith arc h- re d a rortaniiti'f from the direct urn of th N. . It It lu Mtidit the etpenne mi until Hi rt;liU the tool tu HlilMll the ImtM- of (he niN'l I" t hy Sun ( tu-i n A I l"f nr f. f nrr nhuiit $..' Ml uml .ihrr r -oi- are about V ut I h w dl f lite Utr Mr W.IUil lei en hlH prupurU. iidued at .(l"Ul t U'H" K. t .m i-rMud 1 Id'.dren, ih hihln u of np( A Ah- ' Pir Hunl hrrn It It and the All into I i-hiI Line nk the It It com iriid n l" ((io- Diein anuihcr hcirm; un the 17th a WOOD'S SCFDS m prctally tmwn and wWcWd to inert (tat nuda and rcquircflktnta ol Southern Growers. Voodl DracripW Catalofua Is mnat valu abt and Wlpful In flvttif cultural Awctioot and valaiaiiU tniormatina abuvt all wtda avaclaily adapted to lh South. VEOETADLE -n4 rLOWP.8 SEEDS, Urauw and Ckrvtr Rd, S4 Potato. hi OmU m4 all Garden and Farm Seeds. Vrte kr IWrv (Utainrwt. MtiUibm. T. W. WOOD & SONS, j SEEDSMEN, . - RICHMOND. VA. fit UIOIT IKS INK II TK UlTl reardi- rrilm lion .. rai.i. ..n mr l.md I naturnl litr. Liif'tfrrt received tin- ver i. 1 pruttitt. uf fi-rtiliit-:. ldiilitli alaujli. I'lii' txmril .it hIiIc TiTian ure keil In! It s ).:h ,-h k wl,riiw..,J a ins n irdmaiiiT rtiiuiriiig huildiug ; avnt tin i i.urt mom hv the j ity that it. I,. N 'in- Imvc evu l.t-rn rriuirei j fi .1 1, t an un.) 1 i..r (,.r (.luint)- unulh-i llj fz II. .il uuhi in The Sinn- Huanl nf Health is making fn. 'il progn s ith tin- nnalysis nf ihe ter 'iiiily in the vnrlnus l..w ns anil i n les u Ihe Male. Auditor Aver has a;ain rruim-d rlmre of the editnlial llepa rl IllilU nf Hllllel s pllpel. To Be Given All Applicants Fori Trains to Make Close Connections. Hay Society Doings. I'rlnon For I nited States Convicts. N'eirro (Ntnvicts Escape. le inaiids Its Rights. Jovhnai lit RKAl , i IUi.kiuii. N. i Feb. in. "iis. The Supreme court todity took up the cuwe of Mr. McMilhin, unly to do nothing for him. They decline tit grunt him license, and simply hny the incident Is closed so far as the court is concerned. The court passed a rule that hereafter the applicant for license must semi in writ ten examinations, ho as to avoid all future Irouhle. t hi the i:th the Southern train and the S. A. 1.. one .Hin east and the other lioing north will connect here. As it lias been for nunie time, there was a mis conneet'on of about ir minutes here, that while it meant but little to the rail roads, meant much to the passengers. The Federal (uni t ha about finished the docket, and the jury lias been dis missed. The equity doeket is still open anil on Saturday Jude 1'urnell will hear several of those cases set for that day, The beazar Literary Society at the Agricultural nd Mechanical college will on Friday idht. the ISth, hold its liflh oratorical contest. The two literary societal id the college are thebea.ar Society and the l'ullen Society. These young men are very enthusiastic as to their clubs, and so they always make an evening pleasinl lo those who attend I heir debates. An invitation lifts been extended to the Agricultural and Mechanical college cadet to go to the New Berne Fair. It is now sctlh d that they will not eo. There an- :ibuiit Kid of them that have been varcin iled and some fifty or uiuic ntr I i d up from this. The oiing sneu'ly folks here are going to make the most of the time between now ;,iid I,en. There aie two