1 7 A Gunshot From Which Dan- gerous Blood Poison Re sults. It matters not poison is iiciiuinni. t.l'T ' lnneruaiice ur a. cnb-nt , it i- a 6tul.lM.rn, ....tii:iit.- and one which tin- .lo-cr, ti.i themselves unable to M, i . . j the sli lti ood, iuny treat. Mi.t-v, r ",. r- i- iglitest impurity m ti,.- anv accident which .,r,,. duces ev.-n a trivial Lnti- or contusion of the ll..-!,. i- lik.lv to result seriously. iiii-..:,!.- sores and ulcers oil. n r.-suli i rom such causes, ami in niaiiv cases they are so ol ist imit ,. i hat it takes years to get. rn! of t Ih iii. The doctors are uuaM,' (...'lire such cases hecause potash and mercury (the only remedies which t hey ever presenile for t he blood) tend to shut in the pois on and dry it, up in the blond. Here it lies dormant for a hile, only to break out in a more ag gravated form than before. This treatment is continued and the same conditions exist for years, the old sore or ulcer becoming a constant compan ion to those whom it ulUicts. Capt. J. II. McHrayer, the well-known dist iller of fine Ken tucky whiskies, had just such an experience, and he is so de lighted to lind a cure after -7,rVvV:Sl,t,.e' it-V, nVringthath.,., to know just! 'yj0:i?ifJ- many years of null' , i i . . nutus everyiiiMiv in Know ill how to get rid of these horrible i chronic, sores, lie now resides 'S. S. S. cures because it is at Lavrencebur, Ky., and purely vegetable, every ingred w rites: s i -i 1 1 of w hich it is made being "Sonic years a(;o I was shot, in the left hr, r iviiiL' wluil I considered only a slight wound. The plnce was guaranteed to contain not a par slow in healing and became much I icle of potash, mercury or any swollen, increasing in size and be-j , .r nli1H.ral. S. S ' S will coming quite angiy-lo..king ami in-. ., . . , .' " , , flamed. Jteforc Ioiil' it Imtl di.v.d-! 1 "n' ""'st' obstinate blood oped into a running sore, and gave me a great ileal of pain and incon venience. I was treated by many doctors, and took a number of blood remedies but none did me any good, and diil not seem to check the prog ress of tin' sore. I had heard Swift's T: Etc. "I he ievc l.e thinks more of her money I nan he docs ol hi i 1 " i s He alway. h i, I sin 1 I la-te." Eivcrtin-; ('alchei Wlind in, ks ,,u n de trim "unfair hall," Mi.-l ih 1 : 1 1 1 j j :i 1 1 - I'lllpirc- " K :.m- I'm- . -1 i-( dal de Wold foul am kalk. lhiled lull ,le,l.iih de plaj ah's len-lein. "I )ui in- Ine ! . I .veil ,. .! . IU ,- I 1 1 it I a sc M i r a, r I , ;. null tills, liei-essiliii in- nu 1, a in: niv l.uilies,' i-avs .Mi. ('. A. Ibne, ,.l Iboe I;,,,, . Tin casile, i,,, - A ft , i- i;, kin.; ivw, or Ihr. e doses Chain ei Iain's t olie, Cholera and Dial ihoi a K, luedy I u us ninplclclv relieved and in a ten horns win nl.le to lesuine my i,,ik in il,e -on-. I sin-een-lv ie, .null,, !, I it t,, .,n one allli, led ilh Sl oln.'U h or how el I rouble." For Sale by !' S I el . Hie limit. ll is related of l.oid ICl-sell Ihal upon I one occasion. , luring a OlL-ainy I rial, a biolher Lain-lrr, leaning anoss Ihe benches, nhispcicl Kus-eil. idial's the' cktrciue penally for l.i.-amv " Two! mothers in lau " was ihe insiant rr " (l I .- TTT , . -i n i- , Aching and I'nln bill.uk nnd Limb. FliMMllug. l ie Tiy thin new and nu prising cute. ITinieure T. nu fllSi. Keiiileure Tnhli-is ! t t reaiincnl I fl.UO Hold by llenry'i Tliarma, y. New Heme PiDg- CfT. lie i w on, li i ing If that Will, unit h ever Im'.-ii ai i i pn .1 i - A re h j our rings liclrloomv'- flhe (eon. crding I he hand) (Mt, dear, yes! One t in I i ii in the fninily lute I ho time nf A Hi. d. hut I he ol he Is new er and (blushing i oiiU dm. , from Ho eon uesl. I I II r ll nix II l u Dlslre wkik Kidni V Mi, I lllml.lt r disease rfflU'Tnl in u boms by "New Ureal Houih Am.T.raii Ki.lnt-y Cur. It m a (ml aurptisi" on ,,. c.inni of its t xct til ing proiiiptin- ta rrlli'Tinir pn.n in blad lii'T, ki.ln.