VOLUME XXI. N E V BIKSE. iKUt'N HilM'l, S i . I'ltMn,, VA i;;:ir M '' I. Mi 11 VVHEfiE ARE THE FLEETS? A Decive biwmi May Already .5 Fungrht. OR SAN JUAN TAKEN'. General Lee Goin to The YevA at Once. North Carolina Regiment tu Serve Under Lee. Actlrity at New Orleans. Small Firhi at Cardenas. Spanish Ministry Resigns. Special to Journal. Wasiiisaton, May 0 Not a word lias beon received from Admiral Sampson up to midnight. It is believed now that the I attic with the Cape Verde licet may occur, if It lias not already been fought near Cape Haytien. a town on the northern coast of lliyti. T;ie cruiser Montgomery waa last Been near this place, and as the .Mont gomery was acting as a scout for Samp son's licet the vessels arc not likely to he far distant. It is considered pretty certain by the navy people that San Juan, I lie prim i pal port of Porto lino, is air ady o, ru pied by a formidable Spanish ll-et. The chief intirst now is in the cxpcccd en gagement between Admiral Sampson's fleet and the Spanish Cape Verde Meet Allllllt Hem-Ilka. At a Isle l.o tr it was a imitlnl hy olll riair. at the Navy Icpaitni"iit i'i I s-m : intelligence has becu olitaned of Hu ll cation of Admiral Simpson, and thai the Mpiadron is now olf the northern coast of Huili. On this itiforiiiali.nl the ollich.U hay that by not later than Thursday l hey ex peel to hear of a decisive battle hein fought in the in ihb.u -ho. id oil S m .1 nan. I'orto Kico. While a lin.llin the hie oion of the American Heel, the Depai 1 nieni is appar ently iu ignorance of the whereabouts of the Spanish vessels, at least it. c uld not be definitely ascertained if a i v infoima lion of th it nature h it b-e.i receive.'. Ity some it is thought that Ih.i enemy may push on heyond Sun .In in and .it tempt lo nach Havana. If such Is the case Sampson may encouiior Loeni m the wateis between th (-lutein exlr, limy of Haiti and the ivri hh.ne of l',.iti. Itico Tiles'' iy. an I a battle fellow al Ome. T'le fas'. S'oiits o! the tl it will give full warullli; of the llppl, in h of i,r Hpanish m ships. I M' A rmr . The mil venienl of th ai nil of in ,e i.m is necessarily ilijieutb-ii! upon tin- actions of the tb-et. Tins Navy I h p irlun-nl as urea the War I lepai liiiuot that may be based u.mii the cert, i plans I thai i official news from ."Simpson will I bl I Thursday at least Major G neraU Kit rliugli I, e mi: I ,,.e Wheeler will leaie Uaslnnioi ,,, (' iickamsiiga Wedi.ctday. The N uih Cirolina regiment ordered to ( 'luck a wauga nsl iy will form put of lo ii iil Lao'j eoiuman I. (leneral Miles leaies foi I ,,,;, ,. I',.,r Ida I iu ween, will Imi iu r.' Ii .siiiol h to -till the llrt expedition f the legu lar I'nited .Stales ir....pa A a, they are in. d -r way ru-iilo'ii thoiiNin l of the voluntpcr nrmv will fulinw Ih. in As the (Joi ciiiuient hurt di nb d on nil lmmediatfl and vioroiii ctmpain in Cuba, it accoun'n for tho orib m m hi 1 . tti iolunlMr reginieuU of tho i ai iuus 1 states tixlay. Tliry are sll Ik iiijt ried to i tin kunaua A -isll l(ki. A dmall niial cngacemrnt oci uirrd Dear Cardems, Cuba, txtwin three American venncl. ami threw Mpani.h ifur) b.ls. Th Anierlcao rrel weraa' t 'mptlng I" land aonin men on shore. N'llln r si le s (ertouslj injured. The Wa ren line strainer ' Koinao" le prU al llutton lii rtpnni'i lorp do boat off Ha ok Uland. On Hie snutli rmit of Nova Hoot i- Tina mm ir ii, . i,, ,,c lBptailn ol lhi frulaer Coluinhi.i. now mi tix Maw Kn'and station. Tb HU Paal omler Captain S;g.h, r passed tot- Vkf ioi C ipes lat tln a'n r ooa, bo a ad for Haaaptoo Iloalx. 