clubs among the gills and first one nu mber .oid t Inn another entertains the club. Mi-s Maty Hvan enti rlain the "Thaliuu club'1 on 1-Tnlay night and Miss Kliza Bushee entertains the "Fin I c Seicle" i uili Mori'hiv. The young men are always invited and in this way the girls icturn lb- hospii.dity u' the "Kuphresyne club' t h.it iia ni i u si . many del ight I ul ( cr-man-. Tlie printing establishment of Mr. K. M. l'.el has been closed b the sherifT and ihe entire outtil Mill In- sold at auction on Mar: h itid. Mr. ('honle Hockery. chairman f the penit ruin y board, has Iteen lo Washing ton ('it v to see the Attorney ('eneral an leganU limiting the North t'urolinu pen i tciitiai v a pn-iou fur 1". S. prisoners from ;h- Suiilhern Siatf. The department will investigate ihe ur.itler. and if it IH found that tin te will he o n k enough to keep them cunMant 1 v rmploed un order will probably he irvoird dehignaling this n a rceplabe fur I H. unvirtH, Now they have to le can n il to ( oluuihuH. Ohio ,,r to New York. Twuuf Kaleigh'i druggiHi- yenterdii receivetl a check fur ..'" IH) each a4 a pi I- uffrrril f,.i the huge I hhIc- of ' 111 omo S-l I ZeT T.H.lht I'he Milk White Fill-" held the tM.ard- at Ihe peri lluum-. Neil w eek. "I'he Wilbur ( I;mtu :ollpali '' phi t a wn k entigeuii III here. ( ulh ( I or I hi ncati h ,ih written lo the i 'i 1 1 m r i coin in iwiofi ii h k oig w hel her he cauiiut Hppuinl all Mtnte keeper- and pinui'm- lb huH reHppuinted the uld t lei k nild depllliem inoll . potlhl y be i hum- he knew lhe welt fully protected h v the rl 11 m-i va c 1h w . The I tiiocral h Hie 1 1 r g I to organise and hegoi wutk xt onciv It i declared hy nmnv l but they are 1mi ilow )n getting I lierilMd vi a togel In r . F-rnt nielli four negro convutu with lerniN of two to tivi' ymrn i m aped from the county workhouse. With pie e of leel thr I(hi4-1 the rnorliir ttrouii'l the henrlh tune. pri d it up and dicing j out, tied Th-y viriH bred upon, and one of thent, Ihr fir iittr. ho tU flw Hun'-, yml huh liinlly raptured I hit morn Inn C-hrnn rounly after drmnriding rofi of tin hut penitentiary m pw rrihp 1 by thr enu iinnfc of the Uat kg tltur iind Udtift rfuMt, hu brouglit ult to in! thf lit on I bo mfttlwr. LAOOBt AY 4 NTBIVOS. Wlitoib Smrpm fvflUt, Onirao, Kb. Adolph U Luvtpirt ri toolfhi ounvkt4 of mrdr ol hU lf, m4 ;niftc1 to lmprlMHimnt lo th fimttmrj foe th Urm of liii they lu.l airi-ril upon a verdict, ami wtre Katun.- in uriou it into cuun. Ouicklv ar. p.isil,e aftt-r tilt- jury tin I sent word nf un agreement. Judije tiary hfuteued to the cnuri room. The nen n viirliet apreud like liaciii -nun; t.. the stieet, ami in a few inmulea ihee.uirl ronlll Wtth jamiueii with III Kv piM riurn. Miieenien nitne-w n who hiiil 'ivcu evnleuee lu the inal 1111 1 ru in 'in. sjieelatorg. DOWN III DISGRACE. Spain liii's iDsnltini Minisier iate lij His Own GoTenunesl Spain Notified to Act Quickly Kor the Sufety of Dc Lome. Com moiit of tlie Knirlisli f'res. Ilow the Letter Cunie Out n Mystery. SH-(-i:i) tu .loiiruul. WaMIImiton. lVliy, Ml IVesiileot McKinUy di inanils fpum Simin tin- ini meiiinte recall of Minister tie Lome. The coiniiHiniention ia made through minister WtHitlfortt at Mailritl. I)e Lome lias matte no pretense of not having wiilltti 1 1 it- inuulling litter to t'aualt-jas. 