-; a... I l.nvlt, b. inaie oi I, male. Kelkrvea i.lenion wsicr almost in -liMtliaU-ly. If y.'U l.l .ml. k rebel and rum 111 la i the i. i.i.sly. h.d.t ,y V 1 1. Kraslharn, Drugglsi, New lltrne, N ('. Wait tmiu Vf. Dclln.punl I'm Kirry, but yoii kno4 jon cn'l f blood nu I of turnip. Collector Wril, unirM joh are) r ptrad lo iay tblj Mil bo I call amaml lomorrow III thow t ! draw oulo(Ual - Mui-i u( wvuicn mil imiy KOllflTea ,,- . , ir i, ,., ,. , henever I fell symptoms of the disease The Ki Ml. i i:i; Tvm i rs alinosl In I would fori ify myself againsl theal stnully relieve all piun, aiTiing nn.l sore j tack with a few .h.srs id this valuable ness in the womb. '1 hey ate applied remedy. The ,, -suit has been very s,ui.. directly lo Ihr nlTeeled part', and act factory and almost complete relief from like a MM.lhiifg healing poultice, draw- the nlllieiiou " For Sale by F S. Duffy. Ing out fever and pain. If used in ion liectloli Willi Ihe Fi mii r UK To.Mt, will rpcedily and radically , ure all forms of r .,, 'Aalt , , Jftnale CompUinlH ami Weaknunses, In Miiv . w,, ,,. , v,, ,ln im l( eluding Falling of the Womb, l leeral Ion j,,,, have , , , H,N b. ddmg from oflhe Won,l.,(.ongesiio ,, ihe.Uaiies,,1(.o,ll,.,.1. f ,rllu. Tainful and (ihsiiucied MeiiMiiiallon ,'(,,., , a, j ,,, llUkl. J t a r n h ! s 1 1 ,e l.eucoriho h 01 Whiles V( ight and Tain Irmilile al once. l n.!i In ( -. ) llr.i.1 In IVIvU, Diagiiing s. iisation In (l.oin, 'InigKist, New Iterue, N. C. Wound SpeeiflciS.S S ) highly recommended for the hlomJ, and. concluded to give it R trial, and u,e result was highly gratifying. 8. S S aeenied to g,.t right at the trouble and forced the poison out of my blood ; soon after wards the sore healed up and was mired sound end well. 1 am sure S S S i, by far the best blood ini. .1 3 mad, '' I v IS i-:i-v to eYTibtin otVitt Si -1 "J s. s is m, h;.c,.ful in curing, a. I manner... ,,I.Hl tr.ub!.- it matt. in i,..t how- dc-p-seate,! , .v nr.-. It is a real Mood i m.-.l v and i..j down to tho ,.rv l- ll-in ,,f the Idoo.l ,,rl i . ,,,,, ... , .rv ,,,,r,, . th.-, -rrect principle of . limn. at mii; the poison, rather t han shun it up m the sys- t.-in like mineral r,.,i,Hill ,'l,. 1 1 it':. . gathered from the forests. It 11 '' ,,ll",1 remedy which IS disease, which other remedies, an not possibly reach. Valu able books on blood diseases will be sent free to any address hy the Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, (Jeorgia. 'Ilir I'frxl T..l.nrr4k l.eul. The .buns w. has riceiv. da Nidcndid sample of t ohaceo leaf, grown on the farm of Mr S. S. Walters, near ,hn,i die, .lours county. SI r. niters says he has two acres of tobacco similar lo sample he sent the .1 ot; n i ., and three acres of tobacco later grow n, all doing well. Of this tobacco ('apt. Ned I'aee says il has the sie and leuurc, and if rightly cured w ill be l'ut class. 'I he tobacco u a., flown from M-ed fur nished by the I'lanters Toliarco W are house, and I In- tobacco w ill be ready to commence l uring next week. .Mr. Wallers has his barns lunli hnd was in the city yesterday b,iine. his tines for the barns. Tei-i. ns tumbled with diarrhoea will l.e inleresled ill the experience of Mr. V M. Itush, i lei k of Hotel Doriance, Tiovidenee. K 1. He says: "Tor sev eral years I have been almost a constant sullerer from diarrhoea, ihe freuiicni at iks completely prostrating me mid rendeiing me unlit for my dunes at this hotel, A bowl two ears ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a bliudl botilc of ( hainberliiin's Col ic, ('hole i a and li arrhoi i lieincdy. Much to my surprise nnd delight ils i IT, els were imincliiii. j Defined. I.ilile Idnier Tn, what is nn exli-in poraneoiiH speaker j Trof.