THE WEEKLY " JOURNAL BatabUaba It78. Publiabad io Two Section, every Tues day and Friday, at M Middle Street, New IWrno, N. C. CHARLES U 5TEVENS, UI1TOB AMD FBOPRiriOK. Sl'BSt'RllT10N;RATE.S: Two Months, iWents. Threee Months, .85 " Hix Months, BO Twelve Months. $1.00 ONLY IN AUYANCK. Advertising rates furinbhtd upon ap plK at i lit- utbi c, or upon imjun v i y mull. tiP'The Jul KVvl is only sent on pay in advance basis Suhst nbers will receive notiee of cxnualioii of ilit ir sub sen pt ions. :i nil to notice will U tapprei i u 1 1 1 1 t' ill Jol K. Al . Filtered W. I', us sec iihe 1 si, It nial Ic OFFICIAL l'Al'FK OK COl'MV. CK A V FN Section Two, Friilav. Mil) 1 V,N. TCSION MEANS DISINTEGRA TION. There must I e some ty on diopait of Maiioii l'.utler, while awaiting the rcbult of the iH'ino cratie State Convention's notion on ll IH pill 11 of ll :l V 1 U g I l llo 't I i, o ' li tilt lll.-cl Vet. into Ills .dnii ;... The s.ime oiil desi i e for : evene, n dead I v one, '! ' : cp-i s in t:- blood of l'lt lei . II.!:'! ills lelllill k . puttin? Democrats "in u hole," dots not nieiin exactly v ! ; 1 1 maiiv nnlit interpret it, for Marion lint lei li n rets n lint reil 10'aiiist IhTiKoracv ,i i i r "i tile n.une makes linn funous, ami for its members lie has u love tnpial to t lint of the Sp;uii;inl for the starving ( nlmn . Let llii! 1 )riiloer;its lie that Hut ler loreels. for has .'",ed not lorn -ilina, VOWed tile i lest i 11.'! Mil i of ratio party of Nor years ago? 1 1 m 'lie fo: got ! i n or f D.'in '01 at s wh" ii n e shown up Irs politic his 1 1 eaeln r v to ' nei d prom ises and 1 1 aitorou he l 'ar : g . e n t h o C"ll' llli.l I black in s 111-' look. I'Vprcssio! towards State and at ion Those 1 eii o 1 a! ic ) a: are now see K-,uz liutler, need not fawning upon 1 save them from tion once t hey ar Marion Butier 1 li" fell ' II lid CI may s s of 1 lined his foot mil to for lose paprlr Bntler and get the u t teranecs which have d en on ; ButleriMii, K'lssell evcrv da v uniil tin I'll 1 1 ii i , when ii that Marion Butler t he v 1 1 1 her of 1 bon oi sse! USUI ilist Con losslhle i ciiegade, MICH I rlh Caro i icracv he a pol 1 1 1 r m Ni luia. If the Kdltors of think Marion Bailer lllem let ti.em a,t t hem u nder bis "f usm tin papers hd bv fo, ni ll he has movement, n SUCH SlIOil Id pi they J will see I sili! .-u ececd , and scoi n and con- tempt in wdi icb 1 bey a i e hel pi esen t sin i li ng I o, tier. Fusion with 1 iu h r, ucai by t lie liolltl cal ( 1 1 ii all I v w 1 1 1 1 Hi- e !. Boll feilo.i;i an 1 union with Butler and Knsse!!, the abrogation of ev-rv I leniocralic i prinoiple, tli.'iefoie ibedsintegra lion of the 1 leinoerat c pally as a political orgnlil.atmu m nil, (',,r olina. To call lliat Henioerrev which Would join Butler, elldolse Bussell and his black adnnm-lMt, ni, is an infamoii i 1 1 liel. There are those who would seek this t il n m ami claim to be Demo crals, but their chum is false. No such iiuio'i inline Ih'uineracv with Butlerirtui and KasHelimin is I patlble. t) . I I I I . . . . r oo railed nernoerai miy hue i Willi Butler, but such union while; it would came u ilunriU'gratiou of the Democratic party in this Slate as its organization itinlx, would not destroy triio and honest Dmnocrary. Nsilhor the cunning and rout Butler, nor His Ollicaal Big D6M Kuasall, are