A BAT TH3 CTTT. iU THS UXUtTES liOTKBNOR NOT COHtNO WllaaMtfftWB. aUiaahrll. ll ! Will ai k tklc ! Freezing weather, with fair fiuwa uwik i ir. , -r.. : .... .. nun nurlt our on 1 he dav deeuied upon and mailt' . i he foiiim! u iiuu i.cc m en t to the e : a v of the r ,-t i r i ) a s r i r lit C inipali V I he ill and make u 1 1 it hut r t k' u '. r it a n ! e. i liu t t a t pt -ted to par t V. I. UIH- UllS Wu. M All V The KnZabetl) Citv lleseiies have iisii.us f r ..in th..- r.lv . tp.-oi 1- t- I'oiniaiiv d-enled to attend H i- hair. !. A r I Hh -emen 18 will be inn. if In mane U t 1 x-ci tt , I ple.iu.int fur them dol ing their iMt. 1 hei t-.ipcct t" . ..mi' in (..!. bt.i-t then 1 1 'I'll' : - .lil t he III Ii ls , H--tfd th.r. tin- K I , t ! 1 lirrllf will ile'cel .t ; .1 I ! . .1 I 1 u-1 I i ...I .mi as I." attend ill i. I m . . ; ill.' lit I .li t I v r feat II !. 1 he N'i Kel lir lev I l i- he!. I ;i MAD DOGS weather today, is the Weather aian a... n,.t, Bureau fortOMl. The Wilmington Nats! Kewixr.' I; t : t :.. h. I-r'.ruai t i,,.t,-n.or TbeMiMion Ten of Th King's l ,0t"' 'l reaoly-d i.. ' K .-..-;i .,.;.,..t i.e at .N-tt Ke,e .o Daughter, will meet tonight .l "'"'' ll e Nw Ui: !!" Hus ,"M "f '' nW.h..tMi.!hjonM' boJ-v- A P"-'.I train will be run nature 1 1 1 p;t I e i; t ... L 0,1 'he 'iv deeuied upon and mailt' Todar ii deoriie w aahinBton S ... I .... .... , ,. , the friends of the bots wol a birthday. II living, tne rattier oi hia Country would be years old. The banks of this city will be closed todav, Washington's birth day, which is observed as it National holiday. Marshals badges arrived vestcrdat and are on sale at Bradhaui 1'har macv. All Marshals are 1 1 1 1 i to secure their badges at once. The Italian 1'i.tnd is : n ! lie . . : anil will remain bete ..tt-r r:t.. week. They will play at ti.e !-'..ir i ...;.Im. no I; ties wiil i., grounds and at dances iiui.:,- lair as an oi -an i al i on an I w week. The maximum icm pernt u i a as served bv the Cove, much'. lYeatliei meet I ne last li i - li : ;ii n i ,,o, .: e.i t lie and Crop h nr.. in u s'ei, lav a, V'. oiita'.ioii to m t as ese, ,, i f..: n. minimum -I I . 1 'l11 I'-'""1' hi'" w'itl ,K'' !'''"'' I nes.'. a v nun n i i.j;. I I ail tile liesel l.'- "mi! an an I o attend on ! I: e same dav, a liu . 1 iS da !' ill Id h. nia 1 e, and a 1 .eel al in: ade held In all ! he roll puMes n i .11 Id ma K e a line !n ov . n Betieei Governor Rassell and SoDihern Railroad Mr. IhiI r It 1 1 1 ii n r . Ihif o I I ll f tullllnl. Klllrft lu Ihr Hnl Hrrh I' kV.i IU I'ehv .' I . .1 11. SI ..I M.nmiV via- Lit ' ' ii I - , . ! n. .' Ii liy n m id li.ie - n-'l-e l Ue l.ea ' d A. S. ( Railroad l.ikeli the Peare Settler iniuruiir Sueil , ...... ' ,u ,,. , ---- ON1$ BOTOYS Home lawi.tlK.tlua. W h, method whm '1 hej Quarrelled. Syrup of Fii8 is taken; it is pleasant Jo, us M HiK! i and refit ah ing to the taste, and acts IhiEiiiii. N i V: i j: wntlv et iiromiitlv on the K idiievs. I lie U..VO ie.i - , ..in, .1 a,, i iii r.;-ei.il Liveraiul llowels, cleanses t!ie sys- J S'.M.ill IimIim ll-, Hi, el. l-.lUl!lll lee U'lU ffoetliallv, (HsjK'N COhls. 