-ssor Hrosdhead dne who inn talk tlueiill y about l.ol hing wllluuil ruiy prc Ions pieparstion "I have used Chanibe. Iain's Cough lte,.irdy In my family for Mais and al ways with g,,.M resull", Mr W II. Cooper of Fl Kin, Cal ' For modi cldl tl ten we find ll espe. lally elTei lnr." For sale by K H Duffy. Il.im is County Trraaurrr C II Dill tceelvnl ye-terday from llm Atlantic A- North ( aiolnia Itallioad Coiiijiany a .luck fur $ I ,?!i:i IKI, same U lii,r Craven county s do id. ml on I'vli.l tharra nf A A ,S . C It It s,h k hi Id by the rounlv fn I mm r rib. Il.-nry ltrlnt.n t imi" up I lit rivor yra trrilay with a lt.Mll lovl of fih l,rh hri r.i((lit about t in lire down the riTr. In lh raleh woib 1 ,07H trotit and 1,3118 blue fl.h OADTOniA. taalei lal UeJ T3I IUn lin lacrW iipe,, JfA. "T af MfY JZUsXjA I AT TBI ATtAimc S.ee He... a..., f.n, t..j .,, l.llp. A -m-sl tUfcDV Ntrt lr !ov ii ,i !ortdir,l -lop al Hie Allanli ' ui never in t-;lir II ! I. a,., I 1,- I,.-:. . . k niter j j tl.e M&niri if 1 i ,,,rs! j and l- kept in l.r-l , I a-;, ftpru nld u,', an a i ;n: slv Ir and rv . r v pi. a... II,,- pat,,,- , I in I he o. .-an l.ra- ', 1 1 1.3' l u goo.l sliaj-e w '.-, !, : , - i. tn k I,, Ik.- used idler : I , - 1 1 f I he liiiina.'i' r .;,, John have alri-adv n, -r. ailv bked b -.lull , ;, 1,-ntion. 1 lancing in I he col 1 ! inlulm-.1 in em 1, n t the did Colony band I I I ; im-iiim . . a 1 1 1 , i m 1 1 u ; . i ' tile llltl sil IlldilV i-Vrin I he 1 ttll 1 gives a I Loire ,,,Lo ;,, 'I he New Kcl lie I I . ,i-e l' 1 v ill ll,. A-s, ml ly Hall is lo tlliig nil I Ii, I e !- in life JUsl now . 1 Ii e lliol Ulligs nit- .r: easily because tin le Is n,,t i,H, 1, mo,,, mg leli alter breakfast. Ali. i n, oi,s, however leave ro. In for the surf paities. iishing. sailing and olhi r incidental di v el I iscinc tils Hut Ihe ( veiiincs. from after Mippci until- well until, are Ihr hours of ic.ii J-iy Sailing is also Ihen in ord.-r, ab,, lianiiuocks, also nther lliiu:-s. M,...,, I'el ly john has been ei agreeable to ih. House 1'aily, gi ing special in vilnl i. .us lo I l.e dam cs and sails. The hold gen llenien giv,-a parly in the House Parly then the House Tally gives a sail lo the hotel, and all goes merry as a inaiiin.'e bell. Ciiod fare is believed in bj the Hou-e Tarty, ll is prepared by a cook seven feel high, and spread on a (able lifleen feel long. Hut you must xjsj ,,. Truly lo appreciate llieir life. The Atlantic has I ke, a large crowd for the pionlh id .Inly, many up collllliy people will he guests. 'Ihe terms for a week or month ill be found reasonable upon application of the man agers. ll! I KM ill Milt t. MMI Hal They scolled w hen h Teddy, They said ue wen tlial. They imagined that "CI lined up with bides and all ly" and "l-'wed die'1 Would faint at the drop ol a hat ' Toil let I ln-lll look there in the ditches. Klood slained by Ihe swells in Ihe van, A.ll'1 know that a chap ma had- lioho-, And still he a man ' They said I bat we'd will under lire. And run if the foeinan saiil "Iteo "' Hul a fellow may have a rich she A mi slill be a pal riot, too ' book I here w here -A e met t w ire our niinitei, H'heie the life blood of dudes dim, bed I he earth ' ITie swells who lie in llieir last .dnin her Tl o r w hat w e are w oi l h ' They laughed when we going. They scolled when we a 1) s , i ei I Ihe t all; inighl do at tennis or row ing, Hut as w amors -oh, no not al all ' Ah, lei them look'theie in the ditches, blood stained by Ihe lilldes in the an , And Irani that a chap may had- licln s A ml still be a man ' - Cleveland Leader. llie Hlnc Kl.lue. before making your ai i ang.incn I s l,,i the .siiininer, you me adv isrd n, rimes pond w ith the propi ielol of I he Itlnr JiidL-e 1 nn, ,M t. A i i v, N. C This little eily is nestled light in ihr bosom of I he lllue liidge .Mountain- in norlh western North Carolina, ami nas the linr.st and most healthful i iin.aie in Ihr world Splendid hotel, well all i ii. " b' l n roii rnl.