10 Jin lh Flying H juadron. A powda mill at H mU Windham, Mais, mm b'owo BP today, and 10 meti lost tbair Htm. Tk tam )i 1Mb r (Imnnt of New York It wdrJ diliJd- I lit (Jjveinor Blork o oteounl dkaKibMliwir nf ocJeri lo (i'i i into camp. In A 1 el' frotn M Irid tas that lb BavWit'sMxt rMigad this !(. Tm rMmg: In hiIdii parti rp,i orm- lUoM ltd groat vtofenrr. Ai l.inarrje uJh .-.had ,M .Tab dsAiWJdrt I , TL4Mlck bod MoCwIloek om Imt ratal Ut W II la Ww tr trs l wotlrun the cable connecting Manila ! Willi 11 ug Konf. A liar Adrift. At New iiilt-aus the greatest actuitr Is shown in w ar preparations. Tin- Mate n 1 1 1 1 1 i ,n- mustered in today ami ure ii iidy lo go l,i the front on t lie trani-poit. a gresj fie t of winch is lieing pnpartil by tin- IVpi tnu-iii. Mm h upprehen.i ' is Oci asiom--l n, shipping .ircleti hi the breaklog aw a .f a tl n 1 1 1 . ; mine. I !,. mine broke a Irift from its mooiir.s o, the low, r S1i-i.iii am I i hk.-U :,, proven - u . f ;n;U i(aii;'T li v.i u orr r. n the wan t'lral It. tri hi Ordered lo Movr. I 1 1 .- . .ii. I tor Iomi llrlfBiri i . '. i .in n d. I; i . . .'!.. i '.I Secrets' i of War '. 1 ''a- ' 'I. 1 1 '1 ihe First Regiment. " io (' no!. i.. i u ips, to leave for Cluck .mwiii.i I '.iiiiji PMincdiatcly. 1 lie Si c, ml . diluent and the colorvd iial'alion w ill be siationed at points on tho coast to si re on tho coast defenses. The oiiiuiiii.-Hary department is ordered to provide 1 ravel unions for the 1'irst l ;;iment. It is expected that arms und clothing will he provided for the men upon tin ir arrival nt Chickamauga as their accoutrements will not reach here iu time. Surgeon Wilder of the First Regiment h ft for Wilmington today to examine part of the nesrro battalion there, and Surgeon .Ionian left for New Heme for the same purpose. Surgeon Wilder next u'ocs to Charlotte to examine Tailor's company. Call in l. Conies of the :i.!d Infaiitjy has In-. :i granted h ave of absence by the Seen tan of War so us to accept the up- polllimel,! of ( 'olon.-l ol the I'llst mi nt, North Carolina Volunteers. THE STATE CAPITAL. Kegi- ( nniiSriTlrruii Joke milliitry A liilimn nit l,r i lie ;uv.rnor. ' mm I'n n IWciir rnoll- llali il. JofHNAI. HfltKAl' Il A 1 .Kin II . .N. I ., .May ,. 1 I'or some unknown reason jester. lay when Ihe Wilmington Light Infantry cam- in their iiiaitcis in ( "imp were noi I "ady for lll.-iu, and they were marched lo the armory ot the Cov entor's (iuard here they spent the night. It is linped lhal ere long things at the camp will be put in good order, but now there is mm h complaint of things in general The soldier- li ml. that a State encamp ment ol Hoops, and a camp alter being sworn into the senile of the I'niled Stales, aie two totally dillercnt thing". As one expicssed it "one is for fun, the other for ligni." '('here is in Mm Cov e 1 1 1 o i ' s C 1 1 ,t rd s a ouiig society fellow who is loo (nil of fun to look at am thing sciioiislv and his pranks have been piinishe.i ly hail v.oik, and limited i at ions, lie uske.l an ollirer I he oilier day "to h i him haie a looking class to sec h ill si al e " A "SoldieiH Aid Soi ietj" was icster d: y formed by the ladies of Rah igh with Vis Charles V. Johnson president 1 hey wiil oifir their serines lo the Si'igeon C. cud lo do any work he may is-iii II, . in , i , of htckness or ac I ident Coiernor 1 1 o -s"l 1 i e.sterday appointed W. T Wilder .''