1 .1(1- 3jJ mi; t.. tli- noiiiImii, in- Ailaniie an I ichos ami fevers and cures hi.l 1 1 ual Nortli I'urulnia i.tilr. . ! i ....-t n..r liu- ,'onstijiatiou. Sy nip u' Fiers i the .11 htr,Mi-lv f iini iiii-iuii 11 ll.e p, , . -r.lv nuuody id its kind ever pro- ejjj I HOI BUCKWHEAT For Breakfast With Maple Syrup, 2 m i III' ..llliill I e'a! .1 Hi ll - '". K lard and ,n- A. A: N. t I: I Uae k d. . u a ei i ; .I- ti an tlmt'tt. pleasing to tr.c taste and ac .soiiiliein. eeit;ilde t tin- stomi.eli. prompt in lie IllVell-iltl u i a n I 1 ii I; n'tt , 1 e lle lie I i.-' e ii i ; i ea . no n t . Ilie d l 1 l.' week a little j-.rl 'if ! sent, au att raet 1 1 e appearance in n tinished. The funeial of M i . ( ii i, h- Scut; was held at (V-l.ti 1 r.n e ( 'ein.'ti n yestei .1 a v a ! t ei'iu'i ui at I "." o clock. Re. Mr. dehii coudueted Hi,- funer al scr ice-. The meat market of S,i in'! Colin A Son on Middle street is hein;; I I,,m-,.i, irlile ,..o nnle.l nil, I will lire- ' ' U'C llelolo nntllie.l to -el on 1' ii n 1 forms 1 ii i ead : ne.-s I'..- i h- ,lli II U ill 1 lal ade, l ue-da V . Ma ! i ! I 1 I I lie steamer . cum' u ui nni iimifi P. v m der of t ! Su nil av u in ll I '.' I I o'clock , noon. t ho steamer's late anial licinj; due to a heavy freight, the Neuse Icav- , ri-r, tin.-' inK Elizabeth Citv scleral hours he u, ,,., (.rl . u j, ,,.. ln nmil regular scnciiuic nmc. .. . i i' , . . i .. ,. , , , , the I, ill lai.nie, m t I 'i.Ml,t, v,.. y !(.,., . .,!, u'eek.a 'in. . c ; .. i.- . - u.,.1 ,. . . , , . 1 1 , i 1 lie .-luilieiin i an oa.ie.i i.n- .Hal'eli l-I. will please lean- llleir r,, helll" verv I'll now on sale. They are in two de- nanu s at . T 1 1 ill's, ai m signs and make a very pretty re- membranei' to wear and givi to n-n rr me I'ln.-e. , , (, ji . ,.ntt f,t.'l friemis. '''lu'V arc for sale at various ',-, . j . i it- s ut li i ii its action and truly l.eneticiul in its JJ . ., him, seized K 'I reie.niia- He i. i t liu- X..rih eiTect s. prep.; red i nil y from the most , ,jw i arohna iiMtd ill health v ami arreu'ailt'raistanec.s. its 1 i.overner Ku. II hn !..t-n -ul for manv excel k at ouai it ies coininend it 3 t i - . , ,1-- i ,m ,. , 1 1 . i . . i i . i , M- , . ii i, ..I.,,,, ;i ti ,.t m-ton roy. Mi. Kniin i o ol n . - em- popular remedy known. 5 I- Silled. Mr. SU.j.' 1.1, H e,M,l .lililee llni II :1 one of llie SlTllll tlf Fi'S IS lOl' Slllc ill 5l) .,1 . 1 I, ...,o . . I' 1 .... I -1 l,.M.,,.,,. ,, l,lll,v nfl lendino i'i-ih,- M'll ll , ', I e i I 1 V a 1 1 e I I , I p n i ii, i,n i. seal iii ihe IIom ,,i i;-,r, seniaim - gist.v Auv rcliaMo drutruist who 5 wheat. I'repan- I l.nddlc Cuke I-'i..ir, nntl ewiuiiuiij n . , , troin ihe Cull ilinaei oi' North cai-lma. mav JlOt Uavo it on hand will pro- ' 3" to i.r ilv nrenn'e one f,,r tic i' iii lex of the dav: iiml then 1 1 1 1 . . civ l oil I ii I i I jr-, -.v i Th, se ( oi I Mm are some! h i n lo nh-1 I lie Al-p- :'e sol SnT'f It a I I he Same tine. d'l V Some of on I h It KM I S 1U t'KWUKA T and on I , ! 