-lii Cs (heap lair. HluiiipH Are I x tin iimi ftl Mr t.colje II lb. belts, received Hold eslei.biv I loin Co'Jr, .. Hue, an I hat he rolilil not (uiriish hue will, an inoi, blainpa al piesi-ut M r. ItolM'rls slateii t hat he h,,..,, m ,! onleia, for stamps fioln plai i - n, Hi N, ' llt-rne, but oh n ing lo the una 11 .pun,: it of slumps he una fillliinbed with and th.- j Ii 1 1 i le 1 1 1 ii ii , 1 he has Ix-i-n ohligrl n. I io leftist, iniinv olllsiile eiders ie not " .'till I he 1 1 nde here to fad iii.i I t ff-nr elite 'I he Superlntenile.ufs olllcu of A N C. It. II. has Is. iled Ihe , Ihe A. o ,,,,' ll. ulal. dated July 1st -.Mr. It T i r borough has this day brt'ii aopoinl.-d ' All.lllol ol 111 1 4 , olio, in 1 ice .1 Walon I n t fft-i I .il on, .- Hy .,r.l. r ,, I 'rfi.le ri t M p. ij stipt The ,b.l US I. etnlr.l enli-rdav Ihal Mr. li I. Ilaribaoii wa the nr A A V c. Audllor, hul In (arc of the al.,,:, , of t onne the eorrtclloii la made. 'I ho Jin unai. will elate further Ihal while Ml llardleiin i not Auditor, hi- I ellll It taluttl In lh olllre. where he hn. Ihi ii for a month or eo piul. And alio Ihal Mr. Htarbomngh arid Mr. llardUon art. now doing the w..il. fnrnii-rly done by Mr .1 W ateon. rai h drawing the aama pay ae Mr N at on dhl, narnrly, $7A00t monll, And furl her w Idle Hit. Jm nt, le n,. In art nrd Ilh Mr Waleon'e ptillnre, It will elate that hp wae nol tlle harg t-d for nyraiim pr.pl thai Ijntprnor Itueasll did noi want hint in ofllc. Mr Waiatin l a IhorotiKh aironnlant ami -eifotu,rd th iliillra of an ifnre blmerlf. whkoli la now aeel((ntsl lo two mm .)oriior llueerll'i Topullet frlrnde will m rrognll an miller wtiat ll rtwita New Ham U IiIdp1 wltk a t rU ln( KPearailoa If you doa'l ballora It Jl go oat whra tha f Irpmpw oiaka ' iMr pfai-ltsf rat. THE BTATB CAPITAL . -,H, I dp tied torvle-pj ruir M ilng i 'a all Ml tig 111 Ml qnH., Jo'. I:mi lit Li . Kai i::uh S t 1 I '. vv a plated a few dsvp a '. : -: i. : ,...', r re needed I . . , I - rr. V. : . ; 1 1 - I, ,t i o s , i 1 1 i - f ad in I i i l , , .1 lr. olninelide.l I lie- I .illlji sholild , , Irs A .- hoon a- H,c oil.er ; . am ed i in- p ' it of : Ion k- II, in. ( an T, Ills,,, teldiv at i parad.- Coh.ii. i i .'lilt l I a. :,, ! Ti, pally at si ,1 di . ll IhlllJ lunel lo ,r ladies, L'lealiv elii.ed. I ,.. burg his si.,l ,, olh, ris all know lr I he 1 1 -i , , , al honir i w ..in. ii sti 1 1 . . . i u . .-, ,v hands, I '"" i u ii ; I oi ins niakr an ui 1 1 I u i c . ami niakr plelly men iii d- pi, The vl :,l I., s has l,eL-un and 'balls, etc . have lo I,.,,- a;, r l .1, lr r nil.' si :,n,, ,i,,,n n, ,M Tin- ease a.-aiiisl tieorg,. H. (.I,,,, ,,r forgrry an I rnihivlrinriit while maria gcr ol the bell Telephone loinpanv has ,,','n l"stp d I'm hrabng until July IHh. Today il beranie known that hy a nil mg ol the r..iniiiissi,,,,ria of internal "dime, ail the In, I deputies were dropped, taken I nun undci civil senile, and siipplaiil.il by lb-publicans, and Hl.1t I'b the olli.-f lou r hy clerks weir rliaiigrd in ihsignaiion Iroin clerks lo deputy cdl, cIoih. this taking llicm from under civ il set ii e piolrrlion. The collector has i he i ight to iq point. Three of Ihe old clerks are retained. There au to be I wo new ihpulies prriiiaiieni, and lid- addilioua! ours to be appointed fr I in. nit hs. I here are u,,u TJ held ollirrrs and oln.