'I'lie Matlriil (iaiers, however, are trying lo ascribe Ihe matter lo a plot of the Cuban sympathizers. This afternoon Minister tieLome re ceived the acceptance of his reaiiinatit'ii from Spain. At Ihe same lime Premier Sauasta notitics Minister Wooilfort, antl through him ihe Secretary of State thai ilel.ome will he recalled in disgrace 'n outer to humiliate him. Minister Wootlfniit has notified the Spanish Ministry that dt'I.omc must leave this country in a hurry. Klse tlie United Slates would not he responsible for t lit- safety of the indiscreet otticiul. Tlie most objectionable paragraph of the letter written by tie Louie is as fob lows: "Besides tin natural and inevitable coniHcness wiih which he (McKinley) reports all that the press ami public ooinion of Spain has said of Weyler, il (the message i hIiows once more that Mc Kinley is weak unit catering to the rabble and besides isa low politician whodeslres to leave a door open to lue and stand wll with the Jingoes of his party." Minister de Lome has been the Spanish representative lor the last three years, a period that covers neurlv all the late troubles in Cuba since the mil break of the revolution. The Knglish papers say thut the tie Lome incident adds greatly to the compli cation letvvecn the t'nlteil States and Spam in Cuba. Then general comment is that the chances of I rouble between Ihe two governments are largely in creased by l!ie attack on Ihe American I'resiilenl . le Lumi is expected to have Wash ington at any moment. 'Ihe exael iiiuii "er in whn h Ihe letter bee. tin i public Is not yet k now n. A irlti I nnilliia Ynnilnl. inmun, N. ;. Feb. il. -The (Jiand N c i r 1 1 1 1 Carolina Imposition car is here and is being vimiUmI and admired by UicusaniL of ieoplr. While in Kerners villi- last night Julius llestor, a litleeu year-old boy, was caught by if tlie maniigi rs mutilating some of the line pictures on the outside of the ear. A warrant w as iasiied for him today anil an officer went after him. But the bov's father promised to have Inn sou here for trial tooioriow. Tlie manager says it will cost them several thousand dollars to have Ihe damage repaired. M0ZLEY1 LEMON ELIXIR A Pleasant Lemoo Drink. Ir. 11 Mozley'a lycinon Ml i x i r is pre paretl from Ihe freah juice of Lemons. combined Willi olher vegetable liver toll ies, cathartics, arnmaltc sliniuhints anil hlootl pnnliers. Sold by tlrugglsls. .Vic ami $1 IHI Lollies. For hlhoiiKuesH and constipation For luiligeHlloii and told stomach For sick and nervous headaches For ptilpltation alul Irregular action of the hentl Iske l'tnon Klixir. For nleeplesrinesit and nervousness. For lo of appetite an 1 debility. Kor fevHfs, malaria, antl chllla lake lmnn F.llxir Latliea, for nr.tural and thorough or ganie rt'g'ilal Ion, take lemoii Klixir Fifty cen In and l IhiUI.s al tliu; gl.t. I'rrarr I only tiv I)r. il. Moley, At lanta, Ita Lfmon Klixir will n t fail you in any of th ntxm namod di-H.. all of wblch riac frttni a torpi I or iltftfanrd llrrr, lomacli tr kkdnevR. At tha Capital. I havr biial inken 1 1 1 - lust two Imtllra of tr Aloxlcv'a I-inon Klixir. for nrr votia beatliiclM'. indige.iion, with dia awi livtr and kidnc-a. Tii. Klixir eurmt mr. I found it tie grraicat luedicina I m-r uae t. J II. Mussirit Atl..rner. A 122(1 K. HlrH". Waahlngton, I) (.'