1 i N i . MAl'l.i: SVUri". and ! t-,1. We I. lie also l'ie ,ar, d (lick h troin tin- t'uli ilistnet oi' Norih oai-lma. may JlOt Uavo it on hand M ill pro- ' t(1 (,r,.,v pia p ne one f,,r tic cmies of liiere was .pole a K. ,i,-ai ,-f work cure it promptly lor anyone who j 11( Dr Goods Department. lone In Ml. Iblllieilol.l. inlt pahl $'.'".. , le was wishes to T i v it. 1 ) not accept any fiubstitutc. iie-. i iitni i. 1 e In .1 II ( . l 1 I -. . '.nun i IIiiitu-' as attacked Weilhesil n' I lie ii il u A-li W'tdnes- ! t a iiiad doe on I h- streets of llns 1 hi .1 . I Ii- !' in ii i ii 'Z ot I ..lit ami so for a iilac- md ice! I'd' cape loin fro,,, :" ""'" '"' ' "' !'' -aiet i lo el nil,-. Inn . I-,; M,.i,n,. u ii tiodilv inpiri ; ,, , , . ,, , ,, , , i Jlis-is ( aldiicll anil I'earson .li.l mil '''!' ,:- "; "uilo'S I ho ! .. , u ,jsin u.,ty 1(, ;,,,p,.itr iK-tort- o I Iliad do;; k i lied 111 .lolll'S Within Hie I. S. Mnnellle eolll'I ,n r--aid to CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. t SAN A.'MVUOCU, t.HL. 1 lolhsvul:, k;: NEW YORK, N.Y. ),ir Kxipiislte Display. C un ai e on r ,d u. s lu-ccct :Ha O ir Sf.c-k. We can Show V.lil.-il As THE TOBACCO INTERESTS. Iliell IIKiirpili!- Ihe II. K. eolllinisMoners Allen (It-! !lur It hoUler i Meet ' -Hit Thel li lll lie lelesenleil hy ,IS. Brrnr D'Hrrlii .! linil.t. t-tt I olMtertt M itrt'liinisf. t Tile called llio'tiiir' of I he i-t oy k- c ihacco 5 well raied A-soi t.mi nt ivith I,' - a i ,-entai n e Lines of l.ieiy U ei. t e and Kery? Fabric, You will SI'liKLY LOSK JMNKV if vim buy lour BEiLniR LETTER. 1,,,1-es Ai ei i ami MacKae. Mr. K. ( ,,t,;,v o Hum on i epi e in . I lie I ii o WiUons. 1 1 o pi. i n t v- has he I.', v lie Mnr.loei.- of S ililiiiri- " "" ,. , . ' holders of the New Hern mi Hie Ano-l fulle rs at Ihe Cnurch WarehocM- Companv, 1 "' ef llifK.iihl Micplienl last iu:;hi. Mi- ' int-llt i.t 1 h e c 1 1 v l.all. was the most, work. The s. .nt of enauo i-oiilil ' nlije. . on -Cyprian.' Ai ihe Hap- ll;,t.v al. ended oi' .nv pi c inns ' J1" aim.' felt a- one on,.-..,! a ion;; j t i-t l l"o ch . be i . Dr. C. - P.roujlut.n ,m.,.IUP;,, let I a sel in the Ml!ij-ci oi it hie I l I o i -1 i 1 s ' l 1 1 HOES We ..'o rt .o the Mann fact u rei . I'.d! fo held hi-t .cd Of'eii It cad SI s at, a less I'll Manv lioiis-i i'ai i , r I lo ir C iv -violin.' ol , stoies, ain. ine o, .1,1 f see in s p , o n,, I, le I h a t M i . i;,,!,,.)! A Iciv uune ua'ni dais aider tiCs-,' remind vi ll that he has tlictii. n;l -k will be removed In,,,, f a- "If i 1 1 1 i N t conic lo lialei-Ji " Ml. V A. I con n of Sail, i. in v. one of rs 'I'he at ; endiiin e .-lioived the inter " Ja "tot t taken in t ll- tod urn warehouse Hie Solo, e lis he 1.1 et, I s liirl to litl a. I 1 !, I i .1.1..- Ill.lt he hie 1 lile.l. and ihe tain was pi act ical . ir iu-1 ei; 1 n - N - it 1 '..-rue s npiiorl unities a- a hmmr i mai set . lit the absence .-f President S'r.-el, 'n e . I're-id.'i,: ! . I,' .Line.