-r eleiks lo be rhangeil. The eolh i lor has lici u very .piiet about this. It is Irani, , today that Henry M. Miller died al Noilolk, Va., yestenlay. I'1' was bom m Hah-igh and was the oldest son of Ihe ,alr Henry . .Mill,-,, 1 ol the inosl rillrd n al Ihr Norlh I 'aiobna hai I he tubai ro ri all ill I his section is part ieiilat ly line. I he i ail i oad i ononis, jou did mil rr diiee Ihe assrssinrnl ,,n any single road in I he Slaie. The Male Tn asili.-i has Ihe leporl of t he "g? N al ion al banks in I his Slalr show -in:' loan - and discounts of ifli.T-t l,s :l, 1'. S. bonds iMis.iioti, specie J.'i IS.ntlll, ag-gn-galr i, -o lin es 1 1 ,tlsts,nou. ,-apital slo. k paid in '.'.loii.iioii, surplus $sil?,. lino, ii ml i v iih-,1 profits $::'.i.) nun, Nalional It. ml; Holes out-taniling if.V.M.lM.O, undi vided deposits sllhjeel to check f"i,?TJ, lillll. A hlln has been irceid'd from MiV Irrnigan, Consul at Shanghni, I hina, in w hiih he gives asslliaiiee of how well I he , i uiser lialrigh did her pai I at 1 he bal I lr of Manila, lie say s she w a- in the Ihlrkrsl of Ihr light and adds Ihal the punch bowl was not iliiiiiagrd at all. I his last m ill I,,, bad news lo s,,u pie w ho , ril ieie.I So lllllslllv I I nutter w ho -rlri led the punch h i t ol I hiiIm lo.lav went n oilier in tin- ( apitol and alien.!. : A .1 (ill an' l .rur i al husinrss. pe, lion. I hits It. riutii,., ' llolnilllllion of Hon I ,- K lr: Ihr Thomas . fo, he NT. ith c f C :o ell roillll foi 1 - irss I oin'ressinnal I'. 1 1 1 , ;i the i.eohle .,: :., I ..I a i ll : : ill lo the ! lo! :, : hi ' .em: haw i ausr for rongliil ..a Ihr fa, I I ha! V r . Tjioinu, is 1 1 : - , , manor hi,, n in I his gland ,,! I roinil it I.i. h has piodin ed a- S illoiui l iasloii, .lolni St-iio. . II- Mm:.!., .la- W.llryan, T M s ' 'n ih'' 1 Id, ballot at Clint,.,, .1 M ' I i a- a nominal, d u '., a gl eat honor . having f,,r hi- -I'.is in I In , on eni ion nu h 1 1. ii ll n, li ', rat lr leaden II" ( o..k of Cuin'HTl Old. l be in of Harnett, I. , ; man of Oindow Km of Sampson. I n. outlook for Dnmorra. v l-lnhi a,. I vvrprexltct unilcr (he ka h i-lup of , in.- pe.-iieaa I lioiaMtir Cravi n ih .1 nn- 1 'i-iiuid old 8rd ('tingreaptoiial Hnir.it ! will he redeemed Mr. Thomas s rn .ml I j f. i 'ire silv.-r. goiHl County C , . v r i n in, n t aiol loir ,o.reuiai v. bit. ked as he Is 1 j lo nil Idle men w nl inidoi.hicllv iv I him ihe , lr, lion V. hen III, hlinl I -tell 1 1 I I k in. vv ii 111 N , v i 111 1 .1 r I i .tile f 1 hi ' hi 1 ' I. d ( 'on federal, n AlUtila from 'Ihe Atlanlii I'W I. . Atlanta ,-lon for $U III elf l an. vv hi h .lull '.ii t.. -.; ir, i , I oit-l bine is i i 1 1 1 , l an I r.-tui n, v rt 1 1 1. . i g I nnlil .Inly lit -i P rate bal hnr erap tmwmm earfiai miA Y l,el Ue en. Ik rtteei ep.r l-a,llf dm wee a eil' o thai all I hp aa.r ramp mit. n4 I ta a I ao 14 hp mb II I4pps I.t prnl,il( It. fr toieolii tKt it a,. ar aaal a boa ( run ra a lotnlmwl, I ai-HM thp Ctrnrvaa 4rieiliieea kw mA. aa4 ar H kmtm tup M ante rmtlrtip pwppJ, aa pie tiir frtttppittwil w am epil aepprv, at M.m Mr.ll.r Ifiil.MeU, Aahaw4,0r. rrt.m, aePH HI a fcieieaae awe P'. PP. I P-Ma tk-f eew r null m. rJJ-p-P pjW -Jet w e njt e- Ma.MMwtotkHel-vhp. e,e.,. m,, hiPM R,..M kr.tm r.eZe ""'-M tpe Wee Vm s.. aa pta C-n-m, i mil efp f "ixep 4 "tpf) ae a.M K. (mm. IPr. w m--, e tw l Upw te Uppp aife WP j ilLEl CRUST IV hp powhatan pipes. rruoi a lfu:.ii k.a.l ,.f i, Claj Msl Maslc- l-tee-d Lj Klrr Tile 'Apia. ' nli lti- praop ' If v .. v.-; tin 1 , al i I Va 1 - -. i t a ; - .. -., : .:.. ,. .i-l un.i t :, i : .. u . ; ... - i.sii.-d in a j- i ., v "1 I..- r, i. in.- I a ... nr.. i I-- f n- y... f I ' ; : : .,. -il l- . nu. i lo g. ; , ii, ; , t .h 1 1 .... , i.i ll.oi in., .i. If . u t. - .. oil, , Vou w 1 . , dl.s, a pi V . ... , ::,, , r o i u: j an 1 hi l. I ...s and s.i. L i: . Is,- V1 :, i: g.r- sir ..,g. y,.