. stay LaaaaH Kllmir. I t' h' m 'HUiina fnr lha tliaot you rr com ma d it (or on earth. T. It. Hiwirr. tlfwltu, N.C. MOILITI LSMOBf HOT P0r Am Thmftl. Broochllm. l1Mntrrfcm(, ind mil Uiroiil 0'l longdlrUp, Kkfnl, r)lftlt. Tnly fl rrnU t dnijigUu. Pr- it PARIS III UPROAR Sensation cf iti? Di ives The Freed Will Trial of .via Proceed i n;; I nder Kif fteult). Ureal lllsorder In the Conrt Coufliet Betneen I Itiens and Keplihlicilll ti ii u nl Spetual ti i Journal Paris. February, ll.-tiieat disorder was in the court room today during the trial of M. .ola for t barges against the army officers anil olticials in the Dreyfus affair , which resulted in the Ksterhay court martial. There has tieen rioting in the streetf. The troops of the Republican (iuaid have found it necessary to protect from Ihe rioters with their byaonets, the Judge of the assizes conn. The lawyers became very vi drnl antl Anally threatened the Judge on the bench, and upon his being protect' d br tlie lluard, they struck the Boldiers. tf. Zola has been in great danger, the crowds threatening him with violence and his sympathizers are in great peril from the mob tilling the streets. Editor Henri Rochcforl is lined o,000 franca by the French Court with impris onment ami it is also retpiired that Hochefort shall publish an apology for iusulting members of the French As sembly. NHI lo br U11II1.T Special to Journal. Ci.kvki aM, )., February 111. It is re ported that tlie Ohio Senatorial investi gating committee has found Mark Hanna guilty of attempted bribery in the contest for tlie Senate term. THE MARKETS. Yesterday's maikel quotations furnish ed bv W. A. 1'ortcrlield .V Co. Commission Brokers. Nkw Yoltk, February 10. STI H'KS. I Ipcn. High. Low. ( loat I'-Pcopies ;,is ut; hu; iiT) us c. H. A q loij nr.', mi) m-j; C ITl'ON. ( )pen. High. Low. ( 'lose M.tv li.Ci li. I.-, fl.iHI ll.lifi CHICACO MAHKFTS. WlikAT Open. High Low. Close May IHij 'Mi W, IMlj ( UiHS May 2!i ill; -!i; '.".A ''oil on Sales 'JM."i..rilMI bales. Or LOCAL INTEREST J. R I'arkcr. Jr., lias some lino Country hums, only Hit:, a lb. 1 t i 1 1 .1. .1. nuxter 1111H just receivcit a new line of IVroales, Dress (ioods, and t he cheapest Ribbons ever in tin: city. livery l.ulv should have a Roller Tray Trunk for sale by .1. .1 Baxter T. .1. Turner has juat received the Finest linn of Oak extension Tables ever brought to tins nt v. .1. ,1. Baxter is tillering tin iretti esl line of Spi mi; Clothing be cici c.irned. line I'nilor Made Suit for H'Hi.i. W in. T. lid1 carries a full line of Hir y t: If Sunilries, at lowest prices See linn before puicbasmg. rllMH Dlinaiir j , Cnlumliln. H. ( , K. hruary St Hv ft viitr (f OH In ;W Hip Hon M nf Hi prr m nt n tivt tilny killnl hr (.'lul t'R pioiit -ilion Kill. AfUr rpfuln to uhwlitiiU- ftn nrifinnl put kftr rnmiitirr hv Toll of M to 8H thr HiiiiM iignell'i tkr up tli Mmkin rrfwrrndnrn rmolull n. rrfrrring Jtliw (jufulion of prohihiilon, dlipcntnry, or high Ucrnw tn jnipuUr to' in pch rountv. VI ,... rmutati rmnri 5- - 'ui f nnrtiLna UUIUL and i) catalogue ol V ; NEW SEEDS n i IMPLEMENTS? I Every farmer and jjartlmrr f I'needi ont. I.nr(jrr nnd mire I I complete thnn rvr. Srml nnmr r 1 1 and addrest. Mailed 1'rcc. J ! 