-, pre- t he imiia and ilium 1 1 ees 1 . ,. i c )..,,),i..,, . . ,i ..- Cilhert Walden, tile famous presideinv ol' t lie A. it N. C. I,'. I,' w 1 1 ,,,, ; f .,, , 1, . i,.j f. ran i lo wei s : ' i he ml,, -meinui- ll 1-1 M-t.-i-ms. ' ,,, Southern lllocii t c , ist h 1 1 i t;ie his.Co. 1 1 is ad m 1 u i ral cm of ihe a I j a 1 1 e-.c 1 I - ' n - is a t o met bu rsi I lie . , i "ji loo si i iei . I le ha, lion iii.-.ehar-e;i j entertaiiim iU at Slanlv Hall tonicht fairs of I he com panv has lici, c ,n j ''ilr i-i,ir,- '.,,,.,,- ls ,, v . ,, rV ,.rv ' ami c,u en In, 1 1 anspm to! nm hoitie. Iul and every one w ho can should hear servat 1 1 c. econoin ical and success) c 1 . ; , t-( ,,, ,HV. ,,, i.-adv am ..... , I , M ,i-i li i l i Il-allon to .sliow lliw 'll aais a it no will lake -us piaee. ,ea - u ,-,'.-,--o p, ,, ho, t c, ' . I ,-,si Si, n -. ,,,,,, .,..,,,,,. 1 1 w ,,,,1,1 seem 'Ihe Iclenat-O, of Si.rleys this morninc. The hall will 'hi,,, interest s of Crate,, c u, v 1 y - , ,- -, . , , d,;,pest. daytte iutve , ,,, w, : , , ,. siale app, ,Mn ,a, mn ' Si I eel , as i ', es me n ol oe iten uai in- o. i i,e eo n- i.u o men ,. ueinainis inai a caoame inin ,e ,,.,. !,- i.me ( -I - VI", ; I or I lie siippo, I ol IlmM-me. Ilia: III-----. ,,.! ,. I is for the benefit of the Atlantic selected. tlt u idav Sciux I and ' "hi -"l.lin could I., inneli h,-i nr . ai ,, , Fire Cctupaiiv. I would siio-osl toil,.- d , r, cturs ,,, ,,,, ,,,,,. ,.,,,. p,,..,. fnr , , the name of a man ,-n ! in 1 1 alii y wi IW Thorn are always Attractive Oliciing-s, Courteous Attention, Right Away Service and Money Back, it not Suited at 2: I'EFSONAL. I n u i 1 In- p : efii pei . we - u ppo,, -. iv as 1 1 ii i linn ii is ,au I I hey ai ,-. N. ,Ti es eal e lltol e 1 lian 111,' pi ii,,- si'aa - uaiUailWW LIdLm I'wr Tvaum ittiaa j w.., a'luil lo cS 2 il- i lei , 1 In i 'lu Ilia . of 111. a 11 o M i - I 1 ' . ' I 1 - euili i icil in ciell ici-oi. ,,1 h,r .,.,,. i... ,v ,a;u. so ue missel ,,, , ,. , 1, nitler now Ullllialll, cnlllil liale lieen ol r. . C . nitei of l linnet v, icitm-i lir,..l(.il,ll . , ,, , , , , , ' .iiii'i. pi i a, , i 1 1 -. use. ha-1 1 liev no, h-en ill! eill-eul , v - - , , i : , -; I I'ltt. coin, Iv. is in t'tir fit I . ( )nc who hai iiil; been eilin-.led as I (',-;, s prevaiiin- in many eai ii.nl oui l,v t he prii ales ,V,,V ., Ml,i.,. Map tlraliam I laves left yestei day a nil engineer will bini-lo 1 I, e j f.lMI , ; ., , ,,, ,,,.,, t, but erv '!'he Mutual Ituililni ami I., .an A,,,, morning t i ,,p. I,aleili. .1 udge I lei, rv 1,'. I '!' an left ye terday for 1 lendei son to hoid con' I . Solicitoi- V. K i laniei, ol Wei don , arrived ial n i - h t t o -it I end coil rt. lion. -'. M . Simmons of lotlci-h, came down hit i.i-h' lo attend court. some tune at maua-eineu t a t cell n lea I k no a led n 1 1- , .; her M,-k in of ine ilcnlahle adiantac'e to tin Ml-, May lallon of I liarlolle lileil Iheir -1 a I e I Hell t uth Ihe .-slaie Ainhlor Situr.lai. 'riieir S t l l i 1 S ll o I ii 1,1 I ! Inline li,, M, VI,. I ., .,!,. of S w i n I lit.tr t a in al si oik I or I ne ii-m ii a, s; ,ii;n,ii I CI 1 1 . t e i I , V 1 ... I i . 