-. : ... put it li. !. tin- fr. and I. urn it w i again '1 he n::i. i. n -.. ha!:::, ; .. j would era. 1, lo pie, i - if v, u try to l.-.t u them sweet, but 1 1 iiuirn- . air I..- . Ibruat in .-ahiy ritlit mi.. Hi" I 1 1 i , r I c. mis, alh,oi,:,. ot , ui . . i; is i i r to let th, la .. a; !,.,.. i . n,.:.v " I'lld r I:.. -' o.nilus i I 0,.. p. a: I or . ol.s.-rv.ii.l ,1 , -, lo.oi .s, i,t ; , ,, tn. ,,,! hi ! Norfolk f..r h. :" a .1.,,.,, of ti. ,,. . After alii ..- he r. r. u . .1 t h. m, , 1 1 h u bill for 7., , f, r th. i lp. s and 1 r j tin- troubh , t finding lli. in. I "If you ll.l.i Hot tol.i a, e le.t th, pip. -; I sold t wo I. r a .pi.u lor. " hi- In, ,;d I wiul,', "I .- h ,1 1 . 1 m y. r have p. , l h . right I. in. I i. j- y, u. I , , t,, alii,,, i e, i v lobar,-, i.'i-l iii N.'i'l, Ik hciiiing i 1 i i in 111 lad.. Ill- : liow.-.l 1)1, (I pi w hirh look, d about tho Min.e as these, but was only lo ii-nfa. Finally, on,, day, aft. r 1 had about given up the s, ilrrll, I happruril to mention it to n longshoreman. -Tiu-re is only one shop in Norfolk,' he said, 'when- you can get the genuine Tow liatiiu pipe. That is a btlle plan, down along the river front. ' He gave me the address, and there I found them. ' ' The observant .IrrseMiian has sinoknl the Towliatiin pip,, many times since then, and In-stjll believes Ihr old cap tain's praise was warranted (In tin. caution l.ib.-l w In, b ram., about carli pipe it is said that the peculiar ipiali ties of the genuine pipes are due to tint fart that they ure linishnl by hand pol ishing in.sf. ad ,.f a glazing, thus leav ing to the flay all of iis natural porosi ty and absorbent, qualities. New York Sun. HAPPENS ONLY IN NOVELS. Itritish Kmicrat i,n at Kglinli Writer!, See 11 ami us It Keally Is. Kiigland no doubt loves us dr. nlv, but Ihe laiglish aut hois have not v,,- diseovrrrd lll .t la, I ill its llltllrlv. Clark Itussfll, Miiv Tembertoii and An thouy Hope, to say noilnng of Ceiiau l),,.h-and Kudyanl Kipling, will have it ihal all Am, l i. ans are Yankee... al though they would ii sent th.- i -barge that all I a.gb.sbin, n are cm knrvs. Another rsV 1 1 1 1 , , 1 1 1 of the ilriit Is m relation to eiutgration from I irrat liril am. Statistics show that all. -minis number of people come to this roiini rv from (brat T.ntain, bin the novelist.-, never h.ard of it. M i. aw hi t-and his llil. r. st mg family w. nt to Australia and got ri.-h. So did ev, ry olio r , mi grant that Un io ns m nt abroad, miles-,, like Martin Chii. l, wl and .Mark Tap b y, I h, y were s. nt to this o.uiilrv to liiiinl, a moral and adorn a lab- All Knglish writers resemble lliekeiis in that re.speel. Ill th, ir stories the . mi grants all go to Australia, Canada. Af lira anywhere but the Tinted States. I This n.u; , , mid, ,- th,- brad of "loyalty lo the .row n. " Th. v know o, ,- ! fcetlv well tl, at the C.illl-h einigrant, unless assi-ied by a 1 ti ll i-li son, i y, takes buns. If and belongings , tins country. , -Mid l o n if the son, ly kindly lands him in Camilla he takes t b,-first dinner of : skipping ,,v,r in, hoi.l.r The only time lr g. . s to ll,o "o,l, in, s' with rh. . rti.l al.u i n v i in ll r ages of a Tun h n.. . 1. I In, ,,go '1 in,, s r aid. Swaye.l l.y a I'lar. Aii impr. s-n, in -tanre of a pl.iv lh.it infill' I I a liiii ain 111.- rem. s from on,. "f til,' ll'l'lr III toWllS. Win le U O V striking play was being p. 1 form, d in will, lithe dlsa.stroUS e. .lis,-. Uriir. s I o - low mg , n tl,.- 1, v. . f two men for tint Slim. Woman V ,r I . al 1st leal y pies, nt I -d A young , iii-iii- , r v 1,.. had . .-ir -. iv- I ct I a violent at!. . lion f, r a gn 1 v, 1 r. srllt. d III, attentions III V I. -V of the fart that si..