capable of ending tb Cause of Democracy. It i, fr bejoud their unite! efforts. A Olawar frisk. ! , ll certainly looks Ilk it, but iher Is really ao Irtck about ti. Anyboly cu try It Wbo baa Lama Hack and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or acrtous troubtea. We Mtaa eaa eara blmaalf rtkt away ' by takiag Ximria Oltlara. This taadl ctn Ioimm p tk whole irate, acta a a stimulant t Um m4 Eldaeyt, to Vloo4 ptirilWr abd m ut. It nrw ( oastlpattow, lleadarka, ralatlag Spell, lepleasaat ad Mslaackoly. . U panf f(taUv a BUM laiatira, aad r lore tk irattia u Its aataral tIjot, T.muC ilttanj aniba cMtiorul Try lb st iliy Imttte gnarMiaarl. ())y ftOc a bottle at r. , Daffy i Drag Store. . Tax pVmocract is raxui There cm be bo ainoerity of prin-1 Norih Carolinians read ilia me dpi, no regard for iDtentj o( ' sage with aniaiement, protest were party, uo re membrane of pat erilg. ottered, aurtlj the Old North State and a strange forgelfuloesa or had ool reached such a luw eondi wrongs committed gainst it, when 1 nun ? i the Democratic party of Mcrlh Car j oliua seek Marion ButUr and ak his political leadersnip and attm lance. offend their services but many Marion Bailer again seeks tu pros ; uceu refused, titule the Democratic party of1 Again was felt the curs' of North Carolina, aud shuino il isisellisru. that i lit re are men calling iheiii selves I h moerittg who would gladly seek the ctnbraco of this deti'er and traitor of I emocraov. In ii the Democratic partv sinks poiilnal association with .Mm ion Under, it must have some jiirpobc in so lining besides that of principle or pan v mleg i ity. 1: t!io.-e lbniocraU who are again Inindiv giopuiif towards Bui ler and begging lii in to table them inio his:ci f' "I, would set aside their sellisn i,cc j i,t ai I think for a moment over bow t his same t ra' tor Butler has misled deceived them befoie, how he has proven false to evei t lung he lias elol touehed, they Would hesi t i'o 1 i tore placing their interests in his eM i re charge . .Marion Butler his no party which can absolutely claim him for its: own. His "fusion wuli I h'lirvruts, has given Democratic otliee sckers an idea that he might lie a Democrat. His "co-operation'' with Kcpub lieans, in the division of Male 'spoil.-. ' gives tiiat party a "pie r in tei est in hi in . posi ng a- a 1 oi u i ist , : ty un idea he heioii to But he bilongs to none of these, lie is for l'.u i ler, and But ler only, and would sacrifice as he has done every priiiri J 1 ' of right or lid ellC to advance Bu 1 ler. W lttl 1 in' perfect knowledge of .Mai i, in Bui ler which all ha e, how can Norih Cuiolitin Democrats for a moment seek his political feilow- When Democracy seeks fusion with Butler it throws to the winds those sacr d principles which have been I (emocraev's boast . W here does V lute Su prcinaev come m, if Deniocryc .-n ks the anus i f liutler. for this man has accused Democrats of foul crimes too loaih si to piiblis , ? iii lute Supremacy flourish un ler the l'opulist haiiiii'r, in the party which applauded theremaik of one of its speakers, who de cl ired ' - In re was no good in u hit,-:-" Where dies W'liile Supreuiaey c 'ine, hen aoceptanoe of Butlor ism, means as-oeiation with Daniel I., loisseliy Can any one believe that Russell, sin and V bite Su jirt rn aov, are ideu ! I"al . If Demoeracv seeks Butler, who endorses and ii tb I latcfl With Kussell, then Den.i eraoy is false, for it mis n pieseiits its position anil advocates pr I no i i I os it does not fid low . 