1 1 ' all,, .lav art It b I) ., , . . , . , . . , . 1 I,., 1. , I I.. , , , , Jl. 1 ins nun, an nni-i .is-.-h euiaii, in n.e, o... ","' wi:" 'Klrt ,lr ""l',.v :l- 1 I is -U'k. ( a.-,,UI,U. a tolia, ,- . ma, k-t Hi I"'' esiiinaie- i 1 1 i ne .-.iisuiie. .i.,i 1 1 ip 1 1 1 n i v . ' alks w n te i 1 1 i, ,a ,.l I ha ! , lie i , 1 1 1 , ,a,l e,.innii,,ioii ,.,a! .-i I In-le : , . p 1 1 ii -1 1 1 a r V cm Dr. -I---S ,,f ihe I i Hurts I ion of a I ai 1 1 1 an i ; -ot e u out all t he 111 at el lal for hi , d -es and i it he, iar t s I I ion, a e,ni al-lhad alee; broken a! 1 1 s pi e,. nl session will , eiluce pa .sen- ; ,,!,, - - e i .. i : -i i -er rale, on all ! he h-ailui- loails ,n Ihe' I , I e i i a , s, nee .s e I i ii'in il llli.pt'll , i 1 1 i e ' e i ' 1 V e 1 1 . c ,, - n lie i ), In lu.e! I 11 ' , ., e 1 1 a; u to pi " - an I ; Slate lo '' ,- I,,, 1, 111,, ' ; e tor sec- of tin- road bed. -railed, laid tliejhv h in com pan ions : u se h ool al Heerh ",-M'i"" " e It-aill llilll l-e IS oeailllg ,.., The ( .ovene., u ,, all I ' 11 11 1 "' a railroad. ,is .-. n linemen t patiently and is .lueinni stoppe,! nlnm, wnh in.- un, , ,,; , , , :; i I Uie it ho is ciiert;et ic and u ul 1 1 i n-; ,1,,,'nr well ii nde;- i lie ci rcu i ist anees . - a-aiusi the lease, n. imli.i . ihe i,- i i. .Mrn. ... u; I...I.,..- ivi.in.ei. last , ,, t he 1 1 ne of dull, u m ! e, m I , n - te , I - a sal p. on, re was im pressed ' Sou 1 hern to lease I he A , N.I'. I: K Il l :T 1 1 1 f roll i T,i rbul o. iv n ei e , he ha, r.. 1 1 ,. , p., , i ., . . , , , , i .., . ., , , i ,,f 1 . ,- i t an annual lenlal ol , p.-i ,-, n:. on o i ' every ; I be ,-e Ihe Tailor Made iuits v I u ! v . been i isil 1 he; lime for a few Weeks. ,'iH i v e w a r i -1 1 tew ,1,.1-s s,n, I Pi ,t,ill I III' Si 1 1 1 I . i 1 l 1 1 1.3., ol ' 1 'O li t judgment in Ihe in ana.' e h- w ,, , pass n - 1 1 , run yh a t Ii c k wood i ...,.' ., , I ': esi i ! .o, i o I I lion V t I I , , o fr , ,.' , I,.., I .1.,,,. Ii .... i . , i ' " " I " - " " "i ii'im Hi.' ii ea K nieum u a I am o , . ,f , ,,. ,,, r at;a i nsi l he Ikaufort. ..-teiday i i- and am! of seen fair miiid.-l s that, an, I !,,kin.- i n I he . 1 1 reel ion .,' I he 1 .i,,o si- m .im Htooied in - i in 1 lie i nv a levy bonis, nis polit :-al leas is lost .1 ud-e Ti,..,. II. S........ of l av- lo- a-n cable pcrsonalilv el 'et il le, an iv : .-' c-h I to hold I ' r i m i ti al . h i : Tne A i u o , . U . , ,e, un i ,i n i went lo 1 I U ! ll,.lll ' - ' i I ! I I. !' i 1 ,1 It eek 'n en -a -e un ; i ! Me,,. '. Sol !- ii of U ounu-lon. and U aih.'l b a; , , -f I'ollok-v ,., ail' resist e i , 1 1 a' iln- ' in'l.rihi. Miss Si!.1 I I .... - ;. '. ve-ti ldV inoniin- to lake tin- pi.