.th Infantiv, I . S. A. as Major of Ihr Ct 1 ! n l a! ion . -Jnd voliln ti er ii'.'inient I . W. Tation Asheville Ilaltalloii All , i: i. W ilmi .r iii First volunteer lanell, Kaleigh. lan :toii. and .1 M Allison, 1ml laiion adjutanls of Alexander, Charlotte nut The Coventor not of the appoint in ti s for the i oloied UH":it .1 lllll) Mati's 1 1 It-, all a the 1st. and J. It tegmental aoj Iihs also mail" llllll's of th.- , li-iltal,. n Ali,c;: I :;.,o i ' nii-n arc nov in camp ,u' mem 1'. I'll out I of Ihe he, c I l.rcc ! ..rls o! he i 'Hid red and 1 1 f I - a li I l:'oi;ni';i i . o, .-, no b" "I I Jnd Hi gui k.- lir- ol will if . e i l( IS,, has I,,. ,,' ;- l.l'Ill foi 1 he ( Il.-I lit I'M lol W II llur i'ii, leiM in. 'Ihis appointment neial iifai Hon t o Itur iw l ulled Siale Brink In g w ) ue i Kpeclor lor a lsrKi Soiilhcrn territory He U n hroihrr of the gallant Col. Hnr gwneoi,i .''hi, North Carolina Kegl uiei.t, who lo.t In. life at lirtlyihurg The goveiiin. ml has i.cnt ordera that trsnaporlalion be furnfuhrd tbnae men who weie ri jn led hy ihe mirgoona and who laic lo return home Nine left for NlalOM illu and even for Aahevilh' llishop ( heshlre of the F.plscopnl Dlorcau lias written a "pedal prayer to lie used la in. i Imn lira dnrinc Ihu time of war. T he negroes say they are disappointed that ihey are not lo be allowed lo form a rrgimml, but Instead they are lo lie formed Into the battalion Nevertheless I hry i press I hinsa to Ooi em or Russell for i r I nj; in form a negro regiment The wind jeslerday aflernon reached Ihe rilority of a.i m lei per hour It did noiety serious damage. Ui( lightning playad havoc at a residence her tearing handsome bad room set af furniture splintered to piece, tnd tore a feathar bad lo plarr Willis Hiifgs aha bis baou city edllar of Iba I'resa-V Ishor. Haleigb's beat tvan Ing pjpt. bas porrbsaral thai papat and Iba Time, ami Is now owner of both papars Mr Henry Rag ley bcorfTes city " '.T' ' lnT Fmldapl S, A. AUiarnsi af u Otata ll'msilj, au rat rw ad frOtw bla Koro pa s" trip, Tba dl.actofs of tV Jt C. R. B- U ll.e hor, 1s II, r N or'. I, . an 1 the new on Thev bad bee: made for twehe niuulhs hut had t b- hanged and made to July then re newel 1'roi eedings of th, I. rand Lodge of Masons nf North Carolina for 1 ?ls has been still to (irand Secrelarr Drewry by Ciaud Master S li. Irvin, of i.eorgia Al r he S nmp Y esterd a v l:aanilnil Ion il Meu. Kuurll'i Army AppuiHl inrulM. If o li tl a u I A A . 4 . Slllle Inla. I' ulleailary Keorl Jim knai. Hi hkiI . i Kaleigh. N. C,, May h The drenching rain that fell all vesli-i day and last night added to the dn p uf the thermometer made lite rather uncomfortable oui al Bryan rimes i amp. rsoine of the companies ale adierlising toi mi ii so us to bring up their compa nies to the rcpiircil number. In every company but one (Capt. Hum's of Colds b irol there were meu rejected by the surgeons. After the Wilmington com pany reached here on Friday, there were II men who changed their minds as to going to war, and the surgeons re jected 11 more. The imptain had Ho men, so with the 2'i sliorl he needs '.) more to bring his number up to 80. Yesterday the soldiers were marched by companies to the grand stand at the Fair Orounds, which is close to the camp, where the Chaplain Rev Dr. I'm den of Durham preached. Covcrnor Russell was, on Saturday, asked lo reqaesl the Adjutant Ccncrai to appoint a Hospital corps. This tele gram to the Coiernor came sijned "Sternhurg Sur-(ien." I Regular army ollicers will be sent here ! to command the negro troops. Thus the1 appointments made by the Coiernor of' prominent negroes in the State as ofllcers i to command the colored battalion are ol no good. The "Ladies Relief Association" which w as organized here last week, willestah lis.li a library at Camp Bryan Crimes. Mrs. I). I.. Russell, wife of the Cm ernor Is at the head of I lie committee foi literature for the camp. There wer Ml rejected men who went out on the west bound train on S.itur day. Coiernor RiMsell will prohabiV ap point Rev. I) II. T little ol t he Metho li-' conference, to be the chaplain of th" '-'nil Regiment. It is said lhal Coiernor Russell will not regard the orders of the war depail me n t as to otliccrii to command the col ore I battali-m, but will hold to his up poiutments of colored ollh eis li was said ict'Tilay thai the negroes h-re said ihe iroops wonll disband hefoie they W'liild have aiiuy otliceis to coinniand them, for they would haie no meicy on tin'iii. There weie unite a lot of soldiers sick at camp yesterday and there is one case of measles. It is ra'her amusing ta see the efforts of the men to get rid of their beards Shaving is a luxury that the soldier does not haw uy often, and then under dllll llllies. Tomorrow the M'lnorial exercises will le i cry largely altemled, for all the sol diers in camp here will attend. Then the fact that the orator of the day is the gallant W. II. S. Bui gw yne, w ho ban pist been made Colonel of the Second Regi men! of North Carolina Volunteers, is another rcasju why the crowd will li very lare. 'flic Secretaiy of State on Saturday in i orporaled the Mountain i reek Milling ' o. of ( alawl-H; also the N lagara Crape and Fruit Co of Moore county. The diteciors of the N C R R met here on Saturday, an was stated, lo re celve Ihe bond-: of the new Sis retarv and Treasurer of the mad. Sim retary W orlh's bond was for ('JO, 0 ill and his sureties were Stale Treasurer Worth, II VY .laekHon, and John S. Annslioii' Il was accepted. Treasurer Sultan's bond for $,)(!, mm was placed in asuielv coinpanv,1 hut neither Sultan or his bond appeared before the directors, so another meeting' will haie lo be held '1 l,e women convicts In Ihe peniii'ii li'iry have been doing nun h laundry , work for parlies In the illy, but now t lltal Is stopped anil the women haw lieen sent to Ihe Stat" farms lo chop coltan. W'oik in th'- shin factory I' duing n ii civ I 'Ihe Supreme i ouil will ujl htnh Up Its woik for lo or thlee weeks yet Railroad Commis donrr I'eurson was here to lay ami went lo Washington a'C.ompan led by Lhe clers -Mr Brown to aiiaml ihe annual national confi ren f commlssioni-r s .mnnilssioin rs aid well and Ahboti are alreaily In Wash Ington Th 1 report of the penlli nlisry fo.- s(C has never tean given out, and H Is now IsMlrvcd lhal II has never been the in t nllnn of lha board to give i. lo Ihe , public j H.i mora t nltwl Stales prisoners ! : were iirougbi here loilay for ihe feleral prison ' Tha Miala Treasurer has laan pi a iiteil with a maasivo lahlt mada of ilurke coni'y oak and Inlaid by lha pupils of i lha lleaf Hole arhool at Morgunton II Is a very beautiful plrce of work. Invitations aava be mi Isauexl for the t eommeaoesnaut at Waka Forest College for Way 1318 Work to 'cure tha army post bare Is not balDg Bagtauid but I be com mlttea will nad H banl to rals tha 1 1 8,1 0) ihsi la loqulrad ta pa re a saw tba al a. Dsaj-ai aod UuitOTi aad ttriags of al . & at Burtar, ika JwUf. here today tu a-ce; nrw so leiari II H treasurer, J li Sun, LAW OF SELF DEFENSE. The Kugluh 1 ti.,ry f abrrr Protect! uo Kadt mini Kcfrugf Hvgtu. The rignt of self defense is hy some oJd writers declared to be iunereuc in all men by the law nf nature. Now, these "natural