- lov.-d anol h. r loan, who . hail, . .1 to he the , llgllie, , I fro lid. w llm s , th, , play -,, ii lug. ami il made a , rv ,1,-, p l io ,i -mi on him. as it i, , i.,, a, ,, ,,, MVI. ls-.-n w rill, ii lo apply to hi. ,,w n n i, h.ippv -iliialn n A, l 1 y a. I th. liagi, story was unlohhsl. j. ., 1. ,i.sV , ,, , app nit' d I o . r i ad ilig in .1 no, and pmiisl I and w h. n al I. nglh liio ' lirl.illl I. II Ilr- i IU.-1I.. . I had , to a d' ' i - r n 1 le w , ui h p r I,, , up :, f' w n. , , jii i. , an, w . k l.e . i . l "nl f' l An sl..il.i, v, iii i, I v a lie ),'. si i - lo a . ar ! i ' , r h i,,.,,:, . , i . i g h ' for t ii'i.- lb a'.l- il nt. ,1 .,! 1 l.,s . I,, , , ,., I" Ih' 1 .v e. on ..II. ;i I- ! h.,.1 he ,,, v, r r . n ll h, w aild li. . . r hav . g, n, aw av floln 111 1 1; 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 ..li. I . rlutp- so:,,,, aw 1 11 1 '" Ill r- li i i.-in !,,,,. ,, ., ii,,,,, I,,, no I .pill. ! pa- I n 1 .. .1, a, SI in. I. iid W h, I'rlli. rt.o, , ,., ,1 L. Ho, t . " , ie I 1 I v all,! I 1 . I,,,,,,., , , f i, 'Ir. land f ,li, llv I . Tl io, . ! n .1, in, ii, an o d I,,, iv , ., , ; l,i, , , I , I M,, Cb hind w ...... ; , r V i i ' a ' I'"-" f r 1 1.1 , f I I , . , ;, i S, ,sl I , - of lb.- SV'bit, lb,,,- ,:i h, I..,.!,. . Ih ;. , Join lill I "I '. V vhih ll,, -,v , . . , I,,, ll vv rri. in I h. l.ni i 1 v 1 1 I, t he 1 hi . . Ill'l' i lei. I ' d i ii i Ihe f,,, ,,, ,aid J.,k,ni.-Iv I , !, I I. 1, hurl ' M' t , i t i air - I nr, v , n rv r ng to g. t ,dl to,:! .1 oighl. r limn 1..' 'I "l - .:-. no r i al mam ma , - ii e i n : , , ir i ii N , w oi k ' " linn ll .. r. I . 1 1 d Mi. i l.v, land ' Tail w ;,t U ll. r pi. ii . is, nl, 1 ih. ie I.. tin. a "Ih '.' I'-e 'i like Trim , ton I f ii I -1 Ilk,, to k " nllnuallT troubled I lur bal,y hai t pen i -i.i. ...ii. i .i , woti tooi aim .imi.ra inianium etntp hie birth, and all thai . p . ,,ld ,lo for 1 him did nol ptpri to tlvp mrr than trm 1 por.ry rPllrf. until ,e I rlr.1 Ch.ml-Pr ' COM Pi NYC fflfint lain . Collr, CholPr. and l.l.r.h.-. ' COMPANY llPmPtly Hlnre.,1, Ing that tpm(MT, hM A1n,'' " I1l"r, l'"1' r.,. ot JntroubM ,Mu,i..;UiVh ' 1 UI. t.llmonlal aa an , , f olir ' ,IHA.,lPIIvK W1I ,,v , fratlt,,..., ao, ,b.l you r,Pd w .,,t.r -1 btaIxJenV lla yoor mpHlorioue nmp-ly 4) M 1 ' I..W. Kooknk.Iow. Foraalrby Y. H. WM. T. HIM,, ,0ffjr l Ho. Front Ht., New Itrrno, N. 0. jisiMsoiiMiIhiTm Wm THE EDGE OF A DOLLAR fr Us. the ' r of lt. I mt) V i U Washing Powder. IL b "f 'J ml some-lhlnit lo shew for tier lal-.r t-eside fit- J"j(S'. ""rKost l-Vte.iress.uu,'i"'J'' Mothers! -I- dang. IS of - 'V. i child biithran i ri be a Tno: t in- ' , to. ., i" Wine. IC :: 'ui ' ,N ri'l Itves ex I'litallt lllo'h eis. It g'.d'j toneto the pen -italoip ins, and TUltS thrill ill condition to do t.T'ir perfectly. That makes pi. ,--nancy less taiuftil, slioitrns labor and basic n s i ero vi r y a 1 1 r child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy cbilduu. Winef(4' has also brought ha; .pi nrrs to thousaudsof liomrs bai i, n for vears. A f. v the i of'. I! 1,1 nigs Joy to loving lliort.s that long for a darling baby. No worn. in (iboul.l neglect to trv it for this trouble. It cures nine c.is, s out of trn. All di.igcists sell Wine of Cardui. I.ooprl bottle. In ra-. (ilr, Tl.- CI..." lls-.C, 1 c:, a.- l.. C. Mrs. LOUIS HAI 7., .if JefTprson, O.-i., s.iys: 'WVipn I first lm,li Wine orCaiilul we h,l l,.',i niurnisl Ihrp years. I.ul CouM no! haio anv ,'lulilrmi. Nine months liter I liad a line girl hatiy." mnOeiH.vi.iiig 7S HihiOBPO REsiores VITALITY e. if- Made a Well Man of Me. lit . AT. V THE K'l-'.AT r- in .1 V I A' 10 ilais. . .' -50 CIS. : J i ! -. . till. JLAN tl hAliKA, Pru I-'. S. HI l-'l-'V, New T.eriie, ,' . I ' i T r MTTT TTCJ ' U U & A. NUNN, ATTOKNIiV AT LAW, Nl'-W 1 1 n; i .' M !: , . im M Oilier S.llltll lr SI 'l. llM.Nll II Oltl ( llllllltHkll. HI 1 I O ill ,-lhd s ,i, i , , , , I 1 I , o Tr.i.ii -111,10 s 0 r. J 1'. ; hirly, DENTIST, "11 I'd! 