-inon of tide- I a .ll ' i I a ! "i a! I In i e l . Mr. .1. .1. I'altci,.,: . of I'.oolh HllV, Me., a i , . v i d mi the N en se , Sunday and i , tne cm - i o f M r . Walte, II. I'.rni. Mr. and Mr-. W. s 1, liinmd. of t li-atnia. tvllo nale been ll-ltin at ,,1-11 jni'ichalit of S,!f,,, , , , so,, ml, saw ihe lamb siainline near lis dead n, oilier, a Snn-rv cur leai- Oead liodv. and the poor sinners sal' Un it oiil.l I1 rcilnceil alel Un v must Now what pH'Msllle the t, oyiie ' o. ll'lm Hi, ! a i 11 an, en! hll-: ,' ,e Inbai'-n I 1 1 1 1 . . , 1 - : , Hi- i ., i I ed imp my. nil i,i I In III C tun a . ! 1 1 ! 1 i o t : . 1 1 i I ' ee- uouis- tol s V. e: e . h , I ed . i e-e .ir I lie i l win; .,lj1 ' I'Vc, an I In-', w, I e 1 1 i net e. 1 'o ii, im- the in , s-a - v V We have secured the aeren'-v tor Now t Berne tor the American Tailors of Cin- cinnati, popularj price tailors "to the trade. mis is one oi tne most creaitaoie establishments of its character in this I 'i- l al, s u ill l.m- in oi 'ei ii (hie on! im fa in 1 1 nil in 1 i , li,- , f . 1 , ,, ,, . I ' ' I I,, no- O. !., nno-i ,1 i ,, no! !... ll I ' "" ""l,anv '" l"r--!,:'i,i ''' treinbl'iijj with fear ami , ls w;p , u;ll , ,,,.,, , M ' "' "Tleelorv ilnili-el. I I is -i. -lie Imrrhl in, press a! a u v cos! In' ( ahl ii . K am1 I 'eai sol, . In- I'l 1,' I : i f- ' 'i Mr. Win. II. I'nad ! ail .r a t 'ire. and innrniu liusseU , t ,, , u-1 , u i se.l H .,, S t . , , . ' neii : 1 1.1, , dl. 1 I ' ' i . i i z i 1 1 1 1 i i ) r 1 1 1 1 ' 8 iii ;i iw t !) I o.i-l H ilrhl'!.'!it nf -ikIi c,i j iji - I i 1 i 1 1 , I 1 f 111)1 I TI I'll i S 1 M 1 i . ( ' l; r I , . The Dimcovery of the Day. A'V. ' I5-K-I. H- leedme ,ru--,'ltt of Sh :,-l epoi I , I , i . -ai - ' I b k : h ' New I Iim-iii ei y i- i lu- on 1 1 t 1 1 1 11 1 ; I hat - uiis nit euii - li , a le I It I . I ne heel ,,dle! I hale.'' .1. I''. I '.imp 1-hl inipi. ,1,,. jaw ii .ker ' o( k (or emphii me' Simm- ,1 Aveoek III . It ii t l- far! I I, ll i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I e I 1 1 a n a pool' 1 1 - K. OT LOCAL INTEREST as allnrnet-H. Halu oek lo! I him Hint he ibllsselli luiil empl.-t-.l Drill, h oil. III " llie inilroiul ea"i- Hu,,l ,.o.l lhal ua- puHhi lf '.' his business, tt hlb' I line I aw Was lion. pililiek nm I ttoul.l pin I. aliii- Deniii. 1 1 1 1 ihe increased tol Con W ,11 i nun a l , i 1 1 I a e I s a 1 ec! inn and i-iiii pi W T Hill, a-eni lor t tinnima. . .ln.'.ion I,, l , , ,, , Thele nit- s:n,l 1 i a , i 1 o ; i an- i 1 , e i i e i tt tr ei.', n,-t tV rats in 1 esnion o! ,,i,,, i-i- .-I lo- ..,. ),., in llns iicmilv, 'he X pil.sS-i I , lol i-e p New llerne ttai.-hous.s p country, and no one can make first-class J frnnds nt, Tirinpa morn rftasonahle than k they. V i,r The entire collection of samples and se, colored lithograph plates are now in S ,v store and wo a3k an inspection. A fit is guaranteed and work deliv ered tree of express charges. 3EE t, be full v pi epai , d to handle I be crop So i VI I M left es' erd a V Mr. ( moriiiiik' Col. W. A. Unbuilt anil Messm. I will,-, lb. Kind's ,N .- .t lH.