rights" are all very Well, but they are not recognised by the law of Crcut Brilaiu. It l- the law tbat a man may defend himself. Ins wife, child or servaut from physical ag gressl, li. He may also repel hy force a forcible attack upon his property. W'Ueu you, ,r your wile, child, or seriant is attacked, or threatened with in 1, in u in such a manner as reasonably to lead you to btheie that viuleuce is about to be used, you may resist the aggressor. And as the best mode of resistance is very often to attack, yon may lawtnlly follow the advice given by au old prize lighter to a pupil i. e., "get m the first whack. " But self defense must be moderate. It must not bu totally disproportioned to the attack. For instau. j. if a hulk ing rullian runs at inn v:'"ii a knife, I may shoot him Hut if h ruus at me merely w ith his lists clinched, ami I 1 shoot him dead w ith a revolver, I shall probably ho hanged by the neck. Not that the law expects a man to be calm and cool and collected in all circum stances. I iy mi menus. F'or instance, if the said burly rutlian rushes at me with ! clinched fists, evidently meaning mis chief, und I hit Inui with a heavy stick on the back of the ear, 1 may kill him. But I shall Hot bo hanged for that. I had a right to use the stick, and in the I circumstances I um not to bo supposed ! to be cool enough to aim for u spot not likely to be fatal. Again, self defense l inuBt not develop into revenge. Thus, I if I am thiculciicil with a knife, and by . the timely display of a pistol I frighten my assailant so that bo runs nwav, I must not shoot after him. If I do, I am just as liable uh though he had never threatened me, because I shoot at him uot 111 K,' (l'',l'lls'. but by way ot pnu islnuelit or revenue. Family Lawyer. LAW OF THE UMBRELLA. An linMirtHiit Opinion That Has Hern Ascribed tu I.urt Colerlilffe. The laiv as to umbrellas was settled once lor all by Lord Coleridge ill a lend iug Fnglisli case. JI is lordship held: "Umbrellas, properly considered, are a part of the atmospheric or meteorolog ical condition, ami as such there can bu no individual property right in theni. in .Sampson versus Thompson defendant was charged with standing on plaintiff's front steps during a storm and thereby soaking up a largo ijuantity of rain to which plaintiff was entitled, liut the court held that the raiu was tiny man's raiu, no matter where it fell. It foi lows, therefore, that tho umbrella is any man's umbrella. Iu nil ages rain aud umbrellas have gone together, and there is no reason why they should he separated in law. . An umbrella may, under certain circumstances the chief of which is possi'tsinii take on the .it tributes of personal property, just as if a man set u tub and catch a quantity of rainwater, that rainwater will bo considered as his personal belonging while it is iu his tub. But if the sun evaporate tho water aud it is rained down again or if 'be. tub is upset aud the 'Vuier si ilh'd then the atti lbute of personal ownership instantly disiip pears. So if u man hold his uinbri-lla m I his hand it may ho considered a ur- sonal belonging, but the moment il leaves bis band it returns to the great, general, indii lsable, common stock of umbrellas, whither the law will not at tempt to ('rmiii it. " Ho far as wi know there has never been a successful appeal from this ih -cisiou. Chicago News. A llmliirtiinc Sfriuim. Many years ago an English clergyman iu a small town preached as bis ow n a sermon, one tbat ho had bought, and which had been originally preached in London when the plague was raging in that city. After reproving the in o of tho people, the h rinon went ou: "l-'or this vice it is that (mil has vis ited you and your families w ith that cruel scourgo, th'- plague, which is now spreading o , i w here in this ton n. " At bis uttering lliesn words the peo ple were all so thunderstruck that the chief magistrate was obliged to go to tho pulpit and to ask bun : "ForOod's Hake, sir, pardon the in torriiplmii, and inform um where the plague is. ll:ut 1 may instantly endeavor to prevent it- further spr.