'I he Democracy which seeks Unt il risin, adopts Ktisstdhsin, is false, and il ought to be the purpose of every lover of the Democracy whicli stands for principle, honor, decency and a cli an recoid, to cast out the false Demoeracv which seeks to prosiiiuie itself to every strolling putty renegade, that It may secure liisig:ul;c ml puilv spoils, bowevcl much ll mav be dchloil b) such 10 sociat ions. WHERE KOSSELIJ-M rREVAIL? Neiirlv eigli'ien tnontln of Una "ell ijm in N or Ih ( 'arolmn, and what a curse it has been to the peo ple of has ni ways been so fond lv called " ),, North Stale! ' 1 here has a! ways U'ctl a feeling of pride in ehiiinmg lo be a North Carolinian, for North Candida ha been mnonymotm with integrity, , conservatism, and patriotism J North Carolinians could speak j with prulo of their past record, jihoir present high ambitions, and llieir bright future prospects, I North Carolina conservatism meant stability in tinancinl, moral and political iiiestions, and a slow ness in entering into such matters until they ha I been calmly and thoroughly investigated. Its integrity stood good for crerf private ami public matter, while Its patriotism was a standard of meat lire for tue American citiienship. With the adyent or Kuaeellirm all this begin to change. The shadow of dark neat com mence within a few weeks, and each month the black nes grows deeper, until with lea than on half ( ita atlnloUWation past, ail it gloom (wowrvaiwnt tnd Inlttfritr aahfn.lM( nt t w tk. a.Li i. esat OIMIII ilia nairlnlUn f ' ' r " "''M4ttfM.MWuu;ta CarolinlaML f J HatUVrpM 1 odni Maui not larniil lr nam a .f I. in?," lhi Uiug duo tu deaeiliont.! There was something wroug. He sertious there had been, hut of no 1 serious number. ninny wen had bad Thu war inspired no patriotism in the man who was (Jovi rnor of North Carolina. It might mean something for Daniel L Butscll, personally. It ulTered thu oppm -tunily fur an increase of the one man powei, il added military lo civil rule. It gave chance for pro motion of favorites. Il broadened and widened the "political pull." It increased the number of politi cal serfs within the bonds of lius- ism. These and other opportunities the (lovernor saw as he sat alone in his room at Haleigh, and thise chances he has availed h i nrel f of , d isgnsti ng those who had v ol u nit ered , ai d preventing others from v o! n nt eon ng because no one could tell under whom he was to serve, or whether volunteering meant lo be undei Russell's power, or whether volun teering meant n il to the govern ment. Thus even in her patriotism, Ninth Carolina feels the blight ami curse of liiisseliisui, and in her pitiable plight excites the oomuus serat ion of ol her States which can lint ech,;m. "Boor old North Caro lina!" And it must continue "p.ior old Noi t Ii ( aioiiiia while basse pi ev alls within l er iiorde-,-. SPANISH OPINION. 