-itell is it 1 1 that i - i la i un -1 f hi n i : ne v, r and is a sure r u,- ui I 'un Arthur (sipelnnd and 1 1 oe I r 1 1, of muiiplion, ('.mhs an I (old- Kinntoii, came down last nijjht and cmiioi ihv eiionh f ii i!t ,i,, ,il. will leave thin ni,.r!i,ii for .l.ickKim Ir. kin' New llito.t.'ii f.,. ,,,, lille to spend a f-w dm hunting mimpi nm. ( ouba and! ohu h not He. Cal'in S. Hlaekwell arntcl an c t oer , men t. ll ban been Ine.l f..r too late Sunday to preach al ihe aipiailernl a cntury, and today morning nerric at the Tabernacle "tmuk al t he head. It never iliaap- Baptiit cliorch, but ipoke at Middle poinif. Free trial i.ott!e at I". S Street Raptiat at night. Dr. Black- IbifTr'a drun u.re well left jMterdnj mornir.K. lalaauaaUrf Baeaaattaia Cr4 ta 3 Daytv F.ery one admire them. Since Coming aooth I hne. received nuin- I I C, I. in, iii n- .J ii III ,1 i lass 1 lie, , I re a I nl' a- i , iinpu-ti- slock. ,,( aai'in ol. i T((, N (. s,,,,.,,,. ,,: lr r,,,.r , i in,, laii-c I. and that t here will he lirst hit'' wi.irn i.e sell',t on ay i ( "mt-iiiiiiiti meela l.ei. imnoiroii Jhpi class tobai mai ket h'-re tint year wesb un ..bh oat iiuM'l. I (h I. Davis. I s A. ..f Im t ill.- there need be no puestimi to dimbt. 1 bee 1 1 1 y . I . ' s are w,-i know. 1 u 1 Hll s a I r.-llll v collie , n ., 1 1 ell. I i .. .1 '- i i.'.ni lo . h is s, i I i, no a re l i ,. (.,( mi - '' " 'It' ' 1 -h l ic s on I h, market I olllt I HiiiIdnI I ii r I . Tod it . f I Jiiel ( lamia ha, relin n.'.l limn,- leie .1 n ,1 fir 'I h Ol . II. Sutton, of 1'ay- l nun Saiiin Ki-. Ni-nM. tno clletille) arrncl las'. mxht, and m will convene th ( i , m I mil C, , ei, 1 1 rASBENGER BATES i oil 1 1 of Craven on n t , this inorii- li jr The docket ,s an i n'.e r. -c : m, , V ' ! oil,-. ,f inn, r- ick Kin-el, lien i,, li is hh Sm-.i..1 I,, .lo.iriinl. i i c . . c I, . i l ii . ii (. I.r n-4 rv '1 1 Itml n v ( "i itn - mi.-lun make, rale Ural-:!.. fare on A Marll.r.,: Ii.ei'e... f vtlnel. M im- ioiihi iio!! n rent nun jo- I . . I . In, e i 1 1 H i nt I. l ec - : V ei I a 1 1 1 1 ' t y I,,,,- I,! S: i n ... in it: me I . .1 . 'I i. rnei has a inn, , u el 1 m i In. uae iii-1 loi foi sa, Carolina Worm Killer ! 4. tobbcil tho Gnv line; ,,,ci I en i of I len.liiiL! m(l in llie Male 2c a ndle. 1 .(olio (Uner of I ' u . h,d .i ph oi, a ,; Safe3t and i Most Reliable !; cm, nta given 'areul aud pn' ton d . MM.on, rl, ic m,. Tl.ii rau. dor ! tie mbi-.'.. .. .,, . a., d nv him s Hiteiuion. lie, of refer, rv -a tjif" . j noi apply lo AiUniie tV North Carolina, fflwii: - , ,, ,.,s, ,1 read f.i I t 25 'KNTM AT . I .1. K. Land, I ..1: -Uroad a, real. , lUilroa.l. ' condiuoii. M y hkiii t as ulm i nd ' Tl.r CnmmlMlnn !) Hied free m liradham'it Reliable Drug 5tore. . , .., ... , . i erou inqninea from northern im-o Morton I Mill, of Iebnon, Ind. 1 , . ' , ,, , L . i - Pie for in ahelU, and now lam 1 niomitim in every motcle and joint, her pffeiing waa terrible an4 hr bod and lac were twollen aim oet beyond mcof nilion; bad been it b4 foflix week and bad eibt phyilolaoa but reoaitwd no beotBt until ib tried the MYSTIC CVRK FOR RHEUMATISM. It avt ltnmJiat relief and aba m kbit to walk abont In tbra deyi. I am ureU mt4 my Ufa." Bold by Ifenry'a Tharmaey, Jntfgiat