-adiug. " " The plague, Mr:" replied the preach er. "I know nothing about the plague. Whether it is in the town or not, It Is iu my homily. A llplurtant Com plain t. The In liver '1 lines tells of a srhool liy in that city who has written a let ter to the school board which shows that the average Ann man youth can is, a point beTori, lie mis down on il. Iln says. ".Mr. lhrector -My sister, who Is the Bchoolli a. In r, whips inn every dny. I 'a and ma b hi her to w hip me ofteupr than she did the others so they wouldn't think she was partial. I wnlH to let von know this is tis thin, tike is an old maid and g' la mad be cause she cjtti't gi t miini'sl, ami when ever she gets lo feeling Ihst way aba larrups me I hate I , khv such things alsml my aiater. but it so Rootlilng SiifKMllow. Johnny bad Urn plstnig around tha piano aud had bad a fall. "Wrist aru you bawling about?" ask ed Willie oontcinptnouslj "Il was tha soft porlal your .head hit." Chicago Tribnno. Tha domesticated Malay eat has a tail that is only about one half tha osual length, and very often It la tied by ni tons iu a kind of knot which ran not ba straighten! out. Whan Laydan was beaU'irad by tba Bpanlab army lo 1874. Iba city gorarn kiaot lassad or ad it note uo laatbar. aakalMa, t4a Today btlof anvorla) Day, lb ally banks will ba closd, . TUG MARKETS 'I , - , r lny s market , ,o'a!i -tie ' .rnlsu : W A. 1'orti rh. ,1 A: i ,. Column-! .r j Hr-.ke-- I Nk Y'.ua Ms .' - I i K- i ir n ll.gh I,-o. '1 a, iiCi . '.. 1 '8 l.i.t I C't I'. ,,p rs i .a- . '.'m ii-; '."-, y: ' H .V 'I . U... H'.lj 'JJ '.I.'; j Illi'I ,'. I 1 ip.-n i I ." ! W' ( I, ,s. I A .ust l : ' ' ,! i .".i h HI i I lib A'.ii MAIIKKh WhkaT i ipi n H'igh Low. ( 'lose July I.i, I IU; ).- 1 1 i, C ,KN July :i",t :t7; li'i,' SUj ' uttoil Saltra III i,l haicf. BUCELEN S ARNICA SALVE. THF. BEST SAI.VK in thewoild fi r Cuts, li: uiacs, s-ores, Fleers, Salt Rheum, Fewr Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hand-. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin l'.rup tions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded I'rice 2.1 cents per box. For sale bv 1''. S. DulTy, ON TUE DIAMOND. Keaolla of I be !ntloul LiHanr Rase RaII sMnniei llityl IfeelerdAy. Special to Journal New York, May ! New York 3, Brooklyn 1 . Boston, May il Boston 0, Baiii ni ire Li. Washington, May U - Washington (i, Fhilaib Ipii . 1 1 I'ltishurg, May II T.ltsbiirg il. Louis villc ,"i. Chicago, May It Cleveland 1. Chica go 1.'. St. Louis; May II-St. I, uiis (i, Cincin nati a. 'l'u el vc in ii in os. si miay's IIAVKS. ( 'incinnat i , I .oiii-ville I. SI. L ,iiis tl, ( 'hicag, i 'J. l'lltsburg-t leveland rain. Wh-ere I'hcy I'lity To rtitj. Baltimore at Boston. Brooklyn al New York. I'hiladelphia at Washington. 'leveland at 1 Ideago Cincinnati at St . Louis. Louisville at Pittsburg How Hie. I liili filnnil. W. I. I' CI Baltimore 11 J .Hps Cincinnati, 1'J 4 7'o Cleveland l'J (1 till? Brooklyn !l r, ,f.4:i Chicago, !! li .111 ill Boston, '.I il .:,iiii I'ltishurg. H !l .471 New York 7 H . 