1'114-y I III ii U I lit- I ii , iklu ti iila inn IMIli nil for u oiii, M:iv A Spanish stair ollieer of hiu'h rank and ability, w ho has served in 1 he pu-seul Cuban I'liinpaign, refeirinio i tie American invasion of ( ulia, i lee hi its ihat I he nnilei tak ing bi is lies nil h liiitii'uli ies. The oiiiparalive i ns igni lieanee of the invailini: tone and 1 ho great prepomlei ii 1 1 e of aiuliiy lo aceonipiin y il seem lo indieale. lie thinks, 1 he inieinioii of the American Whir 1 leparl intuit lo land at Inst a small hoilyol troops ill a stinicgic of Jjjb'anl a. i oin position close to the stiTVff w hu h could I e mindly eiiiieiudi oil and foriihiil. Here 1 he Aineriians would eiu'e.ivur lo liold mil under ilie protection of Ihcir ships uniil ihe w liole inv ailino foli c laniled oi w in sntiicenih si rong lo niov e in 1 o i he i ni erior. Till' i'1'Cl alum he sai s is one of ihe ino-t peiilmis knoHii ;n ihe ail of u.o apart fiiun ihr i luiiaie dauu'i'rs, which aie always irieat in Ihe ens,- of Cuba A strong Spanish force could not only harass and interrupt ihe formation of Ihe camp and iiilliei hen v losses .,n t li adv am ing einemy wnhoul iisking n general engngi nienl, hut could pmhablv eat In in olT altogel her f nun his base ol supplies The" "l nnkees,' Iwing nsliirsllv heavy, like all Anglo --in, in soldier-, and en iiimU'red by liaggage and amlh iv iu count i y prai I n ull y w it In ni l road - . w here nil n"ceesssrie, even drinkable vmlcr. would liaie lo lie conveyed nhing vi nh llieni, w i u bl lie plai ed at I ho same dis advantage w il h reirsrd ti Spaniards Ihe hitler are wilh Ihe Culiin in-u r genu 75,000 VOLUNTEERS Mll-tt tor By UtrrMinrRl. Korth nrallnrt MHHmry 1 1 1 r r Sm i iitl 1 " J oi w un', INi hi. ii, M.. S I'r.Mil.'M M, K.n e ill i nurd I(m;i, ..r .'. ibmi nwct n 'in In r ftr err Tier wih ii( h; criu 1 n -t-rt It , nh it meant Hint N- iiii ( nrr )i in U nM I iu p I ! nt' 1 1 a I.i r ) in i., 'o fin rn-h. TheENFLUENCE ol the Mother shapes the conrie . . i i . . - ' ui iinii.iin general! o n s pocs souikIiiio thiouojh all 'the! acs .mil i nters the confinei ol i Kternity Willi what care, there- fore, should the F.A.'irctaiit Moth- I cr he (narclccl, and rimv prcat the effort lie to ward off dinger and make her life joyous and happy. MOTHER'S FRIEND allay all re lieve the Headache fCrampa, Jtnd Nau Ka,aiiao ii.. JmJr parra the tyitcm that CkMUrlk it made cay and the time of recovery ahort-ened--many any "ttroneer after than before confinement It in urea tafctv to life ol both moth er and child. All who have used - MMkw'i PtW - My they iU nev er be without it again. No other remedy robacoofmcmeat of Kj paia liwiiMtiWfaM'ai.rtfa-i tallica im ii ml 1 aM. mm4 rt M( m fmt -4tM,ta.i snigK, a-1,. ari-T 4rI4i "fai MmjIrfMvl mmmm,t 4 ILL IT SEA. Mriatioa if He Report A Batik of ihe Fleets CABLES ill CUT. Madrid News SimnHy liivrli Dill iniMi sile in. a I ,i No MEN FOR THE WAR Seicnl) F'iic 1 lie ii sun il More Vol unteers to be Culled. lleney iu Cunti'ul at Manila. I n siiigenls are Active. ( aili. 1 bet A ir it t ii to Sail. S eial ' o it ' W A s 1 1 I M , 1 bulletin lsi iiieiil stale h In i llial a Winilwaiit 1 iv. May 'M. An ollieiiil led from I In Navv l lepai " t'llele is no le.isoil to hi h ilde has occiirr".t in ll e 'ass ige " lie olid I his llli'l e ' ls la,r1' " llal leiuie win reaiioiils ot the Aineiican sbi)is is know n i , ihe Navy 1 lapailmciit . Mill enver He vv hen ihollls of Admiral Ceivela win, his Spanish beet is also k uovv n to l In 1 i, ;..irlmenl. lni whether Hie slii f sp male al. Ntntiago do ' Culia or uol. Oi ielary l.opg villi not Il is a.lnulli