8HFFITH &TUINEI CO.' I Ml lit N. PW kH .,.,., , POV'DER Absolutory Pur EEs TO We 'ies 1 re t. n v that t Assorted So 'ks of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TH IS K Kill Ml IN THE I TH . We buy Mir goods direct from ti rat hands in large iuantities for Cash W e ale then foie m a position to sell vou as low as any li : in i n t be c, I . We guarantee our goods to lie ii' every respect as we repre sent them mid we respectfully ask for a share of your patronage. W e have good sLibles ami plent y of wait lioute room which you ire welcome to use fric of t liaige. If you need a l am I of l.ond Flour or .p-s Fork it will bp to you r interest to s. e us before on buy. McMEL SGML, Grocers, 71 Kroad Street, XKW I6KIIM:. UT. C. TAMPQ (I TIMQIPV 9, fflMDAMV unmuu u. niiuuui lu uumimii, It ranch of the Virginia Carolina ( lieiuieiil Co. i n am a 1 1 iti iti am) mniHriiM or High Grade Fertilizers, A ltl IIHOMK TINPJIiEY 1 i:i,i:Uil V Ti:i ISItAMS: Stonewall (Jitiino. Ii'icliniontl liriitirl (iimno, Lee Brand (Juiitio, Powhatan Corn (itiano, Stonewall Tolmcro fertilizer. Wheat and (iruss Fertili zer, Stonewall Hrtind Acid Phosphate, Richmond Acid Phos phate, Dissolved S. Bone, Powhatan Hisrh (Jratle Phosphate, Bone and Potash Mixtuie, Pt're Ground Animal Bone, Top Dresser, S'lawbtrrv Grower, Sweet Potato Fertilizer, Irish Potato Fertilizer, Cabbage Manure, Vege table (iuano, Ten per cent. Truck (inauti, Seven per cent. Ammoniated, .1. (i. Tinsley cV (Jn.'s Tobacco Fertilizer. API. TIIF.SK PIT I P IN SACS OF -'OH LBS. W'e assure yon that our Biandij will be kept up to the High Standard t'ley have alwnvs maintained . ri j reoruary rnces in s si Millinery Department. S The clearing feature has now t reached our millinery department. Stuff must move, will not carry it over. It is not every season, we can do so well in values. Of course the first shoppers get the best. 3 Two Tuned French Kelts, French Kelt Walking Hals, French felt Sailors, French felt Flats anil Shapes. t Wool felt Sailors, V Wool felt Flats, Wool frit Shapes, Early shopping I H- B. AN rM)i:5EI.I.IN(l 5ALJ: Ol Huslin Underwear I lipginning tomorrow morning ue commence our .Mb sale of Indies Muslin I'mlerweHr with tlii. I urgent A r t mint and liwest Prices we have ever bad. 'I Iichi' goods ale made in rural coin inunitv and do not come in touch in way with th.t awcat shops of tin eilica, and are rare lu II v male girrnent la cut full anil no alumping ther goiMla or workniBiii.hii W'e inviln your iniection of thcac inenls a you will lind u will nave a deal of acwiiig for Sjiring We rim you onlr biiit of thii aortnint FfbrBiry 6. BS I oh '. ' be I .a reest arid Beet IT Fertilizer l . Materials, - - VA. ? worth s 1 . 7 r( Clearing Price 75c " 75c 75c .011 " 511c din " 50c .75 " 38r .K.'i " 'illc best tor this sale. Duffy I itn im liuii of gi yrcai give Niahlmmnaof Ko.d milatla. a rowa nicaa . . . gpg Mi;bl i;nwna. Iirllcr mualln, 4 towa lurka ami cinlal 49g Sl).it gnwna, clalK.rwUlT iiliiini.il MiiwllDa liiht gown. Kninlrw with iiiM.rtKHi ii oollar Ma Vinl hanilatHiii r mm nt Wc. l W, t ti an4 $t.4f oriM t ( ovrra, plain. 0o ..rr1 ( lovrra wiuS .n.twl Malna Hklna with tiirkatnd rtnbd.. o ,t)rttr kltw from. ., ,Mo to ll.4 A it-t J limiaurianll aklrta. ' ilrwmi .. , , t-lo l itf with tmbrntdcry. ... Mo ' llrafii. mar amtwolil. M A MM ft licniiaai . 4ttn ILtMinlM wltli tmbroUl. ...MA Itfo 1 . 0. MARKS CO.