'Het T.iadhani s Ti.aima. y. I,' ns :: and I 'I Tb I. i il . ... .; , ;. ,n, ;; i., ... I '.as A il in i ii islered an, Teeth T 1 1 in - ii il W i t h.ni I Ta i u. J. J. Wolfenden, hi-: a I,. i:stati:. New Berne, N. C. I A I ; M I.AMis, 'I I M T.I l; I. Mis. i in i i .- 1 1 -1 i: n . cm i i. i i i : 1 1 i : i : i 2 '' II i in- !,..., ,. Lands f.,i I rn, kn.g AT HILLS Ill a h!:lloi, to Ihr T,.pr M .-. I ., 1. k .hi! liio - of I hum!, s, net I I I . -I II II, I., a. II tllfold and ,.!.M, vi I. s, I hair le 1. 1. , a n, vv vv hi . I. . Hill's Special, w In- It it'-' nin.Ir ff.r t t i !. Ih. I :it I I-r.l Ir ( i, , ftii't u l,t, , t r ' up 1 .... in t'M'M i.mh'i l I Tor $3o.oo , , , , , . ,, v , ... ne of i 1 1 1. T N KW lay., p..... ii.nginjr I v. ill hate a full I WIIT.HiS ,i, f, w (loin J'l lo J"i. ( olllph tr l.inr of SI "l;n- 1'"'. lt Sold f, IU-lie. jiuip. ,V-f . nt rrl" N '"' '"' l'ri" ' Ann ouiy K ' ' "' ffll IIBRIA PHnNnr.RlPU i i .. a .i... .. .o;k nlUi N Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored g MAGNETIC NERVINE :- ' V J an,..- e, oooiiniia. I- is iH7i,i-.ss H,sri;a N.io.us l.,hi:a I. est ila!,t Srtl, ,, o losses loill I IU K-(11. v -I In- I. snj el ( O . , .v, . ,r I , , s,.-k.-ss lioas el V,,!l or l in.lj o ,,,,. Price 50c. and SI : 6 boxes $5, I-.. I .al,K. -,s lo,-..ml lasi i-a. ipse',, m s, .n Weakness lino,, !.!., N. ,.. M..l ..11 1 I ,l Vn.ilio. s. blue LaBEi Special- i..ui.i,. SO. 'il'IIi- will i;iu- vio-nii, an, .,,- ,,, ,erv j,arl met 'll' , I .1 !- on. oi, nl ,uie. Ihr.io. sl .onihesl I .. I'els .'.' I i ,.,-' FREE-N I'-"' Pfl'.-ls u.l' ',. ru. BcIil N.IMlie !,, ol On- lam. .i:s laj s.. :,l on.', hy V. N. ".; I.,-,, I iver I Mag- Listen to Us a Moment. lill Mm k ol Ih. I el, braird holln near mg Id.bblNi. b)Vbl;s AMI II.W i; k i:s 1 IB:i,' Arrived. A II. I " . ran lill t HI J'.lilNi. I,, ad have srrn it. his promptly. The buy none lill you J.C.WIiitty &Co., H KTS. E. W. SMALLWOOD. DKAI.Ki: IN "'-.ItA ii I9AKIMV AESi:. AMI Abb KIMiS ) Jl AT Kit I A I,. ire N.-tling, Sci.-t ii boors ,V U in, lows. I5'lri'rjaior.v, W in. h are ihe Test Thry h ,,, iul f,.w i .piaks and Nil Is I T ' p ; 1 1 b'r 1 1 ' am I' 1 1 1 rl s. v atrl I oolns. Mirhigau s lovrs ami Kan o Ag.-nl I h ue'.- Taints. I'ndcr Motel Cliattawk.i, New l?erne, N. C. To all Lovers of Good Beer. I vvd! : 1 a- , si ti. :.. ar Ii'i v Ih .' I r ei t.niiisli s I . I..-.' io ll,. ., ' ! i I I Ii'i 1 1 i " . .'Iv i i.M.fii.l. .1 by T-' - ' M. i I- I Ol I...1 U fH IH to, , ,k I, el I l. l.lh- son n. ikH . d T V TliiM-rnl Wti(rs. I 'ill I .: g, I .ol. -I , I'll I l.-.,-.;n. o. , pial to tlx- llil- (.iialllv aid '."Is AllvioiiH to I I, III . .Ill s I f sH'.t I ! I James F. Taylor T.J.TURNER S II 1.1. THAI IS IN U. have jut ncriviKl nnothor Kino '-I", k of Tl If Mil HI. ftmnHting of Ited lf.iK.in Suns. Tarlor Suits, I hifToniera, Ward KolHa and Hull Mauds at lmral Tr . i m , . i know a TO THE LADIES ' f.iv vour ordera lo T. .1. 'I I 'KNKIl with your Small Tit tun- of yotirat-lf or anyone of your family and he will fur. Vt.n a lino , I6x2) Crayon Picture lor $1 9H ! I62l fdriP Pnil.l rir.lu "I ru W 7 16x20 Scphia, latest styla 2 9H HATIHKACTIf IN (U'AUANTKKI). uu can are a flno eamplo of tliia work al my al-.ro. Thia flno work la rlono by ."'-"-""'""" .,.. of (l,ir.o. T. J. Turnrr le tho chptppet plac to buy your i,k. T.rflrt HU, Monim (-,. Fancy Willow Hoc.p,.. A cal. MI.MI. Kirf. will ' P' "1 b"1 !ct'' JT. J. TUHSItt FURNI TURE COe 78 Middle Blrwit. New DvtM, N. 0. I e f