New Heme, N, C , ' "" prepircd to ai.nwer in. I can aeiid you belli, for I have made quite a col lei:' Ion of lovely belli, both from our own ooaat, the o ral reefa, and um bean lful onrf from the Weal India Ulandi. I will mail a doxen, no two alike, to any one who tandi a ti for rootage. To re, ilu P. A. W.mnn, Jackeontiile, Fla. ..... uri.er '. Ju.i tooillei fm mUnpt nonlornit,MI . all' -" fi, another new A-o k f Fine Toikt ' Utm; ,uit. eorrwpondenw and m.'ln ,iiii.n.lly ... U' ml ,d ., -i ai K.K-K I'-iH itiil'ini-i. pd.je. of newepapera in tnemau-. no appetite-..... ;-' . S-ir..aWMAM weaker day by l..v. I hree plii ciani had given '"e op. K-.r'niiaU-ly .1. .1. I.atu-r liai j ut cei' ed new line of l'rrcijee, Drei-a (..axl and the e,te.rtel llil.liini' ever in ' New Iwilford. Ha.. Krlwuery 20. m fmnid dvi.. tiM-.ir 'I', etiie, Thrflfi I. wrrk ol the hie or lion mill . ll it Imi .. anil I it 111 i'uhI I f 1 1' h 1 1 f 1 i a I" A . I AcN.VfV? thectv. -a f httisa, la i . ... ' , shns w z-mw .,, in, in,, -. ' . nrpile, Uio llil nun i" nnwle a J mf W 1 1 SA:VJ'? Kvery Udy ihyii) . l .i - a )ll I lin elllement la light. Tray Trunk for w by J. .) . Hi jier. J. J. Hatter .son-Tinj Ibo p -tti- , two ik. eat line of Hpri jff (limbing k ever carriel. Km Tailw Mace 8iU for 10 (M. The prevaillni eplnlnn hthal I lie "pr'- ativea will he furred Wk to work wltliln deulded iiiiproVBin-tit. 1 cniiium. d fl ffrx Mk''' jlbbir uan for lbre w-ek, ai.d am I O How a wen man. i anow nirj lati.i i my life, and robbed tbu grave ol1 f The Voalr! aot.ther Tiotini. f o olio ilionld fail Art nnw an u. rtn m prnrorrd real er Maara, TM . Tbie helnjaXlional ko&hf Ike following boom will r (Atrirl Mra, IL ft. PrimroM went toitito Pnot oAlor, V JO m, n,m f Ool.UWo jeeUfday oa t abort fleit.' 7.3l p. m. '.'.,'" f A 'yS D I A I to trr them. Only AO oeiili per Ut 1 f' Phwnafy. HeerVe Pbamaey tl at F. H. I)olT' drnr atore. ror lafanU aai CMUren, M ne 'i.y-4 , . Yen can get Vn.liui. lanjf' Mandotioa, Ooitar nii Aaioharpa and String for, atar inttramtuu 'from Heller, tl Jew ler. . K. Hllibaru'it Jewelrv Ymnmian, or from (imrge Urera, nrrrelary of Ihe Aaoormiion. thni't put i ff cUing your tvketa. If pttrehaaed Mere Ine'lV' TkrlieliDJ mhi. DON' I (ilVL YOl U OWDI-K . . I ()W . . Job Mm ! .r e,,t it for.- i . ii hiivi- h, en nur pi ii . , N .- hair n full me I rmitplrl,- !, k of . v. ijIIiIiik in il,,. Im,. ,jn, will eo.nprle alth nut r.-p,.:,iiilili. prii.lin ItiHiae. doliiK lir.l rhim work, I a Hie t'nltetl Hial.-tt We Waal Year Trad"" and will Kuaianlee Trice and Fllal-Claaa Worh . NOT CHEAP PIUNTINU Inn I'KIN T IN(I CIIKaP. Hll I The M,L,L" Print-r. Soiiih Kri.nl Slieet, N. w flrrni-. N. ( . ni:i:i IltlHII POTATO Fnr Hale 100 IVa-reli fitn aaaa fWil Irt.h I'olalora, while BlUa. fall grawa. Will Wdellrer-4 al Aarora, X. V. D.air harreWs dooMe bdd, if rie. IvTetl, Oorraapnadenll anawevwt a-mwipt- r .a a ft, a ...a If pttrehaaed hrfere llie '" ', , ... v wat-timr Ibey ere Cl.tUi tfnring the fair , i.f. ., twri iTn.' w dating th rlr 11.00.