d 1 i.i i a n ships is i l! i 1:1 able lo crush :n. shouid il ai U ill 10 1 ' C llba . Conn i"0 i mg siiiladrou i n i i ipiad t on i if A me; -po: i. v liicb m ill be I Icrva i a sipiadrou leive S llii. ag. do l ll!. V . vv 1th Ihe ilv- Nnitio '. lav l! uai N'lioison should . A s s, .noil olti : i I -su nies i n 1 n o i oil ' i I M lid r ! . ,s helieved and ' d have ai in ou llu d.i Admiral Sunn'soti luand of 1 lie e: il n i 1 Ml in n . The wort lion a nil siei ion- si i i nch s ,.f i lie e , l.-h :ov ei n ine n ; tloui Ihe seal ol ' In sonic 1 1 la i silence is ;cti ihii a It hori 1 Irs ,, fi ( uba o: fro iillhl It'Dllht thai I 1 1 v I In il ,!!' J U.ll i , li either Admiral I - I M'l ll I T,i I I II nf ii.- lie. t in the Vy csi In : '1 he ( .ti 8 " of lhj is 1 v il e .til hnally I e 'ti ui VfM'ls ;uul Sijiin aim Lei nn liac no l(M,ger ;in -v I n ( ontirmation of i U i iu-wh irtstiwl l .1 ty i Oepartineut announc i!i;i S', 1 n t x cut the San J i m cal.l. ' Wot Mrllf The Nav v Deparinii ic u tli Mitilritl rcort ol i-nI.-u Mift i lo Ik- rcinforci i f.n . 1 lie r.ilht-s , mei n an rst in t-ulf -lintiMicalion. n , :. lilt of i II. N.ivy t ! ' 'cruiser h not ( di.'l thr ilcpartu red 1 1 ' Hill c lo tup riiitipiini'H. 'ii t he c ntrary it i- ' If I n in ron vn tion i( t ir ofHciril?t l h.i wuli Uit Hen 1 1 h-h depart il will Ik- ; i .-, ii , ,i , ( A din iral (' r.eia In llit- t I i tther Ui iu m Ihe Kt Urwej llrikrl rnt . TI. fron I i p:rtn.cnt re t-ivi I k caSlerai Vdmintl I'.wcv nt Muiui ;h fol- ,u "Siiu-itKpn iiriclm ij' l. -u r-al n-an ity nx-vils i , ubj tt fenr oulbrciik o' Stn Atpiiimldo iii ornni7iit; n' ir ( 'm lie and llicu ..- - ! i T.iluahh-. ' M.Mkadc. n foreign M I-4J M lldlff f ; 1 1 I i I ttrrc i h e ma' m M9tm .rut -nl. to n.nhir lerxirla i-sue I ! gav i lii e of oi i laraliona of iiu'riliiy !) live nr.lri. TllilM' ftle 1 1 a--1 i. (in eei . ,., eui la, ihe Ne lure ml. an. I ( n. At .i,. . The War I trpai I uwrii n lh,n ihr slalrment Ihat additinnn' vulnnli-ms will lw rallni f ciMi.. n.,i ...i Kridsv The niiMrH-i nf rxii aaldrd mdiIi i (Ida i all wul bo wrnl) -livn lliou- aod Tho i rniior ( nlnmbia nailed arawanl ,.-.- ,r.iw,i,r ninay. lier coaling ami autiinr on freati atipplir at I'biladelpiitn At Nt-rl N-w f Im Kovernmcnt U rtvparlng to ftil id. cliy raperially lo protect Inn iiunx a. ldp Imitdinj planu tbcr. MrdaU lo H.o ro tirara railora whi rnnln iieh lrriir. 4T.iria In aa-- Kotifa Hrarkrariil.. of ll... tocpwlnboai Cuahli( haa b va nwanlnl liy ihn Nay,- Irpart. iwnl. Brekiirtdr waa 4ron d wheti Iba Ciial m a fu nwla l Havana. Hli maa4s. HfNvtkw Kunl o,, In ih a wnmltlm on lbiM. nf wlnck fen la fcairuMit, wilt dertda wh0r a not .-lal ml ball lw ra. portM I iba tlrmat for I b x itrrUtm ot tmm J.4 tmolad m lor tk MMaalio of IfaaraH. lb trihf font iwrilatof tb aoiBMiu Mn noally difidaU. Al IkMKa ItpaikarllMa la nfiprMa4 I" a a- Maattui Mrt will prvbaWy vol .!! ttNaoiet. taactf Iballit ta ttmmtnUht Um ol kta -mnj U 'wtH veto tot Dm r Jbi, If ra d, Ikn rm- Mm 1H torn W MJoyWi by a faa wmjnrHj. Il rpcak t will Ml aiM fWKI to f mafnrHy hU party.' M a o4 Willabadtbitr,k. TO WEAK KKICUBBOCXKB. Tki Amy WIU Ut MM, I lnvta Tnsttn, Wlih ir- Nkw York, May 23. There i to be a remismnee of kDlekerboeaers in the uniforming of the In I led Stales Army. Like the colonial troops of revolution