1H7 I'hilailelphia ti 7 .411.' St Louis 4 10 .'.'si; Louisville .", 1.", :,() WashiioMon X ,'JiHI l'rollllNlair IN'Mrll 4 nip Special to Journal. Ail iMA, Ca , May U I he Kipott Flint Raisers made an elilbllsiasllc l poi I today of the prom ised oiilptil II li ar of Solllhelll peai 11 oiehalds POVDER Absolutely Pur Dobbin .. & Ferrall, U.'l ,t: l'J". FAVFTI KVII.I.K ST x a a Tucker's Store. HA I I.I..I1 N C. .ui: A T si'i;( l i la siiai: ! FXIItA HKWVi lllA STIC A W M1TTI. I m noi.l.s a onAl)K .Siimeroua larieiy of I'attrrns, match. ing Mali, Chrny an 1 Walnut 01 any other Wol Finishings or rnrnllure. j yl' A I.ITY NO I. IHr I'er Yard " J, Vr a, '-. t'KI.IVKHED niEIOHT TAID TO YOt'R DEIMT. The Greateat Straw Mailing Bargaina. T s o irt iliem mall ) o if order. a ooi a. Dobbin & Ferrall. pom TO e5j 7Tt:i litllj A- GROCERIES AND PROVISION, TO BK Fill Ml IN THE l' ITY. We buy ',ur gm-ils iliicct from first hands in lare (jnaiitit es for Cash. We are ihcre'oic til a position to bell you as low s an)" firm in the cilv. e o tiara nice our goods to be in i very respect as we n (. sent thctti mil we i es um t f ,: ! ! ask for a share of lour ntr.,, We liiiVe !ih).! si, ililes lib, i tile::tv of warehoose r eh yon .ire welcome to use fue of charge If V in n eel a l:irr.i ,' C i to your interest to flee us i f.,.,, Fespc, t: McDamci S Qaski 7i roii!l Nlrt-ef, XEW HKItVi;. C QUALITY 1 l--3Lc Yard. O. yi:o,37l?:s Go. INTERESTING ITEMS MILLINERY and The position that "Duffy's Store" bears to the New Berne and nearby trade is, that it's a store ot general kinds, showing some thing for everyone, no specialty feature, save value. When it comes to value, this store is right to the trout Many economical people have discovered this. IIIiK'k llrsvs (IsiimmIs. I'.Urt S'., ,1 S.'i t',' ill 'a . I ,in-.riie t hi" no lies ." t , I ". ,n l :n ,1 , s 1 1, , C'HS ,rn . M4 mi h all wool tin wi,!.- y, 4'i im li nil w,,l. hi,,' wall- :t'.e . 'ss an I rim Ulsi k I'll' he.",, n 71 7'ij; h ,eb i offer Is, a fuorilr toi m , male skol C, in, I rs hi. (mh Itlark llrot a le Armor, s an, I lu,l,.-s In patli in U'i.yh vrrv lia'el", me ma tr ls. 4 i ii. i L. .'lc- $1 OH r ,, lllnrk NicllliiiiH mul IIrllllaiitlii"M. Itrilbantlnes, l Inches a ble, .",0c A 7"i Killllanlinea, 4i Inches a hie, IKlc Hlcillan, t" Inches whle. B"ic HI, llian. 47 inehea wide, ft 1.1. Sicilian. ,'i7 Inches wide, I Ifi. Vilorrl llrtiiB) fJriMl. fllir offrllng of ( nlnriil llreaa C -sN of all w.kiI or sll wool and silk, st ami leas than half value, has. as we tr-rc neeer tven rrjnslled In New Itetne. 4"i ta fM) Inche. wi.le, :rOc 4", lo 4H Indu s wi le, 47r a:, ; ii i-'l i i or il - I 'or , , y.l b.l 1 i, Ai. GROCERS, DRESS GOODS ! m i i,i,ii:itv. e talk Millinery frequently. We liiiv, tai'h in Ibis ileiartinenl There in- iii oi iii her a also It ems. who share los t.nh wiih lis No M'laxallon nf airMnli.i .a I. II I cnlislan t . IT' .rt I o (lea h, in i, i and ta si in our cusUimers, al ih, ,r lei-. The laksfii Nnllom. u, small hiifh er. wn. madlnm ,ii si i ,,iila, saaaaoo's ''" 'II" f the tiaM'a. It ,,iW'ii -straw Liked le. wih srarf. X .. .,1 ,,.llar sallle. price 7V l.nke.i le l .nama bla k hand, 7 Lakishlr. while split braid, double hrlm whit, and hl- hand. Ha ma hat ilso In Mark, green and brown, prioa t a Child's M. id Straw Flat. bla. browa sod treen combination This hat, par- iriilarly adapted m poeailar aearf Irisn rnlng Hplendld Talua Wo. Hah IllbtHpta. Kjist selling Hash Rlbbrma. ftlalda, Koinan airipew and rkecks. aW black, a-hite and delicate shades, pttr : . , i