ary limes, the soldiers in the army of Cuban Invasion will wear knee breeches. The mslerial will be very different from i hut worn by the soldiers in Tii. The knickerbockers worn by the j aruiv of invasion will be of brown can-' v as. Notice was given today by the ijuar- ! tennaster's ileparln.eut lhal bids would tic opened for 40,000 brown canvas! kniekerhoeker suits. Itids will soon be opened, loo, for long Blockings tor thu soldicis Leggings will he worn wilhj ihe loll l; slock ings. 1 lie icasoii foi the proposed adoption ' of k li i. ni l hoi hi i s by Ihe army in Cuba is lhal thev win he beller suited for Use in ihe hoilei i l'inaie. Hicau-e of Ihe dense a inlet a: i o w i h i ii Cu ha it would lie i necestaiv lo vviai h I'gitigs even if long' I rouse i s vv ei c us d I he e.iuihiii al ion of 1 leggings and iiniu i e-snry trousrr legs j would cause ihe sol.lieis great diseoin i fort. Lpel iem e ha- li..v '1 I hal Ihe sliort I roioers 1 1 c in-; : r; in iu i ' v i e S ei Is I . ' l lamp vv eat ill liol coll ll rUENCIl OriNION. I Ink I p.tlii II ' Tim- ' nr. t' l.anli , a n it al hum ui'u'- V ;uii t laj -rtl sin,-- w at (jiupiTu'w lo mlmit M Mi ,li ltd: .' 1 1 , lilt IT was dt llrvl 1 1. IK' that un i Ir' li scon1 (.' v i :il h'1 n- U? glnonii rost'r'c for ht'i A mei ira, lie nrcpan d itntl ia; A to )- act - 'i i ! . lull l'u in.' now loi'b. war in Iku stuili. i! nrli HM'tl lo th,' jia:n ha lo-t a dn !- v.W i I liont oti t it plan ol ar! ion pro mnii'is M lier i ominuiul. lai no tied at Manila, hn I t lie .-hips vv . 'Mill tnlij." ami .all lioiiuh Ail mi i al I )ov-y i IioliU tin1 ha , lit' i- not in p.tsse-sion of i llic il-nnl- In Cuba Anii ilr t ln silt tvctli'il in j notiiinir, lit-r nitcmph to hind troops' ha i' 1't't'ii fniM ralt'il, the lioiului) i linen I of San -luan uas a lailnic anl llir Itlock Hv lias not 1'O' U a --iict't1--. h i tin1 ol lirr lian.l, . :i s M r I unlry, tlic .--iliialion :ts tfj;aiil Spain in Cnlia is st'iisililv im;i'o t'tl. The loyalists lliric ban linn. : The w i ' i ! hnal i ( il nioncv, ai ni innl anunnni food is e made r sen! lo 1 1 1 o 111 ' pro'l ('- VI il li 1 he eft'iid their poi I-, and l one of I lies-' pol Is a d l'oo.I, i apid, modern landed and ll ell ai nied lii i 1 k 'I ni i nn, - ( oi i v , v makes oai , bill he ei ol ihe lam of F. .1. tillL' business in ilie u m v and Male afo: e T 1 1 in will pa v I he sum .H Hi il.l.A K tm each I '.i v i; i: II 1 ha ! ea nnoi e of II vl i - lii v l; l; i l 1ANK I . ( 11 KN I V. ine and - 11 '-. i . d in I' ll day of 1 , , in1 or. W (ibKAsiiy l I ne se: I hi in v City ol 'I said, a'.' of o.K llli'l el '! : be , ui"1 do. C s. V I. - - .Nonary Put ic. , I ad's Calaiili l ure is taken inter-j nally, and aid s ill i eel iy on the til nil and niueoiis surfaces of Ihe sv-lein. Send for lesl i in o n i a ' -, f 1 1 e I F. .1 CIIF.NKV A' i ll Toledo, (I. ! Sold by Ibid'- Vmiiilv Pills ire Ihe host. N ii i r i.i 1 nil IU r t ii Special ! It vl l l ei i n al Mm -'I The fo Oil . IJ Su- e handed pn ine don n Balk v s 1 1 arr: I'.eanf. .1.1. lion el rot . tti rmeil rr W orks, no Uol. Ill-' ( 1 nihil on or A lb. i - I n - u I am il 1 1 1 mol I'lnpnn y, from ite. il, IKillioDt Given Away. ' I i is 1 1 1 1 fiinly prl i fv mi; I o 1 he ml die j i o in ' a of one i out u n in I lie In nd vi hn ' aie rot lifllld lo be einelol.K In Ihe neooy .mil mfTeiinp, 'I he pmpi ielor'n of I I r. Kin :'s Neva 1 'iv on i v for Con mi nip 1 iou. coundn nod colds hnv c iteu auaji oier i en milliou irial lmlile of lldn real niidicino ami hnie ihe alifAetiiiii of kin ine l hri" alanilulel i enred Ihou' j and ef miflea can'f. AiUunin, llron . hull. II lamrfieu ami all ili'wii ot Ihe Tliruat, Chril nn.l l,'iii aie an rely i-oreil by It. Call on F. K DuMy, llic IrtiRirlit, anf (t't trial Iwlllu free, reg dar tire 'iCc mid (I. Kviry Unlit1 guar aiileol, or irb e refunded Tlr, HMlrlrt Uma rHiir i'mm vMila . Notice l hereliy plrcu Hint III lcm nciatlc O.iyentlon of Ilie Tldrd Con Krainnal Dlitilcl will be bald In the ion n of Clinton, tUmpion oounly, N. C. on Thurnliy, .luno tKnli, IMIK, all 3 VWrk hi., for the ptirfrntv ol nornlna tlax a rat. did ate (or Congrraa and for ucli Mbr biulneiK may properly coma Iwfora thn ('mi vent Ion 11 y n'dar of tna K.ifmiko Commltlar, W K. MUUC1I1HO.H, ('haiirnaa. JoIlK fJiPBttWOOl). leerttaij'. May H.1HM. I'aprra la dlmrtct will pleat ropy. Ta w7kaa 1 1 May I mmm rm. From ibU I Una forth 1 will ot ba rra- "I '"V44'" ' f wit C. Lot'tae SPMiiM.NtiKkta.' Mayrnli. t -, a-..t .t ii t tua, 11 AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. . .n-:-, ; IN THZ COUNTS O K TIGHT TO -nu rxc'':vt: 'i:-E or the wo:. J castoma." AXD DR CAMUCL PiTCHEr?, cf Hyannis, Massachusetts, was' the "edgier f "CASTOR! A," ih: same that has borne and tiivs I:: r sjSTT' n CTCTy ihe fac- simile sijnditr: ij A&cZ wrapper. Thisis theorigiud "CAGT0RI A" diich hasbcen used in the homes cf the Mothers cf America for ever thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY ct the wrapper cr.d see that ii is the kind you hck-am bought sfTZT m the and has the ic nature of Uf74A444 wrap per. No on: has authority f i nc to hoc my name except The Centaur Commraj, cf duch dies. 11. Fletcher is President. March 24,189s.-. Do Not Be Do not cmlun.:. r l'.u life c f your child 1 accepting a cheap r.ubstiaite which sonic clru;;' may offer you (because he makes a few more pent.! ; oa it), tlte in- Teilients of uliiih even he does not know. r'The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. TH CINTAUN COMPANY. TT IIUKWr ITHfll. N . W YORK CITV. At Unheard I am Selling a Bran New Western or Cincin nati Buggy for $25.00. If you want a Surry 1 can t-ell ou one just from tlie factory for f(i5. I loan have on band K'H'gies made by Kandolpb, Kii Rton. N. (J ; I'v son and ,lonoH, ( 'ni I lingo, N.C.; lln-eey, Taiborn N C ; ll'ckliev, Wilson. N. ('.: I'.ailionr. Siulli Itotdon, Va., wbioh I am -i llni oheiip for i he CAS 1 1 or ON TI A K. CliKAT I!KIrcri() IN' Will I'S. For I be next :in ho I will sell W liipt) for olh: on the 1 00. New Line of Summer liobeg Just. Iieeoivi d. Have IIOKVSKS AND MUI-KS which will be sold al Kcduced I'ricw, h I want to reduce n.y flock for the eniiiiner, I'on't Fo.get thai I am ill the Uarnefs liii8ineHi. J. STEWAET, r'H r,o,;;Ui.vv"r,; New Berne, N. G. M. Halm & Co., ? Livery, Sale & Exchange Stables. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL C CALEBS IN HORSES IvCTTX-BG ! A .COMPIiETi: iMNK OF- Buggies, Poad Carts and Harness. No.'f 1 1 8, IM and In niddla Street Jlighctt of all la Lmenlng Strengthv-LtteM U. &. Cov Root Mb j ' V. - 4 j ' ; aihi, ' --j ' , t 4-. tMt k J.a . Deceived. of Prices. o a v